The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 29, 1867, Image 3
E DAILY OPIMIOil. '-Pav muknFng~august^ -C- r=. - ;--.-a =~r -—r—=r=i—- TO BUBiCEIBIRi.—Our readers should ,jear la mind Umt our terms of aubecription re- ouirc adoaaee payments from subscribers. The low rat<» at which the Opinion la offered will not Jaad remit promptly. TO AB^JUITISEES.—Except in cases in which iqieoial arrangement Is made. advertise ment* should lie paid lor when delivered at the counter, or upon presentation of bill alter publi cation. Notices, for anpearanoe next morn- ins. willT»c received up toil o’clock, r. m., daily. To Subscribers.—Subscribers who fail, to get thj$r paper regularly will confer a favor bv j men and Abandoned Lands, w ill histrui’t liromptl^epurtluff fne fact at the counting ' ... . r .U: Biuuq'm Foe am Mjliv&bv Ikbtmict.) (MlNMMfppi awr> AlKltBAS.; > Vicmat-M, Min., August 13,18(57. ) (leneral Orders No. 1».J I. The General commanding having been credibly informed that in some instances landholders w ithin this district are, with out legal cause, hut upon frivolous pre texts, driving off their laborers with a view to withhold their arrears of wages or share in the growing errtpa. Assistant CommLs- ioners of f he Bureau of Refugees, Freed- lt Ik the earnest desi fiKS "ofUHi orW»"h;r;t"urpromiu7. u .d I ev.TV 8,1.1, cm which nay regularly delir*n*d to iul»rril«n, and any rail- kin.wioilgc. aW.nling all the parties a lull ure on til.- pari of the carrier, Ui ilu »u aliuulrt be twurillf. su Unit, should the CIKUDIItf nee« loan ' nportwl. In order that such ueflect or earele,,-j a s dcvelopi'd ilinclose, on the part of the HAY— “to, may t» < • ! emploj-OTs. cruet treatment of tlie laborers, Ttm« Jla. H. F. Whitr, of rhmiiasvillc. will U r an attempt to ilcfrauil him of Ills wiuree, SA, ^E~. aoulbernTtieoffho ' J *’ " - •»•** ollemlcr may be brought to trial before JfJf, 1 a Military ('miimlsalon. suu.u: II. The officer who makes the iuvestiga-1 Urmd tlon will report fully to the Assistant Com- niissioiier all the fticts discovered, and w ill j J5Jffu< state whether any and w lmt application < <»rtv< has lieen made to the civil authorities, and *:' tr ' what action, if any. has been taken by! \M!i„ them, with tlie names of all civil otllcefs who fail or neglect to do justice In the premises. III. Complaints having also been re their subordinates carefully to investigate rv such case w hich may come to their OOMMEROIAIi. [BBPOBTBD BY J. R. BOAT WICK.] COEN- Whlte 1 allow or Mixed Meal BACON— Clear Sides Clear Rib Sides Shoulders Plain Hams S.( . Canvassed Itauis LAUD— Tierces Keifs and Cans FL«H R- Superdue . per bush .per bush ..per bush LOCAL AFFAIRS. I)r. Jeff - W* Brown, of Sand Hill, Car- gall Mcfi wil1 11,1 m MWt of tto i'.uiv mi Weekly Opinion in soliciting advertisements and subscriber*. fib ♦ tb 17 «17ju f ib nxoiis .fib 14 Hdh* Itttf n.0031000 11 00 HIM) la.uo l.lWal.HO 1 Jkmi.iHi to (S> Tiik Wrath EH.— Yesterday was one of Ihe warmest days of the season. Rain and sun- •blue. inArsIn with little or no air stirring, ren dered the day decidedly unpleasant ami alto gether disagreeable. However, it is line on “ young ducks,” and will soon wonderfully In- crease the already large crop of mosquitoes. ! have been Pkddlkhb License.—It seems that the! and in right of producers to sell their commodities on the streets of Atlanta without a license has liear. made attest question belure our city Municipal Court. The Judgment of the Court in the case, w hich was rendered in favor of the producer, sus taining him in the right to peddle out the products of his labor, certainly is a correct one, and we cannot conceive how any unbiased mind could i \poet any other rendering. We have had occa sion to examine the “books”of our “City Fathers" on the subject, and while it was known to us that interested jMirties held the reverse, wo never have been ul^c to so construe the ordli peddling- to make it applicable to the prodm w ho way choose to offer his commodities for | our market. A move unreasonable demand not !*e made, and a more -tnpendous outrage up the legal right* of the planter could not H granted Mliau such an infringement. However much interested parties object to tlie rendering of Uie Court in this case, not only the people, but the highest tribunal in the land cannot do other wise than sustain it. The right of the planter to vend the proceeds of his labor to the best advan- ^ allow llcllued. Torto Rico New Orleans COFFEK—RIO eel red that in some cane# there are labor ers to wliom a share of the crop of 180(5 is still due. Assistant Commissioners will di-1 rect their agents to prevent the removal of Fair Onlinary Java I’edang Mats. Lag i my r a any cropc until the share-* of the laborers ITKA— *a*e rtaiued and ssslgucd them, f any dispute between the einidoyerand the laborer In tills partition, anti on aeeount of the fact that the cdfcrts of the Stales of this District are not open to persons too |M>or to give bonds, tlie mat ter in dispute will Ik* decided by three referees, one of whom shall be selected by the employer, one by the. laborer, and tlie third by the other two; or, if they fail to select a think then he shall be appointed by the nearest officer of the Bureau, and a, j record of the decisions of these referees I will Ik* made, so that if found to be in ! ,ur " a ' v good laith and in keeping with the re-' 1,1 s,ri ' <M ipiiremcuts of this order, it may lie duly j iTon ed by the agent, w ho, to this end, is ; ein authorized to rail for aid upon the nearest' »*M ! Military Conimtmder. •“»! Tlie General Commanding wishes Jt to be ! be uuder.otood that the complaints of frauds I er ! noon laborers implicate only a low class | of men in this .district, and lie asks all' gentlemen, eugaged in planting—who are : of course interested in protecting the ' laborer—to aid in puuisliin^ into general contempt .-*11 "persons. wIkn ,uo of iho hlKh.,1 prerogative or ai,i iroutiHMit of tlwir IiaihI „ efti/ou. and one that <vc Imagine »ill ' "I"’" das- •Svrup XlolUr Reflnud. « rystal Am her... CANliLKS— •Star IS or. ....... Adamaatinc... I’arallm 80Ap^* U llabhitt's Kr.i»lvc German Kra>ivo < ..Igates 1) • Ik V B- e n, t n. e ib .e a* e k«i > g«i e khI e gnl V gal r gul l-V* 3 ll'* 1 , l.*i <3 15* ll>» 3 14 *< 3 :«) 27*; ® 28 SM 3 27 24 (3* 25 40 4 2 29 (3 J*> M (3 (id e n. lsu e tb iyjrf p n. p a. p a. ( 1TAT10V. 'in M. A It. .1. laowry r$. The'Northwostern Haul, of Georgia—A*siiuipslt in Ihe Superior of Fulton county, <>a .Icl'cmlaiils arc hcrci \ noli lie.1 and re- _ . -cd personally, or l*v Altorncy, to l.e and and bringing' appear «t thu noxt 8upori*.r lourt. to in- held in ,.er<on- wIk.m- 1 au.l (8r nuid county, on Uu ilr-t M<*mlav inocto- tl..«-l J llJi.lir ber next, tlien and tl.erel..;,.»sivertlieplttiutiff UlHtS lllsireuit a;i action of ‘a*-iilUl.'il, a*-|in del' T 1 lie vouchsafed to the planb-r* of Georgia long al ter the bowling-, of it* caliiuiniatore have sub sided for want of breath to attack it. Tiik City.—The city is unusually quiet. Whether it is attributable to the improved state Of public morals or a Icarclty of money, h tioa i Bv command Ord. An On. Greek.—Tlie McMinnville En terprise says that Spring ( reck, in Over- ton comity, has become an oil cruck liter ally. Such is the quantity of oil enntinu- .. . . ,, , ally flowing dow'n itite to clienge tlie color taanlurothon h> .tooM«. Whllv wc hope j of •» , w . wat * r> wljilu it ,| out . upon tlio Mir- . ■iiuiisil, a»*|i'i default art will prucecil a* to jtistieu shall of Brevet 3Iajon General Ummitain. (I it (• iikknI*’ \ A G Witness, the lion. .b)hu ('nlllcr. of ouc tlie V* l ' l,KKK ‘' .lodges of thu Superior court*. August 24d, 1MT. W. R. VKN.M5LK. Glerk. iv i* tht former, i^rieud who “ knows the roj insinuates it is iwWiblc that it is the latter. We have long hiard it said that mother of Invention,” but never havo that it had such a salutary offeot u|>on puM al*. If this be so, might we not truthfully ex claim: “ Blessed are the p break i^> thu e.alulwose t M llors and oxen take fright on Jt destroys the feathers .on ity was the ,r,. etM . ;l ,,d ducks, turning them yellow. Fish • • >od ' ( i' H . j|, the w ater. Wo beard a lady say she •>*■* I dressed and cooked a water turtle the flesh which was so a Heeled with tlie oil as to - for they shall not' destroy the natural taste. A refinery has recently been established for the wells of Spring Greek, and the oil is being refined Bad Sidkwai.ks.—It*is Imped that those and transported to market, having the matter in charge will reconstruct at : — - , portion of the sidewalks iu the city. They are good enough, it is true, for the great majority of <ipr citi/.cas. %s well as visitors*, bnt then, occa sionally, «h«y Hay such pranks u|*on sonic inno cent ,imt#trianH that something should lie done with thru) A few evenings since w "My up” and strike u the the poor, innocent fellow had to go h« “darling" with a smashed nose and a bruised el bow. Poor follow! The Council should muko our sidewalks better. Bather a strange affair won brought to light in tho city yesterday. In the house of a I colored woman, the hones of u human being were | found in a stove, burned almost to a cinder. Dr. , D'Alvigny ar.'l others, pronounce them the bones of a human, hut seem to doubt their being those of an infant. The woman says she was delivered of { a child the night previous; that it was still born; an*i that her attendants took and carried It off to j bury it. But the*c parties to whom she rufers dc- I ny knowing anything alsmt the affair. Tlie curious can examine the bouts by calling at j the city calutioose. An Invention Needed.— If some ge- nious will invent a machine which will keep motquitocs out of bud chainliers, there is no sort of doubt but what he could realize a handsome income from it. Independent of the t^tT The New Albany Ledger says: Cap tain Joshua Wiley Inu negotiated fV»r the purchase of the plain City, to run in con nection with tho Cairo Bello in the Yazoo river and Sunflower trade. Captain Wiley has been spending tlie summer In the face, and tills city, and will, as soon as tlie trade is I completed, bring the Plain City here for j a thorough overhauling. The price settled | ii jmui is 9!),000 cash. err lie complete vote of Kentucky foots j up as follows: 90.125 r Helm r llarncs : Kiukead Whole vote of Stnte 137,851 If elm’s majority over Barnes, 5(1,2(50; over Kinkcad, 711,058; over both, 43.000. £5V"A remarkable sulphur spring lias hern brought into notice lately in Henry county, Tenn., within ten hours’ journey of Memphis. The stream of the well flow with great violence, ami the water is so strong that one can smell it before get ting w ithin a quarter of a mile of tli spring. _ OTTlie Athens (Ohio) Me»engersay _ . , . . - w that a rattlesnake, measuring over six fee of ihe “Umar sharp little tweezer- with which ln ) en rr t i,, wan killed in that neighborhood they probe their drowsy victims, their whining u few days ago, bv a man while mowing. is very epon opening the serpent It was found to NOTICE. ©wry m. Win. M. A: U. J. Hunk of Georgia—A; < ourt of Kultoii eouuty, rpo W. il. Inman, Hold. -L son. II. .r. hnruyberry. W P. Inman and .los. T. Nlr( ol'lho Nortliwe-.tern Hunk < hfli-e by no till till Unit on the ilrst day of August, eighteen bund rod and sixty-tuvon. wccomineucod suit against the Northwestern Hunk ol Georgia, in tho Superior Court of Fulton county, Georgia. on tho bills of said Hank, ft eighty-six dollars. K Curry. Miles Dlek- WHIiam J. WhiUcll, •II, Stockboblers .•orgla: Y id ami ARNOTJ> A ROBINSON, tun«, claiming^) bo everybody’s cou»l annoying. Soda w atku» lias been decided to Ik*, a medicine in Washington, and a druggist arrested for Milling it on bunday was discharged. We clip.*fhe foregoing from an exchange. Our friomls of the “Arctic’' regions will take thu hint. contain thirty-seven young snakes. Arrivals at the Atlanta Hotels. RI'MNEKS NOTICES Oi r Advertisers.—It will be seen from B a notice^* another column that the legal adver tisement* of Greene county will hereafter appe-.r in the Opinion. Mr. A. G. Hitchina has placed his notes, etc., in the bands of Farrow A Simpson, Attorneys at Law. See notice. The Annual Commencement exercises of the Atlanta Medical College will take place next Friday, at the City Hall. The attention of our mershants and business men is directed the advertisement of the Mudison News—Geo. P. Evans, Proprietor. Commencement.—By reference to anoth er column it will he seen that the Commencement Exercises of the Atlanta Medical College, for the present session, w ill take place on Friday, the 30th instant, at the City Hall, commencing at 10); o’clock. The citizens generally, both ladies and gontlemen, arc particularly Invited to attend. I Opinion Job Officb.—By reference to other column, it will be seen that the Opinion Ice is now prepared to do, In the neatest and It approved style of the Art, and on reasona- Itenns, every variety and style of .lob Print I, to which wc invito the attention of our 1®'!* end ttj»)bllc generally. For foil partlc- Js or thenHRas classes of work we ere pre- red to execute, see notice In Another column. aNc have. In nonneetton with our Job Oflee, a ffrst-elAM Ruling Machine, an acquisition which enable* us » execute and role to order any WEDNESDAY, AUGUST *8. 1487. I UNITED STATES HOTEL.—WBITAKKR A Rxs- 8KJCN, Proprietor*— W. It. Tcnnxr, Clerk. : E II ( hen and son, Ga J A Render, Ga It 11 Hill, (4a Hodges, Ala J T Kenny, Ala G A Roberts, Ala It T Walton, (ia Miss A Aycock, Ga W 8 Freeman, Ga .1 Jones, Ala Miss Iajwis, Ala B 8 Thomas, Ga S Dreyftos. Ala F Arnold, Ga 8 Harnett, wife Miss M J Randolph, Ga J II Katterlleld, Ga J W Harris, Ga 8 H Beard, S (J .1 Purcell, Ga A Smart, Ga GH Wallace, Ga W C Hewitt and daugh- J H Davis ter, Ga K A Brinkley, Ga J T Jenkins, Ga Mrs A M Jacks* .1 L Bridges, Ga J II Wilson, (in A Wkcpbity.—The only security against perils is lound la the use of approved A. Ik L*44, of this city, tot w _ I* prepared to place thsm npeu j wY .. KtfS A H Booth. La II Healy. N Y G Cothran, Va 11 Tumlmson, Ga .1 D Murphy, Ala J A Manure Ga H Goodwin, Ga 8 Couch, Ga w k y S RT Mrs Mrs Bellamy, «s J n WasktugWm, Ge J T Flint, Ge R H Mooinaugh, Ky F F Colton, Ga K Miller, Ga A M Morgan, Ga J Williams, Ala II A Troutman und son, GA J B Scurry, Ga A B Moore Ga i. n Spring. Ga W Hudspeth, Ga Miss Acara, Ga J W Rice, S c ■1 B Johnson, Ga \> R Ford, Ga •T R Sullivan, R C W M Rtofceley, Ga 11 Brannon, Ala MImiChadla, As Alt J L Wing. On Ga NATIONAL HOTEL-* B Pm. P»o»wtoti H b. n Aims, Uerk. J nnrvey, FRA W TM’ott GU D Swift. NO n st o Airmen t hottsoholdera will give him . JCOny. Ga Colton (>lu and l» W J. N0BOI.1 1 Htoru to get over?! Ml*s M ( Ga 8 0 McNeil, Ga B raOTlb.II tin J AUlns. Ga r J l*r»ll, tJa T APnnem.NG R W Heard, Ge n V Rmlti, Ga n Stanley end wlf*-. Tcnu K M H kihol*, Oa W Fb fcatt. Gn * k nmtifc. oa G » liurnait, Ga DISSOLUTION OF i.OJ’AKTNJfilWHIP. rpilV copartnership heretoforo existing between 1 Franklin A Mihalovitch has this day lieen dissolved*by mutual consent. All ]iartioi> in debted to the firm will please call and settle with Samvki. Weil. Esq., in It. M. Clarke's building, on Whitehall street, who has (lie l»ooks of the firm. HERMAN FRANKLfN, 1.01 1^ MCI rLovnrii. Atlanta. Ga.. August*i. uii«2K—dlw BOOTS & SHOES, 21 Barren street, New York. augiiH -d8m BANKINC HOUSE JAY COOKE & (X)., IVn. 20 W*1 Cor. of ’Nnnsaii STREET, l Now York. IBUCATIONAL TEXT-BOOKS. D. APPLETON A CO., New York, _ books, adapted to nearly all departments of School, Academic, and Collegiate Education, j* which a descriptive catalougue will be sent i application. Corn ell’ Geographies. ito. ml keep on haml a full supply of «*»\ F.ltNMENT BONDS OF ALT. ISSUES. SKVKN-THIRTIES, and (V)MPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase ami sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. C O N V K It H I O N S . r Wc convert the several Issues of .sbvkn-Tiiir. tikm at the most favorable market rates into Five- Twenties, which, at present price of gold, yield the holder about one per cent, more interest per annum. <Circular* with full particulars furnished upon application. aug97—,13m JAY COOKE A CO. In Bankruptcy. P AMPHLET COPIES of the Rules and Regu lations in Bankruptcy, adopted by tho Dis trict Court of the United state*, for tho Northern District of Georgia, can he had on application at the Clerk’s Office, Atlanta, Ga. Price. 50 cents. augTl—dtf _ Notice to City Tax Payers. "VTEXT SATURDAY, 81st August instant, is the IN last day for receiving Tax Returns and Pay ing the same. I again notify every malo citizon, both white and black, between the ages of twenty-one and sixty, that they are required to give in a Poll and Street Tax, on or before the 81st fast. JO. 8. SMITH, Receiver and Collcetor. Atlanta, AugnsHT, lW7-d8t GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, E. W. Holland, executor of the last will and testament of M. K. Hargrave, deceasod, and guardian of Flora Hargrave, de ceased, represents, In his petition duly Hied, that he has fully discharged lm said trusts and prays for letters of dismission; This is, therefore, to cite’and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, within tho time allowed by law, If any exist, why letters of dis mission shall not be granted the applicant. Witness my officials Ignat urc. this August 22d, C7. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary. aug2S--w8m (Printer’s fee $4.60]; GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, Marcus A. Beil, Guardian of Jennings J. Hulsey, represents, In his peti- tlon duly Hied, that he has fully discharged his said trust: This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause, If any exists, within the time allowed by law. why letters of dismission should not be granted the applicant. Witness my official —* * **• Dr»‘riL'«!aM [Printer’. f«w |il| ^ GEORGIA, Fclto* coran. ■\lTHr,R»AB, BIIm TTood, Kimint.tntar of tho ti MUMof Jen OllTnr. lain of inlil county, OeonMnd, npraMnt. I. hh potltlnn duly liloil, that MU MtMn t. Innolynnt, ml that ha hu tully UlohMBa, ..Id trant: All pttraoaa oono.rtio.1 arc (itad and admonl.ha.1 to «1. ttialr oh)action, within the time rrearrlhtnl law, If aay axial, why latMr. of dl.uatU.ion •hotild not ha (raata.1 the au|>lluanl t w.,«m ■ufto-effim _ (Printer * fee$4. J1 t*ai i , it • v m i $ t i wbbumalb awn btrail, malbr m WHTWKY, BRANDY, RUM, GIN, Kto., t&Ot&Ui solicited and promptly nilcl JOHN I\ LOVRJOY, Uuinlpm lliork, Foauhtree slttes, •uffVt-wAe. Vllanla ii.» First Step in Gkograiihv. Child' 72 pp. 45 cents. Primary Geography. Small 4to. KO pp. 80 cents. Intermediate Geography. Lar#e 4to. *KJ pp. $1.25. Gram mar-Sc hool G eoo rape y. La rge 4 to. W pp. *1.51*. Higk-School Geography and AtlXs. 2 U)ls. $3.50. umpuiijhii commendation and approval^ as has been awarded to the Cornell Series by the Press by Mate, County, and Town School Office's; by Presidents and Professors of Colleges, Principals of Academics, and Teachers of Publiu and Private Schools throughout the whole country. Million* of f-opiea Have been Sold! 'They are used in the Public Schools of tho City of New York, and to the exclusion of all other* in Brooklyn, Baltimore. Cleveland, Columbus, De troit, Charleston, and scores of other cities—they are in very general use in all parts of the United states in Public ami Private Schools. THEY SURPASS ALL OTHERS: Sd. Io presenting one thing i 4lh. In the adaptation of each part to its intend ed grado of scholarship. 5th. In then admirable mode they prescribe for memorizing the contents of a map. 8th. In the explanations ami directions for de scribing the nnturul divisions of the earth. 7th. In their judicious selection of facts. 8th. In tho appropriate und instructive charac ter of their illustrations, nth. Inconsistency between maps and text. HUh. In the introduction into the maps of such blares only as arc mentioned in the book. 11th. In the clear representation of every fact, and tho analytical precision with which each branch of the subject is kept dis tinct. 121 li. In being nt once practical, systematic, and coin pie to; philosophical iu arrangement and progressive fa development of the tubjcct. A New Series of Arithmetics. By G. 1*. Qr ack ENiios. A. M . < works of Uxo R. Pkrkii i’ULMAKY (40cU.) Elementary (GO eta.) Practical ($1.00.) IhuHEn (in prcpiiratioH.; Mental (nearly ready.) Clear, thorough, comprehensive: logically nr ranged; wfll graded; supplied with a great vari ety of examples; exact in their definitions; brief in their rules; condensed and searching jn their analyses; up to the limes; teach the methods ac tually used by businoss-meu; make the solution f a question uu intelligent and not n mechanical process; pprject text-books; with KO iievkctr. Such Is tho verdict pronounced by teachers on our now Series of Arithmetics. Such are the advant ages that arc introducing them into Schools everywhere. Ours is tlie only Practical Arithmetic that teaches tho difference between gold and currency; the mode of computing the national income tux; and the different classes of United States securi ties. They arc emphatically the best of their kind, and tho most practical. QUACKENB0SS STANDARD TEXT-BOOKS. Illustrated School History of tiik United Statics: Embracing a lull Account of tho Aborigines, Biographical Notices of Distinguished Men, numerous Maps. Plans of Battle-lields, and Illustrations. 12mo, pp. 684. $2.iAi. Thu present edition is brought down to thoci06c of President Lincoln’s Administration. Primary History ok the United States : Made easy ami interesting for Beginners. Child'* Quarto, splendidly illustrated, pp. 192 $1.00. First Rook in English Grammar. 12ino, pp. 120. 50 els. Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric: A Sericg of Practical Lessons on tho Origin, History, and Peculiarities of tlie Kngii-h Language, Punctuation, Taste, the Pleasure?, of the Imagination, Figures, Style, Criticism, and Prose and Poetical Composi tion: with Exercises. lJniO, pp. 450. $1.7o. imposition. 12mo, A N atural Philosophy: Embracing tlie most recent Discoveries in Physic. Adapted to the use with or without apparatus. 12ino, pp. 490. $2.09 I far h ness* Latin Series• A Latin Grammar, for Schools ami Col leges. 12rao. Price, $1.75. An Introductory Latin Hook, Intended as an Elementary Drill-Hook, on the Inffcc- tioiib and Principles of tho Languago, and as an Introduction to tho Author’s Grammar, Reader, and Latin Composition. Price, $1.25. This series, although recently published, is al ready in use in evory State of the Union, and in troduced into hundreds of Colleges and other classical Institutions, among which are the fol lowing: Howdoih, Bates, Dartmouth, Amherst, Tufts, Hamilton, Hobart, Haverford, Shurtleff, Williams, Trinity, Cornell, Lafayette, Dickinson, Hillsdale, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Harrrd, Yalo. An tioch, Oberlin, Ac., Ac. Also/the Universities of Norwich (V(.), Brown, Wesleyan (Ct.l, Rochester, Madison, Northwestern, Iowa. LcwUburg, Michi gan, Wesleyan (Ohio), Baldwin, Notre Dame, Lombard, Miami, Washington, Baylor, Ac., Ac. C.esar’s Commentaries on the Gallic War, with Notes, References, Vocabulary, Index, Ac. (M pr*H.) Cicero’s Select Orations, with Notes, (In preparation > Recently Publishetl. Youman’s New Class-Book on Chemis- ky. Entirely rewritten uud much enlarged, with31U Engravings, p-imo. 460 pages. Price, It is some ten years since Dr. Yonmans’ “Class- Book of Chemistry” was Ant published. It ha* passed through upwards of jt/tu ocMion*. and has been received everywhere with general favor. Tho progress of chemical science during those ten ' H0R Horace L. Emery. H. Herbert P. W. J. ECHOLS, Agent, ALBANY AGRICULTURAL WORKS* ALBANY, N. Y., HOK.A.OE Xj. EMBRY & SON' PKOPRIJ5TOBS ASD VANAGKILS, AN l> EXCLUSIVE MAXCFACTCBEKS OF THE ‘UNIVERSAL’COTTON GIN & CONDENSER INVENTED ANI) PATENTED 11Y H O IR, A. a E T_i. EMERY. Theso Cotton Gins and Condensers aro adapted to Ginning and Cleaning ALL KINDS & CONDITIONS OF COTTON, And fitted for Right or Left Hand. Steam, Water, Horse or Hand Power, and all countries, climates and people, and in points of simplicity, durability, efficiency, and operation, Superior to all others In use. Also, HORACE h. EMERY’S PATENT ENDLESS CHAIN, AND LEVER HORSE POWERS. THRESHING MACHINES, SAW MILLS, DOG POWERS, Etc., Etc. All of which are oft’oreil to the public on the most liberal terms. EWCirculars and PmoB Lists furnished on application. Address, particularly, /'. II. J. JCCIIOLS, Agent, Agricultural Implement Dealer and Commission Merchant, nnsrld—dim Whitehall street, Alanta, Georgia. JOB PRINTINC MATERIALS, Toaother with a number of Hoe’s Fast Printing Machines, Ire prepared to fill orders f**r any kind of J-QIB PBI1TTING, IN A SUPER I Oil BANNER. ORDEHS SOLICITED FOU PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTINC. CATALOGUE LIST OF WORK EXECUTED FOR Merchants, “At Home” Cards, Manufacturers. Hall cards. Me'’ ics, Wedding Cards, ' aeers, show Cards, ,*s Companies. Flection Cards, i ranee Companies, Admission Cards, Then* MU, Best an rants, Hotels, Concert Halls, Clerks of Courts Sheriffs, Coubtables, Lawyers, Doctors, Dentists, Colleges, Visiting Cards, li»K. Notice* Hills M anile; icagei l)rny Hills, Coal Tickets, Wood Tickets, Howard Tickets, Election Tickets, Certificates of Stock, Shippers’ Receipts, Druggists’ Labels, Tobacco Labels, Clothing Labels, Hills or Pure, Concert Hills, Programmes, Theatre Bills, „ _ _ Mnnulacturors Isabels, Etc., etc., etc. JMfiTOrders from onr friends and the public generally are respectfully solicited. OUIt MOTTO—NEAT* UI ICK, CHEAP. MgWMl 11 A If i: i: I c A N ll O T E L,{ Laihks’ Parlor, j WM. TITLEBAUM, llUNGAHlAN OPTICIAN. ARD LATELY FROM NASHVILLE, TENNERSFK. O FFERS thoso who are suffering from woak defective sight his Russian Periscopic Lenses, thu Iiest artiticial aid to tho human vision ever nvented, which can be obtained at his office. Ills gl.i-bos last a number of years without chang- lion tor any number of 9 scientifically adjusted curacy, whether arising from age, disease,strain, overwork, or promaturo decay, on a new «nd ex act principle entirely hie own, which has seldom failed to be oorrect. Office hours Dorn 9 A. M. to 5 p. M N. B.—Owing to engagement* clsowero, Dr. T, will be able to remain here but a short time only. aug94—dim _ Extensive Sale of Town Lots, AT BIC SHANTY, ON THURSDAY' EVENING, 20th INST. John J. Thrasher will offer for sale about ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY I.OTK, OF VARIOUS SIZES. change* and addition*. Timnky’s Grammatical Analyzkr, giving the derivation and definition of worn*, witn their grammatical classification, ltmo. *tt pages. Prioc, $1.50. K1.EMKNT8 OF INTRLLDTUAL i’HILOSOFIIY. My Joseph Ahlen. D. D., LL. D. ltmo. M pages. Price, $IJ0. Tiik Gombinrd Spanish Mktiiod. A Ns.-w Practical and Theoretical System of learning the Castilian lainguagc, embracing the most advantageous features of the best known Method*. By Alberto do Tornoe, A. M. ltmo. 470 pages. Price, $2,00. Trk Frkxch Manual. A now, simple, concise, nnd ensy Mclhrxi of acquiring a oon- vereatlonal Knowledge of tin Trench Langu age. lfmo 800 pages. Price, $1.76. PLUTAltCIl ON TIIK DltAY OF TUB DlITY IN of every calling, g* No more suitable placo in Georgia can lie se lected for summer residences for people fn»m Middle Georgia, to tho sea I ward. They aro situ ated near thu large and extensivo Gold Mines in Georgia, which will always bring a lucrative commerce ln thu precious niutals. It Is a desirable location for a largo Hotel, which can always secure a good patronage from Railroad passengers and employees, secure situ- nted on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, 27 miles from Atlanta. In short, noplace in Goorgia offers greater inducements for investment. There will be a Free Barlmoue. Terms liberal. Titles perfect. MaJ Wallace, Supt., and Mr. Pock, M. T., have ra crou*ly couMinU-d to carry persons from At tn, and along the line of thu road, for ono-half the usual fare. Parties going from Atlanta will leave nt 8.40 a. m., and return thu same day. GARNER A THRASHKK, au|fifi—d4t Real KsUtu AgonU. AtlanU.Ga. I'UNiauiNii the wicxin HavikMt | Jurors shall bo ruuutrisl to take thu Oath spe<' with Netes byProf II M mZSZu aid «T S' ,n tionfrml Orderjfc. 53. and (hat Juror, who Tyler^ iS pagoT pVioJ, $1 1 not take that Oath, »h*S\ be replaced by si« tMngU aortas of Ik* aho* tsorks %eUI Is meiUt, fgjjjSygMsrBea'aa Official. Ubakquahtbm Third Mimtaht Dimtriot,* (Georgia, Alabama aad Florida.) > ATLANTA. GA., August 28, 1807. > GENERAL ORDERS, No. SV-- /^.RNRRALJORDBRS, No. 58, U not designeil to VJi require that the pi-usunt.lurtes already drawn ia this District, shad Ini net aside, and new Juries drawn and summoned, but only In the ease of Juries ahead) drawn and xuminoned, that the _ . hied •tich as Imwu aad D. A'l-l’'ONTu^Publl.Mn. Wlk. -if. Jurlen shall he hereafter listed, 1 i- r.-qn 11. t ,n order. By Oomuand of Hrevt Major General For*. G K 4ANDIMiON, ( apt 88«l U. X. IntVy end A. A. A. G. Official. U K. SAHbkaaos, I’apl «d U M. Inf. and A. A A. G hugl7 -dUK GEORGIA WEEKLY 0PIM0\. I\ ritODK TOIt Y FKOPOSAIt riAIIE PUBLICATION OF THIS JOURNAL -8- commenced Tuesday, August 6th, and it will hereafter regularly issue Every Tuesday Morning. THE WEEKLY OPINION la presented to the public, pledged to the advoca cy of tho DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES adopted by the STATE CONVENTION held iu Atlanta, July 4th, 1667. To secure the triumph of the policy Indicated in the declaration named, will bo tho primary objc A of tho conductors of the paper. This announce ment is made after mature reflection, and reasons for tho adoption of this course, will appear as orcn e l"Ti may require. v ii r. in: e li l y o r / y i o v Will be a complete record of news from all points, made up from tho Daily. Comments upon the Events cf the Hour, Politics, tlie regular dis patches of the I’re<s Association, Market Report-. State news and Miscellaneous iutcUlgcn■•«.*, will bo givon as full as possible. To make it A FIRST CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER, A welcome visitor at every fireside, will be the aim of its conductors, who feci confident that zealous and untiring efforts will command success, and thereby enable t hem to Contribute to tbo welfaio of tho public generally, oa well as the State at large. THE WEEKLY OPINION 13 AN. EIGHT PAGE 1 SHEET, Forty-eight Columns, OS DorDLEth< SHEW lAt SAlLT[ElilTIOy. TE»»» OF N , B SC R ■ PT I »X : One copy, ono year f300 Two copies, one year 5 00 Five copies, one year 10 00 Ten Copies, one year, (and one free to the person forming the club, V) 00 Tho DAILY OPINION is mailed to subscribers every morning, at $6 per annum. Subscriptions to both editions will lie received for six months, at rates corresponding with the foregoing terms. Loiters on business, or communications, should lie addressed to SCRUGGS * DUMBLE, awg—tf Atlanta, Qa. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. SIXTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION. monoe September 5th, and continue until De cember 15th. Thu various Departments of Instruction a* or ganized la their present enlarged form, will be Chancellor, Dr. A. A. Lipscomh, or to INTERNAL REVENUE NOTICE. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, % Collector's OrncK, 4th District, Gboeoia.I Atlanta, August fit, 1867. » "VT OTIC IS is hereby given of the seixure on tto JLt I®it-, iu this city, far violation of Sec. 48d of tbo Act of Congress, possod July 18,186H, as amended by Sec. lOUi of the Act of March 9d. of three (8) barrels of Spirit*, loitAout intpoctrm Sr,md* as the law requires, marked on one end of —».». * ,LCk “* •* --*- g*ins A .ha other . .Atlanta, R. Agont, Savannah, Ga.,” ooa- talnlug, In the aggregate, 100-69 gallons proof Whisky. Any person or poraons claiming as sue iaw requires, narauu on uoe cn • ach band wlththc words: “From Harris, Gai to., 15,11.1 II Whlu,h»ll>t., N. r.p tiuloufthoo endofeacb, with the word*! “J. II. J .AUai ting tto make such olalm within thirtydaut from this day, t forftiit said property. Given under my hand and official signature, this tho da£ and year above written JAMM WARD 4TKCN4, Collector. cannot be uu CELEBRATED FEVER A. AOURPltlA Prepared by J M WILI.IH .% (O, Dtegg.*u uad UhemIMe, I )yV-4na Atlanta '