The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, December 18, 1867, Image 1

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i VOL. I.—NO; 258. THE DAILY 0 jfice,Central Building,OiMlf u^rtitiw »■* 8uHcri|>U#n *»»«» si usCRlPTiOK.-One copy, o*|_txa«; 98-00; - fIT» TXRMS OF TOUT: «aS5afe=3=3P=: -•« Kite cop lcn copi^J $8 00 5 00 kfoo *****> the p®»* A _ S "tocriptto™ to both ^imonewllV be’ T©*ei Fed Hx months, at ratee corresponding with the 1 7f>\tftXBING.*-C ard* In Cirr Dimaeroar . , to exceed five lino*, flt.00 per Aanuak-Rpeclal , ' ,,i notice* Fiftkkn Ckuts per line for Ant nk-n.and Fit* Cairr* per line thereafter. The e*ar*« *01 ie ni«l» for advertisements , in( lc>» than a equate. obituaries, and all , ,.f » personal nature. Except In eaeee a contract, other advertisement# will to ■m UiC followlng rate* t ^ • o-t %qe ***, one InaertVon, l •• two Insertion*, . ('iff/ Business IHrectory. WATCBE8, CLOCMBL JEWELRY. AC. WM. BOLLMAX, Dealer In Watches. ; < Jewelry. Gold l*en». S;ieetacle*, V. Ajtr., Whitehall* street, ad door al>Ove M. g'-. JB l.mi-h A Co.’» Book Store, Atlanta, Ga. i; .airing ill good style and warranted, dly MERCHANTS AND GROCERS l* il», WALLS A CO., Dealers In Produce, 1 staple and fancy Groceries, Hats, Capa, P i* Men's ami Notion*; Hardware, Ac.. Ac. t ail and examine our stock. HOYD, WALLS A CO.. • >v7-Uhn Cor. Peters and Forsyth streets. A»’ 1 • AIK A KKESK, ArCTIOW AMD COMMISSION skcHANTS Sign, Auction House. Wliite- treet. Atlanta, G*. feOO—ly )KiKK LYNCH, Wholes a ia amd Rktail guo- cn, ami dealer in Varieties, Whitehall street, iita.Ga. • ft®- - IF L'AINn A PARROTT. WHO LIB AL* GKO- T CKRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i.i .mu- Front, Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga. t «-1t ■ V J. It' >11 titT A CO., GKNSBAJU COMMISSION A. Mkkciiants, and Agents for Manufacturers a . I’r.Kiurera, at the Bridge, on Broad street and railn- nl. Atlanta, Ga. A. J. ROBERT, a|d it A. <1. aunani. F W. ROBERT. I MIN c. ROGERS, Dealer in Familt Gso- • I v* . i> .uni corsTRT Phodoce, Whitehall,one in.'ii Miicnell street, Atlanta, Ga. Choice It as* alu ays on hand. augfi—8m £ A.VEERS AND BROKERS 'Till; GEORGIA NATIONAL BANK. Bank 1 i . k. Alabama s'reet. John Rick, Presl- i t.K I .losKs.Cashicr; Darwin G. JoN«8 L Tel- u;. Ui akd h. Jonks, Book-Keeper. DI ’Its -I>>iiit Rice, John Collier, E. K. Rawson, ' '• niKi.d W. W. Clayton feSO—ly U I AMES. BANKER AND BROKKK, AT- • anta. G . ini ,'s and sells Gold, Silver, Bonds, k- and Bank Hills. Exchange* Bonds, make* Muirnt.* for parties in Bonds and Stocks; interest on Deposits when left for two or longer. ftflO—ly mil M G DOBBINS A CO., BROKERS, over At- lanta National Hank. Alabama street. R'/*ren Trisbee ft Roberto, New York; Hop- - 1 r..„ iirnlge a Dwight. New York; B. H. " irr * u. Wigu-ta, Ga ; I>. F. Fleming. Charleston, “ ’ •’ t iinnlngham, Montgomery, Ala.; R. * r -. itianta; R. Austell, Atlanta; Kdward ’rd Savannah. Ga. re®—ly \ 11 \NTA NATIONAL BANK—DESIGN A- » I KIt DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED ■ 1 ‘11'' A Austell, President; W. H. TcllRR, «r DiRECTORS— A. Austell, M. G. Dob- ’• " E. Phillips, Jesse McLendon, J. H. James. a a u-ntion paid to Collections In Atlanta ‘ i. '.ugb this section. Prompt returns made i t •*,-i current rates. Our New York Cor- i< nt. the Fourth National Bank, to whom r-ur. ft®—iy SALOONS. '■II' AG'I ALE DEPOT—M. E. KENNY. Pro i" n ii.r dealer in Brandies, Wines, Whiskies '< aar> ' HiCAuo Ai.k always on hand. No, Manama street. Atlanta. Ga. aug4—6m ATTORNEYS. l/VKu.iW .* P1MPMON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ‘ Atlanta, Ga. Office corner Whitehall and x -.a »treels, over James’ Banking House. ' .' . on Alabama street. , * H. P. FAEROW, O. F. SIMPSON. ■ t K i N V INSURANCE. I IKE INSURANCE COMPANY— - 8Mmi.U00. Wm. Jknninos. General neh - Building, corner of Alabama and streets, second floor. my«-ly hardware MATERIALS. M \KDWark._J. M. A J. C. Albxandbr. " uitehall street. Imn, Steel, Nall*, Car- i-rc materials. Tools for all trade*, Bnild- - Materials. Bolting Cloth*. Farming " ' J M A J. C. ALEXANDER. •i*im V TELEGRAPHIC. FROM THE NEW TOMJE PRESS ASSO&IATiOM* r i- r. , i , _ - • Y EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1867. iew Y. h H ti: MaUroad Schedules, cdM follows: SouthCar©lino,«ix~~ U5 IKht ATLAMIC RAILROAD, : Section third provides that until a ni Apportionment,tlie States shall he repress last mourn f . 9100 • 1A0 - - aoo one wee® - a 84® oneTnonth ... 10.00 three month*. ... K.® v ?'* -ales, per levv often lines or le**.. .ft BO ’ ‘' n ir -s Mortgage fl. fa. sales, per square ... 5 TO :::: SSfl , |utton* for Letters of Guardlan*hlp... 8 00 Letters of application lor dismission from ' \ ministration 4 50 ! ,.uen of application for dismission from lanliansliip 3 TO « i ,|icati«iis for leave to sell Land 5 00 \ 1" I debtors and Creditors 8 00 * - „f Land, etc., per square 5 00 , . ,,fiierisbal,le property, 10 days, per sqr. 1 50 t Itr.iv Notice*. ® days 8 00 j -u re of Mortgage, per sqr, each time... 1 00 ,’i VIE REQUIRED FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. - , „f Land, etc., by Administrator*. Exocn- - ,r Guardians, are required by law to be held the tir-t Tuesday in the month, between the . ,.f ten in the forenoon and three in the af- ii at the Court Honse in the eonntv in i. , the property Is situated. Notices of these - idu>t lie given in a public gazette 40 day* n .,,*,ii > to the day of sale. ‘ s .iiee« oi the sale of personal property mn*t _ ,, n in like manner 10 days previous to the ,1s, of sale. \ ire* to the debtors and creditors of an estate - -t ai.o, lie published 40 days. \-.,ij,e that apidicatlon will be mmle to the nt of ordinary for leave to sell Land, etc., • - published for two month*. ' nations for letters of Administration, Guar- -inp. etc., must be published TO days; for dls- - ..ii in>m Administration, monthly 6 month*; 'ii-;ni'siou from Guardianship 40 day*, i; i. - t,,r foreclosure of Mortgage must be pnb- . ,1 inontlily for 4 months; for establishing lost : *t*. for the full space of 8 month*; foroom- : ititles from Executors or Administrators, u re i*>nd lias been given by the deceased, the ii: -pare of three month*. p ,ii.-ation* will always be continued acoord- iu . t„ these, the legal requirements, unless other- v ordered. g^>LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS will be made to .early advertisers. loT AH transient and foreign advertisements ui lie prepaid to seenre publication. C^T All letters on business,or communications i, . ublication, must be a<ldres*ed to BCRUGGS ft DUMBLE. 4tjanta, Ga Virgin let Cenve Richmond, Dec. 17 the Committee on Finance, referred the resolution Inrtr^MnJf Ifcd Au ditor to guspend the A of^uiy In terest on the State debt jhnrffche Conrentien is satisfied there is enewf^ii in the Treuury to pay the whole, r^rtod adversely to any action on the Subject, having receH*«A the assurance that the Treamrar of At State would be able to pay all demandv i presented. The report WM adopted. A resolution not to interfere vftk ike lease of a ferry, wa8 laid oif the tftfctebjr a decided majority, after several speechei, in width the ground taken that the Convention had no right to determine questions of law, or grant injunction*. Afterwards a resolution appointing a committee to report whether the Conven tion lias the power of legislation and to ask General Schofield’s opinion, was laid on the table. The following resolutions were referred : For incorporating a provision into the Constitution that immigrants to this State are not to lie sued in courts hero for debts incurred before immigration, and exempt ing a certain amount of real and pergonal propert)' of such immigrauts from seizure for debt. For changing the system of State laws from remedial to preventive. The pream ble to this resolution refers to the prosti tution oi the liberty of speech and the press. For punishment for attempts to Intimi date voters at the ratification election. For protecting loyal citizens from being distressed by disloyal tax colleclors, for taxes levied years ago. A colored delegate offered a resolution prohibiting distinction on railroads ami other public conveyance*, on account of color, was referred. A resolution to adjourn for tin* holidays, and waive any claim to pay during the ad journment. m hs laid over. Adjourned. L*ui«laii* C*nr**tl**, New Orleans. Dec. 17.—The session of the Convection to-day was short. It adopted the rejtort of the Printing Oom- mitte as a whole, and adjourned to 12 o’clock to-morrow. 4>*l ....... , Sy Me St^e ft Ocg,. , eighth, In tilt Convention, *> sle**! I'J “>*' State at Urge. Ftorl- 1 which wa< da, ona. Alabama, eight—two to be fleet- t loMMKY A STEM'ART, Diiliu IN I'tKi.RxK*. ikon and Htkbl Cctlkrt, "i all kinds, Haknks*. Bridles, ' "i i. %ki*. l.KxTtiKR, ete.. Sign of the Mill "«»ntv Uvl. Wbitehall street. Atlanta, *ag8—6m PHYSICIANS. u ' JsllKKha* removed hi* office ftom ^ • C orner to th*j junction of Mort- ' streets, where he con be found at ' u *»rn not profo^ionally engafed 111 Bankruptcy. ' » ' Mi’ll LET < DIMES of the Rule* and 1*®!,“' • *t'"n>in Lankriiiitrv, adopted by the Dl»- ’ ' '•* ihe l/nlu-d states for the Northern 1 t-an 1m* hatllon application at • k - Dflicv^Atlauta.'Ga. l’rlce, tu cento Fire in VIcknfturE* Finney’s carriage repository, and Leon ard Brother’s livery stable and grocery, In the suburbs of Vicksburg, wer» destroyed ~‘g_‘**T "** by llro l.lRt idgnr. 1 Uiu r,td 94A,bO(l. -Fn-^^ cendiarism. Unngreselonatl. Washington. Dec. 17. — Senate. — A resolution promotive of the promised set tlement of claims was introduced. In the course of debate it was maintained that the accounting officers assumed too much jurisdiction. Mr. Sherman reported a bill funding the debt, but its consideration was postponed until after the holidays. A resolution calling on the President for the instructions to officers under the act of 1862, to suppress the rebellion and punish treason, with the amount or money real ized, and the names of the victims, was adopted. Mr. Davis offered a resolution calling for the aggregate expenditures of the Freed man’s Bureau since 1865. Several Senators objected. Too much of the disbursements was for white refu gees. Pending the discussion, the morninghour expired, and the repeul of the cotton tax was resumed. Mr. Conkling, of New York, proceeded to say that a helping hand had been ex tended to those destitute communities. The direct tax had been suspended in all the insurrectionary States. The tax had been removed from sugar, machinery and other articles which pertained to that communi ty. He would say now that it would have been much lietter for those people if one of the parties of this country and the visi ble head of the government had let them alone. If they had stopped swaggering about and talking altout representation in Con gress, and gone to work to build up their impoverished section, they would to-day have been much happier, and so would we. If the tax was taken off. it would wipe out twenty millions of revenue, and they knew not where to go to replace it. Mr. C. Indi cated a disposition to vote for a reduction of the tax, but maintained that the proper course was to postpone tho bill until Feb ruary or March, M’hen the whole subject of revenue wonld come up, and gave notice of his intention to make a motion to that effect. Mr. Morton said cotton should not be en tirely exempt from the burdens of the gov ernment. The discussion assumed a political turn, and the subject was postponed for execu tive session, and the Senate adjourned. House.—After the general business, Mr. Stevens introduced a bill regarding recon struction. Objection was made, and the bill xvas postjioned. This bills alters the provision requiring a majority oi the registered voters for the new Constitution to a majority of ths votes cast. The second section provides for the elec tion of Representatives at the time of the election on the constitution, who shall take their seats at the session suceedtng the one at which their States are submitted. HBAKD COUNTY SHERIFF SALES. ON toe Hm Tuo*d*y .in Jaaaary next, will be (r?^St£ e G«rr r - -*** ^ 0r -* in ^ k “ n ’ _ „ ♦k»fc» •‘VbJT M*® Statext large. Mississippi, six— one to be elected by the State at large. Louisiana, six—one to be elected by the State at large. Arkansas, three. No num ber of representative is given for Vir ginia. The Judiciary Committee was directed to Utijjtup the examination regarding Mary- ing a republican government. Otiae went into Committee of the ftnd after I’epeivUjig: Executive coiu- * ns, adjourned. miscellaneous. The nomination of Daniel Dunnett, as Collector of Cpstoms for the Teche District of Louisiana, was withdrawn by the Pres ident. Dunnett can’t take the test oath conscientiously. There was a long Cabinet session—all present. War Department. i Bureau li. F. awl A. LS Washington, Due. 11, 1867.) With a view to the reduction of the num ber of officers and agents of the bureau in places where their services c:in be best dis pensed with, it is hereby ordered, that, with the exception of the^superintemlents of education, on and after the fifteenth day of February, 1868, all officers and agents in the following States he discharged, viz: Maryland, Kentucky. West Virginia, anti Tennessee. The senior officer of tiie regular army in command of troops will be thereaf ter the assistant commissioner in tiie above named States. He will keep himself thor oughly informed of the condition of the country within the limits of his command, and will have a small force available to seud to any disturbed District where there shall be evident necessity of interference. The superintendent of education in each State named will report to the Assistant Commissioner thus constituted, who w’ill assist him by every means in his power in fostering and extending the work of edu cation. Adi. officers of the regular army relieved by.tills order will report by letter to the Adjutant General for instructions. O. O. Howard. Major Gen. Com. Approved. 1’. S. Grant. Secretary of War a<tinterim. Official documents show that the diplo matic negotiations relative to the Alabama claims arc .closed, both adhering to tltelr m ■ - The Susquehannah has arrived. Admi nil Palmer and Captain Burroughs are dead. The Susquehannuh’s machinery and boilers are crippled, and her hull strained. Revenue receipts to-day $27!).000. Gen. Grant’s confidential letter regard ing the removal of Sheridan and Stanton Is published. It is quite strong, hut its length, and the fact that it bears on past Issues, precludes the necessity of tclegrapil ing it. Market*. New York. Dec. 17.—Cotton firmer and tulet—middling uplands I D4; sales 2.200 ale*. Freights lower—sail ^ 8 d; steam *^d. Nww Orleans, Dec. 17.—Cotton ad vanced—Orleans 15; sales 4.000 bales; re ceipt* 1,511 bales; exports 768 bales. Mobile. Dec. 17.—Cotton active and closed firm—middling uplands 14; sales 4,000 bales; receipts 5/201 bales; exports 5,264 bales. Charleston, Dec. 17.—Cotton active and *ft»r December 15th, 191, Passenger run as follows: GOING NORTH. LE A|V I N C ATLANTA. T*ft* A. « i R< trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia i- koId- lower grades advanced lands 15. ; middling up- Augusta, Dee. 17.—Cotton market quiet —middling uplands 14;sales 510 bales. Savannah. Dec. 17.—Cotton market quiet —middling uplands 14^. Liverpool, December 16.—Cotton closed steady and prices unchanged. Manchester advices unfavorable. Letter from Senator Sherman.—In reply to a letter from Mr. Henry Clews, ot Wall street, New York, Senator Sherman write*: United States Senate. Chamber.! Washington, Dee. 6, 1867. $ Drab Sir: I have read uitli interest your letter, and will certainly weigh care fully all the propositions made as to our financial measures. The Committee on Finance is now engaged in studying all these issues, and 1 am confident will be able to agree upon measures that will lul- flll not only the legality but the morality of our public engagements. More than tins I cannot hom’ say; but I heartily invite all suggestions of a practical character. Very truly yours, John Sherman. From the Savannah Republican.j Hinksvillb, Liberty County, Ga.. I December 10, 1867.) A sale has taken place at tills county seat that so well marks the extreme de pression IB the money market that I send you the particulars. Colonel Quarterman. of this countv, deceased, and his executor. Judge Featter, was compelled to close the eg tat*. The property was advertised as re quired by law and on last court day Mas sold. A handsome residence at Walthour- ▼ille, with ten acres attached, out houses and all the necessary appendages of a first- class planter’s residence, was sold for sixty dollars. The purchaser M as the agent ol the Freedman’s Bureau. Hit phmwrtion. four hundred and fifty acres m prime land, brought one hundred and fifty dollars, sold to a Mr. Eraser. 8lxty-sii acres of other land near wal- thoorville, brought three dollars; purchas er. Mr. W. D. Bacon. These M ere all bona fide sale*. It w*a court day, and a largo concourse of p*opl* were present. The most of them were large property owners, but really had not live dollar* In their pockets, and of •eqncnce would not bul. as the sales ■eforcaah. a Subsribeu. 9*00 . . . htdeiuh 1 New York. Arrive atCuavf ahoCqa AQ0 r. m., connecting with trains of * Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad fo Naslivllle, Louisville and the West, ami trains of Memphis And Charleston Rail- id for Memphis, New Orleans, eot. n the legal hour* of the 18th , „ line dt- .betweenr William Cheek end Prls rFrtsclllb Hendi *• f*> Issued from the Seperiev °* Carroll county, Officers of Court vs. PrU- eilia Steed. Property pointed out by Joha Hen- drick. Al«<>. at the same time ard place trill be sold one cotton gin. Levied on as the pro vs - Allen, .tpdghin, administrator of J. McStowart, security Property pointed catt by H. C. Alien. iu Aiso, at the same time and thirty-four acres of land, more the ’ *- ana 'vS* **nic time and place will be sold oxvltle. II. Lynchburg, , „, Washia; II Itiuiore, Philadelphia.and ‘ irive at Chattanooga tftting with train* of ■Twattanoegn Railroad lor Nool Ltuisville, am] the West, and trains of tie Memphis and Charleston Railroad lir Memphis, New Orleans, ete. COMING SOUTH ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. I. 45 A. M Daily Ukbat Soctitirn Mail.— Leaving Chattanooga at 4 40 p m., con- ndTting witli trains of Nashville and Clpttanooga. aud Memphis and charles- toi Railroads, and at Dalton at 7 TO P. M connecting with trains of K. T. and GA Railroad. 10.10 A. M. Daily (except Sundays) Acworth AfCOMequation.—Leave Dalton at 10.10 a.m., AcAorth at 6.25 A. m.. Marietta at S.t A. M. II. 50 A. II. Daily (except Sundays) Express PlHSENOKR.—Leave Chattanooga at 3.40 a. a., making dose connect ions wltii and now occnpiod by Mr. S ty pointed out by plaintiff RfflWDiflLU. L Cleavela > . -- —t 7 including Qfotanjard known w the CltoveUnd tan yard, x. Samples. Said proper- dlff and levied on as the eavedaod. to satisfy a fl. fk. and levied on as the PRICE—5 CENTS. GEORGIA, Sumter county. r tb* Superior Ctrort of Tronp (OHntv *»r «M Mattel* MoCNuilg vs. D. L. ^>«*oid oaio pivpertyi>Wotod on* h?'l-HliutUf and levied on as the property of John white, to satisfy a 8. fa. issued from the Justice*’ Court-of the Tuad dis trict, G. M„ in favor of J. A. Fonder vs. saiiOJohn White. Levy made and returned to me by Tho*. M. Awbry, L. C. November S5*h, 1867. >V. S. ECnuLS, Sheriff. noyg7—wtds l’rintei-’s fee flO.OO and siagular the teln aad e*tetete«rfV*»d <to ttev£^wh?tolilUtZu? n< L ,, JT r <•*■»«■. It UI to te* tow U0 * tn *o* be graated affSLSSSf J^* 4 “ J —*» •a.*""*- ilnulT ■*! ^ DORMAlf. Ordtoarr dec«--wa)d - Printer's for #3 GEORGIA, Monroe county. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CO.NCABK WHEREAS, A. H. SDicd biTinf in Drouer f«>rm ^.r-emyeat letters of aduiui- oftold^u^y*"* 14 ^ Mary . '•«« Tkto U to cite all the kindred and eredMor* of Mary Sneed to be aad appear at ay odG r “*• * U ®r ed »*wVT'«i ca“V Sffl&RMSKSKT.S:'; aStsyjicJ.a?.^‘ --•••* <foe*-w80d ins of Nashville and Chattanooga, and nipliis and Charleston Railroads, and l*)LTON' at 6.(0 a. m , connecting with triins of Kasi Xeuneise and Georgia IUilroad. Pullniani* Patent Sleeping Coaches OM A LI. NIGHT TRAINS. JOHN B PECK Master of Transport nt km dect4—dan iBORGIA RAILKOAlk-171 miles—Fan mile—John F. Kino, Freshient; N Anokksos, Agent FULTON MORTGAGE SALE. WILL lie sold before the Court House door, in the city of Atlanta. Fulton county Georgia, on the first Tuesday In January, 18R8, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The south half of city lot No. S3, of block 14, of land lot No. 51. of the 14th district oforlginallv Henry, now Fulton county, Ga., fronting on Col lins street, and bounded hv lot of John K. Bennett on the west, by B. 1». Ladd, on the east by R. A. FiUina". on tiie south ami sanl Collins street, con taining one acre, more or less. Levied on by vir tue of and to sutisfy a Mortgage ii. l'a. issued from Kullon Superior Court in favor of Dauiel Fittinan vs. A. F. Bell. Pnqicrty pointed out In said Mortgage 11. fa. November 4,1867. M r . L. HUBBARD. Deputy .Sheriff. nov5—wSw Printer's foe $5 SUMTKR cjuntv sheriffs sale FOR FEBRUARY. j \V 1 l.L be .sold before the Court House door, in ' the HYv oT Amerlcits; on the’ first Tuesday In i February next, within the legal hour* of sale, the 1 following property, to-wit -, AH the erAp of ebtton of she present rear on the plaalatiou oi .lobu M. Wor rell, iu th* county of Sumter, consisting of 40 bales, ■ oreor less, to-wtt: 5 bale* ginned and packed, lint amd seed cotton th the gin iKiusc, aud cotton iu Ui* fields to be picked ag* Atlinta . . *Ui A.M, B'-d gmnedbv tiie day’or sale,to satisfy aMortg* natlugusta JM6 *n wafcl.auda from the County Couitorsn Anjusta o.TO A.M. ter louidy, iulavor of Adams, Jones ft Rernoto* s at itianta [.'.^.AtH vw.J,Rte r L WV»arMl. .p 1 ' Property pointed out by lettpof John R. five ceafli per W. Cole, nuperinteudent; G.T al Atlanta) I PAT rAEBKMGEa TEAIK. Leave Atl Arrive Leave „61'm. Arrive at fugusta All) A.M. ilYttoo iv.8.»iilfM.8flURY, lN imty Sheriff. Leave Auautt .6-lt) LM. ^ >t-i-rt-* In 1' - ,pi ji ^ Arrive ^aaoueu kkeight train. | i’OSlPtiiXED COBB SHERIFF'S SALE. iv: i aye Auguila F.Al. : Ttftsday in January, next, wRIHn the usual rrive at Atlanta o-UB A.M. j hours of sale, the'loUowiug property, to-wit: —— — Lot*of I.kitM tHiinl<er* *73, WS, 9«7, W4H and 047, EW-MACOK A WKSTlfiitN RAILROAD.—JIW ; aud parts of *7U STo and ItfS, in Hie Itith district miles—Fare, like cents per mile—A. J. White, | and serohd Section of t Yddt county l evied on as President; E. h. W aI.ekr, Superintendent; K. A-j the properly of Mrs losnn.iM (Tass, executrix ef Anderson, Agent at Atlanta: John. Cass, deceased, tosailsty one U. la issued May FAsaENGKR train 4 fv.'in Cobb Nuffi4i4or ( hurt in favor of Charles D. Leave Macon ... 7 45 A.M.-i Phillips, Ueaivr, vjs. Jouuua M. Casa, executrix of Arrive at Atlsuta - - - 2 00 *’lb.1 John Cass, deceased. Sold for the purchase money. Leave Atlanta - • 7 lb A.M. Thi-, December 8^ lHti7. Arrive at Ma<a)n - - t. M I'M., A. F. JOHNSON, Sheriff. Leave Macon - - 8 40 P.M. ! rt*v7— wts PrinuT’s Use $8.80 Arrive in Atlanta Leave Atlanta Arrive krVaoon WK8T POl N D—87 miles—Fare, per mile—John P. Kino, Pretideut; 8. P. Grant, Superintendent; R. M. Fakkak, Agent at Atlanta: DAV I*AH8ENGEK TRAIN—GOING OUT. 1-enve Atlanta 700 A.M. Arrive at West Point ., lS.oo M. DAY PA8SENGKK TRAIN—COMING IN. Leave W*at Point 1S.40 P.M. ▲rrive at Atlanta 6.30 P.M. t*iVm : ] BARTQ4V mGrtgagesirniRiirFsale 4.10 A M. i w H.h IK will I tn-fore ihoVteWrt Itonse door. In NT KAIL- I ! MB' MONTGOMERY A W KST POINT RAIL- .— 1 uniei. 11. Ckam, Suiierlutendent. ■■'eil’oiut Ijeave Wei Arrive at Oolumbus - Arrive at floiitgomery I^ave Montgomery - Leave Coluoibus Arrive at West Point 10.15 A M. 1.44 P.M. 4 25 P.M. 7.00 A M. 1 11 P M. 1 (« P.M. Jfir MAIL STAGE LINK FROM ATLANTA TODA H LON KG A — I^iave Atlaita Monday, Wednesday auil Friday - - - - 6 00 A.M. Arrive Tuealay, Thursday and Saturday 7.0O P M. THROUGH RATES ON COTTON TO NEW YORK AND O TH E R EA STER X Cl T i ES, VIA NORFOLK. ON and alter November 4th, 1887. the rates on Cotton from Atlanta, per bale. Will be, To New York.. . Coinpvc—ed. #5 55 Not Com press ##662 t o Baltimore 4 75 5 42 To Philadelphia 5 55 6 37 To Boston 6 06 697 To Norfolk 4 15 4 62 Through Bills of Lading will be given at point ol shipment and loss, damage or overcharge will be promptly settled at point of delivery. Marine Insurance required between Norfolk and New York aud Boston. No Insurance re quired to Baltimore or Philadelphia. Any further iuformation will be furnished on application to JOHN B. PKCK. M. T., iiovS— d3m Western ft Atlantic Railroad. li O O F I N G ROOF NC. ROOFING. Having established a Manufactory of the well known Felt, Cement and Gravel Hoofing, The undersigned would call the special.atteution of builders, and persons about to build, to this STYLK OF ROOFING. It is cheaper and more durable than any other Roofing in use, aud is F1HK-PKOOK, and has lieen thoroughly tested, as can be seen by reference. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Roofing of all kinds repaired. Roofing Felt and Roofing Material for Sale. Samples and references can be seen at the cor ner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, or at the Manufactory,on Foundry street .rearofWinship's Foundry. jo26—6m ->. A. «M1 Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, STRIPES. OSNABURGS, YARNS, Ac., By Wholesale at F'uvtory Prices, FOR SALK BY ilfiO St LEY DUN FACTORY AGENTS, a tree t Atlanta HEIR Whitehall octTO—dSm Ga. the town <n Cartersville. Bartow county, Georgia, within Uw legal huuxs of. sale, on the first Tires- [ day in January, 186s, the following property, to witi . r , j, The settlement of land, eight hundred and fifty i acres (850) more or less, ob which Dr G. G. Roy i and others now reside, in the fourth district and third section of Bartow county. Levied on j as the property of Gustavus H. Bate*, to satisfy one Bartoyv Superior Conrt Mortgage U. fa. in fa- 1 vor of Horace J. Bates v*. Gustavus II. Bates. Properly pointed out by defemUnt November 7th. 18157. W. L. GOODWIN, Sheriff. nov»—wtds Printer’s fee f5 LEE MORTGAGE SHERIFF’S SALE FOR FEBRUARY. 1868. WILL he sold on the first Tuesday in February. 1868. at the Court House door, in Starkville. Lee county, Georgia, be tween the leujai hours of sale, about four bales of ifiutwti cotton, not packed, two hpmired bushels of eoru. more or less, two lmmtred pounds fodder, more or less, six huniW&l ofishels cotton seed, more or less. | All levied on as the property of Hugh W. HassclUus. by virtue of two Mortgage li. fas., one from the County Court of said county, in favor of E. B. Jones vs. Hugh IV. Hasselkus. the other from the Superior Court of said county, in favor ot Wright St Warren vs. Hugh W. Hasselkus. Property pointed out in said ti. fas. Dee. 6, 1867. dec 10-wts WM. C. GILL Sheriff. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of DeKalb county, Georgia, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February. 1868. at the Court HOuse door, in the town of Decatur. DeKalb eounty, between the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 227, containing 140 acres, more or less, in the 15th district of I>eKiilb county, (with the deception of the widow's dower.) Sold as tiie property of William B. Anderson, de ceased, for the tienetit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of side cash. Tilts the 7th day of December, 1867. SARAH ,J. ANDERSON. Adm’x. declO—wts Printer’s fee 95 GEORGIA, Bartow county. Court of Ordinary, Novkmbrr Tcrm, 1867. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of Julius skinner that John S. Allen, deceased, late ol' said county, did in his lifetime execute to said Julius Skiuuer his boud conditioned to execute Titles in Fee Simple to said Julius Skinner for the Pitts Hotel lots, in the town of Cartorsville in said county, located on lots No*. 18. It, 8U and SI, In said town. Aud, it further appearing that said JohnS Allen departed this life without execut ing titles to sateftown lots, or hr will or otherw ise providing therefore. And, it fnrtbcr appearing that said Julius Skiuuer has aid the full Jrtuount of the purchase pri^e of said ots, and said Julius Skinner having petitioned t is Court to direct Josiah R. Parrott, administrator upon the estate ol the said John S. Allen, deceased, to exeunt* t him titles to said totfn lot* in conformity -wit said bond: persons uoncornsd are hereby notified and required to file their objec tions, if an V-they have, in ay office, within the time prescribed by law. why *aid administrator should not be ordered to execute titles to said town lot* tooonforfoity with said bonds. And, it is further ordered that a copy qf this Rule be pub lished in the Weekly upfnion newspaper for three Months. > A V Si j, A. HOWARD, -H Ji I . Ordinary Bartow county. Extract from tbo wiuuttq* thi* 4th day of No- U V A. JHVlFAfcD Ordinary B. C. •orlft-wfliu' .’i Printer* fee #» -r^ GEORGIA, UHNXRtCOUNTT. GEORGI A, L’pfiox county. WHEREAS, G. G. Weems, adminbtr*- TWO MONTHS Oiler dale application wjll be . tOC WAtU tUtl WilL BIHiexCtli Dll tlk estate of Ordinary .4 Upson county, BllsTirod iTSttft, (J^CCaft^d, ndv Itcatlwo for ioUcri Ikh to MORSK. Ordinary. Printer's fo* f* CFODO’-*' *avas«* VUL WBXhEAS, no proper appltcothm administration has l>een made to meou me Of John T. Stopheas, deceased, late of this coun ty: These are, therefore, to eite and ndmonish nil parson* cuncarned, kindred and creditors, to show cause withinUtetime prescribed by Uw. wt>, u>< Clerk of the Superior Court should not »i. pointed administrator on said esta c. Given under my band and official signature this 4th day of December, 1887. O. Morse. Onlinxrv deefi—wTOd Printer’s lev $:i DANIEL £. McCLRttY,, l.iei ter |nrm vs ? Hart ttopei. ■ JANE McCTKKY. > bulb to pkr»*ct service IT appearing to the Court by the return- oi t Sheriff that the defendant does not in in., county, and it lurthar appearing that »hc do, - i... reside In this Slate: It u, ou motion of couu-< . ordered that said defeudant a}>p«'i>r and *na*n at the next Term of this Court, else the cose w be considered in default and the plaintiff allow ■ I to proceed. And it 1* further ordered that u - Rule be published in the Atlanta Opinion . . mouth for four month* prior to the next Trim ,-i this Court. Witness theHooorable William M Bceae, Judx'e of said Court. This Septeoilier 17th. I*; A true extract from the minutes ol said t < This October Wth, 1867. JAMES L. JOHNSON nor5—wlan>4ui Clerk Superior < ourt GEORGIA, Fayktt* couwtt. TO ALL wao* IT HAT OUNCE*8 WHEREAS, Thomaa A. Adorn* and K b - having In proper form applied to ine tor ent letters or odminlslration on the r«i«t, ,-i Arthur Robinson, late ol said county, uerwa.. . This Is to cite all and singular the cre.ui. i- aud next a* kin of Arthur Robinson to •* ,.n . appear at my office within the time allowed •. law aud show cause. If auy they can. «h> maneut administration should not br granir.i t.> •aid applicants. Witness my hand and official signature, this November TOtb, 1887 EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinal." deeff—wTOd Printer's lw EMMA S. THOUi’siIN, HUGH L. TUOMl’SON,' ) Libel lor Divorr, > Fulton 8u|*ri«r « .>nri Apt il returnable tu the Term, iww- IT appearing to the Court by the return of Hm- Sberifl in the above stated case that the delcndaat is not to be found in this county: au.l It is-ii.g further made to appear that he is re-idiug in i ■ State ot Alabama, aud i- beyt.ud the jurist!leti of this Court: It Is, therefore,ordervd i.r the i ,.i. t that the service be periected on said deiradant the publication of a Rule for that puip<»-c on. .■ a month for four months (in oue ul thr pnld.r OjusUm of this oily) previous to Hie next r. L'u Inr Term of this Cx>urt HAMMOND, MYN ATT ft W ELI.ItORN K, Plaint.0 - Attorney- A true extraci from the Minutes of -aid • ..'nr: November fi, 1867. W. K. VENABLE, vie. a decllf— wl«4m GEORGIA, Baldwin county. WHEREAS. Ded Ilsur ha-made application lor lutiers of odmiuiatrailou ou the t»UU <•■ George Ilsur, late of said eounty, deea-ed Those are, therefore, to cite and adiuotii-h s I persons concerned 10 file their obieettou-. u lu , on or before the first Monday in Januaiy i. xi Given under uiy baud aud official siguatur, this 5th Decsmber, 1867. JOHN HAMMOND, Ordinar: dec7—wTOd Printer's lr< f SU MTKR J A N U A R Y SI IERI KF> SAIL WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in.lanu.,. 1868, before the Court House door. In ti.v . u, t Americus, hutnler county, Georgia, the follow h ^ projierty, to-wit; made to the i imrt of Ordinary id IImsi jo. leave fo »eil lot of land number fifty (50) inttitf) tenth district «>i originally Monroe, now Upson county, iKiloagiug to the e-tale of Henry X. leoea-sed. November Wth, 1867. PETER P. BUTTS Adminktra fowl—w*m Priutor’* fee e growing crop of cotton on the i.n, t George E. Clark, in the 86th district wi Hsisli . county, to satisfy om Mortgage il la i--.n i the County Court ot suiuter county, x.tbi fi u - lug in favor of M. Coker v*. George K < lark and said property pointed out by plaintil! Ii November 6th, 1867. J. if. PIL8BUKY, Deputy M.anfi novl6—wtd* Prinlei'» lev g* ,. GEORGIA, Butts county. WHEREAS, William H. Johnson applies to ■„ for letters of guardianship of the person an I property of Joaepb Johnson, minor This is, therefore, to cite and odiuoni-h all and singular the kindred aud creditors ol .an u.i uor, to show cause, if any exist, on «r Iwi..ri ch* first Monday iu January next, why bit. - should not be granted the applicant Given under my hand aad oftirial signalu>.-. this December fid, 1867. WILEY GOODMAN. Onlinary dec8—w30«i rn*l*i*■ ire y . GREENE SHERIFF'S SALK. WILL be sold Iwfore the t)ourt House, iu the. . of Greenesboro, Greene county, tos.rgi i. oath, first Tuesday Id January next, within the !rg* hours of sale, the following property, to-wit Tract of land lying and la-r.ig in - ,i 1 county on the head w aters of Bervardair < r. . a bounded by lands of H. C. Peck, w in. H .1. I. and others, containing five hundred acres, less: on said tract is a valuable dwelling n..u-e. aad valuable grist r Ills and ttw mills. L-vi. i upon to satisfy two fi. fas. one in favor of I Martin vs. Wm. Moore. James Moore, s.-. urity and Elliot C. Bowden, administrator of \t ■■> f Lnckie, deceased, security, aud John Bonner eu dorser, from tne Superior Court <u saul • •■unt. and the other in favor of Miles \V. Lewis. \- signee, Ac., vs ElliolC. Bowden, adm'r .4 Wiu t Luckie, from Greene Superior Court. Nani pr<v erty pointed out by pUintig's attorney Term- casn. Decemlier S, 1M7. C. K. HUTCHESON, Deputy Sheriff deo4—w ts Printer s le. |. CLAYTON SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL lie sold before the Court House door, in Joueshoro, Clay ton county. Gw, on tne fit »t rue- day In January, 186*. within the legs) hour- .>: sale, the followtug property, to wit: One town lot in the towo ol JoMatooro. contain mg three and three-lourtbs arrea, known a- in. hotel lot, and also a* the property of tne estate <u the late Dr. James A. Turner, liwuM-'l l..«n- on to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued rrom Henry su^-n.-r Court against Levi H. Turner, mimini-trnior ..i Jo*. A. Turner, deceased, iu lavorclB ( 1. . . administrator <U bosit mm of W. L. M»rri- i. ceased, w hich fi. fo. wo* issued from a 4n iv. tolned in said Superior Court to assert the ». n dor’s Hen. Terms cosh. November feth. lw.7 L. C. HUTcUENUN. Deputy (-hi l iff rmS-wuU Printer’s lev f- HEARD COUNTY SPECIAL BAII.IKO SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of tale, betorr the Court House door, in the town of Franklin. Hear I county .Georgia, the following property. U.-w it One lot of land number eighty-eight ,Hr in ih. fit tee nth district of originally Carroll, now Hear i — __ in* made ap- . .. ... 'me ftrtlrtiVs to r*tl the Teal' T. tn . r vn *■ estate>af sttki dccoaaed foe tfce benefit of cow were fWP “Bandy” has succeed oil base ball as * game iu Virginia. GEORGIA. Upson county. TWO MONTHS alter date application will be mmle to the honorable Conrt of Ordinary of Uuwti county, for leave to sell tbe real estate of Robert A. Dicks, late of said county, deceased. November TOth, 1387. MARTHA A. DICKS, Administratrix dec*— warn* Printer’* foe fa Thin two month* the first publication-of this ftotiea *iie leare will be granted for tbe sale of teki retd estate; Giver under my band and official signa ture, imp 2JJtb Grtpbf*, 1^7, '! ;’ x (4^.R. NOLAX, Ordinary. oet29—w2i» Friater’a fee 95 issued at the Jnly Terra of the count- < ourt 1867, In ravor of Nvsbv Cbunn. lhl* the* at da. of Deo*labor, 18*7 J. A. 1‘UNDER. Special Bailiff t t dec*—wu Printer*- fee n ’*> GEORGIA, Pauldino county. TWO months after data application will »m mado to the Court of Onlinarr of Pauhlmg coao ty, Georgia, for leave to sell the real out rot James Colo, deceased. October *9tb. H*r . . J- W. HARRIS, Admini-Irator novJ-wtm Printer’s fee fa