The Kennesaw gazette. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1886-189?, August 01, 1886, Page 11, Image 11
Georgia Railroad into the mountain ous region of Georgia. The great Georgia marble quarries are reached via this line, and the scene ry at Canton, Jasper, Ellijay and White Path is extremely attractive, and the climate is absolutely unequaled. Visitors to Marietta can also come to Atlanta and return on the numer ous trains which run over the Western and Atlantic Railroad, there being about half dozen passenger schedules each way, per day/ MONT LILY. —This little station lies in the midst of the historic scenes among the mountains where occurred the battles of Tunnel Hill, Rocky Face, Mill Creek Gap, the Buzzard Roost series of battles and others. The scenery is unusually attractive to all who love to be among the mountains. RINGGOLD. —Ringgold Pass isim mediately in the edge of the town. Here occurred the famous battle be tween Pat Cleburne and “ Fighting Joe Hooker,” Nov. 27th, 1863, in which Hooker got a very rough hand ling from the Confederate commander and his men. Six miles west is the fa mous battle-field of Chickamauga. About three miles distant are the Cher okee Springs, and about the same num ber of miles away are Catoosa Springs. Ringgold lies in the midst of the beau tiful Chickamauga Valley, and the scenery is very fine. THE FISHING LINE. TAKE THE Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad, The Direct Route to Traverse City, Petoskey, Mackinac, Marquette, and other Delightful Health and Summer Resorts of NORTHERN MICHIGAN. And the Celebrated r l rout and Grayling Streams, Beautiful Lakes and Grand Forests of this Fa mous Country. The Waters of Northern Michigan are unsur passed, if equalled, in the abundance and great variety of fish contained. Brook Trout abound in the streams, and the fa mous American Grayling is found only in these waters: The Trout season begins May Ist and ends Sep tember Ist. The Grayling season opens June Ist and ends November Ist. Black Bass, Pike, Pickerel and Muskalongue also abound in large numbers in the many lakes and lakelets of this terrritory. Take your family with you. The scenery of the North Woods and Lakes is very beautiful Th air is pure, dry and bracing. The climate is peculiarly beneficial to those suffering with Hav Fever and Asthmatic Affec tions. New hotels with all modern improvements have been erected, as well as many extensive additions to the older one, which will guarantee ample ac commodations for all. The completion of this line to Mackinaw City, forms the most direct route to Mackinac, St. Ig nace, and in connection with the Detroit, Mack inac & Marouette R. R.. to Houghton, Hancock, Marquette, Negaunee, L’Anse, and all points in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. During the season Round Trip Excursion Tick ets will be Sold at Low Rates, and attractive train facilities offered to Tourists and Sportsmen. For Tourist’s Guide, Time Cards ami Folders, giving? full information, address C. L. LOCKWOOD. Gen’l Pass'r Asst, Grand Jiapids, Mich. BARUCH & WILLIAMS, PATENTEES AND PROPRIETORS OF THE ECLIPSE STEAM FEATHER RENOVATOR No. 6 W. Mitchell Street, ATLANTA, - - - CA. Feathers called for, Renovated and delivered same day, at 10 cents per pound. New ticks furnished at 25 cents per yard. Not responsible for feathers unless printed receipt has been taken. STATE RIGHTS FOR SALE. JACOBS’ Pharmacy, Cor. Peachtree & Marietta Sts. ATLANTA, CA. NEW PRICES. Our Ring Price. Price. Hunnicutt's Cure $ 72 $1 (>• Sweet Gum and Mullein 17 25 Allcock’s Plasters 10 20 Brewer’s Lung Restorer 55 100 S. S. S. large. 99 175 S. S. S. small 59 1 oo Magnolia Balm 50 75 Brown’s Iron Bitters 74 1 00 Hop Bitters 78 100 Lemon Elixir 39&79 50&$l Cheney’s Expectorant i. 19&38 25&50 Hall’s Hair Renewer 75 Loo Mustang Linament, small 19 25 Holmes' Liniment 90 1 50 McAllister’s Ointment 15 25 Pain Killer 20 25 AVer’s, Brandreth’s, Jaynes’, Me. Lean’s, Radway’s, Strong’s, Schenck’s, Warner’s and Wright’s PiiG 17 25 Cook’s Pills 10 20 Tutt’s Pills 15 25 Benson’s Capcine Plasters 17 25 Bradfield’s Regulator 49&84 75&1 25 Warner’® Safe Kidney Cure 83 125 Simmon’s Liver Regulator pack- ages 18 25 Sozodont 90 75 B. B. B 75 I (Ml Fred Brown’s Es. Ja. Ginger 39 5o Brown’s Bronchial Lozenges 18 25 Harter’s Iron Tonic j 75 100 Camphor Ice 10 25 Beef Wine and Iron, pints 00 100 White Castile Soap 1> 30 Red and Blue Castile Soap 1° 25 Hamburg Liniment 13 2 Teethinia 18&35 25&50 Ayer s Hair Vigor 73 1 oo Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters 80 1 oo Swan’s Down Powder 15 25 Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil 75 1 oo Fellow’s Syrup Hydrophosphates.... 118 150 Tutt’s Hair Dye 7> 1 no Concentrated Crab Orchard Water.. 25 35 Phillips’ Em. Cod Liver Oil 75 100 Davidson’s Family Syringe. No. 1.. 175 250 Davidson’s Fan.ilv Syringe, No. 2... 150 200 Home Family t y inge 75 100 Powdered Bora.v per pound 22 40 Quinine, per grain 1 Medicine Tumblers and Corkscrews given away to customers. EXACT CHANCE GIVEN. Vi • *i;: Gentleman IS— ALWAYS WELL DRESSED, And he (lets his Clothing —FROM— KENXY A JOAES. The Celebrated MERCHANT TAILORS, —AT— NO. 11 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. The Finest and most Fashionable Assort ment of Suitings and Cloths, with appro priate Trimmings, in the city of Atlanta, can be found at the Elegant Merchant Tai loring Establishment, No. 11 Whitehall Street, JUST Don’t forget the number. KENNY & JONES. The Mississippi railroad commission has reduced freight rates on the Illinois Central road, including a general re duction in cotton rates. Also on the Vicksburg and Meridian, Mississippi and Tennessee, and Memphis, Bir mingham and Atlantic roads. Chattanooga is having a big real es tate boom and the auctioneer’s voice is heard in all quarters, and any kind of piece of land, within cannon-shot of Chattanooga, is laid off in lots and sold ar. fancy prices. This boom will play out; but Chattanooga is on a healthy manufacturing boom which has come to stay. Millions are being invested. THE KENNESAW GAZETTE. W. T. KUHNS, PHOTOGRAPHER, 335 WHITEHALL ST, Atlanta, - - Georgia. THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST Photographs In the City. An Elegant Lot of New Scenery JUST RECEIVED. Send 25 Cents for BIRD’S EYE VIEW of ATLANTA Pont forget the Number. (17) Mr. Jenkins playfully rem irked to his wife that in her lie pos-essed five hi I s “Name them, my love.” “Youare beuu tifn', dutiful, youthful faithful* and an arm hill ” “You have the advantage <> me, my dear.” “How so. myprecious ?" “1 have hut one fool.” l\lr. Jenkins made no further inquiry. Superintendent ‘Children, this is the R -v. Dr. MacS.ior. r,:r.m (lowanns. who will address you a lew brief re marks. Children, he Ims come all tin way to try and save you souls from hell. You are no: paying atiention. Now. can any littleboy or girl it'll where this gentleman is from?'' Cuorus ol children —* From hell.” “You have a wde view Iron tin mountains,” said an Englishman to a shepherd in a remote 1 dt-stiac. in Aber deenshtre. “That’s true.” answered the shepherd. “You can set* Americt from ht're."said the traveler. “Muckle iarrar than that,” replied the shepherd. “How can that be ?” “ V hen the mist drives off ye can set' the mime.” Pa —“I do not like that young naan and wish he would keep away. ” 1 laugh ter — “He does not come very often.” Pa —“Very often! He is ht're nearly every evening and sometimes in the afternoon” Daughter— “But. pa, he never comes in the morning. ’ Pa “ No, I wish he would.” Daughter “ You do?” Pa —“Yes, if he could once see you in the morning he would never come again!’’ “You say the officer arrested you while you were quietly mi, ding y<»ni own business?” —“Yes, your honor. He caught me suddenly by the coat collar and threatened to strike me with his staff unless 1 accompanied him to the station promptly.”—“You were quietly attending to your own business; mak ing no noise or disturbance of any kind whatever?” —“None, sir.” “lt seems very strange indeed. What is your business?” —“I’m a burglar.” “We feel ” aWestern editor is quoted as writing, “that an apology is due to widow Grimes. In our issue ot last week we stated that she had eloped with an eighteen-year old man. The truth is that she was thrown from an eight-year-old mare, which she was riding in a lope, ami which slipped and fell. Mistakes will happen in the best regulated newspaper-offices, and we are confident that when we state the item was sent over a telephone wire, no other apology will be needed.” Not long ago, as an elderly couple ■were out walking, a lady on the opposite side of the street slipped and fell down. The old gentleman rushed across 1 lie street, raised his hat, and offered to assist her in any possible way. His wife followed him across at a slow pace, and witnessing his devotion to the stran ger, shook her fist al him. “It’s ail right—it’s all right!” he whispered “Yes, I know it is!” she, hotly. “Here’s an unknown woman hurts her toe, and you plow across the street to eat her up witli kindness. The other day when I fell down-stairs, you stood and laughed, and wanted to know if 1 was uracticinaf for a circus.” Mate, a Praguayan tea, is a very popular drink in South America, which has never been introduced into ths United States. It is said to be very stimulating. A plan for rendering paper as tough as wood or leather has been de vised in Europe. It consists of mixing chloride of zinc with the pulp in course of manufacture. An English doctor has made a cal culation from the mortality cases of England, and finds that his professional brethren are shorter lived than teachers, lawyers and clergymen. The latest novelty in the line of in surance is a company that contracts to pay men who are removed from office a sum sufficient to enable them to live while seeking other employment. An lowa man has invented and pat ented a system of phonography for the typewriter by means of which a fairly rapid operator of the caligraph can write about 200per cent faster than with a pen. A new metal, which resembles silver in appearance but will not tarnish, is to be utilized in the manufacture of table ware. A spoon of this material has lain on the roof of a shed for three weeks without a sign of rust or tarnish. In the Louisiana lowlands, there lives an old man, whose object of affection in this life is a. large gray goose. The goose is never so happy as when at his owner’s feet, his long neck stretched upward and his head resting against the old man’s knee. A gentleman who lives in Naugatuck, Conn., has a horse which certainly Knows a good thing when he sees it. The animal will tear any common cheap blanket to shreds as soon as it is placed on his back, but is as “proud as a pea cock ’ ot a nic • eight-dollar blanket, and will not disturb it in the least. The Delaware Water Gap is one of the world’s scenic “ professional beau ties,” situated at the northern boundary of Northampton country, Pennsylvania, where the Delaware river passes through a defile formed by precipitous rocks on either side from one thousand to twelve hundred feet high. The minute hand of the clock on W stminster abbey is sixteen feet long ai.d the hour hand nine feet. They weigh about. 100 pounds each and are kept in motion by weights proportion ately ponderous, the hands and append ages in all weighing about one ton and a half. A drug store in Concord, N.IL. issues, the following instructions how to chew gum: First—Find a Yankee; he will show you how. Second —ls no Yankee is at. hand moisten or soften the gum in the mouth until it becomes soft enough to give to the teeth without crumbling. Never attempt to chew it when first placed in the mouth. A farmer near Blakely, Ga., says that his granaries are free from rats because of a “ rat snake,” a great pet on the plantation, who daily visits the corn cribs and catches any stray and indis creet rat that may be lodging among the corn. When the snake becomes too familiar the farmer wnips him soundly with a light switch. The Jewish Messenger cites some artistic anachronisms. Tintoretto, in a picture of the children of Isreal gathering manna, has armed them with guns. In a Dutch painting of Abraham offeringtip Isaac, the patriarch is represented as threatening his sou * life with a blunder buss instead of a knife, as the scripture states. A French artist has drawn the Lord’s supper, with a table ornamented with tumblers filled with cigar lighters. 11