The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 06, 1867, Image 2

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THE DAILY OPINUON LA BO BUT VtTV VIBOVLA omcjja rirni TELEGRAPHIC. *MW rot a rat In llavfrijr 'IrtlatoadSf defeating the Couvculiuu. Uutg saak to gat control of that IkxIj- In order to dtfout tho purpomi of lu aMi'inUtog. I'rluiary inaatifx* ljnve , been bald In Many of the rountlea, and ou — awjeMafotr mw tain ww nr ur I •«dt^*aaii*int«M at Mupignmery, lao&Mg ' A.T1<A2STTA, FRIDAY MOKNDIO::::::::::: SEPT. fl. Skdihok M Txswmhxk.—A .mail law yer near Cleveland, who, during tlio war. matoiReff'to JMaro Fir IttMi' SHW* w»a recently arraigned Irefor© tire rWll trlhil- nali of t)ntt btato tor aodltiou* liuigitagr. The trig) taitui offal Attiena lost week, amt Knitted In the fining of Mr. Edwards SSft. lie was' defended t>y Jotin llAtter and Judge Gaut KA»Tr—We see A state incut In ttio Kant pepera—-whether trtic oF flilfo ■we know npt—that the trueuics of the Emt Tonhesww Wesleyan College, located at Athens. Iiara announced that hereafter tlio, Xorihal Department of that irTiool will lie open to student* of both colors. This |. an advance movement. "Tu* Disloaca.”— Wo observe that our friend JVnrtAlut. of the JuMlKpenerr. ii doing the Republican thirty u great Civor by giving jHlhllctty to some of tllulr coni'. jatlgti doouniouU. We take It for granted (hat the Judge 1* not so hostile to.“Raitlmlf lam” a« He ha* been represented, cite lie vrpuld not tlto. aid the leader, of that party la distributing tlisir moat rlleotlva sknumtiiLs! Thoy vwu him a vote of thanks. • Tux Ayxjwry rttiK tAWMion,—Tliercls tt elanso lueorporatwl Into the Reconstruc tion Act, which jirovldcs tbnt “ no person shall at sliy tlmu he entitled to Ui regis tered, or W vote by reason of any Execu tive pardon or aipnesty for any act or thing, which, without aucli pardon or am nesty, would disqualify him from registra tion or voting.' 1 This, It would seem close* the Held of dls- retiKslon ns to thoaflhotijf tit* forth-coming amnesty proclamation upon the electaral rights if those disfranchised by the Re construction Act. It {adlfflcnlt, therefore, to sod ths exact simaUIcniuo of *udh a Pro clamation at tills time. ‘ We shall forbear continent, however, until the appearance -of the Pfoctamittoii. Tiik Ska Island Caoi 1 .—Reports heat thrrooast of CnroHna and Georgia concern ing tire rotten crop, continue unfavorable. Tlio caterpillar uppers to have, com- tneneed tlx weiA InVnrnest, and on msny plantation, tlio croMMre being deserted by the plantor*ss no Wbnr can save them itrnni the itivages of fire Worm. The Chariv«;im Men m y lias lvttci* from .Tames Island, John’s Island. WiuliuiiUw, S'Idlsto, Paris, and 1 July's Islands, und from Meaafnt, Christ Chttreli and St. Andrews, report those sections Infested with tlio worm, and though wo feel at a lbss Whkt to establish tlia Island crop at, too Impressioii is that a third WHI hardly ha made. The acooiiut* Ihmi Florida arc also gloomy; the Wry rains hay# canted ths plant to shad and take the rust They also rejioTt toe fntrrplllsr in many parts of th« state, and at their tuasons oro longer, than ours we itavc mason to suppom they, too, will sn*fer greatly frotai ths worm. Their crop Is $4* cslvtrttifed at a half hf laat year. ■ . i arthmie of our Georgia ml I for. who vor Canvantto* and Reconstruction are writhing undertb« appellation of'“Radi cal,” ns applied to thmnselves. Silly errs- turoa. When a man makes up Ilia mind to vote with a party, he must expect to eharc the abuses heaped upon Its Principle*, 8c- cesslou was a radical remedy for supposed wrongs. Many parsons acted with that party after the fall of Sumter who had pre viously opposed It. They did not make months, pout and wriggle beesuse they were denominated Secession Is ts. Negro suffrage Is a radical remedy ibr another class of evils, real or Imaginary. Many parsons who fovwrod Impartial sutltagu are now advocating universal suffrage. There are but two parties. Choose ye between them; and then snake up your mind, to stick to your choice. •>, , gif. *' n I' to too complottou of a political oigintkt-> tiou tor lire defeat of at least ae aiuch of the Iteeonstnretleu Ijiw as work* the dis franchise nient of He coaster, leaders. Their Platform of I’rinei|>H'- has not yet been «h« riels tod, tort It' prmfilsed to B* forth* eewitng'fefyjyoon. * ' ' '* 1 This platfdrrri tVIll’to- bsst-ytlojli;, UnIver- ( sal -YiuflVngM mid Aumcsty—a measure which rfcveals tin? ti nt Cause of opposition to too Asa uf tkmgress on too part of thoaa who oppose Reconstruction. That they ary Inslucetv In Ihclr prnfesftous Is evident from tho fact that tire Isadora of the movcUreut opjresod a much milder scheme less than twelve nmntlis age. It was tto'ii propsod tv make u standard qunltflcatkm. aeeordllig to which all Torn should la) admlftod or sejected, regardless of color. This Plan imposed no disabili ties on aocoutit of |>att irelltlcal offenses, but admitted to tire iduetlre franchise all who mlglit dome up to the slaudarel pro- pored. Tire istrtius h'tovni! to opposed tlile scheme boeatiao It admitted a few eol- ored jiien. wliu emtld read ami write, and who ownnl two |)mnlred dollars’ worth of tho liallot. fjice now propose giving flie Ballot to every colored man In the State, no muttor botv Ignorant and wprtblu**. ‘ « ‘ Had Hie grntleiprii whiigrcsp officious In this jin/t nwriitrn examination of puat Issuer, manifested dny disposition fora sat- tlement twelve mreiths ago—when a settle ment upon Lheir present sejieine was prau- tleablo—Instead or opposing everything tout did not rceeive the aancllnn of Mr. JoHKNON, people would Ire less disposed to question the. sincerity of their prerenl pro fession*. 1 i fsawrrsllft Csansilss «*••• ksrlk CtNllaa toytMltss t'sarrailsp. . AY/A .LU iJ 'ArJ A •'.! Urlflln lu I'.usitsS .( ilk ml.trlet Cullf.rufu Hlals Eltillu Hllsrs, The Furl Phil. Kearney Ms„irre. Tins Ukion I’semc Raii.iioaD The net earnings of the Vnlon PnclOe lfatlroad for the quarter eliding July 111, are olllda!-, 1y reftohetl at «M.r80.M, oxelusIVh of £470.288.11 charged to'' contractors for trsnsfxVrtatlou of men And materluTs. Four lidndrcdsml sixty fttllcs westnfOinaha are ecompleted, omflt Is expis tdd tip' 1 (rack tin The Rocky Molintuluf. five' iiuiidred anil seventeen nilles. will he llnlilveil In ^hput a mnhth 1 ’’ ' j New t’oKvsiiT.—TUo Uvji.dV.W. Buy er, vf South Carolina, and before the war a Representative In Congress fhrim that Stain, takes a ^ii'ctlfM view,of the Sqiitljn cm sUuatiuu'in brlllluul|coutrast with tho " heavy dignity ” men who follow iu Ure steps ot the Nonlicrn Democracy, lie wmte lately astoltowsi-' A word ns tq the public matters. Our people. I think, ought to regllier and psr- ticlnatc in tire elections. To do nothing wilt be to commit wuMlilo. I thtolt tho Poutk'aU—The RepubHcaat ot Mary land have deckled Itot to arete •» ths new gbnatitatlon, which If to be submitted to the people ou die ISth, and have prop#rod an address to Congress, In which toe)' stale that Mid Constitution Is not Republican In Ibrnu Itou. tslmou Cameron lia< declared iu favor of the taeptachacne of tire Presi dent. Gen. Great haa bocu dlsperslug tire clerk* of toe l“ay DeparUm ut. ,, . A number of the eletks iu toe Freed- men’s Bureau at Washington h»vu nomi nated General Howard for tga next Presi dency. Ben. Wads, toe acting We PreaMeut of the V nlted Staato, is tho greatest ohrtoele to lmpeachmsnL No ouo dasiros to see him to thuPrssWaaMal pdtoe II miss tTBi llMlVlltoi «. Malptoe.) whom a tow woatos egp a oerule etawaef South era paper* denominated a* MDltory Btowhoid,” Mnew coupled**# “faHent «lf with tha New York Herald and got# to tor aevnter revolution. . SSSSBUSttStS the Mayor of Oelvaatoo, Texas, to be ■rented tor the relief of the «*wto« I* toot dtp on account of yellow tom. Bap Xa»tA—Sc.voral of the Goorgla )>a- pers are copy lug editorials from ilia New York llprald. An editor of ripe experi ence fq Ills pfofesslon would not do this, and for two reason A: There Is no slgnjll- enneo whatever lu (mything which that paper u»uy say editorially; and. in thenyxt place, Us style of composition is anything hut a model of lire (Jpeeu English — Bennett never hud an hoaiest cm^vletlou in his life, and, therefore never uttered un honectsentiment; ami his nonsens" Ik ollen pre|cnted lu a stylo so disgusting that it fails to nuipsc. TUo ilerald is read for its special dlspauilm*—ff>r Its «sw*—and not for Its editorial*. '■ WiKwwe tun, Sep* »g-THe Consul of the United States at Wcsalna Estimates toe deaths of cholera at six thousand suits' July,.and the dlsraae appears to be*prt'*l- hig wider, bnt abating In totality. Major Kenney, of the Fort Still. Hearn' ) Massacre Commission, has arrived alter six months' stay. He Is of Jhe opinion that the Indians imist Ire whipped bbiire a per manent peace ean I* secured. They tlml war prolitable; they hare klUc<l sevsti com missioned officers, ainl stolen property of very eonsidcrahlH value to the vicinity of Fort Fhll. Kearney. Inh-rmil Revenue receipts >0-day six hundnkl and forty thousand dollar*. Gen. Grant autlioiiseii lire publp utlou in' Sickles' letter. A knowing gentleman maden Iret to-day that the Daiuocrat* of iolifoenla liaVe «Im - ted the Governor ami two < ongrcssmeii.' and tliattlie Iregistature has Irecn carried Demoerutle. AnttontM retnrnsof tire California clui - tlon aro jwaltpil herewith the utmost anxiety. • . . t A dlspfitcb from Ssn Francisco, dated the 4th. state* that tin' city ha* elect Ml a Ihiri- ovratic Mayor, ami tlmt tire State ticket has gone the name way in ths city. Iteuirns from the interior show a decreased Union vhtc. The latest atlv laws \ la Denvers aunounri' (hat the Dem»< ratio tlekot Is undoiditedly elcetod. . , Moxtco.mkiiy, Hept, 8.—Tire Conserva tive Convention adjourned to-day, after adopting tfic follow ing resolutions wire » a* shot at Mount Vernon Arsenal a I Knurr or T»a I'axaiDX* i a Cocoas.—< few waefc* aiuaredsy'huaffi L",K died hot* to-iU^ of wpdbds reuNvod • - - • d m Ca|K. Htfr.sff has Irecn en trial Jtoh'H Military ilommMsIon sRpc Ifnndgy. ' Smlnlilun was euaModed-WslaV. Noimdv hs* been able to ' gorily, for the straidas ca I dent. Ife suspei'l pe bto her* eecrctly bought up by <kh*ilti pitblhxii|f Nation*! , I ommlttee tv help In (W WBln ttoug , Hi* -swluginc ruuM iliejetretoUist year .. . , secured sjtlendiil iiiuuiphsfor the Itepub- scnienee has not been proinulgatod. Col. ||—~i Thla year they were soniewlud Shcpperd wa* a hlghlr respceteil cltlrcn. ' anxlons about die fall elections until the rl.reypywT.s-wjgr.SJjfflStMTMlfril'Hi fSSSS Ocn. r.inliy *ppe»r0 , l at DfMrUd Head ( ' onimHtl ,j fln , | llu made everything sc- Uiisrlwns aad.fhtotallp.jaalkwswi Usns<il| Llm i thsW'lg ri'nh'Tulk about fth|reai1r- nieii t, but tow un swell order. Sickle. |g Irisj^e I'OlllIllefMU tu« Z4*«l HOd llilt-l IIV Y** ennuot N|mri5 the tA 9 i _ lortdif iurb th« water* occasionally. Keep film of hU tub- ! Prr*1<1eot froni the arena jtist jet; ther -aTv's W* Tf % fWrful *tote of pollfical lud j tupy,.* ^r*tt pot "eonse ilo«rn toidif sumed eowunand. naaiu* Id* stag and oon- I In the WhRe House another tear and the haturday. la toe steamer N'eanoUiu. lie! Couisisautv Cuxaujto*' AOaixv— A e pitbllshm hi the. city poPers, to-tnorr«w, a * r'-spOnMeftt 6ffhfeT2)uTaVtlle (>t|rier wrlre. , -r ssr; Tnc mjxy ~ —r loqgjetterao «ren. Orenv. In justitbaiimr as follnwr* to that Journal fora New York: , of bB cotinte. . ' . . . * “ ^ omutimry id the ConfisdcraW avoir. T v --— .. . >Ve„ th« Conservative, m. n of the rttate N M U ''Mrrent. series, ft.nn the Ireadqgar. of Alalanna, In rt.nvrintlrin a worn toed, do t, " v " r thft *™"'- ""derelrnrel herehv prire* point la to carry olit WetiHlnm|>to^V Ideas, and show themselves flrerchy frtHtds ot 4 he eolorrd ireojHe. Our people •bonkl rocogntao what la tnevltahle in re- pavd to the legal and political rights of the ohii'ka, and grant of tlrelr own volition what will Ire given lu spite of tlrem. By this charts, harmony between tho two race* will Ire maintained, and political power In tho Btata will remain In safe hands. All expressions through tho press or oth»rwl*o against the dominant party .. ■ - ' — “ totohi her* should ho avoldwl. It I* Uirpos* 1 at this - time for ths DemaeMtlo party to help the Hoirth. Tho great object or the Nouth should now Uc to gvt ostabltshnl In tlrelr political rights. Then a fooling qf conlidetice will tifke the place of present liurecurltyv ami oapltal flow In from the North. T (Vcl In tensely for the unhappy condition of luy Moutlreru frlemls. You must not bo dlseonrugvd—struggle on— aFalr* must Improve. Tnn'DanocKATg and Mu, Jounson.—. Wlisn a man detorts one people and allies himself w-RII Its' antagonist, he doe* not oftenMicoanl lli.coiuuumdiug the respect or cenfldtnce of either. v The Albany (N. Y.1 Argni. on* of the oldest and most sagacious of the Dcmo- cmtle organ*, exclaim* t Wo want n« responsibility tor. the course of tha adualulstiwtlou at Washing ton. We do not promise to carry that dead w eight ;wt> have notwssumed lujsml wc will ■ot be saildled with Irby othqrs. The Now Johnson from York World dally warns Mr. tire Betnocretle preserve*. The WaaMnjifton Star, ofthb !hl, sat a: It la understood that in the last Ittter- rHw hotwwen oen. Grant and t^I^ud- d«nt on Tire Mlhlcct Of the removal - - ' • Yl&h.« ifreritWh, (hat Den. fltont told the rrvrt- dent he consldored the IhJunetlon of prtr*- cy remov ed from hla letter In regard to the renova) of See ret* ry Slaaton. by the jlluslon to U In the published 00neaped ■' The ntgro who luuplared Mr, Co- salt—an aocouaa of which Wc publtthod ydaterflay t>#« boon arseetsri oad toflgwl In m' 1 : . a• •• ^ 'Vi* arruc utn** br England are nrpiitig fsahlen ImfMre to BTOtect thamselvos agotost too mUMnova of.Faria (NTThe work of iwtatMtog tho Tykes Ulghriirowel* about roytyletod, '' ( 1 adopt, a. an expression Of mir views, the following resolution* of the Slide ofVenn- Sj lvaiiia. which w ere adopted at a 0’oU.ven- tlon recently held In that Stale: 1st. The < Tin dilution of tlio I'nltod Slat.'* being that form of civil govern ment wlifcb w 4« adopted by the founder* of the Union, w ith such changes ks have been since inuilo therein, in the manner prescribed in itself, is tho only riglitfti) government binding upon every Inhabi tant. of nil ranks,.sexes, C'duJrB, ages* ami, renditions; and It u tlieifiltjrm.each and every, imu of us, without exception or inmllfleatlon. under any clreumatHiiees, to aiihero to nnd defend the same. 2d. That In ulWondiets of power* milled that InMyrttuent the Supreme Jndkdary is the only nfh)l< , rrW lllrh,|lu its provlf*,'bi Independent »f arid oiparlor to egrfi or the others aud y'hleii they arc Ixpinii to obey. 3d, That the I nluu of the States w as de- eld.'d by tlio hue w**.a«<Iar'eel>t#d by the Soutliern people to be ut'iirelJiaL iind the lititoswliV^Brt toijctol iilolmwi ncnrsd- preme within iu raMtUKtippal'Iimit*. 4th. That t'oiign'ss is not the Federal UovvrirtJfht; lot Is tin |'rt4Me)it pdr the 8u]ircn)e Court. Til* Federal Government Is that form of civil jioflcy established by the-, (JoustitnfhTn, vonsbitlag-of gll three, well supreme lu Its own limits, and each etrtlthsl equally TvfthtflcdtBcfo lothcloVnl' obedience of eveiy Inhabitant *f all tlio State*. . i Bth. That by the <*onsrituilon*md under the tund(inqnt|k) J#'« W‘« FajlcraljGov- ernmenU aiilcli la iuperlor to Cougreet, and of which Obagres* Itself to The oren- tore, rc|>rescutatton In Cdngroes anil the electoral colleges Is a right ftnulameiilal and Indestructible In Its uatiire, and abi ding lu every Htato, being a duty a* writ as a right pertaining to tho people of ©very State, and the denial of which Is tlio de struction of the Federal Govormucut. 6th. That each State, under the Constitu tion, has the exclusive right to prcscrilre the cuallllcstloii of Its own olectora. The of Alabama adopt,'os a further expression of their opinion ami purposes, the following; 7th. Tlist It 1* our earnest aim and pur pose tocultlvate tho relations of friendship, harnwny and paaca hotueen th* tire rams*, to llenl Justly with the black*, and to In struct and aid In Instructing them in a proper understanding of all their duties to themselves, to society, and to the country, and we doaovKico a* treacherous and bats all attempt* by bad foe# to engende'r ftr encourage antagonisms be tureen (tin kwo *» C *N .st > S s. IA |l- 1 8th. That we are Inhabitants of a oora- luuniry. sharers aud aufforer^ of a ion destiny, arid wc Wilt <» all in our man common destiny power to instruct und gjevnte the colsijpU race fo iig mutok niflial AidtpoltfiitoJ te- s|M>nslblt(*a. and foWbr; W iito to-dky liekl at M, Corn very dull- white l.l* eon—*boul^!> M t cle*V rtdtk lflJi •stored anan. and foul BtoH—* todnok lu- dulgenUy Utoleraut on hi* pivjudlco* of rue* toonteated nod *avoOregon* flrey have ,barn By recent vveutt IbsUll- ons eoon*eto of bad tafft, #4>P*al to Mu know* U (re kooorahU, and. to deal eao- tSbtrtly with stranger* Wl* htoTUUevt- doaeaihat tony w ere honored where th*y m br|Nf kQOKD. #i . Ijl/m\*l <9* NBW Cirrus* (DH.) ? •pout one hundred tort In diameter th. Ttrev ncrih bf W>Jt m3S- gToto.««*ur<tto4* wtorF*rrtFABtoMu i Moaius, ttapt, 8—Ad. F. B. 8h«|tt«rd, on 1 KaIpsinh, N: C, Heptcfnber .1.—TireRo- liuhlkanConvention reusserabiod to-day. A more thorough permanent orgsmixation throngluiut Hi* State wok effected. There wa» a stormy morning aud evening ses sion. Many speeches were made, ohictly of an inflammatory kind, flrvorlng pro- •aription of rebels and oonflK ation of their property. Mayslm! Goedloe defended tlie Southern whites nianftilfy, deprecated con tiscation, and warnod toe freedmen of the dangers surrounding them. No platform aa jet adopted. The Uonveutton meoU, again to-niglit. Savannah. Sept. 8.—The reports of the Sea Island i rojw arc discouraging. 6n the South Carolina const the rain and worm have made great havoc. On tlie Georgia oust the reports are that tho worm has only appeared On two Islands. The toiler M inds are expected to yield falrkrops. It'is estimated that tlio 1-lunils crops of last week will reach «htrt) -Hvo thousand bides; ttui week only thirty thousand. The rain* continue, hut the report* from the interior are good ami (h'lr eropfoof upland* quality sre expei'tort. The new enttrin re ceived so fur Is as good as usual; no Hen Island received yet. Waflther hot. jjiriw (liti.KA ns, Sejit. Gen. Sheridan IssueiMIie ftdluwlng oKler tills mornirigv Il'AnfUs Stb*SY Dihtuict,) % flaw (juuaaxa Vao Sopt. S. 1sg7. ( Genefnl Orders No. 31.1 , ‘ , In arionlni lee. with ths. direct tons eon- tailiod In paragraph one of General tirders a Com sgnii two himdred t|ndi.,aud dollars, for *n af- li'geif libel, was decided yesterday. Juilgo Barbara dismissed the ease. Briefly; ije iteelded that Cummings was an uupai doned rebel, and as such had uo right to plead- against a loyal citixen; and that there was no Just cause for acyion In the urehtlsdK anyhow 1 . The oflento'of the edl- ters of the army* the- undepHgnAd hereby rellnipilshes tire aommand of the 5th Mili tary District to Brevet Major Gen. Charles Griffin. 1*. H. SnMtiDAN, Maj. Gen. U. 8. A. Gen. flb< ri'l4n leases this bveniug du the scveii o’eluuk ti.iiii by |hc Jackson Rail road, »,• ■■'■■■ «v ■ V . - . < T ' Three luivp been 44' deatlis from yellow Diver in 24 hows, ending, at# o’clock this mormu% . ' Slieflimi ’i fl{j Wmbcri pf Ifis ‘peH^nal 1 staff left for Geavcnwort this ovening by J raHrtl'Sj. 1 They, w ^re'escoftcd to tire depots by the Mayor, meiuher* of Council and eitlsons . Several gcntle.ltibii Sttdrossi'd the General in-Wrlnf nhrt ediM|iltmentary teruis, to which he responded.; , ■ ResolptlopAqijH't'Mlpg regret at parting willi him were rcaft and adojgcd. One lionilpatt/d blifi.'os Aiidrrw Jiftinflcin's suc cessor. /ij,' ’’ v Tire tU'pnijlIeuu, in Its cviming wlltlon, reviewsJhfc aBgilntStrstiop nf r^Wridun and psonoUiises Ilfs-civil lutiqiiilstmlioil a Un- uro. It is odurs's in regard to the July riot, city cunvneyand sanitary condition of tho eily'Is A'AcrtjfeobdeUuied. whtli tiVkiR- tary achtevemehts are highly fgt,oHcd. • AvuI sta, Heptombor, 5. lien.'Hill iswriUugi a series of letters to Geu. Urapt in ropU'to GuR. Fop*, in which he asserts that wo respects hi* white man In the Smith a|i|irovM the Wtlltary hills os ComtHntlonat, ,rlgbt, j!)8t, or desirable. Thu umxuulid accept, the candid reject— none approve, gild all despise. The first article will appear in the Chronicle nnd Sentinel to-morrow,aiid will, bo followed by others. Momi.s, Sept. 5.—Cotton market eojutfn- '* dull And nominal; sales U bales; mid- tor was that he prinusl an article complied from tk* Judicial reenrila, cliarglug said CummirtgA with swindling certain citizens of Georgia.. , .. . Hu tit avv^uTis e mJYs't.s. Speak tbelr ovpf praise wherevto plai' f ' D*V11> LANI»«KTB h «6n 1 ITilliuli-liihta. ' GEORGIA. UAurow coi'Stv. ■nfrusititiu, vrnito* w, e p>» 1 Vf for letter M »i.ui»l«fr..tun at Xmtts dbe-ui ! lUoUtufal tilrtillt. aii' xvsawwto | TlniM8 .uu UtexvYt.v, V cite iu'* M-imootaf ‘ | 44 ore .iDir* #T ^-iTutiy they | HI be $r.*nt Ml I . «. Hid 11 (lav of ^eptt pJiruMt blVFU ber, lMIH J. A HOWABU, U .iinrei JkS J: ^Prlti.ter’h »U4- $3 nulloc t estate o( Wusli»nNt'”M Lu lb.-lt* i, iIfm-mas-wI : TheB* are, thurul'ore. U*t he Ami roqnice u •on* coniternirti, to to un<1 n|ijN’Mr at «n n jthlti tb« tiH» t>v law. to ahovir t_, if mi v they have, why Boiil hdlvn) vtiouia not L Hivtn uBfter n»Y limntl*, AC oftcu, iu Gr*cn*boro, I topietnber 2d, lWl * * GJiXHttHA, Okeknic cop^tt. W H t KEAh, VVUJium A liioi.ur'b applit ieUki'tt ot mlwi u84>ttnth)ii ou the ebtj NKWTU5 SiltmFrti .SALK. Owe vucitiit l"t m iMiiO I thecit) ot t oviujftou, known t city, feiul U»unutd m> folio rgm Uuil|N>«d rnsoi vu.‘>n Uiu Mipth b> 4*i'Uu otly'B IauiI. uud o.. |he by nrp. lot, onUining two Meres iboru or Ic*m. IajvU-i! on m ,tbe oropni tT of fieulAiul. *io kjitUfY ynu ll fa. iijU'Kl fro rt m t'ourt lu 4ftiU ffUtfiot, gTM., in f/tror o»‘Kliantoth J. Miujn vs: Lewis KrrclAnij ‘ rr"pei J ry out »») defendant. Ujtv matl« und rt-*iiirn«-d nw» i»Y the Constahio. ti. M T Bt>\VfcJt, I>rpu»3'Sherin. Sept amber 1. ISWT—wUl* [l*r» fea FOR rent. ®t: i m.: 3 now occupied tho woof PoMotitrea street. «inhra< ._ 0 ._u entire BquAre, with stable> und othe naeMnpry on^houresi ff dArired.' a portliMi of the hoy If. HAGAN. ENGLISH TAPESTRY. S. 8. KENDRICK & CO., (l'P-*'TAins,.COKNtU or HpXTKR.) ltarc ssa Hvgant J’iiSterosaf T A n E 3 T R Y . B. R V 8 ,S E L S' WINDOW (iH.\ T b o s' T . ’ Call at ir cxiensfre fVpet Jtu»re Lp-Nt<ius, WiiiteliuJl f , . A>l;iUtA. <fa. i Mil. A Regular Line of Mail Stages FOR C/mrtCK.tYOW,*"' Luey Uidtotitr, 4Uteiow»e«i; Th*f%e are. t foit lure. to viU) wii I requiie all per T| aouti cMiureiniMl. to to nnd ,ipj>ear at my offlye M , tO «|U'V lot LJ ithiii tho tVtue pie»> riotxi Ij if touy they i)»w. w U> >4iti 1 ffiuhted Giveu iindor. n»y hand. At <>4U>u. in GreenstoKi bu-pUiuiber Eu b'o. L. kiS'V, Onlimti . .—.^ — Jrdin.tri I jej»d-rw»»i v ^. L Priu>' I'h/tTfiJ 1 GKOi:GIA, ( GBZF.Nk (UiAtT. W lihltKAS, the'-mi Mtc of 4ohA M. fotewu t\ ■ ofb8N r . uounfT'. dttre- 4A*l, a ukroprisei ■ 1 hei*e ure, thereto e. to rite Mini require Bout i tMiremetl. iu to wild a^toar at m witi iu the tiuiu prvn* rn* tl liy law, U> *buv dfanv they Iiuto. why thi udiuini*tratiu the w ill unflu xed of tne «*tau- of 8,tid Joi offlee, in (riroeasll fflj 4—vy)d JtLGfcNlCS I* KING, Orilinai WOTlCfs. (the AAiue i>e)NK a truot of, Nnd in Lee couat VO., coot,tinuqv mja BV1W4.more or le*i8.) oiifrinjf to Jonu « Coolj. Jn»per T. Look >• liimeirG took, orphAt»« of fa.lfi*hA Look. Into » Lie .county, <;* . dercuBt^. for tue porpowe pi jiuving twflr dosol* und tw: lit A in Ucilt ol eujd or phsiUF. ■*.>• lUtvJih.T, , , , . WiIJslAM a'J kl.\8, Guardian, , Of Uteorphuiib «d*tiH*k, <iece;*MMJ. , 80p4—wtutprl ■ , ^1 v 7 .iera fee ft> , URdMrjfA; Bax+o W cou,Nxy. TV Iilium M. Wotfom, d«ceAi>e<t, reprt L the-Court, in life petition, dalv tiled amt ontci 4iti reour^l. itmA to tow fnlly WdminUtered W U Uaut M. Watford’# ertnte!■. * . Thib in, Uu*rert>r»i, to cite all 1 persons eoncernod . ‘ ‘ show cause, if any tlie^ kindred' and etotlitrtor, i an, W hy Bald eMtewtor should not to dto hHryed rotn hib exOcntoiship and receive letters of dh» tutwwm. Thib tot \Hohdk.v \ SentoiUher, tsffl. J. A. Ho\f AK1), Ordinary.' nept4*-whto ' '*( Hriwt^p’s fee y4.5u> GKOUCfLA^ Baktow county . J OSKPii .DaVIS lnaviiiHitppiled to be Appointed guatftlitn w io/ th« persons and property of KIN J-(JubWiiiLlL, AAd siAiuu* VV. Uavib, utiututo und«r inrteen vo«rs or age. residents of said county; Thin is tnHtai all persona eonetrited. t«» l»e and arriv.ti of the cart Irma Atlanta. - MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS . RETURNUkO. W/LTj ARRIVE AT XKWXAX OX TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS Making'elwfld (jonncctlpn ‘with ttoj train tor At *KxlVa 'tr$w irnV to madtj ou opposifchftayk toi 1 ccoii* htola ft 1 trSve! •* 1 1 ; ♦' « uDl ( h© roflde to HOWDON With Monday aint Aridijn Triph ito Koiite over a goo»l natural road, and is rqmppod WHh new Cpncord Coaohcs aihl frequent .!dV,...r>.V V . ’arfidlfcoh . Fare th Bowdon / For pa*MAgh apply aCNewnau Hotel. r t«l 4.D4I ilUnga S3; TnehipU W Vm\«a. Savannah, Sept. R.-rCotton quiet and elojHnl dull wkU a downward tendency— »n Uhtltnx njylnnt^ jM‘|; rteelpts t70 bhlea; rcoelptst of tfie " * bales; exports 201 hales; stock on hand 738 bales. Nkw OuIjuhs, fc!*pt. 6.—Cotton unset tled *ml dull—low mliMIlng* 24a25; sales 200 bttls'4. Roeolpto 144 bales. Sugar ami iiKilasses nneh»nge<l. Flour ' v*rr dnll— snperttnc S.IStiHAt). Cam dull—mixed 120; w lille an® yelldw 1.S5. Oats dull—60*70. lVrk linn—25.50 for round lota. Bacon— shoulders 140,; clear tides t g lr-ciired hams 22!..a2l'j. Lard Ual4'*. old 41 v Kterilng .Rxebaugs New YorkHiglit KxcUangepreimum. S*w Yon*. Sept. I.—Cotton easier— middling uplands 27;salts 800 bale*. Flour Irregtilar. " hOat ictlvoc New eofn 1.16’ = al.lff. Oat* steiul)'—twmthem 60a67. Mess Fork 23.78. t oflee tirwi. Groceries dull.— stocks strong. Money 4aJ. Gold 42?#.— '<& (NklllKlha * * 'flSeoitirebs HI* Auurmra, Kent. 8.—Cotton flat—mid- id lug uplands 2.U2SU | sale* 83 bales. t_INC , £N*rt'Sj'pt. 5.—Flour stesily.Gorn l.liMl.ll. tMilsky steady. ITvvWons tirmer. Mesa pork J4.0U. held higher; sale* 1X00 barrels.. Raa'n—shoulders 124,; elesr *%fo* I7sl7q. lain* HR,—good demand from the Wert and Sbtith. lkuBi(flra*n regg, 5.—Cottrin Hrmer— 9th. That tobtle 4rt hate chkrttj for tho to^treios 88 bkl«a; re- •UbteWMi , , ^lUut i»* a »,'S*jitocuber 5—Go tten qnrel L»; mitWnngs ; sales light: is 55*00. 11a- MtrtBqaBT "—ItoaHaw, — The . Mont gomery Advertiser, bf tire5th,cotitsius tha l any person it teat cVorder JOHN T HOLME*. Xeirwan. Ss., SoptamHev 8. ltei-dlm 1 " GEORGIA, New•tors coi-ntt. W HKKKAb, Thonss W. 81ms applies to me Ibr In LU; is of administration d* bonin non with the will aancxod hf W’iUiam aim*, doucuMnl, late of said county: Thi* is, thenstore, to cite and Admonish all pfetJ dons concerned, to show *causv, if any they have, within the time prusorttod by tow', why lutiii iet- kiguaiuiw, Given under my hand: aud September B, 1SW. WM. D. LUtiKfE, Ordi**ryi BepA—wthi [Printor’b feei|S|__^ GEORGIA^ Fulton County. t v oonts non upon me estate or a. it. uve»D» , ti«- cea^edp represents to the court in hU peiUlon duly tiled, that bo has fully administered said estate toThU is thercrbre,to cite all penons concerned to stow causes if any they can, why said admin istrator should uot be discharged from his said ad* ministration and receive letters of dlsmtolon oil the ffrst Monday iu Maroh, IfiUS. Witness,the HoujjDantel Pittman, Ordinary ol said county, this 4fn dav of Heptombcr, 1MT. JNti; T. Ouoruai, Deputy Clerk, tofdyn hin _] Priptors fw GEORGIA, Fc%ton cpuNTY. PMHPBBHPHHPBHi „ -bra, (KcmBH, reprv»euVs to the court, in bis petition, duly dtoL that to has fully administered said states Thin It, tberetoiwv to cite all ocvbohs eoncorneil to show ear.wk tf anj they can. ubv said adiuieis* trator ibuuld uot be ditchanred irtoi UNbuidad- mtoifltntttoa and wc^lve Niters ofdibinUwo* on the tint Monday in Witaess the 1|om Dani«l Pittman, Ordiaary of biaid county, this- 4th day of September. 18*7. OOPE" ' ■ - J.NO. T. COOTEft* Dei *e|>5--a «m f PrinterltcFfrtto.] OKGRjGtA* Fi'Itox countt. W HF.UKAdJ, R. Fain, exeeUltre of Elflmbetb Kalu, dec eased, represents to th pehttlow, Wnly flleA, that ha ban fully said e >urt, in bis aiaibtored This It, there tore, te Mto fl pontons concerned to thoWonate, if any they ean, why said-etfveutor should not be disoharrcTTiN>m his seld trust and rocclte lctieri* of dismliudou on the brut Monday in «ajwh, iwa v V1ta«w> the Hon Daniel rittmaa. Ortitoary of •aid county, this 4th day. of toptoptor. * <ep>*-afm : • ^ .... IM7. r’s fbe P WH GEoRGLV. Kultctw Couxtt. tow of SjGi^kMtrattoi, u ^>oq tbs eetato *f W'diaiu sjHSS uut, dark. «>» ♦*#*] OBORGIA, Vxwtok eorm. sS*jiSS3F£EfE of the dapertor r«nrt. or soase other flt and proper irotn-tto Orbt paLireatt ofthfa-atotod am t;ntfle,^i^«uy they^c^, why sufd 'Joseph Davis e iMitru<ted with Die Kuaniian.shipof the n-rsort* and mtobrtv tffsuld mio6«i. r ’ Witnessjiiy odiciMl klgnhtnfe, this toptentbfr 2d. MV J. A. iluWglBK, Ordinurv. (Dl’luKr^ . ■' ;.. dtyATiojf. ... H . . AVm. M a ZL,J>l>M» ry •« TUe XlilknnMt «f G»'oi>ria—A>>uinpsit in tho bujvurior Conn of Fultottoouuty, Ga. 1 M1K defendanto an> hereby not HI Ad and rc- . qulred ocrbonUU/, by Attorney, .to he and appear at tnb next .bn i'OMor Court, to'to held iu and tor SUM couhtyV’ 01 * the drat Monday In Octo ber neYt. then ami hb«^c to answer the plsiniliTs demupdan, Jtotiop of ,i^mPP*D. MR ii) default Uieroivf tb^.CoUjrt^iU jytyoved,a% Uijustice sh%li. ivpperiain. Wltnobi,- the lion. John Collier, of one tbe Judges of the.itoporior UoiM tu. . , August ML 1*7. W. U. VKNABLB. Clerk. ampt^wlt, , J Printer’s foe $4} NOTICE. Wm. M. A If. J, Lowry re. The* Northwestern Dank of Georgia—Assmu(isU m the Superior Court of FuljoS county, Ga. I H> W. H. Inman, Robk F. Carry, Miles Dick son, H. J. Bprayberry William J. Whif.sell, F. Inman and JOSi T. MoConnoFl, Stockholders of the NA-thwestorn Bank of Georgia: YVm hereby mrtiiled that on the Urst day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, ve commenced salt against the Northwestern Bank of Georgia, in toe Superior Court of Fulton countv , (ieorgia. on tho bius of-ssid Bank, tor three thousand and eightyAix dollars. _ AKNOLt) a ROBINSON, 8{g«F"-' -AfSZlXW- GEORGIA* DkKalb county. DAIIsY having applied to ■m tor lectors of uriminixtration • Lew is Ethridge, 8r., late of said o tototo of Lew la Whridge, Sr., lute of said oountj, This Is itw cite 411 persons ewncerned to be and appear at my otoce, w ithin the time prescribed hj law, io show cause, jfaov they have, why Ut ters should not be grunted the applicunt Given under my hand ami official nignature, August 14, Ihflt. J. Ii. WILSON,-Ordinary, augto—Waaf IPrintei^s toe |3,] GEORGIA, Fayjsttk county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY ^)NCIBM: TAMES A PALMEU having in prvi>er form an si idled to ihe for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of barary Palmer, late of butd county, deedhsed r Thl*4* to ctre all aud singular, the creditors and 'nex* orito of said dteoeasvd, to to and appear . my office, within tbe time prescribed by (aw. ar show eanse, If arty they can, why iM>rniauent a< miniMratukn sltoold not be gramed the upplicai JwiSwtnyTtmtdi aud official •ignatare, Augu Mth, 1M7. EDWABD mNSoU, Uniinary. su^P—w!9d [Printer’s toe f.11 GEORG!Fimrmi countr. be XI M eblate of said deceased, lor the beucflt'of the^ uotifle, with! *•"*7" ’WW 'iSVMCT,*, IUI MJC IH-llt Ul Ul lilt' 111 and creditors, all person* couceruad are notli taajnttsG .Wsctfon, If huj tli«> bars, nil tnn nMtlu from Ue flr>t p*bll«atloa of nalloo, vlf. y»vo will bo gr.oSod lor the ,ale i ■alii nSl eMhie Wirva uiulor my hanit. this A ugust 51,1 isgl. at v kUWAKI) COX NOK, Ordinary . [Pm toe $6]' 0-EOIH.ifAv CAMrBgl.E coUKir, ffVfO Ml>NTM8 aAer date application will be « X msne to the Court of Ordinury of sakl osantr. ' at the §r>t regular term after the expiration of two wentbs Om UH4 notice, for leave to tell wll lhn^a belonging to the estate of Thomas A- —-hams tote of said eonniy, deceased, tor tbe bencgtuf tbe heirs sud creditors of said deceased * W J GAKKKTT, AdmlnDtrator, ^ Aegwikw, 1M*7. efTboa A. Latham, dec V auflp-sta (Printers fee W MORTGAGE SHERIFF s A lit. b* *Md Isffbt* the Court Ho, ’ wawtxp: JVkoJss jniUf earn be auswim.