Atlanta weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1878-1881, June 01, 1880, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1880. RQIIHDA'ROTTT TT9 OPflROTA ! lion, made many indignant, and met with condition, is batimproving and hopes am uuuxtuxn. I tbe hearty apprurdi of m many more now entertained of his recovery. An insin- I in this place who repaid him a* the peer uation in the dispatch to the Macon Tele- tya that Mr. J. L. Reed I of any man in the United States senate to* j graph and Messenger, of the occurrence, to . - - * day and his appointment an honor to the the effect that Johnston did not stand well, — 1 Jj a mistake. He has always been a peace^ -The Journal _ »n intelligent and enterprising farmer of Cobb county, has a cow that gives four gal lons of strained milk a day, which yields one and a half pounds of batter per day. 1 He has told since the first of January last , ® n ® hundred pounds of butter in this mar | ket at twenty-five centa per pound, reserv ing an ample quantity for home consu t»on. Mr. I toed keeps bis cow in a pas- t«#uUe?d* W<U * and 19 re P»‘*l for his t -Jha MarietU Journal say* that Mr. A. clock?* '**' ^ county, has the oldest SKIN REMEDIES Cure Skin Diseases and Scalp Affections with Loss Of Hair I clock in tbia country. It was m ade by Mr’ “ I John Knox, in Antr.m nonnty, Pan.tira- Ttermcmtlucinir. _ . , .*»« ago. John Knox .vs, I , Cnwlord - great-great •“Qa*’? Utct aad *ldaeTaY«Sotat£u!J I f nd ,atb * r « ( Mr. Hoy, money sufficient lJ2?2 ali'! .. b °?* h -- •nUsS .od furl So. S» | *® "If? ■ cIock manufactory. and this is ihe .'encerotoarnift. I «*cUlbone made and was sold to I'atrick “TS&JfKvSSi’SSZFXi,? I O-yf-td « of the debt, and deeceinled by will lo it. present It waa bron.lit from Ireland to South Carolina in I KOI. It is an eight day calendar clock, about nine feet hi.L .ml uirlowiujSi'r^'ii.^anar'SIr** < OaiSmj2 I good lime. Il ll “* prosed a great ce il SrCSmna BJISt i2£™2?5J??rS crowds go to 1 —The Hwainsooro Iferald is informed by Mr. W. C. Phillips that a negro in Mont gomery county had a dog bitten by a large rattlesnake about two weeks ago, and hav ing nothing to administer for his rrlief ex perimented with kemsene oil. end gave the dog a teaspoonful of oil as quick as possible, Mr. rim Weil, a I which seemed to improve Imn, but in a few have l»ren *«£?,* lw } lced h ® was lowing worse F*n-Ia«l*. and have spent buodrcSo/dollaiTflr T ?* e w *’ r ®P ea,f? ’ i •ml the ne- docti»r< *n4 stuff they call blood purifiers. Iko ( *T° l **® <Jo £. *» he thought, to die, but soTsnhi pot snaw what to rail mj dUease. I I l &® next morning was surprised to see him craten nights untf —* * - -- 1 * ^ •’ll ft ViiiilA Saw m Wllk b : PSORIASIS. nimrirm Years of lafTerlagand Ifun. | drevts or Dollars for Vedlefae. Ste JSSuS sSSrM« a SSmSS) 2Iv e * ec « ** tl»e fangsofThc »-— «—-« tP° I snake. The negro says he gave the dug nothing but tbe kerosene. Mr. rbillips vouches for the truthfulness of the negro. —Walton County Vidette: A bloody fracas occurred on Saturday night. 15th H«t, atFrog fond sch«jol Itouse, in game’s district, in this county, where the pi'M mnpfaof that community had assem bled for religious purjiosea. Front the best information we esn gather, it seems that two young men, originally from DeKalb ensa Wavsi JU a. , I hut ***° have lived in this county KUO . Ilnc.urm u«moT55"iful; UitePJ I W r ***" I" 1 -. Wigginsaud e*r da ream, whUta spnad all over my cars. able old law-abiding citizsn and stands well FoaaYTll. May 22—The prospect tor good !“ IbUcommunity and bis brothers, who lire crops of corn an*i cotton in Monroe county I * n Lofaula, Ala., are among the most in* has not been *o fluttering for many years as I fjuentixf citizens of that place. The ten ia at present. The oat and wheat crops 1 d* nc T ot th ® dispatch to the Telegraph and have been harvested. Tbe former is an Messenger^seems to excite public sentiment average crop, while the Utter is almost a •fUinst Johnston. In matters of this kind, failure as very few farmers will realize one-1 l her« are always two sides to the question, half of the ordinary yield- Rain haa been I The Cuthbert amateur club gave abundant and vegetation of all kinds is • performance in fcufaula luxuriant. today night for the benefit «___ I Ardrew female college of this place, or Mlknrrr*, Msy2r>—The decoration of the rather for the pur|«se of building sfence federal cenie'.ery wss •d^rv.d tn.i.y by . | sruund the oil lege. The club srss boepi- Uree crowd, moetlv negroes. The train | **bly receired by the citizens of Kufaula from Atlsnta brought six coecbrs fllled.mid *nd the perforrasnee for emeleur amwems tbe Marietta and .North Georgia railroad w “‘*«hly creditable-Miss Genrude Gur.n brought a couple ol can, bessrtea many »,!»<> P^yed Uie |«rtot Lsdy Audley in the from the surrounding o.omry. Sererai I P>»V of Lady Audley . JSecret, did splendid .leeches were made, and me Pilth artillery “d eoold pot have h*n surpatsed by a I .and from Atlanta, famished some good } Wfrsional metres.. The eluh was diaroi- :rcet fights was all the I ,n **F entertained by W. \. Johnson and 1 his estimable Iwdy; after the performance, a soleuded supj»er was in waiting for the BaasKsviLLe. Msv 2U.-Several deaths I d «*>. [only Mrs. Johnson could pre- have occurred in and around our town I 1“™- While the perfunnance was not recently, and the indications are that a I * success, all enjoyed themselves sickly summer is ahead of us.— —Our Far-1 *° tbe fnllest extent, mers are busy with their crops. Labor is I . „ " , greatly in demand. The Uamwvilie Blues I ,^ M, ® i rF a, *FH* 3r .# 2 I*—' e * tcrda 3 r ’ 12 —the banner company of the Fifth Georgia | ° Mr.H. L. McUndoo, a prominent battalion, are prejmring for the annual en- I J uU,, K merchant of thiacity t and Miss Dora campmentof tbe battalhm, to take place I one of our handsomest and best this year at Rome on the 7th of July. The y* uo S ladies, were married. The marriage boys are full of enthusiasm and expect a I **pcu*red at the residence of W. R. btewart, gala time in ]p>me. I »n the presence of tbe immediate rela- I tires and a lew select friends of the bridal Klbkwtos, May 2s*.—Tbe prospect is good | ■rrrez n« r r,SS B Most rospocifullr. Conrosn Sr., crew.w DZL ** Y , Ui.»nlli!, less., June 1C. Ifi7a. RINGWORM HUMOR Df Ala Years* Dnrnllon f urrd by fbe | Cntfewrm Kminin*. a fine hotel to he day. 1‘arties with ample means and enterprise. We have as good mineral water in a abort distance of town as c*«j be found in nortbeast Georgia, and with sufli Uf i- *t..f which UrhedandTrrUsted^e I renamtre—McIntosh using a Targe club, ,* bareu-*d many retnMI.s b j «4- I while Wiggins defended himself with liia * n '’ “***”«21 . of .', h _' ”&i on z. Isen <?. me. McIntosh, fiuarrelled and engaged in tbe three o'clock train bound . , 1. .1 . . - , . I u»iuc ujxjii kites ov-viiv, wn* iNHinai min, mu ciihuiv u iu icwiuuiuuiuio iuulu •«“«** ••• a, TO .„.«, «u« mw r * mgut I agn’ed that he should receive the weapon. I longer than if left to become hard, as it will cienl hotel accommodations Eloerton would I two o clock the residence of Mr. A. I After the pistol had been surrendered, I do if thus worked. auon b«uiue a vary deiirahle sum m her re-1 >“ “»**”«■><»». waiiJ»covered I McCollum said to McKneely; I —Cutlingi of many plants root freely in *>**• Next Tuesday a county democratic I f "® . *P”**22®® l,,e f 6 . , I 4 T would have given you the pistol but I any other moist substance, and soft wooded meeting will be held here. Delegate. | £*^.3 ^ p, l te JX I you are drinking?» plants of free growth, such as fuchsias and replied: ***Tf you «ay I*m I verbenas root quickly and freely in sawdust, you are a d—d liar.” I wet sand or sand and water, if placed in a hi«f im. . j ■! t I McCollum then struck hint I brisk temperature; rose cuttings and ole . y fcrcat ««al. To morrow | on t j ie head two or three times. McKneely I anders and many other plants root freely it went at once into Mr. D B. Bivins’s store I bottles of soft or rain water. Sext Tuesday a county democratic I ” *“ names and being beyond the reach I *.* wou |,i have giv ding will be held here. Delegate I •J 1 ® u completely I you are drinking.” the Atlanta convention of Juue Oth will I destroyed. The faiuily saved a very small I McKneely repliet wv. selected and it is probable that delegates I amount of furniture. Fortuuately the hou-e I j r unk. you area d- will also be selected lo the August convcn- I ^ well-insured and Mr. Oliver will proha- tlon I bly not lose a great deal. To morrow there will be a grand picnic at Fliut riv SALT RHEUM Iwe Kprrdllj turn! will* the rullrurn Re me <11 cm. the left breast and one in the thigh. The frncaa broke up the meeting. I»r. Hardman, of Monroe, dressed the wounds of the in jured man, and he was doing well at last ac counts. Altogether, it was a disgraceful af fair, occur ing as it did ala religious meet ing. THROUG H THE STATE. I havo Mrs-is. Wr.rK.A Kittkr—fletiflemcn. . l«r»-n iroifU”*! for nine year, with Walt Kli •nd bwve t/Ie-1 et-rry T'#tmt m<-ilh*lne (I think) known IoUmi Uade; have ala.* Iieen attmdedL, l^hj^lc»anOMiM»^^»onior|^ha^^^^iporan^ IIOI’B* It (7 UN ED. IjKinuige Reporter. Tuesday niglit alaiut 10 o’clock, the dwelling house of JtlT Wilborn, colored, in the suburbs of the city was discovered to be on lire. In about an hour it jiiur mcrtldn.; I »«™t>rely consumed. It ww a five room- I am I am jieimanrntly cure*!. I house, which, wit!* its furniture repre- rautwde aJun« prr*mr>u me to tembr you n»y I aented the hard earnings of many yeara. Wilboru is a worthy old colored man, and *J h a* tried every tiling 1 i itiontit. alnc iloal truly y«um. OKU. V. OWEN, Healer In Plano, and Urgans 0***1* U*r w. Mini..«H.-totier. 1»7*J. CUTICURrREMEDIES I’or Skin, Se<fl|> and Blood llantan, are pertMfr-1 by tVcrzs A PoTTEa, « linifMl**, Jit wa»hiiiEti>n •iirtl, lb. rtrtet, Toronto, tmt, and s Mnow Hill, 'Hondo find am for m)« hy all Hnuifiata prlre of <:i-i < i it \. • hi ill imixc, AOeentn; Urze hose*, rontain tog two and on<- half llm* * tlt< .|iiaiiMtv of *tnall k>. Ick-oivznt. 91 |<er le.uh-. <TlUUn«N I is a i. ToiLKtsoAr, £»crnu. Cctu cza Med . rtoAf, i;» cent*.; In h^rs, lor lUrtars > and a*aJ large coii>uiu«.t\ hd centa. coluns> \fXTAIC BS3tUCF plastvh 5 aorb Poll \itallxc, Mr--nztlicn J»H*ort Weak and I Pmt*: relievo le A linont* of the n>l Kidney*; *b- * id ihu* the Momach. prevent I»>*pep*U, Hillona Colic jlOSHJjEH’s haa very general tune, lie saved niture. A HUM AWE M. Oglethorpe Echo. Hon. AmosT. Akcrman bat, | aistent regard for tbe negro which memlable. He owns a farm in this county, ami a short time since a contagious dise ase broke out among the hands thereon. As so<in as the news reached Mr. A kef man lie at »nce took the train, and when he reached our county employed a physician, sent on for the finest liquors to be bought and did everything in his power to alleviate thesuf- fering. This shows Mr, Akerman to bo a humane man and we can but admire him for it. OUU ELDORADO. Gainesville Eagle. Mr. Will Logan, of White county, was in the city Wednesday, and hail with him a nugget of gold taken from the Richardson mine on Saturday, weighing sixty-live pen- nyweightti. We learn that there is no full ing off in the yield of this mine, and that Mich slugs are nicked up every day or two. A valuable gold mine a few miles from town changed hands one day this week, and will now l*e vigorously worked. The par ties to the uansjctiou will not allow tin* mention o! their names, nor a statement of the purposes of the new conqiany, for the present. A ri EM DISH ACT. llawklnsvillc Dispatch. On Tuesday, April *J7, little George, in fant child of air. J aim--* Martin, of Dubois, No. 14 M. Sl B. railroad, diet! under circuit) stance* that justify the belief that death resulted from poison intended for the de struction of Mr. Martin’s dog. The rbibl about fifteen months old, and had been playing about the yard. The dog wax taken -irk at tbe Ktme time. The child was n n- lered ill from the poison on Monday, and lived eight days. The dog died on tl*e fifth lay. The child vomited all the time, and uhl cal nothing, hut craved water all the The dog was affected in the same There were dogs in the neighborhood upl-o-cd to lie killing sheep. history or LaG range Reporter. The statement is made in the Macon lYlegraph that Hon. Herbert Fielder, ol f uthbert, is preparing a history of Georgia, to date from the issue of White's statistics. Somebody ought to write a history of Gei gia, and lor naught wc know to the co__ it ary, Mr. Fielder is well qualified for the work. We ha<re thought for some years that Hon. Charles C. Jones, Jr., the ablest historical writer in Georgia, would * rpilK liXDHW*iSH>. UNIVERSITY GRAD-I** 10 much needed work; hut for some tim e mouth* Mimmer public I reason, he seems not to have under- _____ * l_j m tttwNn* ", ~ | went av once mio xur. u i». uivuiss swore ■ ujunsoi suitor rain water. i ripen thoroughly before being cut and fed Lldertox, May 2fi.—Revenue ofBcera are I . t'. ... ties east of this I reappeired with a double-barrel shot-1 —Never place manure in direct contact I to stock, they refuse generally to eat the on the lookout for violators of the law here. I Sumter. I gun j| e a a vanC€ a on McCollum, who was I with bulbs, or with the roots of plants or I straw, and not for the reason that it is Tne local deputy collector brought in two I : _ , ana uooiy counties are expected I unarmed, but, seizing a rock, prepared to I trees. Never make a practice of watering 1 void of all nutriment, even in that case, stills yesterday. The merchants of El I vwJmTi.Ii. w nUn ’ I defend him* elf. Several rueu rudied in and I flower beds every morning durtug hot I but from the fact that they waste and soil iiertun have agreeil u> close their stores at I LTi 3 f MI I prevented McKneely from shooting. Some ( weather. Give a good soakingtwice a week I it in their efforts to eat up the grain heads 0 o’clock after J une 1st. House building I ... h* I of McCollum's friends urged him I and just sprinkle over the leaves every even-1 first and because of the harshness of the and repairing has a regular “boora” in El-1 J 1 ,*. . Itcu !‘D jn lor one 1 u> leave the ground, but he refused I ing. Never jiermit the ground of flower I straw, resulting from its over ripened berton now. All the carpenters at:d brick I J *????'„, I to do so. Words continued to I beds to be walked upon while the ground is I condition. It is a very great economy masons are working on full time and morel J?®,® E®*'*7 * , : na 1-rV 1 ., 1 - * a .T^, 1 I pass between him and McKneely, until I heavily saturated by rains or otherwise. I to have oats cat up so that tbe grain be could readily find employment. Wheat I _iIl D ii , I McKneely suddenly snatched the gun from I Never allow the appearance of tbe flower I comes mixed with the straw and the straw is being harvested in some localities. About I nir ^ 1 Vwi I the man who had taken it out of nts hands I beds to be marred by heads of matured I cannot be pulled out of the rack or manger half an average crop will i»e made. There I „ j SS5S? £ ,l '* cn I Instantly lie leveled it on McCollum and I flowers gone to seed, but remove all flowers I and soiled tinder foot Oat straw possesses will^ be no issue of the Klberton News this I 9* u ”J£l * ***** lavorablj known 1 j-, re j one Eight buckshot enteretl I that have advance»l *o the opening of the I considerable nutriment, and we oug' week, their paper having failed to arrive. | a , I I*** breast, severing the jugular vein and | last buds. The prevention of flowers go J ng I strive to utiliz-i it to its fullest extent. 1 — ”- fl.—: ac v i?../- 1 «^V? VC I causing the blood to spurt out nearly afoot | to seed will increase the crop of young I For the purposes of fodder, a ton and a Dahixmceoa. May 25.—-There will not be I fr liiiSi.i 1 'iS* )» a i-5J I As lie staggered McKneely firetl again, but I fresh leads. I half of sheaf oats, cut early, while tbe stalk more than half a cropof wheat in Lumpkin I .fTr_’_i piM, .?_ r i 0 u, III. c “ urcb * dled I the load pass* dover the falling man’s head. I —We have noticed some flowers around I is more or less green to within four or five county this year. The oat crop is good. I yesteraay ana was nunea to aay. I McCollum fell prone on his face, and I the city that were starved for water, while I inches of the ground, is worth two tons, and Corn generally looks well and there is a I «« ^ • , . I died in a few seconds. I others had been drowned. In either case I often more of that which is allowed to be- large breadth planted. Colonel Brice has I . - i 1,ies J“ a . enlso1 1 A crowd gathered on the scene at once, I the result is the same: the leaves turn yel-1 come dead ripe before cutting For all pi act i about recovered from a severe bilious at-1 ;[J e ,, f n ”7‘ n 4*l l "*f lu 5 V n I but some how McKneely escaped and has I low, drop off and the whole plant presents I cal purpose it may sometimes be worth twice tack of sickness, and left for Gainesville I : n ® "* J°‘ ,necl, ^ n 7 , .*‘*9* I not yet been arrested. He was seen near I a sickly appearance. Plants should be I as much, taking into consideration all the this morning to look after the interests of I «aw*-ecmx>J3, nan a most ei.joyaoie picnic | Hampton yesterday. Governor Colquitt has | watered thoroughly so that the water will I grain that may be secured by early cutting, tbe Dahloncga railroad. Mrs. 0«a M. S. I ®*P ltol fffountL«', which I 0 jr e rcd $150 for his apprehension and he I penetrate to their roots. A plant should I as above indicated. This is not a mere niat- Modcna, of this county, seventy-five years J ". .. Decn inaoa 4. lD ? nra * ; “I 111 sdbstan-1 w jh probably be brought in soon. I not be watered until it is in a condition to I ter of speculation or theory, for it has been old. was stricken down on last Saturday I ***' *®”®® s “ rrol i n 2!95 the * rh . oIe ^l^are of I McCollum was hardly cold in I receive a liberal supply of the element, I abundantly proven to be true. Let the with paralysis. Also, Mr. Ambrose Chris-1 twenty acres. A soft carpet of grass, shad-1 death before his wife and I which being given it only asks to let I farmer that has any doubts on the subject topber, one of our oldest and best citizens, I ®. wea *. ra *°** nc ® nl .^^ ve OI S 1 *®®* 111 I four children heard the dreadful news. I alone fora season. Besides watering tbe I try it this season, and several successive had a light attack of paralysis, some weeks I *’"£• . ai * or "* * PJ® iroiiCRing prouna tor I Tj ie y rushed frantically to the scene, and I roots, the foliage required nearly a« much I seasons, if necessary, on a ha’f acre, if not since, but now is convalescent. I DO J rs a,m qj™ as wen as cniiuren of I j n t j JC . kneeled to cry in their pas-1 attention. Warm baths, showering, etc. | more, and he will soon be convinced that it I ?? IBer -ff‘ owu . > * An 5S B ?J e “ve atuaents iu I s i ona te grief. The scene was one which I which are necessary to remove dust and I is the better to cut early. Baixbridge, May 25.—Yesterday morning I ”*• f®]*®* froni Uonda, and the others I move d strong men to tears, and added fresh I dirt. I As soon at the stalk becomes dry ir hook and ladder company, the **Oak I y“® f °°® I » 1 «* °l I horror to the tragetly. The remains of the I —-To produce brilliant colors in flowers it I ground, or as soon as the grain is out of the ■««nrt«I to Oclmser. Fly., » town “K? Aff »>»i» !'>»'• "Mb. bioufiht to. Atlanta Ml b ticcesaary to supply the soil with an abun-1 milk, is the nroper time to cut. Oats for of two houses and magnificent .-hade trees, I ** r,i,<a D X. 49 acco,, *J, ^ | snea drill-1 0 * c i (M ;k to day, and will be interred in Oak-1 dance of ferruginous constituents and silica. I seed should be left to mature, of course. It the banks of the Apalachicola river. 75 | , lv ®9P n - 1 uey "* ve 9®* j lanil cemetery this afternoon. Alargenum-1 If |K>tash be added, or the ground dressed | should be tied and shocked as fast as cut. &ITTERS Appetite. trtn**>hi- * ■ ll><> •rquidtlon of I and istlor. Atv l>l«*”bii»z*attriKlawt upon ihe irt aratlve pn«s-Niw<M which HiU prWIe*’ L> ear)nife-»u»tAl»ins »>rt*n l*y ihe llli- Ipk, which i» Inoffensive even to ihe feminine p«inf«, vrgntabloln cmnp alt ion, and tlioroiiplily rf . Fo, —le lijr all PruRvUM : June! dim tne* thwr » rhonl longer, ifileulnsl. Refers to II M. kmth I*tlt*hniv, Tenm-ewM*. and funilshew tesll- cte. Address E. K. 11., e, Florida. taken it. Tbe writer has Mtggexted l Hon. W. O. Tuggle to write a history Georgia. Mr. Tuggle has a most decided talent for research, a clear and strong mein _ . id the analytic ami synthetic quali ties of bis mind qualify him well to such a thing; but tor some time past NOTICE! lilzh, live versoM,ami Itiiiul in the iljlit «ye: 1 ' l “ ,l- w h.ii U'l m»rl I mm w«. Ill lloiurtam county. Anyone ImowInR ol mi ll a mute will pled no lily too lit r.ilm-U.i, U'l . anil they will l*c liU-n*lly rewards May «s, 1ks»i. mayid w2t II. A. RICHARDSON. Agents Wanted • I Albany, T Wt .. ly m U«s>n;la an.l adMulug Htauw to *«ll «m» New and INqoilar RAr*an<l A'llARTw. No rapital rr^uiiwl, Trnu very liberal. Will vplt | Agenuwbo wKli to<*n(a«eln a paving budnrM. T. It TAHOE Cni.rnd A«<*i.r ms *.* -wkrCm iVrlfrny, (llWrroowtv. i Early Amber Sugar Cane. rpux .SKID OK Tins YVONDITKKI L NKW Farmer my*: -It U the great romlng crop of thv I —“ „ . „ emintnr, r-i»<su*Uy ..f tbe soutti.” I>r. Collier. I ArorsTA. Gt., May 27.—Dr. J. B. Garvin the U.J* Ch.*mt*t*ajv ,”l wilUuke my rvpuiatlou I an 0 |J an «l honored citizen, was lmrieil to that ihl* cane will yield two inn* «*f thv t«c*t ra» I , Iu , n shutn an oM colored man was irSJSJS-JSR' dminrf OMtay in WUUy river,SoulU Cany »>Tuptoihe acre* fn»m which right p»uuds «*fl | ltna, while fisntng. »ugar to the gaU«at waa tMkrn. tmiilublc crop the farmer k with great interest for Mr. Fielder' book. Georgians could not find a more ir teresting study than the history of Georgia but as yet there is no book that they ronsult with any drgree of satisfaction. ALL AROUND US. Italaibrfdste. Nantncb, ('alb* Vert, E(r. Fort Valley. May 2S—Mrs. W. M. K <lin! at her residence in this place last night at 11 o'clock, llcr death is universally retted. Special dispatch to The Constitution. Wfst Bo i*t, 3l»y 2S. —The first ri|»e I<eaches < f the season, and of the Beatrice variety, fiora the nrebard of Mr. J. II. l r ght poUIld: It hi the r uounuio iuxzm a mviuuuitu iu in” isrminc m*»'• • i ««in wfi,.lc W. fartfcntaijll»wa »i«h | rerfe<*l auciTaa In any State fa the Untou. Even in 14>ut-Una. the homo of tha Sugar Cane. It ha* astounded the tdantets with Its anonuous yteld. I The demand for seed haa almost exhausted the THE FATAL SHOT THAT LAID POOR M»COLLUM LOW. Tha Origin of the Hanptcz Horror, ia Which tho Town Marshal Shot aOitixen Dead iahia Tracks—Ths Escape of McKneely— A Very Affecting Scene. A few days ago Colonel B. F. McCollum, a well-known lawyer in Hampton, com plained to the town council that a certain public closet a nuisance anda>kcd that it be abated. AGRICULTURAL THE FIELD, THE FARM, THE GARDEN, Flowers—Freits—Farm Notes—Grape Sot—Useful Hiata—Catting Oats Early—Answer to Cor respondent*—Stndy Care—Admin istering Medicines to Chicken*. flowers. What a pleasure in walking about the city to see refined and beautiful ladies at work among their flowt rs, and such as are more beautiful than tnosc SUakspeate For some reason, probably for want of a| thought sweeter than the lids of Juno'~ quorum at the council meeting, no action I eyes or Cytherea's breath. Theloveof tt>w- was taken on the petition. Colonel McCoI-1 era i* part of woman's nature, and to de- lnm seemed to be verv much dissatisfied, 1 prive her of them is to deny her one of her and procuring several negroes lie went to I principal enjoyments. What faithful the obnoxious house and turned it over. I friends they are—wlmt sweet poetry— Mr. Dm H. McKneelv, the deputy I bright angels showered from another realm; town-marshal, had tne building I yea, fiowers’are open books, bright with the restored to its proper position, and I light'of God. when he heard threats that there I What greater source of delight than the would be a second effort to remove it, I setting of flower seed, the watching, the threatened to kill any man who dared to I watering and the opeuing up of the sweet- do so. He loaded a double-barrel shot-gun I scented | lant? Reader, have you a rose with buckshot and placed it conveniently I bush, with its wealth of sweet fragrance, or in a neighboring store. Nothing further I a geranium, with its clusters of brilliant was said on the subject until Wednesday I bloom? There is uo ornament, either in afternoon about 4 o’clock, when Dr. D. F. I side or outside of a house, so cheap and Knott, a physician resident in Hampton, I tasteful as plants and flowers. The beauty and a Mr. Lee, were discussing the question I of flowering shrubs, or the livingarabesque in the rear of Mr. Z T. Morrison s store. | of a tnrifty creeper over the door, are fes- They grew angry arda fight ensued. Dr. I sons of taste and beauty. Knott drew a revolver aud fired an inef-1 —To have beautiful flowers and a profu- fectnal sh^t, when Colonel McCollum in- I sion of them, plant your plants and seeds terfered and took the pistol from him. In I in rich soil. There are only a few plants a few moments McKneely came up. There I that do better in a poor soil than in one that were bad feelings between him and McCol-1 is well enriched. The soil should be fre- ..u.-pw #i.„ ...... , .. ' * were uau icsuiiks uuu ouu uiw-vi- is wen cmituru. rue sou srruuiu ue lre- here at an early I . A i «*? y i f , Afte *! ^^mony I | Qm 1Ie j eman d e d the pistol. McCol-1 qnently stirred during the growing season, cans and plenty | *^® Lappy oouple and the guests partook of | j uiu re f u<< | ^ give it up. McKneelv I esj>ecially eo->n after every shower. Finely Finely . . vith a hoc or small Finally the chief marshal. Mr. Bcldoti, I rake, afeer it has been beaten down by the came upon the scene, and both parties | rain, will enable it to retain moisture much Grapes rarely disagree or produce even tem porary inconvenience in the most delicate stomachs. Truly has our Benefactor been wise and kind in adapting fruit to the wants and wishes of his subjects. ANSWERS TO CORRESrOltDEJOS. —What will destroy ticks on lambs? Dip them in a decoction of tobacco stems. There are special dips for sale. —Remedy for Red Spider—The leaves of a { flant attacked by it turn whitish or vel- owish in spots and are covered with the fine whitish web of the spiders, causing them to wither and fall off. Syringingand sponging the plant in every part with water will usu ally destroy them, unless th<*y are badly in fested, in which case a little flour or sulphur added to the water or dusted over the plants will prove effectual. —What is High Farming—It is when much capital is expended on little land for the production of large crops of great value. It is the character of the culture the soil re ceives and not the profit, that determines whether farming is high or low. High farming is the profitable farming of old, thickly settled emntries,and the kind that we are tending to, but as yet it is not the best farming in all sections. —Give remedy for a cow that ha* lost her cud. If there is such a think as loss of cud. we never saw it. Diseases of the stomach are frequently the caose of want of rumin ation iu cattle and there is loss of tone and indigestion. We advise the following: Bowder in a quart of old ale twice a day. Powdered capsicum, 14 drachm; powdered pinger, 14 ounce; powdered saltpetre, 2 drachms; powdered drachms; mix. Change the diet often fbr a few -lays.;; CUTTING OATS EARLY. From the Southern Farmers’ Monthly. Where it is designed to feed s’teaf o..t' to stock, it is better that it should be cut early, just so soou as the milk forms into dough. The advantage derived from cut ting early may be stated as follows: 1. There is no loss from shattering of the grain. 2. It renders the straw more digestible atul |>alatablc. 3. It vacatei the laud ten to fifteen days earlier for a fallow crop of peas or for for age crops of sweet potatoes. In fact, on rich land, cotton may follow early cut oat* or other grain. When sheaf oats have been allow- d to A SURE CURE for tJl the diseases for which it is recommended, and always perfectly aoft in the hands of even the most inexperienced persons. PERRY DAVIS 3 PA11 KILLER I. rrcomnwndnt by MyiriimJ. Xinirtm JWononct, Hanover, of fhetoria, Wort-Shop*, and Itcadauoa*. Xur*r.9 .a ijntpital*—in j-hort hy crerylxxiy erciytrhcrc who has ever Riven it a trial. IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF FORTY YEARS’ TRIAL. PAIN KILLER £>&*£SgUBajBffffflS household, ready i«»r immediate use nut only tar accidents, cuts, bruises, sores, etc., but in case of sudden sickness of any kind. n A |A| P/ll t g?OL t!lc well-tried and trusted friend of all who want r M llM t\3Lb*SafA a aww- an.l M*r« medicine which can be freely used internally or externally without fear of harm and with certainty of relief. Its price brings it within the reach of all: «nd it will annually save many time* its cost in doctors’ hills. For sale by all druggists at 25c. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. OCO may27—dly tour sat tucs Awkyl cow nx rend mat Kins Cole Pats on Xlis Crown Again. I - Knoxville, May 27.—At a meeting of *. s* tbe board of directors of the Hast Tenues- I S see, Virginia and Georgia railroad here to-1 day Colonel K. W» Cole waa unanimously I g elected president, vice R T. Wilson, of New * York, resigned. Colonel Co’e will also have j g control of the Memphis atul Charleston s' road, with central headquarters at Chatta- 1 nooga. The position was offered to Colonel , - Cole by Messra. Wilsou and McGhee, the | § officers of the road, and was acouiesced in by other large stockholders. Wilson will remain as financial agent and managing di rector, and McGhee as vice-president. Hornford'H Acid l’haxplinie is more convenient for making “lemonade” tliaa lemons r limes, and is healthier than cither. 326 ma>26-dlw wod fri sun Awkylw —Vassargirls never haze each other. LuddrnA Bate** Grand dentine Om I Bale—Tbe one Rrnnd cbnnceofn I lie- time to bny <• line Piano or Organ ‘‘awful cheap.’* Commencing May 15 and ending July 1. TV save heavy expense and labor of removing to on New Double Four Story, Julv 1, we <JTcrour «i tiro stock of PDnos and Organs now on hard *n<l to arrive before removal, cons’stir g rf a? t hlca - | •ing. SO Xatkastrak. SI Light* «v t « _ llallet * Davia, CS Bouibrrn Get . 10 Favorite, 28 Guild A Church Piano*. HO 31 axon <t Hamlin, 100 Pclottbct A Co., 43 (Sterling Organa. All new and just from tho factory. Also 160 Second Band llanos and Organs, nearly all used only from one to six I months, and precisely as good as new. all to be I closed out by July 1 at Manutnctuecr’a Wholesale Prices. Wo can’t and won” more them. Don’t miss this chance. Address u lor “Clearing Out 8alc Circular* aud Prices,” and be quick about it too. Ludden A Bates* Southern Music House, Savannah, G*. may25—wkytw xd ra%t .... . . . f *. ’ ** w ®| la! * ® ur I her of friends will receive them here. I round about the growing flowers with un-1 letting it cure in the shock. If a first-class silver cornet bauid. a large number cf our | V* S IO ~ * ^” pq but without I j t j 8 probable that a military escort will I leached wood ashes, an increased brilliancy I quality of fodder is desired, do not let it lie miles below here, accompanied by our I Governor ColIquitt, as well a silver cornet band, a large number cf our I 8 ^ ora ^ an ^ .®^® adet arms » ■ n » i»uuou>c « lumuuy , fair women, jolly gentlemen and your cor-1 s 11 ®®® 88 - ine city has presented them with I induct ihe corpse to the cemetery. I will ap|>ear in every petal and leaf. Even I in swarth, exposed to the sun even a half res|K>ndent. Last night Mary Mulkerson I wn-paunaer ttieui pieces) nued guns. I McCollum was a captain in the confeder- I white flowers, will be greatly improved in I day if avoidaole. Oats cut And cured thus was lodged in jail, charged with the mur-1 f, DuIrj, of fcayannah, I a , c an( j served with marked gal-1 brilliancy by providing iron, sand and un-1 atm run through a fodder cutter (nice work der of an illegitimate child, born Monday I'“ e 1 IK . 811 -oiusic firm oi Georgia, have I j antr y^ He was known as a desperate man I leached ashes tor the root* of growing plants. I for wet weather cutting up a supply of it night. The evidences before the coroner I 'O® 0 ®* 1 . IO J[ an * n , • C ll1 ? 'V ,,,ale I and had been more than once indicted for I Ferruginous may be applied to the soil I is undoubteilly the che*|tcst food we cat indicates a cold-blooded murder. She I department oneoi tiieir niagnincent pianos. I , uur der. He was about 10 years of age. I where flowers are growing or where they are I provide for our stock, and we ought to learn claims that at its birth she fell upon and I . M: •J or }*5 0r ®’®, "• an octoge-1 McKneely is about 25. He is married I to grow, by procuring a supply of oxide of I how to pr« serve and feed it without waste. 1 ” Hr * mS? #i vu IU * 118 I and has two children. He is considered I iron in the form of dark colored scales that I Tender oat straw, as secured by early cut- *”ty more man nan a ^ century, I a dangerous man, and the common agree-1 fall from the heated bars of iron where the I ting, is palatable and nutritious, and makes in a moribund condition. corn is do- | men t seems to be that he had been drink- | metal is hammered by the blacksmiths. | a very fair quality of manure, and twenty- five to forty pounds of sheaf oaks of this character, when cut up, is ample allowance * any ordinary mule or horse under rig- Decatitu, May 27.—There will be •» , , , . . . ■ meut stcun iu »c umv uc uau un meeting here next Tuesday, the day ap-1 <n 8 .Y 6 ”'L. and .. h we ® k * a,r I ing when the fatal affray occurred. l>ointeif by the executive oomiuittae to se-1 a be chopped ouL I (Lionel It T. Dorsey, of Atlanta, has ect delegates to the state cu ivention, and I w ! ieat and oat crops are beingharvested I engaged to prosecute the case, and Mr. lake into consideration certain other ' 1 ■!.. I » * 1 • BOSE CtJLTtJBE. At a recent meeting of the New York I . I s ueariy a failure, while the I j u Gli “ a y , ;,; ng i awver „{ this city, has I ! r^"* ““toh" Mr‘ ltanirf'lLhelor I orons work. The wasteful practice of using portant matters in which the people are | l»U®r..oy|ng to increased acreage, will come | a j ;j0 l)€en consu i te( j # The homicide has I ma( i e the followine remarks on the varieties I oat or other grain straw for bedding ought interested, and as General Gordon is a citi-1 u l* ^ u, Jy an average yield. The citt- I t . au « C£ | g rea t excitement in Hampton,where I d cultivation of roses* I to bestopped, hy all those farmers especial- of our county, it is hoped by many of / e, ns ° , *•“ ammy meet next Tuesday to toUl IU J n bave many warm friends. M,mh SCi Sn on rose cnltnre a «'>>o have access to pine straw for this 1-ta.wta—#1—. k- —;ii -.1.1. I select deletsttes to the convention which I I Mucn nos neen written on rose culture, a | — *- iWe of thbro^nty here on that ^ "teets in Atlanta U. send delegates to Ctn- 1~Z ^reat deal of which b better adapted to oth- atul if he sliould decide to <io so ami tironer I c'nnati.—Mayor Walker and Judge Du-1 From ttae IZnb. I erclimates than ours. In central NeW York I } , notice is civen there will be as lar-re a ! B*S n <> n are pronounced candidates for rep- j There is perhaps no tonic offered to tbe j all do better when well cut I , n t stl>c ( c * w :ii e » t crowd he R rom STJEm a ^SSca* USTtative P «o the legislature.—-t£ ivbSd^^ o'n iL b°5t they won’t e afine nuetinc in this countv for uo man is dearer I charge of a bargain between Messrs. Col-1 value M the Hop Bitters. Just at this I exception to this rule, yet hybrid rosta, as I J . . farmer’s watriiwoxd be * a to the neoide of this countv than John B I Gordon and Brown is freely dis- I season of the year, when the stomach needs I a general rule, do better with us when kept I : : a n thinLM »* Gord^r 1 7 \ cowwd. A few believe the charge, while the *« appetizer, or the blood needs purifying, from four to five feet high. Running roses sou ” d Ital kc lajority call for the proofs. Colquitt is I the cheapest arid beet remedy is Hop Bit-1 too, do not do well In our climate if they 1 IsniKK AOKICCLTCUAL NOTES. CARTErsvn IE. Mav 2b— All the e*n*n* I probably m>t so strong in Baldwin" as he 1 ters. An ounce of prevention is worth a I are permitted to go too high; they blossom I —The productiveness of B»*il dene mis uimeraiors of Bartow'countv helda meet-1 l,a8 h*e*>- Hardeman has a strong following I pound of care, don't wait until you are I best and retain their foliage better at ten or I quite as much upon its physical conuition lumerntoia oi jwiow county neiua meet- ■ . ° ° I ,.w n> « n « u t a I twrlv* foot hint. »K« n if I »s utmui u cneniKuil constituents. enumerators ng at this place today, W K. Harris, I here for g° vernor - chairman. Tneir object was to adopt a uni-1 _ B ilious, Remittent and Intermittent I StaSS^v" form rule for taking the census of fit® I Fevers • which prevail in iiiiasinatie dis-1 ■ 3 ^‘- prostrated by a dis months for yoti to recover in.—Boston the canven* I nre invariably accornttanied l»y derange- • V"? i I meats of tbe dtomarh nnd Liver. There is e Having neen infornuM I weakness of the stomach, ami tor- I I l« r of Uie . bowels. l)r. Tutf, I.iver l’.IU 1 WHITTAKER IN PRISON. A disease that may_ take | twelve feet high than they do if permitted I as upon its cnemical constituents. to go much higher. Brunir.g of outdoor | —The American association of nursery- roses can be done partly in the fall, for con-1 nteilt , r £ 14 ^ w ,j seedsmen will hold its an ventencc in laying them down, and again nua | meeting iu Chicago June 10th in the spring, for proper symmetry. In lay-1 jg^h , c -j" iii’Tirssasjr ns; “'•■ d ^ U 0 ^^bl n 3A h uc h ked“«y '“«'>»*■ ■» that it cL w West 1'o.xt, May 29,-Tho WhiUakrr *UhMikes. an“th^ S,ve^d thinly with •“«'Z'dS^and aenUe Slna’and «“« court met to .lay in secret scasion and made soil, or Utto alone will do tor the for thc d ^ts' to atretoh np its rmal report, which was agreed upon I half-hardy roses. Many of the tender va-1 o to jn searcll of foo( j wheat. They aay Uiey will make over half I Statesvimjc, N. C., May 27.—Wilmutl. I and signed by all the members of the court. I Unhe k^nt nrr hoMeoinalhi'm At)Mtsi*TF.Ki.v<i medicisks to chicskns. ,r^W^^2dtoiJZ™. r iSdvir r ^i'ii^; near T he report, after reviewing the facta and ?p«nd taying the!„ «w^ in tren"ifes an,l Sometimes sulphur, kemsene, carbolic tnuuer visitors anu some nave already ar- I here, was visited by a runaway couple this I ... * r • - - ' ived. I »w» Tii<» as evidence in the case, gives the folio . « L”it Th . U,, J i * y »* U> .* v,n K sl ° I ] | meats of tbe dtomach and Liver. There to take the tram, lie having Iieen informed 1 that a warrant was e,M id ,:;'',:/kI - ^-'r.«Vo his bonse by sickness. Several farmers in this neighborhood have harvested their | Marringcnml Drain. - C £ s f!! 111 I i 111 ? t 2 r r 2 ? © » © © © I §* § § a —Tho total catch of the Newfoundland | seal fishery this season is 280,000 seals. Invaluable for Railroad Men.—“I suffered I for more than a year with Indlgesti .n. nnd dur ing the last six months I was very ltilious. occa- Fiontlly having a dumb Chill, followed by Fevers, I which prostrated me. 1 taok Simmons Liver I Regulator, and for acvcral mouths I have been as I stout and hearty as any man could desire to be. J I am thoroughly satisfied that it Is all It is recom mended to be for Indigestion and Bilious Com- ilalnt*. for mine was certainly a stubborn case. Flour. Grain ana Hear. ATLANTA. Mav29.—Flour—Market quIeL Tho rwgwy.ey.ym ;,The price, they all agree that it possesses all tne virtues you I below are forgood western brands, fancy f7wf5. t possesses ^ Conductor M. & W. R. tonuucuir j*. ot ■ The bulls *ccm to command the advantage of the ‘Your valuable medicine h», e.lirely cured prerentriliwllon »nd are i^tagpricCT down»t of the most distressed case of Dyspepsia 1 I a rapid rate. Within the past week a decline of r saw. I am never without it on my engine. I about 7c per bushel has taken place, aadveater- a* it always relieves me of any distressed feeling I day (there being no report to-day) the undertone after eating. It Is the best family medicine in the I showed no signs of improvement. The general worl«l, and I never ;ct it get out at my home. In J market hits t*cen decidedly active, however, and its praise you may add to this. Engineer < —Italy has had six administrations four years. Yesterday, To-Day nnd To-Morrow. Uiij, ■ w "■ I yield The war is over—the battle-fields of the recent I f rom many with flour or | fl S0; ntcnlii transactions have t*tcn quite liberal. As to the local market but little can bo said. Busiucw at . the exchange has l*een very fair, and no one I teems to have complain ts to.iuakc. Spots arc dull I and of little inquiry; stocks are small and prices I are falling, though wc can make no quotable I change in tire market to-day | sections of this state News from various ...» favorable to a largo general “cutoff” may be expected localities; we quote choice Tennessee , (1.25. No Georgia wheat can be the market and no demand. Corn- disappearing among the sileat majority, and yet I the west, a slight decline is reported for the wee k, * ic aun rises and sew—new tames present them- I , mt price, here are not affected in consequence: Ives and the mottled web of life is spun on—but while car lots sacked, 62J^iK3>$c: from store ••—* *- mlxcil, car lots ■■ % JHUMIt, . ., B I tiw<*a *t (¥■ fairness and justice the semi-annual drawings of the Louisiana Stale-Lottery Company, and over n 1 Provialoua. half million of dollars are given away. For par 1 ATLANTA. May 29.—Chicago—The genetal hog ticnUrs write to M. A. Daupli in. New Orltans, 1 product market throughout the west has ruled Ial, or same person at No. aw Broadway, New I steady. Chicago—Closed last night at a moderate Yoik City. roayzi d&wlt | Ioks with a better tone prevailing. Clear Rib —7 , ... , I Sides—In fair demand at "'A —The United States census taker will ask I Chicago-Jute closed 15 pon V..0 thing seems fixed and certain that in each I j n sma (] cr lots 6V:: yellow ... June and December in the city of New Orleans I ^eked. ci($6l l Ac; from store in smaller lots 63%c. (icneral O. T. Beaureganl. of Louisiana, ami I oats—51 f*52c; stocks ample for tlic demand. M Jubal A. Early, of Virginia, conduct with exact I _^ {( ^c7c. Urita—>1.00. you just seventy-three questions, and it i important you answer them correctly. Shorter’s Station, Ala., February, 2, If SO. Brown Cotton Gin Co., New Ixmdon, Conn.: a r Gentlemen: 'ihe pin I purchased of yon is the I at foimer prices; tieroea, leaf, 9c: refined »}4fl9 best Gin made; itiaatmut jM;rfection In the gin I 8>i,c; kegs, cans amt hucket* 9c, line. I am much plensetl with it, and set aside a l’rntt gin to give it place. The Feeder and Condenser T woul without fordoubta to. prico of thorn . --.fid’CTVeremCTl Jav. lrM#a; hert Rk. 20; 10,5 '• • choice 18. Sugars—Steady; Standard A 10*4@10%; granulated 10>i^ cut toa£jlM»12^ ^wdmed may-25 d&w't I figures of one week ogof though a better tone pre- I vails now Ilian for several days past. Hog re- I ceipta for the week 12>,000. Bacon—Tennessee ( sides are very scarce ami in active demand at Groeerina. ATLANTA, May 29.—Coffee — Quiet: Rio 15 @17; old government Java 2S@aO. Roasted Coffees 32 to 31. ihe bill legalizing marriage t deceased wife’s sisttr or a deceased brother’s wife. the thorn, Exhido4 less sweetne-.-* than is won To breathe from lips ihat SO&lDOST II is touched with a w.ft vrlmsm glow That shows the dazzling teeth off so. may25 d:ib—tues thr sat—w»t lasses—hhds *28; tierces 28: barrek 90. Syrup — New Orleans 45#60. Teaa — Oolong 35& 60; Japan If^LOO: Imperial oml Gunpowder 4(M8Q; Young Hyson *27^78; English Breoktast 30 “5. Fepi*cr quiet at 18; allspice, beat sifted, 20; namon 30; aoigon 55; cloves,60: African ginger I 7; mace 11.15; nutmekF (1.20^*1.25; mustard, best, 40: medium ]8^2v. Crackera-mlik 8»8X _—pearl oyster * I No. 1 medium, hall barrdi^ ; No.^ 2 Our revival continues. The Meth- odist church will not hold all the |>eople I reply, who anxiously listen to catch some word of 1 ncouragemenl from the leader of the meet livery business house, even the har- .... i cvinpnpp in i iif iji.H ....PS nit- fnliowim* I covering them with a foot deep of soil. I I acid and ointment, have proven i —_ AniiBirnnrl I ^ l memum, nan oarre cond^on.: ,K ^ v , e SiT^^r'^'Tirjrr ssrirn:;;:,; 3 ' a " <1 aUuu,J l “ er,:fure ^ finance and commerce" to fill ti| L the blanks in Uie marriage oerti- | 1. The court is unable to believe that such I an d’think S that it grows hardier by the I Fowls need large doses for such small j bords, STUUia AS1» iBOfifiYr | Tb. Matchos^Parlor >2^, *• * ~ * • -i - - whale oil soap to I animals. A chicken a fortnight old should Gainesville, May 29.—God is doing now^Our revival*«jntintie* 11 * IU The t ^Mefh l I I*k**J?* ^I lr P* np ?j* s wife, he asked iter j wounds as Cadet Whittaker received I treatment. In applying whme on wap u» ■ «.» ■ oomkt TrrTTOV oFFrcE now. Our rtvital continues. The Meth- | tbe dav of the month, and, before she could I have j^n inflicted by persons in the I rose bushes, much mischief is often done to I given as much m a day as would be CONST TUTIO.OFFrOT, ly, he fell down dead. | | Uanner and under the circumstances de-1 the plant by having the suds too strong, es-1 given to a child six months old. A chicken I . i w nr scribed by him. | pccially if it be put on in the morning und I six weeks old needs n large a doSe as a | _^he following prices are quotable to-day. The best tonic is i i few drops of the I Georgia 7h —Kw^tll t^flumbiw fitly- 75 , . ..reiuiiv u it ue put ou in tuc morning uiiu ■ — V . . , I nVriTAKfifr— i-verv business bouse even tbe bar-1 DJ^ W. MARVIN eontjnuertto treat 1 ” It does not see why any man with his I a hot day follows after. Always syringe I child of onti year old, and an adult bird I «*l Selling-.. ZZuns culL o^ nVWkTn I al1 Ih *® as ®f M lon 5 standing, Disposes hta surroundings and in his condition and I roses in the evening. 1 have found it well should have such a dose as is proper for a u » I ^ Medicine* and guarmnU«aCuriw in cur-1 frame of mind as shown by his own evi-1 to apply pretty strong suds At Right, and child three or four years old. Georgia 6* 107^109 Maronaty tiiat there fs not a man or woman in this I .^^. co . a ^4.. rcgl ^ cp ??. ^ ^ j dence, should havcsubbmilted to an assault, | then w*ash with cleat Water early 1 ““ " town who is not touched by the Holy Spirit. From one _ ± wtT -u . town \ r LT^ rt d?vi“eTiL“«J*, t «d h l I *£**£*» I " IU believraltat a pereon tied « he ra | tag forl^wliirTtonU torie.VtatU.e-'ni^e | eel. This | committee of Christian ladies appointed tc visit every house and ask people to come oot to the meetings and to pray for a baptism of tbe Holy Ghost. Tbe hardest cases in town are being reached. A better revival was never seen. Candles—L. W. I2« ; sulphur S2.C0. Soaa in keg* 4%c; In boxes 6c. Rice—Fair 1%\ good T%1 prime 8. , NEW YORK, May 29—Coffee quiet and very firm; SavanillA I’L Vt\tisW4; Bi« cargoes YP/J* I 1SU Hnnr .lull BIlll tltaLVV: I’ortO ItiCO 4%\ _ amnan in ilii« I ?... . .^TT . taTt.. , , ***** %, - rj I ueiice, suouui uavesuuDiQiueti to an assault i men wasn wttn clear waier eany next ■ ucbv whmv » hw*», “. ” • • n . . m'” mtoin »* ilc« * riheniiuenceof Whiteboilstreet_AUDitaraeiiof the Throat, sucu ft3 is alleged, without summoning morning. As soon as the leaves are well tincture being mixed with the drinking ~}J3SS Cwtral «. H^IOsIljo e to twentaSJa 1 Lu 5P “ d c * t * J 7 h seated, by inhalation, assistance during the assault or immediate- formed in May. then look out for depreda- water or a half dozen i mty nail* being w A a. HlLLes- i meeUne The I paid to all .DueoMs of I ly a ft cr . I tors on your bushes, and commence syring- thrown to the bottom of the dri nking yes AUu utm^IOSGilt aec*; taper cL 15Vi. Sugar dull and heavy; I’orto JUco u ■ Dcmerara centrifugal H]4; fair to good rofinfng ,/i prem I 73^475/; prime 7J$; refined strong; standard A or _ I y'/Twii. Molasses unchanged. Rice firm aud in 7i I muderatedemand; Carolina Wines, Liquor*, Etc. ATLANTA, May 28.—Cora whisky, recti fled.11.(0 ««.40; town has been divide.! into wards' and a I »»»~Jing, roch aa Kheninaiisna. Erpp- I ' 3. It believes that a person tied as he was I ing forthwith. Don’t forget that the’ more I sel. This is especially advisable during 1 Atlanta^...-—fPH^Efefta 115 ® 120 I £?5; II *nS? *<h«S UoitaGravel, PtoIy«i8.8crofala,Bilions-1 an d left as he claims t!> have been, could your rose blossoms the more ehe WtU fe- moultitig. Cayenne pepper mid aasafoetida I AU^taWtr^i.tu7giw \ Llasm ^ 110 C2 ftoo* Jamaica gin. dom«acJFLM n®** Dropay, Erysipelax, Diseases of the Kid- j have readily released himself, should he quire feeding, and nothing appeases her so are good digestive . k t.initfanLs. Assafoetida. daCta^T^iiil co« «a 1 SSS.^m^SSLSmSSW^&^cSpper neys. Nervous Dapreasion, Dvspepa^ Livar I bave e: erted himself. well as mulching and liquid manure sent garlic and onions all have a good effect on JSSta I0*....?^llt|u6 do. class B5*.... ’JO ^HK .UMll- , _ J Augusta City 7a. lot^ta* do. Class G 2 to 5J i a good purifier of the digestive I Hay. City 5a,new 73& 75 Dalton, M.y 2fi.—Senator Joseph E. Brown passed through en route to Wash ington. Everyone here seems well pleased with his apiHjintiuent. The prominent citizens of Dalton will support Colonel L. N. Trammell for the state senate. A hop was given by the young tuen of Dalton 1 5 Xa 7j distilled com whtaky. a«nri« ™lo. w ?: yU» end peach t.nuldT K.IB|#W.00: eherryand gliier - . . - . . v - I brandy fl.00@?1.50; port wine >1^0^>6.00 t owhur er asleep I too many varieties close together, so that organs, as it absorbs fetid matters; it slitmi-1 8TOCK&- 011*101 South WmR.R..102«IC4 I to nined on I the tops almost touch, and the individval-1 lates digestion also, t urntsh it in small 1 ^ R 95 AUantaSt. R.R.102^106 1 *L' it he was I ity of the plant is lost Keep them well I pieces about the sine of gram* of corn. 1 a. AW. P. &.* XLli>dU5 I Oomplainta^all duMMWM pecuor to Women, j 4. From the testimony of tbe post sur-1 down to the roots through dibble boles it I the lungs and bronchia.^ all Private Diseases, Heart Disease, Swollen I peon and others the court is compelled to*l is a great mistake in a rose border to Crowd I Charcoal i* * wvwl nurifl Joints, Coughs, Goat, White Swelling, St I believe that Whittaker was neither asle Vitna Donee, eta CaU and Bee the Doctor nor insensible when he was examined 1 without delay. Hu charges are moderate j the morning of April Cth, but that he w^,, . v — , — 1 . . „ . and consultation frea Offioe hours 7 a. m. I feigning. I apart, and if on grassy lawn so much the I Lime water is good for chickens—Four | to 2 p. m._ando tqap. m. | 5. The court is not able to discover any I better, as it heightens tbe glory of the I ounces of lime; water one gallon; slake I motive that any trerson other than Whit- I flowers. I now venture to re-I the lime and pour on the rest. Cover and I „ FW Y ORK Mav '*0—Noon Stock* strong. I ward tendency in* the general marzcL t rices, Election In Rhode Island. I taker could bave had in making such an I commend a few rosea especially worthy I set aside for three hours, then pour off the I J.°K*e),ftuge-lonK U.Mi ehori I however, ore without change aud business is cx- " — — * — — * — * • -- — — - 1 — — I— —.,m (\r 1 l.n m.m1am re. I plpfli* liuiiifl frnni t iip l/iti nnil line tIIP 11 tug I — • , ,, ..—*'Ict I trctfiOly dulL Wc quote: • *ge*4.fcCj^. Gov- I ®p9d 6^4® 1/4 night at the'Natio'nal hotel to the following I and'lieutenant-governor* the general asseni-1 . . „ I Juiy, i on.y name nrit tne crotea mas, | Douglas,s mix ture-Copperas. one pouna; | ernpenu Eener.ii L *t 5 aay i : y now five. I SSmlsJSH *h5££ZZZZZ $ young ladies visiting: Misses Mattie West I bly t ' ' ■ ’ •* * !J * We quote long date*: *hori *i»tce are lower. By Teiewmpn. I brandy il.00gU.50; port winej o quality; sherry 21.aOr<4*6.tXi, L75; acuppemong >1.00ftli.25. Dry Good*. ATLANTA, May 29.—We note no change In tho market during the past week other than a down- - tendency in tlie general market, l rices. been no election by tbe people of governor | * ‘ieutenaut-governor, the general assent« » day elected the republican candidate, (i. It believes that he hair-clipping, flesh-1 well mossed, color pink, shape good. Lux-1 dissolve ssrsssrtES?.TtsSTwEsriSEirbo?^- he T'- sra r ed i crin, r 2*5> f irri ?« of ,°: lo? ^ ...d Stella Sinitta»vilIp, and Mira I lie„tenant governo"r. They were at once ffiSLraHn. ta 5S2SBL Douglas, s mixture—Copperas, one pound; I ernmenu generally steady:; now fivra I • issolve in two gallons of water} then add j and a half per cants 11 14', four per centa 10HJ*. I .. brown shirtlsy, aU lirring well, an ounce of oil of vitriol j I State Bond* nominal. I % •• •• * .... 1 gtopks Closed generally weak. ** —*— verson, of Care Springs. Messrs. Baul I inaugurated. Tramniell, Elija and Charles Brown, of At^ lanta, were in the city yesterday. The I Ccajmr Water merchants of this city havesigne»i 1 * ment U through m., taking effect on June 1st, so as to give all concerned more lime for recreation. ^ 7. The theory that the note of warning is 1 pure white. Of plain, stemmed, summer I dose of an ounce to a gallon of tl i imitation of Whittaker's writing is in I roses, the old cabtuige rose is very fine in I water, twice or four times the week standard. . N. Y. Central -1MH Chicago A N.W—« drl Erie. ^do. J^cferred 107% I g bleached, drills 9 v , .. . the opiniou of the court the severe test to 1 shape and odor. “Mmc. Blatin is a pure None genuine sold on | which experts in handwriting were sub- I cluster rose, and a free bloomer. The two bes —'* * u_: :•!— 1— *. I — that I know are th both noble in shape I .« €17 .7 Ql< •* menl to cl ^ tl.e.r lm^ of bn^ “ » a P* rio, ?ty ra . jected/an'd their wsUive to.Vimony place it yelTow rnmmer nrera tl SroL^lbe^mner o'd“kT doub ‘ Whittaker irote tbe itarriwn and the Fenian, 1 ....a-.,.. through the summer season at, o clock p. | f roI „ everything bitter, acid or crude that note of warning, and. therefore, that he is and color. Of climbing roses, Baltimore produces^ headache. Internal soreness and | not ignorant of the person or I Belle, Ayrshire, and Rambler are the best SjSrod «Td tru,t. and pr.ty for Uillm of dta | AU perron* ronrereo't are hereby notified JMI — lilt theto* any exht. on or before tho I 0 j next July, flwt Monday in July next. *lre lcitcn. o» .Hunt*. I * atou will be granted. rening at the residence of her son-in-law, v. A. K. Cloinl. The deeeaaed low of tbe Rev. Joshua Callaway, who liefore his death was a noted Baptist minis ter ior many years in this section. Pi’mach, Mav 2ft —Wheat is looking bet- r than it did a few weeks ago. The oat crop is damaged by the rest; corn and cot ton are doing well. Good rain the 21st.— The hoard of trustees of Sumach seminary have elected Mr. W. F. Smith, of Oxford, to the chair of Latin and Greek. The 11th session of the seminary will ojieu the 5th Haktwell, May 26.—We have had floe rains here doing the |*ast week, and cro|« are looking finely. The wheat and oat crop has been badly injured with rust but from it!l indications now it will turn out better than has been expected, and it is persons engaged affair. I white; Gem of the Prairie, Boureault and I HE STILL SUCCEEDS. Savannah, Ga., February Oth, 1B80. B. M. Woolley, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.— I Louisville A Na«u.l20>4 N. J. Centra] 1 Pittsburg..... 112 A to 9u>- rj Ala. Claw B 5a.. do.Clas*A*null.... 60 dt Sub-treasury balances: >. Class C 2 to 5,.. tend- to dretroy tho mucuoa* membrane. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T , All mincr^watara that are dangwroasim- I 1 The latter conclusion is strengthened by I climbing Victor Verdier, are the best pink 1 I>earSiri I am liappv to inform you that I Coin—„... .120322,3^6 Currency 1 8.2W»,S0C Trail D ^* n aWa w - er ‘ taste * I the fact that one-half of the sheet of paper on I climbers. The lost Is comparatively new, I your last bottle medicine has more than I PARIS. May 29—4:01 p. tn.—Rente* K»r. 15c. ax) aprl— I which this note is written was found in I and is also perpetual. I effected mv cure, as a portion of it re- m.—Krio34x: New VI neat. Whittaker’s possession. I The glory of the garden, however, is in the ma | na unused. It is more than three The first new wheat place ! on the Atlan-1 Opinion—Af er the strong ar- I hybrid perpetnals, of whicbf there are hun- ww ,i., atnnnml nnintr the antidote InaI1 uas „„ ,„ u ,, . t* market this season was consigned to J. I ray of circumstantial evidence, died*. &5me of them to the ordinary eye is bettor tfmn it has been ns .7 lunnv Jhit W. Fears by J. It. Scott * Co., of West from the testimo .y of experts in hand- are but repetitions. To obtain the best re- ,„ y V J™ ri^fr ^ m ?r nvr?. 1 writing and from thV conflicting suits frorT^hybrid roses, they should be during the past Fifteen Years. My this 'countv We notice cons&erable ex-1 w t ~—_ _ I statements of Cadet Whittaker und I grown in a deep, rich, well-drained soil, | petite good, sleep refreshing, m fact, a ^n U t D «^r«‘S2- M^r^^EHeto^enegn,*^ - ,,,Ck ° f v ^! y -"S—* »y | Indshouid ‘ don s resigtialion,ande^Gorernor Brownes .^“SSnS.’J R.?fus ' Armistrad, ‘b? appomtm of which extsta here , hooting hilB in the dark, three weeks sgo, sstisnea uiat tne I . t Southern cotton plaid* and ztripca. —^ Cambrics, sharp..^.-«— Tick*, i LONDON, May ‘2S—*:SU p. m.—Eric 34% the oorros mabkct. CONSTITUTION OFFICE. Atlanta. May 29,1*60. New York-The cotton future market during | LRmrr.o. May 27.—The democratic county euuvention met and c’.ecteti tK W. Warwick ami F. II. West, as dele- gatre to the state convention in Atlanta. A motion wjfjiuade, to teat the sentiment* of tho convention, that Ti’.den w:»s the first l'altt! Thai »» Well t onailH. Cincinnati tVwamcxvial, rep. UUnoi* has been carried for Grant by the aernpaloas use of the “ntaebine. whun. owtnc I choice of the convention, but it was voted to the wcukneai of the administration, sui the l j own lVrfcct lixrnuny prevailed through- < r ran trine force of l-opm. core wtrone. Thi-t I J * o was done inrou*t*tently. ilioaioal.e, reeklerely, | utxm the ralo-and rnin jxflicy of anything to ['IVnn-ylvaniaanINcw York, «1«venn rank with Came- . - - manipulator ot wct v and one ca|k*ble of perverting the exprerdoa of the ^hc^vu'ilSn^New York. Pennsylvania and Illl- n«» is that roewlnM retatMiean conventloq* in Uk» e state* have or-’- i^i ttie enforcement of the unit role in U hs-f *•! Grant, adjust !Wtet» that reprearated V»>- 2n *t nwj •my «*f the ivopta wh hare ‘ fair*. OriLtKA. May 2S—The democratic con* lentton adjourned to-day, iiaving made til nominal .ona for office, and ap;ioinied iclegataa to the state, judicial and chan cery and oongreaaional conventions. Every thing itaasetl off tolerably harmoniously and the democracy of our county is in tine trim for tbe fall caroj»aign. The people now breathe more freelv and feel that a great portion of the burden is cast off. Our people are very wc.. sausnea u... me. hear Hernando, Miss., wss captured yester appointment .3 the brat one that could d . Tanica coantv, Miss., by three col- Governor 1 Browu ■ ban any other man that could haveposei- W> been sclecte.1. A. meet.^: ®* I nando. It is generally believed that be will democratic club of tbik county has been I ^ taken [ rom t i, e j*!! to-night and hanged wheTher we thal? hare , c^nty nonnn. ^ lhe Mend, of themurderg .nau. lion for representative, or whether we shall I Those afflicted with the habit of using have a scrub race, and to send delegates to I Opium in any of its form* will do well to \ilauta for the president’s convention. I read an article in another columu on tbe I cure of It—“He Still Succeeds.” CVrnr.sRT. May 28.—Governor Colquitt I Great Drive ot Texaw Cattle. through this place yesterday «n HE5KISTTA, Texas, M.y 27,-The war dc- J’"’* / 0 o 1 ;“ , 3! d fS« n* 1 E ~ e t0 I partment lia. countermanded the order Reidroe wa^ilf to^cirr* res*erdav7ieetion-1 ** r * ke Ihe railroad at Caldwell. Kansas, eering. He seems to have made a good irn-1 ^“be not' lesTumn^twemr fire°davs*on pression. He ha, visited the surrouuding | ^J ot than > days on couniit s and made 'peeches in Dawson and I ro « 1 - Mnenddw 4k-, w!h«o I la th-i rob- I Tne atlaxt \ Ar.rzviLLE. S C . May 25.—This morning at <* o’clock Ui.« Lillie Glare, of Cokesbury, 1 hy 1*1!* I wa5 fatally burned, lingered some hours in -“•'agony and died. A lampoa a cooking Move exploded and set fire to her dress. She rushed lo the room of her mother, Mrs. J. E. Glare; aud her mother and elder sis- that will prevent that | Mire Julia, were seriously burned in trying to extinguish the flames. The fortunate victim was about 20 years of Mrs Glare is well known as a teacher for vmTfcfTo*. speaking for I many years in the Cokesbury female col- “ '* 1 lece. iH-ut-rml GtWke. says, oil rnmors and state menu lo lhe ckHitrarv mwwuh*t*ndine. »h*l :n*t z«-n- lWm*n rrslmrti his inore in Ih • m 'Ah* berause . he waa loo |a«or to hold li In Cii> «>rdirt.w» I Rowe May 2S —Rev. G. W. Wilson, of he wre neither dugutar iwr aim ' * ■anthem senator, holds . ■ B his city, and will rnter ’upon his duties as rector next 8un „ — , ■ day. He is said to be a gentleman of fine hoi'll* able ro maintain himself, and General I ability, and in every re*p«rt a most excel- ssas.;KLrJsrsft.'Ssrssi I "■>.« - d _s-jssv, l !«JL rr Yaner, ilarn* aud M*»*gan> are __ _ malum Who inav lie~odl< d md*;«-;>dxiu iu nrrumvian.v* Tbe worker** scoawdx - — vary, are nch almost a They made money rather U , J - »uff« r Dv»ia lhe rc*’Ut» of I fie ter’s'is to be congratulate*! on having ob- i. aud Beck, off taine«! so excellent a rector, and it is also to Ik* hoped that Mr. Wilson may be well pleased and satisfied with his new southern home. Hawkixsville, May 3U.—Colonel George the edicr hand, saw I Jordan and Y. II. Morgan have been select- raej iout ^extttencv as I ^^^e legates «o tbe —Read in another column the school ad _ __ vcrti-cment . by a competent tcacLc: and | Joe Brown to fill the vacancy tnui worthy gentleman. Atlanta conven tion to select delegates to Cincinnati. They uninstructed. Tbe appointment of the United Conatry Proance. ATLANTA,May 29 — Egg* -lljfe «nn and scarce. Butter-Market glutted: prices lower: iSSE* _ m &i, ,8 ?i 5c: gaSl m M _______ .... . S IVanlftl bjr Jmlge I.yucb. I the lack of veracity evinced by I and should not b*e permitted to grow in the I n®W man. I commenced the use of your I u,© past week haa ruled quiet and steady, aud I peaches nominal; peeled Mempuis. May 27.—Ed. Nelms, the negro | him in certaiu case^ during the inquiry, as I same spot over three years, when they 1 Antidote a skeptic as to its j^ood results, I tran-actionshave 1*ecn on a moderate scale. The I 1 13c; unpeeled 6<af<c. Wax —20c. ** * ' * shown by tbe evidence, the court is of the I ought to be removed and well cut back. I bat resolved to give it a fair trial, well I tendency of the market is decidedly downward, I Cabbage — 3*|3%c: ■h >cka . V2*®2® opinion the imputation uj»on the character I both root and branch. I recommend the I knowing thatmy own will-power, no mat- I ^ i owe r prices are predicted for the coming I b’ew no d^tana i* 40c: com- of Cadet Whittaker referred to in the order I following perpotual moss roses: General I ter how strong, was insufficient to enable | wec k. To day futurcscloscd easy and lower will* I Sttfie. Choose—Choice cream 16>ic. convening the court in the official reports | Drouet, deeply mossed, crimson color, and | , ne ^ f ree myself from the habit of nsing | n^nt pales reported. Rnoi*. like futures, have | low made* range from I2>4flil5c. of tbe commandant of cadets and the post dwarf habit, flowers quite large. James Laudanum. The second year of the late likewise declined, and. compared with the quo- 1 surgeon, is fully sustained. I Veitch, crimson and violet, well mossed, ...... t Tnflommnfnru lll.pnmn : . ’ v * „„ i/r When tlae report WAS sent to Orateral flne flower. White perpetual moss 1 e^trac^ tofl^mato^ IfheniM { tmtloss of one wedt .^1. ati ,abta. suiy . Schofield, and carefully read by him, he I is a good cluster rose. Of the hybrid I tlsm - My sufferings for many months I Middlings cto»odtod»y am lt-ice. s ° t re “‘5’” I hemem — «4.oo per box. Oriagc* —M“- caused a letter to be addressed to Colonel ,>erpetaal5 proper I name Baron Prevoat, were most intense, and to allay the pain Ior the week ending last night amount to 2S,toS I ket tore; Me^opMtox^ Rn«nples-^tr T.«»iu th. mdot« I ..irair tpa.rn.nt • a Vmi • I nnd dputlnn the nerves laudanum was I ui<« avaimit 25.576 bales last week and *zainst 1 stock on market. _Bauetio*—l^cnuiui. at Whittaker will remain under arrest until I Neige ia a pure white and this case is disposed of. and a J “* keep him under surveillance. Fort Gaines. The annual parade and 1 picnic of Watchful fire company, No. 1,1 came off yesterday, at which all the people I of the city and surrounding country were present. Music was furnished by ihe Cuth- | bert brass band, which made good music. ler Kxploalon Is a fearful occurrence which con be almost if not entirely prevented by purchasing 1 era made by honest and reliable couipai S. F. Ferkins. SI West Mitchell street, rep resents three of the best Engine and Boiler notwithstanding it was the first appearance 1 Companies. If you need Engines, Cotton of the hand in public. Sr>e«h« were made I Gin*, Sen.rotors. Saw Mills, Presses, or any by H. Campbell and B. \\. Ellis, the or-1 kind of Machinery, write or call and see ators selected for the occasion. The day I him. - CTO maj30 d&wlt (tasked off pleasantly. I ♦ - 1 The FIrez Mew Wheat. Dalton, May 20.—It haa been raining 1 Dallas. Texas, May 27.—The first new here since yesterday at intervals. Our I wheat of the season sold here to-day at $L50 wheat crop is doing very badly. Corn looks | per bushel. The regular price will open at well. Lost night the Dalton amateurs. I 85 to iX) cents. The recent general rains composed of young ladies and gentlemen of J throughout north Texas were beneficial to our city, gave as entertainment for tbe ben-1 growing crops, efit of the First Baptist church. It is I — thought to bave been one of the most sue-1 B. M. Woolley comes to tbe front with ceasful ever given by on amateur company I another strong letter from a northern gen- in our city. They are billed to play in I tleman, who be has rescued from the bonds Spring Place next w«ek. They nave en-1 of Opium. Read it. gaged Prof. Keith’s comet band and the I w.mnhi»n nM . nM f Dalton string orchestra to accompany them. I A prominent Memphian Orowrned. A few evenings since the members of I Miwrms, May J. L. Eichberg, a tbe Catholic church cave an ice-cream and I prominent German citizen, either fell or strawberry festival in tbe city park, which lamped overboard from the steamer Hard was well attended. The hotels of ourl Cash, yesterday and was drowned. Tbe de town appreciate the kindness of the offi-1 ceased was returning to the city from an cials of the Western and Atlantic railroad * extended trip through Arkansas. The re in the change of time of the down pavseo- taaxns have not been recovcre L ger train, which now take* breakfast here. Ben Hill. Jr., and wife, and Mrs. Avery, of Atlanta, are visiting Dalton. Dalton is now excited over Gordon’s resignation. Well pleased with Joseph E Brown. Ccthbeot, May 17.—Redding Gnstin, who < was shot by Tom Johnston, while in his Stales senate, caused by Gordon’s resigns- 1 field, aud before reported in a very critical Attention is invited to the advertiseuir'- of the New York Sun in this issue. It Weekly is offered fo»* 6 months, which in cludes the Presidential Campaign, for fifty —Ftraighten your old boots and shoes with Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffeners, and wear them again. 503 oct21—wkyly jane m Bjule fle ab to to attend to business I fonnd that I SSSSSiSSST'lSSS^ ! of tbe very I }, a d contracteda disease a thousand times I urerpool—Finn roadbed steady. Hpout — U p-1 fffSB iifllfr Wainuta—17c. Malaria. fa countries wltsre this is preTslent. I rn7pTiTCwith the flower nearly white, very I I iwk Mdtns V»« aight .mount to 10o toles. Wei AT r, AI rrA. Hat 29.-A ft - garner a 8afe Kidney and Liver cure, and I fragrant, and a frequent bloomer. Were I 1 when I had resolved to discontinue I quoleM foUuwi: Mi«Mllng»l0J4c; low middling* I vere common and unreliable grade* big*; «ood WarneFa Safe 1 ills are used and with I restricted in choice to but one rose, that one I it# use the action, the heart and nerves I iQg; good ordinary Oc. I common grades J5(!lt7; dm “ ' Stared^” iuS^eUta’JSSv^S' I rheu^SS^Todtaoonti^The useTf I 'daraprat'hraI r^°..!r^;r un ® IO ! e,y u la,,|,e ^ Laudanum was utterly impossible. It I been remarkably dulL Spots are of moderate in-1 Coquet des Alpea is a strong, stority-grow- I ^ necessity to sustain the system, I qulry and dull; sales limited. Ucoelpu for the I ing plant, with the flower nearly white, very | °™ m ® a “ecwwny lO HUswam I;* 1 ® | endinir l**t nixht amount to 105 bales. We | wonderful success. These are highly re- I would be the Coquet det Alpes. Eugenie is I compelled me to resort to it in order to I ThefoUowingi*Uie comparative table of act coin:uende«l as a prevent-ye t ) Ydlow 1 a fine white rose with a blush centre, a I relieve my sufferings. The struggle to I receipt* at aU United Stale* porta: 1- ever. As a cleanser of the blood, they are beauty. Of Bourbon roses I name Feabody, free myself continued many years, ami Net receipt* at ail the port* to-day 2,532 “g* __ .. A. * 9 rimson : Henuosa, a pink; Enfant d’ by an almost superhuman effort of wiU "ZZZZ J.3w (WS febW-<t2-tm sun wed fn i. w24m 2dp I ajacco. a beautiful-carmine Of the tea and untold suffering X did manage to re- I setlStfsince ^Sintor l. Our State Military. I duce m y dail y ^ lovrance &omew l‘ at ’. l,at I ~ Roue, May 20—Clifford W. Anderson, sa imon roses, siffra/o is a fawn, shaded wa3 ,“ e '^ lf ‘I/taa^ ilnnei mmmindinr First Volunteer nwi- I pink, and is a most perfect beauty; * mv health was almost rumeo. n is aiow ] Same time last raar.^^H ^■Sbowtac an iacicaraol.... colonel commanding First Volunteer regil I with^iink. and isa'moat perfectbeanty so” I m . v health was almost ruined. It isalow I By Telegram, ment of Georgia, has issued the following I too, isSombreull. acream a>lor blushed with I estimate when I state that $1,000 would | li verpoou Mat » call: pink. But of all the tea roses Marshal Neil not co'-e*-the expense of medicine and but not bSe*: zpecuhi- bren raggested by many of-1 bears the palm. Its golden brilliance, its I doctors bills,be8ide8incapacitating,me to a I ® ftfo. no MatementtcHlay; fu- ficers of the volunteers of this rtate I beautiful aha[je, and large form entitles it I great extent from attending to btumes3. I tnreB upland* low middllnKcU«*elJtay o?'^ ^ 1 n d «^^.S3SSi e uliSJESr i & to be called -Se mos^gnifleent” Your Antidote hta, done for me in Eght tlS£SX£ state, if a general meeting of their officers were I fruits. I Montha what the best Doctors in I enn- I J 6 Augunt and September G 19 32ft held to consider the subject. The expected as-1 I svl vania failed in doing—effecting a com- I r> q September and October delivery 6V4; Octo- ne?t of a coasi ? er f bIe I What an advance haa been made in the I p *i ele cure i had been in this state but I ber and -w«™»«rfi7.aa5 fnturc* ouened 1 1 afcIrmSthSwhen^jdvCTUsemcnt 1 1111-16; middling Orlean* 1113-16; *alea 85^37; medium 38<fe45; extra medium «4|55c; fine U and 12-ln^ 5yj 65; extra floe and fancy 75flr»c. Brown • extra 80c; natural leaf '*5cr Calhoun _W.15, Cook’* extra fig 80c; Cook* exu* Leath- erwood 90C; Jsucy wwu w. 5sc;fln«cntin rjltasoasto Blsckwcira Burtuun, Morted, 66c: oti>« wssrs SdJrm<lcA40«Slc. I-orlCAr! 1 * «nul! .M. p<u:k««ai, *12.m RAllrowl MUlunoSSSc, In lan; Mrs. MutaTssnuS I had been in this state but | torsnd Soremhecdelivery67-SJ: fature. cq.ned lailtury of Rome taTe**ir.viu*l it to be held at I had rather inferior fruit, now we have spec-1 my atten^on, a] that piece snd time. It 1. therefore propowri loall I I mens of such beauty, luscious flavor, and I ", i T commisMonod office™ of volunteers, who can at-1 fine texture, as to attract the eye, gratify I Wka that taat April i com S d pS^S^ , «5£Sf ° ? July “ h U “‘ for “ d wia admiration. Ou/W- your mrijeu. .and I to,: net rowipw t : . .i • . ^ , , I ers do not properly appreciate having an I three weeks in an a ubcu $**«»•» i ^ net receipts 2,502; ex- ^ t ^ lS * lt 18 ^hfideotly ex- I abundance of good fruit on their places. I fourteen bottles. I am now in good I Britain 6,275. t «f t a * ai ^? concourse of eotnmts-1 jj they did, they would be more careful in I health, both body and mind, enjoy re-1 VEW YORK May 28.—The followingp* .the xaar.s.sKJffs' si35£g''?sr. - ss , Ss Ug 5js5i!!s »“~ s!rss - ratTrih inI Wj? r «-W ycarsuntil the|gS of itself positively insures the the encampment, and will be a v tant move for tbe military interests of I Then, too, fruit os an article of food ut prop-1 y° ur . AnuuoM5 w,u eueci a I ghS^irtns ai'tacreiie:.:.. 375>W Georgia. I „ ly appreciated. Fruit adds much to the cure m any case, no matter how desper- ^poraforthe weik . I enjoyment* of life. Man’s nature is contin- ate or long standing, if persevered in for Umimweektajywi^ J7.g£ Woscaca*. S. J.. July IS. USX. I ually demanding some luxuries to gratify its areasonable time and direction* faithful- ‘ Da. C. J. Moffett—Dear 8ir: I never-forset the I crarm*^; supplvingthe^e wants with articles I ly followed. I u^e time last year. starttude I owe you for aaving the Uieof my little I not injurious to good health can only bring I The remedy is painless, tbe results I showing an increase * ‘ Cholexa J true enjoyment. Fruit doe* not destroy. I ^lnnl but thomnVh* bnildiug up the HW>ck ataU Unrted States porou exjienence * - ■ * CAr ' •ely offer. is denied, a little ripe fruit is raldom de-| ’“J Onn. appetite to mttusTud load Usrco I brat remedi^'tor* "hnman I SavannahVCa. I frame. All sweet and sub acid fruits, when j I am instantly receiving Bnch lettere j Am g^!“,S, 1 JS?tar'G^;;'BriilKi: wm Hardware. ATLANTA. May ^.-Market conUnue* dull. Nail* bave dedine-i within the p«*t week aud tho tone of the market apx>ear* to be very weak. Horseshoe* fCOT; mule 87.00: HoMhoe noUs 12t4<a24. llome* A0»tt?10.00. Trace-chain* 6097a ^^lTflU00»ri3.0?Sp f de.tl0.»li^UL Axe* OjuoncATtl.tajM. Wei,, bucieti 16.60. Cotton rope 22. trot otic; rolled (or mrrcbir.t tor) 4 role. Ralmen stock.22.00; Hatai«n'« rteelptaw horo»V6c :or pound ;ulowttecl7J<e; cut ro*l 10c_N,j1a, I O') Powacr. rifle 96.15; bluung 99 25. Bar itod e; itaot 92.00. ■ Powders) the tUsTOA^tarontoatate. \ better than be tod don. lor , . Showing a Stock at Interior towns Same time bat year | Showing an Increase... Stock at UverpoaL.. i flame time last year- 74.111 24.264 51.74:: :f,;.(o.) cot. ot ■ iher Awkyln DoS' * without any preparation or seasoning, public. B.M. WooLUiV. Showing an Increase- 70,000 ATLANTA, May 2 medium 'tattie; Oeonti* “ttie are identifnl at prices ranging from 2«3c. H«i and t^toU- S-one on mvket at wceenl and no d ■> cheep—Stock cou.1 to demand at 3Q6C. ATLANTA, May 22.—The Mtowing pricca arc reported: Inch boaida 916.00 per M; from ti.r 114.0): flooring 922.50tg915.00 per M: celling . .k—per M: tlrctwod o:i_(.ne_tidc_ 917.*4); SIT.0.0. Shingles—No. t 99.75: 1 92.75. cfieamnt poatt 20c: cedar, rawed sic; hewed 00c. ksttail 1'Kicra. ATLANTA. May M.-. Marketwril snppUed „Uh All kinds ol seamojble vegetables. siSt PotAtoro-aatOc pcr peck; Onloes, new 104015c per hunch; ureen rera itk perqturt; ■trora 10c per quart; Oucumberi three for 5c: .CSn M tich; Badtahea 5c. strawbcrrlra liikJOc per quart. Eggs 15c per doaen. Spring rtatomu 00c; hens 35c. Latter—Choice Teunco- rac 00005c.