Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, March 11, 1879, Image 3

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L TFIE {WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1879. ROUNDABOUT IN QEOBGIA. f5t*W—“^ilU-nexa." “Kepi” is the Indian | for yellow, and gold coin tliey called yel I !oa -d.»liar, or dulUur-yellow—to am onr ver- THE SOUTHERN REVIVAL. AGRICULTURAL Cx*G*Tfr nr Brown oftieersla on the Education of the « ntored Bwe-Xoj Beareta for the Loot «*u*c. ersat'on you have referred to the fact that I any of the people of the north do not yet I understand the position which ti»e people I .rgia, and, so far as I know, the |»eo-1 THE FIELD, THE FARM, THE GARDEN. Fannsr:—A bad Tina—A Cera Crop—Agri cultural Itear-Bs Tree to it—What is Needed-Yens* Cattle, Etc. —Mr. Irwin Waller, of ia dead. —Jimmie King, of llawkinsville, is dead. I namlar— polling the adjective after the Talbot ton ia making the fair movement I noun, as they did. This put into English is boom. I now i with a transposition and slight change -Flurn tnw are beginning to blossom all I tha Tndian words, written Dahlonega. ... r the state. I —The Cartersville Free Pre»s *ays that a —Ham ia making the Gainesville Eagle | fire broke out in Tayloraville, in Bartow _ > ^ hum. I ° , * unt . v » Iju,t Wed neadayjmorningji bout four j pie of theaoath, occupy in reference to' the —The Dalton eomet band wanta new in-1 o’clock, in an unoccupied frame store boom I education of U»e aolond people. As you I . what is ranra. ■trumenu. I It wm. irapranible lo check the flames on- I ‘iSSrfed brtS pS I Wben ** d "* •‘ Uced in the Broand we —Paulding claim, to be a Rood cotton I liI they had demolished three adjacent I (ll , ut lllt , Mu[ll u calamity.' It da P ,,,d on ,be ,,ir and for ,b * ir ,u,ure county. I * lore bouaea, only one containing a stock of I certain! v involved us in immense pecuniary I growth and well-doing. Yet the farmer must -Hdiley county is going in for sugar-1 gw*ds, that owned by Mr. Wade W. Milam. I l \****- Then the early enfranchisement of do his part in supplying nutrition to the ca~ r^dTHt-d g«~ri~ l*e —The measles are playing a brief but bril-1 three other stores were owned respectively I regarded as premature and harsh on the I Iurnx *hed by the air and the soil, there are. liaot engagement in Columbus. | by Israel Daria, George Peacock and Mat I part of the government; and there has I so to speak, three articles of diet the plant —TnlbuUon L> to have a new com mill I Smith. Inccndi.ri,m fa, thdBght to be the Sri2?ndhi'fSi^ ,; ^^. ^ '“T' “”**• ■*»■** P b «P b oric .cid, Hhc hm already had a new masquerade ball I aa the rope on the only adjacent I j ™""a!d ti£? Sr,«- “ d J >oUsh -, P*rhap» nitrogen U tnc most —The wood, .round have all I «* 11 WM found to he cut. 1 .ions ami prejudices engendered by the war I important element to be .applied to the The Savannah Recorder has been obotrn "e rapidly |*»ing away. Already nearly farm, but to make good food for the plant by Dr. Sheftall a knife which i. an heirioo J 1 * 1 ' ,* ecl } e ,'? t i" n , h " 1^5! “* d to give it a permanency when applied, in the family, and is cherished a. a memen-*1 at'the^tinre^errf m>longer wub L, «I “ T’‘ *f uniU ? with other ma,e ™ U to of old times. It vm brought to thu I young men have risen up -*o take tl»eir I cuMtituenta mentioned above country by Levi Sheftall in 1752; when he I P 1 * 4 * 9 * »l*o knew 1*® ot the former causes 1 bears its part in making and perfecting the -Hon. Oipuavn. J. Ore, .tale oehn.1 cm.-1 «>■•« to Georgl. with Genera! Oglerbor,.. 2om wh“re c^S .hfrin^ti"^'^ ^, Ni . ,r0g !" P“ b ” forward leaf growth; mMoner, will shortly deliver an address | The blade is the best quality of steel, finely | We now, I think, as a (teopje realize and | puypuoHCACm **” l ”^ i P ro< *° cin £ in Hartwell. means of a screw, and can be readily «le- lieen burned off. —Mr. Joseph Brenner, an old and promi nent citisen of Elbert county, ia dead. —A brother of Madame Brignoli lives in Covington. tempered and is attached to the hai lie by I acquiesce in the fact, not only that slavery I and the spreading ont of fibrous roots, while 1 is forever abolished, but that the colored I the potash among other things, briar* about . , .. .« , , race are placed upon an equality, political-1 changes in the leaf. The one stimulates the facited irom the same. The handle is era-1 jv w |tAz the while race; that they have all I other at the same time checks an injudicious bossed with pure silver, beautifully de-1 the civil and uolifica) rights tliat are pus-1 effect where brought about by the other. —Covington has shipped 12,7 Ml I ales of cotton tliis season, an increase of 1.989 over , ....... anv season during the past five years. I with pure silver, beautifully de-1 the civil and political rights tliat are pus-1 effect where brought about by tl 7 , r . _ * , f '1 signed and inlaid with agate, and i-i au ex-1 sensed by oumelves. In other words, they I How important then that he who cultivates — the government snag-boat tor cleaning i q U i,i| e pj^of «orkmanshtp. The knife I are legally our fellow-citizens. I the soil should study it closely and >cc what out the Oconee and Ocmulget rivers has I has a companion piece in the shape of a fork I The question then naturally arises, what I particular fertilizer is needed. And not been aoccemfully launched at Milledgeville. I In nowise ii.ferior to it. The («ir are in-1 is our duty in the premises? And it seems I only this, but there are changes going on in Iniki. •<.*/,» it aihf.uld I ca, * e< l in a neat receptacle. The article* are [ to me very clear, and I think I speak the I the soil, cultivation, cropping, ditching; -In this age °r I highly prized as mementoes of the early sentiments of a vast majority of our people, applications of fertilizers bring about w. «»— • «- — ,w «*»-■- - - ** ‘ * 1 that it is our interest to make of the colored | changes and produce effects, which require race the very best citizens we ran. To do I the constant eye and exercise of the best this, it is necessary to educate tbem as far I judgment. In fact, in the future farming as our means will allow, and to lilt them | cannot be successfully carried on as former- from the ignorance in which they were I ly—no slip-sbod half work will answer. not he forgotten that a lie can outwalk the I day* of Georgia, and the recollection of the | that it truth. I men who figured therein. —Senator Hudson, of Schley county, hail I —Columbus Enquirer: We mentioned in !h, l.rire-t loR-relling .1 hi. plan the other | our column, about three week, .to. at. acci- , . , I dent that occurred to a worthy colore.l day ever known ll» that aection. I of llii. county JJaniel hnckie. Ho Wit* ! Inund at the time of their freedom, to a I Planting cotton year after year the —Another accident occurred on the South-1 cuttinedotre a tree, and when tiie tree fell much higher grade of intelligence. They I Mine fields, and giving back to the land no 1 I... U’edne~!.v which re-1 the t..n lodged acain.t aurrounding tree, can “ever he good ei tire ns and exercise in-1 manure, has robbed many of the farms of western ra .road last Wednesday wl.lct. re-1 ™ k " nK "„ ^ ,1* head teUigcntly th? rights of freemen till they the state of their fertility, and henceforth ...lte.1 in the wreck of four freight ears. I Tt.eIi!^ wM frartnr<5l fISir tad^,Tn a I hav^thei advantago. I farming must he, as it were, an experiment, —A purty of O.lumhiis gentlemen were I straight line, and a stellated fracture at one I T&* “hire of Georgia moved in this matter I under well defined conditions, and expe- ,tlarked |,y a number of Alalwma rougha I end of the line. He has been oneonscions I in f^t earlier than some of the other suutb-1 ««nce must teach hiru who engages in it mrUMm .... rivfP lhr oth€P ,iay I from the time it hap|»ene«l (Februarv 3.1) e ™ «« *»*ve been enacted here. I f ”. at « >UI ^ I* u ™ e regard to the soil a. rurf. the river tt.e other nay. I f ;n February 23d, (Htinday) when 1)t*\ T. F. I I* 1 ^”*? tl*e children of the white and c»l-1 *n<* the plant to make his practices a con- Griffin is preparing to make the Eng-1 Bnnvstetv tl»« at ten. ling physician, W W I wre '* races upon an equality, in proport ion I tinue.1 success. li*b sparrows comfortable by building! Bruce, Mitchell and Copeland trefined him, 1 to nw^lMira, m far as tl»e distribution and | geological and aokicultuhvl Dtr art m ents borne*, for tbem I and, strange to any, his mind D bright and I Usc ^l* 00 ! fumls are concerned. It is I It would be a great mistake in the general ' II... « v It Miim.n Of Towns countv I rl< * r - * r,<1 ia walking als.ut, and will | true our schools are kept separete; but they I assembly to abolish either of the above — Hon. n. k. Jtmlson, ni loans I norm be out at work. I receive the name amount of money per I bureaus. We have neither time nor .-pace I* dead. He has served the people in both I — DaM >nega Signal: A party of eight I ‘fiat the white children do, and we I in tliis Issue to refer to the many lx*iefit> branches of the general assembly. I revenue officer., under Deputy Collector I are tase d. you are aware, about as much I Georgia has received from-both of these de- —The Ww nan leader ha* discovered a I Hendrix, ma.le a raid upon Raoun county 1 as our condition will enable ua to pay lor jortmenw. The Forest News but echoes the ... . . ‘ . . , y I last week for the pur|Ki«eof suppressing the I ! ,|C I.’^T 06 * ot common school cslucation. I sentiment of many of the leading members htile girl, seven years of age, who has never I no t or j 0 ,|* |||ieit tralfic with which that I ^ ,n l ! ,,s P 0111 *, too, we hear but little tnur- I of the state when it says: “I^et the depart- ev. n taste.1 meat. I comity was lately troubled by a set of new I n J unn A. onr |*eople very generally agreeing I ments stand; they are‘doinggood, and their The dwelling-house of Mr. .1. M. Wood- I coiners from South Carolina. Having torn I l, . iat ** important to educate the children 1 alrolition will only retard the state's proa- cidentlv burned re-1 "P. lwo ° r th * distilleries and captured four • lld »ubmltUng with a good perity ” •<l, of Dubois, was accidently burned re- — A fatal shooting affray isltodgeeonn ty'n latest contribution to the criminal cal prisoners, they were returning to 1 of cheerfulness to the tax they pay for Clayton when they were fired upon I th f. 1 4 .. . , , , .. «r.« by an unknown number of men | ,JiH l lhw not . u was RCen ’ af,cr the 1 to your land. BE TBtJK TO IT. We mean, farmer, that you should be true You desire to raise go. si in ambush. .i(Beers, who, after three or four rounds, I ractJ ab,n ® mentioned, tliat it would be I prinincing capacity of vour fields. 'Then . ... . * / Ttr I ffi , * r K‘*d the hushes, but the bush-whackers I necessary to educate many of tfieir l-cqilc I jjive your soil proper treatment. Whatever -rile .tore <>1 Mr. . J. Turner, of Til-1 hail n, ,t. \v« are informed that forty or I heyootl the degree afforded by our common I J ou fur u Vaicb lor the bent time, as Ion, was burned by an Incendiary on the! fifty shots were fired by both sides. But! public school*. It was al.-si seen that the v I well as the prot>er way. Sometimes in the I Vo Insurance. I one of the officers was touch d—Mr. Prater I w ? u * d naturally make application for ad-1 hurry, or anxiety of work, land is plowed , , I —a ball cutting his boot, and a* far mission into our state university; and nil in.-« not wi...» ■> «» it.... —The colo-ed preachers in Newton county I j,„ ve - are not troubling themselves with politics this season. —An Augusta man has wild seven bush els of watermelon seed at the rate of thirty- two dollars a bushel. —The jaw-bone of a wild hoar is on exhi bition in Augusta. The jaw bone of a fame i. frequently on exhiblliun in m-w»-1 ,,„ti underhand revenp! .-to .... . . .. . - ........ .... lielu . n«i#r •tfiirr,. I <* f k*n by tin. South Carolina crowd. I “»»• from « b « treasury to the univer-1 pi „o thickets, and red hills greet the eye, -In Sunday’, rnasvmrrm* some exceed- -Warrenton < li r |s-r: f.nst Thuralay a “ l,y . jk *f “ f r « ( 5 X( wh ' , “ a, ! d ll,, , w s,,, “ n , the number of farms, ,h„ Marietta Journal I ®w b > , » “flair occurred four milca front I “ *™ om * t , o1 -*.«». waa “Ijpro-1 where the (.roducing capacity of the land iogly *tilry remarks uf tht Marietta Journal I Ujwn at Mr j f Kinsey’s home. Mr. I i' r ‘ at " 1 ,b ® Atlanta morcr-J |, a , tee,, kiq.t up by an mterchangeof u the Felton corn»|M»ndeiice were credited I TbomaM Pereons, once n wealthy farmer of I ? . W * I, P* 1 *, . “T®” - e ^ a " ,, ?fi° < * | crops and manuring. Many of these lands »oilier paper*. I oar community, and Mr. John Newsom, n I 9 ? c « ,et ?- of I were once rich and productive, but year —Ifowanl Richardson, of Bavannah, is ^wo whh^l mSSuShuT ” *“ ^ mighty economical with his Sunday Tele- [ nc*tio„ ti*“t Per- roi ^ en% °. f lh g* in *** ™‘ The farmer who is tnie to his land will grams. Via only semis them to pcnpUt with-1 sons va* trying to poison him and accord-1 m 'V» c,,ar,>c * cr °‘ a sectarian institu- | frequently change his crops, and tha: part llrtxl iliutn tint latf.vr wt I 1 h«»® t®ITHI “““ * ... ....„ ..... —v -- — . state university; and m I too wet. What a pity at thus making it , but one of the blockaders, who “*« temper of public sentiment, their cloddy, at the same time divesting it of its I was Shot through the shoulder, while • d ‘“ , f J » n *fie« wouW have been tlm down- |ife-gfyi n g nroperti.w. There is a proper the twigs around each party were cut as I ‘ ttl1 ^ university. Those m charge of I t -, nie Vi .^ ow j an< j UIU ) tliat is when it is fiy * hail storm. The good citizens of Ra-1 our ?*T a,rs , to * vo,d this I j U st dry enough lo crumble up nicely when bun, as elsewhere, condemn the action of I »>y doing justice to them upon ap-1 turncnl over. the blockaders, and criticised it in the ue-1 They conceived the idea of I There is no doubt but that land is injured wrest terms. While it is true tliat the rev-1 having two universities^ one for the colored I sometimes in other wars—for instance, bv I enue law is ol>m»xiotis to certain cla>ses of I mire and one for the white race; and it was I allowing stock to run over it in wet weather, our people, yet the good people everywhere I ^ that the same appropriation an-I The antebellum farmers of Georgia were 1 upon it. violation, CkjMdally U|.,n "“ally should Im made lo each. We having not mte to their farms. Go all tbniu K !i the .1 _.] lt to for many year, appmpnated ls,rt» ,* r an- middle part of the state, poor .traw Held., i I mini from tlie trensnrv to the titm-er. I . : « , a_.|». . .1 ’ ingly heaiNsl u|m»ii the latter severe i.lmse. in the fire limits of Savannah. —The editor of the Darien paring an essay on ‘•Journalistic to In* delivered before the nezt press vention. It will be illustrated. -Tim »heep are dying rapidly in J^orth | ‘VLt "Sew*!!!! waa partially de Garette i« pre-1 Tl “» ‘T'! 1 ."?' . ,,,uil ta f. SmiTthi*^ .. . „ I when decided he would kill I . .tic Dentistry Pcraotw. He gathered mine large nicks . . , *®©cpted, and the I 0 f his fann which is woru*wiIl be liberally appropriation wim ma.le from year to year, supplied with fertilizing material. of our constitutional con-1 JJow, go to work, farmer, manufactu- hen it was incor)M>rau‘d I the manure you can, buy all you can pay and started for him. Pereon. drew his !" mho auuK.1 1 or mill. I'ersons orew ms | k w ,k. ii„, I ‘“'’tTrey, V*. F wur ,and »«d the -arge pistol, and finally, in selfilefense, I , / * n f , , y fj,, tI,at . “V* ^ I >' iel<l Wl “ doubly compensate you. tease killed the unfortunate man. It is I P r °P" ,li ® n should he continued in the fu-1 robbing your land of its fertility if you ex- . believed that Newsom was umiilly de- I lure, i i “» * iere ' ore t now soinstitmijnial wet it to make profitable returns to you. county. Mr. John Hatnhleton, of Ty Ty, 1 rangtsl, as no other reason could be given I |,r °i M * ,. ,., u> *J! U se V.!"^ sta, . e | in short, if you exi»ect U»obtain g<v>4l yields Im. hist nearly five hundred out uf a flock I for such strange conduct. He was a very 5i“' ‘ . ."f' o.i f"'! o.'i','’.?.’!' ,rom your land, aud desire a large inoinie. of twelve hundred. The disease Is known slm,.le-minde.1 man, but no re— ,.f m-Z I «>!»«»'. <’“« »*.«>« l - tb « — ‘ , ., . I »ty had ever been discovt M the "Wack tongue. I 0 f |,j, .icath, except whai —£»ewr!l and Compton, of Milledgeville, I staltsl. Mr. Persons gave himself up to the I U f °* .! l,e,r ®° n! * l,,uc ' ,,J S to I wokinu fakhcbs. ■ay tliat Vucle Nisiu-t. of the VnUnand sheriff Kriduy morning. Judge I’ottle or- < This“ > h| he »^I WOT S^ ta " U * ra ar 1,? he . , ■ , r i, s . _i n# %»_. derwl the pr&onerto lierdewrd on iiibhitb ,1 00 , racc ' . “ w ,a w “ at I now. There is no calling or business Recor.U r, h.»s idea* of his own about Mm. | niiimll># i. u~* n . I popular sentiment now requires. 1 ' ‘ * ' simple-minded man, but no traces of insan- I *,» * , • V. 1 onr I J ? l! re ' , f 1 n ’ I you must be true to your land, for there are ity had ever been discovered up to the time I U ,n legislature and in the I rc-wauls to that fanner who bestows upon of his death, except what lias been alreauly I fj* nvt '" 1 , * were 1,1 ord ®f lo me f l I his land every source of care and renewal. Felton's letters. Likely enough. Uncle Joe ha* his own ideas about everything. —Colonel James M. Pace, of Covington, was taken suddenly ill one day recently, r some time hi* life wa* despaired of. Tiring, a* no prosecution had been com-1 ’ ! , ^ ^ . .. I profewiion but that calls for work as well as menevri. Mr. Persons has always been re-1 ?, V w ®. 1 I ? H st n V! /^HjCt that the white I watcliiug. The merchant, the physician, K»r<ird «S an inotlensivc man and ibis cir-1 .^T 811 *»**» decide*! advantage in tins, I the lawyer, every man must take an inter- ciiinstance is quite unexpected and could j ,,** ***!? .5 t sa ” ie a PP r "I ,n * ,lo « onnu-1 est in his own business and farmers are no scarcely have occurred except in self- I ^ ro, *‘ ‘he statf Uernwry that the colored I exception. leaving farms to an overseer defense. I does, and its patrons, who sent their J or drivers lias “played.” No man will go *-ns to it for instruction, are generally able I on ,he farm and have the work as well done II. 1,mu. anOckafly tob,uut I^nm^toiii.DW^^^.WidI u’J^uIe'Lna'the ttoSon^uto X «T Ttl. .uuounr.nieni a n.w nn.nty fllmTi^d'i.fl'il^hil'n^ ^ hav ® n,adc ' wmiileiSweadvance m».SryMhesh^fni^T.f pfmSl’re^r- «h, XonlnG. orgi. Argil,—will ri.nrtlv 1* , rt “X% wKffi ,'f Mr ¥3 "“ C acc “">> llat "> n «' Pro,«rty. ami now in * uf fenl-w. in favtall ,draining ... M,. . , , I ,2*. u,, *r7 1,1 V. 1 . r - 1 *>09. I pay tax on between live and six millions in I u. the farm must he looked after bv him started in Gainesville by Messrs. Timberlake I J. Fletcher. Thi* excluded some sisters who I our state, atill few of them are able to edu-1 His profits are regulated by the closeness *Jo..« M r.JonwDwdl^nown in 0«.f-"^<|'nWbb county, and TOi.».w»bem ra , e their children in at tbeirown I will.'wl.icb lie details, lakes gin joiirnali-m as a writer of strength and I ih, Sn‘AfrlSU **l>ense. The raiult is that nearly all the | interest in them and pays attention w , J i onci sianeii to set astue me will. Alteraev-1 acnolam who are sent there are chanty | them yls " r ' * 1 *«•* ‘ b »y ro» st be educated at Now, at the beginning of the season all Kaigl.r, colored, who was shot by Dave I eon, of Macon. Vwo days^and a portion of | a ffoni from yeartoyeartomakelargelJJ^'tlie'luiida-t'^K.iraNnNusible^ttiid^’over- Kaigl.r, a colored preacher, in Maeoneonn-1 two nights wereconanmedi»ith^_trial; mr-1 donations to aid in sustaining the college. | look aid select your seed. Watch every- ty. near I’oitulester, on the ’Jls, altimo. so “ »• « ba « b >«. «>7 desirahie, if it eonld I thio^ dkwely and’send in ynur name J'a J . a , . . ... I , ng «l*cec , i was ma«te i*> -«r. *. i*. t .inamss i . M , S sibly lie done, to have the university | s „i. s ,. r ii M . r to the The Atlwta Cotstitl*- .ecount ol wa. given last week, died anil other, were made by Mere. Stewart r endowed. And I think every effort iSd is going-on ill o'vm the last Sunday night Dave has fled the conn-1 and JJ an ^" d b ,* r ‘ , 7 n *"i?£ slnnild be made that possibly can be n> ac-1 country, as well as the columns devoted to try. . , ; L, ihlo CT . !i cum r‘ , \ h ‘ b ”* ub j“‘- « "> a " o' “nte your interest, and learn flora * «i„ i , „ n<innma it., will I ttI, ’ rs ' \ H re, ‘ an *® ,c "‘J* 1 | wealth ha* means to spare, and seeks a I o! i,er* a« well as from vourself how to be -Mr. John U uts announces that he will I exhaustive charge, and after remaining in worthy ol>jeet upon whfch tobestow it, he I p r Sden”i5.d n* revive the North Georgian, which was re-1 their room alMtut a half hour the jury re I con hi nowhere find one more doerving; I ^ nlly htirnwj in Gainesville. Th» lire p. I settingup the will. By I and I know of no place where donations to I ,. Ti . ‘ H | ' , ith ner will he nuhllsliad at Bellton Bankvl {'""wtil Mr ; Hetchevs children will com. al .endowment would be more » t >- „ Ti '^!„n .f per will he pniuisnau at iieunin, im.ik I into possereion of about twenty thousand I „ rw j 11 t..,i not onlvbv the colored rare wllo I ,bcm ’ ,!l an .** “J." 1 ?- T bp remltsof, hut will he delivered to aabscntwrs I aollare in Georgia and otherbonils and sol- wol ,idbe^'the immediaterecipients, but also tbe a,,d aitiesviti. on tiie day of puhticion. | vent notosam. ...n thousand do.Ur pia....-1 whit. nw»wto>whh up wiriT- very anxious that theumveraity be | ch >. i k .f„ re the warthere the box is filled. Saturate the mass with Tha Beat aad Haat Eewwonslewl. itreldyT tmddU^i^ilf^ow^idd^Si'sist'ttSd ater, and add from time to time more Honwkn>nM« *re rivine th* chean. adnl- oniinary net receipu2S1 bole*;groaei 4#ft; aoles awr to preserve a constant moisture. In Jg5fS5S!J^S.?g^h. to qgnnersSC; «ock%9. mutsix weeks the bones will have U-come ..VT, ,h.m J 8AVAXNAir, Much A-Cotton quiet: mld- so much softened thm .bey wili crumble to ^L. powder with a slight blow. Tne mass may wei -htarMe iho«ir»d1n a £-^^“reSrfl”«iT dpr t. which never fails to produce light, added and thoroi _ compost is too strong' to the seed, and in n „ . earth need* to be mixed with it previously. theokthakd. I —"There la no place like borne”; but What. ondition is it in? Pruning should gS Se‘d^ 1 'b™eh S S''i , n.¥rom | 22^K25rg?7JSS“' ca « aof ‘^ < ^ cut back the limbs. Oil paint is good for covering wounds on trees. Aliberalsupjjly j A Word with Practical People. of oonnmst should be supplied thesoi the orcfimd. The warm diysof this month I '{T^uriT fJSer is. r d time to apply pumsh 0 Hhe *"LraT “1^^^ ZSfl* r *«' ?«?»,. JSiZOt anti th2 I - r «Ter, periodically; malarial fever to . iSSJSlJ !tS I and consumption or premature decline al- msects which have found ^1‘er umler he The {^ ult of JJj of them, when not iSSSS^SSS^nJhkffdSnTiF^ ra *‘ idl - v ^1. is complete prostration of the wdnil^UWhfle there! wnol «system, and in most cases, utter in- f! iuli y^ CT>e ^ 1 ^ 1 '- ' V Jli tlinifu! I aKiI ‘ty to derive restoration from the nour- ts no foliage on the trees it is a good time to | ;«h nw . n t „r TK«n »i.. tx~. 40.701; export* coastwise OIL a> NEW ORLEANS. Man* 8-Cottoa firm; mid dlings 9V; low middlings S;£: pood ordinary S?4; net receipts 506 bales; gross 6,222; sales 65; stock 297,968; exports to Great Britain 2,035; France 5,439; continent 5,904. MOBILE. March 8.—Cotton steady; middlings t; low middlings 9%\ good ordinary t>>4; net re ceipts 1,154 bales; grow —; sales 1.5C0; stock 35,519; exports coastwise 535. 3>? srSasEh^saftt kkhusj s ^3toly I Liver Oil. or rather Scott’s Emulsion of the induce CHARLESTON, March R-Cotton quiet; mM- Uings 9>4: low middlings 9f4; good ordinary »; let receipts 718 bate*: crtM —; mles 230 stock 33,017: exports to continent 525: coastwise 151. Atlanba Produce itarket. EGGS—Dc. BUTTER—choice 18020; common to lair 10$ 12%; dulL POU LTRV—Live Chickens, hens 22%; mixed fiEKSW AX—23a23%. FEATHERS—new choice mixed 45^47)4. ^ i ii. or rauicr ocuu s c.iuuision oi roe sarw.?®9ssasifs.a sru , a‘^ftr^?sasatjs Z tfe Sr sTdt, “wfll fadnra tSS Uv^tom^V’ acce P tablc to ,hc n, ° 91 *** young %<*», thrown out from thetfdgesof I 4|5 ^ the cut, to strike downward in a natural | position. I Wllbor*a €od.Llvtr Oil and Lti Grape vines should be pruned; the best I Persons who have been taking Cod-I.iverOil fruit is generally borne on the moat vigor-1 will be pleased to learn tliat Dr. Wilbor has ous wood of last season’s growth. I succeeded, from directions of several pro- CROp I fessional gentlemen, in combining the pure . , . ' . LOil and Ltnie in such a manner that it is A,lent from. Oglethorpe coun- r pleasant to the taste, and its effects iu hung tywrifa. making some inquiries about a I complaints are truly wonderful. Ver? corn crop. To him as well as all oil.era, in ni , nv penona fanes were pro.,....need almut two hires or leas, an answer could be hopeless, and who had taken the elear Oil given as to how lo make a good crop, and for a Ionff time wit i loat marked effe. t, have that *s—supply your land with good seed, be ell entirely cured by using this prenara- sufticrent manure and proper cultivation tion . sure ...d get .lie genuine. Manu- There IS much more in selecuira seed factor,-,1 only by A. B. Wilboe, Cl.emist, corn than a person would imagine. In hich Boston. Sold bj all driiggists. manuring and by judicious cultivation the I 202 mar" dlw fri sun w«l dwlt corn crop can be cultivated to a certain ex-1 tent, but more with some seed than others. I A Wise Deacon. Too much care cannot ire exercised in se- “Deacon Wilder, I want vou to tell me lecting seed. and flat oit vanety which how you kept yourself and lamilv so well yields the most. Good seed with a sutilci- I the past season, when all the rest of us haie ency of fertilizer will make a mud, better been sick so much, and have hod the doc- crop than poor seed, with any amount of toni running to us so long." niaimre you w.11 apply to it. By “Brother Taylor, the ahswer is very easy, watching Ins corn crop, by examining i use d Hop Bitters in time aud ke'pt my the growth and development of the ear, its | family well and saved large doctor hilis. matunty etc., the farmer can learu much TI.ree dollara’ worth of it kept us all well that will prove benetical to buu If the and able to work all the time, and I will 1 - - * a -V, 1 1 V r receives a small-cobbed, I warrant it has cost you and most of the »ra llli /'ll™ aud P. lent >’ I neighburs one to two hundred dollars to lhut *5 a c,,n,a A* I keep sick the same time. I guess you’ll take different from ours, and hjs good sense will I m y medicine hereafter.” See other column, dictate that the large-eared and many-rowed 1 ears of his locality is the best for him to J flant. In his neighborhood there is a dif-1 —Conssens’ Compound Honey of Tar has erence in corn, aud he should secure that I been so long and favorably known that it which has the mast rows, the longest ears, I needs no encomium. For coughs, colds, ripen quickest, and is best for corn as well as I sore throat, hoarseness, etc., it affords folder. He must then bear in mind that I speedy relief, and is a most pleasant and large cohs retain moisture; long cobs have I efficacious remedy, honey and tar being two coarse kernels; soft kernels are best for J of its ingredients. The skill of the chemist, feeding; fiinty kernels less troubled by I and the knowledge of a physician were weevils, etc. In short, corn.must be selected I united in its preparation, the result being a for its prolific quality as well as for its use. I compound which is the favorite remedy in In selecting an ear of corn for seed, our I this severe climate, and has no equal as a judgment is, one of medium diameter, I cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness, bron- small cob, and length not too long—that is, I chitis, croup, etc. UseCoussens’ Honey of ears above the average crop, and selected I Tar. Price 50 cents. For sale by J. L. Pin- wirh reference to the number of kernels in I son; at wholesale by Hunt, Rankin & Lamar, a row. We like round ears, deep kernels | 411 apr25 deowly&weowly p.otiv set.stra^ht rows, the corn pro- | Tire Mexican Dollar. What Is the difference between the Mexi- We apologize for having so much to say I can ^ Ua f Tablets Buckeye Pile Oint- of the seed, yet we repeat, select good, relt- “f 1 * 17 , °"« do ^, what n . promises and the able seed. The next thing is to have seed 1 0,ber does ’ nt ' J T *ie Mexican dollar says, “1 safely in the ground, and why not do so I am on ® hundred cents: but when you now? I come to invest it you find it is only eighty- DRIED FRO IT—Apples, peeled, 2c; unpeeleo Uve Stock Market. ft ,8heep*§3K: common cattle cattle ^^ichoJco cattle a%; exSarattle none North Geonda cattle W&f&C Grocery Market. WHEAT—fl 150*1 30. WHEAT BRAN-90^95. OATS—45: HAY—fl < CORN-62! MEAL—63 GRITS—*125. PEAS -mixed 60#65; day 75. crate. MOLASSES—25. «}*RUP—New Orleans ^Georgia upper 28*40; lining skins 4 00*50 00 A HIDES—Mali. BAGGDtGWate 2 tta 13; 1« tt« 12^. iron t 1e ^ v bundle 2 p o. I r*. POWDEH^Sliftlnr x oOaS 80; rifle 6 40. SHOT—Drop 1 ©Tbuck 1 90. Dry Goods. Ticking 6a20; stripes 8; osnaburgs 8] brtra 5a5J4: prints 4>>a5l4; brown brown shirting* 6; bleached sti bleached nhirtings 4a8; checks SallM; yarns 85 should have been well broken. On soil of I such a character the corn will spring up I will cure you of Piles;” and upon trii „ F . found to do so in every case. It makes and grow off rapidly. Corn will never he b “‘ «"* prounse—to cure Piles; and does so stinted in rich ground that has been well ' llho,, , t ? llu , re ’ r V," 0 ” 50 ““*? ? b, ' u ! c ’ Plowed and cnws-plowed. Furrows should I t or f® 1 * b -V b - Pinson; at whotesa'.e by he a .sufficient distance apart and the checks 1 ,. n /* * " aiaar * not too close. In con. planting it is a good I «1 apr25 deowlv&weowly plan for the seed to be some I six inches below tbe surface level—I .. , “ #M 7 , in fact, when the com comes I , Kow J s » be t>me of year for Pneumonia, up, it should be below the level. As soon I Lung Fever eto. Every family should have asthe com is tall enough it should be I », hotrieof Boscmtx s Gmijiak Syrup. Don’^t plowed; a narrow straight shovel will do the a,1 ?« ' or one moment tlmt .cough to lake work very welL The hoe should follow; hold of your child, your family or you.self, any corn needing it si.ould be uneovereii Consumption, Asthma, Pneumonia, Croup, and grass aud weeds destroyed. Do not hill Hem.rrl.ages, and other fatal diseases may the com. If the land has been well broken !*» Although it is true Gruua.v Svnur up, and then plowed properly with the “ cunng thousandsi of these dreadeii d«- straight shovel, the futureculiivition might V* 1 » much better toluive itat lmnd be done with the sweep. After silks ip- whfnthreedoses wdlcurc you. One Bottle jrear working the com should cease. \Vc ** U laat >'" ur , » bo >« family a winter and should have said that in com plaining kce l‘ V!* 11 “ fe from danger. Ifyou arecon- alwavs give a plenty of distance,ami the I sumpti vedo no treat until you have tried this yield will be improved. After the first remedy. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular plowing, the roots should not be broken, at | “** l h . cen *J >’»urdraggtst. the same time the soil should be no stirred J * 7 * mne22...d*vw1v ^ygveow as to give it the benefit of the air as well a.** I —Camousk, a deodorized extract of Pe- the warmth of the sun. | troleum, the only article that will restore a vi un . n,...,* Tran—I hairon Wd fi«wls, ban elegant dressing, and A f uage Rivaling In Yellowness I contains no t a jiarticle of lead, sulphur, or That ot a “heathen Chinee,” if belonging to I other poisonous drugs. Sold by druggists, one of our race, can scarcely be described as | 000 jan2 d&weow ly 1 attractive. But worse than this, it is the I index of a disordered liver, of a liver that! —Insurance Companies should be corn- needs arousing and regulating. The reiue-1 pelled to give tbe proprietors of Dr. Bull’] J “ is at hand, prompt, afticarious. A course I Cough Syrup a royalty, for with this valua HositeteFs Stomach Bitters will expel I We rernedv thousands of risks have been the misdirected bile front the blood and I made goon, which otherwise would have divert it into the proper channel, open the I terminated long ago. Price, 25 cents a bowels, _ remove the dys|**ptic symptoms | bottle. 243 and counteracts the rapidly developing ten dency to dangerous congestion of the liver, which must always exist when the skin and whites of the eyes assume this yellow hue. The (tains through tiie right lower ribs, side and shoulder blade, the nausea, furred state I GOLD— of the tongue and unpleasant breath which 1 Buvlnr^....^. indicate liver complain, in short all its I EXCHANGE— disagreeable-concomitants are soon reiue-1 died by tlib sovereign corrective, which in I Georgia «l addition to its regulating properties is a I Georgia 7* li FINANCIAL. 1001 Selling. 100% par | Selling K prem. >107 Atlanta City 8a. w .... „ MU Atlanta 10b uperb invigorant. and a pure and agreeable I Georgia 7* gold..llO@m Augusta City 7k. ! lietlicinal Mtimulant. ann^tiipmnil nrarviiira I Geu®lsli.... j i 110Q1U ^ Ga. IL R. V.’ So. Car. valid Gs 70 73 Macon C Western R. R. of Ga. R. 1 Ala. 1st m’tge.l09@lll Ga. R. R. Cs... Western R. R. of Ala. 2d m’tge endorsed b^Ga A. & W. P. R.R.11U] A Cent R. R...1093U1 M. A W. R.R. 7x103^105 ' itAWPBR W.AA.R.R.Les- t mortgage ^.101 @103 sees, 10 per cent inU Water.^ 98@100 Income bondxl06@108 The subscription price will he one dollar a year in advance. —Tire Kllrerton Oarctte say. that Wolnoalay of last wrvk a lit tire son of Mr. Gnntra Kvanmm, in Elhvrt remnty. about years ol.t, fell in a btirninff brush I ,'.'|',m' ( ' of tion. —Athens Watchman: On Wrinesdav Iasi hlx>iiI 2 «>r 3 ti’ch-ck, a colored uiietl Wiley Sbcat- was »hol und nmily killetl, just outside the city limits, order, founded «i niict of I by Mr. Slejtlren It. lluaks. of Sadiron I I,™ SfeTO Vheir U^'durio)- the late »• a " d '.he ,umy. Mr. Hawks waa arratefl upon a | nnfortnnate strife to sustain their view of | * “ tbe government, and especially to . Aud hundreds of thouFandi have made the same sacrifice if it resulted in success, ... , , , . ... | :— ... .... | mud strong was the conviction probably renderM useless for life. hundred dolUrs for involuntary man- lhat we were right, and that it was be- Tbe HwainsUm* Herald says that the | sfa^btei^lra W.^omw, Ks^.^fortlieyros-1 nwes Uiat slavery exist. An heap aud wav badly burned l*»fore his I the coroner’s iury. and after a long prelim- I ,i aV vrv. Au father, at work near by, could rescue him. I inary trial before Justice S. M. Herrington, J would have If. f~ wa. hurras,, and hi, hand, r in fKT.S house and furniture of two three stroyeiU by fire one night lA*t week. mren livinc I "’•‘.'SL™ % ..... ... J change. Before While streaming of "the JSh, R that exist. h!^!l oetween the two raees. I miththere ren.ark bo *’ be ,I,M fehran'tire u^'dariLrthe'S laid down tlicit lives during tire late I p]anu A „ mrt . thorough knowledge o I soil is calleil for. It is requisite to uuder- ] stand the plant and the season. Farmers 1 must familiarize themselves not only with 1 1 the physiology of the plaut. but also the lr nart I chemistry of tbe soil. Times che**«~ „ , r I two blades of grass must grow r , J one grew before; the * land pi ke” Times change, and now where . . _ h(^ must wwiu . give way to a better breed. ’ there ts a de-, ix.«p miiM rmm iliat iiluv vm> de I ^ LHif r ' ** ^IjYumstances which led j t h e n rw order of things, which we sup|s»eti ■ # v -„thit>«r four miles from that place were de-1 |0 ,ft e k ,i lin g «f \\ dry M.eais, from the I lo ^ | njllJ pno rtl |ble, has shown u- that we I P? uU ^“"> ca ’. the - best V f cver y t “ ,,, f- 0 r | timce „ ( .little over a dzen years fir better seed, belter cattle, better’ , . . .o ^ o..o,.™. „„ suown us treat we try-yea., the brat of erwything. v. . « a * bcr i a r: a >“ t lwere mbuitenin many of our mrot chcr-1 frei that several brutes in human shape I os follows: Mr. Williams of Mrahson I ished iJeM While theabolition of slavery I ,a ?!“ ra "? y ’ JvlLwSSnSd^todfflhre^™ » > ... , ... ,, I countv, upon whose place Wiley and Jordau I h -_ « >.^1)1. 1<m m iw in a nft>nni. al,ve cro P 8, Carelessness and indifference o the house of the women and fright- | S } lW u; were living, found they were about I . . llo j n , of v j ew ai .j ^ * lju j I will not (>ay, but the winning fanuer of the ... I... ..Vi.... M. I ar > t»>nt Of view, and nos resulted | ta t U re wiU be the awe who thinks, schemes medicinal stimulant, appetizerand nervine. mar5 d3t wed fri sutntwuiarli COMPOUND OXYGEN To the feeble convalescent, and to the over worked student, or professional man, or man a ^ n u of business who finds himself slowly losing I Mont A W P R R vitality and the power to do his best; who I lit mortgagc.^10)®1W knows that his health is graduallly giving I Atlanta Water.^ away, and that if no help can be found, a I ItockS^ 7 *” break down in the near future—fatal it may I ceorgUR-R tom 82 South Wes R.R..101A103 be—is inevitable, “Comp und Oxygen” I Central R.R. 74 4 76 Atlanta SteH RR 9i#l00 offers an almost certain means of relief and I A.AW.P.B. R.l(M(4lOG restoration. Send for our Treatise on I •Compound Oxygen,” which gives the I *Y TELKGRAPII. largest information and many remarkable I NEW TORE, March 8—Noon.—Stocks strong, testimonials from widely known and erain- I Money 3^334* Exchange—long *4.86; short *1.89. ent public men. Address Dos. Starkey* Government, dull. State Bonds steady. . - - ■ jfEW YORK,-March 8.—Evening.—Money easy at 3A4. Exchange *4£6M^*L86\. Governments steady; new flree 104?4- state Bonds dulL Blocks quiet N Y. Central. 115J6 Chicago A N.W 53}< Erie.. —— 25% Preferreds — Ijike Snore—...— 71% Rock Island ex-dir.130 Illinois Central. 81% Western Union—104% Itest information issue tbe Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. have I Sub-treasury balance*: *477*1 w established a Southern Wholesale Distribu- T5e wrekir~SteS?n?^f toeTSS^d ting Dej>ot at Savannah. Georgia, under I issued from the clearing house to-day, shows the went to tened them off from home, aud then set fire to their littlefitll. —In a discussion in Augusta recently John Ledbetter to accompany him, I ligent and estimable families. we 1 — t # ^ ««l« to their lraure and mdtcii them to M now lo conclude that it was the will 1 ^ f i ) ra , . n . t, 1 f r f o? "'7 arra " !; ,t wait till morning and not gn tornnningoff. j pjoviaenee that it slmnld occur, and | *.™5j - '• I " ; in the future our children and their to the time made by the different female I jj ie deals’ were both arnietl nod brgan to I ^ • for the *eas«)n. That the farmer decitled a of tbem shot and vonndel him n u I ^ without any exagg^ation. that not | j ecce he had last season, utilize it, impn , prevent immediate paraoit. Mr Porter-1 ~ J C ’ whYtTcUiran'in e7^lmnd^',“pn.'ta.‘ ? n , wbat ,” c »*? ba Lad.^uneffor.Ee fell | field summoned a jnwse. (mrlralin“_>lr. | b j v 1)1)t oue in tvtrv f,vehundre-i inGoir-1 tnto.and from ms jiast experience he | Hawks) and ordered them toporaiie. They I ^j y Sld’ibJii^^ie'Mne^S^'ig to exirt | av " id *»'w.'rfSS.Sd , SSerall? i>> th* south, would voJfto re^ | | excel in the production of crops. a bad Tins. A few day* ago in conversing with a farmer, he remarked that farming was very dull I just now. In the name of common sense, if I farming is dull what makes it so? We learn I tliat railroads are doing a pretty good bnsi- I ness, and it is mostly in transporting live lap wav enough for her. And then William blushed and said that if sitting down was allowed one lap to about every two miles would be enoughs _ w -It is stated that tiie publication of a I ^rvi'ovsof Sheriff Brownin?" procoeiied to I SbHrii riave^r”wou1d“rons^d Toha^Tu I rain new monitor pajrer. the Bulletin, will I the house of Wiley Mieatss father and I MM blislied under any circumstances. to C , U u. a ..’ rare IhlS » 1% k! r tiMHi I* .* trt be I knocked at the door. Being kept waiting I j t t w Providence will bring great cape {“ l, J\ promptly, and who will shortly Ire he K ,.n in M.oon. It » to he time, they heard parties marine up L'X to.h ^ n"?™ eta! .S^Uo 1 ..^..ertoo o, en„ ehlttetl, we learn, by Ctdonel Mareellus K I the rtowr mside , and the having Iwen I lhe tIIn(> lo be an overwhelming ca* Thornton, while Uie business management I divided and stationed all around the hon>e, l lansUv> j ain very wspectfullv, vour ob will Ire in the trend, of Mr. J^S. torylle Mr. torn*.rdin^Ieauslc^ltog out> Jo,r.riik’Bm.wx. It seem* almost like taking a risk to wish I f n , m UI1 der the Imuse, and called to him tbe projected (*ap«r success, but, at this I several times to halt, but he failing to do | No Compromise .Should he Mode, distance from the seat ol war, we ran afford so. Mr. H. fired Mai* n } h * • . ..ntnim iltui mnrih I beau anu prouUCing lnsiam drain. *x . inf nm wnreoi Dora noum inonia new wd i !•»**, wm, »«r«t, «*«•>. «««' »"u to venture mat niuen. I then a*certaiDe»l that tbe man killed was I ganUe their committeea and at once frame hills I through the country. Hundreds of mules —'Tire Cnion and Rsconbr says there Is a I Wiley and n-t Jordan Shcnts. 1 remliu, th*mnUlr. odious, porfisoa lows.. They 1 have drecu s.ild to Atlanta thi« winter. col-imf lunatic at the asylum who accom- J st ^re'*11,»t’* iVaw"kin•*vif 1 f I I iVinand^hiMliwre^tWn^ There inorket panics Mr. Jim Hobby to and from tbe city I ^^truction by fire on Friday night la>r. I m«U*rarvUtin«uijumr*.sot£jSper!mn*bK>mthtl tor everything tbe fanner can raoo. Not in hi* wag\>n, who rarries a palmetto fan in I (t^tween the hours of eleven and twelve I u-*,,tv the courts may have a fair trial, and an-1 0 olv aU tbi-. but what other cl*** of j'eo- id. .t .11 times. In snow and sleet. I o'clock, while nearly everybody was in best, I other law. the railed Sates -upervisMs'. and I ’ h..., d. tmtnd for ;heir t-.-.c? Ah! Ins hand at all timra. In snow ana ee ^ , |arm WA . tl.e court houre l»‘ t^rthe rnttot »trt«.^neremeniagl friend, if the limes ore dull in summer’s heat, in the keen w ni I [ H .|1 was n , n e. The citixens were arouses! mmTJTj why not p.teb in and make them lively the March, the inevitable fan acCk'nij^ames tn« l atu { hastened to the scene. The fire w’as I jireiddcnt, then eongrrew will pas# the appro-1 coming season? Increase not your cotton, tu Mr unfortunate man. He is crazier on I discoverotl in the second story of tbe hand-1 priMiioa Mils, ami it should not do aotUl thru. I but other crops, and change the character .i;« th.Tt •».* nuv»t anient celestial 1 stune* brick building of D. Rhodes, on I t he domocrata have taXen * Ppble stand ra thU j D f growing them. If your land is goofi and this subject thar.the most ardent Jack ^„ sX re*-L On the second tU«* I I its^ultiSlon is profiuble, andyolittll too —The Columbus Lnquirer says that on 1 ^ three or four rooms, one of S£^^Jtt^mtoto^S2h^dS21 little of it, go to work arid add to your the premiaeaof one of Hams county s bej>t I which mntamnl two or three hundred I Ur till it coownta to a redrew of there grievance*. I fields. Perhaps you do not manure your .-ill- u* i here are two cee*e and three gan-1 1* *u ml* «»f cotton samples. Mr. W. B. I The repeal of th«M obnoxious statute* should be I ] An d enough; I*erha{i6 you have too much * c,l “ w XUtTT arP n » ooe^n-1 SleeJp and Frank Coney were in this room, | «a*daw«»mttoD > precedent to the phrase of tbe | cttllivati on. of it may be tha: that the establishment of a Grand Southern itributing Depot from which Dealers and Agents could be more convenieatly supplied became almost a necessity. The long exj»e- rience of Messrs. Luddeo & Bates in selling Mason & llaiulin Organs and in running their large music trade makes them special ly competent to manage the Wholesale Depot. They are the right men in the right Diace and will organize and for Mason &. Hamlin that will give those worthy gentlemen an idea of what a solid ders,and since “tiie mating a der has fallen greatly in love with a rooster J ^poii*a match, which ignite*!, and tbe'eot- , , TO,.. ..1 this room I nrade a coudition preetdent to the p riling, when Coney stepj^i ull *~ and the other with an old Shanghai hen and the third with a p*u*e, leaving one g*»*»se “out in the cold.” The ganders seem very fond of their mates, and follow them arv all day,' and seem much troubled if sepa rated tor a short time. —Willie, a little son of Mr. Thomas II. Rhudy, attempted to get on a passing dray, driven by a negro named Wesley Ware. Nomeliow or other, Willie’* foot slipped an*! hr »v caught in the wheel and drag-red a considerable distance. His bead locked the b**dv wheel and be was dragged in this poeition until his mouth was torn open and the teeth crushed out. Hb cries were heard a considerable distance, but the negro driver refused to stop, and drove away leaving the child in lhe street. The wretch is in jail. —The origio of the flouri>hin: town of Dahlonega. in the gold region of Geore ..... samples were instantly in a blaze. Coney eave the alann. and Steele proceeded t«» cover the burning cotton with blanker nn*t bis overcoat, but tbe flames were controllable, and tbe ceiling and parrithi were soon burning. The adjoining ro**m, sei*arated only by a wooden parti ('wanting tbe Corpse*. Cincinnati ComtnerciaL Tbe Brariliaa mail job is dead. T«eMi ppi levee faolery is dead. 01 ^ I cultivation, or it —. _ use tbe best paying labor. Now, early in the j season, “pluck tbe present day, and see if much of the dull times is not the result of vour want * judgment and of prudence. bow a wady rtmuttsi Among the formulas for home-made fer tilizers, we find the following, which has been pronounced very good by those have experimented with it: For one ton—one thousand pounds tion. contained a quantity of old straw, ■ bum’s, etc., and with these the fire gained I Rheumatism . Thisdreadful torment. new force. When the citizens began to ar-1 the doctors tell us. is in the blood, and . ri\e the rtwme* were among the rafters, and 1 knowing this to be true, we advise every j rich loam earth, llrom fence corners, the top ceiling and heavy timber* were I Mifferer to try a Untie of Du rang's Rhcu- J L*ce dirt from tbe wood*, or marsh pi: A •h*n«e -moke filled the whole I malic Remedy. It U taXen internally jn:*i I put it in ihe stable or stall of horaeor »- * t’.l:ifg, and »a- almost blinding. Every- | wi.l ]w»iuvely cure the worst case In t K - 1 — — S * K “ —- M ~ : 1 — - dv wcui to work with a spirit and energy I sli*>rte»t time. Sold by every druggist amounting to heroism, and thousands of I Atlantic buckets of srater were brought and dashed \ fSi novS dAw^mtil jczlyA upon the fire, and for many minutes It seemed impossible to control the flames. The whites and the blacks all worked as tiiey had never worked with a sufficiency of leaves or straw _ pi event the stall from becoming muddy or dirty. Let it be tramped twenty or thirty days, when it may be pat in a pen, under cover, and another supply put in ' stable. This is a fertiliser easily made, and one cost but little both in time con- The Decisions of the August Term, 1878.1 ^ ^ wt4I „ ^ beforaTand evan the ladies drew buckets of I dUSt ^SSure I * u ^ fd in J?*** 0 * lt or material used. •“ b ^* u ^ co “ w 11 -1 I s ^s»id wate and helped all they plain to all that if the building was not ved, nearly the entire business part of j . ., . town would be destroyed. The work per- gia. is probably unknown to most of our form0d would ^ cnd \ t fire depart- readers. It was given correctly by Mr. | ment. even where lhe best fire engines are Stajflicns, choirmoa. MoMolda srooons . *V lc V k SP 00 ,h * of the house oommi and mturning. Tbe laid. Send in your orders. * Cos rocht ddrwtf Atlanta. Ga. corruption of the Cherokee Indian« be pounded up and buried at the roots • fruit trees or grapevines. But thev can otherwise be used. Get a tight, rough box. Bailer (Sam. I some eighteen or twenty inches deep. Pro- m .* uuv w v*- a ... ... We have reduced the price of Godfrey’* 1 cure soumL unleuched wood ash«; mix a weirhta burned ceiling and charred rafters and I Roller Gum from 35c. to 3fic. per lb. bend J peck of sl^ed lime and a peck of sal soda ittee on coinage, weignu h tiro bers and not feel that it was the in your orders for Rollers, or for tbe Gam. | to every barrel of dry ashes; to this be word is an English HawkinsviUe has ever l Can supply either. Cojwnrcnox, coarselvT MASON A HAMLIN ORGANS. Wholesale Southern Depot. As will be seen by advertisement in this I Wttibnrg. Loans increase— ——— « 967.300 Legal tender* decrease 2,058,0(X Circulation increase ... 3,600 1,535.150 POTATOES—riantimi 9X7504.00; Sweet 75c pel ?r bushel; good denuua. ONIONS—*3 00. CABBAGE—Northern, none; Mobile *5.50 per CHILDS’S CATARRH REMEDY. Thousands suffer without knowing the nature of this almost universal complaint It is an ulceration of the head. Its indications are, hawking, spitting, weak inflamed eyes, frequent soreness of the throat dryness and heat of the nose, matter running from the head down the throat, often ringing or deafness in the ears, loss of smell, memory im paired, dullness and dizziness of the head, often in the first stages, but more commonly in its advanced stages, attended with pains in chest or left side, and under the shoulder blades. Indigestion usually attends Catarrh; a hacking cough and colds are very com mon; some have all these symptoms; others only a part. Very little pain attends Ca- tarrah, until the liver and lungs are attacked in consequence of the stream of pollution running from the head into the stomach. All persons thus affected take cold easily, and have frequently a running at the nostrils; the breath sometimes reveals to all around the corruption within, while the patient has frequently lost the sense of smell. The disease advances covertly, until pain in the chest, lungs or bowels, startles him; he backs and coughs, has dyspepsia, liver com plaint, and Is urged by his doctor to take this or that; perhaps cod liver oil is pre scribed. Perfectly ridiculous! The foul ulcers in the head cannot be reached by pour ing such stuff into the poor, juded stomach. The patient becomes nervous; the voice is harsh and unnatural; he feels disheartened; memory loses her power, judgment her zeal, gloomy forebodings hang overhead; hundreds, yes thousands, in such circum stances, feel that to die would be a relief, and many even do cut the thread of life to end their sorrows. THOUSANDS ABE DYING COFFEE—Rio 12>4s16!4*'o1u Government Java I e * r jF l* fe wi , lh consumption, who can look back a few years—perhaps only months— when it was only catarrh. Neglected, when a cure is possible, very soon it will transform _ — the features of health and youth into the dark, pallid appearance; while the hacking FLoUR-^upertTne”sVsbTixT^tt u&Uy I «> u .K h -.‘V® excew of blood gushing from the lungs, or night sweats, all significantly pro- 75; extra family (8 oo- fxncv *6 frfttt* 7t ******** I claim it is too late; and thus a neglected catarrh ends in the consumptive's grave. 'nXIVkJSLGAXji CATARRH. Sometimes the disease only effects the membranes lining the nasal passages, and they may be easily reached and cured by simple means. But when it is located in the frontal sinus, or in the posterior nares. or if it has entered the custachian tubes, and is injuring the ears, then nothing but finely medicated vapor can effectually reach it and de stroy it. And certainly, after it has affected the throat and bronchial tubes, as all well- read physicians will readily attest, nothing can be relied on to effect a permanent c BAlX)N—clear Rfclea 7; suKar-curol bam* 9 WV4 GREEN MEATS—nonV^^ ^* MEATS—ClearrlbsMe* 6; clear sides 6M- C^^H^-, b o UCk ' ,, ^ ren “ Cd * Miaeellaneooa. um3£«$Sb §.“ : LIrerpoal * , ® v NAILS—*2 35. LEATHER—Hemlock sole20a25: white oak 30r common air, we can inhale and breathe a medicated air; and it is perfectly simple, i one can see, thus to treat diseases of the throat, bronchial pipes and lungs. How muen better this method bv which remedies are conveyed directly to the seat of the disease,, than to resort to the uncertain and too frequently mischievous action of medicines taken I into the stomach. THE COLD AIR INHALING BALM. This part of my treatment I regard as very important, especially in wkfding off colds (which is full half the battle), and in relieving the head and lungs while under their dMetiugi (all: I effects. The Balm is composed of several kinds of gums, balsams, firs, and essential oils, . which are separately used by the best physicians in treating throat, bronchial and lung Oni»r« —•" . . ... i diseases. These I have combined, and concentrated their virtues, which, by the inhaling to theI V^ces», are drawn through the various passages of the bead and respiratory organs, trade toveryUght. HU»ck\juh!uid at SSSSi I caching and healing every iiritated spot. If used when cold first makes it appearance- small. Very common and unr. liable 40c; fair I which usually begins by a:a irritation of the mucous lining of the nose, ana a sneeze, common li-mch 42a45: medium 45a50; extra me-1 which is nature’s emphatic warning—it will, most invariably, check it: and by producing £?“ llJS* 1 252 : JISl^iS < L ,3 y5^ ®° I * quicker circulation, and by throwing the blood to the surface, the bad effects of a cold “• warded »ai It is pleasant to use and almost instant in ita effects, ural leaf *1,00: Calhoun *1.25; Cook's extra fine I . fig 85; fine cut in pails, 75as5. I AMONG WOMEN catarrh is very common. The decrees of fashion compel women to Fruits and Confectionaries. I P° from the dry atmosphere of furnace-heated houses, into the 0|>en air, with the head FRUITS—Lemons, Malaga *4.00A*L50 Ybox* 1 but P°° rl y protected. Many suffer keenly from bronchitis and difficulties of the throat Apple*, northern *4.00; OrangeaTFlorida *2.50® I an d lungs. « 100; Mrasino H.5o¥jbox; Cocoanuu 5; I TEACHERS IN OUR SCHOOLS are greatly subject to this fearful malady. Confine- •vioS? X r?L 6 ^LK2! 0x ^r* I ment in close, ill ventilated school rooms; the over heated atmosphere, charged with the 20®ac1 4 p^i5r7K?Bn^l^S!o^Vn£iS»mi I stran » in 8 poison exuding from the bodies of the not always over clean children, breed ftlfir; Walnuts Kit* * I thls disease with fearful rapidity. I LAWYERS IN THE COURT-ROOM and judges on the bench, from the same general PROVISIONS. OR A TV Kto I ca,,se - *re too often afflicted in the same way. 1 MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL, after leaving the pulpit, over-heated with the strain of BY TELEGRAPH. I their mental and physical effort, neglect sun-dent precaution, and a cold is the result. NEW YORK. March 8.—Flour without decided I Th,a ne 8 lecte<l opens the way to catarrh, and to a possible loss of voice. I have suffered '—ire; very light business: closing dull; south-1 80 keenly myself that I cannot urge upon public speakers too strongly the necessity of flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat I removing this disease when a cure is possible. er; very moderate export and speculative de-1 airvr nvmnTiTTiwTnTi Jd; ungraded winter rrd *1.m^*li«. Corn In. MY EXPERIENCE, without important change; very light trade. Oats I zw. x xjzvxiiAt vu. flrm. Coffee quiet and un-1 Sm\ : - \ EiaHTXxx years of terrible headache, dis gusting nasal discharges, dryness of the throat, acute bronchitis, coughing, soreness ef the lungs, raising bloody mucus, and even nighl sweats, incapacitating me for my professional duties, and bringing me to the verge of the grave—all were caused by, and the results of Nasai Catarrh. After sj tending hundreds of dollars, and obtaining no relief, * I compounded my Catabur Specific and Cold Air Inhaling Balm, and wrought upon myself a wonderful cure. Now I can speak for hours with no difficulty, and can breathe freely in any atmosphere. At the calls of numerous friends, I nave given m v cure to the public, and have now thousands of patients in all parts of the country, and thousands of happy fellow-beings whose sufferings I have relieved. My cure is cer tain, thorough and perfect, and is indorsed by every physician who lias examined it. If mmB I can relieve my fellow-beings as I have „ - —— - , .n»>.. .TO..*..— ——, wnicli makes the possessor at once disgusting to ! wL!.f. h viI u ?/ >l Zu I himself and others, I shall be satisfied, and feel that I have done my little toward re- oiSSSliS^iSs MdQ moving the ills of mankind. T. P. CHILDS. TESTIMONY OF OTHERS. r rtH'Yl'^’l k . h S l S? r; 5i?aiL t Si» , ffcl FBOX THE chancellor of the university of nebrahka. Memtt dullTclear rita'tJU; clear sides £to. Baron I T - F. Childs—Dear8ir: I think you have the true theory and practice for the cure of quiet; clear ribs 5.2005.25; clear sides 5.2305^0.1 Nasal Catarrh, and also, for the treatment of the respiratory organs. My throat is now IoOitisviitf \Tnmh * tn n „ r I so well restored that 1 lecture daily without difficulty, and find no difficulty whatever Wheat firmerbut not quotably hShcr- red and I in preaching. You are at full liberty to use my name for the benefit of others, amber *1.000*1.05. Corn in fair demand; market I Yours very truly, E. B. Fairfeild, D.D., LL.D., Lincoln, Neb. firm; white 36: mixed 35. Oat* firm; white 10; I I JudgkJ. Collett, of Lima, O., writes: “You will reraemlicr how terribly Catarrh Bulk aaoi/- rlSr Hli I taken hold upon me at the time you were at my house, making me offensive to my- side* 4%; clear side*5$for looac/Baron^dull I and to all around, and *withal suffering day and night, I began to use your excel- *nd lower: shoulders 4%: clear rib &{: dear tides I lent remedy about the 26th of A ugust Now I am cured; head free, air passages all open, Hnzxia active at I and breathing natural. I express to you again what I said in a recent letter, 4 A thousand . I thanks to you for so sure a remedy, and so very cheap.* I have laid away the instrument, changed. Sugar in mo crate demand and un changed; refined quiet and unchanged. Molasses quiet; prices unr banned, glee in moderate de mand and unchanged. I*«rk opened firm: after wards lower; closed steady; mess spot quoted at p.25&*9.40old. Lard opened firm; subsequently lower; closed steady aud fairly 'active; prime * *57^06.60; — -* cinaj - — @6.85. ****** April ^«2^6.«5; May I cash;-March DIM: April 1 KsachiS Com steady with fair demand; — 1 SS April; 37 May. Oats quiet i firm; cash H; April 23*4; May 26@2ek Pork dull and a shade lower; cash *A7 «: April *9.72>£. Lard dull aud a shade lower; cash G.45; April 6.4754; May 6.55. Bnlk Meats steady with fair de- , mantl. Dressed Hogs dull and nominal at *1.00. \V hisky quiet and unchanged. I 8T. LOUls, March 8—Flour firm and unchanged I !>cen irxppnr^vT^ I *i*ving no further occasion to use it. Thus in about six weeks I have accomplished whaj .small schoolor a situation si teacherina I >’ ou thou K ht could be gained in from three to six months.” (Write to him.) P^^, ate Jflven, U desired. 1 Mr. T. Gillespie, of Woodworth, Kenosha Co., Wis., writes: *‘I must say that I never llimarti d*»t Awky-" tOD 0 “ ce ’ I a medicine to take hold of my Catarrh by the root, and root it out, as this has,** ft isfsheeeomony to bay gun when m few dollars r~ tbe Incomparable and al MASON & HAMLIN. MfiT LOWEST PRICED. I*U I p(.K>REST AND DEAREST. BUT HI0HEST BEST AND CHEAPEST. Mr. Thomas J. Daily, of Homer, Champaign Co., 111., one of the worst cases I ever iy a cheap Or-1 had under treatment, who was six months bed fast, [and nearly blind, one eye utterly de- moi'cnlll get I stroyed by Catarrh, nose and face much disfigured, and throat and lungs in a critical state, I writes, June 21,1878: “Dear Mr. Childs: I have used yourCalarrh treatment that my brother, B. 0. Daily, of your place, kindly sent me. now over three months, and almost all this time in hope lessness, as it seemed I must die. By and by it began to take effect and I began to have hope. I improved rapidly, soon could sit up, passages of the head began to open, throat ana bronchial tubes grew oe ter, cough ceased, ana now I can sec to write. I now ex- pect to get well and go about my business again. I owe you a great debt of gratitude. Now Styles 1 Indeed, I owe my life to your treatment ■ “Very truly your friend. Thomas J. Daily.” Mr. D. is now (Sept 10) in Troy, looking quite well; almost every vestige of Catarrh has disappeared. Pri. Six S> ops. Elegant Em- Ten Stop*. 4 Seta Reeds I in New Style Illnmina-1 ' * ’a», only... A. WONDERFUL CHANGE. Mr. W. 8. Sandkl, of Willis, Montgomery Co., Texas, writes: Rxv. T. I*. Childs—Dear Sir: In 1873 I was attacked with catarrh, slight at first, but ummr it gradually grew worse ahd worse. In the spring of 1877 the disease assumed a new 4195 I form: my mouth and throat were attacked, ulcers were formed, and soon the ulva was I all eaten away, and large sores through the posterior nares. My condition was now not Ten Stop*. 4 Sets Reeds, I only deplorable, hut apparently hopeless. Large quantities of very offensive matter were _ GoffBmuBOmuin! I discharged from the nostrils and throat; and for days together I could take no food but «otation, only 8100 I spoon victuals. I knew of no remedy, and the doctors could give me no relief or advice. TO^TOtt, iriA live, a wt\ oat ty I My sufferings were intense, and distraction of mind was added to my physical sufferings. OVER 100,000 MADE AND SOLD. I At thi , j nnc ture a friend called my attention to your advertisement I lost no time in Winner* or Hlabest Honors at nil 1 procuring your Specific. I received it the latter part of August and commenced using rid » Exhibitions Tor | j t immediately, and began to improve right along. My throat healed rapidly, and the change in my appearance for the better was so marked that I was often greeted with, ' Why! what a change! How much better you look!” When I think of what 1 suffer- Twelvc Years Past. PARIS, s . 1867 | VIENNA 1872 SANTIAGO, 1875 I PH1LA«, PA# 1876 I ®d, and the many sleepless nights of agony spent, I am truly glad there is a remedy for PARIS, : 18781 SWEDEN, 18781 this horrible disease. I shall recommend" it to all suffering with Catarrh. I will cheer- Endoned by Franz Liszt Theodor* Thomas, Ole I fully answer any letters tliat may be addressed to me asking information. Bull. Gottschalk, StrauM, Warren, Morgan and I Most sincerely your friend, W. 8. Sandkl. over One Thousand eminent musicians of Europe 1 - I The following names have been selected from thousands in ray possession. If desired, ' U ?mpbi?re.™.«-i“Cl^ r . a ndVn , d” any of them can be consulted by letter or otherwise: winble. ^ m j w l Wilson. Troy. Pike Co.. Ala. t Mrs. J. A. Humphrey, Franklin, Pa. pmupie, | w L Wilson. Troy, Pike Co., Ala. BENTED UNTIL PAID FOB. **»• 22“““’ w1 *- monthly inttaliments of from *5 to *10, or will be I Wm. H. Gay lor. Ft. Plain, Mont Co., N.Y. • for them- prom one I Mrs. O. W. Lake, 'irZcna. Ashland Co.. O. COMMERCIAL. to three years time given f Atlanta CeHen Market. Cotton dull; mlddUng* t%; low middlings SJ4- j nxcxxrrs to-dat. _ musical South really is. The musical world I .u- JL u.TOi:. a-a a .v— I Air Line RaUroexl. Heliosis and Fasionu Agent* wanted I Rev. j. rowrew, naynonu, iiinaB VO., mim. everywhere. Organ* sent on trial to any part of I Samnel T. G. Bigelow, 10 LaGrange St, Woreea* tbe South. We pay Ireight both way* If not I „ . __. _ _ satb factory. I Rev. P. W. Free, Water, Erie Co., Pa. I Rev. T. Gllltsple. Woodworth. Wis. SOUTHERN WHOLESALE DEPOT. I Alonzo Bennett Jackaoo, Jackson Co.. Mlrh. MM—n I Mha Flora Webber, Urhana, Champaign Co.. I1L pplj of Southern | Rev. J. Lentz, Kanawha C. H., W. Va. » indorse the Mason A Hamlin Organs and the I Georgia Railroad..'.* entire South indorse Lndden & Bates, and I central Railroads. their way of selling musical instruments at I Western and Atlantic Railroads living prices. The opening of their Grand I w «** Point Railroad... Southern Music House at Savannah Geor I ToUl gia. with it branches at Augusta and Atl&n- I Receipu preVvouzly.. ta, Georgia, Jacksonville, Florida, Charles-1 ton and Greenville, South Carolina, was tbe*| _____ inauguration of low prices and easy terms I Stock ® e P* a 1 • in the South, and a strict adherence to this I GrtLnd iwlicy has given them their rank as the I Leading Music House at the Sodtlu Such a I ghipmenu to^tay _ wide awake house deserves the hearty sup- I Shipments prerloiisly —77,054 port of our people, but the onlr claim they I make for patronage is that they offer the I greatest inducements yet given by any I house. North or South. We believe that I this claim is well founded and we advise I purchasers to write them if a piano or organ | is needed. For the more convenient Buppij ot ouuuicru I kct. J. Lena, Minawnt t. n., n. va. # 4. unm, uoopcwoii, » cruimmu v trade a Southern Wholesale Depot has been estab-1 Rev. W. It. Lathrop, Hartzville, Ind. * G. W. Dal bey, Shelbyrille, Tenn. li«h«j at Savannah, Ga., from which Dealers, I - -■ supplied at New^fork and Bo.ton factorv rate*. WHAT THE EDITORS KNOW OF T. P. CHILDS For Illustrated circuUr., price llau and full ia I catarrh. In ita wort and moat offenitre |torm. eomneUed Mr. Child, to Hire op hU chat*e. aft* t^VVI .w - i-i tt• t- i- , I year, ol public .peaking, and comtant me of voice, olway. Mata. After trying all that tnrtlein LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, (ia., I could do for him, he finally, ii despair, attempted hi* own cure, and. having considerable knowl jw> Who,e * n,e Amenta. I ed _ e ^ medicine, succeeded, beyond hope, and relieved his own sufferings, enabling him to resume 000 marll w3m 1 public speaking without dlOeoBf. Total I Stock on band_ Factory Facts. I and unchanged; middling uplands 5 5-16; mid- dlina Orleans 5 7-16; sales 5.000 hales: specula- . tion and export MOO; receipts 16.400; American Close confinement, careful attention to all I IZ.COj. future* buyers tt last night’s prices; up- factor}' work, give, .be ojerattve, pallid | May delivery SS: June and July delivery 5 15-8ir v-,. - - „ . . ..- , , shipped in February per sail 5ft. unnary troubles, mml all the physicians and I uvERPOOL, March 8-3 p.m.—Sales of Arneri- ... _ to-day 4,150 bales; futures closed quiet but faces, poor ap|«etite, languid, miserable feel-1 vavdS^STsw^j ings. poor blood, inactive liver, kidneys and I in Febroar urinary troubles, and all the physicians and 1 medicine in the world cannot help them unless they get out doors or u*e Hop Bit I steady. tens, made of the purest and best of reme-1 KEW YORK, March 8.—Nooo—Cotton steady, dies, and especial)v for such cases, having! sales 100hales; middling uplands 9}i: middling abundance of health, sunshine and rosy I Orl»ns *54; futures cheeks in them. None need suffer if they I will use them freely. They cost but a | trifle. See another column. 1.71 May- Are Saving* Banka ffeenre? This is a question of vital importance to I ApriL. the industrial thrift of out country; and | while our legislatures are pondering the question, we would earnestly advice every one to take Hall’s Balsam for Coughs and Colds. Warranted to cure. 70 mar5 ddfcwlw “ Dooley's Yeast Powder Is indorsed by the hightft authority in America—the eminent Professor Doc-emus, of New York City, who certifies *hat: “I have analyzed the bread made with Dooley’s Yeast Powder and find it free from Alum or any other deleterious substance."' R. Ogden Dokemts, M. D., LL.D., NEW YORK. March 8—Evening-Cotton steady; de* *» bales: middling uolands 9*i; middling Orleans 9;J; net reredpti to-day 378; grow 608 futures dosed steady; mles 46.008 v -’“ - * „9.7*m -.74 July— _9A7«9A8 August 10.04#Ta08 Septemt June J9J7&1&1S October 9.97®X9J Consolidated net receipt* 1 ,430 GALVESTON. March A—Cotton firm; mid dlings 9*4: low middling* 8S: food ordinary*?*; net766halm; gram^aakjMM;«oi 8L564; exports to continent 2,430; coastwise 40. NORFOLK. March A-Cotton dull: mlddlinn 2L , a'^ss. I -s5Ss ! : sr- : “°“ ^ BALTIMORE. March 8-Cotton firm; middlings *K; low middlings *K:f°od oedinary 9; net re criptt 4S8 balmTarow 917; sales 230; stock 6^23; exports to Great Britain *98; continent 600; BOSTON. March A-Cottoo dull; middlings 9%: . low middlings *H; good ordinary *; net receipts Professor Chemistry and Toxicology in the I 791 halm; gross —; s<lm none; stock 3,204; ex- Bellevue Hospital Medical College.” 1 ports to Great Britain 2.J5L I WILMINGTON, March A—Cotton quiet; mid- -A person cannot pomibly attend m baa- dm if be has been kept, woke daring tbe 1 **!*•• *"»-. toitomo*. wiccx I lor hod from deatrnction. tacbidAwtf Atlanta, GA bonaa in laftn (asbea first} nm night by a troublesome cough. To all such we would recommend the timely use of Dr. ■ ^ Bull’s Cough Syrup. Price, 25 eta. 243 the week SELMA. March 7.—Cotton quiet; middlings I Amanda Fisher, Freeport, Stephenson Co., I1L Calvin Teritsrden. GriffinsviUe, Iowa James White, Elk Co.. Kan. J. J. Hancock, Irvinville, Irwin Co., Ga Isaac Hill, Kirkville, Wapello Co., Iowa J. z- Barnett, HL Francisvilla Clarit Co., Mo. Mrs. A. T. Stewsrt, Sturgis, Ind. W. R Sandel, Willi*. Mont. Co., Texas. J. Morton, Collinsville, DeKalb Co., Ala Bev. A. J. Gains. Waterford, Miss. T. B. Rose, Mattorm, ColmCo.. III. Rev. J. W. Terrell, Roanoke. Howard Co., Mo. Mrs. J. A. Thornton, Michigan City, Ind. Chaa. B. Day? Peoria, Peoria Co., 111. Mr. Childs was besieged by otherr similar afflicted, until the good man was compelled to go in- _ the manufacture of his medicine, by the number and irequency ot these calls.—Correspondence Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati. The publishers of the Congreg&tionalist, with multitudes of other people, are somewhat suspi- >us of patent medicines, as a rule, and when we received the advertisement of Mr. Child*, we at « UCH v > .|» ( »um.. j JW» ..**aja..a* aaaa^oD, aa, ua. a*.- , ...*t declined its iu*ertion; but on making inquiry, we received such Wtthjfactory replies, and one fered to general agent*and canvassers in the South I especially from a well known Congregational paster not far from Bev. Mr. Childs s, the proprietor of ZELUS CONDENSED CYCLOPEDIA. on this exceedingly tueful and low priced book. lOOOpp., double column. 700 engravings. 10 double-pace colored maps. Only *5 a ropy. Yt~ terms ana territory, address T, ELLWOO: ZELL, DAfU * CO., FhlladelpbUL 000 marll w4w FREE » !f*W **4 «*r* Dr Nmm DaWItr, lirtw, fwi >kum mu. “ * ■tm-Efta* ra-Mc«iF*4C*.r.o.w»za 000 marll w6m TO MILLERS. ! the medicine, that we withdrew our objection*.—Congregationalitt, Boston. While not supposing that all cases of catarrh will he cured, by the prescription advertised, the publishers of tbe Illustrated Christian Weekly, after diligent inquiry, have reasons to believe hat it has in many cases proved effectuaL We do not ordinarily insert medical advertisement*.—Illus trated Christian Weekly. The medicine Mr. Childs contrives to place, by the use of his Inhalers, just where it is needed, must be most powerful and searching In ita character to produce such surprising results. Many of our leading lawyers, divines, and prominent business men have tried this remedy with wonderful | success. There is no doubt of the efficacy of this method. We know Mr. Childs as aa honest, | Christian man.—Gazette, Cincinnati. Mr. Childs give* a very strong description of this most annoying and loathsome disease. A r» ci 7 tt i ii ini r* . I number of testimonial* from well known publisher* and other* throughout the country seems to For Sale—Valuable Mill Property. 'TEAM FLOURING AND GRIST MILL, I ) standing on half a square of land, close to the | _ ;pot of the M. and O. R. R., at Columbus, Miss., I CONCLUSIOIV• with side track to the door. Tbe MIUis33z4ol feet, * stories high; has 3 run of feet bom, and I It is now a well-established fact that Childs's Catarrh Specific, for thoroughness, com: alluiela!ert Improrcmenta The balldlna, eo-1 .,I,tenre> and efficiency, hn no equal in the world. Everything known to be good lor gy, b '*»l catarrh in all it.’horrid form., in the bead, throat and bronchial tubes, arranged Larro°»^rabE^o£pe?Xop M^oodfe^n-1 into one complete system ot treatment. Two kinds ot inhalants and two fine inhalers iwe The mdels good—the still running ntgflit I go with each fall course of medicine. ... . ... and day during last summer. Excellent reasons I Do not trifle with some cheap thing, which at best can afford but temporary relief, given for selling. The Mill, which is only lour I the roots of the vile disease are left to strike deeper and deeper. Be in earnest and ’EJ.'iSS; thorough or do nothing! Write at once and say what paper you saw this in. Circulars, iCTtyl &st t MI. VKLU.-k A 1879.—Whereas jucks, of mid county, has applied for let ters of administration on the estate of Henry Irby, late of said county, deceased: All persons concerned are hereby notified to file their objections, if any exist, on or before tbe lint Monday in April next, else letters wm he panted u spitted DjUnBtfnTMAW , 138 mch9 w4w Ordinary. GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY, ORDINA RY vYs Office, March 3rd, 1879.—Whereas Dr. J. J. Mapp, administrator of the estateo, Frank Long, late of mid county, deceased, hai applied for leave to sell the real estate belooi tomid deceased: Now, therefore, all persons concerned are hi by notified to file their objection*. If any ea on or before tbe first Monday in April next, else trove wah.pTO^TOog&d^^ 117 ncMwtw REV. T. P. CHILDS, Troy, Ohio. 7i mar5 dlawlw wed JcweowSw wmarllnext read ma