The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 20, 1867, Image 1

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\ J 7- — F- ' 'irtue of an o THE DA VOL. I.—NO. 229. 'iTPONED ADMIXISTRA'Il'S SALE, irtiie of an order from the Court of "tot Gordon county. Georgia, will '‘re the Court House door, in the "" on the first Tuesday in rhin the legal hours of Un the 14th district '***1 acres, the „ Sold as ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAYttg&eifa 1xv vaj 'NOVEMBER 20,1867. PBLCE---5 CE^TS. tut; DAILY QP1NI0M. sT w T SCBUG0S AITD J- ®. bumble. ■v~r# Central Building. Granite Block, Broad St. ( iVKDAT MORNWO::::: NOV. 20 F: jt tween Indians and Negroes. \ntonia (Texas) Express thus BY TELEGRAPH. Subscription and Advertising. FROM TUB SEW YORK ASSOCIATED PRESS. KOOK DISPATCHES. I ntel licence from Washington*** The President Miffed. -rr: „ ,],.sp«*rate fight that took place , ]v j^tween colored soldiers and - fiati*: Major Bacon V. and Lieutenant Fred. ,p of "the 9th United Suites cavalry h ,n escort of seven men, on their way • from Fort I^ncaster, on the 11th ‘ .ifiio after nightfall, met a white man running at full speed chased by a party . Indiana lie reported that he was Leveling with the mail party when the • ijians made the attack. These officers .“spared for a fight and pushed onward. >.mc four miles further on they were ►ailed hT Walton, another white man of *♦)«■ mail party whom the Indians were .Or. Still onwarJ they discovered the of Corporal Wright and private Irvine. colons!, of tlie Ninth, and the mail • t-found scattered along the road. The ,j) furtv. numliering three privates and corporal <>f the Ninth, with two white •n. left Howard Springs about sunset. «. Hi*' tiir**e miles from the Springs they , <n . -nrnmnded hv al>out three hundred !i,n~ on iior-cf>a<-k. who surrounded 1 * to cl«•><• in upon them. Walton * the ulorwl soldiers disnioiiuted and •.-1 very bravely, the corporal acting » gn-at «-oolnesa. They fought the . lijic. lor some time, w hen the corporal • ». -»>ot through by a bullet and sunk to • earth; liis last words were: -Take -,r gun. I am killed.” Ujion the killing #.f" tiie corporal. Walton said to the men : - >»..*. we must escape”—the Indians r*:hered around the uiuies which enrried .«• mails, they having broken loose. In ityapting to force their way through, one f the other colored soldiers was killed Jeng with hia horse. Walton abandoned • u animal and took to the rocks and ‘.tidies, where he was found by Major i.t -..n'i party, and the white man first met e .t through with a slight wound. The •'* other colored sohfiers have since -xp.»rted i.t Lancaster, one wounded hn.ngh the lungs and one through the • <*ui5er. Washington, Nov. 19.—The President is said to be displeased with Commissioner i Rollins* evidence before the Impeachment Committee. Mr. Rollins will probably be removed December 1st. Tittic Blii I. in tlie Witnetii Box. Major General Sheridan has been sum moned to appear belore the Impeachment Committee. Congrentional .Arrangement*. Speaker Colfax has not prepared the lists of Congress for the coming session. 8. and T* It has been announced that Mr. Stevens will introduce a bill in the House, dividing Texas into two or more States. [The annexation law, it will be remem bered, provided that the territory annexed might be divided into not more than five States.—Eds. Opinion.] A Mystery Solved. Henry Sherman, of the law Branch of tlie Third Auditor's Office, was the author of the article attributed to Attorney Gen eral Satan berry. Spunky and Determined. Gen. liuboden has applied fur an injunc tion against Gen. Schofield, for denying him the right of suffrage. If the injunc- i tion is refused, he will apply to the Su preme Court. Propped Hepublloan Convention. The Republicans of the South will hold a Convention in this city on the 2Btl of February next. ti.uu 1.60 9.00 8.50 io.uo ■son Iii ll Times in Xkw York.—There is tlu'h complaint in New York of dull inr« among tin* merchants. The cor- -'•-pondent of tlie Philadelphia Ledger » rites: Nine out of every Urn of them will tell t ou they are not making money enough . • pay clerk hire or store rent, while the nih w ill declare that he can only effect •by .submitting to enormous sacrifices. I .■ fact is. buyers and sellers alike seem • d to hoid off for a while to see wlraf Congressional legislation is going ' .ko on tlie financial question, and also - • what is to coiue of the impeachment The future i- considered uncertain, . until the fog clears up, these eoiu- at, of dullness are likely to prevail. . ie wholesale dry goods dealers of .»• .lvl\ii have been in consultation upon proposition to reduce tlie salaries of .. -.VrLs thirty per cent, on and after l't of January, owing to tlie ruinous line in goods and consequently heavy To thk Prm.ic.—We. the undersinged Tt.-m»>-rs oi Chattahoochee Lodge. No. 192, !in. Chambers countv. Ala., take this rt* to guard the fraternity and tlie ■•ii<- generally against one Wm. R. White, vtive of Tennessee, blit lias been living •rt*i<* la-t six or eight months at this i .a. .• engagit] in teaching a school. The *»! i 'V hit* has seduced a young lady of -■* -t family, a girl placet! under his charge 811*1 aitno-t a child; furthermore, he has :’ivl*> attempts upon tin* virtue of other w«*nit*er> of hi< school; lie is also a member f ’C i-h'in-h anil sometimes preaches; he - u,-i’ |**>sted in masonry, and upon tlie **■"•*' w,-il calculated to deceive any com- it>. affable in manners and well edtt- *' a Miit thirty years of age, five feet Hnitkd States Court pob Southbrn District of Georgia—District Court— Hon. John Krakine, Judge Presiding—No- vkmhmk, 16. 1867.—Hx-Governor Brown, counsel for Foster Blodgett, filed an affida vit, sworn to by' said Blodgett, in open Court, tending to prove that tie (Blodgett) had some months ago received information from Colonel Fitch, District Attorney, that a charge of perjury would be preferred against him before the grand jury at the f resent term of the Court; that Colonel itch promised to allow, his (Elodgett’s) witnesses to go before the grand jury • and, also, that he had been informed auu be lieved that Colonel Fitch w as sick in the city of New York when the Court met; and, therefore, he considered it doubtful whether his case could be brought before the present grand j ury. Tlie object of this affidavit was stated by the counsel to be, to show that there was a charge against Mr. Blodgett now landing be. J7"Lite grand jury, and also to show why he did not challenge said jurors be fore they were sworn. Colonel Fitch, District Attorney, then resumed his argument in opposition to tlie motion of ex-Governor Brown as counsel, to be permitted to challenge certain mem bers of the grand jury on the ground that they had been engaged in the late rebellion, in the course of which he read numerous authorities in support of the proposition that an individual member of the grand jury cannot be challenged after lie has been sworn, except for a cause which has arisen sinee he was sworn. Counsel for Mr. Blodgett, in reply to the argument of Colonel Fitch, insisted that the Act of Congress of the 17th of June, 1862, was not passed exclusively for the! SUBSCRIPTION.—One copy, on tear, $6.40; *IX MONTHS. 84.U0; THREE MONTHS, $9.00; ANT LUI cxkiod, SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER MONTH. TERMS OF WEEKLY: One copy one year $3 00 Two copies one year 5 0o Five copies one year 10 00 Ten copies one year (and one free to the per son forming the club.) 20 00 Subscriptions u> both editions will be received for six. mouths, at rates corresponding with the foregoing terms. V LUTISIN’G.—Cards in City Directory. 101 lu exceed live lines., $12.00 per annum. Special t auc.l notice* FIFTEEN CANTS per line for iirst insertion,and Five Gents per line thereafter. The ante charges will be made for advertisements •coupling less than a square, obituaries, and all articles ol n persona) nature. Except in cases 01 special contract, other advertisements will be 3barged the following rates: One St|L are, one insertion, “ two insertions, ’* “ three insertions, “ “ one week, “ one month • “ w three months. - - Sheriff’s sales, per levy of ten lines or less.. .$9 BO i Sheriff ’6 Mortgage II. fa. sales, per square 6 00 Tax Collectors’s sales, per square B 00 Citations for letters of Administration 3 0b Citations for Letters of Guardianship 8 a Letters of application for dismission from Administration 4 b Letters of application for dismission from Guardianship 8 is Applications for leave to sell Land 6 0 Notices to Debtors and Creditors 3 ■>. Sales of Land, etc., per square f» 1>) ■sales of perishable property, 10 days, per aqr. 1 50 Kstray Notices. 30 days 3 00 Foreclosure of Mortgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00 1TM 8 REQUIRED FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. Sales of Lund, etc., by Administrators, Execu tors or Guardians, are required by law to be held 011 the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the af ternoon, at the court House in the county in w iiicb tue property i* situated. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette 40 da., s previous to the day of sale. .Notice* of me sale of personal property must be given in like manner 10 days previous to the day of sale. Notices to the debtors and creditors of an estate must also be published 40 days. Notice that application will be mfcde to the Court of ordinary for leave to sell Land, et«., must be published for two months. Citations for letters of Administration. Guar dianship. etc., must be published 80 days; for dis mission from Administration, monthly 6 month#; for dismission from Guardianship 40 days. Rules fur foreclosure of Mortgage mutt he pub lished monthly fer 4 months; for establishing lest papers, fur the full space of 8 months; for com pelling titles from Executors or Administrators, where bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three meutns. Publications will always be continued accord, ing to these, the legal requirements, unless other wise ordered. tSTLIBERAL DEDUCTIONS will be made to > early advertisers. gUff* All transient and fereiga advertisements must be prepaid to secure publication. Ail letters on business, or communications for publication, must be addressed to SCRUGGS & DUMBLK. Atlanta fta. thiUrwui t*c.h«4UUe». City Business Directory. WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. AC. WM. BOLLMAN, Dealer in AVatches. Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Pens. Spectacles, fcc., Whitehall street, 2d door above M. kf.i.d&l.vnch & Co.’s Book Store, Atlanta, Ga. Repairing in good style and warranted. novl2—dly ROOTS A SHOES. JUfT* WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD— lSSniUes— Fare. 5\ cents per mile.—Campbell Wallace, Superintendent; John B. Peck. Master Transportation; Wm. W.Clayton, Treasurer; Ira H. Taylor, Auditor; J. II. Flynn, Master Machi nist; W. G. Gkamling, S C. Shops; Charles B. W'allack. Gen Agent; W. R. Webster. Genera) Ticket Ageul; R. A. Bacon. Gen’l Freight Agent; John M IlRiin,E8, Ageni ,.l Allunm. NJGHT PAdSENOtR TRAIN—DAII-Y. Leave Atlanta .... 7.00 P.M. Arrive at Chattanooga - - 4.00 A.M. Leave Chattanooga ... 4.30 P.M. Arrive at Dalton ... 7.18 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta . - 1.85 A.M. DAILY FABSKNUKK TRAIN—DAILY, (except Suudays). Leave Atlanta ... - 8.00 A.M. Leave Dalton ... 9.55 P.M. Arrive at Chattanooga • - 5.26 P.M. Leave Chattanooga - 4.50 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta ... 1.15 P.M. DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—DAILY, fexoept Sundays). Leave Atlanta - .8.16 P.M. Arrtva at Dalton ... 11.40 P.M. Dense Dalton .... 1.90 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta - - - 10,30 A.M. iViJT* GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—Fare ‘ * enta per mile.—John P. Kino, President; R. < out, Superintendent; G,T. Anderson, Agent * v. vnta. DAY PA88KNOKR TRAIN. • 0 Atlanta 5 00 A.M. • .ve at Augusta 6.45 P.M. i-aave Augusta 5.00 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 6.00 P.M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7.15 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 6.10 A.M. Leave Augusta 6 00 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.15 A.M. NIGHT THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 6.40 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 9.67 A.M. Leave Augusta 610 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta ».0f> A M MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD—103 miles—Fare, five cents per mile—A. J. White, President; E. B. Walxek, Superintendent; R. A. Anderson, Agent at Atlanta: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon .... 7 45 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta • - - 9 00 P.M. Leave Atlanta .... 7.15 A.M. Arrive at Maoon ... 1.30 P.M. Leave Macon - 8.40 P.M. Arrive Ip Atlanta .... 4.90 A.M. Leave Atlanta .... 7.14 P.M- Arrive la Macon ... 4.10 a.M. _ ATLANTA A WEST POINT MAIL* ROAD—87 miles—Fare, per mile—JOHN P. King, President; S. P. Grant, Superintendent; R. M. Farrar, Agent at Atlanta: Day PASSRNUXR TRAIN—GOING OUT. Leave Atlanta 7.00 AM. Arrive at Wes* Point 19.00 M. DAT FA8SENUKB TRAIN—COMING IN. Leave West Point 12.40 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 5.80 P.M. ■Sy MONTGOMERY A WEST POINT RAIL ROAD.—Daniel H. Cram, Superintendent. Leave West Point - - 10.15 A.M. Arrive at Columbus ... 1.44 P.M. Arrive at Montgomery ... 4.25 P.M. Leave Montgomery ... 7.00 A.M. Leave Columbus - - - 1.11 P.M. Arrive at West Point . - 1.03 P.M. WBSTERY & ATLi\T!(] RAILROAD. WHERE The people can trade at the best advantage is ot Interest to all, but in calling "attention to .lur house, we shall not say at this time that we i>o keep the ‘‘largest stock,” “best goods,” at won- drously LOW PRICE?, etc., prefering that YOU QK and after June 18th, 1867, Passenger Trains BOOTS, SHOES and LEATHER. ' * NEW STORE—NEW GOODS Extra inducements to buyers at Wholesale i and Retail. Peachtree street, opposite Cox A Hill. my2‘*-0.n GF;0. W. PRICE. r'ill run as follows: GOING NORTH. LEAVING ATLANTA l 4*** 4- V- HxiLY (EXCEPT SUNDAY8) EXPRESS , I * PASSENGER.—Arrive at Dalton at 2.3<> r. M., connecting with E. T. and Ga. R. R trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New visit our store, which you certainly ought to do, and if you BUY we will guaranty that you will not Iregret it. YOUR «vb Interest demands a trial of our BOOTS AND SHOES? MKUCUASTS AND GROCER A A B OI I), WALLS & CO., Dealers in Produce, Staple and Fancy Groceries, llats, Caps, York. Arrive at Chattanooga '5.25 connecting with-trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louis ville, and tlie West, and trains of Mem phis and Charleston Railroad for Mem- 1,oots, Shoes and Notions; Hardware, &c., &c. Call and examine our stock. BOYD, WALLS A CO.. nov7-d3nt Cor Peter* and F’orsyth streets. phis. New Orleans, etc. ?. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac- A DAIR A REESE, AUCTION AND COMMISSION Merchants. Sign, Auction House. White hall street, Atlanta, Ga. fe20—lv P ETER LYNCH, Wholesale and Retail Gro cer, and dealer in Varieties, Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. fe23—ly AAINtj A PARROTT, WHOLESALE GRO- - . _ CERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, protection Of tlie Government, but tor tlie j (granite Front, Peachtree street. Atlanta, Ga. protection of every citiKen of tlie Govern- j fe29—ly U50 P COMMODATION.—Arrive at Marietta 5.45. Cartcrsville 8.06, Kingston 9:00, Dalton 12.26. "7.00 P. M. Daily Great Northern Mail.—Arrive at Dalton at 1.15 a. m., connecting with E. T. and Ga. R. R. trains for Knoxville, Lyeh- burg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia, and New Yoke, arrive at Chatta nooga 4 10 a. M.. connecting with trains ol Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville. Louisville, and the West, and trains of the Memph is and Charleston Rail road lbr Memphis, New Orleans, etc COMING SOUTH. meut, and therefore tlie right of challenge is not confined to the legal representative of the Government, and in support of this construction of the statute he referred to tin* settled policy of the Government, j giving the accused a decided advantage! over the Government, in tlie right toj challenge the jurors oy whom he is to , he tried. He also showed that he had made j his motion to challenge the jurors at the; earliest moment when it could be made i after Mr. Blodgett had notice that his case i J. ROBERT A CO., General Commission ■ A R R I V E Merchants, and Agents for Manufacturers TJridt and Producers, at the Bridge, on Broad street and railroad, Atlanta, Ga. A. J. ROBERT, ap9-ly F. W. ROBERT. J OHN C. ROGERS, Dealer in Family Gro ceries and Country Produce, Whitehall, one door from Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga Choice Hams always on hand. angS—6m BARKERS AND BROKERS i - : c* .n height.dark curly hair, heavy was pending before the grand jury, and » '-»* r- uni lair complected. I lx-fore they had found a hill—no final 'iid n li it <■ has a wife and family; he Uii» !>'• ■*•■*• i.*r • obiinbtis. Ga.. where lie re-ided. All newspapers *> ’<• ui>** iliiv hand him around. ' J. M. I.ovk, \V. M. K. \V. Shanks. S. v\'. J. I>. Glass. I». F. A vast, 11. 1’aI.HOI’N. ItKNJ. TaNKKKSI.KY. John Lamb, T. J. Richmond Brown. /*•»**! OfwtTW. rpHE GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK, Bank L Block, Alabama s’.ieet. John Rice, Presi dent; FI. L. JoNES,Ca*f.ier; Darwin G. Jones, Tel ler; Edward H. Joves, Book-Keeper. DIREC TORS—John Rice, John Collier, E. E. Hawson, S. \ Durand W. »V U layum fe20—lv J U. JAMES, BANKER AND BROKER, At- . lanta. G., ini.,* and sell* Gold, Silver, Bonds, stocks, and Bank Bills. Exchanges Bonds, makes vestments tor parties in Bonds and Stocks; interest on Deposits when left for two or longer. fe20—ly M G. DOBBINS & CO., BROKERS, corner ot * Whin ual! and Alabama streets. action having yet he* 11 had on his case. After tlie conclusion of the argument of ex-Governor Brown,theGourt granted the ! petition of Mr. Blodgett, and ruled that the J right of challenge under the first section ot t j)cws tlie Act of Congress, belonged as well to'month : tlie accused as to the Government, and ap- i plied as well to grand jurors as to petit ju rors, and is possessed by every person Reference!.—Trisbee & Roberts, New York; Hop- a-Minst whom a criminal charge may be, kins. Trow bridge A Dwight New York; B. H. .. , , . ■»*„ barren, mgiista, <»a.; D. F. Fleming, charleston, preferred, Ultil that Ml. .Blod^c.t bating, s. C.; J. 1>- LunningAam, Montgomery, Ala.; R. moved to challenge tlie jurors at the earll-; Peters. Atlanta: l't Austell, Atlanta; Edward est time that he could be heard by the F nbio.ion*. savannah. Ga. te2o—iy /| e lms a right to be licanl. , ilant.v national bank—de&tgna- The Court then liiforiueu the grand .in- y y h oKPo.-iTouY of the united ! a - 1: 1V\y to Anvkrtisk?—A gentle- rors that when any one of them was eiiui- ; sT vXEs. a. austsll. President; W. h. tuller, man doing husines-in Boston, while trav- lenged, the oath prescribed in the second : cohier. directors a. Austell, M G. Dob ’ll ing in the ears a year or two since, took section of the Act of Congress of the 17thof, ‘^^^trentli^wtotlS inAuSxu a * opy .»f tlie London Punch with which June, 1862. would lie read to linn, and ll be and through this section. Prompt returns made to reliev ney; and stocked t<***k to reading the advertisements. At then called, and the' oath read to them by last, in a remote corner, he disn’overetl an the Clerk of the Court, whereupon all the announcement, af*out half an inch in length jurors challenged, with the exception of which told him w here an article he dealt! Martin Duggan and John S. Sturtevant. largely in could lie promired in England ; declined to take the oath, and retired from and. t>eing one of the shrewd, sharp kind | the jury box. , ; «>• »- he wrote for a price list, tlie j Tiie tniced States Marshal was then di- re-u’.t of which was that he sent them an 1 rected to summon thirty-six additional amounting to several hundred \ grand jurors from the body of tlie District MAIL STAGE LINE FROM ATLANTA T(JJ>A 11 LON EGA.— Leave Atlanta Mom lay, Wednesday and Friday - H.00 A.M. Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7.00 P.M. New Freight Koute. NEW ORLEANS ; lenged, the oath prescribed in the secoi ; section of the Act of Congress of the 17th j j June. 1862. would he read to him, and if = ^ re the monotony of a tedious jour- did not choose to take it, lie should retire at the lowest current rates. Our"New York Cor-1 id having finished reading its well from the box. respondent, the Fourth National Bank to whom I columns of -fact, fun and fancy,” j Tlie names of the jurors objected to were, were er . ATLANTA VIA GRAND JUNCTION A CHATTANOOGA. SALOONS. C CHICAGO ALE DEPOT—M. E. KENNY Pro- j prietor dealer in Brandies, Wines, Whiskies and Sugars. Chicago Ale always on hand. No. 14 Alabama street. Atlanta, Ga. aug4—6m ALL RAIL. attorneys. No onl ;*oi.n *- sterling, and during the year his! to appear in Court at twelve o'clock, 11,; TtreetT piriin r, visiting Europe, left another or-j on Monday next, to which hour the Court 1 mh94 r. and they still remain good customers.; adjourned.—Sat. liepublican. IAAR A lston a wtnn. attorneys at law, At lanta, Ga. Oaice, Granite Block, Broad KOBT. A. ALSTON, m624-6m L. J. WINN. Charge for Insurance, Droyage, Com missions or Forwarding. An this was the result of tTie half inch ad Y'-rtiseinent. Who will sav tliat it doe not pay to advertise ? adjourned. Itepublican. How to Makk Dry Cellars.—Where the 1 soil is fiat and heavy, or holds water like a HARROW A SIMPSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW r Whitehall and Banking House. L JC Atlanta, Ga. Office corner Whitehall and sponge, there is difficulty in making water tight cellars. The proper course is said to he to construct a large square cistern, and to erect the house over it. Round cisterns ) Mace to fight himin this j , wi11 S"* at P re ^» r * f 5° m , th<f outside; .-.-000. Ma, e Is shortly ox _ i square ones w ill not, unless securely ot ,t in,*r L'miiwi* 11 1.:, : 11 1 m .1 lied. Besides, if the A t hai.lknge Bebtwekx the English ' hamhuns to Fight in this Country—j ViaoOnr from the Irish Giant to Me-' 1 x-O'Buldwin. the Irish Giant, has j ehallegiql Jim "" ««»nntr v f.»r $ ;»’ :<• ! here, l>ut it is not know n if he will ‘ • ; t i ‘'Baldwin's ehallenge. Mao- isun- • r U*n.G not to figlit in England for one . r O'Bald win lias also forwarded a - '■ ng<* to Mike MeCoole to fight in Eng- . r * • ” r Am*‘riea for $."i.IKK). It is th<»ugnt Alabama streets, over Jaaics Entrance on Alabama street. H. P. FARROW, fe90—ly O. F. SIMPSON. INS CHANCE. large, and water has access under them, the pressure might lift thefloorsof the cel lars in spots. This is obviated by flagging with fiat stones or laying a course of bricks 1 or plank upon the front layer of cement.— j A etna life insurance company— A*»ets, $5.000,000. Wm. Jennings, General Agent, Lynch's Building, corner ol' Alabama and W bitehail streets, second floor. my9-ly floors are very [ = — ■■ - 1 The following low rate has beea agreed to, taking effect JULY 20th, 1867: ; 1st Class per 100 pounds $1.75 , 2d Class per 100 pounds I 50 , 3d Class per 1U0 pounds 1.25 4tta Class per 100 pounds *1.00 Through Bills of Lading will be given at point of shipment, and all loss, damage and overcharges will l*e promptly settled at point of delivery. Tariff, showing cl ass ill cation, etc., may he ob tained at oilioe of Western A Atlantic Railroad. j>*24—3m JOHN B. PECK. 51. X. HARDWARE MATERIALS. li°° F I N G licit J im Elliot w ill jrive tlie Irish GHnt ai 1 * i, i rtiliun wall* of stone or brick will not call -b uild they figln here. There w ill he onl V secure both the outer or foundation given quite an ovation to the big boy on WbitebaJlstreet. Iron, Steel, Nails, Uar- f »^>rialfe materials. Tool- for all trades. Build ^^UFtng Materials. Hoping Cloths. Farming Implements. J. M. A J. C. ALEXANDER. sep2t>- dHin ROOFING. ROOFING Lis arrival. l'rince Murat ha* fought another dn.' ; —with the Marquia de Guillet—and woan c*l him. I.ady in the case. ll Having established a Manufactory of the well known ! Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofing, TOMMEY A STEWART. Dealers in The undersigned would call tlie spccialjattentlot ardwakx. Iron and steel cutlery, of builders, and persons aiiout to build, to this ools of all kinds. IIarnfss Bridles. STYLE OF ROOFING. It is cheaper and more OLLARI?. Leather, etc . Sign of the Mill durable than anv other Roofing in use, and is Iy secure both the outer or foundation w alls and the floor, but add greatly to the coolness of the cellar. These w alls should be carried up at the time that the founda- * oli.ars. Leather, etc . sign of the Mill tion w alls are laid and bedded, but carried I Saw and Game Cock, Whitehall Street. Atlanta, FIKK-PKOOF. and has been thoroughly tested, as up in cement. One-tliird goo*l hydraulic ' Georgia. aug2— 6m 1 can be seen by reference. liin«* (or cement) and two-thirds sharp clean sand, make a good cement mortar. PHYSIC! * ys t®*The Davenport Ii*.»vs are still untv ueir spiritualistic knots for Austrian ; «■ u ng, BT hi- ( cr..L ; aim ii, The tailor-' strike in London cost the !U!;gl. besides almost double that .t .1; lost wages. in." W O. YSHKR his removed his office from Xorc.ros* tho junction of Mari- •tra and Walton streeis. win re he can he found at all hour* \\ non not prolessionally eng »ged sep2i—d6in ALL WORK W ARK ANTED. Roofing of all kinds rep ired. Rooting Felt and Roofing Material for Sale. Sample- and references can be seen a' the cor ner of Whitehall ami Mitchell streets, or at the 51 an 11 factory, on Font? Iry tt'Mt.rearof’Win-hip's Foundry. I•>. A. SMITH. je26—fiui of which we have 8 inppiy sufficientfor ALL, anil sizes, styles and quality, good enough lor any body. Also, Leather and Shoe Findings. The trade .of Country Merchant* is especially solicited. 150 cases New Goodsjnst in. Our Motto—Quick Sals* and S/niiU Projlts for CASH. Remember the Sign and the Place, I. T. BANKS, Corner Whitehall ami Hunter streets. sep’-K*— c “Plague Take the Hindmost!” SWAN80N, BOYKIN & CO., WH0LB8ALS AND BITAIL DRU GGISTS ROARK'S CORNER, Whitehall street Atlanta, Ga. P HYSICIANS, Dealers, Country Merchants and the public generally, are invited to call and examine our laruk and varied a&sortmeut of PUKE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, We buy entirely from Importers and Manufac turers, and we feel confident that \v*j can give en tire satisfaction to all who will corte and price our goods. We keep constantly on hand " indow Glass. Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Bn. .ics. Combs, Perfumery, Toilet soaps, Fancy Articles, &<•,., and in fact everything usually found iu a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. A large supply id' F. W. Devoe’s celebrated GENUINE (Diamond S) WHITE LEAD, on hand and to arrive. Contractors and Painters will find it to their Interest to give us a call betore purchashing elsewhere. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED BY A COMPETENT PHA RMA CEUTIST. Call and examine for yourselves. Now is tlie InieW-get vimr Drugs Cheap, for. 1 Cash, sepl—d3ni SWANSON, BOYKIN A CO. GORDON SHERIFF SAL*S FOR DE CEMBER, 1867. WILL be sold before the Court House door. In tho town of Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga. within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tue day in December next, the following property to-wit; One lot of land No. 131 in the 7lh district and 3d section of Gordon county. Levied on as the prop erty of M. M. Douglass, to satl-fy one Superior ' ' W. It * Court fl. fa. in favor of Zeturi W. Jackson v«. said Douglass. Property pointed out by defendant. Also, at the same time and place will he sold lot of land No. 280 in the 14th district and 21 section of Gordon county, Ga. Levied on as the pmpertv of Stark A Brown, to satisfy one Superior * ourt ll. la. in favor of Jesse Bum vs. Wofford I Brown and Stark A. Brown. Property {Minted out by defendant, Stark A. Brown. Also, at the same time and place will be soi l one house and lot in the town of Calhoun. No. 4 in 4th section, running back 150 feet to Knott street, running back on Wall street, fronting UI0 feet. Levied on as the property of II. 8. Davenport, trustee, &c., principal, James Lay, •ecurity, and John Hawkins, endorser, to satisly one Superior Courts, fa. In favor of Joseph L. Printup. Prop erty pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at the same time and plaoa will be sold lot 01 land, number not known, bat the place whereon. Berry Honk now lives, known as the Doson place In the 6th district and 3d section of Gordon ooun ty, adjoining the widow Walker. Thomas Beeoe and others, as the property of defendants. Prop erty pointed out by J. N. Carter one of the en dorsers to satisfy one Justices’ Court fi. fa. in fa vor of John Bmitn vs. W. R. Woodward andC. Woodward, maker, Carter A Ingles, endorser. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Also, at the same time and place will be sold ona lot«,f land No. 300 in the 14tn district and 3d sec tion of Gonion county. Levied on as the property of George Kiker, in favor of I,. E. Ifob-on, execu tor, Ac., vs. George Kiker, maker, and J. A. Wil liams, endorser. Levied *n and returned to me by a Constable. Also, at the sarno time and place will lie sold lot of land No. 267 in the 13th district and 3d-oction of Gordon county, ns the property of John 1 Green, to satisfy one Superior Court fl. fa in favor of M. C. Jackson. Property {>ointedout by plain tiff's attorney. Also, will be sold at the same time and place lot of land No. 83 in the7th Ui*trict and 3d section of Gordon county. Levied on as the property John A. Pulliam, to satisfy one Superior Court U fa. in favor of Bennett ii. Conyers vs. John A. Williams and Samuel Pulliam, maker, and Win Meilea nt an. endorser. Property pointed out by plain tiffs attorney. Also, at the same time and place will bo sold lot of land No. 83 in the 7th district and 3d soc.tiou of Gordon county. Levied on aa the -property of John A. Pulliam, to satisfy one Superior (ourt fl. fa. In favor or B. H. Conyers vs. John A. Pulliam, and Samuel Pulliam, and J. M. Field, security oa stay. Property pointed out by plaintiff - » attor ney. Also, at the same time and place will be sold oae lot of land number not known, but is known aa the place whereon P. C. Demsey now lives, ad joining widow Spencer and other*, lu UirCib district and 3d section of Gordon county. levied on as tho property of L. Satterfield, to satisfy one Justices’Court n. fa. in favor of T. A. Foster Levied on and returned to mo bv a Constable. Also, at the same time and place will l>e sold lots of land Nos 203 and NT>. 1M lu the 973d district of Gonion county. Levied on as the projwrtyof John C. Phillips, to satisfy four Justices’ Court ti. fas. one in favor of W in. H. Morris, and one in fa vor of W. J. Clark, administrator. Ac., and two in favor of R. M. Young and J. W. W. Jackson, sur vivors, Ac. Levied ou aud returned to me by a Bailiff. For Family Use Liver and Kidney Complaints Sold bv by all Druggists, Grocers, Ac. A. M. BININGKK A CO. (established 1778.) Importers of Wines. Brandies. Ac., No. 15 Beaver street, New York. sep21—d6in AT ATLANTA. 1.41 A. M. Daily Great Southern Mail.—Leav ing Chattanooua 4.30 p. m., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, and Memphis and Charleston Railroads and Dalton at 7 50 p M. connecting with trains of E. T and Ga. Railroads. 9.45 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac commodation—Leave Dalton at 1.25 a. m.. Kingston 4 30, Cartcrsville 5.15, Marietta 8. 12.05 P. Al. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 3.20 a. m.. making close connections with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga, and Mem phis and Charleston Railroads, and Dal ton al 6.25 a. m., connecting with trains ot Ea-t Tennessee ami Georgia Railroad. PULLMAN'S PATENT SLEEPING 00ACHES ON ALL NIUHr TRAINS. JOHN B. PECK, jel8 Master Transportation. CARPETS. S. S. KENDRICK & CO. , EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RIOS, MATS, CURTAINS, CORNICES, Shade/*, Cords, Loops, Tassel'*, tlV., tar UP-STAIRS, -S3 Whitehall street Atlanta, Ga., Announce the urriva of a large and elegant stock, BOUGHT SINCE THE RECENT DECLINE, In addition to elegant novelties in Brussels and 3-PIys, They Invite Special Attention to their LOW PRICE CARPETS. Clio titrable goods at 50, 75 and $l.<h) per yard rtrd.-r- irom a distance solicited at d carefullv rented S. 8. KENDUIuK A CO., jctl 1—JMstjan Atlanta, Ga. SIOVE WARE HOUSE. Now in (lie time to Piirc-lmse a hood Stove, without Risk, Also, at the same time and place will la* sold lot of land number not known, but known a* thr place whereon David II. Collins now lives levied cn as the property of I>. II. Collies, to satisfy one Superior Court fl. fa. in favor Charles Horton v- David II. Collins, James M. ltcnman and IS. T Hill. Property pointed out by diaries llorton, plaintiff. Also, will be sold at the same time md place. tw» lots of land in Gordon county, number.- not fc'novrti, but t* bourn}*a* .YU®w tenth '•> i tin. north by Wilson’s place, west by Peters’ tarnt, east by L. 11. Fox. aud one house and lo- iu Calhoun, bounded a- billows: south l,y T. A. Fos ter, west by K. M. Young, cast by L. N Trammell, and one vacant lot lying west of the railroad, bounded by B. L. Key on the south, and Itoitndcd on the north by Dr.' Hunt. All levied on as the property of defendant to satisfy one Mipcrior t ourt ll. la. in favorof Charles Chandler vs. It. L. Wilson, administrator of G. J Fain, deceased, and Jonah Bagwell, security. Property pointed out by surety. Also, at the same time and place will l»c sold two lots of land in Gordon county, nnmiiers not known, but is hounded as follows: soulh by Curtin, north by Wilson's place, west by Peters’ (arm, east by II. to\, and one house and lot tn the town of 'Calhoun, bounded as follows: scutth by T. A. Foster, west by It. Young, east by L. N Trammell, and also one vacant lot lyingonthi: west side of the railroad, ltounded by II. L. Key, on the south, and bounded on the north by 1 *’r Hunt. All levied on as the defendant's property tosatisfyonc Superior Court in favorof Jo* iah Bagwell vs. It. E. Wil-on, administrator'of G. J Fain, deceased. Property pointed out by plaintiff in fl. fa. This November 2d, 1S67. Also, at tlie same time ami place will In* sold lot or parrel of land Nos. 212 and 227 in the 14th dis trict and 3d section of Gordon county, bounded east by the Western and Atlantic Kail road, south west by Oortbaloga creek, west W. H. Morris and A. P. ltalley, and northby J. W. Jackson. I.cvied on as the property of James 1». Ingles, to satisfy one Superior Court 11. fa. in favor ol .-ants ,<t < .tutu v*. James 1>. Ingles. Property pointed oat by J L. Camp. j Also, at the same time and place w ill be *< . , 1 or parcel of land Nos. 242 and 227, in the 1 Hit dt-- ] trict aud 3d section of Gordon county, Unim’t • ! east by Western and Atlantic Railroad, south west by Ooithalnga creek, west bv VV li Morris | and A. P. Bailey, and north by J. W. Jackson ; Levied 011 as the property <:1 James D I satisly one Superior »:<mrl li fa. in tV. i Sclinuii .v to. vs. said delci.d uit ! pointed ont by J. L Camp. I Also, a* the same time and place will , west part t A w n lots, nnnil*cr* .n-e »i I tiie 2d secti-hi «>f tlie tow n of < .Biioun 1 tiiining ill' v feet Holding toe sir. . t ,, s , : the WesH i'n and .’.dantio a at • seventy-live f>‘> t k, and know 1 ,.s •; I corner! Lev led on a* the prn|M-rty <d i | ant lusa'islv f.01 Miperior Urn of P. W & Win. i’mitup Ii •1«, l’l. II 1 ti las. s .i.I .i« AND AT REDUCED TRICES. I beg to inform the citizens of At- ^ lanta. and surrounding country, that I have on hand a good assortment ofJgBV BAKING and COOKING SroVES,’^^ which I will warrant. Anv Stoves purchased of me and cracking during the first month will be re paired free of charge. All Stoves purchased else where that do not Bake or Cook, repaired. All kinds of Stoves repaired. Old Stoves taken in ex change. I also constantly keep on hand a good supply o; Stoves, Grates, Hollow Ware, Planished Ware, fin Ware. Tin and Sheet Iron, Lamps, Ac., at Wholesale and Retail. Tin Ware, ltoofing and Guttering and all kindsof work done in that line done at short notice The BEST KEROSENE OIL constantly kept ou hand. Grates put up and warranted. L. MIHALOVITCH, Sign of Gilt Key, Whitehall, near Mitchell street. oct3—d3m Atlanta, Ga. perty pointed out by plaintiffs attorney Also, at Die same time and pla< e w ill be -< 1 i lot ot land No. 215 in tiie 7th d.sliiet and 3d c- tion of Gordon eounty. Levied on u- the proper ty of J. II. Willingham, to *ati»fv one Superior Court fi. fa. in lavor of William Montgomery y. J. If. Willingham, ami J. Willingham, security Property pointed out by defendant. This the 2d duy of November, lt4»7. JOHN GRESHAM. Sheriff nov5—wtds [Printer's fee $43.50. McBRIDE & FORDEN’S GREAT REMEDY “KING OF PAIN,” WILL CURE D iarrhoea, bloody flux. Headache and Karaehe. in three minutes Toothache in one minute. .-ore Throat in ten minutes, t o'ic and Cramp in five minutes. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains, Pleurisy, Coughs, (_(,id- Deafness, A-tntna, Piles. Bronchi d \(lections. i;yspep*ia, I'lrtamati-u, of the Kindnej*, Liver » oinplaint and PuliHtatioii ol the Heart. PlUufc, fi I’KK BolTLK Oilier* p.oniptly attended to. For sale by JOHN T. HALL, Sole Agent. Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets, Atlanta, Ga. REMEMBER THE PLACE. OCt2-dtt*w3iil BANKING HOUSE JAY COOKE & CO*. No. 20 WALL STREET* Cor. of Nassau street. New York. W 'E buy and sell at the most li)>eral current tirices, and keep on liami a Tull supply of GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL !"(>>. SEVEN THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and cxecuteordcrs for purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS uud GOLD. CONVERSIONS We convert the several issues of Sxven-Thie- tiks at the most favorable market rate* into I ivc- Tweuties, which, at present pi ice of gold, yield the holder about one per cent, more interest per annum. Circulars with full particulars luruixhed upon application. aug27—dSm JAY COOKE A CO. GEORGIA. Gwinnett county. FOR SALE. A SPLENDID IlDlsE AND I.OT IX ,. Marietta 'or sale; >»•<' lid house H im ’he m JA. public square ou “ Natioi ai t eiut tcry jtn-et:” house n ilti live well pla-ieicd i.« 1 gurictl and cellai. double kit. li en. w ith stack chimney gotsl -table and «picr.<:ul garden a> good well of water as there is in the whole country. Everything in good condition. Shade tree* in front and fruit tree* in the rear.— For full particular* apply to It. W. VANDYKE, At Ford, 1! ightowor A (o'. Atlanta, Or J. T. LtiM EK1, augl6—dtf Marietta Ga pwo MONTHS after d,.te application will lie rp ... .... _ r , I made to the Co irt o' > •iJiu.try of sai«l county. lor leave 10 sell the r 1' H «rtha Maltbie. •nce.i-c«l ttiesame wisl-un? ol'ihtee shares wf Go: g:a Railroad Stock WALTER 8. MALTBIE. Adtn’r. September 26,18>iT—w2«i ^Urs fee $V S. KOTUauHILD S. II O T 11 sum I. I) A into., WHoLUSAUX DKlll.KS IN BOOTS Sc SHOES, 21 Wurrcn vlrcet, New lurk. ail?28—d3n