Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, December 03, 1878, Image 3

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A Mmolral »•••»• I Bj.b. VO* Hoot*"* I*** J**M“*- •‘I* P ““ Attachment. Fir m th* IW*® *°at. A yrmnf nun loved ]) U V to inert h«-r , . T« him £<•*•* * 0®b*I iron T Of everythin* that'* V**re •** Mr •Your ki'c! y«»«n< nun. I ruthtaw cwnut. *»£!"!£»"K JTJ °KfeS5SifS?SJw He went with every raff '.“'I"* TV.! he "**! not •>'"*'}■ . And then h* THE DOWN IN. DIXIE* - WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA. GA., TUESDAY, PECEMBEBJ?* 1878. Grubb, of the Darien OMMte, say* the time* ore » hard th»t be l* oompeUad to uke hi# meal* »t borne. This is one of the wont feature* of the financial crisis- 1 It fa rumored that Speer, in spite of the fart thaa be Is opposed V. the organfxed, was Virginia spends annually for Inlarorof General Cordon for the Vnited ^ liquor, fliatea senate. —Dr. Mary Walker needs a new Ulster. —Barrett, the Jockey, is worth *»,««. j —Bismarck smokes ten pipes of tobacco a i IN TUB CHURCHES. THE NORTH GEORGIA CONFERENCE. Speetsl dispatch to The CosiWltutl*- Marietta, Ga., November 23.—Confer- V i, -it. t._ t„ her Kd.uols S.TSt) enct met at 9 o'clock, Bishop McTyetre in haabolla baa m her aclioois j ^ ejercises were con- Dr. Evans was th AGRICULTURAL ber knelt lor prayer. preacher* « v«y fine terat^Sis aftarn»n. P He prom- i THE FIELD, THE FARM, THE GARDEN ises*to take a high slaml in the conference, j He baa a vigorous, sprightly mind. ! Why?—Eheep—Okod Wcrb-rFsm Kates-FIoral I mthatYhe drainage is pood. . n* .« we TT k.U BAAAteMH- I <u ... gnosis, lmnuisfij 1 nature) colors preserved for a long time. I Ftiscbias are propagated by cuttings for the increase of old varieties, by seed for the pro- duction of new. Tulips will flourish in any good garden ' soil. Before planting bulbs in the autumn The LjfSrange Reporter, thanks to the scholars. . ■ . w—. j 11 Payne. On call of energy of Mr. John T. Waterman. Has JTbe population of Richmond. \a-, **, members ibsent .yesterday roll a number of members absent .yesterday again made its appearance, and la as floe, ^ cents . piter in the answered to their names. The following and as height a* erer. • Valhalla (a C.) market. j were appointed the board of sntefcxn to Uhrfoims* fo not one month op. and oor , An ep j d * m j C D f murder seems to bare ior four Years: W. H. Potter, H. J. Special dispatch to The Constitution. 1 Marietta, Ga., November SO.—Confer ence met at 9 a. m.. Bishop McTyeire in the chair. Religious exercises were conducted by Rev. W. R. Branham. - Minutes were read and approved. A communication from Dr. Bedford, an- lUaa—Oa tha Fara—Howhold Beceiptt— Th* HwsUaFly— tat* to Farmers —Stay oa th* Farms, Etc- | An epidemic Uttie folks are making extensive prepara-. broken out in. Kentucky. Tillhe had»'*«•i>W A nd thm ht Uk*iUf hi * - . -Now h«re's s preur phssdo. -So more Win I <; risrinjt. A wro-tit the— ilsshe. I linuw. I'd held the tenor"f »r»*r , It her tone* had not»«"« Armnlingly lie •■alffly went lit. nrauirofol hht'O.m rinse: **■ llame-ftlek. ar joxuvw wuta I* Could f but return to mr *wf»«** 1 *3*' And dwell la their depth; gal 1save dwsit, Kneel to their iwmm ! "■ l L , . h g^rArtd l Sdb57& fe-tke-n. tad ledi* wrests of my -tom tore, "Sd £d» hrart -I* ' it ue-mi (a me liifil 1 thert could * AK<1 Una — 1 h»v« never sung before. lb I ml— how wholly I “1“ -k *«;• y , tnalrhlfV nUNftilftef• nt (Ufk lsSW MJ Up Ute terrtMe heiahto of Where only the Ur«*tb Thee.* Alp- tlMT ±?™' n .;J!£ Vi * A ** r,«mle« .mreieor «»«- u death to look up«* tions to celebrate it in an appropriate man- IIow to get a bead—steal a caMieg*.—-(:<m- stitution. Gwod’ Sow. here's »m,Uia: How to get a cabbage—steal a head—Hart well Nun. Korreer, go op head. When the t'paon Enterprise publishes the death of a eitiren. the editor guarantees the genuineness of his remarks by adding a trade-mark. The formation of the Savannah centen nial committee for lire celebration of lire siege of Savannah,in October neal.progr tests finely. The editor ol tiie Greenville Vindicator, who is said to he a good pereimmon hunter, claims that there ia plenty of that kind of I fruit in hi* province. 2v, h 1 covemi'ncartheTriiiity riv^. Teaa. the blue ribbon, A f*»w Q*y# »w* «**» I , . . . . > ..ti, . ' Whited to tire editor of the Appeal arutm m<« than «.wio. Fine cabbage heads are selling at Wab halla, 8. C. t at one cent per j pound. Aiken, iA C., U rapidly liUiug up with winter' visitors. Com is selling in Houston, Texas, at 20 cent* per busifcl. —On state occasions his Excellency Chin Pan Lin chalks his queue. —Hemp worth Dixon l«ts started on a voyage around Cyprus in an jron-clad. —The fr*ton Pose says lb»t Wil elnij kjolu tike Boss Shepherd, of Washington. —The modest dwelling of Mr. Flood, of San Francisco,i* to cost only $2.000,<AW. Tlie state grange of Florida meets iu Mad- iaon the third Tuesday in December. John Templeton will rent a hall and make Pensacola his headquarters this season. The Vicksburg Herald man »l**ka of the late epidemic as the late unpleasantness. of coal six feet thick has !»een div baga turnip weighing IIH puunda. Twenty-three h«Z*. averting 4M pounds. bry In , nd lo« And t upon. O God! once more In my life tobear SSutt wiiTtKJSSMtj T2?j!SrtS 6®*^SSS£S? at To my nu word, but U-ton to** 0 ** bleep. In a tangled, aent«d toilet, tm * tied of erlmwm °***». bully now th* wind wpna»< Hardly «w ‘be br»wn» borrow }»rr»i!> D*«tlr the nlxht -wept river, MotionW thy And within the dtwky bwhjjf Mfxur&ssfis%j Acutely Will the unknoah Btortow axsin *WCet ft day. K «m \*oni of toy *>»d Ukonght. it of love and her earn#*, h.- :,U .1.4, wtM. rerere Tire nuugbtf boys of Conyers pererabii-1 y^ a ,j,i| ipw i fn.m Georgetown, Ky. t late tire atreeuat all hour* of the night, I report that Bisnurok sreigiut 1 treking off gates and pulling down fence*. I 2« [«.unda, a gain of 43 pounds io “ur | Jimmie Anderwin, what art you doing? Tire old coluted man, Henry MeSee, who years. The only two t old colored man. nenry I pr o,idau, hlason last week in Columbia county^ J [| VlU was caught tire night gft«» by Ms- J"*“> JlMtier and la iguf •« )*" Faulkner eonnty. Ark., boastsrf a tomato vine 16« feet long, with Irmt from top to . Mayor J. F- W>'«ton. of Savannah, has , , wtek 7g G , w tmued a proclamation setting aside to-roor-| <\i ftittiiiiuid rlilcken.f, 15 b^e* of Cut ton and cu * - . 1 oraugiwk FWeuicM | row m a <Uy of thanksgiving in the *Q0Yt j lwo ZSm of hides. | c j|y, I The value of the cedar cut in the vicinity A Urge dog belonging U> the St. Charles J of 8t. Augustine, Fla., last summer - - of that Jtotel, . | BirhtnoriJ. . Among the mriositics at the Ilainl.n:',g« I gg^y, oaroiiia conference of the M. R fair t* a hog Wdh eta'feet- Tto. animrel I church, south, in Newlrerry, Uth December, (ould Ire gresl company for Howell Glynn'* I Bishop Fierce to preside. I educated liw Of the thirteen i«teM«rier. at Metnphu. ' rffifwtid turkey, lit in the middie jHJTW^tt-WlSSSS £& serve for four yean Adam*. G. H. PattUlo, P. A. Heard, J. S. Stewart, G. G. Smith, W. F. Robison, G. W. Yarbrough, J. H. Baxter, Albert Grey, D. F. Hammond, J. A. Hunnicutt, IV. S. Thompson, Weir Boyd, J. F. Oglctree, R. J. Powell, T. F. Newell, J. F. Langston. Tbe Sunday-school board ia ss follow*: C. A. Fvana, W. A. Park*. W. H^LaPrade, J. E. Evan*, Y. H. Thompson, 3. R. May- aou W. D. Anderson, W. C. Derry, J. H. Derry, J. B. Grogan, T. M. Pace, A. C. Trim- ble. . Committee on Education—W. F. Cook, P. M. Rybuvn, J. T. Lowe, A. J Jarrell. W. H Potter, J. Boring, J. L. Pierce, W. V. Anderson, W F. Quillian. J. D. Hammond, R. S. Neal, J. W. Greene, J. H. Huff, TV. H. Mattox, A. M. Speer, W. W. Parks, J. B. Hunnicutt, X. Bass. W. M. Browne, W. K. McCalla. . . _ , Committee on Bible cause—L. J. Davies W A. Parks. S. P. Richardson. Committee on wemoiw—A. M. inigpen, J. 4. Singleton, W. P. Rivera. Theewminingcoutroittce** are 1° serve four years, are as follows: On candidates for admission into tbecon- ference—J. F. Mixon, F. P. Brown, \t. P. On rtass of the first year—W. T. Harail- ton, A. C. Thomas, 1). L Anderson. tin class of second year—J. J. Singleton, W. F. Glenn, B. E. L Timmous. On class of the third year—Vt. P. Pledger. W. A. Dodge, J. M. Lowry- On cla-s of the fourth year—J. ri- May W. F. Lewis, G. E. Gardner. These committee examine the young preachers, tut tne regular tlreologtcal o.urse through which all have to .pass under re quirement of the church. A communication front a committee, of the general assembly of the 1 reshytertan church in lire United States to regard retire —Dante Gabriel Rossetti I’“' tu 'T ^l!"yr*i>teV<o*.o—tsv-c'ntw.r scfthncr. I of the town of Bal'lbridg" a few <(»ys since, and George Ilruoe managtst to bag a fine I 0 f ..Venus and Astarie" forglt),000 before •hbler. I had been fairly completed. If there is any gentleman present who Web. Stone Mountain asking about putting up , . . ,— worth I hams. The earlier you kill your hogs now, nou nc'“g-bequest to the North Geo^.. v ided ,he weather is suitable, and they SSutiful in the spring. Their delightful, coaference, from a Kentucky lady. madMon ^ t}ie Wue r. We pre-1 odor, brillhmtjcoforjsnd dMmrtAadea "following preachers mMH- ^nLt^Tvrey.hing^.vtorX trial into tbe conference. FranUm S. H. namely . Wood and lightwood. ^bi^ton. Jawes . Ro rts ^ ien . | ^ kn . veg wftter vesgeL< harJ rocks for I Advantage of the long pretty »l*ell a id *• 1 — l ‘ J 1 ‘ the Plants are greatly benefited by a watering of liquid manure once a week while in a grow* ng condition. The lemon verbena, hydrangea, cactus, and many other things can now be safely A $5.00 PREMIUM GUT ! llsOSeSD SZXiTSU PZi&TSD TABLEWARE ^£8 produce pictures of beauty aud pleasure. KEEP muuso THE SOIL. \Ye have a right to expect bad and Cnld j I weather soon, and the farmer w ho has takcu | The folioaing local nreachera were elect^l j to raa nage the kilting, the scalding, ^ ^ RobwbT^B^’ J il.cSey,' T p! | n |0vi “K the hair, the hanging up, the | i’j'ie ‘fall"and early winterT jts | to succeed than his neighbor, who has done | plowing. By breaking up the land i« 1 ffikSA'Slw: washing down, thefektagoutof theentntUs property is iucre^d, -^-ttriy tohu McCollura. W. H. Graham, Geo. H. Badey, ] the washing out and removing all blood I niuity i pu jvariation, so as to afe- rl C _S * wpr-pWtftl I fr,,m lhe the hog hang up until J d ^. s f n , s * ls SHOWjj and rain, at the sam« . I a11 animal heat has left It. Of the cutting 1 timfe when nut pnlvcriicd, when such G. fl Park, W. C. Holbrook, H. M. Newton! np, we will only say give the Itam a good J break J. N. Sullivan. , , | smooth shape. There are several ways of | R'ery nppunun tj u e. . The conference proceeded torelea a pfere ( . them »„d putting them away. £TD^/were^n nomSuoTj! U«er Ires been quite successful with the was announce! by a friend of Adgusta that! following plan: Mix equal parja of Liv- the conference should bear in mind that | crpoo [ an d ground alum salt moistened with I thing about the above pest After it is Augusta is on the sea board of the North I * , F} , th ham I hatched, if works down the stalk and aura* Georgia conference—that in Augusta fresh | * ater l ” * salt box - \ ' n ,, . | the juices of the plant, causing its leaves 1 oysters could be had. On the first vote it J with saltpetre, powdered tine, on the flesh 1yellow, if not the death of \\ was clearlv seen that Augusta had a nia-1 jtj^e, the six© of tbe ham to govern in the I plant. A variety that starts freely and grows 1? , iL t ? J e - V °. te,s * I quantity of sfiltpetre. Fora small ham, 1 * 1 xX *' tV ** lW TOR EVERY SUBSCRIBER OF THIS PAPER! I Tabic war* Sr J 8sisL , £s? , %5aassswaa^ ** SOLID sm PL&TEQ SPOORS HD BUTTES-KHIFE 11. of the bust •• W mnem. tusking th, mow mrfai wsf fR ever Mgsjm ►Sssr^ssMsSSSBSStfafHa J 111 f.r rtcejopcon. mwher wnh*m>«rit twres^rirt^W O exp*:*«?e, etc* Under except the actual cost of'. «*« —- . ... | with the premium orier, aad the iiilvenffare a Ufa ■go •gotr rtsss. ivaoii .. ..pportunity y . .. , Ti I “I* ,he ' a » ,ls cxi*cct tu put to culti'»- j 1UC | tion the coming season. THE HSaSSAir FLY. We have received a letter asking son e- J a Ad-CCT OCT THIS ORDER. AS IT IS WORTH $5.00. jar PQSMOMR DOUGLAS SILVER PLATING GO. . “ SS Randolph Street, Chicago, lib •ggls.»ga^sg^5saaa a « f « |-S5£?S£Sa5Si5ffla2SSS£.?S ! iiiHlf. xniicii — 'c-- ' 1 ....... — — ,omninr sauncirc i,« * ........ —... ... rigorously will, therefore, resist tbe tly made unanimous. The conference appre-i^ -'' P*- m |,beil with I better than another of less strong growth, eiates the other invitations, and wjll no | teaspoonful, then each itam is ruhtieu with | ^ (te niore fertile t j, e w „t ,he better tt« plant sustains the injury. Use an active I fertilizer and a vigorous variety of wheat. I tent. How much profit did yott make this] dates the other invitations, . doubt he glad to accept them before many I sugar or molasses over the saltpetre, years elapse. - . I then put it in the salt-box, or table, and rub I »'» akin and Hesbside; pack it with the W The following arc appointments fori middlitigstmdshoulders,tthesl:onlderssalt- preaching tremorrow *—*—w Mctit dist church- McTyeire; 3 r. »., Dr. ns dcct...wtt FINANCIAL. .1001 Selling..— 1 III IS OUllUlMOU, UlliGB IRC RWHCI ia sets ids ts- ■ ^urttl issisva* v. ? | J. I ably o>ld. After the bloody pickle runs off | above amount did yoogrov, andhowninch 1 desaorathm of the Sabbat h day was read. It tK>ks tfie ot>Hjjteration ot the coiderence in awakening a deeper interest in efforts to ar rest further encroachments iqajn Jbe sancti ty of the day. *1 committee uti the subject was ordered. t , . , l>r. I lay good arose to a queathm u prtt»- '«*■. *• ss***i"SlsSSt which dav-achool anniversary. jjftrajwjs?; - read, asking his transfertotto ^ I W»,W»!m P « thh number Vhc United J ''ffirtmureritesWI 'jZjkkeZ^jj* « Central U. R. Ta-lOf So. West R.R. 7»U»i „ .1060107 M. & tV. R.R. 48.l(rJtoj R W. & A.1LR. I*es- i.n»< - • ,. | , , i can co anri come to tnacaueuer ai {/icwuicg l m mortga«o...lOO<^ire aeee, lOpctcent connection isuow, with mutual regret, dva-1 wlU e daySNunoke with corn-cobs, and occa- j all a generallv feed them under the shelter, j Athuna Water... WglQg Income bonvls. 106^108 solved. ... . . , . I siomtllv put on the fire china-berries. Smoke I u«der this slielter have a rack, and let It! ^ti^‘gCnyY»-.»»»wv ' .... . .... I , * — >•»,! itiulnn.lx: ffnlinot r.ltl I _ 1 vv . .. .. „ a. w. w. Owlln, for twenty-eight years an active worker, has l»een forced l»y sadly I *~ laired health to ask a superannuated rela- J brown color. We should have said before —General David I>. Colton, the San Fran JWUHPABODT IH GEORGIA. Iw^hu *.«■!»« m. ° — •venire for an incendiary, rltey are a, I v<lu ' e plentiful a* tramps and are as firmly organ-1 iw fi. J HORNE’S NEW HOME, S.,n,a of the pai«r» fotupfein tiiat Bntory Southern Methodist, a WW published by Dr. Redtprd,in tbroS^I Louisville; Ky. .which sup- en| sent broadcast through out the church, Dr. Bedford had made very grave charges against his moral/character, iked the privilege, before his character Emigrants are flocking to Elberton. Amerirns has liwt an incendiary fire. Had toys all over the state are hustling the . ,,-,,1 the rohjn with a well,aimed rock fllHgfgtvilis is tpdnff have » ucw pity I p (rf ., wr |)-,t would re murk, dilatory. , H«!V. J. II. Chtjvi*. of Griffin, hm« just Mien iMtir u» Xljts S*vfton/»h Ilcp*ir»J©r. in tittle S|*pr looks like. Hgniy Ward Beecher. As j Margate *■» *•>* fetneee* Factor »1X would rentqrk, this is very 1 I^ut.e will Uts *n *b« Dominion, unn rong gud ul*> disproper. This Uotirl What a Strange episode in tlie'Iifeof the own view of the matter, j princess this Canadian appointment will ire, Mr. A pen Murray, of Houston county, I , correspondent from Ottawa. A rerjChmsy j , ia , „ whcatpatch of one ami onereighth j prin C( , M n , ust „( necessity he so hedged in I acres, tt|sm which he itas made forty-five j ^ etiquette and conventional latys, and so AngusVa has had a small Are. The canal | htl ,| l( .|,wheat, and has so far got thirty-1 JiuI(S in „,,, s ^ lK) n [ ^venture can ever ,uu intart. 1 two dollars' worth of premium*. * j «,thin iter gxpcricnce, that to mid- Mr William 1). Pennick. of Cochran, is p m> , Corker is gsltips J,i. vpivfU UdOed I ,le,,\y leave Vw hind her the atmosphere of . J „p 0 n all' sides. A short time singe tl.c court We, a ; Igjiterto nav«r crystgllire tbe but-1 g^oettm whipped him in a pomical fight I “ • ^™', nK _ ..... land now he is dealt,with to a like manner I „ hj( . h m ttwnw. This Cohrred criminals are rapidly W-in* their „ , Imnd-toband eneomder afternegn Jj** ^ of°CalV- erip In Wilkinson county. I Some fiend, who woultf tngke R ytt'fl OTbJr I JJ (t J. ( w 5k«ia)ong tbe resounding plank hr "SdX ss.’—S sstsa-’e— ’"T. ■ l '""" >*•"• '“"""ls—re* . '*• I SSiT?— reams to 't» tT> • lire')' *’»’* °* **e« a y. I u iglits since. * I of Queen Victoria when, two ww>k» hence, Upnewl James Longftreet, who U taking I v Columbus young lady says she has j , he ejUgoovcr fte a tou/of the stat,*s, is now in Savannah. \, rM .raveling in every kind of convey- d^lfh . , Mr.s, Grret J <nc< . | lU t a balloon, mtd nuw ‘‘l *“ | o7}tSen*d^»nd soiksi Mrs. Georgia Jones, wife Joivr* of t’ikft OfHiniv, tilrtl recently. «HHNm *<*< V*** nwl y, t ur -A i,*|,py Nsw-Vrar ' amriCPre-'-e- Up In a toll,am w\th m>i.,c n< ‘!i« •»***■ , I tihe sray uriss abouh giving it att unkempt ” - - - - retired I gpptorwnee. and hurries the few , .,sii'iaa2S^V^ISSE , s B iSaass The Gainesville amgtenr mlnstol* *>« 1 (wather Vindicator, and hi* mother will, j ® < |^ UI * , shocking contrast the initial entertainment on Kridaynight. j ^ nr!ng h „ absence, assume control of the j meadow-like erere W’mld^.with^fff W ** ,y - Se hil'fttif iflrdlIfV 0 * llteir Tlie farmers of Teifelr county made fin I |l0)< . r «r«|f the *e»>**u. * Iff „ j H Hnlwrahtfiu. of Bnuwwlck. h** *Jmn m»y«»rof U»ai uiwu : ^ B^vwmoh in infote*! with » b*n<! of cow | UWm | halls were broken. tijteviw The re*ld«nU of Hontion county are »ttil of Ottawa, for hta rwdenoe^and of Jtim^the >een in rpstilence Th* Oadartown Rxprrw claims that Ce-1 veri)(U , ut Uaome »*-•*. *.»— «_ *».— re.isiiit'imii f since. What it niijtht have Ikeen in I it r /ram.)* «r*t*>r)m>lnu* on l(*. | ,).rts>irn when It l» mwtWy, is the muddiest I years since. What it might i»av ’"Atfv. tfionrenddolirefireoreurred.few 1 in GtKggto. We barfly think h“£[^aSTi.tare ** -- this point will be dispute,! by any r.val Tl * $£** r>» ««> ® ^ town in our state. I •? Ml."/®!!? 1 rfSSm day* since in Havannah ia. w i iiutUm one of the early act- lien. Of Conyers, died recently. 1" A negro to''*' *» Am,ricu, U}' j of sweet,.ranges are growing ttyon J )h . <ul (.11 dead recently Willie cutting a I uf u „ nR )y friend, you forget ] Pad of w<ssl. This is » further evidence I ^ i(g om i ines are i.otaU they should, be. rm«*r was i«asscd upon, to read his yindicatio himself. The reading of i hw defense ^««c* cupied forty minutes, with profound attentioi- — - document will be pnbltsbed in the « wleyan Christian Advocate, and will make highly interesting reading. , llr O I'. Kitxgerald, editor of the Na>h* ville Christian Advot^tu wy? introduced, and very briefly addressfd the conference He touchin^y referred to tbe love tie bad for Georgia and Georgians, feud lie re gretted be could not remain throughout the Session, but he watt hastening tm to the Nortlt Carolina conference imw sittlug. The conference by unanimous vote con „.irrcd in the projosed constitutional amendment reducing tlierepreseirtatton - the general conference. The next body « be a third smaller than the one that met in Atlanta May last. . .. At eleven o’clock the conference adpmrn ed to attend the thanksgiving services ttf tlie Methodist and J'resoyterupi Dr. McFerrin, at tho («irmpr. hmk p.r his text, ' Tim ford tiofl on.ufpjdent Wfm«b, let p» 1* giad, and rejoice, and sue honor to him,” His points were: God- thU G<kI h* wnnipotwit-tbl» omnipotent God reignetb: he reigns in provrfcnce and in graeo—)»canse he reigns, let u-ls: glad and rejoice and Rive him hmr. The style of the sermon was simple and llie deliver} characteristic of the man and ,ive. The service was closed "'itu l'hd' r h> Dr. Lovick Pierce, j*eua assiloN. Bishop MpTycirc slops with Hun. George ^Twenty-three preachers apply for admis sion into the conference. Their applica tions have not yet been acted upon. Dr McFerrin, in bis i^rmun. speaking the barf times,said: "Xow.l *m»^' , 'hOf« man. 1 was born in tbe smith. »'»l J was ...111t-ntcl to ihe south, and 1 base always lived in the tpiiib, and lexpert Jodie in the south, andl want to be buried in southern soil, and in the murniag of the resurrection 1 wanttooume up with southern people, but there is this that 1 will say: ,heI *,*' f, 8 ”'®* deal of indolence among our soutlierp, |w pic and this indolence is We ot the chief causes of hard time* anmng uiauy. m Fstea? as wrs « Tlie characters of the elders in three dis tricts were passed. Conference adjourned. HOW CONGRESSMEN LIVE. The Average Washington Boarding- House Deserlbtd, Washington LettermBostonHerald. 1 b ’, tbera quite „, uc h as they might Vow that tht> i/reat strain I* over and tne I ^ election decided, we shall soon begin to see J otherwise have done, arrivals of members of congress and their I stay on the farm. families announced. The constituents of 1 \Ye met a gentleman in theeity yesterday M the ham daily until it is of a light-orange j J>e sr» constructed that the Iambi cannot r in j r. k., putting meat in the smoke-house have it white-washed, and do it several- times througli tlie year. Hams cured in this way | i*e are sweet, keep well, and are not apt ______ troubled by the tty. One or two seasons after j feedthe sheep regularly, jaml keep treating the hams as above we sewed them up in cotton sacks, then dipping paste, and perhaps the fly ami hug did not v.w.m— — SI South Wes R-R-- 9S3100 , the hay. . , . J Central R.R. 78Q W Atlanta iitr’t KR.W61QQ \\*e know that some farmers buy infer or j a. «v W. P. U. R. 102^104 them little attention, bar. ly I c t their comfort, yet r« J- I BY TELEGRAPH, it. It will pay much bet-J NEW YORK, Nqveml^r^—NkWi^tocks^tto’ Jicep,.. feed them, neglect their Across the best common stock of •- lie I Money 0«ld Exchange-~iong W 81 ctmuiSTlfftSSi W««dcdram, and H en | short U Governments stmog. State Bonds i'a-m. * trt .aav in I NEW YORK. Novemt^r sTO.-Evenlng.—Mocey them. _ Imre is u^an\ tu | ExctuniKe S-t rtK. Gold loo;.... Govern ments Ann; new lives Boud* strong. wimantly upon Georgia a fine opening for sheep«tUure. . rm soTEa. t Stocks closed flrta. ,, , « ten, arm note*. i ceimwl. 11154 Chicago* X. W **e-1 fho 1 Preferroft Ttf To relieve a choking cow—Throw o table-1 vMe.. stMMinful of saltj*»‘Ue Car l«ek on her tongue. I t^kctSU'irc. in feeding stock do not waste the feed. It I lUln«»ls Central.. brown shlrtinxs 6; **%**** ifBflSSaaf 15 bleached ihlrtings <aJS; checks 8*UH: y* 1 ®* Fmlta and Confecttonarleij. s » ^ SI WlUuai7HJ I PBOTISIOXS^GBADf, Etc. by telegbapii- NEW YORK, Nuretubet ak-ErentM.-nour slightly la buyer’s favor: without ^derided C K?2; fair demsnU tor export sn4 home u»- ''hral ■ --e lower: only moderate bustuessM m. ueenue. Com sltshlll' in buyere f*Tor: “m graded mixedsell"”;<a Osuqulrt etudvr; bo 2. Otv,mixedwesterii29_H <430: white western 41. Pork quiet ^.pric^ about rierfy; moa r »: l«mIIy tn«s »S fuct* demand. R^tSqulrtitkl ». freight* >«rfy- CHICAGO. November SO.—Flour steady miduu- chaugcd. WhratquleLweMtsnd.shadetow«. No. 2 red winter WG No. 2 ^h'JJRJJ'S* csoblNtM bid for December; bt b»,*“ Com duff mid . di**: lower^SOji bld necembcr; January 31M- Oj» duff rod .ahmlp lower: c**h 20: Dceemlwr Pork duU..w^_mid_lowcr;_re»h*60t^ i ®. quiet and unchanged. Rock Island... ‘ t n feetiing-atock do not waste the feed. It I lmnoLs Gemrai Western Union « ia fur better to grind and cook the ante es. | w gS5SS(5nra hSwfivs: {>> not keep inferior stock. If you have I QoW ..|l*jf».GTS,237 Currency 115,535,816 I The number who keep house or live J land aud yet is anxious to sell out and have | j ir , K |uce; il "a fashionable hotel is comparatively^ | his sons engage in business. He thought * — 11 •** that more numey could be made in tbe city small. Many of them, through moth ITTo ‘*roentfon“iS 'Tnfem'th Ut.a .to. it » a plvostuirer life ttnu. ,hv have oue or more rooms in a board-1 country afforded. cities, and how mg'Imuse, for which they pay twice what I j^oolc over any of our SSJSST,JmmXtLl-»«"J■«»>7 riskcd »->•»*• a niiserable tabic iVlmte ia the basement, or I mutation of proi«rt}, ietess labor on your place, id put in only *u h crons as pay liest. I liaise your own bread and meat, and if | the eotum you raise brings a low pri n -still look cheerful. _ , Kemembcr, farmer, that when you buy eat and bread and sell vour cotton at 8 cents a pound you will have no surplus j tiuev at the etui of the seastm. L Gentle treatment and rapid milking nrcl • taotc u <*"*> „ tttm — , - .. finally endangered „„ IMV dark hack room, where government clerks | their principal uml riches and indej*etideuce j very apt to tend to a greater development !ij.h in hnngrv, at 4 p. m., to dinner, and j . j of the milk in cows, tint in all cases icr a K ivy the M C.,’no quarter in the matter of | 1 . h ' ' .ay - —*.»» 1 full return from the cow, she »nu>t be f ir- — the matter ci*»>ice bits, unless ’said Si. C. should, per* unlike Hto city nvarn ta the COMMERCIAL, CONSTITUTION OFFICE. Atlanta, November 3l\ 1S78. Atlanta Cotton JlnrkrL Cotton dull; middling 8: low middlings 7%. msetun* to-day. By wagon dr Id “ «yffla«asM8fiSS Jrouroj Comkrew. »“ Wheat lower;: 2»k; December 2 ■readytuff Uratt quiet: cash and December 5.60. Bulk Meat* quiet and unchanged. st5s ag-*is?js?a jesffafe.’jas Itulk Moats sttadf: rtiMildots .< ( w 37SA3.85: clear ride* 4. Boxea cood denvmd; i° n * a " dBh ^ t ^5^l® ; SSr l rib land*4^- Bacon quiet; ■Jwddcw t, ggJl" rides4.40^4.80;flearride*WbiAyrirady at 81 OS. Sugar quiet and nneh*nsrt. Hy ina«W? and lower; common $2 2OQSM0. “f West Point Railroad * | Stock Sept. 1-- Grand total... ,lne Railroad .... 1 ^ i 1 the number of clerks in each bureau or is 1 ^ *■ “* ^lifsonie’mriance* the M. U. and hi* fwui-1 hi» pocket-book not being law emiugfi, he | . vart 0 j vraater, then shake well and g»v l. have lodgings only, and either Walk from | borrows from his neighbor, and it t* an old I J )nc .| ia if 0 ( the whole mixture for a g»>o w<» to four or inert? aquurqa to take their I ami true saying that the borrower is the‘■er-1 llvVsi . mea's at a ho,tcl or lulve the necessities of | vant of the lender. - I H ur *«e feed for winter—Mix half-a bushel life furnished in their shabbily-furnished I Whatever the former gets c>me- honestly , 1 t j my ut f tM ider with three pound* of narlur, on the M. C.’sdingy moroctxxover-1 he grinds it out of tvo one. swimiu-s no one, i corn * a nd bran ground together for one . eSoffice table, from which a pile of newspe-1 take* no mivantage of o hera'. lu ^ ,,fe ^ 1 f etH \ for each horse. IVM the hay thorough- pen and letters from constituents are care-1 bfom^leas, bw money honestlj nwojn» ami I & box; seat: er the meal over »t; » I wmp®**®!" tesslv swept a-ide to make room for the tm-1 when death comes, the language ot Uacon, a I for eat .j, })i>j>e should he 1 ^vorv-hMiVing tray of victuals brought iu little changed, would suit for h* wonmum tvbole well withasUavel. twice a day. *Su,>pi«e it is break**!, there --He sought ROt proud n^ ^t rather Iy amoJ ,^ wurU horses, to a smmty-lookmg tin coffea or tea-pot, 1 such as those got justly, he used it sobcriv , t _ from which a mudtiv liquid, full | distributed it cheerfully, and leaves it con-1 y R grounds and 'lukewarm, is j teiuedly.” . 4| 1 >,M ^ * ,r nouml intatiuck China cuj»a. whose handles I Encourage your sons to live m the coun- li?rfonfi ago been cast idde. The milk | try. Ul their hands teed the hungry of all and sugar are in cups or cracked tumblers. I classes. Let their income spring from the The plates are thick, ami bear unmistakable | soil God made, and not wlu u by fanning marks of having been set on hot staw The I to others. Let them look upward to Hun butter looks asHt it had undergone the smue I who croute*l them for their daily bp ««J. °»‘ J experience. The steak » cbarre<l. and is I not to tltose whom they fee*!, and rest as- tough enough 10. try the strength of tlie M, Lund that they will ever CjTwi'a; tbe \*otatoe Imve soaked, gre## I independence unknown.m theww. u. tiie ; u trying, the buckwheat cakes are clammy 1 office, behind the counter, or m the w ark- and heavy, and the htoeitito have yellow 1 8 hop. spots which are ^ufofr^ferotts. m Total. Stock on band - COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. Receipt* 43,352 .. 8,213 thick rood “ "“ ty . Tire luwriM* trews troches us thst lire children «.f Auxusta dance tire "Gcrmnn ' Ueintt Utugitl to I *hc iuiturt* *portin« Clufl )«<* r | f..r the feet tb*t the papers in the seventh 1 *L„ brottora wifi to'« « f»!« ««•<* in I have . perfect tight to talk in the te?t»tq! J I p 1# i( n 5 ey wftot t„ fecial di*p*»cb to The Conatlrotlon. Ifotigious exercises Dr. J. E. Evan*. The lui 'lii^ »n ^Ufoforc<.q«iy. lh w lof Wcaal. This W • tumrev 1 that * t s outlines Mi I J. M-Ifickey-- *—i.s.“-rjss" 1 r• -*—^ssssss^sasr* - ■nre ljUlratiRC Reporter wants fffePWH? 1 "* J r JS'iute stotiel, and i*«wo stories and in «K! seventhdtortflUuafliii^ff^V*® 1 'lit bilf high. "Nfueh of the original tow* I ' ik- .iiltl be a ctnhI idea were it not j j, as \>oen palled down, i\n^ tb? r * rt | mg- This would be a I only an opiums tower ana tire I enoe lliet ml 9 a. i rf August —r — Sd^'ro^r^hutu^ntp,^ *1" nravherfdedtha, his best 'f SfeSk TKSUt Tx^i were. ? .inurf on .rid undertire ruie- are. , 1 irtcuos 00 «ov The liquor dealers ol Sa\»nu»t> held a I A)1 it n|1(J , p, t meeting yesterfay to take actitm with refer-1 re j nM , to converse with hint. Sorghum is ,nce to tire Moffett bell punch. „ | one of his strongest YW? \ , u .„ „«»n is wanted in Savannah to soil I Wf , ^ g nearly sncressful attgrapt - New York I " , . i „..w store-ironse and mJnitravw. and fl dead « t au i» W „ ma.te to burn a ngw storp-honre and KStSo I Lder lmUM-, belonging to Mr. tofts, «t ht iurtmVVM) . . , , , 1 fodder-fo-Hflas-fl M——’O O *, . , An riher htil»y has been f>and in flip ttyl-1 , 1Mir >i\cholwmla*i w*'ek- Hoih ware burned . •«»»... toot. *\4 «!im r-avinnah ftFar la 1 . ^.-.-*11 \uduo a* Y«d totheln- iu»h< a. Th# banks of tire -avamreb rtv#r lire chosen «po* ti»U time. The ittte *>n of Mr. J. T. MedaLt. of , had his hand fearfulty lacerated dart* foul Monday in a g"i. x ]aw» nmnlrer of mules and noraea died recently njajX front Mnne disea-e which is prevailing among then.. A traveling scent for a wooden-egg roan- uhfetqry h»i) hi* satchel stolen at Toecoa 11 A wgro «Ty the nan.e of Price was xhoi In the abdomen by another negro and fatally I ^ yoong nded at rolmnbu* tecentiy. .. w. II. Jmrea* of E«»n Valley, b** • toaonre extent. Nocluo a* yet tot cendinrirs. Th*' vialt «f two tramp* to Toc*f>a last week will not soon b»‘ forgotten. They stole ON TH* FARM. in eoDsedtumce of the stove (stoves arc an article of faith ■- wro....- Jj the stove tstoves are an i,, ■ ,ite crop this vear will reach 5,000,t*» In Washington boarding-1 (lf What is the nwuh . 1 Nearly every houses) refusing to draw while he was dress I f „ nii ,. r i|, at comes into Atlanta has a long ing, and then suddenly busting forth 1 j mid his gloom causes trade to langui-h. with an oppressive, dry heat, mixed with 1 f,, r f, j, «•! ere the farmer tlourislies that all a strong odor of coal gtts, or the smoke I ;lruun 4 j s hoxivaut. of the damp kindling-wood,, 1 Are vou a little blue, farmer, at the tmee sucha preparation, wto.t womlei tha lawj Then go straight l.o, 1 "" ro.feoe <.s.u<tm hlM morYiuv- man in I u * WI . 1 . . ...1 ll among roa tiik mouth. the condition of the farm build Doors should hei tigliteneil, n«»fe * . September \ - «,«» bs»ketl after, aud gates all swung great | ^J^J ndUlg du P le i,vsi year, - - 56 ' 058 1 . 4,493 Receipt* mme day la-si year.. Uecreaxe. AXtyim txgN., nhipwretltn 635. ■■sa>’iS ! SBS« i S SSSagasawtffBS rides \Va. Sugar-cured Hums nomlniO, Hin«y steady 4 at Si tto. Manufactured Tobacco un changed. _ SUUTING NEWS. SmoreT»4 Gull, Baltimore. Sailed: Equator. Tbiladelphla. CHARLESTON, November 30,—AmveQ-. oaw City, New York. . improvement could be niiul< forin bv painting tire out building-. A i ture of boiled and raw linseetl ml, and »‘»w- end paint of a dark red color is very cheap I B V TELLSUAPH and Would improve,be appearance of things mvertooi, Noveylyr »»e-noou.-OoUro V< tS. ctoni var.1 should all be cleaned up j reSISly'^i ^wab'^omini^ttrXeri^S and tire live stock should receive more care, j delivery *'/*; * ' plenty of pure water, idea, dt-1 b y ; j^nuarj*sUydSwen IrtT beading* will raid fo their YimiUTt. - . . ... ud O.fiA »x tn roAl^M e |>rlc taker reacUi roa morning ... • ~ _ acres in wheat. It is tlie "stau savaeerfrarfaud aceepta.frtcndiv a 9ta ff which all, both the <«ed tions from constituents in no heaienlj I • ,, married amt the single, frame of mind, and that l.e goes ro l.ts | and men end women ra«*t im'«- ctminiittee-roatu or seat In the legislative I , never again to raise an “all cotton hall a very different man from 1 '^’-T'^ringVnwiudthat wt.rot, rye, fresh front the comforts of a well ordered j * ’ , hariew tobacco, liorses, cattle, town or countrv. smiled on the I "S‘S. He home in town or coun.ry, a*u» O., .ns - H taavs in ilemaml. net multitude from eieetton platforms when 1 . ‘ his crops'is eery apt to have j held tn N surrounded by totoj>*};)'* ? rfroTto Uv« <>«. «-d i Wy «t ctmWc. Good fotal, . ness, and drv health and comfort. As to the garden—Give the asparagus bed » generous covering of coarse ma tttre. t IV- ring with earth or sand will keep root* of all kinds in excellent eonditlon. as it pre vents wilting. If any vegetable seeds were saved from the garden, clean them, label and put away i» u ***>1 ary place. GRKKHAL RURAL NKW8. Tinrinis the last four yearn tbettrmtng >n- teJSt fc Stentel itself over *f,2dl»O0O acres of land in tbe United States. A crop ol volunteer oats in Uaudalupe county. Texas, threshed out U0 bushels to The dlnrymeu's international fair wUlhc held in New York city the first week m De- 11VERPOOL, November 30—3;<4) p. m—Sftle* of American inlay 3,650 bales; futures htidier ; SLtaX'tawiwSliugtouse. Januaryrod^eb- ruary delivery 5 KeUruary and March deUv- C *NEW YORK. November 30. —Nwn quiet; sale* 2U0 todes; WddUtus uplands J/*, mld- aitog Orleans **. fowg»^^ F or sale-two farms ti^ tiEOROiA RaUrood 5 miles from- proved, watered and timbered. One cleared; the other betwre 20 and 25 acre*. 1/ cleared. Location durable price* low. Frieram A 1rtwcl * 557 UOV29 d2t fri sun Awkylt ebrunry —‘ W22 March- —v.w> .—Cotton and furnVabed in ‘*ak. From Hus ' 5Xie ,,^‘ I «# ii o P'm*iaTul L. I*. Winter, C. S. Owen, * wide hall/'leading''to tire W»lrtiO|» p^tw?, U.B.O. Kngiano, u. r. t . the billiard riiqttw,'Mw dining roommfemfe j j. 8 . Bobbins, V. L. Stanton,. . E.. iy pariora, llhtwty and c.itirt:rvatu r y. Tocsc I Jo< j T Gilron. are all ina win*. W ' l ‘ 1 le ;',f' V,A vailing I The following were admitted into M! “■CCit w^a'-hin/rt connection a„,t elected tofl^outa Urtfer,'. '‘ and I could examine and I M H imtard. A. 'V- tjuillian, B. B. leisure. As 1 entered the ! p,. Turner, M. J. Cofer, U. U Campta-ll, .which had, fleen wj’'1'to I- „ Simnlolls . j n o. H. Ellis of this dag* ttvxcloto to* i_n*f*S °- C - Sm rirara ol tire second laiuvi M'inck. to .lor to crimson. To^ay « hall deserteil,” and I could examine criticise at tuy 'MSSitraVtoW'. f* •« kround Krf v DufiVrin. .toUA hav* I dre d*/»t key and a satchel of | Pfe/t thTOc^h' .G sil^oe"’^^ ^fld | ronffttued in live clflgs of Gm seemd n;,hb wl,,t . — >5- Dr. McFerrin at this point j conference in his inimitable style 1 OTUIW*** * . , , . absorbs ra> much from Us Inmates I int< .rest of the plau of relief for the publ tsh- '■ house that ha. been adopted by tin _„ T committee.. At.the cl«* rf UmW *fevy; were placed. plenty before romther great'effort at eloquence was I whMt ; gm - t0 But Iheiear* Gi.wding-honses here where j Imrsto. “S’ th’ger in tlpaces ^ ^d“rore M to~“f‘rorthi braids 1 rf the rtUtou-gamhltug speculators in New of an appreciative landlady th* tenderloin I ' or ^ 1 J * of the steak at breakfast, the crispest ■rv at dinner, and other choice bits,. mHiuj. ••—— • . . . „ . ocmrtunity mar offer. Once, while | farm necessary for the support of the fauu- mvse^Fa clerk' in a'government office, ll ly and stock. Raise vegetables and iru>' . taSdcd /ith rov lumber in such a peit-| dith but 1R«» trouble the-farmer could rion, and no Oake.« Ames,« shipped member. * NEW YORK— November »-EvrotnjgJfe«g« mitt: >»1» •» kfikw. V)'>sud» «. «S*T?J5a ciored steady; nalM_5| l «*• UUICrcill srev and astill iargcr number ''•’'pa enred- The annual loss among all classes ot ao- mcstic animals in the U«'ted Stores, from various diseases, is placed ut ^ ’JJJL in Fifty millions of acres of land were in con. in the United States _thta y<*GJ*t>- It rnv luomex JII sm-B » i*" i . . , , .. ,i,n o )e«» ft person than the late J have them on hia table ever\ daj in the , 0 f Massachusetts, was the wor-1 veur. Milk » healthful; you certatniv mber. There were few c4 the l have all that i-s wanted,oi|ithe[to™-*™* drum. The Hon. Joseph J. Collier, ^^rferaroiri^ev'^roougi: .to*pT«tore tono more hrolthfnl meat to to rit at the table with him. The pleasant- J put on the table. Stop etcrj leak on the est seat in the shabby d^'mir>g-r«x>m was hts, 1 form. , and while on our table only the green end* i j n classic fable we read of agtantwno, * the celerv were placed, before him I everv time he touched the earth, received lias* full of white, crisp, succulent stalk*. I two-fold strength. Farmer more than ever, tiuvuu* vi w henever he passtri through the halls the 1 ^ yoUr s i n ews to your faro 1 1 Kt.?ST Ti JS ro’Srtbrions become ole I tandiady’s little daughter would rush tothe ! irate yotl a new life; >■ j rt>,tkwt0U. *SS^®vion that bonds j parlor, where tie poor insignificant mortals 1 witll fresh hopfei * 1 *JRSSt!£'? to t3W.oS) (are «>ld. it 1* were crouching over a cold ’tove. with the 1 tll( . linms W th, iv< j..,. ..ill find a better >rd home, and ettiirped if the fertile saddle rah) to have been nrad by l'residen. „ b „ In Dooly cratniy. WSSSSlStSSiSSuA »1« will - Davis during the late w»r. | „ , he , a ,h iu,t. Mr. toUfet WI sfefeaKkvlwingtotntro M liale \ and it1 ,,n Torfllay. the 18‘h M, Wtlliam Rewrite, for ro»"y >'rfl«fl" I ^etrfiW honored hy all that »*« W». npliijecvit the Southern express company I H# n „ n of sterling Integrity. n-ed to think an elegant place l SS^rarf 5SKSJ?"rtolI “SS1BS',&J5K 'theeutlreamouro ! “Ota. 1 'l=K» '.d c roiui tustfful, wo^jj-worii and b»*ok 1 conhde » > l early day, | there he goes! Just see him, he ia nretn-.l acres around^ you, Mygfgfsss2SS?a\a *6r-Pmortgage, andl Now. the mode of life winch therr repre KL.n?7ira htaarv Vura a {.ray Tl* t ; ew ta.n^ will he first . * „tiv» lead, and the »«d they rot, «. a at Augusta, died a few days.u.oe in Florida I Th , „ v rera train go ugro**. UoUmibus is going to have a skating I t)|p 0ron! i A railnuid last Wednesday, tournament, and the boys are preparing for J itroc)( , ,,„ r ^. j,„ t beiow Covington depot. it by borrowing pillows. u-, are to ta' deluged with tlie tramps. + lw odorous . eUfcU.rf ha* »'re»dy P«« »> * n ♦ppcarance. tteorge Y. Brown, for m»ny years president of the female college at Mailison. b drftd studio, private a broke one of hi* legs trod otherwise J c x-ra_ injured him severely that he bad b We regret exceedingly to learn of the de lta mi’s thirf wasth-uwo the various sfe«£ j ^j' t 't7’n?uchhK-ded, and is essentia! to t(\C °i/'the laws a "digest." pr. Hoimes was dis- ins .pariminV“^th»d^oto^b^»»- t . ll , Jirac! „ ,he chuirrf,; >Jd SSSSS toMirf/ ind'hy this nan* it M »a« liberal KS2? 'The* had an expecuai tor.fitotfil W«ft_ W M. V*u Este* by fire , tram ti» Th.. maudlin incendiary is abroad I Ult! a i any >».ue. This Is » great calamity J ^ Mn-vog-v and Hams counties- titn-Uou««s ieera to be the principal victim*. The (JeoiTfri* uranpeand theSout i eorg m TO1WC%UW — • • , | . .- Metiuriut omterence will meet m Thorns J 0n lhe mh ot thepre^m1 montit Gmral J t*ne or two room*, ere ville in December. They are having in south titvtjjia ul _^h5^s^ra|Sr^S'WtiE£Sf,n Griffin hra twen -. feed wiihamammumJ J win „ H< , iraly by their many friends n 1 ^^,4 theffiwetolfe^ for the ,ra-t week. It* Son P»W«1- \ Mtd „ *, ,h,„. h n & toegsg* S?S«tohtorfoblu^ ..olumu Of marriage nonces. Aorlurrf m»n in rtke routitynrf,.to| rouw^l »ofa pattern Mrs Fattnla fe-tofe f V. ^ nn a mute At l«at h» fet^ly burned .few w*k. .roc, «d he aiJ thst ls to ray. te ra,.,^ |hTO „ no ctuioren» recently. . „ . I intended to—or rather he thought that I* I ^ooiroom^ou^^^ bwbem od*ml»ad Rabbit* are so plentiful to Intended to-hut the ^. d P used as ahreakirat r .unty tin. year that little uegroro kfUthero I { „ pin j,> n that the neck was dudoeated I What interrated map-r-r--- „ , s with loaded dubs. _ .. 1 w-Tri* forrohmff^ of I If vou get lhts»* article? you will >' _ 1 Vw.wtii‘iff the first number. The more th*n tiiG n ftttd ou® dullar three dollara j*er We model the Beview With experience l>ef<»re them, why w that «> many farmers have »eyer leifrue t prepare their lands well, aud wh> ‘J ’ delay in their preparatton until the verj day to put in their crop*? They eertantlv have learnefl that Inferior *Otl, culUvntea careful manner, will produce better cro i«s than a Iwtter Moil indiflereutly Culti vated. To succeed they nin*\ assuredly know that #»«kI ct’.ltivution w necevtfiry When fields are well and judiciously plow ,.i t |, p soil is made mellow awl t'" n " not only this, hilt the mineral substance the anil is made soluble. Aside from 111. tlie ground is plrasrf ‘ n th at condition ttiat the pint, of plants can extend and reach ptaitt food. Farmers should know that thorough cultivation permit* a<r, water and frost to penetrate the-'U wff sreatl^Mi. J.3O0fl!».2t April- — Jramary May AjCgg March ttAltJSja July. Consolidated net receipts Net "receipts at all United States ports. 1M.B» Same lime last year — ‘JJSS ipl* to date —-—*i’ Same time last y«* r -— Showing an inemwe.— GEAHD DISTRIBUTION! Commonwealth Distribution Co. Bv authority ot Commonwealth ol pervtsrf by lion. 1- it. IV inremmllh. El -Trera., SSrtT. A' Harris, George B. prominent cidaens of Kentucky, in Public Libra ry Ball. Louisville. Ky.. on THURSDAY, JAXCART flO’.It, 1S70 SO SCALING! SO POSTPONEMENT I X»x-iaco« 3Pttid Da X»xxXl. SI15,400 TICKETS ONLY $2. Cnpanlleled Sure** ol the Popular Drawing*. Read the following attractive Ust ol prizes for the Jsm sev Dxxwwo: 1 F.nro - mono mated bushels, fifteeen hundred millions. Guard. A had cold nr cough, the most insidfousof I the evils which afflict mankind, reailily icldsto Coussens’ Compoandof Honeyof ad a practical ten of its virt ues has failed to convince the most skeptical t is the best remedy ever offered the . .J for Coughs. Colds and all diseases of ihe Thc'St and Lungs. The editor of one of ,ur religions papers says that a friendof his, suffering with Asthma, informs him that he experienced more benefit from the use rf Couraens* Compound Honey of Tar ] VZT3i the vanoua rernediea he haa tried. H vou have a bad cold or cougUa remember that Ooussensf Compound Hrmey of Tar will ftTfrillv relieve vou. Hiasold by 4-olherA jUVnd Hunt, IfoukiR & Lamar, at 50 cento a ilottle; ^ 411 mav^-deowlyAvreowiy. «Sweet U Uve, but Ob S bow * Bitter.” . . . Their acquaintance began auspiciously lWauttfui. amiable arul interesting, he Exports for ffie weelc— Same week Ust year.— Showing an increase. Total exports to date. - Same time Inst showing an Increase— Stock at all U tilted State* ports Saine time last year ****** Showing a aecrea** — ——~ Stock at Interior towns......-.....-- Same time lari year — Showing aw increase — Stock at Liverpool— — Same time last vear — *” Same time last yeer 117,929 , UffgSS Showing an Increase -— • ^aMUS®3i%5S?sS. Si; net receipt* 4,017 bales; » M.Vk HH.IOI: export* to O stock U8,W1; expo France 1,325; coastwise &»»*, , , tw , w pet salary during tli^ ten ot eleven efil u fo* years he Iirs Wen here. He nrahxraon h« I ^ f u ti ... alfowam’© for stadonety, aud lira*.on the I meslthe nitrogen of the rati w ttec&WJ proceeds. What the miners call a btieo 1 1 vecetation. In abort, formers* why shirt.” fo a luxury in which he Indulges 1 not learn t},^ tiring* then prae- 9i*aringl%'. and the front of it fo usually so I *. them? Give untfia ruinous system of -ra rativance ««bmw m***"*'" stained ivitii toha«£VO juice that owll ti*®® I tillage ao lq n &%dy*w«ti in the i.ia , e. G.>ofl, !^. . , !,c N\wthATiirrican Review, the oldest of it* original witnesses remains. He is an- „,oretlBh ^jlttvflthm, will set free elemeutt It tuav seem presutnptttotjs for l married, and brings no member ot lus fam- } now lucked up iu yourland, and In Amenca- it n i ^ the 1 ilv to Washington. which, it property unlocked, wtllproveex- tamewed ifeX- wTh _i,lm 11 5 —— ^!«.« ptamfooi Breakup .lithe tand am as a" asteroid to Seproue or Cranus; bur if one feebie star can only shine with a feeble light, let it be said that a constelta- kiiewheTj raid it is not strange .toatafler few meetings the Aurora of love irradiated Ids skies, amt be wandered in a hhisfed •I,,*,,., hasipincs.-*. His woomp proR«**cu tavorabiy. and might fiave 'ojww**** *j*®T lessiuUv, tiad he not fold fem k*' 1 ' ,' which sent a stiudd.; ihrongh her frame and produced a fe-rtiiwnf revulsion fatal t his hones. He should not have «I'[srare'l the refined ure^nce of hts lady-love wn An nmxwupied house n» Bay street. An-1 The coroner was corroborated l eu,«. was burned down by an incendiary I * ucn 1 mT <Tv;c.M*> . * «rhe Autruna tpor>in|5 cluh will at ai»ca»*y ‘ ... M .. Va .HAW. ' \rfs projswad at Hie eiuuw* meeting of 1 SSmTlSlllah ”P“'^ wm t 3* kitchen, 1 rt wkbohiera o. ^ Z h in December I toe •'scatte^^ ^ tht -butler's m- rraiuesting (l ' e | trv ' eic The servsnra—and there wi’’ x-.t’inff I A.rara^aM ditriHail *yCunlin| tw InWf \ my i4ra» of an ext^nrivr Englwi* home- . AJtitiwKuidM»hoktadly«how*Nj we about, of I bring SniiUh. •xqWxmA everythinf with !!»h a rifle range within the city Umiu. _ I ^ mtroduce a resol mi %V«t Broad ■street. Savannah, is being | , j._, _„.i Wd with Belgian block. It will take seven hundred ton. of bbs-k to do the work, t Home girl refused to marry * wan oto ni l o„i tl-rat h- vyrad tooaoeo St.i, 1. , Vlrau ease of b.tlldoran*. Judge Alexander if. Byeer, th* "** judge of the Flint circuit, is holding court In SpaMing county. AlikIrwraton tymtherne* and laxity in fat or ol a registration law. This U another victory for Arthur Gray. B«n Rira-eil. of the Baiuhridge Democrat, cannot ».tay upon the banjo. It » hts roujni wWlinklra tttat insuumynv. While Rev. Samuel Anthony was preach ing iu Hawkiusville reeently. hu tongue became paralyxed, bat in a fear hours he a as relieved. people are beginning to get their fingers in ginsagatn. thl»*ea*on,and »me go•» <»* w replace the entire arm in the midst of the machinery, _ jobn Triplet v ct ti»e ThomiroU* Tunra, now goes to Savannah with impunity. But he never win* beta oo election*. Thisi* to be sincerely regretted. "}nr.\«p ,w,, i v ‘ "T- , . r i iKA sttHkuoiuer* » ,,v * , i ~ .._„i»-♦>.- ffo) petition council va't* * n ° wr ^ •? *** J mhic u <&**** ** iiAV4nnah ln De<wl ’ X *[ \ »uWr hall,* tbe'butter^|«u- g_ .k. **•• i . - j — mim Th*.-enftjiv^—and tnerv *r> ; uF outshine even Venus or J unity* • ..on may outsbtne even > enus ov Juto. their spfendor. We or icy Utrnh tbe ttret numW in itinuaii’ Same* and money should he sent to J. W. Hinton. Macon. Ga. ^Conference adjourned to meet at iH i'-m- At the aptafflited hour the body reasscm- ' ndwi«io . T- a. U bv Rev. T- S. U Hancell. ’The seventh question—arfao Me the tira- coik* of one year.— ThefoUov- Hoo«e)roM B*ea«pta. Wlae.he-Wet with cemphor a .uvev'of flannel tretil, sprinkle with blaek penper. and bind t on the head. l fV,r boils—Boil nn egg, |*ee» carafnWy. wet the skin thus peeled, and apply vt to tne bufl. It will draw off the matter re lieve the soreness in a fpw — ■ asEj * -fttoch slightly .*eet it too baking grow —: arieattti. Great Britain i.—Cotton quiet; mid- 1 Prise- 1 Pri*e 14)0 each 10 J*rl«*, $1,000 each. 20 Prizes ’ 100 Prizes 300 Prizes 500 Prizes •-SO each.. ~ 15,000 10,000 ? PriSs300<i^^pproxtmition 9 Prizes a»e«eh, “ ,, 9 Prizes 100 each, _ l,9G0Prizes. *115.400 Whole Tlcbeta, Ilitif Ticket*, «1L 27 Ticket*, *30. M Ticket*, *100. Remit by Port Office Money on Vat ticket* VU) llj/onDHtlOD •*<*!<• MON’WEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO- w T. J. COMMF.RPORD, Sec’y, Courier-Journal Building, CWdSaw J&fciod wedakfris 3«nd tue^, ti»u» swjan7.14.‘21,2K wait! MORE November 30 — Cotton dull w» ^tc mwlutng, V"~fow rafibUbg WjJ»| “I'lummi tea; exports stock tx4(6^!exporu» to Great Britain WILMINGTON, November SO.-Ooltort itgck le.ssi; . ...... k*»- a |* November 3k—Cotton doll and msma. ssteasag^SsassR Bbtahusued, teta ntfabweafi, xra- «» decs wkysw -rxOSTTONEt) ijoiglascoenty sheriffs I^Mtofor January, “JffirtS! the rourt-hmaw taSuare. , °&isfs2:«hw siorffiSfEsJa aurnrif off of 642,20 acre* on of 644; til lyfo^anu VM-ine in the 1st district and 3dfeedoiitjfo Cherokee, c the refined Vhresence laboring under the diadtanUge cold when he could have rid himself of \t ** bv thc use of Ou^ens* t omvw.«uxl Hmteyof Tar, a never failine FWweuy for Cough* Colds and all disease# of the TLnmt and hun^l IViee 50 For sale by Collier d Co.; v, Uoi<>-«*te by Hunt, jUa ikin A Lamar. 411 iu*y3 doowlvAweowlv. plint food. Break up alt tne tanu “tfw’airfrff'yuu feral ? well that vou possibly can flow, an*l tf^you ,,' nn«at is factory life in this beaut t- would derive benefit from the «^tun oYtit. . JJ” S entirely vour own fault, and water and frost, and keep. ;,t ^through the ( exed^ for you-your growing sea-on, »» mind tiiat »t can be | JJJILSwe iireiudico and skepticism, w! and skepticism, which Personal knowledge Neuralgia—HojafawtifoU gratbit slightly noht-A with vint«ir, put between clotlis hti sanie as mustard plaster. Anplv to thi done by t\\c*rottgh cultivation Go«u» work, In putt ingup the custom-hou.-e in Atlanta I LWer 0*mplaint, or Dyw^axWitb tbe builder contracts under syeeifl«at»ons. \ miserable effects, such •» reasonable prejudice: lias killetl thousands. - — and tsuuman sfm« rraanning<bU .1—* Oxuart’a tiunuit Flower Will cure jou c» moht. \hv same seat of pam. taking care uot president and directo« «« ror.rfl I Xw vS*iVSSS^X proxtra m »1>» future, and tbu °“ n r* | ^ftliri^^ratfiy,' This fact. a« refeivd gtorkbrfdara wlrn '"* * [ by Ibc guide wax tba “?? s ^' rf ,t!S£ikte i, r ,,M;rjitt»ntion*lt»ihe ratuf, U . ,jV. vu <ratic remarks on hu* part. He ir^ i. ^ eiecteu ciur*f ^ ' _L . s nh'i«h ere*y month a state-1 volunteered that frowWa potnt^ vwv A j4 » v J. Edwards. J. W. I** !^.r?^n^sit\sastu%iajsxes ^Stfssuaw*. The tolluwing l.ivinj; «* -h month and th, ramv >» & « ff*c twrreaitouamg month of •“fir;. England, "but.” he -aid. "I " poultry flssoeifltioii of Aogortabs. | yni, in reaniarf «rtna.rently under tbenamv of timettMO p-a nttriiiY ctwara.* - ffT-Sava^ah river poultry. W and pe wok mg aombffmg stock asaociation.” Hr- J ?- W **** * «t«c«d president, J. U M " or *' dent, and Mr. & K. Stef)**. ****** •"£ meetiogx ol the society will be held m°n’h ly. when mattets ot interest mthg ara fety Mfermt » tk. first subject Of de- 1 ej- To tlie ,yrup. add one ounce ti«- ’ p'h vine*root; cover, let stand atr«A. Take ” ^ H ' i before eating, one teyqysnuul three times a y^St-TV: ien through Amer- Ic*neves,^j«n'i just the climax ol democratic principles. ^ indeed! Yon may talk about hi the ocean asmuchasyougrare. ty. saw ........, -—- - ■ - ,flis of de- bnt mv ideal is rather foundin tbelipiiness will be diseussefi. Thg firat subject m „*!*," setdatedy wWfr.end. bat* will he "the moet sperfypfenb^ SSSTSra hind of rolla hiaeuit andcab- which duck, ran heUtchedtromhemegga^ belp. Do Si' Kv^ra«.Ifowder. I U use nothing else £,■£?*&« up,n this imerexting ,ne^ my hot*. Cd»iT«^ John B Gorman ranno, ^ ^ ™ m ‘ Mtoot Carver, hut hecan ou|»alkbi^ n* t^to. Mia^ mr ^ ^ night, were atten_ded ^Sr^U^cente.Wtle. dll' motion, tlie following were added to ('“t UIicht _p ut about three drops of al ' " ’ * * ^ m^hdoil in a spoon, the_ same of mola-ses and laudanum, warming it aitogelher. au sorb some of the mixture m woo! or ootton. put it tu the ear with a piece of the cotton oufeide to keep out the cool air, repeating she tSing. if necessary. A roast onion dipped in this and surrounded with is aUo often very the tiundav-school hoard: A. B- Thigpeu. PV, M. Browne. C- V- BovntO'i. \\ . A- tand- '"iToiiinl^hm horn David Young, an elder, 'surt-enderii g hi, narchnients, was itid. He has joined the Baptist church. On motion the conference adjourned to a a m. Saturday. Mill WXXVtOS. Dr. Hinton preaches to-night. The deacons and elders will be ordained next Sunday. Dr. Pieree looks remarkably «“• As to the U»« SmtS “SofX Wn.‘toUrsto,n«ffl. habitual ten. n». umov -JAt be of j ^iveowa, diatneM of the Ijrad, »«' ^^mnlrted’ul'm’reflJcttrrfi.'^l^^tol^&Wretem^Jnt the parties who contract for and erect tt. and 1 md not a Druggist but w:B teil will be an ornament to the city. i wonderful cures, ton cano^ • To sue*eed with anything 1 ® < l l “, r * s Jlf" 1 Bottie fur 10ccntx- Ihreedo-es wtllre, tienee. energy, judgment and skill; The I . ot , .... .1 lands of Ihv farmer require jn-l asmineh at- 1 ; ara janwa.deowl? Awkyrowlx testion. and preparaiiou, aud judgment t , . an d pity ’tis, tis f it a Wd crop ar.d ^mro t ‘^Jy i’miihle ueorfe r«rd a much looking after to j „„j. s wndoild-isoindifferentty. Dr. Bull i uccbo as anything ei-e. 1 here is man> a_ j g"J*3J g^ ra ,, cures coughs and colds and farm to-day to Geoigia that ts not growing I k oeoU a bottle- the crop It should, ami the owner I only Jo —-a. — blame. Farmer, work your I . ...„.:ct to this effect was returned by an land well before you summit the seeds to It. I A veniirt to „{ j,g,„ gu.lth. One farm must he worked one wav and *1 uiteUtgnt mry uSira tired and different farm another, but ali r«iuire j wvmk tor not makiug his thorough work. Lands .that are plowi d. I hungr}. kill Yes« Powder, then harrowed, then crop plowed and bar- J biscuits with vox ■ receipt* 2.VQ6 *f TO<, * 1 33 ,J 2i mmaT&i-: stedt^Stlfe yateat Britain va; continent Van: SI. Atlanta ProUacf VmrUcU fair taSW: roramoo n» *POCLTRV—Chickens, dressed l^Wc; turkeys DSXzS FRU tT-Pe*eh«*; a bright new will bring t; Nortn Georgiscattle *!?*!; Teimerae, *»■ skiwhSLa ^^^ihT^tCk.vrtnraie coits-o.- MEAlra-fA OHITS—t-t 2k ?OTATtiES-lrish Y bbl 12 00@*2 SO. ifi^^^^vemnieat Java 27 wittcoS*«hte*pirin»>P<>’«'- An “- mer,mQOQS ' After being twenty year, in the businera the manufarturets of Dooley’s Ye«t_Pow der have succeeded in giving the pnblic the nonpareil of chemicm skill, the perfect solution of delicious baking. It snowon'X the fault of the housewtw. a bread, cakes and pastry kto not luxuries as well as neces- M.xitfl. the crowning pteasure of tbe table. —Everv certificate of Dr. Boll's Cough r» b rawed Vfriti before seeding, will be^n a bet* ter condition to yield a crap «ban if ploweti but once. Make the soil fine and temM ilant sends out roots sooner, and roo« ind nourfobroent sooner. Ute and stiengm ire given to srelVvrorktd land, and tbe land imparts tbe same to tbe plant. # In s»oFt» unoerta > more than can be done tbor nake oughly. . floral mats. Peonies are native oi riiboria. Tru^ geraniums are niontlj herbaceous ^ A, Smyrna bouse exports a jelly made of » jsgtesszj&tt’tst * 6 £'cOS-CleM‘ide,7: img»t--<-ra-l tannrti hided ted swilled “ w '^3S 1 "Ja“yS?lta* d *lffi po^Jcfotrame. -'gg^|^|. , go TE » S73 novtO wid Deputy Sheriff., rt E0RG1A. KAYETTECOCNTY.--ORWNA- It rs'H office. November 27, I87S. "Hewjji jl5. J? E. 4?lIUam»i.rtIniU»Mtratrixof tbe esuto JfWWIam L. Wililsm*. decern^, appltes ?e*ve io sell ibe land Lelonelnx u> srid wut*. 1 This Li. therefore, to notify ed to file their vhj&rttaa*, it any exist, ® ®{J** fore the Krai Jfomiay in JxnuMy next etefewv* xarlll is- if muted. L. »• Vjnk'J»J3, S&ssKJTxasBfa:J«a VtTrSlow^’Swrhing byrap imi-UenuMd for children. It corrects aridity of the stomach, relieves wind crf>c. re*rotates the -h— -sa^igs:* LARD-Tkwees kit 8; kess xnd raw *; 4 ”c^ CHEESE-II- fffiieellnaraas, SA.LT—ViminlafL 4»; Liverpool« V) - LiME-^Sl jWati 29h LKATHER— il«mfock *ole2im2S>: vihite Uuiu«skitt*4 fESSSmes SHOT—Drop I 35; l*uck 2 «L Daniel pittman. E istrav NOTICE.—TOLLED BEFOBEME I (bis «3av. hy Reuben J»ckaon. •»* th* i>istntt O. M., of Fantta county, L«oi«U. one SSSToSw. unmarked, medium riae, LrinJle color, with white face and i* 1 ” M)>out bi r bee end while under her fore ; medium size boms, which turn back at wars An okt kottia. Bon. A.B.Rteptienjq th* tt»ent Ktetera inmi of the South, wnife: 1 have used Du rand's Rheumatic Kemedy for rheumatism, with great benefit- I cheerfuilv recommend it” Dnaver fails to cure. Sold by all Drug- j^ta gists. Send tor cirolar to R- tt. Helpbenstine, 1 me- * Washington, D- C. ^mt, treated with alcohol «w have th ^ «T novS dAw«m til julp* Trade active sod pries* fully maintained. Man ItoTna’to'Bdtarii«f.»'• CMt '' aSKisoafe: Dutham best nandai Dry Goods. dotUrs. Sri norto.wtt ZlZ^SSTi- '-Ticktoff «a2®*. oanaouixi brit#‘a2>4; pctetaGStoM; j tor exemption of persona, md valuation of homestead, . upon the oune at to o'clock, tmfes -- 52^ 7; | decl-dlt