The Kennesaw gazette. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1886-189?, August 01, 1886, Page 12, Image 12
12 Kennesaw Route. Western it Atlantic R. R. 'the Historical Railway of America! I’he scene of 38 battles from Lookout Mountain to Atlanta. All trains arrive and depart from Union Passenger Depots, Making close and quick and sure con nections with all lines in all directions. This is one of the oldest railroads in the South, with fine road bed, elegant equip ment and quick time. Spent!. Safety ani Comfort Assured! R. A. ANDERSON, Gen’l Superintendent. JOS. M. BROWN, Gen’l Pass. Ag’t, Atlanta. Savannah, Florida & Western R. R. CHARLESTON & SAVANNAH, A "It South Florida Railroad, AND THE PEOPLES’ LINE STEAMERS, Form the popular route from the North and East to the Great Winter Resorts of the South. Smooth, solid, «afe tracks; elegant equip ment; polite and accommodating service have made the "‘Waycross Short Line” favorably known all over the country to tourists and visitors to the Winter Resorts of Florida and South Georgia. Through sleepers on all trains, Connec with Key West. Havana and New Or hans via Tampa, Fla., and Morgan Steam ships. H. S. HAINES, J. L. TAYLOR. Gen’l Manager. Gen. Pass. Ag’t, Savannah. Central Railroad, ((>!*' GEO R( JIA.) With the Southwestern road, Upson Countv road, Perry branch, Eufaula and Clayton road, Cuthbert and Fort Gaines branch, Montgomery and Eufaula railway, Columbus and Western railway, Mobile and Girard railroad, Port Koval and Au gusta railroad, Savannah,Griffin and North Alabama railroad, forming a Complete Railroad System. The road bed is smooth and solid; the locomotives powerful and swi f t; the cars luxurious and the service perfect. Speed, Safety and Comfort! Commanding the ports of Savannah and Port Royal. The great Southern cities, Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Co- Iwmbuß and Montgomery. WM. ROGERS, General Superintendent GEO. A. WHITEHEAD, Gen. Pass. Ag’t, Savannah. Louisville & Nashville Railroad Is unrivaled in Speed, Safety and Equipment Compassing the great cities of Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Nashville, Knoxville, Memphis, Montgomery, New Orleans, Pensacola. From the Ohio River to the Mississippi, at St Louis, Memphis and New Orleans, THE GREAT SOUTHERN SYSTEM! Shortest and quickest line to all points reached by it. The completion of the bridge at Henderson reduces the time to all cities in the Northwest from Five to Ten. Hoxirs, Making the shortest and quickest line between Southeast and Northwest. Double daily trains. Pullman sleepers. Elegant parlor cars. J. T. HARAHAN, C. P. ATMORE, General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent, Louisville, Ky. WABASH ROUTE! Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway THE POPULAR LINE FROM THE SOUTH and SOUTHEAST, To Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, Des Moines, Ottumwa, Toledo, Detroit, and all points EAST, WEST, or NORTH. A. A. TALMAGE, F. CHANDLER, General Manager. Gen. Passenger Agent, St. Louis. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY Is the best and most completely equipped line in the West. Elegant New Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars on Night Trains, and Buffet Parlor Cars on Day Trains. B@“Doub!e daily line of magnificent RECLINING CHAIR CARS free.“®fi Missouri Pacific system covers the entire WEST 1 and SOUTHWEST. WM. KERRIGAN, H. C. TOWNSEND, General Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo RAILWAY, (N. ¥., Lake Erie & Western Railroad.) With its through system of Pullman Hotel, Buffet, Sleeping and Drawing-room coaches, connecting the principal cities of the 1 ‘winfTdo t; the ~pr; A EnH" 1 Are among the recognized features that characterize a progressive management. Pas sengers en route to New Eng'and points Iroin St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, and. the Southwest, bv securing tickets over the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio make direct connections with the Hotel ('ar Line, at Marion, Ohio. Ladies traveling alone or with children can readily appreciate the advantages offered by a lonte providing through ser vice where meals can be obtained at such horns as will best suit their convenience. B. THOMAS, Gen. Supt. J. N. ABBOTT, Ben. Lass. Ag’t, N. Y. CVMIW U II ■ M 1 ■■ ■ ■ ■ HW I ■ m JBU. W tMKXWRBMUnnBBSnaHIBMB New York Centra! & Hudson River R. R. VIA BUFFALO AND VIA NIAGARA FALLS. Theshortes. and only direct unite to all points East, and twelve hours quicker to New England with through ears, than any other route. The great four-track railroad, elegant new sleeping cars running through to NEW YORK AND BOSTON WITHOUT CHANCE. All trains equipped with Westinghouse automatic brakes. Elegant dining rooms, controlled by the company, and managed by .Johnston Brothers, will he found at con venient points along the line, so that passengers may enjoy, at seasonable hours, well cooked and and well-served meals of the best quality at popular prices. From twenty minutes to half an hour allowed for meals at Buffalo. Syracuse, Albany and Poughkeep sie. The quickest and most direct route to all important points in NEW ENGLAND. J. M. TOUCEY, General Superintendent. Gen. Passenger Agent, New York. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The Eaatern span of the great highway of the continent • from great rivers and lakes, across prairies, over the Alleghenies, down the valley of the Potomac to the sea, the Baltimore and Ohio is the Fiotnresctne rtonte of Americal Tw perfecting its system of fast train communication between the Seaboard, the great LAKES AND THE MISSISSIPPI, It has reached a standard of unparalled excellence. The equipment of the road is simply beyond comparison, and its Motive Power is the admiration of the foremost au thorities on mechanism of the age. BRADFORD DUNHAM, C. K. LORD, General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent, Baltimore. THE KENNESAW GAZE'ITE. Piedmont Air Line VIRGINIA MIDLAND AND RICHMOND4DANVILLE Route between the North and the South and Southwest Most direct and best route to all points in Virginia and the Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. People’s favorite route from California, Texas, and all Southwest points to Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and all points North and East. Double Daily Trains! g&Through Sleepers, New Orleans to Washington, Atlanta to New York. Track and equipment first-class in every particular. E. B. THOMAS Gen’l Manager. Pass. Ag’t, Richmond —QUEEN —AND— Crescent Route! Cincnnati, New Orleans, AND Texas Pacific R.JLIL’WJL’Sr. Cincinnati Southern, Alabama Great Southern, New Orleans & Northeastern, Vicks* burg & Meridian, Vicksburg, Shereveport & Pac. R. R. Direct trunk line between Ohio River & Hie Gulf JOHN C. GAULT, General Manager. H. COLLBRAN, Gen. Pass. Ag’t, Cincinnati. Georgia Pacific Railway, FAST TIME BETWEEN Aflanta&New Orleans boudoir AND Buffet Sleeping Cars Without change. The favorite route to NEW ORLEANS, Texas and the West only line to the Southwest that can secure you berth and give you number of same ten days in advance. Ask for your tickets from Atlanta via the Georgia Pacific Railway & Birmingham I. Y. SAGE, General BaperintendeM. Gen. Paes. Ag’t, Birmingham, Ala.