The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 06, 1867, Image 3

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J - 1 nuaitod up to • u'ulrak, r. a. dally. $ w»m . w M preeaptly reporting »« fact to She coma tin* room r«gu)*rly delivered to •uUcrtU^. and any fail ure on the otK of the earners to do so should »m* *■*“*»* v # *** t “- Mh. W. k\ Whitk, of Thomrevillv. w ill *•** o'"' 0 '' aubscrfber*. 8. Tii^wem* U.eJir feffithorized agent at 0*1 Is*-. 1'aUVlittg County, <3* jjoGAjjj A!pfr.a.yfe&£-' The •ex'oUutiou fur (So benefit of North End Academy will cnme offat Fowler'* Hall tills evening. *"t Foimv-ra tmun.—It b* *ccn "from • notice In aiiudi** column, that the lejral advertisements of Koftyth county. On.. will hereafter be pabllthed (n the Ontlui, Tim work of tamcnduuhriax WUltuhall street from the railroad crossing to its .Inaction with l’uachtrecMfec*, U progress ing rapidly. PnsOKtu—We arnigratlHetl to lie able to state, ffhat notwithstanding the very critical condition of tit W. W. lloyd'a health, yesterday lie was thought to be ■*Hgbt)y, Improving. ; i [ [ ) In the Lock-Up.—I-aot sreuimr. in pass ing, we observed a tile of C. 8. soljlaiv inarching to the callitboosc. having In charge one of their comrades in arms, wlto had been ordered to be con^ied liy his of ficers for | violation of orders. I - “Tus Uuiushak Indek.’ - —In view- of the prevailing mougy prassurty the pub lisher of tir'd a!vice paper has decided to Issue .for a few weeks, hi Ilea ofa-ftill pHWt, an Kira* of three cejivnna to a. page very diminutive sheet. We. ho pa to see tire old hulrr. resume her fair proportions il\ a few week*.- It idesen-fes a (sort libdvnl pa tronage. Moke Violators op the Revenue Law Ajuumted.—Mr. /. If. Starn* of Marshal Elyea's staff, returned to the city yesterday from an official trip to Kptrton county. He brought to tjie city, undergrrest, C. A Christian. T. i. Nelms. Win. Nelms, J. YV. Swain, R. Stsnton, and John Nelms, nil charged with vlohvttng the Internal Reve nue ferns. TIicsc 'gentlemen were tried before rutted States Comiai^onpr Wuli ning. ‘Khcii on thorn, >npon pay mem of was Attic ased.' -w**- Staok Link.—We,take phnteiuv^ in call, lug attenflon to the‘ advertisement In lino- tlier column of a stage line froth Niftrhari to Carrolton. The stage will leave Newnan lmmwilstnlv on the arrival of Hie train from Atlanta on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, uiyl.returning wlllwrivent.New- , nan on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur days. This Is ini important connection of travel for persoprt dMMng.'to visit either Carrolton or Bowdon, and greatly advances the mail facilities in that jortiUn of the State. tv U t * Annotixo.—There is a grotp of shanties located on Luck is strebt, occupied by col ored people who, by their frequent quar reling among themselves,. which often leads to boisterous and obseomnanguage, If not a nuisance In the^teclinlell sense of the term, is very annoying to thelt more quiet neighbors. In jwasing the other night, ear atteAton arts attracted to Mils locality by what seemed to be a general row. and, Judging from the noise produced by the disputants, there was a whole brig ade engaged in the affair, or else a few per sons were talMfiff-a* with a brigade of tongues.,. , » „ ■ Ini.KiH.—That there ha* been but a lim ited demand for day laborers both in this -city and In thU immediate section of the State, during the past season, none will de ny, hence thare was an apparent excuse for idleness. But tjllk State of affairs no longer exist. It ti true rtio demand in tin- city for that class of work Is wliolly Inad equate co the amount af laborers. But ■ ^|&|i Uf a ITramfcPffi'ar baodrtd similar offices In tb« different cities and towns of (ha Union, to whMfc remtUaflOteftnaft In iftmto wqth fike utmafit fety and least possible trouble. A list of jssft&sro* r- infortus us ttml.M r, LS-Nill will serve the public as Money, Order Clark In tills city. Of his competency and Integrity there can be ,itb qtlhutlom and by the new arrange* bent fleftmbUfc «Wb«n inlUMad, will fie grcatli-heoaWW. nefr regulation •* u, « ** instant. LHthWEUmhM ^irartry N’otey, or Rttionfd Bank Ciijpeiv y will he waived and pal having purchased tlie entire stock of drugs and rocdtyifcs of Rr. iyllp^v'onpvif cor ner, have moved'their stock from Wliita- hal! street, and combined the two at the stand occupied tiy the fanner. £JesSrs. Tur pin A King are epburpriidnE and,e(tergettc gentldmeh, Ind are eerufiilj-emlncntly de serving a- liberal share of pnMIc ‘patron age- ‘ 11 king in Youii Bpo«.—The ymihg Men's 'Library Association, througli its committee, announca**, IUIL is usw ready (hr the reception of beaks. Tboee frlchdt of the enterprise who have kiudly WM. P. MEETLY, Unllaary. t. V. MOWN. » Clark Sspsrior sad Inferior Oosrts. | .pr.ig A. ti BILL, sksrtlt ■apteaitar t, ISO. Combination Chw, JVq. 0,4. Tbs rotlowlSE vsn the Drawn No*, hopt Mb, 31 -30-2-flJ-Sb-lU-db'U-W-l 1-60-71-6J set* -It BOYD, WI1JW1N k CO.. Manncera. “Srsm-ft k-H kiii: airr kk, until , , further notlee. the advertUement* ooimeeted with .™NVw a«m etxjnliitsrr. .t-lntS«-«aA iner*.«f the "Mf- Superior Court of Newton county, Caorgls. will bo imMitho-Uv tiiu4tjauui Oiiiuinu. _, wkf. V. I.lHHiE. Online(}'. AAUON U. l;It:UAttUSON, uork'Sntitrior'Cdart. c« Lagtun. *jb- Septuiubsr a, isat-eeu , idcnce, the earth, the present season, has poiluced an unprecedented yield, and tlie (Head* an<ttt» puMio generally. For hilt parttc. fields are literally groahing umh'r thp pon derous weight of their own production. The heretoft>re sad and care-worn face of the farmer Is made to sviiic-witb a consci entiousness of ap abumlanaejof tlie “staff of life.” They arwbdoysm wfth hdpes of the future, and are preparing largely for another crop* lienee they art now in quest o( laliorers. Tlie labor to be per- fb rated Uofth* most agRgabie cimractw. To till the soil li among the noblest call ings to which man can aiplre; and what seems mdre attractive and inviting than those presented to the farmer? The season has new arrived for gathering fodder, and then but a little tfmewlB elapse antli the hay Is I# be mowed, the cotton picked, (ha corn to be gathered, and tben the What Is to he sown. All ofthin aasrik mnst lie per formed wltMn the space of a fow month*. The fartnerv ws are informed, art aaxtons to employ gooa,.r^mto, permanent labor- are. Sow asdi hatter an eppertonlty _ doer’ ftbyjtuiuWlpus toani Want for «m- ■“ plofMBti Lei theaewhsdtstre employ- 1 mentinvamigatathl* matter for themsalves, seek honest, bpngrtblp, and ‘Vigular Work In the ehltlsatlon of the soil, and onr Word , for It, yon will aot only he too* tespdt-tod hr sU who'kaqff tl*!; bylWlfl.fee -Uappier to tha*eaj>aslt»tlmva*yyotj l ra l nvhs«bij place ybanelvet in In th» aigy.Bring the very usmiibh flfo W ffU lBtgit. * gyPBOPOSAI>i. Orrrctc Dirot A Visarmisg Qca*tk**a*tmh, ATLANTA, i»A . .'>VpUlI»l»ur fM. ltfl. Sbalkd l*Bor03ALB will be roccivea mt this otti o until IB U., FrMuy, SarptemMer lWt, Bt whlbh tinic they will if ojiouwl, tor AupplyUiff till* Dwpatu ltli the fallpwlng amounts of Forag« ait«1 Straw, viz t Wk) Bee poumk OaU. 45t.vu0 pou nr In Hay. baled. 1UU.(MU pounds ^tr«W. bdled Tlm«il#U bo ftouud, Qree Crwui clu/T t dirt, . . I and bill up in food strong sacks ol' not lota than Xify, td» JU*t Uleia. or Will ] ta o or more than fbur busbets itbi’ *ack. The Hiyr lenvo tiitfitt either st the stD'rt: of Meesrs., »uU Susy o, te m.u»s, rr<u> i#oi* ,l**tsuu w*<sH, BWlUr A Oriwv or at the office Wf “‘ d w “‘ “ r ,, , „ .. ^ i Uoimetlua at the Peps- WneiE may «tn»i iorfis* M»mt lf*«ft«. All af war oklactss Vr ho have books that they gif willing eijh'sr to loan or present tv the 'AfSeeiattor, will confer u favor by notifying us. , II. T. Ihiiulrs.)' * ,r ' J-Jt. Kahuick, > Com. , , A- R- 5 •• I .1 - — — .J i • Neoiio Jukyhkn an North L'a«oi.ina.— At the Superior Court held in Willlainuton. .Martin.neunty. Nosth'. Carolina, lakhMdn- Uy. .iuilgc, Jtuuyqi U.-lj’iitt lu puulo a most • - ffee-lslnfl', «f * * — J “- Imp*iy*lit fleclslf’ijr. wheyeby uolorod men were admitted as Jurors dot bv virtue af mlUturv nrllef. but under the Taws of tlie Stale of North CurqlTim^. It win lie rcmeinherra that tlie order of fleh. Sickles, which diroeted that 1 uSjfrims' shoiihl lie put on Jnflfs in Nhrtli Curoiiiia. wus revoked Whoulluitg* Fowlc opened his cu|irt. in. Mrntio, tlig jury, which conflicted In . part d( negroes, was die- mlksird on aeOount- of legal tnform- ality In Its spfHlhittmirtti and It whs evident that the rriedinen thought his Honor wan .taking advai|tngeof the revo- catlon of'Oen. sTckloW order to exclude tliciii from (hejliry. Orfqt'das th«|rsatt isfactlon, therefore, i wheu the ■Judge an nounced that, no man could be exclnded from tlie jnry on ttt-coitnt of cojqr, ulkfcf tlie laws of the State of North Carolina. Ilia Honor said, that three quail li,cation* were nCeeSsaVy foV a lufqi;—good cbtirap 1 ter, Intelligence and aTri^hoIder: and that when A negro possessed tliose,andwasdnly drawn, lie mqst be put otf fib* ' “ Judge, stated that_pi(icfi fisiuiy nri w iWV olina, there teas nothing In the lows of the State to okoIimIc eotofod' meft'frtm' acting as jurors: a«4 since the. ‘passage of tlie Civil Rights bill, giving them oil the right* of men. they were flilTy entitled to act In this capacity.—Jfotjjflt Journal, tilth tflt. General Canby's Oitnion o« Kxoox- stkuction.—General U»uhy, who has just been appointed td th« command or the fid Military District, is said to have remarked vesterduy, in oonveffiation with, a friend, that he was not a political partisan, lint that he hod studied the tecfinsVnuinon laws thoroughly and approved ‘them, and that he considered tlielr faithful execution es-, sentlal to the welfttre of the nation. ,He thought it the duty of tha Southern people to accept tlie. terms offered them, Jla is. Mso safd tb HaVO expressed nis annretlatlo'n of the Utility of the FlcddMrnx'i&UFeau, and his intention of giving Jta agepts all •—j {J, tlie exiicatlon CkrcmM*. UK* ult- > Much lil'l' UIU-I bp }u THUXU AT*. >vith Qi ropy of thl» «dvBrtiMinMkk utlAohodto eaC»n<l !>f«r tU« «U- thc .enft»» of tM^o rf«ot>nklbl« ptr^on* ^|i» a no Wirtli»t* to bertfmc sijmJ for tb© l>W(1«r th« urent of tbe coiitrrict Itttrtg oWartled him FiopMk^ not fotuplyhnf wfth Cko re iilircmpjtts of tbift aHtchUoWnt will !»• reck'd iiellvarr to commeu^c Within ten ^»0) days uUor »<»ti ttoatkm of approval ofoontraot and oohtfniio at the rate of not lea* t1*a OM-ihlrd of tha whale aniouut pu eiooUk to. lit dailveivd Jo vara tipoft the^MUpg at Abe fpot of far*ylU •trout, or ato the Quart^rmact«F« ^ra»'*housa, ^orsyth itraet, At latita, «a., M.tb© <)aartom*ster ma,v dlrepf. rropdauls for the daUvtry. of ouo-third ’the Kinonnt of Forage und oua half the amount Of straw will be rfnberUBittyi, or fot' ttwU axMc^B aepa li^tcly. iinklurs aro invitoil to be prcaotit or rcprpiented at thoojienin^ of Iba VJila. \ x . S*tiafactor> evidence of loyaUy oi c»ch fill bidder, and solvency of tko poraotra otfored os sun*ty. «ill l>« ru<iul ro*i. The (Jovernnicnt rtiEcrve*tlio«i«kt torajoet any and allUda. • f - . 1 ^ Prppoaals abQtild h* to the ua/lcr •l^nad, and endaraad ‘•/t-opoaiih for tha. dal I very of Forage and StTan . r if Otter of Frevet ffrigadler Gf nernl R. d»x«j, Cbiaf Quartorma«tcr '• * f H ft VAUVS^OKTU, i Li W >, 94tbV.6. Infantry, A. A. M*. aep4—dlftt Tn charge of Depot. ~ar NoifcE—u ynuFURTHUR no tico the legal advcrtisoimmta oi' the uflica of y of<<5arroU county, «N., will bo pnbllafied in tbe Opinion, a newspaper published tn XthUv tn, &•**«,./ J". BLALOCK, Ordinary, sepVaMt y« f prbttef au<l necessary i of uieir work-—Bet*. EW" More than (wo millions’ of (green backs, I( is estimated- are expended this su miner by the Summer VlfiiMrl In Now" ■ tiaiNBEB neiicEi. Jt sr liKCEivEi).—Mcssrp. Langford. A Mot:rath kavo Jn*» reeSlvM wumIm* Tot of tho celebrated “Qood HamaritAa" OooEIn* Stove*. The beat Stove iii the world. Call and eixainine tbelr stock. t ' Dinnkr Sets, Tka Sm, Pit in ami Decorated French China, As fine and as cheap aa can b# found in America, McDmiQi A Co. Fine Tablk Cutlkiiv^—Th« largest, flncht and cheapest stock in the city, at + McBride a Co’i. Opinion Job Offioi.—By reference to another ooluma, It Will be seen that the OpuiiON Office is now prepared te do, In the neataet and through the kindness of a benlflcent Prev- •PP™»«1 '‘fl* of the Arh wd oa re«cna- « : bl* Sena*, every variety aad .tyleof Job Pria*- Ing, to which we iavlto the attention onr »l*r> of the various classes of srork we am pr« pared to execute, see notice in another column. We also have, in (Ninnevtlon with our Job Oflioa, a Arst-oUst Hiding Machine, aa acqulettfoa' which enable* u* to cxeeete and rale to order any and every variety and style of work done la any printing establishment in this section of the country. Kmfhy'8 ‘‘OfilTenal’* Cottop Gin ao4 condenser for sale by St. W* J. Kohom. Go to lister’s Bacd Store to gat avery variety of ftarjLPSrafjiSjMJ^^^ 1 Arrivals at the Atlanta Hotela TUL’MDAY, KEITBMBER 5. wr. UNITED STATES HOTEL.—Writaxib A RAA- nn, frtyritUn W. M. Tamsaa. Uerk. ~ sr. Ala . JJPo****, O* i i, Oa M Latokira, rts KlmahlpB ' _ _ _ tyand wife, Ga W [«h, r.-.twSES- WeM? i carUFVkp'FtiKrtfTM tiOTlC$.!SBft legal a«l vorUacmenU-bf the Oidinaiy df ©oriicij county, Oeorgii, will be pruhhsbed k\ the Georgia WeeUy and Daily uplnion. I sepi—w4t v n 1>. W. NtHL, Owlinary. «TL T NTFL FURTBtEtt BTOflCifTHB ShcrilTs .Sales of inter eouuty, Georgia, wil 1 bo pabtishod in. tbo Georgia Weekly Opinion. AUG* G.llyilKOHD, Sheriff. September 1, UNTIL rurttsr matic*, tk» ad.viartl*aiM>M coanactud with the oBoe of Ordlaarv, HhvriR dark of HioSnpe- Ttor Chart of Paakitn* Mupt7. deatgia, will be pohUaksd la ti)* Q*wWn, a nmriiaipor RnbllakeU In AUsata, <ia ■ *. E. MSUHBCOK, Ordinary, P. PT AtlAiOOD, StarlE JAMES'T. HEKD, Clerk Superior Court. Dali**. AatfUtfl.W/ ' aog»—W4t BT NOTICE.—I IIKltElJY GIVE No tice that *11 tlw advertUemeat* U MierHP* S.lo* of Gor-lon county, Oa.. will be ni*U* In the Opin ion aaw.paper, published in tho city of Atlanta. JOHN GUKMIJM, hhcrlir. Oilhonn, G*., Au*ust T7, IW>. *ugaOw*t t:-- - v^r—trxts— trauma v—— WNOTICE.-l’OLK SHERIFF SALES will ha ptjbtuhed In the Atlanta Weekly opinion until farther notice. E. W. CI.EMEXTS, Sberiir. Cedar Tewa, ffa- Ajig. *t, IttW. augW-w4t HTNOTICE-—I HEREBY GIVE NO- tlce that All the *<lvcrll*empvTtj of Sheriff •* **ie* of lUrtnw county, will he made la the. Opiates new.pupar.of the city pf AtlunU. W. I- GOODWIN, Sheriff. Curteavllle, Us- Aug. M, 1*7 au**-w4* "or NOTICB—THE BnKRO’rS AIN vcrtuloi of Uninnett bounty will here Alter ag- pear in the GeerflA Weekly Opinion. p. n. cuunm LnwraueevUte, Oa, Abe 1ft tW. augu-w4t Hr NOTICE—HBUBATTEB,. UNTIL further neUeu, Ike advartieemaate eoaneeted with the oMoe of Oedlaary, Shariff, Voeoty CUrk of Che Superior tod Inferior Courts df county, tieCrflk, will be poRUhnl Is the “Opldtea,” aaawcpaper pahltehad he AUaoU, a. WUI.IVI L KIND, Ordinary. COLUMBUS HEAKD.Otuaty Judy*. J a. EKOJ.UU, SkaJiff. ISAAC K HALL, Clark 8npatter and Interior Courts. August flth. 1ST. . .snyCa—w*i HTGEOHOIA, NON EOS COUNTY.- OrncM or tn Cock, or Osmai at, An*asft IMh, (Ml-Motlre 1s hurnhy gnt Ihri bsraoftor IBs af Ibis etec* wtt be pnkllsh- ed la the Losnm Opinion KtfSr***jL?Jgr~"—- r ggH| nr NOTICE 18 HII! Eiv a iT BN that tbs Iftffsl sdvsrtlsemest* III sod Mom tfie Shoflff'l OMce of tho County si Mostee will honsltetha pnbllehod In,tho Attests Woakte opiate*. WlteV J. Sf», fiharU, rorryth, Ga . Anru.t B, |«M. suite- w« ds of J. L. DUNNING, Fresdeat, * 0-DOEglHN. Vte«.Pr**l,l**a •agte-ta I irOLKRK’B OFFICE CUBB HUUER- 10B COUET—Cobs County, hi,, August IT, iMn. UStil further notice all the legal sdrurtl*emenc* uvluattag Item fold often will ha pnblUhocUh tka AUsutsfOpInion nvw*pn|H'r. H. M. IIAMMKTT, Clerl J gugM-wte Huperfor tteoit. Opbb cppnty, HTlfSTIL FUKTHEit NOT legal adYHitl»cicw»t* of tb6 Ordinary, of ooanty. Georgfa, will bu pabltstvod in tho l Weekly Opinion. J. A. HOWARD. Ordinary, Oavtaarvllle. August fti, 1MV. J "jarcftTiL further xvtifMWl fcfal advertisements pertaining to this oAIoe wfll be published In (he Atlauta Weekly Opinion. , JOtiLN JIRADY, Sheriff lluMe eeOtyi Jackson. «a.< Augusi 10,1«T. v ibrucuitcLA,' fayette oou* In confonnity to General Order Nh. #,] tm Third MllttOEy DUtrlft, detsxl Auffkel I seotlen.Mn, ef the Cede of Oeetg** legal advurtis<MnentslVein the office of Ordinary* Fayette county will be published la the Would. Opinion, published in Atlanta, Ga. Aug. li, lh|7. aagm-wlt KbWAUDCONXOt, Ordinary, “or notice" ^un f i l f'iJth kr no- t Ice Ml tffie legal edvertbemente fifm the Sheriff’s office of CUyton county will be Dublin bed in the AUaRtA Opiuien. J. A McO )|HKLL, Hberlff. Jnne-Mm>, Ua., Ang. 1h, liVT. ;■ augW-w4t , arGEOUGlAT DxEASB COUNTV.- Xotloe I*hereby glfah that laresfter thosdrer- ttrsment* from the alDsa of be hkarUr of DaKalli cortniy will bo publl*)isd talks Atlsnts Opinion JAMES o| POWELL, Shariff., AagrilMjyi. sngte-wig ^ orNoTrcET-i ulMv olve no- tioo that all tho legal ad Hthemeffts from tb6 office of tho Ordinary of ; wlnactt oeunty will published in ( s Atlanta Opinion.' j O. T. RA* ITTBAW, Ordinary. JLawrsnovville, Ga*, Avg W, lffiTT. aofftl~w4t Jh- iiff- l^e J AJ BA'NY AaBICFLTURAX WOKK«« ^ m , . -. ,d ' ' v i*. a soiri «>»» / ' k ,r "• ‘ HiohiniToiB A#t* MAHi&m,' J1 ‘ J,; AM IMbUNTI IBAteWrAgJf («Wl riff TALE WIV?»8AI/C10TT0If GIXa&CONDENHER ^ !N VEJfTED AMD PAH^TJtP n ’ si b JS3 Id.; m T‘. • Tha*s Uattaa ton, and Voadmagn an adaptad Co Ginalng and Uaaafng ALL KINDS & ( DNDITIONS OF COTTON, And «ted ter foghto, Utetote Superior to All others In uae. Also, HORACF, l. EMEEYM TATJNT ' ' E»t>tt98 cnAW,''.*. , > f.i,, TURS8H1KG NAGIIINES, ' Jv.' y **V t*tVI<R H0B8K SAWMILLS, i .. ’ ■* • “ ' f .» * “ •bo*i , owiBS,j!»,n^. All of which are offered do the public on Urn moat Mtemri terfoA - 1 1 Hruirculnrs and Price Lists ftirnlshadou appUcatton. . AAttrete, paptlaulkrlf, HTNOTICE.-HN1 L KUHTirERNO I ice, all Legal 1st* from tha OUee *( the Ordinary at Pulton <* nty will ho pnhllehefl In tho ATLisrs OOTxioa. • • DAWIKt 1 ITrtf AN. Ordinary. At)sau. Auy'uiua.ltel. . mi*!*—w4t j 1 'm*M<7HCEr-wUN1 S* FUUTIIER No tice tha advurttteuient* o( the Sheriff) fislosqf Cobh county will bo made ikho AUsatsOpinion nowspnpsr. r JOEJTOOX, . . r Sbcrlglhf cr>l,b o*unty,,Uii Marietta, Us., Aug. 17, Iff. aug*l-w*t IWNOTJCE.—CN^L FTKTUERNlte tiee ail the legal advertli monte ffom Um office dr the Ordinary of Clhytofi c imty will Uo published in the AtUuUa Opinion. ' C. A DOLLAR, Drtinary. Jonesboro, Ga., August 1.augf0-w4t OTK?E.—UN' 1L FUUTlOCll Nol tioe all tho legid advortbsmente of tbe Offliforft of the County Court of Clayton county Will be published in the Atlanta Gf/lnjtya. R. K. JIOU.IDAY, J. li. C. Jonesbw^m, Aug.l»JtWl. ' MgffiMQ*' , BVN0TICE.—Um5L ITIRTHER NO- tlce all legal udrcrtiscinont.<> from tho office of the Ordinary of DoKalb county will be published In the Atlanta Opinion. JONATHAN D. WILSON, Ordinary. Pecatur, G«., Aug. 16, lffi7. ouglbw-tt UTNOTICE.—IN CONFORMITY TQ Generat Order No. 69, lleadqnatters Third Aill- tury District, dated August 19,1867, and to section 8.577 of tho New Code of Georgia, tho advertising eAnieeted with my bffleU irlp tpBrfi^^ 1n1ho Oplpiwp. 14444 >hi»gu444#ffifl ftUgl^W4t ■ E3F*N0T1CE.—I HEREBY GIVE NO- cico that all tho advertisement* of Sheriff ’ft pales, gar this oouaty, wilt h» us* Jn ■ ths GMWISr new; paper, of the city of Atlsnts. B. H. WILLIPOUD, SbrrlffTillleii cmiuty. . Aflsht*. 0*4 Augnltlh, Ilfi7. UTJlItti. WINSLOW’* SOOTHI NG STUUF, re* csujiaxN Tinnps;, greatly liofil- l*U»* tho |>recto* of tooth I nr, by tofl misg- Hu gum*, reducing all teflamsiitten-rrin alls/ AtL I'tiH imd sprimodlc sctlnn, aiul Is AXh is hoaa TO SKtHJL.T* TUB BOWaU. Depond upoh H, mothers. It will glva reat to year reiver, anil RE LIEF AND UXALTU Tb YOUR UNFAMTg. , 1 Wo have put ap sad *rid mu article (hr yshri. sad Can Ssr fa coapiDgac* Aim TgffTt pf Is what wo hava never bear able to sty dt toy ottior. mediciao—Nxvan Ban i* Tsiun i» t umoi.i I*. BTsacKvo BoFict i op**, whdp tlmoly. mca.— Nover did w* kn°w on iMtesc* of dW**ti*foctlon by ony oat who used it. On tho contrary, all are delighted with Its opotstlgn, and speak lu tprm* ofcommcrtitstioO of It* mgti,:*l Off**** ondmudl cal virtue*. *»* ***** I* mu matter “WHAT WE DO KKOW,“ niter year*of axpexteaoo, JJ® FbXDax ova Biooe^toaiox vxx vvwiui*** or wnsv wk b*bs DjcoLsnn. la aimer** onry In. itanec where the Infant h tniMring from palp and exhaurtatlon, relief will b* found in flftcou or twenty minute* after tho ryrup 1* admlul*- tered. Full dlroctinn* for utlag will sernnipaay etch bottle. Be thro and eati for "Mr« Wimpowt Soor*. mo Srgur," bgrrog ih* iaouimtl* ofCUKTUJ A FEBKlNa" on the out-ride wrapper. All other, ore host imitation*. Hold by Draggltlathrsaghimitho world. FRICK, ONLY U CBNTft FEB BOTTLE. OFFICES—tig Fulton Hrctt, New York: Wp High Holborn, London, England: 441 k* I’»u itroct. Montreal. Canada * JHukz&flflg>- tSTTHE GREAT« The quicker sad jmw^rial remedy star la JOHN T. BALL, A fret. . Lor— Whriteall re* Huai 11 Iteilli ' aaggl—dlw or FLOUR BACKS FOR f irfLLKKS OR MERCHANTS, on hnnd er rurnJihed ft! short 04*0*. ... Prompt attention given to oouatry order* , Q. W. STOCK IN, At tteaku A •**'* ADMIN I iTRATOR'H HA ngQL S - " riffinmi ooMinUa Mg tvs ftriiimij (mm nmR'ai hffil neret. more nr {ns. Terms ea*b ftbEp racar 1 GEORGIA. Fuh-rate flophtt. • . fffuro WeWTKn rihor dale appHoSHM Will to X nuMle te the i ourt of Uni In ary of seld eokk- ty, for leave <e svll (he reel eeUle ofbecri auglU—dim AffrlouRural Impiemool DkKALB HHJHUFff’H SALES. .W n ^ri»"teD^ , te^ll^^ , »S 8y*i Pnreday in Uotolwr next, Wlthmtho legal Vate, thT”iuliowing Fiv* handiaorwhitoyand two caathbrantedV. levied on as Tho property or I. SeJMaiepa, k> rarirfy a dutre,* wdwaat luued ttor* tte Oavrhty UMirtM JTulttiu eoanty. In favor af Matte Nraali. Panporty nplntod oat by detanOan*. > •* 1 Hyto«£\!W» M, ? E - ; ' CHATTOOGA HHERljrWfiALR. w lu- i* aohl iwter* tka Cpurt Hamo door, la TV .tha Iowa ot llnmpurillle. Ctuttoogn eoun- tv, CM.,wllblaAlwI*gaLhoust ot.alo, on Hu Anl Tiuuday lu Oufobur hiixt, the following propor- Gaines’ interest in 40 'acres of being the south aide of ha No. 41*. in tinvistli tvict lUKUOl focjUOu. leteUtl aa Aalifoe prtW. mo by hjCotinjliU, ' ■ Apyutte. 1W?. GEOiHlrX; «i'AAilk' :’W.-7,4v fopNflfJ, artiuont Tie daaics, vImaso TKIIMS ov ’ . ■ »i no guUr. titWnurinf kiBnndorodlMrsof 3, to ho nod appear at tv oillCD. witM n , ■riDrib*TThyT*«l and ahewraare ii any - — £ - *aid lotiun ihoaldriolrtui kriJwd. I LASd and ofliaiol iTguatute, l^lOWAAD, Ordirravy. 1-a'Mpai ■iti' i r ! ^ifrrgher*#- 4» KAiWiSr HmUi W5— ihrmnol . ^ , SSSSfSSSSSffiW onfcel wtthl the time prc^rU»e<l by law, ami show eaffse, If tbev eon, why lelGJetten shoalil not 1m; granted. Olten «hd* my mn fend official signature, thi< top day oi Angurt, ItoL/ m)WAiat OriMUTV- angV4—WflOd . • i tnrtniew* <-» reft - GEORGIA, Bsbtow couhty. W MFRF. AH, T. M moan afol ri. M ■tote* paoporty af hXftTn.r: Thflee oTsl (herefort;. to cite all persons concern* od to be And appear at the wtro wf the Lourl of GrtHuef to*-he held neat mtet the ewplmMon ef thirty days frtm the im >.rblloa(^ir ofUrte ■w; "53¥icr^ ppltoaUon will ho Jnftew county, for leave bu«eil nU the Tent npiete of W*. prow, de ceased, iaif of Bartow Wmniy, (54 M4 for the benefit of tbe hotrs nod ceoffttors of seld doooefeod. A «rus* Mkh, Iffffi. « II. r. FBIUE, AdmVT nnjk-wfai ^ :• (>rtn>t#e. i^ #is] * OKOROICobb county. TRTHEteEAH, Mrs. Cat-oUtoe K. Qrmsby haring VV applied te mo for the ailmtnDtratlon of the estate er Theodore D. Ormsby, tel# <»t Said vomnr, M«e toed: These on. thereforo, to cite ead sdraonleh off feoff tinnuiar, the kindred end rteditors of sakl de- ceased, to die their objections, If any they ffove, In my office on or before tbe first Monday in Octo ber teak ethersrfco leuere of adettol-tretien hill be granted the apnlteent at (hat ttnfe of the 0Jktt ef onhanry rev eaid eoentri Given snider say head, at effiee in Marietta; this GEORGIA, Faxettx uouktt. te^^tho^teOfJorep,, Hpuc, u*om *ok m ilmdafctreL, _ _ _ '*is$Muue rauridfor ths iaio ofMlil >J*l<-.t<t« * aojw*mjm _ Trbwxun. <t\ho«C „ nugPivwMi iFrencfih, Orliaagg. Tauiify ■■op4«jrtme>o#r. pH Op, will •ass^ ■'dfosrMlli Whom (liti solicited to i fhffiroffifetlii n^oot Ui ^iuio the renal AlHestenmwMbembifoseedto _ August 81, WM. TJTTuJtTFt AXjic, nneARug oiotician. ^■rao* nuBviiAX, ramreton. curacy, wbvther a . JtffilfiB hat erred. S m ^ Offiae hears ffcnufe a. u. to tr. M. rot uRSRjuL irnimi ta*b» Ite.T. hu*n tool*tlquonly. that f win hell w<5 caff Fix 6 ^ t liarreis, BOffell Aaant^^neMfeaitll. Sr; UVlTffiO BTATJDi " ffifePtQJ hevehy gfmra Inst., in tfebr Olty, >Aot«f Oncffnsit, Onreg* a* tat law regain*. ^biT^httss: iotaari*. Ty iW.teTnirortAtetef urere*IFwp. i • ofle,ai ,VTSIZji** 1 1 *■ T Twr|