Newspaper Page Text
X /
OJ .wwWnw^-wHFnlt •»»>' 4HHWW <>T 1 T-nl f»« .-«•*,*, nolnh
• d :,w^m»r'• i ' "* m,,,w - jwi •“* ~
OTT O :i ©
•4. Ill
.•rf*nd niilt lo a/xnoqf”
lils;Ji limn iau iii'nr.i
P^M rti*wwHf»*iTPw mop' ffifefflwpit.
' *' ovxm^ Ur ,la u "tf"™ 1 l " “
to witato Afa3ffwftW? w
who were oppoaed to tlio Sherman bL.
#lb' I Hto ! »m»«H«ir , fc.fWiW 1 P c n iocr ?‘»
... i.worw.iopBopIngiBecowlTWMfll.uijilfr the
t, o ,«b»ww jp.flifQWfw HtflMkflX
in t!i«s, Gonycntloo—wtlllq thp ftoderq(c
. men of U*jftwi»ry.Wfq xlHMW tf »<®?K
the terms pvopospdi.Jiy :!•.#.^Wnr^Sr.
WWTKB. .1 •. * I
W)mn he asked *liq W0 , o PPW l i t0 t,H '
Hherinan bill, lie w answered l>y Mr.
Bryiinl, that the party to whom tho geh-
tleinnn belong*.. Mr. TmuimcII (hep asked
Mr. Bryant if lie was willing to adopt the
, requirements uf, the Sherman bill, to width
. Mr, Jlryant replied, bo ty»a with proper
,.i, ainentluienu. WJ)t
", TM«‘ JmsKiiti Av»iint.—The Chronicle
'and Sentinel,'of i-umlay 'morning, gives It
^jiort from MUieil^evH16 to ( th6 efRjct
Gen. Meade had sent a peremptory order
to Governor Jenkins and tho Mate Treas-
onir fOPthe payinmrt ofthoiftinds lteeessary
. eh to: pay oirtbe animals of l*o|as> menagerie.
It whs also reported that Gov. Jenkins
hail refused to obey tile order, irntl Hlitl left
"'‘"SnilWlJtevllfe fhr this : plaef.' antithaslhe
oil . thiMSetiger of Gen. Meade hud not laatn
II/, *b|a to gctj, possession qf, tile eoveled
I ....
eeinir/JW'flVWlW'/yr,.^ .WfllRW °. f »!>•
Oon. Mfiule. imule li tri<» order of ivnioyal.
that Mr* Jenkins and Mr Jon'rii tiail ^ife-
of. Wf
. f| foiled to.vfy-oifjirAto infti tjio Cojpiu^fjdlnx
, Ci'Mirfal/ And ,it Is jvusonabh; to mi|>-
t pojta that the which 'animated the
Kx-jUovernor to Issue hi* proclamation of
tlie, ltith, ‘•giispendlrigf the collection of
. taxes now subject to lx* pi4|d Into the .State
Treasurywas oiie of opposition to pro
viding funds for the Convention. llud by
desired to do the people of the State any
substantial gobd, he would have Issued
such an edict ninety days ago. Bnt it was
delayed,until a portion of the money bad
been paid In, which won suddenly removed
to Ntjw York, and relief to the people U
only afforded when money Is needed to as
sist In the work of Reconstruction.
In 1805 Mr. Jenkins did not hesitate to
accept pay for his services In the Convex
tlon called without authority by Andrew
Johnson. In I860 a Convention called by
the authority of the Congress of the United
States cannot be paid legally,' The friends
of Reconstruction will decide which posi
tion wfta the correct ofae. •
■ — ' ira^fo^S
Nivi yu CutczxxxTt.—'The Cominer-
merclal says: “General Meade, it la said,
la awaiting the advice of Gen. .Grant In
the matter of removing Governor Jenkins
and the Ntato Treasurer of Georgia. The
Governor Intenda to try the effect of an In
junction on the General, If bla removal Is
determined on.”
reason.t. Collision.—A fight a caning,
a slapping In the (lice, or something of the
kind occurred In Washington between Mr.
'. Thom of the committee ofarrangements
at the 8th of January supper, ami General
McCook.. The Star says the sympathies ol
the spectators were generally with Sir,
Tna UirvaanNCK.—Whilst a majority of
planters In the Southern and Western pur-
tlonsof this State have-become bankrupt
11 in'their attempt to raise:cotton, almost
" I" everyTarmer In Northern jGgorgla hss
1 rinds money by ralslng wbeat ann corn.
One farmer In a county northof this, who
i'" ,l! ' t twT*rltnad» ; any:. niOuey, cven,beforo tyi
■ I'Stn ‘-war/oh the cotton sensation, cleared three
thousand dqllara this year by raising
wheat,,.. !.»■». ano [ ^ |
W “''” ScarttNitoif 0> Ta*ks.—On ''Friday: last
'.'I 1 n "tiov. Jenkins Issued *' Proclamation ,su»-.
*' Dsm’dlfaji “to* bollectlon of taxes now sub-
’ject to bo'pald’lnto the TreaSiify -of the
State bv the people’ df Georgia, whether
specific or ad valorem, until the llm* day of
Jga^.dWtb^i'Ufd^Jlti 1 ""'
1 ’ That Conitrrraa.—lias anyjbod/httril
-lra.pwi or eeentbei lleport of the. Democratic Coiii-
cill ol b 'OtHtee Which waited on Gen, Maane a few
dayaalncef .WUI;the Committee Beport
cunein :nt theheitmeeting of the ‘•Clubr 1 If '«o.
■<t‘ X'n will tlie Report be publMiedf « !
uh.-ia aoWotQlsuoon »(nil»' !.
vmcsiBlw nMg*%hrMXM Washington SUr. ol
Friday, v ire find this Item: •.»eneritl
•.muss, fijA "* K “
.tKmwmhh iWfBro PLffi a
tfWfcirn r Wijtfw ot Tfiiiu-HHeiN nnd Mre. alohn Mt»r-
•!-«•} are at Will:,
do I - itii'' 'GiuiNv ANoilKOWNiohtss-Avadlcaliywln
•’ 'iiJg’TlI Arkaiifa*. held hot i work In Crpiv-
:"! " Il ’"hjnl ibhiiiyJ Arksnsus; lioiuhiurd ,Uran:
“ " “ aml lln.Wbl.ov lor I’lVslocot' Irnd VIiv*
1‘rvslovnl. .1 I
'"'.I* o| w,i |» ,
:... 11 Mini alMiwIn Kpoa' Hie, 'IVitu. then. Is
.j-sssf-t ■ not iHw iwgn, in mart' d>*STM wulu* »oti r*
ami )sd lkhlh'4! , o:*‘* ,l b' ' r
- ' . . '■’V lad tilt late lb.'|,ui'lh;uu, |riimipli In th.l
elty a. a negro Whirl ■
Dmiooutic. Xuuins* lioHmtn
lh*mih - rrtth* I'oiiVrntloi, 'liot'l' on -,he 8th.
uoiuiuatetl S,*initdr TIioiiiii, A. dlvbilrlek*.
as tin'll' i iitldldsli* fdr (bitt'ruor. : " *'
-iiigaWisi ■:,||".* i.o
OT Tin* Dully .Vei« WnW./ree hae "aanlii
Chveil nor. mid lliudr fili .iliniuu* nmvi-
nirul. The lime la prwplllona.
iNsaeus nr KihR.—Onn Instirnnre Agent
I In Kb'hinninl hue paid tlOU.UUO lor losses
by lire in that city slncu April, ISM.
FatluggtNlUciutoNDs—The wellknown
house nf Ooddln A App»rson. Richmond.
«lesion* has tailed tor a large amount.
o>|on| udflo ifigh mu Mingovn ion MummA
mini 5 be]
-/© o*lv
i.rouoiA stati: coAVH.vriov.
raa»Oar*»i«x»aa*s»«JWHilPWWRf?W» , yi|:
I ol v.!h'H‘TtmibL»rVJswbli 18G8r
Cbitfhnrfclii M«‘>W tWe teguinr: hofiK
Prayer by the Chaplain. Journuhread and
approved;"'' 111,1 " ,,v n.*Ils»ni
M^ASlrtPRX. fi itMlaMWiyskliSgCon-
gfdaH fti pis*an act lilltRoVhdng'Uilu Con-
Vebtlbn td'fiohnn eiv'I'gnvcmiiiBfit for this
State, ihht will aid -tlth''Majority, of the
volnrs In the work of IfWPHndfitscUin,
Mr! A. niovi d u MIsfH'tlsksh'ol lli“ rules,
so ‘hut Immediate ahtlnn might be luken.
Mr. PARliOTT—Mr. IShaOp/hlrK in the
Chair—opposeil tlm resolutions; Hist Iks
tiansc they donhted the ;ioweraof ttie Con
vention on <He ; (pibatton of eidlefl ' As u
Kepuhliean he coultl not makesiich an ad
mission. If we falleil to act w lscly down
would go fill the fund hopes of the ReJjub-
Ilcan organltatlnh. tho great queatlhti of
relief, find the Constitution that might: be
formed. But pass equitable relief meas
ures—make them operative by constitu
tional provision .andalliwouldbe wei)* .
' Mr. BRTANT wwaanryfilsedat the Hiut
r| argument diikhn’ hy Jlf. Parrott, lie.
lief 1rtid n6 eUaheetloh with the matter In-
tHiiliiceil. A 1 letter hail been tend from 11
distinguished I flirted' States tk*nat or. ask
ing this Convention' to^alowhatdth.ltlonal
(eJfsTMIdii was fit'Sde<l. irnilit)rdiitkitng"te
glvc’ft.'Measriros wort* already la*QM*jvon-
(Kn*lf. Thk'Semil* donbtralitbei propriety
of the House prnjKVrtion togive t|tl*.Oeh J
'eriir the |lower of appointmen*. Slid pieih;
ed to prefer to leave It with the question.
This a majorl'y of this Cnitventlofi dnslretl.
and wish d to risk forte. But further dis
cussion was useless, and 'he would in*,ye
the|ire*lnMs questloir. 1 1'/I .'it' jr.
' The yens und nSJ'i were called Upon the
question of snstalnlng the rail tor the pre 7
vlous question to suspend the rules and re
sulted yeas 74. nays 70, tut follows:
Yens—Messrs. Adktna. Alexander. An
derson. Ashburn. Bedford. Bentley, Beafrd.
Baldwin, Bell, of Oglethorpe, hell, of Bunks,
Bowden, of Campbell, Bowden, of Monroe.
Bryant Bracewell. Bradley, Buchan. Bul
lock, Campbell. Catching. Clilb Chatters.
Claiborne. CbSmbera. Cobb, of ilonston,
Costlu, Conley. Crumley, Cutler. Cnulng.
Ilavls. Daley. Dinkins, Edwards. Ellington.
Gilbert. Goulding. Guilford. Harris, of Chat
ham. Harris. of Newton. Harrison, of Man
cock, Hop.Ins, Jackson. Joiner. Jones. Lin
der, Lumpkin. Madden. Maul. Mellan.
Minor, McWhorter, Moore, of Columbia.
Murphy. Noble, Painter, Pope. Putts,
Prince. Reynolds. Klee. Richardson, haul-
lace. Whitaker. Whltehenil of
Ranks, Whitehead, of Butts, williams,
Nays.—Messrs. Akerman. Angler. Bell,
of Banka. Bowden, of Camphr.ll. Bowden,
of Monroe. Blgby. Brown. Bryson, Bur
nett, «,'Sown. Christian, of Newton. Chris
tian. of Early. Cooper, Cobb, of Madison,
Crane. Crawford, Dews, Dunning, Duime-
gan. Fields Flynn. Fort Foster, of Mor
gan. Foster, of Paulding, Gibson. Goodwin.
Griffin. Msrtand. Harris of Chatham. Har
ris or Newton. Harrlacn. of Carroll. Hlg-
hce. lllgJen. Houston. Holcomb, Hooka
g o Be, Hudson, Hutelieaon. Jordan, Key,
lug, Knox. Lee. Maddox. Matthews Mar
tin.' of Cnrroll. Martin, of. Haber
sham. Moore, of Whit*. Neal, Roaar.
Roberts Robertson,Suffold. ahlebls, Smith,
of I hsrlton. Smith, of Thomas, Speer,
Shriqwhlre, Shumate, Stanford, Trumuiell,
Turner. Waddell, Welch, Whltely, Yates.—
The question then recurred opon the sus-
phnston ol the rules and the yeas and nays
wero railed, and resulted yeas 80; nays
There not being two-thirds In tho nltlrma-
tlvs tho motion waa lost, *nf>M 1
' The call was proceeded with. ! .i l
By Mrl M ABLER, a petltltfij for the
liefqfcertaln elatses-of colored persons.
Iteferred to Cbiqmlttce on Relief; "
By Mr. MARTIN, of Calhoun, an nnli-
naneo for relief, prohibiting Jndgqienta on
debts'ehnbacjed tojWie 1st'
T My’ Mr.^TRICin.AKD.lin dWlnaneo on
adlol o*'it--T.|n ,:,(W noUj'»t r
i reaolutleU favoring tkelcolcmiaatloi, of the
dploredpenplb npOA'plillllc hlfills tl) he ,hl-
makesirhdonatlAu./ .•'«
By 'MrvTL'HNfcU,' a resolution to In-
slmet the Commuted bfif li the Hxectitlvo
ijepartipeni to rqpofj t,' fiijovlsitm for the
election of a Lieutenant Governor.
lly Mr. lVADDKfil- ii'iresolntlnn
. By Mr. WIJ1TELY. an ordinance oh re-
lief.iylpfpposiHl by Mr. McCoy, who Wise
absent.) un) irjlstrnrttnl -si
By Mr. MOORl- ol Columbia, an ordi
nance providing. (br tho enllcetlon of
twenty-live |ier cent, of debts eoiltraeted
prior to June 1st, 1305; provided said debtk
were not contracted for the purchase ,ir
slave property.: Befcrre,I to CommUtee bn
Relief, >• (Hah ,.v) w,l u<ltU*U.
lly Mr4SAVLTRR.a rcso|i|tipn aiithnr-
Islng the Treasurer of State to pay put
MOOUnto defray tlie expenses of the 0(g>'-
simtlotr. sntl providing that nogriutcrstiin
ahhnld M ti.ib) out until thetox. atithorlaial
lit* tlie Coiivcntlon. tvua eolleeteil, " '
By Mr. SMITH, of Cmvetiban ordlnanm*
in provide equitable relief toir the people
>f Georgia. il ! 1 *••>'
By the same, a resolntlon dlreetlng the
ipler In whleh reports of standing Cbm-
iiiHuys Ik taken up and aeted upon.
By Mr. HOZaII. a resolution for tlicen-
co'iingeroent of agrleiilture. Ruled out as
ladng of a legislative character. *
By Mr. SMITH, of Thomas a resolution
ill reeling the suspension of taxes. The
rules were suspended, and the resolution
wns taken up and laid upon the tabic.
By Mr. SPEER, a resolution In reference
to repslrs to the Hall.
By Mr. eUl’I' ordinance to pre
vent levy or sale of property until the
meeting ofthe next Legislature of the Buts.
TfiLEontruib isTni'uoiatt;*.,.
nmhorlslaL'-rhvgiilii oC Harper’s Ferry, wiu
Iritroii^etifj aUd, bnhgidtil lftg the Federal',
'prmy, 1 .,1.;*;‘
' Tho Judlclnry Commlttwwerc required
to report a bill regulating Impeachment
1 Information aqm Ok* President reganl-
Mng Bin Burlingame's Chinese mUsion was
lly Mr. MARTIN, of Calhoun; an ordl-
colored person, khall not hold office, and uponWfcttjlJTOtloii to suspend rules tba*
pllaiedtlhg MflJ.'Gf'ii. Ilnheoek, tie. The ' demanded,
rules were 'ftufpcpded niid the resofiitlou! The Secretary of the Treism y teas askeil
was taken tip.: * whether there am not surplus funds on
Mf: AKfeKMAN apposed tliQ re«»liiMon hand which could not bo ndvautagooiisly
beeaiise lie Wns not well enough ndvlstaj us 'sanveyed Into the Treasury,
to the ooursC:,of General Uaiieoek, mol The hill amending tho Constitution and
after a brief discussion tlie resolution wits te pruvkle a trltainul to adjudicate dHTor-
indefinltcly postponed—yens 12:!, nays 13. eiiees between tile Government mill Btntes
Mr. WH1TELY, a resolution that «|l '"'^ taken up. blit the Senate went Into
makers pertaining to rollef.' now In toe Kxiantlve seealoii and adjourned,
hands of. banded to too Com- House,—Under the regular .Monday call,
uilttee «n Relief, and bcnoefortli no new ; hlBs were Introduced estahlishlngaflureau
matter shnll be presented, to the Crnveii-'fnrtho' pellef jif ffeedtnen; defining the
iib'p, thp'hiKa.d^MI sh«p*nilqil and thejbelBgercnt : rlglit*oi',th<il7nltod'Stnte(re-
resolutlon iepa ,|aiij on the tqhit|. ,
Mr. SHROPSHIRE, from the Committee
on Finance, 1 ^reported tho following!!
Your committee beg leave to report that
preteruilttlnghuy hplpldit as tothoWlifilty
ui the ConstltitBon of i8fi5,’Or the ‘fiifii ol'
thy ORnefAl AsileifijIy ilyit'iglM'ell under
Juuf.iHfi, .Vlrtoe' hf. Its authority, wb beg
lease, la ' reeoihiifehd t)io afibhtimf oftobi
AdlotiTng' resfllutkft) f' 11 "J i v 11
1 lie Sol Veil. That In the opfulbn'of.toe
Convebtloii It Is hnwlso ailit irtexpialtont
to Jirbltly or Ijifilrbcfly' Interfere with the
iMUMltoq of Blb Ocneral' AJaenlMV, au
thorizing the Issue of'btiiids hrf' 1 thei pup*
nose of paylng'tlle indybtedricsorth* State.
IVubtor SitooraMtuK. Chairman.
.••On motion, tlu< rules,'w^fq, .siisponded; i
anil the resolution wss taken up.
Mj 1 : CONLEY moved the adoption of
the peaolu'tloh. ' ' ! ' ,l -“
Mr BKDFOUDadrlsed the Convention
to be careful. The resolution waaa broad
one, and covered an Immense amount of
financial legislation. It has been reported
that improper legislation had occurred
alnbe 186ft, and thought delegates bad better
explained and advocated the resolution.
Mr. BLOUNT stated that the last Legis
lature had carefully examined and classi
fied the public debt. The war debt had
been art aside, and the b *nda now out
were Issued for toe ante-war debt, and toe
debt contracted since tins surrender.
A motion was made to lay too resolution
on the table for the present, and that 300
copies bo printed. Lost.
The question recurred upon tbe passage
of toe preamble and resolution, and they
were adopted without division.
Mr. CQTTING offered a resolution re
questing the Commanding Genera! to In
vestigate all' proceedings connected with
the late,election. Objection being made
the motion was withdrawn.
Mr. BRYANT, from the standing com
mittee on Franchise, reported, tho chapter
on tot,elective franchise. The report pro
vides for universal suffrage, except such as
are disqualified by ArJIeloU of tbe pro
posed amendment to tlie United States Con
stitution, or by the lau|a of Congress.
Registration Is also provided for. The re
port waa laid upon the table and 500 copies
ordered tp.he printed.
Mr. FAUUOTT moved g suspension of
the rulgs tojtake up tho reports from the
Commit,too on Relief, and niakf It the spo-
clal order for to-morrow., ' ' . • '-.-i
Mr.TURNER read a resolution declaring
that no buaincu be transacted until a Con
stitution was framed. , . ':, : i
i Mr. BRYANT opposed the proposition
to suspend the rules. He preferred to con
sider the reports of the committees on toe
Conttltutlon. In the order that had been
decided upon.
Messrs. 1* ABBOTT and nOPKJNS ihfaf-
the subjset mlghttoe disposed Of..
colored persons khall not lord' office,
.Wwi .Hygijali u-^naT
motions were made, when the Chairman,
(Mr. Snfibld In the ('hair.) ruled out of or-
__ _ __ 'omVreJ-iWitliPreefilWitJbitxs^* wantoft
iler as being matter of’.''leg' “char- 0cn.GonDON0asN.iva for the place now -
acter. Wi« ns-tio»n*vs* I ' *:; T 1 lilJBffntGlfct Gem Mksds^ but under the
i ra fV’tol r Tin >[ w> V" " Recbnstmctlbn Acts GSiNuaa waa not
qnlrlng twu-tlilrda of the Bnprenia Court
to pronounce laws nnconltltutlonsl.; for
the iMssageJofa tariff hill as soo'iigjj'floesl-
ble; etilistructiiiga wllroail tujdge ptrbaa
the Oilin'to Paducah: to flindtlui national
ffilt t'/jvjr' nrotifclili^ Artcrlean 1 citizens
abroad; .tiveluriiig tli t qj^i|^lj^;'ji|)j«1<?»
•Nib 1 111 >- -J-' ' .1 il': ./no't *—b-itlt: 1 -m :
, The Kpeaker'snbmrttsd n eoaunnuiiptlon
from thi"Al’ar Department. nsUliig trnmr-
(ihrtatipn Booth fautinm ■
1 The rules sere smapeuded by. S 'votu of
116 rtf44, tof the Irttrodnetlmi of too wldl-
tlonil Reconstruction bill, tolcgrapeij 1 ou
Saturday; The hlllf will be-debated to
morrow and Wednesday; when tile, vote
will' be taken, fhij minority Is 1 pledged to
maku up dilatory motions.
Tho rules were suspended, and a |>IU in
troduced and passed making five Judges
of the Supreme Court a quorum, ami re
quiring two-tlilrda of a full bench to make
valid any action Infringing, directly or In
directly, the laws ol Congress, and should
a District Court decision affect in any way
tho constitutionality or validity of the
laws, said decision shall be certified to tbe
Supreme Court, and unless two-thlrda of a
full bench concur, said decision shall stand
reversed. Tbe vote stood 110 to 00.
House adjourned.
The impression gains that tbe Senate
won't sustain the House In its aggressive
legislation regarding the Supreme Conrt.
The proceedings Iq the House to-day
render the passage of the new reconstruc
tion bill, on Wednesday, almost certain.
This evening’s Express says: “ We have
reason to believe that Gen. Meade has been
«^«nrml that Gen. Grant will stand by him
In any action that he may find It necessary
to take regarding the Governor and Treas
urer of Georgia.”
S. S. Cox was nominated fortoe Austrian
Jos. Lemiock, second teller of Moses
Taylor’s New York City Bank, to too al
leged defaulter alluded to In toe noon dis
patches. The bank Is a strong concern,
having a surplus of nearly *1,000,000. Len-
noek boil a furlough to visit the country,
but went to Europe.
After tho vote, on the bill to reorganize
the rules of tho Supremo, Court, In too
House, to-day, Mr. Garfield moved to sus
pend tho rales, that be might Introduce a
bill to reduce and Improve the military ear
tabllshmentby tho discharge of one Major
General—the one last commissioned lit the
grade before January 1st, 1808—Hancock.
After il decided Intimation on toe part of
Messrs. Brooks, Randall and others, that
they would resort to llll'bustcrlng to pre
vent tbe bill from 1 passing, Mr. Garfield
withdrew hie motlon-'glvlng notice that lie
would renew it next Monday.
The tomato to-day, after an Executive
session of4v* hours, peered tbe resolution
reported from toe Committee on Military,
declaring the nsaffiffimniMlnlW
Reconstruction Acts,
eligible.,. ii„,iv m’1’111,,',1
CT ft to announced that. “ Mnntgomeiy
Itlalr will soon come out publicly against
General Grant,” and It Is added that ’‘even
now be does not hr,lisle tn say that: the
General never will be. Ijniaidont,'! :
TuaMoniLx Advzxtihkk and Rkiiistzh.
Tills paper, which I* to the Democratic
party South, what tho New York World is
to the same party North, has donned u
hew anil handsome dress. ,. !)*'
rzusoxaL.—'The Rev. A. Vlih Hose, the
efficient |(a>tor of the Baptist Clmrch at
Enlkuls. has accepted a call, to Murfrees
boro*. Ttnn. i
CotTon in CoLuuncae—The quotations
yesterday were 123 4 'nl:i. IVnrchonse sales
on the Uth 381 bales.
JotilLSzuanc.—Mr. Leon Trousdale has
severed his eonnoctlort with the Meiii|dds
Appeal. l'_ ' • * ! ■» Iil si.
13T Bell Boyd, toe notorious. Is biille-
tlhwl to niqicur on tin; stage III French
Theatre lit New York.
DFTliey are to be Mlltcted with the ob-
secnltU-a known as the “Black Crook,” In
Mobile. V
To nu PaasiDsar or via F. C. D, C.
Ia your party for or agalnat Relief f
citizens of tlie United States, was ordered
WiSityiltWMiio > .f/.nmo
Gcii. liptier arrived to-day. ‘A‘ large
couconrse of negro societies, and-several
prominent Republicans In coaches, eiicort-
cd him to it hotel. Ho speaks 1 to-night.
Loulslnsm Convention.
New OitLEiNS, .Ian. 13.—In tlie Conven
tion to-day, a resolution wits ndpted In
dorsing tin: proposed action of Oongmis
with regard to tho StatoGoveroments.
An ordlnaee waa adopted providing that
all registered voters desirous of remaining
on plantations In tho precincts where they
registered may do so, making it a misde
meanor for any person to eject thorn until
after the vote on the ratification of tho
A resolution asking to* continuance of
tho Freedmen’e Bureau was adopted by a
large vote. . ■ /
Tho holnnco of the session was spent In
discussing article sovcntyvfour of tho Con
stitution, anil adjourned without coming
to a vote.
Nieomer Ilnrned.
Tlio steatner Huneger was hurtled .yes
terday on the Ouachita flyer. Nine luui-
drqd.bales of cotton with the bont,und oiir
tire cargo4* it total left. .
From Washington.
li'XsniNaVoN, Jnn. 144—Certified Xbplsa
of tiie Bcnatc's action regnvdlfig Htnntou’s
tuspeutlon were farnlshpd'fjjp,|^resi
Grant and'Stanton Host; night.' Grant and
Stanton hail a conference lato last night;
and met again this morning, at toe Wa»
Office. Grant left the office soon after
wards and Stanton remained. Stanton re
ceived seals from various officers if the
Department, but up to noon had, not for
mally commenced buslneis.
Up to noon the President had taken no
action In toe premises.
Snow falling heavily.
From California.
Six Francisco, Jan. 14.—The steamer
China sailed for Yokohomn with half a mil
lion of treasure.
The British bark Oltver Cletts, Is a total
Gen. Fred. Stelee, late Commander of the
District of Columbia, has died of apolexy,
Heaviest now last night since 1847.
London, Jan. 14.—The London Morlteur
says that Naples la tranquil.
Gen. Napier bo* arrived In A,blssjnls.
Papers found on prisoner Hon. Lemon,
expose Fenian plans in Ireland.
The steamer Chicago went ashore to a
thick fog near Cork. Passengera, crew and
specie, wero saved.
Tho French commander in Italia asks
Napoleon to allow the French troops to
return to Romo, on account of tho crowded
condition of the barrackB at Clvlta and
Viterbo. This causes distrust at Queens
Os tba Proposition to Doolan Vacant to*
Civil Offices of th» State.
mug in support oi uie resolution
ling. I bad hoped that Its passage
t have met with any opposition
honorable body. I based my
Delivered In toe,Constitutional Conven
tion, Monday, January 13th, 1808.
Ur. Prttidmt; l did not Intend to have
•aid anything In support of toe resolution
would not ha-
from this ho ,
Ropes upon the fact tost not a Ha* of the
resolution I* drawn outside of toe Recon
struction Acts of Congress, under awl by
Ira authority of which this Convention
res convened. . ,
But, time has proven that my hopes were
_ot well founded. The animus of the en
tire opposition seems to have been aroused
for lu' delense. Requisitions have been
made upon Madam Rumor to prove that
too Republicans of this Convention are In
opposition to Reconstruction under the
Merman bin. ;/
The gentleman
^^^nVtT^toiw^M^ l^vur.fltoeon.t^i.or„o«ro^dow P '
; ranit ♦!«•* ttinir Jp JiPli ».o—•-*!.— Util-
mer t,' iprul^fts^'jwif tott 'they
therefore, voneiir in the>ct of suspension: we are drafting * CpnsUtutlon, Meiore w e
The vou on the pkosago of. th«/i solution “
wW fdrtw tiajrinwiih ,, '
rbe Senate then ordereil a certified copy he may latredooe a resolution asking Con
a.hl, Onnt and Ktanton.
dent, Grant anttAantaM*, ., l{ , ...
in theSnpreme Court. Clements vs.Nleli
oison. ami Moore vs. Clements, from West
ern Texas, the det|e\oni were fever.ed, with
dlreetlons to enter a decree In scqordnb'cef
Idigan vs. Atehenson, Ki-teru DlffiffifiFaf,
Texas, decision reversed with costs; Tlie
Dulled Slates vs. The 8e '-\Vltohqnd tiirzo
from Tzmlslana. decision affirmed..'.
Bouator Thayer Will Introduce a bill fra-,
morrow to reilnco khe number ot Major
Generals to four, and of Brigadier Gener
als oblect of which Is to <cgU-
late out, of comnijsslon Major Gen. llon-
cock and Brig. Men, llou-seau.
Virginia Convention.
KttmvipND. Jnn.13.—In toe Convention,
a resolution appointing a commlllre to.lnp
quire Into the propriety of relaisliig VIr-
glnla fojin her .debt Incnrred jurlur and enougVi tn chu:
during the war. waa told «V*f., (l
Tlio amendment eat bn dying t*cogn|.|bn
of the Dcl|y In the Bill of Right* was
adopted. ' ’ ; '
An article declaring that Virginia shall
ever remain one of the United States, and
a substitute to tho effect that the Govern
ment of too United States can only be dis
solved by the consent of the majority, or
trmed revolution. Both wen* offered by
republicans, and discussed until tho com
mittee roe*.
his remarks on Saturday last, that the Ri
h alt of this Convention were PPMseil ,to
Beconurnetien under said bill. In reply
to the gentleman, we'affirm that each and
every member ou our aide , of the house 1*
wvuurji gw, uuSff luMjEmfirr Jjaebn-
Structlon bills Ry tlie authority of.which
(ettUMBttJnaaJ ^......
etude their constituents from ever sitting
In another Convention, In s' Jury box, or
oldlngany office of honor, trust or profit
III tills ritate.
The gentleman from Fulton, said that
pow er was all |.ir Radical aldeef the bouse
wantetl. This was truly said,, but Incor
rectly conceived, and misapplied.
We do not wish power for the purpose of
eaptorlox and lobbing the treasury, of
(ieorglm as tbO- two very learned, polite,
‘ttslonsl gentlemen from Fill on and
-ru snnported by the'“puddingbag
oliewor.y and the gentlr
rebowu. would li ivol
Conreiitloinrohleryand plunder. Very
learned, and exceedingly wfilte, It appears
tn ua more goiiti-el terms might have been,
used and the end attained Jus; as cary, .
The VOW i»llte. learned and highly Wtl 1
cWed gvfillrman from Fulton, was'Vulgar
Cnnventlon. robheiy.and ugeil ltasan argu
ment in detimse uf Governor Jeiiklh* . ad
ministration. and t'nr Irgell'y.of the O-h-
Stitmhmoi Georgia, fr/untd in In A, under
ami by tho autlin lty uf Andy Jolmsoii.
Our residutlnn only requests Congn-t- to
ika-eotirpower—the |Hiwer ilelegatcd to
us hy Congress—operative, that I 6 olll-
otalswho wero In office at tho time the
pending resolution was drafted. Our ob
ject whs tn capture me officials who were
using toe treasury of Georg.a or tt< funds
Indirectly In aid of the objects of tbe Ma
con Convention, whleh le toe deleet of toe
measures of tola Convention, end the Con-
HD W* may draft. I said that-tho
if too treasury wero being djftd to
I— . Reconstruction.
Tlils po*ltlon Is sustained by well - con
ceived imt acknowledged.- tools, that tho
.They only appropriate a’portion of
tllrir salaries to suattln their own ideas of
fumShtoory “d ,lleir P ° Ucy l “ Tu i*' ,,R K
fu support of this It U well known that
Georgias officials were drawn on from
Washington City to aid Andy Johnson’s
Reconstruction policy In the North.
• Henco too nceessltlet ore In propotiou to
tne power it uaa to overcome.
IV hat Is that power ? and where located ?
It was located at Mlllcdgcvillc; and too
head, strength, and power, all centered in
cx-Gov. Jenkins, and used to defeat Rc-
lu this country wo dctcrmtno toe
strength and power of a single individual,
acting ns an official, by his lnteUigence,
virtue, and his Intellectual, morel and so-
olal position*
Thla being toe heals upon which public
opinion stands, builds, and fixes lu preml-
oes, we, therefore, say that the official head,
which our resolution sought to cut ol);
stands pre-eminently high In Georgia. No
man occupied a higher Intellectual moral
and social position tban'Es-Gov. Johklna.
Hu has been respected by all, kiVfd by
all, and honored by many.
Bubhls dfij* his ended, and the result
show* tout bq U afrilure, and too date of
hls.Uilnre may be noted too 21st of July.
1801. On that day, Charles J. Jenkins and
tho honorable Speaker Were on the sumo
mountain, ooittpyingitoo same
the time the * telegraph.,announced, from
BulUfuit too of,tlio American
army. There and then, Clmrlcs 3. Jenkins,
ol Georgia, surrendered his ■ nationality,
and dcnfcil his Constitutional olriigatluns.
Tfierr.r - ’ “ ■
: and then JiccommenccditU attacks
tho Federal Government, iind it is
presumed ho will keep thorn up till the last
setting sun shall close up bU living brow.
And-porelmnco ho miy unite with hU
Mississippi co-wprker,and turn over In Ids
grave, and say—the reconstruction meas
ures of Congress under which wo are
working, are unconstitutional; and a fraud
upon toe people of Georgia,.
it ia said by the political friends of Ex-
Gov. Jenkins that lie Is pure, and they de
fend, on this floor, his administration with
all the force ami power that the vulgar lan
guage of the gentleman from Fulum can
give it. 1 will ask that ge ntlcman and the
dltlcal friends of Ex-Gov. Jenkins, Ifhe.
o Ex-Governor, paid the two attorneys
who defended Georgia’s special aud select
citizens before toe Supreme Court, and toe
United States against theeffectg of the Re
construction measures of Congress, and if
lie paid them, when nm! how did he get the
money? He has had no Legislature to
make tlie appropriation. If tlie gentleman
boa the will to answer this question he can
have three minutes of my time to do to.
If the money has been peld toe people
ofGeorglawIsh to know by what authority
the warrant waa drawn, and by whom
signed. If toe gentleman does not answer
aatUfoctorly. 1 give notice that I shall at
the proper time and plaes offer another re
solution, asking this body to appoint a
committee to go to MlUedgevIlle and ex
amine the official records and acta of idl
the Kx-Governon since toe 10th day of
^ir&.ldcnt I will now take my
leave of Kx-Gov. Jenkins, as Ills official
head has been taken offi and a man from
Greenland* ley Mountains put In his place,
as he can now do no hurt nor harm ex
cept that which he aveka to serve. Ills star
has set—hIs sun haa gone down behind toe
mountalnaof hit errors. The dark clouded
spots In his odmlnstratlon are being lit up
by toe soastn tola Convention, which will
serve to mark toe apot where Jcnklna and
hie political friends went down.
1’eace bo to tholr errors. .
Correction.—Tho report of the InteUi-
gtneer, of Thursday lost, contains the fol
lowing: ’
W. H. ltozar presented an onlthance that
all people of the South lately In rebellion
bad forfeited all rights and Immunities
guaranteed by toe Constitution, and that
all contracts made daring the existence of
that rebellion ore forever null and void.
Tbe following waa toe ordinance refer
red to: ■
Whereas, Believing justice demand Im
mediate action for the better condition and
* elfarc of all citizens of the Ntate or Ter
ritory of Georgia; and ‘ ■ 7°u .
Whereas, Itls acknowledged and
ceded that toe Institution ol slavery Wi
--«- .irmirTC untaifo,.-
toe basis of all credit and indebtedness di
rectly or Indirectly Incurred, and tbe
financial lever of every re«|«.c,tiye voca
tion pursued in In this State or Territory
irlor to the rebellion against the United
UUMfiMcricsi Wui ,.j - ii
Whereas. Believing the people of this
State or Territory forfeited every right,
privilege, and Immunity given by the
Constitution or tlie United States of Amer-
lea,,by engaging in aforesaid rebellion;
Whereas, Believing the destruction, de
vastation, and Irreparable losses sustained
on account of the late rebellion against toe
United States of American, are Beyond all
equitable redemption: anil .
Whereas. As a requirement of Justice, It
citizens of (fils State or
Whereas, As a i
Is fxmsJdepirtW? —
Territory are not entitled to any right,
prlvlllgreor Immunity permitted by too
Constitution of the United StnteSof Amer
en; therefore.
Be it ordained, In Convention assembled
by the Representatives'of the people of
this State or Territory of Georgia, That all
debts, contraets, and obligations whntso-
hy declared, henceforth and forever null
and void Immediately thereafter the
adoption of this ordinance. J
, OT At a dinner given hv Gen. Grant last
Mondny, Mr.Stnntnn was among Ihe guest*,
nia pretcnco there Is taken an a contradic
tion of the report that tor ex-Heerotary
and his auecraaoe have a quarrel on hand.
mtaA/affiMk I'lltr. 8/A.
{37* Mra. Lincoln sent a ramel’s hair
shawl. R litre- dress and *18. as a New Yeai’s
to Mr*, Kllta Lincoln. «t(fp»niothcr of
Uu» lute l'rtotdcnt, now rcffUlin^ at
Cliarltttnn. IlHuol*.
-Rid Crook.”—A pity under tbit title
It to be Inaugurated In NubtUIe In a few
»a> 0