The daily opinion. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 22, 1868, Image 4

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FULTON MORTGAGE SALES. 3 y\iy WILL be sold bciore the CoArt House door, in the city of Atlanta, Fulton coun ty. Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in * February, 1868, the so *a- following property, to-wit: A part of land lot No. 45, in originally Henry, now Fulton county, Ga., com mending at a stake oomer on the south of the Georgia Railroad right-of-way, thenoe oastwardly along said right-of-wav fifty feet, thence southwardly at right "angles one hundred and twenty-four feet to an alley, thence westwardly along said alley fifty feet to Wyman street, thence north-, wardly by sai l street one hundred and twenty-four feet to the beginning corner, as described in certain Deed of Mortgasaa, executed by Thomas Haney, adm’r of Jonn Kelley, deceased, to Felix Maguire. Le vied on a? the property of Thomas Haney, adin'r of John Kelley, deceas&vby-Virtue of and to satisfy a moitgage fi. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court, in favor ,of Felix Maguire vs. Thomas Haney, adm’r of John Kelley, deceased. Property pointed out in said Mortgage fi. fa. Dec. 9,1867. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 50, in orifkiailw Jlenry. now Fqlton county, Ga. Safer part so lavied on is in Ward No. 4, city of Atlanta and bounded on the east by .Butts street, on the west by Wheat street, being on the rietta street, in the city of Atlanta, and containipj tjUf an (c*, more or lose. Levied on as the property of James Craig, by virtue of and to satisfy a taxfl.tfa. is sued John M. Harwell, HI elector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January 6,1868. Also at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 78, in the 14tn district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Said part so levied on is in ward 6, city lot No, 3i froting on MartetU street in the city of Atlanta, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of Elizabeth Grubb, by virtue of, 0U $J*jW d Harwell. January 6, 1868. ntthe same time and plaee, a part of land iot.NO. 61. in the 14tn district of originally Hehry now Fulton eounty, Ga. Said, part sp levied on isin ward 4, fronting on Batter afreet. in the city of Atlanta, containing ohe-flmrth of an acre, more or less. nefMft OnHfif the property of Mary A. Fry, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fit. tamed by John M> Harwell, tax col lector. Property pointed oat by said Har well. January4,188& Also at she sams time and place, a part of land lot No. 88, .in the 14th district of corner of Wheat and Butler .streets, con- originally Henry now, Fid^on county, Ga, taining three-quarters of an.acre, more or less. Levied on by virtue ot an$l to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of »Vm. B. Lowe vs. Lee Smith. Property pointed ont in said Mortgage fi. fa. Dec. 9.1867 Also, at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the city of Atlanta, in said 1 county and SUite, and known and distinguished in the plan of said city as the east half of city lot, number eleven, being a portion ol original land lot No. 45, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton ebunty. Levied on as the property of Stephen B Oatman, by virtue of and to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. issued from Fulton Supe- ior Court, in favor of George Martin vs Stephen B. Oatman. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney, and by js^id fi. fa December 9tb, 1867. Also, at the same time and place the un divided one-fourth of the Rock Quary now being worked by W. F. Harris & Co., and being in the western portion of the city ol Atlanta, Fulton county, Ga., together with all the land, containing ten adre*, bounded west by lands of John Collier. Levied on as the property of M. R. Bell & Co., by virj tue of and to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. is sued from the Superior Court of Fulton county, in favor R. F. Woodward & Co* vs. M.*R. Bell & Co. Property pointed oul by plaintiff's attorney and by said fi. fa. December 9,1867. Ai-o, at the same time and place ail tbit tractor parcel of land lying and being rn- the county of Fulton, and known and dis tinguished as being part of lot No. 47 in the 20th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, containing one and a hall acres, more or less, bounded on thartvest by a street, name not known, on the cast by J. R. Wallace’s land, on the south by a street. and on the : north by- Said part so levied on is i«w«rd 1, fronting on MuLisgutttW aiCWM* city of Atlanta, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less. Levied on as th? property of A. Fleming, by virtue oLand" to satisfy a tax fi. fa, issued T " TSfP* by, John jf. Harwell, tax col- name not known, and on thejiorth Medlock’s land. Levied on as the property of Green B. Brklwell, by virtue of and to satisfy a Mortgage 1i. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county of Fulton, in favor of Ma-tin Bridwell, mlm'r. anti Harriet Bridwell, adin’x, of J. W. Bridwell. deceased, vs. Green B. Bridwell. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney and by said fi. fa. Dec. 9.1867. W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff. declO—wtds FULTON COUNTY SHERIFF SALES FOR FEBRUARY. WILL be sold before the Court House floor, in tpe citv of Atlanta. Fulton coun ty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary 1S68, the following property, to wit: A part of land lot No. 52 ill ibe 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton; sipd parr so levied on is in ward 3, fronting On Georgia Hail Road in the city' of Atlanta, and cantaining half acre more or less, levi ed on as the property of James W. Loyd, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi fa. is sued by Juo. M. Harwell tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Jan6, 1868. ~ Also, at the same time and place, a pari of land, lot No. 76. in the 14th district ot originally Henry now Fulton, said part so levied on is in ward 2, block 2. city lot No. 7, on Crew street in the city of Atlanta, containing half an acre more or le-s. Le vied on as the property of A. J. Barnes, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax !i. fa. issued by John M. Harwell, tax collector. Pro perty pointed out by John M. Harwell, tax collector. Jan. 6, 1868. Also, at the same time and place, a,part of land lot No. 77, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, said part so levied on is in ward 2. block 11: city lot No. 2, fronting on Loyd street in the city of Atlanta, containing one-ajuar- county. Property pointed §kfd‘HSlf#eli. January 6,1868. Also, at the xame time and place, a part of lrtivfebMjie Sqttotod,14th district of originally Henry, npw Fulton county; said part so levied on is In ward 2, within the new limits of the'elfy of Atlanta, containing one half acre bfidre-or less. Levied on as the property Of J. F. Hammond, Guardian for wile, byvirtweof and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax col lector. Property pointed out by said Har well. Jan. 6,-1368. Also, atthe same time and place, a part of land Wt mrrTt^niiTlih 14th district orig inally Henry, now Fulton county; said part so levied in ward 2, Block* 11 city bit No. 2, corner of Mitchell and Loyd streets, in tire city of Atlanta. Levied on ; as tiff property of Deopi* paUahan, by vir tutvof f 8* wsued by Jnp-M^Jl^'rwelli tax collector. Property poip^ff'pu^Jjy Harwell, tax collector.— January o, Also, at the same time and place, a part part so levied on is in ward 5, Block 1, city lot No. 7, froiiting on Pryor street, in the fity ufiAtlaota* qontnijiing one-eighth of in acre more or less. Levied oif as the property of James F. Cooper, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno M. Harwell, tax collector. Property point ed out by said Harwell. January 6,1868. Also, at the same time ajid place, a part of laud lot No. dd, In the 14th district of originally Henry* now EMlton county. Ga . siiM'parS So levied on'is In ward 4, front ing on Decatur street, in the city of Allan ta, con tiling three-fourths of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of J, Fields, py virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi M issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax codec tor. Property pointed out by said Harwell, tax collector. January 6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No, 7$, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county; said part so ieVied on is in ward 5, Block —, city lot No 94, fronting on Forsyth street, in the-eltyof Atlanta, containing one-half of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of. Wm. L. Ezzard, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Property point ed out by said Harwell. January 6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 52, in the 14th district of orig inally Henry, now Fnlton county, Ga said part so levied on is in ward 4, city lot 157, fronting on Gilmore street, in the city of Atlanta, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less. On said lot there is a wood dwelling, now occupied by John Snow. Levied on as the property of Joseph Gat.ns, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell.- January 6, 1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot. No. 85, in the 14th district of originaHy Henry now Fulton county. G Said part so levied pn is in ward 1. in the city of Atlanta, corner Peters aud Walker streets, containing one sixteenth of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the prop erty of James Kilo, by virtue of and to patjsfy a tax fi. fa., issued by Jno. M. Har well. Tax Collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Jan. 6.1868. PI virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Juo. M, Harwell, tax collector. Prop- rotated out by said Harwell. Janua- ___80j at the same time and place, parta of land lot No. 80, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county.' Sana part so levied on is in ward 6, block 1, city lots 67 and 68, within the new limits of the city of Atlanta, containing one- eighth of an acre, more or less. Lev ied ion as the property of W. A. Ballard, by vir tue of ana to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Property >ointed out by said Harwell.- January C, .868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 76, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 2, block 16, city lot No. 60, on Washington street, In the city of Atlanta, containing one- quarter of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of J. T. Brannnn, by virtue of ana to satisfy a tax li. fa, issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Prop erty pointed out by said’Harwell. Jnniva- ^Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 4, on the comer of Cain, Harris and Butler streets, in the city of Atlanta, containing six and one-qnarter acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of T. B. Marshall & Bro., by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. is sued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January 6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 52, in the 14tli district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Saiu part so levied on 13 iu ward 4, city lot 57, fronting on Calhoun street, in the city levied on ora known as follows: One of seven acres, more or less, known as John T. Ware's residence, lot-including No. 2 and 3 of the plat erf South Enu property, made by James F. Cooper, City EugmoS*, in August last. The other containing five and a half acre9, more or lMAtttd nQF* in said plat as lot, No. 32.' Levied on as the property of John T. War*, br Virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fix, imbed _bf Jno M. Harwell,- tax collector, pointed out br said Harwell. 1868. Also, at the same time and place,-* part of land lot No. 78, in the 14tn district of fiT. Harwell, Tax by said Harwell originally Henry, now Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in ward No. 1, fronting on Elliot and Alabama .Streets, ih the city of Atlanta, containing half an acre, more or less. Levied on as the pro- prety of John B. Norman, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by John M. liff, and returned to me this January 6, 1808. W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff, Jan. 6,1868. Printer’s fee $112.50. ‘ FULTON COUNTY' SHERIFF SALES. WILL he sold before the Court House door, in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in February next, within the lawful hours of sale, the following property to wit: A part of. land lot No. 78, in the 14th district of original ly Henry, now Fulton county, Ua. Th< part so levied on is in ward 6, fronting on the South side of Grubb street, it being the lot next to the corner lot on Grdbb and Foundry streets; fronting on Grubb street ninety feet and running backBS feet. Le vied on as the property of A. G. Chisolm, by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. issuecl from Fulton county Court In fevorof H. of Atlanta, containing one-quarter of an acre, more or less. Levied onas the prop- j j’ Sprayberry vs. A. G. Chisolm, It being erty of A. M. Manning, by virtue ot and ] so ] ( ] to satisfy the balance of the purchase a tax h. fa. issued by Jno. At- ninnpv I’l-iinertr nnlntml nntKn ahlnHIF money. Property pointed oatrby plaintiff. Jan. 6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, one band-box and contents; one work-box and contents; three common trunks ami con tents. Levied on as the property of J. W Roper, by virtue of and to satisfy-a II. fa issued from Fulton county Court in favor of M. Emma Delbridge vs. J. W. Roper. Property pointed out iu said li. fa. and by plaintiff's attorney. W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff, jan. 6,1868—wts Printer’s fee $5 originally Henry, now Fulton county. in the alf acre, more or less, fronting on Rock street. Levied on as the property of David Thur- nian, by virtue of apd to satisfy a tax fi. fa- issued by Jno. M*. Harwell, tax collector. ''PV&yieriv pointed‘V>ut by sakl Harwell Juu. 6,1868. , ., , , Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot. No. 45, ih the 14th district of originally Henry, how Fulton county. Said part'so levied.oa is in ward 4, fronting on Tan Yard street, in the city of Atlanta, contrijiiing one eighth of an acre, more or less: Levied on as the, property of W. A. Wilson, by virtue of ana to satisfy a tax fi fiu, issued by Joo. M. Harwell, tax collect or. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Jan.'6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot. No. 52, in the 14tn district of uragiiMUy Uonry. now Fulton county. Said pi it Salaried in is in ward 4, city lot, No. 164, fronting on Calhoun and Jenkins street^, tti the’eity of Atlanta, containing one half acre, more or less. On said lot thbVMs a wood "dwelling Id whieh the de fendant now resides. Levied on as the of land lot No. 85, in the 14th district of^pr*^rty ^f John Gatins, by virtue of and ter of an acre more or less. Levied ward 1, the property of Michael Corigan, by virtue [city of Atlanta, containing one h; of and to satify a tax 11. fa. issued>y John M. Harwell, tax collector. Property point ed out by John M. Harwell, tax collector. Jan. 6, 1*868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of laud lot No. 51, iu the 14th district ot originally Henry now Fulton county. Said £ art so levied on is in ward 4, fronting on utler street, in the city of Atlanta, Ga., containing half an aore more or less. Levi ed on as the property of Mary A. Cawley, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax It. fa. is sued by John M. Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell.— Jan 6, 1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, in the 14th district ol originally Henry now Fnlton county. Said part so levied ou is in ward 1, frojuing on an alley 50 feet, and running racKitw teei. in the city of Atlanta, Ga. Levied- cut-us the property of Lewis B. Lanier, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa. ifsiied by Jno. M. Harwell, tax' collector. Property point ed out by said Harwell. January (£ i- Also, at the same time aud place, a part x ^Jf c r to 1 r ftfis Prop ' TtypoInt * do1lt ' cotrxn: shebtt tine time and place part of land : * ; _ • FyR Jr EBRUaRY. -Xiao* a* tie same time and place, a part rrniiiTlot,’Nol 83s lii the 14th district of countyX to originally Henry now Fulton Said part so levied on is in ward 1, fronting on Peters treet. in the city of Atlanta, and containing onc-half an acre, more or k*$.- Levied on as the property of J. S. Lump kin. trustee for wife, by virtue of and to satisfy two. tax fi. fas. issued by Jno. M. Ham ell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January 6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th district of originally Henry county, Georgia. Said C rt so levied on is in ward 4, block 10, city , No. 67. froutingonColUn9Street, in the city of Atlanta, containing one-qnarter of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of Richard Dumphrey, trustee for wife, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector.—^ Property pointed out by said Harwell, tax collector. January 6,1868. Also, at the same time and placet'a part of land lot No. 53. in the 14th .district of originally Henry now Fulton county; Georgia. Said part so levied on is in ward 3, fronting on Frazier street, in the city of Atlanta, containing one-eighth of acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of Miaa Mary Deavenport, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M. Har well, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January 6, 1868. Ai«n at the same time and place, a p. r rt ataxli. fev issued by Jno. M. of land lot No. 78,14th district of original j-9n»«$ the property *f A. 6. Chisolm, bj Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Jan. 6,1868. \ fefeo, ojt jhe sajnq time and place, a part of land lot, No. 78, in the 14tn district ot originally JLIenry* now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 5, city lot, Nb.'12h, .fronting on Bartow and Luckie streets, in the city of Atlanta, Ga. con taining three-eighths 9f an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of A. Mur- phev, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. la., issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collect or. P/oj^ty- pointed tat by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land Tot No. 61, In the 14tn district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said partds in,ward 5, block 1, frontiqg on Line ItredCi in (he City of Atlanta, and contain ing one-eighth of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of A. B. For syth, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M- Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January 6,1868. : Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 77, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 1, block 6, city lot-No. l, frontingoo Thompson street, in the city of Atlanta, and containing one- quarter of an acre, more or less. Levied to satisfy a Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by sa'd Harwell. January G, 186S. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 77, in the 14tli district of originally Henry now Fnlton county. Said part so levied on Is in ward 2 block 11, city lot No. 2, fronting on Mitchell street, in the city of Atlanta, containing onc-hall' an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property ot Joseph Beermaii. trustee for Wife, deceased, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January C. 1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 51, in the district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 4. block’s, city lot No. 164. fronting on Collins and Wheat streets, in the city of Atlanta, coil* taing one-half an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of (.'has. Sclmat/.. by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. (a. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector, prop erty pointed out by said Harwell. Jan. 6. 1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 52, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 3. city lot No. 75, fronting Georgia Railroad street, in the city of Atlanta, containing one- eighth of an acre, more or less. Levied on as the property of >V. D. Mitchell, trustee for wife, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Juo. M. Harwell, tax col lector. Property pointed out by said Har well. Jan. 6, 186S. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 50, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 4. front ing on Peachtree and Collins streets, in the citv of Atlanta, containing two acres, more or less. Levied on as the propmty of T. F. Grubb, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa. issuecl by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collect or. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Jan. 6, 1868. Also, at the same time and place, a part { of land lot No. 52, in the 14th district of i originally Henry now Fulton county. | Said part so levied on is in ward 4. citv lot j now Kulioncouuty. No.223. fronting on Calhoun street, in' the i |, n 1 iYstr'i-.a A***.* * r !,/*<• hall street, citv / City of Atlanta, containing onc-half of an 1 acre. On said lot there is a wood dwelling, j in which defendant now resides. Levied j on us the property of Win. II Moll, by vir- ! tue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Property ! pointed out by said Harwell. .January 6. ! 1868. Also at the same time and place, a part j of land lot 53, in the 14th district of origin-| ally nenry now Fulton eounty. t .eorgia. j Said part so levied is in Ward 3 Block 4. j city lot No. 16. fronting on Frazier street, in the city of Atlanta, containing one acre. ! more or less. Levied on as the property of j R. C. Shumate, by virtue of. and to satisfy ! __ a tax fi. fa. issued by John M. Harwell, tax «;■ | c-*. • < vied «>n as he property ©744V. juteh. collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January*6, 1868. Also at the same time and place, a pari of land lot No. 51. in originally llerj-, now Fulton county, Ga. Said part so levied is in Ward 4, Block 134. on Houston and Ellis street, in the city of Atlanta, contain- ! 'uiiidings itoing up Levied on *s tne propertyof inghalf an acre, more or less. Levied on !, {1 i “ !inl l o i t ', ,s ,'•> vRuie.ot' and to satisfy*tax as the property of Frederick Flinn. by vir- j tue of, and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by ' John M. Harwell, tax collector. Property ! pointed out by said Harwell. Jan. 6. 186 FULTON COUNTY SHERIFF SALES WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the c-itv of Atlanta. Fulton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in February next, witulnthe legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: A part of'.and lot number 52. in tho 14th dis trict of originally Henry, now Fulton county. Ga. The part so levied on is in Ward 4, city lot 41, 1 routing on Decatur street in the eitv ot At lanta, containing one half acre, more or lets; on said lot there is a two story brick dwelling. Le vied on as the property of William Shearer, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax II fa. issued by John M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Jan. 6, 1848. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot n umber 18, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now' Fnlton county. U*. The so levied on is in Ward 5, city lot 13,' fronting on Peachtree si i c.-t tiO leet, city of Atlanta, and running back mil leet; on said lot there is a two story brick store In>iise, occupied at present by“ilenry Wert A Co. Levied on as the property of Robert Daniel, by virtue ol and to satisfy a tax U. fa. issued by Jno. if. Harwell;Tax Collector. Jan. 6,1868. A Iso, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. IS, in the 14th dist. of originally Henry, now Fulton countv,«,a. Said part so levied on it in Ward5. city lot 13, fronting on Peachtree street, city ol Atlanta. 33 feet and running back 100 leet; on said lot there is a two story brick house, occu pied by . Levied on a< the property of Joseph I. King, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa issui d by Jno. M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January Gt 1, 1808. A Iso. at the same time and place, a part of land lot 8u fi2, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton county, Ua. Said part so levied on Is in Ward 4, city lots 93 and 9T, fronting on Gilmore and < ollins street-; on said lot there is a wood dwelling 1 ow occupied by W. C. Sander*, con ruining \y x acres, more or less Levied on as the property of I. N Craven, by virtue of a d to sat* isIV a tax 11. la. issued by Jno M. Harwell, Tax < oilector. Property pointed out by said llarw ell. J a n 6th, 186S. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 77, in the 14ih district oforigiualiy Henry, Ga. hard part no levied on Is citv lots, fronting ou Whlte- Artnntrt ou said lot there in a wood dwelling, ou which the defendant resides Levied on as tiie property 01 C. JC. Grenville, by virtue of and to satihiy a tax fi. la. issued by Jno. d. Harwell, Tax Collector Property pointed out by said Harwell. J.u» 5. 186*. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot< Nos 53 ami 41, in ibr 14lh di-.trictof originally Henry, now t ulton county. Ga., in Ward 9 city of Atlanta: on said land the defendant resides; con taining 25 acres, more or le>s. Levied on as the properej o Uev Richard Johnson, by virtue of ami tu-utihtv at x II. la. issued by Jno. M. tisr- wa.ll I'.,x Collector. Property pomied out by said Harwell. Jan 6lli, 1868. Also at me >arue time and pla-e n part oMand lot No. 77. in tiie 14th district of o', iginally Henry, ■ ov, i'uiuoi county, Ga. Said part »o levied on is m Warn a, Block i t. city lot 4. fronting on White hall and Pete’S stieets, city of Atlanta; on said loi.dulen iunt resides; containing lj* acres, more he property ot AW. Hitch- ! ell, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax 4, fa. issued I by duo. M. Harwell. Tax Lollector.i Prupjrty pointed out by said Harwell. Jan •, 1868 AN . at the same time and j laac. part ol land 1 lot No 77, in the 14tu drt-rli t'OI originally Henry, now i uitouc uo y, Ga. '■aid part su|ieried on is in M ani 5 I loll ting on Whitehall st i eel to (out and I Bai l road 34 feet, on said ot there are now brick - -AJUe, the same time and place part of latin lot No. St, In the 14th district ot originally Henry, nenrrnltoB county, G». The part so levied on Is IS, city lot 72, fronting on Harris and •trtets, City of Atlanta, containing one and Z>tilth acres, more or less. Levied on as the xty of F. P. Bice, by virtue of and to satisfy flu issued by John M. Harwell, Tax Col- Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place part of land k»« «, in the 14th district of originally Henry, no# "Fnlton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in Word «, Block 13, city lots 78, 84 and 89, front ing on Wheat and Collins streets, city ol Atlanta, containing 8* acres, more or less; on said lot is a two story dwelling (better known as the Calico louse,) In which the defendant resides. LevWd on as fee property of Marcus A. Bell, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by J. M. Harwell. Tax Collector. Property pointed ont by sakl Harwell. Jan. 6, 1868. ■ _ Alim, at the same time and place a part of land lot No. 71, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fnlton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in Wards, city lots, fronting 36 feet on Decatur street, ana running back to Line street 160 feet, city of Atlanta, (vacant lot.) Iye vied on as the property of James C. Davis, by virtue or and U> satisfy a tax fl. Ua. Issued by John M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Property pointed out by said Har well. Jan. 6,1868. , , „ _ Also, at the same time and place a part of land lot No. TT, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fnlton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in Ward 2, city lot 1, fronting 30 leet on Loyd street and running back 170 l’cct, city of Atlanta; on skid said lot there is a two story brick house, occupied by J. ltyan as a Soda Manufactory.— Levied on as the property of Z. A. Rice, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax 11. fa. issued by John M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Property pointed outby said Harwell. Jan. 6 1868. W. L. HUBBARD, Deputy Sheriff, j Jan7—Wts Printer’s lee $45.50 | FULTON COUNTY POSTPONED SHER 1 IFF SALES. WILL be sold.before the Court-house door in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, on the lin>t T nes-1 day in Febraury next, within the legal hours of ale, the following property, to-wit: t-mesingle I story wood bouse and lot, the lot containing half' an acre, more or less, fronting north on Kills i street, oity of Atlanta Fulton county, Ga , and ! adjoining J. O. Harris’ property on tiie ea-tand John Fletc”er on the west; also, 1 parlor carpet. 1 center table, 6 common chairs, 1 pair andirons, 1 lounge, 1 washstaml, 1 bureau aud mirror, 2 rocking chairs, 1 dining table, 1 small clock. All levied on as the property of J. S. Pruthcr by virtue of and to satisfy a distress warrant issued by lion. B. D. Smith, J udge of the County Com t, in favor of Sanders W. Lee vs. John S. Prather. Property pointed out by (plaintiff's attorney. January 6th, 1868. Also, at the same time and place will be selp the following property, to-wit: commencing .a the line between Nos. 5 and 6, being Courier!** line, thence running westerly three hundred and sixty feet to an alley, thence southward 91 75-UU feet along an alley, thence paralljl to said hrxt line to old Peachtree street, city of Atlanta, Ah* feet, and thence along said street 80 feet to the beginning corner, being a parallelagruni and con taining seventy one-hiindreLhs of an acre by ac tual survey. Levied on by virtue of aud to satis fy a fi. la. issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of John T. Phinizy vs. Valentine Wildmrn. Property pointed out by Geo. Hillyor, plaintiff's attorney. Jan. 6th, 1868. W. L. HUBBARD. Deputy Sheriff. Jan7—wts Printer’s fee f5 WILL be Mul before the Court u fdmflafljsigjS .. _ _ P*bp«n is. fof li. la issued by Jno M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January fith. 1868. , , / To- A Iso, at the same time and place, a part of land ” : n the 14th district oforigiualiy Henry, ounty, Ga. Said part*© levied on Is lot No now Fulton Also at thr sumo timp •m.l uki'P 1 P' u '^ton county, Ga. »aul part »o levied on 1# t ill nC -S a l na ^i IT \ e . ‘V 1 *, / ,5t . I'i 111 B art l 5. fronting ou Decatur street 215 feet, on land lot No. 77, in the 14tli district of ori- | Pr\or street I8tt Uet, citv of Atlanta, mid known ginaily Henry now Fulton county. The part so levied on is in ward 2. block 4. city lot No. 10, in the city of Atlanta, fronting on Alabama street. Thirty-eifflit feet front and running back feet. Levied on as the property of estate of J. B. Brantley, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax li. fa. is sued by John M. Harwell, tax collector.— Jan 6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 53. in the 14th district, origin ally iieuiy, now ruiioit eounty, ward .5. block 1, city lot No. 1, fronting Fair street, in the city of Atlanta, containing three- eighths of an acre more or less. Levied on as the property of Mary Fitzgibbons. by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by John M. Harwell, tax collector. Pro perty pointed out by said Harwell. Jan. 6, Also, at the same time and place, a part of land. lot No. 84, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Said part so levied on is in ward 1, fronting on Race Track street, in the city of Atlanta, containing one-quarter of an acre, more or less. Levied oil as the property of Fran cis Cason, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by John M. Harwell, tax col lector. Property pointed out by said Har well. Jan. 6,1868. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 51, in Ward 4, Block 8, city lots Nos. 64 and 65, containing one-half of an acre, more or less, fronting on Wheat street. In the city of Atlanta. Levied on as the property of Mrs. G. S. Alexander, by vir tue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M. Harwell, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January 6 1868 * ’ land lots Nos. <5 and <6, ill Ward 2, in tiie l ess ; <>n said lot there is a wood dwelling, in city of Alanta. containing fifty-four acres “'*■*"’* more or less. Levied on as the property Of Michael Gardiner, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Jno. M. Ilar- well, tax collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. January 6.1S6S. Also, at the same time and place, two lots or of land, being parts of land lot, No.4*, in the 14th district of oriomflii-u-1 t i . — Henrv now Fnlton countc- c„m 1 r , * ial v j Levied on as the property of Wna. A. Kennedy, by lunzyi now r uiton county. Said lots so j virtue of and to satisfy a tax fl. nt. issued by Jno. J the A'lant* Hotel lot Levied on as the prop | erty ot Dr. Joseph Thompson, by virtuoofand to satisfy a tax li. la isMied by John M Harwell,Tax Collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell •Jan. 6, 1868 A No, at the same time and place,- b»rt of land lot No. 52. in the 14th district of origiuaiiv Henry no ■ h ultin. county Ga Said part so levied on is in \Va;d_4. city lot No. 66, fronting ou Deoatnr si reet, city ol Atlanta; on said lot there is a two -lory wood dwelling, in which the defendant re- -iiits Levied on .i» t he nroperty of S. J. Shackei- 1 *»> vir lie Of and to satisfy a tax fl. fa. Nsued by Jonn iu. Harwell, f ix Lol-eotor Property i— .»..t v-y said tinmen .van~6:ises. r Aiso at ibe same tiue ami olai-e, a part of land lot No. 77, in tiie 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. -aiu part so levied on hi in Ward 1. Ulock 5, city lot 2 fronting oa White ball street 42 feet and tunning hack to Broad street 175 feet, city of Atlanta; on waid lot tbore are two one story brick stores, occupied by K Kon a, and Paige. Fleishel A « o. >Lcv>od«n arttm property of Dr. A. M. Parker, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax ti fa. issued by John M. Harwell I’ax Collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell Jan. 6th, 1668. Alsi, at the same time and place a part of land lot No — in the 14th district oforiginallv Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Said part so levied on i* in Ward 5, fronting on Marietta and Luekie streets, city of Atlanta, containing three acres more or less; on said lot there i* a wooden dwel ling, in which the defendant now resides. Levied en as the property of Kdwin Payne, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fl. fa issued by Jeiln M. Har. w ell. Tax Collector. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Jan. 6, 1868. Al.-o, at the same time and place a part of land lot No. 77, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Said part so levied on is in W ard 1, Block 22, city lot 4, fronting oh Forsyth stixiet, city of Atlanta; on said let there Is a wood dwelling iu which the defendant resides. Levied on as the property of V. A Gaskitl. by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fl. ;a. issued by John M. Har well, Tax Collector Property pointed outby said Harwell. Jan. 6, 1868. 9 Also, at the same time and plaee a part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fnlton county, Ga. Said part so levied onW in \\ ard 4, city lot 239, fronting'-on Butler street. LEE MORTGAGE SALES FOR FEBRU ARY, 1S6S WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, iu the town of .-tavkvtile, in Lee county, Georgia, the following property, to-wit: Twelve bales ot cotton, marked A. J. M ; also two hundred bushels ol corn, to satisfy two Mortg age fl. fas, from Lee Superior Court, one in favor ot H. R. Johnson A Co., for the use of Smith A Rally vs. Henry S. Beacham, the other iu l':ivor of John V. Brice A Sons vs. Henry S. Beacham. baid property pointed out in said fl. fas. Also, at the same time and place, three bales of cotton. Levied on as the property ol Baty A Roby, by virtue of a Mortgage fl. fa. from Terrell County Court in favor of Lojless A Crim vs. Bat) A Roby. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. Also, lots of land numbers (33) thirty-three and (5) five in the first district, and lots numbers (2us; two hundred and eight, (24c) two hundred and lorty, (209) two hundred nine, one half of (239) two hundred and thirty-nine, all of lots numbers (241, two hundred and lorty-one, (242) two hundred and forty-two, (271) two hundred and seventy-one, (272) two hundred and seventy-two, *11 1) ingin the 2d district, and all of lot No. (34; thirty iour or all that part lying west ol .Mm kilee Creek in said dlstriot of Lee county. All of suid laud levied on by virtue of a Mortgage fl. fa. i» ucd l'roiu the Superior Court of Lee county, in favor oi Archi bald Wright vs. Merrick Barnes and William li. Culbreth. Said property pointed out iu said fl. l'a, This November 27th, 1867. W. C. GILL, Sheriff. BOV29—wtds Printer’s fee (15 00 LEE MORTGAGE SHERIFF'S SALE FOR FEBRUARY', 1868. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February, jo68, at the Court House door, in Starkvilie, Lee county. Georgia, be tween the legal horn's of sale, about lour bales of ginned cotton, not packed, two hundred bushels of corn, more or less, two hundred pounds fodder, more or less,‘six hundred bushels cotton seed, more or less. All levied on as the property of Hugh W. Hasselkus, by virtue of two Mortgage li. fas., one from tiie County Court of said county, in favor of E. B. Jones vs. Ilii^U W. Hasselkus, the otiier from the Miperibt , . . — Court of said county, in favor ot Wright A V Vtarren va, Mugh \\. li&s$elk.uc$. rropcrl) tU^uitvL oi tiutticro»utt>, » pointed out in said ti. fas. L»ec. 6, 1807. declO-wts WM. C. GILL, Mieriff. na county. Englisfn county tax lor Also, at tho Same time and place 187, in the 96th district of on as ft) o property off j a*. H j a tut OaTfor lVt, rC said MatiiVt Also, at fee same time laipi^ . No. S3, and lot No . 89, la the *hh du’.T * county. Levied on as the pro;,.-- •glttcrry, to satisfy a tax «. - ’TiSTfk. same time and ©!., Nee. 646,9611 Ml,MkInUwiTth.i.t'. U in the I6fedistrict. No,2t« t n and No. 143 In fee *Tth dlstri-t - Alt levied on ae fee prepertv .g ti'* son, u> »aUsJfy a tax i, fa. for is*; ,, * Also, at fee seme time aal pi, , 365 acres of Und w traction»t Mt. \ ’. bttt known a, Uw Reddiug lsnat, on » sLevied pn as the property oi Th - utislY a tax 11. fa. for ifffl. r» M „t - Also, at the same Unte ami ..., Nos. 164 and 303 in fee 28th distTi 1 ty. Levied ou the property or j as admini-trator on fee eatau of is i . satisfy atax fl. fa. Ibr 1997, vs. -a; i \j Also, at ibe same time and plate, in the city of Americas, and lm, , and 256 in the 29thdistrict, 8dmu r on as the property of J. U. Ragan, to . fl. fa, for 1807, vs. said Ragaa, -u : » Also, at fee same time and pla. Nos. Is7,( 393, Ml, MS. 308. **. in t and Nos. 105,106, and 135 in the t7: • ter eounty. All levied on at the |>i Daniel, to >atlsfy a tax L n i .r . Daniel. Also, at the same time ami pu Nos. 53,55, aud 79, in fee XUb dirt county. Levied on as fee prop, rt A)cock, to satisfy a tax fi. fa. t Aycock. Also, at the saute time and pla lOn acres each, of Nos 87, 56, 78. an- ; ditti n:t of bumter county. Levied i perty ofChas. fl. Darley, to taii-t - said Daily, as agent lor wire, to.- , AbU. It K III li . Also, at the same time aud pi . part ot lotol land No. 2», in u... suiuiea: county, coctautiug on,- . inoi ii or lo-s, to sati»r>'one tax i ■ v» Wesley McGrady, adm r m J i> . Also, portions ol lots of land N the 16th district of Sumter t. .. three hundred aud twenty sew.i less, to satisfy one tax fl.fa. v, Also, lot sf laud No, 7, iu lt,r 6umtcr county, coutaiug two hi;, or less, to satisfy one tax II. i* W. J. Roberts. Also, lot of land No. 308, in th« . fluiuter county, coctaing twelm.. t<« or less, to satisfy one tax fl I* iu iu vor of the county of Autuu-r, v>. a > . Also, six bales of Cotton, in u,, John V. Price 4t Son. Levirdon . -■ of Lee A Cheeves, to suti'i: sundry t. my hands in favor ot fe*, count,. - Lee A Cheeves. Also, the place formerly known | Chambcrliss.Butcher I'en, lying uoita creek aud south of tue ltaiiioao. and » Powell’s lands, as fee property ,,t 11. - to satisfy one tax fl. >a. >». 11m. 1. > Also, a portion ol lots of laud N containing two hundred acres, in-' . 66, 69, 9U, and 89, coutaiuing eight I. more or less, in the life district ot ' as the property of li c.. Araulnu. i-. tax li. la. vs. it K. Arm>>.uug Also, at the same time ami place, lot of laud No. 196, iu the 16 county, containing two hundred , le»s, as the property of Mali* - satisfy two tax li. la*, iu niy hand», x» >. borough. Alsu, lots of land Nos. 6j and Cl, iu t. trict of aurnier county, coataiuiag iv. and thirty acres, more or less, to s*i i . fa. vs. James Rogers. Aiso, portions oi lots of l\ud Nes 4. the26th district of aumter count), • liu tin red and ninety-eight rcr*-*' mm. satisiy one tav fl. la. vs. George t lie A so, lots of land Noe. 313, 236, con ., huiuned acres, more or less, in me aui. auuiter county, to satisty one lax u harms vs. James M. Broadticlu Also, part of lotofiaud No. 3U7, in tn, triet of sniuier county, cvntalaiug ..... acres, more or leas, to sausiy one lav George Hall. .Also, part oi lot of land No 11, in th oi Su in ter county, con taing loo.o-ri' ... to aaiialy one tax fl. la. vs. aamvs M. J... Also, lots of land Mo*. 133. 124, 133 ai lots, ill fee 17th district or flu m ter tug 4jU acres, more, or less, to satisiy u ,.’ \u my hands vs. R. 11. Ro»», guantian ... errs. Aiso, lots of land Noa 255. Ik). 124. l it the 17th district ol Aumter uouiilv. a» 1. Of K H. Ross, to satisfy out lax li Ross., the piece on which J. F i known, in the 17th district ,1 3.., being the [daceon which J. 1 K<>. batisby one tax fl, fa, Vs. J. t R.-sa. A iso,'part ul lots ol laud No*. 44 ai;>l . Big tuo.iienured'Scree, uioreor less,.... 9 and 61, containing iour liubuic ...... less, in the 16tu district itf8uuikrii.ini. i) sundry- tgx fl, ms, in ary iian.i- t, 1 • . uUdD. G- Rogers. Uttuuir. ^Alsb, pdi ii'JoS'df lots'of laud No M. .. ilituidvi aatuttr uoanty, tuiiUiuiu. died aud tUfi ty dive acres, uioiti one tax rt. fa. Vs. J. II 1U.UC county, 1 .nore or less, as tue Grceu, in’ fee si of suiu.ot county, coiUarumg two auo.i. property ol l». GORDON COUNTY SHERIFF SALES FOR FEBRUARY. 1868. WILL be sold before the Coi.rt-house door, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga , on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours df sale, the following property, to-w it: One lot of land No. 42 in the 7th district and 3d section of Gordon county. Levied on as the prop erty *>f James M. Field, to satisfy one tax fl fa. in favor of the State aud County. Property pointed out by Collector 01 Tax. Also, will be sold, one house and lot in the town of Calhoun. Levied on as the property ol' li. M. Bnckhaiter, to satisly one tax fl. 11. 'State and County Tax. Levied on aud returned to me by a Constable. The property levied on is where'H M. Buckhalter now lives. Also, will be sold, lot of land No. 175 in the 7th district and 3d section of Gordon county. Levied on as the property of Jane Cha.-taiu 10 satisfy one tax fl.fa. In tavor of the State and count) Tax Levied on and returned to me by a Bailiff. Also, will be sold, lot of land No. 217 in the 7th district and 3d section of Gordon county. Levied cm as the property of Richard Peters, to satisfy the State and County Tax. Property pointed out by Aaron Proff, Agent January 4, 1868 JOHN GKKSliAM, Aherifl. J»p6—wts Printer’s fee $ 12.50 which Robinson now resides. Levied on'as the property of M. A. ilusoa, by virtue of and to satisly a tax fl. fa. issued by Jjhn M. Harwell, Tax Collector. Property pointed ent by said Harwell. Jan. 6,1968. Also, at the same time and plaee a part of lasfe lot No. 52, in the 14th district of originally Henry, now Fulton eounty, Ga. Said part so levied on is in \\ aril 4, city lot 143, frontier on Decatur street, city of Atlaata; on said lot fegns is a wooden dwelling, in which the defendant resides. { NEWTON COUNTY POSFONED SHER IFF’S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours ol sale, before the ,,our . 111 t>*e city of Covington, to the bigness btdd r, the 'allowingproperty, to-w it: lot acres of land, more or less, bouuded as tollows: on fee east by lands of Thomas Swords aud lliom’.ui Harris, on the south-by lands ol Wiley Poole aud Mrs. Smith, on the west by Lewis Smith,ana ou the north by Joshua Ellis, it being the Und purchased oj Joshua Ellis by A. D. Hammett A Co., in district, and one gutta perohaband. Levied on as the property of defenndants, to satisfy the prm- cipal, iaferest andcostonone fi. fa. issued from Newton Superior Court iu favor of Joshua Ellis Hammett & Co. Property pointed out by Joshua Ellis. Jan. #th, 1868. i.-o_ M ' T * B°VVER. Deputy Sheriff. J an *~wtds Printer’s Iee6‘2 5t) c»», a* I _____ iLaa tor R. unu JCi lieunruc.'to **u>h and 152. luc i»r**| a. Little, to satisfy one tax fl. U. Vs. .. Also, fee place on wi.icn I Uvea, iu the tow n of Botuioru, 10 >w aumter, auu known as his place u. re satisty one tax fl. la. vs. t roaicb i_ato 1868. J. H. FlLcUCiii, I Also, at the same time and place, 1 Nos. 61, 91, 93. 96, 94, 1UU, ltd, tua, L4 129, lob, 131, 133, 156, 157 anu l«k>, 11. u, trict of Sumter county, a» the p.op, 1. las Wiley, to satialy one tax fl.ta.ih Nicholas W iley.lor bis state auu «whi. the year 1867. January 4, 1868 juub -tds J. li. PlLsBURV. I (Pruitt 1 s SUMTER COUNT!' >UERIF FGK FEBIiUAR 1. WILL be sold before the Court li. the city of Amencus, on Wn. dr-, February next, within fee legal h following property, to-wit: All the crop of cottoh of the pn-i plautation 01 John M. Worreu u. . aumter, consisting of 40 bales, w ui< .. 5 bales ginned and packed, tint an< the giu house, and cottou in ihc u,. . aim giuued by the day of -at fl la. 111 my hastiskrom feeCo. uit • ter eouuty, in favor of Adams, J u „»- vs. John H. Worrell. Iiopertv plaintiff’s attorney as fee v .1 Worrell. Tliis November fetu i;<i. J. R. PlLsHLRt, rtepui dec7—wts rnu.e. ADM1N.1STRA1X>H'5> nalk. WILL sold on the first Tuesday in Ji.' oj' virtue of en order from the Court o; ot Paulding eonmy, Georgia, before t- House door, is the town 01 Dallas, i- . - legal hotlrsol sale, tiie follow mg n,t-■■ wit: NiiurberscIghthun.irvsg ii.iMV > ■ dred and sixty-uue and eight huiun < ■ two, iu the 2d district and ad seetiou ■ comity Ga. floid as fee properu 01 J - deceased, gold tor tho benefit of tm creditors. Terms—One hall casfi bai and two yours credit. Jauuary 12 ■ Nathan cooper, auui r u» Janl4—Wtds Printer - GORDON COUNTY SHERIFF'S SALE FOR FEBRUARY, 18C8. W ILL be sold before the Court House door In the towu of Calhou.i, Gordon county Georgia, within the legal ii OUrs of 4;l i e> G r n the first Tuesday in February next, the uJlowinjr property, to-wit: One bouse and lot in the town of Cal- h0U w S°* ^ in 4th section, runninsr back on Wall street, fronting loo feet, and run- ninjf back 150 feet to Knott street. Levied on as the property of James Lav, to sat- wry one Superior Court fi. fa. in' favor of Joseph J. Printup vs. H. S. Davanimru trustee and principal, and James Lav, security, and John Harkins, endorser. POSTPONED ADMIN’ISTRA K> - B^ virtue of an order from fee Court ary ot Gordon county, Georgia, w ill 1* -- the court House doflr, In fee tow nvi i.. the first Tuesday in Februaiy next. ». legal hours of sale, lot ol land No. 1»1 in uistriet ana 3d aetflion of sakl count) fuo acres, more or leaa, subjeet tu ta, “S"- e r B° ld M Ike pro perl, of Mr, i- use, deceased, tor fee benedt m tue n creditors of said deceased. Tenu» «t -a cash*; balance six months credit wi b . security. December 2b, 1867 . ^ O. M, IHOMrsOS, Admin if dec21—wts Friuicr*?* ?• ADMINISTRATRIX’S SAM- BY;virtue of an order of the ( Property pointed out by plaintiff! °Thisi 9 rUi ^ r >' of DeKalbooiinty, Geor_ January 4, 1868. : h« sold on the first Tuesday iu f« r ., JOUN GRAHAM, Sheriff. jan8—wtds Printer’s foe. $•> vi 1868. at the Court House door, in th* ff Decatur, lie Kalb county, beta <•* - — o I'-.'PCl't). w ni», jA ';r,V Levied on us the prop- satiny a Mortgage fl. la. la. Dveamhiu T1867^' Thom P son ’ iu fl. deefl-wtd* OWEN C. SHARMAN, Sheriff. Printer’s fee $5 ceased, for the- benefit of th* heir- creditors. Terms of sale ca>h. Thu- d * th day of December, 1867. SARAH J. ANDERSON, Adn > r declO—wto l»rinter's ur r-’