The Great Kennesaw route gazette. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1886-1886, July 01, 1886, Image 1
, JYskWl J [ Kw Mil ( SiiOttt C>B Ja' Vfcsl§S£L iHi MF VI im Vol. I. JACOB’S Pharmacy, Cor. Peachtree & Marietta Sts. ATLANTA, CA. NEW PRICES. Our Ring Price. Price. Hunnicutt’s Cures 72 §1(0 Sweet Gum and Mullein 17 25 Allcock’s Plasters 10 20 Brewer’s Lung Restorer 55 100 S. S. S. large 99 1 75 S. S. S. small 59 1 00 Magnolia Balm 50 75 Browm’s Iron Bitters 74 1 00 Hop Bitters 78 1 00 Lemon Elixir 39&79 50&$l Cheney’s Expectorant I9&38 25&50’ Hall’s Hair Renewer 75 100 Mustang Linament, small 19 25 Holmes’ Liniment 90 1 50 McAllister’s Ointment 15 25 Pain Killer 20 25 Ayer’s, Brandreth’s, Jaynes’, Me. Lean’s, Radway’s, Strong’s, Schenck’s, Warner’s and Wright’s Pills 17 25 Cook’s Pills 10 20 Tutt’s Pills 15 25 Benson’s Capcine Plasters 17 25 Bradfield’s Regutator 49&84 75&1 25 Warner’s Safe Kidney Cure 83 125 Simmon’s Liver Regulator pack- ages 18 25 Sozodont 90 75 B. B. B 75 I 00 Fred Brown’s Es. Ja. Ginger 39 50 Brown’s Bronchial Lozenges 18 25 Harter’s Iron Tonic? 75 100 Camphor lee 10 25 Beef Wine and Iron, pints 60 100 White Castile Soap 15 30 Red and Blue Castile Soap 10 25 Hamburg Liniment 13 25 Teethinia 18&35 25&50 Ayer’s Hair Vigor 73 100 Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters 80 1 00 Swan’s liown Powder 15 25 Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil 75 1 00 Fellow’s Syrup Hydrophosphates.... 118 150 Tutt’s Hair Dye 70 100 Concentrated Crab Orchard Water.. 25 35 Phillips’ Em. Cod Liver Oil 75 100 Davidson’s Family Syringe. No. 1.. 175 250 Davidson’s Family Syringe, No. 2... 150 200 Home Family Syringe 75 100 Powdered Borax per pound 22 40 Quinine, per grain % 1 Medicine Tumblers and Corkscrews given away to customers. EXACT CHANGE GIVEN. BARUCH & WILLIAMS, PATENTEES AND PROPRIETORS OF THE ECLIPSE STEAM FEATHER RENOVATOR No. 6 W. Mitchell Street, ATLANTA, - - - CA. Feathers called for, Renovated and delivered same day, at 10 cents per pound. New ticks fiirnished at 25 cents per yard. Not responsible for feathers unless printed receipt has been taken. STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. PEYTON H. SNOOK, T. C. F. H. I. C. Starvation prices for July and August. Unheard of and unapproachable cut in fur niture. Housekeepers, hotel men, furni turedealers, farmers, mechanics, merchants, capitalists. Everybody read, read, read, and come and see the greatest bargains ever shown in furniture. Think of buying a neat, strong, well made, well finished Cham ber Suit for $13.50, complete, or a hand some ten piece Toilet Dresser Suit for $28.50. Nothing ever offered in the South can compare to these figures. ONLY 200 SUITES in stock, and cannot be duplicated for any thing like the money. Hotel men will do well to write at once. Mattresses, Springs and Bedding at fac tory cost. Furniture, Furniture, Furniture. One Hundred Thousand dollars worth from the cheapest to the finest goods, man factured at rock bottom prices. Every thing in my store marked DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, to starvation figures. Bedsteads, Dressers, Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Book cases, Desks, Cabinets, Mantel and Pier Glasses, with hundreds of artistic pieces of furniture. REDUCED! REDUCED!! REDUCED!!! To rock bottom prices. Cincinnati and Louisville prices discounted. Freight and breakage saved. Great bargains in Par lor Suites, Lounges and Rattan Furni ture. COOL! Cooler!! Coolest!!! The very thing for these warm days. ATLANTA, CA., JULY, 1886. One Thousand School Desks, Os the celebrated T. Head “Fashion” pat tern. The cheapest and best school desk in America. Correspondence Solicited. Now is the time to place your orders. READ! READ! READ! CASH PRICES. Chamber suits, only sl3 50. Chamber suits, only sl3 50. Chamber suits, only sl3 50. Chamber suits, only sl3 50. Chamber suits, only sl3 50. Chamber suits, only sl3 50. Chamber suits, only sl3 50. Paralyzing Prices ON= Toilet dresser suits, S2B 50. Toilet dresser suits, S2B 50. Toilet dresser suits, S2B 50. Toilet dresser suits, S2B 50. Toilet dresser suits, S2B 50. Midsummer Trade* P. H. SNOOK. A Perfect Gentleman —IS— ALWAYS WELL DRESSED, And he Gets his Clothing —FROM— KEV\Y JOYES. The Celebrated MERCHANT TAILORS, —AT— NO. 11 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. The Finest and most Fashionable Assort ment of Suitings and Cloths, with appro priate Trimmings, in the city of Atlanta, can be found at the Elegant Merchant Tai loring Establishment, No. II Whitehall Street, JfeF Don’t forget the number. KENNY & JONES. THE FISHING LINE. TAKE THE Grand Rapids and Mana Railroad, The Direct Route to Traverse City, Petoskey, Mackinac, Marquette, and other Delightful Health and Summer Resorts of NORTHERN MICHIGAN. And the Celebrated Trout and Grayling Streams, Beautiful Lakes and Grand Forests of this Fa mous Country. The Waters of Northern Michigan are unsur passed, if equalled, in the abundance and great variety of fish contained. Brook Trout abound in the streams, and the fa mous American Grayling is found only in these waters: The Trout season begins May Ist and ends Sep tember Ist. The Grayling season opens June Ist and ends November Ist. Black Bass, Pike, Pickerel and Muskalongue also abound in large numbers in the many lakes and lakelets of this terrritory. Take your family with you. The scenery of the North Woods and Lakes is very beautiful. Th air is pure, dry and bracing. The climate is peculiarly beneficial to those suffering with Hav Fever and Asthmatic Affec tions. New hotels with all modern improvements have been erected, as well as many extensive additions to the older one, which will guarantee ample ac commodations for all. The completion of this line to Mackinaw City, forms the most direct route to Mackinac, St. Ig nace, and in connection with the Detroit, Mack inac & Marouette R. R., to Houghton, Hancoak, Marquette, Negaunee, L’Anse, and all points in the Lpper Peninsula of Michigan. During the season Round Trip Excursion Tick ets will be Sold at Low Rates, and attractive train facilities offered to Tourists and Sportsmen. For Tourist’s Guide, Time Cards and Foldera, giving full information, address C. L. LOCKWOOD. Gen'l Pass’r Ag’t, Grand Rapids, Mich. Sam Jones, the great revival preach er, lives on the Kennesaw Route, 26 miles north of Kennesaw Mountain. NO. 7.