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owunrBTT sheriff sales.
W ILL fee sold before toe Court House door, In
Uw town of Lawrenoeville, Gwinnett oonn-
» , OeerglA dorian tfeo legal hours of sole, on the
■t TschIit in November, 188T, the following
pssMtr, to-wit:
Ooe hundred tad twenty acre* of land, the
tome be'sg the north half of lot No. 10— (Bevel
low TOO acres survey)—and ad loming lands of
to B Parts, the Kill ton estate, Dr. S. H. Free-
•as. and the estate of Henry 1’ Thomas, de
stated LctM on as the property of the defend-
Rato. Hlen K and W. Scott Thomas, executor am?
wtrtx. to satisfy coats on three fl fas. Issued
i the Superior Court of said county, w. Ellen
as and W. Soott Thomas, executrix and
r ef H. T. Thesnas, deceased; two in faroi
i Pool; one in favor of B. E. Strict!and.
». four 1 fas, issued from the County Court
said county, vu. Ellen K. Thomas and W. Scott
‘ ms as executrix and executor, as aforesaid, and
•s tnffevor of Mathew Strickland; onejn raver
D. Bseeis, W B. Smith and T. W. AJex-
surrlroru, fee.: one in favor of N* L
tine, Jr, executor ef John p. Hatch ins, de
li sod one in ffevor of Hyatt, MoBurney A
Iso. to satisfy oosta on Its fl. Css. vs. W. Scott
■ana. three of which were issued from the
urier Court of suid county, to wit: one in fit
f J. LOsuyn. W. Soott Thomas, and twoW
ef Massey K. Caasp vs. W. Scott Thomaa, and
rated from the County Court of said county
- Snots Them as. to-wit: one la favor of Rica-
T. Marita vs. W. Scott Thomas, and one in
ofW.B. Smith vs. W. Scott Thomas.
▲Iso, to satisfy costs on one 11. fa. last
At Superior Court of said county, in
^rax-h Steadman vs. W. Scott Thomas an
fa. issued from
favor of
and Ellen
Property pointed out by W. Scott
A loo, at Use same time and place, one bay horse
le. six years old. Levied on as the property of
. J Brnt fleld. to satisfy two 11. fas. Issued from
i Superior Court of said county, to-wlt:ona in
■ of Sarah M. Bagby and Lyae F. Bagby ibr
_ so. fee. va. James J. Benefield, and one In frt-
unr of Nancy Benefield vs. Jas. J. Benefield, and
mu So satisfy u fl. fa. Issued from the County
Eburtof said oounty. In favor of the State for the
MS of tfeo offleers of Court vs. James J. Benefield,
nsseity pointed out by defendant.
Alae. at the same time and place, one hundred
1 fifteen acres of land, in the until distortot, Q.
»of said county, adjoining lands of James P.
amous, Kenan T. Terrell and Bonaparte Mack-
, and lying one mile east of Lawrenoeville.—
1 on as the property of Jesse Lowe, to satis-
a oa two il. fas. issued from the Superior
irt of said county, to-wtt: one In tavor of Edwin
simou, Thomas W. Alexander, Alfred Wil-
Jeha M. Wilson, et. a), vs Jesse Lowe, and
i ia favor of Stephen Stanford vs. William J.
mell. Jesse Lowe, John Bankston, Lewis
»wn et al. vs. Tease Lowe. Property pointed
i by one of the defendants, Jesse Lowe.
Also, at the same time and pla<-e, one hundred
~res <>f land, more or leas, adjoining lands of Jas.
Jn, U Q. Lynch, Wm. Bailey, and— Carroll,
I being that tract of land sold by plaintlflT to de-
lani, and on which defendant formerly re
al. and the same heretofore levied on by virtue
r the attachment on which this fi. fa is predica
ted to satisfy one attachment fl. la. in favor of
William H. Hardman vs. klanlv M. Jackson (for
tee pur. base money of said land) issued from and
tetornable to the County Court of said coun-
W September a*th, 1867
WM. J. BURN, Sheriff Gwinnett co.
-wlds Printer’s fee >17.60]
VEMBER, 1867.
■y^ILL be sold be'ore the Court House door i
. . the town of Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga.
within the letal hours of salo, on the first Tue
day in November next, the following property
One lot of land No. 186 in the 6th district and Sd
section of Gordon county, aod one two-horse
wagon. Levied on as the pro erty of John Slat-
ten, to satisfy two Inferior Court fi. fas. in favor
orM M. Johason, and other fl. fas in my hands,
vs. Slatten, Lowry A Co. Property pointed out by
Also, at the same time and place will be sold
60 acres ni land—south half of lot No. 161 In the 6th
district and Sd section of Gordon county. Levied
on as the property of O. L. Butler, to satisfy one
Superior Court fl. fa. in favor of Abraham Tate,
ana property pointed out by defendant.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold,
one hundred acres of land, more or less in the
ISth district and fed section of Gordon county, No.
not known, bnt known as the homestead place
where H. M. Buck halter formerly lived, adjoin
ing lands ef Simpson Ward and John Malone and
others. Levied on to satisfy one Superior Coart
fl. A in iavor of Toong, Jackson A Co., vs. said H.
M. Buckhalter, and other 11 fas. in my hands.—
Property pointed ont by defendant.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold,
110 acres of land, more or less,(No.;4 in the 15th dis
trict and td section of Gordon oounty. Levied on
as the property of Williamson Zober, to satisfy
one County Court fl. fa. in favor of W. L. McDan
iel, and property pointed ont by defendant.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold
lot of land No. 980 in the 13th district and 3d sec.
of Gordon county, and one half Interest In travel
ing thrasher. Levied on as the property of C. S.
Dorsett, to satisfy one County Court fi. fa. in favor
of James F. House, and other fi. fas in my hands,
vs. C. 8. Dorsett, surviving copartner, Ac. Prop
erty pointed out by defendant.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold
part or lot No. 228 in the 14th district and Sd sec
tion of Gordon connty, containing 10 acres, lying
in the north east corner. Levied on as the prop
erty of Thomas Jones, to satisfy one Justices'
Court fl. fa. in favor of Kelln A Demore. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold,
one lot of land, number not known, but lies In the
fth district and Sd lection of Goroon county, lying
east or Ceosawatee river, and joining lands of N.
N. Batter. Levied on as the property of Dean W.
Chase, to satisfy one Superior Court if. fa. In favor
Young, Jackson A Co., vs. said defendant This
" 'to day of Ootober, 1867.
J6UN GRESHAM, Sheriff.
[Printer’s fee $17.00]
W ILL be sold before the Court House door, In
the city of Atlanta. Fulton connty, Georgia,
next, will be sold before the Court House
. Spalding oounty, between the usual hours of
the following property, to-wlt:
Ooe house and lot, situated on the corner of
•Mumon and Righto streets and east and north,
■antided oa south by Vanhoos lot, on west by va-
mmt let, containing one half acre, more or less.
Ceriel on as the property or W H. Hancock, to
tefeisfy fifty -three (53) fl fas. issued from Justices’
&nrt of the 1001st district, O. M., in favor of
Tfcimpa. Giles A Co., vs, Wm. H. Hancock,
WketMity pointed out by W. R. Phillips. Levy
made and returned to me by R. L. Hobbs, Consta-
Also, si the same time and place, will be sold,
tee large fine mules, one a mouse color, and the
te*r a bright bay. Levied on as the property of
§LU Foster, to satisfy one fl. fa. from Spalding
teperior court, in iavor of G. J. Drake vs. E. G.
Wester Property pointed out by G. J Drake.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold
Ml that lot, tract or parrel of land situated, lying
ted being in the county of Spalding and known
ted dlttlngniahed as the dwelling lot in the city
m Griffin, whereon said C. F Newton resides,
teiag immediately between H. P. Hill and Mrs.
vridses. oa the east side of Hill street, contain-
teg four acres square or four hundred and twenty
■rot each way Also, the undivided hair of one
hundred and one-fourth acres of land, lying
■ear the south side of Griffin, known as the place
f i Ison s creek, formerly owned by Dugan, ad-
ining Mrs. Ison’s, Freeman's and B. M. Milner.
II the above described property levied on as the
teoperty of C. F. Newion, to satisfy one fl. fa. from
Batts Superior Court, in favor of James L.
S addox vs. Edward A.J A C. L. Varner, and
H. c Meckel berry and C. F. Newton, l’rop-
ty pointed out by J S. Boynton.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold,
tee mane hoisc and ono pheaton carriage.
Levied on as the property of A. T. Brown, to
tetisfy one fl fa. from Spalding Superior Court in
tovorof Amos A Allen vs. A.T. Brown. Property
fainted out by plaintiff, A. D. Nunnally.
Also at the same time and place, one nouse and
tat Nos. 98 and 33, in tho city ot Griffin, square
mght (9). containing two (3) acres, more or less,
ted known as the Tate residence of A B. Mat-
teews. and now occupied by Mrs. Sprotlln.—
la-vicd on as the property of A. K. Matthews, to
tetisiy one fi. fa. in Tavor of J. W. Corbin. Prop-
mty poiuted out by J. W Corbin.
Also, at tho same time and place, will be sold
tee following named lands: One lot No. forty (40)
4a square eleven (11); and lot No. forty-one (41) in
agaaro U-n (10). all in the city of Griffin. All
■levied ou as the property of A. IS. Mattews, toaat-
jfef> a fi fa from .>palding Inferior Court, and
ate or fl. fas.
D. D. DOTAL, Sheriff,
flopteanber 16.18FT—wtda [Prs fee $15.]
on the first Tuesday in November next, within
the legal hours of sale, the following property,
to wit: •
The interest ol William Thurman, deceased, In
that part of city lot No. 125 in Atlanta, Ga., in
land lot No. 78 in the 14th district of originally
Henry, now Fulton county, Ga., bounded as lol
lows: Commencing at the corner of said 125 on
Marietta street one hundred feet, thenco northeast
fifty-two feet, thence southwest one hundrod feet
to Marietta street, thence along Marietta street
fifty-two feet to suid beginning corner, contain
ing one-eighth of an acre, more or less, and In
cluding the dwelling house; said interest being
the remainder after tho death of Mary C. Delay, it
being the dower land of said Mary U. Delay.
Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a cost fl. fa.
issued irom Fulton Superior Court, In favor of
Mary C. Delay vs. Benj. Thurman, adm’r. of Wm.
Thurman, deceased. Property pointed out by
plaintiff’s attorney. October 5,1807.
Also, at the same time and place, one large lot of
f rear patterns, one large lot of engine patterns, a
otor pilaster patterns, a lot of column patterns,
one blasting fan, one set blacksmiths tools. All
lovied on as the property ef the Gate City Foun
dry, Car Manufacturing and Machine Works, by
virtue of and to satify two fl. fas. Issued from Ful
ton County Court, in favor of M. A. Shackelford
vs James Hoge, Superintendent of the Gate City
Foundry. CarManufacturing and Machine Works.
Property pointed ont by William R. Phillips,
transferee. October 5,1867.
Also, at the same time and place, the north
halves of lots known and numbered as Nos. seven
(T) and eight (8) in the Whitehall survey; pur
chased by the defendant of and from Chas. W.
Winter, containing two and nine tenths acres,
more or less, and being part of original land lot
No. In the 14th district of originally Henry,
now Fulton county, tosatiafV one fl. fa. in favor of
Wm B. Lowe vs. John G. Westmoreland, issued
from Fulton Superior Court, April Term, 1867.—
Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Oc
tober 5,1867
W. L. HUBBARD. Deputy Sheriff,
octe—wtds Printer’s fee $7 50.
W TLL be sold before the Court House door, In
thecity of Atlanta, on the first Tuesday in
November, 1867, between tho lawful hours .of
sale, the following property, tc-wit:
J. R. Mayson’s interest in a two story brick
house, part of which is now occupied by Silvey &
Dougherty as a store, situated between Decatnr
and Line streets, in the city of Atlanta, and ad
joining a lot o G. W. Collier, the same being one-
fourth interest in said building till the first ol
January, 1870. Levied on as the property of J. K
TT|7TLL b® s °l'l before the Court House door, in
W th. - ... _
the town of Cartersville, Bartow county,
tia., within the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday in December next, the following prop
erty, to wit:
One saw mill, steam engine and boiler. Levied
as the property of Morrison A Garrison, to satisly
a Mortgage fl fa in my hands, issued from Floyd
County Court in favor ol Noble Bros A Co., against
Morrison A Garrison. Octolier 5,1867.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November
next, before the Court House door, in the town of
Cxrtersville, within the legal hours ol sale, the
following property, to wit:
-Lotsonxnd Nos. (274,) twohundredxndseventy-
four, 968, 967 and 973. containing 640 acres, more or
less, in the 5th district and fid section of Bartow
oounty. Levied on as the property of Dempsey F.
Bishop, to satisfy a Mortgage fl. fa. in my bands,
from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Howard,
Stokely A Co., va. D. F. Bishop.
At the same time and place vrtll be sold,* lot of
land No. 9B7 in the 17th district and Sd section,
and lot No. 910 hrtbe 0th district and Sd section of
Bartow connty. Levied on as the property of
Christopher Dodd, to satisfy one II. fa. from Cass
Superior Court, in favor of Henry P. Farrow vs.
Jesse Dodd, C. Dodd and W. C. GUI aim.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Noe. 966,980, 991 and 992, all in the 17th district and
3d section of Bartow county. Levied on as the
property of Amasi A. Stroup, deceased, to satisfy
a fl. fa. from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of
Lewis Tumlin and John A. Erwin vs. D. A. Taff
and J. G. Ryals, administrators of Amasi A.
Stroup, deceased.
Also, at the same time and place, the tract of
land on which R. N. C. Ware now resides, con
taining 160 acres, more or less, numbers of lots not
known, 1> ing in the seventeenth «istrict and
third section of Bartow county. Levied on ns the
properly of R. N. C. Ware, to satisfy a fl. fa. from
Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Tum
lin vs. R. N. C. Ware. Property pointed out by
the defendant
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No.
606, lying In the 17th district and 3d section of
Bartow county- Levied on as the property of
Thomafe A. ana John S. Owens, to satisfy a fl. Ca.
Issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of
Bennett H. Conyers against Thomas A. Owens and
John 8. Owens. Property pointed out by one of
tho defendants.
Also, at the same time and place, the settle
ment in the 17th district and 3d section of Bartow
county, known as the Dickerson place, num
bers of lots not known. Levied satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor
of Samuel Gris- wold vs. E C. Jones.
Also, at the same time and place, one half of lot
land No. 824 (80 acres) in the 22d district and 2d
section of Bartow coumy Levied on as the
property of A. J. Brews tty, to satisfy one Bartow
County Court fi. fa. in favor ol G. M. Scott vs. A.
J. Brewster.
Also, atihe same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 290, 358. 365, ana the undivided half of lots
No. *91 and 296, all in the 4th district and 3d sec
tion of Bartow county. Levied on us the proper
ty of Christopher Dodd, to satisfy one Bartow
Superior court fi. fa. in favor of Samuel Griswold
vs. Christopher Dodd.
Also, at the same time and place, one house and
lot in the town of Euhurlee, now occupied by E.
Buice. Levied on to satify one Bartow County
Court fi. fa in favor of W. H. Pritchett vs. Collins
A Buice.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 684, 685, 686 in the 4th distrust and Sd section,
and lot No. 720 in the 21st district and 9u section of
Bartow county. Levied on as the property of
Wm. D. Wheeler, to satisfy one Bartow Inferior
Court fl. fa. in favor of Madison McMurray vs.
Wm. D. Wheeler, principal, and Mark A. Hardin,
Also, at the same time and place, the settlement
of land on which W. T. Hellems now resids. Nos.
Mayson, to satisly a fl. fa. issued from the County
Court of Fulton County, in " -------
favor of J. M. C- Reid
Property pointed out by defendant. This 5t
day of October, 1867.
Also, at the same time and place, J. M. Nelson's
■ L be sold before the Court Hooae doer, in
m City of Atlanta, Fulton oounty, Georgia,
i tfeo lawful hours of sale, on the first
IfeeMsy In November next, the foil owing proper
to, to-wlt:
fctty lot No 14, in the city of Atlanta, being n
art of lend lot. No. 51, In the 14th distrlotof orlg
CaUy Henry, new Fulton oounty. bounded'nortE-
tester oity lot. No. IS, northwest by city lota, Noe.
If and Iff and southeast by oity lot No. l*, front-
teg on Collins street one hundrod feet, containing
tee half acre, more or leea, being the premises
■has non J. R. Boat wick now resides.
Also, the northwest half of city lot. No. 18, in
teid oity. being a part or the same land lot. front-
teg 89 foot on Uecalur street, and running back
■•feet, and feeing the premises whereon Julias
CepUnnpw resides. Levied bn by virtue of and
am satisfy a A. la. issued from Fulton Superior
Qanrt, in flavor of John J. Ford versus Joseph
teeerman and Jnlins Poplin. Levied on as the
property of said Julius Poplin. Property pointed
tet by plaintiff.
Also, at the same time and place, 1 puncheon
Moil and gin, 8 barrels various brands of liquors, 6
tests of porter and ale, 8 baskets of cham
pagne. AH levied on as the property of John H.
Lovejov. by virtue or and to satisfy all. fls. issued
from Fulton Superior Court in favor of William
■elomon vs. John H. Lovejoy. Property pointed
eat by plaintiff. July 3 1867.
W. L. HUBBARD, Dep*y Sheriff.
Ootober 5.1887—wtds (Prs flee $5)
land lot No. T7, in the 14th district of Fulton,
originally Henry, said interest being a right to
remove the house off the lot after paying all the
rent duo the plaintiff. Levied on as the property
of J. M. Nelson, to satisfy an attachment for rent,
issued from the County Court of Fulton County,
In favor of Wm. Durham. Property pointed out
by plaintiff. This Octobes 5th, 186P
Also, at the same time and plaoe, a single
story wood house and lot, the lot containing one-
eighth of an acre, more or loss, and adjoining Mrs.
Kelley’s lot on the east, and Mrs. wood’s on the
west, and fronting south on Fair street, in the
oity of Atlanta and oounty of Fulton. Levied on
as the property of A. Hilton, to satisfy a fl. fa. is
sued from the County Court of Fulton county, in
favor of M. L. Pinson. Property pointed out by
plaintiff. This 5th of October/lMT^
Also, at the same time and plaoe, two bureaus.
Levied on as the property of P. Mo An ally, to
satisfy a distress warrant Issued from tee County
Coart of Fulton oounty, in flavor of Mrs. Jane
Frank. This 5th day of dotober, 1867.
WM. H. HOLCOMBE, Special Bailiff,
ootfl—wtds Printer’s fee $18
of lots not known, lying in the 17th district and
3d section of Bartow county; also, eight hundred
pounds seed cotton, more or less. Levied on as
the property of Wm. T. Hellems, to satisfy one
Bartow county Inferior Court fl. fa. in faver of
John H. Walker vs. Wm. T. Hellems and John M.
Also, at same time and place, the settlement of
land on on which C. Pannell now resides, in the
6th district and 3d seoiiou of Bartow county,
numbers of lots not known. Levied on as the
property Mark C. owing, to satisfy one Ca»s
Superior Court fi. fa. in iavor of Warren Akin vs.
Mark C. Owing.
Also, at the same time and place, the settlement
ot land of which Robert C. Saxton uow resides,
numbers of lots uot known, lying In the 5th dis
trict and 3d section of Bartow county. Leviedou
as the property of Robert G. Tomlin, to satisfy
one Cass Superior Court 11 fa. iu favor of Travis
Cotton vs. Robert G. Tomlin.
Also, at the same time and place, two mules.
Levied on as the property of Wiley Smith, to sat
isfy one Bartow Superior Court 11. l'a in favor oi
James W. Harris vs. Wiley smith.
Also, at same time and place, lots of land Nos.
735.777 and 779, (said levy made by a former
Sheriff;) also lots of land Nos. Iu26 and 1027, all of
Said land lying iu the 17th district and 3d section
of Bartow county. Levied on as the f»ropurty oi
Joel Stone, to satisfy two fl. fas. in favor of D. L.
& It. M Wingard vs. Joel Stone, issued from Bar
tow Inferior Court.
Also, at tne sametime and place, the settlement
oiland known as the Campbell place; also, the
settlement known as the McKelvez place, on
which R. R. Wilson now resides, all In the 4th
district and 3d section of Bartow county, num
bers of lots not known. Levied on as tho proper
ty of Moses A. Leak, Jr., to satisfy two Superior
Court fl. fas. in favor of J. R. Parrott, endorser,
vs. J. J. Hannah, principal, and M. A. Leak, Jr.,
security, and W. Strange, endorser.
Also, at the same time and place, the settlement
of land on which D. F. Bishop now resides; also,
the settlement of land on which the mill known
as D. T. Bishop’i grist mlU now stands, numbers
of lots not known, all lying in the 5th district and
Sd section o Bartow county. Levied on as the
property of D. F. Bishop, to satisfy one Cass Su
perior Court fi. fa in iavor of J. R. Parrott, en
dorser, vs. Gabriel Culver, principal, and D. F.
Bishop, security, and one Cass Inferior Court 11.
fa. In flavor oC A. C. Wyly A Co.
Also, at the same time and place, the settlement
of land on which Gabriel Culver now resides,
numbers of lota not known, lying in the 5th dis
trict and Sd section of Bartow oounty. Levied on
as the property or Gabriel Onlver, to satisfy one
Bartow Superior Court fl. fa. in favor of J. R. Par
rott vs. Gabriel Culver, maker, and D. F. Bishop,
W ILL be sold before the Court House door. In
the town of Camming, Forsyth oounty, Ga.,
on the first Tuesday In November next, within the
legal hours of sale, the foUowing property, to-wlt:
One house and lot in the town of Cumming,
known as the Mullins place, on tee east side of the
Public Square, between the Globe Hotel and Har
ris’ corner, with a good dwelling and store room,
and one lot containing one acre, more or less, ad
joining lot of G. W. Posa and Presbyterian Grave
yard and known as the MuUlns Stable lot. Levied
on as tee property of James C. Fincher, to satisfy
three Justices' Court fl. fas. issued from the 879th
W ILL he sold before tee Court House door,
wl ' * * "
r ith in the legal hours of sale, in tee town
•toe. Upson connty, Georgia, on the first
“ 1867, tee following
.. to-wlt, to satisfy
. Superior Court, In fa
ver of John L. Woodward, Sen., Guardian, Ac.,
is. Nathaniel F. Walker, Executor, fete., and as
■rrivtng partner of Alien Mo Walker, deceased.
Tuesday in November next, 186
described lands and property,
«*e fl. fh. leaned from Upson Sap
101 acres, Lot Land No. 118
flflfl “ ** ” 1*
tut m “•**•*»
an* » ** “ * M.
^ H fi ^ n
M " * “ - 918
9M “ " “ “ felt
80 ** “ “ 29fl
101 “ “ - 990
10 •* * “ “ 91 and!
1400, with alt the water privileges, fine
■beat and corn mill, and all improvements in
any manner connected with or pertaining to tee
name and with all tee improvements on or
in any way connected with any of the above
deM-rilied valuable lands. Property pointed out
hy plaintiff's attorney, B. Hill. October 9, 1867.
oalfe—d It wtds
Deputy Sheriff Upson county, Ga.
Is [Printer’s fee $5
ufrp.l. fee cold before the Court House door, in
W the City of Atlanta and County of Fulton,
te u. iui»ii*y in December next, 1867. be-
tw-een the legal hours of sale, the following
property to-wit:
All tba
that tract or parcel of land situated,
lying and being in the city of Atlanta, whereon
the Atlanta Female Institute was located, known
in the plan of said city ascity lota Nos. 97,98. 99 and
ioo tie same being ••esirnated as block No. 16, ot
wririnal land lot No. 51. in the 14th district of
orirnaliy Heury, now Fulton county .containing
flv -acres more or less. Levied on by virtue of
and t‘>»*ti»iy a mortgage fl. fa. issued from Ful-
t&r t-i u . iior Court in favor of James R. Mayson,
T n William Kraard. President of the
. t, , s tees of tbs Atlanta Female College
,i out in said fi. fa. —
L HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff.
•4, wtis (Printer’s fee $6)
District, G. M.. in favor of Thomas Rowland,
administrator or H. H. Crane, deceased, vs. James
C. Fincher, maker, and S. G. Fincher, Jesse C.
Fincher and William Fincher, securities. Prop
erty pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and re
turned to me by D. M. Pruett, L. C.
Also, at the same time and place, will be sold
lot of land No. 895 in the fourteenth district and
first seotion of said oounty. Levied on ns the
roperty of Jas. P. Jenkins, to satisfy a fl. fa.
»ued from a Justices’ Court of said county, in
favor of R. B. McClure vs. said Jenkins, and con
trolled by A. J. Taylor. Property pointed out fey
said Taylor. Levy made ana feeflurned to me by
Wm. Bennett, L. C.
J. A. AIMS, Deputy Sheriff.
September 95, lflffT. [Prs fee $5] sepff—wtds
KKTILL be sold before the Court House doer, In
TV the oity ef Atlanta, Fulton county, Ga., on
day .
legal hours of sale, the foUowing property, to-wlt:
J. E. Godfrey's entire stock of fancy goods.
yankee notions and hosiery, feta Levied on ns tee
property ef J. E. Godfrey, by virtue of and to
satisly a Mortgage fl. fa. issued from Fulton
Connty Court, In favor of Elijah Brown vs. J.
Erwin Godfrey. Property pointed out in said fl.
fa. October 5,1967.
Also, at the same time and place, a part of land
lot No. 51, in the 14th district of originally Henry,
now Fulton county, known in the plan of city
survey as city lota Nos. 21 and 84. fronting on
Peachtree and Ivy streets, each lot containing
half an acre, and being the lota whereon the de
fendant, John H. Lovejoy, now resides. Levied
on as the property of John H. Lovejoy, by virtue
of and to satisfy a Mortgage fl. fa. issued from
Fulton Superior Court, in favor of Maurice
Livingston vs. John H. Lovejoy. Property point
ed not in said Mortgage fl. fa. July 6,1867.
W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy sheriff. .
oct8—wtds [Printer’s the $10.00]
^^ylLL be sold before tee Court House door in
w w McDonough. Henry county, Ga., on the
first Tuesday in Novemlier next, within tee legal
hours of sale, ths following property, to wit: Lot
of land Na 956 in the original 19th district of said
county. Also. 95 acres off of northeast corner of
land lot No. 225 iu the original 19th district of said
county, to satisfy Bine Justices’ Court 11. faa. ob
tained at April Term, 1868, in the 699U District,
G. M., in favor of Wm. H Spray berry, plaintiff.
Across the Sierra Nevadas.!H O M E AGAIN •iKfiTIl SMI-MMiL EXPOS]!.
or THH
Great National Trunk Line
Being constructed with the AID AND SUPER
MENT, is destined to be one of the most import
ant lines of communication in the world; as It is
the sole link between the Pacific Coast and the
Great Interior ^Basin, over which the Immense
Overland travel must pass, and the
Principal Portion of the main Stem
Line Between the Two Oceans.
Its line extends from Sacramento, on the tidal
waters of the Pacific, eastward across the richest
and most populous parts of California, Nevada
and Utah, contiguous to all the great Mining
Regions of the Far West, and will meet and con
nect with the roads now building east of the
Rocky Mountains. About IOO miles are now
built, equipped and in rnnning operation to the
summit of the Sierra Nevada. Within a few days
35 miles, now graded, will be added, and the track
carried entirely across the mountains to a point
in the Great Salt Lake Valley, whence fur
ther progress will be easy and rapid. Iron,
materials and equipments are ready at hand for
300 miles of road, and 10,000 men are employ
ed in the construction.
The local bussiness upon the completed portion
surpasses all previous etaimate. The figures for
the quarter ending August 31, are as follows in
Gross Operating Net
Earnings, Expenses, Eakmnos,
$487,579 64 $86,548 47 $401,031 17
or at the rate of two millions per annum, of which
more than three fourths are net profit on less than
100 miles worked. This is upon 'he actual, legiti
mate traffic of the road, wiflh its terminus in the
mountains, and with only the normal ratio ol
government transportation, and is exclusive ol
the materials for the further extension of the road.
The Company’s interest liabilities during the
same period were less than $125,000.
Add to this an ever-expanding through traflic
and the proportions of the future business become
The Company are authorized to continue
their line eastward until It shall meet and
connect with the roads now building east
of the Rocky Mountain ranges. Assuming
that they will bnild and control half the en
tire distance between San Francisco and the
Missouri River, as now seems probable, the
United States will have invested in the comple
tion of 865 miles $28,592,000, or at the aver
age rate of $35,000 per mile—not Including an
absolute grant of 10,000,000 acres ol the
Public Lands. By becoming a joint investor in
the magnificent enterprise, and by waiving its
first lieu in favor of the First Mortgage Bond
holders, the General Government, in effect,
ISTS, and has carefully guarded their interests
against all ordinary contingencies.
The Company offer for sale, through ns, their
Principal and Interest Payable ij,
Gold. Coin,
In New York city. They arc in sums of $1,000
each, with semi-annual gold coupons attached,
and are selling for the present at 95 per cent,
and Jaccrucd interest from July 1st added, in
currency, at which rate they yield nearly
Nine per cent, upon the Investment.
These Bonds, authorized by Act of Congress, are
issued only as the work progresses, and to the
same amount only as the Bonds granted by the
Government; and represent, in alV cases, the Jirst
lien upon a completed, equipped, and productive
railroad. In which have been invested Govern
ment subsidies, stock subscriptions, donations,
surplus earnings, etc., and which is worth more
than three times the amount of First Mortgage
Bonds which oan be issued upon it.
The Central Pacific First Mortgage Bonds have
all tee assurances, sanctions and guaranties Jof
tee Pacille Railroad Act of Congress, and have
in addition several noticeable advantages over
all other Masses of railroad bonds.
•> *
I would respectfully call the 1
attention of the nublic to the
fact that I have moved back to my old
stand, where all those that want (rood
floods can be accommodated. I intend to
keep the BEST GOODS MADE, and will
Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest.
Markham’s Building.
Peachtree street,
Atlanta. Oa.
Successors to the late Sauubi. D. Willmutt,
mantpactchshs op
Of all descriptions.
No. 4 Liberty street New Yorh.
JULY 1st
18 6 7
( A T
A S S E 1
1 S
V \\
| a-h <>n hand and in Bank
I Kent Rat stir
I Mortgajj-o Bonds
j Hank Stock ...
I United Stater. State and < ity Stock, and
! other Public eeeuritaua
I. 1
ti- m i o*
‘■‘Ji ,vw* 4t
1,‘Jj' .Mi ub
S PECI AT, attention gives to the manufacture of
also. Shingle, Mill, Mulay, Gang. Cross-Cut.
Tonou, Hand, i'uucl, Kip, and Butchers’ liow
Saws; also. Turning and Kelloi: WebA.
We aLo continue the manufacture of our Well
known brand of FILES made of the beet
English Case Steel; cut by hand and fully war
ranted to be equal in quality to the best Euglish.
We respectfully solieit orders, which we are
prepared to fill promptly, at the lowest rates aud
figures. niiif31—<lly
Lea* T.iabtlPfere, Clxiats not due and
Anadiuated m.HA *>,
Net A*.ett fe4_:TJ..A «
Fire <1: Inland Navigation Risk?.
9GF* Agencies in all feho principal eitiea wi
towns in the United
Applications tor Insurance will be promptly at.
inled to.
OKKiCE—With C. 1. Brown, on east>*i<le While
hail street, one door from Alabama
augl—9in N L. ANGIKK, Agent
Corner Whitehall xnd Marietta street*
Cor. of Numo street.
..New York.
W E buy and sell at the most liberal current
prices, and keep on hand a full siiiiply of
EST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and
salo of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD.
Wo wnrert the several issues of Skvsm-Thir-
TIX8 at the most favorable market rates Into Five-
Twenties, which, at present price of gold, yield
the bolder about one per cent, more interest pe
annum. Circulars with full particulars furnished
upon application.
aug27-d3m JAY COOKE A CO.
Marietta. Ga., Sept. 25,1867.
P ERSONS knowing the locality of
graves of Federal Dead are respectfully
requested to notify the subscriber. £ivin>r
County, town and to whom to apply lor full
particulars. A. W. CORLISS',
1st Lieut. 33d Inf.,
In charge of National Cemetery.
scp27—d’2m Marietta. Ga.
Drugs Medicines,
■’’•reign and Dome*:ic
We sell tho ffreat tonic
Recommended by the Clergy, I’bysii^xiM
and Invalids,
Our Prescription Departmen:
o p ex a t al 1. nor i: >
For Family Use, Liver and Kidney Complaints
Sold hy by all Druggists, Grocers, Ac. A. M.
BININGEB A CO. (established 1778,) Importers of
Wines, Brandies, ho.. No. 15 BxAvn stbxmp.
New Yoek. sepdl—d6m
Also, aft the same time and place, the settlement
of land oa which Robert Spear now resides, con.
talning 400 acres, more or less. In tee ITth district
and Sd section of Bartow oounty. Levied on as
tee property |of Robert Spear, to satisfy one Bar
tow Superior Court fl. fa. in Tavor J. C. Richey vs.
J. W. Marshall, principal, and Robert Spear, and
W. H. Bailey, securities.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of land No.
986 in the 5tb district and 8a section or Bartow
county. Levied on as the property of Jotm F.
Ward, to satisfy one Bartow Superior Court fl. fa.
in favor of J. M. Parson vs. P. S. Walker, Jno. F.
Ward and A. F. Ward.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 170,171 an d 179 in the 6th district and 3d sec
tion of Bartow county. Levied on as the proper
ty of of Levi Branson, to satisfy one Bartow
Superior Court fl. fa. In favor of Robert Russell
vs. J. C. Branson, and Levi Branson, security.
Also, at tee same time and place, lota of land
Nos. 8, 9, 96, 99, 30,44, 45, and other lota, numbers
not known, composing tea settlement of land
whereon Levi Branson now resides, all in tee 5th
district and Sd section of Bartow county. Levied
on*o4 the property of Levi Branson to satisfy one
Bartow County fl. fa. ia favor of Abda Johnson vs.
Levi Branson.
Also, at the same time and plaoe, lota of land
Ho, 958 in tee 93d distrlot and Id section, and No.
691 la the 8th district and fed section of Bartow
Connty. Levied on as the property of Joel Brow
ner to satisfy one Cass Superior Court fl. fa. in
fovor of Isaac Thompson vi. Jesse Browser and
Joel Browner.
Also, at the same time and plaoe, lots of land
Hoa. 444,496,494,490,419,514 sad north>alf of 515 in
tee 17th district end 6d section of Bartow oounty.
Levied on as the property of HUlery Meeks to
satisfy one Bartow Superior Court 11. fa. in favor
of Wm. T. Livingston vs. HUlery Meeks. Levied
on for the purchase money.
Also, at the same time and place, lot No. 859 in
tee 2lst district and 9d section of Bartow county.
Levied on to satisfy six Justices’ Court fl. las in
my hands Levy made and returned to me by a
lawful constable.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 860, 861, 866. 868, fc69, and one half of lot No
911 in the 21st district and 9d section of Bartow
county, said settlement being known as th.
McCarty place, whereon the town of Alla oona
now stands. Levied on as tee property of U a.
McConnell, to satisfy eleven Justices Court fi. fus
in favor <rf 4. W. Curry vs. Henry B. McConnell
Levies made and returned to me by a lawful con
Also, at the same Arne and place, 1 town lot in the
town of Kingston. Eerie i on as the propert of
Christopher Doud. to satisfy one Justices Coart fi
fa .in favor of W.M. Shropshire vs. C. Dodd. Levy-
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Also, at tbe same time aad place, one house and
lot in the town of Enharle, now occupied In John
W. Han is. Levied on as the property of John W
Hanie, to satisfy one Bartow superion Court fi. fa.
In favor of John L.Greer v-. John W. Hanie.
Also, at tbe same time and place, the house and
lot in the town of Cartersville, whereon A. 1.
Morrison now resides. Levied on to satisfy one
>*• ““’J swvva V* »» WSAJ | |)twsu*MS, _ _ , .. , , L . _
vs Jas White and J. G. Brown, Security Drop- Bartow Superior Court fi. fa In favor of Stephen
erty pointed out by defendant-. Levy made aad , C. Tate vs. Albert F. Morrison. Levied on for tha
_ , Levy made
returned to me by J.T. M. Bentley. Constable
R. H. HIGHTOWER, Sheriff.
September It, 1867— wtds [Prs foe $3.00]
parchate money.
October 5, 1867.
W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff.
Printer’s fee $75.
«y am the superior elalm upon alto
gether tee most vital and valuable portion
of the through line.
Aseostf—Besides the fullest benefit of the Govern
ment sudsidlty, (which is a subordinate
lien,) the road receives tee benfit oi large
donations from California.
JL • f TBAC8 fek B O BT e
(Late of Oolumbna, Qs,)
thlm sad (Haerware,
ken streei^Hew Yerk
»•. 101 €k
As New Orleans is a large HIDB MARKET
nw*if—Fully half tee whole cost of grading 800
miles eastward of San Francisco is con
centrated upon the 150 miles now about
FomrtA A local business already yielding three
fold the annual interest liabilities, with
advfentages rates payable in coin.
The principal as well as th6 Interest of Its
Bonds being payable in coin, upon a legal
ly binding agreement.
Having carefully investigated the resources,
progress, and prospects of the road, and the man
agement of tha Company’s affairs, we cordially
recommend these Bonds to Trustees, Executors,
Institutions, and others as an eminently oovnd,r+-
liable aad rmomoraftot /onm'jtf permammt, Atmett-
Conversions ef Government Securities,
now iwffes for tbe bolder* J*om
Twelve is
Eighteen per Cent, At>
and as a through freigh (all bail) has bee v ar
ranged from that citv to Atlanta via Chattanooga,
HIDES in bales, the undersigned solicit your or
ders and promise strict attention in their execu
Commission Merchants,
New Orleans.
Refer to A. K. Scago, P. A G. T. Dodd, anu
others, Atlanta. Ga 'vlt—6m
& CO.,
The following are the current rates (September
8th,) subject, of course, to slight variations from
day to day. We receive In exchange:
U. S Sixes, 191, coupon, and pay difference 158.49
U. 8 Five-Twenties l-* ; 9 coupon, do 180.49
U. S. Five Twenties. 186t,coupon, do 18699
U S. Five-Twenties. 1865, coupon, do ! .148 49
U. S. Five Twenties. 1865 (new), coupon, do 190 99
U S. Five-Twenties. 1867 (new) coupon, do 190 99
U. S. Ten-Forties, coupon, and pay difference. 88.49
U.S. Seven-Thirties, (2d series), do do 12819
U. S. Seven-Thirties (3d series), do do . ilia 19
For sale by Banks and Bankers generally, of
whom descriptive Pamphlets and Maps oan be ob
tained, and by
Banker* and Dealer* in Government Securities
Financial Agents of She C P.B.R.Co.
A UG CS TJ,: G to R b /1.
Shade*, Cords, Loops, Taeeels, <£e,,
er up-stairs,
Whitehall etreet Atlanta, Ga.,
Announce tee arrive lof a large aad elegant eteok,
bought fliioi ni Rsonrr dholihh,
Ia addition to elegant xrrniHas tm
Bru»$$l$ and 3-Pfys,
They Invite Special Attention to their
sepl5—dtlsnov Nercrcm Corner.
Cotton Gins! Cotton Gins I
H aving the
Cotton Gin and Condenser,
railway and lkvkq
Threshing Machines,
f am now proparol to furnieh Uirvc
at short notice and at manuiactnren prices
Choice, durable goods at 50,75 and $1.00 per yard.
Orders from a distance solicited and carefully
executed. S. S. KKNDKIlK A GO.,
octll—dtlstjan Atlanta, Ga.
Alt perifeae intending purchasing AGRKUL
And ft to their fntareet to purehara ef aw*
teroagh me.
(Bratton «nfl Price LM fhcnlteeflnxpsIVfe-
ton to patron ar fay kettaw.
r. F.fe. ECHOLS.
Agkeltaifl Implement Denier aafe
tons Sweedes and Refined Ir
Wow ia the time to Pnrchnee at Good
Stowe, without Rink,
I beg to inform the citizens or At
lanta. ana surrounding country, that
l have on hand a good assortment of.
which I will warraut. Any Stoves purchased of
me and cracking during the first month will be re
paired tree of charge. All Stoves purchased else-
liake or Cook, repaired. All
where that do not
kinds of Stoves repaired. Old stoves taken In ex'
I also constantly keep on hand a good supply a.'
Stoves, Urates, Hollow Ware, Planished Ware,
Tin Ware. Tin and Sheet Irou, Lamps, Ac., at
Whole*ale ana Retail Tin Ware, Hoofing and
Guttering and all kinds of work done in that line
done a- snort notice The BEST KEROSENE OIL
constantly kept on hand.
HQ?-’v : r put up and warranted.
Sign of Gilt Key,
- . •svar Mitchell ktreot,
- Atlanta, Ga
400 40 tons Plow Steel,
1000 kern Nails—best brands,
4000 pairs Trace Chains,
50 Anvils,
100 Vices,
8000 lbs. S. Waffon Axles,
150 doz. Sargent's Cotton Cfento.
400 doz. Ames' Shovels and Spatto*
100 coils Jute and Manila Rope,
50 Smiths* Bellows,
300 bags Shot,
30 tons Savory’a Hollow Wore,
300 Grindstones,
150 doz. Colli ns’ Axes.
Aleo. a fine assortment of CUTLKRY and M®
most favorable terms, by
September II, 1867—dlmeod r
In Bankruptcy.
District of Georg Ia can be had <
tee Clerk’s Office^Atlanta, X»a
_ application
Prim/to ceatt