The Kennesaw gazette. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1886-189?, September 01, 1886, Image 1

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»ww/j a — _ . _ . . . _. .._ v , ¥ (®r7HF r- " "" 1 /^s^ 111 *J.*^ 11 ■■«■ l ■"h i niwwWMrg ■ ; ' v* t '? * J B it y -^<~^. _z,v h. Gfc. —-- ->5, h ff J s *h ■ ■Sr .•■' /fejlfe^lWMJßrr<%jn *■..-F-^ ** ’ -As ~ ?1> »zW* ■> <SU2--—A—---7 (g)*.ALLEY! H-f/ Vol. I. CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & CO., Jt ' : -";";;::?.,rii' ■:B®®jlfffl|jf :® f®j <sjj ' :: ~ "^~' n ri"” "’L- ? JI : - DRY GOODS, CARPETS, _..i -1 |mßn||w| ~ ; IMlillinery, Stioes, IDress-meiJrirLg. largest store south. 66 & 68 Whitglwll &> I to 15 Huntsf St, Ga ( •I The most Superbly Magnificent )9XXXvO« Stock ever shipped South. XK « Lyon Dress Velvets a Specialty, .JK. eiVvLS* with full line of French Novell’s. a Imported Goods in all new styles XX OOX&XXd* and latest shades. flwtri Courtauld’s English Crapes, in ’XyX CXjJCd* all Widths and Prices. m a i ivi a Imported and Domestic, for Gents VttSSllllvl de and Boys, full Stock. TTqXiIo T inane French, German and Irish, all pri* JL ClDlw ces, with Napkins to Match. TTwirTni-vrAmni* For Gents, Ladies, Boys, Girls U nuerwCclFe and Chidren. 1 Ty o Fine Lamb’s Wools, White and U3» Colored. X > 'UOTvwr'A -n The Finest Stock of Cloaks and JUjcXCIXCd XX XcXjpde Wraps in the Southern States. X" o • All new Styles, from | Inch to full JLjClt*Cde skirt width, white, black & colored CARPETS T CARPETST CARPETST Imported 6-4 English Goods a Specialty. Axminsters, Wiltons, Moquetts, Velvets, Briissells, Tapestries, Ingrains, Unions, Hemps, Linens, Napier mattings, Cocoa mattings, Silk Draperies, Antique Laces, Nottingham Laces, Madras Laces, Heavy Turcoman and Ramie Portier Draperies. Mats in all Sizes and Shapes. Rugs. The Largest and Most Magnificent Line in the South —all Sizes and Prices, from $1.25 to SIOO, each, with a Com plete Line in Shades and Fixtures. We Import direct, pay duties here, and will Defy Competition on any Article in Stock. In fact, we carry the Largest Stock, buy from the Mills, and there is no trouble in our Selling which we. Guarantee to do, as Low as the same quality can be Sold in any Retail House in the United States. We have named only a few articles we handle, but remember THE BEST IS THE OECEJLFHIS'T, And if you will examine quality and price, you will leave your orders with us. CHAMBERLIN JOHNSON & CO., AGENTS BUTTERECK'S PATTERNS. IMPORTERS. ATLANTA, GA., SEPTEMBER, 1886. H THi Imported Material and Best Work. AVAII llllvl • Style Guaranteed to Please. X 5 C. 1“ ie New Shades, Widths AXXXJXJUXXde and Styles Imported. Stamping and Embroidery done X? clXICjf XX OrXVe to Order in Latest Style. Corsets NONE BUT THE BEST ' See our Stock of Gloves before UrXOlT©St you buy. The Largest Stock of Fine Hosi jnUJSXCrA e ery in the South. a a Every Pair Made to Order for us, OXXOSSe all Sizes, Lengths and Widths. Ladies’ Walking Boots a Spe- DOUIS' cialty. I n Gossimers, Shoes, etc., for La- JkXUJjXjCr vJrOOCXSe dies,Gents,misses,boys&children. Dress Making. work Guaranteed. • NO. 9.