Newspaper Page Text
G EO R G I a W E E K \j y 0 P I N i O JS
i of Cii*
tV. Aehbl
~ if '
of tlie
mbor of
r y, to
From tlie Columbus par
we gl6m the following p:
murder of G. W. Asliburii
the State Constitutional Convention:
The house tn which themurderoccurred
wilt a lonfr one >-torv building containing
three rooms, each back of the other. It
was rented by JIannah Flournoy, a yellow
Deeres*. The place is the third door from
Jacques* corner, on the west side of Ogle
thorpe street, nearly opposite the Perry
House. To the rear Is a continuation of
the house—three rooms, all occupied bv ne-
jrroes. Ashburn*s room was the thlru One
from the street. lie had been living In
this colored bawdy house since he lmd
been driven from tli« Perry House. His
room was a low pitched one, very dirrv.
with doors on three sides and a wooden
shutter. Two tables, one covered with
dirty female clothing, and a split-bottom
chair, and a bed «
counterpane wer
The Sun's reporter says:
When we entered the room yeste
be present at the JMyoner’w inqu
body was lying in tlie pcwiiio- j. JU j
fallen—In the ST. W, corner. j»j 10 j, ouge
fronts east. He had on onlv ^ i>)-,ck over
coat and an undershirt. bloody sheet
had been thrown over tlle i„, (ly . The
wound, were still bleed Tlle lltc0 wa .
quiet and plwlo wea* .jujr, however, a bit
ter. hateful expressb jn ev » n , deat|| I((J .
tween the brows v aB c ] 0 ttecl )-or« over the
pistol ball bole t | mt | ia j caused Ills death.
Wood was e-ttl’ , e retl ; n little puddles around
the bod v. i-vu-re were, only three wounds
In the body # Tlie coat had been pierced
by eight b yj1 8 Indentations of balls were
found—c >ne j n the bod and a number n tlje
wan. j,’ our revolver bulls were picked up.
iiier dce of the dead was covered with a
8,1 ° r .t, grlzz.y beard.
The following evidence was given before
Coroner McCahey and Justice Bostock—
both gentlemen military appointees. Every
one was examined who could throw any
light on the transaction. Tlie body was
lying In the room untouched all the while,
during the four hours examination. Sollc
Itor Peabodvconducted it:
A. G. Bennett, sworn.—1 had been with
Mr. Ashburu during tiie night. I hud been
out and returned between 11 add 12 r.
>i. I slept In tlie front room. Amundu
Patterson (white) and Hannah Flournoy
(eoloied). were in the middle room—Mr.
Ashburu by himself in the rear one.' I
heard persons Knocking at the door after 1
came in-between 12 an*' 1 o’clock. To my
question of who was there, came the reply
‘•Mary Flournoy, who wants to come in
I replied no one could come in that time of
night. The voices then said tlie door would
be broken down If I did nut let them In.
I rushed to Aslibiiru's room, telling him
the house was about to be broken open and
asked if he had u-uis. He said he had u
revolver. Wouldn’t give it to me, as he
would use it himselt At that moment
hear i crash of slat In front door. 1 asked
him again for the pistol. He said they
woiihfirt hurt anylHMly. I said no trust
could lie given those who broke in houses.
Men then rushed by me. and I ran behind
a uoor covered with some clothing, in the
middle room, 1 left Mr. Asliburn lighting a
candle. Ash burn demanded of the men
what they wanted. Tlie reply was, •‘you're
a d—d —and one fired, and then (bur
others standing in the doorway fired pis
tols two by two. Fourteen pistol shots
were tired. Onu man got down on his
knots, in d shot through the legs ot the ta
ble—and then said, ** Come on boys, let’s
Cross-Examined.—I rushed from the
front room to Ash burn’s. 1 saw the tive
men distinctly. Ash burn didn't tire his
pistol. He lighted the caudle before they
readied his room. At tirst there was rap
ping at all the doors. The men were
masked as far as I could see. Hid n't
know any of them. 1 was sleeping by my
Amanda Patterson, sworn.—Men at door
demanded entrance. It was refused. Door
was broken open. I was badly seared. All
were masked but one. One mask fcl i off as
party was going out door. Could not
swear to any one. Thought there wore
about fifty men. Moon was not shluiug.
During shooting 1 was in front room. Hud
been sleeping in middle room, it was
crowded with men. The one from whom
the mask fell said, “D—n you, If you tell
on me I will kill you.’* The mask Ml at
the door.
(Ashburn’s son, about 17, produced a
black paper mask, recently cut, said to be
the one. It was delivered to the Coro
Tom Johnson, (colored,) sworn.—About
was Joined by Lawrence ami Smith. He
saw on the vacant lot opposite Hannah's
house a body ot men—about, thirty in num
ber—in some confusion. He ordered them
to halt, but hearing the click of pistols, and
seeing they were determined In* should
come no nearer, he retired. Attracted by a
woman’s scream, he went over the street,
found A ah burn had been murdered, and
sent Information to the civil and military
authorities. Recognized none of them.
Night very dark.
Policeman Smith testified lie patsed at
12J J o’clock by Hannah's bouse, and saw no
one there. Was on Broad street when 1
beard tlie pistols. Ran with other office
to the spot. There saw a squadron of. r d
moving eastward across a vacant V ,
Mollle Jones’. About thirty or fr r ,„
them—catUnAted the number Uyr’ u0
presented. Don t know whether theJ . we / e
ilbKUlud. Didn’t know air, 0 f them.
Couldn’t tell nny of them. x* U ldn*t tell
whether they were In re- or flne clo[ , lc
" as m lilty left. ,
IT .A. :R< DW -A. IR/ T3 I
Hardware for the Millir n
ent of Hardware
V it il e r * o
Amanua Patterson. (vvhIt(
SS a Of the
candle in my hand ;1){ j wa3 fi
tie re 1 was (just in rear of Ashhurn’s.)
My wife opened window. Men told hi r If
she did no get back they would kill her.
Left my house an went to Ashburn’s. I
beard pistols. Counted seven cracks.
Didn’t see them shoot. Saw one man. Ills
name was . He had no mask. Heard
him say, “ Boys, let’s go now.” Saw ten in
the yard. had frock coat on and pants
stuffed in boots. He used to work In paper
mill. Another roan didn’t have dough face.
Wore brown salt. Didn’t know him like
. Saw him last night and this morning.
Night was dark.
Hannah Flournoy, negnrss^—When I
heard the knocking at tlie door. 1 wanted
to know who they were. Said •*Mary
TilllnghaH.” Voices were a Item!. They
asked ror Manda and wanted to sen her. and
- then wanted me. Asked me to open the
doors; wouldn’t do it as it was no time to
call. Said they would break open the door
Told them to break It. Went back and told
Mr. Ashburn a crowd of men were out
tin-re. lie got up, lit a candle, and stood
near Ids beu with a pistol in his hand. A
little boy of mine ran under the bed. By
this time twenty-five men were In each of
the room-*, ami about tin- alley. All of
them were well dressed gentlemen; about
the same size, and wore masks or were
smutted. When shooting commenced I got
out of the window and ran. They said,
“don’t hurt Hannah." Seven shot* were
fired after lie (fell. I was too frightened to
know any of them. Saw none witiiout
masks. Were nice dandy young gentle
men belonging to Columbus. Ashburn
had lit his cundleand put on iiis coat. Said
••let them come.” It was between 12 and 1
o’clock Monday night. Bennett was In the
room; me and Manda in the middle one,
and Ashburu by himself. There were no
lights in the room. Tlie men had a candle
with tb:m.
Policeman Gosh sworn—[Here Captain
Mills and Mayor Wilkins came In and re- i<
inaiued a short time.] He simply swore “
that he heard several shots and hurried
down the street with Policeman Brady, and 1
white) recalled.—
men. 1 had
against him. H' it( | no mask. Wore sandy
moustacno,- us rk ntOuie* and soft felt hut.
Aot too mu' {1 rLH j abp Ut> f rtce . ij e was
st ranger to me&IJt j £ wouldn’t know him
I meet {n , n g a j M> He didn’t leave the
r°" 1 v »om. where mo and Hannah was.
[{, r iO whiskers. Iwas mistaken about
n J e ,iT a a me whose mask fell oil’and who
c J./«ja me. It was not Mr. , who
knew wel.. nis hair and beard were
longer. I thought last night it was Mr.
, but I saw him this morning and
know It isn’t. I could recognize the man.
who was tall and flne looking. If I saw him
He wore a black coat and small check pants.
Was called in this morning to make affidavit
against Mr. —■—, but 1 wouldn’t.
Two paper masks—one white, tlieoth..
black, and a blackened handkerchief torn
as a mask with no name on it. and a cloth
glove, picked up on the vacant lot, were
shown by Justice Bostock and given to the
I)iek White—Hannah’s son—a boy u.
about 12, swore the men broke open both
fho front and side Uoor. There was knock
ing on ad sides. When they burst them
open I ran into Mr. Ashburn’s room and
hid under the bed. Mr. Ashburn was
standing by tlie bed with a pistol in his
hand. The candle was burning. lie told
the men at the side door not to come in or
he would shoot them. Three entered from
the side door and two from the one toward
the middle room. As soon as Asiihurn
said lie would shoot, one called out to the
live to ‘•shoot the U—*1 rascal.” One mar
fired from the side door and hit tlie bed.
Ashburn started to run, but they turned
him back. After three shots one struck
him in the head. He fell in one corner
Several shots were fired afterwards. Ash
burn started io shoot twice, hut didn’t.
One man got on his knees nnd fired, hit
ting Him In the loot—tliett ran off. Faces
blucked like Knew no one. They
look d like they had gloves on.
Jordan Clark, negro, knew nothing ex
cept from hearsay.
Bennett, recalled—Five men did the
shooting. One had on “English walking
coat” with large horn buttons.
Tom/Johnson, negro, recalled—Thought
the man tn brown clotlies was Mr. —.
Night was dark. Thought he knew him
by his clothes. Didn’t see his ,faco—only
judged by clothes and form—clothes all of
one color. The other man I know posi
tively. Had on dark clothes. Wouli
know him darkest nigliU ;
Violet Pitts, Lizzie. Pitts, and Mary
Munfield. negroes, nil swore that Torn
Johnson had beei in Lizzie's room before
tlie firing commenced, and until all was
quiet and everybody bad left, ho did not
leave that room. They all unite in tills
statement. Hannah Flournoy also testi
fied that he was there when she ran in, and
that she left him there. Hence his testi
mony cannot be relied upon.
This closed the examination. The fol
lowing la the • J .
We, the jury, find that George W. Ash-
bum came to his death by pistol balls
through body, fired by persons unknown
to tlie Jury.
F. A. Jktson, Foreman,
B. D. Casey,
F. S. C'lIAlWI.l.V.
J. W. Dtmn,
J. II. Smith,
William Fjck.
A. F, Calhoun.
The City Council has offered a reward of
$500 for the discovery of the murderers,
One warrant was dismissed voluntarily by
Justice Bostock last afternoon, after hear
ing the preceding evidence.
The Sun of yesterday says:
The body of Ash burn U to be carried to
Macon, \vc nru Informed, Some nejfrou.
were speaking yesterday of escorting the
remains to the depot In procession. No
further developments that we
heard of.
GARnOTKD—A A/an Choked and Bobbed
on Market Street—About half past one
o’eloek on Sunday morning, a negro man,
while passing the corner of Sixth and
Market streets, was ordered to halt. On
Ids hesitating to obey the order, two men
set upon him. One of them eaught him
by the tnroatand compelled him to kneel
down, while the other rilled his pockets of
a gold watch and $83 In money. Hastily
leaving him, they started down the street.
In a few minutes the garroted man recov
ered, and shouted fbr tlio police. No ar
rests were made.—N’orlA Ceoraia Citizen,
Ajail U
Loan Staulkt sx» Mb. SKWann.—TIio
Ism,Ion Kxsndner, In concluding an nrti-
ol* on the Alabama claims, gays: -U’e trust
that the good hum of the noble l.ord
tswuleyj will prompt him to accept the
terms ot refereeoe as proposed by Mr.
Seward, and thus get rid ol an Irritation
wb|eb may. under certain contingencies,
he easily Inflamed iu hostilities, which II
commenced, both nations would have last
ing reasons to deplore.'*
C3Y~Ceorge I). Yaction, a negro, applied
for admission to tlio bar In Dittahurg last
summer. A decision against Ids applica
tion was given yesterday. Two Judges
concurred in the exclusion, one solely on
the ground of color, and the other on the
technical ground of non-compliance with
certain rules of. the court.
WILL bo sold before Iho Court Homo dour,
tbotjwn of liallii*, l'liuMing county, (Jcorg
Blackdtuithb* Tools,
CarpontoiV Tools,
Tools for all Trades
Firming Implements
Castings, Looks and Hinges,
Carriage Material,
Sheet Iron,
Mining Utonails, Hollow Wan
TVe are Agents, iu Atluntu, far
The Due Ji-Eye Mower and Reaper $
The best machine of the kind In tho World,
I destined t
:evolvinu I*uk
v UoUtiH l
Gold Saw and Game (Jouk
With a full stock nlwajaon hand nrtd correct
new of liusiiieiia prtucijdo, which wo trust h.t»
always characterized us In our UusIuom
In Atlnnta, we «ro c undent t f having continued
to us that und generous imtioiiu e We
have always received.
Oxford, da.
GEORGIA, Monroe cout -Y.
WHEREAS, A-U.8mith, administrator on the
estate of Green P. Smith, deceased, haviug made
application to me fur letters of dismission irom
the uduiiuist-ation of said estate:
These itro. therefore, to give notice to all con’
ceruiMl, kindred and creditors, to be and appeal
at my otllce within tho time prescribed bylaw,
and show cause, if any they can. why said letters
should not be granted the applicant.
Oiveu under my hand und oQlclal
th s the 8 . February, 1BG8.
Giyen under my hand niuV oUlcial signature,
O. MORSE. Ordinary.
Printer's foe #4 BO*
GEORGIA, Haralson county.
WIIEUEAS, Zebulon P. Duke, administrator
) the estate of John Duke, late of said county,
Ueceused, having made app cation to tne for let-
cerned, kiudred and creditors to appear .
uilice within the time prescribed by law and Hie
their objection, ir any they have, why said letters
suould uot be granted the applloauc.
Printer’s fee ft BU
GEORGIA, Fulton county,
WHEREAS. John F. liutf, administrator qj
Coleman W. Marchman, lata of said eonnty; do-
ceased, represents to the Court in his petition duly
tiled that he has fully admllilAtt-red said estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned
to show cause, it any they cau, why said adminis
trator should not bo discharged from his Said ad
miuistraiiou and receive letters of dismission on
the the flrst Monday in Juue. 1WW.
Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittiuan, Ordinary oi
Punitl rilti
saidoounty, this LI Deceuil>er, 18H1
JOHN T. COOK. Deputy Clerk.
-Pfintwr'n fc» $4 ail
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
WHEREAS, James A. Hutchins, admlnlstratoi-
__i the estate of Mary Quinn, deceased, having
made application to me tor letters of dismission
from said estate:
These are, therefore, to give notice to all c
ccrned, kindred and creditors, o appear kt...
office within the time piescribed by law und Ale
*‘ieir objections, if any Uioy have, why suhi letters
lould not Imj grunted • i,e uppiicaut.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this Novotnlier 5th, liVH.
To tho Afflicted.
cancer, after trying
Wm. Fambrough, J. i c., Forsyth, Ga.
Mrs. John btiliwell, Gri&n, Gm
lion. Wm. Harkness, Jackson, Ga.
Mrs. Mary Thurmond, Indian springs, Go.
Robert Dorton, Locust Grove, Ga.
Dr Wm. N. Fambrough. Haralson. Ga.
Thomas McKibin, K*o , liutta to., Ga.
Mrs. F. Wards worth, liarnesville, Ga.
R. Goodman. 4u*|>«r comity. Ga.
Mrs. J. Carmichael, McDonough, Ga.
Mrs. T. Roberts, Fairburn, Ga?
Mrs. A. A. Porter, Griffin, Ga.
Rev. H. T. Dickon, Griffin, Ga.
Mr. H. M. Uloodworth. Liberty flfll. Ga.
Mr, D.G. McKinney, Macon. Ga.
I prefer not treating a case that will hot
fa cure. Alter satisfying yourselves des-rilH
your cancer to me, and 1 will give you my oandln
opinion. At your request I will visit you at you:
h-nni'. if « iivui,i-t.u.tsill in ,
there is a reguiai communication, directions am
modlelnv can be sent by Express, when lighto
before the Cancer botomes rooted In the flesh.
My traveling and all other expenses paid in ad-
My residence is twelve miles east of Griffin,
la., my nearest Express offioe. -'VSl
All communications strictly confidential and
promptly ^answered when backed envelope ant 1
uro Is effected, b'
. r - deposit my fee'•
services with some person agreed upon payao
*“ — •**“**“ is performed.
/. M. BaB
Liberty II ill.
UNDER and by virtue of an order from the
Court of ordinary of Fulton county, Georgia, 1
in *»**. mo nisi i in.'Miiiy iu Apia next,
sixty j W) acres of land, being part of land lot No
i.i -I ifr 1 nil di-dmi of iiri g i a a 11 v i l, „ i v. now
Fulton county. Sold as tlio property of the estate
GEORGIA, Newton county.
i John P. Marbut,
ios nun, applies t
berefore, to cite all nnd singular
i ami creditors of said deceased, to
at my office, within tlie time pro*
. an l cause, If any they cau,
dismission should not bo
oh tlm estate of .Io:
made application t
ID COOR8KV, Ad'mlnlstrnlo
eph It. Mills,deceased, lia
These are, therefore, to givo notice to all «
ccrned, kindred and creditors, to appear at
office within tlio tliue'prescribed by law,
file their objections, if any they have, why said
letters should not be granted the applicant.
Given under uiy hand and official signature
this November 5th, 1807.
G. T. KAKK8TBAW, Ordiuury
nOvS—wOm Printer's (be $4Rj
ii.. ii V,. . uanu ami niuciai slgnatur<
dii. thv 6ti. day ,.i December. 18d7.
WM. D. LUCK IB, Ordinary.
t.oc7-wflm Printer's fro $4 W
GEORGIA, Henry county.
\V IIK UK AS, John J. Hailey, administrator M
the tMateoi Joseph M. James, deceased li.teof
said county: bos applied to me indue form for
letters dGiulssory from said adininistrutiou:
This is, therefore, to cite and aUmouish all and sin
gular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased
‘ aw cause, if any exists, within the time al-
luwcdby law, why letters of dismission should
nut bo granted the appllcunt.
Witness my hand und official signature, Octo-
berl5.1867. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary.
■tat—yvCm PrlnterN fee fA 50
GEORGIA, Fa yeti k county.
WHEREAS, June Jones, administratrix on the
estate of Frances P. Junes, deceased, represents to
the Court that she has iully administered the said
Francis P. Jones’estate, and prays for letters o
and singular the kimlrud and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office, w ithin the
time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any
they have, why said letters should uot be grautcu.
* n, ‘ ° moW "®“ tUr '*
_ EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary.
I»—wflm Printer's fee $4 8U
WHEREAS, R-ibcrt U. sJmitb, administratorv
7in. A. Patrick, deoeused, represents on bis no.
t-ition duly filed, that ho has fully discharged 111
therefore, to cite and admonish nl
* tiie kiudred and creditors ol said
be and appear at my office on or be
fore the flrst Monday In May, 1868, and show cause,
if any thoy have, wuy letters or dismission should
-ot be granted the applicant
Given under my Hand and official signature,
GEORGIA. Fayette couxty.
the'oiatu a'r&iih administrator jn
» o h i B,, ‘ u !• deceased, reprcscnU to
lue yourstnat ho has lullv ndmlnisteriMl thnKHhl
“!f» r tb® kindred urouuen o: sam ae.
time m^, U Hlu^l i.5 1 'l P . 0rtr ttt 0,Uc0 Within the
riiiu. picserJlH-d by law, and show cause, if unv
bpt^be 'grauteS of dismlssiou should
offlclnI ‘ lg "“ turo
KUWAUU Oossoit, Oiillnary,
Printer’s fee #16(J
his December tho lijthj lW?.
GEORGIA. Fayettb county.
•aS£5?S.M?i*i ,£,, w? r a? u,h / administrator on me
t^tateof Willittiu Watson,deceased, represents to
administered tho sal.:
OUraisslofa^ 0 ” * au d Pfai »lor letters of
’^erefore, to cito all and singular
the kiudred uud creditors of said deceased
an, l appeal at my office within the
tune prescribed by law, uud snow cause, if any
they have, w hy rain letters of dismission should
not bo grunted.
Given under my baud and official signatiue
this December the 18m, 18U7
a - EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary.
dceflU—wflm Printer's ft*e H 50
GEORGLVFAYicrrK county.
WHKRKA8, Sterling J. Elder, administrator of
Thomas K Persons represents to the Court that
I»t ite* iUUy M * lLuiuiBfceiC(t Thomas IL Person'
This is, thoreroro, to cite all persons concerned,
ludrcd onu creditors, to show cau»e, if any they
can, why s.-dd adiuini«tralor should not oc dis
charged n*om his administration and receive let-
te^of dismission on the Urst Monday in Juue.
jt«i2E£SIbS * ml onlc1 * 1 “*>•
, M „ EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary.
dft’5—w6m Printer’s fee it M
this November 6tb, 1867.
WM. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary.
Printer's fee fjjin
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
\VH ERE AS, Augustus L. Pitts, administrator
II.IK. W. Augunui u. run, oummisiraior
ah«l 5lary A. Greer, administratrix, of Robert D
— seats to t u * jj ■ '
1 entered
.* * **—•/ ullc *» jsuiuimsirairix, ui 1 to DC r, kJ
‘? r y 0l j. r *‘‘ ,riJ# . #uU 10 the Wourt their petition
(ti«.i are.i«...—i — record, that they have
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
WHEREAS, Joseph Willis, administrator t_
the estate of Thomas M. Leo, lute ol said county,
deceased, represents to the Court In his petition
JjjJJflM that be has fully administered said
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned
to show cause, ii any they cau, why said admin-
istrator should not be discharged from bis said ad-
di^lfied , ,... ^ v .
fully ailmiuistered Robert D Greer’s estate .
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, il any thoy
Uave. why said administrator and administratrix
should not be discharged from their administra
tion and receive letters of dismission on tho flr.t
Monday in May, 1868.
Gin n under mv hand and official signature,
this 16th October. 1867. *
. .JON ATMAN B. WILSON, Ordlnrry.
octao— wfiio Printer’s fee $1.50
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county,
WHEREAS. James W. Mills, administrator on
the estate ol Robert Hone, deceased, having made
gygtektlon to mu for fetters of dlsmiaslou from
These are. therefore, to rive notice to all eon-
earned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my
office within the time prescribed by luur and Ule
their objections, irony they have, why said letter*
•hould not Ihj granted the applicant.
Given under my baud and official signature,
this November 6th, 1867
G. T. RAKKSTBAW, Ordinary.
nov8-w6m Printers foe fdJX)
GEORGIA, Henry county.
•WHEREAS, James Cokur, administrator In
rlgni of hi* wife com testamento annexed, ou the
cStaUt of James R. McKIght, loceascd, ha. made
appUcatlon to for letters dlsmissory rroin said
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors or said
deceased, to be and appear at my office, wlthin.the
time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any
they have, why such letters should not bo granted
•n terms of the law.
? nd OS*** signaturo,
this the k7th day of November. 1867.
minisirntion and receive letters of dismission on
Printer's fee|L50
WHEREAS, Mary Cameron, administratrix de
bonis uon on the , estate ol Alexander Cameron,
lute of said county, deceased, applies to me for
letters of dismission Born said administration:
These arc, theieronj, to cito and admonish all
and singular the kindred aud creditors oi said de
ceased to be and uppear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show cause, If any they
caut, y letU:rs ,hou d not 1,0 granted the appli-
A 7 . ««7 ml HDd 0<Hc,al,, * n4ture ’
. u. ^ D. W. NEEL, Ordinary.
dni4»~w6m Printer’s Ice $4 50*
GEORGIA, Clayton county.
AT the October Term of the Court of Ordinary
said oonnty. comes John A. Nosh, administra-
torouthu estate of Andrew N. Nosh, decease*I
lids is, therefore, to cite and admonish all pci
c. » 0 be and appear at my otllce,
prescribed toy law.— J s —
cause. If any they can, wby IcUers of (.
should not be granted the applicant.
ini ,ig ““ urc ’
C. A. DOLLAR, Ordinal
Printer's foe
me w lien the c
„ Liberty Hill.
Pike Couhty, Georgia.
Grovesteen, Fuller & Co,
55 Mercer street Netv York,
admiration or both critics u
UVMigB “puciully. some of Hie
PIANO, liclteving the exterior should
a* beaut ii ul to the eye us melody to the cur wc
have paid great attention to getting them up in u
style that U conceded by all who have soon them
to bo the hauds.micst PI AND FORTH made.
They ave ah entirely new STYLE, with lour round
corners, hearily carved teg* and lyre, b.ue richly
moulded, and contains ouu lxtxst impbovxd skw
— AkKand action. The tone i» melodious, oflu
Fire and Burglar Proof
GEORGIA Newton county,
WHEREAS, Mrs. Emily Neely, administratrix
the estate of Francis 8. Neely, deceased, applies
mo lor letters of dismission:
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, the
kindred and creditors of said deceased to Hie then
objections in my office, if any they have, ou or bo-
lore the flrst ilenday in Juno nex^ why said
plfcnut ° n 1106 ^ granted to the ap
and ° mclal •ignkture,
_ WM. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary,
novkfl—wtim Printer’s feu 5»
WHEREAS, Francis Patterson, administiator
or FnariaM. Patterson, represchto tothcCourt
that he has iully administered Francis M Putter-
son’s estate:
^,1’his is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause why said
administrator should not bo discharged from his
uduiiuDtrutiou and receive letters of dismission
on the flrst Monday iu June, 1868.
sSrW. lni1 ° mC “ 1 ,lp,,,ure ’ W
j EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary.
dec5—w6m l'rlntor's fee H4.5u
GEORGIA, Monroe county.
WHEREAS, James M. Ponder, executor of tho
Jtwllland testament ol Murium i'or.dcr. renre-
sents to the Court iu bis petition duly Hied and
returned on record, that he has fully administered
th« estate or said deceased:
'ibis is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
" — — HW
kiudred and creditors, to show causa, if a
WltmsM my hand and official signalu.w,
6th day or Juuuary, 1868.
t , n _ O. MORSE, Ordinary.
):>i‘HI—wfun * Prli.tcr s fee *4 50'
GEORGIA, Rum culniv.
WHEREAS, John White applies to the under
gned ter iKiers ot dismission upon the estate o
James V. Whin-, late of said county, deceased:
All persons interested are hereby required to is
and uppear at the Court of ordinary on the ilrs
Monday in June next, to show cause if un<
they have, why letters should not be granted thl
“.under my hand, officially, this November
. tV. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
PrlPtor'a fee $450
GEORGIA, DeKalb county.
WniKRBAS, Asa W. Howard aud Samrcl Potts.
Iiiiini-li.itor' ol Jaiilt-S M. Ilraiitjoy, decvaaOd
iprcsoii- to the Court, in their petition duly
“ ^ -y bi|Yf
Till* i*. the
ad, kin
cd unde
i M. iirai
o cl
; by piiuut
WAW«*MS>>n> best « THE would. SI
ur *' ,J,gr jSauvix *Vo? l0 *“ c - tu * M “ rcl ‘»*■
.■a- the Greenville uutl Charleston II. R. Depots
I official signature,
». WILSON, Ordinary.
Printer’s tV*c >4 60*
lute application will Ii
inacy ol Gordou couulj
>tc l>elougiu
GEORGIA, Bibb county.
, V* I’*»nt, executor of tho estate
Johu M- Kunze, late of said county, deceased,
makes application to the undersigned for lcttors
of disuibsion upon said decem-cd'sestate:
All person interested are rc<|uired to be and ap
pear at the Court 01 Ordinary on the flrst Monday
iu June uext, to show cause, if any they have,
whjj lrttors dlsmissory shouid uot be granted the
. t^VUness my baud and official slgnatnre, this
November 20th, 1867. * ^
W. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
nov21—w6:n printer’* ff“' 14.50
£**, AD *ley applies to me for let.
tors 01 dismission from adm-nistratlon on the
•Stateof i j -istisi if i .ii.. -*— -- -—*
and singular tho kindred and creditors of said
ilet^ased, aud all persons concerned, to Ihj and ap
pear at my office, within the lime prescribed by
aw, and show cause, if any they have, otherwise
letters will be granted In terms of the law!
Given under my hand und official idtrnatun
this 12tb day of October. 1W7 signatun
L. P. lmRMAN. Ordinary.
Oc.tSO—wfim |ii*initi.>ii r.M. ,*V)"
W I LL bo aold before tho Court House door, in
-I-.? c 1 y »°f Atlanta, ikiuuty Of Kultoa.on the flrst
IS 7 ln,Aprll r ll68, wlthlh iho legal hours of
sale, the following property to-vvtt:
wn«?Sl ,s “* In a two story brick
tween Decatur and Line stree's in the city of At-
ul .I'lj’iiiiii
-1 o.giiig G.’w.t 1-1.
ter being duly h
U. Reid v
J. Thrasher,'
It. kl.i/son, was duly advertised
^ before
_ 'the order
ssold at public
flrst above stated, u
said state. This Fc
itl property is 10 adver-
■“ - e and place
the terms0/sale, ,
tlscd and will be agai u sold ». the tim
“ ' “ T the M&JsM TJo
od out iu such case
e und the laws of
•ruary 2Uih, 1868.
« , , ,, .Wft, J1 * llOLCOMDB,
Special Baffin Fulton County Court,
s Printer’s fee $160 per ley vy.
henry: sheriff sales.
WILL be sold before the Court House door, in
the town of McDouough, in Heury county,
Doorgiu, witiiiit the legal hours of sale, on tue
ertv tn* S u’ , |i\ jr *“ uuxl * tlj0 following prop-
r leu, in the
v T u *y* ihcuiui «r»oi coun vs. a. u.
Miller, principal, and W. It Heury, administra-
tor. amTHaunah Miller, administratrix ol Francis
Miller, deceased, garnishees, and sundry other
lei, attorney at law. 1
Also, at the sumo time and place will be sold,
le preiubes whereon Htunuel Wyatt now resides
1 said county, and in the 8th district thereof!
numbers and amount ofaeres uot known. Levied
* tho property ofttamuol Wyatt, to satisfy a
. . T- ,a m.* sUL ^ lrom t,lu »«U»rfor Court of said
CftHinty. The officers or Court vs. bamuel Wyatt
principal and Francis 51. Wyatt aud Judy.Me-
cuue, eudorsurs. Property pointed out by tho
udciiuistrators of James W, Crockett, deceased
This February »7tU, 1868. ' uoceaseu.
- ^ LEVI II. TURNER, Deputy Sheriff,
feim-wts Printer’s fee trot per levy
Dekalb sheriff sales.
WILL bo sold before tlio Court House door, at
Decatur, Iu DeKalb comity, ueorgia, ou the dm
Tuesday in April next, within the legal hours
of sale, the loliowing property, to-wit:
The 8tono Mountain. Levied on to satisfy a tax
11 Collector 01 said county
agalnstbtore Mountain Granite Company. Prop-
",^" oTax u,uc ^ r - »f L
WILL be sold cloro the court House door. In
the town 01 McDonough, Heury county, Georgia,
oa the first Tucsduy in April next, within the
local hours of siue, the loliowing property, to-
re.c h o nt lred aero* of Und, more or less, in the
£SrSS2 r !elA*. tti i ,^ untjr V th , tt ,l ,lnC{J wherSn
Samuel W y«tt now lives. Levied ou as the prop-
er *y of Samuel Wyatt, to satisfy u tax «. la. vs.
WILL be sold before tho Court House door. Iu
the town of Gumming, Forsyth county, Ga., w/th-
n the legal hours of sale, ou the first Tuesday
in April uext, the following property, to-wit: '
tiifnrV 1 i U fll 0 ’,®* 8 ^ ^5“ district and 1st see-
sa . 1 , tl co , unt y- Levied on as the property of
YUllam Martin, to satUly the cost ou one fl: fa.
iMied from ii Justices’ Court of said county, in
ivor or AlcDi.l jt Campbell vs. said Martin
um-nu .’Wtogasw
GEORGIA. Gwinnktt county.
WllERI A8, B. A. Biakov, administrator ou the
estate of Shepherd btm idge. deceased, hav'n*
Sire'JSfefe ‘ iUra, “ 10 "
ccrned, kindred and creditors, to bo aud appear
atmyoffico wlthlu the time prescribed by law
and flly thoir objec tions, if uuy they have, why
said letters should not be granted tho applicant.
Given under my baud and official signature,
this November 6th, 1867. ignwure.
■ • G; T. RAKK8TRAW, Ordinary
nov8—worn Printer’s fan #4.60
GEORGIA, Fulton county,
| W.IEREAS, r J ,, s cphW i lff., administiator of
the fttiato of Josepu Wallace, deceased, retire-
sents m his pj tition duly filed that he bat fully
discharged bis said trust and is entitled to a dU-
mission: < •
This is, therefore, to cite and udmonish ail per*
sonsroncerned, to Ule their objections, If any exitt
with the time allowed by law, u hy letters ol dis-
mission should not bo granted tho applicant.
Witness the lion. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary in
and R>r sal county, thlskl-t Jan. 1868. 7
> a JJiD. T. COUPE It, Deputy Clerk.
JanM-wflm Printer's fee $4.60
GEORGIA, Monkok county.
WI1FRKA8, Uobt, tj. Andersou, e. s. o. applies
> me tor letters of disiiiissiou from adiuiuistru-
lion on the estate of Mrs M. A. nuttom docMsed^
Those ute, tlicrt'iore, to sue ami admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased and ail concerned, to 1-0 uud appear at
my office, witbiu the time prescribed by law,
mnrt «h rt -r re...... »*- n , why said let
In tot ms oFthela w,~ “ ia ap *' llo “ l ‘ D
Given under my hand and official signature
is the 22d day 6' Deecmher. 1867.
M . o. MORSE, Ordinary.
Jec26—wflm Printer’s fee (4.M
WILL be sold before the Court-house door. In the
town of Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga., ou tlie flrst
Tuesday iu April next, within the legal hours
ol sale, the loliowing property, to-wit: *
One-balf Inter:st In siveutoen acres or land,
number not known, but kuownasthuJ B Thorn- .
JJhonip place, and a half Interest in a Steam Saw
Mill, situa ed one mile northwest of Calhoun, ou
Co»tanaula River. Levitxl on os the urooertv ut •
J. M. Field, to satlsiv his State ami (iouuty tax
g? hey^ar 1807 Property pointed out by J. M.
Field. This the 4th da\ 01 February, 1868. 7
.. . JOHN GRESHAM, Sheriff.
roarH-wld* Pi Intel ’s teeiajoimr lew
■irom tho Court of Oi
y, Georgia, will lie soldo
legaThouri of sale, before the court House 8 door'
In the town of Dallas, the following lots
oi land, to-wltj Thirty acres off of lot of land
number two hundred and nine in the 2d dist., and
«ni vection, one acre, more or less of bit No in
the 2d district and id section, and the undivided
ttoc «f KS°fti 1M ,n th .° 1Utl1 rict “ n J 8d sec-
FcbruarySlhl^SM. UU * *•"« c «b-
..H. TiioMASTON, Administrator,
fehll ~wt» Printm-'s fee $10
virtueof an order fh>m the Court of Ordlna-
^ 1 attlding count/, Gu., will be sold before the •
CourtUoure dour, iu the town of Dallas on tbu
flrst Tuesday in April uext, between tiie legal
hours Of kale, the loll-.wing property, to*wit*
One lot of land No. ljwi iu the li-i distrTetSd W
section, uud lots Nos. 116 ouu JW iu tlio 1st Ui»tri« t
aud 8d section or Paulding county, Ga. Sold ns
the property ol Madi»oii Walius, deceased hold
lor the benefit of tliehelrs uud creditors^TeiSs
cash. February «, 1808.
E. POLK, Administrator.
Printer’s fee jj
GEORGIA, Gwinnett county.
WHEREAS .Mirant s. Perry, administratrix of
tire ..tnUiur William A. furry, laic of ,Sj Sim,,
ty. de cased .represents iu hoi petition duly filed
tiiut said estate Mis proved iunuiveut un<l time she
has rully discharged said trust;
All persons cououriicd are cited and udmool»bc«l
to file their oliicotions within she time prescript U
by law, and show cause, Ii uuy exist, why letters
nt * m,M 0,1 fcl,uul d u«t granted to tbu appii-
Witucw mv hand and official klgnuture, this
December utn, 1867.
G. T. RAKESTRAW, Ordinary,
e»14—w6m Printer’s fee #f,V)
GEORGIA, Hunky county.
Martha George, adminDtralrix or
the estate of Jackson Georgo, deceased, late of said
ftom^i^n bfVi'V t *0 ,u ? Offers dlsmissory
This is, theruloru, to cite and admonish all am:
ngulnr the kindred and creditors of said lio
nised to show cause,ir any exUU, within the time
lowed by law, why letter, of dismission should
it bc grunted the applicant.
Witness mjr official signature, this October 16th
•n- O It NOLAN, ordinary.
, late of said
0 in due form
>c, if any exists, wit
, why said letters ot .
■anted the applicant,
d signal,ue. till- . ct.
O. R. NOLAN. Or-tin
Primer’s ice ft 30
! GEORGIA, Gordon cou>
! TWO MON rust alter date a
Georgia, lor leave to sell th
' ecu a’! 11 "m 1 r’h gi* ’ ltttC ° f 8at ^ County,
rroprlaor. \ ' TIluilAS B. UAUNW’ltLL, A,Dn'
tiiar31-\Kui f rintor’3 fire »5
*. r . -
BV virtu. 01 .n order or thu Court urordlnnry
ot Uordon county, uo.,rgl» will Ire ,oU Ireioii
the Court House door iu thu town of Calhouu
Gordon county, ou the first Tuesday In Mnv
next, within the legal hours or sale, lots of la!5
IWacrw. more“i?lw7 & lot of
luud so. 107, all in the 24th district and «d section
of said county, sold os thus property of Elios
Putuiun, late of said county, deceased, lor thu
benefit-of tbe heirs and cmlitors Term^-Purt
cosh} the balance on time. March 15, 1868.
rl7—wta Printer’s fee 55
BVVlxtuo of an order irom tho Court of Ordin-
Kh^i u ^ n W° uuly ’, win be wild he-
fore the Court House iloor, Di Decatur, in said
t J‘ c , , i r ' t r ru, ?' luy 1,1 nuxt, between
the legal hour* or. sale, iwouty acres or land
lying in the northeast part of lot of land No. 170.
in the lSMl district or originally Henry, now
DeKalb county, nuiU laud ly nig ubout four miles
south east Ol the city or Alauto. near Perry’s Saw
'A M ‘U . & uld a* the property of Thomas
terry, d „
creditors ui said dec*
cash. March 18, 1808.
MARY J. TERRY. Administratrix.
The terms will be
mar!4 -w
BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordin-
ary of Gordon county, Georgia, will bo sold before
the Court House door, m the tow 11 of Calhoun, on
hn«S lu * v i*ni>'«xt. within tho legal
hours ot sale, Piu at’ 1 '-.- oi l;mu, nin e or less No,
in the 6th district oi Gordou county, Georgia.
for the benefit!!f tim belli nwi “^d,
fSBssteSS'a*iki““ »***
A. LITTLEFIELD, Administrator.
lcP24— w ts Printer’s fi o xa
.BY vlrtuoof the last will and testament of Eli
Iniilly llenry, now DeKalb county. Georgia^ Vj!
Joining land oi John J. Marina bold as ifin »’,mn
srej -i.reoti.riiu.tejK
February 11th, 1MJ8. CIW< luruu cttab -
ebruary 11th, im»,
N AliClbAA CII A I’M .
*»*-X LUXU ¥ ■ JMA '
GEORGIA. Gordon coi n
’”•■’ • MONTHS alter date n
- - — the bonorahlo Court ol
don county, Georgia, for leav
- Ute belonging 10 the estate «
Uftttty. dtct-jised.
late of said
*r^ n fi r ‘