The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 11, 1867, Image 2

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k J omWXKTT. w. ATLANTA, (3-A.. miffllWDA Y MOKNI H«: I (I HUT. U. THI KIOirntSTIOH OFFICE. The Books of Rcjristratlon from tlm net eral oountlcs of the Htste hare been re turned to the Superintendent'* offlca In UlU city, and are now undergoing exam ^nation. Every one familiar with the ge ography of the State cfci readily Imagine the labor and difficulty attending tills grant work. In many of the remote coun- flea, where educated batineea men are not iktry numerous (and many of theee dls- DanchSed), one would auppoae the Books would exhibit anything but good penman ship, to aay nothing of neatness and ac curacy. But to our astonishment there la not a slovenly or shabbily kept Book among them. They are very models of neatness and accuracy. Col. Ht'taaaT, the Superintendent, has In tills, as In hit other business relations, demonstrated hi* ability to judge of the business habits and Qualifications of men Hls clerks have been aeUctod from flrst- claaa men, as these Books abundantly Show. Everything bears the mark of or der, neatness and accuracy. Some of our Opposition brethren of the press who claim that. In most counties, men could not be found qualified to do this work, and who are constantly sneering at the officers of the Government as ‘■moan white*,” might do well to visit the Super- Indent’s office and examine the Books from the several counties. They will there learn that the most Indifferently kept Books amongst the hundreds there on file, would, fbr neatness and seen racy, do honor to the counting rooms of our most respect able mercantile housee. The great bust ness talents and executive ability of Col. Hulxkrt have been strikingly demon strated In the manner in which the whole work of BogtetmMon has been conducted. ALABAMA. "We are glad to find that tho Republicans -of Alabama are appreciating the Impor tance of the election In that State, recently ordered by GenMal Porn and have gone to work In earMSL Their organisation Is for advanced, and the greatest seal to com plete the work Is manifested In all saetlona of tbs State. The quiet, yet uffcotlye pplloy purs wed by General Forx and his sabordlnates. will soon furnish the people of the Third District an opportunity to acoept the Congressional plan of Ileeonstruoticm. The foot that ha gave Alabakna an .opportunity, as loon os registration was completed, give* aasurapoa that no delay will be permitted in Georgia. We urge onrfrlende, therefore, to bt up and doing. They.will be recreant to their principles If tUsy delay acting. Fubllo Interest* de- .mand vigilance; and we wlU act as das tard* should we foil to second the efforts of the authorltes to return tho State to the l’nlon. '• on1. Fort IX WASBIXSTox. \ gentleman of this city, who was In Washington a few duye since, when darn- or# from certain partlce lu Georglalbr .General Font’s removal were so nnnieifeus. As tea that all inch suggestions, were re ceived there with derision. The adminis tration of General Porn seemed to be giv ing general satisfaction to all parties throughout the North. In fhet be Is about •he only one among the several District Commanders who has succeeded In con vincing every body North that ho la doing hla simple duty—nothing more, nothing less. Til* Bait.—Tin following gentlemen have been admitted to practice In the Util, ted States District Court, on written appli cation. and compliance with the rules of of the court—which rules, we understand, are founded on the decision of the Supremo Ceurt of the United States, In the case of Maasrs. OinimXD and Hank—via: Laux- aan P. Doval, John A. Span, Joan M. Matthews, Edwin Naan Bhotlss. and Jam B. SiLMaN. Messrs. John N. Edo* and loex Q. a. Altobd ware also re-ad- mittad to practice. — ■ ■■■ ——* — ZW Gen. Pope has removed Rnbt. Col- tart (reapcclamo white tnan) from the office of Mayor of Uuntavllta. Ala-and appointed one Elisha B. Clapp (scalawag) Ubsucceed him.—Afeooa Mtitenyer. - Ueapectabl* white manone who re fuses to give up the stakes after he has fairly lost them; one who loads the air with curses because As can no longer rule, contrary to the will ef the people. - ScalawagOne who has Incurred the dlqtleatnre of old political stagers by sig nify lag a desire for a change of rulers; on* who loves Ms Government, and seek* to restore it to unity, peace, and pros perity. What is Axdt A mix a art—A Wash ington letter to the Charleston Courier jest for beyond Its la ’ for and ob- eXhot, how to. It 1* Intend- id parti- oonbtry, H ,A* Power of which cannot be enforced by taw—but which I*, for that vary reason, doubly binding, because It Is an obligation of honor. Nor is liata principle of exclusive application in civilised communities. The savage, who knows nothing of tlia farm* sad rednements of civlllstloii. fully oa- <l*rtlends and acknowledge* the binding fore* of ancli obligation*. Tho Hindoo and the Hottentot who falls or reftises to discharge such debt* of honor. Is theaee- forth held to be tnfomom In Hie eye* of hls fellows. A prominent New York merchant was one* heard to remark that btfore the war, ho had rather sell a Southern merchant a bill of goods at sixty days on Ms word of honor, than to sell the same amount upon the same time on acceptable bank paper. The reason assigned for this was, that, as a general rule, Southern men were much more scrupulous In the discharge of ob ligations of honor than prompt in meeting their legal paper. In accordance with this principle, seve ral of the most prudent end successful New York merchants, furnished goods on reasonable time to Houthern dealers, upon tbair Individual paper. In some ini notes were not taken; hut tbs amount* were enterad In the form of running ac counts, I used upon the promise of the debtor to make remittances monthly, or Ofoener, according to hla ability. In this way, hundreds of Southern merchants, who had been left pfoeiratc by the war, were enabled to resume business. Two sncrcsslve years of ftutUwi follow ing close ui»n a devastating War. rendered It Impossible, In many Instances. lor there obligations to be met; while In some cases, mere adventurers—without any settled habitation or practical knowledge of the business—succeed In obtaining oredlt— These latter never Intended to dlsehurgc their liabilities, if by any possibility, they might avoid It. And It Is this class of nicu, by the way, who have been so hitter In their sectional feeling, and who. it would seem, thought It excusable to swlndlo a “Yankee” out of a few thousand, because that “ Yankee” by contributing to the sup port of the war for tho Union, had burn instrumental In making him poor! In this way the credit of Southern mer chants has been greatly Impaired. There is no longer that willingness to extend them favors which prevailed In lHUd. This 1* well known to most of our merchants.— The reason Is obvious. There la Another thing which Southern merchant* and business men, although or dinarily shrewd and astute, do not seem to unden tend, but which wo happen to know Is doing them grant injury at tho North. Human nature is essentially tho same levesywhere. If yon habitually denounce a man a* unjust, cowardly and tyrannical in Ills political relatloiia, it is hardly natu ral that be should regard you oa a friend. If yon impfes* him,u<frh a belief that you consider him yonr enemy, he is very apt to place the same estimate upon you that you do upon him; and nothing is more unnat ural than for a man to extend favors to an enemy. We have observed—and It Is becoming a theme of remark at the North—that many of those men In this section who arc under the greatest obligations to Northern capi talists, ore among the most hitter declaim- ers against the Northern people. Mon who have protlUiklo agencies for Northern houses and corporations are not tinfre- quently the most unrelenting in their sec- tioual animosities. They denounce, in the bitterest terms, those whose capital fur nishes them with prolltablc employment? They are uncompromising In their hatred of the adherents of Congress, notwith standing those vory adherents may be their greatest bencfoctors. Now, It does not follow that because one min Is thus laid under obligations to an other he must act the hypocrlto and pro fess what he does not believe; or that he must abaudon his manhood and have no opinions of hls own; but It Is expected that he should bo tolerant, aud not de nounce as an enemy the Iwuefocfor who cannot consistently adopt his mode ef thinking. Congress, two-thirds of which Is the law-making power, in easo of a dif ference between It aud tlie Executive, I* but the representative of the Northern puople. Among those people—and promi nently among them, too—are men who furnish employment and the means of liv ing to thousands of Southern men. And yet, strange to sey, the very men who are the recipients of there fovort are the most Intolerant and abusive of Congress and the Northern people. Is this right? Is It ex actly honorable ? Lawvum and Doctor's in Eraopr„— The Alh'gemetno /sitting puhUhes some curious statistics respecting the number of lawyer, In Europe. It says that In Eng land there Is one lawyer for every 1.380 of the population; in France, one for every 1.970; in Belgium, one for every 3.708, and In Prussia, one for every 1x000 only. Auother etiriou* fact I* that lit Xnglami the number of persons belonging to each ef tho different professions Is nearly the same. Thna, there are 84,870 lawyers. 38,533 clergymen anti 35,895 physicians.— In Prussia, on the other hand, there are 4,000 phytletant to only 1,383 lawyers. Lautt PnooBDiMtis.—A NaahvHle dis patch of Wednesday evening anye: M. U MeKIwee has gone M Mamphla, nt tho In stance of Governor Brownlew, to eom- menoe legal prooeedlnge against the par ties who twlndled the State out of the school fond, amounting to-severed hundred thousand dollars.” - He Shins a. Mat* of • teksseir. Flfhi Httireta teliUrt and Freed* Loading mate offices* In Waihlngton are;... . „ , preparing a new plan for collecting the! •••pevtont Order fraa tax on whisky to present to tho next sc— i slon of Congress. One measure under dl,- unssion hi to US the capacity of at I] Is and Issue license* by the week, month, orysitr, through the Collector, payment being re quired in advance. A young nun named StantMA while playing with apUtol at Forsyth, oa Mon day, accidentally shot and killed a nCgro boy. A great deal of ildthei* in Forsyth and Monroe county. Major Stephen*, the Or dinary of the county, Is lying daogcrooslv illpt the Indian Spring. A vigorous canraea la being made In Kansas in favor of striking out the wrnrtls “ white " and “ male ” from Lite State Con stitution. Great preparation* are making for the California Htate fair, which opens sext week at Hacraniento. Native silk and cot ton fabrics will be exhibited. The National Cigar Makers’ Convention closed a very harmonious session in Buf falo Thursday evening. Cincinnati was •elected as the piaot to bold the next an nual convention, and tbe drat Monday la September, 1863, a* tbe day. *- Princess Malm Salm la uM to be the daughter of * British officer and a hslf- caatc female Hindoo. An expedition loft the Cepe of 6ood Hope, on the 15th of July, with a steel boat, for tho Interior of Africa, to recover the remain* of Dr. Livingston. Stephana la sold to be In poverty In Porta. Patriotism Is lea* oiwduloas than it used to be. Another source soya he lsrleli and at lUielma. Ttie western portion of Now Haven is greatly annoyed uud generally sick with the chl|ls i,M(l fever. The American Institute has rented its property on Broadway, New York, for $2(WOO, wlijc’ * ' NT Mr. S. H. 111H ta writing letters again at Beco not ruction. We remember an aaotant Mary of a politician whoad- drsosnda rerieo of rvsnaiistrensei to Noah, showing tho uttar wnconotltwttowoHty of Ms proceeding. Wo Mtove the sorter were inrar foriahod.—N. Y Mom. < h formerly rented for tOJIH). The green flag was hoisted on Balyptrbe Castle, in Ireland, a few weeks since, by a party of Fonlaus. The offsnalva emblem was taken down by the authofltles o» *oon ua possible after it waa observed. Our exchange* bring us sundry accounts of land side* ill dlUtmnt section* of Vir ginia. In general, the land* are purchased at low rate*, and most advantageous in vestments are uuuly by the purchastrx Miss Edmobta T.owls, the young Colored artist, now In Koine, baa linfahcd a marble bust of Dr. Dio Lewis which Is now on it* way to thi* country. Vixwa of Kxkatobs Buhner and Wn.- son.—A cvrreanondont of the Boston Ad vertiser hn« visited the shove public men at their residences, mid gathered, their views on the tonic* of tliedaV. According to this chronicler. Senator Sunnier, In re marking of General Grant os Secretary of War. said, “there could be no military ob ligation on a General to assume t civil of fice. Grant might have refried, and thrilled the country to thecoflfrsion of the President and the retiol*. But while lit the War Department Grant Is. in a certain sense, what I.oed Derby called himself the other day, ‘ a atop gag.’ lie at least prevent* a rebel frojp being Ahruat Into the atflso.” Is Will Grant aiming for the ■Sumner said “he did not know. Things looked tluit way. Ilia friend. Hr. Wash- burnc. who ha* Just returned from Europe, s|ieak* of him as u cam!hint*.” Bat Mr. S. had boon Insisting on irreversible guaran tees. Our next President must ba In him self an “irreversible guarantee!” Grant waa uncertain. In regard to Mr. Johnson, Sumner said I • With* person of ordinary sens* and with a heart, Kcoonstruction would be easy. The Pn-atiient ia perverse, pig headed uhil brutal Ills talent, such as it Is comes from pugnacity. Of eotiren he Is a usurper and a tyrant. Thu wonder Is that t ongress did not act accordingly long ugo. t dnyress lias hesitutod lu Its. duty toward the President, as it has In every thing else. I have never doubted that the President would be Impeached.” Senator Wilson said: “Tho great mass of the llepiibllcan party believe that tho Pres ident will lie Impeached, anil that he de serves Impeachment.” In regard tp Grant. Wilson stated hls opinion that he had taken hls office of Secretary ef War for the solo purpose of trying to do what good ho, can to the country. About the President, ho said “ho would go by flts auil starts in car rying out any policy. In fact, he aetslike a fellow on a bust, who goes to sleep, wakes up. breaks tilings, and then goes 4o sleep again, * ml on "li he Is sober. In my idea helaAfoollsli man, governed by gusts of passlqn and temper; and he Is a disap pointed Man, because lie really believed he was going to succeed. Tills hxs mode him vindictive.’’ Women a* riiYsicuss.—In a lata num ber of the London Victoria Magatlno was an article showing forth the multifarious oxprdlents adopted by dclleate-mUided women to avoid “ seeing the doctor ”—not the large class who have nothing of real ailment, but thousands of young gill* and women who endure untold sulfering, try Innumerable traditionary and quack medi cines, attempt to get satire Irom other* who havo been through similar troubles, and oil on account of their most natural and admirable, but often, fatal scruples of delicacy. There Is no doubt that tho. arti cle tolls a vory wide-sweeping truth. The remedy can never, nor could we ever wish to see It be In any breaking down of this foBiinlne delicacy and reserve. Bat it must be found In tho regular training and edu cating of women to the art of healing. It 1s about twenty yours since tho medical education of women began. There are over three hundred practicing lady plijr- llolan* In this country, bearing diploma* mure or less regular, and In England (be movement has of late attracted a frost deal of attention and Atvoreblo comment. Besides the difficulties of practice the ob structions to proper research end study of the Import and tendency of most frmlhln* complaints are insuperable, and will be nntiltho necessary freedom of Investiga tion la attained by the employment among women of physicians of their own sex.— These are delicate matter* to talk about but they are dangerous to fet alone, end the sooner their troths are appreciated the better It will be for humanity,—Nsw York Tkas*. IT An International Veterinair OoO- greM ta to be Weld at Zurich, In Mrltaar- land, on September 38th. The Govern ment* of thirteen countries. Including el- most all the large State* of Europe, It ta announced, hare signified their wllliegneea to aend representative* to thla " Unht Now York Time* say* that the meumfol ftnerai procession* In Uwt efty ■are frequently the core* for the fobs* ilbt* •a* and disgraceful spree*. e*r*cl»lly In the fonaraUof ward politician*. Ucigkbt' no mean* snmrtuod toi“ PouaHKCxriUE. Sept 10.—Rev. Dr. T. H. Taylor, rector of Grace Church. New York, died last night at his summer residence at West Point. Piiu.ADin.PHlA, Kept. 10 —The boot and shoemakers of this city hare struck for twenty per cent, advance on their present wage*. It ia reported that a portion of the shop* have agreed to pay the advance de manded. Washixoton, Sept. 10.—The official correspondence upon tbe subject of the United State* claims against Great Britain for spoliations committed upon American commerce by tbe Alabama and oilier Confederate privateer*, abows that thla Government will agree to unrestricted arbitration only. * Richmond. Sept. 10.—A telegram from FurmvUlc, Vs, reports a light there this morning between some soldlurs of the 21st United States Infantry end the negroes of the tow n. The soldiers hud beaten a colored man for refusing to sell them liquor last night, and this mornli)g*beat another. The negroes then rallied and a street fight ensued. The citisen* closed their stores. A company of soldiers was sent out from camp and order was soon re stored. One soldier wss stabbed in the melee, and several negroes and soldiers were badly beaten. Chx ni.KSTON. Hept. 10.—General Canby has Issued the following order: Ukxdq'rs Second Military District.! Charleston. Sept. 7,18C7. ) General Order No. 86. It being known that many person* sub ject to parole under the termsmf the surren der of the Insurgent armies, have since the 0th day of April. 1865, voluntarily exiled themselves from the States lately in rebel lion, thereby evading th« obligations man fully and faithfully observed by all others subject thereto, and have since returned to the United States. Ills, therefore, ordered that all persons non-resident or domtoiled in, or who may hereafter become resident tailed within the limits of the Second Military District, the State* of North Caro lina and South Carolina, be required to give, within 90 days after the receipt of this order, at tbe headquarters of the post or dlatriot in which they may be so resident or dpmleUcd. tbe parol* proscribed on the 9th day of Apill, 1865. The parol* will be given duplicate, one to be retained by the person who give* It, and the other to be forwarded to the District Headquarters for record and trnnsn\l!t*l. The Provost Marshal CeliuiT.l r f ifie District L clanged with the execution of this order. By command of Brevet Major General Canby. Louie. V. Cocrobox, A. A. G. Savannah, Sept. 10.—Joseph S. Caruth- ere, teller of the Central Railroad Bank, absconded with eight or ten thousand dol lars on Saturday night last. One thousand dollars reward was offered for hls appre hension. Jfosdph 3. Caruthera, defaulting teller of the Central Railroad Bank, shipped on board the schooner Win. Gregory, as mate, for Havaha. The schooner was overhauled by pilot beats, two miles out at sea and brought bock Inaleakingcondltion. There was five feet of water In the hold. She was Insured In the Western l’htrnlx. Caruthera says he allowed hls friends to overdraw their account, lie had not a dollar himself. NSW ORLEANS, Sept. 10.—There were only two deaths to-day from yellow fover. Charleston. 8ept. 10.—Cotton lower; middlings, 23a23?i: sales,’21; receipts, 68. Mobile, Sept. 10.—Cotton 211**23 for middlings; demand limited; sales to-day, 125; receipt* two days, 717. New York, Sept. 10.—Flour—State and Western 15a30c better, chiefly on the high grades; Southern Arm, 10.IMhtl3.o0. Com mon to choice wheat 6a?o Iwlter. Corn opened dull ami closed active at la2c higher. Oats less active and easier. Mess pork lower and alosoi at ’24.62. Whisky Steady—sales of hundred barrels at i 96'$ in bond. Cotton drooping—middling up lands 16; sale* 480 bales. Rye unchanged. Money uncbnimed. Gold clowtl 437**41. Stock* buoyant and closed wit* a good ad vance. Government Stock* and Exchange quiet. . _ Xkw Orleans, bept. 10.—Cotton dull — low middlings 2S; sales 173 bales; receipt* for three days 331 bales; exports for the same tlm* it02 boles. Sugar and Molasses unchanged. Flour dntt—HUperflne 8.34. Corn dull and declined So. Oats dull at 70c. Bacon—tliouWers 16: clear aid** 38; sugar-cured boros 18; all Jobbing rate •ole* to arrive 14 for shoulders, 19'j for clear aide*. Urd—prim* tierce UH-— Gold 43*481*. Sterling Exchange 54*67- New York Sight Exchange % prem. BavaNnah, Sept- 10.—Cotton—middling uplands SIS**!; reeeipfo«76 balsa. AcougTA. Sept. 10.—Cotton easlcr-mld- dBngtaJSsoAU*’,soles 86 bales. Cored*AH. Seji. 10.— Flour Arm and unchanged. Corn firmer and active at 146 U i«MBOR. SepOO.—Console 94 8-18; 1000 kegs Nolls—licet brands. »6U pr*[s Trace Chains. - ' SO Anvils, 100 Vices, 808# lbs. B. Wagon Axle a lap do*, (.argent's Cotton Curds. 200 do*. Ames’ .Shovels slid .SpeduM luO colls Jute and Manila Rope, 50 Smiths’ Bellow*. 3U0 bags Shoe 30 tons Savory’* Hollow Ware, 500 Grindstones, 150 do*. Collins' Axes. Ale. a floe ssvnrtaieiit of CUTLERY aad MS- LH).I.AhHL>Us HARDWARE, lor sole on too uio«t foYomblu trruih, l*y _ BOXBS. BROWN * (JO, AU|VhUk, (HL ?»’ptember 11, V^-OImood AMVSKMESTS. For One Night Only ! GRAND OPERATIC CONCEIT, UN DEB THE AUSPICES Or TH* Yoaaf How Vi Llkiary AmocImI**, AT DAVIB’ HoA-XaXa, Friday Night, Sept 13, 1867. ^rof. LUDWIG HARMSCN, MVSJCAJ DIRECTOR AMD MAFAGMM . SIC, both VOCAL mdH msTRC- MENTAL, with BehJfttlotu fn»ra the oFKM A8. Door* opoa lit 7 o’clvyck; Concert ooiumcncGs at 8 pr«eii*«ljr. TICKETS, $1 00. to be hail at the Book Stores. Hotel* and *t the floor. sepll- d8t GIGOKGIA. IlstTbw corsir. W HKUA.ta ThMUkM« J. . v- i.*.rH \\ lilt*. -• TB m .tivn. 4*mr. r. ^ • %u UkS («M*I i in h|* pviitloe da** f «l *i. 11** *r- Wi oa re.-.rtl Uw,the h»- l»i !. mAre.sMi.u fel H'l,- U aju II WviJvtftt's *A it* This is, IlM-rrlon . w < ite «il c-raed, IlN'Iriil *«•! rrelllnfo to sloe c .i »< . u thr> oee, Mhi 8-ibl extvutur sh sei*l noi lie him henrt-d fruM kb tmutouhlu and rurelfu l«tun of ilis* ! alesiOte. This td • Meednumber. 1«0V J. jl. UOW'AKO. firdieary. npU-vte / (rrlhters foe 04 M; GKOUtilA, Babtow county . TUHWH I)AY1« Iff hr SfpsiBlM si fuar«Usn of im ircrsuiiw eiul ,rr»»i'«*rt\ of Ella J « am) J <ra«* IV ttiiman eod« r foen^n trsn of rvside.iW >H *«M euanty: Thu is v* it* all itri-w*"* c«u«eiacl, to he and a *«r ut tlie term ofthr * *t.r« «r in lioAiy, to b« .1 i.eisi .tita r i nr ttik^s i i .a; i• ii if talrtr <tav» ir* in une^lrnt paid., jibni of l *s nothe, aed show c*o-c. 11 Utcr c#P, eor trabl Jomrnuh tU\i% pLfkdfi Willi ih* MUSTdleeMilpW tl.e i-rtwiis ua*! pr-.p* rtf oi said minor* Whirls mv odh-tHi «lxuiaare, thU 8eptem i >ct •d. IM7 J. A. H itV Alt 1), Oitliner} sei*4—wtOd . tPrtktor s fee $S) GBOKGIA, Baittow COUNTY. WMJKUEAfi, Vireot tL Clsr«|> applies tame TT for letters af edminUtrMtion on the estate of U S ciardy, lute of said rouuty. deoeesed: Thebe ere, therefore, to cite «jf<l esiraoni-h all audsiujcular, the next of km end creditors or said be and appear at my office, within tbe time prescribed by law, Aod show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted Glren under my band and official signature’, this ffci day of August, 18*7 J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. augM-wBOd [Printer’s tee GEORGIA, Babtow county. ca JtMJA &k a yi> WA&oy make a*. PWo- fluiK^n'tilept* 10.—Bomla oloaod 76Aa. Livkbpool tvpph. 10.—Cotton cloned 'OMSK lUT</HlNrt A BUO., CARKIAtihaud WAUON MANUVACTl* KAlW^onrner lir»i(iIES, W A&OKd, DttAYH HARNESS, V AktNIMJKH, JAVA.N8. etc., which we offer to the public at low ami reduced prices. By pur chasing our mate rfiU North at cash priue>. and wei-king tbe best Mechanics, eeables us to sell otieap aad gire nuiMaction to onr customers CaUon us before buying elsewhere. ALL okokm* AND MAI'AI KINO PROMPTLY ATTaNDAI) TO. scpll—dftfn NOTICE. TO AVL WHOM IT MAT COKCIIS: T llb underMgned hereby gives notice that be has filed hu petttiou with tbe Ordinary of Bartow county, to l>e discharged from his 1 xecu- tor*hipon John Patterson’s last will and testa- meut, on account of his business being such that he Is unable therefrom to atteno to said trust, that In two months from the beginning of the publlca* tion of this notice, he will apply lor the sanction of said petition, and to lie discharged from said GEORGIA* Newton county. T WO MOHTK8 after da’e application will t>e made to the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, for leave to sell a t the land* belonging to the estate of Joseph L. Kogers, deceased. JAMKS N. MMS, Aiiministrator. September loth, 1887—wtm [Pr» fee AM GEORGIA* Grkkkk county. UKRKAS. the estate of John M. Stewart, late W1 of said county, dece sed. Is uarcpn*»entevb 'k hose are, therefore, to cite aud require all per sona concerned to be and appear at ray office, w it< in the time prepcrtlied by law, to show cause, if an v they hare, why the administration, with the will annexed, of toe estate of said John M Stew art should net be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other At and proper per- Kl GENIUS L. KING, Ordinary. (Printer’s feef^l GEORGIA* Fulton county. HKBK, .. upon t_, —--— represents to the court, tp his petitl . . tluit he ha* fully administered said estate . Thlt if, t .^iUhiru, te cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. why said adminis trator should not bo discharged iVom his said ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the And Monday In March. 18U8. Witness the lion. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary sepJ— w;flm GEOBGIA, Fulton county. T WO MONTns alter date application trill be made to the Lourt of Ordinary of said coun ty, for leave to sell the real estate of George Latham, dccesased. LOYD COURCEY, Administrator. September A* KMT— wtm f Pr» f”t W GEORGIA, Fulton county. rriwo MONTHS after date application will be JL made to the Court of Ordinary of said county- tor leave to sell the real estate of Stephen Terry, deceased. GEO. W. TKRKY, Executor. September 5,1887—wtm 1 Prs fee f5l GEORGIA, Newton county. B/TBS. ALLEY RHODES, guanlian of Jabes C* jjX R- Y* Rhodes, having applied to the Court of rdioary of said county, for a^ discharge from her ^hodes should nol be dtsuiissed from her said guarillaiuhip and receive the usual letters of dismission Given under my band aud official signature, this Septomfier 9th, 1887. WM. D. LUCK IE, Ordinary. seplA—wffM [Printer’s fee fa] GEORGIA, Fulton county. j roSEPH WIK8H1P, guardian of Miss M. Au- I gusta Hill, having applied to the Court of Ur inary of said county lor a discharge from his said guardianship: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, toshowcanse. if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why the said Joseph Winship should not be dismissed from his guardianship of Miss M Augusta llill and receive the usual letters of dismission. Witness the lion, Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this beptemlier A 1887. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk, seph— w«hd f Prt foe fi] GEORGIA, Fulton county. Fain, executor of Elizabeth to to the court. In his folly administered TYT1IKBEAH.J. R Fain, exec Ff Fain, deoevwcd. represents petition, dnlv filed, that he has 1 said estate: This Is, therefore, to cite n’l persons concerned to show cause, ir any they enn, why said enecutor should not be discharged from hls said trnst and marl v« letsers of diemusiuu «m the Ant Monde/ in March, 1 fog Witness the Hon. Daniel nttman. Ordinary of •uki countv, this 4th day of September, 1987. JSO. T. COOPER, Dcpnty Clerk. (Printer’s fin $4SO] sepA—w€m GEORGIA. Fulton County. Jonnna H. SbacknUbrd, applies to TETHKREAS. J ft iheCourie ten of adminlst med are hereby notified to Ale wur owacsanoa, u aay they have, an or before the ArstMouday in October nexbeUe letters wUl igran tod seM applicant. Witness the Ho*. Daniel nttman Judge ef said eouri, this 4th da/ of Aeptemher, im Jxo. t. Cooper, Deputy cm. [PrlntorVfot |JL fttwarr county. U. SMITH applies to nse for letter* ef Mention on the estate of W. W.Asee. efinnty, doosnood; TbtoO nan, therefor*, to cite and admanM and nil singular, lha kindred and erodimenof mUI do- eeasart7>o»bew ninanlf any they can. why letters should net he granted the aeptieaat an the first Monday la Oetoher next. Given naffer my hand naff ofoe&al signature,* augit-wBVl and SlngUaiM, HIV uc*i«i Mil «nu crcuiwn ui nil deceased, to (>e and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by lew, and show cause, if they can. W hy n«id letters should not t»e granted Given under my band and official signature, this Xht day of August, IffiTT nagM—wffild GEORGIA, Babtow county. W HEREAS, T. M.8ioen and B. M Sloan apply to he appointed guardians of the person nod property ol Jehn D.. EUxabeth and Charles Trob- ber, minors under Ibdrtoen years of age, resident of said county: These are. therefore, to cite nil persona concern ed to be and appear at the term of the Court of ordinary to be held next niter the expiration of thirty days bom the first publication of this notice, and show cease, if any they eon. why said T. M sloan and E. M. Sloan should not be intrust ed with the guardianship of the person and prop erty of said minors. Witness my hand and official signature, this M l day of August, 1997. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary aug*4-w8W [Printer’s lee $4] GEORGIA* Bartow county. W HEREAS, William W. Cotton applies to me for letters of administration ou the estate of Travis Cotton, lute of said county, deceased: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, toe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to flic their ol Section*, If any they have, by thoffivi Monday in October next, otherwise letters of ail ministration will be granted the ap plicant. Given ander rov hand, this 8d day of Septem- UKORGIA, Campbell county. T WO MONTHS after date application will be msde to the < ourt of Ordinary of said county, at the first regular term after too expiration ot two months from this notice, fbr leave to sell ail the lands belonging to the estate of Thomas A. Latham, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. W. J. GARRETT, Administrator. A ugust 17,1987. of Thos A. Latham, dcc’d. auglH— w<m fPrinters fee $JJ GEORGIA, Carroll county. •fAT'HKREAS, M. J. Baxter, of said county, ap- Vi riles to me fbr letters.of administration on the estate of James SlriiAlnr. deceased: These are. therefore, to eft* all and singular, the next of kin and fired I tors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why said (utters should not be granted.. Given under mv h this August 81st, fan. GEORGIA. Clayton county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, f Aft. 8. BO YIXGTON having In proper form ap- P pllfid te me for purmenant letters ol administra- on off the estate of Robert Lewis, late or said county, deceased; These are, therefore, to efto all persons con. eerned. to be and appear at my office, by the flist Monday in October next, to show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, September fid, 18*7. sep5—w30d GEORGIA, Cobb county. \ETHEREAS, Mrs. Caroline E. Ormshv having v V applied to me for the administration of the estate or Theodore D. Orrnsby, late ot said county. dennsed: Th&e are. therefore, to eite and admonish all and lingular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in Ochv- bur next, otherwise letters of mlmini»trat ion will ‘ e granted the applicant at that term of the Court r Ordinary lor said oounty. Given under my hand, at office in Marietta, this August Sfid, 1887. JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary, augfifi—wfifid [Printer’* foe $3] GEORGIA* DrKalb county. E J. BA1LY having applied to me improper • form for letters of administration on the estate of Lewis Ethridge, Sr., late of said county, deceased. This is to elte all persons concerned to be and appear at my office, within tbe time prescribed by Uw, to show cause, if any they have, why let ters should not be granted the applicant. Given under ray hand amt official signature, August 19. IHfit. J. 1L WILSON. Ordinary. HUgfib—w Ani [Printer’s foe $*.] GEORGIA, Fayettk cuukty. /CALVIN J. F.YLL having In proper form ap- XIIID >3 w < Iiq sail reu>t Piiigiiiar. (M« nuai ui kin and creditors of Joseph Spier, to be aud ap pear at my office within the time allowed by law, to show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not oe granted to the appli canton said estate. Given under my hand and official signature, ■■fm.Mi.t 1 faarr rmf tuiti ..vvnu GEORGIA, Fstettx bounty. S ACHEL EASON, administratrix on the estate of Richard Eason, late of said county, dec’d, lag made application to thin Court for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of snid de ceased for the benefit or the heirs and creditors, all persons are notified to Hie their objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication or this notice, else leave will be granted fc»r the sale of said real estate. Given under my hand, this August list, 1987. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, awgfo-wtm * fPrs foe |5] GEORGIA. Fayette county. x A llison SPKIR. Jan. administrator on the e>tato of Allison hi made application to this ( land belaugjtig to the efitaie oi sera deceased, tor the benefit of the heirs and creditor*, all persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any they have, within two month* from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted fbr the sale ef said real estate. EDWARD CONNOR, [fw foe ffi] Ordinary- GEORGIA, Fayette county. TO ALL WROB IT BAY CfiMOBRX: V pnrei w re, ivr irerww tration on the estate of •aid county, deceased: . This k te eile all and singular, tkt next of kin of sold deceased, to be and appear at my office, within (he time prescribed bylaw, and shew sense, If aay they nan, why narmaalat ad-. mtalswaMsa shenM met be graaied the appUeant' an tr M eetnto. WlriM. a; haad i*d .Mela) itniHm An,i;,l NDISTH