Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, December 17, 1878, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1878. Itlalnr to Rffla J??. X??w York Han. Little !??iy Maine, nine blmr your horn. TimJiuw lire ??A ft wafer!) you kwp, A i*??J M??rr U>??- ratlin out of the earn. That on tercel when you were tot uterp. Open T'Hir ihroaiand nine the cry. I<et luM the dn(?? <rf revtional war. Ar????f nu?? the fur mxl tire fittben U* fly, F??*r there * naught to make and much Pi For thi* 1* th<- ftrrt of tire (art* plan*' rw the Rubicon. And you Htlr up the animal*!??? Itlli TJmw'i not bins hot n And give them tire Fur purely U'* nothing trnt fun P* y..u. Little to* HUlne. d??? you never a??k. When loudly you about and Wow your horn. If ever an end will enure u> your tuk Of waring mule out of the com? *???7. ran you ftjrure and ertlmote ???low long a party nhould hold It* life. That Uvea upon little but *reUncial bale. That thrive* and grow* lat upon rlvil atrlfe? _ n yoe lie aurr that the ra* ally rattle are tirent. And don e you net fire to Uie field* of ror The t hlldren. ar pari, iutnr. The ehtldmi! ah. the children! Your innocent. Joyousone*; Ymir'laughter*, with *nq|*of Minshlnr; Your buoyant and laughing aon*. lAi-k long at their happy face* I??r1??k love from their *p< Ymr the wonderful charm ??i. Ifow soon it wither* and diea. A few fort vatibhing mimmera. A anaanu **/ twain of front. And you auddcnly a??k. bewildered, ???What W it toy heart hath lost?" IVrrhanm you *re by the hearthstone jViiiM-Jniw, slatejv and proud. t??r a llciir utuae softly amtmriieff eye* Fl**h out from the golden cloud. ilr uoaiing. *101* bite of a throat and bow.m M<??re fair Uian bloanotiuIn May. A nd |a*reliance you mark their brother*??? Young licit*-* w ho ??I??mi tin- m*\ With thr fervor of antique knightluaMl. And Uie air of of a (ireUii god. hlldren. l*Vr the 1 Hut where, ah where ar Vo nr household fit trio* of jroi Alack * they are dead, and the! Forever and r t liarMagazine f????l rare hn* fled liemitber. A fllga of Hie Tin Harvard Lampoon i<I by the ahore a time stained r A relic of gUi |er |*ut ??????d. while Ita nifared ?? The ??tof And tin dd my love eydum ltd life lemja- Herem. Should Martd till ih. And I told my Kali: of the Unit- The |.rolot)ia'??d my love. And I look her to n-ad on lu nigged aide, K hfccd l??y tne bmw and embraced hy the tide. * nick l??y the ahore, 1 nick. Th c M'Ot do ??d. gA*ing, she read???and I ?? To my dreama an * For there on m; *ky. Home fiend had \ l.nrne and I.ociUm. ('harming c??< I. Fenian. Frei ichinan and dm k'ney are we, cockney a in w?? lcomlng ye. lonora have Wn aecnod hand, lamia and lanil**' fawn the lart In the royal toml, the mar 1 ul* 70m ldivelf hn/lta Hut the vexed <|iir??t|on I* all do r away, XLV. CONGRESS. PASSAGE OP THE EDMUNDS BILL By a TeU af?? u 9??-The PrarWms ef the BU1- A Fisaaeial lfsanr* fnm Mr. Ball ??T Qm fix???Tka 1???rgaaiMtlsa af the Army??? Federal AppoiiUMSta aad Grwcp. THE SENATE. Washington, December 13.???A number of bilie were introduced and referred during tlie morning hoar; among them the follow ing: Hy Mr. riutnb, of Kansao???To provide for the temporary inctnuc of the army in cane of emergency. Referred to the com mittee on military af fair*. By Mr. Come ling, of New York-???By request, to amend lawa rein ting, to pensions. He mid the bill concerned the feea of pen sion attorney*. He opposed the recent act on that miCject, which fixe* the maximum rate of feea. Under the oj>eration* of tlii* bill attorneya refused to aCL Thin bill came to hinv-with letter* from jieraona entitled to pen*ion*, complaining that, underthe guiae of protecting them, a Jaw had been put npon the statute book* preventing them from ???ecuring the aervice* of respectable attor ney*. Referred to the committee on pen siona. Mr. Gordon (Georgia) introduced a hill to secure a more efficient collection of the enue fnm* cigar*. Referred to committee 1 finance. At the expiration of the morning hour e senate returned the consideration of un finished husineas, being Mr. Edmund*' hill in regard to the count of the electoral vote, and Mr. Bayard (Delaware; ai>oke in favor of the bill. Following Mr. Bayard, Mr. Eaton spoke in opposition to the bill. In his judgment there could he constitutionally no legisla tion upon this question. There ought not to be any interposition by congress totween the states and the constitution in regard to choosing electors. After considerable dis cussion the hill passed by a vote of 3ft to ??? The bill a* parsed provide* that electors of the president and vice-president shall lie appointed in each state on the first Tuadav in October tvrry fourth year, and on the same day October whenever there shall lie a va cancy in^ ImuIi the office* of president and vice-president. Tlie electors are to meet '???fid give their votes for president and ice-president on the second Monday January next following at such place *li state a* the legislature of *wcl* grate shall direct. In case of va- 7 In both the office of president and -president occurring more than two >th* next preceding the first Tuesday in October, the secretary of state shall cause ???Iitication thereof to lie made to the ex- utiveof every state. It further provides that each state may provide hy law (enacted prior to the day named for the appointment of electors) for the appointment of such elector* for the trial and determination of any controversy concerning their appoint ment More the time fixer! for their mcet- gon the second Monday in January. The electoral vote shall be counted by the two house.* of congress on the second Monday of February succeedingevery meet ing of the electors. Every objection shall lie made in writing, stating the reason, and I** signed by at least one senator and a mem ber of the house of representatives. earnest attempt by Blaine to tnkC'Up his resolution regarding citizens be- jtlu to your hfuhi t you???shout ???iit|{pn<t Inwiray." M>n>?? ??n<l Uiuiwi l<'ana4lan Kvi hsng.-, "Sly Henri, I I nnnot Mill I II.** Mv heart, I cannot Mill It. I* a n.-M wlili song Mr<t*in It; All'! when the Inxt shall go, The.ln ary days hi fill It. Insiead of lark or linnet Will firing dead leave* and hiuiw. ing deprived of their constitutional right*, the senate adjourned until Monday. THE HOURS. A resolution lisiking to the investigation if the offieial conduct of J. I. Davenport, . ??f elections, has been adop ted without objection ufter being amended to make the investigation extend to ???nduct on the days of registration. Mr. Bell (Georgia) in tmdueedthe follow- ng hill for the relief of the financial bnrrassmeritsof the fieople: He il enacted by the senate and house of rep resentative* of the United Mates of America fn ongrr*s*9<M>mhlrd, That so snoA after the passage ???f this act as may be conveniently arranged, the secretary of the treasury shall cause to he Issued hill*, which shall tie known and designated as legal-teinter hills, and which shall le In autsitl- tmlon of all outstanding old demand and legal- _ ___ ___ _______ , ??? lender, or treasury greenlso-k note* amitwtcaof ROUNDABOUT IN OBOR6IA* I all national ??*uik* Lamed on surrendered or de- uvuauauvw x uuvuuao. | u>ud*: and which legal tender hills shall ???war n|>on their face tlics???? words: ???This till is The Georgia mule Ims become iiiimo:- I legal tender for sit due* to the United Htatra gov* . . . ... I erumeiit.'' This shall Include import dutie*,and This is A lug thing. I Hie primipni and interest of the public debt, -The count Johannes B. Gornmnne has | ^hfnr not oU????*rwl??e pnoldeit lor hy "^ safely remove'll hi* orange orchard fm And were they *|??arrr*w* only. Without the {???wi'slnn stronger oi )????>* that soar* and sing*. Wrap's me, 1 shall he lonely When I can 1??*>1 no longer The Impttleuee of their wing*. From "Mawine of ISieta.??? AttrifiuUs! U Kusaell L.well. James I ??? lorida to hi* Talbot county rice farm. He carried it in his voluminous vest pocket. ???A whits man from Liberty county, named Swindle, was cleverly swindled by a couple of oiIaiwI monte-card player* hlrh legal-tender hilfi .shall be issued 1 amount etpial to the outstanding old iemnnd and legal lender or treasury note* and u.h-aof all national bunk*. i!)mn their voluntary ???urrender of the Mine, and not otherwise, and hall lie in autetlltution of said note*, and not in addition thereto: Provided, however. That the. aecreiary of the treasury may. In redemption of of the United State* bond* voluntarily stir ....tiered, issue additional legnl-tender bills in bavaunah a few dava ngo. We do not | i??avment of sueh bonds so redeemed; and that said 1 legal-tender hill* vltall l??e legal-teader for all dues, puhlio and private, where not otherwise spccifl- Mv orovhlol for; that these legal-tender bill* H t??e interchangeaide for cola and silver, at the treasury snd wnletreanine* ??>f the United States and 1 sinks'of deposit, when there shall be a surplus in the treasury above the amount of o??tn needed to pay the semi-annual Interest on tin* e.??n-1 the bonded debt, and to the extent of such sur- ' pin* when prr*??*nte??i in sum* af twenty dollatw and Its multiple; said legal-tender hill* to he of the denomination of five dollar* and upward, or sympathise with a man whose name is s syinU>lical. ???Mr*. Willie A. Smith, of Marion count, ha* l??ern siIJuiIkciI a lunatic. She ha* rnihl about u year old which has t* k???. t from her. She ha* been dilion altout a year. ???There were nine marriages in Marion county lost Thiiredoy. ???Dr. J. R Me Michael, of Marlon county, killed ninety three hog*. ???Marietta claim* to h than all the other towns. Macon Telegraph: On Thursday nigh tender snd national-hank notes. Immediately upon the passage of this > treasury shall glvi lately t act, the secretary of the . _ I notice of the proposed exchange of said ' ???ublic United BILL ARP???S SUNDAY CHAT. A PERFECT FLOOD WHAT IT COSTS. HeTklski He nee Helved (be Leber ; One Intereating Feete A beet the (Irens. WAYS OF WICKEDNESS OUR SOCIETY COLUMN.! NECROLOGICAL. good J What Fraak Bios Eaits8ayAWnt Empty House??? delphla about two months ago fora southern tour. Haifa witkthsBsal State Agnate???The Bidd ing sf tbs Twz???Tbs Oatlook for Next -XeraUsiag ca Atlanta's Growth. I think I bare soDed the labor thing certain, Ive changed ray deal about work???bard work???muscle work, wasentbora to It nor raised to ttonly in a spas modic way, and I used to wonder bow a poor man ever got reconciled to it. Brought up in a town I had town boys??? ways, and It was ray, _ . . . . . opinion (hot woedln onion, or nhllowodUnc tho on*xp??t??d !??*???????? of the rote cost gvdan pal in* was just as modi as could poorfbly I ????? Atlanta on the last election day canned a he endured by an aspiring youth. Since then, I lively inquiry to be mode into the question Iva looked at poor folks plowin in the midsummer I of our population. There ore many who san and thraskln wheat and rollin log* and split-1 hold that t??, nib ????l rforio Innlin wood to THK vox. <r U a nucorixxT OAA, the snow and *ket, and been so sorry fcr rail , . .. . . . ... dldent know what to do. Well, there* a heap of j that there were at least 60???? more \ otes Wb rnwijr hr;ylt, but II .tot bo??o*o tboy polled ,h????? could be found within the limits have to work nan! fora living. I???v tried it now | - - - - - -- - fora year and better, and the OP PEOPLE COMING TO ATLAHTA. ' '"-j"???,' AND THE DEVIOtlS PATHS OF CRIME. , THE BELLES AND BEAUX OF ATLANTA, best we have ever had in the snath. It left Phils-! have for. year and better, and the more iS le"the [**%?*' Il b * id tbat better! like it. If the sweat of the brow wa*.the ported from even the surrounding counties, curse put upon Adam, it waaerta much of a I One thing wo* admitted hy all???and that curse, and has long since been t tnperrd down I was that if the vote wo* a legitimate one it to a tjemlng In dlaguise, and the disguise droj??* J areued a verv heivv increase ' off when you come to rwt and have a good ap- I rJ5???u??iI! n 7t A petite and sleep well and see the reward* of I l^pulati >n of Atlanta, your labor all around you. There* a I investigated the subject, and poHitlve comfort in waiting on I reached the conclusion, that uhile there hut I never found it out until I are, of course, many illegal votes, (a few hi* due hill. But Its all ngntuow. 1 don't mind I increase in our |??oj>ulation will folly ae 1 hoppin up a load of wood any more than I used I ?????ont for the increase in the vote. Tlie evi- EocuttinofToue stick. 1 enjoy every fire that I f-tie nee that we have collected, we present make???Are* that come from timtjer I cut down I herew ith to our readers. Mr. Frank Rice, to, T cl??ue.M.ead??J ..b^rr the ligbtwood 1 hunted tl??e wood* Ux. and have I er ??*. * n *be city, and who is S 'Ut so carefully away???the rich klndlln split all [ careful in all his statements, drop|??ed the I he and clean, and ready for the cold morning* I followingcasually whileiliscussiug the vote: wheo ffiey come. The snow come upon us thi* I ???There may have been,??? he vaid, ???some time unawares when we waaent exacUy expectin I HU-irsal votinw on Ins* \\Vdn??~div k* there It. aad 1 taught we would have an ugly time in I V* la 1 ???* tUer ?? the woods, but I never was more comfortable. I usually w, but I am positive the vote was The axe wasfcharp.thc Umber brittle, blood edreu-1 not t<** large for our i-o:??ulation. This bus lated elegantly, and I felt like I could chop all 1 increased with wonderful rapidity within day and not get tired. That shootiu man brag* I t | ie ] XHt year. Now, i don't go much on the about how many pound* he raise* an hour in lift- | Th*t 1 ??? ing hi* gun to hi* niiouldcr, hut chopping wood I That may be made largi ror Mualltr, all day 1* raisin fifty thou wind pound* about N Ust ?????????* .census-taker 1* careful or care- Ave feet high, which U a litUe more than Harris I les*. But I have a te??t ????f m.v own for 7 diet. When! lived in town I used | gauging the ;??>j??ilatiou that will convince SSfJLSSL&e~ f S n t??^? ,he niiKSt stubborn man. You know I and h contract now. for ui> I n, y I*artner have a K'xhI many house* to mey and would do a I re *???t, and we are pretty constantly building IW* ??? ??? .... ??? far It has found business dulL This re mark doea not apply to cittea la Augusta the thow did well In Atlanta it C01XXD XOXKT by the peek in spite of the heavy expenses which attended its exhibitions here. It I* surprising to know how much a cirrus costa Reduced to it* lowest figures the expenses to Keep up the style of thi* show is FOCXTEXN BCNDRKD DOLLOBS A DAT. There are many expenses which one unac quainted with the business would never dream of. The management owns the car* in which it travels, but the cost of transportation is enormous. In Atlanta the expenses were SI,800 for the first day and fl.coo for the second, but th *- ??? remarkably fine business here. The played here there were probably SIX THOUSAND PEOPLE to witness the performance. This crowd nearly paid the expenses of the circus in the dty. terday afternoon and last night there were fine crowds. 80 we are an re that the manager will carry away a round sum. If he had d??me as well everywhere as he did here, he would not have gone into winter quart/**. But such is the plan of the circus. ???* hack from here. Philadelphia, where it will n into winter quar- exhibitions will be giv>m. The reason why the circus is returning no th is that business is dull in most parts of the south, and taxes very heavy. wood and felt like 1 was cheating I would like to take such a contract cents Is a power of good money and heap of pood iu a circumscribed family. ... - ones. We have, therefore, a!way's Takin Hall In all. farm work L* ajdeasanter and | felt interested in tho material affairs the city. We have always watched real estate .a uSS TST??SKv??"???r??r Sim eo??iy u.?? of u*' V?? tie compared to your merchant* atid other city | niarkef, and the demand for hot folks, work in day and night tryln U?? kiep up with ???cletjr and meet th** lank notesfallih due. That's rbat I call work. That and bring* the crow's feet prematurely, spot cm as they wnlk along. They go 1 cour-e getting the>e jKiints that we might ??? * Ntinent* by their * remn 1 f ~I ^"'laign last y ^ ^ ^ ??? little [ 8an to feel a little nervous. I noticed a good sioopy, looking saintly and sad. and'inoving in a I ??????auy bouses standing empty, and I was slow and tired hurry. When you re-eoguise cm I getting afrai??l that we hud already outbuilt wlih-'h'-wclT <lo." or "i:oo.l im,riMn,-- they r,>r., I onr populAiion. I dclermined to go over a feeble smile of welcome, but there ?? nogudi in f .??,?? ?? ?? It. for they were thinkfn about them hank note* I ^ a ???..??? sc f J??? st ' ,m H**?). houses w?? re and the shrinkage of ways and means. They I ??P*Pv* '??hat uo you think? I found never speak firstly and say, ???why, hello. Bill; how I about l.GJO house* of all sort* jrejrmi. nMWir <;tod toy,Too: 7011 areImUa I standing i.lleand waiting tor tt-nams. Tlipy TK vT.v.I lTn'JSr'. ZOi' : went "??tt,re.l all tl.rough the city, ai d the children; They never squeeze a man s i ,i,.... i. , .man???s, either, as to that. I J ,ere . *** n t ?? }??*I reason for it I just _ t debt* that a man wants I Im??ught We had Umi many holts*** for the tofMiy hut cant, and these cvcrlastln love letters I I*eoj.|e. After the capital campaign was that toilerafter em. takes all the ??iuwa* out of I over, however, I noticed that these house* 0 .?f h n L u . ,e JSd???.Jf Si". to 611 mpidly, and a tow day, ago I Irortuii. h " toot .noth,, tour round th, r???y. I am 1 never see such a man without ihinkin* of the I confident that to-.lay there are not over one jark v. lantern that brought him toil???runnin af-1 ht<ndre<l house* of all sort* ill the citv that torindety-tryto-tocaK-h up or tw-pln dabtof I are witlmut oertipanto. I doubt if then- are the deceivin' witch while *hv shines away yauder | manv 1 i. .. and when he get* there ha* moved a little further I L"' 5 } 1 JJ*. ??? T * ! hc off and U??lls him on and along until he mires up I J*Hroad it is hard to find asingle house that In the taw and can't get out. Then you see he I '???'* empty. There ut not one in all my goes to bridgin'???bridgin' over as tin; money lend* I neighltnrhortd. era call it???and he hobbles along awhile on the I ???Now. that mean* husiiu-< With t hrtdp, until they give out. and toe# he cave, for ^ a j-Lar ago. we But when a man lives in the country, society I |' tv ?? ..banlly 100 empty. That???s a record sorter forgets him and he forgets her. Hi* family I that is surer than the census. You can???t l. ft out of the calendar. Tarlton dresses aint I fill house* unless you have people to puf in itod every week for a party or tahlo. The I them. And licre'i* considerably over 1 000 rSSSt^^ iSXSfllZ ???"-VV i't abon, /???? >.i -- - -* tho ??? t.u.. If u-ant t.. I that 1* not all. 1 lit* .Iilal i*i>nr liuu I UM ??? V, . .no > (*>??* i* not all. The jutst year lias been wear out their old clothe*, and I of the l>est building years we have ev er had. ???read end roast the |*itnto??'* there if anylmdy comes to sec you, why you know they I More resilience* have l>et*n nut ut. than in tne out of shore enuff friendship and you can | anv V car in the nnst tie#* ,??????? cir .????? .i to a, to ..toad your l??u,nU when 5 ,u hay, ??? SHAKSPEARE IN THE SOUTH. r these legal-ten- of natl??*n??l banks ontetandtng !_. ??? . ... .ter hills. and the time at and I While some of the valiant and heroic il at Cochran, oh the I micUw and^the W places^of'mKing^the ex-1 editor* Memphis and other (d the 1 Bruti'Wi. k railnmd R. IVn- ( change; and on and after such specified time I stricken rides of thF south are beingbanquetted k the mar-hklof the town t<**k his own I Vwhich shall not exceed six months from the date I ^ uwste<i lu the north and at home for their Hf, Th??? ,l.c.l .,.1 .to wh..l,con,um ??.????,??.# rell??rl#re to to, lutorre. of hu-1 j ltts had an increase of populati wa* one ..f the most deliberate wc have I * n d national bonk note* when pre??ente??i in I manlty. there sre otheri tor whom no feasting-1 dented since the feverish days of ???(*>!??? hrard ????f recently, and ita suddenness and 1 sums a* provided for in section one of thi* act, and I bwnl U spread and up ??n whose devoted head* no I Theim.*tcjirele*soWrvercannoifail to uueii>cciediir*s having Won precedetrtcd 1 whle^exchange shall be at oar until such time I rfixinence Is poured, but who deserve I noted that.our street*show much more l: l.v no i.n.m.??t.itions of tottering rea%.n or I ??r ttjra a* the secretary of the treasury I all these and more. ,We rejoice in nc*.. the late than ever l^fore???that there ha> settled melancholy, which sometiine* put I ?? ^ H xhe secretary of the treasury ritoR hT^T seemed t., I?? eoMimtolly -more ??o,.!e ??? friends on the alert, l??n>eco*t a dect??gh??otn I cause to he canceled and destroyed all United I r iifie.Un danger the nol.lHtr of the aim* and I town, and that everything is bnatlu _ ivsrhislrtendsand actiuainUnce*. The deed I suite* notes now ouL*uui??ling and all national 1 ptjrpone* of tnicjbumalism. while doing this, we I busy, and clothed with tlteappearanre??>f *??? milted ten o??? clock at night. | bankand allNma*^ when^ retleemed In ex- | c%n not ^(rain from remembering the | crowded mart.??? We have given tlieexplana- ???I fell you this town is growing, and I doubt if its population has increased a* fast in the past ten yetfre a* it has in the vcar just closing. Why, they quarreled a???few years ag.?? because the 5th ward polled over 700 votes; then it went to 000, and now it is , ??\er 1,100. The town is growing???that???s have often heard the remark that I what s the matter.??? Shakspearc???s tragedies were more popular here I amoxo the ??e\l estate aoexts. th.n to ??ny other reolon of to, country, tind w, Mr Iti< ^ s a totcmont S are fully L.rno out ???nppore to, TOU<m of It to he the tort toot the old I by tlie ???. al aK ,nt.i of the citv. One cavalier blood *tfl! run* bright In the heart* of I agent, who.-*? list has generally averjig.-d 150 onr people, and leaps np quickly a* ever to those I houses, now has only 11 on the market, and martial notesthatareechoingcontinuallythrough I he has a list of over 40 persons who are the greatest play* of the Elizabethan poet. So it I waiting for suitable houses. Another with great pleasure that we have heard of the I ????cnt rays: ??? I have not a hard of the Sbakspcarean artiste which Mr. Ford. I s, "* lc decent house to offer at prwent. All of Baltimore, will rend south thi* winter. The I SLfijS .V{ orc list embrace* many name* with which we are I . . .*?? Imn* ^ ??*uld quite familiar, and a few of whose prairea the echo I SJ!*???!??? da ^ a ??? ,}??? g??*??d houses, at from ha* reached u*. Tins star. Mr. F. C. Hang*, i* a I c~<> to a month, providetl they were Virginian by birth, and ha* many friend* apart I well built, and the rent was only eight or from hi* pmfrwion, for during the war he cart I ten ner rent, on the money inverted in i' 1 , r n Ti,yy^ t t';,: , ,!Vy eS win ny ; ,f " ,en J gray. Since then he ha* filled a most anceeraful I *???'??? !????<*> are constantly having demands engagement at Booth's theater. New York, where I for g***! tenement bouses. Mr. Ruv per- he divided the honor* with Itarenport and Bar-1 sonally. and :m partner hi Rice A Mitchell rett. Hismaa*ivc *taturr. mahwtic carriage am! I has about thirty houses, all of which are . ?? e as-jwfs ???**???- Antony U hU *periaUy. I bu *???{ }'* ?? tenant ami is beginning an- Of tne artiste who accompany Mr. Hangs, hut I other, which is af ready rented. It is said few stand in need of any introduction to a south-1 that the firm will pn.hubly put up twenty cm public. Mr. Thomas W. Kc*uc, who ha* I or thirty tenement houses in a hatch oh fea^Jl3fff!gUugS5 $A?? rt-jgnjmd .beprepored Air-Uu, rictu Valera, who shared the bottom with Janau-1 railroad shops. ebrk lari season in the south. t Mr. Kecue is an I AMoS o tiie iioteui and boardino houses. ofVacUJ^miUtioa'iiecon'Lto'none. ^It is a curious I It might be argued that this unusual de fart that a majority of the artists who form this I nmnd for houses was created by a movement combination are of southern origin. Mr. Paul I 0 f the )>opulaiion from hotels tiSil* nd boarding houses t??. homes. &tt*j!4KBggg MetSlT ??uch is not the care. The hotels. Archer and Shield, of Virginia; Morn. Burton, I without exception. rc|>.,rt ns many local r.alloway, Atwell and Miucher. of Maryland; ami I boarders as ever, and most of them have in- ML*s Marion Hoothte a dyghfa| creased their numlier. The hoarding houres moke a similar report. Indeed, it ha* been almost impossible to accommodate the leg islature, so crowded have all our public places been. The Kimluill house lots re- dmost dai\ the Markham ha* used a line of sleeping to store its surplus slccj-crs away in. W1IAT does it mean? There is but one meaning of it all. And that is that during the past year, Atlanta Booth, who wm a native of South Carolina. A BROTHERLY TOAST. In Ul.-u kvillp, South Carolina the entire receipt* were $19, while the local license wa* *35. Of conree mere was no chow. Atlanta gave the biggest house of the present tour. Moct of the territory in the south l* rather unpromising for circuses thi* reason owing to the recent epidemic and P. T. Barnum. It is backed by plenty of money. and la. in al* * * - - south again and is, in all respects, a good show. It may come IN GENERAL. ???Bret Harte has been visiting the Duke of st. Albans. ???The Bavarian exchequer shows this year a deficiency of nearly t2??o0,000, arising from the decreasing income from slate property. ???Win. E. Chandler hoslqrmally declared himrelf in favor of BLdne for president in lMJO; and hopes that he will be elected. ???i have always loved Mr. Blaine. I hare ft^uentijrraJd so to my private secretary.???Joseph ???Deacon Richard Smith has been observed shake Ixi* fist at Boston, at the same time claim ing that Cincinnati i* the Athens of America. ???A young man of Syracuse has succeeded in drinking a quart of whisky at one draught. P. ???He is .dead. ???If Christmas might be pust|??oned - couple of week* we have no doubt large numbers of our fellow-citizens would be better prepared for Beginning with a produo ion of four pound*of tea in IStO, India now export* 40,000.000 ponml*, and all the Islands of the Indian archi pelago are cultivating the plant. ???George H. Boker, ex-minister to Russia, wa* recently elected president of the Philadelphia union league over Charles E. Smith, the present incumhenu quarreled, ami that the latter will vr.rce. Edison is perfecting some new discov- cone ' ??? p ??? y bef< minating. ???The report that Prince Bismarck in- tend* shortly to propose to the power* common action against the internationalist* is contradicted hy the official organs of the government. ???Hungary produces more horses than any other country of its size???2,158,000 for a popu lation of Ui,ooo.uoo. The government Un* four breeding stables. ???Aeklin, of Louisiana, the hero of a ao* *1 scandal in Washington last summer, is no longer a social favorite in the capital, though a* handsome as ever. .V New York policeman has been re buked for dubbing a small boy. That???s always the way. There is no inducement for the finest police, etc., Ut do anything glorious. ???Dr. Mary Walker wears pantaloons for the satue reason that a young lady smoke* a cigar ???she wants to have it seem as if mere was a man around. , ???Very promising nickel mines have been discovered iu New Caledonia, and an Engllslr company has been formed to work them under enomragement from the French authorities of tho island. ???Hannibal Hamlin lias a son who would like to he district judge, mud that is why some of the Maine politician* are working to have Judge Fox promoted???not because they love Fox, but to make a vacancy for Charles Hamlin. ???It is feared that tire health of the Rev. Mr. Spurgeon is permanently broken. During a nt severe illness hi* pulpit was filled by^ his the Rev. C. Spurgeon, who has been preach ing with great success in Australia ???Miss Neil.son???.s proposed tour in this country is postponed until ne*t autumn. She will appear at the Adelphi theater, in London, in next, in a new romantic drama on a subject. t Boucicault is advised by the Al bany Journal to dramatise Dr. Talmage???s sermons. It might do, but the sennous would first lu??ve to be done in French and then translated Wok again. ???The p.*|??e ha* sent ten Jesnit9 to cen tral Africa to cvaugclise the countries traversed by Stanley and Uriowtfaatv???Tfca mferiou will cost $40,000 and the missionaries will take with them 500 porters, servants, etc., who will be un armed. ???Hon. John B. Aliev, of Union l???acific railroad notoriety, has arrived at hi* "winter res idence" in Washington, which i* just north of the British legation, and hi* carriage, drawn by a pair black borne*, is one of tlie most stylish equl- iges seen on l???ennsylvania avenue. ???Among the Kuwian mission lately re ceived in Cabul was found an outlawed Afghan of Tlie ameer recognized the culprit, and in feme, after June . uue, which si *' curry parcel* of two pounds and four poumls pecttvely throughout the w* * ??? ** Certain companies rtandiiq indignant public meeting*. ???The result of Benjamin Hunter???s appli cation for a new trial was communicated to him much; 1 cannot stand it long; Ig called upon to stand it long/' The Oast Against General Sheridan???A Fieri'a Oat- Onr Visiting Friends and Onr Absent lababitents??? nge-ABrtUl ??arder in Tennerae*???A Mem* phis Suicide???The Patterson Mnrdcr???North Carolina Balldoser Sentenced, Eta, Etc. New York, December 14.???In tlie Wha- len-Sheridan suit to-day Mr. Beckwith, counsel for General Sheridan, argued Gen eral Butler???s point as to the admission of documentary evidence, relating to the Ki- lona plantation lease. Counsel related at length the situation in Louisiana when General Sheridan wa* there, and held that under the reconstruction acts the general had sole c ntrol of the autonomy of the state. He hod the power to turn out the governors and all civil officers and apj>oint persons of his own sole choice. These acts were recognized as valid by every branch of the government, and if they were not valid, then congress was not a legal representative body, and even his honor, if apj*ointed and confirmed since 1S68, had no right to sit upon the bench. General Butler intimated that he would not argue against the cotisti tutionality of the reconstruction legality of the constitutions adopted by the southern states iu 186$. Counsel then went on to argue at great length the common law points of the case. Memphis, December 14.???At no W. Wcitmuller entered Bcrgniann's cigar store, on Main street, and said he had an offer of a situation, but would not accept one at five hundred dollars a mouth; put a pistol to his head and fired. The liall entered the right temple coming out at the left ear. His death was* iustantaneou: Henry Wagner aud George List, the on I . witnesses, testified before tlie coroner???s jury that he was depressed in spirit*, but they assigned no cause for suicide. Dottiestii troubles are said to have been the caiiM- and tlie suicide is thought to hav?? been precipitated hv a letter re ???ce'ved yesterday from his wife. ???'u y rendered and inquest of "death by * in* own hand.??? The suicide caused a go?? k! deal of excitement here. Weituiulier lmd been here five weeks, having -come in search of work. He frequently went to Bergnianti???s, where he was acquainted. Some assign financial troubles os the cause. Nothing definite can be ascertained. Lawrenceburq, Tux., December 14.???A brutal murder was committed two miles north of Lawrenceburg last Monday night. Morgan McLaren, an old colored man, the victim. Bob Bentley and Sam Simon- ton. also colored, were arrested yesterday charged with the deed, and the jury of in quest found a verdict accordingly. * Bentley acknowledged that he threw the rock that broke the old man???s skull. Nashville, December 14.???A. Pope, gen eral freight and passenger agent of the At lantic Coast line, was robbed of a tine gold watch in his room at one of the bo-els yes terday morning. He ojiened liis door to let a servant make a tire, and went to sleep without relocking it. It is sup{??osed some sneak thief entered tlie room and stole it. The watch must have cost $300 or $400, and was presented to Mr. Pope by the officers and employees of tlie line before his depart ure on a tnp for Europe. Cleveland, O., December 14.???At an early hour this morning, Short ??fc Formans??? ex tensive job printing and stationery estab lishment was badly damaged by fire. The establishment is the largest of*its kind in the west. Harrisburg, Pa., December 14.???Gover nor Hnrtranft to-day reprieved the con demned Mollie Maguires, James McDonnell and Charles Sharpe, who were to have been executed on the 18th inst., at Mnuch Chunk. Respite delays the execution till January 14th, and is based on communications sent to Governor Hartranft by Judge Drelier. who sentenced the men. Norfolk, Va., December 14.???At Winton, Hartford county, North Carolina, oti the 12th instant, Samuel Jacob and Klbert Got- ling. colored, were tried in the inferior court for assault and battery with intent to kill Marcus Williams, colored, for voting for Hon. J. J. Yeates, democratic candidate for congress. The prisoners were found guilty and sentenced tosix years in the state penitentiary'. Flemington, N. J., December 14 ???The jury in the Patterson murder trial lia\e rendered a verdict of ???guilty of man slaughter,??? upon the ground of provocation. Social Olsbe sad Their Pleasant Beanies* -Odd* sod Eads of Goraip???Fash- We regret to learn fronuthe Examiner, of Aberdeen, Mi**., of the death of General EH*h?? Strong, aged elghty-reveu yean. He waaasoldier In the war of 1812. Through life, hi* name has been identified with all that wa* progressive and good. General Strong wa* a native Georgian, though for tome year* he has mode Mississippi hi* home, where he died univeraally regretted and esteemed. He leave* to his relatives in Atlanta and Oglethorpe county, and other localities iu the state, an honored name and a i is always to be be glad f. C. Hi visit to her relative* in Canada. uwieu u> vwuunnu m i<vi, tnunanaicuui ???Miss Annie Powers, of Macon, has gone the constitutional convention of 1865. There he ??? 0 ??e*. . .... ... I w*s one of the leading spirits. A few years ago ???Mum Annie 1 amn, of Marietta, is visit- I be wrote a book called ???Mi*eell*nk??of Georgia,??? ing the Misses Farrow, Washington street. I a volume full of valuable information, recorded ???Mr. Oliver Jennings, of the Glade gold in pure, beautiful diction. He wa* honored by mine*, was in the city Thursday. I hi * ***** and dearly beloved by his friends. ???Miss Macaulcy has returned to New Or- I judge jambs clarkk. leans. . .. . , .1 Yesterday the funeral of the late Jndge Janies ???Miss Maud Callaway, of Oxford, was m I riarke occurred at the Second Baptist church and the city Tuesday. I wm attended by a very large number of our best ???Mr. Frank Ellis, of New York, Is here I people. The deceased wa* one of Atlanta???s oldest for the holidays^ [ and most honored citizens. He moved here in ???Miss McCarthy, of Jackson county, is !*??. and since that time has taken an active in- the suet of Ml. Lore. Fonyto utrcet. m the .lira_??u#of the ell, -MK. Jordan, of Washington, has return- J?4^???f hSme hltSoSSSS^SSior S>!m JXUovall, of Athens, is the guest of Mg&TSSS^iSS^B.'SflSSt Mlw Lucie Erwin. ..... . . , I Georgian and was known all over the state. His ???Mrs. Jackson and Miss I^ena Jackson, of I decease will be mourned by many relative* and N???ew <>rie*ns.have returned home. I friends. Ho wm about seventy-eight year* old. ???It appeara that everybody will receive I He leave* two honored sons, Senator John T. call next new yeoni. I Clarke and Mr. M. J. Clarke, one of the leading ???Miss Mollie Diggers, of Atlanta, is visit- memi??er* of the Atlanta bar. Mis E. R. Rawron, ing Mends In north Geonria. I Mni - Sidney Root and Mrs. Mores Cole, of our dt>-, ???Griffin News: Miss Bertha Peck, of At-1 Jmte^Clirke um of that eood of Atlanta, is visiting the time* advance and whose the Misses Wilson, of Decatur. _ I regretted. ???Senator H 11 was at the Windsor hotel I hon. oeorge d. rice. hi New York hist week. ??? . . ??? I This distinguished citizen and jurist departed ???Miss MellieMcDair.el of McDaniel, Ga.. I this life at Gainesville on Wednesday night last, a guest of Miss Roach. Whitehall strecL I after a painful illness of nearly three months. ???Miss.Sal He Pharr, of Washington, re- ( Judge Rice has been, for a numU-r of years, the turned home yestenlay. I presiding judge of the Western circuit As a law- ???Miss Haute Stanley, n charming young I yer, he had achieve??l an enviable reputation; and lady of Athens, teaislting' the family of Mr. C. S. *??? *,Jurist, he gained the confidence and reroect Newton, 51 McDonough street. | ?/, th * people over whore interests he presided. -Miss Janie Smith ami Miss MoUie I^^^^avecxtdred " Mitehfll ??if Ai-u-irth an< vixiiiticr Miv< Umit (lit. I *???* recent legislature ... ??? fZ oi'nL.n V n,,ru ?????Siting M in?? Alary van- I Ju<lgc A . s . Frw in t of Athens, a* his successor. K,* \r,???u??,n I'., I Judge Rice was an aged but clear-headed gentle- . *??? I,S JVJ VL * ??????* ot yMmnhfhL, I man. ami we have heard but seldom complaint who h??* ??K-en ???ending the past week at the Kim-1 gainst him. We have not nt hand the date for ball, relumed luone yesterday. . j full sketch of hi* career. IBs toss is one deeply to ???Miss MK lellan, ??? of Marietta. t*a., is I be regretnsi, and the sad intelligence will A: ' spending a few days with the family of Mr. W. C. 1 sorrowful ivsponse* all over the state. As o???_ Morris, west Peters street. I who adorned the bench of the state, his memory ???Miss Liehenstud! ami Miss Robinson, I will survive upon imperishable record*, of Atlanta, have been visiting Mr*. Butler, of M* w , -if r n I Cart Loads of Sledleal Rubbish ???Tne Carters vine Free Press man mourns | ,, , , ??? . a society column, and yet w????ar* pink cravat* I awallowetl by itivaluls, ana tlieir and lavender kids on week days. I physical troubles thus kept alive for years, Mrs. Walter McLimlcr left lart week I when that peerless tonic stimulant and cor- for Talladega. Ala., where she will snend a | reetive, Hostetler???s .Stomach Bitters would ??? to weeks???visit with her relatives at that place. I xi*eetlily .set the disordered and worn out xo V! ^ ' U, ?? n,, .K r * I mechanism of the system in active and r i,v* Attonto, Imt recently of Flotilla i*?? to toe I LealUtfuI ????i??r??li.,n asain. It has been ???Hr. Kneel. Callaway and Mr. P. R I demootoiatad ow and otw again that Uie Frost, of Ijuirangc, were among our society vU- I reqmreinenta of the sick arc answered far tors lart week. # I better by the Bitters than by a majority of ???Jacksonville (Fla.) Union: Hon. Wm. I tlie iniM-alletl remedies of the pliarma- Moikham, of Atlanta, is at the SL James. Mr. I cotxeia. Tlie stomach is strengthened, the Omnge'eoniity? owner of * ** r * e or " , ?? 0 * ror * in I liver reKUlated, the bowels put in proper or- ???Tlie Irwtnton dealer of Atlanta Saturday, and now Atlanta wants census retaken. tac . : ???Miss June McKinley leaves the citv to-1 [ e . n !** C8, . an ^ convalescing )??atients. It is, morrow for Columbus. Mis*., to spend the 'holi-1 *??esides. immensely popular as an antidote days with the family of Lieutenant-Governor I to malaria. .Sims, her relative*. . I decl7 d3t lues tbur sat Awkydecl' , ... upward of thirty ye in iiecatur, *nd Mr. Harrison will move to At-1 Winslow???s Soothing Syrup has been used **"H:,. 4.. ap, ??? Xf5 _ ??? . I for children. It corrects acidity of the ???The Augusta News: The Misses Peek, I stomach relieves wind colic regulates the , Atlanta, accomplished daughters of l??rof. WU-1 a??? SlftsISRH -K llum Henry Peek, arrived In Augusta lost evening, 1 ??? ,v ??? n * on ??? ??????* 1 and are guests of Mr. John L. Muxwc???* ??? * Greene street. THE OUTLOOK BRIGHT. et ired ???ok had K-nrcely fifteen minute* when t ihot* were hearel in the chaml*er. ftnd all bond* when redeemed in t lYwirit Ivhjinge for said Irgsl-trndor bill*, *" I A Tl>.> riohl ???>( Ihi* alalito In rtol I tioti of It. Hi* re-1 notbeftbri??ig??rtor Interfered with by any ??y*tem??>f I f???rtun*te brethren. i steady a ?? his family begg; grieve for hint, and asking neighboring city , u > .... ??? . 01 vnaiwmaswuic wM..w pert little daily. .... jf there legal-tender bi b; but all *urb I Time*, never fttiled to o we up fresh and I ftate batik* rtt*ll ??>e left to the regulation of state I ^rery morning, and when the plague wa* I law*, in sueh manner u* the legislature* tnereot I thickest ^h! the glcx m wa* deep????l Thr Time* | tv deem best for the protection of depositor* 1 had * spark <>f humor, a shaft of wit. a gleam of f d th* interest Of the state. . ??? . I trenchant criticism P>dL*traet the attention and | .???lee. .Y No additional national bank* shall t* I ujjhten the monotony of disease and dc:tth. charter**! on and after the pamaae of this act. I j. e. McGowan is one of the true jonr- \ This act shall not be so construed as to I na q %t t P heroes of the pi - - *- any pre-existing contract : but au actemul I roPt ho*is sometime*, but de'pokrita J C^attano.qrathe^bmve andjKtt Jittiedailyj atreichetl " " ??? * "** fatal VMputi claa|H'??l in |liis right hand, which wn* lying on hi* breast. Y. H Morgan w.i* railed it, but to no avail, aud the wounded man expired in about ten minute*. The ball entered the left breast, pierced the upper ;i|*ex of the heart, an- i??**c*l .ml at the h,wk. It was a thirtv two Smith A Wesson pirtol u*etl. It i supi^vsevl that lie, after tiring the first sh????ti stteiopted to make sure work, but wa* t . much unnerved that the bullet missed h??*| _ Ktoly and lraiged in the ceiling. In room on a table were found two leU< Kith evidently just written. They Uah in |*eneil plain baud. One !arIb.n'???for t n,5 r telling bis Trouble*; said I Uol??f*on. the investigation subject WM Ibev were more than be c .uld t*??*ar; pave | p.vsti*??nevl utitil^ Toestjmy. U was decnied directions u* to the disposition t ,f no ~ ~ *??? " eiTecta; mad*> anangainenta for hi* funeral, ng the detail* of the army reorgani * that ???Iiereater all vo- IN THE CAPITAL. Work of tho Commute Wasbinuton, December 14.???Secretary Sher- >use wem inn. iihumiiiw* i isii to me pauiway oi uw uirtureu. -??? the private calendar without any I drink him a brotherly toret- To the hcaA and I ??? Adjourned until to- I the heart, and the hand of a man who braved the | <??*. teyolviin ^ I terrors of t***tiitmcc for the comfort of the living | important actt?? THE TOWN TALK. j*e naval committee met thi* loruinp. but the republican members not "ring prepared with a minority report on Robeson, the investigation subject was and the relief of tbedjiug.??? settling the accounts of public ofii- ???iug tnuj-MUlions subsequent to that ilate. Matured coupon* of the U niu*d States, and cbecka * "???* FROM THE ORIENT. United States for the luterest or principal on the public debt, legally i-ayable in ???*??? coin. ?? hold n .???*i*ec;al meeting to couaider Re|v I rcoentative Harris???* bill for the reorganiza- , nj,pointing thr hour, nn.l the | lion ->( the nave, hut the daw ww not fixed iniUlster and saying be \was tirval >??( life ???nt wanted to be with bis wife. * dated at 10 o'clock p. m. The >econd | ???????? iin tren-sury the public debt. will be paid I in???coin or notes, at the option of the holder, by the assistant treasurer of the United States at New ??? York citv, or in notes by any other independent Killing--Naieldea??? 1 treasury'oflieer. Sueh regbtered interest, legally aCexleeu Dolton. I h> i-oin *._>?? Joto. r- ~ 8SS vll: Adulterous conduct of liis wife with Nixon. He has been sentenced to 15 years in the state prison. Kichmokd, December 14.???The surgeon of the penitentiary, in lib annual report, states that out of 350 convicts hired to tlie James River A Kanawha canal company lust year, 32 died from bad treatment, exraWrc and filthy accommodations. This shows nine per cent, mortality, while the mortali ty in the prison b only two and a half per cent. The general assembly has appointed ??? committee to iuvesligate the matter. Louisville, December 14.???The jury in the case of George Washington, a negro who horribly outraged Frances Otte, a white ???irl, aged 11, using a knife te accomplish ib puroose, in October last, returned a ver dict of guilty and affixed the penalty of death by hanging. ITttsburo, December 13.???W. II. Logan, a clerk in the post office at West Monterey, Clarion county, was arrested and brought to Pittsburg this afternoon by Special Agent Camp. . Logan is charged with stealing and destroying letters for the purpose of. pre venting the apiiointment of a man named Hogan as postmaster. He was held in $1,0U0 bail for a hearing before United States CoinmianonerMeCandless. Jacksonville. Fla., December 15.???A bout a month since a mill at Mt. Canic, Coluiii bia county, was set on fire by four negroes. Senator Lamar's Vrogaomtleatlona for I The superintendent of the mill extinguished 1880. I the flames before much damage was done. Washington Post 1 While the superintendent was absent from During one of the lulls in the senate ves- I ???>?? l???i<i f e tlie negroes entered end b ut terdav a Post reporter, with well poised I J* ,s J' 1 ** . severely and compelled pencil, caught Senator Lamar as he paced | her to show them where her husband^sSnvmey up and dowu the lobby in the enjoyment of I JjJ?? 8 * They obtained two hundred dol.ars. a brief respite from tlie cares of state. I J* ie n ''ere arrested the next day, con- ???What do you think. Senator,??? said the I fe*???? the enmeand were Committed to Post, ???of the ehauees of democratic success I 1,1 Lake L*Jy* Aliout a week since the iu 1S80I ja*i was bunied and tlie men removed to the The democratic partv can succeed in I court-faoxxse. This morning at 3 o???clock 1880,??? he replied, ???if it will organize wisely I thirty or fort j disguised men overpowered and tolerantly, and then work vigorously I U ??? c guard, took the prisoners out into the arid harmoniously. It is the majority party I ?? tree i* n i ^ ro ?^ Baptist church, f'liot in thb country; or, rather its antagonist, ^wo dead and mortally injured the third, the republican party, is vastly in the ml-1 The other scapedland has since given him- nority, as the official returns of the elec-1 ???"???P to t ??? e aut v?_ le ^' ,. w tiona several years past will ileroonstrate. I PHttoDKlPHt*. Deroinber H.???G??>ree W This is true oi it, not only tl,;ougii<iut the Huntzmger. ex-president <rf the Pl.iladel country at large, but fn every section. P>*?? ??????1 company, was discharged this .Sooner or later, and not later. I think, than moraing bv Judge hlCKik front the charge next presidential election, thispopn-1 of misapplying tlie moneys of the ijoritv will be made effective at the ???f. hat wa, at once taken l*forea magistrate ballot-boi ?????? I u P?? n a charge of embezzling $?v.24J,H9t?? be- ??????Then yon don???t believe that all this noise longing to that company, in 187(i and 18??? about 'xjuthern outrages??? wiil amount to I He was held in $15,000 bail. , much when inquired i.Ttor??? Kt-uwoR-r.., Macra. Dewmber M.???The ??????I do nots 1 can answer for mv own state I Itght at Mount Desert Rock .has not been ill. pretty extensive knowledge of what ???????? a nee last Tuesday night ?? >s feared - -??*??? . :?? I that the lighthouse has been destroyed, and all iu it lost .eiegraph hi stay with???*lur until 1 want t??* W burie??l l??et Mattie, and never wan am in much trouble. Jk friend! (vointsr ritv of Pekin? from Honckniiir. I cer chaiged with the paymentof thewheJule, via Yokahoma. arrived today, bnnging ftS^af .raror^TC^'an?; i ^ Kswkwasjsasis ???SirbefilM h^&miraDonTr" eommUto. on ???iation, wifi ' -?? ?????? ??????* k??. ??v??iv I nreswim? aomiranon ror ana cvnnaeucw i ^ MouUay. report the naval appropriation bill ??? ???, , ???lendmeuL and Uie consular _ amended ??> as to conform precliiefy to the present law la disregard of the changes proposed by Xhe bouse. The committee of ways and means heard to-day , a committee from the New York chamber of corn- con-1 mcroe iu support of Fernando Wood** house bill prov- J giving imports the rights claimed by the gov- successful financial year, which suppresres all pr buried; and 1 I als from the field officer* ot uie tine. ??? in the wlonv Insurrection* , mother ??nd These P^vUton^. togmhe^ w.i^Jhe lieneen <n. 5-huS tofinnuy ESsStSSSHS SH=Li?? JSX ra- o'clock. Mr. Wuliims i, to preach mv I 1* . toiraed. ,5 I suited in ?? riot ??nd the dt-nrnctiion of funeral ??t two o???clock tv m. ltoe *?????? ???? ! 1 , ;, s */ , h . h n . viw ,, 1 J.ti.b I mi.i.m pn.pertv. The goveroment i> mak- a*k you b?? All } ?????*.?? lo . lw witfimy ( / ??m,?? .vf an v I tng fresh exertion* throughout the empire . wu M 1 to suppress the opium smuggling, but is a*-1 the indictment, I sirted by no Kunqa*au autboritie*. except I that the graxtd jury bv v iv I Governor llenneasv of Hongkong. Fred-1 contained such disqualified' done. The recent election in Missis sippi was aa traceable and orderly as any I ???** lu *' iost - , , ever held iu tlie union. Every man, black I ^Lvufax. November 14.???West A Bonlen, white, voted e he ple*A ??nd every '> <*t India merclranto who are in dtlhcul ????.te was honestly' counted. There was but I Hes, called a meeting of their creditors and little organization of the democratic perty I made an olicj of fifty cents on the dollar, in the state. The white people were so h??J?? <^h and the balance in three month.,, boned down and overwhelmed by the at-1 "^?????????.offer is R??fly to be accepted. Their dictions of the vellow fever tiestilenca titat I liabilities are $15^000. tlievchonghtoi nothing but thelrsatoty or Omnmw, December 14.-A special to their sorrow. In roanv towns every house the News from Bastrop says Prior Jones and was suggestive of death, and every man had Smith Jackson, colored were executed to- a tale or horror to tell. The election was day in the presence of three thousand per- hardly thought of. The opposition in two I *>ns, principally negroes fib'll, of the men iLstricta were better organized than we were. I ' %er ? hnu t?? the end, and both of them died iderablr I emment a* reganU suteequent adjostmeut and on*m l W-1 correction* of cmirx in imposition and collection ??? ?? *>,??? | of custom* duties. . . ,ue * Assistant Sju rcUrr French and Mr. Janies, chief of custom* division treasu y department, ??? in oppocltion to the bill. I were *L*o heard i that precrou* wife land mother. I am yours, fraternally, i???. tl. I???knnkk, Lralg* N 1 O O. V,??? Ah???*ut a month sine* lVtuuck loot hi* wife, and thtye week* ago hla brother, and these great affiioth>n> a have le%l to the committal vle*sl. ??rbid* the appointment in the army of j*ers??*n win* nerved in the confederate cause gnvle except tliat of sevond lieuten??:.t, and 1 ^ ck . (^5!i'' r ^ n ,en'4d to a ??? that only through *rod????ton_?? the mU- | !^vi^ie f.ntoe e^xSlen.enl which it was I??uad eh disqualified' perrons. The plea behalf Of perron* who hod been, DOWN IN DIXIE. I think, in the roufcK ro:o army, and thesiaelre* ^Hinder the section referred to. to hit upon federal juries, and it was ??uj>rx??ncl by Thomas J. Semmes, an ex-mcml>erof thd November 26th I eoafederate senate, and other distinguished l*wj -Diphtheria is prevalent in Carroll i to that only through graduation at tne ran- a ???*???> it ary academy, or by promotion from tlie I JJJ From the returns to the depnrtment of I a ,^noun??m!ent???in ! JJtooOsSrOrtSuiiiri hdd'toTplra mbe gootl agrivulture it is ^timalrf llra^tbe^pe- ST??? . ??? G ???'??*"?? * :;J u '??? jur ' >r ??? ^wtUh.I^ lIaUl ??? in cornering! ha.* l??een apia*int??sl sttecial connd f??>r the a Li.^wn. revival u i .?? the ca*c of Mr \jcwi%, the Brooklyn mil- i^Se. Market, Maryian.L ?? ill be ???Distribution of Oalif?? Maryland water* cuntinuro. -A great reli -Chattanrava???s new court house completed abouvMarch next. ???Charlotte. North Carolina, i 175,000 CniLnl Slate* ivur. an.l | office. -Tlie city council of Houston, Texas, re-1 TT 41 duced the license on Forrpaugh #100 to $50 per day. eminent. The - . several women claiming to he relicts of the | dmamd. A bill wa* intrmluced in the senate to provide for a temporary Increase of the I THE BRITISH DEBATE. TUX UM BY KXROB. Mt bound to decide the law a?? it stood section tcS> wa* still the had tfcren repealed ihe revised statute*. . designed t> include force on the tiret of De- statute* were adopted a single act of cnagrow. Although it had been pealed previously, section SJO reappeared and wm re-enactcsl in these revised statutes. I think, probably, it had been faasJrertemly embodied in ???Then you do not think It was really Intended to perpetuate this disqualification?" . *?? I 1 ,V,nk it was < ???Warren Lovett is recently home. ???Mr. 8. T. Towns is p re pairing a lecture. ???Lotta???s hair is decidedly aubum. ???Marietta rejoices over the presence of several Atlanta girl*. ???The Misses Kendrick, of Atlanta, will spend the winter In Rochester, N. Y. ???Dr. Robert Westmoreland has returned from Texas to visit his old home. . ^ . ??? - - - ??? ??? , ???The friends of Mr. W. B. Berry ami ???f" ??? GtncralToombs, Governor e raw foul and family will be glad to aM them back in Alikata. Ai???-xander II. Stephena. He waa a promtoent Afro j i ??? u.roj. n,>,imnl fmnt n I raember of the great railroad convention which returned from a created ro much Interest in antebellum day*. He to her reiativM in Canada. i moved Columbus In 1S57, and was elected to A GOOD PLAN Anybody can learn to moke money rapidly oper ating in Stocks, by the ???Two Unerring Rale* for Sucew,??? in Messrs. Lawrence A Co.???* new circu lar- The combination method, which thi* firm ?????? successful, enables people with largo ^Lawrence ACo.???a new dreu- ha* majic ?? ??? or small means to reap all the bcnctita of hugest capital and best skill. Thousand* of orders, In various sum.*, are i>ooled into one vast amount and co-operated m a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the advantages of the largest operator. Immense profits am divided monthly. Any amount, from ??> to #5,000, or more. Rose hill, juat outride of Columbus, Hon. Ahsu- iom H. Chappellaotte of the distinguished antis of Georgia, breathed his list. He was a native of Hancock county, in this state. In 1842. he was ~ ??? * ' congressman at large for Georgia, after September S??th, 187S, says. ???By the combination system S15 would make #75. or 5 per cent; #50 dollars pay? #150, or 7 per cent; $100 makes $1,000, or 10 per cent on the stock, during the month, according to the market.??? Frank Leslie's Illua- trated Newspaper. J une 29th: ???The combination method of operating stock* is the moat successful adonunl. New York Independent 8ept lJtii; ???The combination system is founded upon correct business principles, and no person need bo without an income while it is kept working bv Messrs. Lawrence & Uo. Brooklyn Journal, April 29th: ???Our editor made a net profit of $101,25 from 20 in one of Messrs. Lawrence A Co.???* com binations.??? New circular (mailed free) explains even tiling. Stocks and bonds Wanted. Government bonds supplied. 1-uwrence A Co., Bankers, 67 Lxcliange Place, N. Y. 000 decs w6w FINANCIAL. better by the Bitter* than by ??? ** * ??? of the pliarma- 8treii] liver regulated, the bowels put # __ tumor ??*>???.??? a f.imitnro I Jcr . the blooii enriched and purified, and id fourteen cradles on last I l * ie nervous system rendered tranquil and to have the f vigorous by this inestimable family niedi- | cine and safeguard against disease, winch is, C11 bowel*, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, whe- lower | (her arising from teething or other cause I An old and well-tried remedy. 25 cento a ???We knew they would core. How I bottle. 4??G feb2ti d&wlv could they stay away when we have *o much I here that belongs to Athens? The Chronicle ( ???No family that lias any regard fordo- .Several of the Athens gallants will spend I mestic safety and comfort can afford to be SSBttZti&flErSSttS; i^ t I !:, r ;,? uir * Syrupin,l ??? e " uaao ^ however, before the excursion was announced. I cen ^ a bottle. -4a A. II. Stephen*, the great States man of the South, writes: ??????I have used Du- s nre aeaut on sivie. i rang???* Rheumatic Remedy for rheumatism, thirtv bachelors* in the leg- I with great benefit. I cheerfully recommend tritrn frmtlt atiH ftflonn omitlp I it ??? Itm>Vnr fail* t/1 Plin* Still! hv nil 1 Iflltr. iowever, before the excursion GENERAL NEWS. ???Atlanta has six social clubs. ???Atlanta girls nre death on style. ???There were thirty bachelors in . ??? . . hlature. Fifteen were fresh and fifteen crusty. I it.??? It never fails to cure. Sold by all Drug- ???Atlanta .will be as gay as a butterllv I gista SendforcirulartoR. H. Ilelplienstine, during the holidays. I Washington, D. C. ???The Irvings club had a brilliant im et mg 1 67 nov3 d??kw8m til jitlt*3 -* Mayor Atigier???s last Friday uigliL 1 ???The elegant gcnimn t??f last Monday night ha* created a desire for another effort in the Corresponding date last year..... M *T1* Sweet to Love, bat Oh! how Bitter.** same direction. ??? J ~ ~ I Their acipiaintance began auspiciously ???A party of ladies and'gentlemen from | Beautiful, amiable and interesting, he Atlanta surprised Edgewood with a moonlight I loveliness excited the admiration of all who serenade Thursday night. ' I knew her, and it ts not strange that after a iT'm'rf who intend tolreeeivenewyfoir ! I f ew meetings the Aurora of love irradiated calls trill please send their name* to ThkCONsti-I us. l, tition, as 1 we wlli publish a sort of social dlrec-1 J}** sk,< *: an, ??? he """dered in a blissful tor>' two weeks from to-dav. I dream of happiness. His wooing progressed ???Tlie Lyric club, one of our most sue-1 favorably, and might have terminated suc- ccssfulsoHol venture*. h:idan enjoyable reunion I cere*fully, had he not told his love in a voice at the r??idenw of Mn??. Gardner, on Fair street, I which sent a shudder through her frame, t^M?r^to. , *.SmmS , for t to, r ^a , t5 ??"<I,P~ducc.l a toelltraol ravul,i.,??? fatol to the vellow fever sufferers. I hopes. He should not l>a\e appeared m ???There is a fin?? dramatic prospect for the I the refined presence of his lady-love when coming week. Lotta appeam as ???Musette,??? to-1 laboring under tlie disadvantage of a bad morrow night, and her brilliant new play, ???Lai cold, when he could have rid himself of it so Ctgale,??? Tuesday night. Already a great many I easily bv the use of Coussens??? Compound Krl r???nv^l 1 a, i Honey o*f Tnr, a never failing remedy for Cuugli???. Cold, and all diaeaaa of the xLjat . icrican rival. I and Lungs. Trice 50 cents, ror sale by ???Last Wednesday night at the Kimball I Collier ??&Co.; wholesale by Hunt, Rankin house occurred one of the neatest social event* of ( Si Laniar. Kay "Cason- It was a domino ball, at which I 4ll ma y2 deowlvdrweowlv ??? j??a:sent a large number of ladies and gentle- 1 ??? from our own and other communities in the tatc. The music of the evening was given i , , , ,, ,, ...????? , ??? **iunnjro.H...??.???iHi.. by the string baml of the eighteenth Infantry. The I hail cold or cough, the most insidious of I February .9.23??y.24 June. scene presented by the mingled gay colors of the I all the evils which afflict mankind, readily I 9.3,><<}9.:i6 July. domlnoe* on the floor was v?? ??? 1 ??? - - ??? ??? - .... body seemed to eujoy the CONSTITUTION OFFICE. Atlanta, December 14,1878. The time for investments in bonds and stocks ft** 1 *????? Tlie.GepiWia railroad haa declared a three per cent, diridenfi payable on the 20th inst, the Central 2^ percent., payable on the l??th inst. The stocks are advancing steadily, and they aro now considered pretty )*ermanent five and six per cent, investment*. Georgia bonds continue the rixt*s now selling at 105, aud sevens 110 to 112, according to date when due. Atlanta citv bonds are very firm and in demand; seven* at above par ; eight* at 107 to 109. The cause of this dullness is attribtUed to tho fact that It 1* impossible under tho new constitution for atato or cities toTssue bonds, except to pay falling due .1001 Selling. ioi Ai prem. EXCHANGE-^- BON^??? t -WI SeUing... Ssul* ???? I??@??6 Attonto City to. 107^109 toacni Atlanta to. lUtollS .??St>Id..lON(r,ll(l AlIKUstoCityTl.. 97M100 Gcntotto.... 110^112 Savuiuah City??? (to 70 So. Cat. valid to 83& 85 Macon City..???._ tu eo W wtern It. R. oi Ga. R. R. f. taSatoi Ala. lat m tRc.l05@l(l7 Ga. R. R. to. 97 * fSniJC. R. of A. A W. P. R.R. lioitn Ala. Sd m'tgo Central R. R. 7x1078109 cndonedbyGa So. tVtot R.R. TslOaSlM * Cent. R. It ..mV ; C0T M. * W. R.R. 7tUoS,10t MontiWl'RR ^ W. * A.R.rTlm. Ut morteaxe,..100@t0J km, to percent ;2&!0a income Wds.1050108 A.4W. r. R.R.10. MY TCI.EKBAPII. N'E???V VORK, December II.???Evening.???Money 2J4S3. Exenange !l 82J4. Gold too;: Govern- menu strong; newfivea lOCJ-i State Bonds dnlL oLocks firm. N V. Central. im{ Chicago & jf. w??? Eire., 1 ilZ Preferred ???....roro.74V2 fjike Snore Rock Island.. . Jl'toots Central 7f.<J Western Union to Pittsburg. K2 Sub-trea*ury balances: Currency.. -??10.862.293 Sub-treasury payments: Bonds. .ytj.000 Interest??? Customs receipts to<Uy ??no,ooa The weekly itatemcnt of the associated usued from the clearing house to-day, shows tho following changes: Loans decrease ^#1,788,800 . 711,200 . 517,600 ??? ??? 924,200 CireulaUon Increase 83,400 1,461,750 hold #9,829,800 in excess of legal ..#958,000 COMMERCIAL. CONSTITUTION OFFICE. Atlanta. December 14, 1878, Atlanta Cottwn Market. Cotton quiet; middlings 7%; low middling* ???J* W> RECEIPTS TO-DAT. Air Line Railroad... West Point Railroad.... Total.. Receipt* previously???.. Total Stock Sept. 1 Grand total.. ......58,991 SHIPMENTS. Shipments for to-day Shipments previously..... Stock on hand ??? COM PA RATIVE STATEMENT. 50,369 - 8,723 .....67,162 ??? 8,070 . American 4,258; futures opened 1-32 better. LIVERPOOL, December 14???2:30 p.m.???Sales of American to-day 6,000 fifties; uplands, low mid dling clause, December delivery 4 15-16(2)4 31-32; December and January delivery 4 15-16(41 31-32; ??? iuary and February delivery 4 15-1GA5; Fcbru- and March delivery 5 1-32^5 1-16; March and April dellveiy 5 3-32; April and May delivery b% @ * 3*16; June and July delivery 5*4<S)5 9-32; new crop shipped in Noverahcrpor sail 5. NEW YORK, December 14.???Evening.???Cotton quiet: sales 1,320 bales: uplands h}??; Orleans 9: net receipts to-day 547: grons 2,752: futures doaed steady; sales 124,000 bah*: December. 8.9808.99 April 9.46@9.47 January 9.11(5.*.12 May _.9.57??9^8 .9.68^9.09 9.7G(*9.78 ...............roro...26,923 14.???Cotton strong; tilings fc%; low middlings , net reeeipt*_6,263 bales; cog. ??? in the queer attire Sig^rtwSirTSS???iSdv'??? Throto* dinctag I tlint it is the best remedy ever offered the I Bttjlt2n'.W7:cxijoru to continued in it??deliciou* routine until an early I public for Coughs, Colds and all diseases of | Great wtsln 2,771; France SOB: continent l,ffl _ hour In the morning. The gallery wy filled with I the Throat and Lungs. The eilitor of one of 5S5Mi u &'J e w.72'2 t nmff5,tS?? | ^W2ssresjyA^ ( SE?.t?.! , ii I ^ SSTa^ifi the pleasure of every on?? thislciud will be glveu b?? uie vuuug mwiuunug i lAimuwit iu ???????????????? ??? '-*| *???" ??? :???;??????_ ??? the season. I Coussens??? Coniix*uml Honey of Tar than! middling* low middlings 8, ^ordmary ???The Atlanta correspondent of the Hart-1 from all the various remedies he 1ms tried. | ** * ???h a way as to make it* s .ecess I .Y J ??? J Y- YiU iT??? I receipts 3,664 bales; gross ...; saics v one present. Other affitirsof I suffering with Asthma, informs him that he 55^ exiiorts coastwise 3,418. veil by the young men during I exiieriem ed more benefit from the use of I SAVANNAH. December 14.??? C I Coussens??? Conn>011 mi Honey of Tar than 1 middling* 856; low mhldHugs 8; g ??? correspondent of tlie Hart-1 from all the various remedies he lias tried. I n*>nt4.216 well Suu pays the following high compliment to I if you have a bad cold or cough, remember a KLt^roN, December 14???tkitto???n quiet and residence quite a number of hi.* friends, members | speedil v reheve you. It ts mid by < I nary net receipt*>??502 1. ??? of the general assembly, on Tuesday evening lart. I Co. am! Hunt, Rankin Sc Lamar, at 50 cents I W>. stock Mn. exports to France 3,568. \Ye had the honor to be present, and must say that I Bottle; | Atlanta Produce Market, e general's urbane, social bearing is only I 41?? m - v ?? deowlvAweowlv. naled by the charming qualities of his accom-1 - lywweowty^ Glass Houses equaled by the charming qualities of bis accom plished lady. General Gartrcll once ably served the northern circuit as solicitor-general, and has many warm friends in that circuit. He now en joys quite an extended reputation aa an able and successful criminal lawyer, and ha* a host of friends all over the state who would gladly him elevated to gubernatorial honors.??? FASHION???S FOLUES. -The ideal woman in the fashion-plate I Stones. OmcE or TIooley???s Yeast Powder, -No. 145 Duane Street, New York. In the Brooklyn Eagle ot November 9th, o.., 1 r ,v. .v a .. . .. 1 and the Scientific American of the 10th, a in the best circle*/ The Bazar sayfso. I most virulent article from the pen of a Mr. The traditional satin wedding dress is in favor I -Mott, who styles himself Chemist fur the ^ain, plain or brocaded. I Indian Department of the United States, Colored cashmere costumm, just imported^re I wa3 published, by the Royal Baking Powder made of garnet, duck???s breast blue, or myrtle Co., charging that the bread made with Stylish doth costumes are made with coat and I Dooley???s Yea--t Powder contained alum, the overskirt. For stont ladies, however, a polonaise I baneful effects of which he emphasized, is substituted. It is a question of Inches and I As soon as wc could have an analysis avoirdupois. % ^ ^ | made, we demonstrated the falsity of the I BKESW A X???23a23J4?? FEATHERS???new choice mixed 50. DRIED FRUIT???Apples, peeled, 2c; unpeeled I !*??????? Live Slock Market. Grocery Market. WHEAT???#1 0Qa#l 20. WHEAT BRAN-90. OATS???seed 50*60. MEAL???65. GRITS???#4 T PEAS -75. Gloves match the drew*. They are ... ??lnr??, as pale bufforold gold with garnet dress, lavender gray with Uue; beige shades for moe* and myrtle green. The new seal skin fringe is made of fine chenille strands. to'contrwt'SJcSSraJSl^toffoSidxSdl chargbby the tollowine certificate:' ray with Uue* beige I Bellevue Hospital Medical College. New York, November 11,1878. This is to certify tliat I nurchased of Mr. L S. H. Williamson, 36 Broaaway, a can of Dqo-1 SYRUP???New Orleans 35@47. COFFEE-Rio 13>4sl7>4; old Govemmoat Java ^?AR???Standard A 9%; white extra C %%', ex- *r Orleans 8aia extra #4 50Q#I7 109*96 2 fi???S T ??FSJS?5l??t JSSSTMet toy???s ltoking Powder; that 1 had htocuit, 1 tra C 9; yellow 8a9: New tSrh ^i^?? n8 "^dre-ed .Wto ??d same, aiwHhat 1 thej^do not ??? main^Seun or | sSSH?SSSSS?? ft lnVf ??- I any other deleterious substance. I oreen MEATo-4%. 1 R. Ogden Doremuh, M R, LL.D., I BULK MEATS???Clear rib sides 4K; bulk strips Professor C???hen??i??try and Toxicology in I none. I the Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Plain velvet cloaks are worn i districts were better organized than we were. In the district I live in our majority waa only one thousand; for several days we were really apprehensive that we were defeated. It was so reported, and*as the return* came in showing the light vote polled by our party, we almost gave it up. One ohuiitv was carried against us by three hundred and twenty-three majority. i five minutes after the drop was sprung. A Wreatle. Special dbpatch to The Constitution. Chicago, December 14.???The second stlingmatch between J. H. McLaughlin, of Detroit, and John McMahon, of Rutland, Vermont, for #1,000a ride and the champ- * ??? ~ ** all. is in the middle of the fan. The black lace scarf worn around the neck is superseded by white scarfs a quarter of a yard wide t China crape or India muslin. Bows for the throat have loops of narrow cash mere ribbon, fastened by tinsel bees - ??? ??? * Brefon lace. LIME???#1 UioSl 25. o>er lour hull- ??~k plo-eat McCormirk hall drt??l. 1 forget the exact figures. If there I McLaughlin toed the niark at -A> jfciunds had been any strong disposition among the 1 or DOiinds less than at last match, negr.** in a body to vote against the demo-1 *}-?/? pf %V!V^.. o r?? retn*es in a ouuv *o ??wn?v me uoi??p ??? , - , , . . * %?? ?? - > ???????? ??? _ cratic party, as is allege* 1. they could have I *{{***??? !|, WoD ? defeated us, for not oue-lialf the whites in I Aral and third falls and McMahon the second many places went to the polls.??? I Bill. Time, 21, 15, and 12 minutes. Aa Vnamt la factory Renal t. Special dispatch to The Constitution. Nashville, December 15.???The joint mittee of the Green line and southern rail way and steamship association having I so included, U L* the law. and as I did not moke tnv in an emergency. It authorize* the j ??? ?? tbe I Ysidrnt, whenever in his iudgiuent the I ttgencies of the frontier service require it, | cy reopened the itebate cati'C 25,000 enlisted men to beadiled to I 0 .1 isim rn.rv. f???iw I the army to serve during such emergenry. I \ i! rninh T Tho on appK>pri??Uon?? will | g JJJJJ} 11 Uxa4 ' 1 iclitr5 I probably take action tomorrow in regard to I a 7 ... . | the of the j^wtal car system. 1 left to gather i one dollar and ide of *till continue* | lilt- lu Hoi K'ght il??*.u*and two hundred aud twenty- eight bale* of cotton were received in Mem phis on Monday. ???Franklin Macon county. N. C) Re porter: There is some talk of the Air-Line railroad building a narrow gauge road to this plane, connecting with the road near Tncws, Georgia. ???Jacksonville (Fla. 1 Breese: Lewis Thompson, near Uk?? City, has a half acre of English peaa in beariug, and on Friday was engaged in picking and crating for shipment to New York. P*llcy fimtaiacd. Special dbpatrh to The Constitntion. U.xpox, IVoemb.-rU.-In t!?? bou* of | Se Right Hon. Mr. Per-1 A xoaz ucnrr case. ton the Afgiian war I ??????This telegram, then, refers to thatdecesian. .... the part of the p^verxwncnt. Sir Wm. I you think?" teth ,. Vtmon Hxroourt fpllo.od, .coiuing th<- lmFloridi! government of forcing a quarrel on the I j twki the mme view, ia mbrtance. ameer. Sir Jdm Holker replied, and the I in the United States circuit court at Jacksonville, debate was oontined hy Captain Cochrane. I Tl.e Untied State* atteroey bavine Wrord th-t l^nJH-iinu.l'byll,,- I Mr. O.TS1 arrd IU,n. V-xr.-l.c PUrokto*. A ?????v on yellow fcv??*r to I table feature of the debate were rif I of iheSquatiflcatioo. under this wetion \??n the constitutional power 1 si??cches by Mr. Newdegate and ?ir I ??i certain members, chaltenged all soeh per- ,f cv.ngre*. to legislate on the subject, the | Alexander Gordon. both conserva-1 aonsand the challeMW were sustained by me. c*q e and'method of investigation and the I tins, denouncing the bomeSS^t selection of experts. | ment???s policy. Sir Af e x??Htord??!xrxd <hxt ?? ???for that policy. 1 . ????????? ?????? ??? ??? ???Senator,??? said the Poet, ???were you accu rately reined in the recent interview of I the Cincinmui Enquirer, which has been so I much and so severely commented upon by the New York Tribune and other republi can i??aj>ers???? . . ???- - # ???Entirely accurate,??? he replied; *???i??er-1 pared the rates from Chicago, Cincinnati haps a little polished up. but it is exactly I and St. Louis with the rates from other what I would hare said if I could have said | points, it was found that they were not sat- it exactly as I wanted to.??? 1 Lfactory. and hence they are endeavoring In that interview, in reply to the question, I to make a change; but as yet having a ???What are the prospect* of the greenback I rived at no result, they will continue : party in the south???? t?cnator Lamar ana-1 session on Monday. U Cr \Yell. as to tliaL ?? long as the right of I . ???M*a. Bemis, of Holliston. Ma*v.. had the people of the Miutb to seif-governiuent | been for thirty years a bedridden invalid, is made an issue in national politics the I Medicines of many farids had done her people of the south will not, and, in my 1 good. Finally, the Rev. Charles Cullw tin- opinion, ought m??t to allow any question as 1 dertook her case. He read, at her bedside, to the currencv to divide them. The south I passages of Scriptures relating to the power more solid fn favor of self-preservation I of faith, prayed earnestly for her recovery, than divided as to national politics.??? I and touched her'forehead with h??forefinger, How did the republicans vote in Missis-1 which he had dipped in oil. Mrs. Bemis sippi 1 ?????? I Rot out of bed immediately and has been ???tin mv district thev voted solid for the veil ever since. Whether it was tlie prayer rrecidttckere candidate*, otf cials and all.??? or the oil that brought about the *?? ???Do you mean that the federal officers 1 clearly explained, oted that way???? 1 ???The Augsburg Allgemeine Zeitung # .. iow much weight can be attached to anything Mr. Mott or the Royal Baking 1???owder Co. asserts, we leave to the I NAILS???#2 40. pleating* 1 public after reading the extracts below. I njii t S l ??iVi??n??3ftnta \* The Royal Baking Bowder ???is prepared,??? I g;Q<o??gU upper 28a40, lining skins 4 wa>9 con the I *y?? that conipany in tlieir advertisement, I ^nJES-lOalL _ ^ bordered with garnet satin ribbon, and finished I ???from ????AfX CBKA J* TARTAR imiiorted ex- I tt r ^ VI nndlr? with cold cord and serpenU' heads. It Is called I presslv for this peerless powder direct from | IKON TUfi^Hp bundle 2 ??>, P. C. fJA the ???Medusa?????????or ought to be. | {he wine districts of France.??? . -- I The Import* of Cream Tartar for nine Governor Hampton. I months of lb78???January 1st to October . \t mn Columbia, S. C., December 14.???Reports from I fat???according to the records of the New I n lSuS^ToiISt*very otjmmon and 1 "iinre- Governor Hampton to-night are still favorable, | York Custom house, were just TEN I JjJSe^Joc; fair oommon^ll-inch 42a45; medium FOUNDS. I 45a50; extra medium 11 and 12-lnch 10*60; fine U Their advertisement further saya; I and 12-inch 60a75; extra fine and fancy stales 75a hv. Via* fM'pirpil flip indnrHcnient a* d rec-1 1 00: Broom???s extra or I/i^ Cabin 1 00. Leather Tieatta Bolls. I 11 .V??? I wood 109; natural leaf 100?Calboun 1 25; Cook???s I oumiendation of the ^ew York li-J d of I gxtra fine fig t??* fine cut in pails, ToaSS. To one quart of flour add two teaspoonfuls I Health.??? it I Smoking Tobacco???Common assorted sizes 45a50; ,.f l>oolev*s Yeast Powder, sift thorou ghly | Ow the contrary, the Prealdent or the 1 m&llum 50a55; Durham best standard brands put in a little salt, and ruh a teaspoonful of | New York Board of Health, ^Prof. J has. ^F. J 5Sa60. Goods. the ressnu named, be thought it s ttro mnitoi rti.i ????? a take NopitaU Comiicu. December 14.???The king h derat that tire morrtace of the Prince** Thi Iks Duka of Cumberland shall bs postponed after th# funeral of Frincam Alice A Change af Psklle Opinion. I x> ur ing hi* speech he crossed over'to the I the course be didT In the history ??>f systems of finance con-1 oppenitkm benches to avoid interruptions I Further coosklereriost of tire suhjert i . nected with raising a revenue for public I from the conservative member*. He was! "SSf2?S22MttSmSSSubuZSm pnrpox*. history works in a circle. The I repeatedly cheered by the opposition. The I iS^rt^SpiSSoutire quS^nsSSred! tide seems setting strong in public opinion 1 marquis of Hartingtoo closed the debate. 1 The senate rommioee fiorthe Investigation of in favor of honestly managed, properly cv??n- I He said in conclusion, that whatever differ- | the embaioo of the Hot * ducted lotteries, such as the Louisiana State I ence of opinion there may be | the lna sretayy ap| Lottery, organized in 1^*8, for Educational j as to the justice of the war. I nbrnhini edi- and 4???\iaritable purposes. The scheme of- 1 there is no difference on the question of railed by frnil for the next drawing Is extraurdman-1 supporting the gallant troops engaged in it 1 senator cooorer to prove the aaallcJoo* nature of lv liberal. The price of tickets, only two | by every means in our power. Mr. Whit- 1 ?????? ?????? *???*" ??? dollar*, gives every ime a chance to win I bread???s motion, censuring the government guQt and that he *3a.??X??;or??les,??um. Farp??Ticul??.wri?? , ferTt. Afebto, policy. Vto x^cctod, the 1 **,??*??? 7^ g-lg**Sg*i* si till toM. A. Dauphin, P. O. Box 692. New Or- rote standing 32* to 227. The conserva- Vlmeare*. who had l ???1 do.??? I ???The Augsbura Allgenieine Zeitu I lately gave a very interesting account of I Irish physician. Dr. J mes Henry, an < physician, Xntritl.ns Cwkeiy. I thusi**t in cUssical learning. Retiring Nothing to ?? veil calculated to promote rarly on ample means trom an extensive good health and good humor aa light easily- ptoctu*. he proceeded to devote himself to digested, nutritious cookery. With that 1 the dreant ol his life, which was to mak??Mthe unrivaUedarticle,Doourr???a VxxstPowoxa, 1 hest oommemary on Airgd. His in the kitchen, elegant, white, light and ahared his anior in this pumml and ac- wholesome bread, rolls, biscuit, ^ke of 1 opmpmned him in its proMcution seventeen everv kind, com bread, waffles, mufflns. times across toe Alpa. atfenjjb he fert buckwheat <akes. etc., am always pomible htawtfe, but his daughterremmned .tide- in every household. I voted and inseparabfe coadjutor until death LARD???Heroes kit 7%; kegs and cans 8; re- But it seems the gentlemen in question I CHEESE???10J4. a m mrelewt (?t in tlieir statements on I ??? .. as careless (?) I other subjects. H< fard or butter through the flour; use enough | Chandler, informs us moat emphatically smn _ sweet milk for asoft dough; roll out and cm I tlmt the Royal Baking I???owder has not the ^eeifegs 7 with a round cutter; fold over like a turn- 1 indorsement of.the Board of Health. I brown shirtinv* 6; lblesched sheetf over, welting the edges with milk to make J 3Ir. Mott, in nis article, states: *??? * *??????'-??? them adhere; wash over with milk to give I ??????Having been appointed Themirt by the them a gloss, place in a pan so they wlli not I Tnited State* Government, for the Indian touch each other, and bake fifteen twenty minutes. They are delidoon Good Advice. Now is the time of year for Pneumonia, Lung Fever, etc. Every family should have a bottle of Boschee???sGebwax Sybcf. Don???t Department.??? bleached shirtings 4a8; check* 8allX; yarns 85. Frnitn and Uonfeetlonarleo. PRU ITS???Lemons, Malaga *6 00; t Palermo 18 50; Menton #8 00 V box; Apple*, northern #2 75 .a ml. *i 'ji u ifffi* ('/iminutH 6: But the Department of the Interior ???* ??; Onmge, ?? ??eu.?? mmwme oi the fact. | Department of the Interior. Office of Secretary. November 27tli, 1878. Messrs. Poolet & Brother. 145 Duane St., New York City 100; Coooonuta 6; J0; % box 7c; Cur- Walnut* ITS- PROVISIONS, MBAIX, Etc. BV TELEGBtPB. ??? . .... i . ... 1 Sire???^.Your letter of the Lkith iti*ia:it, rel- allow fur one moment timt cough to take I Mive the .- Ct , eniIst for Indian theind ??? nBur ??????- very "Tpas: curing thousand, of these dreaded dia- tssislam%cr??tarv I Silive: unpided ??S@B: ??????? * t????:,*temner -IT- l2!i&E!5mS????vou.??? V <>ne Brdrie U ^ wondered at ^ whenthreedoee. willcureyou. OnelV ti I b , e w m i m ke?? should have pronounced 1 5Sv<mtot I-ork tinner; mote active; old mas ; whote famtly^a winter and ^ Yeast Powder injurious in art arti- Jj???&???niw nt?? to 8u???? a Beef unchanged; > you sate from danger. If you areor>n- I c t.f 0 r??hich bv the war we have sued the I lightdemand. Lanl a ahadc firmer; fatriy active; auSy??? siSSl^BoUltoiS^to???V^'^ing Powder fompany for nuUi- ^ SrwasRr ??? d un - 378 lune???~.dAwly eowAweow | Dooley A Brother. | CHICAGO, December 14.???Flour quiet and firm. P. S???In answer to the above, Mr. Mott I Wheat rtrady; Have von seen those light blue trimming ???ilks? They are very handsome. Come and judge of the prices. 287dA*wdecl5-U J>avid II. DAOsberty. I chasing supplies to aid them in the exami-1 V f i rejected 20L*Xtis qajelanAttamdj: nation of suoh baking powders, Mala, etc., I L??5 ??? "7* I M were bid Tor as per public adverti>emenf, [ g*52adeSS??lTan5f?*S?hSSrT<^?? aS; During the past week I bare added to my I May 24th. We do not wish to do Mr, Mott I ftJSSrSSSuttK; Februaiy5.'??^ r >.72H. Bulk stock many very attractive new goods???proa- j a shade of injustice, and if thi# improves | Meat* steady and firm. Whisky #106, pective for the holiday trade. In fact, 11 his case he is welcome tc* the correction. I ??? ??? may say that I have created one grand bar- j Whether that is what he wished his readers j a ??? ?? removed her aba Dr. Henry then pursued gain counter???composed mainly of goods I to understand wfcau. in lib first article, he I _ POLI) AT ???The Nashville Christian Advocate of a I his labors alone with unabated energy. H?? ??? from each department in my line. Come 1 said to was appointed ???Chemist by Uie | U t^iJa streeL Atl ecent date has thb paragraph: ???The travel-1 friends are now publishing liis literary re-: and bear the prices and I feel confident tfi#t United States Government for the Indian I i2ih. 1??7>. the note* and on who stops at Lewis???* Hotel, Dalton, Geor-1 mains, of which the chief are ???notes of a you will be convinced aa to the ooneetnes* ; Department,??? we Is vs to them; whether | anwe ACo. ??*nkrnp?? ^ ^ . gia, will get good food, polite attention, I twelve years??? voyage of di*x>very in tha of the assertion. One man's money. *??? aa , it justifies the circulation of that^article j very moderate charges. This is a voluntary, \ first six books of the AUieid.??? Such de- i good as another???s, and your child can buy j marked ???official??? we propose to find out j approved Februa^tah, 'JO*. t the same time lwu, La. decil Atwlt tiva had anudjiaud a majority of 130. ???r, to, coEureitice.aJ)ourn??L unpaid-far commendation of a good bourn | Totion to classical scholarship is pretty here ss cheap as yourself. kept by a good man.' 230 > asch confined to Germany. ?? 2S7d&wdecl5-U , toe proper a | 277 sun dec!5iwl7.