Georgia weekly opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, April 28, 1868, Image 1

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X U A/ GEORGIA WEEKLY OPINION. VOL. I—NO. 39.1 ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 28,1868. ITERMS-13 00 From tho Sow York Times.] Tho injustice and inexpediency of the penal measures of Congress could havo no more striking illustration than i3 afforded l>y the canvass now in progress in Georgia. There nre, as our readers know, two tick ets before the peoplo of that State; ‘ headed by tho Radical candidate for Governorship, with other nominations em anating from the Constitutional Conven tion; the other, embracing the nominees of tlie opponents of tho Constitution, irre spective of old party afllHations. The chief position on the latter ticket was orig inally occupied by Judge IRWIN, who has been correctly described in these columns us an anti-secessionist before tho war, and a consistent, unfaltering Unionist through out tho war. Ills loyal adherence to the Union, and his earnest desire for tlie res toration of ids State to tlie Union, are as notable us tlie integrity of his character and his general capacity for public service. Reasoning on general principles, a candi date less objectionable to Union men. or less likely to fall under the proscrlptivo clauses of tlie Reconstruction acts, could not be imagined. Therefore, the telegraph dispatch the other day, announcing Gen. MkAim's decision that Irwin is ineligible for office, seemed an inexplicable mistake. Wo supposed it to be an error of the oper ator or printer. * * * * During the war tlie Judge occasionally, and for wry brief periods, acted as the sub tituto of tho Confederate District At torney, who was incapacitated by illness. That is tho sum total of Irwin’s offence. His steadfast Unionism is unchallenged. His opposition to tlie Confederacy, from first, to last, none denies. But as a matter of humanity and public convenience he once or twice discharged the ministerial duties of District-Attorney. For tills, and lids alone, he is declared subject to the penalties enacted by Congress for the punishment of rebels*! Tlie story is not all told. Another candi date lias been found to take the ]>ositioit thus unexpectedly v mated, to whom Gen. Meade offers no objection. Gen. Gordon is tlie man. He was. while the war lasted, a Confederate officer. He went into the Confederate service the Colonel of an Ala bama regiment, fought with Lick to the end. and retired to Georgia with tlie rank of Major-General. A truer, braver, more gallant soldier of the Confederacy served not in the Held. Yet lie is eligible for office under the Reconstruction Act. Tlie District Commander, who rubai out Irwin, concedes tin* eligibility of Gordon. Why? •*IIc never held anv office prior to the war. never took anv official oatli to support the United Stab s Constitution, has received the President's pardon'forhfs participation in tlie relwllion.aiid is. so far as the law is concerned,free from nil disabilities as to reg istering, voting and holding office.” Such is the explanation furnished by our cor respondent. and we believe none else can be given. Irwin, li&viiiT.liclore the war taken the oatli of office, and having during the war momentarily performed the duties of a Confederate officer, cannot serve Georgia. His life-long Unionism counts as nothing Gordon, on the contrary, having never sworn to support tlie Constitution, but having as long as the war lasted fought against Union and Constitution, may ac cept the liiglie.-t office at the disposal of the people of Georgia, ills participation In the rebellion Joes not. operate as a hin drance to the acquisition of civil distinc tion. The faithful Unionist Is punished; the dnsldng Confederate sold er goes Into the canvass scot-free. Observe, we are not trying to make out a ease for 'the disfranehlsemcnt of Gen Gordon. We have no de.-lre to produce the impiv.-don that lie enjoys an Impunity to which mor dlv or equitably he is not enti tled, or that tlie law should bo rendered more stringe it to cover ca*es akin to Ills We believe that, individually, irrespective of difference-* of opinion. 1m would fill the Gubernatorial chair creditably; and. fur ther, that the large chiHS of whom he Is a tvpo may he freed from all disabilities " itli a lvantag*' to the South and the Union. We nre for olditeratlng nenaltles. not for mul tiplying them. Hut the po-dthm of Judge Irwin, reveals the uu| nut working of the law and establishes the necessity of some large modification of the proscriptive clauses as now interpreted. It cannot be that Cong* s» deigned to heap on good Union nu n burdens from which men who struggled lo de-troy tin* Union are exempt It meant to punish* persons who violated a solemn ontli by conspiring to destroy what they bad sworn to conserve; but surely no sensible legl-lator ever contemplated the .disfranchisement of a most excellent class ■of Southern citizens by a technical Inter pretation of acts in themselves unobjec tionable The country suffers from tlie exclusion from office of Southerners who were compromised h participation in the rebellion; and the difficulty Is now aggra vated by the exclusion of those who. though never engaged ill the rebellion, are by blundering legislation involved iu Us penalties. Had Judge Tmvis been tho nominee of the Radical Convention we should prob- ablv have had »n aopcai to Congress for special intervention In his behalf. An ef fort lias ct, uiaue to have disabilities lifted oil I'.e shoulders of Mr. Holden. with direct reference to his nomination as a Radical earn! date for the Governorship of North Carolina. Gen. LoOANand others holding his views have endorsed IIoi.dkn as a Southerner whom Congress should go out of its w ay to qualify for office. Y ot Mr. IIoi.dkn. as editor of tho Raleigh .Standard, zealous')' fosterpd resistance to the Union authority* prayed .God to “de liver the South from tlie cold-blooded na tive Yankee Abolitionists.” and actually published a suggestion pointing to the as sassination of Mr. Lincoln and General Scott. Up to a certain stage of the war lie was a bitter, unyielding rebel. More recently lie w armly espoused the Radical •cause, has labored for it earnaity, and now lioiies to lie elected Governor by Us Influ ence. His Unit-Unionism Is mercifully overlooked by the Logans of the Honsj&ftnu lie will doubtless occupy a front seat In the Radical synagogue. Judge lit win. op the .other hand* lias had no*offer of help from » engross, and is obliged to re Ire from the ttchlby a rendering of the law which Is at best technical; but lie happens to be a can didate In the Opposition Interest. That trilling circumstance constitutes the dif ference between Holdkn and Irwin In the estimation of Congress. Exceptional legislation, however, Is not tho thing most likely to meet the require- ments of the South, or obviate the injus tice of which Judge Irwin Is a victim. •The whole subject of disabilities might i most advantageously lie brought up fur ^revision before the admission of Southern States finally takes place. On every ground of right and policy, it U desirable that dls- ihtncliivcmcnt be narrowed down until It apply only to loaders of rebellion, who may bo specifically designated. All others cannot bo too soon restored to tho full privileges of citizenship. Progress of the Impeachment Trial. Washington, April IS.—The Court was opened nt 11 o’clock. By direction of the Chief Justice the question pending yester day was read, as follows: That tho counsel for tho President oiler to prove that at a certain Cabinet meeting all the members, including Stanton and Seward, declared llio tenurc-of-oilice act unconstitutional, and sliat the duty of preparing a veto was devolved upon Seward and Stanton, to be followed by proof of what was done by tho President and Cabinet to the time of send ing in the veto. The yeas and nays were called, resulting 20 to 20. So tho evidence Was not admitted. Mr. Welles was then recalled and counsel proposed to oak whether tho question of the applicability of tho tenure-of-office bill to Mr. Stanton was considered in Cabinet previous to its reeurti with tho objects of the President, and whether the opinion any of the Secretaries appointed Lincoln. Tlie evidence was not admitted. Mr. Evarts asked if within the period mentioned in the Cabinet discussion there was anything suggested Or said about using force In order to bring about the settlement of the question at issue; Butler objected, for tlie reason that it was covered by the ruling of tho Senate. The Semite sustained the objection by a -otc of 18 to 20. Mr. Wells on the cross examination, said he had received but one commission us Secretary of the Navy, which was from Abraham Lincoln; called on tlie President February 22. before 12o’clock; no nomina tion of Mr. Ewing was then made out; Mr. Stanberry had an engagement nt the Su preme Court ut 12 o'clock, but that was only his inference; docs not know why the officers under General Emory’s command called for the party to go to head-quarters; did not hear it was to warn them not to go to a masquerade; does not know whether he stated to the President tlmt officers were called, ami that the War Department was unusually lighted up. Edgar Welles, sou of the Secretary, and Chief Clerk of the Navy Department, was the next witness. lie certified to the form of commission of navy agents, and then stated what he heard at tho party, which lie communicated to his father tho same Right. Tlie lady of tlie house told him about tlie call for officers to go to head quarters. Mr. Evarts then stated that the Secreta ry of tlie Treasury, Secretary of State and Secretary of the Interior and Postmaster ‘ lie same from the •Secretary of tlie Navy, but would not now attempt to introduce it iu consequence of the late ruling. Alex. Randall, Postmaster General, was then called, ami testified that Foster Blod gett was relieved from rho office of post master at Augusta in consequence of a complaint, iu writing, of misconduct. He produced tlie papers and letters which ef fected the removal. Mr. Evarts o fie red to put them in evi dence. but the Senate refused. Mr. Evarts n>-<* and stated that the con tinued illness of Mr. St in berry prevented the counsel from saying positively, but, as they knew, their evidence was all in. The Court then, at three o'clock and forty minutes, adjourned. Thk Erik Raii.hou Accident.—Terrible Accident—four (Jura Thrown Down an Em bankment—Sleeping Car Burned—20 Per- sons Killed and 50 Wounded.—The train to which tlie accident occurred left Buffalo Tuesday afternoon. Tim train consisted of the engine, tender, three sleeping ears, two first class and second class, two bag gage and one |H*.stal ear. About three o'clock yesterday morning Ames and Hor ton, of tlie General Post Olllce in New York city, who were in charge of the pos tal car, saw the belt rope straighten out and break iu two. when Mr. Jutld remark ed to one of the officers that lie luid lost his rear ears. They run to tlie rear plat form of the car. when four ears Were seen rolling down a precipice from seventy-five to one hundred feet high. The scene of the accident is thirteen miles beyond Port Jer vis on tlie Delaware division of tho road The sides ot the precipice are formed of jagged rocks, and in the descent the cars were broken to pieces. At tlie bottom is a tllvert, through which flows a stream emptying into the Delaware river. The disaster was caused by a broken rail, which threw flu* rear car immediately in front, and the whole were participated down the embankment.* The ears, in going over the embankment turned several times I a* fore reaching the bottom, and Were nearly demolished. A sleeping-ear was entirely destroyed by tire. n to res- hodies of the killed. Many of tlie hitter could not bo recognized. Seven persons were burned to deatli. and six others were killed by coming in contact with the jagged rocks, etc. The wounded persons were placed in a train and brought to Port Jervis. Sev eral surgeons were iimiiodintciy summoned, and everything was done to alleviate the sufferings of ihu injured. The bodies of tlie killed were left to the ground. By the latest dispa tones received ar the Erie Rail way office, it appears that twenty persons are dead and fifty wounded Of the hitter, ten are seriously if not fatally injured. About That Drink.—Tho official report of the examination of General Thomas is much more juicy than that furnished by telegraph. Hen; is tlie account of the so- scene In the War Office: Witness—Mr. Stanton turned to me and got to talking in a very familiar manner with me. I su'd: “Tlie next time you have me arrested, please don’t do it before i get something to eat.’’ {Laughter] I said: “I have had nothing to eat to-day.” [contin ued laughter] “He put Ids arm round ray neck, as lie used to do, In a familiar man ner, and run his hand through my hair, and turned round to Ueii. Sclirlver and said: “Schrlver, have \ou got a bottle here? bring it out?” [Roars of laughter] Schrlver unlocked ld» desk, and took out a small vial; the Secretary then proposed that we should have a spoonful of whisky; i said 1 would take a Hue. Gen. Schrlver poured it out into a tumbler and divided it eq Mr!^tani)crry-He shared it evenly? A—Yes, he took the glasses up this wav, Indicating, and measured them with his oye. Presently, u messenger came in with * full bottle or whisky, and the cork was drawn, and be and l took a drink together Q—Was that all the force exhibited that day? A—That was all. Ills Speech Before flic Press Club In New York. At the late Press Banquet given in New York on tho 19th, In honor of Mr. Dickens, that gentleman responded to the toast, “Our Guest,” as follows: Gentlemen: I cannot do better than to take my cue from your distinguished Pres ident, and refer in my first remarks to his first remarks In connection with the old of associations between you and me. When to rerflni room of tho British Museum, was assured by the English family with which she resided that It was unfortunately Im possible, becauso the place was closed for a week, and she only had three days to stay Upon that lady’s going, as slio assured me alone to the gate, seif-introduced as ar. American lady, the gate llew open as if by magic. [Laughter and applause.] I am honestly bound to add that she was cer tainly young ami extremely pretty. [Laughter and applause.] Still the porter “it institution is of an obese habit, and, .best of my observation, not very lin- aoclation of tho members of the press of i refer to these triiles ns collateral ussnr- New York, to dine with them to-day, I ac- j once to you that the Englishman who shall cepted that compliment in grateful remem-j humbly strive, as I, hope to do, to boas brance of a calling that was once mine, and j faithful to America ns to Engljuul herself, In loyal sympathy towards a brotherhood j haf no previous conceptioncontend which, in the spirit. I have never deserted, against. [Applause.! [Applause.] To the whole soul-training J Finally, gentlemen. I leaver this subject of severe newspaper work, when I was a i to your convlncion. 1 do believe that from very young man. 1 constantly regarded my J the great majority of minds on both sides first success. [Applause.] And, too, my of t' e^ewn there cannot lx* absent the sons wlH fcaraafter testify o§ their father " that lie was always proud of that ladder by .... . . ' if ft which lie rose, [Renewed applause.] were otherwise, I should have but a very poor and mean opinion of that father which perhaps,upon the whole, I have not. [Greut laughter.] Thus, gentlemen, under any circumstances, this company would have been uncxceptionably interesting and agreeable to me; but where, as I sup pose, that, like tho fancied pavilion of the Arabian Knights, it would be a mere handful, I find it drawn out like the same pavilion, capable of comprehending a mul titude. So much the more proud am I of the honor of belt g your guest, for you will readily believe that the more widely rep resentative of the press in America my entertainers are, the more 1 must feel the good will and kindly sentiments towards me of that vast institution. [Applause.] Gentlemen, so much of my voice has lately been heard in tlie land; [laughter;] I have for upwards of four hurd w inter mouths, had to contend against what 1 have been sometimes quite admiringly assured was a great American catarrh; [great laughter;] a visitation which I have thoroughly and highly appreciated, [applause and laugh ter.] though I might have prefer red to t>e naturalized by any oth er social or phylscal means. [Laughter] I say, gentlemen, so much of my voice has lately been beard in the land, that 1 might have been contented not to trouble you any further, from my present stand ing point—were it not a duty with which I henceforth charge myself, not only here but on every suitable occasion whatsoever and wheresoever, to express my high and gratcfiil sense of my second reception in America, and to bear my honest testimony to the national generosity and magnanim ity. [Great cheering.] Also, to declare bow astonished I have been by tlie atnaz Ing changes that I have seen around me on every side; changes moral, ciianges physical, changes in tlie amount of land peopled, changes in tho rise of vast new cities, changes in the growth ot older cities, changes in the graces and amenities of life, changes iu the press, w ithout whose advancement no advancement can take place any where. [Great applause.] Nor am I. believe me, so nrrvgniit as to sup pose that In five and twenty years there have been no changes in me, and that I had nothing to learn, and no fdse impressions to correct, formed when I was here first. [Thunders of applause.] But. gentlemen, this brings me to a point on which I have, ever since I landed here last November, observed a strict silence, though sometimes tempted to break it; and in reference to it I will* with your good leave, take you Into my confidence. [Great and cries of “hear, hear."] I fi <1 the press, be ing tinman, may lie sometimes mistaken or misinformed. [Laughter ] But I rather think I have in one or two rare instances, know n its information to he not perfectly correct, [roars of laughter.] with reference to invself. [Renewed laughter.] Indeed. 1 have now ami again been more surprised by printed news that I have read of myself than by any printed news that I have read In my present state of existence. [ Applause] The vigor and perseverance with which 1 j for many iumths been collecting materials and hammering away at a new book on America, [laughter.] Is much, as It might seem; that ail that time it has been perfectly well known to tny publisher*, on both sides ot the Atlantic, that 1 positively declared no consideration on eartli should induce me to write. [laughter.] but what 1 have intended, what 1 have resolved upon, and tills is tlie confidence 1 seek to place in you, that on my return to England, in every English journal, inantully, prompt ly, plainly, in my own person, to bear, for the behoof of my countrymen, such testi mony to the gigantic changes in thiscoun- try as I have hinted at, [Applause.] Also t» recall that wherever 1 have been, in the finallcst places equally with the largest, I have been received with unsurpassable politeness, delicacy, sweet temper, hospi tality, consideration. and with unsurpass able respect for the privacy daily enforced upon me by the nature of my’a vocation here uud tlie state of my health. [Ap plause.] This testimony, so long as 1 live and so long as my descendants have any legal right in my hooks, shall I cause to be published as an appendix to every copy of those two books of mine iu which 1 have referred to America. [Thunders of ap plause-] And tills I will do, and cause to be done, not in tny loving thankfulness, but because I regard it us an act of plain justice and honor. [Applause.] Gentle men, this expression of my own feelings of an interest In America, and those or the most of my countrymen, seems to me but a natural one, whetner or not do 1 make it au express object. I was asked In tills very city, about last Christinas time, whether an American was not at some dis advantage in England us a foreigner. Tlie notion of an American being regarded as a foreigner at all; of ids ever being thought of, or spoken of In that character, was to incongruous and absurd to me that my gravity was, for the moment, quite overpowered. [Applause.] As soon as it was restored I said that for years past I had hoped 1 had as tniny American friends, and recelveo as many American visitors us almost any Englishman living. [Applause.] Add that my unvuried ex perience, fortified by others, was that it was enough In England to be an American to be received with most earnest respect and recognition anywhere. When an American gentleman of cultiva ted taste lor art fouud himself, on a certain Sunday, outside the walls of a certain his torical English castle, famous for Its pic tures. lie was refused admission there, ac cording to the strict rules of the place on that day, but by merely representing that ho was an American gcntlcmnn on his travels, and hod yet to sec that picture gal lery, the castle was placed at his immediate disposal. [Great applause and laughter.] There was a lady, too, being in (.ondon, and having a great desire to see the famous conviction that’ it be better for this globe to be riven by an earthquake, fired by a comet, run over by an ice-berg or abandoned to Arctic foxes and bears, than that it should present tlie spectacle of these two great nations, each of whom has in its own way striven so hard and so success fully for freedom, ever again being arrayed, the one against the other.” [Thunders of applause.] “ Behind the Nceiics. 1 We have heretofore referred to a book with the above title, of which Mrs. Eliza betli Heckly, a slave for thirty years, and subsequently servant of Mrs. Jefferson Da vis, and for four years an inmate in the White House, during Mr. Lincoln's admin istration. U author. It has just been pub lished and contains some curious disclos ures; among them something about the campaign of 1804, and Mrs. Lincoln’s pe culiar method of conducting it: In 18G4. much doubt existed in regard to the re-election of Mr. Lincoln, and tin* White House was beseiged by all grades of politicians. Mrs. Lincoln was oftc blamed for having a certain class of me around her. “1 have an object in view, Lizabeth,” she said to me in reference to this matter. “ in a political canvass It is policy to cultivate every element of strength. These men have influence, and wo require influence to ru-elecl Mr. Lincoln. 1 will be clever to them until after the election, and then, if we remain at the White House, I will drop every one of th m. and let them know very plainly that 1 only made tools of them. They are an unprincipled set, ami I don’t initid a little double-dealing with them.” “Docs Mr. Lincoln know what your pur pose is ?” I asked. “God! no; he would never sanction i a proceeding, so I keep him in the dark, and will tell him of it when all is over.” Mr*. Lincoln was extremely anxioti! that her husband should lie re-elccteu Pres ident of the United States. In endeavor ing to wakt, a UDplny becoming her ex alted position, she hud to incur many ex penses. Mr. Lincoln's salary was Inade quate to meet them, and she was forced to run in debt, hoping that good fortune would favor her, ami enable her to extri cate hers if from an embarrassing situa tion. She bought the most expensive goods on credit, and In the Summer of 1804 enormous unpaid bills stared her in the face. Mrs. Lincoln has a long conversation with Mrs. lleckluy in regard toiler debts, and her plans for meeting their payment. We quote: “1 owe altogether about 827,000, the principal portion at Stewart’s, in 2’ York. You understand, Lizabeth, that Lincoln has but little idea of tlie expense of a woman’s wardrobe. He glances ut my rich dresses, and is happy ill the belief that the few hundred dollars that I obtain from him supply all my wants. 1 must dress in costly materials. Tiie people scrutinize every article that I wear with critical cu riosity. The very fact of having grown up In tlie West subjects mu to more search ing observation. To keep up appearances 1 must lmve money—more than Mr. Lin coln can spare for me. He is too honest to make a penny outside of Ids salary; con sequently 1 had, and still have, no alterna tive but to run in dubt.” “And Mr. Lincoln docs not even sus pect how much you owe? ” “God, no!”—this was a favorite expres sion of hers—“and 1 would not have hi in suspect if he knew that Ids wife was in volved to the extent to which she is. the knowledge would drive him mad. He Is so sincere uud straightforward himself, that lie is shocked by the duplicity' others. He does not know a thing utxmC any debts, and I value Ids happiness, not to speak of my own. too much to allow him to know anything. This is wlmt troubles tne so much, if lie D re-elected, 1 can keep him in ignorance of my affairs; but. if he is de feated, then the bills will he senl iu, and he will know all;” and something like a hys terical sob escaped her. Mrs. Lincoln sometimes feared that the K liticians would get hold of the particii- •s of her debts, and use them in the Presidential campaign against her hus band ; and when this thought occurred to her she waa aluio&t crazy with anxiety and fear. When In one of these excited moods she would fiercely exclaim: “The lb-publican politicians must pay my debts. ILiiidreds of them are getting (in- mens- iy rich off the patronage of my hus band, and it is but fair that they should help me out of my embarrassment. 1 will make a demand of them, and when I tell them tlie facta they cannot refuse to ad vance whatever monev 1 require.” A piquant chapter is that upon the cxlil- tlon and sale of tlie wardrobe. All the cor respondence is given in full, and the whole affair is paraded at length. Important Decision in Bankruptcy.— In a recent case brought before him, in Smith county, Tennessee, United States District Judge Trigg holds as follows: It does not appear, by the agreed state ment of facts, whether the bankrupt’s peti tion was filed before or alter he had made his declaration claiming his homestead. If the dtofaration was made before tlie filing of tho petition In bankrutcy, til my opinion the bankrupt will be entitled to have his homestead exempted from tlie clalma of creditors, except such of them as may have acquired a vested right In tlie tame, before making and registration of hU declaration as stated alxive. and pro vided by lection ‘1)15 of the Oode; but if the declaration's-made subsequent to the filling of his petition In bankruptcy, then he will not be entitled to f clalm the ex emption* Wlmt Fluid* are Explosive and what are Safe. The subject of illuminating fluids has since the many alarming accidents with kerosinc'and other mixtures used in almost every household, engaged the attention of the scientific world quite extensively. When, therefore, opinions like those quoted below emanate from such high authority as the Journal of Chemistry, published at Boston, it Is a matter of public duty, less than interest to reproduce them. The authority from which wc quote Is nmon, tlie highest known to the scientific world: Wc regret to find so much misappre hension existing among all classes regard ing tho character of iUuminating liquids In common use; and further, wc are surpris ed and sorry to learn of tlie extent to which dangerous naphthas and naphtha mixtures are used among our patrons.. We think it fair to infer, from information given, that nearly one-lialf of the liquids used in tlie country are fraudulent and dangeroug. A class of Kcotinnrels are traveling about the country, ami from our correspondence we judge they nre quite plentiful in tlie West, selling receipt* for making cheap inexplo- slve burning oils. First, we wish to state wliat we think of the man engaged in making and vending such liquid*. He is a dangerous imposter; and wherever he appears, or any one else, selling cheap oils, or receipts for uafcing them, have the parties arrested at once. A person offering for sale mixtures of naph tha or benzine, inffamabie at less tempera ture than 110 deg. F n can be, under United States revenue laws, punished by fine and imprisonment. A special act was passed by Congress March 2, 1867, to punish just such offenders. Second, we cannot reply to our kerosene correspondent individually. We are only able to do r.o in a general way: 1. Let it be understood that there is no substance or number of substances known to chemists which can be added to ben zlne, gasolene, or naptha, capable of rendering them safe, without destroying their combustibility or illuminating pro perties. 1. All illuminating oils offered for sale at less than a fair market price for standard kerosene, should las looked upon with suspicion. 3. Do not be deceived by the experiments of charlatans who. to prove tlie safe char acter of their oils, thrust lighted tapers or matches into lamp or into tlie vapor. This is wholly empirical. No oil or vapor, neither naptha, benzine or gasolene, are in themselves explosive; the vapor of these liquids must be mixed with atmospheric air in order to explode. Speaking of tliis subject the Scientific American enquires: “Who will invent an inexpioaive kerosene lamp?” Accepting as true the theory, above quoted, such a lump is not really necessary, because kero sene proper may be burned with safety in any lamp. Tlie suppression of the manu facture of dangerous fluids, .would super cede the necessity for non-explosive lamps. The Virginia Constitution We have just received a copy of the Constitution proposed by the Virginia Convention. In most of its features it is not unlike the one proposed for Georgia. But tlie darkest feature is the sweeping disfranchisement respiting from its adop tion. That our readers may fully under stand its force, we give the section iu full: 4. Every person who has been a Senator or representative in Congrcs, or elector of President or Vice President, or who held any olllce, civil or military, under the Uni ted States, or under any State, who, hav ing previously taken an oath as a member of Congress or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of ny Legislature, or ns an executive or judicial officer of any State, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid •r comfort to the enemies thereof. This lanseshall include the following officers: Governor. Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State. Auditor of Public Accounts. Sec ond Auditor, Register of the Land Office. State Treasurer, Attorney General. Sher iffs, Sergeants of a city or town. Commis sioner or the Revenue. County Surveyors. Constables, Overseers of the Poor. Commis sioner of tho Board of Public Works, Judges of the Supreme Court, Judges of the Circuit Courts, Judges of the Court of Hustings. Justices of the County Courts; Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Couneilnieti of a i icy or town, Con,nr*, KscUt ators. In spectors of Tobacco, flour, Ac; Clerks of the Supreme, District, Circuit and County Courts, and of tlie Court of Hustings, and Attorneys for the Commonwealth; Provid ed, That the Legislature may, by a vote of three-filths of both Houses, remove the disabilities Incurred by this clause from any person included therein by a separate vote in each case. OATH OK OKKICK. The oath of office and the “test oath” are the next attractive features of the said document. We give them also in full: Section «. All persons, before entering upon tlie discharge of any function as oltt- eers of this State, must take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: “I, —% do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support am! maintain the Con stitution and laws of the United States, and tlie Constitution and laws of the State of Virginia; that I recognize and accent the civil and political nualitu of all men before the law; aid that 1 will faithfully perform tlie duty of -to the best of uiy ability. So help me God.” Section 7. In nddition to tho foregoing oath ofoftice. the Govereor, Lieutenant Gov ernor. members of the General Assembly, secretary of State, Auditor of public ac counts, State Treasurer, Attorney General, all persons elected to any convention to frame a constitution for this State, or to change, alter or amend or revise tills Con stitution In any manner, and Mayor and council of any city or town, shall, before they enter on the uuttes of their respective offices, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: ’Provided, The disa bilities therein contained may bo Individ ually removed by a three-fifth vote of the General Assembly: “1 do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have never voluntarily borne arms against the United States slnoe I have been a citi zen thereof; that 1 have voluntarily given no aid, countenance, counsel or encour agement to persons engaged In armed hos tility thereto; that I ifitve never sought nor accepted, nor altera it*i to exercise the functions of any office whatever under am authority or pretended authority in hos tility to the United States; that I have not yielded a voluntary support to any pre tended government, authority, power, or constitution within the United States hos tile or inimical thereto. And I do further swear (or affirm) that to the best of my ability, I will support and defend tlie Con stitution of tlie United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that 1 will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of eva sion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge tlie duties of tlie office on which I «m about to cuter. So help utcGod.” We may mistake tlie character of tlie people of the -“Old Dominion,” but wc think we do not when wc say that they will not ratify any Constitution vagabon ding themselves by tlie wholesale, and pro hibiting the intellect and honesty of the State lrom any participation In its govern ment. If they do adopt it, they arp un worthy of citizenship in the State that gave them birth, or even of the decent respect of mankind. CSTThe following correspondence ex plains tlie cause of the removal of tlie Treasurer of Virginia by Gen. Schofield: Excutivk Office. / Richmond, Va„ April 15,18G8.j Major General J. M. Schofield, Commanding Fist Military District: General: I have tlie honor respectfully to call your attention to the fact that John S. Calvert, tlie Treasurer of the Common wealth, received in August, 1805, from J. M. Bennett, then acting us Auditor of Pub lic Accounts, tlie sum of $2,207 in gold, part of tlie. sum of $21,000 borrowed by the State Government at Richmond, in tlie name of the State, from the Bank of tlie Commonwealth, during the same year, the exact date not known. After tlie Pith of August In the same year, Mr. Calvert dis bursed to various parties, some of whom at least were not untitled to receive It, the sum of $995.70, part of the same funds, without, as 1 believe, any authority in law for sueli disbursements. The balance, $1,211.30, has not yet been paid into tlie State Treasury, nor does the same, as I am informed, appear in the accounts of the Treasury. I therefore respectfully recommend that John 8. Calvert, Esq., be* relieved from tlie olllce of the Treasurer of the Common wealth; that lie be required to deposit in the Treasury tlie amount so retained by him. I have the honor to remain, with great respect, yours truly, XL II. Wells, Governor of Virginia. [Official copy of extract.] IPdq’rs, First Militari District.) State of Virginia. > Richmond. April 17, 1808. ) Special Order No. 74. [Extract.] Sec. 2. Mr. John S. Calvert is hereby impended lrom the office of Treasurer of the State of Virginia, and Mr. George Rye is np|K>iuted Treasurer ad interim Schofield. Official: S. F. Chali /x, A. A. G. Mr. John S. Calvert, through his Excel lency the Governor of Virginia. H nq'ns First Military District.) Richmond, Va, April 17, 1808. ( Mr. John S. Calvert. Richmond, Pu, through 11 s Excellency, the Governor of Virginia: Sir: I am directed by the commanding General to enclose with tlie order issued to-day, suspending you from tho ofllce of Treasurer of Virginia, an extract from a rcjMU t made on tlie 13th Inst, by his Excel lency. Governor Wells, and to ask such ex planation as you may have to make of the matter therein referred to, together with the reasons, if any exist, why tlie balance of$l,211.30 should not be deposited in the Treasury. Respectfully, your obedient survunt, * u Mr. Chase and the Presidency.—The odore Tilton, who has just returned from a visit to Washington, writes to his paper, the Independent, as follows: Ot Mr. Chase’s desire for tho Presidency (whatever it may always havo been)* we have no comment to make, except to say that, during our long acquaintance with him. we never once heard him utter a word or drop a hint which could be construed as the expression of such a desire. If others among Ids admirers can give a dif ferent testimony, this at least is all that we ourselves can give. If Mr. Chase has kept a Pre-ldontlul hope within his breast, lie has carried it like a hid treasurer* which ho may lmve exhibited to other friends, but which he never once laid before our worthy eyes. A short time ago wo thought that the greatest gilt which this journal could of fer to the coming Chicago Convention was Mr. Chase’s illustrious name. We have rea- o believe that Mr. Chase would not ac cept the Republican nomination, even if it were tendered. We have equal reason to be lieve, also, that he would accept the Demo cratic nomination if it could be tendered on a platform not inconsistent with his weT.- known views of negro suffrage. No one who kuows the man will expect him ever to change, modify, or compromise his life long au I ineradicable convictions in favor of liberty, justice and political equality. Solemnly and earnestly he holds now, as he has held always* to the equal civ'il and political rights of all American citizens, without distinction of color, and let us add also, without distinction of sex. Nor have c| anv doubt that he will remain, in h.s own judgement, sacredly true to those > and high convictions during the rest ot his life. lie Concludes by say Ing: If at this late day it were not wholly useless to substitute another man, It might be the name of Charles Sumner or Mutiny- ler Coliax. or Ren. Wade, or Gen. Butler. But* of curse, the Chicago Convention will go pell-mell for Gen. Grant. Never theless, we shall go on dreaming ofifr day dream of the h ippy day when only a great statesman shall be eligible to preside over tlie Great Ucpublic. Paper Collars.—Most of tlie lending jobbing houses of this city have made up their minds to purchase any collar that suits their trade, notwithstanding the pre tended claims of the Union Paper Collar Company. The Chicago house* liave held a meeting and intend to do tho same thing. N. 1\ Times.