The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 05, 1867, Image 3

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THE DAILY OPINION. TIHRSDA Y MORNING8KPT. & TO IDMCEIBIM.—Our render! should 'bur la laiml (hat our tar*. of utbreriptioa re- quire advance paymente from «ub#criber» Thu low rate* at which the Opinion U offered will not allow lonKere<Uu, or expca»e of ooUactUg. Bear this la Mild and remit promptly. TO ADVKBTfSBBS.-t-Rxoept In c*m* In fcrhirh atrial arrangement It marie, advertUe- menu »ho«l4-l» Paid for when delivered at the aotiffifrr, or u l M ' n iireaentatioh of bill after publi cation ffiMff»Sotk*e*. for aopearance uext morn lag, wiH uerecaived up to a o’clock. M., daily. To Subscriber*.—Subscribers who fall So get their paper regularly will confer a favor by ffWffWXnCl U.I, liaberh of the UfiplOM that it be i r » eubM-'rlbert. anri any fail- M*.W.P. White, of 'Tkort^ffvi^Ip, will act an agent of the Daily and Weekly OftxiBK, in Southern Georglh. Weeklv OPINION in soliciting advertisements and tubaerihera 8. A. Tidwell, Esq., la our authorized agent at Dallas, Paulding (jopty, fit. LOCAL affairs. r , cras , m The Stone Mountain DistrictBaptist A^- * n f* to wide aociation will meet at Tanner's, Fulton county, on Saturday next. Young Men’s Library Association Concert.—The benutr and elite of the* city are certainly climaxed In this entettMtv* ment. lfprowlseft brilliant success. Messrs. McBride «$; Co. are offering ii.-1 ducemeuts in^feiieir line to the public. Tlicy i iikYe n\fxe^iii stock, and SQll.on-ihYOni- i Ora IbVFimui.-S. 8. Kendrick A Co.. fcnglUll Tl)W.trr. ff. Ilagan— For Kent John T. llolinaa, Sawoaa-Regular I.iM of Mali Staff, for Carrollton. Win. D Luchin, Nr Winn county —Kotlro. Aaron K ttlrhar.lcon, Nowlon county -Xottea.t W L. l.ixalwln, Ilartow county.—Sheriff Sulea. Lew is " L Prtna. DcKalh county—SharUTs (tele. Janie. O. Powell, UeKalb county—Sheriff's Mortgugodlalo. J. A Uowm J^Uartow couiUy—Citation C. A. liellnttQBtoaeouitly—Cttetlon. K. M Smith,'Tflohloe county—Ado tnlltnlor'i tele. V Daniel fttrtoigm. Fulton county—Citations, etc. fittl-klef, Hew ton county—citation. Tea Mtnt, Plain And IHCU. LfiFA^u Sue end u cheep et In'Auahrto*. McBuoi A Co. K i x r. Tartrit Ci ti.kht.—The larjfeet, Sect wild cheatie.t .took in the city, at + . SIcBauii ff Cb a. jjbc; MB| 4»‘ tfotrL rCKTHBK NOTICE the leffel edrertteeateute or the Ordinary of Gordon eoeuty, Georgia, wlU be pabtiahnd U the tteotffin Weekly had Daily Opinion, ceph-wti D. W. NKKJ., Ordinary UrCNXJJL FURTHER NOTICE TUE Sheriff 1 ! Sales of Sumter county, Georgia, will be published In the Georgia Weekly Opinion, ADO. a RAIFOBD, Sbcrlff. September 1,18#]—wit a^NOTuSo-HERKAri'Ete^ UNTIL further notice, the advirttnenumU connected with the office of Ordinary, Sheriff, Clerk of the Supe rior and luforior Courts of Chattooga countf, Ga., will be piiMisbed is the Opinion, a newspaper published in Atluuta, (j« C. C CLEG HORN, Sheriff. &AM’L HAWKINS. Ordinary. II. D.C hDMOKDSO.V, Summerville,' Aug. *8,1»RT. augfft—W4t or NOTICE. — HKREATJBB, UNTIL farther "Wire. the advertisement* oooatotod with the office of Ordinary, Sburiff, Cleek of the Supe rior Quirt oJ* Paulding i-ouuly, Georgia, will be publiahed in the Opinion, »’n^wipApcx publitbed in Atlanta, <3u. H, II. MoOkQiOK, OMinary, I*. 1’ AlajaGOOH, Sheriff/ JANLST. UfcklD, Clerk Superior Court. Dallas August YT, lPff?. mig®-*vr4t HT NOTICE.—fliEKEB^'chVIC NCh tine that nil the advertUement. of Slterllffr Slid i rule to order any I •' »¥»«.'. Urn, trill be made iu theOpif w„rk l» v . ton raw.pnpea, pubUfhod In the city of Atlanta. JOHN GRERIfAM, Sheri*. Calhoun, Ga., August 27, lWit. uugHOertt Opinion Job OmcL-By reference to another column, R will be seen that tbo Opinion Ollice is now prepared to do, In tho neatest and moot approved stylo of the Art, nod ou roayona- ile terms, every variety and style of Job Print* invite the attention of our friends aud the public genorally. For full partic ulars of the various classes of work we are pre pared to execute, see notice In another column. We also have, in connection with our JAb Office, I a ilrtt oluss . Killing Machine, an acquisition wjiivb.enable* u* to execute u aud avory variety and style of work done in auy printing ctdahlislihicnt in this section of the country. * "Uiiiv," Cotton Gin mid j J^-.N'o'iTCl'I-I’OGK'SriElMTT HALES eoudcii.or lbr sale Irr ' I' W. ,f . £ctim.s. ;«i|HM|MlU4h<.'4ib Hm^Uluula kVx i'My Vldi'iun ffntil further notica. ble term*. * w _ | OuTp beetl evq*j*| mjw. clrxrnvh, fheriffi^ Fob Rknt.—Mr. Hn»;m offers that ele- 1 cin-ty ii-.-.u teed ♦ -I < ,>mr io,.. Am;, fi.twn. Hug8i>-".G Wdr*bif-cof Ills, ajM <>u tttMh-1 , aV r hp AfTqnta Rfttftla. 1 ' i3r~xoxi< k—i -ukueby wivexo^ ttvr strobt for rertt. This i# on# of the 1 AmVcilS St IQe AUailUl I10M518. j u ^ >( ^,,1^ wlvurt f l ' c , of sbcflltc Haiti most desirable places in the city, -and per- j ' ' bf Bartow county, will bu madem tbo 6pij)ion sons wpnfiux to rent will do well to call! TpiUDAt, Skl'JL'MBEK 3. t#97 new/uaper, ofUludliy of Atlanta, soon. I'm paftieulars sec advertisement j ' T - ,J ' °<>Ot>tyIx, Hborlff. In anothercolumn. ! LNtTKn'srATKs iWTKl.•>>»«. **»■] U fU ntW,.i. Mhnbl ikOIA. HONEOE OODITVter OrFtoi Ar The Covsr or o»»i»ihT, vagtnt mh, 1WT.—Nbilee ia hereby given that hereafter the legal advartiteaont* of ttili office aril be pnMIah •d In the AtaaUOpinion. augBD—Wit J. T. STEPHENS, Ordinary. arNOTIOE W HEltBBY 0 IVNN that the leffel adyertUcmsiiU Istned from tbo Sheriff’# ollloe or the County of Monroe will hereafter be published In the Atlanta Weekly Opinion. WILKV ,1. Hli-KH, sheriff. ronyth.UA. Augtu.t is, 1M7. »ugsu—wst Fot'R I'ltijcns of Butt* county were rested oil• dil unlay fast, by tlie inilitj antliorlties,Ynd hroujfht to this city I The charge was, we leurb. sueli serious distur bance and threatening the life of the teacher of the colored school at Serm I»- landt, as |o cause a suspension of the school Bo.U'.n of Tiiadk What lias become of the sVtlanta Board of Trade? Now that business Is likely to resninc Us former ae tivity, would It no be well to resusitate that invaluable mercantile institution ?— We hope our merchants will take the mat ter In hand, hull the Board together and infuse iuto It new and vitality. OtlH'r cities of less commercial importance than Atlanta, keep up, in sucessfbl opera tion, thiir Boards of Trade, and we do not sec why Atlanta should not. I,ivbi.y.—Judging from tbe very- busy scene presented at the Depot of the Wes tern and Atlantic Railroad yesterday, it is reasonable to infer that the business Of that road lias somewhat increased. An un usually large number of drays were run jting, hauling off flour, corn, oats, bacon' ete. Afnjr passing through' two years of slumst/amlne, it is peculiarly refreshing to sec such a superabundance of provisions in the land. It is now pouring into our city from all directions,'both by railway and by wagon. Get us l»e cheerful, “ there Is a good time coming.” La*t Tikhoav, a negro woman living on i’eaohtree street, reported a negro man to the police as being Implicated In stealing and killing a.cow in that neighborhood short time since. Upbn the Information tlie man was arrested and tried for the of fense, but us tlie charge was not sustained, lie was set at liberty. On being liberated, the than proceeded to hunt up tbe woman wjio had reported him, and “ fell, in upon her” "like n thousand of bricks,” beating her almost to death. On yesterday lie was brought “ up standing” before Judge Smith, and sentenced to three months hard labor in th«j chain gang of Atlanta. Veri ly, “ the way of the transgressor is bard.' Jolebs.—It is an aid but nevertheless a truthful saying, “ that an Idler's head is tlie devil's work-shop.” Every day we see the truth of this verified in our midst. To satisfy tlie most scrupulous, we refer them to the numcrons cases of petty larceny which are ])ally brought to light through tho vigilance of our police. These occur rences are becoming so frequent that it Is a mgtter of deep concern to maqy of our thinking people, and the question ia often asked how shall we correct the evil and prevent As increase f It is suggested that as Jong a* tht city Is full of idlers, so long will we be annoyed by the perpetuation of the crimes compUlnad,of. There is oneway to dispose of, and . tffikoi^ Gj II t> Hargrove. Jo V A ( J L liririat»ft, Jo J T -ItMiklW, Jo J ( Kemtrix. Jo 4 B Wilson. Kv 8 8 Swanson, Ga R K Will on, Jn N C Young, Jo T 1* Mci'nlla. do J PercclD- Jo G ft Fob tor, do >1 Kills, Jo J J Dorman. Jo If N Allen, Jo K Thompson, do I, N Y «-W U. Tl K.vLH, Liei ,0.1 ttiM#uU,ido K rruw forri, Jo G T GatcWn*. Jo S 6 Murriork, do K 11 Johnson. Jo J O Andrew .s, Ala Judge Br.mgvs, do H II Faster, Ga Mrs Hyatt, do Mrs KigfS. «lo D (J Worrell, do A Q Crookehanks, do .1 W Rucker, do W B Warren, do ft F Atklh, Tonn W K Moon, G* C S L'uddle, do , nugYMvft NATIpNAL HOTEL—E. B. Pond, I'roprUt**-H D. II ABkifl. Clerk. A I> Nimn«Uy* Ga G M Xunnally, do W W Nnnnnlly. do .T V Home, do P Horne, <lo H L Jewett,’do W II Averell, Ala Mrs Childers, Ga G Winslow. USA J W Powell, do W C Wood, do A fttrasaburger, AU W Sondheim, do ,3 ®» R Honbn, G» J D Waddell, ftd K lienmead, do J If Ketner. do W X> Cook, V a. AMERICAN HOTEL—WHITE A WniTLOflK, Pro'r*. Bryeon and Wiley, Clgrke. J Smith, Ga JJkMorgan, do J Lock, Ga WWAJe. do T ft Lowe, do W J pry an, do T J Green, do . .1 Pomeroy, do M Caldwell, do BH Hill, Ga B Edwonls, df> . H Goawinhdo CBHyde, T» T J Adams, Ga W G Robertson, do F Nicklejohn, Ga F T Rogers, do B J Willis, Ala C M Brow*, Ga G S Mailer, Hd ii Kalk.'ifY W B Bcariey, Ga TS Harblnjon, do R F Walton, do J H Fester, dm C B Ernestine, La W W Mobley, Ala M. DeLacy, Ga G W Givens, Jo Ellnghcs, do JR Cain, do Special Xotioeg. ty NOTieE.—THK SUEIUFF'S Al> I vcrWsin* of Ovflnnett chunty wilt gteraatlcr .ap- ! liCar in the bourffla Weekly OplDion, , . P. II. CLAUIOIb'TB. Lswronecville, Ga .Au*. ID. 18S7. uu^SO-wlU I tS' NOTlot-r-llEREAKTXR, l .NTU. j further holice, the udvcrtUcinenl* eusmicteitvltb the ofDcc of Ordinary, Sherllr,- County Judge, Uork of the Sui>crior and Interior Oourb of tire^ne county, Georgia, will l»u pnhlit^od. In the "Opinion,” anewsirapcr publlslivJ in Atlanta Ga. EUGKNIU8 L.’KINC^ Ordinary. COLUMBUS HEARD, L'<hu4y Judge, of. II. ENGLISH, .Sheriff. , . ISA AO U. If ACL, , Cleric Superior and ialerior Courts. AugustTlth, 1887: ~ »i\u^9t-w4t 't^r NOTICE^—TUK pufijjc ARE hereby notlfl^d tl^at the BOO^ of G»c LIN COLN NATIONAL MONUMENT ASSOCIA TION, of Atlanta^ Ga., are i^ow open for contri butions, in tho bands of J. L. pUNNfNG, Presdont, hH. G. DOBBINS, Vlce-l*reslaent. aUgW-lm t tarCLERK’S OF FICE COBB SUPER IOR COURT—(,X>bb County, 04^ 'A*gust 17,18$f. llntll further notice ail the iogjy advertisement^ cminating from this office \rU( l>c polished Jr the AtlftntAjOpinion Bswspapor. c ifP Hy ji- TnvMaiitT*r, Cierl^, uug2i-w4t Superior Coart' Cobb county,GA C^“UNyJL FURTHER XOTIcjs TILE legal .uJvertiscmopts nr the Ordinary iff Bartow county. Georgia, will be published in tho Georgia Weokjy (JiHnio*. v l * 1 J, 4. HOWARD, Onlifihrjr. Cartersvillo, August W, 1867. |iugS4-w4t *=P.!" HTNOTICX-l nEUKBY GIVE No tice that all the advertisements of Sheriff ’• Hales, Cor this eounty, will be made in the OriNio* newspaper, of the city of Atlanta. U. N. WILLIFORD, . ftbcrlff FqUon county. Atlanta, 6a., August If, l8Tt. a\ig!4-w4t r ' 1 nrmhl. WINSU)W’» MOUTHING fYRUP, FOR grildhen tketiiing, greatly fheill tatos the procoss of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflaffiuiation->WilI i\Day Ail* Paik anti spasmodic action, and is and j* subs TO regulate thb bowii.8. Depend upon it, BkoUkcmi, U will gtvo rest to your selves, and RJE LOOP A* 0 HEALTH.TO YOUR INFANTS. Wo Have put up and sold this article for years and cam Bay in confhIrkok amp Truth or It what we havo never been abks to aay of any other anejiclae—NevIr has irFAU.BR iMASiirotSlM- 8TAKCK TO Rtfrot a C'UM, when Uiuely iised— Kevin* dM we knoV «u» Instanoa of dtsSaAsfhotioa by any one who used It. On tho gontrary, all are delighted with its operation, and speak In terms Of commendation of its matioal effects audroedi- col.vlrtseu Wq tpenk in this matter “W^AT WE DO J^NO\f*” after years of ORperknco, and Pledge our Refutation tor tub utia ilmknt or wsat we berk im.tlaub. JS nirapst every in Itam c wlMiru tlA infant LsuffurJwg JYoin paJn aod exhaistation, relief will I»e found lu lyloei hr twenty nslitntej ft Pier thy eyrdp is adualnL tcred. ‘ ‘ • Full dlrevUona for u a ing will aecomimny each hotUo- • .. . Be su|« ami bnll for ‘*Mrs. WimruoWs booru- |NQ 8TIMf? f ” having tbo fAn.glmilo of “Cl’BTIS A I'ERKINp’ qn tho out-Side wr«i)j>er. All others are base imitations. Kohl by Druggists tbrmighomthQ world. LB ICE, .COSTLY 35 BUTTLE. GFAlURS—115 Fulton slices, Now Vork; 150 High Holborq, London, England; 441 8t. Pau streui, Montreal, UuniKla. hug?8—d8niood {7 H^acb L. Em nr. tSTNOTlCE.—HEREAFTER, CNTIL further noUoe, the advertisements connected with the office of Ordinary, Sheriff and Clerk of tbe ftaperiof Court of Newton county, Georgia, will be pahUehedin tbe Atlanta Opinion. WM, D. faWKIE, OMinary. AAR6N K. RICHARDSON, Clerk Superior Court, vi'ngtoii, Ga., Septembers, 1967—wit t»-t;E01IUlA STATE LOTTERt— Fan thc BmxriT or Tin MASONIC ORPHANS’, HOME Vcmbitutiiato Class, Sc, OS. The following were the Drawn Nos., Sept. '4th, 50-11-15-3-4-24-13-08-63-71-33-72-07 tepfi—It BOYD, WILSON A CO.. Maniger*. ^ f ■ i'"Him aau-fMaiPtara.'w, T men or llamburg in nil, 18c. To Sweden, by Bremen or Hamhurg mail, «#. ToNorwuy, •• •* To Holland, •• ft • lK .^ '‘’.ursiu, “ “ the. sMl pit:* . b Gn i'.i Gil or UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ALL legal atlvcrtl^ements pertaining So thb office will be published in the Atlanta Weekly Opinion. JOHN BRADY, Sheriff Butts county.’ Jackson. Pa., Avgust 19.1867. ang38-w»t, , ' aroKORalA, FAYETTOCpUST^ In conformKy to Genefalilrder No. 49, IfeaS^usr- ters Third Military District, dated August 19th 1867,Jan it to scetlon^jyn^of the Codo of Goor^la, thc legal advertisements from tbe ofici of Ordinary of Fayetto county will he ffcblbii&d ha the Weekly Opinion, published ia Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 1ft, 1887. aug!8-w4l EDWARDCONIIOB, Ordinary. arNOTICE.-UNTIL FURTHER No tice all the legal advertisomonts Horn tho ftherHTs office ol Clayton county will be published in the Atlanta Op Inion. J. i. MBCOnNBLL, ghcrIQ'. Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. 19,,1887. aug*>-w4t -GEORGIA, DrJtALB «OUNTV.: Notice is hereby given that hereafter the adver tisements from the office ofths sheriff of DoKalb county will be pablfsbed In the Atlanta Opinion JAMES 0. POWELL,Sheriff. Decatar, Ga., August 16, lfi87. aagfl—w4t J^TIlE,GREAT ‘ KCS'G OF i’AlN.' The ijUickeft and most v remedy 6vqr in veiited. Foy sale by JOHN T. HALL, Agent, Corner Whitehall and Hunter strculs. uugSl-AUw W FLOUR SACKS FOR MILLERS OR MERCHANTS, on hand or furnished at short notice. Prompt attention given to country orders. G. W. STOCKIN', At Stookin A Roc's Uag Depot, Jo9—ffati * P.O. HpxIMKi, Atlanta. Ga. The Georgia Farmer. gMoBUIA FajtMKU is (ha tltlp of a uarto wail-monthly JbnruaL' tbu first nuiv which will be issued in thb city ef Atlanta, on the Fifteenth Uoy of Sop turn lie r, lflftT. Thb Farmer will be published regularly thereafter on the-First and Fifteenth of each month, and will eonjtate.thirty-six columns of mattcri devoted to Agriculture, i««*Hding*H*e Field, the orchard, the Yitteyard ar.d the Garden. The publisher of Tfli FabxrR will not neglect the Mechanical, in dustrial and Mineral resources of tbe State, ond will, therefore, devote a portion of the journal to neasffr- pVRls to a go . i extend to the OhtorpHso a patronage ate with its merits and the great and paramount cauflt paused. To the end that The Farmer may prove aliko acceptable and of benolU to lte patrons and iHq subject pf tlie Orchard—the va Alsu, upon Whp subject pf ties o( fruit best adapted to our ell mate, etc.; and especially solicit contributions upon the subject of Vineyards—the most suitabio varieties of grapos lor our diiBste. foil, mode ef culture, etc. Tho department devoted to .the Garden will** turn<*}over to the ladles, tvnose line taste, good tense and high appreciation of thc wonderful works of Nature us exempli JbJ in all ltslioral gifts, Is a guarantee that nothing will be wanting fo reader U nvaUtaMo foatnre. • % TERMS; OP HUBSOJUUTIQN t * ’ Oao copy, one year \:. A %k 00 Five comes, oactjwar.. .. 460 Twelve copies, ene year...... 0 00 . Twenty copies one year,414.00, with two addi tional copies to the person who gets up 1jhe clubh A limited number otadvertisemonts will lie In serted oft reasonable terms. , ’i « • »* : i Post Masiecaf County Odoers atari others to whom this circular la addressed, arc earnestly solicited to act as agents, and will please do what thoy can (n pfoouBm puflciT ' heed not be made ur‘" “ "'Sft&i’SBtti- heed not be made until the reeoipt —of the paper. addressed toi ,o b. a. otusr, rubluhcK Anffk.t 31, lHOT^ AtU.ta, W.*‘4. ECHOLS, Agent, • ALBANY AGRICULTURAL WORKSfi , . AH* ANr » N. Y., HORAC13 Xj . &c SOUl' PROPRIETORS AND NANAOBRS, * *»s KtOLUlY* NlhmCTL'RERI OF ran ‘UNIVERSAL’ COTTON GIN A CONDENSER INVENTED ANI> PATENTED BT • > HOR/A-Olfe Xj H M B E, Y. Theaa Cotton (tins ana Condaitwi ato adapted to Qtnatng and Uaanlng . ALL KINDS & CONDITIONS OF COTTON, Andfl ted »-^. r o^°« saBtf&jftsss?' -• Superior to all others In use* Xiao, HORACE L. EMERY’S PATENT ; ‘ ' •' ’•*; •; icxotas^ciLux, ' ,r‘ .. ’ > "’■* THUESIIINO MACHINES. .’ ' ' H 0ttfcE POWERS. , • HAW Mi LAS, DOO FOWtfRS, Brc.,'BTtt. All of ttlilclt are offered to the public op. tho most liberal term*. ' •' - ' ' * tarcireulars and l“qicE Liars ftirhUhedon a^j)lioatlon ; Address, particularly, ’ Agricultural Implement Dottier and^lm^^lm^fiertiforit, aiiKlit—dim The Proprietors of tho Dally and Wtsskly Onlhion liaithaJuu roselvod an At lot of JOB PRINTINC MATERIALS, Together with a number of fioe’u Fast Printing’Maohiaes, Are prepftFod to fill tmlcrs for any ifnft 6f ■- .JOB BBtXXTTt.ilra-, IN 1 HDFERIOR nmCRi ohPXItl SOLICITED FOB VZAIS ASD oksamestal (JOB PR INT IN C . CATALOaig LIST OE WORK EXECUTED E0E isse&rete. ’’ Mechanics, - Wedding Card", ' uoUoneers, Show Cards, xpress Companies, Llestion Cards. luslncas Cards, S Curtis, Lading, [aoifests, i Tus 1:,|: ’ IdftcnJr** ' .* Ilonils *■; Bin H^ods. v f 0* u roue| Folic its, ffSoC^Sli, • ■ Poitiers—ansises, sate.' HMti. iOT,^T r * „ from our fronds and' the public rally are respectfully soli cited. OUAtton^-NIAAV, alien, CHEAP. «Ale foe nriuVAL sevzhue taxes. -\TOTICH » UBUEBY DIVER, Mat I will (ell At public sale, on the eleventh day of Septum- at^ttu^Beadei Warehtase, owMd^b^ u .VunktAIar. lii'liu hina,< vi hr Bremen or* llaiulmrft -' ▼' " ^ • ®4~ Amu*CM*nt Hull* HALL, HICOA|> jTHKKT. AWl.ilJv tSavis* 1 J Ga.- ’ llall lacen This. kpuciouH W NOTICE.-! HEREBY GIVE NO- H IJa»eill« s.87cbiBoe of the Ordinary of Gwinnett county will Triertp ft:* hereafter be published ia the Atlanta Opinion. . G. T. RAKRATR4W, Ordinary. Lawreueeville, Ga., Aag. 18,18V7. angSl^w 4t lull it centrally iooatc-J in a populous/per-1 • -y,ha«R »tAg«'«T% 4» fo^al ity,has a m | . . ten it»n<f gn amlltot uitu IWTwt Ism, G» .n« ‘corrert tlic^ll IUMrip# ttMlSUffiffiftfaffi: , _ . . , „ , " rrtCT , lllC,!T “-fvl«lad «U1. am*!, moan. of«ffrr*, lii«H»lit. Let thc Ta^riwlt lstv« of the SUtc^ic Ktrln- | lt K ht«l l.y ltOaa. burner.. 1 ■ - Keutlj xnfdrwd. It U life duty of the I ISjSutCSrTii.Mi?'» neuga, 1.78 luilev matter, and a failure to perform tbelr duty I lu the premise-, is evidence that they arcr Atlaate. AUnh l.t tail either infompetent to fllttttcDotitluus they „ occupy, o’rHre '•whtktrtff"'Rrtlic Vvils With - w hich tve are aflttcted. In behalf of the f honest people of Atlanta, this local de- 1 maud.s tho (tiforeement of the vagrant' la Aof Ueorjiia, which hear equally, with- oiMRistinctlon ae to race or color. Let j Idler*, those who oone under the purview I of that law, be dealt with according to its i provlalon*. _ ^ J DnticaTioR.—The new African Church waa dedii ated on Sunday morniug laat, tbe liera. L T. Tieheoor, J. B. Taylor. J. U.t Newman, and W. H. Barton oAeiatlng. The remarkaof all the propriate and weT waa crowded, and able to gain wlinll gentlemen were a im propriate and well received. Tbe churohT, waa crowded, and a great many were un-,i ' dtttttte A* . large number, of white iadida and gentlemen was preaentr an d took great Into real In the proceedings^ JIvnCjemory Adrertistr, 3d. d i^te.lDr, . fftU Bur night, eSo.| etc tWMT. DisUrt-a U) A(i- IT. DAVIS, Froprsmr. The Hanlon Combination iBBSlffR?__ Ingot Cfte hIhivc Hall, and 1 chec-rtuUy an dor** the above card, au<l uomiuaud tlM Hall tu Iks pro fceuiiAt as Un moot capacious asm) l/«*i ariapted U tr»veUlnt fife" 1 * ‘ • —“ — t^NOXICR-UNTIL FURTHER MO leo, all Legal Advertissnumtoi from the Office of he Ordinary oi Fulton county will be yabllsbed n tbo Atlanta Onviov. DANIEL rmu AX iWrfesry Atlanta, August 18,1487. Migl4—w4t HTNOTICE -UHTIL VURTUMNOt tick she hdvQrtUefncnu of tho BhwttTi Rate, of Ltebb county Will be nihde Is She Att.ete Optalon irate.1 the wu- “••"OMter- A If. JOHhdON, ^ Sheriff of Cobb c.anty, Ua. Marietta, Oh., 1M. aafftt-wtt , JW*NoilCS.-CMTlL rUOTHEB NO-/ Maaaxer iiwiloo tou.i.inatem. tlce alt tha MffaJ advorH.ea.Bta frogt the « MaeteT«a. lwn. jtha Orflldaryaf Clayton aotaiy will bapul A Monte.« Now is the Time to Advertise IN VBK MADI80N NEWS ONE Of THE BERT UEDIl'Mb attend puUlafaad la the Atlanta Opinion. C. A DOtAAJI, Ordinary. Jonaboro, Ga., AUffnat M. ttWf. aagW-Vtt PiibllslHsI Weekly, In on. of the rieheatoet BtflHMlMilV. WSOLMALI Mil BOOTS & Tea MraoDi.T Chi bo«.—It la oflloially,, announced, throngh the Chrlatlan Advo-l cate, that tha centenary contrthntlons of the Method la t Eplacopal Church, at, lar re ported, exeeed four million famBUOAf 1 la estimated that when the II fercncei are beard from the al probably reaehrtx and a halFlOMotdl *f dollars. -4*m ittnsis SHOIS, ”**r lark. NOnCE^-PNTIL FU tloe all the legal adverttawnenta or the at the Coanty Court of Clayton aounty eg1 be [mutated In tha atlaote ttpShtn. A K. HOLLIDAY, J. C. O. Jmmabore, Oaring- EVAffg. Mae. WNOTlCX-CNTp. FURTHER N0- ’ r.*SJM"*r* aw 'J tloa aU tegal advatttaanMMa ten the ottM of lte “sm,, m ef'Oalteary of DeKalh oonaty wlU ha poMWlSd la W TMSt lllltB B REV a f the AtUntt QplsiOSl . • t NOTICH—UNTIL FURTHER NO- adeertlaeteenn of tee ettoe ef CamM county, Ga.. will b. publlated I, a nwspaper pablbhed la AUaa* J. H MLALOCILOrdinary. •etlwM JORAUtAV E. WAIAOK, Oftltaary Decatar, On.. Anff. W. lfffl. nuglhwtt tlTNOTICE.—I N t.'ONTORIlfrY TO (tenant Order No. «, Itetequarten Third HUI- terj Dt.triet. dated Aaeaant, iMt, and tesaesten IAHof tha NSW Code of Georgia, tea ad resitting eeaaaosad with sty ottos will hereafter be dana ta the Optalon, la iktsaMy. A u* at tilt ST WM. U. UOLOOMttg. aaftn-srft GEORGIA,' Bartow counTt. EA*. Vi root E. (tardy letters of adaalnistratlon . _ -Jardy, lateoTaabt coanty. These are. therefor,, u> cite and at ntyoffloe, within tbs low eausa, 11 any ■- ISM. Thoac rim off slngnli SOMMOatl me petoo, they cor, why salcTlMton should uot be aranud. thtatMSr onc “ 1 J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. aug94—wSOd [Printer's leo $3; GKOROIA, BABTtfw VOfTHTF. ^ W UKRKAS, Andrew J. Rodger* apnlie* to me for letter* of aJmlnUtratlou on the estate of ftamuel Itodgers, late of said county, Those are, therefore, to clto and • ** doeeast MBumj I slBgBlar. tbe next of kin nod creditors of said unied, to be end appear at my office, within the time prescribed Jw lew, nod shod- cause* if they civu, why safe fatten should not be granhea. < liven under my bend and official signature, this 23d day ol Auguft, »07. T K. HOWARD, Ordinary. aug94—w30d . [Printer** foe $8} GEORGIA, Bartow county. \lf HEBE Aft, T. M. (loam and I. M. Sfuan ap.ll ▼ v to be appointedguanlfans of Urn person end property of Jeno U, KTlsebetk ami rbariesTrob* ber,minors under fourteen years ef age, resident of said county; ■ . , These are. therefore, ci«B all persona concern ed to be and appear el the term of the Court of s^iSAsCnLriaASirw notice, and dww oauie If any they can, why said T.X.Rtoaa and E. if. Sloan should notba tntruat- ad with tee ffuarfiatehtyorste yarwn nnd prop- art. of tald minors. 1 tvttnuM my hjrnj and ottclal sly nature, tett ted day Of Amfast, y ^ HOWARD, Ordinary- an**4—W30d | Printer’s la. fk) 7^1 IW" Pf augr—w*u (PrtnMrTrea(6| GEORGIA, Com cotnrrr. eateha ofltheodore 1 deeeaeed: ISr“. kei *4 ng placed in Bonded r “— 1 barrel, It . M. iLnms all; Stephens 1 bfrroi. ft gall; sC. 3. ft 9 barrels. Du gall; and also the ** Warehouse toss“ gall; L.U.MorrU fbarrels,80rfftU-; - ^ Jilllft ATRINh, CbUeotpi Atlanta, August 39,18W. augJW-dlfr' ■a nanKiNC H ouan JAY COOKE’& CO., F.. H AVAIL ATKLET, Onr. nf Ifftnamw ntrect Sew V.rk taf anti at lte atoit liberal current COMFOUNO U id eiecuteorders for purchase and t, BONDS and GOLD. •o?, calc of 8T( c # w ▼* m m r» j* ( * Wa conrete Dm Mreral tsanaa of AnvaKfrnnr- Tim at tea won farorabl. market rates lain Via*. Twenties, white, ak preaent price of retd, yM4 tbeboUwaboatona per cent, mare Interest per annum. Circulars wnh full partloulan furntsted JAT COOKE tOO. . DiasdumoN ofoofartnebship Atlanta, Ga, Angnat H CE0B6IJ WEEKLY OPIIIOI. . > • "'—r-ntoi s» . "• ., . ; , ISTKODrCTBHV PUOPOUXi . - r [E PUULKUTIdN Off THIS 40UBRAL, coonnononil Ineaday, August otb, and It rrfl> bervafter regularly Issue . v 1 Every Tuesday Morning. 1 • -^njopteA. •• ■ THE WEEKLY OPINION Ik presented to th. public, the advocA- ey o# the Declaration oy pnruapjwB adopted by tho STATE' CONVENTION held In. Atlanta, ffnly nth, 1S«T. 1 -> . . , To secure thafrtninph of tho policy Indicated In tb. doolarntlonnsuud, tvUl b, the primary objnot of tbo candoctors of tho pgjpoc- This anuounoK- mout is made after mature reduction, and reasons put tea •a r aim w< uUm ovomo,'wht aptwafna hootateA may nqaire. ’. \ uk trEKtiur (>Pts i os frni l/ua romidct. taqprdol jioH s from all points, ruudp up from, tin Daur. Comments upon ten Kventn cf Hi* Uuut-, Politic., the regular dia. patohor of fRq,Prose Assoplalloa, Xaruot Boparla.' State news ate MlaselUnaout IntoUlffnnoo, will bn given he fultar itowlblo. ,To make it ■ { , A FIB8T CLASS FAMILY NftWSTAPSB, ., A irolcomo vUitq> atyvfiT a res urn, wUl be tho a lan of lla eonducton, who tool oonfldmk . that aeajoan and until ing cdurts will command success, aadt thereby enablo them to ;emt,ribute to the welfare of tbe public gonersUx, as woll as the State at large ' % r —mi Tim WKEKLir yPlNION IS an r . EI0HT ^AGE 1 SHEETr Forty-eight, Columns,, o* jfonis tit fatty «. djuii ttmer. TUBBS fir CUHAtiRIPT trnut One copy, one year ' v .( $ m. Twoeoples.uDsyanr lte Five copies, on* y«tr it SB Ton C^ar, one y*ar, land oda frc» to Ui* person rermlng the club, to »• The DAILY OPINIOE Is malted to subscribers ovary more lag, at IS par annum. Subscriptions to bout editions will be received forslxmoutbr, at rates correspondlnff With ten foregoing terms. Letter.» business, or oommunteaUntn, should be addressed to ‘ scEtluas A ddmble, teffrV ^ Atlanta,Oa. INTkwSAL HYYjtNUk NOfICB. CffITED STATES IWTRttNAL KffVl OoLirerronn Ornct, (tu DjuiiSLc AKIEICAK »OTJl,j Lamute' Fabiob. { W2wi. Ti'rXjiDBa.rrM;, bvfubus .mtcLui. r are canLp Smog nasaviLu, Twrnaan. tSo bate artlAotat aid te tbs human vision ever arreted, white ere be oUalaed at ble ottee. , ... Mia gteedeetnet a number of yrere wtetewt clung- ihffi&zirrxsA??, ssiw yrere. Th.. bar arising Dam are, disease, twain, « - te-ftjigS a. B.loir. r N, S —Owing te anregemnnss ttrewtw, Dr. T. UI be ahfe UVanuOabam b«t a snarl time rely. ZXfL &V.STodS OjictmU «ssssana .. Ia.a CELKBRATKD FSTBK A AGO* Pit**. ev T pRiHT',