Newspaper Page Text
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• iF.UIrJ ifll/n/ian Tm t rlrtttffl
J 'ijJi'i* r^l -.'H 'i'ir7rrrrir»r
:;;vl Atlanta, 0 (?a;, Tuesday morning; march ii, iscs. -:
>.iii:< . ■■,« ijil-id. i»l»-tt ulim-.lit Iota .nnln'1 nU I" 1 ■ * 1 * 1 • 1 , ' l ‘.‘..‘ ' '' • ,
)TERMS-$3 00
7 lliilijloiil sii,i*. '....V.'.'iViT
il Tin' iltiiMiinMiatt of
atc'd l£vvry ihlim H jjeutiw tldvlIlolHy
ijn Utarcatle**: temper Of tlio multi-
—* '"’-’"“rtlli ytoteean*.Iiyai!IHI!i' ad thHr
Deihocriits, of Coluuik^ , b M,4| 1’fcK cstc< l
the name .of.ilstiry I/. • BefitrttyfV Jjf tha$
city, as a suitable candidate Jfflftjyj^rnon
Gen. BcnnRi£ is aii 1 ,§nd U
perhaps one of th^i most worthy and
available Wfii\ In Iht party; W#.fc»fmv not
whether he opposes IiatlflcftfjotL pro-
Mb. Ciusk and tirK T^Vrititii wr<s.-- lb(j
rblladelphla Prert «ay’cjjfc/ jf ustica
Chase, “In his dignified cq»y»umientlon to
tli<j Senate, hjwspM nothing towarWHt thij
displeasure of the Democracy.*** To which
the New Yoi^TTIiixcs ryyppink:
“That isfftfc^ hift is^rnot equally trua
that he says nothing tb : whi HlnT llm Me-
nunciations of thV cXtrtytyc Radicals? Tim
Press seems in dined iWiMVJect to the letter
of theChief Justice, only il>eu;iiiso It gives
pleasure to the Democrats. This is very
like the feeling Which MaMulay says led th«
Puritans to obieettatayy^hf I ting; it was-
not because tlicy eaicd for ill c^su tier mgs nt
the bear, but ttlAy'i^m pyt iulffiratc the
pleasure of the spectators^ ii !
Mixkd.—The Culqifibu* £>uu canfMnrds
the name o( Julies AUviua, 1 Eoqs CoUcctifr
of the Internai Revenue for thW TMstrfct,
wiUi tfiat’ of Mr. AilkW, member of the
w herein It is asserted that the watch was
stolen by a member of the Convention.
This is a'fntetake."Mr. AWkliUMs quite
]H)sitl>'c,that^hfr t b Jy f wiimi *hhi
Jie ■ vfn<*ii ;*hlt% lrtah, anu fifr ought he
kuows to the eoutniry, a Democrat.
v the battle m."
JirebdUiuiltel W> Vhe
del phla j
pMebment is
Th«n0e&. Grant
Impeachment sc be me. 4 s tliut
gramme? _ P SA
Sk»nificaxt>—The address of ;tfie Demo
cratic Central Committee, of New Hamp
shire, contains this significant passage:
We enjoin you. also, to sec to It carefully
that she Conservative voter whom misfor
tune ur oppressive taxation lias made poor,
be not too sorely tempted by want to ac
cept the prollerod bribe qf-bl* eneuvy.’
Doe* this mean that if the diefiiyyfTcr-
bn© barrel of ffoiir for a vote, tuat the
1 >cmocrts should offer two ?
Jflrjtfifr‘iJibhgo -‘oK
Democratic and Conservative, **-<•%*>-
ward Chief Justice DIas^ tyfi-li^'rtJcTi&'t
(long kafpfcete‘d!)"ll»at .radge ( i* more
Radical itf’ name man in fact.' We have
known tbis'fln^ aomb' tiimf. MetV’tiPlfls
calibre are KcktotirMCtHHiilMAf They can’t
be. Kxirctiux’pfosorljitive ildiiftiv^ find
alWdinff plficeonly in ijitle minds. ’Such a
man us Salmon B. (.Hahn Always rises
aitove mejfl J>arti7„-m iiiUeiiess. -h- •
DKl.RU.trKM T&ytlfCUu/jdlJ Cox V gXTldSt
Ti:0 foliowing urw the delegnTt’S elveT
from this State to the Cldeogn Not tonal
Convention, which assembles ou the JOtli
of May next:
IiKLKOjtThs at Foster Dhwlgctt.
J. It Parrott, K. Ilulbeit. ILHopkins.
ALTimxih/ ^nulling. Jb K. Mu-
Cay, J. hsfwanl.
First DUtiiCt.—Arfcrilan-ls, Isaac See
ley. . .\ P
Second District.—K. II. \\ hileley. John
Murphy. . f • . •
Third District*-—4, th* Mniill. W/jC,
Smith.- • • ' '• "
Fourth -DMi-ht—G. O. Wilbur, W. H.
Whitehead. , k „
Filth DiafritfutW. fi* tofifug, bphraiui
Tw'ewltyv ’ •*
Sixtii District.—F. tY. Adams, Madison
Bell. ' ..
^Seventh Idsttlet.—I.*i\ Gudgcr, \V, iy
Each of the delegate* from the Congref-
fiiouid Dhai , letK'a#e*efilfHJWert l fl / tdiu!e'ct tfn
a termite in ease hfc shonld be,u,b^e 4p at
tend. 17 ^ * ‘ ' 5 ** * ': lxM L,.
Tine Rvkal Soifjiikiwiai.^-Thh is the
title of B t)ew numtb^y p» vkalAmU.; edited
by/Saiwuel A* .BolmhvanU pnMishWt w
MeM'rf. Miller, Winliam A Hailey, o? thf
city. Tfw*rhMiWr , la'h»re‘ us fs fijf(td»om«5- i
IyiWh‘ttMraniffcd*rili(jp?,i! ,l,1 ^ , t :l V^ valu "
ablp utyd i^vteh^ling to the hoftiutilturtHek.
nnu the gei^era) reader. .We/wi*b'itrt m w.
gti<e Ji,/.m"!"* <*
• .—r^nrjiafcljrnrri——^’f
u,- Major H. il. uilljer, formerly of
the OonMiiMlu unf, »u<l rfflTYhrflul lp
MoHII« dottniirtW' a week
•Ince, near ffffojtv.WwtAKV
county, Ala. Vmt
—,r——ttotv >\>i. -*gt
OT The Catholic Church in SidnlySfUec
pro^UcaDiilftM 4|r« |>crforBicA How i«4t
♦withi man ? t Ftdthiots to - *! Most! '4/tfy bnbi
ftc beiinfy *dlid grandeur hi WHfb'iirtMdOi’
rililt'd by^^t’hb 1 contrast.' ' '* Ve
WImtarcyou timowierving, Iiair-splitting
editors about? With tlio press, tliaPgreat
leVer ! of pb*ier, In yotir hands, you'sliOUld
ygry fbuh^atlyu* qf error.' On
thc coutnii y. It would* »ecm, judging from
^ its fruits, of lute. It lisd produced thore eti(
d [ftmh ^tfjV’A^Vwfi^t^Kro'dtii-
■ Ylcegei-iiif,,'pf, jh'f .Haqrod jt'ross
and wiielil—w hut are tliey doing? Aih-
tlicy fully ^InlietHii the armor of Salva
tion ? Ale thi'y ’ qit.ehehln^, or ‘kjtj‘d}lijg
most of Ji/s^l Jjre V- VYJmresmileatho goMon
Ucs|M)ridr* iti whleii tiieliiifmlni |»rolill<f
ban f? •»- Arc rhc!r lj bfoWs , gjfrJA'hdMl
\frrh ’’ 'jHatab..
/>Vdih? Are i tlicy...B.,seV' of,.drone* in
tlie boo4»ivo of liudiaulty ? -Thm* '*h
In the tmr of nirlHIniwluWtliWf npiti* 1
it *2.(yxt ye*nt ago,, * £.o| It inyuliters nn tbe
traeki and, at the very Htatiou w here Plato
left It then, fcfcdibatlf after Sabbath they
gitwt their Anditors'tfMlf tiki, ^bservatlo.ryt
of v de^iJ f bfi‘t 1 fritifipg ’ cllritiirles. Thorp is
the Rev. Epliralth SmoiSlu nil amkles.' iind
biandi-hments 'during the week, with h
‘•cut ayd dried "dlsHfSfilpu lu hi* pocket.
riViUP oily 'tongiie hU la^guage flow*" as
(rom jyj^wrJy stieain into sentence* nni-
eicala* melodies, to end ih periods rdtibd-
4A gip? etiphimlous. Iri lUeas lie is pdor,
Vhgtie In j hilospliy, and in religion iudls-
Uncbi Tho transeoiulontallims of thu day
have won upon ills cat, and the infidelity
of unbelief Is an dc^dsiohal gue*t of liis
tliouglit*. Fain ua#wi»Hie substitute the
doctrlnos «f sbcrtite» for tbi* • of
tTlirist; but Year of indignation causes him
to trembli; he.fqre .tlie good |n»opie of Ills
congregation. A* to politics and politi
cians tlicy should lie tcWnm' mentioned
now-a-days. They, lan e lost tho dignity of
their )iast estate.. The <giant oaks of the
iorest have long since fallen; and a spurf-
mik sjt'kly gVoivtli rises in llicir stead.
They pave become so corrupt, that even
the '.lime bird of the N ile would disdain to
soil Its wings in their IlltliV pools. Take a
glance, for Instance, at old Matlo'W Pln>ed-
out. as fit! still Went* the Valley of dry-
i»otie» for soiim rotting carcass of tlie dead;
and say if your souWees not instinctively
till with disgust. A demagogue f»y nature,
and by prsetl»*c a charlatan, he throve for
a time on the unsateil madness of the mob':
but now there ure none .so pot»r au to- do
him reverence, lie has had Ilia day. lli>i
Min Is set. His starless night Is overhung
with an unbroken eiottrt of deep and ilattbi-
ing n*morse.
. JMdaUu -roasAWi ever wcewr-Co-ymr.-Mr.
K<liter, why tl.'e>c arb go dndiy dull axes
to grind now-a-days? Every man . you
meet lias an **axu to grind.” ^nd,ftirtfier-
morp. unb.«s vou are expert in turniug a
crank, they have but little n-c tor you. If
lemdius mo of u couplet of Hyron»j in
whi£h he s:iy«:
The worlit U a tmndlaiif-liaj, •
M.iiii. n I are the llist '•
.l am no parodist, but I will atjeihpt to
mmlemi/.e the alaive—so here goes:
- ! The vro?M Is u mill orthflUmti. t
Mankiiul huvv their axe* to griuti.
Ay. and the most of them get ground
wUh.tbelraxes. Even the women are not
without axes to grind. There goes ^nc
now, lieautiful as a day-dream.wnd »\fee^
;u Uie fH riiiuie of the lirliotr-qie. with an
axe to grind. Arriving at tlie milltfjiv
object ol* her mission will be royly .ili-
vulged only to ettpid and Hymen. Mollio
Ulooinertop wickedly remarked to me the
otiier day. tlfat the time was near, wlietv
lief *ex would enjoy eqUjd |K>litieal privi
leges with mine. Then* withadaihint look,
and an Kxe in band, she, too. hrfytlud to
ward thu mill. . /
Tliere are two tilings, Mr; Editor, in
widqji this motley herd of human cattle
are -ailly deliieient—'Truth and llohctfy.
AiKlXo alaei* of tm‘|H raliumiuiit van
ity, flee,pie*iimptbm. and; tj cap the cli
max, a score of ’pardon* black as the heort
of Cain.i.iid what a pietme you behold!
And yet. from this deep and fearfHfiln^th'
of total depravity, a ladder oacemU'tq,
Ueitveiit .Strange us It would Appcor,Ve
all, or moot of us, expect to tninp^fat
wg>> U’e cheat God, and fondle w ith, the
D^yi^^rustlngjute in the evening tdgiftip
atabound.-.. s * \*
There goes 1'fregrlnc Plekle. with three
^ nv< l bis anq, Htitf iifit^ln
liamC from vtiik b now and thmi WnlblSes
a fre»l» nior ea l. Peregrine, after all Vint
may belaid of 111 in .is a prtrtty Tuli-sattijili*
of g Jinixed unlit It mil- With* a - plentiful
supply pr ginger bread, the pf tyer Of yllCMr
U tins nmxfni of ids life. A |4dloaoph^Vof
the epif.liriaQ ^liool, v\lint riglit. ha*- the
broil if>he hadany. to interr
’ iinalil.
Not nicsia^bo.rrr^ccictMjM McCulloch,
in roepoi^o lo no iuquiry, tlaUy eontrodlets
the rumors which ihmvb prevailed ths^t hfi
bod resigned.
golden j jtlipUce,; whpsflj rpolnonothl wine
iraiAafo^petj tlmm 4o its like, tilt listened
again. It must be so. One brays Jike an
rn, tl«> grtfnt0fHle*wine|
»mi: nnother the
f#flk olfyftlWUmlLWM lUrwigb a mul-
4jpUpl^r. < ^ lfi ^, HV gwl^ aMnnimt-
di^orted- features
nrtfjMnnwp/^fhucyc. XBSfced atnln-
VWt SimtUwap fttnuding- ode
:, t icr v*Adnjfi tW4|uWlWK.'^^«jr«ir’0f!fclm rav
lu^ qrow d *J f u put le Asy I urn, frohi
iho.IiHpatcs had.l»ccn. turinhl loosq
tp.avoM.firqi He replied lu w grave mul
dlgni^cdApoe,,^# jt w«4 Um exchange
mapt* \vIiqorb*uifl-’„ stocky gokh and erctyj
thlpg fohU»y,day.t Mid
l^at ^hcsq.luna^civ os I supjioikhI them So
Xur,.wcreg;ui|(>K'rs upmi eliauuoTrltazrtriling
the day tq thu fcverWi um-ertahirlea . pre^
s. ntjcd licit-, ;iinl the night iic>oliiig to the
iqio?cr eoi)pptij||oij,of,t» e <«|rd tiibliv .iUnf
lsic^u^/)i;^iichsem'fM. bo iiftpuejoir.
Is theru» Mr. Editor, n#> brighter picture
of Uiis sinful. Awtei ing ui^ss of humanity ?
AreatuijorUv of mankind muil-dobbers
ut)d dirt-eatejs. plodding tills weary life
mulcFi tho, prpinpiuig ol'sateless iiwtliiet
mid veuul lust, wiili no thouglit al»ove the
range qf of Iwa^tly gonse • Do they never
l<a;k iip f ami y^A'^i.iu -O Go*', how won-
dej iitbare Ihy wprkal Tbou didst cr»*ate
this ipighky Muivevse, that we might rever
yiKaj^unladorc ,Thy majesty and power,
yet how unmindful mu I of their ever pee*
cut glory , . * f ro*
Butt Mr. Editor. I tru-t neither you nor
p«|}r. ryadays will, projudgu mo of nyni-
elsin. *Tis true Dlogenese understood tin
true philosophy of imnw Imk ho was .too
jaoak to it# aid lent points. There i>
.much in the world tpvoii'U niu—more evil
l (car, tiiau gooii, yet flmre is a germ ii
^|iq heart of, U|D Uuifuu herd which, when
tended .l»y proper cure, will quietly am!
ekadlly unfold,sa a blossom on tlie Tree ol
Elfe. .Lotuscultivate mid nurture It will*
thu sitn-liine aud rain and dews of lieav
AVhiUl tlie vo|qo of humanity pleads for
succor in every brceya*, wu should novi
(lCsjiair of doing good. Let us apply (Ii
proi** to every festering r-ore. There is a
power i» Truth—a weaimn at our com-
maud—/iiqru AubJiiuemid lieHiitifui tlmn
all tliu fjiisel ,uiorkejh*s of tlie world.
With virtue.apd cliristUuity H 'lel In liuml
it .may be made to uuhiuge tlie prison
doors r.lmt.da*'U>; hotter in mnnkii d. Then
may daylight in full effulgence bur-t ujKin
u world ol slu. when mamicss hrute than
man, shall resume the lost image of hi*
Maker—God. -Roiu.kick Random.
I.IIMIViI Uic ^pin|rl
„ ....
front all quarters, loafer, idler, and’ italakJ
man. Thera were to bearert Jew. A
Ethiopian, Yankee, Rebel. Aa \ approach
ed, different %ml M vMl^ , qi9t. tnj
cart. What Bubal Is tWs? askeil I of t^y*
self. ■ At first 1 Imagined It w as a festival.
In which tlie revellers had fallen under the
Is Pkksidknt Johnson Inhank.—TI.c
New Yortc ftnn Insists that lie is partially
Insane, and.pidqrs.seriously upon tho task
of adducingcvhhiiice to tills efi'cet.
8|>cnkiiigof Ids Inauguration as
President, wherein. be iiisiilt<*d man
tlie foreign Ministers, tlie Sun says:
6tirv*wa riUrenS. as well as fhe repre-
sutifatives «*l forei n gmermnents wlih
woi« <t»ivm»nt. |iK»kis| iijh.ii | with uston-
islimeat. Jtm then* i»revaiJs .ijmo-r niil-
v?t4«d.T; outside of tli-wn wlw» wi re eye
witnesses, a miadikeu notionortiief lrcum- 1
stance*of* thitf’'event A*ror !Ibgto tlie
mosttiristu*ortfiv>viib-iie**. -Mr Jolinsoi-
was noO—nr lie Is gehi«rn?l\ siipf»osed n
have lt**eii-Miil»*xlcau*d wlieli he took tin
(Milhof oHh*e snd iii-iih- Ids Inaiigtmitlou
speech. Di-ii; IlHiikk and oth -r distliigulsh-
a«l mi ‘die men.-who were very nenrto hliri.'
ami had Hie last pov-nlrfe opqwWfauitv n»,
seeing everything r?» \ pass-m, Imre stittvl
that Uie-manner of Mr. .lohnsou gjivd no
ImlicafIons whatever that he liad been
drinking. TbtW fimt only ,lih r-ji«»ed-tfa
surprise ami w-ride? til bl^'mosf Imippr •’
nrlatnund lmo r *is*nr i-em.irks. The late
rroston-Wing aM*Vtlirit he hid b«*,-n wHi
Mti Jidrii'Oii'rtvil day, and that Mr. Job if,
son had taken':ah a single glass oT'irlhe:
lie-WM slirhwf this; he liiid 'isyi-oScfidk
sUiitly iivADpiV*et.ce th u Mr. .lolin«d,
could not. Mve ?iikei» more w lift Out hi-
knowing It.’ Mr. Khvjgrt' l ttiiif Jfr.
«0n’#«l<frig iftHfitl ‘ly >*ic <jruU
In which h* AoJ hei*n swW.'-rfrtf; and
rhatiwiT tli* reason tha*-a sTugf-' glas-
wineatfeetnl-him so wiu. l.. Rut. as
have stnfeil. others, who were very near
him. saw no effect of the w ine upon Id:
manner or delhrnry at All. ‘f' 1
Tho’ciHfhr of t!.e Sun i> Mr. f'u.ini.K) of)<ujLnK Asa’atmt Seerrtetv nf
Wif* After Mr. Johnson hccnmo-i’rcsi-
ihmteMr.’DAWNA mtute application for an
appointment i*> (be cplUx'torsbip iuNVw
\6r^. IUa'* appUmUi'-ir was ruWtod,
WimUwr A J. wwa pmalhiry Insane oV
indHcratelyinto'XleatCil w l|C.ti tills applieu-
tUin W^'ri^ce{ei|, docs uotapiaran
Wi^y^.Mnr Tlie Jjfi^titblK nnt ot tlti.
ei.trict uuructl, hoyc tlcii Mr,
ivl|l Imve no .In r*bavr<r« tb.
UuinfIVM, ontl tlna he will rerolv.ttin nom.
lAdtlOh WlttKIIlt OII|Mti*l,ip. . '
[M: W&M'A WM*' W 'wifaiil
Hr wynM. .wiiku. on .wu'. ..nil. unh-h-ui
inemOct.Uo I, » ll» n-,ir.«'nl»t4vo or the
liulwirof tfe. HtninbllMlr-i orty III Jlortli
Union, he lias .portal Iieltlu-I time non
money In the Intemt^of UecoiKtruetlun.
A»»JfttUn«llit»w«rt’ (br tits .rrelt+V *Vel
ft' Ilitf he oimuji
IVe..(^e „p«nHliyi4«n. Iiy, oceUm.tlon.
The Union UKnOf Uie Diudct inf ’n unll
W UirttmAewf' -»•' . ' riu-Ttii:',
willpuiietrat. It nilil levr upon the mlntn i
JUtrh is—Imllan. or uo ImllaiM.
(Iliimnu 'l<T*'TI5 CONVEftTION. j
" DixrY-rirrii nir—lives ino thtiotr.
[hei'o.ti:. Kxr.4a.i4T na ontr, ortmon.l
1, • jr,‘jM»rel) , .# 1 ’ IMA
1 Tho tVmvi'iulou. met. at 3 o'clock, am)
proceed.*! wlrfi tlio con.lihwuflort of thf
nininijiicd iiuiiiiics*. the minis laing ihy
'fio|Kirt of the ^dinmlttc on iiovUlon,
ii atficr (he Secrelniy hud, flnl.litd 111,
fcadlnK'iit tin* report. '
! Mr. HI.or NT niovi-d foHtHU'outtli*
w hole'of scet^iii 4. articlq-5.r-tht» artivl^
creating District Courts
On motion of MKJdHiHEIl. Uiu llcpdr|
oftlm (’omiidttee on rrt?t'l*ioii was udoiged,
The article* pntvfdfhg f'.*r the alfemtimf
and ainemlineot' of fife Coiistlturlon Was
mkt-n np.
Mr. CONLEY moved fo nmeud dim ( re
port . by striking, out that portion oflt
which provide* for tlie amendment of the
<\>nsrlt«u.h»ii by the General Assembly
Mr. Ale U AY ofi’ered rbie following amend-*
meiit: ;• • * i, .
Norsbidl the Geiiertd ASsemMy^gall ^
convention In tlie seli-eHon Af delegiites to
which any additional qtmllflennoiT ’for
Voters shall be prcjicribcd ttnrein Ui fie rent
from those pn^fribCil tn' this Cdtiv«ntion<
Hr. WIUTKI.Hy oirocd tlie itillmviny,
■Oil. Ji, wry. liteki. i
Tills (.Mitiktl tut loti may lu* amended by a
oonvenMbto ttl tile people of the
e*tled liy i t*t»-tldrds vote of two sneees-
sire suvxlims of the G« m-ral Assi-iiitjly. pro-
vlbd t pnuotlorv M soy convention mt
called. *li*H tie sulmdlteu to the people lb*
r.ititientlon ami tin- representation shall In-
that allowed in the moiat iiumerMue br«m*li
of the lteiier«I AtfMHiildy.
Mr. BitYANT offered the following sub
This Constitution m »y f»c amended Iiv a
two-thirds vote of two successive l.eglvls-
turvs, and by * siiidui-mion of tlie aiueud-;
.mciit to the quauiini \ Orel’s for final rati-.
licMtlon; ni: if tlie General .V^embly shall
not cull rtronvdrrflon of tlie people in tlio
election of del»*git'«** to willed any person
rpialifmd tq vote h> tliis < ‘oii^titutlor* lie
disqualified; and tin* irpr.^u«aih>ll III sni*
convention shall die base,I ii|Niii‘|iopiilatloii.
Nor shall flu* rights of -uftVige ever be
•akeii from any |M-r*on ipialitind by tliis
<oiNt.ltiiti|hi ti» vote: I»rovlcled that re hSM iu .ly shall ::ot call a conven-
floti for th* f»urjs»sepf amending rids Con-
sr^itioii until after the expiration ot ten
Tim prtwhms question was sustained on
motion of Mr. ilAlllilSON. nf Haueook.
The vote was taken by yeas tun! nay* on
tbe change in Ms*. Hiyanr’s substitute.
fe aml the reprc-ent rtlon !n s-ddconvention
•dinll Im* ba«**d »ipm puhil’ithin.” with the
c.mvcnllon for. ultc.UiK tlw .CM^aiiitl^iii [ Mr.' SAFFOI.r) uj>po«Ar j the Wkole
uptll til. UpMof t«i year,, Ufittilctl. f KtlicuH'. 'l’liouyljt llir Jml been
Sir. SIIROX'SHIUK wltlulrrw I.U inollon .kuccd u 111.: It 1 n tly Without III. titltlitijt other
to rccoiiKldcr. :I I A.ciirlcs t.. thus oye^tc-Hly ^qnanJcr tlielr
Iiiformutlun Imvlny been nmimmikatc'l money,
,t« tlie Convention tlmtllm Treuurer liailf l-cuiliiiillie itl«p.,lou of llili qdedtlon
•fieep plaxwl in po«w»)y||ur ♦IS.OOO, uiuo- b.v Mrlsjihvllh tlielibnr,one o'clock, li»r-
M«“t“ «<M|wml thu rule,, fur the InipirjjvrJ. lliu'Cmlpent Jeclureil the Coh-
ailM|Hlini of a rnulutioii authorUlnK the ji.l)...i,ri».Nl mull 3 o'clock r. n.
TnfUsim-ftopay t«yh .I'lxalollieauinvt, „ .....
fill. .Al'tcrcoii.lUorableillaciixsluii the res. t n^l'- PS* IIhokwitii.—Wo take the fol-
oluiion autliorUlajc the Treinurvr to pay fri "" ,|M! Nl,w O rl *»”* Mcjune,
CM'li iletcKUic $75 wen adopted. 41 '"*t- «- po*«i«ln* Intereat to the
■Mr. WKI.CII offered tlie following: i -opleW (I.U D o, e.o ovfer Which tlio
bcc.l. UntnUl be the duty of tlie donor- r,-rr>vn<l pdinHmaa w 111 «la>rtly lie lu-
:d Assembly hi provide by law for tlm hralfed:
tMueatlurr of the Deaf, Dumb an.! ttm T1o*re was u *Hilne«*.|» Trinity ('hcmJi
Blind, and kUo. for tlie reee|»th>n Bihltteiit- .testerdav; At. t|io timetd giving out tlm
meat of the Insane. n»M» e*. f e |«-tor. llm Rev. Dr. Beckwith,
boe, 2. The General A*<etnbly shall have auimunei-d w liat has so generally become
IMiwer to provide houses of refuge lor the know n, hi proximate departure, to l»e !n-
.orreetlon and reformation of Juvenile vested with the mltr.- in tie«<rgU. llesiid
bleeders; and. also, to provide firm* as a ir *.-uid is* ini|Hm.i!»l« for iiiin to preach
Home or aHvIum lor inch persons as by . t«» tlmm a farewell sermon; bis heart was
- .... . -w. »- ‘ (tw» full, and Words Weiu imideqiinte for
tills. He had' sfHiggled rtg-iinst h-nving
them. Twi-e be ha-l b*luse*lj but tlm
Standing Caiuinitlcn ol U.N>rgia, to w Imho
I lie matter li ul hi-cn referral by tlie Con
vention «*f t at Diocese, had r.-rused to ac
cept a den HI. H’ln-n Is* lelt here Inst *um-
mer. It whs upon tlieex|ir«*« command of
Ills physu hiu. w iio altN> assured him that
lie could never, with safety, remain
during the hot mmth* in New- Or
leans. A nnmber of tlm BMinpa had
wrltteu him letters while he was at
New, York, urging strenuously upon hitu
the acceptapec of tlm .See ol Georgia. Hi*
hear? clung to this (topic, who had done
♦«» nmcb tor him add tortlie church under
id« ministry. It was hard to |wrt irotu
follow-in-j r*
Ihimi. Bent ie
^ 57. ns |o|.
nder. Asn-
f. ii-.-ll of Ogh-ilior;-*-.
t. ”#r>»ui. < :i nipt mil. CatehiHg.
t ?nsr>. < *litr Cl: liter.- Cb imhes, C«*hl» ol
IloiHt.Hi. i'r -,vi. n.' Hiivis. Inih-y. IMnkins.
Dunning. Du.iuegan. raiw irds.’iio
len. Guillor il irri-»*n of l!»*in ok. Dig in*-.
H.ipkin- Ja., Joiner. J.-m-s. Jord.i
Linder. I.u npkin. M I-len. Alaull. Min.
Moore oi i-ItiiiNiia. .Morphy. Vobh-. I'.-il-
tifcr. I*- »*«-. l’i.i.'e,. hold's Rice, tiik«-s
Syulev, biiei.uaii. ^t'-waei. Supple, Stone
.-.tricfclan I ! .ini-r Welch, Wil
bur. Wl.ii ikei. W bitch.- u* of Bnrke.
Whitch.-.ul ot dull-, aud W iidaiiis
Nays—Mu-.r* tudersmi. ltd ion!. Hmv-
• I*-ii ul Camp .••!.. ik.w.r*, Higin, Brown.
Braeeweli. It.;-mi t'ar-.m. • aiimrou
Coidey. i raw lord. !>••*>. Kllbig
ton, Fly tin. F.iiT7 F.oter of .MnrgamFos-
u-rof ihiuS'iim. <«l ,l H*rt. •;rifil»i. II
%ew-|oii. Il.»rr»s. *• '*» CiPinh Higdon,
ilqtqlikbs. 11o*i*i * -ii il< Ik*. Hooks,
lu.lsmi. lliib-he-Hi. K'-y. Kii 'X. Lee. Lott.
Ma.hlo.x. M •i.u’*; i M . .iu ».» Carroll. M ir*
ti.rof M mu of H itH-r-ham. Me
llniu MeCat* AH-ier. MeW hotter. Moon- ot
Willie. Doits, nail'.dd. Nilih’l'i*. .-buith nt
(joweia. Siu ill ut Tii *mfi-. -hro|»*ldre.
'**. -it ii lis-rU, Tntaiuotll..Tmywh-iu
, VjiilJelu u'ltnuly *n J vv »-» ley—A$.
The Convention i n n idjoiiriied. • 1
.HIXI’V SIX.’O I*A1— >i»»n.M\o mjjsiox.
Ti ksday. March Id I8»y.
.Conveiiitoii met jt the Usual hour.
Crnyer l»y theCliaplaiii. J» Hi bai read and
.pp roved.
Messrs. M.ilBilht'ninl HKLl-of Bank*,'
asked |a*rinissH>ii ro Ii tve tlielr votes in the
negative on the question that **a ••mjmilt-
*ee to alter tin* tAoistititrion. the Repreten-
cation should lie-bused upon |M>pulalliiii.’*
Leave was iroi grt.iieo.
Air. II Ki IlK 1-1 « ha»nn *ti of the (Tommlt-
rwt4 Rnr»;il,ii'*-nr, ^lortol that tin* fid-
towing ur*niotlives Mtid r-’S'hitlnii* were
read) for tile .slgnirur •: of the President
Ml I See.etary:
resolution to prlni 200 copies of the
A msolurton tendering thanks to the
Mayor ami Onim-lCof Atlanta;
A prwimMe atid resolution asklnga lt»ap
of«me hundred thousand dollars lYora tile
Umtcil Treasury Vor the South
Georgia nnd KliSrlda Rillrt»id*J
A tesoltiilun oftliiuiks to Major General 1
A rcsdlirthiti h-qttestlug the U'liltm Re-
puMieniV L’oditnittre of Washington to
puMlsh mid “clrcithie twenty thousand
copies of thu Coin,Hi uI m.ii ; also,
A resolution tojiuthorifptUyii ppipfiilUW
on Uovlsiou to. wuiploy a Clerk; t. - .ii
An ortllnaiice to establish.Congressional
Distrteu.**’ • ; -: , . ^ : f: : ;;;
on mottoii' 1 teisr.
Honun Hit nit.rViwtliswa. fnlvlnrink and
-On 'inbttbn #f ! MY. ; •WIHTKr.KV th«
rtM*-brdliSb'.uli}^ 1
ttr. SUlUirviUf Kli jinnwIluMcoaSilev
the ictiun of thB.Ci»meiitioil In tho- ado|e-
thm of that pdftioh ^f ;i the iirtleld and
amendment of the CoQftitutfoti which re
quires a.guuven;Urn to kc calhal lor alter-
iug saW OwwtUukWn to be Usui on poptiv.
lotion ntono.- ^ > .c . j*.*i: J .'ml:
Mr. BLODGETT B*kwr i V»Nm»V^Wn ; to
withdraw his ameiidmeiit forbidding 0
old tigu,, Joes .of limbs, or other
nbfortune. may have a Just and
prui*r d.iifui U|hiii the ahl ol society.
When no provision is mads in this
stBillion for, filling any oilier, It shall no
filled by appointment of the Governor,
w ith tlie odvLe and consent of tlie ficnate,
unleas otherwise provided for by law.
Gen. fcNhljr was announced auid was In
vited to a seat In tlie Hall of die Cnoren-
i Ion by the President.
On motion of Mr BRYANT the Report
of (■ Hum litre on Mlsce.laneous M:Uter Was
taken up.
The Report of said Committee U as fb|-
Mi ordltuiM't to pmrfiJo fbr certain Elec
The people of the State of Georgia, in
Convention assembled, do ordain, That the
election for Mayor, Aldermen or (’oiitief!- 1
men. and all other officer* elected by tlie
;*i*ple in all cities and incorporated town*,
in this State, where tli« official term Iih*
expired, and the same vacancies have not
been appointed by the Military authori
ties. *hall commence on tl»e first Tuesday
in May, and the Major General Commun
ing Tfdrd Military District is rurpeiiluny
requested to give the r.ei e^sary orders to
carry into effi-ct the foregoing provsisions,
and rauaedue return* to lie made and eer-
tilicateao! eiiteiion to Issue by tliepr6per
And lie it further ordained. That the
regulations established by Congress for
voting ii|M>n the ratification of the Const i-
tutioi. and for voting at elections Omier
the rruvisloial Government, shall apply
to tlie election of officers as aforesaid, and
the person# so, elected shall continue in
offie** till the tegular succession provided
ter after the year 1808.
Ujmhi any voter being challenged he
shall take the following oath:
You do aolcmiily swear for affirm) that
you have boeu duly regtstere<l agrwalily to
flu* acta of Congress; that yon have not
ureveuted or eudeavornl to prevent any
: liy jH-rson from voting at this election.
So help ine Go*l.
Mr. PA ItROTT offerctl a substitute, that
flies • elections •diotildconie off on the first
W» dtiesday In June.
J'e ding tlie discussion, ill which Messrs,
IH* UN. and others, pnrt4clpate<l. the re-
iniirk-- !iccanietvlUj>*whgt personal betw<fh
Mu.-Vrs. A siibnrtV and. ftloti nt.
Th t 'HAIR called the gentlemen to or
der. and referred the matter to tlie House.
Mr. BLQGNY tl 00 * 1 hack”—apoh»g|sed.
Ir w is accepted,and thqConvention moved
on w it Vi the subject matter under consider
lie- prevhut# question was called, and the
.(/A-re ordinance was put Upon Its read Pig
ii’oui the Secretary’s desk.
l : pou the adoption of Mr, 1MRROTTS
imemlmcht the yens and nays wort* called,
iii’r :u nil ted yuol 13. nays C3, as follows:
Yea—Messrs, Bull of Bank*. Bowden ol
‘.'-nipM-il, Bowden orf Monroe, ik>wvr»,
Big»*y. Blount. Brown. Brgcewell. Bryson.
< ’irsoii. Csiueron, Claibom,. f.’rawfimL
D.*w %, Dunn tug, Dunncgrtn, Flgim Fo-n-r
of M .rgaiu. Gilbert. MBsSoil, Goodwin,
iri.'liu, llarland, ilarrison of Carroll. Hig-
«h*n'. H -inuiuho, Hooka, Howe. Hudson,
’lilt. boon. Jurdan. Key, King. Knox. I*c.
L-qi. Uihh.x. Marler, Mathews, Martin ui
I'liraotl, Marlin of Calhoun, Martin oi
llaiier-ii ill. Miller. ATooro ot White, ll"l»-
ert-iu. Msffidd, iUnith «»/ Thomas Shro[b
shin*. Stanford, Stanley, Tmmuiell, Wtd-
dell. Wiiitely nnd .Woodcy—64.
Navs— Miwsrs. Adkins. Alexander, An-
h*»-4*n. Asltbnrn. Bedford, Baldwin. Ik*il
*r OglethoriHs Bryant, Cam obeli. Catch*
iug.IMsey. Cllll, CliatterK kobb oi iloiis-
ton, (Ani in, C**ui«y. Crayton Cruinloy. t>u-
f I ii £ % ' Davis. Daley. Dinkins Edwards. El-',
ilngton, Fort, Uom MUdeti. Gullfonl.
Harris of .Newton, Uatrl-on ,of ll uwiie.k,
ii«-teliUi-s. Hopkins. Ja k**u. Joiner.
I •mew. Linder, Lumpkin. M -ihten. Alaull.
Mcllalt, Minor. Mm»re of » ouunbia. Aiur-
pliy, Neal. Noble. Palmer. INq*v, i riliee.
devnolds, .Uioutr, Slkvi-. Siih- 'is.. >eeh-y.
i. innate. .Stewart. Sum**, Sirh k-
l hum i hut when it was felt by ho many
•daintereslcd prelate* to Ih* bis iluty P» ac-
t-ntol ••ntiil M'IuIIiMia m Ai./i»ii,f ....
ept l and w heh ln* rt fleeted that fie must
be absent faun them, if lie remained their
pastor. an much as lour months of the year.
ttbsetic* S'aieh J«st .Mitnmer «-oal him
liaiigs w i.ieh he coiiM hoi endure ugsin ill
siudi a p- I'UhI '’dpsiiffi-'lng ami death, he
had it lust r»-iiiet ir tly yielded. His de-
imrUire will not mke place until thu end of
Al.* • !i in tid» \ cur
tee h-nrh fins n n.nip from' otio r< not
! M*!|tg (H’esiMit. A g mleutan Wild Wal
(wh ug jo i us the < oiigiegulion came nut.
says tint all looked is if Uu*v had bw*n In
teariv and sorrownilly and sadly wended
• heir way ii Kiiuward.
I*:-. Beckwith wilHniccAnt fn : hf*/h office
in Ids chiiteh by this rf: 'iige, though he
ids. ctif-r* up^n heavy lalmr- !»• an impov-
urislnil diooese. which even in prosperous
limes won|u Hot give a*b quute support to
the late Dr. Elliott. Hail jns-unlarv aim*
nr c:i-e of poHirion iufineiK'ed Idm. he
wiHild iuive Jotve : viler to remain iH*re or
A Wild Woman’.—Tlm Liberty (Texns)
Gazette Is ivsjmnslble for the following.—
It is a little MiineluiiiseniHli, hut we rely
on tin* well eit ildl-hed repiit.itiou ot the
Gazette f« r v.-ruelty for its correctness:
lu the (ir..ud Cam* neighImrhood in this
county, a short time ago. a gentleman in
timdepthsot tin* lori-xt.sitddeiiTy came upou
a woman, -is w ild ami almost as duct as an
untaiiHii deer. A Itt-r a lirisk chase of some
distance, the gentleman on hofsehack over-
to*»k th • w niidurfui creature, when site
halted, and Im found herloim a medium-
-Ue.d. luhldlo-uged,. well-formed woman,
with I bit”, dark hair. hikT clear bine eyes,
aim w :i- in ir state oi nudity *ave a girdle
ot i-r m moss about her loin*. Her Inuly
ami limb- were tstverH whh a Im-oauiiful
*y* it of Udr about fouf lueties ip length.—
Sin ,wa- i.nn h frightened and seemul un
able to t-dk. as in reply to motion* of tlm
genth-m- n l»\ which lie sought to Induce
iter to ini-onipany him out of the wimnIs.
-In- epnst •oily to Ii«?r own lorreji-
hoim. Eiiudly the gentleman endcavorud
to • oiujed her to pi tfiA way he desired, by
get ring U-fore Iter,, and l»y threafienli-g
gestures with his gun. and she heeaiulug
t-lir.igtii. seized a club and turned itputi
Idm w ith t"e (Yiry of tvdetnott, and It was
tmV by the r,Kit imparted to his steed ! y
a llWral use of the «p irs, that he kept out
of her way. After driving pff her purtiier,
she rusm/ml tho direction she liaifso cun-
Jt&tmy 7 . fehmtekk awl til mrt out of
sig!it. Tm* gi'iitleuiiin folhiwed. and ufb r
going some distance, came upon her home.
Three tr»i*s. stni-ditig near each other. In a 'orui. with the' 4pace* between
-thetii waded op with 1-ru-li and libiss. made
Imr mow Ini iHftween them. Minin* fMn
tlir rude .blasts <U vvjuter. and etmipara-
lively secure'from the jnttiless rain. The
oulv storw thkt w*«hv *IMti»vi*rtil. went a
tew iwtMind* some Ibdr or five bushels i f
aei'fu*. Very .wild stt.rles.of this jvlhl wo-
uruJiave been rife lu the upper part of
Uu* poiinty. but she was tM*lieve«l t$* b»* a
myth, by all vxeepttlu)»e who elaimni to
have (mil gllrtipses of her; . Now, however.
!w*r existence lU-scilpiion. an l tip* vh-inity.
Si* least, of her to-)mreulMHtrs« 1* established
Jteiond H»nfn>Vep»y. Her early caprine
may Im rugareiE as within the range ol
probability, as coueemnitvd effort is being
uunfo lotliat etui. , r
ty A pr6|kJ«IHoii I* below Cotigress to
«-nTl In tlio notes under twenty-five cents,
mid tho small coins now in circulation, and
substitute for tlm w hple of them a uniform
.and. Turner. Walton, Wallace. Wflwh, rw {[ n} '*rT‘,rr'Vh^Vn ”Wr$-*■ n’.V Y.'n *'rrnr
wffifiES*" Wku *~ l « lMrk, "‘ M »d m."- 1
” uuama—on. h... .. a... hw» miu «nb.i
?ks*tlio amendment was lost.
Mr. WRITRr.By ji)0,e<l tn xtrlliu Put
’• ulu-rc'tlio KppnlnWnU lwv. uut lx*!,
IU|nd I,j .piiolBtrounU of lb. military
tb*r>ll«i." ■ v -
Upnli tire ijiptlon »Ktrlke out.; * rtlyl )pn
wax called $»>. W, n«db>P pmaUwl-
nmq'io.thM, URrwurMd iipnD. tire
motion to' adopt. •Tlio motion preen lie,I
nml tllo 1 oftntiance, aa 'ainPntlol, IVnx
atlopMd/ , ' rat.: • .11
: -Tin report of th* Committee on- l-rlnt.
ittVMiFtijWH>s:’ ’ 1
iT(|# Report rccpinincnJ live UxT,.U0;'c of
SUMO «>pl«(i uf Uto now CuiutltuUoii and
tbafOpllcatMi of tlie aanw ln th, loUnw.
.$iw ilcimUIlotn a„4 Urn' ,C6n«IIHtfloh?l-
jtlvn Wfliu nn the pcriwnt lly.e cent nleknl
roll), lue proposed that till, coinage eltall
Ih- ilium the WiitN or one (fnini In welpht
lor each cent of repmaented or nominal
x-ttlue; the olio, three, live, and ten cent
coin, to hu one. three., livo. and ten cram,
lu wcljrht, rcrpcct|velj\. Or. (f tlie French
olem |. pot an 1 aereptOhle atnndanl of
welKht. that th* tray pram .hall haraball-
toted. In which c*>v h I, prv|mml that the
tyelKjiU aball be IS xtrauu to each cent of
nominal value, making the three cent coin
30 jrrim«, the tlrecent colh BO grain*, and
the Ben trout coin 1(X) frraimt.- : i*--
»i™«4 ,
oreraiiee of a Hixa AtutuxUi
ectnrod npon Matrhu tty.
Ac. «ml pramUed Kilt* to all whnaitanded
lu* lecture*. Woaoohy the NaaliviU. pa
per, that ab. Iiaa count to grief In thatclly.
Alter her h-cture a curly haired chap came
Out on ntoniiKc'-nml Informcl the people
I OT.AalWrt.tin
livened liy the Jin
pi-Clair,' who Ice
> out elty waaen-
»o( a Mlm/
leu.,Align, Mi the, Maw* that hy '<«**h,)ttholiax, nlnlit ami payhot
and Hera d, aavahnah) tho Maeon Tnoi.' s S,mrvh*wm«>uv--rtv.- er«ni fcr. ttchenx, ihcy
UP, Aioerloan Union, Grilhn, *nX|ie Jfg, im-ii tdnriincd Ih-IiIihI and »el*wl the eR-nr,
beta and Orntnut, Atlanta. m MoHoflilniT. hi. .Iiutct ajid ramp-.dlkat
y. WHtTEI.EY moved to XIrlWe llllt ' f ' u i l ,v crtond tlie j'HiMey they li.ii p lll or
o , f 47, udmlMlon. Mina Auauda. Ui^l.ircd that,'-and Inaert 1000.’* aheli nl nevt-r lieen*o*hanlerdnytre«'ol.—
Mr. PAUROTT moved to Iniert “4,000," Natoaao* llrjmbKcm.