Georgia weekly opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 03, 1867, Image 4

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= GEORGIA m WEEKLY OPINION THE WEEKLY OPINION. BY W. L. 8CBUG0S AND J. B. DUMBLE. 'OFFICIAL PAPER FOR THE C0DNTIE8 OF Baku, Baldwin, Bartow, Bibb, Butts. Carroll, Chattooga, Clayton, Cobb, Dado, DeKalb, Fayette, Forsyth, Fulton, Gordon, Greeno, Gwinnett, Heard, Henry, Jasper, Leo, Monroe, Murray, Newton, Paulding, Polk, Spalding, Sumter, Upson. The Tennessee Legislature.—Tho ac tion of the Tennessee Legislature, in In structing the Congressional delegation •from that State to sustain Impeachment and Confiscation. U not only lll-tlincd but wrong In Itself; and it can but meet with unqualified condemnation from every en lightened Union man In the Southern States. It is due that Assembly, however, to saj% that the delegation from the Eastern por tion of the State is composed of enlighten ed ami aide men, and who depricatc the * ruinous measures of those from the Mid- • die and Western portions of the State, who attained position by making pledges to the negro population, which were alike ruin ous and unnecessary. J. W. lIuNXicurr.—'Tim arrest by the Military authorities, In Virginia, of this crazy agitator and clerical nuisance, will meet with the approbation of every right minded man, not only in that, hut in other Southern States. This man Uuiiiilcutt was a resident of Fredericksburg. Va„ before the war. He has belonged by turns to nearly every branch •of the Christian church, but never attained to a ros|H'cLable position in any. lie has likewise belonged by turns to nearly every political party ill National and State poli tics during the past twenty years, and never inspired the respect or confidence of any of them. In the early part of the war. lie was a. run-mad .Secession Lt ami pro scriptive pro Slavery man. His ment d peculiarities have been attributed by his j old neighbors and those who knew him j best, to partial insanity, rather than to any j malevolent spirit. Thk Cotton Tax.—We yield much of our spuce tills evening to the interesting report of Commissioner Welles in regard *o the Cotton Tax. It cannot fail to Inter- •oat a large portion of the residing public, s»nd will be especially interesting to plan ters and brokers. Mr. Welles volunteers the opinion that the price of cotton must continue to decline, in consequence of the -Ylpld increase of its production in Europe, sunder the high prices paid for some years past. India, the principal competitor of the United States, has. by improvements in -cultivation in the quality of seeds, im proved the quality of her cotton until it •bears the relation of two-thirds to three- fourth, the value of the American. Instead i lt<» -rt -lurln* tin? past year lias Irani ttnit- Of oiie-h.drto two-third*. as formerly. A -nnlly Heavy, there lias not been. ihtriiiy aw* of time cents per pound on mcrlnm ! «»<• "Hole year, a s-rlmis and,lent; and ootton operate* a, a prcml titty per i " <tli very few exception*, the train* hare ecijr. .j ,.»n i.. 0 ,,f r.ii-i;,- .-tittoii ini • vi i\*•«! aland depirted from all stations In:.-. I* f ” W,*:;.-, .Vri j 'Yx-'V se’nilul" time. it 111 iy t>” further <*«r:ihlLhitl «-v MatUtlf* | THN STATE BOAD. , WAK TUJD ATS IN gOUfd CAROLINA. The annual Reports of the officers of the . We <ee in ihe Lauren viJhv (3. <’.) Her* Western iiiicl Atlantic Hoad, for the tlseal aid of tho Sid. the pi*oc. ding of a nuetiug year ending September 30th. 1807, have laid In Laii retool He. «<u the IKthj and that been submitted to Governor -Ikskiss. jour reader* mav Mi*« what some of the These Reports are published In nrait' hot spur* m>r tm-re w i»h to do. wu give pamphlet form, numbering forty-one . the pr ue, d i g* Mow in full, pages; and embraco the Report of thei Ru happen t<» know something of the Rood Master (Mr. M. IL Dooly). tlmt of i Cul» t'uuiilieiluiui who seems, from hU tiro Superlntcndnnt of the Car Factory ! remlution*. to b.« »o eager for war. lie is (Mr. W. G. Gramuling), that of the Master . one of those panlinr people styled ••South of Machinery (Capt. .John II. Flynn), that Carolina rim airy . M Hu U a tine repre- of General Freight Agent (Rout. A. Ha- Jsentativ** «*f the hlvalry.” lie formerly Con), that of the General Ticket Agent i practiced law in Charleston, and was *eve- (W. R. Webster), that of the General (ml tim.u suur f. mi that city b» the 8tat- Book-keeper (Owen Lyxcii). that of the |,». Dhiture . t tl.e head of tluMtel 'gtttion— Auditor (Mr. R. C. Robson), that of the which t of about twenty. Hew...- Treasurer (W. W. Clayton), that of the .oneof the lul lingspiritW 'c.eeslon. pre- Mastcr of Transportation (Col. J. B. 1*kck'. ' vlmi* t.» tin* war. Was ehiellj h. trr.mci.- and the Report of the Superintendent' ul In breaking up the L>,t::,v v U* Conv'n- (Mnj. Campbell Wallace.) They are full 11‘ it. Charleston, hi 1W* an ' In prcHpl- atul elaljorate, and show the condition uting the people of t the I load, In all Its department-, to be si:.\! ,i« \ttd like most ns i> truly gratifying to every Georgian, j o’.I ;’y in-tnimeut.d i ; n ( a r ras t ax. ileport l-mi- tit tend the consumption after recovery from TKLEttttspiilC INTELLIGENCE, tlie first shoek of so great a change; hut ■ IT .. in this fall of prices tin* profit of tile pro- .. J# M • , *wnwlcmf. diner, resting upon tlm higher prices which Bicjimomj, Sov, 28.—J, W, Hiinuiciitf, Tnr asp by Department. Office Special Invited tills outlay, has. ton v»*r> great ex- editor of the New Nation, who was urrest- Commis-ion. u OF Revenue. Washington, tent, and for the rime, hi* I! lost. ed yesterday. by civil olH.-nr*. lias rhl* Nov. 21. 18(17.—The Hon Hugh McCulloch. | the American crop « n- in Its *u- , . „ «„ |u ,, ' Secret a r v of the Treasury—.Vff.* As the pretnney the sverage prices ot mi rat co: ton *“ .» «nc .Military loin- question* oi the repeal of the Internal reve- »» Liverpool for the twenty years, 1841 to nilssloncr*. o. appear m Chari. * City court, inn* tax levied upon raw cotton is likely to l* 00 * ranged from 3d. to A$£d. per jmiind. ten da>s alter (In* adjournment of the Jfa. ‘•** 1 " - When It was 3d. In ISIS, the import to i-i.t ti.m ( ..nv.-nrioi. ... .. i n.i. i. , Great Britflln was only 155.00U bales; when ‘ , !‘ * , . 1vu,t ‘ 0,, ‘ ^ U it wa-ftj^d.1857.1 he import wu* 089.000 liah-. and aiMUer indictment already Thus it appears that the price regulated found against him f.-r Incendiary language the quantity imiiortcd. and neither the im- med in .. i»ul»!h; speech port to Kuropo nnr (h, HX[K„ t frmn Jmll.i ( , lllll!r | The business of the Uo-.ul during tie-* p .>i year, ha** largely exceeded that of any pre vious one. The Freight Earning* jiIon- show an increase of over ttrelr- > . dollar*: and when we remember i!i during tlie first six months of Ha* I.i*r il ea! year, the rates charged for; - tion were from fifty to three hmnlifd pe* cent, more than the rates of tin* la-t -iv months of that year, and that *tiil furtlu-v redu :tion» have been made during the j.r. cut h fair toass>mn that it requlr.-d the transportation of at least ttauhlr the amount of tonnage during the present year, to produce a revenue equal to that of the. preceding year. In addithn to this, the road carried, free of charge, donations to the destitute, made- by the State, i*ein*vo- lent associations and individuals, over one hundred and seventeen thousand bushels of corn, nearly seventy-four thousand pounds of bacon, and other arthden*. flu* freight on which, at the regular rates, would have amounted t«* nearly seventeen thousand dollars. The total number of passenger 4 tr n- porte.l during the year is nearly iiincti • *ix ihousaml. the receipts from Ilia' m-iii-.v alone Iwlngov.-r three hundred and cight thousand dollars. The Report of the Master of M i. lii'>-r. shows fifty-two locomotives owned l»v ti,. Road; thirty-five of in good <»rd.*r.! veil in good running order, eight iie»*c U hv didn't ;.h* W . .oil 1 th« j•'oinmiitdty who wMi f.»,t.*.*I | to follow the . xampte -••(. an. lowing the advice of < unuiu Co.: i nm-i t. •ns ‘d-tr he In ought to the notice of Congress at an eanv day, I have thought It expedient to Hii»ief,nro so miicli of my aiinual report as relat's to this subject, and accordingly herewith siihmit. t«. you the aecoinpanying stafenomt. with the request that the same, If unproved, he transmitted to Congress. When the internal revenue tax of three cents per pound was Imposed upon raw eon- n by tin* act of July 13,18(50, tfie aver- •»yc price of ••middling*’ cotton in New Ye: !: for the pfvmHng twelve months Imd ,w,r, i hi excess of forty cents per |>omid. n i for twelve months next succeeding V i ' in excess of twenty-five cents per nreeint- " 1,nt " hleli range of prices the tax in • • 1 ^ , , } 'pt ' lion was undoubtedly less burdensome id > fete.- ! tii-tii the taxes imfioscd and still maiiitiin- i > ti otlo r forms of domestic industry. \t the same time It has been genefallv ' .... • , , enied in almost ail previous reports anil! "onderfully remunerative pru* 'Ml tile •lll.j. «-t thut the tlix oil cut- »"•*»«"»»« ft>rwud«n. "’va* a temporary measure, called for 1 only to he defended on the ground of . necessities of the nation, and to he iv ied at tlie earliest moment when If* • lituianee seemed likely to piove a seri- impediment to domestic production. I as an undesirable stimulus to the for- •l cultivator. That these eontlngeneh*s • now imminent, and the time h is ar- vd when the policy of raising revenue uin a tax upon cotton would no longer adhered to. will, it Is believed, appear Ment from the following facts undstate- nt*: ! Coin mis* was any measure of the product of that. ! 7 T‘“ •• iL;i0 rteld dis- '.j'ysterious country. Though its export in t'keil to Interfere in pii*1i matters, hut ill | annual average had been only about BOO.- \ so, that av. iue- might atfen : t hlsdntiesln 000. and much of that to China, when the iJ,ef'onVfi.ti..n ThebaH wmiv ..i America made its sudden call for cv’ton,. t ' . .. H ) In 1861-2. India eontiiimted more than i the imlietnient 1,000.000 bale# lor that season. There I* no was n»‘*Hy a pretexi to prevent Jd* titling evidence that there was any larger or iu the Convemion. Ho volunteered i*» i j more pueepssful planting that year titan pear at court without eompuMm, iol/, .. previously, only that price called it out. * , , 1 , . and the stock left for home use was l»v so »the militarv took the uuifter in hand, much the le«s. Doubtless, in succeeding Thanksgiving day was geucrallv oh- in ili-Cmir ll-.n-. Chair, and V *s. .1 -rh - The l hail min expi iiii the meeting to he to ree«*i delegation to tin* ••oii*'*rv: Convention, wldeli i*i<" ii rah inst. Whereupon. N. f lie delegate*, reported **.\ People of South Carolina. Convention, a* tin* action tion. Col. Jehu Cumthtgham lowing re-o o* ion-, o ld< !i bv Col. (‘iinnb ghain. N. If. Wj H oik. (ion. Gnfiln i. nil w lioin. i \d re-s to I hr •'h*pted by the of tin* Con veil i-. Col. .1 . 1*. .snlli- i.ingliam, when they were Col. Opposed t rejected: V’rso/ted. That the *• \d»lvc> tai-le. In the opinion ■<(* "*•• white citizens • f Laurens District here assembled, the • • on hi-h-n* at wld !. 1 hot addre-s lias ar rived, to wit: — th«* pe ■,«.* (white)of the Suiiih iv powiTle-s to avert the imiiend- oig ruin." and tnat -tlv re<|M»nsi filitv to .» .**»•! it \ and to the world has pistol into erroneous, and their ail- lug rejMlra. Mill fwi> In Ihe shop «>rYIwm wl^wM pairs. According to the Report of the Superin tendent of tlie Car Shop, all the ears own ed by the Rond are in good order—a very unusual thing with.railroads in this part of the country. The entire rolling stock of the road consists of six hundred cars. There is one feature in the management of ibis lload which is bv no means com* in ns in this country, and which exhibits fji-* gv«* * skill and ability **f the officers of • V IJoid. Whilst tint business of this make no uriln r effort, however desperate ftieir situation. |.» do aometiiing for their i igiif> and siife'V. *vili never be dtlier iv- 8*s*t*ted or assisted bv oilier i*»rfi“llS of mankind. lte$ult*d. That the whirc Soufcli—each man—slionbl i defend tlieui-ehe- am and to aid an*! •.• ,t- ji of relief wnieh in iy nui, quarters or p-rsoii*. pie of the jtivpare to India I in -llllh* ipaeity lo Ik •tan extra olP).(HX) i..i tlie |»rii-.* would ofiVi lit, while she Inis tin* e: her whole ,-rop when at i? -h** could n.*t all’.r: el li..-e»lnbin 1 hi*city last night. IP* were adopted asking Congress r the iii\ i.o eolton. and i«» strike l(. h o| the Rceoiistruelkm law- a* majority of the r«*gi-lvriNl ret. i- n r!ie,pn*.4tUi|iof ratification wle ft ti:ii'ion is submitted, so that it * while civilization, from and wid granr nothing to tb** o *gro race or their assistant*. Jtesolmi.Tfiat ihe i‘»Me* ha*e no*! ,!<♦- ed beyond the bailoi. fe x. and ai** .* »w •*imi)endiiig” over our hou-ehold*. Col. J. D. Williams un»v*d the action of the Convention tie adopted by tills meet ing, which was adopted. A letter was read from S. L. West. E*q.. declining ihe nomination for tlie Convention. On motion of Capt. Samuel Barksdale, the meeting adjourned. 15. S. Jones. Chnir‘i N. S. Harris. Secretary. Few Henry P. Furrow. icii have been latter abused T’e work •• i tim show*, an in. n-w-*>f ovr one hundred anti thirty j C|. ||.iilid dollar*. I.M l- e:>p.*ndfhlres. Do- j duftio. from fid-, ihe balance agaln-t. the ; L’oid 1 i-i year, give* something over tliir- [ jy-un* liuuisand dollars of surpfns receipt.- " w *• n11 Iwt"dtn» , K . r ,u t ,.„„ y mi.rupr’iwiito‘1 than tt,. 1,u "' , '" mU ailviinml hy lh«| hM()s ,1,1, |Mr „. - Tlu-tirt rari,ln K ,«fllieftra!i.tiH ,.j j£r h „ R u , H1| „.,- U | tho ,,tl.,n.,r MnJ. I> au.*ok ™n,-, s| , „ )(t ftioncinp: some fiphtoon inonths ;i^n. i-1 , K . r |, t illf.po^t) t*. lb* litm jn>ii ■ UM.vorclKliiliumlMl Diowaii-I I Tlll . A „ Kmy .x,. w . ... ... , .. 1 .-nil) ufti'ii rtiitoiilin^or iitiomptinp in n«. prosom M,p.Tl..r o.ii,,li„«, ..I ll.laj F:irnltt . M , | 5 ..,,,o,l„„ | Road, its ex«a*lh*nr qualiiy and sii|a*rlor I |vlMir 1 . |t uallt of ">'»"» * k -! L< rr " ,n ! "vviiT. lliU*,i*Hi wa, l»,rn u Ulhv. I,a. Ih- ; aerhlents and it*economical maimgcincnr. f M . M ot n, t . fi r -| lev.duii-.n in hi- . .. I are among the reason- why this great j vt ins..and wn* »dueah*.l a- a genlleinm! valid* a (ion will only re.piir.* n majority of j thoroughfare of Georgia i- s*fem*d to bv j 7I ^‘J’ iTn'Il'i'e'dde'.Vr all the \«>!'**< i-'. ; Northern Railroad men a> lwlug among j | j i„. r f y. pair loti i*m. truth and tneir 1*01111* Tliis I-one .*f the fir-t movements of tin* j the most ably eondiietwl Ro;hN in the | try ,>v,*r since. The father of Henry flvise Club ..»»•: U In tin* tight dirtvllon. • United States. f | wi»s a noble gv-ntlcniau..nihI bis mother« *s «•*• "V. ray Hi ,-u, „ Th, very .W. nn ; . rali.f^ory nty. r whk-li fhb. rmrt hn. Ira n nmni S . .| in,. ;p| „| vim. -»ml hav. r £. ihe ielininhtr.ition of M i|. Wallac'I. jquenft.v i-*ei, honor*«l in t.,«• whit.* p *o- . H*.*ome the theme of remark both at | l.d‘‘ ‘beir naii\»* Sian* with ibeir eoufl- Tytuie. Uof.irn N«*THIN(i'*.— In »i-ditieS n * j man ran ride two borers. He nnnr aWn.- • doti one hob'»v If he select- ir.«. *n*5 • * h*. * lie OilIInot claim IhuIi. Tt .1 man up* ' ofiice ov p.itr*m ige .*rt the hand* of flven } party, il is easy enough to say so !•» , r *v | lines: and if dm*.*, he shi.tiM bsv ■ • f • e.feae idea* - to whether h- i* ** •■•; 1 and abroji toe ( Imi\. In '.at- Urn* nib* under it I Vino.-rat servative !> »•*!installers, i* icdther .« >' it Rmlleak let hint s**> * . b'f him hV'*-a it. Tf • ' I'd*, an. announee th- t. But if a pwllttval aspirant of trimut *r policy may dietate silence a-the safes* am surest road to honor. Cotton tv Cor.eMBrs.—Tin* Enqnlr realm day <ay»: There was a fair d**n» «e In nnr market during the forenoon «*■• tenlayntlf «amfs' for Middling**; hut »’* • unfavorable new- by the m*on dUpat el •• so unsettled the market that we give quotation* alt**r that Inmr. • week* since. It whs Uw* writer's pwl-1 %),-»! in Co'P>r*am>*t vank- **t fH.nioevn *•■ to un*.*t the ofileer* of the Baltimore j telb*cr tor ••theean-e,” while th«otherd-uie ! Ohio, the l.iltlo Mho,11. „„l „tl„.r r:,ii- , * \ "" 'J 1 '* V,'" 1 Tl "r," ,, , . , , no blot iijhui the family >•«, intheon. no black '•<- •«< f - r »'"K """* ,l,; " »'••!*( pin tho Hook ,.? -l.rl.iiC 4 r.y hnlra •e gratitlcii at ti.- entliu*i »*•»'»•■ -»ml «*o»o ’ with sorrow to tin* grave, nvntarv liiann-.w in which rh nfiWr* ! Is R possible, then, tint H »ire P. * he null, r. fi rr .,1 In IV .ooiliii.... yonnpos, l«t .,1 hi- oon rolon. T’he principal competitor to the United States in tlie production of cotton is India, and the price of India cotton has been 'Ma terially advanced during the last five years through two agencies—first, by improve ment in machinery for its manufacture -tiid secondly. In consequence of an im provement in the quality, due to inereasod earo and handling, to the use of it* exotic seed, and to the transferor native seed from districts which have heretofore yielded the bc-tstaple to those where the product! »n lias been Inferior. Ills to tills latter agency that the recent marked im provement Ir. India cotton is, perhaps,more especially to be attributed than to any other. But he Vjp emwes what tnav beaf- nuined that where India cotton formerly bore the relation of one-half to two-thirds the value of American, it now bears tlie relation of two-thirds to three-quarters, while a portion of the crop is fully equal to middling uplands for the manufacture of heavy fabrics. Evidence exists tending to show that the pre-ent tax of two-and-a-half cents per pound on American cotton is equal to a premium of at least fifty per cent, upon the cost of raising cotton in India, and by gome authorities it is alleged to bo even greater. The tax. therefore, could with propriety be Imposed only while the ag gregate supply of cotton was less than the demand, and the price consequently fur above the normal rate. The largest con- sum ntiou of cotton In Europe in anyone year was In 1860, when it amounted to 4 321.000 bales, equal to LRi4.700.000 pounds. Of this aui'iiintthe United States furnished eighty-five jrer cent., and there can Ire but little doubt that a surplus of cotton good* was produced in that year, even with the stimulus which the low cost of the sta.fie then prevailing undoubtedly afforded to consumption. til the year 1.806 Europe obtained a sup ply of 4 513,023 bales, averaging302pounds each, equal to 1,(533.714.320 pounds, of which less than fortv per cent was from the Uni ted States, lint t!ii' quantity, although somewhat less In pounds than the simply of 18(10. was too * iv «t (or the demand for onsuuintion .,t the prices ruling,and about .*500,000 hales wen* added to tlie stock cm blind In European markets, which stock, on the 1st of Jam vary. 18(57. tho close of the European cotton vear. was as follows: In Great Britain. o,81.J70 hales; on the contin ent. 1(50,000 bales: total. 741.570 bales. If we estimate cotton at 400 (tounds to the hale (as lias Im*«:ii the custom In the United State* in the return* of the census), th* comparative -imply will aiqaair as fol low-. -uhp-et io a -rlfcht variation. lYom the fact Hint the mltoii year of Europe i- made up to the l«t ot January, and I lint o* the Hotted State- m tfce 1st of Hcptvmitcr. in I mi Vs of 400 pound- •• m h : I'OVBUMI'f JON M kl'BOCK IN lSl'SI. Am.-rL an. alanit ----- - 3.011.750 Oliver varieties 700.0ml Ttrtal. - -- -- -- - 4.011.750 HITIM.Y OK KtniOCK IN 1806. Aiwrlratt. atwmt ----- l.itnuo-'O Otl*»»r varie’les - - - - - - 2,483,285 stimulus tin prndueers and forwarder*. It is. however, safe to assume that then has always (at least in modem days; l*cei a latent capacltj' In that country to throw upon tlie market an extra, and. perhaps m tinexecpted half million of bales of cot Hu in any year, when tin* price should offei snfllcWnt inducement, and an equal ca pacity to consume at home tin* whole pro* RaILRoaP lNTEM.tURNCE.-rA tn*a»t|»:c the stockholders of the Southwestern R »i ro-d Company inullmi t«> assembh • con on the4lh of lKa*enilH'i*. proxin object 1< to consider the propriety id'hmal i gamatiugthe Museogm and •SMithwe-r* r* I Nil road Coin panics, us authorized t, v ; th. State Legislature in 1856. FAUife-rlH asserting that the Onxio has declared InThvor of any ndrtletil.*e^ candldate for the Presidency ih l«ds rl.e Macon Telegraph assorts that wlilAt l- wnfror—os tho readers of tm« paper will testify. But of course.the Telogfwph ’fill not make the correction* • f those n*u'rr' , 'i »•• »»»e i:i>Mtiition, < , / . , . .... „ jliorn to Hose up the bright r*n*ort wbn H to.I management o: tteorgia * gr**.v. r:ti»* ,d*n.|x damning and Ineffaceable blury It i »\ thorotighfar. . The names ,»r’ Maj. i l- s.ierllege to my so. Tlie dU<*m’todied v .in ! Mr. I’m,\ -ian*i airr'ir.* Hi* ' Tliost of hD gn*ar grand mother, who <'e- » ri»n» t ..»■ «• ir,. ,.,.i , t.„i ! lied tin* British and Tories at Ninety-six. '■ “•nnto't ot I •Bio.ll null h. ! ni- r ,. MMI0l | |„. rwmsM «t<] his gmndtailmr. , led Mates; and we can bm e,.n.*nr in ‘lo* j the hold, daring and adventurous C.ip’ iin 1 opinion of the present nb|eSnp.*r n'eodv.i J Tho*. Karr »w, who wa»nt fowiions V d- ! at the Na-livllln ami Challamaimi It ilo>- Korjre. Klim.,tal».aii,llftal tranp, tliirtjso.jrcmcnt nr th,. w..u ; ™ \t'antic Road, during the past eighteen quit their clayey tenements, revisit me i. uit* -, has evidenced a degree of aMilirv 1 glimpse*, of tlie * moon and cry shame! t , .t I, ran* anmns NOraiul nmn In an'v rJ}? ni £. f Tim *|,lrit «f Ilia fiUhar. Col. I “a- tillo rarrow, would look down from its eiutr\ • _ ^ _ abode in heaven, and curse the ai>o*tm& »*>n asTHRY 1>«.-Vlc7nr lliignan.I • wwurt.«»'l l.snanf h(, loin- ■•■'•UK* are among the directors of the m*w * Republican paper. *‘!>eg Etats Unis d’F.u- ( Tnt t «»tk«»n,Tax.—The \VnshiiigtorvK< , ope." to be Started In Geneva. ; of Tinvlay V.nvs that Judge Kelley has Tennessee Is debating the pjissmr. of a i made a ' rinvass ot tho House on tho snb- ,* \i* ‘‘"g law* one of the provisions nf tadifrii j j*»«*t „f lejsnlidg tlu^rotton t,x. itndVx- In •**- -.i.ill except,one *log in each family from r , .C ll..* »•xatlun. pres-e- rlioopiinoffthat the incisure will \n enterprising malt has piircfi.ised an I i* 1 ** w ^i“‘Ut v iinich difficulty. M.tid in the Ohio river, where he internist ■.•*••*. - (..ciunhlishu colony-of cuts, which he will! {IT A man came Into RIchmoNd from rose for their fur. They will in a. short; the wlldernosMht*- other tlay, ami trlwi to ii;m: |p:coine wlld-eatJ. |>ass a’Confederate $20 note, in Ignornnee No longer I* the test oath administered '" nr M ended.—Qte.hange. (•• Missouri jurors. That m in Wn« simplyVrylqgto The New Grleam Crescent calls the fa- some *nlhjlUtnul (lcorflLu»etUtor\ qjd still «o»therhtwm»",BgnS,«. II- wm.tolTo dead hm. Total. 4.0*1.285 'Flu* consumption «4* Kiiro|H>in 18(52. the year of smallest supply and of highest prbv-. w is 7.V),5nu.OiN prmnds, or. In hales of ion p.iott'1,*., 1 s.’o.150. The proportion of Am* rie to rot'on tn til’s year was some what larger than at it l tter date; hut iu 1801 it w.i» lew rh *n eight percent of a to* . t«t of over 15H0.0U0 Ink's, Tlie efni* of I860 in the I'nitwl States for the year ending September t, 1867, is f.sti- iiBited to have 'urn I nun 1.000.000 to 1.8(10.- 000 hales, out of a total delivery of 2.UOU.OO) of bales, the surplus being old cotton; Ian while this pr sluet was far more than eotild M*vw lH*en nnticip iUh! 5>y the mostsangnim; ... frkuids of free labor, Ihe crop in question tux outv -o niueh was in reality h failure. It having la»en cut n omsl short by a s.*ai*..n more unfavorable than half-developed gammon.’ 1 *#-6on«i«i^ri?d V MM* Women'* nrmra Rf*Ji'lin Tlillcy. n„ old nml n-|H»t e l the serpenta thathvIihI About a man’s neck, • clti*«r*» ol Augttsta, died on tho morning kill his best resolutions. of the 31th. closed, and services were held in several churches, j Washington, N»*v. 28.—Uc.-iduth.ns w etc passed by too Teunes-ee Legislature in- , sivuctiiig the longrcssioiiiil dt-Jegati«>n lo su-taln Jin,, •achinem and i onfisea; i *n. Gen. Grant lias is*iied the l.d.ow iog or- der; All volunteer officers now retained *6 tin* M-r\h e will be miisteml t»u:. to (liietlon. W’hen at so low pik es that It eoiihl take elicet January 1st. His. e\. « pt rim not be exported to Europe or Cliina, since ComiuUsioiiers and the liisbiir-in<' Odi.-eia the eoinpletioii of ni.iiiy hundred miles of of t |,e Bureau of Refugees. Freedniei. and railways In India, that power of adding i promptly to the world's supply of cotton Al *‘intoned Lands, lias tieeii greatly Increased. i »)' command of Gen. Grant. It therefore becomes evident that the low jj. u, iuw Hl Ji u for i;otton inuot l.o l .nHt.||...l»j lor h i AraUtam A.llut.-.nt linin',I conskleahle period, during which the do-I J v*. n« i .u. tnestlc production siiouiu not la* di-eoiir- llianksgft lug uay was generally ob* aged by the continued imposition of a til— j served .North. n*et tax. But, with the relief tint will be A warrant was issued for the arrest of ihech ^ ** f that the United States will S|ieedj|-. regain J ,n ) • control of the cotton market, and again j Arriiul of EmigruuiM. supply by far the larger |>ortioii of the to- ; Charleston, Nov.28.—The Bremen hark * ' nd of Europe for consumption.— n, lu this < self sustained by what the best authorities ay he regarded: ,nu the State Emigration cotton ill this Board. They were warmly welcomed hy country, and particularly by the late Coin- j their friends and the citizens geucrallv missloner of the United Staten to the Paris , , , .. ^ Kximslrlnii. Il,f llo.i.K.1!. Mmlj;,.. ol Mra- ! °"'J Q|i« death occarraU iliirin« t!.c | as- saenus-tts. to wljoin. as chairman of a min- “age. m it tee. the subject of tlie future supptv of ‘ Business is entirely auspended to-day, cotton was csp«M*lally releird for Invest I- and thanksgiving generally observed. gat inn l»y his colleague* on the column*- \ *>""• Tl»‘*A'.nuliisl.ui of (Ilf rfirart of ti.]«; Sotliln* wtUad rexarUIng tho trait,mil* ' ommittee, nor heretofore made piihlk*. i* . . -, , , , . as follows: * “h* 11 of the message which is not finished Having carefully observed what has been ; y<*t. dole* and is doing by ottier nations, the. Cable News* committee presents the following coiiclu- Prussia accepts a conference. Austria “' i-frot. That ootlon orowi..|r In tho South* ' ''y U,, , u « l “ el """’ r decl » r - ,, K » ***‘l** n- orn Statos, if imt’ixod. can (»* o,.nihn'(.'il; *‘ on "f the l opo * temporal |tower iioeo^- *nry to Kuropcan peace. Austria and France have concluded a treaty )cuarnutec- Inji the integrity of the Pope - , dominions. The hurricane of tho 10th. damaged the Llgtli House, and whole Parishes wore desolated. The revolution In favor of Bae* w as defeated alter some lighting, w herela the revolutionists were utterly defeated. Arrival mt Wnt«n, Chicago. Nov. 28.—Weston arrived liera at 10 o'clock tills morning. Arrival of U«n. Hancock. NewOrlkanh. Nov.28.—General Mower; tliis afternoon. Issued »u onler removing profitably and siteeegsftiUy, ns against ail competition elsewh re. Second. That if hitrdencd hy n tax suffi cient to b • worth to uho Trvn wy the cost of its collection, U cannot, at present, if ever, bo successfully prosecuted. Third. That, already familiar to our peo ple In all Its details, It is tlie only industry Immediately available and practicable to the great body of the laboring population of the South for the profitable employment of surplus labor, that Is. beyond the neces sities of crops for subsistence, in tlie pro duction of something saleable and ex changeable, whereby wealth can be regain ed; and. Fourth. That the ini|K»rtance of a large production of cottnn. as the chief export of j , h „ Meuumsnt of Police of the Second the country, In adjusting balances or trade I. ni ... ,. llr , ,, and exchangee, and especially iu iu bear- ■ :l »" •»» »ki to the < Idef of lolice. ing upon the future {Ktsition of the publie ‘ ^ Ids will prol uhly be Ills hist order, debt, »o larogly held and to Im* i eld abroad. Gotieral llam oek arrived at 5 o'clock v V ..ln f XI... tr....,.* been preserve the latter at the cost of losing the on * rom »« clock this morning former would Ik* a-ha'penn'orth of wl*-1 bail left about half |»a*t three. No publie doiu to a pound of foliy. * reception of any kind. The General left Ihe whole amount of Internal revenue the | M »»r in . itiz.ormipcsH derived from the tax on raw cotton for Hie ,' MMt 1,1 " t,J " n fiscal vear ending June ;in. 1807. was 823.-. 1 «» very Rule observance of 760.076 80; and altliough this sum emu- Thanksgiving daw The Custom House, prises nearly all the revenuedciived from |q, H t„m l .e mid a few other public otlicos the Southern seetlon m toe countrv. and , . .. . . eon.-Unite* an amount that can ill lie spared ■ r 'o*e«l. Ihe ( onvmit on and courts ml- from tlie Treasury, yet, under all the dr- !joiirncd icsterday until to-morrow, but cumstances. the Commissioner has no lies!-! the banks and businest houses transacted tatlon in recommending the immediate j |ll|wl| H , , T> |,.... v « 1 .«r 4 . l)ttoll passage by Congress of an net reiM aliug . 1 ‘ m m.m«st totton the entire tax ii|N>n raw cotton, and the 1 |, mi , ‘adlon^ of the season. Newspapers, corresponding existing duty on Imported excepting the Evening Republican, issued •ottou. the same to take dfccton its pas- age. As > et hut a small quantity of the new crop of cotton has tieeii marketed, tint if tie* repealing act he ilelayed to a lat<*r pe riod. it will evidently work injustice to those prtMiueers who may ‘hj forced to fiend their crop forward immediately, unless the removal of the tax should b.* deterred lo take effect at tlie. dose of the present rottnn year. Hepteinlier 1. 1808. If a repeal of the t »x. to take effect Im- nie*liatd) . should Im^ cumOcil by t 'ongres*. it fi»iin|iortant that one eontingcnc) -timikt be effectually provided again*t. Contract*, it is umlcrstiKMl. an* p(ojs»se<I and (Mtssihly already made, for the purchase of cotton, tax tmp;iid. to la* held in store utuil the usual. Washington !lrm«. Wahiiington, Nov. 29/—The C-cdlyer and Kelly tight ha.; finally m-eurml; Col Iyer winuiug inoiio hundred and eleven round#. Lieutenant Ilralne will Im* tried underur Indictment for piracy. Hurratt wilt prot alily have a change of venue. Cable Nummary. The Cnnard steamers carry the inalU an other year between England and New York. The French evacuation of the I'a pal States will he completed Monday. A Berlin paper say# that only ‘Austria effect—thus insuring to the speculator. exjsirtlng buyer, a gain equivalent to the has accepted tho Conference, the other .fclEi't! >•""-«—'«“*»» h™ « n*. —iv. wonhsl »s to rellcvt* from payment 0 f ] answers. ‘ ‘ 'ottou as. at the date | Bullion In t»*e Bank of England h.i* do- Niaiticd unsold h\ the! t r f> asi*d one million and tlm-e-q larter#. , . . , , , - to *r; all •oilon having passed out of From Hhimuu. almosi .IIIV liiuctn'orc experienced. ttho hands •*» the nrwlue. r to nav the tax. .. . V. . . The season of 18157 h.iis however, proveit fjf *t has „.*t ( I ready dote* «.». ^(Inl» in t d* Havana. \»»v.28.~ m. Dotutligo dates to t projtitiOils,anil the nmoiint to collie j uay e*»n the relief g». where . .- ini. n«ied.! t,u * 29th have laen received. Relnd lien* vi/ : tu hn|a>veri8he»l • id • o r. j oral Borieide w s captured and shot. Gen. lam. %M - n Ivrl ...r*T I llalNidllla. nt the head of the eidtinni, had forward U estininted by a fe aotboritie* at less than 2..VX , ..tHI() Imle 46fi imlliids eaelMfMil may men re,u*I. ... aggregate of jkOOO OH bale.. j v'; H *. i;,t (o.o ois*,’. m ,- ‘t .,,* t*.\ Ill emisideriiig thesuldectof the produc-! tion of cotton In the \ lilted States., wbh i r )iir>.Kn.M»wa«iu> is the Unh ki» Si atem. t*>. lO-Uv a',.,,.-, U«.*^n.(,ry ..I tiu. Ueslrnblet* take a large, mtlier than »» Order in Ho* Cnited •»ratesl»as lHa*n UmhhI. small, estimate of the unweiit .crop; mid > | jo report* *!»•* tiienib-rship at tlie present we asfiiiims Hm'eton*. tlie product ol uie time to he *217.*8(5. then* having het'n a iic- C'J.VSft.f* nuv? '"'"'In-C n,.|nn th.< (.rat v.*V nf U.17M m™i»r. TiMMVP«l|ir,.tiir tfi. |w-r jrar liyvo lra‘h , .V. , r 2*,. 1 u *• V• :.',v"‘“ 1 'V. 1 ’ 1 ' n 'V" r ?" or which |(,7(W&® »'«« '..lira mulcr the jnrWIIcihm of tho c ! H l 2?? hhh**vnViilliitilc |.„i ?u . i,ni| from Irallcs * . I* h'|p. vw|""l« lit im.icr(hojiiruilintliin of the (iraml Kn- '•"•"P'l.nt. The loti,I wHtf dty*HMd 4N V 2,m : : 'll, ..' Fii* „|UI»time *n« *B9ail73.97, »f which In lSA<.hrt h • n. yw ..r were by the Icxllc, mulcr the flESSSrr I l! rc ""‘ Ji«ri«notl»ii »f tho Graml Knciuiipinenr, other'lumitrlra tlmioiha l h(i«l SUIra.c.- .The rollcf by the botllo. um),r ibcntivL. imiinilt the jiirlnllctlnn of the Oraiid Knramp- e.icly wlll I,C ’ Wi'Wi’mjWiS c Inlnl mcif wo, »H.888.12. nv«lhil.h\cimi«ii,MI|i|ilyloKiiro|ii..tlM.ilni,. - — wnbOM. Such :i nij,|.|y will lw,ei|Udl t» I NuuruLK and PKTKitsnt'HO BaII.Moad Unit tir thc year Ihtht wlicn'there nt, im- (oiirAST.—The .mitinl nieetlnB ofstock- iloilhtcilly Iicurphi,: liut of thU iiuanllty holder, wu* held Iu Norfolk. Tuesday, the ^Jolted Suites will how funiMi lrra i Genernl ■ Wlllhim Slab one, 1‘resldcnt. than fortyraeron per cent. In*te*d of reml hi. report for th. Ce.r cndlne Seti- cljrhty-llvij per cent, in tln^ enr referred to., lumber 111), 1867, exhibiting » rcveiiuo of ln'.hort, on dvr Ihe stimulus of Idxh •»8,8MJS: expenditure., *215M2.0Jt de- prlee*. the world Im* prndiieeil more cotton bit <5.877.78: w hich wu -received and iIiuii It can eoii.unio at the price* of the adopted iiiiaiilinouslv. He wi, re-elected day. To elieapen prlec. may greatly ex- Pre*ldenr. left (l.r ,'lh-«. I'rrsldeiit I'ahral and staf are puialitn.. New Yonx. Xov. W.—Admiral dull! Itraki. Sloat tiled to-day, nyetl 87 year*. TlIX flXNNAN ttai.'uv I,AW* ItKI'KALKO.— The Parliament of North (ierramy haa aliolliihed all lawa ayalnat uiiirr. The ma jority of (ierniaii* have long been aware that a lejrol inaxlmuni for money Is as ah- *unl as a’ leyal maxlmtoii for eoalor corn, hot the land owner* have a notion that it- enable* litem lo borrow money ehoaply.— Hr,d, IlvMrxKtu—Harried yesterday nflcrnoom at 4 o'eloek. at St. Milllp’s Church, Jy th« ltcv. U W. Tlinma*. KamcisW. Ohuos, Ksi), and Mhk .lv N A. both of thlvclty. Wpconsradilato the happy couple ypoa tho formation of u unloirto full ofjiop*- and promlie, anil^wclcomo thorn Info th* circle of connblal bll{». . ,tS* It haatieon awertalncd that Hie man who “held on to the lwt” was a:«i"0* maker.