The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 22, 1868, Image 3

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rHE daily opinion . | vaKST CITY ClRCtTLATTON. V* foffice Official Advertiser. Ttt aSTA, ::::: JAiOJARY 22. j-A.-b ‘lb 1 -A.IUE&S. ks0O stcma BrmBS/-3Ir. Kenny’s are loud In their praise of his new itnra Vtacn, and generally unite in ’ .-fvin* i its beneficial qualities, as rep- ^ 1 the manufacture!*. Call and r^utai 07 v^^Alc. In this connection wo would ' 'ntion the fact that Mr. K. U the sole ut f 0r the Aromatic Angostura, and ^ irj Chicago Cream Ale, In this city, and 7* ^h for sale at Wholesale. Orders 1>e f.romtly filled, is the motto of the rhkago Ale Depot, Alabama street. t Tu PHjxqcEfTS.—Marshal Thomas ls- an important notice in the Opinion ■. -ihr- Those who are among the delin- ‘ ttM on the tax books of the city, will - it notice and govern themselves accord- ]v. -A word to the wise is Sufficient.” ,v,l. r. L. Mynatt, Attorney at Law. ‘I.iviiig dissolved his partnership with ■ Hammond, Colonel Mynatt lias . vcd his office to rooms over Holbrook's - re on Whitehall street. well as his favorite brand of vi Literature.—Messrs. Phillips n. fntc prising stationers and news r -. n Whitehall street, have all the -/in*- and important serials of the -un ai-—We noticed this morning a i- ; ‘ling out what ho called a cele- n-vJ. which he described as possess- : . rf-.ii proi»ertics for the healing of i -r of diseases. Wonder if he pays . n-» fi»r the privilege of peddling -trects? If lie has not, he should :ia.> do so. i.ihukis.—It is apparent to every man that a reduction of city tax j.r — nt year, is essential to tlic in- f our jK-ople. It is hoped the C’oun- . take action in the matter iunnedi- A- business wanes, our people i 1 U» made lo feel that their burdens • would l>c relieved, to some i.t lea<t. v -..—The man who retails anient - without hret paying a license for . :i\ ..vge of so doing, is, in a tw>» fold '*». an iiujii't man. While lie robs the •u ;t' honest dues, he defrauds Ids _ --i who pays for license to retail. . .. n the 'ot. who gloats over the bot- .1. i revels in debauchery and crinu*. be- • .>f these interlopers; for. he who will - neighbor ami defraud the city will ' .. you drugged and poisonous whisky. 1\« KE.i'isii.—We are pleased to learn it the busitir^s of the Western and At- mtie I. idroait lias uiaterially increased o'itii the |Mi>t week or ten dura. The . - now delivering at least 20 per cent, o freights, consisting of flour, bulk wats. lard, corn, hay. etc-, in this city than a a' doing two weeks ago. The greater •rt of these supplies are stored and con- ' i»ed in Atlanta, the remainder being tr shipped to other points below this. Something New.—’Way down East, '••mewhere about Boston, they have recent- put in operation a machine which planes :! n iiatiful smooth strips from ornament- >1 woods—sin h as maple, black walnut, &o, * li < h are used in lieu of wall paper. The used is felled and cut into the • orth. The machine is then ap- « h.< n 'haves it into smooth, beauti- •u>. aliout as wide as a roll of house liking 100 or 1.10 to the inch. These •till on the walls of houses pre- • :lu- mi me inauner as pn|»er. The • i when used, and really works ■ u |Ktper, because it is more tough i. ,• in4e. • tuition enables one to finish his _ « .li- with the different woods to • « ii ta-re. By it he can have bird's -a tin \v«sm1. chesnut, walnut. .\ . v\ ulioiit imitation or counter- , •• eie tires of the set figures in or- pui-er. t»ut never of nature itself.— * .v longer these strips of wood remain on •e wall the more distinct will be the grain and color of the wood. Ice Bridge at Niagara.—In the ex tremely cold weather which has recently pre\ ailed, an ice bridge has been formed View the Niagara Falls, and hundreds ol i i'itors are crossing. The ice is of great thickness, and will remain a long time. This natural bridge enables the curious to Malk safely over the ■•raging canal” and « -joy a fine view of the Falls. For the Opinion.] ; Halt, of the Geo. Con. CONVENTION Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 22, l£6$. Editor Opinibn—Sir: In the Oottfentto* to-day it was asserted that the correspon- \ :—-—i ion avlam Aylanya, Giokoia.—Office on Whitehall r , lover Holbrook’s Hat Store,] will con- dent of the New York Herald, and the re- im su the Coarts held in the city, porter of the Intel] in>n««r With Judge D. A. Hammond porter of the Intelligencer were one ^ the same person. Although thisetotement was subsequently partly corrected, I desire, through your columns, to publicly deny having been dissolved. January »d. 1868-dlw* ^OBOHGIA STATE LOTTERY— the charge. The correspondent of Urn ro * ™ b *k*«t or th* New York Herald has never written one MASONIC ORPHANS’ HOME line, or made a single report for any otiret paper than the one on which he is employ ed. In fact the employees of the New "i ork Herald are too liberally remunera ted for their services to require employ ment from any other journal. Respectfully, your obt. servant, -. t A. St. Clair AbbaMs, Special Correspondent of the Herald. [Before the close of the day’s proceed ings, Mr. Caldwell and other gentlemen jy POST OFFICE, ATLANTA, GA., Deoember 14,1987.—From and after this date, until Author notice, this office will be opened and closed stated that they were mistaken 7n 8 o'clock, a m that the same gentleman was reporting for the New York Herald and Intel! igetictr. Mr. Waddell also informed the Convention that the reporter for the latter journal had: been changed since January Ilth.—R*~ PORTER OPINION.] ... ;i .T • ' V # A prominent Republican Senator. ; speaking of the new bill, to-day, said that if it passed the House by a strong enough majority to show the sense of that body, there would, perhaps, be no necessity fbt its passage in the Senate. The inference from his language was that tho real object in introducing the measure was to stimu late the President in the execution of the existing Reconstruction Laws. !\ e clip the above from the correspon dence of the Commercial.- Andy is im proving if he takes the hint tendered by the overwhelming vote of the House re corded yesterday. Republican Prospects.—A Washington dispatch to the Commercial says: Senator Wilson has received a letter from Jack Hamilton, of Texas, stating that the Republicans will carry that State, and re-, construct under the Military Law. if notf interfered with. Senator Wilson Imp in formation, also, from Louisiana to the effect that the Republicans w ill carry that State by twenty-five thousand, notwithstanding General Hancock's efforts to the contrary. He thinks they are certain of controlling all the Southern States, except Virginia and* Arkansas. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson.—It Is said Mrs. Jackson has realized over $15,000 from the sale of the history of her husband's life. Special Notices, MYNATT, ATTORNEY AT === Combination Claes, Ho. 182. Th*following were tho Drawn Nos., Jan. 21st, 41-77-^58-29-8-13-18-61-27-44-4-40 JanlS—It BOTD, WILSON &CO..Managers. HTPROF. ROBERTS WILL HEAL tho tick, by ANIMAL MAGNETISM, at U. S. Hotel, Atlanta, until February 1st, ISOS Jialtydlw Cioao at).. 4 ..;. 12* o’clock, p u Open at...;.. a o’clock, r u Close at... ; e o’clock, r u • • E • SUNDAYS. Open at, . ; 8 o’clock, a m Close at......;.;'... .;.... 10 o’clock, A M Open at Ay. o’clock, r u Qoipat 5 o’clock, p m ‘(Clt>fcI*T-4tf THOS. G. SIMMS, P. M. GOUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THREAT, requires immmediate attention, and ■hoald be checked. If allowed to continue, Irrltatloaal theLungs, a Permanent Throat Disease, «r Consumption, • '• is often the result. ■BOWBf’8 BRONCHIAL TROCHES, Having a direct Influence to the parts, give im mediate relief. For Rronekitis, Atthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases, Troches are usesd with always good success. Singers and Public Speakers use them to clear and strengthen the voice. OtTain only “Brown’s Bronchial Trocuas,” find do not take any of the Worthless hlimitations that may be offered. Sold avert where. octal— d4meod COMMEROIAL.^ OrriCB DAILY OPINION, I Atlanta. Ga., January 22, 1868. \ Cotton, in the city this morning is at a stand-still on yesterday's prices. We con tinue to quote at IU4 cents for best grades. A little higher figures than these are de manded from warehouses. Other articles remain firm and quiet at the following quotations: CORN— White . per bush (a> % 1 cllow or Mixed per bush <e> 93 Meal per hush (Ml .00 BACON— Clear Sides .. .. .» IX <817* t lear Rib aides 9 n> Shoulders 9 rt. 14 ®14K Plain Hams 9 rt. 22 S C Canvassed Hams 9 lb 24 <C1i> BULK MEAT’S— Clear Sides r it. 14 @15 Clear liib Sides 9 it> 14 Hams 9 a* 15 Shoulders 9 fi> % ' 12K LAJti>— Tierces ...... i- n> 15 Kegs and Cans FLOUR- ..... p it. ISuperfiue . .. pur bbl Extra. Funi il v I*er bM per bl»l per bl>l 6STMRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SY RUP, VOS children tektiiing, greatly facili tate* the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay All PAIN and spasmodic action, and is and is sure to beovlate 1 uk bowels. Depend upon It, mothars, it wiil give rest to your selves, and RE LIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for years, and Can Say in Confidence and Truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine—Never has it Failed in a Single In stance to Effect a Cure, when timely used.— Never did we mow an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with Us operaliati, and speak in terms •f commendation of its inatical effects and medi cal virtues. We speak iu this matter “WHAT WE DO KNOW,” alter years of experience, and Pledge our Reputation pok the fulfilment of what wi here declare. In almost every in stance where the infant is suffering from pain andexhaustation, relief will be found in lilteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis tered. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for “Mrs. Winslow’8 Sooth ino Syrup,” having the fac simile of‘‘CURTIS A PERKINS” on the out-side wrapper. All othe'8 are base imitations. sold by Druggists throughout the world. 1»KICE, ONLY 35 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES—215 Fulton strei t. New York: 250 igh llolhorn, London, England; 4tl St. Pau street, Montreal. Canada. au g28—dBm eod 12.5UaHJ.9k is 5u««m 00 11 3oi»l« 001 Prize Fighting.—In a prize fight on 111.-h!v Dlnntl near St. Louis between I*- .ni' Headon and Thomas McCann, the .tier was killed. Served him right. Both •- i-fii to havejrone the same way. If men * ill make dogs of themselves they deserve to die like dogs. Cholera.—This terrible malady is doing t- work of havoc in the city of Havana.— I :.ere have been as many as three hundred • -t*es a day, nearly half of which were l-*i:tl. On the 10th instant, out of 52 cases u.<-re were 21 deaths. WHEAT— ' i Mime per iipsh 2 60 42 75 1 Bed .. per lnl-h 2 @2 30 OATS . per @80 HAY — Timothy per cwt @2.25 SALT— Virginia . . per'aek 9.0b@2.75 Liverpool per sack 3 06@-3.25 SUGAR- Crushed eit. 18>4@M Powdered lb I8>i@I9 Granulated 9 lb C Dili O A 9 tb Coflee li 9 tb 17 @tt*i Extra 9 tb 17@17X 7 el ow C 9 lb 17X®17K Yellow Refine) 9 lb 17 @17K Porto It; it . . 9 lb 14 @15 New Orleans . .. . 9 tb 15 @15K COFFEE- BIO 27 ®27M 25 @28 Ivooii 9 » K;iii ■ 9 Tl> 24 @27 Odnarv 9 ft -23 @25 J;-.v> I’edang Mats.. 9 tb 40 @44 I.agua* ra 9 lb 29 @30 Moc.i.a 9 tb 55 @60 TEA — Gunpowder 9 ft YS0 @1.66 Youi x Hyson 9 lb 1.10 @1.00 MOL \SSh :— N.-w Oi eaiis 9 gal 95 @1.00 G< orgiii Cane 9 gal 95 @98 Port*.Rico 9 gal 80 @86 Cvha 9 gal V0 @62* SYR1 P— Mollcr Refined F gal LOO® 1.10 Crystal Amber . . 9 gal @1A'» New York 9 gal 76 CAN DLKS— Star 12 oz 9 lb 90 @21K Adamantine * tb 21 @22 Parafine 9 ft 38 @40 Sperm @55 SOA P— .. Babbitt’s Eraslve... German Erasive 9 ft- 16 @16 9 Colgate’s D. Colgate’s B .. 10 @11 10KW11K Coigates No. Pale.. . 9 »> 14 @15 Turpentine .* 7 V SODA— Kegs Boxes 9K@10 11K@1* GEORGIA, Henry COUNTY. For hem, AMERICAN HOTEL, ATLANTA, UIIIIKUIA. O UR LEASE on the above Imusc will • x- pire on the 15th June next, and .is have modi' other Ikimuc's iiiTjuigeineiils Rj”I Will our Furniture, Bar Fixtures, AND B I L L I A li D T A B L E S, and remainder of LEASE at a REASONALE PRICK. The house can be rented from the owners for one or a term of years; is the best located Hotel in, and has an established business. Call od or corresimnd with us at Atlanta. Ga. Jai>2—dltn WHITE A WHITLOCK. Ustate A l! C T ION! O N FRIDAY MORNING, 17th instant, at 9y. o’clock X will commence selling, to the high est bidder my entire stork of m.rchandize, con sisting of A Little of Everything Now contained in my store, on Peachtree street, without reserve whatever. The sto.-k >s well as sorted, and worthy the atte. tion of ever^lKcly, and will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. I am selling out t-» change my business. Auction everv day at 9», o'clock, and .-very night at 7 o’clock, U til the entire stock is sold ou t HENRY U. HOYT, janlti—dtf WHEREAS, James Coker, administrator in right of his wife, com testamento annexed, Oil the estate of James R. McRight, deceased, has made application to me for letters dismissory from said * These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, with!* the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if »ny they have, why such letters should not bo granted In terms of the law. , Giten under mv hand and official signature, this the 27th day of November, 1867. y. R. NOLAN, Ordinary. nov30—wfim Printer's fee $4 50 Dir.D Happy.—An old woman, named i razier. hired a bed in a lodging house in New York, the other night, and was found - a«l next morning with abottle of whisky under her pillow. Cotton in Augusta.—Cotton was unu- 'U illy active in Augusta on Monday, not- withstanding the incessant rain, 15>^c be ing the average price. Nisf. Millions.—S. N. Pike’s fortune is csUmated at nine millions of dollars. What an ocean of whisky h« must have sold! GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS. John Coughlin having applied for letters of administration upon the estate of Mary Withers, late of said county.deceased: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Ordinary’s office of said county, within the time prescrll>ed by law, to show cause, ii any they can, why letters should not be granted said applicant. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary of said county, this 2d January, 1868: JNO. T. COOPER. Deputyderk. Printer’s fee janS—w30d GEORGIA, Bartow county. W HEREAS Thomas J. Wofford, executor of William B. Wofford, deceased, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly Hied and enter ed on record, that he has fully administered Wil liam B. Wofford's estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said executor should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of dis mission. This 2d (Monday) September, 1867. J, A- HOWARD, Ordinary. »ept4—wfim - (Printer’s fee $4J©; GEORGIA, Fayxtti! county. ’ WHEREAS, Ellison Rush, administrator. On the estate of William Watson, deceased, represents to'. the Court that he has fully administered Die sattl William Watson's estate, and prays for letter? of »T dismission: -j"*- 5 This is, therefore, to cite all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased _ ajwsaiswu's. a z? eES'ii.'S' 1, nave, why said letters of dismission Should. Two diary fa they nave, why said letters of dismission Should not be granted. * ‘ “ 4 Given under my hand and ofltcial signature, '. this December the 18th. 1887. •'. r ;i EDWARD CONNOR. Ordinary., . decSO—wfim Printer’s fee $1 SO ^ GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. Jr WHEREAS, James W. Mills, administrator on the estate of Joseph B. Mills, deceased, having made application to mo for letters of dismission irom said estate: These are. therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kindred and creditors, to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, anu file their objections, if any they have, .tfrhy siTJ latfAra chon M not ATuntPrl thp finn!irAnt r letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and oflicfal signature, this November 5th, 1867. nov8—w6m Printer’s fee unary. *4.W” GEORGIA, Forsyth county. Ordinary's Okficx, -it • Cumming, Ga., January 8,1868. ,j _, WHEREAS, Martin Graham, guardian and «*fi officio administrator of Wm. N. Strong, deceased, makes application to me in terms of the law for letters of dismission from his said office: These are, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to show cause, it any they have, why said Martin Graham, guardian and ex-oflicio adminis trator, as aforesaid, should not be dismissed from his said office in terms of the law in such oasss made and provided. 1 ; Given under my hand and official signature, this January 3,1868. WM. D. BENTLEY, Ordinary. Jan8—w40<i Printer’s fee f8 GEORGIA, Fulton county. WHEREAS, John F. Iluff, administrator oi Coleman W. Marchman, late of said county, de ceased, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed that he has fully administered said estate: This is, therefore, to cite ail persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not be discharged from his said ad ministration and receive letters of dismission on the the first Monday in June, 1868. Witness the lion. Daniel Pittman, Ordinary oi said county, this 2d December, 1867. JOHN T. COOK, Deputy Clerk. dec4—w6m Printer’s fee $4 50 Mer4h<M»«llx« now tn Storo. - S00 pounds new live Geese Fuiksn, 8000 bags Liverpool usd Virginia Salt, 900 cMls and half 00Us “R” and St. Louis Bop*. 85^000 pound* RwsU’s Wrought Iron Buckle Ties , 6 bales India Bugging, 1 > 30 casks Bacon and Bulk Meat, .'>jtb0 packages Lard, U'l 150 bag* of Flour of high grades, b - • 500 bags Corn, : *i 900 bushels Gow Peas, 30 bates Keatucky Timotey Hay, • 10 bales Factory Yarn, 75 bugs Rio Cofffee—Price 9B to 27 oenu, J 30 butreli-Sugar, 6 barrels Getergia Ouh* Syrup, ■» hbds. Cuba Molasses, 80 boxes Starch, flO bojdes Soap, **/ W0 pounds “KilllckUkk” Smoking Tobac co—good quality only so eeats. GEORGIA, Fulton county. W HEREAS, J. R. Fain, executor of Elizabeth Fain, deceased, represents to the court, in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully administers! said estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not be discharged from his said trnst and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in March, 1868. Witness the Hon. Daniel Pittman. Ordinary oi said county, this 4th day of September, 1867. JNO. T. COOPER, Deputy Clerk. sep5—w6m [Printer’s fee $4.50] GEORGIA, DeKalb county. WHEREAS, Mrs. Mary J. Terry, one of the ad ministrators of the estate of Thomas Terry, de ceased, having made application to me for leave to sell about twenty acres of land iu the north east part of lot No. 179 in the 15th district of DeKalb county, Georgia: All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted for the sale ot said twenty acres of land Given under my hand and official signature, this December llih, 1867. J. B. WILSON, Ordinaly. dec.13—"2m Printer’s Tee $5 GEORGIA, Hak.vlson county. TWO MONTHS after the publication of th s notice application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, f r leave to sel that portion of lot of land number 156 in the district of originally Carroll, now Haralson county, which is situated on me west -ide ot Tal lapoosa River, supposed to contain 100 acres, more or less, for the benefit of the minor heirs of Wil liam and Sophia Mcltride. Jan. 7. 1868. SOPHIA McBRIDE, Guardian. janl8—w2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA, Haralson county. WHEREAS, Zebulon P. Duke, administrator on the estate of John Duke, late of f.aid county, deceased, having made app cation to me for let ters ot dismission from said deceased s estate: These aie, therefore, to give notice to all con cerned, kindled and credi ors to appear at my ouire within the time prescribed bv law aud file their objection, if any they have, why said letters not b>* grunted the applicant. Giv. n under my hand aud official signature, this January 8. 1868. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Ordinary. JanlS—w6m P’-inter’s tee *4 50 W M . G It A V , WORKER AND DEALER IN Italian and White Rutland, AND A1HER1CAV STJTl’ABY MARBLE, IMlOZISrTJMIE^TS, Tombs, Headstones, Tablets, Urns, VASES. AND MANTLE PIEt E WORK, And Furnishing Marble Work, OF ALL DKSCK1PTIOXS. Designs of Monuments or any other MarliK Work furnished free of charge. Molding in I luster done to order. Orders solicited and promptly filled teniSCnt' GEORGIA, UUKKNE COUNTY. WUEKEA8. James K. Daniel, applies tor letters ot adiiiinisttatiou de bonis non, on the estate of Samuel B. Daniel, late of said county, deceased: These aie, therefore, to cite and require all per sons '-o.M erned, to show cause, if any they have, why sail letter- should not be giant d ter aid ap- p'ic.itu at the court of ordinary to be held in and lor said county, on tit tics* Monday in March next. e>i,eii under my hand, at office, iu orccnesttoro Jauuar., 16th, 1868 I-.UGEN!18 L. KING, Ordinary. janl8 -»|i4 Printer** f.-e|> GEORGIA, Gordon county. WM. J. oANTRKLL has brought before us a small light bay Horse, star in hi- forehead, snip on his nose, both hind legs white above the foster joint, Left fore foot white ahove the hoof, weak eye,l, left eye supposed to he out; worth lot ty dollars; taken up by said'Cantrell on the evening of the 25th Inst., at his residence in the 97-Jd District, G. M., Gordon countv, Dec. 27. 1867. JOHN ELLi-s, F II. t>. R. FLOYD, F. H. I, II. C. Hunt, Clerk of the Inferior Court, do certify that the above is a true transcript from the Estrayglook of this Court. This the 14th day of January, 1368. II. C. HUNT, Clerk I. C. jai;17— w30d Printer’s fee $3 GEORGIA. Heard county. WHEREAS, Harrison B. Lane and Nancy Jane Swinney having petitioned in proper form of law for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of John Swinney, late of said county, de- cc;isi-d: These are, therefore to cite and admonish all aud singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be aud appear at luy office on or be fore the ILst Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they can, why said tetters should not he granted. Given under in hand and official signature, anuary 17th, 1S68. W. II. C. PACE, Ordinary. Jan90—w30d Printer's fee $3 Vj v-io od; n , . T> moot .jnon tALt* T7TO-J fifciCKB, !• eay quaatlty, farms, near tee oity, Forty Mm titered city tad suburban vacant lit '* Two hundred, sens ot tend sear the city ter ; A 'seta hi small tracts. All this proprrty'wlll told on easy terms. A. X. SBAGO. ,*J ’ a* U 1 ^ Grass Tin IK) ■K i : I flu Fresh from Kentucky, Seeds, , • Red Clover. < • White Clover, l . Bine Great, i'.- Herds Grata, hi Timothy, ‘ Orchard Grass. Fertilizers. * 90 tons and 150 barrels Baugh’s Raw Bone • Soper-Phosphate. 19 tons and 900 bags Reynold’s Baltimore Chesapeake Phosphate. These are two of the most reliable and valuable Fertilizers known to American Carmen. For sale by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, dec!6—dtf Atlanta. SCOTT'S MOXTflLY MAGAZINE. * ‘ -• i • k . ’ * I . V » » ' ' . » ) *. * * - . 1868. FIFTH VOLUME. 1868. T HE Proprietors of this well established SOUTHERN MONTHLY announce, on en tenug the third year of iu publication, with a patronage of several thousand subscribers, and with a corps of contributors unsurpassed u|>on this Continent, that it is their design to furnish A FIRST-CLASS MONTHLY! Equal In all respects to the best Northern and Keglish Periodicals. Among the leading serials of the present year will be — THE GEORGIA CAMPAIGX, By the author or “Field and Camp.” This will be a South side view of Sherman’s “Mareh to the Sea.” Battles and Campaigns of tho Army of Tennessee By one of the most gallant Officers of that De partment. TENT AND SADDLE IN THE HOLY LAND, Iso. a superb Serial by Col. W. T. Thompson’ Courtship.” it lows, Essays, Novel- By Rev. R. A. Holland, of Kentucky Also, a superb Serial by Col. W. T. author of ’'Mod The usual number of Rev leites, Ac. will also appear. Now i- the time to suDvcribo. TKUMS, (IKVaRJABL Y IN AD VANCt): $ 4 00 18 76 36 Of 10 00 ISO 00 15*. 00 1 copy, oue year 5 copies, one year 10 copies, one year 20 copies, one year 40 co|>ies, one year 50 copies, one year Jlergymet . at.$3 50 per annum, and they are authoi ized u> act as Ageut>, retaining 10 per cent comaiis»ions Bgj^Nttws Dealers supplied at »8 cents per copv, cash in advance. item it unices at our ri*k may be made by Kx press. »r Post Office Order*, or by D alt. Address, SCOTT A PITTMAN, Atlauta, Georgia. EfjF»WUl not the Press generally give the above I’ro.'pec.tuc a few Insertion*? We especially ask th « favor of our Macon. Augusta, Savannah, Columbus, Griffin, Nashville, Montgomery. Selma’ Memphis, Mobile, and New Orleans exchange*, aud will reciprocate the favor. jan3— GEORGIA, Gwinnett county. WHEREAS, James A. Hutchins, administrator on the estate of Mary Quinn, deceased, having made application to me fur letters of dismission from said estate: ’inesc are. iwreiurr, 10 ki>c uuik, w an con cerned, kindred and creditors, o appear at my office within the time piescribed by law and flic their ob.iec.tions, if any they have, why said letters 'hould not be granted he uppli'eant. Given under my hand ami official signature this November 5th, 1887. G. T, U.VKESTRAW. Ordinary. nov8—w 6ra Printer’s fee $4 59 For Family Use, Liver and K uiney Complaints Sold by by all Druggists. Grocers xc. a. m. BiXINGEK A CO. (established 1778.) Importers 01 Wines. Brandies. Ac., NoJ£15 Beavek strlkt. Kiw You. ’ ,16m GEORGIA, Bibb county. WHSBEAS. John White applies to the under signed for letters ot dismission upon the estate 01 James T. White, late of said county, deoeasea: All persons interested are hereby required to oe sad an near at the Court of Ordinary on the nr»t Mondayin June next, to show cause, if any they have, why letter* should not be granted the n under my ht*d, officially, this November 98th, 1867. W. M. RILEY. On 1111 ary. >ov2V—wfim Printer’s fee $4 aO GEORGIA, Nkwton county. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to srjl the real estate of Green M M Itchcil, late of aSd county, doee.-ued. This 93th. MR. \VM. J. 7IHTCHELL, Admr. aov29—w2m Printer’s fee $5 GEORGIA Newton county. WHEREAS. Mrs. Emily Neely, administratrix 01 the estate of Francis 8. Neely, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission : These are. therefore, to cite apd admonish the kindred and creditors of said deceased to tlletheit objections in my office, if any they have, on or lie- fore the first ilomiay in June next, whv said disiui'Siou should not be granted to the ap plicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this November 29th. 1867. WM. D. LUCK IK. Ordinary. nov29—w6m Printer’s fee $4 50 GEORGIA. Clayton county. AT the October Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, comes John A. Nash, administra- toronthe estate of Andrew N. Nosh, deceased, and prays for letters of dismission from said e»tate: This is, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, w hy letters of di*mi*4ion should not be granted the applicant. Given under ray hand and officia signature, this October 7th, 1867. C. A DOLLAR. Ordinary. oc.thl—w 6m Printer’s fee $4.50 NOTICE TO DEB’RS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA, Fayette cocktt. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having demands against William M. Spier, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out within time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount, and all persons indebted to said deceased, ore hereby required to make immediate pavment. December 24,19OT- MAE* SPIER. Administratrix. dec2T—W4W Printer’s fee $3 Attention, Housekeepers! YOUR LAST CHANCE! Closing Out! Closing Out! YTOT having disposed of all my goods at Auc- iN tion, I now offer at RETAIL AND WHOLE SALE the remnant goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come Prioe and judge for yonrs^vM. - The stock consists of 3 conking stores, 18 heat- iug stoves, iron and tin kettles, porcelion boilers, waffle irons, stove pots, andirons, grate bodies liras* kettles and a small amount of tinware, iron aud seive wire, hinges, screws, stove pipe. Tin ners’ trimmings, rivets. Tinners’ tools, eandle- 'tic-ks, window glass, wood saws, pig tin, sheet tin. Kerosene lamps, oil cans, KBROSB1TE OIL Lamp chimneys, Ac. decl7—c L. MIHALOVITCH, Whitehall street. Sign ot the “ gilt Key.’ I- T. BANKS Xa »«Tlng amsl still cwmtlmae t* Bay hie good a where READY' MONEY IWILL COMMAND LOW PRICES And now has in store a stock «r BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, AND SHOE FINDINGS, WMC tar eeojwr co.U „„ „ CASH, SMALL PROFITS. n "' “ Remember the Pl« C e and sigsi. I- T. banks, Rawson's Building. Jan2—c C ° rner Wh “« h,lll •«•«! Hunter street,. 96ID IllUllOlt EXPOSE. TOTAL LOSSES 1-AII>. $21,271,972 57! JULY 1st 1867. ASSETS (AT MARKET VALUE Cash on hand and in Bank $ 515 »« » Real Estate MS.M9 "« Mortgage Bonds l-M.Mli ffi) Bank Stock 1,**>,««> «» United States, State and City Stock, and other Public Securities IjByB $4,66n.UC<8 27 Less Liabilities, Claims not dne and unadjusted 377 Ft Net Assets $4 M Fire & Inland Navigation Risks. JUp- Agencies in all the principal cities an t towns in the United states. Applications for insurance will Ik- promptly at tended to. OFFICE—At their Bonded Warehouse, on For syth street. augl—Dm N. L. ANGIEK A SON. Agent' ED WARD J . HOLDEN A Successors to the late Samvel D. Wiu xurr. M ANl'KACTt’ KKK8 OF CAST STEEL SAWS AND KII.Em Of all descriptions, Ne. 4 Liberty street New York. A 4.: PHCENIX PLANING MILL, NEAR MEDICAL COLLEGE, Atlanta Ceorgia. Furniture Manufactory, ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, Made and warranted to give satisfaction- LUMBER DRESSED TO ORDER. WE call the attention of dealers to examine onr work and prices. Our Furniture is made as well and at as low rates as in the North. "Furniture MADE TO OBDEK ON 8HOBT NOTICE. All kinds ot Lumber For Sale, LANDSBKRG A HARRIS, nov 94- dl y Proprietors. Shirtings, Sheetings, Drills, STRIPES. OSNABURGS, YARNS, Ac, By Wholesale at Factory Prices FOR SALB BY HERRING * LE 1|D E N , factoky agents, Whitehall street,...,...Atlanta, G» octffi>-d3m OPKCIAL attention given to the manufacture of O our PATENT GROUND CIRCULAR also. Shingle, Mill. Mnlay. Gang. 1 n>"-« ut. Tenon, Hand, Panel, Rip. and Butcher,' Bo* Saws; also, Turning and Felloe Web*. We also continue the manufacture of onr well known brand of FILES, made of the ln-'t English Cast Steel; cut hy hand and full; war- ranted to be equal in quality to the tn*.''. Eixii'b We respectfully solicit order*, which we arc prepared to till promptly, at the lowest rates and figures. augSI —dlv 81,000,000 IN WATCHES! FOR SALK ON THE POPULAR %W"ONE PRICE PLAN,Jtl GIVING every PATRON a Handsome and Reliable Watch, For the low Price of Ten I>o1Iju> ! Without Regard to Value AND NOT TO BE TAID Poll UNLESS PEUfECTL Y SA 7 IS FA CTOJl Y. 100 8olid Gold Hunting Watches., fa:-) to 100 Magic Cased Gobi Watches— »•) t<> «•» 100 Ladles Watches, Enameled 160 to :»•» BUG Gold Hunting Chroianeter Watches 250 to *0 BOO Gold Hunting English levers . »<i to - 800 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches 150 lo sun * GOO Gold Hunting American W'atches 1«0 to *0 600 Silver Hunting Levers SO to ISO 600 Silver Hunting Duplexes 75 to twi 500 Gold Ladies Watches SO lu m 1,000 Goid Hunting Lepines S»» to 75 1.000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches.. *1 to 1>« 2,500 Hunting Silver Watches 25 to Mi 5.000 Assorted Watches, all kinds .. la to 75 or e very patron obtains a Wetcb bv this arrangenieut, costing but fit), u bile it may be worth fl,U0U. No (mrtiality shown. BF1 We wish to immediately dispose <fT the shut magaifleent Stock. Certificates, 11 anting the am - ctes, are placed in sealed envelope,, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to thearueje* named on their certificate upon payment of lei* I*oilars. whether it be a Watch worth ft.OWor one »«rt.-i less. The return of any ol our certifleat. - «-m 1 ties you to the article named thereon iq« » pay ment, irrespective of its worth, and as no attn- e valued less than flO Is name.1 on any certubate, it will at once be seen that this is It Lottery, bat a straightforward legitimate transaction, which may ho participated in even hy tho moot fhstidiona! ▲ single certificate will be sent by mail, post paid, upon receipt of 26 cents, five for ft- eleven for $2, tnirty-three and elegant premium for $5, sixty-six and more valuable premium for #10. one hundred and most superb Watch ter f!5. To Agents, or those wishing employment, this Is a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately ooadneted business, duly authorized by the Govornsaent, and open to the most cantful scrutiny. Tar rs t WRIGHT, BRO- & CO- Importers, (161 BROADWAY, New York. seplf-dfwfim