The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 06, 1867, Image 1

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! r f '1 —i n L\ r *1 V ,4T ‘ ... A HE DAILY OP] « * : *- -A - - - - - [NIOIS L , Avista. OL. L -NO. 168. * ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6,1887. PRICE -S C^NTS. W. L. eCRUOO* AID J. B. DDMBLK. oKm.BiM i.ajcfu* MTfLnnra JANITE BLOCK, BROAD tt., ATLANTA, QA. T B R, M S 5 UMcRirrio.v MoVTUb *4 (*> . TBKR* I aoc, StvltSTV -riVf TERMS or VHKLTl y one > ear i. Co c*|. ue ouuy, ORB TBAB, i* MsittMa, It OU, ART VK i.KXTt PWl MU copies one year (adi sou forma*lUe club ) • 1 mi c** fR.OO: LAE* MONTH •S8 10 90 su*-*criptIons4o both editions will bo rbeOire<l *t six month*, At rates corresponding with the Anv'run^lVi.-iAnb in City Directory, n U» «A««ed Bye linos. #1*00 per annum. apoeiAi Ail'Ml uoiuw tiPTEE* «-ART» per Itu* tor Urst scatou,A*..i Five LX/Cfft llsm ihtymMf. The me «liar^m will b« ramie Cor *dvertIi**jraSMP cupfiu*l«M Ur an s emimapo, obituaries, *«# all rtlclos *rt u pcr«,f*n»l nsO*to. Kxcept in c4»*s*> * s|HVial amtraei, «#»h«r A.lrerti*e««nt^ will be. jargoi ilie following rSU»t 1 Nk »<;• AKA,one in>«rtb»B, - * #J w •‘ *• two Insertion*, - - 1 three hiicrUoEA, - 9-91 *• •* (mm jM***k. • • * • *50 •• *• one month * - 1»M*» •• •• three uiAnUa. • • - 8IM|u riii-rUT’* bales, per levy ofteu lino* or. less #* B0 her Ml' *s Mortgage li la. *aU>, per sq'toTf. • » ** k t ollucvors's sales, p«tr Mieuru & * Lions l'or I,etiers ut Adinlni.-lrattpo 3MJ0 oils for Uaiors oi uuanlianship . * rs of uppiieatuia ivr/UwuieHiu lYuia * niiiisliiiiiou ••„•••• . g-■*• 4 30 -,rs of Appiication for dismission IVoM Atr imnstiip • ••_ •"! {S llcatuiiis l'or loave to mHI LaiuI.*.—•••■• 5 vc* to Debtors and Ure«H»ors. . . T # <*/ of Land, eic., per bittiwe . * W imperishable jnvperty, 10 days, vor/qr. 1 to >iuiooi Mortgage, per sqr.oBelt iimo. . 1 UU ; K Ithi^L lltKi* FUlt LEG At Al»V ICItTJftINU. lesof Land. e»«., hr Administrators, E*vi u- „ or ttuurdiuiis, are required by law to be lu ld the lirsl Tuesday io the mouth, between the cn In the forenoon ami three in the ai* at the t oort House in the eetinty in hicli the pro|*?rty is situated. Notice* t»f these i lie given in a public gaaoMe 4Uda/s to the day of sale. Notice* or the sale «*C yorsonnl propeHy must given in like manner 10 days previous U» the ay of sale. . Notices to the debtor* am! creditors of an estate mist also be published *J days. Notice that application a* ill be made to the Join i of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, ete., oust be pulilisheu for two mouths. Citations for letters of Administration. Guar- raiiship, etc., itaut lie published Ml (toys; for dis- •nU<iion from AdministraiioA, monthb 6 mouth#; r dismissiou iroihGuardlauMilp 40 days. a Huies lor foreclosure of Mortgage must, bo pob- .Jished monthly for 4 months; for establishing hist /jspers, for the full space of 6 months; for Corn ell lug tiUes from Exocutbrs er Admiuistrator*. where bond has been given, by tfiw dooehsod, the •nil space of three months. ' • Publications will always be continued accord ing to these, the legal requieemoijU, unless other- " Bdr'l'.aiKUAI. IIKIIUCTION8 will Im mails early advertisars. All tram Brevet Mm«r Wm. H HurVua. CaptainMth United states Infantry. Acting Asai*Sniit Judge Advo- eate General. Ortioe at lleaduuart«rs LUn.tei.aut 4 otonul B.'McK. llOMON, U. ft. A„ AsMstant luapector General. UQice at Heal &b’t. Ghice corner oi lirqad and Maruitm streets. ¥ - let General El' wt'* a trow, C1»<e« far All transient and foreign adverilsomentt him ne prepaid to secure publication. #1^ All letters on business, or vounnunicallons oi publication, must bo a<iilres»ed to City bumiua** iHrmctury. 14 Ai/GIftS. ii n BOOTS, bliUits ainu l/MATHTIT U| NEW ftfOtth-NltW GOODS Extra Inducements to buyers at Wholesale andUetail. i’eachlree street, opiMaltoCox A 11111. myttiHlm IrLU. W. rBlf». tim G. H- A A. W. FORCE, Wholesale and Ml Eetail dealers in BOOTS and SHOES-sigu iLof Big Iron boot. Lane assortment always band for City trade. Whitehall street, At- ™,. *«»■&.i.’Tc«S,r. Of all kinds, HAHMtfhs 1 ± TOMJ mtLttkM SIBMCIOBT. !» r«*E, U t. Eh OM kind (GtmfU, norUl». jii««j uaw, Krnet, AlljHkCE. Q» CoWnul J. P filLpo, UkM of MnrMU of W*H AOnin. UaupriJ I«,p«eur or BafjMrmtlai for ThlrO Military utulOA OEMS M ilMd •arTTn-Mtar Qenerkl W«. Mob, PO». Ah.tbtant Jnitfro AA.oroU! GnMrsI D. ‘ Jii'loo AOruraM Thtni Mint. 17 DUOtoE M iIi-.ilnu.rton, M.ior Grnoral JoM* tot*. U If, wauunlt., thint MillMn UMrlet (GoomU. norUte. M.1 Office .t ltMuli(iuutun, OB Mvietu IIri vet SrjjMher Genernl Iti ert »«IT0N, Chi Qii.irtermM.Ver Oilier .1 IIeilileli*rter, Er. vviLleulen.nt CnlontH H. X I'tluBiwiiBTA. Iit-|,.t Quartertuiutcr. Office F.m>th .trout, m ar Railr<"Mil. * Brevet C. A. Roctwr.M-, Chief; Ordtyaiife oQi. er. Oiliee corner of Broad ami Marietta Major K. D ,Trpd. f M. V. A A,. Ohljr Pay Mas ter and Hlsiiuuilhf OAeerTlur# Military Di*. trlflt Otlee Seiner ul Broad and Marietta stpeeta W Major . , . . Army, ijllef Iknftmlsary df ftubstoktifne. 4»m«« R4M>m No. 1 WlJHugfiam Bulidlnga, oonter af Decatur and Ivy ktreets. f ' DISTRICT OF agOKOIL , Brevent Brigadier General CigAaC.8lRi.1T, CMI* sm l lflth i;. h I'uiaiittr. tdmiuaualug i^istHct ifGeotfia, Jfltli IL ft. jnfahBy and Assistant Com id ission or Bureau K. F. and \;]*• Mate ol " ‘{jOarterit Markin uRJir.R, Afljntnni Jfith *.... Infuniry sn*l Acting As^lstMntAdjutant G<4ierat, District of fieurgiA Oflloe at Head- •iiiarters. Flrrt Liuutenant K. J 1 . Uom.rr Ith l'. S. C.T.I- ru^tni iluty with Il»ctli4U*rtei«. Oi.tilct of MitJ.r i. K Una ttthll S. Infantry, AmlaUnt iii»l*eet4n-iioneial. Buieau R.F. and A. L.state ofUBorgl ia. (MUc« at ll» s<iquurier». Brfevu Major Frkd MosEbaom, V. ft 0-«ul>. Asst. COm. Rub-1 list. Atlanta Bureau It.. i\ A A. L-. Olkce, building oppomth Uie l*oet Ol&ce, Jirohd OmiKjMCU Ul Mil- V.UUUHV VI V.OUO, * bell.'Curroll. covveta.ileatd, Fayette, Cl a r ton, Spalding, leafy, Navrtaft, DcKalb, Milton. Gwinnett and butts'. iluadquurters, Kootn ««. ». o t >mi«>.»u, inf, cui ner of Decatur and Ixj streets, Atlanta, Gwrgui. Brevet Captain O. C . Kna.t, let Lieut. 83d U. ft. Infantry, l‘ost Adjutant. Office at Headquar- First Lieutenant C. IlrLbt, lflth U. 8. In fantry. Ailing Assistant Quartermaster and Acting ComniTssnry Subsist ante, Post. Officu. Room No. T, Wiilinfhuui Building. Atlanta l*ostul ttegulativna. MKRCBASTS AND 9&UCMMjj. \ DAIR A UK&SE, AtdnOM AX1> CflNUMlOM Mkhouasts. Sign,.Auction House. White hali street, Atlanty 7W- ^ . ftjftrLT P BTElt LYNCH, WHOLK44LB AMD fa I ckk, and dealer in V arietiee, Whllehis Atlanta. Ua. Atlanta. Ua. B TAINJf S PAKKOTT. WMOLJC8ALK GRO CERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Granite Front, Peachtree street^ AtUata, Gn. tb«—ly '■ A J. KIJUKK't * GO., VXHULU. UOlUUMJUN UlKl.stl, »na Af«nu tor M.nunvcvnrer, 3 ITOitiuer., at the III dlroad. Atlanta. Ga. apMv . yr*.y i, TOIIN C. ROGERS, Da A i J Cannes and couwar Pi i Broad street and A. J. HO BERT, F. W. ROBERT. doer Ch>m Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga. Choice doer \ HAM AASXJUU AND MMOKMBB fpHK Gi5>RoLV N ATIONaL BAiliC -Bank L Block, Alabama s’reet. JoiR RlOl, Presi. dcut; K L. JoMu4,tW.ier; Dahwih G. Jonae.Tei- “ ‘ '■ "" DIRAC* WSOll, I m*F-iy T H. JAMES, RAAKAit AND BROKER, Ar al • tsKTA, G., hu/s ana solU G«l«^ ail veri Bonds, Stocks, apd Bank Bills. Exchangee Bonds, makes Investments lor parlies iu lkmds aud Stocks j allow• inturest up Deposit* when left fur two Ac/efuncM—Trlkiiqu A Itobcits, New York; Hop kins, Trow budge a Dwight. New lork; H ft. Wunvn, tygusia, (•*.; D r. Kleiuiiig.cbarlesum, S. I... .1 D. ( untilA(diaiu. Moniguuiury, Ala { M- PeO>r., Atiaaup U. A«i*ieil, Atlanta, hdwani P . httvanuah. G » :<• %> -\y a rLA.Nl \ \ VIW.NAL HANK Dh^tu.SA- A. thO dkimmtoky of the CNIXEu ST ATED. A. AratkLL, PreslUeiU, W. II. TL&L*a, bier. DlUfci iolD^A. Aurtill, M. t^. l*»»b-, W. U. Phillips,Mcl/eii«iuu, J. Ii. Juulva>, I mhhm.iI uiientiun paid to i oiiectioha ia Atlanta Lnd timxigli till- set-lion. Prompt return*, made If rhe Jowtsi surrori rates. Our New lork u>r- *c.jK>ndent, the Fourth Nation,d Bunk, to w h.nn riRSiTCBB. DKAi.tlH IM FtllMTlME, l Fttnutraav and niakiiig; Parlor and Bod Room Bets, aud i Furniture Repsiml, by A. KRliENElM- I GEU, Hunter street, betweeu Whit ••hull amf nliH'AGO ALE DEPOT—M. 'mifi i prietor dealer iu Braudie*. Wines, Wh.« End ftegars. CBidaoO alk always on hand. M Alalmma stTeel, Atlanta,« iuu, Ga. aug4—flm LSTON Jt WINN, Attoenxvs at La«, At lanta, Ga. Office, Granite Block, Broad st UuBT A. ALSTON, ’ “ a THOft. G. SIMMS, - - PotnUBTim. FRANK MI 1.1.8. AMIHTAKT 1’ONTif ABTKIt. ornca Hot ns lYflra 8 am ui ws PRj and lYoin 4 F.M. tot p.M. Si BOAT a—From 8 to 10 am.; and /y»ru 61o 6R P^M « vlfflSu* **1: < *»«!** MAM* worth fas and ifoa.HwnaTaM. Arrives - 1.41 AM. Close* (N. W.) fl.uO T.M. ACOrBTA. Arrives . 6.00 P.M. Closes 5.00 A.M Arrives (Savun.) 4.15 AJET^Way’shoPtF) 1.15 P.M. Closes “ «.UU P.M. “ 600 AJi. MONTSOlTTh T .• Arrives - 5.46 r.M. Closes - , 4 46 A.M. C iflOtliTOM. Leaves 100 A.M. Mondays, WeilnswUys, Fridays Arrivss V *“ " .00 P.M.Tusedays, Thursdays, Saturdays. DAII1/ONKOA f*A0t). Leavest.QB A.M. Mondays, WednoBdays. Fridays. Arrives Lhl) P.M. Tnesda/t, Thursdays, oati KATES OP POftTAG|f. LnTfft—Three cents, pre-paul, fo» fvery halt ounce tliroughout the United But**; ten cento to Canada, New Brunswick, anil other British Pro vinces. Pre-payment optional, except to New Fouudland. .» .. . . - NxwuPApfE pOSTAOB—In the United fttatee: Dailies, imr quarter, thirty cento; Weeklies, five oentoi tree w ithin the county where published. Foreign Letter Postage to Great Britain and Ireland, twenty-leur eenu—pre payment op- tionai- - < To France, flfteen cento per qaartar ouano-pre- paymsnt optional. To Cuba, Aspinwall, and Panama, ten cento, P Tohrvmen, by Bremen aa'l, 10*.; bf BAMbnrg m'l, 15c To Hamburg by Hantbarg m*l. MM.; by Mremen **To Oldenburg by Bremen m^, lie.; by HtoRbcrg To Lauenburg by Brem*em , \,16*.» by Hamburg To Austria, Prussia, Bavaria ftawmy.mmover, Wurtcuihiirg, Bad«m Luxetobunf. Brunswick, Mecklenburg-Sell worm and Mocklenburg-Htihl iu, Liilierk, anif Thurn aud Thris INwtaf D Bremen or Hambnrgtnail. ifc.* ^ To feta let wig-lloDtc&n ana lteumark, ‘ men o» Uatuburg mail, Iftc. To Sweden, l#y Bremen or To Norway, Dnumai Hainhuig by Bre- ( To Italy To TlHVf I’D Gre^twi. I m * n *-*g; •-*lg Pi r: WKWricKN R ATLANTIC RAlLlibAD- Ite miiea-Fare. 6|g cento jwr mite -CAareau. W uua, ftuimnAtendent;/oaa B. Pact, Master TruiHqiortaiUni; W». W CLAvvon, Treasurer j Hu H TaYmim. Audth>r;J. U. Ft?ujl Master MaehT- nltt; W.G HkAMLlMQ, ft C. ftiiOUS : CasOLM B. Bsu.Aoa.Gen. Age at; W. ML W U’kei Ageui; K A. BaCOIL GOD'I 01M M. nainena, Agent nt Attao HiwHt rsaaanuxs t uaih—i>sJi»T. Leave Atlanta Arrive aiChattaac Leave Cbatta&eeg i Arrive at Dalton Arrive at Atlanta DAILY PA«0*W<JKK T1A1M—DAILY, (except ftaudays). £ AO a,M. 9J6 P.M 6» I'M 4.50 A M. L15 P.M. jcojpron avion ra aim—daily, (eaoent Suitduys). ' .JT • j;*: 1 a- • MAll. 11.40 P.M. 1.1M P.M. 1MR» A M. sr * r all . • ait: Leave Atlanta Leave Dalton Arrive at Ctaattanooga Leave Chattanooga - Arrive ul Dalton Du*vc Dalton Arrive ui Atlanta 6ve i*.unt> iter mile.—Joint I*. Kiko, Prce»«hmt;M W. C«Lf. mipei-intendcul; tl:T. AwoitRioH, Agent at Atlanta. DAT PASiENOfg TRAfN. lA*»ve Atlanta J. ' >M»A.II. Arrive at Augusta ,.,6.4b P.M. ...5.U0A.M. .. .AtW P.41. Arrive at Atlanta *SUW» ...4 MIGHT FAMINOK*TKAIM. Leavo Atlanta ... k . 115 P.M. Arrive at Augusta „..v Alk A.M. Leave A«k n! *wt .6(n; P.M. Arrive at Atlanta \.t 4J5 A.M. SIGH# THItOl’UU KRKIOat fRAlN. l4Bhvo Atlanta .!<:.•J,.*4D P.M. Amvoat Augusta....... A.M- Lcav'e Augu>ta fl 10 P.M. Arrive atAt^mt a ». ^ ,y.r..8 05 A.#L MpMAWiN A WESTERN RAfLROAD.-HE miles— Fai-e, lire cents per uiIlo--A. J. WBITM, President; B. R. Walkkk, Su|Kwintendunt; It. A. Amlxusun, Agent at AtiuaU DAT PA Leave Maoon iVrrive lA»ve Atlanta Arrive at Macon dat PAamwatK train. Atlanta 145 A M. S(JD P.M. Ti5 A M. 4.30 P M. 840 P.M. 4:10 A.M. 94*4* M . 410 A.M. far ATLANTA A WK8T POINT Sl- i^7T1>-«7 inllraM-KBr*. mil.—Innn |>. King, President; 5. P. Grant, nup^iiEtemlent; R. M. FaRkah, Agent at AtlanUi: ^ DAY’ PiSItXNDJCB TRAIN—GOING OlW. Ixxive Atlanta 7JW A.M. Arrive at West Poiut . 12.00 M. day rseamiUR* train—comimd in. ,-Uanul II. Cram,Buperintondrnt. Leave West Point Arrive at Columbus - Arrive, at. Montgomery Leave Montgomery - Leave Col am bus Arrive at Wy^t Point 10.15 A.M. IMP M 4 26 P.M. 7-0U All. 1.11 PM 1JQP.M. & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. O N and after June 18th, 1807, Passenger Trains will run as follows: GOINQ NORTn. LEAVING ATLANTA. 8.46 A. M. Daily (except Sunday*) Kxmtasa Pachknokk— Arrive at DalTon atlWr. LiMRiMtUia with. F, T, ami Ga-4C it trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington, Baltimore. Philadelphia, and New York. Arrive at CHATTANOoeA 5.88 p. u.. connecting with trains of Nashville and , Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louis ville, and the W r est, and trains of Mem phis and Charleston Railroad for Mem phis, New Orleans, etc. 1.50 P. M. Daily (kxgkpt 8unday1) Dalton ac commodation.—Arrive at Marietta 5.45, CartersviUe 8.06, Kingston 0.00, Dalton 7 dD P. Daily Great No#¥bAn Mail.—Arrive at Dalton at 1.16’a. m., connecting with E. T. t ndGa. it. R. trains lor Knoxville, Lych- urg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia, and Ntw York, arrive at Chatta nooga 4,10 a. M.. connecting with trains ot Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for NushvilU), Louisville, and the West, and trains of tfio Memphis’and Charlesu. road for Memphis, Ntw Orleans, 0 iinll- VOMiHU 8UVTU. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 1.41 A. II. PULT UMAT .SOUTaWN lUlL.-l**,- ring CHATTANOOSIA 4 80 t M., connecting with truiD^ of >taahTitle and Chattanooga, and Memphis And .Charleston Railroads and Dalten at TW t. M. connecting With trains of ft T. and Ga. Railroads. 9.45 A. M. DaiaMMcm kUMluTH) Dalton AO- coMMojiAHaM — LeaTe DalUie al 186 A. M., King faj 90, CartersvUl* 5.15, Marietta k. 18.06 P. M/yyaWy (ExeaPT Rondayr) ExphRea PaKRKNGRR —Leave Uutoaoooga atd.RU A. m . makirtg close cdknectfnhs with trains of NashvHle aad CbaUaiiooga, and Mom- ^ 11* and Charleston Uai'.road*. aud Dal- n at 8.86 a. M., conmn '.mg With train* of Bear Tenueescu and w* ora ia Kailmad. pcluu2.'8 BdTtsr snotriso coacbbs •N 111 MMurr trains. 1 JOHN B. I’LCK. Jclft—7in ___Ma*U;r T>-(tn«portaUou. To GibntUar, ft^oin^md Portugal, by 1^rot.u*s ui- * Au^ralirt, Uuliit \* hina,/ v|a ^arsGilUw^c ^hr 1 .cave Atlanta Monday, Werfneeday and Friday * - s • 6 00 A.M. ArrlveTnesday*.ThniX'iavatdftatu^ayt.W. I' M. New Freight Houte. iTsmUWMBU YTtolBiTr-ffT E w ohleaKS INTRODUCTORY PMtPOSU mHB PUBLICATION OF THIS JOURNAL -*■ corain eased Tuesday. August 6tk. and it wilt hereafter regularly issue t • Every Tuesday Morning. FB4DAY MOSNINO: :i; 8BPT. IIECLAHATIOX OF 1’IUNCU'LBS at no OHIO* ESFUBUCAX PAEIY OF 0I0SQIA. ADOPTED BY TUI STATt cagrKXTlOjr, Atiumta, 4 (.XT Im, 1807. muA W«, hnmlily ,’okBe«leOklii| «w <5«- rmitiSi «K» u bfUrrullng rrarlMM. wku ■h>|juMiodffitinUuvl rauucuJnctlual^Ultu^ AJ- nur PoTOnnicci whccT IU ddffiMM > n>uc%ktlai>c wohi bclhf chckcn kf Uw (ctCHT opktcrtaf* ot cou.iifloR of tm> country; kiul wherkas, we believe that Tim estum lfth wtlut oy jnitloe 1* *#se««iU to en- iurkug peace, that patnoGanv sliouhi beexMUd a*h virtae, ami it Is fhodi/ty of thohtat#tocher- isk«U Its people: and vrheifcat.Ahoseyho aeeert K—atMi, m. Tii«t»atujpt ttio nnwu of tha (Jirion TH^ r WEEKLY .OPINION r, (irowntoa to Iho ,uklls, 1'le.lgMl to tko advocit. ry of th» l'tCI.AHtTlo.N OF , ..... ..—, ulnpMi by Uw imi tOKVKSXTOK hohl l» | A(JsniA, July <tli, 1857. j * aMvcd, 8. Thut we plo<lg<< o;iT hcMty swppoB T* secure thetriuinphol'Ui*policy Indicated in *“ **" m the declaration naumd, the pritasary sOJcot ot thfl coaductop of the paper. This anupmunv ment R mruin aftdf matitre rMlQctlbu. and rousou# for the tofoptlon of this course, will appear as occasion may require. \ * ' « T HE WKEKLX OPiyiOti Will be a cninph'io record of new> iVonj *1) points, made up from the Daily. (\> imp cut* upon the Events rf iho Hour, l{ulitks rc tlio regular dls- pafchleanf the Press Assoelutibn, Market Kopofts, fttate news'and MKorihineons intelligence, w'U be given as full as possible. To (hake it A FIRST CLASS FAMILY IfEWSPArER, A welcome visitor ate\erv flrr«,ido, will he the aim of iUcssuduoters, who fool coulldont that rooious amt untiring eftorts will command fiucocsi, and thOn by enuhle them to 'contribute to tho wolfare of ttin public Vcnorally, ns well as the State at largo. \ • THE WEEKLY 01‘IXIOS IS AX EIGHT PAGE 1 SHEET, Forty-eight Columns, Vfi no VBLg the BlZS nf the DANA EDITION, TKIt^lft OF sr QNCUIl'TION: One o^py, one year M ' g, 3 oo Two copies, one year 5 00 Fivo copies, oi* year jg‘ 00 Ton Ceptea, 4ino year, (and on« free to the porsou forming tho club, go ty The DAILY OPINION is mailud to. subscribers o\lOPTftMff V. *f» 18*V anueih. Subscriptions in lioth editions will be rocolved tor six months, at rates correspdhdlng with tho foregoing D-rmc. Letters on business, or ooinraunioatioMs! should be addressed to 8UKUGU8 A DUMBLL, aug-tl Atlanta, Ga^ The Preprlftors of the Dally And WcoJklV Opinion hnviiig Just received an A1 lot of JOB PRINTING MATEftlALS, Together with ft ntnnbcp of Hoe’s Fast Printing Maohines, , Vt-prapai*! to All union for a ay kind of CTOB PBIKTINdr, IM A M/PEBIOU M4 NN Bit. • ‘ OEDXH5 eOtlCITID POM VLAXy AXV OUXAMVNT4L JOB PRINTING. CATAJBGDB WHT OP WORK BXBCOTKO FOR Merchants, “At Homo” Cards, I. ltoat we pled^ osfr hearty support to tin 1 rm-pM'riruotlou.wuasitM.’S tha Con gross of Ui* Unlteil States. *• • \ V * _ ' MeuiUcriki ThatR (v tho dutysOTNu).RtRt* to educate ;illiier oiilldren, and to Glutfnd, woyo* Ronunnhd tho csfeittilUtiilient;. of ogUldral pyvtetti of free schools. _ . ^ ,, ... . RetoUxd. 4. Tnaltho Vtlrm BcitobHftgft Pwg is idcntlifcH In its histtorj- ahd bRlts wfortuR jfrin* ......... . t-kffif. wikt-kinv ra«tn man oi III rage* to pro of lalKlr, anN !6lu »> »np«ny wise1 no (1 eSJta°wnifece/fkat iS*?wvld!ovifyeucoui . mem and ess Wuneetliat m»T ho necoeeary td pi I “ ,nturu.lenh*. - ■ . .. .. ^ itnotad, 6, Tli*t (li* (Ulan BopuWiean Putty ...-tlwtHMuof (icWKfi pled*e4 iffielCto uulnlrtln tku fruu nnrt.Wi.i rignU ot ail m«o, Hud'ija Hlililuilytkei.ivM-ribofl leiin* of mffirntluu, in elect In, te office ihouinen n-.ile -who tu cnwMy. In nil ic jk.’c 1., ts i tli tku t eqalromeot. ot the Jkcuol ConrcM. it (el whn uvolkr Mio aSb.nrnmune orcti. United auiya to nay other that «oold to ItfmM. -r- - noir m nw j V'outMiU Skiimout ix VlUGUiU.—Statitt- ti.U of tho colol-ml rrliooN in VirRiuift •how (lint pearijr JT.OOO soJiolur, are <;iiroll ed, tho hiinunl exponijo of whom teachlug Will 1>e about 9100,0(10. iu micbinond, .%«# uojofcil jmpils reoelvo Inatruttio/n from forty-three teuchew, some: of the lat ter being also colored. C’KOt’H is Kahtkkn AWIiam*.—T1\o Tlit- finlaXcws says the corn crop hi that soo- ttou is now beyond tho reach of drouth. It ,1s one of the finest crops that lias ticen raised (hr a immVr of yean. ('Often promises well. The Cask okOkn. SiCKLks.—The (bimtfa- U611 of thcdllBefilty between (ten. Slclcles *hml the United States Courts Jh stated to have been that he Issued an order which tyas In diet a stay lutr, and postponed tho collection of debts by tha action of tlio SthWtxnntain his district 4bk , Voiialn time. This older was evaded very jpon- erally by means of tho transfer of these debts. from citizens of Xortli and South Carolina to, the citizens of other States, t|iuH throwing their causes of notion Into the jurisdiction of the United States Court*, which were opeii. (Jen. Sickles' order No. 10 forbade lilts execution of Jiulg menu thus obtained- T llnAralna llonwl, lUUe.iU, Banae, TIionMfe, Ucutaurauto, Hotrih. (Aiiort Hall*. IlYrlp of CuVitto, l»V HlTltlOll i»c IIriii dmusciusst i/liU. ( TVAVIS' IIAbl., K1MIAU eTHEk-T, Awi.isv., I ) OA -Tht. »|wci#u. a»4 mart'- ITail l»centrally hmeNd In a poputoi tion of UuiCitT, kM«* a 8tR«* 98 !»’ 40 tori hlfl*. annnn amlltorwiM JWTeRt —_ _ —^ vi<to>l with aai|>l* moan* MttKN. Tin? Hall is llgbtvJ by 14ftkuM Vnmem * on-ry nod Dve*.ieg iSejki mnnilriti. kept, fBO per Bight, 0*0.4 etc i*oiiulath>n of Atlanta', 85,GO. Di^Um-o to Ap- gutta, 171 iftlht; to Mac«>n, 1(R milu*; t«> UiotU SJJugi, 1.78mlies. LARKIN KjDAV^ Atlantis, March 1st 1887. tho above card, ORd onmuinml Ui* Hall to tko pro it*.ii*i at Ok- moat capoeira* oa«l Iwni tolopkM. to tsE'* vfsaaiSiTAar MaaaKcr lianton vun.bineMoa. AtlpRSw. Ul, Marvk frt. Now is the Time to MADISON Ng WS, ojti: or Tnu best JikmuMs A LONf) the line At Um (tnrgia BAUroM. Wi.kly, t»cn«ofn5| richest L» ton leu inn, •! the Mnta ot (taapgtU. «nd Aoootti in pMittMU MfficONfctKUCTHWniakaartiittas, VASW. ProurlAO r tt a lu/fhmihilu. v V. I. tOTUICHIL* * H«., vaaUsAU HiUffiU f * BOOTS Sc SBtOJJS, tt Surrtn itrcM, XMr I«k. In Bankruptcy. T>AMrm.KT C< PIES ot Um Mas aad Ban. I^cAar -Tor- , _ , , ATLANTA WA tiltASy.JUNCTIOS A t-aAlTANWtJjA. ALL 11 AIL. Xf Charge for Instance. Draqayf> mission* or Jr'orWBrding. Cops- Thc following to# 'ratv kee been agreed to, taking effect JULY fan, IDT: lutOaee ,.,)>er K» pft«Rd« 81 75 tdClSNa per MS pauftdt r 1 50 idciaa* i»er mpikiRd*.* id 4th U»*» ...j..pag MU puunda 1.00 Through BiJle of tolling m ill be given at point ef Mdpmcnt, MW4 Ml lHeTMR«»Rff« ‘ ‘ ajatas. r given at point nil ovorahatgei rj6h«Hf. r T N -.-IflcaUoti. ttor, nay he ota- pOOflHk ROOFINC. RO0FINC. A^BtAnnfantory i H»Tl»S e.(Al.uaed Felt, CemttU tuxA Gravel Soefioog, gbr.t^E!U3tf*re&i5r8s • Von net ry .Urct, rwo .rWl».*l.’, Jeftft-MB 0. A. SMITH. Wedding Card*, fthow ( tinlffi, L1vcH(1ii LanK Admit*ton Cards, Time Tablet, w < hockt, N'oUM, DriUtt. i'rice* Cm renL Title lb title, Trust Do*!*, I.oonc'. Hi'oclri*. " e 'i ax UUU, LbentL'N, ItwIV Ulll Heads, fnNnrnnre Policict, t milt, nn mI _ Tatkengyr Tickets, • OllHUtiiOt, loiwyeni, !»,. (>diPYt:t r ftf.lNVlIH, Bnviiic4#<’pvf1s, Vuitlog 1 ArtL, Notices,1 (till, <4 t.A.IInK, MauWVeu, bhlimciV Rcfltlpi*, Dfuggitto' 1/AiieU, Tobacco Labels, nothing Label*, U4U> of Fare, concert Hill.*, 4*Yograuiinct, { beatre Rlllt, . — - anufa'iurirt Loto-lt, Htc , etc., rte. UNT* udor* from our friend* and tho public generally are respectfully solicited. •OUR MOTTO—PIKATs QI IC K, CHEAP. ONlKGft-dAWtf banking house JAY OOOKE & a>. } Hr. «0 WAI.L STBEET, Cor. M WattRR ttrttl Now York. -tune bay and sell 91 fir nott liberal car-mot •fee*, nger Tiu' »r;iy BiUs. oaT Ticket*, Wood Ticket*, Hmad TlckcU, Milk. TUkeU, ItcwAnJ Ticket*, kb'ctimi Ttekets, C ertiflcAtek of Wtock, IST TUe Albany (()«.) Kfws Iuu lieon MJspcudetMty OouurpJ rope, on tlio jreue- ml charge or dlsloyulf.-iSrqAhtilffUM /Star. 'Ws'copy Ihc stove tut an Item of nrirs— OemoN. Wiakialim (MHis* • A dispatch dntutl Washington the 3d «»ys; t * ■ , Prominent cithvius from. Baltimore state (but grunt aiuu-elwnslou exists among the Unionists oft.hat city, 111 regard to the cel ebration of tbeanimersaryof tin battle of N'orth Point, which U to take plaeo In that iky <»u tbs ytli lost. The lullitia of Mar)4and Is eomjioscd mostly of returned Coufudaram soldiers,— Tliuir number U put down at it.000 sutong. The rvgluHHiU made up iu Halt Imoiv and adjacaiit.ianiutfiw are to take part • In the coming celuhratam; so also arc several ln- deiamdeut regiments, composed mostly of colored mwi wJi<| served Iu the Union army tlufiag tnr rslialUon. AcoiilUctls antici pated. Tbccs. Ualtiinnreans statu that the rclail slmnuiit In Uarylaud is very great, and they mean into/hlef if Ihfjr can maVe It. They go s* far a* to express a wllllng- ncHA,tp olwv u stunuions front Johnson to Ui>t)Ose of ('•tigress. ,. , - .HiiKiiiDA* nt iikuam tviiiix ietan. The llnton nice of New OHcnm eiritvM the contldcnt heli.n th*t fJongrcMt will see that Gen. Sheridan returns to llnh.'i tile work of ltaeOnsintetlon ho has so ahly Iwgun. Petitions are already iu clrculn. Uou urging this u|M>n l'ongress. it is re. ported to-night that Gen. Hancock lias (wen gmntci thirty days delay In proceed. Ing to New Orleans on account of the pre valem e of yellow (Wren, Possibly, thefc fore, tiheridan iimv,after nl(. eomc to Wash- Ington as originally instructed by General Grant, as the President's order docs not authorize the departure of Gen. Hancock until relieved by Gen. Miorhiaii. , I. BmUal at Mans ValsMsta. Jtasttal Letter (rMB fits, lltklta. laumllsg EsttfHi ktwa litffis. WabbiNotom, Sept 9.—The Grand En campment of the Nstjonal Union Johnson lien will meet to-night. The call is by advertisement. Several prominent met* (Tom abrpod In Mtaidance. 4 four column letter from Gen. Sickles GriuikMtUJ^ba poidtaUol to-mor- tow,' ‘ ; General Sickles poigiuunicatcs to Gene ral Grant tho Wilmington dliUciilty, gay- lug : “1 caused the commanding offieer to lip informed that on the receipt oj t^io re port ho Uasbcenairderodtpinako la rela tion to the i>ejidiitg eases, ho vip recclro further in^tructloNe, and that meanvhllo lie will not permit the order or doored of any court, to' Iw enforced in vlolattan.ef existing military onion.’! To this Gene ral GruntrepHeai “yourdlspatch has been - received, hollow the douneof actio a da Indicated by you as right, aad consider aty dUpatek of the 13th efitlrely withdrawn.” Tho document give# no oJue a Jhe pur port of Grant’s dispatch.df the 18th of Ust month. ' •• •.'... V ' Tito report circulated y$storday of u sliaril coloqtiy between GratiVahd John son It groundless. - - ‘ , ^Advhtps of tio-dsy by ohbtn from Baden announce that Marquis Lagrange's horso TroeaderS won tho Ht. l.fger, stake at Xf- fiugheltp.^. • * Vienna dispatches rcjKJrt that Baton Ton Boost will sell the Auskjan Ohnreli property and pay tho accumultltod na tional debt. A telegram from Madrid announces that the Government has ordered the roturn of the tSpaulsh fleet from tjie Pacthe. t J'aASCiACO, Hopt. ft.—Klcetkm prb- grosslnk .quietly. ‘h» Democratic voto wm ho larger than for several yArs.^ At three o'clock Haight wna ah^ul In theetty. PhllLps, ltepubllean. lt probably beaten In the first dlstalct; but tlio Republicans (feel confident of carrying the other Congress men. |> H»w Charles Dickens Oat Seine at the Names ot the Characters fag travels, CorrtiponUMD 1 * of ttjESnsJdVournll. f London, August 17,1HU7. I think I have made a discovery of some- literary Interest. It has always been sup posed that most of the names of Mr. Charles Dickens' characters were a ficticious eoln- age of his own,.and bo has received much credit for his versatility. As a general thing 1 have long been able to contradict this, as during a protracted search among tho wills at Doctors’ Commons,I had stum bled on a very large number of tlie identi cal surnames used by him, such as Guppy, and CliuzzlCWlt, and even Including Sum Weller.' Among others for wliieh I had always given him exektsf ve credit, wag tho animus nuno of -‘Pickwick,’’ for j did not believe th»t. In tills country, at least, any human txrtng had ever legally borne a patronymic so •straonltaary. 1 find, how ever, tlutt«v«n In this 1 was mistaken.— Being at Portsmouth the other day, I spent some time in examining the Parish Regis ters of that town, and there found a family of veritable Pickwicks flourtlhing betweeu the years 1803 and 1814. Tne baptisms of several children ti* re corded, ami they uro auiicd the children of John and CaUturln^’lckwlck. the hither Is described as a maHne. The question arises, had Mr. Charles Dickens ever seen these entries r 1'think he had. ainj, far these reasons i lie waa himself born in Portsmouth |m the year Id 12, aad hi, biog raphers aro kind ehongli usually to state that his father held an appointment there connected with tho navy. Mon, J -nkpeei that, from souio motive of curiosity, pi' others equally laudable, Mr. Dickens had searched these registers for his own bap tism. lie did not find lh uor could 1; ner \w m iKVffN.THIRTm. im COMI'OUMD INTER* SB “ 4 CONVERIIOIV*. •We sod vert the sevunl kau^ of Beymk Trir- ties At Mm BMMt fAverahlB utArtot eatte Into Flra* T*** dftwhkffi. . t KMI p < ta. <»r S«IA {Iffi j tne noi'wT woofii on* iwr r*iit inori intamt per Annua,. Urrslsr, with (all porUnoian UirnAitiS “^JTsF^n 110 ^ JAT OOOKB A CO. $10-:* WaV ” U oDATWl for a cant af rCV gn and AUUBthal taawnt bt earta by Dr OOOOBANH CELXBRATXD VBVXB * A GUI PILLM. Pmpnnsd by J. U WII.US A CO , brigslsu tad cbamlgt,. jyh-ffia Allha la. (1, Tkt I’rtya, it is estimated that tlie loWg-co»Unutd drought In 1 ndlaiui has cut the corn crop of that Mute down to about half the usual average. Accounts from southern Illinois repre sent'the pcaeh crop to lie enormous la tlut section. It IS no uncommon thing to ship from 1*000 to 30,000 boxes a day over the Illinois Ccutl-il, besides what find their way Co Ml. Louis, Indiuuapolis, Cincinnati and Cairo. The Clarksville (Tcnn.) Chronicle, of tha 1st, says: < In aome of tha neighborhoods the corn will yield liberally, in others, an average, and in others still, will be very short. Per home consumption, the anppjy promises to he ample. Tobacco, subject to Uie saraa Influence*, might bo embraced In Iho game report, hut as Its maturity oceans mucli Istar In tiro season, tt 1« not too lase for It to be greatly bcneltUed by • good season. The late planting, however, and in many loMtnc**, ihs taut stand must result Hi a short cram and iam b of that of inferior quality. Tha taint southeast ami north- Wcel of this place, on Wodnswia). nisi, lit quantity and extant be productive of great good, tall wo are not yet advised on the subject. was lie baptized at any of the clinrahcs in tlic neighborhood, and I omrliulu that this (•■'rviiKiay Was omitted oq the part of Ids parvafit. But In tho Portsmouth iteglrtor. utidf-r the date of May K JsU, i (Unml lhc baptism of frntu-is, sun uf Join, and Cath- jnc Pickwick, and almost immcdiatelv afl(T—the SKtli of tho siiiife months-(hut ot Eliza, daughter of Thomannirt Eliza Dick ens. Very curiously, the next entry i- that qf a Mbakspearc. , 1 supiaisu tills EUxaillckeuataiuivc heetr u sister of the novelist, and that in looking at tills particular period for the record ol bis own fiimlly, his eye caught, as mine did, tlut name of Piakw lck. which he ha. Silica rendered linpioi tul. 1 mav add that Tiiomsy Dhskens, the father, is not describ ed ns holding a»iy positions of profit or re sponsibility under tho Government, but against his name and descriptive of Ills profession Is the slnglo word "comedian." This, I suspect, is the true state of the caw, hut why Mr. Charles Dickons should suf fer Ills biographers to repodlate the true nature of his parentage is a question ho joust answer for hiusaUT. I may also odd that Mr. iHckeng lawlullv enjoys three Ghrlattah names, viz: Charles .lohli llnff- man. lio Is so descrllied in the record «f bli ow n marriage at chela*:., wMch took place In Idas, although lie thenjdgnsd bis uAnte simply “Charles DJckens.’* W The Mavsnaab-KapubiWaa, of Tues day. sais: —- Tbo body of tb« nnfortunita Ml* Balm was recovered yesterday moratag, ■.* bali- past eight o'clock, by moans <Tdragglng. and was found at the stefirr of the sfearn- sbln. The rental nt were removed fo the resilience of tier relative, in tki» cky. > . Pathsts to ag issui.u —ft r t^c «M ending on Tucsdire, Uie IBili of AeptemOvr. 3S0 patent* will ShUued from the 1 PataW Otth-e. Dnrt ngt he pgsr w ,dt ovt* m ap- ptlcattant add no ruvmt* l ave bevn filled.' ar Tbo . are are i Chari, siuii idbavui Its Jnn> ti ll llh ito half a mile w .( oi \ . inning dm the ii'oad out to '.al Railroad.. RtsJltoU.