Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, October 22, 1878, Image 4

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1878. <f he onstitaffon. THE WESTERN GREEN BACKERS. Ibr Uriel* layer, and De U Wa() r, lhr Preaelier. *.ILLKTTK. Till Mtl< Kl.Mt-?? o.XOkCMIMAS FROM GEORGIA TO NORTH CAROLINA. ItartfMri (Conn.) Edward H. GilleHe, the backer and ib uuM ratii <??? gr??.?????? in tin* Hf-vi-ntli If. graphs to-day irnii. Gillette, of thfa majority, uph for thh Tiw, Time*. aiu'itwfitl green- mdMaUr for cou rt a dfatrict, tele- i!??????? Hon. Francis mt to Iowa rick-maker; ??? the green- ???crats, in a *??? brought nothing but a l r????nte**l. and depended ??y be obtained upon .i|i-r- an*l document-*, ill; him. nn??i m>I<1 at ten ????? j-tatform, and by going -Ad. That be should, i-rai - annihilate a re- of *..ui*?? and change it f alri-.j a thousand the ???t??n-,*.:v t.. In- iior.ularitv > -o the favor with whirls tin- regarded in Iowa. ; -mall blue rye*that adv to blaze when he 11 fa lower jaw closes ??? ??*????? |*en h|niringly for on tire talkii i ad of higher when >}??*ukiitg be dor* to ht> subject m li it from the start ligioii or noliticn rful *j* either method; ha* few gestures, so devoid of the Common- * k* of oratory that be would be tlum.-y were it not that his ter- rnestue.'* carries him straight to his He 'ha* little humor, and doesn't tie his audience; he l**arx down t full charge. He is intense, but : ie. He will be a champion ??l *nt hot a leader of men. lie is fifty- old. and a native of tfhcnangt NY York. He the i the Eighth New York heavy artillery, and in 1-Hto mu on the New York republican ticket ns prison insjiector, and wa- defeated. He lias Is-cn in this city since 1*74, three years of which he was (rtfa- n.r of the hugest Methodist congregation in !ndian??i??olis. At the time of his nomina tion he was in charge of a small church, and at the la-t conference, a mouth ago, was located. He is a widower, and lias one child, a l??y altout ten years old. He is alevB reproach in everything but his pollti AMONG THE VIRGINIANS. Mr. liny cm and Vnrty In thn Old Do minion. Wikchkstkr, V.v., October Iff???Thenreai dent and party arrived at 11 o'clocft this morning. In addition to the pretiident are Mr*. Hayes, Wchh C. Hayes, General and Mr*. Hastings, Secretary Thompson and others.' They were met at the station by a large crowd. The j*arty tins-ceded to the residence of Governor Jlollidav under the escort of the Witiehcstcr light infantry. Governor Jlollidav courteously received the visitors, and after a brief rest the (tarty proceeded to the fair grow mis. n.van sionkv orsH. 1???is.n arriving at the fair grounds, G< Holliday uddressedu large assembly in front of the main stand. In concluding, he for mally introduced the president to the men living in Shenandoah valley irosc to reply he was He s]Nike at .some Imanriul affair* of the govern- it, and quoted extensively from Wash- on, .leiTerson, Madison. Kieliard Hen: George Mason, Thief justice Marshall. others, against the issue of |>aper icy, and argued that the money of the dilution is coin. When the president greeted with anplnux length on the tiuaueiu Wv sot TIIKKN Is Oetols-r Hi. In* The Star this uthoritatively bat ever in the Isly made that the presi or is alsmi io changewliat aithern |*olicy. The pres- ???** no such change. The for the statement is sup etter Written by Attorney hicli will Is* .shortly sent trnevs of Alabama, laiuis- iimlitia. direeling them to nitisl Mate* election r wa- written after such I In-i.*re the president it under existing cir ???lection- could In* held in pie proof that the president and i this tb ???used. The president ??-o me entorecim-m t,f the law ! lio political ji*|n**"i whatever. 1 be national government performing .sjuired of it. If a similar condit* i:* should urfar in New York, or date in the union, a- exists in South :;;t. Lou-iana and Aiabaiua,thc United attorneys of those states would be di to see that the election laws an Inter*ion with Dr. Knoll. Tile toll iwitu cm*vers ition with 1\ n?? *t t will vividly present the true state of ???dliav elU t ['hat quitebusy sii A FOUL MURDER. Kent Otnliuu Imdica ??? G??rf??B u go Homo witi Him???DiMf}o??itaoo of tho Goorgioo???A Body Fond u tie Wooir-In IdooUSattiM ???Arrtft of lb. H srdoror???Tho Eoidesco. special to The Constitution. Lithoma. Ga., October 15.???-The Daily ren ing Review, published in Wilmington, North Carolina, brought to us on Sunday last an account of a most shocking homicide committed near Brinkley???s, about twenty- one miles from Wilmington. As the victim of the murderer was well known in our being a young man of one of the best families in the State, and a- a good, juict. peaceable young man. and a strict member of the Baptist Church, we thought it would not lie amiss to give some of the particulars of this awful tragedy as we gather them from the daily above referred i, and a* we get them^iwii Mr. K. H. Ran dle, of this place, who i* a brother of the man so barl*amu*ly killed: mug man by the name of George Lit tleton. from North Carolina, has been un veil all this year on the farm of I)r. A. Randle, who lives near Union I'oint, in ???Irene county, Ga. He was regarded a rood worker, ami had behuved himself so well that he gained the confidence of all the family and neighbor*, and was treated family. Some time ago this (NTsmuled Mr. J. 1*. Randle to go with him on A VISIT to HIS BKOTIIEK???h, who lited near Wilmington, in North Uar- litia. Having onilhletice in the young and having lio doubt a desire to travel some. Mr. J. 1*. Randle sold some of ???n. and on the 2!nliof M-piemlier la*t affectionate leave of the family and started for North Carolina. arc??>mj*unied by etirge l.ittleum. At Columbia, 8. C\. he ???rote Ii??ck to one of his sisters, stating tb he had visited all the places of note in that beautiful city und would start on for Wil mington that???night. This was on Mumluy the 30th of September. He stated also that he would write to some of the family certain as he arrived at his destination, seemed that they got offal Brinkley???s, about twenty miles from Wilmington, and started through the tiehls to Mr. Mac* Littlet< iN-rha]** never reached the house, tne Hth of Oetolier the body of known man was discovered rAKTl.VLLY BCRIKI?? IX A KRAXCH near the house of Mr. Mac Littleton, by the buzzards and luigsand d????g* holding a cartii- his feet and legs ami part of his body, which part* were out of the ground. ???' had been sliot through the temple with a pistol hall. The Littleton* were at one auspicioned and arrested on the Nth, and special coroner and jury apnointed to hold an inquest. From the evidence liefore the jury, it seemed that George Littleton ap ???eared at his brother's at noon on the 1st o October, and was Linking so tiadlv that the wife of his brother asked him if he had killed any one. He laughingly answered no, hut <nh??ii lN*gan to w??*ep, and *ahl the cause of his grief was that he had just come from Union Point, Greene county. Get gia, where lie had lieen living with ???! r. Stanton, and while there hml isited a voting Indy in Sa-ial Circle, Ida Montgomery, whom he claimed sweetheart, and rorxn iikk ix a i'Rixeim. hvmm??x. Said nothing to her then, hut on visiling her ugmin and a-king her if she intended make a f*H??l of him; that she killed herself at once; that he stayed till she was buried and came immediately on here. This, he said, was the cause of his grief; hut it w a??*a1l a hoax, as in the first place he never lived with a Mr. Stanton in Greene county, hut with l>r. Handle, and there never was a girl in Social Circle by the name of Ida Me goinery that killed herself, so far as we ' It seemed further in the evidence elicited that'Geurge had come on the find of Octobe to his brother's to make it his home for life, but on the fourth of October he left for Wil mington. A coat and vest and . J *n>d11red by Mae Littletbu as lieing left by ieorge when he went to Wilmington. A handkerchief Itcing found in the coat, Mae claimed it, mid when u.*kul als THE lUNili OX IT, said he had worn the coat on Sunday la- and had wijNsl a sore on his mouth*; but when he was show n hloml on tRe real in iw places, he could not ueeoiint f< The Woman Who Deflre the Wild Beavts at the EqacMcarrienlam Attacked hjr One of the Animal*. New York-Herald. The la*t act of the circus Itad ruiue, and | ??? -he The horses, J the clowns hud iini.-hed, and the wild beasts were lie defied. The creaky little wagon t held them w as draw???u out into the ring. : a woman entered the cage???a slender, e. active, sinewy woman, with black s full of lire aud a cruel rawhide whip in hand. The whip was weighted at the landle. and a ??? prick shift would make it a deadly slang-shot, but this the audience did ???t know. it was Mine. Ilhinehart, and the wild -asts were the lion, lioness and leopard in it* Iviuescurrk-ulum. It was yesterday in ie afternoon. The woman???cool, careful, sick and keenly w atchful as ever?????napj*d ie w hip around- and with sharp, angry <*rdsof command drove the beasts from ???mer to corner in the usual style of such (???erfarmanoea. It was exciting even to those who were used to the style of (*erformance they were witnessing, and to the ladies and children it wa* thrilling; for the deep. The A'ith testified that she had seen George Little L ull it off. and it had been giv y Mrs. Littleton, lially wa*brel, -l '' ul on tl color as that found where the body black was hi In the coat w thouia anti Uni unknown man ; ???rgia. ere louml letters from Li jii I'oint, identifying the s J. 1*. Handle, of Uni One of the letters wa.* farewell letter frtun hi* lady-love in t plare. Also, with the liaggage of Gem i.ittleton, were ftmml jajN*r* und letters the same effect. The Daily Review, e?? tainingnn aecount t??f the above and lett from tne rejiortod Mr. D. C. Allen anti the Coroner of Columbus county, were s the family anti tt?? this place t??n Sunday he* and Mr. 11. C. Randle and Captain j. ^ Mitchell, t??f Union Point, at once started Armour jM**t-ottice, in Columbus county, Xtnrth Carolina, near which the body was found. The remains el buried i i*c of Dr. Randle. This vidcncc and (kartieulars s< ??thes 'eachet 1 there Ft 'firing, ami went at once to work. The y tirst tiny we were there, we visiteti 80 e* of fever, and did what we coaid ve them. On the aftcrmion of our arrival established our hospital on a hill of the most *1 .li*i We sen Atlanta for l*ed* and supplies and they pr.*mptly sent. At once we tillwl the h. pital w ith patient*. We have In*cu iieculiarly toruinate with all onr ca-es. V' ??? lo>t a single ease which we hud in its incip- Three patient* have died in ourhoa- *mth far gone when i getting all the rt of your hos pital, but they took them. RKroSTEK???DiN'tor, are y?? help you ureal for the *upr pital? Du. K.???Yes, sir; they are sending money and supplies very Itlicraliy. It ousts more than you would suppose to run this ho*pital. It will take from to ffti per day to do full justice to our |??tients. At present we have thirteen in elmrge and are kept verv busy. Sunday 1 received fGa fnun the kitul-lu-arted (N'ople of Newnan. Rkimktkr???Doctor, is there enough medi- to the imudNr tussled. Some those are working nobly. Dr. Amende, of ChattamNiga. has laU>red nobly and with untiring zeal. Dr. and Dr. i??linstead, ????f our own city, have done all that two men could do. and 1 left them hard at work. Dr, Sim*, of Chattanooga, has his hands full, und meet* his labor* like a man. Dr. Mcrktwell. of Memphis, am) Dr. Lang- staff, president of the 1h*wanl A*s*s'iation of that city, are now in l hattanoogu in the interest of the fever. I huitanooga neetls more physicians. Kmsiiitkr??? llow nuitiy rew* are in Clmt- tan??N??g:i? Di:. K.???There are now 2??n??. Sunday there were Hi new rims a id 10 deaths. Rms*ktkk???Is the type of fex* lignant.??? V'k. K.???Y??rs. *ir; ii i.* ehierty amoug the negroes. Of the there are 150 negroes. It i* not so fatal nm**ug them as among the whites. Nearly all the wbites die. Kkimktkk???1* thi?? re????l weather unfav We t.. the fevei ? Du. K.???It will tend to alote tlie fever somewhat, but to no great extent. There wa- frost there SulfHay, and there was a fnxst two weeks ago. but these light frosts are not the thing; nothing but a lianl freeze will ??? ffectuatiy kill the ferer in Chattanooga. It i- spreading every day. and that istheonl slop hack to-ni< ???ow at live o?????-%.ek. and the Atlanta docte ???v ill stay there until the fever is over. Here the interview ended. "pie * f Atlanta have a high duty ivhich the; the.** oble dmv iittuilies, friends, a I*:, -ring*-, to go where iag.i g at its worst, hem every possible established by them x- mmh an Atlanta were in our midst, o keep it up Atlanta re pie will not fail to Hrd < load's Promtwsc Cjiicvi.o. tVtolvr Iff???The Times lias a special from i:.- r*<rrvsi*ondent with the mil- \|N>Iiti??.n w hicli is now pursuing the egade Ch. the effect that v;i* had Sunday at Camp Sheri- d Cloud and his chiefs. Red :-??*l to arrest and deliver the rxpres-ed great desire for (wace, ???du* promote it by all means in giNHl feeling pre- ' 'chdooea ' ti-???l'-'.' xaiksl at the conference, which a banquet. The ; with The SlnnimrU Mureter. New Hattx. October lff???In the ca?? of Rev. H. H. Hay don, charge*! with the mur der of Marx - Stannard. the grand jury, after two day.* - deliheration. found a true bill of murder in the first degree. An effort ing existing without a causejs an impxsihility; tickling in tlie throat, hack ing of voice. violent coughing, etc., are the effects of a severe cold. l >r. Bull's Cough Syrup cures tlie cold at once, aud removes iu serious effects. 245 of the have learnetl them. Young Handle wa* a good young , well beloved by all who knew him, and the lN'ople of this community, where he lived last year, are shocked most terribly, at all with one voice are crying for justice In* awarded the miserable wretch who cm mitted such an outrageons dee??i. B. F. G. THE MOUNT VERNON HORROR. Fuller Detail** of the Lynching ??f the Negro Flenda. Ci.mi.nxati, Octolter 12.???Full details the Mount Vernon, Indiana, horror show t?? have been one of the most horrible ??i record. As warn a* the outrage on the f?? gills by eight negus's U*eame known, t excitement ctuumeneeil. and there was abatement until the work of vengeance v completed. After the shooting of t Deputy Sheriff, while attempting to capture one of the tiemls, the whole community !**- came wild. Ke(iort.* that the military had been ordered out to protect the prisoners added fuel to the flames of excitement; by night the wild populace knew no bounds. Five of the negroes were in jail, four l???. _ cell and one, old Harris, who killed tlie Deputy Sheriff, was in the hall leading to the cell. AFTEK A I??AY*N TEEKIRI.E EXCITEMENT. At lOo'claN-k at night a hundred ma*ke??l men inan hcd to the jail. over)>ouered the guanls and were soon inside. Here they found another door between the four victims, while old Harris lay wounded in the hall beneath them. The work of breaking open the rell door went on. but 1 the meantime Harris??? groans attracted at tention. tVithoiit a word he was seized, a hand clutched aNnit his throat to stifle scream, and a knife rt.rxc.Ei> into in* hkakt. In five ininuti s his ImnIv was cut in p like a lu>g. I??*ad, arm*, "legs, all s?????|iarateiL and the sickening mass c*f human flesh flung into the privy. In a few minutes more the lock gave way. and the other fi victims were s??*.n swinging fmm the trees in the court-house van!. Here they swung, and the procession movrel off. leaving tlie iNMlies swinging in the air. There was no abuse, and no bungling THE LEOPARD???S IRE. GORDON IX GRIFFIX. OUR GALLANT SENATOR'S WORK. Suddenly Mine. Rhine hart stepped back- ar??l to leave romu for the lion to jump in gry lN-ast turned its head and raised its jaw. The paw rested one moment on right thigh ??*f the daring woman, and the claws shot straight through the thin gar- garments into the quivering tle*h. The jaw: then closed roman's body. |iersoii iu the lienee realized what tli ng different from the n-ual ]K*rformance, everything Mine. Rhineliart had done ltud lieen done in a Hash, and there was time to realize this before she had mastered the situation. Turning as quickly as the huge leo(>anJ had turned she shot her slen- ler white left hand straight from the shoul- h*r to the le??q>urd's throat with a motion as quick a* lieenun's. ami with her right she whirled her whip around and brought the ' ailed handle down squarely bet rto great green eyes that were gleaming ate into her own. Then shifting the whip again so quickly that few saw tlie motion slit- rained a dozen quick, fierce blows the tenderest s(??ot* the leo(ard wears. Tli* r the siiudder tlie audience have lossedaway before the trick was over, the lion was ready for his word of command, and the* leo|>ard had slunk lock two st??(is to the far comer ???f the little cage, cowed and beaten by a v ??nian he could imve rent limb from limb had he kmiwu his (>ower. THE WOrXDEU WOMAN. Only three great drotw of blood remained to tell??? the story of what might happened. Hid they did not show on tlie gauuy dress iliewore. The woman's stays, rigid and dnmger than tlie fashionable corset, had served to protect her side from the fangs of the beast, mid her arms and legs were only ratrlied. At lca*t she called them scratches, when few moments later she laughingly??? stretch out a maimed arm and grasj>ed thc*re(>orter???: firmly as almost to make him wince. She was putting plaster over the ???scratches,' di*daining any la-tter treatment. ???It???ll heal right up,??? she said. ???Why, you know my his ton:,??? she said i response to a question about her business. I???m lA'iietta Rhineliart, Sam Rhineliart???: wife, that???s lieen known toevery circus man in I he country for the jost ten y< hast. No. I???m not living with him now, ven???t beei K what lie likes and I do what 1 can for my self and them. No. there's no divorce.??? Mine., or Mile. Rhineliart, as she is called indifferently on the bills??????The Madaiue. as every one around the circus tails her, re- sj??ectfully???is a black-haired, black-eyed woman, ???with strong features and strong lingers, quick eyes and motions, who talks a-simply and unaffectedly of what she does as another woman would talk of embroider ing. Her face is not pleasing and intelli gent. "I???ve been in it all my life,??? shesaid. * least for sixteen years, and sixteen years 1 was only a girl. I liegan in the side-sl line, and kept caudv-stamls and that sort of thing, llow did I get into this? Well. 1 hardly know. I had an idea I could do and 1 did. First, 1 begun riding. Now there is hardly a bone in my body that hasn't been broken by a horse at some tipie or another: but I???m not afraid of anv horse living. Well, I thought I could do a* well with the bea*ts as any of the tamers, ami I got a chance to try with JSells Brothers??? cir- euf, that traveled out of Columbus, and since then I???ve kept at it mostly ull the LOTTERIES. FELTON COUNTY. He Excoriates the Authors of Btrife in the District, and Bailies the Bo ja to the Bapport of tho Nomi nee???Ee Speaks in Hampton To-Day??? Greeted with Enthusiastic Applause. Special dispatch to The Constitution. Griffin, October 15.???General John B. >rdon addressed a very large assembly of the best citizens of Spalding county here this morning. He reviewed the Congres- canvass now being made in this the Fifth district, and paid many handsome compliments to Colonel N. J. Hammond, ???minee of the Democratic (arty of the district. He advocated, in the strongest terms, the election of Colonel Hammond. Of the ability of the Democratic candidate he sj*oke in glowing??? terms. Frequently his ???peech was interrupted with applause, show ing that his expressions met with unani mous approval. It is conceded that tlie ijteech was among the finest that he has ver made. Jle leaves to-night for llamp- >n. where he will speak to-morrow at a iss meeting of the citizens of Henry county. A number of our citizens will go up by*the mornings train to hear him. John V. Peel* Murdered by Negroes-A Dead wood Shooting Affray???A Wife- Whipper Killed???Revenue Arreata??? Eire*, Ete. Special dispatch to The Constitution. Rooney, Miss., Oct. 14.???Capt. J. C. Peck, bile on a peaceful mission to Alfred Fair- ix, republican nominee for congress from the fifth Louisiana district, and the negroes if Tensas parish, to remonstrate with them ???n the course which they were pursuing in drawing a color line, and thereby exciting race prejudices, was murdered by them near Water-Proof last night. The negroes are defiant and refuse to submit to arrest, and a* there are not enough men here to execute the process of the court aid lias been sought from state troops in other parishes. Peace ful (teople are much alarmed and fear ! "*urreotion. TUNE. ELEVENTH 187S. AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 12th. Louisiana State This Institution was regularly???ineorporeted the Legislature of the State for Educational a. Charitable purposes in 1863, with a Capital of 21,000,000, to which it has since added a reserve fund of S3S0.000. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second Tuesday. It never scales or postpones. Look at the following distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE 230,000. 100.000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LECTION NOTICE. Whereas. I have received official information from his Excellency Governor A. II. Colquitt, of the resignation of lion. N. J. Hammond, one of the members elect in the Representative branch of the General Assembly from this (Fulton) county. Now. therefore, It is ordered that qn election be : held at the Court House and various election pre- ! duets in Fulton county on Tuesday the 5th day of November next, to nil said vacancy, in con- 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital prize 2 Prizes oi 22,500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1000 Prizes of 10- APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 ..$ 30,000 .. 10,000 .. 5,000 ??? 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,80 1857 Prizes, amounting to 2110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensa tion will be paid. Application for rates to clnbs should only be made to the Home Office in New Orleans. Write dearly, stating full address, for further information or send orders to M. A. DAUPHIN, P. O. Box 692. New Orleans, La., Or to AMOS FOX, 11 East Alabama street, Atlan ta. Ga All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings a 161 oct6...dlt&w3t DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary Fulton County. Jf Office, October 3,1878. Whereas, John B. w ileoxen, administrator of the estate of W. L. Cleveland, deceased, applies for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased for the benefit of heirs and creditors. DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordina G eorgia, ft lto.v county???-ordina rv???s office. October 4tli, 1878..???Whereas Mrs. Elizabeth 8. Silvy applies for letters of ad ministration on the estate of D. II. Silvy, de- o all persons concerned Ordinary Fulton t DAVID H. DOUGHERTY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, lotions, Tiiimnings, FURNISHING GOODS, &o., SS PoactLti-ec Street, Atlanta, Gta. ???titled to file their ??? . _____ the first Mon day in November uext, else leave will be granted iyTu> the applicant. "No, I never hml a Ixine broken by any of the wihl beasts. I???ts lucky for me, too, for such wounds never seem to heal. Jim, yonder, got bitten bv a lion live years ago, and one of his bones was shattered and never healed. But I???ve had my flesh torn and chewed up most horribly at different times. My leg, from my waist to my heel, h;is lieen torn all over. This (articular b-opard Ills attacked me four times this season. You see he is ugly any way, and he seems to hate me larticularlv. 1 ought t??> feed them all myself, hut j have lieen careless about it lately and have let one of the men do it forme*. Well, this leopard can't seem to stand it to have m * change my dress. I got struck with the blonde fever a while ago and nut on a Monde rig, ami when I took it oil he went for me.??? "What do I do? Well, 1 hardly know. I get hold of his nose or his thnat and beat him with a whip or a club. I don???t know w by it is, lmt he gets frightened and gives tip right away. I suppose it???s because I don???t get frightened. I always have a club handy, however, in case 1 should drop my whip, and a man ulwavs stadds near to nely me.??? ??????Well, ye*.*. |>eo|>le sav to me very often. 'You will???go in some time and you won???t in-me out,??? bu I always say that I never think of it that way. I*always think I am coming out. What would become of the children if I didn???t?" Marine Oumallies. w York, October Iff???The schooner H. K. Tilton, of Philadelphia, which arrived here yestenlay from Uardina*, brought the captain and crew of the brig Florence, of Annapolis. Captain Monroe reported that l??i* vessel took fire on the 7th. and all liands took to the boats and were picked up next day by the bark Huldren and shortly after wards??? transferred to the Tilton. The Flor ins was four days out from Savannah and ???und for London. The ocean yacht race between the Grade and Vision yesterday was a failure, both being nearly wrecked by the gale. 1'ltmouth, England, October Iff???It is re(M??rted that the steamer Servia, from New York, brought to this port, to-day, the crew of the ship J. H. Wheeler, from St. Johns, N. B., for Londonderry. The*report is er roneous. The Shevia saw the J. H. Wheel- \ but she had been abandoned. Antwerp, October Iff???Arrived, Iris from ew York. She experienced very heavy weather and had her boats smashed. She lost overboard seventy head of cattle. London, October Iff??????The Norwegian lark Thor, which left New York, September 21, reached Hull yesterday. She encountered heavy weather on the (ossage aiul lost her wheel house and is leaking slightly. Tlie captain was injured and two of the crew killed. FIAT MONEY ILLUSTRATED. Some of tlie Green 11 u in or of tlie Country. FIAT HATS. Ben Butler???s friends are getting ready to jay their bets on the Massachusetts elec tion. They are having numerous little tickets printed for use next November, Inur ing the fiat inscription: ???This is a ???Hat.??? ??? A FIAT WEDDING. In a recent speech of the greenback craze General Wofford, of this city, read the fol lowing illustration: You fall in love with a very pretty girl. You siiend a good deal of time in courting her. By ami by you ask her if she will marry you, and" she makes you glad by her sweet ???Yes.??? You reply: ???When???? and tin* happy day is fixed. When the wedding day comes, you go to claim vour bride*. But no. your maiden fair replies: ??????O, no; I have joined the national party. And as long a* you believe that my promise is just a* gtssl as the realization, and that courtship is as good as marriage, only think you have your wife, and you have her.??? A correspondent in Iowa sends us a copy of a new kind of milk produced and ob tainable in that statej so cheap. It consis of a green card bearing tlie following de- ???etiA.- GBAUD DISTRIBUTION! Commonwealth Distribution Co. Legalize*! t>y the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and supervised by Hon. R. C. Wiutcrsmith, Ex. Treas., Gen???l T. A. Harris, and other prominent citizens that may be designated by ticket-holders, will hold their KIXT1I POPULAR DRAWING In Public Library Hall, Louisville. Ky??? on Saturday, Nov. 30,1878 NO SCALING! NO POSTPONEMENT! Nearly 2.000 * ??? Prases Ag* resitting- AND TICKETS ONLY* $2. In consequence of its popularity, and in compli ance with request of numerous ticket buyers, the management again present the following attract ive and Unpre<H*dented Scheme: 1 Prize 000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prise - 5,000 G eorgia, fulton county, ordina ry???s office. October 4, 1878: Whereas, Mrs. T. ??? round, administratrix oi the estate oi John G. ???und, late of said county, deceased, applies for me U?? sell the real estate of said deceased: This is therefore to give notice to all pen* ???neemed to file their objections, if any exist, _??? before the firet Monday in November next else leave will be granted the applicant DANIEL PITTMAN, 120 oct6 w4w Ordinary F. C. .ui i: $115400 in Cash! _. office, October 4, 1878. Whereas, I). W. Ed wards applies for letters of Administration tate of Lena Lloyd, deceased. All pen*ms concerned are hereby notified to file their objections if any exist, on or liefore the first Monday in November next, else letters will be uited'* 10 Prizes, 21.000 each 20 Prizes 500 each ... 100 Prizes loo each ;aw Prizes 50 each 500 Prizes 10,000 10.000 50 each 1000 Prizes 10 each - 10,000 Prizes $300each, Approximation Prizes 2,700 1,960 1 Prizes, $115,400 Whole Tickets, 83. Ilnlf Tickets, #1. 27 Tlcketm 830. jr Post Oi in the execution. The Sheriff lu and his brother was badly woun fisting the mob. led i STARVED FOR TEN DATS. Horrible Hufferiag or a Stowaway In a Steamer** Hold. TheUityof Owwier. of the Inman line, which left Liverpool on tire 24th ultimo was docked at the foot of Charlton street New York, Friday afternoon. She is to sail next Thursday, ami as soon as the (ossen- gang of ???Jong- ber. A gang her steerage. > unhad 1 and iu the-evening Hie entrance to tire main hatchway wa* cleared and latches were opened. Immediately under the main hatch wav the laborers discovered wliat :q*iicarcd tone the lifele.** Uxlv of an attenuated man. but the air that replaced the hot and fetid atiutehere of the hold re- vived him and he faintly ga.-q.ed ???Oh. God?????? and nut one hand on hi* stomach. He was carefully removed to the upper deck, and rallied sufficiently to say that his name wa* Janie* IVmnelly, and tliat he had been shut up in the hold while drunk. I>r. Done, sur geon of the City of Richmond, wa* summon ed and found him in a partially comatose condition. His eyes were sunken, his li|*. were black and his tongue, which protruded, was dry and swollen. Dr. Don ordered ice, brandy, milk and beef-tea, and at first only administered mor sels of ice which Donnelly gulped down. As the man???s condition improved stimulants and beef tea were administered, and at last he was able to say that he belonged to Dum barton, in Scotland, and was a rivetter by occupation. He went on board the steamer at Birkenhead on the 23rd ultimo. He was intoxicated, and when he came to his senses be found the hatches battened down and that all he had to subsist on was a bottle of whisky. This he drank gradually, It was not considered prudent to question Don nelly at length, and he was removed to Bellevue Hospital in an ambulance. He will probably recover. He was found in a space fifteen feet square under the main hatch, over which was piled about five tons of cargo. Let Girin be Taught to Swim. London Standard. Among the few survivors from the terri ble wreck of the Princess Alice are three n.embers of the same family???Mr. Thorjre oi the Old Kent road, seventeen years ' age, his sister. Miss Thorpe, who is a y< older than himself, and his brother, a mere buy of nine. All these owe their lives to tie fact that they were able to swim. The bo vs. it would seem, were somehow sejarated from their sister. They were both picked up by the same boat, and were, when it beared them from their perilous (N>sition, swimming side by side. The sis ter. who was older than either, achieved her own safety. She struck boldly out. ami??? in spite of tlie incumbrance of her garments, ti e force of the tide, the darkness of the night, and the danger to which she caunot but have been subjected by the frantic ef forts of those who were struggling around h??-r in tlie water to catch and cling to any object within their grasp-succeeded in reaching the hank. The exploit she accomplished is, if we consider it. almost marvelous. The tide w:is rushing swiftly down; the water must have been odd and"benumbing; tlie night, a* we know, was dark and foggy; there were round about her all the horrors of the scene; the "la*t farewell??? was rising from river to sky; in the water the stragglers were gra(??- pling in their la*t agony, each with each; and yet through all these horrors she fought her wav with a calm, quiet confidence which men who have stood under fire and con fronted death in other and more sudden shapes might well envy her. Tne incident serves once again to sliow- how important and. indeed, good it would be if girls n* well a* boys were taught to THE COTTOH CROP. Tlie Agricultural Report For October. Washington. October Iff???The October returns to the department of agriculture in- dicate an average condition of tliecotton crop of *80 same a.* in September; North Carolina 84, decline of 2; South Carolina 84. in crease of 4; Georgia 85. increase of 4; Florida 84. decrease of 7; Alabama 81, decline of 1; Mississipi Sff decline of 3; Louisiana 83, unchanged: Texas liC, in crease of 2; Arkansas U0, decline of 8; Ten nessee l' r 2. increase of 11. Compared with October, 18,4. the growing crop shows an improvement of 11 j??cr cent. Tlie October condition fully equals that of the splendid crop of 1870, and excels any intervening year; the insect injuries are uniniportar * ???* ~ eastern section of the cotton belt w ited by storms, moving through the i zones atul doing much local damage. In the Mississippi Valley the yellow fever quarantine regulations??? have restricted the marketing of the crop. Texas reports a very fine crop, some counties reporting the prospective averages as high as a bale per acre. Arkansas has fallen off through drought in some quarters ant cessive rains in others, with increase*! age. The planted crop now promises > Frightful A Stampede in Church of Character. Special dispatch to The Constitution. Richmond. Va.. October 17.???A special to the Dispatch says that during a marriage at the colored Baptist church in Lynchburg to-night, the building being crowded to its utmost capacity, a piece of plastering fell, creating a J^???nic of the most dreadful character. The bodies of ten women have already been taken out, the wounded being a ent to their homes. ??? Pshaw, no ocean foam for me: it???s mere sham." said an impatient woman, discussing the merits of baking powders. Not thus, however, did she talk of Dooley???s Yeast Powder. Tbe latter has been found to sur pass all others in its magic leavening powers. ; I Fiat I^ictis. Iledccm- ablc at the option of the 1 This is a ONE QUART | s - of absolute milk. Circulation ami not redemption is what we want. A remedy resting on tlie basis of intrinsic worth demands the confidence of all. Dr. Bull???s Cough Syrup is known and used most ' factoriiy throughout the lain!, ti sred by kt-eps it. i great sales. Your druggist 243 Dime .Savings. You do no1 buy thread, buttons or cloth of short or fraudulent count or measure, lior coffee, sugar or butter of short weights: then wliy-buv and pay for what purports to lie a hal???f pound or a pound can or package of linking Powder which is twenty or thirty cent, short weight. IVioley???s Yeast Pow is guaranteed full weight every time. A card from New Orleans, dated Septem ber 21, 1878, shows thus: The undersigned certifies that he held for collection for account of Messrs. Rivera Bros., 71 Maiden Lane, New York, half ticket No. 52,313, Class I, in the??? I??uisiana State Lottery, which drew the capital prize of twenty-five hundred dollars on Tuesday. Scptemlier 10, 1878, said ticket having cost the sum of one dollar at the office of H. L. Plum, 319 Breadwav, New York, and that the amount was promptly paid on presenta- tatton of the ticket at the office of the com pany, by M. A. Dauphin, P. O. Box 892, New Orleans. T. M. Wescoat, Agent Southern Express Co., New Orleans. Why may not the reader have equal pro; polity in making a similar investment? octlo dvkwlt ???Sea foam, indeed! You may talk about tlie froth of the ocean as much as you please, hut mj* ideal is rather found in the light ness and purity of snow," said a lady to her friend. ???That's the kind of rolls, biscuit and cake made hv that yrince of domestic thing else in my house.' ;U11 ti*e LIVER REMEDIES. Dr. fM.Vtf. CASE???S Liver Remedy BLOOD PURIFIER Tonic and Cordial. This is not a patent medicine, but is prepared under the direction of Dr. M. W. Cue, from hh favorite prescription, which in an extensive practice of over twenty-seven Tears he has found m.**t effective in all cases of disordered liver ox impure bloodL It La anti-bujotts. It acts directly upon the liver, restoring ft when diseased to its normal condition; ana in :--<ulxting the activity of this great eland every other organ of the system is benefited. In Blood Diseases it has no eoual u a purifier. It im proves digestion, and sgists nature to eliminate i.'l Impurities from the system; and while it is :he cheapest medicine in the market, it is alsc -uperior to all known remedies. While it it effectual than Bine Mass, it is mild and constipated, u do .Mat otnev nKMunne*. it Cures SSifSHSS???fcBc; Mradadir, 8lck Headache, Water-Brash, Hrartbanu Stek Stomach, Jaundice, Colic, Vertigo, Neuralgia, Palpitation of die Heart, Female Irresularltte* and tVralmru, all Skin and Blood Diseases, Worms, Fever and Ague, and Constlpa- lloii of the Bowels. In small do*es It Is also a sure cure for Chronic Ularrtiaa. Taken two or three times a day, it pre- vrats Ye!law Fever, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Cholera, and Small-Pox. how to be aaasaaag YOUR OWN DOCTOR, ASTI-BILIOUS. And save your doctor MB*. Only 25 cts. a bottle. U is the mod effective and valuable medicine ever offered to the American people. As fast as its merits become known. Its use becomes universal in every community. No family will t??c without it after having once tested its great ndne. It has proved an inestimable blessing to ;h >c-xnds who have used it, bringing back bca-'th arid strength to those who were seemingly ???: death s door. Prepared at the Laboratory of the ???Tone Medicine Co,, Philadelphia, Pa, i re.s per Lottie, 25c. Extra Large Size, 75c. r - T -r -'.???0 by Dra-gins. \ GENTS ??*??*???. andAicau. JjL WANTED , 55 Tickets, ftlOO. Remit br i*????si Office Money Order, registered letter, buna draft, or express. Full list of draw- ini' published in Louisville Courier-Journal and New York Herald, and mailed to all ticket-hold ers. For tickets and information address COM MONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., or T. J. COMMKKFORD, See'}', Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Ky RELIEF FOR THE AFFICTED. DR. RICE, V. Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY.. r and IcysUr qaalifirS pfcyJcuaaal-e HdU, kls M??? ???" )NIC itorriu l*??ir, m*vl <Hter prira Stricture, OichstW. Rtnit. It n Out ,plir rici*u u per* Attcetkm ta a ccrUlu riiu ??f Ji*ra??cv m i maiius ibntaril urn- ???II,. acquire* prat skill. I*In Mtnix ku????in( thU tact cft. ?? trirttlMcUr fcr treatuicut. MMsHeinr* c??n tw ??eni piratclj Cures Guaranteed iu all Cases undertaken. t>n.-uluU.HM r??in??llv or hr letter fr-e anil IntiteA Char{cj rruiuljlc au<t curr-q.milri*, t ??tr.- tiy * PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of *?? t??cea, aent to any re-.... r.-cur,-ijr U>I. {.^ tJnrq iiOce bour* from 9 A. M. to ?? P. M. " 2}tUMJa>a, Z tw 4*P. U PRESCRiPTIONS FREE For the speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness. Lost Manhood, anti all disorders bn night on by Indis cretion or Excess. Any Dniggist has the Ingredi ent*. A ddress DR. J Alff IN A I O., 130 W Sixth Street, CINCINNATI, O. ????? fel>5 d&wly 18 RaWUtpe*. K*nt Bold Mooe Aleev* St, Pin an<l Urope. portiml'l 25 A*??orted Jewvlrj 81. A Spl Chain'??? * o Jewelry. C??t notice-t*^ feelUne 8tstlocerT i age In the world. It Ulnk 18 ??U*eta of Paper. Golden Ven. aud a pWca ???uipie pavkajra. with ela- et Goldi plated Htada, Kn idle. Jewelry 81. A Splendid Watch and free with every 850 worth of Coeds ly. a*.raordiuary InducsmeuU to Agents, f OPIUM | and Morphlna hsMt cured. I c^ rl *!ffi3 , .7S^ , r7S7: NERVOUS DEBILITY, ???f vital It-, prematar- ????liei eaerv* ti'ia *f tala-1 aa-??? di-erdera of brala aad aervoua ay-tea, and ad??er SSSVXSft? BA?????8 gPICIHC.JKfitXS 1 i ??? e.M. twe for f5. foldSy Sragilats y.rCf'ealara"" f *U partieware, alJreu l>a.8ATa, Hi ktaU bv., ctleaca, SIEOOHiliis WASTED !??? every Ca. in tbe C.A U eel oar POPULAR BOOKS. Goo* Pat aad itaady work. Write at ??? aw J.O.M0COWT a Co. PhUtd'i JOHN FLANNERY. JOHN L. JOHNSON. Managing Partner of late firm L. J. Gull martin A Co. 1865 to 1877. JOHN FLANNERY & CO COTTON FACTORS ??? AND ??? COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 3 KELLY'S BLOCK. Bay Street SAVANNAH, GA. AGENTS FOR J'cweU???sMills Yarns & Domestic,etc. B agging and ties forsalejat lowest market rates. PROMPT and CART ATTENTION given to all business entrusted LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on ooi__???. hunts. 561 augSl d&w4m YOUNG MEN PREPARED Atlanta, Ga. One of the liest practical schools tn the country. Circulars mailed free. 473 sepal wly. MILTON COUNTY. ???ell the re*al estate of said deceased. All 127 Oct.6-w4w. This is my Fall (1878) Aiinouiicemeiit. MY STOCK COMPLETE AND LARGE! MY PRICES CORRECT AND SMALL! d county, deceased; the apiilieant. 119 oct6...w4w G no hi EORGIA, FULTON COUNTY, ORDINARY???S Office. August 2,1878. Whereas. T. O. Parker, thi? estate of II. B. Parker. trust and prays for letters of dismbvion; AU i??ersons uoneemed are notified to file their objections, if any exist, within the time prescribe<l by law, else letters will be granted the applicant. DANIEL PITTMAN, 96 ang6...wlam3m Ordinary. . Y ry???s Offii-e. Sentember 24. 1878???Robert ship and George Winship vs. Mrs. Hannah Win- sliip, Mrs. Sarah M. Connally, John Winsidp, Mrs. Aliee L. Newton. Mrs. Ellen C. Burr, Mrs. Maria " t'ole, Mrs. Mary Cook and Mrs. Emcline Pitts. Application for probate of will of Joseph Win- shin, deceased, in solemn form, and qualification of Robert Winship and George Wiiishl] tors thereof. It is ordered that the defendants residing in the i copy said jietition at least ten days before the Novem * term next (1878) of this court is further ordered that service be perfec . Hannah Winship, Mrs. .Sarah M. Connally - John Winship. by the publication of this or- , mice a week for four weeks, in the Atlanta Constitution, and that all persons concerned show cause, at said November term, why said applica tion should not be granted. This September 24th, 1*7S. DANIEL PITTMAN, 568 sep28...w4w. Fulton county. _JT Office, August 2, 187H. Whereas, Wm. A. Powell, administrator of the estate of W. M. 1IH1, late of said county, deeioscd, shows that he has fully discharged his trust and prays for Tctton dismission: A11 persons concerned are notified to file Iht.. objections, if any exist, within the time prescribed by law, else letters will be grantetl the applicant. DANIEL PITTMAN, an win 98 g3???.m3m Ordinary. FATETTE COUNTY. deceased: This is, therefore, to give notice to all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any exist, on or liefore the first Monday in November next, else leave will be granted. L. B. GRIGGS, oet3 w~??w Ordinary. G uardian s sale.???by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Fayet county,, will be sold at the Court House door Fayetteville. Fayette county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, in the usii * * sjiIc, the following land, to-wit: Ninety-eight (98) a west half of lot of land No. 35 in the lower 7th district in Fayette county. Sold as the property of Mary Femunder, imtwcile, for the lionet <4 said *???*???' * ??? *??? ^ ??? >ber 7,1 r less, it being the iml>ecile. Terms cash. This t W. K. M?? KLEWANKY, Guardian ????f Mary Fcmaudei micheal au??i Nathaniel Miller having applied for '-???Iters of administration on the estate of W. F. ellv, late of said county, decensed: All persons concerned are hereby notified to file icir objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in November next, else letters will I granted the applicants. L. B. GRIGGS, * ??? Ordinary. _. . s Office, October 5, 1K78. Whereas, Jor dan Thornton and C. II. Eastin, as administrators (???eased. This is. therefore, to notify all persons concern ed to file their objections, if any exist, on or be fore the first Monday iu November next, else leave will be grunted the HR oct8...w4w. :. GRIGGS, Ordinary. DOUGLAS COUNTY. ( > EORGIA. DOUGLAS COUNTY.???ORDINA X ry???s Office, October 12,1878. Margaret Glosiei ha* applied for exemption of personalty aud setting apart and valuation of homestead, and 1 will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock, on the 30th day of Octobei, 1878, at my office. JOHN V. EDGE, 378 oct!5 W2W Ordinary. first Monday in November next, application will lie made to the Cmirt of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the real estate of Annie MeLarty, late of said county, deceased, being 222% Acres, more or less, known as the Annie MeLarty d creditors of a 1878. 230 oct9 W4W Administrator. ^4TATE OF GEORGIA, DOUGLAS COUNTY. O On the first Monday in November next, ap plication will be made to the Court of Ordinary of I>. W. PRICE, Administrator. T ? S25J'SS'fSS???kmiw 52} b ^. ln ' b *P>rGood.burincmin .hi.phuv. .nd .hethoror j ining else, I do know that l have leatned to buy D??y Goods Cheap; and I have learned thc fact Unit the successful merehantaol learned this wide awake day, are vhose who are wiilini th??*e who cling like grim death to a mere* liai my determination to sustain tlie well earned people. being sustained by the nd Colored Satins, almost a Vmndiu!of" < ' 1 'i,' a !S: i IU t!' Uli ri".? 0 i d fi ,or * r M ?* il >*' r ??-nt?? c c: mol that th.??- whonmipl Dress Goods. _ P r e y Goo ^ , . in .??to???? any style and price. Also. French Novelty Suitings, including all the newest ^Austin Clothsfor^Monrning, Empress SILKS! SDKS ! Silk Velvets and Satins. Button, Trimmings, Etc. ilt while .nd colored. 1-Uin mol cachet ul 1 rohUTl ilml S nc.'S'., i} mU Jhm^M , SU W lh!.} C d"}2^S?n , t'' i(???ou dt^fwlllSSSIn; t'SndSM^" BELOW ARE SPECIALTIES. s ! a 1 - a '"- ??e.??uM*sffissiSrS' ???sstuSjsstjss tss^sss^sssrssisSi Cloaks! Cloaks! Blankets, Shawls, Etc. T frtm h ?' rt J ,c Prices, the dread of winter nights wonld tied trouble vonr FACTS. tiie immense stacks of Blankets and Shawls that a Could you ...... mind, and you will srareely miss the mone- accordingly. I can do you good here. In ??? Most of my goods -ire tli ?????? NUT BE I resident buyer in New York, therefore I buy "Sit 3 * "???1 pri0 S. 1 tw** that .re not in M.wV. N'o! .nd oi Motto. Dispan h in filling orders; I nnnpt and Polite Attention to Customers; <??<??d Gooda und I/??w Prices. I thank the generous public for their encouragement and stand ready to serve you to the best of my ability when called upon, JQ8 new dlm^uns A Rewpectfluly, D. If. DOUGHERTY. I*oned sale for November, 1878. Will be sold before the court house door in Donglassville, Douglass county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the lawful hours sheriff's sales, the following property, to-wlt: One lot of land number (234) two hundred i thirty-four, in the 18th district and 2d section of originally Cherokee now Douglas county. Levied on and to be sold aa the property of William Mitchell and Cynthia Mitchell, by virtue of an execution issued from I*aulding superior court in favor of Henry Braswell, sheriff, vs. Wm. Mitchell, Cyntha Mitchell, D. M. Taylor and John M. James. Said lot of land fa now in possession of William Mitchell and Cyntha Mitchell. Tenant iu possession notified. Sept. 2d, 1878. 146 oct6 w4wr E. R.WHITLEY, Sheriff. bv virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi- nary of Milton comity. Georgia, at the Court House In Alpharetta, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of safe, the following property, to-writ: Twenty acres of lot No. caff 30 acres of lot No. ????. 32 acres of lot No. 673, and 2 acres of lot No. 674, all lying and being in the second district oi the second section of said county. Sold as the property of Wm. Innsmore, deceased. igned for permanent 1* ???ie estate of Mary A. < ' said county: Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause, if any they have, why said letters, on the first Monday fn October next, shot ??? * not lie granted. Given under my hand and seal of office, this ._e proper for the benefit of the de??-e*sed. This October 7th. 1878. . B. GROGAN, Y **???**????????????'*?????? 240 oct9 w4w - heirs and creditors of said M. DINSMORE, Administrators. f'E YJ i Thom EORGIA. MILTON COUNTY.-ORDINA- ry???s office, October 1, 1878. Whereas, Robert >mp??on, guardian of Beniamin Strickland, has applied to me for leave to sell lot of land lot No. 1U39, in the 2d district and 1st section, as the prop- e the first be_granted os apj.lkd foi . H. NESBIT, Ordinary. _X ry????? Office, July 31, 187? minfatratrix of the estate of S J . ???uuty, deceased, has applied f< ORDINA . Lee, ad Lee. late of said , if any they have, within grante*! said applicant a.-* aj.plii-.lfo: Ug2...wrlm7m. M ilton postponed sheriff's sales. Will be ??old before the Court House door in tlie town of Alpharetta, Milton county. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November next, the follnwingpn.perty. to-wit: Lots of Lind numbers 3*6 und uti, ;-!l I>ing md being in ihc second diatrict and secun 1 action of ???aid county of Milton. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy sundry fi. fas. Issued from the Jus tice Court of the 823ci District, U. M., in favor of Willi bv Bearden vs. J. P. Tucker, principal, and ne oy n. ??. wwu, u v. Iso. at the same time and place, will be sold, following property to-wit: One dark bay [lion Hone. Levied on as the property of W. Grogan, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Milton iperior Court in favor of G. M. Hook vs. W. s. Grogan and W. IL Nesbit Property pointed out by W. a. Grogan. Thfa September >. 1878. 5 oct2 wtd WILLL4M BCISE, Sheriff: G EORGIA, MILTON COUNTY.-ORDINA- ry???s Office. Octobers 1878. John Butler has I Thfa fa, therefore, tWH^H ed. to file their objections, if any the time nreacribed by Uammi granted the applicant as si IS2 octii w4w T " N' soldi OTICE-DOUGLASS COUNTY POSTPONED sheriff sales for November. 1878. Will be _ before the court-house door in Douglasville, Douglas county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in No- \-emljer next, between the lawful hours for sher iff sales the following property, to-wit: One lot of fand. No. (32) thirty-two in the second district and fifth section of originally Carroll now Douglas county, Ga. Levied on and to be resold as the property of James M. Smith, by virtue of a fi. fa. b* u ed from Douglas superior court in favor of G. t' VH - James M. Smith. Tenant in posses sion notified. October 5,1878. E. R. WHITLEY, .Sheriff. 197 Octobers wtds the first Tuesday iu November next, between tlie legal hours of sale, the following property to- wit: Sixty bushels of corn, in the ear; levied on and to be sold as the property of L. R. McGuire, to satisfy a fi fa. Leued from the superior court of Douglas county, and state of Georgia, in favor of H. L. Morrow, for use of officers of court vs. L. R. fas in my hands. E. R. WHITLEY, Sheriff McGuire, and other fi ias in x G eorgia, douglas county, ordina ry???s Office October 7,1878. Whereas, appli- ??? * ' ??? " elf all for leave to sel ed. interest ** ??????J ?????*v "U* BUU teat c UIWUU SUl be granted on the first Monday in November next JOHN V. EDGE, Ordinary. pitot*. s( in:n s history of THE WAR IN THE EAST or the conflict between Rrasra and Tp rxey, the LI\E book for LIVE Agents. Has 700 octavo paces. 100 Engravings of Battles. Fortresses, Gen erals, Ac.. Ac. Price, $3 00. Terms unequaled. AGENTS WANTED. H. S. GOODSPEED A CO., New York, or Cincinnati, Ohio. 370 sep!9 weowly FRANKLIN TYPE FOUNDRY, 1C8 Fine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ALLISON, SMITH & JOHNSON. s paper is printed la from To the LADIES of Georgia. Sea Foam male* the beet cookery. Its strength is double that of any other bilking powder, is on that account the cheapest. One can of Sea Foam t?? worth three of any other baking jwnfer. I???.y the use of it, your bread will be| equal to Fifth Avenue. Your food will be the best. ???our health will lie preserved. 'our dally work made easier, read will be whiter and richer. You will save a great deal of money.] Jig the use rf Sea Foam, a barrel of\ four makes forty pounds more bread. Your tread, biscuit, and cake?? trill be always light if Sea Foam is used. It is a new comfort for home. It is pure, and not adulterated. It is healthy for you aud tlie children.' It is the perfection of science inj nokery. Your cookery will be always good. You will always have a good cook. It makes every cook a good one. Your bread will never be sour. Chemists who have analyzed Sea Foam commend if. Physicians who have experienced witnessed i.s health- promoting i properties, commend iu Wholesale grocers always commend it. Retail merchants who have introduced it among their customers and noted its' wonderfully rapid sale t never fail Io commend il. Husbands and fathers, whose wonderj and delight at the greatly improved and uniformly good quality of the| bread and pastry have led them to inquire the cause, are loud in their commendation of it. Housekeepers who hare once used it tn7f have no other, and thus most slrongly\ commend it Cooks whose liest efforts with other' (lowders have failed, are jubilant oxer Sea Foam. AU orcr the country it is UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED Actually the ladies of Georgia, where Sea Foam has been introduced, are now as noted for their excellent bread biscuits, corn-cakes, and other cookery as they hare always been Jot their remarkable beauty. Nowhere in the world can lie found better bread, biscuit, and cakes than is produced by these noble ladies. There is a constant rivalry among them to see who shall make tlie liest. And not only is this the ease, but Sea Foam adds to their beauty, for health brings beauty, and nothing is more conducive to good health than light, nutritious bread, cakes, and pastry, which Sea Foam never fails to make. Sea Foam is for sale by all first-class retail grocers in nearly every city. If your grocer hasn't it in stock, and is an obliging man, he will get it for you. however, you are un able to obtain it readily at home, send for circular and pricelist to Gantz, Jones & Co. Manufacturers and Proprietors, 176 DaaiiB St.Nfiw Tort GAY, M???CLESKEY & CO., SUCCESSORS TO A. O. M. GAY & CO., T-vESUtETO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR PALI. STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. HAVING BEEN Dress G-oods * ad . l * b * e and effects, we lave an elegant line of Black anti Colored Silk*. Black and Colored Cashmeres, Henrietta Cloths, and a superb Hue Black Alpacas, Mohairs and BrillianUne* ..-uU ^ h 2 ve ^ fl,n L ine of Uassimeres, and an immense line o FU, "' vK ??? u, ??? ,,u ???-** e CLOAKS, SHAWLS AND FELT SKIRTS. b*'.'-* ?? taw elegant Hite of Indies' Cloaks, and a splendid assortment Shawl* and Felt L- h f. l ,>??V wwUd Wc have CORSETS in great variety and veiy L .-V.u.fJ ||^ [vi <, 0 r 1 uderwear, Kid <.loves, nt Itotlom prices, a xpiendM line Hand- o i inoG ," f w ? ieh w . ,n >??????? A handsome line Ladies' Collars and Cuff*, Neck Kufihngs ami.... ekaniit assortment Indies??? silk Tit s, Bow*. Silk lDmdkerehlefs, Scarfs, etc. Taffeta, FHiikcn Black Silk Fringes. Silk Velvet and Velvet fwl^Twel}^ MBta,r * Jwlging*. at merely nominal price*, and Flannel Embralderies, (a novelty) per- CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. . irJSt h ???',V a ???u. ,rtrpt T t ??? he* 1 ???WMted, handsomest and Cheapest stock of Ready-made (lothing eve ??????veil * Carhlree Btreet * Fanc y Htifa. all styles and prices, and a gtxai line libiek Suits for young u??),\Ve Ubac ton appointetl Sole Agents for Atlanta for the sale of KllKP'N Kill RTS and e tlie best goods made, and v l' inbrellas. These l' mlirellas marvelously low. We keep a splendid line Misses and Children. Also, a good line Hats for Men and Boys. Onr Mottos ???Low prices and large sales; short profits a Send for samples and prices. On all bills over ten (#10) dollars, ??... win pay the Express charges and send tlie G<mnIs C save you 25 to 50 per cent in price. Prices a heap of them." <t in< hiding jK*mesties or Print*. hi be required Parties unknow to accompany the order with at least one-fourth the amount of the bill. RAY. Mrt'I.KSKKY A ??'0??? 65 and C>7 Peachtree street. Atlanta. 160 octfi???dAwltn N TAZABETU ACADEMY, Bardritown, Kentucky. Thfa Institution ha* been a boarding school for * young ladies since the year 1814, during which time it has received an extensive patronage from the southern and several of t he western states Each year ha* added to the com fort and con ven |. iences of the Institution, while experience has iu 1 *??? ???* ??? * u;i??| abilities ni tbe c SCALES. FOR SALE ALSO, | PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Generally. THE IMPROVED TYPE WRITER, OSCILLATING PUMP CO'S PUMPS. SEND FOR CIBCULABN. FAIRBANKS Jfc CO., 311 Broadway, New York. For Hale by leading Hardware Dealers, j u* principles or creed ?? ion of pupil* at ???reared the qualifies tic 'uctitresco* aud tutor ???**1 to change the religi u- pupil<i. Nttzaretii fa open for tl. , any time oi the year. Tbe ears run daily from Louisville to Bardstown, fiassing by Nazareth. Term* per annum for the higher course _ studies: With jmuslc $258; Without music _..$218 Lower f??iune: With music $216; Without music 41*6 Payable half yearly in advance. Extra branches form separate charges. For further information, apply for catalogue to MOTHER COLUMBIA C ARROLL, Superioress. Studies will be resumed on Monday, Septemi??er 2d. 187*. 87 aug 13..w2mo. iddress A. CoflTEit, Chi- NESB1T, Ordinary. TOJIN* D. C UNNINGHAM, ATTORNEY AND COiFnSELLOR AT LAW. Offices (5 and 6 Centennial Building) No. 1 White hall street, Atlanta, Geoikgia. Practice* in the Supreme Court, the U. J21J25S3 oeini p??r meal. Fare a* good aa the'oounuy wi Court^and in the Superior and afford. Come aad see. 287 ocU2 dlw ???Vi j;D* NoTH K.-IN COMPLIANCE WITH A the law, notice fa hereby riven that I have tins day cold and transferred all my *tock In the Atlanta Savings Bank. Atlanta, Ga.. April 2,1 apr.9...wlamCm. VM. KIDD. A ssignees notice.???in the united Statea District Court, Northern Dfatrict of Georgia, at Watkinaviile, October l, 187a The undrsigned give* notice of hisaptiointment a* aarignee of Milledgc S. Durham, of Watkins- ville, Oconee county, Gci.rgia, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon hi* own petition by the Dfatrict Court of maid Dfatrict. October 3,187a and IRON, FORGINGS, Ac. MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mine*. Blast Furnaces, J We call special attention to our IN PORTABLE ENGINES, for agricultural aad othe purposes. Also, to our new style SMALL LOCO MOTIVES for hauling lumber, and other articles ujion tramways and narrow gauge railway*. The best Planter* regard our GINNING EN GINES mqierior to any in use. Send for Illus trated Catalogue free. Other tiling* lieing equal encourage Southern institution*. Iu jrnii work Holidted and promptly done. Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., for Gin House*. .Messrs, j. c. A 8. F. Milam, Carters ville, Ga., are authorized to receive order* for our machinery In the counties of Gordon, Bartow, Cobb, Floyd, Polk and Cherokee. WM. E. TANNER A CO. 198 jan26???dAwly J JEAftS MALE St IIOOI., ^ CAVE SPRING. GEORGIA. The fortieth region of this school will open August 26th, and the Fall Term close* December 13th, 1878. The Spring Term open* January 6th, and close* with a Prize Declamation June 27th, 1879. Tuition for the year $20, $??, or $10. Inci dental expense* for the year $1 Of*. Board with tlie Piiiii-ipMl at $10 jo*r month, exclusive of wash ing and towel*. Students will be THOROUGHLY prepared for the high* i classes iu college and prize* will be awarded In Latin, Greek ana Math- For circulars, or other information, address the Principal. PALES julyll d3m BunAwky3m YT UH. BRADY???S HOTEL, ^ TaGRANGE, GEORGIA. I will board t ran sent men at $1 25 per day, c "VT???OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON _iM| NovcmUr 13, 1877, Mr*. Ellen B. Buck Hold and transferred all *tock owned by her and stand ing in her name in the City Bank of Atlanta; also, that 1 have sold and tranafemd all stock owned by me in said bank, except to the amount of four hundred dollar*. A. E. BUCK. For himself and wife. ???fiC2 JulB wlamSm wkyoniy.??? HLASKI HOIS .jK, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. R. BRADLEY