Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, December 31, 1878, Image 4

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WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GAv, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1878. ^fonstifufioti. Single Copy. One Year. $1.50. TEX COPIES, $12.50. BOUNDAEOUT Of GEORGIA, ALSTON???S ANSWER. a ???a; bat when Captain Nelms showed I 'aLsi it had been In bis time, and then I bAied us that the death-rate had de- I creased nearly one-half in bis administra-1 CHARLEY ROSS. FAYETTE COCXTT. TO CAPTAIN CHANTS STATEMENT. | ,j on and that aapn wrr- only owthtrd DR, MARY WALKER'S REVELATION atwhat they ??trt tem??rl/. ?? cooduded I _ _ . , _ ??? _ _ . that we would draw a va:i over tlie rear? I TbsTraUsrat of tb ?on.uct:??.rr CoiT.cii Mo- I W and confine our work I ramd???Tin Report ot ti, Cramittra Vltdiciud I twent,-on?? months Now, in ???Alcitlnal Butamccta ti tetha XaterUl were kind, to Captain Grant, hat he Urea WildI *.t, E-pcr. ni Bu??d. Pdi l not leem to appreciate it. Captain I Grant aaja be baa net made a dollar out I of the lease of oonricta since 1873. WasonuroaCirT. December2. MM- I Kow, from 18T3 to 1876 be was working Emtobs Coaertn'Twa???I bare just seen I convict* at $11 per annum. Hesvsera ??? Arnmot Ga., Octobers!. 1ST Dear Sir: Last r.iriit I called at the Xew Drug Store. Dr. King's Old stand, and bought .tie boy as directed. This morn- Fsjrette fount,- KheriflTs Kale*. -\TTILI. BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT I _ 7 r bouse door, in the town of Fayetteville, on I a bottle of bottle of ???Worm Oil,??? and gave I the first Turelay in January next, between the I - * ' " * le sal boon of arte, the following property, to-wit: I One hundred acres of land, the west naif of land | A Biagxlar Btorj of What the Hwtral-Sexed Doc- ^ be pa^ed ^thirty-one worms. I 1 sut.iKS fTTryTra 1T- J !t ,3.. n-??? ??? t i w .friLAtiA. Pm | previously tned other worm medicines. in this I think | tor Katx. Abntth.Bjri.rf of Charity Rom- | w. r. Fa. X. | Leftcdunuitbe'piupertyof FrLandrumby vto Prepared bv E. S. Lvndon. Athens, Geor- I tue of and to Kitufy a fi fa. issued from Fayette n and for ml* hv drn**i*t* rvnprall v. I ????pertor court in favor of Usebipus Slatton y*. F. 563 sep3 w???m Smith's Wop ???Griffin Is the liveliest dty of Its i Oeorgifi. ???Savannah has had weekly rob ???Tnunj are gnins I Jp ??? Ooflngti _ lM.iii that they swap knives in tl>c at reet I county camp. In your notice editorially of ???T f - 'y-one j-mhkI wildcats are pro I this statement of Captain Grant you term dm :* of New ton nrantj. I it ???manly and emphatic.??? You also refer ???The papers are twitting AtlflnU because I to Captain Grant as ???the first cspitalistof site i as no fire alarm telegraph. | the state.'* with a character for ???purity and ???Thirty tramps pawsul through Jesnr New York Mercury. m Dr. Mary E. Walker, who has figured in T** Cossnrmo* of the 18th, containing I poritivcly that darin* there y??ii be did I the New York papers so conspicuously dur- . K^Tom AliSndS? fid at th. rote???of P????? fo . nnd by .??? Mcrca 7 I ^l^l d . t th . port of the committee on the penitentiary. 1122 per annum for the tame men that be I reporter at the hygienic institution, in I *??t^Ia^ worms. At tM ???.bit of working convicts??? that be really I cost, low-cut waistcoat and pantaloons of loves the business so that he Is willing to I same color, with nobby top boots, white ly eleven dollars per bead for the privi-1 shirt without ornaments, upright collar and black drees tie, was seated before a store in I f -_ ??L v Signs of Prosperity Betnrnlng. The increased prosperity of business af- Artaanc u aNiivn hr the COI1- I notice of the same. Property | plaintifl^sattorney. Also, at tha same time and place, one hundred I * f north half of lot No. (6??? ??? 1 lower seventh district < dWViir tiftincd Icounty. Georgia. Levied on a* the I tla> he pa-MKl rropCTty John i> $LrT ctt, deceased, by virtue | same time I I ,,f ana to satisfy a fl fa. tosued from Fayette Superior Court In favor of Cordelia Swan son vs. Catharine Parrott. Tenant in possession given written notice of the levy. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at the same ti acres of land, more < number fifty-eight (N ??? ??? ; district of hnrette county, Ga. Levied on as the I property of Hanford Adams, deceased, by virtue I of and to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Fayette Su-1 perior Court In favor of L. B. Grin, Ordinary, I for the use of Wm. M. D. L. EJdervs. 8. T. W. I FFLTOXCOUNTY. EORGIA. FULTON COUNTY. ORDIN \ RY'S JT ortii-e. November tso, 1S78. S.vmuel Weil lias >lieti for letters of administration on lhe<--t.\te iG applied for letters o of l>r. C. W. G. Rail i S TA NDAR .0,0 F_ FH E W 0 R LJhf(, AJg.?? t1 /> ft. t. _ c ijwj rbfMiS pu'yWrp' ,-akf im : .'her :ulay in January,??? li??7$, else a will be granted ns apnl ie??l for. DANIEL PITTMAN. 141 docSwfw Ordinary F. C. I BORGIA, FULTON COUNTY, ORDINA- ^JC ry???s Otlico. December 7, 1S7N Whereas, I c. C. Green has applied for letters of administm- I tion on the estate of Jacob Peters, deceaMHl: | This is to give notice to all concerned to file I their objections on or before the first Monday in I January iu-m, 1-7D, cKr u ill granted 1 the applicant. 146 dccS vrivr did not register. ???Dawson is about to have the small-poi At any rate a caae of varioloid baa been die- ???Mr. ISatSII, of 1 lie edited by Majo ngi hi* . . T . n _ I a certainty in the public mind. Tickets only | what I know | (vn Addre??.< M. A. DauoLiiL P. O integrity that does not justify the charges I of the committee.??? You conclude your praise of him with tbeae words: ???If there Uno^tohU^.Utom^.> ^Sgn^^ ???'?You ??n, me to to,, you I it Menu to be poeitito end deer???CepUin I imntv ye*s. I am aba gl??d to here I about the Charley Rosa caae. or rather what I ??? v cw Orleans. La. . c,^.??????.i, V... will I Grant haa bean treated with great Injoa-1 this, that although he has found no profit I ;t i, alleged that I know. Wall, I have no ??? - _ T * ??? . I tire ??? I am the chairman of th?? boose com-1 in the bnrinea* tor the past five years, that I objection in a general way to give you ?????? rn Farmer???s Muniuly, to I ((I) ^ proj^ntlary. I wrote the I in his previous years, he had, by d??e eeop-1 par.iculars, but a? I have put the ' r L. C. Bryan. I roi-ort and aabimttcd it to the approval of I omy andatrlct attentton to con jacta, lmd I , n to manuscri ' mnah V. wsoffldallv announces 1 >lA committee. Thera swarm loll at-1 by enough to enable him to retire from the 1 lnglt | do noi mnah >tw. ..n ??? .a.iy annonn I rn<Unn t9 ???ty-one members from the I condet borineaa. I detailA buflic . ???- net are all girls. Tin- -bow? a I Mn ei t( ndho<ue eoniinl'taei being present. I Captain Grant has my earnest wishes toe I tanan sympathies were excited in no com-1 - . ore J.. degree of wisdom on ti*r port'of Hidiardson I senator J. 1*. Turner occupied the chair, as I his fntnre peace of mind and prosperity. 11 mon manner when tin find notices of the 1 I IYGT ??V61Tl6iiy 1 he alwaya did when the two committees | have no 111 feeling against him or any of the | abduction were made nnblic. and I at once I - S DAVID H. DOUGHERTY, (Formerly of Silvey & Dougfliorty,) G 111??": \ EORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. ORDINARY'S ???ccvmbcr 2. 1S7S. Where**, E. P. , Jlan of William A. Green, has ap- I plicvl for leave to sell eertain real estate belonging I to hi* wan! in the county of Gwinnett: I This is, therefore, to give notice to all persons I concerned to file their objections, if any exist, I on or before the first Monday in January next, 1879, I else leave will be granted as applied for. DANIEL PITTMAN, 145 decs w4vr Ordinary. ry's Office, December 7, 1S78. Whereas, J. I Ii. Goodwin, administrator of the estate of An- I drew Jackson, colored, late of said county, dc- I ceased, ha* applicil for leave to sell the real es- dec!8 dJtwlt AL-o, at the same time and place, 60 acres of I land, more or less, it being part of the cast half of I land lot No. CM, in the fifth district, of Fayette I county, Georgia. Levied on as the property of T. 1 B. Griggs by virtue of and to aathfy two fl fas is-1 lyette superior court in favor of C E par.iculara, but as I have put the whole I LIVLR REXEDIDi, I raed from Fayette superior court in favor of c t Tw case 5 s I details. Suffice it to say that mv humam- | K?? a via Ww a [ dco4 wtds Hhenff. I tarian sympathies were excited in no com- I . . n - ... ^ onn .??H.e. IN - t is almost past bell ???The Atlanta Ilepuhlican *ayx Mr. I nfM j f Q Uy discussed Stephens la an Independent. This is nn-1 tion that was made to it was n^s I wy. w, wi??. jamsuii ??eir pw*o?? m????v. . ooienou. out aiso tec ,1. ubf.Ilv i rue He U Indcwndcnt of tlic I by th. member from CoweU. who objected I by giving up >11 participation in the twenty 1 to elucidate the m . ??? ??o the eentonce, ???but it i. nerertbelro. tat- y~r , public, and I at once if the afflicted parents. acted together. The report wm read I rest of the lesseea. Some of tliem are my I hastened to the home of and (ally dbcuaed and tha only objeo-1 friends, and it will rejoice me still more if I Moreover. I not only offered them my con-1 la an Independent This is nn -I tion that was made to It wm made I they. too. will eonsnlt their peace of mind I dolence. but also lent my individual efforts I I . .??? a a g, . _ A - I tsu wttnnA nn all narflotnafinn in th* tVTMlV I olnos^af* th* mvaiare fil*St these I tude, but since a ] rnad uuon us for twenty veare.??? This gen-1 I am clear about one thing, and that is I distrust and coldness begun to be apparent, I tleman objected to the admiiwion that such | that the agitation of this question lias be- j which at first I was unable to account for, | BLOOD PURIFIER Tonic and Cordial. This is not % patent tnedieine^Lut is prepared of 7 ' riretton *Whv^Tt 7 ut tte ffMe I mSSmvSmn to te tolc'Stid"f?? I P" ta C^ert and will nirer cease unUl I i w a? not only giving my time, but also my I S, J 0 c ri r l i L t^S^2n???wmch' to fe niri)>al election. W hy not put tlw I twrnty years. There fore, when Captain I tl???? whole question is overturned. I fer I motey and professional assistance, without I nSSce of over twenty-seven years he has found matter in tha hands of Mayor IlnfT? lie I Crant mys there ia not one word of troth in I one never expect to give it up until I can I the slightest idea of asking for a reward. I LSSl effective in sJl coses cf disordered liver of ' nakea a square issue with I point to my native state ???redeemed, regen-1 Shortly, however, aa branching out ' T * *' ctahle gentlemen, that | crated and disenthralled??? from this great I the regular channels by which the I propose to do it in as I "in- and the finger of shame shall no longer I and those who were working with Will be sold before the Court-house door in I the town of Fayetteville, Fayette county, Georgia, I on the first Tuesday in February next, within the I legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: I One hundred acres of land, more or leas, v half ol lot number (54) thirty- cpublican party. ???Maoon is In great trrmble over her would aettle it in two minutes and a half. I this rcj<??rt, be mak ???<k??chnui hav ha??l a cutting affray about I inet,*^^?*propose ^ ^ | tha aUe of John Gorman???s Florida orange I | jr ief a manner aa pomibla. In the first I b?? IjJted orchard. That ia to aay one man threatened I place I will admit what you aay of Captain ,o .Ub another with a ..amp toot.,-pick. u^^^^thal to ???Tha improvamenu on the Ocmulgee I term, miiiiat, aivi knew vary well when I river are .till programing. The ume ", ay I un^rtooi; to probe thi, wnuna iniquity abr. be Mi,I of the improve,,,,-nts on the 1 M ??" ??? I ??? " . I me >hat wouldrequIrenerveandiitredinewTl,. Fvtvr, Preqacti of th. The }??rty on the latter stream ia I to meet. I am ready for it The people of I r-t 4* te Int*mmtad???Tk?? under the supervision of Mr. Mike C. | Georgia are not heathens, and I rely on | _... tfw/ tvT Ta. Singleton, whose swamp ha* attractol attention in the geolog ical bureau. the finger of shame shall no longer I and those who were working with them | at her, as a state, that is banking I sought for a clew, I began to aiznly suspect on the crimen and misfortunes of her de-1 that fenseless and ignorant population. R. A. Alstox. out from I Impure blood. It is Aim-BILIOTTS. It acts directly upon the liver; rtstonn. of L. T. ??? Tax . Fayette county, for hi* taxes for the year 1S77.1 Levy made by M. N. Davis, L. C., and handed I o me. j Abo, at the same time and place, one hundred I acres of land, more or less, the west half of lot I number (S4)tnirty-four, in the fifth district of I Fayette county, Georgia. Levied on by virtue o. I anu to satisfy a Tax ?? fa. issued by W. L. Cox, T- I ??? ??? * ???1 State andcoun- M. NiDavU, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods,] NOTIONS, I to file their objection*, if any exist, 0 DANIEL riTTMAN, G eorgia, fulton county, oudina ry???s office, November 30, 1878. tN heroa*, Louis Scliclpcrt. of said county, has applied for I letters of guardianship of the person and property of Mathis* Mtid Minnie Belter, minor and orphan I concerned to file their objection*. If any exist, e_ I or before the first Monday in January next, 1879, I else letters will bo granted the applicant. 1 DANIEL PITTMAN, 140 decs w4w Ordinary F. C. 1 EORGIA, FULTON COUNTY,ORDINARY???S JT Office, December S, 1878. Wherca*, Mary Ann . Neill ha* applied for letter* of administration I of the estate of Patrick O???Neill, late of aald county 1 deceased. 1 This is to give notice to all persons cooqerned I to file their objections. If any exist, on*" *???*'??? I the first Monday in January next, 1879, c I will be granted the applicant p E vre I O Nci I NORTH GEORGIA???S GREAT CALAMITY. ALL WAS NOT QUITE El OUT, and soon had these suspicions verified in an map of Ofekenoke* I themto sustain mr. I also admit that Cap- .. 1 . . 4 . , I tain Grant may be, as you say, a man ???scru? mention in the geolog-1 hnn^t ??n.i and ??i..t K. Fancy deoils, FroisMi Goods, Etc, I42dec8wlaw4w DANIEL PITTMAN. Ordinary C. College???The Eta dies be Iaterispted???TbeBebaUdlog to Cam- | while her auditor, looking up, repealed, iu- A Oeaerocs Ofier Frcm Qaiaerrille. ???No!??? Dr. Mary exclaimed, ???I can???t tell I you that, for it would be to * most other medicines. ???Cuthbert Appeal: Rich colored, wm brutally murdered >1: Richard l^ewia, ??y* paid hia debts.??? This may be know nothing to the contrary. I [ have little personal knowledge of the J5SSI b??e '??????? P??nwnal knowledge of the gen-1 agricultural college ia justly considered a Jijf:t???v'cnclcavnrin^ to a^irt totii' in'calbon n mqnTyl lii???t Friday night. I ,^S??iTle??Sla*afconrt5to > Tn thi Fra-1 "*'* f J??? rtur ??? e, ?? * hole *????????? 11 ?? fr ' ct3 I stimulate the search, all the time putting ii. waa carried into a swamp hv ma-k,?l I hh?? I Dorthc ??? t ?? TOr ii i ??? ?? ?? peculiar calamity. I tboae engaged upon it off the scent When men and horribly mangled. We hope the I r????7* I Pull accounta of the burning which come j Rose found I had fathomed his base pur- t-rratra'or. of .hi.ouiraue will la- brought ??? X mmSTS from Driilonega state that the destruction Wekno^tiot the offen-c rharce l nvrroin^t 1 th"gJmieSXT^ ^ I * he wc " en"ipped institution arc 1 randu-ion; buL although thus treated, till? negro hut prote-t |j *. I FiSt wLtwere the^hargra by the blackened walls and araoulaertn B| Lelfvou fnSkTv'lSmc to'mv???k^JwlJlS tin.lerany form or pretest. ???"""???M committee against Captain Grant? The| ruins. There were three hundred i~)j2to n !uv no afertsyssfAras STjaur^ttrar* a-TSswaiMsa rssrssaairaaars SsssStiUfMsaSss r???IzSr'zsZi'T dvilor Ghriatian community. I ???.".'tlil. --?????Z I lum was so arranged as to give students a | wall, ???to the actual seeing and handling of 1 beta give away a I ,. Diver Complaint, Dys- veryinipprtaut.^ret^buttoisIwiU gr. Jt ior the ye*r I L. C.. and I lianded to me. Tenant given written notice of I the levy. Also, at the same time and place, one hundred I acres of land, more or less, the west half of lot I number (61) sixty-one, in the fifth district of I Fayette county. Georgia. Levied on as the pro-1 perty of Susan M. Arnold, to satisfy her State and I 35 PEACHTREE STREET, ??I..rrinrii ltiTV Ktomacli. Jaundice. I perty of Susan M. Arnold, to satisfy her State and HSSviSU NeSirmlxS^SSptuS^ o? I county tax for the year 1S7??. Levy made by M. | ^Female frreaularttlcs stud I N. Davis. L. C., and hand d tome. Tenant in ???all Skla and Blood Diseases, I possession given written notice of the levy. This SRS2TW3S*2S - d Con-upa. %mberr6 J878. J. W. BRO\VN "on of Uie Bowtia ??? __ I 384 deciS wtds bherilr. In small doses 11 la also a sure euro for Chronic Diarrhea. Taken two or three times a day. It pre- rents Yellow Fewer, Diphtheria, Scarlet fewer, Cholera, and Small-Pox. HOW TO BE > ?????SSi??Ei*S??S YOUROWN? ;rt ????,. ??? DOCTOR Ihti-Tili r Christian community. ???flsvsnnah News: One of the merchants of Cuthbert received a letter one or two evenings sgn, that hs??l atongh time reach ing its destination. The writing on the ??? veto* I MU Appeal n??? TSL 1 vLJSrSL# fowire; ?? I ,um WM 80 "Tanged as to give students a I wall, ???to the actual seeing and handling of CfworKiw ??o tljmt ramp; that on th.ttHf ??ti.fuctory education in the politarbranch- August the firat death wra reported, and Ira of learning, while It insured a thorough I I ,r *???"' nKth ?? P rac,ical portions of study. I Wellfrn tell yon. When I first bsstcned to two months andelevendsys, ten mendie,!, I stu a en ts from all over Georgis went there. I the sideof theaffleted???as I then I then supposed??? I?? was so iviorly executed that it haf-1 making nearly thirty-three per cent, in two I * ??? i u ~ _a I narenls I did so f cm ourelv Dliilanthronii the Ingenuity m the jMistmastera. The month, mid eleven days Captain Grant I Boy* fba mountains, who never heard I SJJSra/and???not'onlyl^, *!????-???-' teal says it was sent to one offlra, but | says when he sent thrae men there he wss | of a college two years ago, sent there by the | nmneyThut neglected my prof; tire'pratroiwteritot belngahlelo miikeoui | J???trarto^ Oiat^toe | doae economy of kind parents, worked | ness in order to render them a^stance. Find iff and selected the best the addrem, set it afloat with the following I health' words written on the envelop: ???Try Georg*-1 nuosel . town, Kentucky." It tried tliat offlre. but | find. He expected some , the poalniMlcr tliere, with a little more | precaution to ^select the | posed of able and faithful men under the gumption the follow Zv r:, v?? I with admirable energy to improve the gold-1 ??ng that the thing was a huge fraud, adecep- ESSSrsbsrxssu?. ???'idars^iiaia g Ing words: ???Ocrgls-it i?? plain I iss tatione were fully rttljud and Jn whose devotion to the college has been I Rested the ItivR? V"'I *5* ???7* d????h I second to thatof none. The ralamity rame ward." ???1 .1 the poafmasfer enclosed it in I his little force had ten oodlne to make. IMd I ?????? the college just at t nvelop and directed it to the jwsv I Captain Grant pay any heed to this terrible I pn 2Cint y and Cnthhert, wltli the following ex-1 warning that he was keeping men chained I f t would havecruslied a ???They wop???t let this letter pass I in a death b^a? No. Like hia great I t j on> We are clad to : i paid for my time and trouble before I iade the thing public.??? ???In fact,??? sug- reporter, ???you wanted the re- Exactly,??? Dr. Walker answered. another cnveloi master at planation: ???They won' -l!.??? . w Tvt 11 . ... I on the college just at the moment of its I airily running her somewhat masculine and ,y heed to this terrible | D n??.writv. and wss so revere that I heavv hand through hair, which was t and worn parted at the side, sti tti o . k??? I tion * We are glad to aee that the faenltv I in^ out around her head, ???exactly; ! I ??f *college Imve preserved their pluck in I have divined tny intention.??? But a* ?? r Z!!Z??ijK??2z I s P j,e of disaster. They have out a circa Jar I the writer inquired: ???Why, doctor, did y< I stating that the collegiate exercises will be I not go to the authorities and make a fi stand- _ . you But again roy office. I am tired of its being sent here, I namesake, L I; so I enclose direct to you.??? The letter wo* I the havoc of much soiled. I headquarters m Auauta, neoraerea "more | stating that the collegiate Navannah New*- The annual meeting of I hv Brrn ii Ui.nyin I continued and that new students may enter I expose of the fraud? It would ap)??ear to the^itockhohh'ni of the Central railroad and I t-'liiends ^ere^^hangS^becauae CAptato I ?? D th ?? tint ??f January and receive to me that in not doing this you certainly Hanking company wa? appoint.?! to lake ^"n^gavo ordere totiisnSSrt anf^M? I ? ,e,y c ? re wh,ch 1,M ??????.th'rto >en | were not performing that duty which all place yesterday morning at 10o???clock at the I chevi*s the overseer, retired. The ijixTii I besU,wed on pupils. The exercises will be j men and women owe to their fellows, nam r the hank ??? Tliere were n large I ViT.Vi 1 conducted in the court-house, the academy I ly, protecting them from and against fraud r .! h " .???Dri.j 1 --," I Fifty-two men were rent to I and <)UlCT buildings in the town. The work I The doctor???s eyes sparkled^her ban number of the itoel??old??r> in the eltv. hut up the breach ami worm th??? in , ,h * ???Iff- The wor 1 f 1 tlie attendance vra? very ?mn!i. William worltaof death, and when thc news rame ??, f rebuiM ??? n B w,,, ??? * e 1 ??? rn - ??, co ??? , ???'??? d work ' d , n .'r ro ??? , . y th * % lnm f ??????...I?????? or*'". ??? me news renic i nt once _ Large and appropriate buildings I pencil which she twirled round and round. ..... . 1 be erected as soon as the means are ob-1 tilie crossed and recrossed her legs, vsnnsii and Jud"c John 1> Gunningham, I J???SL'ff???. I tained. The state cannot afford to let the I and then altering her position sons Sa?!?;.ta wrrere-intrfrli ?????- *V* ? -ff*??? 0 ** trod .? I eoliewe itaJdie a day. As to whether the I to bring her fscS full in view of her riea'Vr-m the cab'tor st.K-k and proxies, Wm^&TfSSffd ???h c P??' ic 7 for$2U,000on theold bmldings. taken ris-a-vis, said, energetically: ???So I would, it ??>> found that in all only nine thousand j profit on th i, cnntrac???than tSTt om *7?? * 8 ?????fftlf ,l0 7.' d r ??? lap ???J^ I b ff !? ust i^amtand that Wrabington six hnndre.1 shares were represented, and I of bi , Lrf, .i^utd die ofcri3???y ??? w 5?*. i, ., not ytt U ??? SU PP , 7?? 1 1 w * ,ere 1 t *L' n of Sitrtv -even thousand five hundred shares | |????? ??? y or ner th ?? ??*>???? *;>" ?? co f????? r ????? e w . lw9e ???????hqnt.ra I wished to obtain, occu- being requisite for a quorum, no business Mr 0 ranL how many men must Tte S77 ,or tbe ISS 4?????* y the Pi** ?? peculiar poation, as it has no mayor, dosnl.l I-* t Von i??'* of the annual I ai! TV:.f,???. ???r_ I and future prosperity of the college are safe. I no aldermen, no chief of police, no one in been oatt* ^ I lege tl Parannah i nnisn a little contract by the Ulot April? | ??? c " _ , 77 Where does your idea of duel- '"Dablonega. " hetber or not tha gener-1 Iiaveqdered me a certain portion of the Yarning* central railroad, Atlanta | ty begin? You ??ay that the | wil1 be accepted, it is an evidence of | ward if I would only let them complete large academy new building may be completed I ATTEMPTED TO BUT ME, ???6? yi ??? , . ramp waa ao desiierefely' sickly that 2SI tbe ki ??dly feeling of the people of Gaines-1 their plan of retunimg, or rather I should SI per cent of your guards died. Is not this I ville - ??? I say of recovering the child, but I decline I euiuutatlve evidence that you were violat-1 Several of the students of the burnt col-1 to ?? bought, and have frustrated every twnvnsu ingUie laws of humanity In keeping those lege were in the city yesterday. They all planthatthey have tried to foUit upon the poor erratum there? Itoes this I speak in hopeful terms of the future of the I public. Just let me tell you. Three years excuse you? Does this justify you I institution and seem to be very much at-1 ago. just as I wss about to go to California, in chanting the committee with makine I ????<*ed to it. I I w??s approached by parties working in false and unjust charges against you be- 1 * 1 ???. . cause they simply ask the legislature to break op such a prat-hole and cancel your. - . . .. ..... , ,, contract by which you are enabled to keep | ???Jacksonville, Florida, is amused with a thft w? Expenre- Central rail- nWI. Savannah, dlvi- mnmSSTTSmSSi niii- road. Atlanta??!!vi??inn... 909,907 86 IgMIl Southwotcm ^ ^ ^ j ig I SjK'r??? ?i,'"C,067 521 ???ho month of November, no that 1 DOWN IN DIXIE. Row???s interest, who offered me a large sum if I would only agree to remain there. I declined that offer as I had all tlie rest. Leaving a balance of........ The earning* of the prevlou* year were I "weather uiai IJ40ft.002.2l, ??nd the expenses *1,^2.1 <*1.86,1 *| L They are still dying, showing an incre.rin earninp. thi* year The next charge is that' over last of $3??W,???JffV2n. and a decrease in I oidtown ha* averaeed t?? a * not the I ???Cholera is raging among the hogs in I told you that the ???Morier??? capture and all killed them I Bradley county, Tennessee. I other sensational stories that during the past I ???The Natchez railroad (Miw.) is making { ew }??? ve up, have been got- axpenltnresof $815.94 * The inrrf*j??>e in earn- I SfeSy&LisSsrfSS ???^-.^ranew ha. bran Crated pres-1 SSj-A ??V??? uses* 2??S= S&SatfpBSfflPVi ta! 7 $169.532.52. on the Atlunta tlivbion '.ft.8ft, on the Southwestern railroad $55,287.83, ami on the Upson county railroad $1,469.28. In expense* there ha* l*een an increase on the Savannah division of $3,084.88, on the Atlanta division $15,512.45. while there is a decrease on the Southwest ern railroad of $lft,261.22, and on the Upson county railroad of $92.05. The increase and decrease inexpendlturcsinearh department Is shown in tbecomparativc statement. Tlie largest item in the increased ex|ten*e* i* under the head of transportation, and this b doe to the increase of business, and also, to some extent. In the further set tlement of claims of cotton burned in Savannah in November. 1876. and for cotton burned on the Atlanta division during the past year. All other items of increase, on noth the Savannah and Atlanta divisions, are in consequence of improvements in the property of the company. Our motive power dm had extensive repair* ami renew als. We have built one new engine, and fitted up four with the Westlnghou'* brake, being able to use them on our mixed trains by adopting an improvement invented by Oaptain W. G. Raoul. These four engine* are used on our aomramodation trains, that usually carry from eight to twelve cars, he- aides the passenger. Damage and sleeping earn. Theee brakes have been found to work satisfactorily, and it i* contemplated to put them on all our engine* that are used for Niger trains. In tlie car departments, have built fifty new freight cars, and made considerable repairs to our stock of passenger and bag- gare cars. Under the head of repairs of buildings, we have made extensive repairs to our down freight warehouse in Savannah, and put an entire new roof on the ware house at Augusta, the roof of that build ing having been completely demolished by a tornado on the night of the 7th February last. There have also been large repairs on the Atlanta division. The decrease of re pairs of road is due to a reduccion in the cost of material, and, to some extent, in the cost of labor; but notwithstanding this de crease in tbe cost of repairs, I can confi dently say that there bin been a deckled improvement in the permanent way. Inci dental expenses on the Savannah division are lew than for the previous year, tor the reason that during that year a con siderable sum was paid for heck taxes. Without going into minute details. 1 trust the foregoing will satisfactorily explain the comparative statement of expenditures for 1877 and 1S78, .is lias been our custom for years past, every improvement upon the mad bm been charged direct to expenses, notwithstanding considerable sums might fairly have been deducted from the current expenses of the road. The tables (included In the report} will be much more conveni ent tor comparison than the Mtne informa tion could he given in any other form. They might be made much more elaborate in detail, but that would involve considera ble labor, and therefore this condense*: form to adopted. The usual table* making up the earnings of the roods are given, to which I beg to refer. Upon reviewing our past year** business. I an satisfied that we did not over-estimate the loss of the previous year, resulting from the epi demic. The legitimate business of the country tributary to our road for tbe two year* did not vary matenally. and all other conditions, except tbe epidemic, have been much the same for the two year*. Having referred, in a general way, to the condition of our motive power, cam and the permanent way, 1 beg to refer you to the report* of the heads of three di, artments for mur< t-1 information., In each of tb??e d. , . nts J have endeavored to keep a ?? >apcrvi*ioa.and 1 be'ieverhere Smid bo lack of vigilance on the part of those in immediate charge to protect the intere-t ??nd keep prop erty under : I.eir care in the bestipoaaable condition. Ti.?? auditor's report wifi show, in detad. ?? \:eoditures in the various department.-. .. .i the financialoonditkmof tbec^inpeov > ? . wn in the balaxuwwheet of the bcKjk-kevper. (21) twenty-one men in about 22 month*. ??? ??? 1 uaicnui muruen. r , J ???The Louisiana papers a poor hand at making calculations. That I long delinquent tax lists. ary 1st, 18T77, to October 20th, the date I waj crime for a few days past of Captain Nelms???s report. There-1 ,???Texas train robbers are becoming a lit- fore, when the committee stated I tlc J 11 * 1 now * that more men had died in your camps in a I ???Alabama to to have a state bar associa- ycar than died in the Maryland peniten-1 tion. unsKS; ^uszszzjtesss ??? of the Und in Korth c ??? oli ??? only In i thfa_ that ttray.d^not plra. tb. comparison hi|tfa enough. The next charge that tbe committee made against yon, and this only in a general tray, because yon was not singled out, wss that there was an aver age of from twenty to forty-fivener cent escaprn. This yon deny. hTe ony memorandum I have with me ta Captain Nelms's report, which ssts that mad* his escape; on July 23d Sam Thomas and Isaac Nixon got away; that on August 8th Georgs Brown got away; that on Sep tember 16th, 1878, Tom Smith was seen no more; that on September 27th, 1878, Adol phus Strahan left without leave; that on July 1st, 1878, Lewis Finley^raraped. Now. add them up and you will find that from the 19th of March to 29th of October, 1878, just seven mouths and one day. von lost seven valuable hands, and society had seven more convicted outlaws turned loose on them. When the committee used the words "29 to 4& per rant.,?????? they meant for a con vict's term, which averages four and a half years, and thsy ao stated. Now, air, the next charge at whirh you grow indignant is that you should be charged with chaining women and allowing promiscuous intercourse between them. Vou deny the specific charge as not being able to be established against your Oidtown camp. Now. Captain Giant, t am sorry vou alluded to this sickening matter. There was no oraartou for it, foe the committee never named you, and it ia a wise rale never to "kick before you are spurred." How ever, aa you invito me to prove it, I will ask you: are you not now, and have yon not bran, the partner of Thomas Alex ander, under tbe firm name of Grant A Alexander, Air nearly ten years? And will you presume to deny that your camps have had numbers ot bastard children in them, bore of toothers condemned, in sums in stances, lor life? You will not dene this, because it is too notorious. I saw. and ao hava many others seen, one woman who was condemned fra life that had three chil dren. and she did not hesitate to ascribe their paternity to out of tbe lessees. Captain Grant, you know all thrae things; therefore why go into the news papers and force me to publish them? Are you not a partner in the Dude coal mines, and do you not know that there are three children there now and mote naar at band? Let ns quit this subject. Captain Grant; it won't beer probing. I think I hava replied to Captain Giant's "emphatic and dear" statement by one which Is equally as "emphatic and dear." The public knows how hard it is to get tes timony in a cam like this lease question. If a guard kills a man be is nut going to tall it If ???hip one to death, who is wiser, so that at last we are at tile mortality tables and compare them with other states and countries, and when the stalking fact stares ns in the face, that ten times as many of our poor crea tures die m in most ririlised countries are most eometothsoooclasion that something to vTMf. Captain Grant to the lari man vho ought to have taken offense at the re port of the committee. He ought to re member that for nearly ten yean Grant, Alexander ?? Co. have had the bulk of all theconvkta. In fact they have been regard ed M tbe Georgia fienitentiazy. We might have made a much more startling report and still kept within the bounds if we had logo behind Captain Nelms???s admin- college,! ) studeni of North Carolina, has ???A Blount county (Tenn.) man, with the assistance of some boys, killed 117 rabbits in one day last week. ???The Virginia poultry association will begin its exhibition in Richmond on the 15th of January. ???Three hundred thousand dollars is the cost of the new brick stores built in Golds boro, N. ???., in the last 18 months. ???The earnings of the Louisiana lottery company amount to one million five hun dred thousand dollars per annum. ???There hM been an increase of439 schools in South Carolina daring the past year. The school attendance to 111,239. ???A Kentucky mule kicked over a can of nitro-glycerine, and was blown into atoms, together with a negro driver and the wagon to which the mule wm attached. ???Tl??e office of state librarian in Tennessee to creating quite a struggle. Mrs. Haskell, the present incumbent, and half a dozen other ladies want it, and there are three male candidates. Blaine'* Bankrupt Committee. Special dispatch to The Conriitutfon. Washixgtox. December 24.???The Blaine committee to without funds to prosecute its work. It wm the opinion of Blaine and others that tbe $20,000 appropriated last- session for the use of the senate committee appointed to investigate charges against Senator Matthews and the late presidential election generally.would be available for the present committee. But Judge Porter, first comptroller of the treasury, to-day deckled that tbe appropriation for tbe expenses of tbe committee directed by the senate to in quire into the alleged frauds in tbe presi dential election, and not to defraying tbe expenses of the committee under the R^aine resolution. What Le Book la Good for. New York Stax. Le Due's skla. property tanned end sto well lor a pagan divinity An old physician, retired from practice, having placed in his hands by an East India mtosiongry the formula of a simple vegeta ble remedy for the ^>eedy and permanent cure for consumption, bronchitis, ???*??? asthma, and all throat and lung al also a positive and radical cure for debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers uated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it. this recipe, with fall di- _ and using, in German. French, or English. Sent by mail by ad dressing, with stamp, namingthispaper. W. W. Sherar, 149 Powers??? Blo:k. Rochester, N. Y. tOO ju I2.7S weowlyr UootS ddwly ecw next eod mat mono; ten up for the purpose of exciting public ???a ??? money into the are in _ m desired ???Texas comes to the front with its usual I purpose was accomplished, that when they thought enough had been obtained, Mr. Ross, who conveniently in the background, would come forward, declare that the latest-dis covered child was not his, and the whole farce would come to an end. However, while 1 wm in California, they did think they???d steal a march upon roe, and arran ments were all made for the child to __ found at 8t Albans, but 1 had them too well watched, and a ti agent* on the trail, be abandoned. Often I have felt so disgusted with the whole farce that I Jiave made up my mind to unbosom myself of the whole thing; but, again, my common sense hM come to the rescue, and I have withheld the startling disclosures from the public, preferring to wait I am now negotiating the sale of ray book, which contains the whole story, and so soon as that to accomplished which will be very soon, the world will learn the secret of the mystry of Charley Ross's disappearance in all its glaring rascal ity. I will, however, say this much, that I SAW AND STOXX TO THE CHILD, not three weeks ago, on my return to the north. Now I really cannot tell you an; more. I have spoken more fully than' generally do, as yon happen to come at a moment when to speak wm an actual relief.??? ???Is Mrs. Roes a party to the fraud???? ???That also you must not pres me to answer. At the same time I may say that I do not think that she has been ignorant of her child's whereabouts.??? Bowing politely, tbe doc tor subsided into her easy chair as the re porter retired. Chicago Times. This revelation is not a new thing. As long ago m the win ter of 1874-5, Dr. Mary ATLANTA, Gr A ry???s Office, December 11, 1S78.???Thomas A. ! I Robinson has applied for exemption of personalty 7 1 and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same nt 10 o???clock n. ra. on the 31st day of December, 1878, at my office, Atlanta, tJcorgla. DANIEL PITTMAN, 334 dec!2 vrTw Ordinary F. C. I n EORGIA, FULTON COUNTY, ORDINA- IT ry???s Office, November 30, 1878. Whereas, I Alice. G. Carlton, natural guardian Bell M. am! I George B. Carlton, minor*;for leave to k11 a lot of I wildland to the county of Floyd, of ssMststs. 1 Thi- i- to give notice to all persona concerned I to file their objections. If any exist, on or before ??? the first Monday in January next, 1879, else lcavo 1 will be granted the applicant. | DANIEL PITTMAN, 143 dec8w4w Ordinary F. C. VX ary???s Office November 7,1878. W. T. Bishop I ha* applied for exemption of personalty and 1 wifi I . on the 3Uh i In presenting this advertisement of my bostnem to my friends and the public, I will state that I n t ask your patronage merely upon a score of friendship and sympathy, but feeling that I possess Ordinary. I the ability to do so, I am determined to place before you snch lines of goods as the people may need, 1??? I and ??t ??ttrh nrioM that you will see It clearly to your interest to buy of me anything In my line. Larkin Harrison applies for letters of administra- ... testamento annexoof the j which my George C. King, deceased: I 2d- I keep an experienced buyer in New York all the time, and when he finds a lino of goods , therefore, to notify all persons concern-1 going for less than their real value I soon get them. 1 place them before my customers under my file their objections, if. any exist, 1 T * j-t^TPvour doctor bill*. Only ?? eta. a bottle. I Larkin Horrh Ittilhtfmost effective and valuable medicine I tion de bonis ???I 6 ?:* 0 roeriL'bcocaae^knovnk E????uae becomes I ^ThL Is, there fy idf persons concern-1 going for less than rommonUy. No family will I ed to file their objections, if any exist, | unrelinquishing Io7t bavins <*??ee terted its great I on or before the first Monday in January next, St^lSiliSSsdS^iSSSSblS^Sto I else letters will be granted the applicant asap- health and rtrei it death's dour. ??? I and at such prices that you will see Uclearly to your interest to buy of me anything in my line. .-ORDINA-1 The following are a few of the reasons why 1 claim to be able to sell for less than others in this ??? ???Tkctcando: 1st. I buy most of my goods by the solid package for CASH for my wholesale department,! [eh my retail room is supplied. 58 deeft w4w Guardian Sale. Homo Hediclno Co., Philadelphia, Pa. I:kopcr??otU8,25c. ExtraLsigo Eire,75c. rj-TVxrai, ra A c.r>rrp??? | *f u ?fi!????o^'5SS r S^ ,1 ??SarN??? I M0TT0-N0T TO BE UNDERSOLD! examination of my stock, compare prices, and when this is done story revealed, fori am determined that ray figures shAll at all times be Strickland. Terms ROBERT THOMPSON, - 1 ?????? I r ra-iVhi'n thrt ta.-ralh????n rm.tft.Tlrt w ??{ lVn* I F?? u will find the whole story revealed, fori am determined that my figure y*c \/ nnnr . D .a... 0,11. 1 m???hJJp nno fi im? I found on the short profit plan. No matter how long I may continue in busin< 45 Years Beiore the Public. I SfSho^MSSdSSSffit^flSPSSfoS I ??dvertiM?? any go<xIs unlcM l have them in stock, nor mako any assertion: thr THE CENUINE DR.C.MoLANE???S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or liver Complaint, SYsrxrsiA and sice headache. dccl w4w Guardian of Benjamin Strickland. TTt YOU WISH TO ENGAGE IN AN I JUC hon?? st. genteel business, and mako plenty r>f money during the holidays, send your address to RANDOLPH & CO., 107 4th ave., N. Y. decOOO 24 w4w pBOF. SC'lIEJrS HISTORY OF TnE WAR IN THE EAST. I LIVE bStkl^YE Si. ???h 11 don't hesitate to ray.that I ran .how th, I pages, 100 Engravings of Battles, Fori . I ends, Ac., Ac. _ Price, 91 00. Term* unequaled. I 33) sep!3 weowly Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. P \IN in the right side, under the ed PREPARED YOUNG NIEN m utitibm By attending Moose???s Business Uniyekmtt, Atlanta, Ga. One of the best practical school in the country. Circulars mailed peek. 473 sep24 wly KCALRS,Ac. TAXDABDI edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side: the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. The stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant- . The patient complains of weariness ^ ft B 9 P" ft and debility; he is easily startled, his I 81 I ta feet are cold or burning, and he com- U Al l! L plains of a prickly sensation of the 1 skin; bis spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try iL In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, yet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to hate been exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C. McLake???s Liver Pills, in cases op Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un equal ed. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Every box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane???s Liver Pills. The genuine McLane???s Liver Pills bear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C McLane???s Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name HfcLane, spelled differently buj same pronunciation. BELIEF FOB THE AFFICTED. o lay that I con show the greatest display here to he found South, Including plain and fancy in both Foreign and Domestie Goods???Forego Novelties. | Eourettes, Matilesas, Basket Plaids, Black and Garnett Plaids, Ponge and Silk Mixtures I and. in fact, almost an endlen variety in NEW DESIGNS. Don't paa* this department, for a plan pc into it S will fill yon with admiration whether yon wish to buy or not, anti the goods are shown ; with pleasure. SILKS, SATINS & VELVETS. FOR SALE ALSO. PATENT ALAJMI MONEY DRAWERS Coffee Mills, Spice Mills, and Store Fixtures Generally. THE IMPROVED TYPE WRITER, OSCILLATING PUMP CO???S PUMPS. SEND FOlt CIRCULARS. FAIRBANKS & OO., 311 Broadway, Mew York. For Sale by leading Hardware Dealers. jBQfijwnl^dlm^sma^thu^wkytm^^^^^ /" > 1 EOR< S3.JTJ I EORGIA, MILTON COUNTY.-ORDINA- *??? T???* Office, December Term, 1878. Whereas, ; R. A. Camp, administrators de bonis non ??u nm. Thomason, deceased, show that they have fully discharged their trust and pray for let ters of dismission: All persons concerned are hereby notified to file ??? st, within their objections, if any exist, wititin the time pre scribed?^ law, else letters will be granted the applicant. to deo4-.w4w W. H. NESBIT, Ordinary. esiNoraLlu.hthttraraJ. jaggs NERVOUS DEBILITY, 5 *rYtum^,rr*a>Uti??*??*kaw??. cscr^Uea tfmlal *ni Uiy. ???*??? ???*??? -* brmt* u4 iifmi ???*???!?????, til BUtrin r*- ST Birrs mSm^ssstJu: ??? fcf ??. P.14WSnrrtoU r*rCtvWUr??fc* i HhcManna. ta*C* In !!MMrorI4.It COO, unttrarj el. X 8-~ " --- Chstn fratvChmr you blip uifMrnmrj r Qii??^s Ptaoeratiew Vora his opinion thereon. She wanted this gen tleman, or some competent detective to be recommended by him, to assist her in work ing up the case, offering to divide the re ward they might obtain when Charley was restored. Dr. Mott???s theory was that Mr. Ross had conspired with a gentleman who was at that time connected with an admin btration organ in 'Washington to conceal the boy She based the theory on tbe following facts: That on her .morning after Charley wm kidnapped two gentlemen were seen to enter Washington from the direction of Baltimore ma one-horse carriage. They had a child with them, who, so far as could be observed, answered the description of Charley Rosa. The horse was covered with foam and had the appearance of having been driven about up to its limit of endurance, and the buggy also showed signs of hard usage. Dr. Mary figured out that the drive could have been made from Philadelphia to Washington by a systematic change of hones and crowding them through from the time tbe boy was kidnapped up to the time this party euter- * capital. She also pointed that ed the < : tbe to the residence of the journalist, and, so ever since. He answered the description of Charlie Ross in every respect, except that he wm a trifle larger, but this fact Dr. Mary regarded as strong evidence that be wm the kidnapped boy. She stated that advan tage had not been taken of the-rewards for the reason that none had been offered for tbe return of the child alooe. Up to that time every reward offered, with the excep tion of the one advertised by Mr. Ross, was conditioned on the recovery of tbe child and conviction of the kidnapper*. She ar gued farther that Rosa had never shown as Much solicitude m a father natura???ly would who lost a child in the manner claimed; that he had been and was then oa intimate terms with tbe newspaper man; that the father and mother knew where Charier was, and .taw him whenever they wished; and that, when they discovered that the scheme would not work profitably, they would find soma means of getting tha boy returned. PRESCRIPTIONS FREE For the speedy Cure of Seminal Weakness. Lost I Manhood, anti all disorders brought on by Indt??-1 '??? rKv.-v Any . Tiisv.-i-- ???Jk- i???\ -t- -Ii- f enta. Addrere IIR.J AQI1.H A CO., 1X0 W Sixth Street, CIXCIXRATI, O. 86 feh5 di&vrlr JOHN FLANNERY. JOHN L. JOHNSON. Managing Partner of late firm L. nag a. *' e?? . '"' IB V5 r 1 , J. Gullmartln & Co. 1865 to 1877. Metropolitan Works.|john FLANNERY&CO. COTTON FACTORS Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh, RICHMOND. VA. ENGINES, portable and stationary, 8AW MILLS, BTPfaa ot naant _ MACHINERY for t Furnaces. Ac. o to our IMP?? for agricultural and other of our Agricultural En- with our PATENT PREMIUM ???ARK ARRESTERS, a device by which the sparks ate forced to pa*s downward over a re servoir of water and extinguished without the use of wire gauze. Ours is the only arrax. g*ment of this kind which aSbr* - * to th.- boiler and tubes for dean! craL Alao. to our new style &M MOTIVES for hulling lumber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railway*. The best Floaters regard our GINNING EN- to aay in use. Serd for Hhw- *??? ??? ^ ???*?????? being equal Repair worfc sohrttedmnd piromptiy done. Messrs. J.C.4S.F.MflaavCArterfTffie, Ga.,are authorized to receive orders for our machinery in the rountles ot Gorton. Bartow, Cobb, floyd, Polk and Cherokee. Go-??l agents wanted at 'points not already as signed. WM. E. TANNER A (XX 198 Jan26???d&wly I CURE muziitorr DtulX Su? COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. S KELLY???S BLOCK. Bay Streets. SAVANNAH, GA. Jowcll???sMills Yarns & Domostic.etc. "OAGGING AND TIES FOR8ALE*AT LOWEST X> market rate*. PROMPT md C. MERCHANTS AND TRAVELING AGENTS! SPECIAL 41* nov22 dim frl sun wed Awkvisi Now is the Time TO PREPARE TOUR C0XP0ST. The Ckarlstia Acii Pteptate IS A HIGH GRADE SUPERPHOSPHATE forcom- posting with CaOou 6eed and StaUe Manure. DIPLOMA AWARDED AT THE STATE FAIR THIS YEAR. We refer to many the thousand farmers who bm used ti. It is tie ClisapBsyo Biy tie Best For Circulars giving irstructk'ns for Compost ing, Analyse*. Priee*. rtc.. apply to GEO. W. MOTT A CO., Geaeral Agents, No. 17 Broad street. ATLANTA, GA. W! daan dix> tuca thur tat Awkylm HERE I CARRY AN IMMENSE LINE IN Black Glassae, Black Taffota, Black Lusterless, .Black Gros Grai n and Black Gaskmere Silks! all of the very best makes and brands and at such prices that move them rapidly. Also, BLACK AND COLORED DAMISAE SILKS.fand an uncqualad Line of Colored, Dress and Trimming Silks In BLACK AND COLORED SILK VELVETS AND 8ATINS, my ^assortment Is very ,???good- nlmost any shade desired and PRICErt TO MATCH. CASHMERES, ALPACAS, Etc. CA3fPBF.IsL COUNTY. of Fayette originally, now Campbell Georgia, fome be!ng in tlie southwest raid lot. Levied on by virtue of and tc AMPBELL COUNTY SHERIFF???S SALE FOR JANUARY, 187J. There will bo hold before Court-house door In the town of Fairbum, Camp bell county, Georgia, on the Aral Tuesday in Jan uary next. 1879, between the legal hours of sale, ???* *??????' *rty, to-wit: res, more or less, situate, lj ilnth district of Fayette o _ nally but now Campbell county, Gconria. known and distinguished in tho plan of saia district as the south half of lot No. *s cxcei*t two (2) acre* owned by I\??lUe T. Hanger's estate. LcvK ???! on by * ??? of fieri facias Issued from the Superior uoure of Clayton county, Georgia, March Term, 1878, in favor of P. G. Garrison against James M. Austin. Levied on aa the property of James M. Austin. Tenant* in possession notified. ??? ma and place, eight No. 67. in ninth district now Campbell county. ??? _ st corner of to satisfy a fl. fa. i????ue<l by John S. Cook, Tax Collector of Campbell county, for State and county tax for tho year 1878. Tenants in possession notified. Also, at the name time and place, a certain house and and lot in the town of Fairburn. Geor gia, situate on Pumpkintown street in saM town, froatingonc hundred and fourteen foet, bounded ??? Tf T. W. Latham; on cart by m r w MeKown and Pumpkintown street, and in the rear by property of the A. 4k \V. Pt R. R., containing two acres, more or less. Levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. in favor of Barrett and Condell against H. & J. R. MeKown. a- tho property of defendants in fl. fa. Iwued firm Superior Court of said county, February Term, 1887. Also, at the same time and place, throe thou sand feet of mixed lumber, more or less, and ono two-horse wagnu and harness. Levied on as tho property of John J. Milea, by virtue of and to rat ify a distress warrant issued from Superior Court of Campbell county, in favor of Samuel Cochran vs. John J. MUes. December '2.1*78. JOHN L. CAMP. 80 dcc6 wtds Sheriff. p E UT nary???a Office, NovemlierCth. 18: Berry W. Cochran, executor of the will bom M. Styles, deeeaaed, applies to tli signed for letters dismissory from his?? amp: Therefore, all person* concerned are h quired to show cause. If any they ha' executor, on first Monday in Feb: should not be discharged. R. C. BEAVERS, 161 nov9 wlaxnSm Ordinary BORGIA, CAMPBELL COUNTY???OUDINA- UT ry??? s Offii'e, November4th. 1878. Whereas, J. FT Bailey, adraini: tmtor with the will annexed of James Min ter, late of saidcounty, deeeaaed, shows that he has rally discharged hu tntstaaa prays for letters of dismission: All persons concerned are notified to file their objections. If any exist, within tbe time piicrrlhail by law, else letters will bef * ** ** 144 nov8 wlnmtm February, 1879 R. C. BEAVERS. In Black Tamese, Henrietta, Australian Cloths, Bombazines and other solid effects, I am not second best. Price them and you will agree with me as to their cheapness. PIECE GOODS, FLANNELS, Etc. PANT GOODS???My variety to bun and prices low. WATER-PROOFS, REPeLlaNTS AND BEAVERS???A large line. Ladles??? Cloth in Black, Navy Blue and Seal Brown. FLANNELS in Gilbert???s and other Operas, Plaids, Hacking, Gray, Red and White Twilled. Also, Plain, Red and White in endless variety. In fact, the variety to tip top and prices are on the winning side. Cloaks, BM, Shawls ai Comforters. Cloaks for Ladies! Cloaks for Misses! and Cloaks for Children! THIS IS NO JOKE! BLANKETS???My stock to large and woolly, but my prices are not high a bit. COM FORTER8???I hare a large line of handsota- J J **??? * po6e I can???t offer to tear one open to lest them. Yc lose much, as they cost but little. Don???t pas my SHAWLS. 1 will do you good. HOSIERY, GL0YES AND UNDERWEAR Ladles???, Mimes and Children's Hosiery in English, Lisle, Silk. Ingrain, Bal Brigham, Merino. Fleeced and a great variety of plain white, solid colors and striped; also, cut sizes for Ladies* and -???to Half Haas in equal variety. Ladles* ll ??? Gloves a superb line. Tbe are not regular goods; don???t know t Ladies???, Misses???, Children???s and Gents??? Underwear! 1 under the market ALL SORTS Crepe Lkee and other Rufflingx Colls Blanche, Bertha, Gem and Hip Gore a Skirt Protectors, Corset Stays and Lao Ladies??? Neckwear a Specialty! Doylies, Napkins and Crash, 5c. to I V. Great ^ Ribbon. Large stock Zephyr*. ??? w * ?????? 11 | ' * idia-Rubb ??? Crochet Shawls and f-acquaa. tor Out - Combs floe line Misses??? Roach, fine Dressing, high I etc. &nk Oil-Cloth. India-Rubber Cloth, Eureka*. SHOES,HATS ANT) RUBBER GOODS I deal largely In Zeisler Bros???s fine Shoes: Good stock of Men???s and Boy-??? F ???annot. send for sample*. I shoi inti other make* of equal reputation jioes*for everybody. Call if you* can, but if . _ B1 , Klli a raa.vra . goods with pleasure, and'sell them with delight. Orders so- tly filled. Thanks'for past encouragement and a continuauc* respectfully sollc- DOCflLAS COUNTY. D ouglas county deputy sheriff???s sales tor January, 1879. There will Ik* sold before the Court-house door, in the town of Doug- lasrllle, Douglas county. Georgia, within the local ton of sale, on tho first Tuesday in January next, the following property to-wit: 11 fly acres of land In the north wort corner of lot of land No 16, in the second (2) district and fifth (5) section of originally Carroll countv, now Douglas county, Georgia. Levied on to xatWy three Justices???* court fi. fx*_, issued from the 1122 district G. M. of Carroll county/Georgia, In favor of w. J. Camp v*. W, 8. Crook, Riley Smallwood, and Thomas Bullard, Indorser, and levied on as the property of W. a Crook. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Levy made l.> J. I>. Bell, L. C., and turned over to me. October A1878. Tenant notified. Also, at tli- same time and place, will be scld lot* of land Noe. 5 and r.\ in the eighteenth (18) district and second (1) section of originally Cher okee, now Douglas county, Georgia. Levied on to satisfy one superior court fi. is., to levy made December 6, 187f Tenant notified. jl sate* tor January. 18A??. Will be sokUwforo the ??????ourt-houv? door In Douglaaville, Douglas county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January, 1879. between the hours of sheriff's sales, the fol lowing property, to-wlt: Land lots Noa. 582,829. 630.16J* acres off of 631. 17 acres off of 612.2u acres offof 644: all lying and being in the tot district and fid aertion of originally Cherokee, now Douglas county Georgia, levied on a* the property of tbe defendant Jno. M. Huey, he being in pnmertnn of the same and notified by written notice of this levy. Abo, one 2-hom> wagon and harness, one l-hor*e wagon, one fet blacksmiths??? tools, part of set of carpenter???s tools, 2 scythe cradles, one bow-fnune, one cross-cut saw, one 2-horse plow stock and blade, ovc grind stone???cne ayrup evaporator, lot of fa mlng tools. Singer sewing machine, boggy and harness, cook stove and vessels, ten head of ahtep, one muley- headed red spotted cow, one white and Mack no- homed yearling, one red-tided yea;ling with homs, one red cow, one roan mare colt with red face, about 2U years old. 2 red and black-tpotted tow ahoat*. All levied on a* the property of John M. Huey, he being in posreation of all the above jnentioned property. Also, at the same time and place, ISO bushels of com, more or less: 9U0 L'.nidles of fodder, more or less; 50 bushel* cotton seed, more or less; 20 ga lion s syrup, more or lew; one sorrel horse, about * years old; one gray horse, about 15 years old. Levied on as the property of John M. Huey, he being in possession of same. November 37. 1878. GEORGE M. 80UTKB, 673 novTO wtd Deputy sheriff. MILTON COUNTY. G t EORGIA, MILTON OOUNTY.-ORDIN-V f ry???s Office, December 7th. 1678.???Whereas, H t. Soule, admintotrator of Daniel Butler, de ceased, apt-lies for leave to sell the real estate of ???id deeeroedr This to. therefore, to notify all penons oonoern- ed, to file their objections. If any exist, on or be fore the first Monday in January next, cite leavo will be granted the applicant W. IL NE5ISIT, Ordinary. 212 decll w4w /GEORGIA, MILTO UT* ry???s Office, Decern wTl). Rucker and J. N. MILTON COUNTY???ORD1NA- December Term, 1878. Whereas. ??? * *??? Iforris, administrator* of for letters of dismission: This is. therefore, to notify all person scon com c to file their objections, if any they have, withJi the time prescribed by law, else letters will b granted the applicant*. W. H. NESBIT, 00 dec5.~w4w Ordinary H4TLT0N COUNTY SHERIFF???S BALES. J>A Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Alpharetta, Milton county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in January next, the folio wing properly, to- wlt: <;uelotof land No. <12, forty acres, more or tom, hingln the first district and flr?t section; Jevnti on as the property of 8. Burdctt and M. E. Durham, toMitofy afi U. tosned from a jiiKtico court of th<. 11731 district G. M.. in favor of W. R Elson. W. 8. Etoon vs. S. Burdctt and M. E. Durham, property i^tinted '-nt by plaintiff I^vy made??? ana rcturnm to me by W. G. Scott. L. C.?? this Deceml??er 2, lfcT*. 00 dec! wtd WILLIAM RC1SE. Sheriff For Sale! Some English drover ri-ppiEs, (N1IEP1IERD DOGS.) Price. fiiOO. Will deliver them wif * on cars rantviUc. NAT TEAGLE, TT'XECUTORS??? SALE.???By virtue of the Ihj JZJ will and testament of William Dod??wn. lat of Rockdale county, Georgia, deceased, will t nld at MbHeoutcry on the tir??t Tuesday in Jar nary, 187'.'. beiore the Court houx: door. In th lown of McDonough. Henry county Goorvir within the legal hours ot ????ie. all the lands lx longing to the estate of William Dodson, deceased D. H. DOUGHERTY. 496 nov2fi wtds M. DODSON. gunosreekiy J pYbaS *oSSr