The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 20, 1868, Image 3

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THE DAILY OPINION.! bring this about, we cannot say. Of course the Commanding General has the matter in ATLANTA, OA,:::::::: JANUABY 20. LOCAL AFFAIRS. ■vskrisi Reficia. amoobtuba Bmam-Xr. Kenny’s Mends are loud In their praise of his new Angostura Bitters, and generally unite in testifyinr tj its berrdlcial Qualities, as rep resented ay the mannlhetnrers. Call and try , as well as his flirorite brand of Chioago Ale. In this connection we would mention the fact that Mr. K. is the sole agent for the Aromatic Angostura, and Sell’s Chicago Cream Ale, In this city, and has both for tale at Wholesale. Orders will be promtly tilled, Is the motto of the Chicago Ale Depot, Alabama street. t Peor. Robots to performing aaton tohing cures in Atlanta. See the oertiflcate of cure in to-day’s paper. Ak adjourned Meeting of the Bepubl lean Caucus will be held In the Hall of the Con vention at 7X o'clock this areniug. Person a l .—Hon. Foster Blodgett oc cupied his seat in the Convention to-day. Concohdla.—The “Stranger” is on the boards for Thursday Evening, the 23d inst., ■t Concordia Hall. A large attendance is anticipated. The whole force of this ex cellent Dramatic Company will appear.— See notice elsewhere. hi* own hands. It Would seem to he under the circumstances of bead- quarters and the Convention being here, that the co-operative branches of our Pro visional Government should also bd ln this vicinity. At all events, if a removal to made we warrant a cordial reception of the officials on the part of our citizens. The Democratic National Committee will meet at Washington on the 83d prox., o determine tho place of holding the Na tional Convention. fiT The Nashville Press and Times gives a very complimentary synopsis of the speech lately delivered in this city by Gov. Brown. HT Hon. Wm. T. Hamilton has been elected Senator from Maryland; flee Hon. Reverdy Johnson. OOMMBROIAL. OFFICE DAILY OPINION, I Atlanta., Ga, January SO. ISIS. f Cotton opened this morning at an ad vance of % on the prices of Saturday. We quote at 12e. No changes of importance in the general market. We quote: Miss Augusta St. Clair.—On account of the bad weather Miss Augusta St. Clair postpones her lecture until to-morrow evening. Reserved seats without extra charge can b*‘ secured at the Hall to-morrow after 2 oVlock. Hoyt’s Auctions.—These auctions will continue daily and nightly until the stock i- closed out. Remember this, you who want to buy *;t*od things at murderously low prices. 1. T. Banks & Co. have a very large and elegant assortment of Shoes, Boots, and other articles in their line. They are the right sort of men—with the right sort of goods, at the right sort of a stand, and will sell at the right sort of prices. Cold.—Some of Costello's pets, from the tropics, spent a cold time yesterday and last night, in their dens which were eleva ted on platform oars, in an exposed posi tion. OORX- White Yellow or Mixed. Meal BACON— Clear Sides Clear Rib Sides... Shoulders ..per bath per both . per bush 9 * r* ■ 9 » Loafers.—Business men are often wor ried and annoyed by long visits from men who cannot be classed under any other bead than the title which heads this article. They should remember to call on a man of business only In business hours—and call only on business—attend to their business and then go about their business. A New Sociktt.—A new society has been organized in a neighboring city which commends Itself to the good sense of the people of Atlanta. It is known as the Society of Anti-Poke-Your-Nose-into uthrr-lVop’.e's-Bnslnesa. Some men we wot of should be coerced Into membership, and then compelled to atrictly observe its teachings. Dan C astro lo's Circus.—This mam moth establishment, punctual In all its ap- fMiintmeota, well managed in all its details, elegant in all Its appurtenances, has ar rived in the city, and will exhibit with its fine corps of performers, its elegant stud of horses, and ita'extensive Zoological col lection this afternoon and to-night only. Thousands visited this great grandfather of all the shows when it was here some three weeks ago; and thousands more will go to see it now. Sash. Blinds, liuoai, <tc.—In a recent visit u> th« riiofiiix Mills. under the pro- pr'-tcSrtdnp *»f Messr*. L:\nd»hur/ A Har ris u*-*r the Medical College, we wen* rath er Mirpri.-ct to notice the extent to w hich their manufacturing re,.cltw». Wheel*’ Planers, drills, and all sorts of luachinen were g»»ing as fast as steam could drive them. Its a driving business these gentle men are doing. Its about the quickest pro cess we have sen for putting In rough plank at one end of a machine and have it emerge from the other end a liandsonn door, a beautilu! table, a neat pair of blinds, a bedstead, ot w hatever you please to call for. It'* a liue concern and doing a fine business. Plain Hams p lb S.C. Canvassed Hams .• flk BULK MEATS— Clear Sides 9 % Clear Rib Sides 9 lb Hams 9 Jk Shoulders tk LARD— Tierces B Kegs and Cans 9 tb FLOUR— Superfine perbbl Extra per bU Family perbb) White Wheat Family per bbl WHEAT— - White par bush Red per bush OATS per bush HAY— Timothy per owt SALT— Virginia ...per sack Liverpool per sack SUGAR— Crushed 9 B Powdered 9 lb Granulated -..9 B Coffee A 9 B Coffee B 9 B Extra J ^...9 B Yel ow C 9 B Yellow Keline.l V 2b Porto Rico V B New Orleans 9 B COFFEE- Rtu V B Good 9 B Fair 9 B Ordinary 9 B Java Pedang Mats 9 B 14 St 84 14 • 93 • 98 01.00 ®14* •is y, •SB •18 14 15 IS* 15 1«X •1100 19JW®UJX) 13 50® 14 00 14 50® 16 00 teossTB S ®S30 •80 •2.35 0.0(Y82,“5 8 00®.1*6 18X919 18X®1» 19**20 18X919 n ®nx i7«nx 17X®l*>i n ®n*« 14 @15 15 @15X l.aguayra V tb Mocha 9 B TEA— Gunpowder 9 B Young Hyson 9 B MOLaSS Efc— New Oi leans 9 gal Georgia* anu 9 gal Porto Rico 9 gal Cuba 9 gal SYRUP— Mollcr Refined 9 S»1 Crystal Amber 9 gal New York 9 gal CAN DLES— Star 12 oz 9 B Adamantine 9 B Para line 9 B Sperm 9 B SOAP— Babbitt’s Erasive 9 B German Erasive . ..9 B Colgate’s D 9 B Colgate’s B ....9 B Col gates No. Pale 9 B Turpentine 9 B SODA— Kegs . V B Boxes 9 B n 35 94 33 40 39 85 1.60 1.10 •27* •38 •37 •35 •4* •30 •90 •1.56 •1.60 95 @1.00 95 @98 80 ®*6 60 <S><»X 1JXX91.10 •1.25 75 Look Oct Boys!—We have some of the particulars of an occurrence on Saturday night, which, at one time, threatened to re mit seriously between two parties, but finally ended in the “laugh coming in” against both. The two fast young men met at the bouse of one of our cyprians—both claimed pre-emption to the attention of their hostess—quarrelled—went to the ****** to settle the question a la Heenan— their duds were removed—the chilly air cooled their courage—when they finally agreed to go back and let the frail one ar bitrate between them. They went, when h>! they found the door locked, and admis sion was refused. Served ’em right. Slightly Crushed—A Warning.—Last Saturday evening while a freight train was standing on the track over the crossing on Whitehall street, a Mr. Tolleson, in at- tempting to pass between two cars, was caught and badly though not mortally In jured. When he started through, the train was standing, but ere he had time to get out the engine man started to back, and the result was as stated. We often see these hazzardous experiments, and never foil to feel the peril they are in. This we hope will serve as a warning to others, and they will, io the future,desist from attempts to pass between ears while a train is stand ing on the crossing. A rumor prevailed this morning that an immediate effort would be made to secure the removal of some, if not all of the offi cers of State, to this city. In what direc tion the step will be taken, to endeavor to •six was •40 •55 15 ®1S 13X®15 10 ®U lOXfUH 14 <915 7 • 9 9X910 1»K®1* special Aoticca. fcM-GEORGlA STATE LOTTERY— For thk Benefit of tbb vIASONIC ORPHANS’ HOME Combination Class, No, ISO. rhe following were tba Prawn Nos.. Jan. 18th. 17-31 -35-7-75-48-87-18-71-49-55-22-32 JanSO—It BOYD. WILSON ACO..Mana*ers U. S. HOTEL, ATLANTA, GA„ JAN- uary 30th, 1868 —Thiscertiflesjthat I have suffered much with neurulgia Tor two yean past, and for wo weeks previous to my being treated by An! mal Magnetism by Prof. Roberts, at the United 4t»t«» Hotel, Atlanta, January Sib, 186S; I had been >■ u'forng inexpressible agonies. Since that time 1 ha-e not had a single pang,, and have re covered the use of one of my eyes which had been seriously affected. Those who are skeptical can enquire of nto personally or by letter at Franklin Printing House, Atlanta. Ga. jau*U—dlt J- P- ROBINSON. 13T ATTENTION.—THE ATLANTA Local Gonnctl V. L. of A., No. 3, are hereby re quested to meet, one ahd all, at the Council Room on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, whea business of Importance will be brought before the Council. Several members from abroad are expected to be present. By request of the Presiden t, JanlS—u2t • . GEORGIA, DeKalb COUNTY. L. Pitts, administrator. Sad Mary a. Greer, administratrix, of Robert P. w> the Court in their petition SW entered on record, that they have ™^«^ m i? Utered Egbert P. Greer's estate: i.« ,1* i 8 ’ t " er e f ore, to oite all persons concerned, vi5S r ?r».* nd creditors, to show cause, If any they “JJJrJFpY »aid administrator and administratrix should net be discharged from their adminlstra- “P* 1 receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In May, 1868. ISS. m Y hand and official signature, this 18th October, 1967. JONATHAN B. WILSON, Ordlnrry. octao—w5m Printer’s foe $4.50 GEORGIA, Newton county. WmEREAS. Robert B. Smith, administrator o l Wm. A. Patrick, deceased, represents on his pe tition duly filed, that he has fully discharged bis trust: There are, therefore, to effe and admonish all ana singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in Mnv, 1868, and show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, mil November 5th, 1807. „ _ WM. P. LUCK IE, Ordinary. nove—wCm Printer's fee 94 50 GEORGIA, Hkxrt county. - WHEREAS. James Coker, administrator in right of bis wife, com testamento anxexed, on the estate of James R. Me Right, deceased, has made application to me for letters dismissory from said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said ctoceasea, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why such letters should not be granted in terms of the law. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 37th day of November, 1807. <2. It. NOLAN, Ordinary. novfiO—wCm Printer’s fee 84 50’ GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, John Coughlin having applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Mary Withers, late of said county, deceased : This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Ordiuarv’s office of said county, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, it any they can, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this 3d January, 1S6S. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk. Jan3—w30d Printer’s tee $3 .GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHERE AS, Joseph Coursey having applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Janies A. Coursey, late ef said county, deceased: This Is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Ordinary’s office of said county, within the time prescribed by law, to fhow cause, if any they can, why letteis should not be granted said applicant. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this 2d Jan- ary. 1S08. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk. jan3—w30«l Printer’s fee 83 GEORGIA. Newton county. WHEREAS. W. L. Peck applies to me for let ters of administration upon the estate of James M. Lester, deceased, late of Newton county: These ai e, cncretoro, to cite aud admonish all and singular tiie kindled and creditors of said de ceased to be and appear at uiy office, within the time pi escribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted toaoplicHut. Given under my hand and official signature, this January the 4i b, 1868, WM. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary. jan4—w30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS, James R. Robinson, administrator on the estate of Win. P. Rohin.-on, late of said county, deee ised . has applied to me iu due form for letters dismissory from said administration : This is, therefore to cite and admonish ali and •singular the kindred and creditors .ot said de ceased to show cause, if anv exists,; within the time allowed by law, why said letter, of dismis sion should not be granted the applicuiit. Witness inj official signature, lliis October 15, 1867. Q. u. NOLAN. Ordinary. octSO— w6m Printers tee $4 oO ggp- FURS AT REDUCFD PRICES!— Now ia the time to buy FUR81 Mr. Holbrook ol the Hat Emporium is selling hia superior stock of Fura at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS. He ia also prepared to fit any getleman with a fine Dreaa or Business Hat. JanlS—d3* BfPROF. ROBERTS WILL HEAL the sick, by ANIMAL MAGNETISM, at U. 8. Hotel, Atlanta, until February 1st, 1868. JanlS—dlw 0T POST OFFICE, ATLANTA, OA, December 14,1867.—From and after this date, until farther notice, this office will be opened and closed as follows: Open at ® o'clock, A u Close at 19X o’clock, r u Open at, * o'clock, t M Closest • o’clock, Fk SUNDAYS. s 10 GEORGIA. Faykttk county. WHEREAS, Ellison Rush, administrat iron the estate oi Wiliiuui Watson, deccused, represents to the Court that he h.,s fully administered ihe said William Watsou’y estate, and prays for letters oi dismission: This is, therefore, to cite at) and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and. appear at my office within the time prescribed b} law, and snow cause, if any they have, why ^id letters of disnii.-sion should noc tie gruuted. Given under my hand aud official signature, this December the 18tn, IS'17. EdWAKD CON NOR, Ordinary. dcc.90—w6in Printer’- fee £ I Ml GEORGIA. Gwinnktt county. WHEREAS, Janies W. Mills, administrator On the estate of Joseph 11 Mills, deceased, having made application to me for letters of dismission irom said estate; These are. therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kindred aud creditors, to appear at my office within the time prescribed b.\ law, aim (lie their objections, ila») they have, why said tetters should not be granted the applicant’ Given under ni} Land and official signature, this November Sib, 1867 (V. T. RAIvESTRAW, Ordinary. nov8—vtfim I'rinter’s fee ftt .vt GEORGIA. Forsyth county. OkUI/tAHY’o Or.FICIt, I Uumming, Ga.. January a. latiS. j WIIEREAs, Marlin Graham, guardian and ex- officiu administrator of Wm. N. .'Strong, deceased, makes application to me in let ms of the law lor ieitcrs of dismission from iii» said office: These are, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to show, cause, ii any they have, why said Martin Graham, guardian and ex-officio adminis trator, as aforesaid, should not he dismissed from his s. id office in terms of the law tu such cases nade and provided Given umlur my hand and official signature, this January 8, >VJ4 1). BkNTLEY, Ordinary. J»n8— w40d Printer's fee j3 ATCTiOli ■GEORGIA, j>kKai.b County MICHAEL A. STEELE, administrator on the estate of Jasper N. Smith, deceased having made application to ine for leave to soil the real estate ot Jasper N. Smith, deceased. All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication o> the- notice, else leave will he-granted lor ti e sale o. said ivul estate.— Given under nt' hand and official signature, tbis 21st day of Noveinlar U67 iGNATHaN B. VWLtJON, Ordinarv. nov22-2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, John F. Huff, administrator ol Coleman W. Marchmnn. late of said county, de ceased, r presents to the Court in his petition duly filed that be has fully admini.-tered sard estate: This is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can. why said adminis trator should not bedisenarged :iom his »anl ad- mlnlsiratioc and receive letters of dismission on the the first Mondst in June. tens. Witness the lion. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary ol said county, this 3d Deceinbei, ltrii. JOHN T. CO<>K. Deputy Clerk. dec4—wllrn Printer’s fee $4 50 Bricks ami Real Estate FOR SALE. »tity. O N FRIDAY MORNING, I7tk toAtont, at o’clock I will commence selling, to the high est bidder, my entire stock of merctumilizr, effn- j of 000 Biacts ’q A Little of Every thing * ^WsiKLo^u. dtr^u., Now contained in my store, on Peachtree street, ! two diary farms, near the city, without reserve whatever. The stock Is well a«- sorted, and worthy the attention of everybody, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. I am soiling out to change niv business. Auction every day at 9t; o'clock, and every night at7 o’clock, it til the entire stock to sold out. HENRY it. HOYT. janl5~dtf Forty unimproved city and suburban vacant lots. Two hundred acres of land Bear the city for sale in small tracts. AU this property will sold on easy terms. A. K. SEAGO. GEORGIA, Haralson county. TWO MONTHS after the publication of this notice implication will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sen that portion oflot of land number 156 in the 8th district of originally Carroll, now liaralson county, which is situated on the west side ol Tal lapoosa Rlvrr, supposed to contain 100 acres, more or less, for tbe benefit ofthe minor heir* of Wil liam and Sophia McBride. Jan. 7,1668. SOPHIA McBRIDE, Guardian. jan!8—w2m Printer's fee *5 GEORGIA, Haralson county. WHEREAS, Zcbulon P. Duke, administrator on the estate of John Duke, late of said county, deceased, having made application to me lor let ters ot dismission from said deceased’s estate: These ate, therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kindred and creditors to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and file their objection, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signatnre, this January 8. 1868. JAMES II. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. janlS—w6m Printer’s fee *4 50 GEORGIA, Gbkknk county. WHEREAS. Janies K. Daniel, applies for letters of administration de bonis nun, on the estate of Sum net B. Daniel, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite.and require all per sons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to said ap plicant, at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in March next. Given under my hand, at office, in GMenesboro, January 10th, 1808. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary. janlS—wSOd Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Gordon county. WM. J. CANTRELL has brought before us a small light bay Horse, star in his forehead, snip on his nose, both bind legs white above tbe foster joint, left fore foot white above the hoof, weak eyed, left eye supposed to be out: worth foity dollars; taken up by said Cantrell on the evening ofthe 25th inst., at his residence in the 973d District, G. M., Gordon county, Dec. 37,1867. JOHN ELLIS, F H. S. K. FLOYD, F. H. I, II. C. Hunt, Clerk of the Inferior Coart, do certify that the above is a true transcript from the Eetray Rook of this Court. This the 14th day Of January, 1868. H. C. HUNT, Clerk I. U. jar.17—w30d Printer’s fee f3 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordin ary of Bartow county, Georgia, will be sold to the highest bidder at the Court House door, in the town of Cartersville, in said county, on the first Tuesday in February next, in the legal hours of sale, all the land belonging to the estate of Wil Iiam Crow, late of said county, deceased, fexcept the widow’s dower), to-wit: Parts of the follow ing lots of land, Nos. 174,175,187 and 186, all in the fifth district of the 3d section of originally Cher okee. now the county of Bartow. Sold for distri button and the payment of the debts of tbe estate. Terms cash. December 24, 1867. H. F. PRICE, Administrator. dee27—wts Printer’s fee §5 Merchandize now In Storo. 100 pounds mw live Geeao Feathers, 9000 bags Liverpool and Virginia Salt, 900 coils and half colls “9" and 9t. Louis Rope, , 95,000 pounds ftwett’s Wrought Iron Buckle Ties ■» 6 bales India Bagging, 30 casks Bacon and Bulk Meat, l 89 packages Lard, 180 hagsef Fleur of high grades, M0 bags Coro, 300 bushels Cow Peas, 80 bales Kentucky Timothy Hay, .18 bales Factory Yarn, 75 hags Rio Coffee— Price S3 to 37 cento, 90 barrels Sugar, 6 barrels Georgia Cane Syrup, 5 hhds. Cuba Molasses, 80 boxes Starch, 80 boxes Soap, 9060pounds "Killickinlok” Smoking Tobac co—good quality only 40 cents. Grass Seeds, Fresh from Kentucky, Red Clover, ! i > White Clover, Blue Grass, Herds Geaaa, " Timothy, - < v Orchard Grass. Fertilizers. 90 tons and 1M barrels Baugh’s Raw Bone Super-Phosphate, 19 tons and 900 bags Reynold's Baltimore Chesapeake Phosphate. These are two ofthe most reliable and valuable Fertilisers known to American farmers. For sale by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, decl6—dtf Atlanta. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Court oi Ordin ary of Paulding county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Dallas, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale the followiug lota of land, to wn: Nos, 202 and 416, in tbe 2d district and 3d sec tion of Paulding county, Ga., also, town lots Nos. 7, 5, 9, 6, 8, 4, in Block G, Ncs. 11, 3, in Block F. No 22 in Block A. Nos 19, 30, 21, in Block U. Sola as the propei ty of \V ut. C Lee, late of said coun ty, deceased. Sold for the lienefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. December 11, 18(57. 1. A VINA LEE, Administratrix. dccl3—wts Printer’s fee $5 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY virtue of an order from the Coart of Ordin ary of DeKalb county, Georgia, will be sold be fore the Court House door, in Decatur, in 6aid county, on the first Tuesday in Febrvnry, 186H, be tween the legal hours ot suie, part of the real estate belonging to the estate of William McKl roy, deceased, late of county, consisting ot lots Nos. 217, 232. 233 and west half Of lot No. 2:1; also, lot No. 192, with fractional lot No. 162, con taining 80 acres, more or less, all lying in Ihe 18th district of DeKalb county, Georgia. Sold for the benefit of the heiis and creditors of said deceased. Terms ol sale cash. December 5. 1867. STEPHEN T. MeKLKOY, Adin’r declS—wts Printer's lee f5 SCOTT'S HOMILY 1A6AZ1KE. 1868. **IFTW VOLUME. 1868. T HE Proprietors of tbis well established SOUTHERN MONTHLY announce, on en tering tbe third year of its publication, with a patronage of several thousand subscribers, and with a corps of contributors unsurpassed u|ion this Continent, that it is their design to furnish A FIRST-CLASS MONTHLY! Equal In all respects to the best Northern and English Periodicals. Among tbe leading serials of the present year will be - THE GEORGIA CAMPAIGN, By the author of “Field and Camp.’’ This will be a South side view of Sherman’s “Mareh to the Sea.” Battle* and Campaigns of the Amy of Tonneaaoa By 0*3 ofthe most gallant Officers of that De partment. TENT AND SADDLE IN THE HOLT LAND, By Rev. R. A. Holland, of Kentucky. Also, a superb Serial by Col. W. 1\ Thompson uuthor of “M*j.’ Courtship.” The usual number of Keriows, Essays, Novel- leites, Ac., will also appear. Now is the time to subscribe. TERMS, {IMVARIABL Y IK AD TANGE): W GEORGIA. Bartow county. THERE AS. Thomas J. Wofford, executor of William B. Wolford, di-t-easCd, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed aud enter ed on reconi, that he has fully administered Wil liam B. Wofford's estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kiudred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not lie discharged from his executorship and receive letters of uis- missiou. This 2d •; Monday) Sentember. 1*67. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. »«pt4—w6in fPrinter’. r P ,. GEORGIA, DkKalb county. W11 ERE AS, Mrs. Mary J. Terry, one of tbe ad ministrators of tue estate of Ihouitu Terry, de ceased, having made application to me for leave to sell about tu eiity acres of land in the north east part of lot No. 179 in the 15th district of DfcKalb county, Georgia: All persons concerned are notified to the their objections, if any they have within two months from rite first publication of this notice, else leave will be grained for the Bale ol said twenty acres of laud i r Given under my li aid and official aiguuture, tliis December lull, 1867. J B. Wit SON, Ordinary. decl3—w2m Printer’s foe *6 GEORGIA. Newton county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary oi said county, fot leave to sell the real estate of Robert Wright, lat* of said county, deceased. November 2«th, 1867. C. C. WRIGHT t Adm .„ FRANKLIN WRIGHT, j Aum nov29—w 2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA. Paulding county. TWO MONTHS aft r (late application will be m ule to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding coun ty. for leave to sell the real estate belonging to Enoofc rinfeurd, late of said county, deceased. This the 3d dav of December. 1867. WALLACE. Administrator. dec7—w2m Printer’s fee 85 For Family Use, Liver and Kidney Complaints Sold by by all Druggist*, Grocers, Ac. A- M B1NINGER A CO. (established 1778.) Importers ot Wines. Brandies. Ac., No.JlS Bkatxk 8TKr*T Nkw York. sepal—dBm Open at Close at Open at Close at dec!7—dtf o’clock, A 11 o'clock, A M ; 4X o'etoek»VM 8 o’clock, P » THOS. G. SIMMS, P. M- HTA COUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT, requires immmediate attention, and should be checked. If allowed to eontimse. Irritation of the Langs* n Psmanenl Throat Disease* ar Coasaospttoa* is often the result. BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHE*, Having a direct influence to the parks, give Im mediate relief. For Rroachttie, Asthasa, Catarrh, Consumptive aa4 Throat Diseases, Troches are used with always good snecess. Stagers and Public Speakers ut time to clear and strengthen the voice. Obtain only “Bbown's BnoxcxiAL TnoCHt*,' and do not take aay of tbe WeriUtot /aartOfns* that may be offered. Fold irttrflltt oet*7—d4meod QEOKGIA Newton county. WHEREAS. Mrs. Emily Neely, administratrix of the estate or Francis S. Neely, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission: These are. ttie* efore. to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors ol said deceased to tile then ection* in ui> office, if any ihcjr have, on or be fore the first deiiday in June next, why said dumissiou should not be granted to the ap- plloftit Given under my hand and official signature, thi* November 29th. 1867. WM. I> LI OKIE, Ordinarv, nov39—wfim Printer’s fee 64 50 GEORGIA. Monroe county WHEREAS. Robt. ti. Anderson, c.. s c. applies to me for letters of dismission from administra tionon the estate of Mrs M. A. button, deceased: These are. therefore, to c.ite and admonish alk anil singular, tiie kindred anil creditors of said deceased ami all concerned, to s-e and appear'at my office, within tbe time proserilied iiv lhw. and show cause, if any they can, why said let ters should not be granted to aaid applicant in in tei ms of the law. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 22d day o' December. 1867. O. MottoB, Ordinary, dec86— w6m Printer’s fee <U0 GEORGIA. Clayton county. AT the October Term ofthe Court of Ordinary of said county comes John A. Nash, administra tor on the estate of Andrew N.Nash, ueeeased, and prays for letters of dismission from said estate: This sons witiiin the time prescribed cause, if any they can, why letters of dismis4ion -hO'.ild not be granted tiie applicant. Given under my hand ana oidcia signature, this October 7th, 1867. O. A DOLL \R. Ordinary. octTfl—wfim Printer’s fee 84 50 GEORGIA, Upson county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be _j»de to the Honorable Court of < trdinary of Upson count) , for leave to s-ell the real estate of Robert A. Dicks, ia»e of said county, deceased. This November 30*h, 18B7. MARTHA A. DICKS, Administratrix, dent—w9ui* printer'll fee GEORGIA, Paulding county. TWO MONTHS after date application w ill lie made to the Court ol Ordinar) <»! Paulding coun ty, Georgia, for leave to sell the lands ht-longing to tbe estate of R. P. Dresklll, late of said couuty, daoeased. January 9.1868. , . G. w. STEWABT. Administrator, jart—w3m Printer's fee |5 re: \i» is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- i concerned to be and appear at my office, iin the time prescribed by law, and show GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, J. R. Fain, executor of Elisabeth Fain, deceased, represents to the court, in his petition, duly tiled, that hu has fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, w hy said executor should uot be discharged from his said trnst and receive letters of dismission ou the first Monday in March. 1868. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary ol said county, this 4th dav of September, 1867. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk. scp5—w 6m [Printer’s fee >4.501 GEORGIA, Nkwton county. TWO MONTHS after date applioatioa will be made to the Court of Ordiaary of said county, for leave to sell the real estate of Green M. Mitchell, late of said countv, deceased. This November 39th, 1867. WM. J. MITCHELL, Adnt’r. uov99—w2a Printer’s fee $5 1 copy, oue year 5 copies, one year — 10 copies, one year 20 copies, one year 40 copies, one year .. 50 copies, one pear .. ...8 4 00 ... 18 71 ... 86 Of .. W Ot .. l*l 01 ,.»5j 00 Clergymen. Teachers, and Postmasters supplied at 83 50 per annum, and they are autnui ised to act as agents, retaining 10 per cent, commissions Zggp’Scws Dealers supplied at jto cento pet toy, cash in advance. KemittaAces at our risk may be made by Fx press, or Post OtHoe.Or.lerv, or by Diatt. Address, SCOTT A PITTMAN, Atlanta, Georgia. MT’Will not tbe Press generally give the alMYr Prospectus a few iuM-niou.-t' We especially ask this favor of our Macon. Augusta, savannan Columbus, Griffin, Nashville, Montgomery, belma Memphis, Mobile, and New Orleans exchanges and will reciprocate tho furor. jan3— Attention, Housekeepers! YOU ft LAST CHANCE! Closing Out! dosing Out! • ':■ > .' N OT having disposed of all my goods at Aue. tion, i now offer at RETAIL AND WHOLE SALE the remnant of my goods at GMEA TL Y MED UCED PM ICES. Come Pried and judge for yonroelvoa. The stock consists of 3 cooking stoves. 18 heat- igjt'ove,. iron anj tin kettles, porcelian boilers wuffie Irons, stove pots, andirons, grate bodies brass kettles and a small amount of tinware, iron and seive wire, hinges, screws, stove pipe. Tin ners’ trimmings, rivets. Tinners’ tools, candle sticks, window glass, wood saws, pig tin, sheet tin, Kerosene lamps, oil cans, OIL Lamp cblmueys, Ac. dccl7—c I* MIH ALOV ITCH, Whitehall street. Sign ol tbe “ gilt Ret.” I. T. BANKS K* Baring and will rsnfinnr in Rsi Mia fssdt where READY MONEY ;\VILL COMM Oil) LOW PRICES And now ha- ia Gore a BOOTS, SHOES, PHCENIX PLANING MILL, NKARMKDICAL college, Atlanta Georgia it v»'i* bo*' u i' •'i oiojl Furniture Manufactory, : ' r: * ALSO 8ASII, DOOMS AND BLINDS, Made and warranted to give satisfaction’ LUMBER DKKS8ED TO ORDER. WE call the attention of dealer# to examine our work aud prices. Our Furniture ia made as well and at as low rates as ia the North.' 'Furniture MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. AU kinds ot Lumber Fo r Sale, LAN DBA ERG * HARRIS, nov 94- dly Proprietors. LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, Whiuh for QUALITY and PRICK coaid ealv •* brought together by CAS H , Long experience in and rlns* aiteuti»» u» h— nett. He sells only for CASH ani i.. -su..: wit* SMALL PROFITS. ^ H^Whoiosalo buyers will find . t terest to examine his stock. ■•member the Flare aud M ( a. I. T. BANKA. Knwsost't Br.i,fi:if, Corner Whitehall and It .after stir,-: J*n«—c 9«TH SE MAM LI l EVPilSL TOTAL LOSSES PAID. 821,271.1#7•; .-,7! Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, STRIPES, 0SNABUBG8, YARNS, Ac, By Wholesale at Factory Prices, worn SALE BT HERRING * LK1|DEN FACTORY agents, Whitehall street.. Atlamta, € oetSO—dSaa I 8 G 7 JULY 1st S S IE T S « (AT MARKET V A I. U Cash on hand and In Bank ... $ 5!5 ■ Real Estate 51- Mortgage Bonds . .. Bank Stock l >».. UniteslStates, State and < fly Mu i, and other Public becuriti*>' .. Ltoi Pt.i Less Liabilities, Claim- r.ot due an I unadjusted ir.f,' Net Assets 8*.»7:t, W #7 w« m AJ M Fire & Inland Navigation Ris Agencies in all the ,»rt1 towns in tbe United Stale.-. Applications lor Insurance will h- ,»..iv i enueil to. OFFICR—At their Bonded W.n,„ ,yth street. augl—9m N. L. AMiiSli 1 >«»\ \.'r: kp tAt • COWARD Je IKMi l)l> A <’ 8ucce6hi>n» to the 1 Ate l* Wi MANIFACrrKFKS VF CAST STEEL SAWS A XU I Of all description No* 4 Liberty street New V • tl . Ol ECIAL attention riven t-i the mam.r •< •. :. • O our PATENi’ GltoUND ClUt M. \l: - \w« dso, Shingle, Mill. Mulay. Gang. < < . t. Tenon, Hand, Panel, Ki|>. and Ihit. i. r-' I * Saw-; also. Turning and tellov VV . I - We ai-o eon tic.tie the maniil»< ■ Iir> >t .nr v I (sows brand ot FILLS, msk «*i >• '--t English C;;:I Steel: cot by h..nd and »<!; v t ranted to be erjual in qtiaiity »> ti,. . - We respectfully solicit or»ier». v i . i wc . .• prepared to fill prompt)}, at Uo |,>,»e-i t •> • agues. — i> •1,000,000 IN WATCHES! FOR SALK ON THE *‘<ri’f i. ’ it ar o n e pm ic is. p la y,ja GIVING EVERY PATRON \ Handsome and Reliable Wate:, For the low Price of T« n lK> l:>.r-! Without Regard to Vaiuc AND NO! TO BE PAID FOE CNLEFS PERIECTL Y SAT IS FA V mi; l. 100 Solid Gold Humlrg Watclie-.. 4- • ;• 11, - - - 100 Magic Caned Gold Watcu* » . i i.. 100 Ladies Watches. Luamclci t , too Gold Hunting Chroumcter Watches Dts Iu pOO Gold Hunting English l.ever- - •• •> l. dOO Gold Hunting Duplex Watches iu . <j BOO Gold Hunting American Watches 9U *•» ?. • 000 Silver Hunting Levera ri to l u IU0 Silver Hunting Ifriplexc* to *.* BOO Gold Ladles Watches M ’o S. •• 1,000 Goal Hunting I^pii.t - .* > .« 7:. 1.000 Miscellaneous Silver Watci.e,.. ... 0 ]iq 1,500 Hunting Silver Wat, lit» . . i5 :<• M 5.000 Assorted Watches, ail k><id-.. 1* to *.:> lyEverj' jrntron obtains a Watch by this arrangcuu -iL coating but *10. while it tn»y be worth NI.0UO. No |iari::tlity shown. MF1 Ws with to Immediately disjuvse of tbe a - v.* •Afoifleent Stock. Certior#tt«, iiamiiiK ’hr . . dec, are placeil in &eale«l «nvelo|K«* n;• I Hs il mixed. Holders are entitled to the ariide- nan . I on their certificate upon pavmentofT. nl> whether it be a WaUh worih $1,000. . . .• « . , less. The return of any ol our ccri.ll. .t. - . ties you to the article named tbereon uy«.a . ment, irrespective of its worth, and n > .mi r valued less than 810 is named on anj cert: -n u . It will at once be seen that thiv is Me Lettary, but a straight forward legitimate transaction, which may be particifaUd .a even by the meet fastidious: A tingle certificate will be sent by mail. >-< paid, npon receipt of 95 cents, five r«r|t, rltn., for$9, thirty-three and elegant premium fot f .. sixty-six and more valuable pirmium for $!<>. c hundred and most superb Watch for $15. 1 > Agents, or those wishing employment. U.i< f. a rare opportnnity. It is a legitimately coudui business, duly authorised by the Government and open to the most careful scrutiny, lav is WRIGHT, BRO-, A CO- Importers, HU BROADWAY, New York. scplP—dawfim