Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, November 19, 1878, Image 3

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f THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1878. ROUNDABOUT IN GEORGIA. I *- - where the psn>??* meet, mark off the ground, ???hake band* and go bark bune. But it Darien i* doing a heavy lumber bad- mtcmus that the Miller a**nty boy* are not { that kiqd of stock. We failed to get full par- Only fir?? negroes voted in Jasper toanty last week. A poultry association will soon Ire formed in August*. Eiberton is blowing her horn for more capitalists. Columbus will erert her memorial monu ment in April. Mrs. Olirla .Stratham, of Cuthbert, Go., died last Sunday. Mr. F. Robinson, an estimable citizen Albany, ia dead, Mr. James Heard, a leadingcitizen of Bar tow county, died recently. The farmers of south Georgia are plant ing largely in sugar cane. tkulars of the affair, but learn that some harsh word* passed between Judge O. P. Morton, of the county court of that county, and a one-armed gentleman by tbe name of Calhoun. The judge want ed to fight, when Calhoun told him be could not meet him in a test of xtrength, as Ire bad only one arm. The judge then proposed a meeting in an ???hon orable??? way. Ho, at a late hour of night, while the moon was brightly shining, the two wended their way to the village grave- jfcard. stood a few paces apart, fired and the iT Qpdge fell to the ground. Here ended the trouble. The wounded man will recover ai<d aggrieved honor is paliated. 8avan nali New*: About noon yesterday, a* Jamas Oliver, a youth of sixteen years of age. who had been sent to the country in a wagon for a haul of hay, was approaching ??? ilid for Htcpbcn*. I .Springfield road, and seizing the bridle At leant three hundred bales of cotton yet | brought the animal to a halt. At the same remain unpicked in Newton county. ?? bortod a rock which Iw tod - *~- ??? ??? Ur _ # ??? I right hand at the young man with last us pray. Mr. Hajea says that we I f orce , gtone striking him on tbe head must on the ???J&nli inslant. I and knocking him senseless. Tbe negro In a few <lays the good people of Elberton I tfien snatched up the whip, dropped by will hear the musical u???t ol the Iron h??r??. ?? ,,d * *???*" *" d _ M . . ?? , . ... I treated. A colored boy who was in The Murphy movement ban invaded Dal- WJW , n with young Oliver recognized tbe ton, and there are now in that city 300 blue I negro, and stated that his name was 8am. ribbon members I The injured youth was taken to his home Mr. Francis I*. Julian, clerk of Ihc.up* n..r curt of Gwinnett, after an illneaaof ?????? u *ly K ???h In hi. J??*d, and we are in- two month*. died on the 6th inatant. I formed fractured ttoakuli ant] that hia con- Tlie rrin-htmtte nndetmlenlaof Mr. Joarnb | di,lu " <* I??*?? rt ??ua. A warrant had been * I IhIImI fArfltu orrncf R. .Smith, near Hebron, have been burned. I/**a altout $000, Kev. W. II. Merritt, of Marion county, | lias mafic t'ji* year .V>4 gallons t syrup. / In tlie deaf and dumb school at Cave! spring there are 73 pupil*???male* 37, fe??-1 immense crowd gathered around the grand issued for tlie arrest of the negro, but up to a late hour last night he bad not been ar rested. Griffin News: The$175pnnre, 2:30 class, trotted yesterday afternoon with three entries; Flora Hell, by Win. Anderson; Hpider, by H. 8. Connell; Kemble Jackson, by II. L. Travis. At the call of this race an Inal** 3(1. When Covington gets her military com- (???any, lire engine and fair grounds she will put on the appearance of a city. Judge George X. Lester lias settled down to business and Is holding court in Cobb I ths*n??c??" As???tbe*horses nly. stand and almost took pfemewfion o f the truck. The first heat was won by Spider in 2:45. The next tliW^iisatx vw won by Flora llell in 2:50, 2:45, 2:40. A heat was trotted between the first and second, which was declared off on account of an unfortu nate accident, which threw Kemble out of coming ??? In Colquitt county last week a rattle-1 ???tretch. wire on the home much . intoxicated party, anukc attacked .ml kill* fire h.*??. ... of | touiderin^onB them large ones. ??? ... . ... The Darien Gazette hopes Unit there will I never l??e another campaign in Georgia like I a,MJ ,cn .-j . | the ground. A few feet further the sulky erturned and unseated Major Travis, who mas driving. Kemble, somewhat affrighted, I iiiiu|red out of tbe sulky, taking along a | broken shaft, and was stopjied at the other HE EXPRESSES HIMSELF AT LENGTH. HILL???S OPINIONS. Louisville Courier- Journal. znonne Hoaaoas. Louis Daltroof, the Howard undertaker, m bad tbe moat terrible experience of any per- Tbs Distresses of tbs Ooaatry???Tbsiz Origin sad son who worked through the epidemic BesponziWlity???Tht Diagraoefal Orarw of tbs period. He had been alone, at mid-night. Radical Party???TJ* Lccamum of tbs Deso- with the rain falling, in the cemetery dig- crati to Powst-JIhsir Fatare Policy, ging graves and burying the dead without 1 TbS???Jtow"re???d$k w,m'S;I came here to-night of the hoapirala that from twenty to thirty *?? hear a apecch, not to make one. J have corpses would accumulate in the dead-house J heard a gentleman whom it lias always between the trip, of the wagon*, he wa, been my delight to honor; for whateverelse SSS- h'r oTienES fvof - 5-V-* A Brother, requesting him to procure the platform on which I stand to-night, tlie body of a much reqrected young Israel-1 there ia one thing that all who know him it*, who bad been in their employ and died, j niUa t admit, always, everywhere???his head asjyrr.'uJKri???s.ttfrs -????-?? d hubean??.[apm wishes of the friends of the young man were I I have seen a 1 the great men of this coun ts be respected. Daltroof repaired at once I try; and, take him all in all, I have never ?????????'h* JWJ* 1 . c tort,el-hotel where bodies a g*,,*, or a n ??? bler mau than Robert were piled on top of each other, mattresses _ , r . , , ??? , ., and all, just aa they died. After working Toombs. [Applause.] He has said many for an hour or more, and removing nine I excellent things to-night iu a very short bodire in the last stages of putrefaction, he I space of time. That is characteristic of the found the one hq sought, and buried it ac-1 ni _ n t i,. t th _ nf cording to instructio^ digging the grave man - He sa > 8 }???* X ??? e d ??? t f s8CS ot ?????? himself, and returned to headquarters for I country are attributable to bad government, duty at 4 o???clock tbe same morning. | [Applause.] axjiT to th* roTTzas' field. I Physicians tell us that diseases have iheir Mr,. Hood, m widow of route property. diffcr * nt ^' Some tove their href, their died and left two children. Tbe under- second, and their third stages. Patients takers were about to send her body to the I sometimes die in the first stage, sometimes potters??? field, when Mr. Simmons, who had j j n the second stage, sometimes in the third charge of the Howard nurses, interfered to I . ,. A . .v ,, . . previntit. A telegram mi Ml lo Mr. *???**??? Sometimes they survive all stages of Itanium, of Weme ??V 11amurn, Louisville, ! the disease. Civil wars in populargovern- who telegraphed funds for proper sepulture. I nients are diseases, and they have their XtftWKS a,,d every civllwar in a popu,ar fntstrated; yet while Mr. Simmon, was I government may be divided into three making arrangements necessary to the final I stage*. The first may properly be called tlie disposition of the remains, the poor woman I |??riod of discussion. We had this previ- wa.i carted off to tbe potters field, or the I . ??? tUiV1 ... ... ???< trenches, and it would be utterly imimssi-1 ous *- v to w,t h which you are all ble at this day to tell where she is resting. I familiar. The second stage is that of This was caused by demands of tbe citizens | lence. of war, wliich results from the first. t fe,S2 de ? ak , e , ra V Ttie Uw !, re * The third stage, (and I affirm in the light of quired tliat bodies should be removed a* I .... . ' . . . ??? soon as death bad taken place, and the un-1 ? I! h>story, tlie most dangerous of all stages) dertaker* m.nmvend times arrested fertile civi J , wars 1 a,M J l K, P ular . govermuenls, is supposed violation of ibis rule. I that of fraud and corruption. *??.????- Numerous instances are recited where the I w!intrVrTi The Ameri- thirteen years have the third stage of the dis- ^uiueruus instance* are recited wneretlie I been struireHii? H> 'ng and sick were measured for grave- I eKieu f c jvU war Si f?? ns , f r ,ra l f n to Now, the student of history' ought to un- ^?? ,ng fully deretaiid why it i, that every civil war it. a ??? i' 1 .'.. Lfll . t f klng Jllf Ce ' i I Popular guvernment i?? followed bv a stage .J^qraod mmoy of the m.ddle classes Sf'comtptiot. aud ftaud. Tl.e reasons are ???S?????? n "??? nd !:i- % me Oaeir lultent invariable. I am not going into I side of tlie track a little injured, in conse-1 pucrates or Galen, were they living, ??itienee of which he was withdrawn from I might pronounce in good health at sun-rise, tlie race. The wounded man was taken in I might be dead at sun-set. Instances were charge l??v Drs. Warren, Johnson and Hanks, I related where the Howard visitor on follow- conscious of all that was taking place. Tlie i??oor and many of the middle < hUf V. .hi "???'"i- % me ^ rea, . h ????? I f????tent and invariable. I am not going lfn " >do . the ?.' n V"" ???hem to-night. Tt.ere are reasons In all ten.??? ?b r r, . .i n f ch ar,3 :: ,g tr V??? ,b A" I gnvcrronente-civil and mouarehical-why S?????? d, ??? fc ??" d *5?? fermenting of medi- S??? ivil wnr ^ followea hy crrupti,,?, 2 'J 1 *? hbd^ken and frau(i . lt oan 1m . ???, ven jf lsllL , j^lpa- ???T??? < ???r: V ? r L" f t - y .??? r , a f al . l ? a - My ?? you can demonstrate any other pro). A feelingof extreme terror existed ... the Jt i, just as natural for a ,M-ri??l if ???*????????>????? fraud and corruption to follow a {.eriod of regarded that whom -Esculapms , Hi[e | vio i en co_b v which ! mean a perioli of ' : just closed. (triffin???s fast trotter, Kimball Jackson, won u race in that city Wednesday hist. lk*??t heat tnittcil in 2:57. Jacob Dunbar has been convicted of arson In Thomas county before Jmlge Howell, and sentenced for fix years. Tbe Lolquitt Blues, colored Is a new nul-1 |, e WJBI rt^tored to* oonseiousnem, but was I that the moment a door leailing to iv . .hini? nnfouieri to vc itary . ..rnpany recently organized inHavan-1 found to be nevertheless considerably I open the body would hurst. A dead China- | I *;{ ftiVi*t* uali, with Wiu. De Lyon captain. ??? | shaken up and hruised. | man when discovered was much eaten by | ??pj ie jrj-eat questiu Mrs. Edward A. Sibley, of Augusta, died ??? ???** ?? ** 1 ** 1 war???as it is for weakness and feebleness to follow a jieriod of fever and sickness in or dinary diseases; ami you cannot have a sub- ?? uniKtr *??y m aiTcn, joniisoii ana imilKS, I rcraica wnere uie ziowaru Visitor on XOIIOW- I to vnii 4 ,f ninre intor^t nnii writ xKillfi.l |ng . .tree, to dlronyer . perron found imtAS U.m^iT,ve the Sbg suddenly We??lnes<Iay morning at her resi dence in that city. Allen Searcy killed his brother,Tom Sear cy, in Talbot county recently by carving him with n knife in a horrible mariner. Dublin will yet grow to be a great city. The rout announces tbe fact that a tin- shop has 1**11 opened in that city. . At the present price of cotton no farmer DOWN IN DIXIE. Memphis in on her feet again. Horses sell in Paducah, Ky., at $15. A Columbia (Fla.) county man walked ???netyone miles to vote. There arc 454 cases on the docket of the ninal court of Memphis. Bcxan county, Texas, is proud of being \ snerof a fence thirty miles long. Dr. Fullerton, of Lee county, Alabama, thing unfolded to you with proper analy ??? ***ustration. rats. Revolting as these ca??e> may lie, they I wintreUifee* three ... t ??? ir G r ."l ElTv " ,l1 h- l,orril ??? le 1,i8t,,r > *> f IsomMin^t I baveltoeu encouraged to be- tlie plague at Memphis. | jj eve we are a i mos t through. Airain. de- PERSOXAL KUIXIHCKXCES. lieve we are almost through. Again, de velopments have satisfied tne that we are not. 1 think I ran understand as well as I Upon the evening following mv arrival in can ^ that light above me, how this aemphis, I fell in with John H. Almond, I thing exists. It is in the philosoohv of a worthy ex-citizen of Louisville, who was things; it is in the nature of things. ^ e ??^I not giiing into it because it is too Ah ??? said he, ???where arc you going i afford iwiy over $00 per annum for 1mw a ,lf,wn I M>UI,d P?? lato - Toiied.??? No!??? ???Yes; why notT??? ???Why, don???t you know it is dan i! fun. Mi them with I, M': g ?????? l ??? , 'K , * | cring time. .|??ra-riba ??nd I gcruuf I tried it lut night, and dull I back Imhich atiound at JonesfMiro, Tenn. I if the mattress wasn???t covered with bio Thirty t i steamers are at New Orleaus I if the mattress wasn???t covered with blood.??? I HASP CHILL I J going into it because it is too great a subject. I say tbe fraud we have been struggling under is a natural condition, lie- cause it naturally follows this period of ioleuce. There are reasons peculiar to the character of the war which have rnude this country feel more intensely this period of fraud and corruption than it hasten felt 'n other countries. 1 say (arud I am corroborated with statis- first'cluM* hand* rations. The young ladies of Columbus have I tbi??YiiiJc! formetl Uiemselves into a chewing-gum so-1 One hundred and sixty-three prisoner?? I The same night President Langstaff re-1 tics) that we have had more fraud, defy for the benefit, we suppose, of the I are in the Memphis jail. ??? I raained m roy room until midnight. He is I corruption in the United States, that fol- roller, of tl.e gum. Corn .....1 ??wcet ere rolling at t n fc???hL?tnS wUhGm wfwSn'dro.t 1 ??? ??' ,r civ . i , 1 war ??? ,h f n h ???'' v ??? becn ,he A. a meeting of tbe loard of tnMro, of W??v. eent, ,Jr Labe] in UnionTown. "ft ??nmu^n Sta m2 3SdL???I the lAtwrencevllle seminary, held last week, | J I ?? l??ard chill, and on awakening no one was I afier getting rid of the first stages, may find It K Mitchell. A. M., was re-elected pro-1 I^eocxrter (S. C.) has a citizen who has not I near. He knew that unles a physician I himself likely to recover. We. of tlie f* , r tl,. lOi I tasted medicine for 53years. I came within an hour he would join the I United States have had a more vigorous ??? !* . , . . ,1 The plans for the new Houston (Texas) I caravan which had gone before him. He I constitution than any other people have At a meeting of the southern liiml??er and I 0 |??cra house will soon be prepxred. I raised a window and yelled for help. No I ever before had. We have had more natu- timlx*r !**'???>??? datlion of Savauimh, held a few I The epidemic is almost lost sight of in the I <uwwer * c . l ?f d a & a ' n and again. His I ral re.Miurce.s than any other nation days since in that city, Mr. T. L. Kinsey I rapid increase of business in Memphis. I ancT^^Mitchelwiwsoonwitb^Um 09 A^hot " "" " ??*h'?? t??*d president. I Houston (Texas) saloons kept open on mustard bath and a blanket sweat folio td. The young men of Curtcrsville will or-| elcct * Mn <,# y* I In two weeks he was well. Mr. LangstalTre- gsnize a debating club to-night. The first I .Hogs are not allowed to run in the streets | tired and so did the writer. In exactly subject for debate should lie, ??? how many illegal votes did Felton get???? The Murphy movement has broken out in Klliertou. Colonel Mari-us A. Bell is de livering leiii|ierance lecture* in that town. Admittance fee ??????; children half price. Tallsit county has organized an agricub of lkiion Rouge. I three hours the latter awoke with a hard , A Little Rock (Ark.) man has invented al^Ul. No response came to his ringing of tachine fe.r weaving hair braid. I bell. Tbe chill got worse. He donned ???* Cl..,to???, to. au. aisS^X???^A*35S heir to pio.aoo, dealt. The nightwalclmian came .nrotwra ??mn..ed in tto Shelby I the rescue ami in ten minutes Kfam county jail died during the epidemic. There are but two negroes in the Alalmma I the s lural auciety, with W. It. Gorn ar. pnaldenl. | ????? "freromativ The coming year it i* pn??)ios<d to have fair in that county. lip, of A them The revival in the Owensboro (Ky.) Bap tist church has resulted in seven baptisms independent I up to Sunday. Dallas (Texas) merchants manifest a dis- (Ntsition to go Imck on street car tickets circulating medium. The Selma Times says that it is rumored that the Alabama legislature will abolish the military department of the univeraity. I of. There will lie a Mexican conference of the Methodist church in western Texas by the [ .Shooting Hli it tier y Carswell, of Americas, Ga, was on baud. ???'Chill!??? said he. chattered I. ???Any fever7??? ???Tliat???s???what???I???wish to know!??? Get in bed; hullo! pulse 145! phew! put that blanket over yourself.??? ???Any fever???? ???Yes, some.??? Yel-low???? Oh, no; bilious.??? ???Shake,??? said L and we grasped hands. fore had. Therefore, we have survived. We have survived because of the character of government and itscomplex system, al though rudely seized by the j??arty in power. Those ]>ccq|tar features in our government have had much to do with aiding our r rv from this jieriod of disea-e. But why this jieriod lias been greater i country than any other country that had lies in the fact that our not only a civil, but a sec tional war; and the people of the United States deemed it proper when the war was to place the government in the hands le party to that civil war, and they animated with a spirit of liatred to the other party in that civil war. And the whole machinery of the government was the control of the successful party to that civil war. It is a very dangerous measure on all occasions to put the unsuccessful party into contest with the successful |??arty, fiecause it is natural that they should lie ruled only by hatred engendered ululate for mayor of that city wool-lull??? platform. Go in, l???ete. may wilt. Among the naughty entertainments that will come off at theThomaavillc fair are sev era I hear fights. John Triplett, it is said, w ill act as umpire. The Monroe Advertiser thinks that Tues day's election settles among other things??? that henceforth there is to Ik* a premium on I 5^^ and bus not a'gray hair in his head. I ter hisdismissal by his sweetheart, jfittie I witK enactments w hich have no meaning brains. I The Dallas (Texas) Commercial says: Go I Martin. The latter is an attractive gtrl of I a??d pUk|K??se but wreng to the unsuccessful At the Ten Bna*ck course at Savannah I ahead, Mr. Stage-robber; the government of I about 20 years of age, who works in a pajK?r- I I*arty. And very naf ' * Dr. Carswell is the best physician J know I strife betw The whole afiairs of the government . placed in the hands of the successful party, ** MI* I cot. I am i tbe animating principle of that party BriiHiF.rokt, Coxw., November 12.???Frank was hatred to the party of the conquered K. (Jarner, near Reedy creek, South Caro-1 i^ne, a young' mechanic of this city, shot I combined with a want of confidence in that | lilt a, is one hundred years old, is well pre- I himself in the head on Sunday evening, af- I party. Hence our statute-books are covered the losen stables of running hoi These horses to come off at Savannah the quartered. spring races to eoiue ?? coming year. A pool lias Ik*cii mail) change on the crop re $5 |??er estimate, closing on the first Ikvetnlier, to Ik* decided by the Financial Chronicle. The authorities of the Grergia railma are contemplating the erection of a large and commodious grain elevator for the storage of grain. The building erected uj??on the property the comj*any In Augusta. Major G.??r. Connor, of Chattanooga, excurted to Dalton when the yellow br??\ke out In the former city, has cIhmk'H grand mason of the masonic graiv lodge ??l dead, but slecpctli. I factt*ry. She and Lane became acquainted I mento Dallas (Texas) girls dress in men???s clothes ??*"??????* a year agi*, and in May last they Im- ami promen.1.1.- tl>?? street, ati.l visit tlie va- I c *??? e engage-!., tofte who tod been dissliui; lly these wrongenact- begilining to react and affect the hole country. One other reason wliy the fraiuis???orthis government have been so great Augusta F. pts for J87H-79 at | just one year old. Mr. L. Clmpi p??..rv Mini suit Mm-, I fe 1 ** snouenly abamlonetl Ins wild ways, amt , V. . . rh was thereafter exemplary in his habits-. He ^J vo J,??* s V d a '* 1 J 1 ??????? 8 I was a devoted suitor, calling upon the girl l urk, k la, for J*cr acre. This place is I ever y evening, and Seeking her society every tegrity, shall be true to the country and true to the constitution. [Applause.] Let us leave behind us our anger and our differ ences and begin the work of reconstruction j in earnest by returning the legislative pow er of the government to the limitations of the constitution. [Applause.] In addition to the fact that the people of ; tiie United States in the selection of their | chief magistrate after the war consulted his connection with the war instead of his qual ifications, it is natural that the people shout i get away from tlie restraints of the constitution, and should resort to harsh and violent measures, and it is hard to get it! AGRICULTURAL FIELD, THE FARM, THE GARDEN. 8hrp???Ducks???Syrap???Will Pay???Grain Sowing??? Farm Stock???Jersey Cows???Apple Orchard*??? Farm Animal*???Good Judgment???Hondan Chicken*???Floral Items, Ete^ Eta, Etc. SHEEP. We have received a letter asking out of the mindsof the people that the gov-1 two questions about sheep. We have re- ernment is a government of unlimited I peatedly written on tha subject, but so (tower. It is hard to get them in the right I anxious are we to see the people of Georgia Srilhik embark Iuore ,argel >??? in the tha ' ??? must begin. J 13 a pleasure to reply. The great mistake of This thing of using tlie federal treasury fanners is to presume that they can take 1 a means of supporting^ people, I sheep of an inferior quality, place them on means of supporting parties. as I . . , , , * , . means of wasting in nice schemes P???? r land ?? never look after or care for tiiem; under the name of development, but I that very soon all the briers and shrubs will really for the purpose of enabling men to I be eaten off of this land, which will be ?????*??-! a-.'-e.fat Come back to the constitution; come back I *ut*fton and a good article of wool. This is to honesty and economy; confine the gov- I a delusion. Sheep need care and attention, eminent in its legitimate ctonnels, ami Fecd them liberally on bran, meal, grass sud other grain fetod; then let them eat briers tinuedapplause.] I und rubbish; then the land will be en- There are strange tliingsin the orders of } richer! and the sheep will be worth having; tinguMted" frienS, ^d^toLd 0 ?? *1 brie ??? wi " n ?? 1 t make f f sllte P- uor wiU lude to the ordeal through which e ? able the sheep to drop passed???how we had suffered???how I rich manure. It is true that we were wronged???how we were trampled J under a very indifferent management sheep upon, our whole industries overturned, aud I- . ??? the whole country in a helpless condition, I culture l* a > 3 now m 30,111 sections of our I thought of all that; and then l thought I state, yet it oould be made much more prof- qf another picture, aud that is the one that I itable. is coming. \\ hen this same people that I As to a dog law, as suggested by our eor- have suffered so much, that have been I , . .-i . ., wronged so much hy reason of the passions I res P on dent, we would like to see one on f the war aud the forgetfulness of tliose in I statute-books. The present general assent- power of tlie limitations of the constitution, | blv embraces within its membership many ispsks 8enUem j n> r d r a . ,arse nu . m - ment, not only to themselves, but even to her 01 farmers are npe for the dog question their enemies. [Continued applause.] It l we hope the legislature will meet the ques- is fur the democratic (any, as the northern f t i on boldly and squarely, and if they deem ^toTn^???m^lto ??? "??* * - g '-S <*>. the We. thank God, will be equal to tlie task of I thousands of dogs in the state, we trust bringing relief to the people whom the rad-1 these dogs may be made to do something to jgLey** if??? td ??? ost dratroyed! [A[>- the revenue of Georgia plause.1 Under our lead, as cer-1 tainly under our principles, the gov- I * A HTTle farm well tilled. eminent shall be preserved) aud this con- I No doubt but that it is best to have a few stitutional system perjictuaied. [Applause.] I acres well cultivated than to have a larger Ah, how the hearts of southern men mu-st I number badly attended to. Get the largest fill with anticipations of joy in the future I quantity from the smallest space is by far when we shall give to the country a gotnl I the best plan, and to get this quantity there currency and a good tariff, ???when we shall j should be a plenty of manure and thorough feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and j cultivation. Never cultivate more land than make this land smile and bloom once more in beauty and grandeur. [Loud applause.] Ah, my countrymen, the mission of the democratic party all over the south is not of retaliation, vindictiveness or revenge, are going to give tlie American people. 1 be properly attended to. BYKCr. Perl lap# more syrup is being made in Georgia this year, and of a better quality, than ever before. It is a pleasure to think going to give the northern people, I J hat ea . c *??? 8683011 th?? fanners of ourstateare we-are going to give Massachusetts and New I becoming more and. more independent, and England that which the republican party I 8ru niore revived than ever in growing, lias taken awav and never yet returned??? I breeding and raising such things good government. [Applause.] at Home, and will find ready sale terrible work. It is a great (ask, I graix sow fellow-citizens, and we need your assistance, I The cotton cron is commanding your encouragement. Come up to the tusk I a price that we hojie fanners have taken in all your elections, high and low. Choose j advantage of it, and of the beautiful wcarin men for position solely because of ability I we have had fora long time, and are dote and qualifications, and the time will soon j mined to raise a large grain crop. We trust come when the people that cursed you will | that extra care and judgment have been ex call you blessed, ana the people that abused I ercised in preparing the ground, and that you and destroyed your cities and children I good fertilizers have been secured. We like will eoiue and say, ???Blessed lie ye for our I to see fat mules and horses, and a plenty of sakes.??? [Applause.] Now, fellow-citizens. I grain will make them ??? I look with great anxiety to the future for I chicken cholera. 25 ~. ^'e to?. K X S ,AW-J- wit*. r? l, clean ??d 'Z rto???* n Lr^Tn ^nfht'an iron v???csrol. 'or kJ? ???nuStoJ ,J, rt I rusty nails in the water, ami let the water me we have been actinir straneelv and I I ** fres, ??? e,Er J da }'- Give them K ,M> <1 food, know our common euenUes have fern try-1 .changing It. H??re aclc??n hen- ing to awaken these divisions among us. Fellow-citizens, whatever opinions you I may hold on any question, abandon your I trou * , ?????^ w,t * 1 t-hoiera- feelings, your individual notions, and come I hoo cholera. with one heart and rally to the support of Mr . Thomas \V'. Jones, of Thomasville, that party which will save this country 1 *-???? -??? ??? ??? ??? ??? from fraud and irnrty. [App times, ???If this this thing or longer a democrat. o u w ^ ^ ^ sometimes of a passage in Exodus, and 11 C a] UU)e l treatmeiit^wiih a fixture of salt, commend it to your attention. W lien the I co(>(>eras and lime put in -Ue troughs where ,| 1S ' aC .l,^7 d ..! 1 'r >Ugh ??? I th * I the hogs could have (re- access to it. DCCKS. , ??? 1 | Mr. Thomas w. Jones, of Thomasville, which will save this country I tells the editor of the Southern Enterprise and corruption the democratic th . lt he llas staye< i the ravages of this dis- iplause.] I hear men say some- I ease tliis season by tlie free use of calomel, us is going to be tlie case, if I Mr. Jones gave tlie calomel to both well that^ thing is to be, I aui no I ant j s i c fc hogs. The dose wa?? from a tea- >crat. And I am reminded I t,> a tablespoonfni. H ??? followed the , , HAPPV ' * David II. DooKhrrty. || i-M The farmer wbo has been true to himself Jusl receive,! a handsome line of Black Th. 1^1 for J???f?P*" es ?- and Colored Cashmeres, also m immense ??? line of Black and Colored Silks, Black and ??d see prices the harvest. Purple grapes cling to his vines???apples fairer than those of Hesperides .7(1* wit ???Bad habits are easily contracted; so are hang from his trees???fall flowers with their colds; and both are very hard-to get rid of. varied colors rejoice his eye???his boras are The colds are quickly and surely cured by filled with wheat, oats, hay, corn, big^bellied Dr* Bull???s Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents, pumpkins and other things suggestive of j . ..... domestic bounty and generous repasts. * 1 For upward of thirty years Mrs. ???I GET K50CGH to eat axd to wear.??? Wiiudow???s Sopthing Syrup lias been used rri. . , , , 1 for children. It corrects acidity of the ??? made ftstettoy b F stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the ttrviSf fr ?? m ??? * hc who was bowels, cures dvsentery and diarrhoea, whe- ???1* ,n th ??? ???*7- We: ??d- ther arising from teething or other cause; Thf.i ???y*f > ito taTn home -???? d ** ???tofi?? 1 *-, ! An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cents a 4uite a number of botUe. 4t?? feb26 d&wly young men in Atlanta who do not get . !? "' e y- J" 8 * nuw is 5ie | Hon. A. II. Stephens, the great States. - . - 1 n t en - to ??, *to legislature man of the South, writes: ???I Gave used Du- someclerkslnps, etc., , rane's Rheumatic Remedy for rheumatism, end t on the streets | wit h great benefit. I cheerfully recommend wnnto of -^ en ??** w It never fails to cure. Sol'd by all Drug- would gladly be able to unite with you in saying, ??? I get enough to eat and to wear.??? THE FATTENING HOGS. Farmers should bear in mind that this is about the last month for fattening the kill- mghogs. The weather is propitious for it. Then care and (tains should be exercised to secure the extra pounds of meat. fails to cure. Sold by all Drug gists. Send*orcirulartoR.H.Helphenstine, Washington, D. C. 67 nov3 d&wSw til julp3 An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a , miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beauti- We ad- , ful world, it is entirely your own fault, and *formers to feed their hogs regularly. ! there is only one excuse for you???your un just now a variety of food should be given reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which them, but as the days of their lives are ??? has killed thousands. Personal knowledge drawing t a close they should be fed ex- 1 *nd common sense reasoning will show you ?? ??? corn. Fora week or two now : that Green???s August Flower will cure you of clusiveiy good feed for killing hogs is {p take one bushel of )K>tatoes and to them add half a bushel of corn, and boil slowly for two hours. Let the water in the kettle be al most steam-tight After they are cooked mix. apple orchards. Almost any ground that will grow corn will produce a fair crop of apples. In pre paring the ground, if it is hard and com pact, it will be well to use a subsoil plow. If the land is poor and thin, lime, ashes, manure and bone dust, or some fertilizing material, should be used. Do not plant trees too deep, and do not plant them too close. Let the tree have the full advantage of air and sunshine. Not only do not let the branches touch, but also let the trees be so far apart that the roots will not come to gether. Leave the branches low; they pro tect the bodie- of the tras a jarelM>rexposcd to high winds and the fruit is easily gathered. If any of the branches are long, shorten in; and this will give' the tree a uniform head. Do not let young trees over bear, it will prevent them from having the recuperative energies necessary to product* a crop next year. In selecting trees, get young and thrifty ones. Plant small trees; you are less liable to lose them, and their tops can 1h? properly shaped. For a few years after the trees are set, the land may grow other crops, not cultivating too near tlie trees. In the fall, manure around the trees will l??c beneficial, working it in in the spring. Old orchards can be greatly improved by drain- aire, surface manuring, breaking up the soil and pruning. HINTS TO FARMER8. Live stock should receive extra feed as cold weather approaches. Rich food feu to animals makes rich ma nure. A dairy cow in full milk repays her cost about as well as any animal on the farm. Manure and proper cultivation are certain to return profits. Working butter too fast will destroy the grain. Cabbage, tine cut wheat-straw and cotton cake, are excellent for feeding cattle. Munure applied now works wonders on perennial vegetation. It is not best or economical to feed cows too largely of any one fenid. Just now is a good time for draining wet ground. Swamps are now dry, and work generally is not pressing on the farm. Do not let the cows start out this winter drooping. Among other things Wheat-bran and cornmeal mixed is a good food. Experience gained the past season goes to show that liberal manuring is the most economical. Nothing will more ex}>editious!y aud effectually make a rich, permanent pasture than its being occasionally aud closely eaten down by sheep. FARM ANIMALS. , Resolve to carry the farm animals clever ly through the winter. By negligence and exjKJsure the coating of flesh accumulated Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as siclc headache, pal pitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual costiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low??? spirits, etc. Its sales now reach even??? town on the Western Continent, and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve you. 378 June22...(leowly Awkyeowly Keep Guard. A bad cold or cough, the most insidious of all the evils W???hich afflict mankind, readily yields to Coussens??? Compound of Honey of Tar, and a practical test of its virtues has never failed to convince tlie most skeptical that it is the best remedy offered the public for Coughs, Colds and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. The editor of one of our religious papers says that a friend of his, suffering with Asthma, informs him that he experienced more benefit from the uso of Coussens??? Compound Honey of Tar, than from all the various remedies he has tried. If you liave a bad colder cough, remember that Coussens??? Compound Honey of Tar will speedily relieve you. It is sold*by Collier??& Go. and Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, at 50 cents a Bottle. 411 may 2. deow 1 y itweowly. ^ NEW YORK,November 15???The following is the comparative statement for the week ending to day: Net receipts at all United States ports.176,873 Same time last year-... 192,150 Showing a decrease.. ........ 15,272 Total receipts to date - 1,859,288 Same time last year. 1,102,597 ??? Showing an increase 256,691 Exports for the week. 127,858 Same week last year. 94,557 Showing an increase 81,801 Total exports to date 630,762 Same time last year. 899,592 Stock at interior towns......' ?????e time las Showing a 65,842 101,480 74,679 29,801 ??? 282,000 _ JverpooL. Same time last year.... 371,000 89,000 8hoving a ov,uw American cotton afloat for Great Britain... 235,000 ????? 165,000 Same time last year. Showing an increase..??? ??????Tis Street to Love, but Ob! bow Hitler.** Their acquaintance began auspiciously, beautiful, amiable and interesting. Her loveliness excited tlie admiration of all who I knew her, and it is not strange that after a I few meetings tlie Aurora of love irradiated I his skies, and he wandered in a blissful I dream of happiness. His wooing progressed I favorably, and might have terminated sue- ??? cessfnlly, had he not told his love in* a voice which sent a shudder through her frame, ami produced a feeling of revulsion fatal to I , Ins hopes. He should not have appeared in I tra C C ex * the re lined presence of his lady-love "hen I FLOU it???Superfine 84 25; extra it 50^84 75; laboring under the disadvantage of a had I family $5 00; extra family 85 50oS5 75i faiicv86 oo?? cold, when he could have rid himself of itao I *6 25.* easily by the use of Coussens??? Compound Honey of Tar, a never failing reineuy for (MSI nd all diH^aejof the Throat ????????? LK ^ATS^lcarribsMe^; balk .trip. and Lungs. Price 50 cents. For sale by Collier A Co. and Hunt, Rankin & Lamar. 411 may2 deowlv&weowly. respondent* says the Mkcedonian insurrec- J ^ Goorsia 28,140: linln 8 skins 4 00a|9 00 * rection is daily increasing in dimensions] HIDES???loan, and spreading towards Epirus and Thessaly. 1 ~ ??? The insurgents are divided into four bodies and various'y located. One is scattered on on the sloi>es of Mount Olympus, and con sists chiefly of Greeks. The others are Bul- tlns summer will be taken off A litttle wilderness they should have reached Canaan; they were forty years. . ... , , . -- in the wilderness; and why? I We have received a letter asking some I bran daily to horses,cows,andntheram- Every now and then they rebelled,andG<xi I information about ducks...In reply, we I ???rals will be found beneficial. Corn feed ???uld turn them back in the wilderness as I answer: In feeding ducks a very good plan I alone, all the time, is too stimulating both iliment for their sin. They built a j i* to have a shallow feeding trough; in it I horses and cows. Cornmeal with golden calf and worshipped it, and God pun-1 place the corn, or othergrain, and barely I bran, is very good for horses, ished them for that. They were wiser than I cover it with water; feeding in this way, I J or cows. Not only so, but it is 0 we, because we worshipped a paper calf. I none of the food is lost, nor is it trampled j ** well as young cattle. It causes [Laughter and applause.j It has often came I in the dirt: the best food for young ducks I the bones to grow, keeps the bowels open, near (tutting us back in the wilderness. It I is meal and water; afterwards oats may be I and enables the animal to digest more of came very near losing us the house of repre-I given in a little water. To fatten ducks I richer food. Bran is cheap, and in feeding sentatives the other day. You ask, ???Do you I rapidly, feed almost entirely on meal. I *t to animals, it returns more than cost in * - ??? 1 ??? ipm??v I the manure it makes. A small daily aliow- . * . . I ance of oats will be of much advantage Some of our (>eople labor under the tin- j ust now to sheep and lambs. A little meal pression that the above excellent cow comes I every dav to the calves, a few ears of corn from a poor, rocky island; that they are | to flu * * ??? * a sound currency???? 1 do. ???Do y< want a healthy currency???? I do. ???Do y?? want a currency equally distributed m the country???? Ido. ???Do you want p perty * garians. For rnnny the |??litical tendency Trade active and prices fully maintained. Man is n iiipro tii-PfPTt for nihlinm n i., n ,ioe I nfa^tured Tobacco ??? very common and unre- Tl,?? 5 5 2T d K , V. a ?- ??? ??? Illble 40c: tor common ll-lnch I2M5; medium Tlie (??orte has sent tnenty-three battalions I 45a50; extra medium 11 and 12-inch 50aG0; fine 11 of regulars with five batteries to subdue the I and 12-lnch 60a75; extra fine and fancy styles 75a insurrection. I 1 00; Brown???s extra or Log Cabin 1 00: Leather Constantixot???LE, November IR???Srfretl troxlioa:jmtomllratKjO: OJImuti135: Ooolf. Pasha after a lot> K interview with the sul- AMO; tan attended a council of ministers to-day I medium 50ao5; Durham best standard brands and urged the necessity of coming I 58aG0. to amicable arrangements with I Dry Goods. Greece before foreign mediation I Ticking 6a20; stnpes 8; osnaburRs8Ma9)4: cam- interferes. The grand vizier contended I brics 5a5K; prints 4%a5*4; brown sheetings 7; that the delimitation recommended by the I brown shirtings 6; bleached sheetings 6all; congress was materially impracticable. He I bleached shirtings 4a8; checks 8allM; yams 85. stated that the norte would give a territorial I Frnlta and C^onreciionarleM. eipiivalcnt-ia tlie direction of Volo. The I _ FRUITS???Lemons, Mnlaga^ |7 00; Palermo council, however, advised an arrangement I conformably to the tiroposals of the con-1 pess, without specifying the line of the I rants 7>4a8; Citron 20a25; Figs lOaiS; Almon'ds'20a frontier. No doubt the sultan will ratify I 22c: Pecans 7>i; Brazils 7^10; FUberts I2>fal5c; ??u~ .i :i I 17*^ the decision of the council. feed of oats to the colt, and j , ??? .. . I iroiu u JKHir, lUCKj ISIullU, lIUll lllcj ?? w IMC aa/?? , a a#* . ( , a??ia; aa#a% aaiava 'rorirv^Ti?" f 7 1 | tfi ',l P "*ri !!,a, ??? r S^Thiy P are a ^mifkem U> but' ,| .h^ e ???;. i '?? I ' f ??r ??"??? will toy- Cold ouiitrt . I do. All these things >???0 I no t f ro ??.. a noor laud, but an island and have only through I This country must be nfled for a generation to come by either'the | ??? at | iwa y. radical party or the democratic (tarty. you weaken tlie democratic (tarty, it you I ???iV. 0 ^ w Tq??,. u i, w deny its standard in disdain, you will bg | 8 IV ?? 0001 shades, turned hack into the wilderness, and that (tarty horn*of strife and war, aiid living only hy blood, will continue to rule you sorrow. Moses called the neopie of Israel togetl: and told them finally that God was going to 1 hey are good milkers, but they come will U* h. r; pretty soon, tutah on snch hogs from a ltoor land, but an island of I as are intended fe>r pork, as more pounds of ???-- 1 * ????????????*??? *??? rl, ??? 1 (K>rk can bemiadc now than inbold weather. GENERAL RURAL NEWS. St. Louis has twenty-six flouring mills iling orchards and rich mead _ tuml is all and orchards .alleys are beautiful, and tbe wooded bills wiu ; a rapacity o{ l2 dfobarrels a dav. iri\e cool shades. I r n ie sage crop of a Bristol (Pa.) farm this season realized $8,000. During the last two years the importation EGOS. If farmers would be true to their hens , the winter, their hens would lie true to I of coffee in the United* States lias increased eggs in the winter, or rather I 3,000,000 pounds. them, requires care and pains. Se-1 California farmers are cultivating fig tree lect a warm, southern exposod place for 1 for the sole purpose of raising and fattening r J ??? liens, and supply them with stimulate I hogs. have been is tliat a/ter the war our chief rulers hosen???i??ot by the standards of peace, not tiecause (*f his capacity to admin ister the government???but simply because of his connection with the w onth, | The fact the sole fact, that General was the leader of the union arniv i>f its success made him president Ther uccceded in raising tine Imiianas. One I but Lane had been- out o"f employ bunch had forty-three bananas. I lately, and the wedding day was therefe .. . . phis wants an elevator for the more I postponed to December 10. On Sunday after-1 of the United States, and but for that ?? ctlicient l.undling of river I noon to and Mias Martin went on a lone I pje fact tl.ere is nota iiian in tl.e Ut.iled treiirlits I walk together. In the evening I,ane called I Mates who would hate thought of General Tt???, MtlmatM 0,1 *??er again at the house of James Dun-1 Grant as justice of the peace. [Applause] wl.^T??*>r U at 4S I ning,where she boonfe. Mr. Dun uing. who Allow me to say of General Gnuit that i 1 ?? .a , \1 } :! .2 ??? 1 1 | was in the parlor with them until within ten I know him peraonally. Allow me to say Imsntis jar minutes of U??e tragedy, noticed that they | character is honorable, and I think On account of severe sickness. Bishop I we re teasing and bantering each other a great I little of his instincts are personal, aud I Pierce w ill not preside over the Virginia I but hail no suspicion from thoir man-1 think my friend agrees with me in that, conferance. I ??? Pr tliat they were approacliing a quarrel. I Burt General Grant, by his training and The Hagerstown agricultural implement | After be retired the quarrel became morel habits of lue, was not fitted for that is ??si- manufaciorv is having a one hundred horse I spirited, and Lane slap(ied Miss Martin in I tion. \\ hat was the result. Men of Ins power engine made. I tlie face. She says that she does not believe I party???designing men???men with corrupt The average yield of sugar in Point I *>?? In bad tem(*er, bnt at any rate the I purposes, took (*??ssessioii of General Grant \ ounce (D>uisiana) parish is from 1 500 to I s i*P angered her into telling him that if he I oy reason of his imbecility lntel- 1.23fi convicts in the (??ni* I j j,, t| lC ^ ??? ' ??? I struck her airain it would beaftfer thev were I lectually; and so the American acvtmntofttoir rovn'rishiMas'S' bntVhe I ' ag fo " <l - Gi ' e * sma, . 1 qnantity of j ???The United States :mi>orts every yea. account of tbe.rown ri^hteousi.ess, bnttbe I fresh meat three or four time, a week J 45,037,702 1 K.unda of wool, at a cost of *7,- wf win I Parched corn and oats are excellent fix id for I 922,525. laying hens. For winter-laying hens, Brali-1 The New York dairy establishments rep- and Leghorns rank high. I resent 30^.350 cows, produce 3,214,000 BEDDING FORSTtK-K. I l M,un(1 - s of butter, and 99,032,750 pounds of .We arc frequently surprised that farmers | Aboiit 2,000,000 shank-bones of oxen irked up every year in Sheffield, England, wickedness of the peopl And so 1 am afraid we will get back the I cemment, not on account of our own I n?iite????usHtws, but the wickedness* of the I people that had it. [Laughter and applause.} I * v ??? goin^ *- ???* s * 1 ??? u 1 We are going to" get it back any but 1 would ???rather gfct it by our righteousness than their wickedness. I know we shall have trials, and gieat trials, but I shall go Rack to Wishing- animals will n*ot them about and turn far as Iaiu humbly concerned, fellow*- | them over , and mix them with their r and what better hog manure can citizens, with a heart not entirely free from anxiety; but I shall go, as far tentlary. Three hundred and forty have been rcccivetl this year. The receipts fe the hire of remvicts for one year, up t December SI. 1877, were|$l 14,109.47. The Cart*rsville cornet band, compost alsmt initially of Lester and Felton mei have rt*n*neiled their differences of opiniol ami pnqwwe to blow politic* out of their v gani gallon. I struck her again it would he after tiiey were | lectually; and I married. Then she told him that she w anted | government administered for eight , * . . . . I marneil. Then slie tola him that she wa . . .... A great many astern* in Austin, Texas, I noth ing more to do with him, and to ein- I years, not hy the head of its duel, have gone dry and persons in the suburbs I i ier words she took off her engage-1 but by the control that artful, designing re buying water. I * nent Txnf , am ( threw it in his face, ller | men obtained over him. And such a set The potato crop of Amelia county, Miss., j wi??r??Ls and manner roused Lane to a sudden | crowded around him, and plundered v t ill average one hundred bushels to the | frenzy. He is nervous and quick-tempered, | and me. The hr acre. I and * formed and executed his desp Cotton warehouses sufficient to handle I ate purp**>??* before the girl realizes! what 2,iX*O,0t*> bales of cotton each season are to I had bappeneff When she tossesl him the I Sliall we recover from this state of things? be erected in New Orleans. I ring lie stepped to the door and locked it. I General Toombs has not said a word that i: Tl.n*#. hunhsl with buffalo skins I Then he pulled out his pistol, and. dropping | not true, ami every word that he has sal l on Tuesday night I ,,,ni > ???* * I often fooled with the revolver before in I than two hundred millions per year to dis con taint'd in the I Burbank, of the New | Miss Martin???s presence, she sup(H>*e??i he I charge the debts of the future. How long I * icavum*. is writing a book called Jack I WJW on (?? trying to frighten her, until she I will you survive this thing? By what ibout oekng* I and I. i>r thirty-five nights with the yellow I beard tne report and saw him fall back-1 means will you recover ff??m it? were consumed by I fever.??? . I ward on the floor. The shock so terrified I You must return to healthv action. Men ot 1-cfshurg, was burned on Tucuday night last. All of the goods building, together with aln>ut ing to Mr. Joseph Dees, were the tlanu Some of the people of Elbert county excited over the re(??ort tliat a wild jack is running at large near EUierton. The girls won't go near the animal. They are not fond ot jacks. Mr. II. G. McKinney, of Upson county^ I season a two-pound quince, planted this year one thousand stalks of 1 The Knights Templar are being grandly I the d????ctors proUnl nearly five inches with- e has put awav fe>r next I entertained at Norfolk, while the Virginia I out finding it. Lane is still alive, but bis believe to-night that the lione>t trking classes of the people (>ay us lesa I .aura Rider, of Maryland, imagines I her tliat some minutes elapsed before she I must be placed at the helm with power that she is an engine, and as she approaches I could rise front the sofa or utter a I judge and ability to comprehend and h< ilge or rood crossing, she gives a shrill I sound. Then her wild shrieks quick-1 esty to rule. [Applause.] Don???t tell * whistle. I lv brought the family to the room and I man is honest. Tne simple fact that r vino of tto finest cow, at the t'oln.nhi. I ?? !??'.????????? ,r " m ' *???: ..^1??? dl **- ???o* "!* ie . hin .'. -Uplifted, fair came near dying fn Greenville, South faro - was alive but unconscious. The hall had I [Applause.] He must have intellect, pov . oit,* thu 1 a'**red the head just above the right tern-1 ability and qualification* to protect lumself , mia. nas raiseo ims i an< j niU! , t have gone through the brain I as well as you from the snares of those who 1 * 1 nearly to the opposite side of the skull, 1 ! ribUm ??, He year's mnh! twenty-five humlretl stalk: turned the remainder into syrup, am has one hundred and fifty gallons, which be says be would not sell at sixty cents a gal lon. This sur(Misses raising all cott Charles Dnbigmm, colored, said to have been one humlretl and twenty died in l???(won county on the first of X vernier. It is said of diaries that he was compelled to be in IhnI from sickn- at any time during his long life. When he die%l he did not complain of pain or sick ness. Time simp Methodist preachers are taking ???pot luck??? I death with friends in Petersburg. | not John IVyonk. a half-breed Indian living r the Texas-Arkahsas line. ??? uiurd fuses! to givi Ttiej are ( orntne. Sec what Mr. C. P. Ifexter, resident buyer, says bel< surround him. A great era has happened The people have been struggling hard to do not use the leaves from their woods otBt , a .??? OUB h.???u, greater extent than they do for beihlint! for f??? r knife-handles, tooth and nail brushes, stock. __ They are excellent for liogs. These | combs etc. GEORGIA CROP ITEM*-'. a u-ii .,,, i i ???* w . ,, i Houston county steps to the front with , ???o g r> d??? ???toh ha r- e? 1 T1,e >'admirable .purpose d 5weet oran ^bs. i oonceraeu, w itn a nrm pur-1 to bed cows and horses. Tiiey mix with I b f ???in??r tliia imi-pmnipnt tii tq .l .u. i.. u .1.,. 1 1 lie } leiU OI SV TUI yield of syrup in Wilkinson county ill be very large. A great deal more grain will be put iq in Worth county this fall than eVer before. Sheep and cattle raising is on the | crease in Worth county. Mrs. Perry, of Gilmer county, raised hUmble ^ ma - nr . tp, -1 IH??se of restoring this government to its I uie"manure???*of??? the ^aiiimals/ absorb "the projier limitations and its material prosper-1 (i qu (ds which would escape, and thus you ity. [Applause.] I have quite an amount of an excellent fer- Tliey say we of the south mean revolu-1 tilizer. tion; that we of the democratic (.arty I bad luck witu hogs. will revolutionize the country if I We notice from our exchanges that i . control. Tes. \ 1 some localities farmers are complaining of | ninety buhels of sweet potatoes this year do mean revolution. We intend to have I wan t 0 f success in raising meat. Now, far- I on alxmt one-feurtli of an acre of ground. -- olntion. We intend to have a revolu-1 Iuer? are y OU aiming at success, and how? I Mr. H. Hillman, of Marion county, eat* tion from fraud to honesty, [applause,] I what care or trouble have you been at the I ered from twenty-one acres of land 480bush- from extravagance to economy, from rum I . >ast y ear or two in trying to raise meat?! els of corn. to pros(iemy, front unconstitutional repub-1 True* that hogs sometimes in thespringand I The corn, cotton, t??ea, potato and ground licamsm to constitutional democracy. [Ap- I summer, in some localities, have uud chol-1 pea crops of Ixn; county have turned ??? plausc.] That is our decision. I era> y e t most of the diseases of hogs can be I well. Fine sugar-cane growing Fellow-citizens, I l??cg your pardon. I rose I traced to dirty pens, want of good food, of I county, to make an "excuse not to s(??eak to-night; I p Ure water, and from other causes which I There arc more provision crops of all and if you desired that I should s(>eak, to I should not have been (^rmitted. I kinds and more abundant in Quitman this address you at some other time. | I year than has been known in twenty-five Mr. Wm. Marrin, of Lowndes county, has orier??????todMi^?? onSS???"aSd flowed I pineto.dthisyear.on five acre??, [Cries of ???go on.???] I have been betrayed . . into saying what I have. My heart is in it; I A farm tvell fitted np with good stock, | 5 vara, it is my daily thought to participate in tto I neat buildings, a good garden, gates all ' restoration ot the south and the hated con-1 order, shade^trees. federate. To take this country by the hand I will pay. We adv and lead it back to glory and prosperity is 1 some little money of the democracy. [Continued I to buy st<a*ks, or bonds, and do not loan it applause.] * lout, but use it judiciously on the farm. 1 Have you wet spots on your farm? Drain them. Have you inferior stock? Dispose of it, and buy you some that is of a better quality. In fact, use your money in mak ing good roads aliout your (dace, in having neat gates, 1 A COURAGEOUS MINISTER. r farmer whohasl four heavy bales of cotton, and on seven hand this winter not I acrc3 two hundred and fifty bushels of ham! tins w inter, not | ^ Dalton citizen learns that the farmers ..i tliat section are putting in their wheat, and that a greater acreage than usual will l>c sown. The scunpemong wine of Talbot county is of gorn! body and fine flavor. Colonel J. ........... M. Smith will make two hundred and fifty haviiiwS g^dei??; | ga !???"??? Nwcabcr 16. ??? Cotton firm; middlings 9J4; low middlings 8;^; good ordinary net receipts none bales; grow 1,008: sales260; stock 2,752: spinners 150; exerts coastwise500. BOSTON, November 16.???Cotton firm; mid dlings 9>4; low middlings 9^: good ordinary 8J4: net receipts 513 bales; gross ol3; sales none; stock 1,350. WILMINGTON, November 16. ???Cotton quiet; middlings 9; low middlings 811-16; good ordinary 8; net receipts 1,262 bales; gross sales none; stock 18,913; exports to Great Britain 1,140: coast wise 905. PHILADELPHIA, November 16.???Cotton firm; middlings 9%; low middlings9%; good ordinary 8J4; net receipts 1SU bales; gro& 192; sales 532; spinners 512: stock 4,048. SAVANNAH, November 16. ??? Cotton quiet; middlings 9; low middlings 8%: good ordinary 8; net receipts 377 bales; gross ...; sales 3,800; stock exports to Great Britain 4,099; continent NEW ORLEANS, November 1G.???Cotton easier; middlings 9>$; low middlings 9; good ordinary 8^t net receipts 1,968 bales; gross 3,8?2; sales 4,000, stock 106,350. MOBILE, November 16.??? Cotton quiet; mid dlings 8%; low middlings 8%; good ordinary 8; net receipts 3,324 lades; gross...; sales 1,200; stock 23,326; exports coastwise 1,477. MEMPHIS, November 16.???Cotton In good de mand; middlings9; net receipts 3,903bales; sales 1,113; shipments 4,800; stock 53,021. AUGUSTA, November 16. - Cotton steady; mid dlings 8%; low middlings 8^; good ordinary 7>i; net receipts 892 bates; gross...; sales 1,617. CHARLESTON, November 16. ??? Cotton quiet; middlings 9)i; low middlings 9%; good ordinary 8)4; net receipts 3,132bales; gross ...; sales 1,000; stock 97,467. Atlanta Produce Market. OULTRY???Chickens, dressed 10c; turkeys 110 SWAX???23a23)4. iTHERS???new chc ED FRUIT???Peac_ bring 7; unpeeled 2; apples) none.*** Live Stock Market. Sheep 304)4; common cattle 3)404; good cattlo 403)4; choice cattle 4)405; extra cattle 505)4; Nortn Georgia cattle 2)403; Tennessee 405. Grocery Market. WHEAT???95aSl 20. WHEAT BRAN-80. OATS???40*45: seed 50a60. HAY???Timothy 9Qafi 00; Clover nono CORN???Scarce at 72)4. FFEE???Rio lGo20; old Government Java 27 8UGAR???Standard A 9 BACON???Clear sides 7M; sugar-cured ham* 12. GREEN MEATS-nonc. Tbe Greek question. Special dispatch to The Constitution. Vienna, November 17.???The Political Cor- LARD???Tierces kit 8)4; kegs and* cans 9; re fined 8)4. CREAM CHEESE???11. Miscellaneous!. SALT???Virginia 31 40; Liverpool 3115. LIME???|1 OOaSl 25. BAGGING???Jute 2 lbs 13; 1J4 He 12)4. IRON TIES???V bundle 2 25; P. C. 1 65. POWDER???Blasting 3 50a4 00; rifle 6 40. SHOT???Drop 1 75; buck 2 00. Tobacco. PROVISIONS, GRAIN, Etc. Mobile???s Health. Mobile, Ala m November 15.???The Mobile I BY TELEGRAPH. Register of UlU evening, by authoriiy of the NEW YORK, November 1 (-.???Evening-Flour, board of health, invites all absentees to re- I without decided change, though tendency in turn, and. states that Mobile is as safe as I buyers favor. Wheat heavy, fully lc lower, but any city in the land. Rumors to the con- I closing rather more steady, modemte speculatiyo trary are untrue. Royal Affliction. Darmstadt, November 16.???Princess Marj*, daughter of the youngest child of GramliDuke 11 esse, died to-day of diphtheria. The grand duke himself and four more of children have the disease. demand. Out*a shade firmer at 30)4; No. 3 at 31)4- iCoffee dull and heavy; stock of Rio <3,000 bogs;Rfo in cargoes 12)4016)4; do. job lots 12)4017)4. Su- " quiet; Cuba 7)4; fair to good refining 70 FINANCIAL. gar quiet; cuua 7*4; ia??r to good rennmg 70 ??)4; prime 7%; refined quiet and steady. Mo lasses quiet; New Orleans38050for new; 22030 for old. Rice in fair demand and unchanged. Rosin quiet at 81 37)4081 40. Tunieutine steady at 30. Pork alxmt steady and fairly active; mess -7 65038 00. Freights firm. CHICAGO, November 16.???Flour quiet and 1 - ??? ??? No. 3 GOLD??? E X(1il AN(i E?????? .100 | Selling. par | Selling. )4 prem. luying at. BONDS??? Georgia 6s 1020103 AtlahtR City 8s.. II Georgia 7s......^.lOS0tO9 Atlanta 10*??? ..i:??? Georgia 7s gokL.lO??01O9 AugustaCltjr 7s.. 97< Georgia 8s..... m ...UO0U2 Savannah City M 65t So. Cor. valid 6* 830 85 Macon City.. Western R. R. of Go. R. R. 7s.. Ala. 1st m tge.1050107 Go. R. R. 6s. pring67)4068. Com steady and firm; 32)4 Novcml*er32; Deeemtier and January 31)4. I Oats in good demand and higher. Pork firmer, I hut not quotably higher: cash or December 36 85; .,-,-,101 I January 881714. Lard in fair demand. Bulk Meats firmer shoulders ?.%; clear rib sides 4.15; clear sides 4.30. Whisky steady. Western R. It. of ST. LOUIS. November 16.???/lour Armor; dou ble extra fall 33 55083 75; treble extra 33 85. Wheat lower; No 2 red fall 8s)4C<ij??)4ca8h;Decem- ber 87087)4; January 8754087)4; No. 2 spring 74 asked. Com firmer; cash 36)4030}%; December *094. Oats better; 19019)4cosh; December 19)4*. January 20)4. Whisky quiet at 81 05. Provisions dull and unchanged. CINCINNATI, November 16.???Flour dull and drooping. Wheat strong and higher; red and white 88096. Com dull and a shade lower; new 80032. Oats strong nt 22. Pork stronger;old 37 50; new 38 25. Lord active; steam 7.85; kettle nomi nal. Bulk Meats steady and in fair demand; old 980100 I shoulders2)4; clear rib sides 3)4; clear sides new )4: Bacon in fair demand and firm; saltshoul- , Jcr* 3.10; long and short clear held at 4)4. Whisky 780 80 South Wes R.R.. 940 96 I active and firm at II 0??. Butter quiet and un- Atlanta Str???t RR 940100 I changed. Sugar demnud active; hards 9)4010)4; | white 909)4; New Orleans 6)407)4. Hogs In fair I demand ana firm common $2 40; light 82 <50 A. dc W. P. R.R. 111 s Central R. Ii. a Sol West R.R. 7* ll 1050107 M. & W. It.It. 7a.ll Mont Si W P R R W. Si A.R.R. Les- ???rtgnge...1000102 sees, 10 percent Water... 990101 income bonds. Atlanta City 7a. 980100 Central R.R A. St W. P. R. R.10J BY TELEGBAPII. NEW YORK,N???oveml>erl6???Noon???Stocks strong; I LObisVILCE, November 16.???Flour dull and .??? . ??- ??? * * ~ -nchanged. Wheat steady: red 90; amber and hite90093. Com in fair demand, market firm; firm. I white 40; mixed 38. Oats quiet and steady; white NEW YORK, November 16.???Evening.???Money I 24: mixed 33. Rye steady at 53. Pork nominal. Exchange 34 81. Gold 100)4. Governments I Lard in fair demand and lower rates; choice leaf steady; new fives 1094. State bonds dulL I tierce 6)4: do. kegs7)4. Bulk Meats steady; shoul- ??? ??? 1 * ??? x ldS4; clear sides 4)4-. Bacon rih sides 4)4; clckr sides whisky firm Evening???Stocks closed strong. fake Snore.. I ders2)4 ; clear rib sld j dull; shoulders ' 4)4. Sugar-curt I chards, fences, etc., for ail these things will I Baker county crops arc good; the people paying ut?? fast, and are in a better con J* j? momentarily expected. He has I t th(* party out of |*??wer???these people rmilied or sqnken since he received the | ^ hm , 1 ???o 0r 5gj n but in strife, no exist ence but in bhwkL and will die with no dis ease but fraud and corruption. [Applause.] it rid of Narrow Escape From Death of Him* welfe Wife and Child. Nashville American. From one of his brother m.nistera we I add to the value of the farm. , diIi ??? th& f M tliao tliev hav0 since learn the particulars of tlie escape from I good judgment. j the war. They have exercised economy on drowning last week of Rev. A. D. Tadlock, I ^y e ^metimes think some farmers do not I their farms, have diversified their crops and of Grayson county, Ky. He has been, with | j )r0 (??er discretion alM??ut their I are blessed with a plenteous harvest. forms wp ??nv tn tItotn hv all means di-1 THE YELLOW FEVER COMMISSION. Rock Island??? 118 78)4 Western Union 97 muiourg 81)4 I marxetsieauy. nncai quiei; iop b ,w1w uruij Sub-treasury balaiucs: I western quiet and a shade cosier; southern red Gold $128,501,678 Currency.. ...$16,833,273 I $1 00031 05: amber $1 06031 12; No. 2 Pcnnsy.l- tiub-trea.sury payments: I vania red $105)4; No. 2 western winter reo spot .317,000 Interest $1,596,000 I and November $1 03031 (B)4; December $10:%: Loans ^ (2.587 7001 2*: western white ???>029; do. mixed 2C027. nay Specie decrease ??????.??? 957*800 I quiet and easy. Provisions dull and heavy, prices lSS tcmlvr fucreiM. I nomimdlr ond^ind. Ordtodnniindmirtni^ Deposits decrease _____ 985 500 I Rio cargoes 12)4016. tthfukj dull at $1 9/4. Circulation increase 4$?? I Freights to Liverpool dull Sugar dull; A soft requirements LONDON, November 16???noon??????onsols,money, I wound. Miss Martin was at Lane???s bedside yesterday nearly crazy with grief. She say Texas-Arkansas line, is to be hung waTnot in earner when she threw ba??k T ,r ? urtanrt wr ?????T LAppiaime j b* ring a whole family. They re- JgJ H^,??nddid^t \hZVrSk > oU - havc ****?????S***f u > ??? ol *- him ft ch. w .*f tobacco I the nng, ana ant not supmisc u??at rraiA 1 ra imuwrtwn as the strife of war is MVt dying mU in that proportion the Au.eri- r New York tended to shoot himself. She even believes I c ^ n people are recovering themselves. The that he pulled the trigger accidentally. I \ . ?? .???=??-???- *- *- I process 1 David H. Dougiiertt. New York, November i??, 1ST8. Mr. D. H. Dougherty: Dear Sir???i write] been slow and terrible, getting better. In 1874 the party was de feated. lt took a long time to change the political character of the senate. Doctor and Pail< Save me, doctor, and I???ll give you thousand dollars.??? I siv wnen ne eniercu me senaie 1 omplain of renin or rick-1 - Mr - l '- **- woogawy: o.r???* ????*??=. that eascd I siidemocratic senators Now I say tliat onq lam ot pam or su k 1 ^ fn>m my IW)t being able Him, and he called out. Uie ussetnblin of the forty-sixth y wore out his machinery. I * 0 ^ aX f nV offi\vduring tlie day owing I ??? oc l lor ???j *?? B *' e ^?? U * I c 'ngress will witness u majority of demo- and he gave up this world seemingly with a I lo pressure of business. Your frcpient and I c "f ck . ,ku to ???t I <"fats in the senate. [Applause.] twn?? miml anil wel, body. V ????? Th??r'??'?? ????? d n-vihv.ti.m.lravr I ilkHiraR I do J|.V docfc)r was to thf , k . k >i tbe work will be commenced ??t I ?? n .l noi being able to (ill them satisfactorily I When the doetor wia ra??.ty lo ....... There will he five inuks the with jobbers, l withheld that portion for * T??? . K h P _ a ^ad^^ ' >?K the handsof the war party into ah,,l. The will be on>-urbm the firat of ^ b> ' bell .tree.. The Geoi*.. railnvul will bear in|f |, oll .ee I cille.1 amund uvday atul tl,p w ,_. n to will ??? ???" ???*??? the??*|e.we of the building a..d thp other j found they hadjece.ved^e.goodj. and on j n thc in a bill I but n>a*b will (??ay a yearly rental. A i ?????- ???*??? lepot, extending from mvi aiu ?? muc i, cht^arter Am -ture voU I ???* n - w ill be pleased with prices.' Let me know | sa ^\ to *** ^ ^ I in???ltiTS, after one of the most remarkable what you think of these, and also of my P ut m a sta * 01 | struggles???and I say to you it has rot been auction purchases for you. Tours, truly. I eut house of representatives, and elected n * I the pre-ident,and ifwe had justice, we would 1 have a democratic nresident to-day, and j would have witnessed the government (On*- his wile and child, visiting his father, Rev. j f arros _ \^ e say to them by all means di-1 J. D. Tadlock, D.D., ??? I resbytenan min- 1 vers jfy your crops, and in doing this, think I ister, and president of King college, Bristol, I of w ^ t J you are doing. Let the tilled crops ' Tenn. On his way back, by Pound Gap. in I be grown on the level land, and then you crossing Clinch river at Rocky Ford, the I ha ??. your hills and rolling ground for pas-. high waters washed the horae from his I ture / aml orchanLs. I)o vou see the ad van t- footing and overturned the buggy. Mr. | - ??? *??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 1 National System of Quum Kecommemlcd. Special dispatch to The Const!tutlm Memphis, November 16.???The members c iri 7. ??????1 1 tV'lage? Using the nil 1 lands in this way the I Tadluck clung to h.s vv.fe and she to the 1 ?????? rfare is ra 6 rely broken, and there is no loss child, until it was washed from her arms. He I o{ nianun , fnun heavy rains. If your hill I ^ national vcllow fever commission de- was manfully swimming, although ????-1 fa planted in corn, the plow break, the | ??? e ?????? on ??? T . tangled in U.e lino. , ".hen she I un dand l.eavv rains wash off the ' ' " - ??? - - ti.?? nure aa well as the soil. shrieked at the loss of the child, he succeeded in grasping it and retaining his hold upon his wite. Tlie horse, mean- to-night. old depot to Jackson street General Alex-1 ander, of the Georgia railrvxul, will superiti-1 tend the building of it. There were fiS pupil* in the blind school | in Macon during the last scholastic . The expenditures for the same time were | $12,438.14, while the receipts were #12,- 732 07. Allan; by gvutl 308-uov w 11 C. P. Dexter. Symptom. Nervousness is rarely a disease in itsel inherent, but is the liuca! oflspring of dysf pe]t??ia, in a majority of cases. The nervous .. ^ . .... 1 dbturbsnce is at first trifling, but ultimate- sale of the Brunsw ick and Albany raitrx*ad I \ y iu, patent so undermines the general has positively been effected; tliat the Kng- I health, as to produce consequences very lish company who have been negotiating I threatening to that great nervous centre, the for some time are the purchasers; that they I brain. Hostetter???s Stomach Bitters is the have made the flint (lavtuent of $200,000; I most powerful metiicinal opponent of the and tliat IMMsahm will be given them on 1 ravages of indigestion, ana protects the the ftswt dav of next month. >> e under-1 nervous system from them. The tremors, stand, too. that the road wiU be completed I the unnatural anxiety, the headaches, the at once to Lufaula. Mr. W heeler is presi-1 sleeplcxMiesn and loss of appetite which , . , 1 !ake I characterizes digestive irregularity and control of tlie road. \\ e learn that a prom* 1 weakness, and which are almost invariably inent man of tlie northwest lias been selected I accompanied by ao uncertain condition of _# general superintendent, and that Colonel | the bowels and'inactivitvof tlie liver, are all Schlatter will be chief engineer in charge of I eradicated by this matchless corrective, and* construction. I when nervousness does not proceed from Albany News; Report reaches us of a ) the cause designated, it affords most grate- bloody duel which occurred at Colquitt, ! ful results. MiUercounty, last week. This is ao me thing ??? novlO d3t toes thur satdwkynovL?? , a wise one, though on the part of our repub- Honey Grove (Texas) Independent: An I friends a remarkable one???in spite of instance of what Texas soil is capable of I *ii oxir faults, and in spite of all their doing, we will state that Peyton \\ heeler. I nionev, we secured the democratic house of tii. vliHt tlmiipht vmilti 1 ??? ??? i t _ after cutting his wheat, thought he would I representatives, and for the first time since try a second crop on the same ground. He I we left the government in ItiGO, the meet- furrowed up the latnl and plauted one and I i ri} , c ,f ti ie fenv-sixth congress will three-fouriiis acres in cotton <??i the 2sth of I witness a democratic majority in May. About the 10th of J une he planted | both houses of congress. [Applause! ] succw*. two more acres in corn. Ip to this time I xhat fact entails upon us great opportuni- he has gathered the corn, which yielded I ties as well a?? grave responsibilities, and the close to thirty bushels to the acre, ana I great feature which should encourage the picked over his cotton one time, getting I country now is that there is hope that the 1.700 pounds. From that tract of .three I tide of fraud may cease, because the party acres and three-quarters of land, he wtllget I c f war and the party of hate has lost legisla- in one season, a good crop of wheat, about I tire control of tbe government, and the sixty bushels of corn, and over 2,000 pounds I party of peace, the party of right, of cotton. I the I^arty of constitutional govera- - ??? I ment, lias taken possession. [Applause.] Yeast has now gone out of date, be it I But are we equal to our duty? Ah. my known to all busv maids and matrons. I democratic friends, are we equal parted lost night for Richmond, V their report to be made they will advocate farm stock. I a system of national quarantine under the time, was* partly swimming and partly I From the appearance of some of tha j direction of the United States govem- washed down by the current, dragging the I cows we see in Fulton county we greatly I ment. The commission are convinced buggy and the enstrangled swimmer. The fear that the owners ofjome of t?.eni are f their investigations that yellow fever lines now proved their .salvation. Reaching I off to town gathering election news, forget-1 . . b J slack water, the horse dragged them ashore, I ful that the tender vegetation has been I ???? not indigenous in- the atmosphere tlie gallant husband andyfather still clinging I nipped, tBat tbe pastures are failing and I in any part of the United States, and that ii. to wife and cliiid and managing to keep I that extra food should be provided. Do I New Orleans it was caused by importation. afi'??at. The child was unconscious when I not let your cows go into winter in a failing I Whatever doubt there may be in the case o: the shore was reached, but was revived and I condition. See that tiiey are fat and healthy I New Orleans, there is no doubt but that ii suffered no lasting ill effects. The buggy I enough to resist storms and bad, chilly I was carried from New Orleans toevery other was torn up considerably, but the shifty I weather. Not only see that tlie cows have | point. The disease does not seem to be preacher, with a borrowed hatchet and rope, I a sufficiency of good fexui, but give them | prevented from prevailing cpidem- wa*?? soon ready to return to Bristol for a new I shelter. Stock should lie kept in as tliriv-1 tcally. either hy the distance outfit aud to be embalmed as the hero of I ing a condition in winter as in summer. J from the sea-board or the distance abov< e of the narrowest escapes recorded. I Do not undertake to winter more stock than I the sea level, as under favorable cireuni ??? I you can take good care of. Give good shel- I stances fe*r its discrimination it might pre Yarexceled la tMeSontliera States. j ter. feed and care to vour stock so that they 1 vail in any |??art of tlie United .States. Here Middle Georgia Argus- I may go througii the winter in good condi-1 tofore the sea-board quarantine* as far a In the midst of all the huriv-burly of political I tion. * I the Gulf of Mexico is cncerncd, and excitement we wish to say that The Atlanta I domestic BECSirta. I making exceptions this year in the CoNSTmnoN u_ the pretu??wtspecimenofty|)o-1 Cramp in the Stomach???Hot water sweet-1 case of Texas have been in ad equate to * ??? v ^ and taken freely I prevent the introduction of the disease. 1 The difficulties of inland quarantine are so many and so great in eases of towns on the Mississippi river, or in case* of towns having extensive railroad connections, as to be al- *t practically impossible. . With this vox facts the commissson are of the opinion that tlie only reasonable protection to keep yellow fever away from thin country a system of strict national quarantines. graphical work thb ride of Baltimore, while edi- tonally It is never at a stand-still???going upward I *Uh brown and onward, and fully abreast with the demands I will relieve this painful trouble, of the times, tiuch journalistic enterprise as is I gore Throat???A gargle of salt and vine- shown by our esteemed eratemporan- U certainly I g. ar with a little Cavenne pepper, is excel- unexceled anywhere in the southern states, "e I f' ??? h di??w*nai?? mwsnewtaa t hazard nothing in savin* that there are greater J lent ^ Otspense s??jreneNS irom t cities than Atlanta which cannot boast cf a similar I It stimulates the glands, promotes free se- enterprire in the aewspaper line. We wkh this ol-1 cretion, and will often make a cure in a few ready great paper 1 Dooley's Baking or Ye Powder is tbe j duty? Our responsibilities are great. We master of tbe fiSd. Com bread, buckwheat 1 have tire responsibility upon us of cleaning cakes, muffins, waffles, biscuits, tea-rolls. I out such an Augean stable as history has bread, cake, doughnuts, pot pies, fruit | never shown. In the name of God, I tell dumplings, etc., get their highest touch of you we will ?????? ^ 1 warm water then pour cold water over them aud rub thoroughly with a coarse towel. Follow One Great Blander. Washington Pott. I this U(Tfora few nights. The framers of the 15th amendment committed | blunder. They neglected to insert im- Remember Tills, art and delicacy from its use. one great blunder. Thev neglected to insert im mediately after the word ???servitude??? tbe words Bbdne^propose an amend? I we reply that Houdan's are of large size, I warranted absolutely pure, full strength and ment to the 15th amendment in the form above I have fully developed breast, and short legs, I full weight, and it cannot fail, if properly suggested. That would bring the whole question I their plumage white and black spangled, I used, to produce tbe most positive and satis- os to confuteseterave froncmae squarely I heavy crest of same color: the comb is I factory results; not only in biscuita, rolls, before the American people. I triple, the outer sides opening like the I muffins, and fancy cukes, but in all kinds . .. . vlMr 1 leaves of a book, the legs short and strong, I batter griddle cakes as well. A n T, * I of a lead color, with five claw*-1 tiwainsboro ueraia. I two hind ones, one above the other, devel-1 The human voice in its sweetness and ??P edw ???j* m ??? ndh ?^ 3 both to ??" d I P"i???y ??? delicioosly musical; with throat v , SSm^fnm^fthe efSSd The pub-1 ??>*???????? They lire good Uyera, arc hardy^ut affect, 0 ??? and coughs it losa all attractions, be equal unless our own litters are wide-awake men and ever looking after | not regarded as reliable setters. They | Dr. Bull s Cough Svrup restores it when fail- people, by reason of their honesty and in- the best intsitsaof their patrons. do very well in close quarters. ing through, coughs, colds, etc. I CURE COMMERCIAL. CONSTITUTION OFFICE. Atlanta, November 16,1878. Atlanta Cotton Market. Cotton quiet; middlings 8)4; low middlings | RECEIPTS TO-DAY. West Point Railroad... IJITS cared tkaumda of cMM of Ut wont To the Editor: DEAR StR.*- rtcaM inform >**??r icarter* tf UTiM^pmUlrn nm ??ni* ???tihmum i kind Mdnrionx aUii<1lnr,Md wlllgl** ONE THOU8ANP OOUJktS Mn/fiUth, I wfilMad ?? r ONE BOTTLE FREE, toecthtr wltk n ?????!????? a witn mu twcnoM nUwraaw, wl~ttiBg.~Eap??clf>illy jwn, DR. H. C. ROOT, w?? nxu. tit, n. r. 000 nov91 w4wky ro , nty. . December next, will be sold at the Court-house I door. In and for said county, within the lawful I hours of sale, the entire real estate of Annie I Mclarty. deceased, known as the Annie McLarty I place in said county, containing two hundred and I twen ty n rrrcs, more or less. Sold for the benefit of Stock Sept. 1 Grand total??? 43,275 113 r Administrator. SHIPMENTS. 36,825 Stock on hand ??? COM! A RATI VE STATEMENT. SALE. - GEORGIA, Douglas County. On the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold before the Court house door, in and for said bounty, within the . lawful hours of sale, the entire nail estate of 37 570 I Alexander MoKeivey. deceased, conxiiiUngof the * I following property, to-wit: Nineteen acres of land In the town of Dougbwville, Geonfia, known ok the Alexander McKclvey resident place in s??i<l town, being a jinrt c??f land lot No. 193, In the 2d district and section of originally Carroll, i Corresponding date last year... 43,317 I Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditoi - ??? . November 4.481 D. W. PRICE, of 115 nov6 w4w Administrator. Amsriauf; futures l-:t2 cheaper; ???ddling clause, November delivery 55-32; November ana December delivery 513-32: February and March delivery 513-32; March and April delivery 5 716; April and May delivery T 3-16. LIVERPOOL, November 16.-2:30 p. m???Sales _f American 3,960 bales; uplands, low middling douse, November delivery 5 7-16; December and January 5)4; January ond^February 5%. NEW YORK. November 16.???Noon.???Cotton market steady; sales 210 bales; middling uplands futures quiet Jewry. AW ~ ??? A DMINISTRATOR???S SALE.???WILL BE SOLD before tlie Court House dejor in Douglaaville, I Douglas county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of SheriATb mles, east half of land lot number (127) one hundred and twenty-seven, in the 2d district and 5th section of Douglas county. The same be inethe huHluofinc MnjCmmtaa NEW YORK, November 1&-Eveninc.-Cottoo steady; sales 1,150 bales;uplands 9%; Orleans net receipts to-day 3,025; gross5,479; futures closed easy; sales 25,000 bales: MM May- February., 9.6009.61 June.. Consolidated net receipts 020 oct2f. wtds YOUNG VANSANT, Administrator. A DMININSTBATORS??? SALE.???STATE OF Georgia. Douglas county. On the first Tuo- day in December next, will be sold at the Court house door, in and for said county, within tho lawful hours of rate, the entire real estate belong ing to the estate of Stephen Baggett, deceased, consisting in the following property, to-wit: Lot of land 147, in the 3d district and 5th section of originally Carroll, now DougUss county; 15 octm off of lot No. 148, in same district and section and balance Titles to This November 4th, 1878. U4 OQV4 WlW JOHN BAGGETT, W. C. BAGGETT, C. B BAGGETT, Administrated,