The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 25, 1867, Image 1

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**!'! nii ■ VOL. I.—NO. a AT LA NT A. (i MONDAY : EVENING, NOVEMBER 2 5, PRICE—5 CENTS. the mil* bT * 1. *CBO(K»« Ain? J. B. BUMBLE. g (e . Central »■«*■«. •«»** BU»mEw%H The r*Kiti«B«t Chief j u.tice Cbsoe. Skw York, Not . fl; TNkt. * 5 ^Loffc> |<w>dtu <* ar ■M , y KirrioN —«*»«■ e *v5 •** f***- #* w< , **”!*£** T ib » • 1 “h\ ENTS ►iVK ofcNf? Tliii* jfofitlomiA ciiVii^Pfr Neb* Yofk Ht»r wpuk for t1»* j*ur|ic»*« of meeting hi* <i>*u^hters..ii tiieir way trow fiurqpt*. 1*vhip. lit- pin up at lire Metropolitan ill a ailj;;l wav. but as thr Herald. World. and tuber PEC MONTH. | jouVnals Itatw made Lis uamp protiiijn-ot |Y a C»l<Te per lisro thereafter. The trill I* uiiuie »i advertisement* r-vr;c. ^ n °",L.. *1 . pervjtial nature, Except In caaas «. a 'V. jal .wutr»*t. other adnsTtlMsineotto will be h ,/gnjd the tollowlne rates; Os* kus.uu« insertion. in* iuxrtiow, three liiM-rtl***, • • . •• umv week • • *• .»»*• month ... - “ three uioutns. • * „ •. *,er levy of ton line* or lest sm-nfl > M.>rV,agc tl f» i-Hes. per square <1 . . ..Hector?'* -ale*. per-*.juare . n„„.|,.i ..rtler* id A^hulnlslration... . i- ,tfor ia-tters of Guardianship ffl.OU 1 00 UU* spoke events. alarmed or tulntuied of his utterances. He said tlufiDthere was .lotliing alarming <ar illslieartenlnn in the late defeats. The «M Whiff pwrtv. the Democratic onrty. and the old Ftwe-soil party had all in their lissre Mo ; suflenxI'Jeleat. without in any way fan- id«' ; pairingtlicir vitality. Tlmt it was n |*oym- i lar erwr to suppose tiiat parties were amt 5 oo as necessary to a free people as any part of . ft uo a constitutional Government. Tiiat the 3 Wi on j^ difference between defeat now and 800 ilefrwt in the past was to lie found i*s i£he {rrawvjifpiestiohs now at issue. Tltcy went notsni!y to tlie foundations of tlie (ieveiTi- iinsEit itself, but carried shame »*• wood re pute in their solution. TWs very fact should makeu- itsipeful. and save iis from absurd pastae. The Awsriran people will not abandon an or- •fxirt/ut ion that basso proud a record in t’w past. and so much responsiliilfcjr in the ... ..uaufUus. arc I'emmeUl.j law lobe liHil ts'SurP. when, by so (loin;;, it owifosses i.. ur-i i u«-dav in il»e month. Iietween the judgement to a shame that will cfliug to us ■ . i ivii In tin. Sbrenoou ami three in the af- ^, r yy er . The late defeats could lie attributed, in »t application tor dismission from .luinisscatioti •••••• •, 420 I rii* r« of application Sor disinUsion from I ... . i. aiiai.. fu leave to; sell (.and to» l»*:la»»i* amiCreditors i„imi etc., |ivi •s , (i*are .. ,.i (wtrishaHle |)i«wevlj . 10 days, per sqr. f-l ... S<ill«ii>. IU ila>» }. ' ..t n- ..|'.M«»rlrfu*»v, v>cr *. t r. each tone... ,-luv. itf iyriKKHKiWt I.KIiAI. AliVKKTinlXU. mi l_unl etc.. Oy Administrators. Kxvcu- tars 3 00 5 00 3 uu 5 00 ! t 50 3 I 1 00 Gw.vi3t.tL Obdkbv. h'o. ht.vd >yh»^siras. By General Orders Xo. 69. from tips- Ifetniqiiarters; ‘dated S'ptemher In. 1hi;T. an Rlii t1«m was onierwl to Ik* held in the State of Georgia, on tlie Twenty-ninth. Thirtieth and Thirty-first day> of Oetolmr. 81k snld ltd Me- 'whirrh Coll* for the relal tlierwr- migiit . , . „ ,, , iivk iui ii ei'UTi iinun. wr-nCTiim nOoii* i . . fr< ^!y . a,, l ^ frankly on late i rentlon. ’ and for delegates to ctmstitute d iii* friends had no reason u» 1* j t ^e Convention In ca>e a majority of tlie votes given on that question should lie for a Convention, and in case a majority of all the registered voter* should have voted on the question of a Contention. And Whereas, At an election held in pur suance of said orders, ami in conformity to said Acts, there were polled on the ques tion of a Convention votes to tlie unrulier of One Hundred and Six Thousand Four Hundred and Ten, (106.410,) being more than one-half ol One Hundred and Eighty- Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Seven. (18s.647.) the whole number ot reg istered voters in said State; and of tie whole number of votes ]M>lled on fkc ques- tton of a Convrotion. One Hundred and named do meet in Convention, at Atlan ta. Unoryta, Monday, the NitUk day of De cember. IMA nnd proceed to framo »Con- stitntion and Civil Government for the i State ofGaorgfci. according to the provi sion* of tho Acts above referred to. and tlmt when tlie same shall have been »o framed tho said Constitution be submitted for mtllhuitibn to the registered voters of ■Mid .'tate as further required by law'. i John Poff, Brevet Major General Commanding. Officialr W. M. Duxn, Jr^Opt. ilst Lift i Inf’rtv. Bv t Mai. C.S. A.. Aide-de-Camp. WE IIH.’d UoUrwul schedule.a. The people can trade at the best [advantage h ot interest to all, bat In calling [attention to oar house, vre shall not say at this time that we DO keep the ‘Hargest stock,” “best goods,” at won- dnnwljr LOW PRICES, etc.. preferbt0 that YOU visit our store, which you ccrtalaly ought to do, and if you BUY we will guarante that you will mot Jregret It. YOUR own intereat demands a trial of onr BOOTS AND SHOES? «<i„««ii. at the i uart House in the county in „ n ii.c i.roiivriv is situated. Notices of these . Vi „ n,,,,! )r K iver. in a public gazette 40 <la/& -mile measure, to the ovcrwetmmg eonh- m» the due of -ale. cilence in our strength, tiiat niiHlctht .indif- OI toe sale of personal a«rent to our duty, and |sroiie to ‘Quarrel V among ourselves. It ;* providential that j-n Mu .Noti td- jrlvrffi iii to tlie debtors and creditors of an estate ; til is evil iia like aumner 10 days previ n.u-t also Ire (>ui4'-liv4 40 days. Nutiit that application v»Ul Ire made to Use ,.iirt of <ir<iiuai \ for leave to sell Laud. etc., mi—t l>«- ptibli-hvi for two months. «n .lions for letters of Administration. Uuar- 4iao-lti|>. etc., » ust Ik- |iubiishe<l HO day*; lor ilis- i •> am from Ad ministration, monthly S mouths; d,-Hii»-iirii Horn Guardianship 40 days Kuic- lor to!eclostire of Mortgage must be |»uti- -<i nioiiih)y /wi 4 months; lor sstabli-hing I<smT. . ,k-i«. tot the foil -puce of 3 months; Ibrcoie- Administrutur come to u- now, wbrnroorIons rasa barren victory tooar-eMoarie*. Next .kycar, w hen tlie real coiiticst•coined'on. the American people would awaken :to the ■danger, ami trust would he rqposed. as Heretofore. In the hands ef the thoughtful, itlre prudent, and. alaive slL the piiiriotie. were brave wards and *>t' great ."omfort to the friends of JudgedJliase.— Some one called his attr-ution to Senator r , »“^‘m!rhl*VM\M^VlvM\ 0, by W *he“^«a*»l. U.J H ade’s late ex|>ositio!i.4wade through your i,-p«. r-of turtv montas ijjoiirnal. Tlie Judge iawghed. and said he !*i.idi< aiious »di .d«ai- Ik; continued acror*!- 0 „^|,t to he assured of Ren Wade 1 * friend- .^o.the-e the h'K.d re.,uiremenU. unless. , t OI1 , v ***.«„!. tot SWore i-i orilclrd. , I . • 1^* VI. DKIH'i.TIONS Mill ik- made i»,o it. . .u a.nerti-er- It is a little singular drat a mar.'who has 1Otr vll tr»u-ieni Mild toreigi. adyertto-noeot* | M .f 0 ,e the public «s iiiiicli as Salmon . -i Ik- ,.rc|Miid i*» secure puidioatlon - - r - - - ... Vll i.-U.-r- «l> i.usiness, oi ivoiuiiiiinlcaXtonr Ik- addrc-SCd to KI GG.S tc. I if MULL VtllilltH Oil. (.'uH Directory. H.*T-JJ£a. CLOCK’S. JEWKLKY. ctC. f£ AV VI liOl.I.M \N. Iienler hi Uxtclic-. Ch ti.-. .Icvc.n. ijold Pens. Sport*. le«. .r \<- . Whileh..l! -treet. ad door atovi tt. .-J^i-.iicli X Co.'- li.wjk Store. Atlxntx, >G». i.». it. -tyle and warranted. IM.VIS—ill y 3i‘U 7> <* SHOES- iiiKiis. snot- au.l LfcATIIKIt StW 91'ORR—NEW <i4tOl>S txtra inducement* to buyers nt Wholesale Retail. I'ea. f.lree-treet. opposite Cox Hill. «ti,, GKO. W PUCE Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty- Three. (102.283.) lieltig a majority of the same, were cast fora Convention. And Whereas, At said Election the fol- lowingjnamed persons were elected as Dele gates to said Convention from the respec tive Election districts in which they were so chosen: From the FSrst Election District—C. H. Hopkins. James Stewart, A. A Bradley, Walter L. tJuflt, Isaac Seeley, W. H. D. Reynolds, il. il. Bentley, A. L. Harris. From tlie ^second Election District—T. G. Campbell. William A. Gobbling. From tlie 'UUird Election District—A. M. Moore. From tlie Fourth Eloctiuv Distiict—F. M. Smith. From the fifth Election Mstrlct—P. B. Bedford. From tlie ?»lxth Election District—Levi .T. Knight, liewis II. Roberts. From tl.e.-Sevcnth Election District—M. i C. Smith. W.C. Carson. J. -I..< Hitler. From the Eighth Klectitnc District—R. j 11. Wliiteley. B F. Powell, J»hn lligden. j From the^inth Electioniftistrict—II. H. j Dews, Charles C.! WKSTKRN a ATLANTIC RAlLBOAI>- :» a!|»—Karv. Hi cast* u*r mile.—Camhmx vl iUiCI. auperintendext; JOBM B. PwCl. Master i ran-iKirtaliou; Wu. W. Clattom, Treaimrer; Iba n TaTLOX. Auditor; J. H. FLTKM, Master Macki- ant; W. (a. GXAMLINU, *. C. Shop#; CHABUW B. W allacx. den. Agent; W. R. Wuiim, General Ticket Agent; R. A. Bacon, Gea’l Freight Agent; Juiin M TimDtlK*. Agent at AtlanU: a Mar pamkm«kb tkaik—daily. Atlanta . 7.UIP.M. Arrive at Chattanouga - 4.00 A.M. I^ave Chattanooga - 4.30 P.M. Jkrrive at Italtob ... 7.18 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta • 1.36 A.M. UAILT raaiUtMUKK TXA1S—UA1LT, 'except Sundays). Leave Atlanta - - - JJ-30 A M. ^<cnvt DbUuh • • • S.56 P.M. Arrive at Chattanooga - - 5.25 P.M.; Tlie trade .of Country Merchants is especially l-cave Chattanooga • * 50 A.M. | gol j cltC( j Arrive at Atlanta ... 1.15 P.M. DALTON ACCOMMODATION TKAIN—DAILY, 'except sumlajs). iasave Atlanta • - • 3 -i5 P.M. of which we have a (apply suffleientfor ALL, ami sixes, style* and quality, good enough lor any body. Also, Leather and Shoe Findings. Arrive at Dalton • • 11.40 P-M- 1 leave Dalton - • 1-30 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta - * 10.30 A.M. GEORGIA RAJ I-HO AD—111 miles—Pare live cent- per utile.—Jons I*. KiN”, President; K. W.Cole. superintendent.*: T. Andkxhok. Agent at Atlanta DAY rAHM1CWUKK TBAIM. Leave Atlanta ' Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive at Atlanta NIGHT FAaSHNGKK TKAIN Leave Atlanta Arrive at August*. Leave Augusta Arrive at Atlanta NIOHT THB0POH KKK1GH* TKAIN. Leave Atlaata V A.40 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 9.57 A.M. Leave Augusta ..*.10 P.M. i Arrive at Atlanta 8.05 A.M. W* MACON A WESTERN RAILROAD.—103 mfles— Fare, live cents per mile- A J. Whiti, President; E. B. Walike, Superintendent: R. A. Andkkkon, Agent at Atlanta: DAT eAHBKNGKK TKAIM. ....5.00 A.M. i ... 5.45 P.M. | ....5.00 A.M. ... .*.00 P.M. I ....7.15 P.M. j ....*.10 A.M. . . B OO P.M. ... 4.15 A M. 150 cases New Goods just in. Our Motto—Quick Sales and Small Profits for CASH. Remember the Sign and the Place, L T. BANKS, Corner Whitehall nnd Hunter streets. Rep89—c “Plague Take the Hindmost!” SWANSON, BOYKIN A CO., mOLKNALE AND KKTAIL F. eORRA, >W itrSKCUA HTS A Kb OROCEHs .\LI> »V CO. Dealers in Produce, p;e aud fancy Groceries, Hots, Cap" B'?£. and Notion t *1 ..ndrv.iiuine oul sto' k. ROY D, WALLS A CO.. io\7->U:n • or Peter- and Forsj th sLneot Hardware, Ac., Ac. DMK A KtKsfc. AiCTiON aKD Cokwhmus Kmciants sign, Auction House. White • treet. Atlanta. •»» _ Wh~il H. Wholksai.k and Kertu «no tr m*. . teas—1' A { JET J.K LY N Ct* and 'leoier in Y ariette*. Whitehall i-i toe t V\I>.- Jt PARROTT WHOLESALE CKO- KR- AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' Pe.-n htree -treet. Atlanta. Us trt»—lv A. I ROBERT A LO., GENERAL ROMM vIkhciiante, and A^ent- lor Manufacturers J*. <'base should tie soaailsnndeiweood, lh is in no sense of the won;I what Vs^topiilar- ly understooi] as Radiv.iil—that ibt. a man whose feelings run aw;gy with Itis better judgment, and who goe*- t<> extnmnes more "fmi impulse than rouviot on. Judge Chase is. by temperature, a F.Conservative, and il lie advocates exu» i»»- measure- it is the result of a purely m iCal pro<-es.s. Thus, for example, when alsjlitioiiisni was a di.-- graee. and an abolitionist was regarded as a half-crazy fanatic, a limited uuuiher of j men were of that organization fi^in an ex cess of feeling. Their «r<»od hearts moved, them to pitV for tlie -slave. Mr. Chase joiaed this little hand and became promi nent. hut was careful t***exnlain tlmt while he commiserated the condition o»t the un fortunate negro, lit* w as moved to active opposition to the exclusive class ot wiiite aristocrats who owned the negro, and threatened tin* liberty <»?. all. i I .was with Salmon P. Chase ini this, and I saw' a jireat deal of him at the time I lul u:ion. I h ive not ie»jn intimate with him ol late year-, and ./•annot. therefore, speak authoritatively oflhis views. Bull will venture to -ay* th ft you are* rearer rigid, in your estimate of his present political status, than Semaitor Wade, whoso readily calls him a Radical of his own school. I will go furthec. and assert..*/it li mit fear of eontradictiow from those who know him best, that instead of siding with SteviMis. Sumner, and Wen dell Phillips in issioN their demand lor conlis*.*aG >n and hanging. loHN * •1 ii.ll- • ts. nan i.luii r. ai the Bridge, on Broml street and ■ \;i.u,ta Ga A. .I. ROBERT. F. W. ROBERT ROt.r.Rs. DKaLKV IN KaMILY <«.KO- ju.j < oimkv I'koIo ce Whitetoall.-one street. .UlAiiU. to* C!*t»lce - ..ii hand aiig2—*#* 'I /;..a a aaj asi> urokkRs ' :l r .KOilGl.t Nil ION AI. BANK Rank * k A ..inn -'Del -loiIN RICK, P.'usi- i. i. I,.-ic-.i.a-i icr . Dakvis G Jones. Tel- i.l>» a*i. ii Jutes. Bunk-K.-eper D1KCC- 'it-—Join, iii.-c, J- lii. Collier, E. E Itavk-oii S. rKi-.' U U i .avion leStl—1\ he. afv r securing equal p*>litieal right- to tlie ingrm of the South- tfavors eonwMia- tion. *tnd would seek J>y the kindest meastces to heal the w«w ds of war.; mi] make *»f the Soiitliern jKi-iple what lias never yet been done—eit'ia -lis ot a I'filil- ini'ii country and brothers-*“.f the North. Whips on this subject, lef.aoeadd that>:hc bitter opposition to Judge t nase come- <>t i*is well known purity of *-k tra< ter. U. re he Pr*-«4dent there would be- an end to<fat joiis ant national extravagv.nee. That is all. J n >amo Banker broker, at- . -am a *... im. - and -eh- Gulil. silver, Bouu>, Sen a- tint Bank hill- Exchange* lluirkaAAtcs ■ aieoluieuu. tor pAi'-ie* iu Bund* and BWCEs; lik«» inteni-r un Deposits when left for txo month* ..r luix* i-r. Ie2d—ly Gkx. sl’KKMan’s Spkkch.—Some of ok Deiiiocnuak* friends, in Weorgiia. hav mated a ifesposition to run <Sen. 8herniu* as the J«hnst»n-Conservatir«- Democratic candidate for the Presidency. In this con nection. tie following extract from the General's 1mto speech will be iuveresting: We of the North have to inorrn the loss of fathers, brothers, sons, and t-iends, and are burdenetl with a vast naAbmal debt, JANE—DitalGNA-* binding us kg fact, in law, and in honor. . „, -J tue united: j hooe. to be questhioed by any >1 it Es A .Yio«Ki.L. Presideut; W H. Tlllkk, • * ,e ' er * . rill *vi*rv rent * aivr director.-—A. Austell. M. G. tK»b-‘ honoralde matt iii America thievery cent 4 .r> W R. I'inliiKhJrj.c McLendon. J. II. James. ' is paid. Look 40 the South, aild VOU V llO <■* ui at.entiwci paid to CoUection* in Atiauta . f V( >|)t with me tJirough that lank can best A.. ^ i, orr P N«w U Y r orkTor b ^y if they. too. have not Ifew fearfully h^xiioifil Bank! to whom I punished. Mourning in every household, re*>—ly I desolation \\ r'utG*n in broad cfcaraetei's of tiieir (Country. Christian, '■William XV. Martin. From tiie'Fenth Election ©istriet—Jolm Murphy, F. O. Welch, iPhillp Joiner. Benjamin S?3te.«. the Eleventh Eleation District— W. II. Xobkg J. A. Jackson. Robert Alex ander. John Whitaker. Form the Twelfth Eleo&ien District—J. K. Blount Thomas Gnyton, G. W. ( hatters. From theThirtecnth Election District— II. K. McGty, J. E. Hall, F. Snead. Robert Lumpkin. ^esse Dinkins. ! From the<Fourteenth Election District— S. E. Salter. J. W. Trawiek. Simepn Stan ley. J. M. Buchan. ’’From rlie-Filteenth Election District—A, ! J. C’cineroK. From tl»; Sixteenth Election District— I George Linder, E. W. Lane. From the Seventeenth Election District i —I. A. Mad len. J. M. Rice. Robert White head. M. 4'fa*iborne. II. Il.*0rlisson. From theiEighteenth.Election District— R. B. Buik'ck. Benjamin Conley. Foster Blodgett. J. E. Bryant. S. W. Bellird, Alex ander Stou*. John Neal. From th*^Nineteenth.Election District— D. 1*. Baldwin. Joseph Adkins. Robert Cruinbley. John W. T.>Gaichlngs, Henry Strickland. From tl«* Tw entiethJBhctioi District- C. IL Prims. George Wallace. ('. C. Rich ardson. JJaesiel Palmer. -V. IL Harrisoc \V. C'. Supph.*. From thi*IT wenty-iirsf^Election DistritS —Samuel Guw. William (Gritiiii, Charles Hooks. Thus. Gibson. From tlie'.Twenty-second Election Dis trict—G. (J. Wilbur. M. A.-Potts. F. Woot en. A. Bow><i<;in. T. J. Speer*. W. J. Howe, M. i’ooper. fl M. Turner. From the'JV.enty-tliird Ejection District —Pos y M:kU-*x. O. II WaPon. S. A. Cobh, J. II. Aiiders*»;>. Win. P. Edvards. From the twenty-fourth Election Dis-. trict—G. W. A-lihurn. J. G. Maul, Thomas ! Giltierf, VawJl *nes. J.C. ti»..*y. From the Twenty-fifth Elretion District —William Giiilford. I’. J.-ifostin. T.. L.; Stanford. Sautw.d Williams.^). J. Iligbee., From the 'iV'entv-sixth T’lectiou Dis- , tri, t—W. IL VMhiteiiead. W. II. Rozar, S. infc- T. W. Minor- ^ J From the Twenty-seventh Election Dis- | trict—Joint Uiur-is. .J. W. J'hf-stian. N. I^:ave Macon 7.45 A.M. Arrive at Atlante 2 00 P.M. Leave Atlanta 715 A.M. Arrive ut Macon 1.30 P.M. Leave Macon 8.40 P.M. Arrive in Atlanta 4.30 A.M. Leave Atlanta 7.15 p.M Arrive in Macon 4.10 A.M. ATLANTA A UoAD—87 miles—Fare. WEST POINT RA1L- . oer utile—John P. Kino, Prcsldoat; S. P. Grant, Superintendent; 1 R. M. Fakhak, Agent at Atlanta: DAT PA48KNOEK TKAIN—OOINO OCT. , 1-euve AtlanU; 7.00 A.M. Arrive at West Point 12.00 M. DAY P-xetiENGlCK TRAIN—COMING IN. Ia;ave West Beaut 12.40 P.M. I Arrive at Atiauta 5.30 P.M. DRUGGISTS ROARK’S CORNER, Whitehall street Atlanta, Oa. P HY SICIANS, Dealers, Country Merchants and tlie public generally, are invited to call and examine our lakgk and varied assortment of PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, We buv entirely from Importers and Manufac turers, and we feel confident that we cun give en tire batisiaction to ALL who w ill cone and price our goods. Wc keep constantly on baud Window Gla>s, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps. Fancy Articles, Ac., and in fact everything usually found in a FIRST CLASS HOUSE. A large supply of F. W. Devoe's celebrated GENUINE (Diamond S) WHITE LEAD, on hand and to arrive. Contractors and Painters will And it to their interest to give us a call beiore purchasbing elsewhere. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED DY A COMPETENT PHARMACEUTIST. Call ami examine for yourselves. Now* is the Ime to get your Drugs Cheap, for Cash. -d3m SWANSON. BOYKIN ft CO. IN WATCHES! seal—d: WT MONTGOMERY A WEST POINT RAIL- $1,000,000 ROAD.—Danvel H. Cram, Superintendent. * * „ , „ FOR SALE ON TUE POPULAR Leave West Point Arrive at Columbus - Arrive at Montgomery - Lerfve MonUgomery - Leave Columbus Arrive at West Point WESTERS & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. O N and after June 18th, 18H7, Passenger Trains will run ns follows: GOING NORTH. LEAVING ATLANTA HTO-VE ritlCK B I, A. X ,_iH GIVING EVERY* PATRON A Handsome and Reliable Watch, For the low Price of Ten Dollars! Without Regard to Value AND NOT 7 0 BE PAID FOll UNLESS PEJif ECTL Y SA TISFA CTOIi Y. 100 Solid Gold Hunting Watches. ..$250 to $1,000 I 100 Magic Cased Gold Watches— 200 to 500 — - - ;m 8.45 A. M. .JRsUly (exckpt Sundays) Express Passenger.—Arrive at Dalton at 2i'J p. \ m., ooenecting with K. T. and Ga. ii. R. trains tor Knoxville. Lynchburg. Wash- . ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New 1 York. Arrive at Chattanooga 5.SS. p. m., ! connecting with trains ol’ Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad lor Nashville, Louis- j ville, .Mid the West, and trains ef Mem phis and Charleston 100 Magic Cased Cold Watches 800 to 100 Laities Watches, Enameled 100 to 200 Gold Hunting Chromneter Watches 250 to 200 Gold Hunting English Levers.. 2*i0 io 300 Gobi Hunting Duplex Watches 150 to 500 Gold Hunting American W atches 500 Silver Hunting Levers fiOO Silver Hunting Duplexes. W« ' 3.50 P phis. New Orleans, etc. M. Dally (except Sundays) Dai.(vrn ac commodation.—Arrive at Marietta 6 45, Cxrterwvilie 8.06, Kingston S.U0, Dalton 12.25. 7.00 P. M. Dab yGreat Northern Mail.—Arrive at Dalton at 1.15 A- M., connecting vretti E. T. and Ga. It. R. trains lor Knoxville. JLvch- burg, • Washington. Baltimore. Phiiadel- pliia. and New Y'ork, arrive at (.S/.'TA- nooga-< 10 a. M., connecting with trail.- o! XashviUc and Chattanooga Railiwud lot NashviUe, Louisville, aim the West, and trains of the Memphis and ChartestOBiRaii- roiut let* Memphis, New iihleaks, etc COMING SOUTH. 190 to 50 to 75 to 50 to 50 to 50 to 25 to 19 to 300 250 200 250 150 260 250 75 100 50 75 AMMMiCAM AMD FBMMCH Confectionery and Fancy GJ-^/OOEi^XES Fine assortment c* WINES, COGNAC BRANDIES. LIQUORS, BITTERS, CORDIALS, LIQUORS, SYRUPS CHAMPAGNE WINES, NATURAL FRUIT AND PRESERVES. Select variety of TKAT SUGAR, COFFEE, CRACKERS. BUTTER, CHEESE, HAMS, DRIED BEEF, RICE, EGGS GREEN FRUITS, NUTS, ALMONDS, RAISINS, Ac, Ac* Large assortment of PIPES. SEGARS, SMOKING TOBACCO, SNUFF, Ac n ttc. PERFUMERY, TOYS. FANCY ARTICLES. Ar« Ar. Whitehall street, we«t siile. Atlanta, Ga.. A few doorg from Alabama streci oetlO—dim C A RJPETS. S. S. KENDRICK ft CO., EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN CAKPDTS, Oil. ( I.OTH), HI (il, MATS, CURTAINS. CORNICES, Shadeg. Cords, Loops, Tassels, «fr., ZZT UP-STAIRS, Whitehall «treet ... Atlanta, «■., Announce the arriva ot a Urge and elegant st * k BOUGHT SINCE THE EEC ENT DECLINE, In addition to elegant novelties in Brussels and 3-Plys, They Intile Special Attention to the- LOW PRICE C ; ARPETS. Choice, durable goods at 50, 7. and $l.i»i [kt yar \ Orders linni a distance solli lte<i and carer :i ; executed. S. s. KKNDKIUk A IX). octll—d'lstian Atlanta, «•*. goormu. ROOFINC. ROOFING. Having established a Manufactory of the well known Felt, Cement and Gravel Rooftnq, The undersigned would call the »pecial|atteiit!oa ol' builders, and persons almut to build, to till. STYLE OF KOOrIXG. It is cheaper aud m •:.* durable than any other Koollug iu u-e, and i* FIHE-PBOOF, and lias been thoroug'dv te-te-i. as can Ih: seen bv reference. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Roofing ct 1 kinds repaired Rooting Felt and Rooting Material for Sale. Samples and references can be seen at the cor ner of Whitehall and Mitchell street-, or at tue Manufactory, on Fonn lry street .rear t»fWin»hip*» Foundry. !•>. A. SMITH. jeQ6—6 m B A N K I N C JAY COOKE HOUSE No. 20 WALL STKIlt.T. 500 Gold Ladies Watches Railroad lor Mein- , 1.000 Gold Hunting Lepiues 1.000 Miscellaneous Sliver Watches 2.50*1 Hunting Silver Watches 5.000 Assorted Watches, ait kinds. CSTKvery patron obtains a Watcli b^’ this arrangement. costin>r but f 10, while it riiay be 'worth ¥1.000. No partiality shown. We wish to immediately dispose of the above niagniliocut Stock Certiticates. naming the arti- • us are placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed liolders are eutitled to the articles named 1 on Uietr eertifihnti* uiion patiuent«f Ten Dollars. , rnim-iirt . . ..uik.i vo whether it he a Watch worth *1 otw or one worth hN-TIURIIKs, and I OMPOi N D | ie-s. The return of any ot our certiticates enti- j tic* Jou to the article uniiied thereon upon pay- _ , tuent, irre-pective of its worth, suul as no article ARRIVE. AT ATLANTA, valued less than $10 is named on any certificate. & CO- ‘ Cor. ot atreet Yew York. w E buy and-ell at the in<»-t 1i1kt.i1 rc.r:* : t prices, and keep on hand a foil swiip *t GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL l — l EsT NOTES, nnd e\e< uteord. t- lor purrI:... -I sale ol STOCKS, BoNDd.uuli.oM> C €» N V E It I O N M x. DOBBINS A CO., BROKERS over At • Uuu Satiokrl Bank Alabama street. R*f.rm-n.+j,—Trtsbee A Roberts, New Y orR ; Hop- xin- I'm*bridge A Dwight. New York; B II. W»'rei.. • Ga ; D. F. Fleming,Charleston, ~ C ; J II CaaniagSam. Montgomery. Ala.; K. Uet'-r-. Atlanta: K Austell. Atlanta; toward Faddi, lord, savannah. G X r LA NT A NATIONAL BJ A ifc-D DtFtHUToRY' OF reat>—ly niu H.rtMigli this nt-coon. at U.c lowest cunvjT i -e-,on>lrnt. the Fourth »• •vto'r.l SJLLoOJfS -HI' AGO ALE I)kF*OT—M. E KENNY, I ro _ .'Meto: dealer in Brandies, YYixtes. Whiskies lidrogar* CMlcxtto ALE always on hand No. I A.abaiua street. Atlanta. t,». atig4—rtm aeross the whuW* face cities in ashes and Helds laid wait*, tlieii* cuinmeree jfone.'their system of labor an- ! nihifated and destroyed. Ruin, poverty, aud distress everywhere, and now pesti- 1 lejice adding tlie* very cap-aheaf t*> their a TT\/£.yeys stock of misery; her pnoiidfmen bcffoiaio for ikKiiw « Mursox. atiyshnEYs xr law 1 pardon, and appealing for permission to .titanta. g». oitme corner Whitehall ami raise food for their children; her five mil- A.a:*a,« -treeu. over Banking House jj ou « 0 f slaves free, and their value last to Cntmncenn Aiahnma street ^ ^ ^ uttt oW, 1 thdf I'oFuier masters forever. How any o. F simfson ’ Southern jrentleinan. with these fact?. p?ain F" I.VSl AjlXCE ETN \ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY — w-t*. $suuu.iwu Wm Jerking*. General Agent LinrhY Building, corner oi Alabama and treet* second luer. myU-ly A 1 Igviil Li ■ 4 hit. hx/! hardware materials. H\BDW \HB.—J. M. * J C ALEXxKbXK White ball street iron, steel. Nails, Car riage material*. Tools for all trades. Hvjlu Vlug Materials. Bol ing Cloth*. I arming Implement- J. N. I J.C. ALEXANDER sepEO- <HSin a I(7mMKY A sitW AR I, Dxxi.RR^ l> a^V, lixRbwxKE. Iron and >tkkl ci'Tlxky. ^ » Toon* of all kiudi. HXEXEM. BRIDLE-. ( OLLiK.H LjkATBKK. etc.. blgD oi the Mil! Ami (fAiue Cock, Whitehall street, Atiauta, Georgia. »ug4—6 m PUYSICIAKS. ■ and palpable.everywhere KUrin? him iKthe ' fa«*e. and recorded forever in tlie book of history can still boast of itis-lost cause.'* or s|>ekk ««f it in language other than »*f shame and sorrow, passes my understan<- inif. and Instead of being revit'ed. I know that ti eir lost cause will sink deeper and deeper into infamy as time more keenly probes its hidden mysteries and reveals them to the lijjht of day. Sickening.—The readers of certain jour- Uoichkiss. C- D.»'>avis. James Parton. From tlie Tw nity-eighth Siection Di trie:—II. S. Glower. William F. Jordan. J. Ii. Hudson. T- P.~f-itftbltl. A. G- Foster. j From the Twoiity-ninth Election Dis trict—D. G. (.'oihtiEig, Lewis Pope. Josiah Sherinan. James Jfciaox. KouiuIim: Moore. From the Thirtiutli Election feistriet—A. £\ Akernian. J. McJt’horter. E. t*. Cobb, J. Ifeell. From theThirty-tfcrst ElectioniDistrict— * W. Crawfordl .Philip Martit, W. F. tttwers. From the Thirty-second ElecHou Dis- trk*t—Milton Moore.Jl. A. Woody- I'rom tlm ThirtitoCWrd Election District —Madison Bell. Wui. L- Marler, Benjamin Dtmnitfan. From the Tiiirty-feauXh Election district —J. Mathews, B. D. iSlwunate. £. E. dailey. Sha£rick Brown. J. IL Bmcewell. Ftusin tlie Thirty-rtCtb Election District —H. V. M. Miller.'Janies L. Dunnifcf, N, L. Anirier. J. H. Flynn, if. 0. Lee, H. G. Cole, david Irvin. Fro« the Thirty-sixth Election District. J. W. Ifev. P. VV. Chambers, J. S. Bigby. \V.C. Smith, J. C. Bowden. From the Thirty-seveolii Election Dis- trict—John H. Cald well, Robert Robertson. Geo. Harbin, A. H. Harriaaou. E. B. Martin. From tlie Thirty-eighth Election Dis trict—T. J. Foster, J. D. Weddell, R. B. Hutcherson. FrtMii the Thirty-ninth Election District —J. G. Lott. 25. T. Houston. A. W. Hol combe. _ . . ... From the Fortieth Election Dictriet—a. T. Crane. John Bryson. Front tlie Forty■-first Election District— .41 A. M. Dxngv Great .Southern Mai:..—Leav ing t.MarTXNOOOX 4 30 P. M , COBbbutiug w ith trauis of Nashville ami (;haltaJ.-a ga, ami Meu'phis anil Charleston Uailiwiuds and Dolbtn at 7.50 P. X., connecting with , trains ofiE. T. and Go. Railroad* i - * .45 A. M. DalLY (EXCEPT SUNbA VS; DALTON AC- uais are sick, with tiieir everlasting twad- I C. A. Ellinjrton. W ilkey McHan. die about Grant. Foolish editors and cor- 1 From the Forty-second Election District respondents jfo into ecstaci.s if they can j—Wesley Shropshire. J. R. Parrott. W. but >tet a <fliin|*se of him and if he is i Goodwin, George L. Burnett, William smokiiw they never fail to tell the world ] Fort, of it. Let the poor Ul vases alone. If he COMUOOXCloN.—Leave Dalton at 1 25 x M., KiiigstoiA 30, Carteisville 5.15 MiuictU'8. a?.()5 P. M. DxUfY 'EXCEPT srXRAVS; KXeWRSS Passengjs*..— Leave Lhailamgtga ji JIM) a. m.. uiukifu close coiinevih as wiu. ituunt of NastiVu.!.* and ULatlLi.ooga. and Maiu- ]>his and GLarleston Railroads, and Dml- ton at 6.1i x. U., connecting with train* of East Tenn#. sec and Georgia Railroad. PEJLLMAirS PATENT SLEEPING COACHES on all night trains. JOHN B. FUCK. je!8 Master Transportation. . | it w ill at once be seen tiiat th i No Lottery, but a straightforward legitimate ! transaction, which may be participated m even by the most fastidious: 1 A -tngle eertilchO* w ill be s**nt by mail. |>ost , ; paid up"l» !■ ceipt ol 25 , cub, five Ibr $1. eleven for $2. tiiirt)-ihiee anti vlcgant premium for $5. ! sixty six and more Vwluabh*preitiiuin for $10, one ; huadred and most superb Watch for $15. To Agents, or those wishing emploj went, this is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly authorired by the Government, and oi cn to the most careful scrutiny. TRY U«l WRIGHT, BRO- & CO- Importers, 161 BROADWAY, New York. seplil—dAwtim STOVE WARE HOUSE. Rtf* MAIL STAGE LINE FROM ATLANTA Mow is the time to Purchau m Ooo4 TOT»AHIA)NEGA.— 1 Lease Atlanta Monday, Wednesday and Frdday 6.00 A.M. I Arrive Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7.00 B.M. 1 A X D Stove, without It I alt AT REDUCED PRICES. New Freight Route. NEW ORLEANS ATLANTA VIA GRAXD JUNCTION A CHATTANOOGA I beg to inform the citizens ot At lanta. and surrounding country, that l have on hand a good assortment of , .baking and coOKrxG stoves? which I will warrant. Any Stoves purchased of are and cracking during the first month w ill be re- ' paired Iree of charge. All Stoves purchased etse- , where that do not Bake or Cook, repaired All kind* of Stoves repaired. Old Stoves taken in ex- i change. I also constantly keep on hand a good supply o. 1 Stoves, Grates. Hollow Ware, Planished Ware. fin Ware, Tin and Sheet Iron. Lamps. Ac., at I Wholesale and Retail. Tin Ware, Hoofing and ! Guttering and all kinds of work done In that line j done a> snort notice The BEST KERgSENE OIL constantly kept on hand. M^”Gfate* put up and warranted. L. Mill ALOVITCH, Sign of Gi' t Key, Whitehall, near Mitchell street. oct£—d3to Atlanta. Ga. No ALL RAIL. Charge 0#r Insurance. Dr ay age. Com- rui&AA.nx or For boarding. FOK YALE. A SPLENDID HOUSE AND LOT IN Marietta for sale; second house fPoin the public square on ‘* .National < einetery street:*' hoe-e with five well plastered rooms, _ ' four fire-places. garrett and cellar, double kitch en w ith stack chimney, good stable and splendid garden as good well of water as there is in the whole country. Everything iu good condition I shade tree* in front and fruit trees in the rear.— I For full particulars apply to uZfc sss&ttkjr&ir *“• * ir “" ”■ «aiS'r-- 1st Class per 100 pounds , $175 angl6—dtf Marietta.’Ga. 2d Class iter 100 pounds 1 5b Id Class D U W C. AsdiKIt has removed his oftice lroui the Notches Corner to the junction of Mar.- «i.a and Walton »tieets, where he can be found at all hours, when not professionally engaged sepM-dta want-to smoke. let him 8moke. ami if he lias nto political ideas who cures; for he is not the only man that wants office and was afraid to tell his views until he knows w hich is the strong si(j e< —Neicnan Herald- From the Forty-third Election Di»triet. 4th Claa*!..’.' L. X. Trammell, John II. Kinjr. S. E. — - - Fields. . From tlie Forty-fourth Election District —Presley Yates. John M. Shields. It is ordered: That the person* above per 1UU pounds. .per 100 pounds. .... 1 25 .....J.UU | Through Bill* of Lading will be given at point of shipmeui. aud all loos, damage and ov ercharges will be promptly settled at point of delivery. Tariff, showing classification, etc., may beou- tained at oflice o jy*4—3m Western A Atlantic Railroait. JOHN B. BECK. H T. In Bankruptcy. P AMPHLET COPIES ol tlie Rule* and Keau- lations in Itaukruph-y, udopte<l i>> the Dis- trict Court of the United states for the Northern District of Georgia, can be had on application at the Clerk's Office,.Atlanta,'Ga. Price, 50 cents. aug27—dtf We convert the several i-*nr- of SCVen-Tnie- ties at the mo*t favorable market rat.-- Ini., t .\ Twenties, which, at prt-enf price ot gold.yietd the holder alioilt one per cent, more iiiter. »; j**r annum. Circulars with full pat tb-nlar* furni-iict upon lippliration. augffl— iWm JAY I'KIkKl III. McBRIDE & BORDEN’S ukeat kemkhy “KING OF PAIN,*’ WILL CUBE U IARRHfEA, BLOODY rLUX. Headache and Earache, in three m.n«.te. Toothache in one minute, sore Throat in ten mlnniea. 1 o'ic and Cratnu in five minute*. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprain*. Pleurisy, Coughs. Odds. Deafness, Asthma. Pile*. Bronchial Affections. Dyspepsia, Inflamation or the Kindness. Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. PRICE. $1 PER BOTTLE. Order* promptly attended to For sale by JOHN T IIALL. Sole Agent, Corner Whitehall and iluaier -trees*. . . _ . Atlanta. Ga ja^KEMEMIIER THE PL4( K oco-ditawfim EINfNGr R s I OLD , London dock G I N For Family Use Liver and Kornev < om plaints. Sold by by all Druggist*. Grocer*. j*c A M BININGER A CO. ie»tabll»bcd I77K I iu porter* of Wines Brandies. Ac. No JE lie*van -tkeet M T*1-d*m New Yoke . i 8. A vuuti-m nituii- i KoTM*. | 8 110 BOOTS <Sc SHOES *1 Barren street. N**% fark. * nug*K—<t#m GEORGIA. Gwinnett cnnnv. WHEREAS. Terrell M l-rat..! aiddie- b. r letters ofgi'ar.liansbn. of ,» lc M r H. Carroll, orphan of llo This i son a h on Given under my baud aad otteUl , , this October31 «t. 1867. umetai signature, nov*-w*W G - T - BAKEST ^,ii ';;t^ rT - ui«*on .b •eased: Thi- is iliervlore. torftr and .1*' L, n* .-••n. eiiictt to show cause ,i .s,* 1 hv letter- should not In- v-rauid n ' ' ' ,B • . the first Monday in iWeJSK.^riT *»*