The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 21, 1868, Image 3

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f pATLY OPINION. ** rsf rlTYCmCULATION. m,* Oficial Advertiser. pA SwBTi* COUNTIES OF D#K*lb, Fay*tt*> ronjrtk, FmltM, Gordon, Groono, Otrlnnott, Hnmloon, Board, Henry, Jupw, Loo, Monroo, Murray, Nowton, Paulding, Polk. Spalding, Sum tor, Upoon. vSTA- GAn ;: - ::::: JANUARY 21. Bores.—Men who persist la paying into business which does not, in any way, concern them, is, of all creatures, the most detestable, and are properly denominated Bores on account of the strikng similarity which is apparent between them and their only prototype, the male Bog. Next to the Bore, such a pan pus, is nobody, noth ing, and is only fit for the association of the swine of the forest. ——f ■ ! We observe that preparations are mak ing for the occupancy of the last room In the Granite Block, on Broad street. The building is a little city of Itself. . c caI'H i ’ ai:bs - l ^SIJlE s ^_ ,,OT,CBi • Iiiu Bitters.—Mr. Kenny’s X>XA ]oU j in their praise of his new t Ejucrs, and generally unite in '' . . its beneficial qualities, as rep- ^ .v the manufacturers. Call and * ue ll as his favorite brand of Vie. Iu this connection we would ; -i/fact that Mr. K. is the sole -, r the Aromatic Angostura, and a v Cream Ale, in this city, and f..r sale at Wholesale. Orders ronitly filled, is the motto of the ‘ y], iK-pot. Alabama street. t v u; , t.—Our subscribers on Alr»- u i ;:.-Mll, l’ryor streets, etc., will our failure to supply' them ..a yesterday. shall place a better carrier on aI „] if „ur friends will indulge .• i- learning the route, we trust • v. id 'Urli disappointments in .hi '.—If the Delegates andOf- : . Convention will hand in their :•!:•«*«**• of residence *n this city, : ;!:o -arm* at the counting room, ;\i \ will be delivered to them by - r- every evening. .. . At ciions.—These auctions will . daily and nightly until the stock vd ollt. ndier this, you who want to huy r o .-it miirderou-ly low pri« t*s. -A imeting of tiie Auti-l*oke- -y-r-liito-oUier-i'eople's-BuMneas- . will tie held at Star Chamber to- • at * o'elork. A punctual attendance ■drrd. by order of The President. m—1 Hi not foiget tlieConcor- .iiiatie performance, set lor Thurs- _hr. -1 lie Mranger’* w ill be one of ItUktioba. '14(10.-\\ e call attention to the ■I article* ottered for sale by till' .-u .iiidieil and well known house.- - '.lidiiiwiit in the city is better eon- j .. Nolo- has a better stock of sell- J«<iiiios, and no man in any city .■ reliable or meritorious. • d'jniisers talked about locking horns, -;ny. on Marietta street, but as there • cue present to part them, they tdo it. COMMEROIAXj. OFFICEDXlLY^OPrNIOXrT Atlanta, Ga., January 81, 1808. J Cotton opened this morning at a decline of % on th ruling price of yesterday. We quote at ll}£c. Receipts light. . . No changes of importance in the general market. We quote: CORN— White per bush Yellow or Mixed , .per bush ..per bush Meal BACON— Clear Sides p ft Clear Rib Sides p ft Shoulders p ,1b Plain Hams p lb S C. Canvassed Hams P lb BULK MEATS— Clear Sides ... p lb Clear Bib Sides & lb Hams p n> Shoulders » p, LARD— Tierces . p lb Kegs and Cans p lb FLOCK— Superline ", per bbl Extra per bbl Family per bbl White Wheat Family t>er bbl WHEAT- 14 2J 24 14 & 90 @ » SI.00 <S17X @17 X @14X @i3.q @25 @15 14 .15 ISX 15 MX @11.00 12.50S13 50 13j6Q@14.00 14.50®16.U0 White 2 G0@2.75 Red . .per bush 2 @2.30 OATS @80 HAY — Timothy @2.25 SALT— Virginia .. .per sack 0.00@2.75 Liverpool 8.00@3.2» SUGAR— Crushed 9 lt> 18>i@19 Powdered p lb Granulated p 16 1»X@20 tbtFee A p lb 1SX@10 Coffee 1> 9 16 17 @17 X Extra C p 16 17@17K Y el.ow C . p 16 17tf@l7>i Y’ellow Refined 9 16 17 @17'^ Porto Rico p 16 14 @15 New Orleans . .. . P tb 15 @15 W COFFEE—RIO Prime P ft 27 ®nx Good P 16 25 @28 Fair 24 @27 Ordinary P 16 23 @25 Java Pedang Mats... "Jp 40 @4’ Laguavra p ft » @30 Mocha p ft 55 @60 J 9 Special Notices. ^“GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY— Fob the Bihejit op tbk MAM^IC OHPH A NS’ HOME -Combination Class, No. 181. fallowing were tb« Drawn Nos., Jan. 20th, j; 6-75-59-77-67-C9 1* BOYD, WILSON ACO.,Managers. PROF. ROBERTS WILL HEAL the Sick, by ANIMAL MAGNETISM, at U. S. Hotel, Atlanta, until February 1st, 1803. Jimltt—dlw \, . . POST OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA., b«r 14,1867.—From and after this date, until feeder notice .this office will bcoponed ami closed M follows: OP**** , ....8 o’clock, a M Omesi, . 12>» o’clock, P M Open at. ill.4.2 o’clock, p m Close. at.A.i....tli..-v .. i{ 0 o’clock, P M i SUNDAYS. Open at/.. r.... I Close at - Open at. . i L.. j ...: dose at. .:.... v ."decl7—dtf 8 o’clock, A M 10 o’clock, A M 4>i o’clock, p m 5 o’clock, P M TlIOS. G. SIMMS, P. M. TEA— Gunpowder. 1? ft Young Hyson S' ft M OI.A SsEs— New Orleans P gal Georgia Cane V gal Porto Bico P gal Cuba fr gal SYBUP— Moller Iteflned P gal Crystal Amber j 1 gal 1.50 110 95 96 80 GO @1.55 @1.80 @1.00 @93 @85 @61X New York... CANOLES— SO *• gal 1.00@1.10 411.25 75 Star 12 oz p n. 20 @21 >i Adamantine p & 21 @22 Palatine > ft 38 @40 Sperm a @55 Babbitt's Krasive p a 15 @16 German Erasive p ft 13Jt@15 tailgate’s D. p ft 10 @11 Colgate's IJ p lb 10>*@ll>i Col gates No, Pa.e p ft 14 @15 Turpentine DA— P ft 7 @ 9 Kegs p ft 9j;@10 j-'iies p ft lly,@i2 4 : v I'oMPi.RrED.—The building on »-r. opjiosite the National, is near- Icted, and a few weeks more will cupied. We understand all the - iiave been engaged. < ay.—Dan Gastello w r as forced to last night on account of the •At the hour appointed for open- :.«\4, re all down, very much to the .taient of the boys, large ami -'Lie unrelenting rain of yester- *rti,»n of last night, has fully >e mud features of Atlanta.— •d several days of hard freezes, rain and tnud. Wliat next? • • Neki*kd.—The visitors to the • V'b rday, who had occasion to pass ’ west side of Decatur street, ut- ■ h. corn plaints against somebodj'. ■i the horrid condition the pave- • i be cast side of the square is in. 5 /mity -Wtc Era has l>een selected by \ i oimeil as the organ for the pub- ’ "f the official G^ouncil proceedings r the publication of the city adver- • • nt» for the present year.—New Era. ’i>*‘ puldished proceedings of the • ! • d. at its session last week, it was ob- v* ! that the Committee on Printing was : ted to let out the city printing to ' bitbler. Previous to this, the iv. v in acconlance with the Proposi- the l hairraan of the Committee, 11 lie ( ommittee a "sealed proposal’* “'I' '*• t,,e other city journals. And h is our "sealed proposal” cotained - • (x e^t hid we intended making. V,M "N was not a competitor for the >' ’ li<* prices finally agreed upon.— ’ i’Whiidi a pa|>cr. not for the u glory” of u, «- hut for the purpose of making a “ thereby. We are not, therefore, a Meritor tor work which will not pay Y}"-i.»eS. GEORGIA, DkKalb county. WUEKEAS, Augustus L. Fitts, administrator, and Mary A. Greer, administratrix, of Robert I). Greer, represents to the Court iu their petition duly filed and entered ou record, that they have fully administered Robert l) Greer’s estate; This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show causa, it any they have, why said administrator and administratrix should not be discharged trom their administra tion and receive letters of disinissioQ on the first Monday in May, 18'-8. Given under my hand and official Signature, this 16th October, 1867. JONATHAN B. WILSON, Ordinrry. ocCO—wt'.tn Printer’s fee $4.50 GEORGIA, Newton county, WHEREAS, Robert B. Smith, administrator o i Win A Patrick, deceased, represents On bis pe tition duly tiled, that he has luhy discharged his trust; • ■ / f There are. therefore, to cite • and-admonish all and singular the kindred and eieditors of said deceased to be and appear a' my oJUce on or be fore the first Monday in May, 1803, and show cause, it any they have, why letters oi discussion should not be granted the applicant. . Given under my hand and official signature, this Novemlier 5tn, 186T. WM. D. LUCKIE, Ordinary, no; fi- 4vri >i Printer’s fee *4 50 ET’A COUGIL A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT, requires immmediate attention, and should be checked. If allowed to continue, lYritationof the Lung*, a. Permanent Throat Disease, or Consumption, is orten the result. BBOWJt’8 BRONCHIAL TROCHES, Raving a direct influence to the parts, give im- medlaterelief. For Bronchitis, Asthma, <?atarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseaaen, Troches are used with always good success. Singers and Public Speakers use them to clear and strengthen the voice. Obtain only “Brown's Bronchial Tkochks,” and do not take any of the Worthless humIt.ttloni that may be offered. Sold kvekywukkk. oct27—d4raeod tyMRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, TOR CHILDREN TEETHING, greatly facili tates the process of toothing, try soft, ning the gums, reducing all inti animation—will allay All Pain and spasmodic action, and is ani> is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers. It wiil give rest to your selves, and RE LIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We ha4'c put up and sola this article for years, and ( Say in Confidence and Truth of it 4vhat Re have never been able to say ot any other mediciue—Nr4-ek has it Failed in a Single In btance to Eefrct a Cure, when timely used.— Never did we anow an instance of dissatisfaction by any oae wh» used it. On the contrary, all are delighted With Its operatian, and speak in terms of commendation of its matical effects and medi cal virtue*. We speak in this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,” alter years of experience, and Plrdgbou» Refutation for the fulfilment of WBAT wr hrrr dkclark. In almost every in stance where the infant is suffering from puin and exhaustation, relief will be found iu fifteen •rtwenty minutes after the syrup is admiuis tered. # Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for "Mis. Winslow’s Sooth IMG STarp,” having the lac simile of‘‘CURTIS A PERKINS” on the out-side wrapper. All othe-B are base imitations. Sold by Druggists throughmb the world. PRICE, ONLY 35 CENTS 1’ER BOTTLE. OFFICES—216 Fuiton street, New York; 250 igh llolboru, London. England; Alt St Pan street. Montreal. Canada. aag9B dSnieod GEORGIA. Fayette county, . WHEREAS, Ellison Rush, administrator oh the estate of William Watson, deceased, represents to the Court that he has fully administered the said William Watson’s estate, and prays for letter- ot dismission: This is, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within Ou tline prescribed bylaw, and show cause, if am they nave, why said letter' of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this December the 18th, 186". EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary, t dec20—W6m Printer’s fee $150’ i GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHEREAS, James W. Mills, administrator i on the estate ef Joseph B. Mills, deceased, having ■ made application to me for letters of dismission ; trom said estate: These are. therefore, to give notice to all con-1 cerned, kindred aDd creditors, to appear at my : office within the time prescribed by law, ana file their objections, if any they have, whv said letters should not be granted the applicant.’ Given under my hand and official signature, this November 6th. 1807. G. T. BAK -iSTRAW, Ordinary. nov8—wCm Printer’s fee $4.50 I GEORGIA, Forsytu county. Orpin ary’a Oefice, Cumming, Ga., January 3, 1868. ) WHEREAS, Martin Graham, guardian and ex- officio administrator of Win. N. Strong, deceased, makes application to me in terms of the law lor letters of dismission from iiis said office: These are, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to show cause, ii any they have, why said Martin Graham, guardian and ex-officio adminis trator, as aforesaid, should not iu; dismissed from his said office in terms of Die law in such cases made anil provided. Given under my hand and official signature, this January 3,1868 WM. D. BENTLEY, Ordinary. lanS—w40'l Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, John F. IIufT, administrator ol Coleman W. Marchmnn, late ol'said county, de ceased, represents to the Court in his petition dulv filed that lie lias fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any tliev can. why said adminis trator should not be discharged from his said ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the the first Monday in June, 1868. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary ol said county, this 2d December, 1867. JOHN T. COOK, Deputy Clerk. dec4—wOm " Printer’s fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, J. R. Fain, executor of Elizabeth Fain, deceased.represents to the court, in Ids petition, duly filed, that in*, has fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite a'I persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, 4\ liy said executor should not be discharged from his said trust and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in March, 1368. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary ol said county, this 4th day of September, lsr.7. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk. sep5—w6m [Printer’s fee $4 50] GEORGIA, DeKalb county. WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary J. Terry, one of the ad ministrators of the estate of Thomas Terry, de ceased, having made application to me for leave j to sell aliout twenty acres of land in the north east I part of lot No. 179 in the 15th district of DeKalb ! county, Georgia: All persons concerned are notified to file their I objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted for the sale ot said twenty acres 1 of land Given under my hand ami official signature tit is December lllli, 1867. J. 1!. WILSON, Ordinaly. decl2 —w2m Printer’s fee *5 Bricks and Real Estate FOR SALE. QQ0 000 BRlCK8, ,n quanta. «ix small comfortable dwelling houses, Two diary farms, near the city, Forty unimproved city and suburban vacant lots, Two hundred acres of land near the city for sale in small tracts. All this property will sold on easy terms. A. K. SKAGO. Merchandize now in Store. 500 pounds new live Geese Feathers, 2000 bags Liverpool and Virginia Salt, 200 coils and half colls “R” and St. Louis Rope, 25 OJ0 pounds Swett’s Wrought Iron Buckle Ties • bales India Bagging, 30 casks Bacon and Bulk Meat, 60 packages Lard, 150 bags of Flour of high grades, 500 bags Corn, 200 bushels Cow Peas, 30 bales Kentucky Timothy Hay, 10 bales Factory Yarn, 75 bags Rio Coffee—Price 23 to 27 cents, 30 barrels Sugar, 6 barrels Georgia Cano Syrup, 5 hhds. Cuba Molasses, 80 boxes Starch, 60 boxes Soap, 3000 pounds “Killickinick” Smoking Tobac co—good quality only 40 cents. Crass Seeds, Fresh from Kentucky, Red Clover, White Clover, Blue Grass, Herds Grass, Timothy, Orchard Grass. Fertilizers. 20 tons and 150 barrels Baugh's Raw Bone Super-Phosphate. 12 tons and 200 bags Reynold’s Baltimore Chesapeake Phosphate. These are two of the most reliable and valuable Fertilizers known to American farmers. For sale by A. K. 8EAGO, Commission Merchant, declft—dtf Atlanta. SCOTT’S UOATULY MAGAZINE. 1868. cir™ »•«■»*«. 1868. GEOKG1A, Haralson county. TWO MONTHS after the publication of til s notice application 4vili bo made to the honorable f said county, f r leave to sel bee 156 in tire _ .1. now Haralson eounl.4, which is situated on I f.e west - ide ot Tal lapoosa Kiv. r, supposed to eoiil.tin 100 acres, more or less, for the benefit of the minor neirs ot Wil- and Sophia McHriile. Jan. 7. 1863. SOPHIA McBRIDE. Guardian. janl8—w2m Primer's i'e - >5 Court of Ordinary 'hat portion of lot of land muni district of originally Cairo!) GEORGIA, Henry county. * WHERE s. .1 .m V Coker, administrator la right of lii- vile «.o . ti siamento anmexed, on the estate of J ..ucs K .41 Kignt, deceased, haa made application .o in - fo. letters disinissory from said ..-stale: ., ' - •’'* Th( sc arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred anil creditors of said deceased, to be ami appear at uiy office, within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, IT any they Lave, \\ iiy such letters should not be granted m terms ol the la>v. Given under my ham! and official signature, this the 2ltu day of November. 1367. tj U. NOLAN, Ordinary. nov30— wf. n Printer’s fee $4 50 FOU BEST, AMERICAN HOTEL, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. O UR LEASE ou tile above house will pir. on the 15th Dine next, and as Wt have made other business arrangements will sell our Furniture, Bar Fixtures, AM* BILLIARD T A B L E S. and remainder of I.K \SF at a REASON \ I,K PRICE. The house ran be reined from ill- owners for one or t term of years-, i- the !»■>( located Hotel in the city, an.I has an established business. Call on or corres[HMid wiih ii- at vtlaiit i. Ga. " GEORGIA. Haralson county. W 11 LREAH, Zehiilon P. Duke, administrator on the estate of John Duk -, late of *aid count., deceased, having made app cation to me lor let ters ol dismission from said d -ceased s estate: riies.-aie, the.efore. to rice noti.e to all cou | cerm-d. kindred and credi ors to appear at my {office >. tin- time pres, r.i.ed by law and file | their objection, if any they have, why said letters i snoi.ld not be g. anted Lite applicant, j Giv. n under my hand and official signature, I Ill s J.iUUlliy 8 1868. JAMES 11. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. janl8—whin Printers fee *4 50 VV lilTK A WIlITLOl A l' V T I O N ! O o’clock 1 will commence selling, to the high est bidder my eutire stock oi merchandize, con* sitting of , A Little of Everything Now contained in my store, on lVaehtree street, without reserve whatever. The stock >s well as sorted and worthy the attei tion of everybody, and will be sold in h*fs to suit purchasers. I am selling out to change my business. Auction everv (lav at 9** o’clock, and every at7 o'clock, u til the entire stock is sold nighti out. Janl5—dlf GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, John Loughlin having applied fbr loners of administration U|x»n the estate of Mary Withers, late of said county, deceased: Tliis is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Ordinary’s office of said county, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, ii any they can, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Witness the lion Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, thisSM January, 1368. JNO. T. COOPER. Deputy Qlprk jan3—w30d Printer’s feo $3 GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, Joseph Coursey having applied for letters ol administration upon the estate of James A. Coursey, late of said county, deceased t xTliis is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Ordinary’s office of said county, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause. If any they can, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this 2d January, 1868. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy- Clerk jan3—w30d Printer’s tee $3 W M . GRAY, WORKER AND DEALER IN Italian and White Rutland, AND AMERICAN STATUARY MARBLE, MOISTXJnVLElJSrTS, Tombs, Headstones, Tablets, l ms, VASES. AND M ANTLE PiEl E WOIIK. And Famishing Marble Work, OP ALL DK8CKIPTIONS. ' i: gi larShaek-Baq Fight”.—We are : hie d that a regular old faahioned ■■‘••-’•aj* fight,” In which the “toughest -’•vin hold out longeat,” waa adopted ■v regulations for the occasion, came ^ >* Railroad street last night. The r ** 'aid to have originated in or near ' idenee of one MiM$ Clifton, and is * r - 'vnivd as being the “bulliest” of the '••n. Who the parties were we are not i- Lut learn that some of the men be- -mg to Caatello’s show were the lead- ' ,,lis 'n'libordiuation and riot. Sueh 'l- radoes should be made to suffer the Hie law; and if the house in this affair originated is what Madam ‘•'"T whi-pers it is, and what such oc- rv " Ces as this characterize it, its In- s *‘°uld be ejected at once by the city a-Uiorities. GEORGIA, Newton county. WHEREAS, W. L. Peck applies to me forlet- ters of administration upon the estate of James M. Lester, deceased, late of Newton county: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show canse, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted to applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this January the 4th. 1868. WM. D. LUCKIE, Ordlnmy. Jan4—w30d Printer’s ft* i GEORGIA, Henry county. WHEREAS, James R. Robinson, administrator on the estate of Wm. P. Robinson, late of saM county, deceased . has applied to me ia daafbrn for letters (lismissory from said aUmukhstnatton This is, therefore to cite and admonish' all a singular the kindred and creditors (of said de ceased to show cause, if any exists.) wKbtn the time allowed by law, why said letter* of dismis sion should not be granted the applicant. Witness my olhcial signature, this October 15. 1967. Q. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. octaO—w6m Printer’s lee f4.5U Rm GEORGIA, Bartow county. W HEREAS. Thomas J. Wofford, executor Of William B. Wofford, deceased, represents to the Court, in his petition,’duly filed and enter ed on record, that he has fully administered Wil liam B. Wofford’s estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharge ' from his executorship and receive letters of d»s mission. This 21 (Monday) September la67. _J. A. HOW ARD, Ordinary »ept4—w6m /Printer’s fee $4.50) HENRY O. HOYT. J GEORGIA, Grkknk county. I W IiHKKA>. Janies ix. Daniel. ttppii-> tor letters ! ol admiiiisti atioii ue bonis non, on the v>tate of 8a:i m i ii. Daniel, late of said eoniiiv. deceased: j The.-e me. th, icfore, to ciie and require nil per sons i,, . eniid. to show cause, if an., Die;. Lave, ivhy sai i letter.- should not he giant, d to -aid ap- p!ie.anl. nt the Court of or-1 i iiar- to be held in and for said county, on Uio Monday iu March uext. ,«iven under my hand, at office, in Greeneshoro, January 16lh, 1363 EUGENICS 1-. KIM1 'irdinarv. j janl8—w3)d Priute.- s f -e f 3 GEORGIA, Gordon county. WM .1. oANTRELL ha- brought before us a ) small light Horse, star in hi' forehead, snip ! on his nose, iioih liiud legs white above the ibsiei joint, left fore foot wliito aoovn the !io.u', we is. , eyed, left eye supposed to bo out; worth fo, ty dollars; taken up by said Cantrell on the I evening of the 25th Inst., at his residence in tn<— 973d District, G. Al., Gordon countv. Dec. 27. 18,i7 JOHN ELcl.s, F H. 8. R. FLUI D, F H. I, H. C. Hunt, Clerk of the Inferior Court, do certity that tue aliove is a ti ue transcript from the j Estruy Book of this Court, i ue the 14th day of January, 1868. II C. HUNT, Clerk I. C. jat:17— w30 I Printer’s fee $1 GEO ROLL Heard county. WHEREAS, Harrison B. Lane and Nancy Jane | Swinney having petitioned in proper form ol law | for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of John Swinney, late of said county, de ceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on ov In- fore the first Monday in M uvh cause, if any they can, why said not in- granted. Given under m hand and official signature, an nary I7tli, 1368. W. II C. PACE, Ordinary. jai:2d—w30d Printer s fee $3" rTYHF Proprietors of this well established JL SOUTHERN MONTHLY announce, on eu tering the third year of its publication, with a patronage of several thousand subscribers, and 44 ith a corps of contributors unsurpassed upon this Continent, that it is their design to furnish A FIRST-CLASS MONTHLY! Equal iu ail respects to the best Northern and English Periodicals. Among the leading serials of the present year will be — THE GEORGIA - CAMPAIGN, By the author of “Field and Camp." This will lie a Sold Ii side view of Sherman’s "March to the fwn." Battles and Campaigns of the Army of Tennessee B 4 on--oil lie most gallant Officers of that De pot tm cut. TEMT AND SADDLE IN THE HOLY LAND, By Rev. K A. Holland, of Kentucky. A lso a superb Serial by Col. W. T. Thompson autii.o- ot ■ ii.vj.’ Courtship.” The u-ual number of Reviews, Essays, Novei- lt-tles. ,tc.. 4» ill also appear Now i- the time to subscribe TERMS, (IJR YARIABL Y /N AD VAXCS): * 4 06 18 76 30 0“ 70 00 130 til iflo 1*1 l copy,one year 5 copies, one year lit co des, one year .' 20 copies, one jear •10 copies, one year 50 copies, one \ ear Clergy tm n Teachers, and Postmasters supplied at $3.50’per annum, and they are auth.n izod to act a- 4gcucs retaining 10 per cent commissions. gMjgf-News Dealers supplied at 28 cents per copy, cash in advance. Remittance- at our risk may be made by Fx press, id Post Office Or let s, or by D.aft. Address, SCOTT Jfe PITTMAN, Atlanta, Georgia. gi3H(“\V ill not the I'rcss generally give tne above Prospectus a few insertion.-? We especially ask tins favor of our Macon, Augusta, Savannah. Columbus. Griffin, Nashville, Montgomery. Selma' Memphis, Mobile, and New Orleans exchanges, and will reciprocate the favor. jan3— Attention, Housekeepers! YOUR LAST CHANCE! Closing Out! Closing Out! I. T. BANKS la Buying ami will continue to Bay Uie goods where READY M oNEY IWILL COMM AND LOW PRICES And cow has in store a stof k of BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, Which for QLAUTV „„.i prick cul.l „„l, h, brought together by CAS H , is? SMALL PROFITS. , Wholesale buyer* will find it t.. their g terest to examine his stock. 1 1,1 r * r ‘* Remember the Blare and M)fn. I- T. BANKS, Jan2—c Kawson’s Bnil ling. Corner Whitehall and lluntcr streets. 96TH SEMI-AWL ML CXT0SC. TOTAL LOSSES l'Aii». $21,2 VI,0 72 5 7! JULY 1st I 8 6 ASSETS^ (AT M A R K E T V A L V E Cash on hand and in Bank f 515**! n* Real Estate . 243,W» -«2 Mortgage Bonds oi Bank Stock :,.-*>,«*> Mi United States, State and t ily Mo.-k, and other J'ublie Securities .. . 1 * ■ -♦» Less Liabilities unadjusted . Net As-ets Claims not due and • t4 t 2W.»» .'I Fire & Inland Navigation Risk:. _ fegr a gen cies in all Die Ibv. us in tiie United si u ;e- Applieationa for Instiraiiee 'vill ’ended to. OFFICE—At the »yth street, astgl—Win N O v principal r|t.f» an t promptlv at- r B«>nde-1 Warehouse, n For* L. ANGIKR A *•« >\ Arrnt- E it U A li I) J . It O 1. D E A A GO.. Successors to the late samuill l>. \A iLi.voir. 3) A NT K ACT f UK Kit OK CAST STEEL SAWS A\'I> Elli ot all descriptions. No. 1 Liberty «treet New A oik. r tr, A. .* >Si v •> N signs ot'Mouumeiits <»r itiiy other Murl»l \\ *>rk isntnl ****** rtf ehitrire. Moidili^ iu lOcs i famished free or charge done to order. , , , Order* soli -ited and promptly hiled Office and Y ard opp<v-i c Geoi gia Bail i o dcc21—d»m S. B. O ATM AN. bisinceR;® J . OLD\-p London dock Cl N f0g Pamilj Use, Liver and K idney Comidaints Md by by all Druggists. Grocers. ,vc. A. M BlfilNGER A CO. (established 17*8,) Importers oi vvShimi Brandies. Ac., No^ 15 Bkavek ^tkxkt NIV YOML ^ se.|rfl-*l«m CORN MEAL. GjkTK CITY MILLS have recommenced -rtudiug of Corn, ami will hereafter MEAL *»d IlOMINl in any quantity a TlXHTR of 41 fftades also tor «^ xv „ , ,, janlS—<13t Privjdcro GEORGIA. Gwinnktt county. WliKRKAS, James A. Hutchins, ailmiuistrator on the estate of Mary Quinn, d.ceased having made application to me for letters of dismission from said estate: These are. the relore, to give notice to all con rented, kindred and creditors, o ap|« ar at my office within the time pi escribed by law and (be their objections, if any they Iiave. ivhy sai-i letters -liould not be grunted lie applicant. Given under my hand ami official signature this November 5th. 1867. G. T. R.kKESTRAW. Ordinary. nov8—446m Printer's lee ?!4 50 .TOT having disjiosed of all my goods at Auc- _\ tion, J no4V olferat KETAjL AND WHOLE SALE the remnant of my goods at GltEA TI Y RED UCED PRICES. Come Price and judge for yourselves. The stock consists of 3 cooking stoves. 18 heat- ime .-roves, iron and tin kettles, porcelian boilers, (ext, to show I 44 afile irons, stove pots, andirons, grate bodies, letters should brass kettles and asnrall amount of tinware, iron and seive wire, hinges, screws, stove pipe. Tin ners’ trimmings, rivets, Tinners’ tools, candle sticks, window glass, wood saws, pig tin, sheet tin. Kerosene lamps, oil cans, KEROSENE OIIL. Lamp chimneys, &c. decl7—c L. Mill ALOVITUH, Whitehall street, Sign ot the “ Gilt Key. 1 GEORGIA Newton county. WHEREAS. Mrs. Emily Neely, administratrix f ot the estate of Francis S.’Neely, (le* case<l, applie; j to me for letters of • These are. therefore, to cite hp-1 admonish the kindred and creditors o' -aid .leecu-ed to flic-then ; ob ections in my office, if any .hey have, on or be j lore tl.e first Monday in June next, why saio dismission should not i*e granted to tLe »p- | plicant tilven tin ier my hand and official signature. I this Novetnbei 29th. 1367. WM. D. LUCKIE. Ordinary. nov29—wfim Printer's fee $4 50 GEORGIA, Bibb county. WflKKKAS. Johu White applies to tiie under iwed Tor letters Ol dlsinls.ion upon the esiete oi T. White, late of said county, deceased: u Interested are hereby rt qutre.1 to be •t the Court ot Ordinary on the first I M . In Jhne next, to show cause, it any baTe, w.hv letters should not lie granted the lie^under my band, officially, thi-November 29th, 7867. 8 W. M RILEY, Ordinary no v29 wttm GEORGIA. Clayton county. AT the Octolier Term of the Court of Ordinary . of said county, comes John A. Nash, administra tor on the estate ol Andrew N. Nash, deceased, j and prays for lettei-s of dismission from said 1 estate: This is. therefore, to cite and admonish all per- ' sons concerned to l*e and appear at my office, i within tiie time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can. why letters ol dismi>4iqn -hould not be granted the 'applicant. Given under mv hand and oidcia signature, this Uctoloer 7th. 1867. C. A DOLL AR. Ordinary. o*-,t20—wflm Printer’s fee $4.50 the: Printer's f.-e *4 50 NOTICE TO DEB'KS ANI) CREDITORS. GKoR(4| A, Fayette countv. NtiTIUEis hereliv given to all persons having demands against William M. Spier, late ol said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly GEORGIA, Newton county. .. . . . wn months after date application w ill be made out within time prescribed by law, so as to rd- Urdinarvol said countv, tor show their character ami amount, and ail persons & estate ot Grl-eu M. Mitchell. | indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to late of said couaty, deceased. This November toth 18«I WM. J. MITCHELL, Ailm’r. “SoVS-trtm Printer’* fee *5 make immediate pavnient. December 24,"1867. MARY SPIER, Administratrix, i deo27—w40d Printer’s fee $3 * PIKENIX PLANING MILL, NEAR MEDIC AL COLLEGE, Atlanta Ceorgia. Furniture Manufactory, ALSO I >'ASit. POORS AND BLINDS, Marie and warranted to give satisfaction* i LUMBER DRESSED TO ORDER. 1 WE call the attention of dealers to examine our : work and prices. Our Furniture is made as well and at as low i rates as in the North. ( i . . *Furniture MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. % All kinds ot Lumber For Sale, LAXDSBERU A HARRIS, nov 24- illy Proprietors. ! Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, STRIPES, OSXABURGS, TARNS, &c I Bu Wholesale at Factory Prices, FOR SALE BY j II I! R H I H O & I* E Y|D E 8 , FACTORY AGENTS, Whitehall atree* Atlanta, 0t*. oct2(>— d3iu OPECIAL attention given to 1 he BMlfertOTT • O OH'' PATENT GUOl Ml t_IR< 1 I.U 'A«* also. Shingle. Mill. Mulay. Gaiig. Cr*»« ( ut. Tenon, Hand. Panel, llip. and l.utcbers’ lb>* Saws; also. Turning and Felloe Webs We also oaatiiim the manni'aetnre *f tirwell know n brand of I-U.K.'s, manic «»i the b >t English Cast Steel: cut by ban ! and fully war ranted to lie equal in qu;.:it_> t>> Hie t** -l Koglish We respectfuMf solicit orders, which »r un prepared to fill promptly, ut the low** t rm.--, uud figures. aug-*l—(Uy SI,000,000 IN watcuf:: FOR SALE ON THE POPULAR ^~() X E P It l C E P L -I -V GIVING EVERY PATRON A Handsome and Keiiable Watch, For the low Price ot" Ten Dollar*! Without Rogard to Value AND NOl 7 0 HE /‘AID EoH VXLEbS PERI EC TL Y SA1 IS FA Vi Oli Y. UX) solid Gold Hi i :. , i’ „ "Yatchcs 100 Magic ( ased Gold W atche- 100 Ladies Waichetj, Enameled... |200 Goblilunung Chrm.niiit. Watches . |200 Gold Hunting English I <-4 - 300 Gobi Hunting Duplex Watch 500 Gold Hunting American W ale lies 500 Silver Hunting Lever* GUO silver Hunting Duplexes . . 500 Gold Ladies Watches 1,000 Giml Hunting Lopiucs 1.000 Miscellaneor >Vaiche- 2,500 Hunting Silver VYaU-iies 5.000 Assorted Watches, all kinds Every pat run obtains this arrangement, costing but f 10. while it may be worth $1,000. No partiality shown ■J& We wish to immediately itisjs sc ( . the •.'«>** magnificent Stock. CvrtiDcates, naming the -* rl * cles, are placed in sealed envelopes, sad " | mixed. Holders are entitled to the article- named on their certificate uja>n pay incut <>l leu whether it be a W atoll worth or one (**»rtb le-s. The return of any of onr certificate* «-nt« ties yon to the article namcl the-..,,,, uiw* pay ment, irresj*ei live of its worth, a. d *.> no article valued less than $10 is named oil any t*rtni .te, it will at once be seen that this h No Lottery, but a straightforward legitimate transaction, which may be participated ui even by the meet fastidious: to $1 ,l«*l . wot Ur BUI .. loo U» iJd . 25o to rk«i 2- d iu V.l <s 15o to ... 1(0 to ro .. 5t> Ui 15U .. •.» to •L.t .. W lo 250 .. 50 to 75 i_. f» U) l‘«» 25 50 te to 75 a Wi »tct» bv A single certificate will lie sert by mail. ] - t paid, upon receipt of 25 cents, five for |1. eleven for f2, thirty-three and elegant prcir.iiini ft-r #S. sixtv-six aiid more valuable premium for |ld, uwi hundred and most superb Watch for fIS To Agents, or those wishing employment, tin :» a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conducted business, duly anthoviaed t«y th.- ('iorerement, and open to ttie most careful scrutiny. Tav uat WRIGHT, BRO^ A CO~ Impcnrt”t«, *161 BROADWAY. New York. #epl9—dAwflm