The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, December 25, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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12 K S fig 1 fcj? WJ I L* ll# A MILITARY BALL Aunnnl \fw Yfr' Knterfnlnmrnf of DHHKhlern of Confederacy. An annual event that is always greeted by the dancing set with much pleasure is the New Year's ball of Sa vannah Chapter. Daughters of the Con ' federacy. These entertainments are always delightful ones, with elaborate and beautiful decoration, and an ex cellent supper to add to enjoyment. This year's ball will take place at the Guards' Hall Thursday evening and is anticipated as one of the most pleas ant events of a week full of interesting entertainments. In charge of the dec orations are Miss Marie Dreese, Miss McLaws and Miss Wilkins, who will be assisted by a large and efficient com mittee. All the members of the chap-' ter have been invited by Mrs. Hull to act a.s a committee of the whole, the various standing committees having been asked to take charge in their own departments. No special commit tees were appointed, as it was felt that only by the co-operation of the entire chapter could the success of the enter tainment be assured. As so much of the work of the Daughters of the Confederacy benefits those who were once soldiers, the mil itary feature of the entertainment will be emphasized this year. The mem bers of the militia will, it is expected, attend in uniform, and it is hoped that all military men in the city will take an interest in the ball. The wives of the officers of the militia have been asked to act as patronesses. Those invited are: Mrs. W. B. Stephens, Mrs. Edward S. Elliott, Mrs. W. W. Williamson, Mrs. W. W. Gordon, Mrs. W. W. Gordon. Jr., Mrs. Meldrim, Mrs. W. Li. Gravson and Mrs. Walter Coney. In addition to these ladies, there will also be chaperons from the chapter: Mrs. E. H. Abrahams, from the chapter general; Mrs. J. A. G. Carson, from the executive board; Mrs. Robert H. Cornwell, from the chapter officers; and Mrs. A. E. Moynelo, di rectress of the Children's Chapter. The hall will be decorated in the usual artistic fashion, with quantities of smtlax, draperies and flags, the Confederate colors predominating, and, with the large attendance expected and the officers In uniform, the scene will undoubtedly be a brilliant one. The decorations will be in charge of Miss Marie Dreese. Miss McLaws and Miss Wilkins, joint chairmen; the Misses Coney, Miss Emmie Clark, Miss Ethel Walker, Mrs. Edwin Bacon, Mrs. Frank Butner. Miss Emma Wilkins, Mrs. Barron Carter, Miss Georgia Freeman, Miss Mamie Jackson, Miss Lillian Strickland, Miss Eloise Bass, Miss Ella O’Mara, Miss May Nichols, Miss Willie Metzger, Miss Daisy Max ey, Mrs. W. 11. Leahy, Miss M. T. Pritchard. Miss Winona Saussy, Miss A. L. White. Mrs. Sturdevant. Miss Tallulah Ward. Miss Clara Vaughn, Mrs. Isabel Treanor, Mrs. Wicken burg, Misses Daisy and Bessie Willink, Miss Hemshart. Mrs. F. W. Baker. A delightful menu has been arranged for supper, to include chicken salad, osuters, sandwiches, olives, almonds, ice cream, cake and coffee. The joint, chairmen of the Refreshment Commit tee are Mrs. John W. Daniel. Mrs. H. S. Dreese and 'Mrs. D. B. Morgan, who will be assisted by Miss Mel Thomas, Miss Abbie Orme, Mrs. Max Wolff, Mrs. M. S. Baker. Mrs. B. R. Bass, Mrs. G. H. Remshart, Mrs. E. J. Hunt. Mrs. A. S. Nichols. Mrs. A. L. Krenson, Mrs. A. F. Marmelstein, Mrs. Fred Myers. Mrs. M. A. O’Mara, Mrs. G. T. Walker, Mrs. J. C. Thompson. Mrs. C. J. Youngblood, Miss Julia Ward. Mrs. C. T. Park, Mrs. A. S. Bacon, Mrs. R. H. Corn well. Mrs. A. C. Harmon. The dining room will be in charge of Mrs. L. H. Raines. On the dining room and Table Committee are: Mrs. J. C. Thompson, chairman; Mrs. Gor don Groover, Mrs. Robert A. Grady, Mrs. C. M. Rodgers. Mrs. A. McDow ell, Mrs. F. K. Ryals, Mrs. L. Clancy, Mrs. Lois Gramltng. Mrs. F. M. H. Wade, and Mrs. Richard Davant. STOTHAHT-SI.OAT. The marriage of Miss Bessie Stothart and Mr. Frank Sloat will take place at the home of Miss Stothart's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Stothart, on Drayton street, Tuesday at noon. The Rev. O. B. Chester will officiate. Miss Stothart will be attended by one bridesmaid, Miss Hallle White. Mr. Sloats best man will be Mr. C. P. Dusenbury. Many friends of the young people will 'be cordially interested in the event. Miss Stothart has spent much time in Augusta, in which city the family formerly lived. She is an ex ceedingly pretty and attractive young girl, and has been much admired here and in Augusta. Mr. Sloat is con nected with E. F. Whitcomb & Cos., and has many warm friends. SOME COM IAG EVENTS. The Harmonie Club will give its sec ond cotillion of the season at the De Soto Thursday evening. Miss Lily Weichselbaum will enter tain a number of guests at cards Tuesday evening. On the same even ing, the girls of the younger set will give a leap year dance at the De Soto. The boys of the same set will give a dance at the De Soto Saturday even ing. Wednesday afternoon. Miss Blanche Mohr will entertain the Wednesday Card Club. Wednesday evening the Misses Eunice and Gladys Lippmau will entertain with a cotillion at their home on Gaston street. ISATKKTAIMAG FOR MIAS IlltotVX. Mrs. Malloch entertained at luncheon Wednesday for her sister. Miss Edith Brown. Her guests were Mrs. George W. Owens, Mrs. Beirne Gordon, Mrs. W. W. Gordon, Jr., Mrs. W. L. Clay. Mrs. Trenholm Hopkins, and Mrs. John Heard Hunter. This was the first of series of lunch eons which Mrs. Malloch will give for Miss Brown. The second will be a bridge luncheon Thursday, for which Invitations have already been sent out. A MERRY CHRISTMAS To Friends and Patrons. NATHAN SCHUTZ. The Bee Hive, >v Broughton Street, East SOCIETY EVENTS AND PERSONALS. Miss Marion Haskell will be at home Friday afternoons, after Christmas. Miss Carlotta Alexander of Washing ton, Ga., is visiting Mrs. Baldwin. Mr. Haldeman Flnnie arrived yester day afternoon from South Bethlehem. Pa., to be the guest of Mrs. B. A. Denmark during the Christmas holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitehead are visiting Mrs. G. A. Whitehead. Mr. Fitzhugh White has returned from Virginia for the Christmas holi days. Mrs. E. D. Walter, with her children and Miss Ellen Penniman of Bruns wick, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Penniman, at 207 Hall street, east, for the holidays. Mr. Garard Haines, Mr. Wayne War field, and Mr. Malcolm R. Maclean, have returned from the Georgia Tech. Mr. William Rankin has returned from Rirmingham for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Lucas have gone to Society Hill, S. C„ for Christmas. Mrs. Watson Andrews of Fiemings burg, Ky., and Mrs. Horace January and Master Janies January of Mays viile, Ky., are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Luke P. Pettus. The girls of the Savannah Orphan's Asylum will enjoy a Christmas tree entertainment at the home to-morrow afternoon at 6 o’clock. Misses Jewel and Florine Cubbedge will leave this evening for Guyton, to attend the wedding of Miss Georgia Grovenstein. Mr. John H. Cutter, of Charlotte, N. C., arrived last week to spend the holi days with his father. Miss Elizabeth Crofut, of Beaufort, who has been visiting here for some time, has returned home. Judge Jas. F. IzMr, of Orangeburg, S. C„ is spending the Christmas hnli days with his daughter, Mrs. B. P. OUveros, 26 Harris street, west. Mrs. A. C. Ulmer and her daughter. Miss Edith Ulmer, are spending the holiday season with Mrs. J. T. Wells, at ‘•Woodlawn," Guyton. Mr. Theo. Pottinger is at home from Clemson College for the Christmas holi days. Miss Winnie Righton, who attends Shorter College, is spending the holi days at home. Miss Mattie Dew, of Nashville, Tenn., who has charge of the School of Ex pression in Dublin, Ga., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B, Way, on Henry street. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mell announce the engagement of their daughter, Jen nie Viola, to Mr. Fred Brewer, of Way cross. The marriage will tfake place at home, Jan. 11. No cards will be Is sued. Miss Marguerite Hines, of Washing ton, Ga„ is expected to-morrow for a visit to Mrs. R. T. Semmes. Col, and Mrs. W. J. Fitch of Bur lington, N. C.. will arrive to-day to spend the holidays with the family of their son, Dr. W. E. Fitch, at 8 Lib erty street, west. Miss Angela O'Byrne has returned home. Miss O’Byrne was accompanied by little Miss Smith of Woodstock. Mrs. Otto Bruch has arrived from Birmingham, Ala., to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex S. Delannoy, on Taylor street, east, during the holi days. Miss Moliie Brown, who has been spending the past year with relatives in Quebec, Canada, is expected home during the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stunt of Brook lyn, N. Y., are spending some time with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. N Stunt, st 1505 Habersham street. Mrs. Annie M. McKinnon has gone to Macon to spend the holidays with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Leautey and Master Kenneth A. Leautey left dur ing the week for Clinton, S. C. Wednesday evening, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. M. E. Lodge, Mr. Spenser Tarver of Macon and Mrs. Letitia Wiggins were married by Rev. Charles H. Strong of St. John's Epis copal Church. Mr. Talmadge Winn is home from the University of Georgia to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr. Harry Kingman Lucas left yes terday morning for Sumter, S. C., where he will spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. Arthur M. Lucas, Jr., arrived yesterday morning from Atlanta, where he is now located, to spend the holidays with his parents, on Wald burg street. Miss Elizabeth Munsell and Miss Ernestine Munsell of Erie. Pa., -are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Groover, at No. 519 Bolton street, east. Mr. E. Howard Kingman of Toronto, Canada, who Is spending the holidays with his sister, Mrs. A. M. Lucas, on Waldburg street, will return home this week, stopping, en route, at Charleston and Philadelphia. Miss Agnes Brown, who has been at tending school in Dstrolt. is at home for the holidays. Miss Edna Miller of Brownsville, Pa., SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1904. is a guest of Miss Alma Cummings, one of her former classmates at Shor ter College, Rome. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Stratton of Brooklyn are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cummings. Miss AViliie Dußose is visiting friends in Darien. Miss Rosa Lee Cox. who has been visiting Miss Hull, has returned to Knoxville. Miss Emma Smith Tebeau of Guyton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. E. Smith, on Park avenue. Miss Eioise Tebeau of Columbia ar rived last night to visit her grand mother, Mrs. Lewis C. Tebeau, on Duf fy street. Mrs. Julian Hartridge, Master Joe Wayne Hartridge and Miss Marie Moy nelo Hartridge will arrive Wednesday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moynelo, at No. 12 Taylor street, west. Three events among one of the younger dancing sets in honor of the young ladies who have returned home from school for the holidays, will be given for Miss Gena Ferst, Miss Mad eline Dub and Miss Ruby May Leyser. The first will be a leap year dance at the De Soto on Tuesday evening. On Thursday morning there will be a luncheon at the Bannon Lodge by Miss Rita M. Weil. On New Year’s Eve the young men will give a dance at the De Soto. The Daughters of the Confederacy will give Crosses of Honor on Lee's Birthday. ALARM IN SOCKLESS LAND. When Santa Claus, by accident, went down to Sockless Land, He caused a great sensation, as you may understand; For winter he considered the raiment wholly shocking, And felt chagrined that in the place was not a single stocking. —Randolph C. Lewis. SOCIETY OUT OF TOWN . BRUNSWICK. Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 24.—A wedding of much interest to their friends in Georgia will be that of Mrs. James T. Colson of this city, and Miss Willow dean Frazer of Union Springs, Ala. It will take place at the home of the bride’s parents. Judge and Mrs. Fra zer in Union Springs Thursday. Mr. Colson is an attorney of Brunswick, and is at present solicitor of the City Court of Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Colson, after a short bridal trip, will return to Brunswick to reside. The wedding has been announced of Miss Constance Butts of this city and Mr. Charles Alexander Gray of Ta coma, Wash., which will take place at the home of the bride’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butts Wednesday evening. The wedding will be the so cial event of the week in Brunswick and promises to be a very brilliant af fair. About 200 guests will be present and an elaborate reception will be held immediately after the ceremony. Mr. Gray formerly resided in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will leave after the reception for their future home in Tacoma, stopping at several cities en route. Mrs. E. W. Fleming and son of Jacksonville are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Butts. Mrs. J. R. Hudson and children of Tifton are the guests of relatives in the city. Mrs. A. M. Way is visiting relatives in Walthourville. Miss Leah Brown is at home from Columbia. S. C., where she is attend ing school. Mrs. T. M. Hall and children of Milledgeville are the guests of Mrs. T. E. Smith. Misses Daisy and Bessie Wright have returned from a visit of several weeks in North Carolina. Mrs. J. M. Burnett and little daugh ter have returned from a visit to Asheville and other North Carolina cities. Mrs. J. A. Flood of Crandall, Fla., is visiting relatives in the city. WAY CROSS. Waycross, Ga., Dec. 24.—Misses Susie Sharp and Edith Lott returned home Thursday from Agnes Scott Institute to spend the holidays. Mrs. M. E. Dunn arrived here Thurs day from Newton, Ala., and will spend the Christmas holidays with the fam ily of Mr. C. E. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jelks of Ma con are spending the Christmas holi days with Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Paine. Prof, and Mrs. E. A. Pound left Fri day for Gainesville, Fla., to spend sev eral days with Prof. Pound of the East Florida Seminary. Miss Walters and Miss Bower left Thursday for Montezuma to spend the holidays. Miss Maggie Seaman arrived this week from Quitman. She will stay In this city with the family of Mr. Mitch Young until Mrs. Young re turns from a visit to her husband in Cuba. Mrs. J. R. Whitman and niece. Miss Lillie May Mclntosh, will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives in Florence. S. C. Miss Lillian Voiles of Lakeland, Fla., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Jones, on Pendleton street. Mr. Moses Brinson, formerly of this city, but now of Elmira, N. Y., Is spending the holidays in Waycross with friends. Messrs. Fred Murphy and Elmer Lott have returned from college and will spend the holidays In Waycross. VALDOSTA. Valdosta, Ga.. Dec. 24.—Mrs. Ed. Farrell gave a delightful entertainment at the Valdes Monday night as a sur prise to her daughters. Misses Emma Mae and Valley Ferrell, who re turned the day before from Washing ton city. Among the guests were the following meinbere of Misses Pear and Caro Lewis' house parly: Misses Ca mlle Lumar, of Macon. Harriet Ellis, of Atlanta; Irene Wdlker, Monroe; Bethi'a Leonard, Vienna; Pauline Lw- Is, Montezuma; Alice Johnson, Colum bus. Dancing and cards were the features of the evening, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. Jarnts J. Dorris was the hostess at a delightful entertainment this week, in honor of Misses Dorris, of Douglas villa. “A Florida Love tttory” was the game played. Neat week promises to be noted for Its many social events. The Wymo dsusls Club wilt give an open meeting Wednesday and the young men of the City Will Ht A f|o*i#4 *U||MT •i)4 TtiufiMlny fvininf. Mn. A. "J* Wfir*4war4 will unlcrtniji Id h*i**f • MtMffi Jrtiiiltf I/iu 11*4•• mii4 KUm UMM#r, of liurtiwclL II . mii 4> #v#iuv| Tilt will bftu (Mr (rhmiriiii tit# ilou4iy #%nd AM- *ji4 ii tiftif i niAii|i4tii4f HUMANITY. By R. F. Q. Ah, me! how little knows the human heart The pleasing task of softening others’ woe Strangers to joy that pity can im part And tears sweet sympathy can teach to flow. If e’er I've mourned my humble lowly state, If e'er I've bowed my knees at for tune's shrine. If e'er a wish escaped me to be great, The fervent prayer humanity was thine. Be mine the modest blush of worth to spare. To change to smiles affection's rising sigh The kindred warmth of charity to share, 'Till joy shall sparkle from the tear filled eye. PIPILS’ RECITAL. Miss Olive Gould gave a pupils’ re cital at her studio, 406 East Waldbiu'g street, Friday afternoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock. The programme was an In teresting one and was well rendered It was as follows: Duet, selected. Miss Gould, Master Stewart West. “Little Maiden,” (Orth) Miss Ruby Belcher. “Tiddle De Winks,” (Orth), Miss Louise Sipple. “A Boatman's Song,” (Merkel), Miss Clara Ashur. \dams itati ° n ’” (Morr,son >* Miss Clara “ A >“ tle Valse,” “A Spinning Song,” (Mrs. Curven), Master Cecil Strobar C on Amore,” (Beaumont), Miss Fan nie Howard. Ethel G e ilbe e rt ßOlero ’’’ (BaUna) ' M '“ Heyward 61 " Song " ( ° este ">. Miss May Beufcignniiaf’" Miss masterly ° Pe "' (Gottschalk >, Miss Al- New York," (Batter), Miss Beulah Rabun. and Christmas trees will be given by the young people. Mrs. Annie McKey's family has re turned from North Georgia, after spending the summer there. Miss Jessie Clarke, of Jasper, is visiting Miss Lotta Jones. Miss Bessie 'and Gerijpde Pendleton, Lucy Twitty and Louise Monning, of nuttanooga, Tenn., came down from Macon yesterday and are spending the holidays with relatives here. ~T!FTOn7 Tifton, Ga., Dec. 24.—Mrs. I. A. Wil liams returned home Thursday, after a pleasant visit to relatives in Mor ven. Mrs. W. W. Banks left yesterday for Senoia, to visit relatives. Miss Estor Timmons returned home from Gainesville this week, where she has been attending school. Mrs. C. C. Hall returned home from Nashville Tuesday, after spending sev eral days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Swindle. Miss Mamie Johnson of Willacoochee was the guest of friends in Tifton this week. Mrs. Wiley Pipkin has returned home, after a visit of several weeks to her sons in Florida. Mrs. H. C. Calhoun of Ashburn is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Roe, in Tifton, for the holidays. Miss Debbie McCrea has returned from Shorter College to spend the holi days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs J A. McCrea. Mrs. j. a. Eubanks has returned home from a pleasant visit to her daughter, Mrs. Walker. In Ashburn. Mrs. J. B. Greene, who has been vls iting relatives in Dallas, returned home Wednesday. Mrs P. W. Alexander of Allapaha of Mrs - R - T - Kendrick, in Tifton, this week. Mrs. G. F. Easters left Monday for w?.s tC T; F ~” t 0 sr>end the holidays with Mr. Easter’s parents. Mrs. Neal Harman of Odessa is In the city, the guest of Mrs. W. A Puckett and Mrs. R. W. Goodman. Mrs. W. S. Walker has returned home from Ocilla, where she has been visiting for several days. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Yancey have re turned home from their bridal trip to South Florida. v Miss Lola Bowen returned to her home at Meter, after spending some ilme In Norman Park, the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Lanier. Mrs. Cliff Spi res of Ade , arrive(l Wednesday to spend the holidays with Judge and Mrs. E. E. Youmans. Mrs. M. L. Martin and Mrs. Lula ” llson of Massee are the guests of Tifton relatives and friends. Mrs. Ruby Parker of Prattville. Ga., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Monk. Mrs. W O. Tift returned Friday from a trip to Pittsburg, Pa., where she has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Fred H. Jones, for a few weeks. ~DAR!En7~ Darien, Dec. 24.-Mfss Ceclle Paul has arrived to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Paul. Mr. Thomas Hilton of New York Is spending his vacation with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hilton. Little Miss Bessie Wylly came up from St. Augustine on Tuesday to spend Xmas with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wylly. Mrs. Nellie McDonald of Brunswick Is visiting Mrs. Susie Way. The Young Ladles Card Club com plimented their friends on Monday evening with a lovely card party, at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Powers. Hearts was the game played. Miss Rosa Powers acted as hostess. The ladies prize a silver hat pin was won by Miss Annie Dunwody. Mr. James K. Clarke, Jr., won the gentlemen's prize, a silver pencil, and Mr. Mcßae carried off the consolation prize, a tinhorn tied with many rib bons. Those Invited were Miss Muriel Downey. Miss Mable Robinson. Miss Louise Hopkins. Miss Helen Cain, Miss May Atwood, Miss Nettle Payne, Miss Annie Downey, Miss Janie At wood. Mias Maud Atwood. Mlsa Oer tle Downey, Miss Ceclle Paul, Mias Nan Cain, Mias Wvey Kenan, Mias Kathleen Norris, Mias Olive Clark. Miss Susie Sinclair. Miss Annie Dun wody, Mias Aurle Kenan, Mlsa Ro berts Paul. Misa Itosu Powera, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Koa. Mr. Walter De SOLOMONS CO. (i , “■"T"'!. <- t/veivwmwnw \ im>i flaw, / il*4*. in. „„ flut) TACKSON & GUTMAN BROUGHTON AND WHITAKER STREETS. Discount 25% Sale Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Suits, SKIRTS, CLOAKS, WAISTS AND FURS OF ALL KINDS. Every garment in the building, no matter how new or up-to-date; no matter how low our former low price, the choice is yours at a positive and guaranteed reduction of TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. No reservations, no exceptions, no strings of any kind tied to this offer. Twenty five per cent, discount, cash or credit, pay as you will. REMEMBER, not one penny ha been marked on to our former LOW PRICES for the occasion, then think a minute! But come quick if you want the choice. ■ Lace Curtains, Rugs and Matting. We want to get ready for our Spring shipments at once, and thanks to your gen erous patronage, our Fall stocks are nearly all gone. Of what there’s left you can°now take your pick at 3 c per cent., or more, reduction, and remember, no matter how little there’s to choose from, it’s good; nothing else finds repose mder this roof. $2.50 Heavy Nottingham i . Q Curtains, now priced I *4^ $3.50 Nottingham and Net | qQ Curtains now priced I.VO $4.50 Net, Renaissance and 97c Nottinghams, now priced & $5.00 Renaissance, Etc. Former spe cial leaders at the prices. 'j Q O Now quoted o*oo Lorme, Mr. Raymond Clancy, Mr. R. Dwoney, Mr. D. McGuire. Mr. William Clark, Mr. E. Gendron Cain, Mr. Hen ry R. Cain, Mr. O. Allen, Mr. Thomas R. Cain, Mr. Andrew Munson. Mr. Ludwig Schmidt, Mr. R. A. Strain, Mr. John Glarke, Mr. J. K. Clarke, Jr., Mr. D. Reid, Mr. H. Bennett, Mr. A. Bailey. Mr. Wyatt de R. Barclay, Mr. Spalding Kenan, Mr. Roger At wood, Mr. M. Atwood, Mr. Walter Atwood, Mr. Mcßae, Mr. Harold At wood. BEAUFORT. Beaufort, S. C., Dec. 24.—Mr. and Mrs. James M. Crofut will hold a fam ily reunion during the holidays. Those already here are Mr. -and Mrs. A. A. Anthank, son and two daughters, of Lynchburg, Va.; Mrs. Greenwood and daughters, Misses Alma. Clara and Kathleen of Boston and Miss Elisabeth Crofus of Savannah. Nineteen are ex pected. Mrs. Edward Ford is visiting Mrs. Edward Pinckney of Bluffton. Miss Ada Butler has returned to Walterboro, after 'a visit to relatives here. Mrs. H. T. Danner spent a few days In Savannah this week. Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh has returned from Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Gufffn have returned from their bridal visit to St. Augustine. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wiggin are vis iting Mrs. S. H. Rodgers, Jr., in Sa vannah. Mrs. E. F. Ricker and children and Mrs. C. S. McLeod have returned from a visit to relatives in Savannah. MOULTRIE. Moultrie. Ga., Dee. 24.—One of the most delightful affairs of the holiday season is the house party at the Hotel Colquitt this week, given by Mr. C. C. King, in honor of Miss Vallie Alex ander of Berkeley. The guests are Miss Alexander, Misses Josie May Jones Berkeley, Eddie Perkins, May Adams, Thomaston, Eugenia Huntley, Albany; Fannie Btalllnge, Amerlcus; Louise Groover, Balnbrlage. These young ladles are all graduates of both the musical and literary departments at Shorter College, and are most at tractive visitors. They have been the recipients of many flattering social at tentions. and many delightful affairs are to be given in their honor the fol lowing week. Mr*. H. A. Woods of Lancashire, England, is the chaperon for this charming bevy of young ladies. Mis# Dora Crane and Mr. J. O. Ma con were married Thursday morning at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Heard. The marriage was a surprise lo all but a few friends. The bride is the daughter of Mt. and Mrs. E. J. Crsiui of Dixie, but has spent much time with her sister, Mrs. I. A. Heard in Moultrie, where she has been very popular. Mr. Macon is in the lumber business here. They are spending their honeymoon In Florida and later will make Moultrie their home. SB.OO Irish Point Curtains, cn Q Prettily appliqued, now V O SIB.OO Heavily Appliqued (7 aa Irish Point Curtains I Hattingrs, Rugs and Art Squares on Same Basis. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Jack enter tained half a dozen couples at cards Tuesday evening at their home on East Broad street. Misses Marie and Duane Culpepper were at home informally Thursday evening, to a number of friends. Among the young ladies who are at tending school, and who are at home for their Christmas vacation, are Misses Eflle Lee Dukes and Nona Smith, College Park, Kate McKenzie. Atlanta; Lizzie Henderson, Athens, and Eula Dyke, Forsyth. thomasvTlle. Thomasville, Ga., Dec. 24.—The so cial world of Thomasville is much in terested in the approaching wedding of Miss Araminta Culpepper, to Mr. Ju neus Hardie Bailey of Atlanta, which is to take place on Jan. 5, at St. Thom as Church. The wedding will be fol lowed by a brilliant reception at the home of the bride’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Culpepper on Remington avenue. Miss Culpepper is a daughter of one of Thomasville’B most prominent families, and a young lady whose wit and beauty have made her a belle in the society of the city. Mr. Bailey is an Atlanta manager for a Northern firm, and was formerly stationed in this city. Miss Rosa Davis, a charming young woman of this city, is to marry Mr George Byron Baggs of Camilla on Wednesday, Dec. 28. The wedding takes place at the home of the bride on Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. Baggs will make their home In Camilla., and their coming to that city will be mar - ed by a series of social functions among which is a reception at the home of Mr. F. 8. Perry on Thursday night. Miss Leila Hill of Augusta is the guest of Mrs. 8. W. Mays In this city Mrs. Mays entertained informally for her on Wednesday night. She was the guest of honor Thursday morning'at a euchre party given by Mrs. C G Swift. Mrs. E. L. Brown was hostess on Wednesday afternoon at a large card party given in honor of Miss Aramin ta Culpepper. Mrs. J. Hansel! will be at home on Thursday afternoon from 3 until 6. GUYTON, Guyton. Oa„ Dec. 24.-Mrs. J. H. Barrett and family left Wednesday morning for Mcßae, their former home where they will spend Ihe holidays. Later, they will be Joined by Mr. Bar rttt, Miss Bessie Jackson, her father, Mr. ,1, J ® tll son. and her gibndfather will spend the Christmas holiday# with the former’s sister, Mrs. K. J Foy Miss Burney Pursiey has returned from Albany, sfter g very plessant vh.ii to friends and relative ““ “J' * U * U * W'" 1 ' *•- first-ye. r Student at Emory College, Oxford now at home to spend the holiday Mis* Mattie Wells, who has beat, tending Hhorfer College, rotuinctl terday morning to .njoy Chris. SPECIAL NOTICE. Commencing Monday, Dec. 26, for ten days we will give 25 per cent, dis count on all hair goods. Ladies' call and see us. GERST’S LADIES’ HAIR DRESSING PARLOR Second door from Jones, on Bull street. Both ’phones. Mail orders filled. White Stone Lithia Water , The Greatest Kidney Water Known to medi cal science, endorsed by our own physicians. Use it and pre vent Bright’s disease and many other troubles. For sale by Dougan U Sheftall, Hull and West Broad streets. Both Phones No. 236. home whh her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wells, at “Woodlawn." j,' ' B ‘ Archer, who has been at tending a course of lectures at the Maryland Medical College, Baltimore, Md., returned home Wednesday. Prof. p. D. Secklnger, now of the Statesboro school, but formerly con nected with the Guyton High School, is now spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lanier. Misses Ruth Bird and Julia Heldt, students of the Georgia Normal and Industrial College, Milledgevllle. are spending Christmas vacation ‘at their respective homes. 1). o Heldt, Jr., returned yesterday from Washington, D. C„ for a short E"'" 1 oi lime. He will spend the holidays here. NASHVILLE. Nashville, Ga., Deo. 24.—Miss Ml Powell and Mr. Claude Luke, who have been attending college In M<- 4°n, arrived WcVnesday night to spend the holidays with relatives here. Miss Gladys Ashley of Ocllls I* spending Christmas In Nashville, th* guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tygsrt. MU* Corn Ricks Is spending the week In Vsldoata, Mr. and Mrs. C, C, Hall of Tlftoh #r * visiting In Nashville this week Mias Manila Gray of Plnehlooni '*• a visitor lo Nashville this week The odd Fellows of Nashville have raised a iharlty fund for the i r ' poe- of providing a Christmas pi' l '"* lor every orphan child In Nashville. DORCHESTER. l>or chaster, Ga., Oar. 24 Mr H Gould of gt. Willi.,ne island bome the first at the wek Mr snd Mrs. K *1 Qgps*’< •'*• daughter ars mu upytng M> A tt isi s house Thar ass sr4rni I" *** sport sod loses ■<u*is Mr* , .lit*# Janilmi V Wlull * iu £ ' oi.Giiued ■ biipssUi Peg- 1