The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 10, 1867, Image 1

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* A. THE DAILY OPINION. \'0L. I.—NO. 246. ATLANTA, GA:, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1867. PRICE—5 CENTS. daily opinion. Building, Granite Block, Brood 8t. ;tra* i BjandMibKrtptleo Rates. ,-rn»\—One copy, on yea*, $6.00; V. . ' T n*tK MoN-rne, t*0O; any lwu \VsTY-riVE CENTO PER MONTH. ' ‘ituw or vrMi'T: „ >•-, *§SS .. vS:: ■ »« -. ear and one free to the per- • Cll’.l'.; r to both editions will be received at rules corresponding with the ,.‘vg—Cards in Citt Directory. lines, $12.00 per annum. Special '■ ifTEEJ* Cents per line for first i v e cents per line thereafter. The i ill lie made for advertisements - in a square, obituaries, and all • r-onal nature. Except In cases other advertisements will be ;;>wing rates: r.c insertion, two insertions, : roe insertions, ek, one month ; months. $1.00 1.80 2.00 *50 10.00 28.00 ,. r i.vv often lines or less.. .$2 50 ' !i. fa. sales, per square 5 00 1 .. i«-r square 8 00 ..f Administration 8 00 . , i; c r> o. Guardianship 3 00 ' ion for dismission from 1 4 50 for dismission from ' ' 8 00 <:i\ct<»sell Land . .,.id Creditors... , jier square 6 00 8 Of) 5 00 .-'oroperty, 10 days, per sqr. 1 SO , ,uy* 3 00 •1 .i-tgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00 . |> FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. • , l>v Administrators, Kxecu- . are required by law to be held . ,v in the month, between the forenoon and three in the af- ,.rt Mouse in the county in situated. Notices of these i.'n in .i public gazette 40days •l.iv of sale. >'i!c of personal property must manner 10 days previous to the '.tors and creditors of an estate • d 4<; days. ieation will lie made to the i..r leave to sell Land, etc., lor tmo months. of Administration, Guar- -• lie published80 days; for dis- .i-lr.i’ion. monthly- 6 mouths; • Guardianship 40 days. e of .Mortgage must be pub- . t months: lor establishing lost . ii span* of 3 months; for coin- m Executors or Administrators, - i. . i given by the deceased, the .... ...ulus ..I wavs he continued accord* requirements, unless »ther- it UKOrtTIOSS will be made * and foreign advertisements ■ -cciire publication. . -•iiiiiiess. or communications iie addressed to still (iGS & Dl’MBLK. Atlanta. Ga l.»-m f.-s 1H rectory. . ( Lot A\>, JEWELRY. AC G.i.M \N. Iie.iier in Watches. .n\, Gobi Pens .*» pectin-let, df sticet 2d door above M. i It.Mik, More, Atlanta, Ga. . ~n lc and wai Gtuted. r:. <7.1 V7S A.KD GROCERS VI.L> A CO., Dealers in Produce, and f .tni-y Groceries, Hats, Caps, - .:ul \ ition-; Hardware, Ac., Ac. lamiue our stock. P.OVD, WALLS A CO., Cor Peters and Forsyth streets. h'K. AUCTION AND COMMISSION • - sign. Auction House. White :!a. t»a. feat—Iv i n .1. Wholefai-k and Retail Gro- . r in Varieties, Whitehall street, fe,23—ly iRROTT, WHOLESALE GRO- ' n .* ( < MMISSION MERCHANTS, i htree street, Atlanta, Ga. ,V < O.. GENERAL COMMISSION >n ! Agents for Manufacturers Bridge, on Broad street and i.a- A. J. ROBERT. F. W. ROBERT. ifo. DEALER IN FaMILT GRO- i 'Tar PKoprcK. Whitehall, one 'ireet, Atlanta, Ga. Choice aug*—6m a./.N AX It BROKERS \ .NATIONAL BANK, Bank • t .John Ricr, Presi- i r; Dakwin G.J0NE8, Tel- ; Book-Keeper. DlREC- !.n Collier, E. E. Rawson, S. fe90—ly oANKER AND BROKER, AT- - .in.1 't ils Gold, Silver, Bonds, ■ • " Exchanges Bonds, makes parties in Bonds and Stocks; u Dciiosiu when left for two fe90—ly s ' A t o . BROKERS, over At. hank. Alabama street. * .v Robert*., New York; Hop- •v Dwight, New Y'ork; B. H. : D. F. Fleming,Charleston, - am. Montgomery, Ala.; R. R AiistclL Atlanta; Edward • .h. Ga. _fe*>—ly_ -NAL BANK—DESIGN A- 'SloltV OF THE UNITED *' ■■ 11.. l*resident; W. H. TCLLRR, 1 -RS— A. Austell, M. G. Dob- - l« .»(• McLendon, J. H. James, paid to 1 ollections in Atlanta -• on. Prompt returns made : rates, our New Y'ork Cor- f urth National Bank, to whom feSD—ly nj looks. depot—m. e. kenny, Pro- r m Brandies, Wines, Whiskies ago Ale always on hand. No. -. Atlanta. Ga. aug4—-6m A TTORKEY8. PSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW «IDice corner Whitehall and over James’ Banking House. street. II. P. FARROW, O. F SIMPSON. 'SSVRANCE. 1NM' RANCE COMPANY— 0 \Ym. Jennings, General of Alabama and 1 ing. corner < M-.ond floor. ■ my9-ly WARE MATERIALS. !;E —J. M. a-J.C. Alexander, • t Iron, Steel, Nails, Car- o». Tools for all trades, Build- - Belong Cloths. Farming J M a J. C. ALEXANDER. 1 A STEWART, DEALERS IN 1 Ikon and STEEL CUTLERY, 1 kinds. Harness. Bridles Liatker, etc , sign of the Mill 1 ■ k, vt intchall street, Atlanta, aug2—6m PHYSICIANS. TELEGRAPHIC. FROM THE NEW YORK PRESS ASSOCIATION. •mtm all the lines participating. It leaves South ampton on Tuesday* an<l New York on Thursdays. A dispatch from Florence denies Gari baldi’s escape. markets. New Y’ork, Dee. 9.—Cotton easier.— Sales 1,500 at 17c. Freights lower—cotton by sail % to yd, by steam ; grain by steam to 6*^c. Government securities closed steady; old 107%; new 107%. Ten- forties 101%. Seven thirties 104%. Ten nessee sixes 64%; new, 63. Gold 136%. Baltimore, Dec. 9.—Cotton quiet and iirm at 17%al7%c. LAST NIGHTS DISPA'ICUES. Virginia Convention* Richmond, Dec. 9.—After some discus sion, the eight dollar per diem was left in the ordinance, which was ordered to bo engrossed. A resolution was offered to appoint a committee to enquire what cases of injus tice have occurred in the administration of the civil courts since June 1st, 1805, and report the best means of remedying the evils now existing in the civil government. It was opposed by Messrs. Huunicutt, Sneen ami other prominent Republicans, and laid on the table. Mr. Ilunnieutt offered a resolution for the appointment of a committee to investi gate discharge of persons for voting the Republican ticket at the late election, and report some mean* for relieving those thus discharged. An amen*.inent was offered to this, em powering ilie Legislature to make it a mis demeanor to discharge a person for voting as he chooses. Another amendment was offered to in corporate in the Constitution an article disfranchising any person who discharges | ('hargeof ^the^Bureatwd Refugees, h reed an employee on account of his vote. In the last named State the organization of the school department has been im proved. Efforts are being made to procure a larger attendance of children in the city of Baltimore, and throughout the State an increasing interest is manifested in the ed ucational work, and the schools are being opened under more favorable auspices. General Howard says he linds upon ex amination of the expenditures of the bu reau that they have fallen considerably short of the original estimates, and shall therefore ask for no further appropriation Railroad Schedules. UP* WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD- 13N miles—Fare. 5K cents per mile.—Campbell W allace. Superintendent; John It. Peck, Master Transportation; Wm. W. Clayton, Treasurer; Ira it. Taylor, Auditor; J. II. Flynn, Master Machi nist; IV. g Gramling, s. c c hopa; Charles B. VV allace Gen. Agent; W. R. Wkbster. General Ticket Agent; II. A. Bacon. Con’l Freight Agent; John M. Bkipuks. Awi it Atlanta: Leave Atlanta NI0III t assenger train—daily. . * * . • . . Arrive at Chattanooga of funds, lie anticipates a continued re- j Leave Chattanooga duction of expenditures from the present i Arrive at Dalton time to the termination ol" the bureau next Arrive at Ate aocLOU al • (except Sunday*) July. As the bureau will expire then, tin Xew Orleans. Dee. 9.—Market stiff.— less extended by act of Congress, lie has Sales of cotton 4.000 bales. Receipts since ! not estimated for the next succeeding fiscal Saturday 7,838 bales. Exports3-448. Gold j year, and says it will be best to discontinue 136%. Sterling 46%a51. Xew York sight j the relief afforded by the Frecdmen’s Bu- %a% discount. ] r eau, and make arrangements with the Mobile, Dec. 9.—Cotton closed dull; i States to take charge of the indigent. He | sales 1,100 bales at 15nl5%c; exports 1.736; : s ivs: For a few years past money has been receipts 6,306, largest recepts for the season, j appropriated for relief of the poor in this Charleston, Dee. 9.—Cotton partially ' 1> ‘ s 1 tr ‘ ct * 1 ‘ 01 ’ c . ert:i,n ‘ hisses ol the poor .dined Uo.i sales :V)ft 1«.W n.i.l.llinlr such appropriation, an- always necessary —for example, the aged, and young child ren, the maimed, the insane, idiots, *fce. Yet D* .i,V PASSENGER TRAIN—DAILY, 3U1 ’ 7.00 P.M. 4.00 A.M. 4.30 P.M. 7.18 A.M. 1.35 A.M. Leave Atlanta Leave Dalton Arrive at Chattanooga Leave Chattanooga • Arrive at Atlanta 8.50 A.M. 2.56 P.M. 5 25 P.M. 4.50 A.M. 1.15 P.M. declined %c; sales f>00 bales; middling 16%al6%c; receipts 550. Savannah, Dee. 9. Cotton quiet, low there is a large class of people, colored and and steady; middling lo%c: 89a | w hite, who arc very poor, who have fanii- bales; receipts 4,080. \ jj eg 8U pport, and wiio are accustomed to Augusta, Dec. 9.—Market very active receive aid, either directly or indirectly during the morning, hut closed thill; sales from this relief fund. 1.200 bales; receipts 640 hale*; middling! lie is of the opinion that it would be the 15c. best plan, instead of large relief appropri- .4 * .. 7T*„ . ations, to ask Congress to open up all the Report of Pen. O. O. Howard. : avenues and improve public grounds, as The report of General O. O. Howard, in ; h*r as the city has extended, making the targe of the Bureau of Refugees. Freed- necessary appropriation therefor. I Ins men and Abandoned Lands, tor the vear | "'o'lld give a great deal ol .work, through ending.Tune30,1867. shows that tlurirjj’that " hieh the means ot sustaining the laint- DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—DAILY, i except Sundays). Leave Atlanta .... 3.15 P.M. Arrive at Dalton - - - 11.40 P.M. Deave Dalton - . - - 1.30 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta - 10.30 A.M. ffeg* GEORGIA RAILROAD—171 miles—rare flve cents per mile.—John P. Kinc, Presiuenc; E. W. Volk. superintem;ent; G. T Anderson. Agent at Atlanta. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 5.00 A.M, Arrive at Augusta 6.45 P.M. Leave Augusta 5.00 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 8.00 P.M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7.15 P.M. Arrive at Augusta 6.10 A.M. Leave Augusta 6.00 P.M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.15 A.M. NIGHT THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS, JiiiR4 Coker, administrator In right of hi* wife, com testamento annexed on the estate of James R. MoRight, deceased has tnaoe application to me for letters dismissorv fror: '*ii1 estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonBh all and singular Use kindred and rredilom of said deceased, to be and appear at mvotBre. within ti.o time prescribed by 4 aw. to i’.otr om* , if any they have, why such letters should not bu granted in terms of the law. Given under my hand and official Mgnaturr this the 27th day of November. 18*7. if. R. NOLAN. Ordinary. nov30—w6m Printer’s fee ft 30 GEORGIA, Bartow county. WHEREAS, A. M. Penn applies to mo for letter, of administration on the estate of Robert Elliott late of Alabama, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the next of kin and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, w ithin the time pre scribed liv law and show cause, if anr thev ran. why said'letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand and official signituro. this 2d day of December, 1867. J. A. IlOW ARD, Ordinary. doc3—W30«l Prin*er’« fee GEORGIA. Newton county. WHEREAS, John P. Marbut. executor or Joshua Marbut, deceased, applies to me for letter* of dismission from Id* administration upou «,»id estate: These are, therefore, to cite all and singular the next of kin aud creditors ot said deevased. to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, and show cau-o. if anv thev can. why said letters of dismission should r---. i <« granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 5th day ot December, 1867. WM. D. Ll’CKIE, Ordlnarv. dec7—wfim Printer's fee {i 5.;' Leave Atlanta 6 40 P.M. j GEORGIA, PAULDING COUNTY. Arrive at Augusta ... 9.57 A.M. ’ Leave Augusta ) Arrive at Atlanta After some discussion, the whole matter time 215.024 acres of land, and 950 tii«"e.* nf lies of the poor would lie derived, aiul at was laid on the table. town property were in possession of the \ same time, it wdihl carry’on tocomp^lu- The Convention then adjourned ; Bureau; 49,625 acres of ground, and 169 j ^i° n the necessary improvement.* to be made 1 he Cony i t,on tlu 11 adjoin ncd. piece* of town property, were restored to by the general government at tite capital. , , . piece* of town property, . ... .—- ... • . The city is lull ot strangers to attend the I ^j, e owner.**, 5.535 claim* were on hand, 363 The avenues and streets ate so \\ ide that Convention, which meets Wednesday. i of which were settled, and 39*2 reiected ;! th© population is neces-artly sparse, and it much as the property holder* can fees, men. women and children, have been 1 transported to their hoi freed men of all classes h of which were settled, and 392 rejected; Senator Wii.-on. of Massachusetts L* ex- j $64,494.29 were paid to claimants; 7<8 refu- ! > 8 ‘ iivtr - aviina m /in ti'Amoii «»»».! /iMIil euiv Imx'O Knnn 1)0 il 1 111 tllO AN \ Ol 1 X t 1 4IOI (I I I) ft ] \ lil\l lO peeted to visit Richmond this week. IC<‘>ifOvi-d i'.t their Offices. Xew Oui.eax*. Dec. 9.—Gen. Hancock i ported to places where they could obtain has revoked so much of Special Orders 192, i employment. Teachers and audits of the issued by Gen. Mower, as removes from of-j ^‘vealso been furnished t>*an*por- J ' tat ton when traveling in the discharge of nee Adam Grillm. State "I reasurer. Hypo- ; their duty and under orders. Tite amount lete Peralta, State Auditor, and appoints j paid for thi* service during the year ha* E. J. .Jenkins and .1. JI. Sypher to their ! b'* 011 $102,093.99, and the estimated amount places, and restores the former to their of- >mes. and 16 934 P ut in proper order the streets of the city, have* been trail's- he thinks it a w ise provision thatCon- fice. Gen. Hancock, in vi-iting the Oper a Sat urday nigh'. «a> reeogn zed and greeted] with eiithu-i istie cheers. The band struck up **IIail (’idiimhia.” Xo businc.*' of importance tr in*:irte f l in the Convent ion to-day. <'oiigrcsiviounl, Washington. 1 ><•••. 9—Senate.—Petitions from the Assistant \> -c«sor* in North Car- of accounts not examined and settled is $80 000. During the year 8,853 refugees were! ^rcss has reserved the avenues, as well the necessary public grounds, under its own immediate charge. lie says: A reformatory institution for children, without distinction of race .-imi- lar to those in Xew York and Boston, i- much needed in this di*triet. One i* already in existence, but coutincd to those 6.1O4F.M. 8.05 A.M. jfcar* ha LON & WESTERN RAILROAD—103 milt 4—Fare, live .'t'ats per inile— \ •> V> cite, i‘r< si;!eut, K B. vv aleer, Superintendmik; B. A. Anderson, Agent at Atlanta: i»xY raasKNOKii tbain. Leave Macon .... 7.45 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta - - . 200 PM. Leave Atlanta .... 7.15 A.M. Arrive at Macon - - - 1.30 P.M. Leave Macon - - 8.40 P.M. Arrive ip Atlanta .... 4.30 A.M. Leave Atlanta - - . 1.1* P.M* Arrive in Maccn - - - 4.10 A.M. — treated in the hospitals, 196 of whom died; i schools, ''bo even tiou.ile them alter 135.296 freedmen were treated, 4.610 of they are discharged, ttiet who are lading whom died; 47 hospitals and 40 dispensa- nir “ ul ^ e an< * vtctou* ha 11I.4, coti.d be re- ries, or out-door stations, were in opera- 1 ‘‘kumed RJi‘l rendered a ble.'>nig to inciu- , ttsd' ATLANTA S. WEST POINT KAIL- KOAi‘- 4.7 luilt"—Fare, per mile—.John P. King. President; s. P. Geant. superintendent; B. M. Kakiur, Agent at Atlanta: CSV FASSKNUER train—GOING OTT. 1 Slave Atlanta 7 00 A.M. Arrive at \icat Point 12.00 M. DAY PASSENGER "i'RAIN-COMlNU IN. , , , ... , Leave VVe-t Point 12.40 P.M. convicted of crime. \ large class ot min- | Arrive at Atlanta chievou* boys w ho are a f»o*itive injury to 5.30 P.M. and society by bcin; well conducted scho< * that this . object bj consideration of ('oiigre*.*. cut to one of Is. lie recom- lirought to the tion on the 30tli of June last. In the i»is- trict of Columbia during the year there : titese were 12 eases of cholera, and 3 eases of ,ne,R small pov; 7cholera patients died. Among the colored people there are 1 400 blind.414 deaf and dumb. 1.131 imbecile or idiotic. 552 insane, 251 club foot. 98 deform"d 217 i maimed and 517 suffering \vitli ctironic and were pr^ented. for com pen- j ot , iHr disabling diseases.^ The pay of prt- sation. rate physicians for the year ending June Mr. Wil*on gave notice that he would 30. 1867. amounts to $111,400; amount ex pended for hospital attedani* for same i»c- riod, $80,500; and for purchase of medi cines, dressings, hospital store*, c'ie.. 8110.- 000. The average cost of furnishing me i- ical aUendunee and medicines to each pa tient under treatment in the care of the bureau, during the year closing with the ' GEORGIA, Sumter county. 30th of June last, has been found to be WHEREAS, James i’. West applies to in about $2.72. ! letters of guardianship of the The number of rations issued to refugees MONTGOMERY A WEST POINT RAIL ROAD.— Daniel H. Cram, Superanteiulent. laiave West Point - - 10.15 A.M. Arrive at Uotamhus - - . 1.44 P.M. Arrive at Montgomery ... 4.26 P.M. Leave Montgomery ... 7.00 A.M. Leave 1 oiiindua. ... i.H P.M. Arrive, at West Point 1.03 P.M. .1.1' removed his office from rner to the junction ofMari- • t-. w here he can be found at , rMessiunally engaged Al t DING COUNTY. ' date application will be rt ..f Ontinaryof Paulding ve to sell the real estate of O) totar 4, 1667. ■ W FoolE. Administrator. Printer’* lee $5. notice that he would to-morrow report a bill removing disabili ties'from two hundred and eighty-four Alabamians, recommended by Generals Pope and Swayne. The Secretary of the Treasury was called on for full details of the restoration of cap tured and abandoned property. The r solution declaring neutrality be- : tween Abyssinia and Great Britain came 4>19 - 177 . The expenditures on account of up. and a faricieal debate ensued, when ' the special relief fund w ere $145,993 36.— the Senate went into Executive session j The educational work of the bureau lias and adjourned. j been continued, and its importance cannot! ,, J . | be overstated. As heretofore, the benevo- IIou8e. Regular call for bills and re«o- ! Ient ajl80ciat i onR ot the North have turn- i GEORGIA, DkKai.b county. WHEREAS, Edward J Bailey, adininistratoi ! on the estate of J.evv is Etln idge. Sr., dei ea-ed i having made applie .tion to Hie lor leave to 4,-11 all real stale ot said intestate; All persona concerned a :e not i fled to 111-theii oh ecllons, if any diet hive within two mouth' from the lii't ptihlii.-aii.m <>l tins notice. <.l'i* leave \» il i>< g ranted f< r .he s lc <• ail the real e'tate 01 , o 2CcT’ M Ail. St AGE LINE FHUM ATLANTA T>.\ li I.UX EG A — 'arc Atlanta Monday. W eTnesilay and Frida.’* .... gpo A.M. : • ive ’ utsduy. Thursday and Saturday 7.00 P.M. •IVieial nature. Lewis Et-nridgt* *i. decea-e-l t.iven under my hand and t; isSI't dav ot Ol v’.' r. IS ..*. J. B. WILSON, Ordinary, novl—w2m *• Printer’s fee f~t for persons and prop- | erty of George H. W dker, Mary T. Walker ai ; , .. . ...... ,,, „ Henry J. Waiker minors amt orphan, of Jackson was 692.0tS; to freedmen. J .>i)4.b29. lotal 1 w. W alker, dem used: All persons concei ned are notified to file their ) objections, if any exist, on or before the ti’ -» Mon day in January next, otherwise letters will lie j granted the applicant in terms of the law. Given under my hand ami i llieial signature, | this November 301 h. IM>7. L. I*. DDRMAN, Ordinary ! iec3—W30<1 Printer’s fee ; $1,000,000 IN WATCHES! I DR s.\LE ON THE POPULAR r?r n v /; r r: i < i. r l a s. pn GlVtMi EVERY PATRON A Eaiiusome und Reliable Watch, For ttie low i’riee of Ten lb»li.ii *! Without Regard to Value WHF.REAS, James Davis applie* to me in proper form for letters of guar.iiansliip over t;..- porson and property of Josephine Dan,, minor heir of Milton L. Davis, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and require all per sons ronccrnd to be and apjicar at iny office, on or before the first Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they can, why the said letter* should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this December 3,1867. ts. B. McGUEGOR, Ordinary deo7—w80d Printer’s fee ft GEORGIA, Sumter county. WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary W. Bryan applies to me for letters of administration w ith the w ill an nexrd on the estate of Nathan Bryan, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the heirs and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it auy they can. why said letters should not be granted in terms ot the law. Given under my hand and official siguaturc. this December 3,1S67. L. P. DORMAN. Ordinary. _dee6—w30d Printer's lee fU GEORGIA, Sumter county. WHEREAS, Benjamin B. Dykes applies to ine for letters of administration on the estate of vv M. Whitlow, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and siugular the kindred and creditoi-s ot said Re- ceased, to be and appear at mv office within tnu time prescribed by law, nnd show cause, it an they can, why said letters should not begraiitcj in terms of the law. Given under my hand and official signature, this December 3,1867. L. P. DORMAN Ordinary. dcc6— w30d Printer’s tee |3* GEORGIA. Fayette county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. WHERE A*. Thomas A. Adams and U Stril, A.XJt A 07 7 0 DETAIL) FoJ. LXLESH TED I ECU. Y SA TISFA C'lOD Y. ■ having in proper form applied to me lor pcriuan | ent lectors or administration on the estate of j Arthur Robinson, late ot said county . deceased; This is to cite ail and singular the creditors ; and in xt of kin of Arthur KoiiIiskvi to U ami ! appear at my .. ulus the time allowed by j law ami show cause, if auy they can. why per ! manent administration should uot la; granted l > - said applicants. Witness my hand and official Signature, thi' ! November 3oth. 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary, i deco—w.Aid Printer's lee F-> ie exempting from taxation tnanu- while the bureau iia* furuisiietl traii.-por- GEORGIA, Fulton county. irs yielding less than four thousand ! tation, and has supplied, as tar as, w hkrkas., J M "sj orn ap'.'be* lor th- giuir * .. . , , , : school buildings. A genera! supervision 1 dianship ot the persons .mu |>io|.< i ty ot Lmi i; one directing the Secretary of the ! „.I f 1 .., of iinen’* school* is exercised LMcn and Joliu i. Siiinple, minor children ol Join . .... ; an irtenmen s mnoois t tA ' u '-'V ( sum pie, deceased of i roup .oioitv : lutions by States. Among tho.*e offered i i.*hed mainly the teachers, hook*, maps, etc., j — was one facturers dollars Treasury to use four million* of green- through superintendents of education in backs in the purchase of bonds; one to ! each State, and all olllcers and agents ol abolish the office of Assistant Treasury; j JJproSX t»u*i?effi,den«T and tt-efnlne**. one for the more effectual government ot i ’there are officially report.-d 1.639 day the rebel Stats. ; and night schools; 2,087 teachers, and 111.- The Judiciary Committee was directed ! pupils; show ing an increase dm c the ^ , , . . *, .. , . i last report of 6J2 schools, bo< teachers, and GEORGIA. DeKalb county. to inquire into the expediency of amend- 13,444 pupils. By adding industrial schools, i 1 * T , LTON a .candlkk »dm n.stratm- ing the Reconstruction acts to make the ; an d those **\vithin the knowledge of the _[> j[ members of the Convention take the test ] Superintendent,” tlie number will be 2.^07 schools, 2.442 teachers, and 130 735 pupd*; making a t"tal increase of 908 schools. 784 teacher*, and 40.222 pupils. Sabbath- schools also show iiiu< h larger numbers during the past six month*, the figures be ing 1.126 schools and 80.647 pupils; and if 250 200 pie. dereasoil of 1 roup This is, therefore, to ile ah p-'soi!' com*criu , « to he and appear at t ii office w itmii the • iiuc pvi Bi-ribisl l>y law. ami show cans-. •• ti cy 11 why letters »n jtild not be granted sa d apalieani Witness the Hon Daniel Patman, uraii.arj 0 said county, tills 2d uav 01 Dei • mb- 1 186. J NO. T. COOPER., De.dity t leik. >tec4—w30 I I'ri .ier's iee ft lnO solid Gold HunSitig Watclies $250 to $1,000 HK' M i^ic < used tiohl Watches.... won to lmi L idles Watches. Enameled ... 100 to visi i.e ii hunting Cbroinneter Wan lies . 250 to ihO Gold itiuinu English Levers 2 0 10 :sbb Gobi Hunting Diqdcx Wati hes 15o to 50U Gold llunting Anierii an M :dch«» 100 to 5(Jt) Silver tin ting Levers 50 to «oU stlvii ilnnting Duplexes .... 73 to ■M) G. 10 Ladies Watches 30 to I mm) Gui'i iitintiiig l.epiios 50 10 l.nHl At Iseellaueoiis si mi Mat. lies. 30 to •.’ nod lUiniiiig silver M atehes 26 to 3.000 Assorted \' ate lies all kinds . 10 to oath. After severe contest, certain portions of the President's message were referred to the Reconstruction Committee, thus reviv ing that committee. The bill striking white from the District laws and ordinances, was passed by a vote of 106 to 38. it goes to the President. The President was called on for the rec ord of the trial ot Albert Dusk, in Xew Orleans, for the murder of a negro boy. Mr. Hooper moved to suspend the rules so as to pass resolutions that the loans shall not exceed three hundred millions of non with the w ill annexed deeeabod, of said county . hav ’ e.'itiun to me for leave tost li the r. deceased, cumdiling of lot ot lank distra tof originally Henry, now containing one bundled - John N. lit .g made n d estate o v'o 3 in Ho Un i ton cii ti-t o . I i e 11 - poli- 17tb ordered to use every effort • U'llV I4*fr.*r«* «• f I til 111 1KIL lit* VfldlllLf'l Ml II .lit . »l ll'.tl'. I . , i^’Kveiv patron ol>taib* a \Vnteh l»y | tins* arrangement, costing but $10, while it ainv be worth Sl.tNiti. X.i partiality j *ltow n.„|y M i \t I'ii .ti iinmediatel v dispose of the above • 1 .gi uii eiit Mo, K Eerlilieales, naming the arti- | . ies are |daeit| in sealed envt lojies, and well j mixed Hold rs are entitled to the articles named ! on 1 heir cei l ilie tr. upon pay incut of Ten Dollars. v\ bet her it hi . \V worth $l,UU0 or one worth e ~ 7 ie a uen 01 any ol our certificate* enti- l-s you to me article n.inied thereon upoM pay- r less, 'hat 11 i* the lot of laud u o- wlii. hj uo nt. 11 n-reelivt 1.1 itswoitb and .18 no article the tlece sed resided prior to his death. 1 .1 s li, ; .ilnfi less than $l«l i* n allied on any certificate, benefit of the legatees ot said d< - east d ; ! it will ai once be ,-c< n that this i* .. ., '6 person* concerned ar. notified to file their j Lottery, bui a straightforward legitimate we add those -not regularly reported, the uu S i.ll eainnM'mhbnolfoe ^Deleave transacLou. which may be participated in whole number of ^ahbHtlr .-vdool* will he j uom,tbth,jo ^ by ^ mybl fabliai0U8 , 1.4(iN W itll 105.18b ]>Upli*. thus, giving .ill Given under my hand and official signature.! increase sin^e the last report of 686 school* this tsib October, t*6 and 35.176 pupils. Of the above schools j 1.056 are sustained wholly or in part by the 1 freedmen, and 391 of the building* in which ■ GEORGIA. Fulton county*. these schools are held, are own«:d by them-1 whereas. Joseph won*, administrator on selves. 699 teachers in the day and night | the estate of Thomas M. Lee. mo ol said cuiuuy. GEORGIA, Jasper county. W HEREAS, Charles T. Preston, administrator on the estate of Kii'l»> D. Lowery, dit-ea ed j late of said county, make* application to the un 1 dcrsigned for tellers of (iGmisbion from said ud goo I ministration: 1 The** are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons interested in said estate, to tile their nb jections, if any they have, in mv ofliee, on or be fore the first Monday In April next, why said ad ministrator shall not l»C dismissed according t.> the statute in such ease* made and provitled Given under my and official signature »toffice in Monticell*, this 12th da\ of *, piembci 1*67 M. It. HUTCHISON, Ordinary. sep25—w 6in [Printer's foe $4 5*D OctS 1 ''—w2tn J. B. WILSftN* Ordinary. Printer’s tee ?5’ schools are colored, and 1.388 white. 26.068 ' »ie< tase.t iepie*ents •.» the court in bis petition colored pupils have paid tuition; the aver-| |}‘ l t , ^ u | i . le<1 that ,e hllS fu ly “'inimu>u*red said age amount per monili being $44,555. ol" 111 ibis is, therefore, to cite alt persons concerned tint tar* He made 1 *neech in favor of it fraction over 51 cents per scholar. Only to show cause, ii any they can. why said udiuin. doilars. lie made a IJm.ii 111 Tavor 01 it. pup n 3 were free before the war ^trau-r should notb«« isehargedirom h.s.a.„ad but the House refused to suspend I The bureau La supplied 428 ot the school ; MoSda^in June. ^ wn rules. j buildings, and furnished 975 teachers with Witness the Hon Daniel Pittman, Ordinary O' Several new financial hills and resolu tions were introduced, and the House ad journed. tlisceilaneon*. The President nominated Daniel Den nett Collector of Customs for the Teche District of Louisiana, and Wm. L. Stan ford, Local Appraiser of merchandise at Xew Orleans—both to till vacancies. transportation. The total expenditure for i said county, 2d December, 1867. ad educational purposes by the bureau has I der4 _ w6m JNO ' T ^P^ter^feelt^ 1 been $220,833 01. j — been $220,833 01. The refugees and freedmen's fund on GEORGIA, Monroe county. hand during the year was $381,370 74. of WHEREAS, Patience Pringle, administratrix j w hich $284,117 39 has been expended, ou the estate of P. D. Pringle, decease , having j leaving a balance on hand of $97,253 35— Restate" l ° me ‘° r ,et,er,> °' ‘ iis,ui ” iun Of the $15,000 appropriated by Congress These are, therefore, to give notice all concern-! for the relief of destitute colored people ot ed kindred and creditors, to lie and appear at my i this District $•» 874 85 was expended UP to office w i:hin the time pre.-verim-d ny law, and file , nils ul>t 0 r,L • F , . A' their objections, ifauy they hav<. why said litters ! August 31. 18b<. 1 he total amount ol llio- Biiould not be granted to the applicant. Wilson's list for restoration to political ney appropriated since October 1. 1866. for Given under my hand ami official signature, rights includes Gov. Patton and Gen. the support of the Bureau, was $10,692,- this 4th day of December, T * , |559 30. Of this amount there has been} derft _ w6lI1 Pi inter-* Longstreet, j expended for salaries, quarters, transporta-; —— ! The mercantile and shipping interests , tioIK t ^c.. $3,279,491 43, leaving a balance of GEORGIA, Paulding county. A single certificate will be sent by mall, poet paid, upon receipt of 25 edits, five for $1, eleven in-f'J ihirty-Unee and elegant premium for $5, -ixty six and more valuable premium for $10, one Hundred and most superb Watch for $15. To Agents, oi those wishing employment, this is a ran opportunity It is a legitimately conducted | business, duly authorized by the Government, and open to the most careful s'erutiny. Try cal \VRIGHT. BRO.. & L'O.. Importers, 161 BROADWAY, New York. sepia—dawfim McBRIDE & FOEDEN’S GREAT REMEDY “K1X(y OF PAIN,” WILL CURE D IARRiKEA, BLOODY FLUX, lleailaehe and Earache, in three minutes Toothache in one minute, core Throat in ten minute*. Co ie and Cramp in five minute*. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Pleurisy, t oughs, Colds, Deafness, Asthma, Riles, Aifections. Dyspepsia. Inllumatinu of the Kindheys, Liver Complaint and Palpitation of the Heart. PRICE, $1 PER BOTTLE. Outers piomptly attended to.* t or sale by JOHN T. IiALL, bole Agent, Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets, Atlanta, Ga. It EM EMBER THE PLACE. oci2-dlt*vi Jin GEORGIA, Fayettf. county. WHEREAS, Francis Patterson, ■dminialiafor of Francis M. Patterson, represents to the Court that he ha* fully administered Francis M I’aitei son’s estate: This is, therefore, to cite .ill persons cm. creed kindred and creditor*, to show cause way -vi , administrator should not lie disohargcd imm hi. administration and receive letieis of <it*inission on the first Monday in June, 1W>R Witness my hunt and official signature, this November 30th. 1*67. EDWARD CONNOR, Oriinir doc5—wCm Pi inter'* lee $ l.5i GEORGIA, Fat KIT K county. WHEREAS, Sterling J. Elder, administrator of Thomas R Persons, represent to the « ouri tlia' he has fully administered Thomas K. Perron'• estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cau«e. if anv they can, why said administrator should not bo dis charged from his administration and receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in June, 1868. Witness my hand and official signature, this November 30th, 1867. EDWARD CONNOR, Ordinary. dec5—w6m Printer's fee $4 50 GEORGIA, IIknry county. WHEREAS, Thomas W. Sim* ha* applied t<> me for letters of guardianship of the pro|iert.> ol J»: terson D. and Thomas J. Bowden, minors ol Jus. W. Bowden,deceased: This is. therefore, to cite and a-lraouDh ail ]•?.- sons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why letters should not be granted the said appli cant. Given under my hand and official signature, this December 2,1867. qiLNeES R. NOLAN, Ordinary. dec5—w30d Printer’s fee $3 i any they have, why said letters should noi be granted to said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, this No'.enibcMih, 1867. 8. B. McGREGOR. Ordinarv. nov7— w3Ud Printer’s lee $3* GEORGIA, Newton county. TWO MONTHS alter date application will be , . _ v - , balance uay, bounty, and prize money. during November. . g-3^725 10;' toul balance on hand. Chicago offers $20,090 to secure tiie Xa- ; J53 ^ tional Republican Convention there. The report then briefly reviews tlu con- Foreign. dition ol freedmen's affairs in Virginia. Havana, Dee. 9—The Southern emt- | Brevet Brig. General O. Brown. Assistant . , 1 , • »r j Commissioner; North Carolina, Brevet grants who recently settled in Honduras, Ma j or Generai Nelson A. Miles, Assistant feel much dissatisfied with the course of ] Commissioner; South Carolina, Brevet Ma- i ea ve t« tell the real estate ot Green M. Mitchell, the British Government toward them.— |jor General R. K. Scott. Assistant Commis- late of sai l county, deceased. This November . , , 1 . , , ' sioner * Georgia, Col. (^aleb C. Sirlev, 16th 2 , .«h. 1*67. wm. j mitgiiell, .vdm’r. Governor Austin had granted them lands ,f nfant p v , Commissioner; Fiorida. nov2»-w2m Rnnu-r's foe $5 upon which to settle, and given them other j 'p Sprague, 7th U. S Infantry, dis- GEORGIA, Gordon county. privileges, which the home government charging the duties of Assistant Commis-| two MONTHS after date application will l,e Inw disaonroved. Main Southerners are sioner; Alabama, Major General ager made to the Udurt 01 Ordinary ot said county, f u J nas uisapy . jji charge; Louisiana; lexas. Gen. leave to sell the land belonging to the estate ol — ” . 1 . .. . z, wm Vita. I>llt ITY A fl 1 fltil < . 4* t , I nui a. I ri l I GEORGIA, Fulton counti. WHEREAS. J R. Wallace applies for letters ol administration u|»on the estate of Jot-1 Kelsey, I Sr., late of said county, deceased: This i , therefore, to cite all persons concerned I to show cause, if any they ran, within the tunc ! prescrib d by law, why letters of admiuisiration ! should not be granted said applicant. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this 2d December, 1867. JNO. K. COOPER. Deputy Clerk dec4—w30d Printer’s fei $3 GEORGIA, Newton county. WHEREAS, Mrs. Emily Neely, administratrix ot the estate of Francis 8. Neely, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismissiou : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file then objections in my office, if any they have, on or i»e Menday In Ju ne next, why said not be granted to tno ap- jiy .Southerners are sioner about to return to the United States. London, Dec. 9.—A general contract has been made for carrying the Atlantic mails. Charles Grirfin; Arkansas, Brig.Gen.C. H.: ofsaidcount *'’ deceaiea - '* h ‘| Smith; Tennessee* Brevet Major General * arlettia putman, Executrix I W. P. Carlin: Kentucky and Maryland. > n0 v8— wffiu Printer's fee $5 StJeak their ow n praise wherever planted. DAVID LANDKETH k SON. scut4—dawSm Philadelphia, Pa GEORGIA, Uwok county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Upson county, for leave to sell lot of fond number fifty (50) in the tenth district 01 originally Monroe, now Upson county, belonging to the estate orilenry T. ButU, deceased. November 2zth. Ih67. PETEK P. BUTTS. Administrator. decS—wJm Printer's fee 9* fore the first dismission should ' plicant. ' Given under my hand and official signature, 1 this November 29th, 1867. WM D. LUCK IE, Ordinary. nov29—w6m Printer's fee $4 50 GEORG LA, Monroe county. WHEREAS, M. J. Wilson applies to me for let ters of administration on the estite of Pleasant IT. Wilson.deceased! These are, therefore, to cite admonish all and jugular the kindred and creditor* ot said de- eased to be and appear at my office, within the line prescribed by law. and show cause if .., ( #y can, why said letters should not be granuii d applicant. Given under my hand and official signature. Ills 4th day of December, lttjrt. O. MORSE, Ordinary deet—w*0d Pr inter’s tee ST'