Newspaper Page Text
Tub IVjbatiieb.—After a pleasant rain
yesterday morning, followed by alight
drippings from theolouds, the evening win
more fhlr, and the sir decidedly more calm
and pleasant than early In the morning.—
The clouds, os Josh Billings says, all teem
cd to blush, os tbo sun was sinking to rest
behind tbo Western horizon, which the
wcatbcrwlse say Is a token of fair weather.
Cottob,—Only a limited number of bales
of cotton were offered In this market yes*
terday. Tho price ranged from 13 to lSjtfc.
per pound. The market closed dull, with a
drooping tendency.
Tiib City.—Notwithstanding tho “hard
ness of tho times ” business In the city for
tho past week has been qulto good. Many
of our merchants who have large, well
selected and prudently purchased stocks of
fancy and staple goods, have done a heavy
trade. In fact, transactions In the Aimish-
lng lino havo been sufficiently largo to
warrant ns In saying that It Is a heavy
Increaso over that of the week previous.
In the grocery and provision trade busi
ness has been rattier active—all articles of
prime necessity being In steady demand
—the tendency In the price being rather
Our market Is now being supplied with
a liberal quantity of pork, of a falrquallty
—almost every retail honso exhibiting at
tliclr door samples of tho tempting moats.
Customers can be supplied with small
quantities, to suit their change, at 15 to
10c. per pound. We also observe that our
Industrious and over-accommodating shop
keepers havo largo supplies of potatoes
cabbage, turnips, etc, with which custom
ers can be supplied at reasonable rates.
Fresh country butter seems to be rather
scarce, and commands from 40 to 50 cents
per pound.
In consequence of a light rain, followed
by a cool North-easter, wood-haulers made
a “raise” on former prices, and were de
manding *2 and $2,50 per load yesterday.
But as tho wcatlicr-wlso predict pleasant
weather next week, sales wore not brisk
at these prices. A few loads “went off" In
the morning and at noon rather briskly,
but transactions In tho afternoon were
limited to actual oufs, and them at a dray.
Our streets yesterday were very muddy,
and offered few Inducements to poorly shod
pedestrians, as well as persons seeking
side-walk promenades.
A Real Want.—Among tho real wants
of Atlanta, and one that amounts to almost
an absolute necessity, as an clement of
prosperity to her people, Is cheap, comfort
able dwelling houses. It is apparent to
every thinking man who rents, that
although the rates hare been considerably
reduced during the past year, they are yet
too high. There is a largo portion of our
imputation who aro wholly dependent up
on tbclr dally labor, cither as traders upon
a small capital, or their weekly or dally
earnings as mechanics or laborers, for
a support for themselves and families.—
All Imve now realized the fact that the
stringency In tho money market lias great
ly depressed business In every department
of trade and industry. Hence, the present
high rents, which, to tho landlord, seems to
yield a small dividend, Is really exorbi
tant and oppressive to the renter.
This Is tbo result of capitalists hav
ing failed to appreciate the wants and
necessities of that very useful class of
citizens, who are compelled to rent houses
for themselves and families. In construct
ing these dwellings, which were Intenddcd
to rent, they should have had an eye ti
cheapness, us well as neatness. ■ Most ol
them have been built too large, and too ox-
}tensive, to allow the proprietors to rent
them at rates commensurate with tho In
come of tho renting class of our jteople.
All tills could be obviated bv a judicious
system of building small, cheap neat cot
tages. It Is now demonstrated, that such
an enterprise on tho part of capitalists
would pay a handsome dividend, and prove
a real bcncllt to our city. Such houses are
among the real necessities and wants of
Atlanta, and one that could not fall to
prove remunerative to him who would
furnish thorn to the renters.
XotSo.—A telegram published In the
Northern press, a few days since, stated
that “Little Allco” fell from her horse at
Athens, Tenn„ and was killed. It Is a
canard. Tho “Fairy” 1ms delighted tho
visitors of Mr. lloblnson In Atlanta with
h«r extraordinary skill at "n equestrienne,
her fourth and last appearance having
been made last evening.
ThiKlxctioxs.—The latest reports front
tho November elections sum up as fbHfwt:
New York, Democratic by a majority of
20,000. Massachusetts Republican by a
majority of 25,000, Legislature strong Itc-
publlan and antl-prolilbltlon on the Liquor
question. Maryland, the Commercial says,
gives a Democratic majority of twenty-live
thousand or upward, and electa a clean
Democratic Legislature, not a Republican
being chosen, the reports say, from any
district. New Jersey 7,000 Democratic
majority. Minnesota Republican by 5,000
majority. Wisconsin Republican by a targe
tSTThe Missouri Supreme Court decides
the test oath, as applied to voters and
office-holders, unconstitutional.
1ST The Commlsoher of I’atentS will, for
tho Week ending on the 12th Instant. Issue
two hundred and .Ixty patents.
The Election—vote of the Districts.
Fibst Disinter—Chatham 313 majority
of registered votes; Effingham 132, and
Bryan 21 less, maj.
Second District—Liberty 13 against;
McIntosh 132 maj.; no report fromTat-
Third District—IVayns 10 less than
registered list; Tierce 23 do.; Appling
•110 do.
Fourth District—Glynn 170 maj.;
Camden 150do.; Charlton 21 against.
Firm District—Ware 41 moJ-i Coffee
18 do.; Clinch 03 do.
Sixth Distict.—Echols 18; Lowndes
20; Berrien 217; all against.
Seventh District.—Thomas 230, ma
jority; Brooks 72 against, and Colquitt 28
Eighth District.—Mitchell 33 majority;
Decatur 201 do. Miller 57 against.
Nucrn District.—Early 330; Calhoun
312; Baker 177. All majorities—aggre
gating 701.
TkxthDistrict.—Dougherty 473 maj.;
Lee fs.3 do,; Worth 130 against.
Eleventh District — Randolph * 127
against; Clay 30against;Terrell 238 ma
Twelfth District—SteWart 60 against
Webster 102 do, Quitman 38 do.
Thirteenth District—Sumter 150 maj.;
Schley 10do.; Macon 223do.
Fourteenth District—Dooly 241 major
ity; Wilcox 70 do.; 1'ulaskl 208do.
Fifteenth District—Montgomery 137
against,Telfair 70 do, Irwin 8 do.
Sixteenth Dist.—Laurens 110 maj,
Johnson 83 and Emanuel 135 against.
Seventeenth Dist.—Burke 115 majori
ty; Bullock 351 against; Scrlvcn 187 do.
Eighteenth Dist.—Richmond 564 ma
jority; Jefferson 82 do.; Glasscock 70
Nineteenth Dist.—Talllaferro 52 ma
jority ; Warren 02. and Orceno 118 do.
Twentieth Diet.—Hancock 205 majori
ty; Washington 15do.; Baldwin 158.
Twenty-First Dist.—Twiggs 130 maj.;
Jones 128do.; Wilkinson 210 against.
Twenty Second Dist.—llibh 125 against;
Monroe 129 maj.; Pike 33against.
Twenty-Third Dist.—Houston, 134 maj.;
Crawford 183, and Taylor 92 against.
Twenty-Fourth Dist.—Muscogee, 228
maj.; Marion 102 and Chattahoochee 50
Twenty-Fifth Dist.—Talbot 79 maj.;
Harris 45, und Upson 28 against,
Twenty-Sixth Dist.—Butts 27 against;
Fayette, 130 maj.; Spalding. 403 do.
Twenty-Seventh Dist.—Newton, 239;
Walton, 241 against; Clark. 149 maj.
Twenty-Eiuhth Dist.—Putnam,|10S maj,
and Morgan 219, do.; Jasper 131 maj.
Twenty-ninth Dist.—Wllkus 171 miO,
Lincoln 30 do., Columbia 411 do.
Thirtieth Dist.—Oglethorpe 0 against,
Elbert 18do.; Madison 115 majority.
TiHRTY-FinaT Dist.—Hart 215 inn)
Franklin 49 do, Habersham 79 do.
Thirty-second Dist.—White 74 maj.
Lumpkin 145 do, Dawson 01 do.
TniiiTY-TiiiiiD Dist.—Hall 173 maj
Banks 83 do, Jackson 258.
Thirty-fourth Diet.—Henry 353 maj,
Gwinnett 67, and DcKalb 283 against.
Thirty-Fifth Dist.—Clayton 131 maj.
Fulton 392 do.; Cobb 421 agalnat.
Thirty-Sixth Diet.—Merrlwother 215
maj.; Coweta 437 do.; Campbell 101 do,
Thirty-seventh .Dist.—Troup 318 maj.;
Heard 2 do.; Carroll 29 against.
Thirty-eighth Dist.—Polk 410 maj.;
ltaralson 91 do.; Paulding 347 do.
Tuirty-Nintii Dist.—Cherokee 0 maj.;
Milton 12 do..; Forsyth 203 do.
Foriieth Dist.—Union 205 majority;
Towns 108do.; ltabtiu 15do.
Fortv-Fiust Dist.—Fannin 122 maj.;
Ullmer 120do.; Pickens 141 do,
Forty-Second Dist.—Floyd 391 inaj.;
Chattooga 78 do.; llartow 180 do.
Fobty-tbird Dist.—Murray 291 maj
Whltfleld 490 do., Gordon 204 do.
hOUTT-FouRTH Dist.—Catoosa 81 maj
Walker 183, and l)ada 46 against.
Northers Georoia did it.—A dispatch
from Atlanta, on the 5th, probably, from
Headquarters, announces that 110.000 vow,
were polled in Georgia, arid that a majority
were cast for a Convention. It may bo ao,
but It will require a general order from
“ headquarters 111 tho saddle,” for our de
capitation before it will be convenient for
us to believe it. So there will be a Conven
tion. and we shall see what we shall aee.
Wc can assure our friend of tho Albany
News—from whleli Journal the above was
clipped—that tho official llgurcs will excowl
thoao named. The whole State contributed
to the aggregate; not Northern Georgia,
Dougherty county, notwithstanding the
attempt of the News to control votes other
wise, cast an official vote of 473 above a
majority of her registered list. For this,
of course, our cotemporary Is not re
lit District—O. II. Hopkins, Aaron A. Santa Anna and hla wife have arrived at
Brinlley, Walton L. Clift, Jana Stewart, Havannu.
Isaac Seeley, Motet IT. Denary, IK. U. 1). Mr. Hull, Maximilian's lawyer, la In New
Btynnlds, A. L. Harris. IUrry McClure, a medical student from
Ohio, committed suicide in Philadelphia bn
the 8th Inst.
George W. Anderson, formerly President
of the Planters Bank. Savannah, has been
2d Dlstrlct-r. a. Campbell, W. A. Chid
3<l District—A. M. Moore.
4th Dlstrlct-F. M. Smith.
5th District—P. B Bedford.
Gth District—Lewis U. Roberts, Levi J.
Knight, jr.
7th District—J. L. Cutler, Milton C.
Smith, Wm. C. Carson.
8th District—R. H. Whltcly, Frank Pow
ell, John Higdon.
Otli District—W. IV. Dews, C. C. Martin,
II. II. Christian.
10th District—T. O. Welsh. John Murphy.
Philip Joiner, Ben). Sikes.
11th District—IK a. Noble, Jamee A.
Jackton, Jlobert Alexander, John Whitaker.
12lh District—J. E. Blount, Thos. Cray,
ton. G. W. Cliatten.
13th District—Fletcher T. Sneed, II. R.
McCoy, John R, Hall, Bobert Lumpkin,
Jesse Dinkins. ,
14th District—J, C. Traywlck, S. t. Sal
ter, Simon Stanley, J. M. Buclian. I _
15th District—Andrew-J. CnmekonT'. \
16th District—E. IV. Lane, Geo. Lin-
17th District—John A. Madden, J. Ma
son Itlcc, Hubert Whitehead. Mnlconil,
Clatboru, II. II, Misson or James Parker.
18th District—It. B. Bullock, Benj. Con
ley, Foster Blodgett, J. E. Bryant, S. IK
Beard, Alex. Stone, John Neal.
19th District—Jos. Adkins, ltobert Crum
ley, D. P. Baldwin, J. W. T. Catching, Hen
ry Strickland.
20th District—C. C. Richardson, Georye
Wallace, C. 11. Prince, Wm. II. Ilarrisou,
11. C. Supple. Daniel Palmer.
21st District—Thomas Gibson, Samuel
Gove, Wm. Griffin, Charles Rooks.
22.1 District—Geo. G. Wilbur, 11. hi. Tur
ner. F. Wooten, Alfred Bowden, W. J. Howe.
T. J. Speer, M. Cooper, M. A. Potts,
23d District—Posey Maddox, W. P. Ed
wards, ti. H. Walton, S. A. Cobb, Isaac II
24th District—G. W. Asbburn, J. G.
Maul. Tho*. Glllfcrt, 1 'an Jones. J. C.
25U| District—John S. Custin, E. J. lllg'
her, U'». Guilford. L. L. Stanford, Sum
•Mil District—8. T. W. Minor. IV. H.
liozar, Wm. H. Whitehead.
27tii District—John Harris, J. W. Chris
tian, X. P. Hotchkiss. C. 11. Davis, James
,28th District—T. P. Safford. A. O. Fos
ter, Joliu It. Hudson. Henry Glover, IV
F. Jordan.
20th District—D. G. Cutting. Leals Pope,
Isaiah Sherman, James Knox, Cumulus
30tli District—A. T. Ackerman. James
McWhorter, E. S. Cobb.
31st District—Phillip Martin, Stephen W.
Crawford, W. F. Bowers.
33d District—John Moody. Milton Mooro.
33d District—Benj. Dunncgan, Madison
Bell. W. L. Murler.
34th District—S. E. Dally, S. Brown. B.
D. Shumate, James It. Bracewoll, Johnson
35th District—II. V. M. Miller, J.L. Dun
ning, N. L. Angler, J. 11. Flynn, David ir-
win, H. O. Cole, W. U Lee,
30th District—I. IV. Key, P. W. Chambers,
John S. Bigby, W. C. Smith. J. C. Bowden.
37th District—J. II. Caldwell, ltoliert
Robinson, George llarluu, Abel II. Harri
son, E. B. Martin.
38th District—James I). Waddell, T. J.
Foster, It. B. Hutchinson.
39tli District—John Lott, S. T. Houston,
A. W. Holcomliv.
40th District—Wm. T. Cram. John Bry-
41st District—C. A. Ellington, W. Me Han.
42d District—J. It. Purrot, W, L. Good
win. W. Shropshire, George P. Burnett, W.
A. Fort.
43d District—S. E. Fields, John II. King.
L. M. Wnmmell.
44th District—Presley Yates, James M.
Colored Delegates In Italic.
Or Wc understand that Gen. Pope re
fuses to make public the election returns.
Wc know of no good purposo that would
be subserved by such a course.—Home
The OriNiox has published the Oiticial
vote, daily. Gen. l’opc has not refused, nor
has any of the officials. On the contrary.
Col. Hulbert and hts assistants have offered
every facility to the newspapermen who
have energy enough to call at tho Registra
tion office to make the vote public.
Tin: Alabama Convention.—The Mont
gomery Advertiser, of yesterday, says:
The Reconstruction Convention met In
this city yesterday, and organized by elect
ing Hon. E. WV Peek, an old citizen of
Alabama and able lawyer, President. Mo
ses Aver} - one of the Secretaries Is a color
ed man. and Henry II. Craig, the door
keeper. Is also colored. About twenty-live
are Northern men who have come to Ala- j SEcrRrrizs.—Central Railroad Stock was
bama since the close of the war—the rest, 8o]( j a , auc t|on In Savannah on Tuesday at
Iltaw!la onta MtfMrSwldUfafe *101.50: Atlantic and Gulf Railroad stock
with tho Republican party. ■ at $50.50 ■ » cq •’•* vl MS h
Relioioub.—The National Presbyterian
Union convened In Philadelphia on the
Otli. Rev. Mr. Blair, the oldest delegate
present, opened the Convention with pray-
George Stewart waa elected permanent
Chairman and Dr. Archibald, of New York,
Clerk. Overtbree hundred delegatee were
present, representing the Dutch Reform
Church, the Old and New School, Reform
ed. United, and Cumberland Presbyterian
Churches. Rev. Drs. Hodge, W. B. Smith.
Uatdcld, Breckinridge, Beatly. Duffield and
many other distinguished divine* were
present. The church In which the Conven
tion met waa crowded, and great public In
terest was manifested In Its deliberations.
Railuoad Sale.—The Pittsburgh and
Steubenville Railroad, known as the Pan
handle Railroad, waa told at Pittsburgh
on the Otli, on mortgage, for $1,000,000 to
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, W.
J, Howabd, their solicitor, bidding that
amount. The next higheat bidder was
W. R. Ellis, of New York, representing
himself and other capitalists, his bid being
*1,9551100. A number of prominent capi
talists from the east were present, and great
Interest was manifested as to tho salo.
The Albant Murder.—The man killed
In Albany some days ago, by Wm. Betts,
was named J. B. Emmerson, and not
chosen a director of the Central Railroud,
vice Dr. J. J. Waring resigned.
Governor Geary, of Pennsylvania, has
lisued a proclamation announcing Judge
Sharswood’a majority to bo 037.
Gen. Schofield disclaims being a candi
date for United States Senator from* Vir
ginia, or Governor for that State.
The ltav. Father O. 11. boars, one of the
most eminent of the tnkiUfcr* of the Cath
olic Church In Virginia, died In Lynch-
burg 011 the 30th ult.
O’Brien, McCoolo’s second In the late
prize fight, was arreted In Ht. Louis on
Sunday, with four other*, imiRiected of the
late robbing of the Merchants’ Union Ex
press ofilee there.
The petition of Alexander JI. Stephens,
of Georgia, and J. A. Seddou, of Virginia,
for pardon, still remain In the Attorney
General’s office, nominally at the disposal
of the Attorney General, hut really await
ing t|ie President's action.
« GeaMjrul Intelligence
Tho Mcxloan Government refuses t®
hold any Intercourse with Ministers and
t’on Mil* of fowlgu Govern incuts until the
Republic is reenguizeil by such Govern
The Navy Depart incut has received an
ofiidn! account from Admiral Farragot, of
*' Ion im England. He expresses
hi thcTcreat courtesy extended to
himself and oftlc»r*.
The first session of the Parliament of the
Dominion of Camida was formerly opened
at Ottawa on tho titli.
There tire now 37.000 mile* of completed
railroad in this country, while the number
of miles in course of construbtlon Is 17.S60.
It is stated that Commissioner Rollins*
report will coiitniru a strong argument In
favor of adopting the plan of taxing whis
ky stills according to capacity.
, A Cincinnati Duummkr Ovjcuuauled
iiy ms iVifk.—A spruce, vivacious young
man in-longing to that numerous class nt
being*culled ’'Cincinnati drummers,*’ came
Into «eir city last Monday, put up at one of
our lintels, and was assigned a room,.
After the trail-action of his legitimate bu
siness during the evening, he retired to
room No. —. at the aforesaid hotel.
Now it came to pans that a richly dressed
and Interesting appearing young woman
arrived on the S ovluck train uml put up
at the fame hutch um! was assigned u room
adjoining that of tinrdrummer in question.
The lady s.n*u retired to her room. Mr.
.Drummer win*. It appears. Is al wavs on tin*
yuf nd I* of a very inquisitive und
communicative disposition, discovered that
there were several cracks or appertures In
tli- partition between the two rooms. He
found means to attract the attention
(Legal Advertisements.
The following fine poem, by Geo, Wjj ~ •
Cutter, of Covington. Ky„ Blackwood has! GEORGIA, Jahprr county.
pronounced “the best lyric of tbe cer.» ..WHEREAS, the minor children of
of the lady, who appeared to reclpron
agreeably. A lively courting scene v
now enacted, a marriage ami elopement
proposed, and an Interview In the hull was
agreed to by the parties. The lady came
out Into the hall and met the gay young
mail, who discovered to his horror that the
lady was his own wife, who had bcan In
formed of his exploits among the fair sex,
uml had followed Idm. to Vincennes, re-
. solued to take a view of the situation her
Mr. Drummer left otn tho next train. In
charge of Ills lawful spouse, a sadder and
we hope a better man.—Vincennes Gazette,
October 31.
. or An iiiirortiinntc nun, who had never
drank water enough to warrant disease,
won reduced to.iieh a state of dropsy that
aeimsidtathin of pbyslutans was held upon
hi* cane. They agreed tapping was neces
sary. anil the poor patient was Invited to
submit to tbe operation, wblcli he seemed
Inclined to do In spite of tbe entreaties of
Ids son. n boy seven years eld.
•Oh. father, father!lie not let them tap
a," said the younpL hopeful; "do any
thing, hut do not let them tap yon!”
“Why. my dear. It will do mo good, and
I shall live long In health, to make yon
"; you will not. There
never was anything tapped in our house
that lasted longer titan a week."
Goon Advice.—The- New York Times
A Southern paper complains that th« ne
groes were " threatened with death” by the-
lladlcals unless they would go to tho polls-
and vote. According to appearances from
this distance, they did not need a great
deal of that kind of waxing. They seem
ed, according to the returns. to go of their
own accord and with a good deal of alacri
ty. It Is a pity somebody bad not brought
the same or aome other Inducements to
bear on tha whits, at the South. They
seemed to need them. It will not take
many elections, we Unnginc. to satisfy thsm
that victories at tha polls, like victories-In
the Held, arc Beldam won by staying at
BT “Bolling down” the newa ba» be
come a sort of nmttht with tho dally press.
“Boiling down" the wools of editorials
would ba a profitable business, as It would
greatly economise work, paper, apace and
time. The writer who makea an editorial
two minute* longer than It need be, causes
the waste of 139 day* of time by 100.000
person* who. may read It, and. moreover,
robs them of the valuable knowledge that
might have been communicated In place of
his surplusage.—Exchange.
QTFront the statement of th, public
debt, made on the 7th. It appears that the
debt bearing coin Interest ha, Increased
$32.1114^.10 vinca the 1st of October. The
debt hearing currency Interest lias de
creased $34,308,010. Tho matured debt not
prerented for payment haa Increased $10,-
282. The debt bearing no Interest has de
creased $32111,090.03. Tbe total debt haa
decreased $4,880,607.98.
BTTlie Montgomery Sentinel says:
Tbe Grand Jury' oftho county of Mobile.'
bare preferred Indictments against the two
shrebs the,Time* and Tribune, printed In
that city, which sneaks well for the deter
mination of that body of men to suppress
Wo report coiton more active
atau advance of, 1 * to be cent. Middlings
were quoted yesterday at 15 L 4 to 15)^ cent,
es 374. Iteeelvcd ,40 bale*—32 bv M. It. I
T. R-17 by Opelika R.
Shipments —Col. J
Harness me down with yoat lron bands.
Be sure of your curb and rein.
For I scorn the strengthof your puny binds,
As a tempteat scorns a Crain;
Howl laogbedas i lay concealed from sight
For many a countless hocev
At the childish boasts of human might,
And tlw pride of human p*wer.
When I sow an army upon tho land,
A nary npon tho seas.
Creeping along a snail-like bind,.
Or waiting a wayward brevze,
When I anw Use peasant reel
With the toll he faintly bore;
As he turned' al the tardy wheal,
Or toiled sou Us* weary oar.
When I measured the panting; courser's
ght oftho carrier dove,
As they boro .Jaw a King dec road,.
Or the lines of Impatient love;
I could not think how the world weald feel,
As these wcro ontstrlpped afar
When I should' be bound to tho rushing
Or chained to tlio flying ear!
Hal lie! 1ml They found me at lash;.
And they IttvIHM me forth at length.
And I rushed to my throne tvlui a tl-nndcr
And laughed in,my Iron strength C
Oh! then ye saw a wondrous change
On the earth nrd ocean wide.
Where new my Her, armies rage,
Nor wait for wide or tide.
Hurrah.' hurrah! 5he waters o'er
: The mountain steep decline;
Time—siiace have yielded to my powere-
Tiu* giant streams of the queenly West,
And Use Orient floods divine.
Hie ocean pales where'er I sweep,
To hear my strength rejoice.
And monsters of the briny dce|,
(lower trembling at my voice.
I curry tbe wealth und ore of curth,
The thought of tltw godlike mind,
The wind tags ufler my going turtb,
Tiie lightning is In, behind.
In the darksome detaks of the fathomAes
My tiresome arm doth piny.
Where the rocks ne'er saw the sun's de
Alphonzo Hardeman, late of said county,
deceased, are without a guardian:
These are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish all and atngularthe kindred and friends
of said minor children to bo and appear at
the Court of Ordinary for said county on
the tint Monday In December next, and
show cause. If any they have, wliv said
guardianship should net devolve upon tho
Clerk of the Superior or Inferior Court of
said county, aa provided by the statute.
Given under my hand and official aigna-
ture, tills 1st day of October. 1887.
M. H. HUTCHISON, Ordinary.
OCI29—w30d 1TIliter's fee $3
From the bidden eaves held
Awl make the fountain's granite cup
With acrystul gusli o'ertlmv.
I blow the bellows. I forge tbe steel,
In nil the shops of trade;
I hammer the ore and turn the wheel
Where my arms of strength are made
I manage the ftirnanee. the mill, the mints—
I ■curry, I spin, 1 weave;
Anil all my doings I put In print
Orrevery Saturday eve.
Tve no muscle to weary, no breasts to d»-
... bones to tie “laid on the shelf.”
Ami soon 1 Intend you may -go and play.’
While I manage the world myself.
Bin harness me down with your iron bandar
He sure of curb and rein.
For I scorn the strength of your puny,
As the tempest scorns a chain.
Cure foh Ear Ache.—Take a small
yleee of cotton wool, making a depression
ui the centre with a linger, and Dll it with
us much ground pepper as will rest on a
live cent piece, gatherilt Into a hull and tie
It up, dip llie bnll into sweet oil and Insert
it Into tl fie ear, cover!ag the latter with cot-
Um wool, and use a bandage or cap to rv
laltkit in Its place. Almost instant relief
will be experiencedo.and the application li
•o gentle that an Infant will not tie injured
by It, but experience relief us well
it that”A New Englander's Idea of h *ll
was a place where every IK>dy had to tniml
his own business;” will-It is us crisp as
Macaulay’* saying that the Puritan hated
bear-hiting. not mvuuse it gave pain to
the bear, but because it gave pleasure to
tin spectatin'*.
tSTThe burglar who robbed the bank of
Pattis A lngals, at Treniont, Tazewell
county. Illinois, of a hundred thousand
dollars In money und lauids. has been ar
rested at Springfield. He gives Ills numu-as
Henry O'Connor, and Is said to be the rtfik-
lex* Union scout “Wild Bill,” described
some time ago In Ilariier’s Monthly.
C3TA few years ago the ladies wsre a
kind of hood callod "klss-me-lf-you-darc.”
The present sty leof bonnet might lie called,
with equal propriety, “Kiss-me-If-you-
tyThe Jewish women were unco-pun
ished for adoring a false calf. I<ct tlw wo
men of thU country take warning.
Dickem’ literary friends gave him a
farewell dinner* Saturday evening, previ;
out to his departure for America,
GEORGIA, Bartow count*.,
IT appearlas to the Court toy the petition or
Juiiue bklnne* that John ti. Alien. deeesMd, late
or said count;, did In hit lifetime execute to tald
Julius Skinner hit bond conditioned to. execute
’’’itlet in Feeblmpla to said Julius Rklaner tor the
n of Carters villa
a , —.
itts Hotel leu, In the town of Carters vill* Intel*!
county, located oa lou Not. IS, IV, 8c.endSl, In
said town. And, it further appearing that said
Johns Allen departed this llio without exccut*
inf titles tAtald town lot*, or br will ocotherwise
K oThllnjAcrvfon!. And* It further appearing
at saldJUllut Skinner has paid thi-RaJi amount
ortne purchase price oi taid lots, and said Julius
Skinner bavlug petitioned tbit Court to direct
Parrott, Ud *
tald bond; Therefore, Ml^rMuTcotteernitd"i
hereby notified and required to file their obji
“ *'*ve, In my once, within l
oi tne said John s. Allen, deceased, to execute to
him titles to said town lots in conformity with
tiont, if any they bate, In i
time prescribed by law, why
should not be ordered to e!
/ said administrator
execute titles to said
town lots In conformity with said bonds. And, It
ts further ordered that a copy of this Rule be pub*
thtee^aonths! **** ° P W°l KM™ *
Ordinary!- ..
Extract from the minutes, this 4th 4
rejaber, 1857.^ ^ HOWARD.OrdinaryDjC.
nsrj*—w3m Printer’s feet**
Tax Notlco*to Defaulters.
I AM imtructcd by the Inferior Court of rulton
county, to gtxv public notice that all |>cr*»ns who
failed to return their taxable property to tbo Ho*
celver of Tax lieturus tor tho present year, on oc*
couut of iKnorance, or other good cause, .aro
uuthorixed loiorne forward and make their re*
turns and pay the SIMiLB TAX. provided tbe
.am, I. rataMfore tnstotb ln,t. who fall
to settle lor that time will have tl. las. Usued
agsin.t 11,pm for .™\ AUWELLi
nMh Tax Collector.
Dxslxr in Family Uko-
kt l’uoorcK, Whitehall, one
Atlanta, (is Choice
GEORGIA, Jaspkr county.
WHEREAS, Berry T» Dig by make* ap
plication for lettcra of adininUtratlon de
bonis non with the will annexed, on the
estate of Alphonzo Uurdeiaun, late of said
county,- deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish all ami singular the kindred and credi
tors of swld deceased, to show caususe. If
any they have, on or by the first Monday
In December next, why sald< letters shall
not be granted the applicant*
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this 23d day of October; 1807.
Mk II. HUTCHISON; Ordinary.
oct*29—v.vTOd Printer's fee<53
GEORGIA, IIkxry county,
WHEREAS. G.G. Wee mu. ndmintetra-
for with tho* will annexed, ou tlie estate of
Bushrud Pettit, deceased. havSitg-niade ap
plication to* mo for leave to sell the real
••state of said deceased for the benefit of
tbe heirs and! creditors of said deceased:
All person* concerned wre notified to file
their objection*, if any they have, within
two months'from the fir*t pttM lent Ion of
till* notice, else leave will lie grunted for
the sale of said real estate.
Given under my hand and ofiTclal signa
ture, tills iftlh October. 1HU7.
It. NOLAN. Ovdlrinry.
oct29—w2m» Printer's* fee
GEORGIA, E^uldino county.
: TWO months afti-r Until (will npplv f* th** Court
ol Onlinury of I’aoMin# county, i.v-or/i*. for
toave to tell tht retil 4>«taie bcloii^imr n»th«*cMatu
•f E- Urifliu, Oi-tn'-'r lO lt*#i.
TtlOtfAri (iKimV A'linftiffttr tor.
novt—wftn PriistcrV le** fS
tliwo MoNTII* after date appl lent ion
JL inmle tu lue t-«m '
sO'iuty. (icorgiH. fori.
Alexandui Ha
% ill l.r
Ordinary ui .w int.ctt
««ell ibc reala-taU; of
• ol Maid t'.uonu, «loc«u»L'd.
JOHN O. PEltRY. Adin’r
Psptoinlier 85, lWl—wSm {I’rafcis '
TWO MON I'lfh afivr thi-> dat« nppllrution will
J. In? niwlii t i lh« Cnnrt of Ordinary of Owiniu-tt
lH.*ioii}rinjr to tho
» uwr—w«N
GEORGIA, Paulding county.
f |'WU MONTHS altar dalu aoidbiutlon will
L iiinitv to tin* »»nilnanr of I'HUldinjr county,
(iwrrjria. 1* r leave to Mill the n-al e»tato of Wm. C.
Loo, I ate of aulii do-ciiHcl. Octolasr 4, U67.
1.A VINA LICK. Ailmlnl trutrix.
I —w*m Printers foe fib
81,000,000 IN WATCHES!
Handsome and Eeliable Watch,
For tlio low Price of Ten Dollars!
Without Regard to Ualue
UM '•olid Gold lluiitliitf \Yatdho». |tt»> Vi Rl.OOO
““ unso
• lU>to 300
8U) Gobi lluiitlng.Llirojiim-tor
•KM u<d.l llui.tiiaa I'uplo:
6UU G»dd HuntliiR Amerlui
BiM Silver lluo'ina laivern
«>M Sliver iltuitiau »»u..i«;3i
am Uolif La.ihi - W «tt-h«",
d Hunting I e|i
NV atclick ICO-to
.MlM 4 llaiu .su* hl.’ver Watch®*.
«»W Hui.tiluf sUvtl Wat. hf* ... X5 to ai
AM A»M>rted \* ats hca. all klud>... IS to 75
HTEvcry |Nitron obtains a Watch bv
this iimtiigeiuvuL costing but $10, while (t
may be worth «1$UU0. No partiality
WewMi tu Immi tliatcly iII»|kj»o of. the above
magnificent stin k- Certidcates, naming the arti-
c.lca. aro idai-cd in »culed envelopes and well
mixed Holder* arc cntltleil to the artklei named
on their 4-crtiiieate upon payment of %n itollar*
Whether It be n WntTh worth $1,000 ormiewortli
le*a. The return.of any of our ccrUfiuatct ent|.
tlr» you totheartlclo named thereon upon pay*
wont, Irrwpej-Uvc or tts worth, and aa^no article
valued le»* tlion $10 U named on any certificate,
it will at once be *ccn that this U
No Lottery, lias a straightforward* legitimate
transaction, which may be pastielpated in
evea by the most fastidious!
A single certillcato will be sent by mall, post
iiahl. uiHin rvaaipt of 95 cents, five tor fl, eleven
.or fl, thirty-throe and elegant premium for #5,
sixty-six and more valuable premium tor $10. one
humlred an* moat smirrb Watch tor $15. To
or thosa wUjtlac cmuloymenl, thU Is *
ortunity. It Is alegitlmatclv condneted.
, 4luiy authorized by the- Government,
i to the most careful scrutiny. Tryu«| S
and oi«n
WRIGBD, BROre & CO*. Importers,
.. , i«l BROADWAY. New York.
U UcaRsche ami Earmcb,, la IBrao minutes
Touthacbo la on, minute,
nor,Throat In ten minutes.
Collo and Cramp In aro tnfaubu.
8 ^“*'
g DmSmSe Asthma, Piles,
PltlUE. ,1 run noiTLK.
Onlars promptly altamlod in.
r»t taU by JOIIX T. nALL.
Corner Whitehall and Urawr'.raMs.
O^-nEMEUUEi; TUB PlACB. A,l *“ t *’ U *'
Speak their own praise wherever planted.
davId landrkth ft SON.
srptl—dawSin Philadelphia, 1*a
, 1UKHCUANTI4, and Aivnu lor Manufacturers
Pnxtu< cr*. at the lirldge, on Broad street and
Hroffd, Atlauta, G«. A. J_ ROBERT,
r. W. ROBERi.