Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, December 17, 1878, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1878. win be others of minor importance, I *??**'j a 5g* TM weekly edition U vrvtA at fLSO per ???ora, or tea eopfc* for fli-M. Afnti vutc4 In <rerf dtf, town end ??oontyTjonrn in Georgia and mrna&Alnf states. Liberal com- I ^asineas. .fbe^L. n^upaxx^sa^jsr'jr The legiilattm: has done well underthe I point in her territory. Her naripshle nv- ChaaluSv* The 4??0r edition I* aemd by mall or Aitr 1 {j^ wef .o o; - ispslatare at We per annam. jewtece prepaid. I characterized by more note ttan bosi The body wre impatient k&d-teiremnsuwoea WW 5Tis???^StaS ???ad in so mood lor systematic | has been surrounded by such difficulties I ^ raitruadi, and the stock of some of her 1 These have been met most success-1 old ones is advancing pro<li(rioumly. She is rekl red ??rib*y w-rete. ??? -1" ???omUy-The mcmitue appointed to fully by the senate and bouse HSS^iSS^hunSST SES? S3? mien. Bfiren and twCTtyemti per I inquire when it would be convenient for In both bodies are many good men???I lars of new capital has been invested in ne. Has. record!.* to loctfoo. Contmet raw fur- the city of Atlanta to comply with its men of ability-wbo sretrue to thebest I coUon alshrd upon application 10 the lmrtntm qf&e*. I promise, made to the people of the state I interests of the state. We may look for I yaj-yiuj- degrees of success, and on the Cocrwprrodmc* ruining tepratant newt, I . t .v. baiMinir of a new capital, I an interesting session in July, and may I genera! revival of prosperity throughout briefly pot. rolirited from all rwrt. of thecountry. I nlaa JV? w* _ ^ Iw e welfare of the state will I the country, the southern states are likely All letters or dispatch** mnn b* addmmd to I reported in the senate that they had con-1 be sure that the welfare oi the Mate win I tQ faU proportioiuae THE COEBTITUTION, I salted the city authorities ami found that | be in the keeping of wisdom, justice and | ???__????????? Atlanta, Ga. | were ready at any time to comply I moderation. with the promise. The bill to provide I Among the Seaaian. I Elsewhere we give the speech of Jeems for the reaching off property concealed by J Senator Stephen, of the Crawfordville | Blaine, delivered in the senate yesterday. GOVERNOR COLQUITT. fuL Get ltd of this increase of the electoral vote which the south secures through Its negro vote, ' and the repobUesn party will be strong enough to Ills Triumphal Acquittal???The Action $??lic ^funstilntioiL ATLANTA, GA..DECEMBER 17. 1*78. win without s very hard fight. The proposed ne gro national convention Is a step In this direction, it la a political move In the direction of the dis franchisement of the negro. I This is a very pretty proposition, but it is only what we have predicted time and again. There is no sort of doubt that when the republicans perceive that the negro vote can be controlled by the dem ocrats, they will proceed to rob him of the right of suffrage, and thus reduce the representation from the south. But the attempt will fail. Between the north ern republicans and the rights of the ne gro the solid south will stand as a pro tection, and she will be invincible. The vote of thq negro is invaluable to us as a section, and we propose that he sliall ex ercise all the rights guaranteed him by of the Legislature. The joint committee of the two houses of the general assembly, appointed at the re quest of Governor Colquitt to investigate the charges made against him in reference THE BLAINE DEBATE. A Graphic Description of the Scene. Special dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer. Washington, T WILL COME OUT. suiNCTONi December 11.???Thescenea in the 1 MURDER OF POLICEMAN MOONEY. ! to-day nave seldom been equaled and excelled. Jim Blaine, of Maine, made hi* ! _ The history of crime is one long annal of way bonds, have made a report, which is a, 7BEZ?? full, unequivocal and triumphal acquittal 1 *ky and temperate wind* were vouchsafed him. , ??? . ... I The acceworiea were brilliant; the debate exciting, of Governor Colquitt. It is true {be com- I Blaine's speech at once rose to the height of a nuttee make a majority and minority report, I JJSuSt 0 ?????? ???h ^clever a y i * >,wvoJrheU ??? rifal I mysteries and surprises. Murder will out as thev were not quite agreed on some of I behemoth it* died ^PsulcidJ as I ant * long-forgotten tragedies hauut the the minor point, in reference to tbeconduct SJw. b ??St?????S' alPfhc "???ice *mt oT'lt ?" ,h * mU jus,i ? * ^ of others connected with the transaction; I and even Blaine could not nut life into the old I had many remarkable instances of such but both reports sre full, clear and to tl.e I I ,ar,1 - v retribu,ion - **???* y*- ,enU - v ,1,crc w ??? debtors from judgment creditors vras I district, is well known to upper Georgia, I It is a very nice little talk. It is warlike passed. The bouse was engaged all .lay I haring been for years a citizen of At-1 in all its parts and exceeding)}- vigorous on the tax bilL There waa considerable I lanta, and a leader of our bar. Colonel I in its details. The alleged facts upon Coma of the evidence and report, in I discussion over a resolution to appoint a Stephens haring moved to the home of which Mulligan???s victim bases his argu- mm .... I committee to ait daring the recess and 1 his uncle, Hon. A. H. Stephens, was I ment were probably furnished by How-1 .????? , ??? ??? I report at the next session what legists-1 speedily honored with the senatorship I aid Carroll, for the reason that they are.l... . .. , at the counting-room of Tus. Oomrrrc-1 ti , jn g, Dccemtry to carry into effect the of his district The honor was well wild, ??nd false, and inconsequential. ???I,, .n Tio*. The Istlancc of yesterday morn-1 provisions of the constitution on the I placed, and is worthily worn. Colonel I Why he made a speech at all is more TI e neero???will not onlv ot" ing>. edition is limited, but*, long ?? itregulrtion of railrowl pusenger ??nl Stephen, is. fineconstitutionallawjer, than we??nunder^n.l We^no ro, the S5EU, but he wfflretam lasts it will be sent bv mail at the late of I freight rates. I and a speaker of first-rate abilities. He I son wliatever why an investigation mto |, l i , . ??? . I ki~i .n. bm to I is careful and prudent in ail his manifes-1 alleged frauds and ten cents a copy, or three for twenty-five his right of suffrage. outrages ??? r l "^ e ,OT lw< ??? , ?????? 5 ???" ve | diatribute the land scrip fund appropri-1 tations, and is a safe and sagaeions law-1 recent elections should not take place, | g IXCE Mr h??v?? lias posiUvcly forbidden eenta. TIic price at the counter is five 1 ^ ^ jhe question of I niaker. There is no man better ac-1 nor do we see any reason why the inves-1 the cliambermaid to leave soap on the stair- cenU. This difference in price* is on ac-1 ^ n ' ew ^pj^j was indefinitely post-1 quainted with the needs of the people of I tigation ahouhl be confined to the south, I steps, the amiable Rodgers, private secretary count of the postage required when or-1 poned. Bills to prescribe the manner in I Georgia, and none who will devote him-1 unless it be that the great senatorial gun-1 of the administration, lias never happened ders are filled l.y mail. which cities may compromise bonded more thoroughly to satiriying them, contractor is of the opution that an out- to an accident. Sometimes, when in a hur- * lebts and to prescribe the manner of 1 Gn the floor of the senate, he is a power I rage at the south would not be an out-1 r > ??? be slides down the bannister stairs, hut RzraxaxsT.tnvz-el.Tt din Wellborn,of 1 foreclosing mortgages on chattel* were ?? ?? checking legislation rage at the north. ^ the Dallas, Texan, district, will be the blue I poiwed. The house heard the report of | ^rith perfect independence and well \ In the course of his exceedingly silly j bJ# Rod ribbon member of the next congress. His I the penitentiary committee & the con-1 poised judgment he aligns himself upon I argument, Mr. Blaine says that the man point as to the acquittal of the governor | frankly at the crntM-t that the purpose of his rr*o-1 concluded in Rouic, in this state, a trial They do not find the slightest wrong on his SSJS^ulSSnS'lSS'by'S'J * hich B ivCT "''cwo' brcc to the certainty part, so far as either motives or actions are I democratic party at the south during the late elec-1 of the detection and punishment of crirni- , , , , , . . I tions. and he devoted his whole speech to discus* I concerned. And they denounce the charges I ,4^ that subject He assumed that all the nccroes I na * ' made against him a* libelous and false. The a * ?? ath wo V\ d ** xc voted 'wpiMtaut I a brutal xm 3^5 vow??LTwn "'.iSSTidwt" 1 Between S o???clock and 9 o???clock on Satnr- have examined ever} witness who could be I democrats elected 102 out of 106 representative* I day evening, the 17th day of April, 1874, found who had any connection with or I from the old slave states. On these assumptions he I ??, v knowledge of the transtunion; and thev I based the assertion that each white citizen at Uie 1 c,l J ??? Koiue, a police officer > have sifted it thoroughly to the bot- ?????? name of 1???eter Mooney was cruelly 'flu* zsvifioiw-ss <*Ainmin.uw I each white citizen at the north; and in proof of I tw ???* is voluminous, I assertion he separated the whfte and I and the report is made within the last I black vote of the south numerically, tpioted the I ri. c track of the Selma. Rome twenty-four nours of the session befpA^HsI entire representation of the south to the white! _ . .. . . ^ . . adjournment over to Julv. The tneitibers I vote alone, and then by cleverly comparing a I Dalton rnilnma U?? oe maugieu of tbeleg??laiure, amid tb???e oneums duti??|'>?????????"??i(???"???* 1 ^"'??< l ????? f???????;.??-brre thv , ]le incoming train from IislUm, He resting upon them during the last.hours of J the sparsely settled'static at the northwest, he I had been munlered by having his skull the session; have no time to read the ev??- | *hpwcd, to hi* own satistactlon at least,how | rrUslieil wit h apiece of iron, and wounds I other. Till I can ism. from one monarchy to the essence of true repubtl district includes a good part of northern I dition???of the convict aunps. Manyof the I that side of every question where the I who fought to destroy the union ???is a fsnj The entire navy of the United State Texas, and the returns sre not all in yet; I revelations were terrible, showing tsthey I public interest lies. He is never out of I ??? mo re important factor in the govern-1 consisting of one bloated gunboat, will be but Mr. Wellborn's majority already foots I do wliat abuses exist under the present I his seat and is watchful of every move I ??? me nt of the nation than he who I employodtojinisjrt General Hiram Grant, up 30,70S. j system. The report speaks highly of | that is msde. The people of his district I ??? fought to uphold it.??? Does Mr. Blaine | ??? * I the management of a few of the camps, | may assured that their interests are I know why 7 Does ho know that The death of the grand dueheaa of I lmt pronounces the general system very I safe in the hands of their present sen-1 R j s one of the inevitable results of negro Hesse is chicly remarkable beranse it is I lw< | aIU ) positively recommends that I ??tor. He lias the patience to watch???the I suffrage. This gives us larger represen- flrst among Queen Victoria's numerous I campn he abolished at once. A I shrewdness to detect???the ability to pro-1 tation in congress, greater power in the I as a tyrant It is to be feared that such descendants, I he death of the little dangh-1 | arJ ,e nurntwrof bills were passed???among I teet An honest man, with a clear head ] government, and is altogether comforting I marks will inteferc with the digestion of the ter of the dead grand duchess, about a | tll( . m0Kt important of which was a bill to | and a determined purpose???there is his | to the solid south. The waving of the | ???liable Rodgers, the private secretary of week ago by diphtheria, being, of course I ch , nge the time of holding the courts in summary. excepted. The Princess Alice was the sec-1 counties, ond daughter and third child in a family 1 of nine children. ensanguined undershirt by Mr. Blaine I ,lle administration. Wednesday???'The senate passed a reso lution memorializing congress in favor of Senator J. W. Grimes, of Colombus, is I amounts to but little. The tact remains i sci-ia seenu to be in love with the In one of the most successful of our young I that the negro vote cannot hereafter be I ,u au It is probably a very profitah statesmen. He came to the house when I controlled hv the carpet-baggers or the I concern. Meantime, the Indian himself he was very young, and daring his first I republicans, and this condition of things I a revere sufferer. T... i ?????? , th ??? not, of th. I the Great Southern railway. The appro- ??? , re I' u, > llc!,ns ??? lnla conau ???"??? ??? Titr. house lias passed the fifth of the I ^ ???f tho I 8e * lon rnade h, ?? jnark " a man ot 1 mav as well he recognized at once, ewular annronriation hills. Thiawasthe I P mt,on occupied the attention of the I. . . n. ,i?????? m u. L.' r???. f Main*, made hi* . ... lUnrlated hi* pint- a the dvlni; ember* of *vti-mal hate. He bid for the prwtoeticTjand enunrlated bit plat-1 A Tragedy that Startled Borne aai Baffled the De- had for an audience a the indorsement of the Northeastern rail- I pare 8 the fienaie'jianditpHum^TlMrte were^tes* I men. pablirtati, poUtkiana. fair women, carping 1 .a.* *??? ly, clear I -The Efforts Made to Disoover the Perpetrator*???Hew the Trath Leaked Oit. donee, and no time to act upon the report. I a few white people in two While it would have been very gratify in- I had a?? much p..liU??wl pot indeed to Governor Colquitt and his friends I ~ n tao - or t ??? ,n9 tiui< * to have had the report of the committee, I buIMM ???re inflicted up??m his face, and the niur- ntZSff m r ^Swmr^w???S r te 1 Jcrcn< attempted to conceal their crime by ??? foundation of such logic wo* a dm-1 placing the lifeless body upon the railroad ??? ??? ?????? *??? ?????? ' ??? raise the idea t hat tlioir victim was was killed in that condition by . - . . .. premises. Ha claims. | 1 the train. The murdered man was known as he has a right to claim, at the hnmlsof I t hc attempt.for party purpo* ??to relight the flame I to | mve had on his tterson just previous the general assembly a full, unequivocal, I of sectional hate, and dcmoliwhinR the entire I ??? . .... . 1 i complete, triumphant and unanimous ac- I foundation of Blaine's speech by holding up to I the killing uoiue $????, wluch was ne\ir mittal; and he Is unwilling that it should I H** m2*5?Ufy lon, - lpt ^ 1 ??? I found. 6c said that any one voted upon the report I and vice, which amagironim^lnd *n a I tiik bafflko flax. the committee who lind not had au op* I the color line, is the rcalcanaeof the trouble at the I ??? , iMkrtunity to read the evidence and consider I south. HU amendment, instructing the commit-1 Fortunately, while the body was urns it maturely, so that his vote, when given, I tec'to Inquire whether there was any intimidation 1 lying uimmi the track awaiting the grinding shall be tfie result of hi, deliberate Wd g - undue tuttaeurinz aj.vteea jL?,. . ... M M ,d "???any of the govemor's friend, iu the leg- 2.S?S. ??I2S! & th'i >????? *??*??? ?????*?? *<???????' bUt ,?????? l "'T' , * -*????????! **-- * ???I km ???* ?????-- ????-* ??? the deceased, passed along the track ami discovered the murdered man. They were fore idj-mremeut ; but on -cuut of the | 5% T I ZLd with horror at the gtuv assist I ir ???????? call for anv action until atter the adjourn- I anotherpolitical debate on the nabjert la unavoid-1 of mind hurried to some neighbors and of"eri JSlfctaWbSSpSSSKSiSfirihlt nuuSe ???i*d the alarm of murder. Aid was pro- uianitnoiis whencii r the volume of evi I has made a nolitirwl niUtake; and none, oxcopt I cured and the Dalton train was flagged deuce na* Iteen read by the general assent-1 it may he a few of hU friend*, think he has ramie I . . . . u^i,. ti.?? bly. I any noliUcnl capital. However. Maine can cn-1 down before striking the body. The So far as? we can hear, there is but one I role himself with Uie thought that the magic of I ,u a i ns were taken front the track and news opiuiwevpo-sse'iontUU.ut.jy^ 'S'uFSSL UdSfta^ttoibpf the terrible trageily carried into Rome. ^,tir.^^Ia"T?? e n^%SS I ??sr* aSjK I .nnuunrementof the murder, -though Colonel Alexander and Solicitor-General Clements. THE STORY or THE CRIME. __ man named Webb, the same man whom Captain Redding had overheard here * Atlanta, was the princii>al witness for the prosecution. He testified that prior to the murder of Officer Mooney this man Cooper tried to hire him to get Mooney over on the other side of thc river, on the pretense that Mooney had insulted Mrs. Cooper. Witness refused to have any |u??rt in the matter. Gooperthensaid, ???HereconiesCic. Ellis;he will do it.??? Kllis was approaching. He and Cooper had a conversation, and then Ellis went to where Mooney wa* ???tanding. and after a conversation with him, both went off together. That wa* abont*dark,and the last seen of El I band Cooler, they were in a bar room about 7 o'clock purchasing whisky. Thc next seen of eitlioir one of them waa later on, w hen Ellis came into the bar room and said} > PETKR MOOXEY IS MURDERED!" This announcement was speedily corrobo rated, and excitement prevailed to a great extent. Coojier and El lis soon after were at the depot together, and went from the depot down the track with the crowd to where Mooney was lying. They found the re mains there with thc head all ma*hcd in. Cooper either fainted at the sight of the l??ody on the track or after it was taken to the court-house. TIIRKATKXIXO THE WITNESS. The next morning about sun-rise Cooper whistled to witness across the street and called him over to where he was sitting, being in his stocking feet, on a stair-step*. Cooper a*ked him what that crowd was do ing up the stree. ? lie said he didn???t know; hut, said lie, ???Tobe, you pit away with him!??? and Coojter exclaimed that he had. He then told witness to p?? up the street and find out who they suapicioned. At the same time he gave witness a drink of whisky. Witness said that Cooper???* pants were very muddy, and the night of the murder a dark, rainy, drizzly night. Ho told witness to go and hear wliat he could and conic hack and tell him. Witness went as directed. When he came hack he told Cooper he was suspiciotied. Coojter excited- bill ia ready lor presentation to the hotue, I' ^ a'resolution abolishing certain I CIPal ??? 1 ' ,JIIIe 8har P discussion among I believing that it was an unmiti-1 to marry. Heaven help us! This is wliat and it will undoubtedly reach the senate I . , I his constituents, and caused animadver-1 gated political evil. But times have I we all come to in our old age. before the holiday recess. Such rapidity I j ia ,j - lt not l)Cen tsafjj^a I B ??? on " in h,s course, he at once resigned I changed. We have discovered that it is for the consideration of a bill regnlatin * 1 h ??? * nd *PP??? 1 ??! to the P*^' 0 for a comparatively easy matter to give the | i# I an indorsement of his course. He waa I colored vote th*?? direction of conservatism, the penitentiary iiyutem. It may be ???Lot of action wa* never before known at the beginning of a aession. Tn> Totter committee are about to re-1 ^ted^ereTh^'thU biirnereVr^hed??? ?? I triumpl.antly sustained after a heated I and it is not to be supposed that every same operations. The democrats, it is final consideration. A resolution anthor- ??? nvasa - ??f na,or Gnmea ??? * y?? nnB ma . n ^vantage trill not be taken of that fact, .said, have so far been waiting to see i,ing the governor to proceed at once in unasna ?y fine V???*???..?? In nllustratmg a portton of hm argu whether the republicans would make any . legal way to insure the kind treatment "???"nee. eloquent and pleasing address, ment, Mr. Blame compares the??? black motion to investigate the cipher dis- ???f prisoner* in convict camps and to pr- and P????>nal foree. H,s speeches nith tl.e white population of some ??? - - - 1 | arc always short, but are winged to the I of the southern states, which shows I heart of his subject There is never a I that he takes a very superficial | loose or unneccesssary sentence in them. I view of the matter. He ought to be able IN GENERAL. ???Talniage is the Jack of Clubs. ???Mnsby has not yet left for China. ???Gortachakoff is getting mighty weak. ???M. Darbly, the wealthiest grain dealer iu France, is dead. ???Oakcy Hall understands the ways of the World.???New Orleans Picayune. ???Baron Gustave de Rothschild has giver a piece of land in Paris for a boys* scliool. ???SalvinL the celebrated actor, com and great personal force. patches. Chairman Potter especially did I tcct the interests of the state in all con-1 Rrc a,wa >'? 8hort - but are winB ?? d 40 tho not want ti> appear to be going into such I tracts lor convicts was adopted. an investigation w if Thursdsy-The long deUyed reports of I ^^??? re ???^y7iterei!tetionof thedTy, I to OTdei^nT^this???toe???thrt 11.^^ I a'Vmgthy'en^cmnt'in Uui- cal relations with the peraon* who ?? far HZtZTZtiZ dTSIZr'mZ and m ^ imp 7 8sib '??? '? tCT ??? d ??? -Two son, of Jim Mace, the ex-prize have been implicated in the matter of the I He0ie of tt,e Northeastern rail- on ??? oiy - Mr. Gnm?? is destined to fill | citizen. He has learned to value hts vote, | fighter, are preachers. Their arguments bit cipher dispatches. The republicans, after nTOM . nted in .???,h houses I*" un I K,rtant I* rt m Georgia politics. one or two consultations, wiselv decided I ^ | He has reserved power, and win rise to whatever situation ho is placed in. It is upon snch men as he that this old state a. well as the democratic party, to a* I the state departments and to prevent I ???"*??? dCpend ,OT ^ ,P8i!da,i ?? n ?? f thC great an extent ns it an investigation was nnv PmpIoyce of anv department from hi,' itaS!??c n K ,, V.nv hl :tein i teren.l tata???te I al ??? d i'aligna.ion. M.K.ney was hi* acts hat e been fully shown bej ?? ,n * I his *cat Anheglanml at the crowded Rallrrio* I duly as a fiolice officer and waa a man nine This is gratifying, not only to the friends I ^misht'lrell have whispmd^o^hia^roin* I Wipectcd by thc entire community, of (iovenior Cfilquitt, but to thc people of I placcnt self. ???Bravo, Jamie! Bravissmo!** Com-1 was not known to have a decided enemy !e^ bl'nrnrain'iortK taiOanle a,!d un- U-e city. lie left behind a wife ao.l terestin maintaining the fair fame and un I ministers lent their presence; the pro* of ihe I crnl children, entirely destitute. His blemished ebaractcr of the peraonil country werewatchinehim ??nd wslUng tor hisl , , ,,, . . . . ... occupying the high |H????ition of chief I word*. It wa* a tribute any man might well be I den and aw ful fate created a storm ot rage executive of tlie state. And, on account of I proud of. The thin, hatchet face of Rvart??peer d I \ lx the coiumunitv. Wty^i arroara to rnoaa tnc catna. well as the distingui.slied services he has I floor ohsequions senators made room ffirthebentl Tho IhhIv was taken to the city hall and ilercd to the state, both in the field and I form of Lot Morrill, of Maine, ex-senator and ex-1 _??? t j^.. ??? i..rv wn* *nniniom*l to he public councils, it is doubly gratify-1 *or ttenm end ot the army, who I da > * c,,rouer 9 l ur * aun ??????? 0,,wl to in*?? to hi* numerous friends I fpMawedeinae In Morrill * footetepa. Over on the I hold an inquest upon the facta attend- in^ io iiis miiuirouH lrieuu: I democratic side Archbishop Gibbon and a triad of I . .. . tofknow that the grave charges made I priests clustered in acomcr. TheenUrespace-way I ????P the murder, which it was evident against him were utterly groundless, and I behind Uie senatorial tienchcs was packed w ith I had Iweti committed. This jury entered that even his enemies are obliged to admit I public men. It seemed that half the house was I ... , n - thorough investigation of all thc that bis triumph is overwiSJml ig a ??-l 7iS??a* satisfy, itself cottipteie. 1 Thurman???s reply unhosted him, and I with them, held sessions over a period of Since writing the above, the general as-1 Lamar finished thc good work. In an eloquent I three weeks. In the meantime a telegram seinblv has, by an almost unanimous vote, I speech, which took a broad, statesmanlike view I was to thc mayor of Atlanta request- 41 * *??? J * 1 ni ti-BiMaM u?? *i..?? - ??? ????? ing that the best detective available be sept ..nlled out a Remington revolver and presented it THE WITXEra* BREAST and told Webb he had betrayed him, (Cooper,) and be was going to kill him! Witness vowed he had not done so, and would not tell anything. He thereby saved his life. Cooper then took wit ties.* upstairs in his room, gave him another drink of whisky, and told him there was a pair of boot.* he tni^lit have. At this time Mrs. Cooper came in. Cooper was threatening to shoot witness if lie told anything. (She said to him that was wrong and pointed him to a pair of shoes that were under thc edge of thc bed and that had u|ton them 1k>i1i there being only tW diluting meinbcre. 1 * ! Cooper was dressed differently on that day from what lie was on the evening of tho murder. He did not mingle and show* that familiarity with thc people that was cus tomary with him and his shyness was re marked. On the Tuesday following thc murder on Saturday night the witness was met l??y Mr. Elli.*, who told him that Cooper had di- ulged the secret to him (Webb) and he bad better leave tow n. Witness did not know what to do. Ellis nulled out $00 and offer ing it to witness begged him to go off to Alabama, claiming all the time that ho (Ellis) had a wife and children and this would min them. He told witness ???for ood???h sake, qo off.??? Witness went down iu Alabama, where lie and Elli.* had been raised up a* hoys to gether; lie felt that liis^lifc was in danger one or two consultations, wisely decided I sports completely vindicate the that the people who are to be injured by ,. OVPrnori bat both ask that legislation be I the cipher dispatches have been injured, pnactcd to insure the independence of gone through with. Furthermore, they did not know wliat other cipher ditt any employee of any department receiving any fee for attempting to influ ence the official conduct of the governor I patches from their own side might come I >ny mlltter qje m i no rity report out in Ruch an investigation. The demo- crata have, therefore, decided to investi uses a little atronger language in declar-l ing thc necessity for such legislation. gate the alleged dispatches, and all other Xeither report wa ssct??l on. The senate dispatches relating to the theft of the I rtrng g>d with tho tax bill all day presidency. [ I and at night after a debate Wsdf Hampton. The democratic press of South Carolina, The Silver Votes. The house on Monday took two square votes on the silver question. The first was on a motion of Mr. Durham, of Ken tucky, to suspend the rules and pass a bill prohibiting the further coinage of trade dollars, and directing the secretary to cause trade dollars to bo .exchanged at passed tho Garrard bond bill. Th. ???liTT boZ passed a number of houso and for legal-tender doilara of 4 2 j grams s,l- . , *7?????? . I ver at par, and to recoin the same as, indeed, the df-inbcrstic press of every I *.' na te bills, the m<.t unpertantof which I into gmndard legal-tender dollars, as other sonthern state, is filled to over-1 wa8 a 1*1" *?? e*vry into effect the new I now provided by law. The other flowing with congratulations of Hampton 1 constitutional provisions reletingto home-1 proposition was that offered by upon his election as United States sena-1 steeda An effort to pstss the bUltoBmcnd | m f . Fort, of Hlinois, last week, but tor; and ho deserves everything that can I the act authorizing a geological survey of I wb ich was then objected to, declaring be said of and for him. With Governor ] * he s,ate ??>>'l creating a geological bureau that the legal-tender quality of silver dol- Colquitt, he has been foremost among! vaa futile. The effect of the failure was I j are 412$ grains of standard silver shall those whose attitnde and impulses appeal I to ^ eave bureau without a cent on the I ^ m ^; n tained and enforced, and tliatany to that larger sense of charity and con-1 January, and its expiration at I diaenmination against said silver dollar servatisra which, sooner or later, is bound I t * me ** inevitable. I an y national banking association, by to take possession ot the people of Fridsy???Was the lsst day of the ses-1 ^fusing to receive them and treat them all sections of tho country. We I ?? on liefore the recess, and neither house I M j^ga] dollars, shall be deemed a defiance are not in the humor to deny I ( *???^ ra?? c h business. Tliere was confusion I q j ^ ^ j aws Q j ^ u n i ted States. The that this conservatism is as lacking in the I nlost th ?? <la y- The *???* and approprin-1 lwo | u y on farther directs the committee south as it is in the north, hot it is haitily tion hills vibrated between thc bodies all on banking and currency to mature and to be expected that a people fretted, wor-1 -* a >' on different amendments. At last I br i n g j n a bill to provide for the with- ried and harrassed by a series of imposi- thp y wer e perfected and passed to tho (Irawa , of the circulating notes of all tions and small lyrannieaalmost without a I ccoeral satisfaction of tho a88em ' I banks so offending. There was a very parallel, can exercise any great degree of pdy- The house laid the "P 0118 '' f I decided ntajority in the house in favor of conservatism. Time, however, goes by the investigating committee on the I propositions, the vote on Air. Dnr- tnrns, and it is simply an impossibility I * aWe - TJicy B?? ov f r , therefore, to the I ham . g 6tan di n g 153 yeas to 90 nays, and that the arrogant and insincere politicians I July session, thus giving members time I on Fort???s 151 yeas to 89 nays. How of the north can long keep up that species I 40 consider the voluminousevivlence. In 1 evcr ^ a two-thiids vote was required to of pressure which means the political I thc "c? 81 * there wa8 a * har P discussion I ^ them propositions of like import degradation of the southern people. I ?? n mattter, several of tlie senators I are p en ,ii ng before the banking and cur- Governor Hampton received every I losiwins that it ???rradd bean act of injtis-1 rency an( j w h en they shall be democratic veto in the general assembly, I *???* *?? Governor Colquitt to delay action I roportcl back a majority vote can pass and, with the exception of two colored I on the reports until July. Others con-1 (j ieIIJ votes cast for Mackey, was unanimously I tendoi that it would be fully as unjust to I An ana ]ysis of the . vote shows that elected. The resnltis quite a triumph I mali c ??P a judgment without reading the I ^ delegations from Maine, New for the methods of reconstruction which I evidence. At last thc matter was com-1 Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Governor Hampton found in force in I promised by the passage of a resolution I and Oregon voted solidly Georgia, and which, with consummate I declaring that the postponement ??f*e both propositions. AU present tact, ho adopted in his admmistra-1 location should not be interpreted in???o [ an d voting from Maraachusetts are also tion of affairs in South Carolina. I ???"y confidence tn the purity and I ropQjded i??? the negative. The full dcle- Thcse methods are based upon the complete vindication of the governor, I , rom North Carolina, Alabama, conviction that the negro ia entitled to I but that 11 wa8 done merely to allow tbo I jdississippi, Louisiana, Indiana; Kansas vote the democratic ticket if he can be I members time-to read thc evidence cn I w , vitginiaand Nebraska, and all who perauaded to do so, sod that he is not to *>>ich both reports hsd prononnce.1 the ^ fmm Ma ^ nd vjtente be controlled, in exereising the right of P"emor ??b??>lu??cly blameless. Goonria , Ken.ockv, Arkansas and suffrage, by spies, inspectors or carpet-1 The resolution appointing a committee I Minneaotil Toted in favor baggers. South Carolina and the coun-hf ??????during the recess and report legisla-^ propositions; Only two try need Hampton, and the general s*. I tion on the railroad question was defeated I Sew y orl . mem be ra voted for both sembly never did a better day???s work b I??? e ??? , c- , Both bouses did propositions of the Pennsylvania dele- than when it elected him to the senate. **????? mght sessmn except to talk and fill- , ion ejght ToUd {oT both measures, bnster, and at 12 o???clock the general as- aQ<) |cn them Mr Thornbng, of | sembly adjourned, leaving much of .ts t,???,^ and Mr . Schleicher, of Texas, voted against both measures. These votes show that there has been very little change in the sentiment of members on the subject since the last session. The banks will be able to ascertain from them how their nullification scheme is garded. Let ns not confound the general bal-1 important business to come np at the ance of trade with the balance that is I July session. stricken between this country and thc I In reviewing the whole session of thir- nations of Europe. The latter is largely I ty-sevrn working days we see that while in our favor???so hugely that wcwill soon I the legislature left over until July many be out of debt to Europe. We sell Eu-1 important matters, yet it performed a rope, in other wools, goods snd prodarts I goodly lot of business. One of the most to the value of $230,000,000 in excess of I important billa passed was the Garrard what we bring from that part of the globe. I bond bill, to provide for the issue of Bat let us not think that we are getting I $500,000 in four per cent, state bonds in that much richer each year. If we were, I denominations from $5 to $100. The bill we would soon be very rich, and the rest I will greatly increaae the volume of cireu- of the world correspondingly poor. Un-1 lation in tlie state, and will reduce tlie fortunately for us, and fortunately for the I interest on oar state debt just $20,000 a -world at large, perhaps we are not fa-1 year. The homestead bill was also per- vored among nations to that extent We I fected most satisfactorily. A bill to pro- draw from Europe to disburse elsewhere. I vide for the manner in which cities may The following table shows where one-1 compromise their bonded debt was one of half of our last year???s European balance I the m-*t important acta of the session, went to: I The new jury hill ia very satisfactory. Stales. Import*. Expats. I The tax act shows a considerable diminu- lltxtco. J 'irttaS * tzotju* I t ??? on ????? the burdens of the people. A bill 7 ct.sss.te ttT??s.otB I changing thetime of the saperiorcourtsof Z jSS3 xSau I numerous counties, was also one of the ??? *??5jni tlSrS I most important measures passed. A great ArmtUae ItcpubUc..??? wSies I many bills of importance were passed, r?????? ??? tSx?? r.aso?? I but a full catalogue of them is not prae- C, a. ot Columbia a,VSOM I ticable in a brief summary. Tea!..??? suo.zss.sio Stl.ost.ttz31 For the July session the legislature has We bar sugar from Culm, coffee from I left a number of weighty matters which Brazil, tropical fruits from Mexico, and I most then be finally determined. The ???oon to the end; and although these I great question of retaliating freight and countries are onr nearest neighbors, we I passenger rates of railroads under the permit the countries of Europe to supply I new constitution will come np for a fall them with manufactured products and I and final discussion. The Moffett ben- even with provisions and breadstuff's. I punch billa will be heartily pressed. The Our trade with Cuba, for example, is a I question of the tale or lease of the Macon discredit to ns as a people; but as long m our government takes no steps to re move the nnjust discriminations against ns imposed by Spain there is little dunce for improvement. It is certainly strange that while we can produce cottons that can be sold at a profit in Manchester itself, we can not get a (air share of that trade in Mexico City or Rio. We can make cheaper cutlery than Sheffield, bnt we can not sell it on this side of the globs to any great extent. Commerce is not given to vagaries There are reasons for all these things, as Mr. Evans very well knows; and upon him rests, in the last analysis, the chief responribOity for our heavy adverse American balance. and Brunswick railroad will also be de termined. There will be a fight to slav ish the agricultural department, and probably a strong effort to revive the geological bureau. The wild land office and all its operations will come up for a thorough review. Legislation on the line suggested by the recent inves tigation ia sure to be had, aa both reports of the committee recommend the passage of laws strictly forbidding the taking of fees by department officials The dog law wUl also be discussed. The biU to redoes fees of tax collectors and receivers win likewise come up in July. These are merely tome of the principal questions awaiting the action of the body in July. Gforfla the Fatten* State. A few days ago the New York Herald published a number of letters from its correspondents m the south touching the condition of affairs in this section. The reports all show that there is a revival of prosperity throughout the whole south. There is a returning confidence, a practi cal and rigid economy, a saving in all de partments of life, and a tendency to split up the old unwieldy plantations into snug and well-tilled farms, and to diver sify the crops on these farms ipo as to make them self-sustaining. The Herald directs its leading editorial to the south ern question, and puts Georgia ahead of all tlie other states in point of thrift, en terprise and progress. The Herald of Georgia: Tliere is, however, a difference in the tone of feeling in different southern states. The most complaining of these states is Virginia, the most hopeful and prosperous is Georgia; but most of the others resemble Georgia rather than Virginia. The chief cause of this difference is not difficult to find. Vir ginia is the southern state which is most impervious so new ideas and the slowest to adopt improved methods in her agriculture. like tax-books of Georgia and to know that it is worth something in I f<^??*??? tlie shoulder. an election. This is a very high grade of *???<?? (-'??>????? Wmans. of Baltimore, has a ..... ,??? * w r , I little fortur civilization, according to Mr. Blaine s I y OUMg man , idea, and if it at all conflicts with tlie ru?? I ???\ Marseilles almanac predicts for 1879 publican idea of citizenship, Mr. Blaine I the death of Bismarck, Gortcliakoff and hasonly hisownparty toblamefor it. They I , $.#??.??? i ., .. Vw.ii * ??????,i fff.Att?? I ???The costliest twitch of hair ever made gave the negro the ballot, and now they I in raria va| there i ately for ^ lt cannot take it away from him. In a few | was snow white and a yard aud a quarter years Mr. Blaine may come to think that | lon ** the right of suffrage was inferred upon .S'tffr^S tlie negro prematurely, and a majority of I head of a party. It is likely that he will his republican confreres may agree witli I remain, him ; bnt between the resets of ? I publicans and the right of the negro to I reduced to i*owder, and then moulded and vote the solid south will stand as a wall. I polished. What next? The negro will not only be allowed to I -Rochefort is straitened pecuniarily, vote, but he will be allowed to democratic ticket This may seem I sine, Nopoteh Uf.'a death, terrible to onr friends, tlie I ???Edison says: ???The English have Knt I beautiful system of patent law, invented. I republicans, but we do no ??? I think, by King Canute or some other perceive how they are to help themselves. I ancient ruler, who understood the needs of If thev are caught in a snare of theirown I our times.??? setting it is not the fault of the democra- ,, ???When Gilmore???s band wanted money JI . , , . , I Europe the bonanza king,??? Mackav, came cy. There can lie no shaking of gory I tllc , ir relie( witb a sulntzsntinl loan. Thc locks in this direction. We are truly I hand can be counted on as solid for Grant iu sorry for Mr. Blaine and the distinguished | ' ora rahxnnrantLrI ???Mormon women, who are accorded the corruptionists whom he so eloquently rep- right of MfTn ge, invariably rote on the side resents. He is in a pitiable plight indeed. I of polygamy, lest a change iu the fundamen- He is anxious to prove that tal institutions of Utah set them adrift to . . * . I contend with the world s contempt there have been outrages in I . _ , _ . . r . , ... I ???An English officer, who has long re- the south, but he substantiates I sfje*! in Italy, says that its juror is as dis it by proving merely that the colored I ciplined and brave as any in Europe, and people .re inclined to vote the demo- g&teSSC* ??? ***?? ,1 ?????? cratic ticket. Whether that is any of hisl _ A Ikx , ton ph} . 9ician ,??? re up thc pre . business remains to be seen, but in the j scription that he had written for a bov with meantime we agree with him that the diphtheria because the mother had no .... ...... ... I money to pay for it, and within a few hour* investigation for which his resolution the boy died for lack of medicine, calls should proceed without delay. | ???Major Atwood, of the United State* jjrmy, stationed at San Antonio. Texas, TH* ??l*rn>z>rtil*ement of the Negro. I was married in St. Umis last week to the , ... ... ?? ... I ???laughter of Richard King, the ???cattle We have repeatedly predicted that a I king??? of the west. The bride???s father pre movement to disfranchise the negroes by I rented the groom* with 80,000 head of cattle, the republicans is only a question of time, . ???Humphreys, the drunken Washington , , .. ??? ??? j * I judge, refuses to vacate the bench. He says and we have now before us evidence of a | |j C was appointetl by Grant and he intends very substantial sort that onr prediction | to stay on the bench until Grant is again was correct When the negro was en- ggjgroj; when he knows that he will be franchised the south protested. He was _ A farmer Birmingham. Conn., bar- ignorant, easily controlled by outside I gained to pay for his wife???s coffin partly s - parties and altogether unfit for exercising | flouts, n bile tlie funeral services w?? ... . _ . ??? . ???. , , I in progress and his house was crowded with the right to vote. But it was forced I neighbors, he lagged oat the walnuts in a upon him, and for awhile, aided and I bag. which gave way and let them down abetted bv white aliens from the ?? ttlin sly ?? n *??>?? fl???? r - ___*L to zw,c?? Lie w-rv*o I ???The editor of the Dramatic News has north, he cast his vote against bn>ught auit against F. C. Harriot, husband his own best interests and against I of Clara Morris, for characterizing an arti- the best interests of the south. This was c ,le which appeared in his paper as ??????a vile ???. OD slander.??? The object is to compel Mr. H. natural. Freedom was new to him. It I to come into court and show that the arti- conveyed a sense of irresponsibility and I cle is slanderous. recklessness pretty nearly akin to the I ???Captain Whyte Melville, the English I novelist, who was killed by a fall from his _ .... - * I horse, on Thursday last, was the author. It intoxication of a very extraordi-1 among other works, of ???Kate Coventry,??? nary character, and a great majority of | ???Captain Pigby Grand??? ???Holmby House??? the freedmen gave themselves over to it I and ???Oood-for.Nothmg.??? with an enthusiasm which, taking into consideration their present attitude, was I Thursday, the occasion being the 50th an- little short of the marvellous. In adtli- tion to this the whites were somewhat I tie speech In recognition of the kindness of backward. They were unwilling to can- | his many friends. vmss amongtheir former slaves; thev were [ ???4 P} 6 ^, ?? r An ??? of Austria???s skin will ??? ., I soon be in the market. Her body was burnt unwilling to sohcit votes among those in a churell , he founded, and the piece ot whom they had formerly controlled; and I skin is said to have been taken from her the consequence was that the carpet- I in l8( V b y a physician, and preserved ... . I in her family until now. It is 11 inches by who. both of them, proclaimcdthcirentirc !" B Rome to work np the case. Mr. Ed \ernor, passed the 10I-1 pj^n for the education of the negro at the south, I Murphy, of ( confidence in the govt , a lowing resolution, which makes his vindication perfect: Whereas. On the second ??lay of the present _.on of the general assembly his excellency, ( emor Colquitt, demanded as an act of justice to long time. . ??? . - Is to-night. -- ??? . which he i.* the chief executive officer, an inves-1 Blaine's speech L* admitte<l to tie ingenious but I He was met with <ihstaciesat every step and tigetion in to his conduct and motives in reference I fallacious. It is cmftv and cunning, bnt, after I finally forced to give up hope of reaching to indoraiiig the bonds of the Northeastern mil-1 alL like unto nn optical delusion I'nder thc | SSTwil nf tlie u.imler rood company; and. whereas, a joint committee I Mlpelof critical analysU lu whole fabric eon be I the real perpetrators ot the murder, of thirteen, alter the most rigid and thorough ex- I demolished, and will be. Tburmun never np-1 TWO very active parties aminstion, have unanimously vindicated his I peared u> better advantage. There wjw just I T "?? ' tBY ACT conduct in regard thereto, however difllcult and I enough of sarcasm and ' imlig-1 w j, 0 arc to figure largelv in the subsequent differently expressed, tlie views of the majority I n *tion In the speech to strip off the hoilmv I , ??? , * .?? _ notable for the and minority on minor pointe: and. whenws. the I mask in which the Maine demagogue is disport-1 history of 1lie* cave, were in??table lor the gcneml avsembly have not time without a pro-1 ing, not to subaerve any great public end mvc | proffers ot aid to the investigators in setk- longation of the session to examine thc testimony I that of his own gasping ambition. Lamar whs I ing out the murderers. They np- arcompanying wdd report with a view to adopt j rauicr#mpetuous. llu>flort waa thoroughly im-1 peared specially anxious to have wreject raid icport; therefore, ??I dt^i^himwdfami^I l he criminals caught and punished ; Resolved. That the p'*tponemcnt by the geneml I between nlmsMl and Blaine, he held his own. and | Th ??.,rtie??* ware# \( r C C Vlli?? a well smembly of action on the report of the investlgat I hi* keen retort that fine of Blaine???s assertions I rh cse parties were a .wr L. L. Lilts, a wen Ing committee i* not to be conrimed as an expres-1 would do very well for wit. but not for truth, I connected citizen of demoralized habits, don that its confidence tn the character of the I made rather a sensation. While the republicans I and Mr. Tobe Cooper, a rather di*reput ??ble governor???achararterexidted by hL* civil.milltary I generally seem pleased with the day???s debate, the I keeper of a one-horse gambling den. Thev and private career is at all shaken???but such post-I democrats are cuimlly so. Thus far, of course. I unusual interest in all the proooed- Donemcnt bv the general assembly is due to its I only the skirmish has been had. True, the giauta I . , ^ . .. own appreciation 1 ^ the proprieties of judicial I of each side have had their brush, with drawn 1 In 8*. t M,t *???*lhing betrayed that there u as proceedings which forbid judgments in any and I results, yet thc battle Is Hill to come. Blaine???s 1 anything personal moving them in their show that the negroes of that state are assessed this rear for more than six mill ion dollars* worth of property, whereas at the end of the carpet bag rule thev had next to nothing. A great change ha* been made in Georgia and the states that imitate l????r j n their gen eral agricultural management. It lias been found expedient to diversify their cropa. They raise their own wheat, corn, vegetables and pork, and are not dependent solely on cotton, as the owners of the great plantation used to be when they mortgaged their expected cotton crop in the beginning of the year for money to purchase their sup plies. One reason for this change was the difficulty of borrowing, bat it has proved of great advantage. The cultivators save in terest, save the profits of middlemen and the expense of transportation, and live m greater comfort, plenty and independence. There is bot one voice throughout the south as to the advmUges of this change of sjstem. We refer again to Georgia because this is the pattern state of the south in enterprise and amrow ** ?????? ** baggers got control, and carried things 4, and rereniblra gants de Swede, their own wav. They came near raining I ???The legislature of Missouri has been pe- the south. They plundered, and stole, I thinned by the grand juriesof several coue- and forged, and issued bogus bonds, and earned matters with a high hand. I punishment is imposed on the honest tax- Georgia was the first state to shake off than is inflicted on the criminal by the yoke. General Toombs, with hi. X??SST JF **"??? " fi ??? shot-bag lull of silver quarters, and other J ???a Newfoundland dog ran up to tws leaders filled with the idea that the state I men near Worcester, barked furiously, must be saved, wentto workamtn* their ???J? 1 ,* ^ former slaves, and the re-1 understood that he wanted them to follow, suit was that Georgia was re-1 He conducted them to a pond, where a deemed from the gAffingbomhgeof radi- StTSSfe fo cal role. The democratic majority was I get out. small, but at the next election it grew, I ???Miss Helen- W. McDonald, who had and when Governor Colquitt waa elected brought suit in the United Slates conn, at . A . , . , I Boston, for an infringement of her patent it had grown to more than eighty thou- I for an improved dress protector, argued her sand. As a matter of course, the radical I own <*??????? General Butler was one of the leaders, beholding this state of affairs, are casting about for a remedy, and the I the end is not yet. only one that suggests itself to their I ???A railroad company, suspecting dead- frightened soul* is the disfranchisement 5 t * d ^ P m ?? detective on the track. One of toe negro. Thus, for instance, we find Mr. A. M. Gibson, of the New York Sun, 1 1 ticket. He watched toe speaker and wa?? writing to his paperfrom Washington: The aouth has twenty representatives baaed on I passenger, he raid: ???I???d like to know your negro votes. If these vote* are to count tor noth- I pl*n for traveling without a ticket, and tng. save to add representation to the south. | 2?? n .* of dollars then the north wfll demand that something be ~ * ??? ^ " ** J *??? _ done. The north pay* the greater proportion of taxes, and it will not have its money voted away to its disadvantage by these twenty additional repre sentatives. which in effect give the south thc con trol of the government. The reply to this by sonthern men is: ???Yi which would strike at the root of the whole evil. I but had prostituted his great power* by contract- F ing himself to the narrow limits of partisanship. L G??v-1 It was thc most dignified and rutting rebuke that 1 has been heard in the senate for i * __ this city, wa* at once dispatched take charge of tlie secret work of the ami arrived in Rome speedily. He set the ferreting out of the crime, hut nd that lie had beet* anticipated and s before tlie csseshav 0 pw 1 been THE LATE PRINCESS ALICE. I advantage to-day was that he had pre-1 zeal. ! '? I These efforts all failed, and thc coroner???s lewui.VKSin 1% nTtaeprt tfoftfi ur >' , ' , 1 l l ^ l?? ???k" 11 the old formula that dc- *lowu, and 111 aa Impromptu though rivnruus re-1 ccmffd liad lieen murdered ???by a party, ~ 1 ply made sail Inroad.* into the HophUtrics nd-1 parties, to this jury unknown, yanced. Just when the debate will be renewed I jfo the matter re*tcd for a while. At v.???. i Rome, took -some interest in tlie The 3t??ws at Windsor Castle???Anutvei nary Services. Darmstadt, December 14.-The grand duche?? I lution untft after the holiday reecM.* Meanwhile. | ???I* 1 .? of Re??e. Darmstadt, Princess Alice, of England, I the democrats may change! their plans, and not I * m,e . n . ?? . . ..* di*??d Ht T-ao thi* mominff of dinhtheria. ??he was I *P?? nd time with further debate. The republienn* I case, but failed to find enough to justify died at *.30 thl* morning of diphtheria. She was I can nol cMWeuOy refuse Thurman s ameud-1 vigorous pursuit of all the details In asUte of unconsriousness from 2:30 until the I mC nt, and if the investigation proceeds under the I time of her death. The grand duchtes was the I resolution as amended, it will be broad enough I TMR ar.wards third child end second daughter of Queen Vlcto-1 to give b????th sides thc chance to suifeit the conn-1 lw . a ,i^, I ???.. ... ria. She was bom April 2S, Her father, tlie I try with tlie stench of political mttennew. In the I were Mw f JJTPra* *" 1 I K> ^* nce V/ f . ht late 1*rince Albert, die<l on Saturday, December I vnd a suffering people will Inoulre muoiic them-1 hiflicullics surrounding its in- 14.1861. This is a remarkable coincidence. I selves. ???Can auy good come out of Nazarethr??? I vesligation. The citizens of Rome offered London*. December 14. 6 p. m.???ThebUnds are I Probably thc most conspicuous feature of thc I a puma of $1150, and the drawn at Buckingham polare, SL James palace I proceedings was the absolute rudenem of Senator I c.tvertior of the state issued and the Marlborough house in consequetice of the 1 Conklins. During; the entire debate he luaninu-d I hU i.n M .|amati??in fnr ZLV) I n f , death of Princess Alice. The prince and princes* I to be busy extracting excerrda out ot a yellow I proclamation for III t it face ti of Wales, and i rince Leopold and Princess Beat-1 ropy-book, and never once raised his eves. Hc| sWC *?? remuneration the detectives d:*l in: rice are at Windsor with the queen, and Dean I was ns oblivious to the scene as the sleeping page* I feel disj***ed to enter ti|>oii the fatigue.* and Stanley has gone there to spendT the anuivenwry I who curb???d up under the vice-president's desk. I datiger.* incident to a search "for the fact* of the prince consort * death, though no^morbd HU w^irfm^^asjiidccj ro marked that | the i>ei |??:raton?? of the crime. The tuat- t. and the I Ran Tuckt are | speech: ???if and private, in the royal borough, are c wrong and ought tobe stopped, why all deceit] from the memories of tlie citizens home, men agree with 1dm. of course. lie need not have I - i i I got up in the senate to sav that. But if he menus I comino to TttK aUSFACR. ministers and membeni of govern-1 to say that a majority of the southern district*] aMt it ^ fairly carrie<l by the democrats, he says |??? A???r.* 111 ! ^?? ago Captain \V. II t is not true; but, of course, his speech was a | Redding, who is in charge of tlie city chain- le of casuistry. Why, take his statement that | gang, overheard in a bar-room in this city. ZnOOT white voters at the south are as indent ns I a conversation concerning the Mooney nu??V- ment have sent expressions of sympathy. THE CUBAN ELECTIONS. Transition Rtete???Local D fat nr bane New York, December 14.???A letter date*! at | | 120,000 white voters in the north. That is not true. 1 For example: the 70,000 who Voted for Kugei I Hale failed toele??*thim; but the individual pow ingall the circumstances of the killing to _ great as that of tiiosc who elected theother I the other, and his narrative improred Can r, .... , I ??????Justso It is with us. Thc simple fact of ti??e | tain Reililitig with the idea that the taL Havan., DcMmber7*.piUi.tthcin!inldp.l elcc-1 matterb that?? are in, am.jority in rtlMrlct., wasa trae one. He beard all that passed tions commenced yesterday. Sosertott. disorder | 8 ."L??? n .??? r ???i ??? n . n 2?????!????? | t a I and got the cue to the entire bmdnera. has been reiwrted thus far. The general condi-1 {JSSnaS Nnrib^???arolina v lr -1 u?? 1 think Mr. Blaine I lle . reported tion of the Island in it* present transitioni period I ha<?? nuule a political mistake.??? Money, of Penn-1 tective Jones rannot be pronounced as perfectly satisfactory, I sylvania. Is more graphic. He says: ???Mr. Blaine ders t and ing and c and facta | derstanding and communicative the De- ; party Ilis nai iportanre, and it l* said that he \ summarily dealt with when caught. The sla very question is the most serious of all. Con servatives want abolition according to the law of Nome of ihe President???s Views. From an Interview with ???Oath??? In the Cincin nati Enquirer, then called thc president???s attention to thc I Moret. The liberals demand immediate aboli-1 or. in ion of Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, ex????i??aker tion. Some fear negro risings and disturbances. I of congress, who had recently criticised in aeon- should the conservatives triumph. m,' After Moonshiners. but It is extremely dl??eult to get neenrate in for-1 h as gone into an ol<fgraveyard, snatched up an .??? ??? n rr nut under ???shadow ??? His name mation as to the state of affalni. Bonachea, who I old cadaver and tied it around his neck. Now he ire Si????} Them Sn?? is making part of the territory. cw!!e<l Mnco \ il-1 win have to wear It. and it will hurt him. for thc | r <^hlcncc. etc., were al of them fully ascer las insecure with his band of followers, is pro-1 people are tired of the strench.??? I tamed. The sum total of the information k- m- 1 i was sufficient to set Jones upon thc track, and no detective in America ever went about his work with more diligence and cir cumspection. AT Tint BEOI2IMXO. ly criticised in aeon-1 Itetcctive Jones at once went to Rome, the blunder of the repub]!-1 ?????*!, with the information at hand, began to r upa union *u- -* -* ????? in the south, so as to anticipate . . Collector Clark???* deputies hare made the | to 'left???51h t ;ffi???tai'???n^!* ro ??? "T ~ I following seizures in Henry county: I ???I have my doubts.??? said tlie president, I Ptihere<l Ail the truth in a bunch, and lilt One luge copper still, about forty gallons I ???whether at that time a reliable nucleus of a re-1 upon the |>eopIe, as lie believed, that he waa crooked whisky, eleven large hogs that were be-1 publican organization could have been found in I after. Many of the best citizens of Rome, ing fed on distillery pre|ffis<*s. about two thousand I the south. It would have done no harm to try it I ur*on learning his mission, said they would gallons of mash and beer, and a large quantity of 1 but all such great revolutions settle slowly after! ???i?? meal and malt were destroyed. I the sword hss been sheathed. We exj^ct time I fTl **. ???* -JS Proceedings will be instituted to forfeit the land I to move too fad. After all, only a few year* I * le went to work ana which the distillery was located. The land, lt I have rolled by since the war, and a good many I not take him long is said, belongs to a prominent citizen of Coring-1 thins* have been settled since for the better.** I certain that the two active parties who had ton. groyK Th' ?,KL! ler l,>???> ???Wtot b the next me,vmrni.of Uicdcmocrau. assisicd Murphy in the cato were the reel iw^r r C Hm-r f P rn^f-rrt- ??? -7??? COn tttteoiytuMwh_ Mr. Prrafatottr??? criminal* in the ease. Jones went to Mr*, in the residence of Berry Bnrb. tjq. I h*??k, m ra^" ?? d I^dratH^ej, ???*?? i Mooney, the widow- of the murdered mai He, Not Come I??. ??tbb end dLlosed to her hi, ditooverie, ????? Chicago Times. I seemed such a startling remark as coming from I stated that if she would swear out awar- If Grant is to be the nominee more than us-I the president tliat we all sat still a moment. Mr. I rant against the parties he would attempt ual care must be exercised in the selection of a vice-1 Haye* spoke first: ???Don???t it look that way to I their capture. This she did. Upon re* jBiss: ss???wj^Kgffwa&iissgg I I ???? dieting with kings will but increase a natural I for somcixsly to ct??me forwanl and head thc oj*-1 drecover *he whereabouts of his birds. He tendency to apoplexv. Four year* hence, which I position column. Who L* there so likely to be tlie 1 found that Mr. C. C. Luis had might be soma eighteen months after hi* I man as General Buffer !** I election, the vice-prudent might be called upon I ???Why,??? said I, ???thereis Senator Thurman, who I xxxoratxd to Tazae to move into the white house, bag and baggage, I has iu-t arrived on the spot. Is he not likely to I , f . . ... constitutional advisers and aiL Hence theheWi I be their leader???? and was one of the bon citizens in the of being quite certain aa to the man. For which I -Of course.??? said the president ???He has been I to ^ u ot f " ris : inTexas His gentlemanly reason Key mav as well remove the flattering unc-1 regarded tor some time as rather the highest ex-1 genial habit* made him a prime tion be has applied to his ambitious soul. The I punent of hU party In the senate; but this time I favorite. Jones telegraphed to the mayor cou J l I n,e favorable for the ap|??canuice of some | of l???aris to know if Ellis was there and re- capuin in order to glvethe cheap place to I |?? m n who nmy make a stir, i should not be - -..1. t n affirm* five Ki a confederate brigadier. , f Robeson might Le relied I {Spri** if Butler would avaU hinm-lf of the I i".. tld.. I ar??Li - -d not I chance; and they would tutild un a considerable d ?- v l s afterwards Captain Redding, armed " party for the time being. Indeed, a growing one I with a requisition from the governor tor a while.??? I Georgia upon ilie governor of Texas, set out ???Mr. president, have we not probably touched I to gobble np Iiis man. After getting the bottom In our business depression? Are not 1 protier warrant in Austin, Redding Prig* | l???aiis and there arrested Ellis witlu npon to continue the policy of his chief, and i to divert any of the spoils from his backers, all events, they are likely to know their man. Ben. Hill at the Blaine Debate. sS^nssusi^jsksiss SXS s^s thinks it is wonderful that Blaine should draw so I ports y * very Important thing for us. It is par-1 as you did, I would have been large, a crowd with in short a speech. W hen I ficularly important if It embraces a portton of OVKR IH TIIK I5DIAK RATIOX! ... , , _*d m ?? ??? l<1 1 manufactured productions. It L only 5 per cent., xjk hands warmly, almost affectionately. I .???q, tliatis important because it is a new thine I .... _ . from recent elections, that I can???t have | fo Sidf. We have never exported our fabric^ I That is the way they all talk in Texas, an my weal, as you will likely keep it yourself.??? I machine*, iron. etc., to any great extent It may I the Indian territory ought to be abolished < i? nkUn *, repned that he could not tell yet bow I be said that we are now doing it for the first time. I to make room for enterprising people, aud that would be. The conversation grew out of - I - ?????? -*>??? ^??- -?? *??-- I - ??? speech in New York, when Conk ling dcchue that the ex-confederates were after everything, and that Ben. Hill was even after his (ConRllng*s) seat in thc capitoL away until ir??l that Kl- cj lie then i, and after cd to Atlanta; if he Y*u4}i(MHl;a the matter 1 lis and Cooper hi felt safe to return, staving there a while re he held the conversation that Captain Red ding overheattl. Dr. Mitchell testifi??*d that lie heard Cooper, two or three days before tlie mur der, threaten the life of Mooney; hc^idif Mooney did not let his busincr-s alone ho would knock his ???dd???d head off. The business??? was some woman affair. On tlie night of the murder Ellis cutno i his own house and awoke a gentleman there, and fold him of the mur der. Ellis remained ten or fifteen minute* aud then left home again and went up in town. WIFE IMPEACHING lit???Nil and. The gentleman referred to was called, but could not be induced to testify to any of these facts, but rather, if not positively de nied them. His wife was sent for quietly and produced upon the staud before the purpose of the prosecution was divined. She swore positively to all the facts, and it is reported contradicted her husband???s testi mony aliuoMt entirely. Tlie episode waa one of exciting interest and created a sensa tion. A desperate effort was made to break down the testimony of Webb by impeach ment. Some lft or 20 of the best citizens of Rome were called to sustain him. They swore that lie was a drinking character, but they would believe him on''oath. COMMITTED WITHOUT BAIL. After speeches U|*on both sides and a very strong and urgent ap)>cal for hail for Ellis, Judge Underwood said be bad listened care fully to all the testimony and lie believed it was Iiis solemn duty to commit tlie pris- oneni to jail witluffit the lM-nctil of bail, to await indictment and trial in the sm>crior court, which lie did. The friends of Ellia were ready to give a $10,000 bond for him. Detective Jones managed this c??m?? with great skill and ability, and demonstrated hi* title to the high reputation lie bears as a de tective. Captain Redding performed Iiis bis {tart of the work with his usual coolness and vigor. This was a crime of four years??? standing unearthed and the law put in process of vindication. Financial Mnttm. London, December 14.???The weather to day is cold. There is much snow in the northern coast of England and various parts of Eurojic. A Times financial article says Jonathan Wield, managing partner in the private bank of J. and J. *enton A .Sons, at Roch dale, whose suspension was announced on thc 2fith of November last, lost three million dollars of the ban k'sftnoncy speculating on the stock exchange. The high rate of tho French exchange seems to be due partlv to French grain operations with the United States, and partly to the investment of French money in English bills and treasury bonds and partly to the purchase of stock hero. HAMPTON'S AMPUTATION. The South C arol Inn Bovrrnor???s Con dition Favorable at Last Aeeonnta??? Anxiety and Kjtnpalhj of the Peo ple. Columbia special to the Charleston News and Courier, December 11. The oflhstiltation of eminent physician* had ten day* ago In reference to Governor Hamp ton's condition resulted in the unauimou* and au thorized opinion, as publicly announced, that am- r iutation was not considered necessary, and that t waa confidently hoped that the limb would be ultimately saved. The courae of treatment which has been pursued was likewise approved, and lu continuance agreed upon. This hmieful state of affair*eontinued for *avae al days after the examination, but Hypocrisy Uncovered. Memphis AppeaL The Republicans pretend to fear that thc confederate generals in congress will Inaugurates new rebellion. Because the president appointed half a dozen rebel democrats to office In the south, a general howl was set up. But a few I days since the president nominated Musby, * Virginia, for a foreign mission. Mosby is ??? forge* aud shops. The newspapers ought to go I Atlanta and hence to Rome. In themean- into that department of investigation and help I time. Detective Jones went to Rome and guerilla, ex-freebooter, ex-b ass ^5Bgygg??gs 1 made arrangements with a justice of th tieace to go to Cedartownand arrest . Tobe Cooper, the other party, who had set- I tied in that village. Mr. John Stillwell;of XnrhtiMaf-U .1 thi, tin,, in rcr. r*n??lo K?ta??. ??u -foputized .nd magtt arrwt refunding the cotton tax, so unjustly collected I of Cooper. Upon the being made . from the southern p-*j|4e. under the radical ad-1 Vr*. Cooper, the wife of tlie unfortunate minUtnuion. That the &*lit> Uou of the cottoo I * J ??? :J *-??? L1 ??? the confidence and spirit of the people.??? Tbe Cotton Tax. Van -Bureu (Ark.) Argus. velous patriot???proTided he is a republican. ???tumbia evils thereby. New that the advantage ???is to be reaped by us. you want to undo ???what yon have done. We had no choice ???in the matter, bat had to take a very large pro- -portion of evil to get a little good, and we mean ???to hold on to that little.??? AU thc Indication* now point to an agitation, at no late day. for the dlsfranchiscznent of the ne gro, and tha republican* will deliberately propose it ??? very prominent republican said to me the other day: ???If we eoold only get rid of this negro question, we eoold whip the democrats every time.??? Ha meant that tha additional electoral votes which the south gets upon its increased rep resentation (make the presidential fight doubt- for it.??? ???Done,??? said the man, pocketing the bill. ??? A???hen I want to travel without a ticket I walk.' ???Wro. H. Beecher and Ilenry Ward Beecher are in a public controversy as to what their father, the late Lyman Beecher, believed regarding Adam???s sin. ???My father held that men must repent of Adam???s sin,??? ???ays Henry Ward Beecher. ???This is a great mistake, and does great dishonor to the noble sad beloved dead,??? says Wro. H. Beecher. It would be more interesting if the Beecher brothers would discuss a sin more recent than Adam's, and about which one of them has more definite knowledge. ???Mr. Horst described to his wife in Four Mile, Kan., the spot where he wished to be buried; bat she aid not remember, after his death; exactly what be had said. She went to the field that he had cbo-en and saw two white doves. They alighted about tbe length of a grave apart. She then recog nized landmarks proving that the doves stood on tbe precise spot that her husband had indicated, and nobody can convince her that they were not mewengen from him. ber that numberless claim agents inflated the south Mime years ago, buying up planter*' cotton-1 ' ' | Aa a general thing '* ??? ' ??? Ohio u tbe Pivotal Mate. Chicago Tribune. If Thurman is to he nominated for govern- or of Ohio in order to test his availability as a prest-1 founded upon promLes which readily flowed from dential candidate, may not the Ohio republican* - ??? * **-- ,J J " takes hint from the maneuvre and pit General Garik ld ngainst liiai for tho double purpose of de feating Thurman for governor and making Car- field a presidential candidate on their side? If Garfield should beat Thurman tor governor, as he undoubtedly would, it would give him great pres tige in a race between the two lor ihe white The much-heralded speech of the eminent tohavemada but a ^ cause it was dull; not spoken, but read; __._j is too stole for anything be said apoo it. and fourth, because his . .. tension regarded his speech as a bid for presidency, and few of them are disposed to or his aspiration. What Use heaate Might (lave Maid. Pittsburgh Telegraph. ???What is his loss is our gain,??? the senate might aDDroDriatclv remark concert ns; Hampton. BatostoM^member yesterday, and that body tax claims. luaed i I . . , induced to accept, because of golden virions ???vta???led upon promises which readily flowed from the oily tongues of the aforesaid di Interested agents. It would be little hsasrd to say ihitincah th - government s^onl 1 determine to reft???' '1 the UPPHUMOTin n thousand would the planter receive oua dollar. If,then, this tax *houl<l cotton tax. tn not on* planter receive a be refunded b; any benefit that might be derived from such action would inure to them and not to thepeepie. Justice tn Dr. Leftvich. a call t 0 ZlS5??Z^S2$&'* nMI adtimort. Nor dot. It follow I eonwnu to pmcb tbe zoipel in ??rht nerud with the northern zraenl MtmUj, th??t ???he b bbe to tbe aonth, or Indoran former ut- Mnneee igiinii the people of hb nMIritr. ???Sadden cb*nge>of temperature ttrevera productive of coughs and colds, which al- i Cough Syrup. !epj*cd out and said to him: A Wire's INJUNCTION. ???Tobe, I have been thc beat friend to you that you have ever had on earth, hut yon have treated me like a dog. I have pow one more request to make of you???that is to make your preparations now to meet your Cooperwas much depressed in spirits and give* all the evidences of a nian who has well nigh alwindoncd hope ami simply awnif.-i the inevitable. Both men were suc cessfully conveyed to the stene of their crime and placed in the custody of tbe sheriff, to await the action of the authori ties and the courae of the law. THE PRELIMINARY TRIAL began on Thursday, in Rome. The justice of the peace having been objected to. Judge Underwood, the presiding judge of the cir cuit, was selected to hear the evidence and determine the prooable cause for the arrest and committal of the parties. Tbe trial was attended by a large number of people, and great interest was manifested. It con tinued until Saturday afternoon. The prisoners were represented by Colonel Feath- erstone, Judge A. R. Wright and another wbiwe name we have not at hand. Tlie state waa represented by Colonel J. L Wright, lay or rnlant more ?????? . m had extended xoraewbat, and the process of healing or knitting of the fractured bone had been arrested. Tbe utmost attention was bestowed In an anxious effort to assist nature in doing her kindly work, but day by day tbe futility of such an endeavor became more apparent, until finally yesterday tho conclusion was forced upon the phyth-ian* that amputation had become imperatively necessary. Tala uu welcome fr???* * * .ally kept from put emor as well, it being ?? concerned that be ihot necessary and prolonged anticipation of the now inevitable operation. The requisite preparation* having,however, been quietly and skillfully mad* yesterday, fir. Taylor visited the governor at an early hour this morning, and informed him of tbe was neither surprised nor shocked at i nouncement which he had been In some meas ure prepared to bear at any time tor some day* have entertained that he might be spared such las*, and declared himself ready to undergo tho operation without further delay. About ono o'clock. Dr*. Taylor. Talley, Tresevaat, Howe, Griffin. Lynch and fireen. all of Columbia, pro ceeded to the governor * residence, and one of gentlemen having placed him under the influence amputation was quickly and skill- folly performed by Dr.Taylor, In accordance with what la terhni(%lfy known as Idtirr???s antheptio process. Tbe operation wan, of course, painless, ??:;(! was unattended by any untoward incident or 1??wh of blood. Tbe consulting surgeons retired immediately afterward, leaving Dr. Taylor alona with his patient for several hours. Tho report* of tbe governor???s subsequent con dition arc all favorable. Dr. Taylor expressing the opinion that he sustained tbe operation as well as any one could, and la now doing as well as can bo expected. It was ascertained by examination of the frac tured leg that the severed bone* had wholly failed to unite, and this condition of thu carts gave rise to the inflammation and other disturbances of the system which have oc casioned most harm and anxiety. It is hoped and believed that by the removal of this local causa of irritation, the governor???s naturally strong con stitution will lie left free to assert itsel*, and that the work of recovery will now begin at once, and oiintlnuc uninterruptedly to that eoiiMimnmtion of perfect and restored health which is the object of so many earnest wishes and heartfelt prayer* Un_theswrao^hc_entire neonle of his state. anxious sympathy nity. in view*of his latest be cxPresKN* *- flay When th wounding. A Commercial Treaty. London, December 14.???The commercial treaty between Austria and Germany has been renewed for another year, and the commercial treaty between Austria and Italy is also likey to be renewed. Thus the threatened custom* of warm are averted. The new Swiai federal tariff now under consideration in the national assembly ia said to be of a reactionary and protectionist char actor. The ad valorem duties in many instance* are incrcared from 5 to 40 per cent and fpedflo duties are increased from 90 to 100 francs per 100