Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, December 10, 1878, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1878. Th# KInis'* Kin. ???flow tong." he a-ked, ???will you remembac thU- DOWN IN DIXIE. fUaw????? flume iM * * klnrlv be* fWlUke ?? ??? Through each vein Love???afov end pain: ??? Hon l#ng.??? he aaked. "will yon remember ihhT??? ??? How kmfT* Hhe llfled from hbbntN a cheek lu-1 with her mri*d love. Tet when her redder lips eamyrd Ift ink. ???The Lirigard? are making a toar In | >*?????. f ???StW Orleans part tknr flftkH at the WRANGLING OVER taxeaof Louisiana. !A DOGMATIC DEBATE.; AGRICULTURAL A DOC LAW. THE FIELD, THE FARM} THE GARDEN. JInw Lung. h..w Ion?? will 1 rememtirr thl????? Hsy you," she murmured low??? ???Hwy ?.*i."-~*n??i while aha trembled with her MH, That smite went In and fro Armas her flashing f*re. And hid a graver grace??? ??????flay you. how kmf will you remember this?" lie bent above her in that moment a Visa. He held her close and Lot, ??? ll**w Iona, how Iona will 1 r?? rr.etnber thl?!??? ??? Until! crom at last, tt 1th falling, dying hrearh. That river that nx-n call I??ewtb??? \> long. ??> lone, will 1 remember thin!" Hu! when apart they Mood, did he rrm ember 111* word* that summer day? 11d Ur remember through the long December The warmth and love of Hay, The warmth and love, and Mias, Wbro h. r*zn*mb*r??? | Ah! who ran aay for him? Forherweknow The king * him ???? her crown: - For her wr know no agrmy of woe. Soother smile or frown. Could make her heart fomwoar That lunimer inontlng there. Beneath the turret trees of Foatelnehlssu. -A p??!Us. t Texas. \ hunting party, killed | forty-eight deem. ary and R_??? r _ Ij-one -tudenu this year. -Tlirae sisters lldng In bycr rmintf, [ Ten????? have given With to aicty children. -Madame Janaitachek in high Ungedy in | < harfotte. on the 11th of Itecdtnher. -A cow in lafooickt, La., gave birth re cently to four cal^p. ^ , ???Tramp* are numerous in and around , Nashville. ???Mississippi state uni versify is well | {wtrunized. -Low land in Galveston wrunty, Texas, | sells forfcfO per acre. . ???The Lingard corn hi nation are drawing j crowded houses at .Sherman, Texas. --Austin,.Texas, slaughtered over 1,000 turkies to celebrate thanksgiving day. ???Over eighty pemms left Istnaconinff, For the past ten vears the state of Georgia Im- had an annual w rangle over a dog law. A Ismt four yearn ago, Mr. Janes. commis sioner O^ffn^turt^hurtod his complaining of hard times, etc., and he then _S 1 a U. 1 I J ???U'hat is ili???? to energies together with l thesealasagainst the do^. liesaid, awif ??e were anticipating Kearney ou a new issue, ???The dogs must go!" A poet was impressed info the campaign, and in flowing metre the sufferings of the mangled sheep and ??? the hollowness of the sucked eggs was given to a sympatbiling public. The public spirit was aroused, and I every meeting of the legislature hill was offered putting a tax on dogs. Two i i -ThralPa History of Texas will issued from the pros. ???The cotton soindles in the north are estimated at B.000,000, and in the south at 000,000. ROUNDABOUT IN GEORGIA. M&'JXS&v.***** OM,nt *' K . j shots. ??v I killed forty birds in as many cunaccut ???Now let???s go to work on the farm. ???Wrightsville is afUicted with an epi demic of whooping-cough. ???The Imi( cholera is at work in Montgom ery county, and also in Johnson. ???The death of Mrs. Marsh Grimes, an aged lady of Columbus, is announced. ???Covington has a female chewing-gum -During the prevalence of the yellow fever in Memphis 745,000 rations were issued to 68,022 ??h.uM bo '*???"*?'??? ???The city council of Paducah, Kentucky, to lighting the streets of the ???Commencing in 1871, the people of MisAisnippi have bad elections every year, eight in til. -The opera houas in Opelika, Alabama, 1 be finished about the twentieth of De- jority, but It was killed in the senate. It ??m field that tbe law, if it bad been passed, would have been unconstitutional, as d**gs iperty. and nothing but projH>r- taxra under the then existing constitution. Upon tbe assembling of tbe constitntional convention, the friend.* of sheep-husbandry and the enemies of tlie dogs, formed a strong lobby and went 1????- fore that deliberative body to Insist that clause should be put in die new consti tution making it law fnl to put a tax on dogs. After a prolonged and bitter discus sion, a clause was inserted making it law ful to impose a tax on any domestic ani mal that was dangerous or hurtful to any species of property. Under this clause the legislature has an undisputed right to im- pone a tax on dogs, and it la now proposed put that tax on club. Our borne institute patronised. ???Dr. R. W. Wilson, of Montgomery county, lost his cril* and fodder-house bv lire recently. Incendiary. ???Mr. Wikle, of the Carteraville Express, is in the city. The Express has a circulation of nearly two thousand copies. ???1???eople wIki are afruid to work at home -The number of oyster catchers, burnt- iln Virginia is pot down ???Tbe legislature of Arkansas will con vene at Little Rock on the thirteenth Janu ary, IS79. -Thirty-four marriage licenses were issued in the city of Memphis during the past week. -The nunilier of children who attended __ ... ... ..... . v..r iiiai -iiwiiumwr oi < miorcu who auenoeu go to Texas starve. For that peculiar I the |>u hij c schools of South Carolina last Jme of htudness there Is no better place than | ymr, foots up JIG/JM. that great state. ???The Texas fever is beginning to hum in I ???Nashville is exercised over the disciis- f the views at the day, and the best lha bones of some of the north f ieorgia pro- I l,,anncr in w * , ??? c * 1 to oppress them. pit. They will get the ague when they I reach their destination. ???People who meet Emory Nj??eer fre quently say that his manners are as charm ing as lime* of the most accomplished dirt | ???"y previous season, that ever lived. ???The Count Johann m B. Gormanne is removing his orange grove from Florida to TaJhut county. He carries it iu a common valise. An eagle measuring seven feel from tip '???ed in Greene county. -The quantity of Texas sugar and molas- i the market far exceeds that of -Talbotton Register: Another affray, this I int **** t - time between two sisters, Mallie and Fannie I ???*v 330,826, with *4,188,141 deferred Latimer, of Montgomery, Va., which Kush, oolored, living on the plantation of I killed a Chester bog lost Monday Captain M. Mahone, near Bellevue. Us.k I weighed 02f?? fiounds. place on Friday evening last. The irate sis-1 ???T. W. House, near Houston, Texas, ten had fought each other only a few min-1 w ill make this season 1,000 hogsheads of utes. when Fannie Hush received a stab un-1 sugar and 1,800 barrels of syrup, der the left arm, from the effect* of which _ Sexl weekf gberman, Texas, will vote she died on ^ l V?? r ^^"_ e y e Vi , l^j..V.V r, . U !* r I whether or not she will authorize a special tax to build two free school buildings. The New Orleans mint will start opera- w is about the 15th of December, and will \Ve| cw,Tl <, k?? , G ??n*-* million of -dollars per poeed to put a tax of one dollar on every t&rtl } !i * rc and every part utilized female dog. and fiftv cents on every male I profitably. Breeding cattle is the mam in dog. Another bill of different terms wa- in- ! e , rest - A stringent law exists on the traduced, and they both went before the ,sl t a ??? d prohibiting the importation of any committee on agriculti???rr. The committee I so that |??erfect purity of hl<MMl ts se- was almost unanimous in favor of some sort I ?. ure ???* ' attle ??? re V" 1 *U??we??l to roam over of law on the subject, hut not agreeing to I l * ,c . at hut are tethered fo either of the bills before it, reported l??aek I chutes with a roj*e. a subatitute, which ws* drawn up hy its I siir.LTr.s mb wixtkw. clmirman.Colone 1 L. V. Livingston. We are sometimes told tliat onr winters This bill proikoses t???? nut a tax of fifty I are so very mild that we need no shelter for ???nts on every hitch, and twenty-five cents I our stoc k. This is the veriest nonsense, every dog in the :iate. The returns are I l^st Sunday afternoon, during the chillv, he made to the tax receiver by the h-ads j driving raiii. we saw cows drawn up along families. Eveiy man who fails to return I fencing of some of the streets of Atlanta. ???* < J og 1 ??S!T g 5 l * l !, e,n * I Is any one so simple as to believe that such _of In, family shall be lined five dollar., I W1 , rk ???i , ) l,eni no injure? Now, and m default of payment of tins lineahall farmer, we sav to you, provide tlie'liest .dul- be put to work on tlie rhain-pini' for t.-n I ter you can for all the animal, orntork on lays. He will be I*erraitled however, to 1 your place; do this, and you will gain bv it. escape the payment of this forfeit hy tender-1 Cold storms and wind and rain will oime, ing the original tax on the dog.mnd then | and It Is poor economy to neglect to provide killing the dog. It is further provided that I for your stock, so as to need it. Have your any man who keeps a dog that has I |>oultry well housed; give them a plenty of maimed nr injured any kind of property or 1 goisl nutritious foot!, and it will pay you. animals, shall he subject to a fine or $1???*. It I In fact, .take uire of your stock of all kunis is also provided that tlie state will pay fifty I during the winter; give cows, horses, sheep, cents for tlie scalp of any such dog, or the J and hogs, good quarters, and see that they * * ??? * ' other Mich ani- j are well cared for. The stormy days, anil the long cold nights of winter arc ahead, and great care should be taken of the stock, that it may come out all right in the spring. WOKJf I.AXI??S. ride over the various railroads of AT MR. LIVIKGSTOX TIIIXKS. Mr. Livingston says: ???1 think the bill will pa???*a. The jn-Mple want a dog law und their representatives know it. I passed a ir law of piefty much the same terms as through the house two years a; onth, -A Milam (Texas) farmer gathered 20,000 Wiu. Ilurge. of Talbotton. lieing duly i ruoued, proceeded to eni|>anuel a iu which rendered a verdict in accordai with the above facts, l>r. J. II. llryan tinted the jury in their examination, presume the murderes has been apprehended and placed in custody. . ???Talbotton Register: At the residence l^????? d jof seed-cotton from fourteen of Mrs. K Mahone, Bellevue, a difllculty I I land ; ????? l of h Binned eighteen occurred on Novcmlier 13lh, between Gun I hal??M*f cotton. Maund and Henry Wells, two colored fight-1 ???The yellow fever kept the circus from iguinary proclivities. In the ren-1 visiting New Orleans this season. Only comer rocks and sticks were freely used, I one heard from and he sent five hundred much t??* the detriment of an old negrem, I dollars for the beuefit of the sufferers. Hunan Dixon, who, being of a |teaceful turn I ???The present .governor of Texas, R. B. of mind, interfered to part them. One of I Hubbard, weighs 265 pounds, and Gustave the Hying atones struck tlie old woman on | Schleicher, congress man from the sixth dis trict, weighs 306 jiounds. -There are 226 counties in Texas. One of them, Crockett, is ns iarge as Massachusetts, IVcosas Connecticut, and Harris as Rhode Island. ^(Taking of a ???no fence law,??? a South Carol mu j-sj^r soys: ???* It ??swts this ctnmtv annually over one hundred thousand dol lars tq keep forty thousand dollars??? worth grass lands, more meadow lands. Some of these fields are suffering from too much surface water. Proper cultivation, and tlie growth of crops are interfered' with by excess of moisture below the surface. Another tiling that has injured many of the cultivated fields of Georgia, has been in permitting hogs, and horses and cows to run over them in nud- tnte iiiiil siMiTHirt it liesrtiYv \f v I wi, iter or in the spring. Many of the farms tnte nml suj??l-??rt it I of this state present acres of rolling land F ??? . n .. I all \vnslit*<l into irnllie<*???tlin mirfnnt ??iil nil ALSTOX S VI KWH. ???olone? Alston, w ho intntdltMXMl the bill j whirl) the re|K??rt of tl.e committee is a I substitute, says: " I will accept the suhsti- I ???nly idea It to make the circu lar. The combination method, which tills firm has made so successful, enables people with large *??? n to reap all the benefits of hugest the front j*art of the bead, fracturing the skull just above the right eye, from the affects of which she died a few days there after. The combatants made their escape, but have since hern apprehended, and will have their trial at an early day. ???Gainesville Southron : Sunday after dih- i ar Colonel M. U. Archer, our post-master ?? pallet in front of the fire at ISl&KAIttulA???SS .ndwVi.iat%JT y ami whisky are l*ot!> luxuries, and have ^dlitSrtil overU^nlaca bcrt skllL* Thousands of order.,???in inade to d-?? if.?????? What will be 1 ler tlie j'Mjmil law?" r, 9 ir i .. I 1I " I lars tq keep forty thoiisan l dollars' i his residence, ttikinj to his wife aHdre wf oW , alM , cuwa oul of our fields, ???retting that he had to go to the post-1 . . ,. , ???retting that he had to go to the post office in the rain-storm tliat was prevail ing. Mrs. Archer remarked that it wa-* ???Raleigh Observer: bishop George F, Pierce, the hisliop who presides over the body is not only a pulpit orator, but about one hour yet before he had to go. . . ..P . .. . ???. . At nndatly .iu??rt.r ,??.t two ..Vl.??k the I n.irahle ???rtdfnKnAMT. JIei,.l..,n: .i*t>- rolonel nUl <.v.-r on hit tide mid I * J* P*??? ???>* ???????. * noble upecmien of a diu- remorke.1 I.. hi, wile th??t lie (.-It faint ??nil I dirl.lien m-nt email. He i?? a native i finally C'arolinii in Halifax county. North bishop is a favorite of the Methodist church south, and in a |*oruliar sense of the North t'arolina conference, llis abundant lalMtrsarc wearing to his constitution, seems to l??e declining in health. HAMPTON'S INAUGURATION. blind; she noticing a strange expression about his face, went to him as quick as siblr, but he died immediately without sj??rakiug a word. Colonel Archer was 43 years old, weighed over 200 |smnds, and seemed an unusually liealhty iiian, and first- rate officer. Mrs. Archer has the sympathy ?????f all her neighbors. Tbe remains were in terred with Odd Fellows and Masonic cere monies yesterday at two o'clock. Th.*re wa* a large attendance. Talbotton Register : In the case of the Central rail road, against which the wrath of violence is aimed, we have examined into the charges preferred, and find that n*?? cor- (???oration in Georgia has furnished as low (???assenger rates and lower uniform freight cLprgrs for the past ten years than the Cen tral railroad company. There is no railroud that has done half so much for agriculture . as the Central. There is no road hMlay in I the general assembly, and was a most sug the sttuih, except the Central, that carries I grssive and impressive passengers at two cents and a half per mile. 1 Lieutenant-Governor Simpson, Chief Jus- All the guano nearly , wed in G??s)rgi??, is I lirt . \ V iIIanl, the president and clerk of the brought over the t eniral and its branches J wntt!e> an d clerk of the house, Pri- to the planter, at a merely nominal charge. I vaU , secretary Wade Manning and the Half rate* are unifortulv given ht Fair a*-1 mc , M bfrs of the joint committees severally rations by'the C entral. ???Ut fritb ill its | IWM) j n tid to witness the ceremony, and ey the *vni(>atliy of the general* Tlie Ceren Cou mbia, December 4.???The ceremony of administering the oath of office to Governor Hampton and Lieutenant-Governor Sirnp- took place this afternoon, at 3 o???clock, the presence of the presiding officer and of the joint committees of the two houses of magnificent liberality, it is abused iu than any other corporation. It is from sense of justice we have tense of this admirably managed institu tion. We have no free pass over the t tral, nor are we (said to write a single line Wj trust this ttnju*t war will cease. ???Thomasville Enterprise; On Saturday last, while Amos King and his wife, a col ored couple living on Kev. Mr. Ijme???s plaiv. oration, it is irom a i ^j v to * t i kC d*istiiiguishcd Mifferer, left tlie this de-1 at ???> o'clock ami proceeded in carriages to the governor???s residence in the suburbs, where they were received by Maj Hampton, jr??? and conducted to tl tied.-idc of the p>vcrnor, who extended a kindly welcome to all, and shook hands with each gentleman of the (tarty. The oath of ottice was then administered !* S Pl?? ???e aiK- ??i??>iu viiflit mili?? fhmi lown, wvrv ??Wm I bv chieWnatiiu Willnnl to the governor from their house, the building ami their I a j M ( Heutommt governor in turn. children were burned up. ^ The man | After taking the oath the governor re- wa< in tlie field, and his wife left her babe on the bed. three yearn fire, while quested the committees to report to the gen- and the little boy, some two or I assembly that lie had received them, ??of age. roasting i*otst??*e* hy the I MH | j n act??rdanee with their notice had fire, while she went about a half or twee- j ( ] u |.. qualified bv taking the requisite oath, ???matters of a mile to Mr. McKinnon Mrhyro I Colonwl r. U. ililcs, in behalf of the they were boiling sugar. It is supposed that I 0 f the two houses, expressed in she fastened the door, and that .when the I nil( ) appropriate terms the heartfelt sympa- little btiy * clothing took lire he, finding the I t j, v j l>r theri>vrnior of the representatives door closed, ran under the bid which was of * the ,^,p lr of his state. s|we??Rly ignited and soon tired the build-1 j n response the governor desired Colonel ing. The erica of the children were nnheam. I yj;^ to read to the tuenibere present ai ami only on her return, w hen she saw the 1 ac |fnowIedgment which he had cfictated t?? the smouldering budding, was she apprised I tlmt gentleman a few of the terrible misfortune. The bmlies of 1 which was a* follows: tlie children were found where the bed I Gentlemen of the Committees???1 beg yon stood, each well nigh consumed. - ??? his I to rrprejicnt to the general assemby my deep slmuld prove a wanting to both white and I M . nM , 0 ( the kindness ami lionor tliev have black and cause every precaution to be I donc n , e in ending these committees of taken to keep their little ones from danger and to assure them that I ap- o( this character. I nreciate this action on their part most gra: ???Augusta Chronicle: M iss Clara Conway, 1 fully. 1 beg tliat you will also say tliat prlnci|??! of the Memphis kindergarten, has 1 Urge part of the regret I experience at t presented the Memphis cotton exchange I accident which lias confined me arises from with a bale of cotton, to be sold for the I the fact that it comes at a time when It de- hvnefit of the heirs of the late Lieutenant I prives me of the opportunity of taking Benner, United States army, who died of ] counsel with the general assembly on the vellow fever while in command of the na- I great issues impending, and in endeevori tiottti relief boat. John M. Chambers, on I to assume my share of ihe responsibility, her recent ???spsdltion to distribute supplies I thank you, gentlemen, for tlie kind and to the sufferers between Memphis ami | feeling manner in which you have dis- Vicksburg- The cotton exchange ap-1 charge??l the duty with which you were punted a committee to Juke charge | truste??l. and dispose of the "Benner bale," The honorable visitor* then retired, and it to the highest bidder. Finally, however. I 1 is bed elsewhere in the News and Courier, it was thought best to sell it by subscription, I It was remarked that the governor was and before night $500 were Mthscribed. As I cheerful and but little excited by the pn*- *oon as the sale is made the hale will lie I ceeding* in which he was compelled to take taken pores salon of bv the cotum exchange I |??*rt. He maintained a reclining pwition and forwatded lo tie exchange of some I ilmuighout the interview. In regard to liis * ?? disposed of aim-1 condition to-day it is statevl that he suffered other southern city, to be ilarly; thence to another t-???, - until til the cities of the south have had ??? pain and a slight recurrence of fever, possibly iu ooRseqUMipsof the drresing 4 Kb wound thb momfng. Public speakers and lecturers can use their voice cisgitinuouidy and with safety by small or alterative doses of Dr. Bull???s ?????? - 243 -<i???portunity to show their appreciation of the conduct of this noble hero of the epi demic of 18TM. ???Savannah News: Mr. Win. M.???Barrow, who Fves about ten tuilas south of States . horn, in Bulloch county, came to the city | Cough Syrup. Only 25 cenU a bottle, on Monday, and after doing some trailing, ??? started on his return home about sutwet. He rode a mare hitched to a cart, and just after creating the canal, near the Central railroad, he was overtaken by three negro men on foot. They walked along near him. engaging him in friendly conversation until shortly after Hartloge???s store war passed, when one of them asked him if hu name was not W. M. Harrow, lie replied that it was, when instant lv, without a word of warning, the rascal struck him a terrible blow with a "Mungshot.??? over the left eye, felling him alni'Wt ??? - L J rMhion Mote*. The bwsquine has been generally adojWed. Slate-colored blue is the new shade gloves, rildions and silk*. A great deal of velvet wjM be worn lli winter. Flat and hall-eha|*ed buttons are both used on dresses. Black silk wraps are lined either with quilted silk. v ,???? ,mv .... -j T In Paris more jewels are worn this year ???lees* to the ground! Though I than ever before. Dcgs aadTwsaty-Pive Cent* f:r Gestleoen Dog?????Tbs Views cf Vtriotu LegUIatcrs ???The fieportsf Ike Coxaittee. Cattle???Shslter for WixUr-Hlxts to Parm- sre???Geacnl Baal 5ews-WUt is to be Dost lor Us???Etc. what is the ueoislattke goixg to no FOR cs? We have received a letter from a fanner ago x bill introduced 1 fr. L. P. WHAT THE DOT. LAW ntOPOSRS. ??first dog law of the session Was i ) by Colonel R. A. Alston. He iutro- pro- asks, "What is tlie legislature going to do for us farmers?" Well, we da not know that the legislature will do anything in particular for farmers. And, my friend, I would say to you, do not depend too much on the legislature, but on yourself. Let them, amend laws, re(>eal acts and construe clauses of the constitu tion. and then reconsider their work, but as for yon, live in dignity on your,farw; make good cotton, butter, chickens, eggs; rai-e abundant crops and fine stock. Makingbad laws, or tinkering with good ones, will not particularly increase tlie prosperity of Geor gia. Let the legislature alone; close your li(>soii tlie subject of hard times. Rise to the emergency and be a man. for Georgia???s wealth and advancement largely depends on the calling you have attached yourself to. There is no claw or interest that can do as much to place the state above hard times iu* tlie one to which you belong. JERSEY CATTLE. Iii reply to a Morgan county fanner we say the island of Jersey has an area of 28,- ??, and that last year its exjiort of jtatoes amounted to about $40 per the whole island, including roads, rocks, by-ways and waste places. The land is fertile, producing heavy crops of wheat, oats and rye; also elegant pastures. The fanus are small and every part utilized early i igb the bo use two years ago. It I ????ww.uaor in the MMiste. however, because 1 woods. is bare. killed of constitutional objections. There is now | UCiU ?????? *V m l w nothing in the way. and I think it will go I their fertility gone. In the tint place, through both houses without serious I t??????'??? sLoul.Tgo to work and have m trouble. It will be -the best law ever enacted | nr the slate. The committee on agricultu flli moke no minority rej*ort, but w uartily supiiort G??e bill.?????? number of orchards, vineyards, washed, worn fields, and the greater (??art of all w&she<l into gullies???the surface soil all having been made 20 TONS, MAKING 5 CAR LOADS them to do everything in the right way an i OF on scientific principles. Of course. I can???t ThT2T -T7!T3TT Zk IVT* 1 |>C3 manage tree labor so efficiently; but you JLaJ JL???JJiJJiA wi HolU kTou^e"? muStni TEN TIMES THE GREATEST AND GRANDEST SHOW ON EARTH the^Joagh UiManybodj els^trij^te; i t to A.TI1ANTA, Two Days Only. Location???Old Grounds on Marietta St., two causes. First, 1 cultivate more __ m . . M ^ -a rw _ - - Friday and Saturday, Deo. 13 and 14. sweeps allow? tliat. Second, my methods of preparation and cultivation are. I think, thoroughly scientific. 1 break my lands deep and cultivate them on the surface. In other words, my motto is deep ploughing before planting,and shallow ploughing after planting." "But will not the lands get too hard to cultivate them shallow after the p&ckiug rains of the spring???? ???Oh no, not if you will keep a plenty of vegetable mould in them. Rotate the crojis and I will warrant they will never get * too hard.?????? "How do you manage to control labor. I notice ever}*??? hand seems to know his place, and everything moves on smoothly and harmoniously???? "Well 1 don???t know as to that. A great deal is owing to what I call tact 1 con vince the ltix??rer that I understand farm ing better than he does, and that my way is right I never neglect him, so as to leave the impression on his mind tliat I am care less and indifferent. I give him justice, and, demand my rights at his hands.?????? But time will not pennit a further enumeration of Mr. Dickson???s views. Ho seems to be full of tlie strongest, most prac tical ideas, and presents them in the tersest most original war. As a man he is gener ous and brave, an honor to bis country and race. B. H. S. .Sparta, Ga., November 29th, 1878. SWEET POTATOES BADLY DEGEXERATED. A few years ago tlie sweet potato, es pecially the yam, was among the most de licious, enjoyable and wholesome articles of food that came upon our tables. This is not now the case in Atlantaand its vicinity, and has not been since the St. Domingo dious and tasteless ??? St Domingo has been extensively raised of late years. It is tin- savorv and insipid, ami hickory chips would taste equally as well, if they were tender. It is far inferior to the Irish pt?? tato. I ant glad the |>onple af Atlantu are learning their inferior quality and are largely refusing to buy them. Dealers in groceries and vegetables are complaining of them as hard stock. 1 trust our farmers and market gardeners will go back to the old- fashioned yellow yarn, for tlie 8t Domingo is a fraud. * I hope the people of the city who buy vegetables and who desire to have good articles of food rather than poor ones will call for the yellow yam when they want sweet potatoes.. If this is done, farmers will again go to raising them. A. B. Atlanta. GENERAL Rl???RAL XKWS. ???Gardening is taught throughout France in the primary elementary schools. Each school has a garden attached to it. ???The value of the eggs produced and sold from the farms in New \ork state is some thing over $2,500,000. ???Corn is worth 6 cents per^bushel at Var- den, Illinois, and Baldwin apples are only worth $1 a barrel in Maine. ???Ireland, which has an area about the size of Maine, shipped to England last vear 1,900,000 head 01 livestock. ???The manufacture of jewelry from pure blood of the ox is flourishing in Ger- manv. The blood is dried, reduced to a pow der and then moulded and polished. ???General Littledale, who has a farm oj>- posite Liverpool, England, keeps 85 cows and 15 working horses on the produce of eighty acres of land. Thb shows what thorough cultivation will do. h 6000 PLAN Anybody can learn to make money rapidly oper ating in Stocks, by the "Two Unerrinr Rules for Succew,??? In Messrs. Lawrence A Co.??? AND SANGER???S BRITISH MENAGERIE, On its Trlumpbal Soutliera Tour, und tl??o South???s Fiiyorite Show. ROYAL TALL-HO MAIL COACH. A Litoral Rcpmeutitlon ot Rojr??l Pleuure LUo In ike Mother Country. lieu OT mv Auwaiuin Aimav, r a uahamv, iu ULT over a herd of Elephants???THIRTY-EIGHT FEET. FIVE ELEPHANTS IN PYRAMID. Military Drill. Playing Elegant Music, Dancing Waltz and Quadrille, Standing on Htnd Legs, Head. etc. Group of Ffvo ltoynl Bengal Ticors! ??? Trained and Performed by the English Expert,' ALFRED STILL. Ten World-Renowned Lady Riders, led by the Challenged Empress of tne Arena. M???lle KLI-E DOCK KILL. Twelve Superb Male Equestrians, beaded bv the undisputed King of the Circle, FRANCESCO BROWN. Lair of ten grave-robbing*11YENA8, manipulated in open den in the streeta during the Pageant. Swpnming Queen in a trial ef Endurance, six minute? under water. One hundred beautiful littlt* Ponies. Seven massive gold encrusted Chariots. Over 100 Star Performers. Two full hra.*n and reed Bands. Man-sized riding Monkey. Six hundred Horw-s. men, women and ehilden. Ten great Clowns, and the largest Menagerie os earth. AII transported in 1??5 specially built twelve-wheel ears, tlorgrans Free Street Procession Occurs Dally Between 0 nml 10 o???clock n. in. Adults, 50 cents; Children under 0 years, 25 cents; Reserved Seats 25 cents extra. WILL Tl 10dec:i3y 7,ft. 11*13,14 and wit CABBAGE-Northero l>$@2c V ??*. MOLASSES-25. SYRUP???New Orleans 35??47. COFFEE???Rio l*Hal7Jf. <dd Government Java ^UGAR???Standard A 9%; white extra C 9%: ex tra C 9; yellow Ra9; New Orleans 6al0. FLOUR???Superfine ?? 25; extra St 50@3I 75; family $5 25; extra family 50; fancy f6 OUaSO 2a. BAC???ON???Clear sides 6*4; sugar-cured hams 10. GREEN MEAT3???4* _ ^ BULK MEATS???Clear rib tides 4%; bulk strips n ??LARD???Tierces kit T%; kegs and cans 8; re- 1 ^creaIi CHEESE???10^. Mlacollaneona. SALT???Virginia |1 40; Uverpool fl 15. LIME-81 OOaSl 25. NAILS???S2 40. r.g. i; G doz. HIDES???lOall. BAGGING???Jute 2 IS; \% *?? 12>^. IRON TIES???H bundle 2 ???Jb; P. C. 1 65. POWDER???Blastiog8 50a4 00; rifle 6 40. SHOT???Drop l 75; buck 2 00. PROVISIONS, GRAIN, Etc. 1^1 ???allies remaining where wood lieajci were 1 *ud c-o-oftented as a mighty whole, thus securing I burned???the bones of animals bleaching out ??? to each shareholder all the advantages of thtf I on the hillsides???and vet there is no sign of largest operator. Immense profit? are divided ' 115??* ??? ri . u ??? articl<g ' everl ??? avi ????? t>N;i ??? g* 1 . 1 - y. iS25 wS3?: ???There nre nNuit dogs in the state. I ???l????? anc * not * manure heap on t*???? September 260l1878, says,'"By the'combination krive fn<m n *mrce Iluit Iiu hith- 1 ???Herterea witn ??n> oi >our held,, under- . . ??? ??? -~v. erto given nothing, ami Ik???oii a direct drain Upon our resources.??? "Do you think the bill will |****?" "I feel eonlidetit of it. There is no doubt that the . *??? ??? a ??? trated Newspaper, jane ???i.nn: "inccomouiaxion ni. Make all the manure you |>os- roC |hod of operating stock?is the most successful from the material ou your place, * V er adopted.??? New York Independent Sept, it judiciously. Carefully rotate 12tb; "Tn. 15 combination urstem Ufounded uj*m ...jelly the bill they want. I think ort of dog law will lie iiassed.??? i drain them, sibly can fr?? | and* use it judiciously. - i V . your crops, and rest assured that hy exer- eorrect bustaea*principles, and ???oP e, * rt * *??? - * - ????????? ... without an income while it is kept working o> s A Co. Brooklyn Journal, April >r made a net profit of $101.25 Messrs. Lawrence A Co.*g Tom- i binatlon?.??? New circular (maileil free) explain? SUH-ksand bond? wanted. Govemmetit Co.. Banker?. 57 000 decs wth?? BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, December 7.???Evening.???Flour dull and heavy, prices without decided change. Wheat slightly in buyers favor. Corn, No s. Jvc ?????? better; other kinds unchanged. Oats No. 3, 29% Coffee dull and heavy. Sugar quiet and red; fair to good refining 6%@7; prime refined dull; unchanged demand. Molasses ; Porto Rico 80??40; New Orleans 28@40. Ri??-e in moderate business demand. Pork lower; mess on spot quoted at $7 40@$7 45. Lard opeued linn and closed lower. CHICAGO. December?.???Flour nominally un. changed. Wheat dull, weak and lower; No. 2 red "BM: No. 2 Chicago spring KSftIKgft bid for January; 83% bid f?? ??r Febuary; 3 Chicago Spring 67%. Com dull and lower; cadi : January 31%. Oats dull and a shade lower: cash 19%&20; bid for January. Pork fairly active and shade higher; cash $6 T,: December $6 65; January $7 85. . .. BALTIMORE, December 7.???Flour nominally steady. Wheat in fair demand and firm; southern 9&SS106; amber S107$$110; No. 2 Pennsyl For Sale! Some English drover puppies. (.SHEPHERD DOGS.) Price. $5.00. Will deliver them safe on cars at Gran mile. NAT TKAGLE, 000 ??1??*cl0 w6w Lnthcrsville, G??. /'GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY, ORDINA- VX ry???s Office, December 7, 1878. Whereas, C. C. Green has applied for letters of administra tion on the estate of Jacob Peters, deceased: This is to give notice to all concerned to file their objections on or before the first Monday in January next, 1879, else letters will be granted the applicant. DANIEL PITTMAN. 146 decs w4w Ordinary F. C. c 1 BORGIA. FULTON COUNTY. ORDINARY???S AX Office, December 2. 1878. Whereas, E. P. Howell, guardian of William A. Green, ha? ap plied for leave to sell certain real estate belonging to his ward in the county of Gwinnett: This is, therefore, to give notice to all persons concerned to file their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in January nef t, 1879, else leave will be granted a? applied for. DANIEL PITTMAN, 145 dec8 w4w Ordinary. winter lx u.njfirit vnf box??? want lo ??? I ??1"* . P ???,t e ^i JoomfL * ?ort of ??b>ir lnw i>a???ed It H nos-uhle I can not only restore your fields, but perhaps 59th: **Our editor ms m * k ?? ,hcm n,,,re fen,ir ,,,an evur bc, " r '- : aaas-nsyss white 4X^45%: yellow 43@I5%. O Neill has applied for letters of administration of the estate of Patrick O???Neill, late of said county .Thinking a brief respite from tlie monot- ] hpn?? supplied. Lawi ony of a dull town wmiid be both healthful Exchange Place, . . . I and pleasant, vour Arrespondent planned young but | and executed, during the present week, a visit to Mr. David Dickxon, of Hancock ???g-law. "I do not know that I am that,??? I Mr/bickson has 1 jng been considered the said, laughing, iti r. ?|K)n>e to our in-1 planter in the south. He ha? quiry, ??? * ??? ??? *??? *???-** 1 . FINANCIAL. Be Kind hough to read carefully my advertisement 1 another column, and call and see my This Is to give notice to all persons concerned stock ami hear prices, and if in need of any- to flic their objection?, if any exist, on or before thing in my line, I feel confident that I can the fli>t Monday jn January next, 1879, else letters save mu some tunnev in a great manv *>?? tf rw, toa the ap^Ucant^^ ???11 the contrary in favor of taxing dogs, if we ranld devise a law ,f> * I way to that j??ron??I distinction, not by long ] hy I spun theories, but by the demonstration of * to u> a? the chief opponent of the I county, Georgia. ??????. ???I ??h?? not know that I am that,??? | Mr.Dick^.n hu, luring ICHANGE??? hlch il oi>ul<l t.f Iiimlc Ihorunshly o|*ri I ^Siicticiii ??icnn,'irh1ch k. ilt???er liiCtiwTrue' BeSSSi??? 1 '""' 1 am afraid, however, that this can I of merit. i G??? ??H} a ? not lie done. Il has certainly not been.) Mr. Dickson is a remarkable man con- ??2221! devised by any bill yet offere??l. The I sideretl from almost any point of view. \ Geoigia8s.~-.~l.ll result of the hill rejjorted from the I xiis physical organization istexturally fine. : 80. CarJSaUd ??? ???old simply be tliat the honest | H is appearance is striking and cominand- I projierty-owning iwople would pay ( ing. ^ewouldarresttlieeyeinanyasseiii- ..n their yard doir, while the raving negro I uiat * ... ..... committee and ... _ . . _ ^ . . . . F negro I olage of men. He has the broad, honest, with hni worthless sheen-killing cur would intellectual face of the genuine Anglo- I*y nothing It would !**??? im|>o?si)>!e for a j .Saxon, of which race he comes. His cast of man who lived through the year at a certain I lu i n d is hardy and practical as is evinced by ..????? ???*??? . * * perceptive or- _ tan of affairs, viewing all questions m the light of reason 1001 Selling. .101 ..par I Selling J4 prem, (105 Atlanta City 8a. 107^109 though, who I gans. He is eminently a 1 might have a I viewing til questions m tlu lozrn i\o *f and i.ever pay a cent on any of I and common sense. them. lli?. to*, would be the very c:ass**f I Mr. Dickson is one of the few cotton th.ll mould l>et dat.gerous to sheep, and I planters of the south who ha? kept np would want to legislate ????ut of I large farming operations of ante-bell M, e master could not support I days, and notwithstanding tbe stringency ???hey w**nid In* conq-ell* d I 0 ( the times and the recent seasons of con- I do not see the I titiuous droughf, has tuana^bd to make ???sing a law that will ami to the I money on every crop ho has ever grown ic good |H*c??ple without touch-1 w itlx the single exception of the present 0:1 hlcss and non-tax-juiying I year. His entire farm oovering an area of Western R. R. of Ala 1stm???tge.luo^iv/ ???------ Western R. R. of A. A W. P. R.R. ir Ala 2d tn???tge Central R. R. 7s.l07@109 endorsed by G?? So. West R.R. 7sl(??? A Cent B. R...105??107 M. A W. R.R. Tali Mont A W P R R W. A A.R.R. Les- ??? cent percent bond*.105ei08 il02 income Atlanta Str*tRR 9 IjfltT of 1*1 Mirdrna ??>t t ing the > ??? Will tin , . 1 pearance of tlirift and enterprise, in striL " I do not think so. In the first place it I fug contrast to the dilapidated, and effete nt*e*>riftiituiioiuil a? it s???andx It ;reats I pluniation? contiguous to it. His fences a}*- f t!m*e distinct ?itbj*?*t?. If impose? a tax, I j^ ar j n good repair; neat and commodious le- a penalty, and offers a reward for I cabins dot his place fronijcentertocircumfer- lur*- of certain animals. Toe con-1 ence ???water-gins andsaw-milb of the most n expre-dy prnridcs that only one I approved jiattern are whirled by every subject shall i*e treated of in a bill. I stream that waters his domains. Ponds, Mr. Milner, of Bartow, hap]*ning into I abounding with fish, and constructed BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, December 7.???Evening.???Money 3@5. Excnanae $t 81H. Gold 100*4. Govern menu generally strong; new fives 106ft. ??? ??? duU. i irregular. intraL 112 Chicago A N. W~. 18ft Preferred nore. Rock Island Illinois CentraL.. 77 Western Union 95ft Pittsburg ... 82ft ??? GoId-!!?l??????S807^??a Currency.. _4W.7W.2M lufamL..... jmm Customs receipts today 8237.000. COMMERCIAL. wily point upon which I was questioned I fro m between the hills, and. in the ex'- duritig my camptign was the dog-law. My | pressive language of Bvron, "warn us people wanted to know how I was going to I w j t b their stillness, to forsake, earth???: vote on tliat is?ne.?????? I troubled waters fora purer spring.??? AH of ??? It wa? the stine way with me,???, said Mr. these objects, combining, as they do, the Harrison, "mv people threatened to beat I use ful and the beautiful, render a ride if 1 voted for it or if I voted against it. I through Mr. Dickson???s farm a most delight- avc seriously thought of lieitig absent I f u | an d entertaining pastime. Your oorre- ??n the vote wa? taken. 1 do not gener- I ??jH>ndent iiad tlie pleasure of this jaunt in ally shirk responsibility, but what states-1 company with the proprietor, and took ad man is there of us all who can bear the idea I vantage'of the time ana ' l\V? 1 1..M, witK CONSTITUTION OFFICE. Atlanta. December 7,1878. Atlanta Cotton Market. Cotton dull; middlings 7ft; low middlings 7ft. RECEIPTS TO-DAT. aurora: Georgia Railroad. Central Railroad.???... Western and Atlantic Railroad...???~ West Point Railroad.. the occasion to ply of being shelved on account of a dog-lawT??? I him with the following interrogatories: Mr. llarrison further queued Colonel \\. \ ?????? Mr. Dickson, you are the only planter the state who has farmed on an extensive Receipts previously~ Harris as authority for the statement tu itii ,, [L ??? 1[M .. ??h??t ?? K>??-i. lost a?? .iMiiremii, to a atreep- I ,bat lias manaped to keep up. Wlmt fold as a dog is. He saj ? that one good I d 0 you attribute your success to T 1 healthy sow, plowing under a fence into a lamb-ranche, will kill more latubs in hour than a dog would as: in a w eek. THE DOO LAW TRIAL IR TESSES>EE. Tlie neighboring state of Tennessee tried tlie ex perm ' Well, 1 don???t know, unless it is finan- I ciering. I make calculations and steer clear of what don???t pay.??? " Do vou expect to make large gains nos you aid yean ago???? "Ob, no: it is out of the question for farmer to make money now, on hired labor. little uiaqgin between tbe price and the price of the products of that labor. Tbe price of labor and the other l velvet Is very ?tunncd, Mr. Barrow did not lose hw pres-1 ?? trimming made of feather? glueddown ence oi mind, but staggering to hw feet, I n!tP d f or dresses, confections and bonnets, made a pretence of drawing a knife, vow-1 y * the imported oatunffi are trim- lv. In a state of bewilderment, caused bv | went. tlie fearful blow which he had received, I plain satin is in great demi Mr Barrow wandered around until ore*-1 xnd when used with striped taken by his friend, Mr. Wm. Holloway, by I handsome, whom he was induced to remount mare I ydfet and silk are no longer combined and resume his journey. When Mr. Hollo-1 j Q ^ cu?tuffie; satin is used wit? ' way reached him he was covered^ with I worsted material with velvet, blood iwuing from the wound above his eye l M Miffed more and more wrioiu. So motive for the .tuck is m- *Pll r^fflraUT'snth ir Birrow. in7*hici?? the I mitts for bonnes luter .truck him with a pair of hatuea. Mr. Barrow did not rococnia. any ooa of the ??? r this raispicton fa ro.i ???itioo. Tbs Msaultoocnrro.1 ment of a dog-law X lt was r a short ... w governor promptly Indorsed it. Tlu* friend- of the dogs at onre claimed, however, that I necessary exi*enses aggregate, in most iti- it was unconstitutional, and becan figliting I stances, more thau the entire product of it in the courts. A test ease was speedily I that labor will bring. I expect to get made and carried into the circuit court, and | rents???? was hurried thence to the supreme court. 1 "What is your plan of renting???? It wa? there decided that the law wa? un-1 "Weil. 1 furnish tlie laud???the agricultn- constitutional, and that d????gs were not I nil implements, the horse and it? feed to- property and could not be taxed. Tbe op-1 getlier with two-thirds of lbe auano. The e rat ion of the law was. therefore, ??tot??i*ed. I renter furnishes the labor and feeds it, and Mr. Crutchfield and other leading sneep-1 one-thinl of the guano. At the end of tlie men, however, made a law of their own I year I take two-thirds of all the crojw and . offering a reward of so much per scalp I give the laborer one-third, for every dog scalp brought them. This I other words, I rate the land _ kept up the law. at least, in their neighbor-1 one-third, tlie horse hire and feed, agricul hood. I tnrml implements, blacksmithing, etc., at Of course, no constitutional objection I one-thinl. and the labor at one-third, and could b*??? made to the law in Georgia, as I rent npou this principle. I think this i- there is a clause in the constitution that I the fairest system of renting that can be de- expreasly allows the passage of such a law. j vised." . "Who gathers the crojw?" ??? ,, ???Of course the laborer does tlie gathering. ?? _> ???. I I calculate that in as part of the labor. One One cupful each of graham and white I ^ mr hands not long gathered his third I of the 00,11 left my two-thirds standing in the 6*14 At the end of the ye.r he cuue *n!k7in'I b ^ k *?? 1001 ????????*??- * told him no, he had ^* t ilSnifi?* Bake m item*, and I his OWI1 gnive. Yes, sir. the laborer l u c * 1 *??? I must perform the whole of his contract. which includes the making and the gather- l-raKrife for your con*h and'n^d ind von | wiSf i^he pfan von would ^Jvfae the wtll loje tjmetnt?? their medicine; fanner, to P ni>ne mnother vrorr ..v.n. 11 1 .. In a*, pUc , , wo i, d M to increase the capacity of their lands. Rich land is the best labor-saving machine 1 know of. for the present generation andpos- >??? ??? the laborer if he hires for products of the land; then be Wlase Need* ????? Neither does Dooley's Baking Powder. * * i for all kinds of bread and pastry. :.n F Se _ generally adopted. Black chenille scarfs, with fringe to match |??nd goldS"t^faniTmiw a ???ulty with Mr. Barrow, in which s the vicini^Sf the place where nurdereo. cream tartar made from grape 1 shares with you th^loos occasioned by to , *d in it* oorotMisitiou. And each I prices.??? ran is exactlv full weight. It???s not merely j " What i? a hand worth another year? a question of scooomy in purse, however. I The way to estimate that is to calculate The products in which it is used are most I what an average hand will make an average healthy and delicious. I year. I calculate it this way: One hand will make three bales of cotton, fifty bush- _ . , . _ . . . - els of corn, and three thousand pounds of ???Laugh at scientific or book forming I Now, take the third of that and von fust as much as yon please, yet the man I have what a hand is worth." Who uke, Oronuge 'of ??r roil ??d fenil- H ow i, i.Tou ^n get?? much work on. iron, raodie. how to nranufactore grwin und a f Toar huxfa- I notice too euluvate root*, meat end fruits, oat of throe row nra-1 more umj to the plough ud do it better Ihe one to raccro4 I than ratybodydro/' ??? I "Well, in the first place, I try to get in- A agricultural books and I telligent and active hands. I then take?? meetings devoted to your | pecial ptins to train them to be experts, 00 everything in tbe shortest, the best, t e most effective way. Wl.. there is skill In forming as there is in every - ??? ??? ~ e war. when. iy /hands could with more ac- ing ior pwHima- ??? ^ compare your crons with thcee of I do everythin* it fa'SmTvl S???V^tSn???cSt I theroii jkiU In farming ??* tc I oliuff??riM MlMTon uke Dr. deriro infortnMion refative to the field of I thing efae. Before tbe you some money in a great many lines of gratis. Have added largely to my stock during the last ten days, preparatory ' r the holiday trade. Respectfully, dec8 da wit D. H. Doi ohertv. Hon. A. If. , , man of the South, writes: "1 tang???s Rheumatic Remedy for rheumatism, greatbenefit. I cheerfully recommend It never fails to cure. Sold by all Drug- sts. Send for cirular to IL H. Helphenstine, fashington, D. C. 67 nov3 dAw8m til jnlp3 Elver la Kin*. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. When it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The diges tion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and ner vous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved tliat Green???s August Flower i 11 * * * ??? afflicted ... and all the numerous symptoms tliat result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns on tlie Western Continent Three doses will prove that it is just what you want 378 iune22...dAwly eow&weow .... 90 .... -489 ???55,375 55,864 Grand total saint extb. Shipments today.... 1,107 Shipments previously 41,502 Total 45,609 Stock on hand ???~ 10,356 Receipt? 1 Decrease... Receipts since September 1~ Corresponding date last year.. Decrease... BY TELEGRAPH. LIVERPOOL, December 7. ??? noon*- Cotton doll and easier; miAAitwg uplands 51-1$; mid dling Orleans 6ft: sales 6,000 bal and export L500; receipts 2,100; . , future? sellers 2-32 decline; uplands, low mid Ttwibtr delivet deli very 61-32; iverr 6ft; May and June <! crop shipped in Novemt*er and December per sail 6 6X2; uplands, low middling danse, shipped ' December and January 51-32. GALVESTON, December T???Cotioo weak and irregular: ??mdaffng?? 8ft: low middlings 8; good ordinary 7ft; net receipts 2.268 bales: gross 3,406; stock 111.3C; exports to Great Britain 6.541; coast W SA\%fNAH, December 7.-Cotton quiet; mid dUngsSft: low middlings 83-16; good Vft; net receipts 4,270 t 2.CO0: stock 71,446. NEW ORLEANS, December 7.-Cotton lar and easier; middlings kft; low ta good ordinary 7ft; net rredpte 6AB6: 9.221: soles 500; stock 191.682; exports to Great Britainx.843. iTSTk nror Si: met ittdptt i??l< 2JOOO* Stedt 41J01. AUGUSTA. December 7. - Cotton dul] middlings 6; low middlings 7ft: 83-16; ies; gross 4.530; sales LOT- CHARLESTON. December 7-Cotton in fair mandat lower rates ..r.v r ilil ir. r- 8ft; good ordinary 7?$; net reedpes ?.0SS bales; - ???*??? -???*??? 81,057. f Market. BUTTER???Choice 20; fair 1C&U; common 129 POULTRY???Chicken*, dressed 6#7c; turkeys 7#9c. BEESWAX???23a23ft. peded.???toTnnpeded live Stock Market. a cattle good cattle -try WHEAT-?? 00a?? 30. WHEAT BRAN-90. GRlTS-$*2Sh /GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY, ORDINA- \JT ry's Office. December 7, 1878. Whereas. J. B. Goodwin, administrator of the estate of An drew Jackson, colored, late of said county, dr- ceased, has applied for leave tu sell the real e?- will be granted the applicant^ 144 dec8w4w DAVID H. DOUGHERTY, (Formerly of Sllvey & Doughorfj-,) Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, NOTIONS, Fancy Goods, Foroisii Goods, Etc., 35 PEACHTREE STREET, ATI* ANTT A, GA. the ability to do so, l am determined to place before you such lines of goo^s as the people may need, ami at such prices that you will see it clearly to your interest to buy of me anything in my line. The following are a few of the reasons why I claim to be able to sell for less than outers in this market can do: 1st. 1 buy most of my goctis by the solid package for CASH for my wholesale department^ rom which my retail room is sumriied. 2*1. I keep an experienced buyer in New York all the time, and when he finds a line of goods going for ies? than their real value I soon get them. I place them before my customers under my imnqinquifthing M0TT0-N0T TO BE UNDERSOLD! r I still hold to the idea that i sales and small'profits pay more than Small sales and "large profits." All that I ask is an examination of my stock, compare prices, and when this Is done me * * ??? ??? * Loui* Schelpert, of said county, has ai. letters of guardianship of the person and property of Mathias and Minnie Belter, minor and orphan children of Theodore Belter, deceased. This is therefore to give notice to *11 persons concerned to file their objections, if any exist, on before the first Monday in January next, 1879, 140 dec* w4w DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary F. C, 142dcc8wlawtw Ordinary C. business, profitable and established by eight years??? success. In the best 1Jcation in the city. Terras easy. Address "Grocer," this office. 625 dec I sun tues&frl . . Art and Song, acknowledged the Richest, Rarest, and Handsomest Book ever Issued from the American Press, combining Poetry, Histories, Biographies, Essays, Anecdotes and " Magnificently Illustrated, with over40( * A beautiful Steel Engraving p to each subscriber. This work should be in Home. Agents???This Is the book to sell lor the Holidays. Extra inducements to competent Agents. W rite at once for terms and illustrated circulars, J. II.Chambers & Co., St. Louis, Mo.; 40 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga 139 decs d&wlt Or Interest to tlie Public. lie speakers are often annoyed, and even seriously afflicted with an affection of tlie throat, which greatly hinders their ef forts to entertain aud instruct their hearers. A slight cold adds to the difficulty, and sometimes results disastrously unless ef ficient means be used to prevent. Every one knows tbe healing virtues of honey and tar. which are found in all their strength and purity in the greatest Cough Medicine ever prepared. A certain cure for Coughs. Colds and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs is found in Coussens??? Compound Honey of Tor, which, together with the golden treasure of the bee, contains the resinous balm yielded by the pine, combined with other materials as simple and efficient. Remember Coussens??? Coiu- md Honey of Tar will care your cough, ice 50 cents a Bottle. For sale by Colli A Co.; at wholesale by Hunt, Rankin A Lamar. 411 apr25 deowlyAweowly I 'VOUGLAS COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF???S J sales for January, 1879. There will ??>c sold fore the Court-house door. In the town of Doug- lasville, Douglas county, Georgia, within the legal hours of rale, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following property to-wit: Fifty acres of land in the northwest comer of lot of Und No 16, in the second (2) district and fifth (5) section of originally Carroll county, now Douglas county, Georgia. levied on to ratisfy three justices'! court fl. ton., issued from the 1122 district G. M. of Carroll county, Georgia, in favor of W. J. Camp vs. \V. S. Crook, Riley Smallwood, and Thomas Bullard, indorser, and levied on property of AV. 8. Crook. Property point . by plain tiffs attorney. Levy made by J. Bell, L. C., and turned over to me October 25,18 Tenant notified. Abo, at the same time and place, will be sold lob of land Nos. ?? and 35, in the eighteenth (18) district and second (2) section of originally Cher okee, now Donglas county, Geotria. Levied on to satisfy one superior court fl. fa,, Issued at the July term, 1878, in favor of the Singer Manufactu ring company vs. W. A, James, and levied on ?????? the property of W. A. James, and pointed out t the defendant Levy made December 6, 187 Tenant notified. ??? G. M. 8AUTER, decSw4w 150 Deputy Sheriff. y but now Campbell county, Georgia, known distinguished In tbe plan of said district as louth half of lot No. 25, except two (2) acres Coussens' Compound Honey of Tar as unfailing remedy for Coughs and Colds, as we can give the mast substantial and weighty evidence as to its virtues. It has cured thousand*, and its increasing popu forty is abundant proof tliat it is appreci ated in a vigorous dime where Cougli.?, Colds and diseases of the Throat and Lung? abound. If yon wish to obtain speedy re lief from these affections remember that Coussens??? ???Compound Honey of Tar is the best remedy in the world, and is only 50 cent? a Bottle. For sale by Collier A Co. at wholesale by Hunt, Rankin A Lamar. 411 apr25 deowly&weowly Face *0 Face with Disease, How often it happens that although we have witnessed the ravages of disease in the case of others, we disregard his warning sig nals in onr own. It is only when we find face to face with us that we really perceive how grim he is. Then, perchance, when it is too late, medicinal aid is sought. Hi? avant courier, bis for weakness. Fortify the system, and you are armed against him* The finest tonic for this purpose is Hostetter???s Stomach Bitters, wbicn renders digestion easy and complete, nourishes the system, improves the apatite, gives strength yielding tieep, counteract biliousness and* keeps the Ixiwela in first rate order. Leanness, and unnatural wan ness and sallowness of the face, are obviated by it, and so genial and beneficent are its effects, that not only is the body invigorated and regulated by its use, but despondei banished from the mind. declO dSt tues thur sat AwkydeclO ???Those who prove anytihng by experience can speak intelligently; and the unanimous testimony of all who nse Dr. Bull???s Cough Syrup is that It more than fulfills all that it /CAMPBELL COUNTY SHERIFF???S SALE FOR V> JANU ARY, 1879. There will be sold before Court-house door in the town of Falrbum, Camp bell county, Georgia, ca the first Tuesday in Jan uary next, 1879, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Nine-nine (99) acres, more or less, situate, and being in the ninth district of Fayette nally but now M *??? ~ *- *~ and distlc the south owned by Pollie T. virtue of fieri Court of Cfoytop county, Georgia, March Term, 1878, In favor of P. G. Garrison against James M. Austin. LeTied on as the property of James M. Austin. Tenants In Also, at the same t land, more or less, in lot No. of Faj--???- - Geoi stiff ??? j _ fl. fa. issued hy John S. Cook. Tax Collector of Campbell county, for State and county tax for the amted ofDrC. .. ORDINARY???S Samuel Weil has PITTMAN, Ordinary F. C. /GEORGIA. Ft FULTON COUNTY, ORDD5A- - e, November 30. 1878. Whereas. Carlton, natural guardian Bell M. and Georgs B. Carlton, minors;for leave to sell a lot of wildland in the county of Floyd, of sold state. . This is to give notice to all persons concerned to fils their objections, if any exist, on or before the first Monday in Jacoarp next, 1879, else leave will be granted the ??? ! *_it acres of nth disuict Fa; ette originally, now Campbell county, otgia, rame being In the south weal corner of d lot. Levied ou by virtue of and to satisfy a - . ranty tax year 1878. Tenants in ponesiiion notified. Also, * at the same time and place, s certain house und and lot in the town of Fairbura, Geor gia, situate on Pumpkintown street in said town, fronting one hundred and fourteen fee*, bounded on west by property of T. W. Latham; on east by property of James K. McKown and PnmpUntown and Condell against H. 4 J. R. McKown. as the property of defendant? in fl.ia. Issued from Superior Court of said county, February Term, Also, at the same time and place, three thou sand feet of mixed lumber, more or leas, and one two-horse wagon and harness. Levied on as the property of John J. Miles, by virtue of and to sab Wy a dutrnw warrant iraned from Superior Court of Camitbell county, in favor of Sam oel Cochran vs. John J. Mile*. Decemt*r 2,1878, JOHN L, CAMP. Sheriff. Bourettes, Matilesas, Basket Plaids, Black and Qarnett Plaids, Ponge and Silk Mixtures, endless variety in NEW DESIGNS. Don???t pass this department, for a glance with admiration whether you wish to buy or not, and the goods are shown SILKS, SATINS & VELVETS. HERE I CARRY AN IMMENSE LINE IN Black Glassae, Black Taffeta, Black Lusterless, Black Gros Grain and Black Cashmere Silks! of the very best make? and brands and at such prices that move them rapidly. Also. BLACK AND COLORED D AMISAE SILKS, and an unequalad Line of Colored, Dress and Trimming Silks. mwm, ALPACAS, ETC. k and Colored Cashmeres, as I*buy these goods by the solid package, direct from first bands . to be headquarter? for them lu tills market, and can show any shade desired, cheaper than elsewhere. My BLaKj ALPACAS are also shipped direct to me from tbe factory, and In these goods I am sure I can save you a handsome profit. In Black Taraese, Henrietta, Australian Cloths, Bombazines and other solid effects, I am not second best. Price them and you wlll-agree with me as to their cheapness. PIECE GOODS, FLANNELS, Etc. PANT GOODS???My variety is large and prices low. , , WATER-PROOFS, iREPELLANTS AND BEAVERS???A large line. Ladies' Cloth in Black, ..avy Blue and Seal Brown. .. FLANNELS in Gilbert's and other Operas, Plaids, Sacking. Gray, Red and White Twilled. Also, Plain, Bed and White in endless variety. In fact, the variety is tip top and prices are on the winning Cloaks for Ladies! Cloaks forilisses! and Cloaks for Children! My stock in this department 14 too large and varied to attempt a description. Suffice It to say I 1 fit any and please all and besides save you 20 per cent THIS IS NO JOKE! BLANKETS???My stock Is large and woolly, hut my prices are not high a bit COMFORTERS???I have a large line of handsome designs and they are filled with cotton. I snp- k I can???t offer to tear one open to test them. You may do that after you buy them. You won't e much, as they cost but little. Don???t pass my SHAWLS. I will do you good. HOSIERY, GLOVES AND UNDERWEAR 80 dec6 wtds SCALES, Ac. Wo ELD'S ??TAMDAK PITTMAN. OrdlMry F. C. FAIRBANKS S C fl L E S FOR SALE ALSO. PATENT ALARM MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Generally. THE IMPROVED TYPE WRITER, OSCILLATING PUMP CO???S PUMPS, SEND FOR CIRCILAM8. FAIRBANKS CO *U Broadway, Mew York. For Sole by leading Hardware Dealers. 596 sepl dim sun thur &wky4gi Ladles???, Mlsras and Children???s Hosiery in English, Lisle, Silk. Ingrain, Bal Brigham, Merino. Fleeced and a great variety of plain white, solid colors and striped; tiro, cut sizes for Indies??? and Men???s Half Hose in equal variety. Ladies???, Mimes'. Men???s and Boys??? Gloves-* superb line. The best 50c. Kid Gloves for Ladles in the dty; af "" ??? are not regular goods; don???t know how long Ladies???, Misses???, Children???s and Gents??? Underwear! , ??? and my sties in it go to prove that I am under the market. Everybody says they are cheap, and you know this is evidence. ALL SORTS at ???isissss. Skirt Protectors. Comet Stays and Lace*. Ladies??? Neckwear a Specialty! Finest Batten etc. Bilk ^Soffifln525jnbber Cloth, Eureka*. SHOES,HATS AND RUBBER GOOt>S equal reputation. but if you Orders so licited and promptly filled. Thanks for past encouragement and a continuance respectfully aolie- D. H. DOUGHERTY. decs snnaweekly lmo MERCHANTS AND TRAVELING AGENTS! O nrni m I ERMS for the Fall TEAM! Orbit AL Wheeler A Wilsons NEW No. Wl 8 Sewing Machines. Easiest to sell! Always give satisfaction! Address SoTCHXEir DxrtT Whcelex Wilson M???r*o Co. Atlanta, Ga. 41* nov22 dim fri sun wed dtwkylm G eorgia. Campbell oounpy.-ordi- ??? ary???s Office. December 2, 1878. B. C. Brown has applied for exemption of personalty and 1 will pom upon ti,o same at 11 o???clock a, m, on the 26th S^oi ! 55*??b*r. 18* ?? **????j iEAVE8S Larkin Harrison applies for lettera of administra tion de boms non cum testamento annexo of the estate of George C. King, deceased: This is, therefore, to notify all persons concern ed to file their objections, II any exist, on or before the first Monday in January next, else letters will be granted the applicant as ap plied for. L. B. GRIGGS, 5ft dec5 w4w Ordinary- fl EORGIA, FJ MtT 5 E. Wiffi* FAYETTE COUNTY.-ORDINA- le??ve to sell the land bekraclni November 27, 1878. Whereas. _ lx of the e*ts??? ME! 1 to 1 ' na VS%bisfit 568 nov30w4W.