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Benncstiw Monte ffiaKttc.
Western and Atlantic Railroad.
Under the auspices of the Passenger Department. |
A limited number of acceptable adver
tisements will be inserted in The Great Ken
nesaw Route Gazette, which has an immens e
edition every month, and it is safe to say
that it is read by more people than any
other paper in the South. Great numbers
are distributed in Atlanta, to citizens and j
travelers, by the publishers and officials of
the Western and Atlantic Railroad ; and at
other points where T/ie Great Kennesaw Route
is represented. For space and terms ad
dress the
Box 57 Atlanta, Ga.
A Great Scenic Route.
There is no other railroad line in the
country that commands such advant
ages in natural scenery as does the
Western and Atlantic, between Chat
tanooga and Atlanta. From the mag
nificent mountain, rising half a mile
above the plain, into the very clouds,
to the lovely valley, with its well
stocked farms. From the great Ten
nessee, Oostanaula, Etowah and Chat
tahoochee rivers, with their millions of
floating commerce and water power, to
the hundreds of shining trout brooks,
offering the finest piscatorial sport.
Sherman’s great campaign, from Chat
tanooga to Atlanta, was along the
whole length of the Western and At
lantic railroad, which runs through a
succession of battlefields marked by
grand natural scenery.
At Chattanooga are Lookout Moun
tain and Missionary Ridge. From
Lookout, where Hooker fought the
“ battle above the clouds,” the tourist
can look into five States, and enjoy
views which foreign travelers say are
not surpassed in the world. Then
there is bloody Chickamauga, and Ring
gold. Ringgold, a beautiful, peaceful
village, walled on the left with a pre
cipitous mountain range, was the scene
of a needless battle, partly on the very
track of the W. &A. railroad. The
tunnel, through solid rock, and then
Rocky Face, on the left, for several
miles, and Buzzard Roost, into Dal
We next have Resaca, where Sher
man came so near bagging Joe John
ston. Had McPherson literally car
ried out his orders, and captured the
railroad at Resaca, instead of falling
back to Snake Creek Gap, the Atlanta
campaign might have ended there, for
Johnston’s supplies would have been
cut off, and his enemy around him.
But McPherson fell back, and John
ston reached Resaca and the Oosta
naula before Sherman did, and there
was bloody fighting. The scenery is
The fine country, between Resaca
and Cartersville, is extremely interest
ing to tourists. It is an excellent
farming region, splendidly watered and
abounding in minerals.
At Allatoona Pass the war interest
commences again, and keeps up until
Atlanta is reached. Kennesaw Moun
tain is twenty miles below Allatoona
half way to Atlanta. Elsewhere in
this paper, Kennesaw, and the scenes
around it, are fully described. The
Western and Atlantic railroad runs
through their very midst.
From Marietta to Atlanta is a forty
minutes’ delightful run, through an in
teresting country, and across the au
burn Chattahoochee, past manufacto
ries, into the Union Passenger Depot,
right at the Kimball House and
Markham House, in Atlanta.
The Kennesaw Route sells rickets to
St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Salt
Lake, San Francisco, Portland, Yel
low Stone Park, St. Paul, Minneapolis,
Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Detroit,
Toronto, Montreal, Boston, Albany,
New York City, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, Pittsburg, Wheel
ing, Cincinnati, Louisville, and to five
thousand other points. These tickets
are all on sale at the city ticket office,
No. 4 Kimball House, and will be
dished out on application at the very
lowest rates.
Kennesaw Mountain.
It is pretty well settled in geograph
ical, military and tourist circles that
Kennesaw Mountain is directly on the
line of the Western and Atlantic rail
road, near Marietta, Cobb county,
Georgia; but it is claimed by the un
tamable broncho that the historic twin
elevation is near Bull’s Gap, (Irish
bull) above Knoxville, in Tennessee.
This beats Mahomet all to pieces. He
commanded the mountain to come to
him, and when the mountain did not
budge, Mahomet went to the moun
tain. But the wild horse just picked
up old Kennesaw in his teeth and
swung it up into Bull’s Gap, in East
Tennessee. Thus is geography and
war history made a plaything for the
veracious passenger agent.
The Kenesaw Route is the only first
class and reliable route to Chattanooga
from this place. Only line running
through cars to Memphis, Little Rock ;
connecting closely with trains for Ar
kansas and Texas points. Only Line
I running sleeping cars from Atlanta to
Nashville, St. Louis and Chicago.
— —
Railroad brakemen all over the
, country are looking for car “No.
1886,” and will keep a sharp lookout
until they come across it, because a
failure to find a car with the number
of the year in which they live means
a serious mishap. At least such seems
to be the brake man's craze of late.
The Kennesaw Route’s city ticket
office is the old, reliable No. 4, Kim
ball House. In this office you can be
accommodated with tickets to any
point —to the East, West or North.
Write R. D. Mann & Co., who are the
agents; or M. C. Sharp, assistant, for
any information about tickets, sleeping
car accommodations, schedules and con.
nections with other lines, and you will
I receive prompt reply.
South-bound. STATIONS. North-bound.
10.00 am 10.30 pm Lv BOSTON Ar. 6.50 am 6.00 pm
6.00 pm 9.00 am “ New York “ 6.55 pm 8.00 am.
8.50 “ 11.20 “ “ Philadelphia “ 4.45 “ 5.35 “
7.10 “ 9.50 “ “ Washington “ 5.50 6.30 “
8.25 “ 10.55 “ “ Baltimore “ 4.40 “ 5.30 “
11.50 “ 2.U0 pm Harrisburg “ 1.55 “ 2.35 “
6.30 a m 7.45 “ “ Pittsburg “ 7.00 A M 7.10 pm
12.55 pm 2.00 am “ Columbus Lv. 11.45 pm 11.30 am
4.45 pm 6.10 am Ar CINCINNATI Lv 8.00 p m 7.25 am
7.40 A m 8.47 pm Lv CINCINNATI Ar. 6.00 p m 6.50 a m
1.00 am 8.55 am Lv Chattanooga Ar. 4.30 am 7.00 pm
4.47 am 1.17 pm Lv Kennesaw Ar. 12.14 am 2.41 pm
5.51 am 2.25 pm Ar ATLANTA Lv. 11.00 pm 1.30 pm
Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars between Boston and New York without change, and
Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping-Cars between New York and Cincinnati without change..
5.00 a m 3.00 pm Lv BOSTON Ar. 6.25 a m 2.45 p m
9.00 “ 6.05 “ “ Springfield “ 12.40 “ 10.57 am
9.50 “ 6.00 “ “ New York “ 7.30 pm 10.30 “
1.15 p m 10.05 “ “ Albany “ 4.00 “ 6.10 “
6.50 “ 4.00 a m “ Rochester “ 10.30 am 11.05 pm
7.45 “ 5.20 “ “ Buffalo “ 7.40 “ 8.00 “
12.25 am 10.45 “ “ Cleveland.... • “ 2.50 “ 2.35 “
6.00 “ 4.40 pm “ . Davton.. Ar. 8.50 pm 9.00 am
7.55 “ 6.35 “Ar CINCINNATI Ly. 7.02 “ 7.15 “
7.40 am 8.47 pin Lv CINCINNATI Ar- 6.00 pm 6.50 am
1.00 “ 8.55 am “ Chattanooga “ 4.30 am 7.00 pm
4.47 am 1.17 pm “ Kennesaw “ 12.14 “ 2.41 “
5.51 “ 2.25 “ Ar ATLANTA Lv. 11.00 pin 1.30 ‘‘
Wagner Drawing Room Sleeping-Cars between New York and Cincinnati, and between
Boston and Cincinnati without change. Connections made in Union Passenger Depot.
Via ERIE RAILWAY and N. Y., P. & 6. R. R.
3.00 p m Lv BOSTON Ar. 3.00 p m
10.45 p m “ Albany “ 6.45 a m 2.15 p m
8.00 pm 6.00 pm “ New York “ 7.30 “ 11.25 am
3.53 am 12.15 am “ Binghampton “ 12.07 “ 4.26 “
5.48 “ 1.44 “ “ Elmira “ 10.25 pm 2.47 “
10.25 “ 4.40 “ “ Salamanca “ 5.23 “ 9.45 pm
2.10 “ 3.47 pm “ Springfiefd “ 2.50 am 10.43 am
3.25 4.40 “ “ Dayton “ 12.30 “ 9.52 “
6.45 “ 6.45 “ Ar CINCINNATI. Lv. 10.00 p m 7.50 “
7.40 am 8.47 pm Lv CINCINNATI Ar 6.00 pm 6.50 am
1.00 “ 8.55 am “ Chattanooga “ 4.30 am 7.00 pm
1.47 “ 1.17 pm “ Kennesaw “ 12.14 “ 2.41 “
5.51 “ 2.25 “ Ar ATLANTA Lv. 11.00 pm 1.30 “
Pullman Palace Sleeping-Cars between Boston and Cincinnati and between New York
and Cincinnati without change. Connections made in Union Passenger Depot.
Via B. & O. R. R.
8.00 am 1.00 pm Lv NEW YORK Ar. 9.20 pm 1.20 pm
10.16 “ 4.02 “ “ Philadelphia “ 6.11 “ 10.47 a m
2.30 pm 9.00 “ “ Baltimore “ 2.15 “ 7.10 “
3.30 “ 10.10 “ “ Washington “ 1.15 “ 6.00 “
5.29 “ 12.28 am “ Martinsburg Lv 11.24 am 3.35 “
7.45 “ 2.43 “ “ Cumberland “ 9.25 “ 1.13 “
1.40 am 9.40 “ “ Parkersburg “ 2.30 “ 5.10 pm
4.40 “ 1.00 pm “ Chillicothe “ 10.25 pm 12.38 “
7.45 “ 5T5 pm Ar CINCINNATI Lv. 7.20 “ 8.25 a m
7.40 am 8.47 pm Lv CINCINNATI Ar. 6.00 pm 6.50
1.00 “ 8.55 am “ Chattanooga “ 4.30 a m 7.00 pm
4.47 “ 1.17 pm ‘ Kennesaw “ 12.14 “ 241 “
5.51 “ 2.25 “ Ar ATLANTA Lv. 11.00 p m L3O “
Palace Sleeping-Cars between Baltimore, Washington and Cincinnati without change,
Connections made in Union Passenger Depot.
Through Pullman Buffet and Mann Boudoir Buffet Sleeping-Cars between Atlanta and
Cincinnati without change, connecting with above Sleeping-Car service for-New York and
The European steamship agency of
Atlanta has headquarters at R. D.
Mann’s office, No. 4, Kimball Honse,
Atlanta, Ga. First cabin, second cab
in, intermediate and steerage passage
sold to any port and city in England,
Ireland, Scotland, and all continental
Europe. Sterling exchange on sale,
in sums to suit purchasers.
Go to No. 4 Kimball House for tick
ets, and you won’t get left.
“ What’s the cause of people pausing
Near my house from morn till night?”
Asked the owner of a bulldog;
‘‘ Are they paralyzed with fright?”
“ Not exactly,” said the doctor,
“ For at present they are all right;
“But they want to go to Paris,
And are waiting for a bite.”
Sunday-school teacher (to Ah
Sing, the laundryman)—“ Ah Sing,
where do wicked Chinamen go when
they die?” Ah Sing—“ Bad place”
Teacher—“ What is the name of the
bad place ? ” Ah Sing—“ Troy Meli
can laundry. Washee shirtee no
good. Troy allee samee hellee.”