The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 22, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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A chick little frock of mingled red and gray silk, trimmed with bands, girdle and appliques of red velvet. The wrist puffs are of gray silk, shir red on a rubber cord to fit closely. SOCIETY. A CHRISTMAS TEA. Holiday Pleanantly Anticipated at Entertainment V'enterday. A charming event of yesterday, sug gesting Christmas in its decorations and anticipating the holiday is very attractive fashion, was the afternoon tea with which Mrs. T. Stanhope Tut ■wiler entertained. Mrs. Tutwiler’s new home on Thirty first street was bright with the Christ mas color red and adorned in many pretty ways to suggest the Christmas spirit. The idea was carried out in the refreshments as well as in the decorations, making the afternoon very pleasant. During the hours of the reception a .arge number of people called. Mrs. Tutwiler was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Charles G. Barney, and by Mrs. Charles Cromwell, Miss Irene Withers, Miss Margaret Vernon Stiles, Miss Floride Banks, Miss Edith Thiot, Miss Lily Lynah, Miss Helen Ellis, Miss Sally Carmichael and Miss Fan nie Tutwiler. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas Butler of Charleston, W. Va., announce the engagement of their daughter, Nan Lacey, to Mr. Bernice Kennedy Bul lard of Tampa, Fla. Mr. Bullard is a son of B. F. Bullard, Esq., of this city, but has resided In Tampa for the past three years. SOCIETY EVENTS AND PERSONALS. Mr. T. P. "Waring sent out Invita tions yesterday for a card iterty Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. Belrne Gordon, Jr., who is in business in Massachusetts, is not ex pected home for the Christmas holi days, as his business engagements pre vent his leaving. Mrs. William A. Thom and her son. Will, are expected to-morrow morning from Norfolk, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myers. Mrs. Thom w*as Miss Marla Myers of Savannah. Mrs. T. S. Molse and her children Will leave to-morrow for Montgomery, Ala., where they will spend Christ mas. Miss Anna Bell returned yesterday from school In New York for the Christ mas holidays. Mr. Alexander Lawton, Jr., has re turned from Yale for the holidays. Miss Sarah Lantus. of York, Pa., is the guest of Miss Flora Dancy. Mrs. Henry D. Stevens will enter tain the Married Women’s Card Club Tuesday afternoon. * ' Mrs. Charlesworth Hunter has gone to Americus to spend Christmas w'ith her father, Col. Wheatley. Miss Elisabeth Ktrenson. Miss Gladys Girardeau, Miss Lilah Carmichael, and Miss Annie Cole Simklns returned yes- BY MAIL Best Sewing-riachine Needles FOR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES ONLY 5 CENTS IYr Package, Postage one cent for 1 to 20 package. Send Coin or Rlani|. Mate Linds wanted. Address THE SINGER nANFO. CO., 1M Whitaker M.. Harannah, On. I“" NPWIAI XOTII'K. .lust received a full lln* of novelties In lat dies' Heel Hhell Hair Goods and Toller Henpiltllea for Xmas gifts. OKKhTH LAME* HAIH DKKrtttlNG PARLOR, Vvii ttisti, ysal Joum terday from Chestnut Hill, Pa., for the Christmas holidays. Miss Sallie McAlpin, Miss Audrey De- Renne and W. J. Deßenne, Jr., lefave New r York to-day for Savannah. They will be joined in Virginia by Miss Gertrude iJones and Miss Caroline Clay, and will arrive home to-morrow morn ing. Miss Mamie Smith entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Euchre Club yesterday at a very delightful card party. C. V. Snedeker, Jr„ will return to morrow from Emory College, to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. Warren White has returned home for the holidays. Mr. Francis W. Dasher, who Is at tending the state university in Athens, will spend the holidays in Savannah. WEItNTZ—WENT/,. Mrs. Edith A. Wentz of Brunswick, and Mr. Joseph L. Werntz were mar ried yesterday afternoon at the resi dence of Father Aloyslus. They were attended by the sister and brother of the groom, Miss Florrie and Mr. Wil liam Werntz of Newberg, N. Y. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Werntz left for Washington on their bridal tour. After Jan. 1 they will be at home, to their friends at No. 1611 Bull street. COOK-FREEMAN. Mr. Rufus L. Cook and Miss Ma mie L. Freeman were married at the bride's home. No. 147 McDonough street, west, last night, at 9 o'clock. Rev. J. A. Smith of Trinity Church performed the ceremony. A large num ber of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony after which a wedding supper was served. SNUFF AND TEARS. Where is the heroic man who uses snuff to-day? asks a writer in the New York Times. Where Is the heroine who sheds tears, as did her sisters of old, "in tor rents?” There seems to be an atrophy of the lachrymal gland. In the brave days whm snuff was In polite and general use. Action was universally tearful. The very prologue of Lamar tine's ‘‘Raphael” is unpleasantly moist; the pages of Fielding and Smol lett are damp: one might swim through the ‘ floods of tears,” which are shed in the ‘‘Sorrows of Werther; and it has been computed by a trust worthy engineer that the weeping pow er of the characters in ‘ Manon,” Paul and Virginia,” “Natalie,” Picciola, and "Attlla,” alone, would be amply sufficient to Irrigate many square miles of Arizona desert. There are tears, but no Idle ones, on the modem novel. How admirable the restraint of lover and mistress. Can there be some subtle relation between the decadence of the snuff habit on the part of the male parent and the growth of his daughter's self-control* One is aghast at the volume of tears shed in the earlier ''masterpieces” of romantic literature. They gush, as we have said, from the very prologue of “Raphael.” “We first wept and then talked together.” No time is lost, it will be noted. At the mere sight or thought of each other they begin to bawl. Again: “Such was our fare well' an ocean of tears, an eternity of tears.” Whether at meeting or parting, In joy or grief, It makes them actually “swimming In tears. In Goethe's most lachrymose story the crying Is almost Incessant. We have constantly recurring passages like these: "Thousands of kisses, a flood nf tears” • * * "A torrent of tears stopped their recital.” * • * "He threw down the book, seized her hand, and wept bitterly.” Later on we find these saturated lovers engaged In the extraordinary aquatic feat of actually "swimming In tears.” A FOOLISH IDEA. Many people make the mistake of thinking It necessary to give a child only expensive or elaborate glftr.. but children are as quick as their alders to appreciate the suitability rather than the price of a present, and more than one example proves lh!. Last ytvtr a llttla girl who received doxens of beautiful French dolls and rsr* !looks and other costly things rsgtset* and them all for the pleasure f (flay ing with a hond-palnted paper doll given her by a friend—and the doll .•rtelnlr wee not worth a dollar. Another rase was that of a IIM/e boy who received a whola army of Us sol* tilers, in aay nothing of s warship on wheels, toil who spent the enure "tern lag en GMrmmm Dm* tooting os s SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1004. DR. CHARLES FLESH FOOD THE f ytjs GREAT BEAUTIFIER Dr. Charles Flesh Food la'the vrrateat beautl'ler ever put on the market. It is the only preparation known to medical science that will creot- g and. trm healthy <lrsh, and clear the complexion of every blemish such as pimples, blackheads, &c. without internal medicine. FOR REMOVING WRINKLES it is with out an equal. FOR DEVELOPING Tl# BEST or restor ing a wasted breast lost through nursing or sickness, in k nit thtn cho ■ plump and filling the hollows of n scrawny neck, there is no other preparation in the world that has any comparison. SPECIAL OFFE '.—The regular price of Dr. Charles Flesh Food is SI.OO a box, but to introduce it into thousands of new homes we have decided to send two (21 boxes to all whoanswerthis advertisement and send us SI.OO. All puckages are sent in plain wrapper, postage prepaid. ON SALE AT DANIEL HOQAN. PRCp—A sample box which contains * IVL - *- enough of Dr. Charles Flesh Food for any one to ascertain its great merits will be sent to any address absiv lutely free, if 10c. is sent to pay for cost of mailing. Our book “Art of Massage” which contains all the oorreet movements for massaging the face, nock and arms, and full directions for developing the bust, will also be sent with this sample. Dr. Charles Cos.’ 08 SKff“ T - On Sale at all Leading Depat tment . Stores and Druggists. J 10-cent tin horn, which had been put in the toe of his stocking as a joke! HANDKERCHIEFS GETTING LARG ER. Larger handkerchiefs are in the hands of women this season than were carried last year, for the correct size is nearly as large as the smallest of those carried by men. This applies to lace mouchoirs as well as to the tail ored linen squares. The latter are severe, Indeed, Just a quarter-inch hem, finished with eyelet hem-stitching and the tiniest of Initial letters outlined In eyelet embroidery. For daintier wear these same squares are delicately embroidered in each cor ner with a cluster of leaves and flow ers. Inside one of these is a scroll surrounding an initial. Sometimes the initial oocupies the center of a butter fly or a shamrock. This style is done in French convent work. W. C. T. U. PLANS PRISON DINNER. This afternoon the members of the W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of their president. Mrs. Richard Webb. No. 118 Oglethorpe avenue, west, at 4 o’clock. This is to be an Important meeting of the union, inasmuch as the work of the coming year will be dis cussed. The members will feed the prisoners in the jail as Is their custom on New Year’s Day. This dinner will be prepared at the building on Liberty street, west and taken to the prison in baskets. This dinner may be served on Saturday this year as the holiday falls on Sunday. KING’S DAUGHTERS’ BASKETS. On Saturday Froebel Circle of King’s daughters will give about seventy-five baskets to the poor of Savannah. Each basket will contain a dinner for an entire family and in addition will contain stockings for the little ones and a comfort for the bed. .M.™EEE HIVE |§lla N. SCHUTZ, 17 and 19 Broughton Street, East. Between Ball and Drayton Streets. Fresh, New Goods Only at Popular Prices. I SAVE SSO TO SIOO, HOW? BUY YOUR PIANO AT ' MURPHY'S PIANO WAREROOMS. I Packard, Price & Teeple and Rembrandt Pianos. I Choicest line of personally selected Instruments ever shown in I this city now offered for cash on easy payments. TEN-YEAR GUARANTEES. Call and see our new and up-to-date stock. Everybody welcome. OPEN NIGHTS ' 344 Bull Street, Under Guards* Armory. A Gift to Be Appreciated CUT CLASS Brilliantly Cut. * Latest Designs. Nothing More Handsome for Xmas Gift. Wc Can Save You Money on All Your Jewelry Purchases OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL tt O'CLOCK. A Beautiful Line of SHAVING CUPS STERLING SILVER. SHOPPING IS AN ART IN ITSELF T SYSTEM USED BY SOME. FLOOR WALKER TELLS HOW MUCH SYSTEM AIDS ALL. Carefully Prepared Shopping I.lain for Chrlatmaa Greatly Aida Shop keeper* aa Well a* Pnrehaaer. Knowledge of Location of Depart ment! Not Alwaya Neceaaajry—Some Women Walk Mllea When They Could Diacharge Dntle* of Pur chaalng With Hall the Walking. “There are perhaps two classes of women, and at most, three, who are not laid up as nervous wrecks after their Christmas shopping,” said a guide in one of the big stores yester day. "There are the regulars, who do an enormous amount of buying in the most systematic manner, during the last week before Christmas, the busi ness woman who is obliged to do all in a few hours, and the woman with a baby at home, who, for the same reason, is at all times a good shop per. “These women escape the general nervous prostration* because they do ‘desk work.’ They make their heads save their heels. They have a com plete list arranged, with the Intention of saving time and steps, and with the money to be spent on each item cal culated on the outside margin and jotted down. “It is astonishing, however, how greatly these are in the minority. The greater number come with either no list at all or a list made up haphazard, and just as the things came Into the head of the writer. Then there Is the kind commonest of all. who makes no list whatever, and there is still an other lot who have but one idea at a time. Wnatea Time and Effort. “The woman of this kind will start one day to getisk present for Bella, for Instance, and will go over the. whole territory and look at everything in one shop, perhaps in two or three, be fore she makes up her mind what she wants. The next day she repeats the process for John, and so on, leaving the hardest for the last day, when she is worn to a frazzle, and is in despair at finding everything gone which she had seen on her former rounds. “While going she could easily have bought a dozen of her other presents, but without a list she forgets all about them, or has to wait to see how much she pays for what she gets to-day be fore she knows how much she can put into them. This kind of woman de pends on what she happens to see, and what strikes her fancy for her se lections, and seldom has in mind any particular thing that she wants to give any one person. How They Chase Around. “The woman with the ‘hit or miss’ list also takes a lot of needless steps. She has down: Mary, handkerchief; Louise, gloves; Beatrice, handbag; Frederick, handkerchiefs and so forth. Well, she goes to the handkerchief first and puts her whole into getting a fine and beautiful lace handkerchief. “When she gets through with this she sees gloves on her list, and goes off to the glove counter, and after that, a mile away to tha leather department. Toilet and Manicure Sets SIMON & STERN lIHRQ, BroufcDton St, HftwMM) Hull m 4 tok if— f. Silverware Makes a Beautiful as Well as Useful Gift. GET OUR PRICES. SILVER NOVELTIES. Ladies' Shopping Sags Swell Umbrellas. Everything New, When she gets through here she comes back to the handkerchief department to get men’s handkerchiefs. Just as she finishes this, she thinks of some little folks that she wanted to get handkerchiefs for. too. but It is lunch time, and she is hungry and she de cides to leave that for another day. Should Follow System. “I have seen women walk miles use lessly, going back and forth the length of an entire store on account of the way they had arranged their shopping list. Yesterday there was one who came to buy presents for a class of boys. Although there were many things on her list that could be bought In the same department, she hud them all separated and trotted back and forth for hours before she got through. "No. it is no exaggeration—the av erage woman, instead of putting down a half dozen pahs of gloves for as many people, will make a half dozen trips to the glove counter and perhaps come down six different days to do it. How It All Helps Out. "Of course it goes without saying that the woman who can sav(> the most steps by carefully planning her shop ping list is the one who knows pretty well the location of things. She ar ranges her headings on her list so that when she Is through In one department she has for item number two that which, of all she wants, lies nearest to the section she is already In. “When stores cover acres, almost, this Is a great help, especially since every trip to different departments almost means a straggle for life. But If a woman is not out shopping often enough to be posted on locations, she can at least easily ask for each de partment. "But whatever mechanical and sys tematic aids she can call upon, the woman who is going to get along best with her Christinas shopping Is the one who can get so enthused with the Christmas spirit that she will not mind being elbowed, and poked about, and walked uoon until she is black and blue.” GIFTS TO POOR BY SUNDAY-SCHOOL CHILDREN Was Feature of Exerelaea ut Grace Motliodlst rhurch. The Christmas celebration of the Sunduy-srhool of Grace Methodist Church was held last night In the school roam under the church, at Jefferson and Park avenue. The object of the celebration was to enable the children of the school to make gifts to the poor. An excellent programme had been arranged, and the room was elaborately decorated. The platform where the officers of the church and school were stationed, was decorated with a small forest of dainti ly draped Chrlstmus trees, from which hung a myriad of varied colored glass ornaments. Just before the exercises ppened, Santa Claus came upon the stage and greeted the officers. The infant class then formed Into line and marched around the room, singing, “Yes, Jesus Loves Me,” and at the conclusion of the song gathered at the foot of the platform and presented their glftß to Santa Claus, who received them with many thanks in behalf of the poor. He then made an address to the chil dren. The older classes made their offerings at intervals during the exer cises. CHRISTMAS TEMPTED NEGRO TO STEAL APPLES. Shelly Tilley, a negro well known In police circles, was arrested by Pa trolman John Riley yesterday after noon, charged with the larceny of a barrel of apples from under the City Market. Tilley could not resist the temptation to make ofT with the fruit so temptingly near where he was at work. He was caught with the goods. ELECTRIC LIGHT'S ARE SAFE LIGHTS They are nlso satisfactory to the user In every way—clean, con venient, bright and MATCHLESS in more ways than one. Absolutely free from danger. Wc pay particular attention to keeping our customers pleased, and are always glad to be advised of any trouble either with our ser vice or Its cost. Write or telephone ns and learn more about the advantages of electric lighting. Savannah Electric Cos. Citizens Rank Building, TELEPHONES 300. JERRY GEORGE'S New Restaurant. .Superb and Delicious Menu served from 12 to 3 and from # to 9 o'clock. Price 35 cents. f.udlCH’ and Gentlemen's Din ing Room lip-stairs. Parties of from 8 to 40 served prompt ly. Christmas Candy The largest and finest stock in the city. Fancy Baskets and Boxes Filled with the nicest candy. Our 5-lb. French Mixture sl.oo—For Xmas Gifts. In our Restaurant Christmas shoppers will find the choicest anil best, and moderate charges. Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases and Traveling Goods for Christmas presents. Chatham Trank Factory, Broughton had Aborcorn. “PE-RU-HA is an ADMIRABLE TONIC” SAYS CONGRESSMAN DUNNELL Congressman MarKH.Dunneli. Congressman Mark H. Dunnell. in a letter from the National Hotel, Washington, D. C., writes: “Pernna being used by myself and many of my friends and acquaint ances not only as a cure for catarrh, hut'also as an admirable tonic for physical recuperation, I gladly recommend It to nil persons requiring such remedies.”—M. If. Dunnell. PERUNA is an ideal remedy to pro tect any one from the ravages of win ter catarrh, which are liable to be gin during November. It cleanses the mucous membrnnes of all catarrhal secretions, and allays the inflammation resulting from colds. Asa tonic to the mucous membranes It Is unexcelled. Congressman Dunnell recommends Peruna. Over fifty mem bers of Congress Indorse it. Thousands of other people scattered all over the United States and Canada use no other tonic. A trial will suffice to convince vou that Peruna Is positively necessary Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1905 ■SIR VESIEF Hi USEFUL and BEAUTIFUL. Fur Collars, Fur Muffs. Children’s Sets, Lace Collars. # Baby Caps. Dress Hats. Ready-to- Wear Hats. Ribbons, Beautiful Laces. Silks. Krouskoffs' Big Millinery Store. Time For selection of Christmas Presents. But you can sat -1 isfy your wants more quick- I ly from our valuable, clean, | 1.0 bright stock than you can , ===£== anywhere else, and ; Short Our Prices A ££ e st . ; Open Late Till Christmas. Diamonds. > Silverware. Sliver Ornaments. > Cm lace Watches, Chains, 1 will. UlasS. Charms, Lockets. * • Presentation Umbrellas. ) Opera Glasses, Toilet Articles. 117 BROUOHTON STREET, WEST. : STERNBERG &. CO. to the health of the household. Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. ' One reason why Peruna has found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Peruna Is perfectly harmless. It enn be used any length of time with out acquiring a drug habit. Peruna does not produce temporary results. It is permanent in its effect. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. All correspondence held strictly confidential. K R O U S K O F F Fur Boas. Fur Ties, Children’s Hats. Baby Hats. Children’s Bonnets. Ribbon Sashes. Evening Flowers. Evening Materials School Hats. School Caps. Ostrich Plumes. 7