The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, September 27, 1881, Image 8

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8 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, SEPTEMBER 27, 1SS1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. (???Ixly-foiirtli I????y???September 19. THE SENATE. The following bills were read a third time: A bill to incoqiorate the Atlanta insurance company. Passed. A bill to appropriate money to jiay ltond No. 225 of the state. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from the Franklin fire insurance conijianv of Philadelphia. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected front the Continental insurance company of New York. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected, from the Atlantic fire insurance company of New York. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from the American fire insurance company of Philadelphia. Passed. A MU to refund taxes illegally collected from the Girard insurance comi>any of Phila delphia. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from the Manhattan fire insurance company. Passed. ??? A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from Lorillanl lire insurance comjiany of New York. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected front Niagara lire insurance company of New York. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from the fire association of Philadelphia. Passed. A bill to refund double taxes illegally col lected from the insurance company of Phila delphia. Passed. A hill to refund taxes illegally collected from the Westchester tire insurance company of New York. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from German fire insurance company of New York city. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from the Pennsylvania fire insurance com jiany. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from the Williamsburg City fire insurance company, of New York. Passed. A bill to refund taxes illegally collected from the Phoenix insurance comjiany. Passed A bill to amend section 1444 of the code. Passed. A bjll to provide for the more efficient granting of dijilomas by medical colleges. Passed. A bill to incorjtorote the Chattahoochee ca nal comjiany. Passed. A bill to compensate the board of roads and revenues of Taliaferro county for servi ces rendered. Passed. A bill to fix the time for holding the sujtc- rior court of the county of Mitchell. Passed. A bill to incorporate the Logansville rail road comjiuny. Passed. The senate went into executive session, at which Hon. Henry Hendricks was confirmed judge of the county court of Butts county. TIIE HOUSE. House bills on their third reading were next taken up, as follows: The bill of Mr. Walker, to incorjtorutc the town of Allapaha. Passed. The hill of Mr. Shockley, to incorjioratc the town of Grnveton, Columbia county. Passed The bill of Mr. Patterson to rejieal the 17th jianigrajilt of section 2 of the last tux act which levies a tax of ten dollars on sewing machine agents in each county in which they sell machines, was lost for lack of a constitu tional majority???yeas, HO; nays, GO. The bill of Mr. Singleton, tit incorjioatc the town of Milieu. Passed by sulistitutc. The bill of Mr. Post, to amend an act relat ing to fences for stock, so as to make it apply to any jmrt of any county that is divided by water courses that may be considered fences. Passed by sulistitutc. The bill of Mr. James, making permits sell ing fertilizers to warrant thesahic to lie suited to the jitirjHisc for which they arc sold. After considerable discussion, Mr. Wheeler called the previous ijtiestion, and the house sustained the call. The bill was passed???yeas 92, nays 50. The yeas and nays were as follows: The bill to provide for a settlement of the claims of the state against the Marietta and North Georgia railroad comjiany. A substi tute allowing the comjiany to rejiav the jirin cijial only of the sum loaned by the state, as the jirocceds of convict laltor for several years, till condition that the comjiany complete the road to the North t'urolina line by the 1st of January, 18HG, was the matter "before the house. The bonds are not due for some time to come, aniLthe hill remits the interest. The rejxirt of the committee was agreed to and the bill jiassed. AFTERNOON SESSION. The bill of Mr. Middlebrook, to incorponite the Covington and North Georgia railroad comjiany. Passed. The bill of Mr. Byrd, to jirevent the sjiread of glanders and other contagious diseases of dumb animals (jirevcnts the sale of such dis eased animals, and requires their separation from other animals). Passsed by substitute. The bill of Mr. Sweat hi amend* the last tax act by striking from jiurugrujih 10 of section the words twenty-five dollars and inserting one hundred dollars, as the license to retail liquor. After some discussion, Mr. Wheeler called for the previous question and the house sus tained the call. The yeas anil nays were demanded on the passage of the bill and the vote was as follow: Ves??9 39. nays 92. So the bill was hist. The bill of Mr. Bacon, of Chatham, to au thorize the crossing by bridge of the outlet of the Savannah and Ogcechec canal. Passed by substitute. The bill of Mr. Maddox, to amend an act to incorponite the town of Summerville, Chat tooga county. Passed. The bill of Mr. Moore, of Hancock, to amend an act to jirovide for tlic payment of certain criminal costs so far as ajqilies to Hancock county. Passed. The bill of Mr. Rice to jirovide coipjicnsa- tioH for the sheriff??? of the sujireme court in jiaujxir cases ($1.25 from the state treasury for paunek cases) considered in committee of the whole, and jiassed by the house???yeas 1*0, nays 32. * * The bill of Mr. Stanford, to autlioize the trustees of the State university to accept branch of the college of agriculture at Ham ilton. The rejsirt of the committee, favorable to the bill, was agreed to. Passed. Slxty-Iiltli Day???September SOtk. THE SENATE. The senate met yesterday at the usual hour and was rolled to order by the jiresident Prayer was offered. The roll was called The reading of the journal was disjiensed with. A message was received from the governor in reference to the deatii of President Gar field. Tlie senate then jiassed a resolution fora joint session to express tlie feelings of tlie two liodies in reference to the death of tlie jires- ident, and adjourned for the day. ' THE HOUSE. ' The house was called to order by tlie sjieak- er. Rev. A. Clarke, of Wayne, in his ojieuing jirayer, touchingly alluded to the national bereavement in the death of President Gar field, and iinjilored Divine guidance for liis successor. Immediately after tlie reading of the jour nal, a message was received from bis excel lency. Governor Colquitt, communicating tlie sad 'intelligence of tlie death of President Garfield. This message, together with a re- jiort of the action of the general assembly, in joint session, ill view, of this national afflie tion, ajipcars elsewhere in this paper. After tliedisBolution of tlie joint conven tion, the boose passed a resolution tendering tlie use of tlie luill this evening to tlie color ed jicojilc, to give exjiression to their feeling unit then adjourned to tiiis morning. Sixty.Sixth I>??j???September SI. THE SENATE. The following senate bill was read the tliinl time: A hill to amend section 19 of the jiuhlic s<-lioo! laws of the state. Passed. A hill to incoqiorate the Cedartown railroad comjiany. Passed. On motion of Mr. Baggs the hill in refer- nce to giving in wild lands for taxation, was taken uji and j??ut ujkhi its jussage. The bill as jiassed. A bill to incoqiorate tlie Rome Southern railroad comjiany. Passed. A hill to establish a city court for the coun- of Richmond. Passed. A hill to amend the act to regulate tlie manner of letting out contracts to build bridges, etc., so as to exempt Moyd county, ???assod. A bill to regulate tlie jiractiee of medicine i this state. Passed. A hill to amend an act to jirohibit tlie sale ??? intoxicating liquors in tlie county of Burke, 'assed. A hill to jirohibit tlie sale of intoxicating liquors within two miles of any church in the town of Forsyth. Passed. A hill to abolish tlie county court of Rich mond county. Passed. A hill to establish a board of jiharmaceutic examiners for tlie state. Passed. A hill to authorize tlie town council of tlie town of Reynolds to issue bonds. Passed. A hill to regulate jiractiee in the supreme court. Passed. A hill to amend the road laws of tlie state so far as relates to tlie county of DcKalb. 'assed. A hill to incorjioratc tlie Rome canal, and. water comjiany. Passed. A bill to require the judge of the superior court of Jackson county to jmblish tlie order in which lie will take uji the dockets. Passed, A bill to incorjioratc the Greenville and White Suljiliur railway company. Passed. A hill to exempt Floyd county from the jirovisions of section 671 of tlie code. Passed. A bill to ineorjioRite the Kingston, Walles- ka and Gainesville railroad comjiuny. Passed. A hill to amend an act incorjiorating the town of Talbotton. Passed. A hill to incorjioratc tlie Gate City street railroad comjiany. Passed. A hill to amend section 1562 of tlie code. Passed, A bill to amend tlie law creating the board of commissioners of roads and revenue o Fulton county. Passed. A bill to rcjical an act to incorjiorate the town of Vienna. Passed. A bill to authorize tlie mayor and aldermen of the city of Savannah to tax the jirojierty of tlie Savannah, Florida and Western rail road comjiany. Passed. Tlie senate'went into executive session and confirmed Hon. Dickerson W. Walker to lie judge of the county court of Walton county, and Josejih H. Fel'ker solicitor of the same eourt. THE HOUSE. The bill of Mr. Basinger, to incorjiorate tlie Savannah freight tramway comjiany. Passed by substitute. Tlie bill to incorjioratc tlie Savannah trans- jxirtation conijiany, etc. Passed by substi tute. Tlie bill of Mr. Post, to amend sections 1631 5 of tlie code of 1873, relating to the granting of license to jieddlers of articles not manufac tured in this state. Passed by substitute. Tlie hill of Mr. Hutchins, to ajijirojiriate money for tlie corajiensation of Van Dyke Cooke & Van Dyke and N. J. Ilammond for services rendered the state. Tlie house jiassed tlie hill???veas 107, nays 38. The hill of Mr. Silman, to reduce the fees of non-resident witnesses for <lie state in crimi nal cases to $1 jier day. Lost for the lack of a constitutional majority???yeas 84, nays 62. Tlie bill of Mr. Edwards, to amend the road laws of tlie state, by authorizing the county officials to grant orders for gates qcross public roads. An amendment by Mr. Reese, requiring such gates as can be ojiencd without dismount ing, was adojited. An amendment hv Mr. Sjience, requiring only six months notice before tlie removal of such gates, was adojited. The bill was then jiassed. The bill of Mr. Twiggs, to extend tlie jiro visions of sections 1449-54 of tlie code, relating to fences for stock (now ajijilicable to eoun ties), to militia districts. Mr. Reese jirojidsed ail amendment requir ing gates across jiuhlic roads to be so con structed that they can lie ojiencd and shut without dismounting. A message from tlie governor informed tlie house of his ajqiroval of the following bills: An act to jirohibit any jiuhlislicr or agent of school books from acting as a member of tlie board of education in this state. An act to confer jiower to grant licenses to retail liquor on the ordinary of Lee county. An act to amend an act to incoqiorate tjic Citizens??? liank of Augusta. An act to jirohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors wiffinUme and half miles of Union ville church. V An act to incorjiorate the Tennille and Wrightsville railroad comjmny. An act to create a board of commissioners for Worth county. An act to create a county -court for the county of Walton. An act to incorjiorate tlie town of Weston Webster county. An act to rejieal as to Haralson county an act to jirevent the obstruction of tlie passage of fish in the rivers and creeks of tlie state. An act to regulate the sale of liquors in tlie county of l???olk. ' AFTERNOON SESSION. Tlie bill of Mr. Patterson to authorize tlie adjustment of the claim of Howard Vail Ejqis for insolvent costs due him as solicitor. (Authorizes tlie commissions??? court to audi and settle the claim, tlie whole amount not to exceed $3,500.) Mr. Hillyer offered as an amendment a proviso that no money should paid until the claim is allowed by the grand jury of Fulton county. Mr. Rice called for tlie yeas and nays on the question of the jiassage of the resolution. The yeas were 94, and the navs 46. So tiie hill jiassed. The bill of Mr. McBride to amend section 3514 of the code. Passed. The liiil of Mr. Barrow, to amend section 3114 of tlie revised eoilc. Passed. The bill of Mr. Janes, to carry into effect tlie provision of tlie constitution in relation to a change of county lines, article 11, section 1, jiaragrajili 3. Passed by substitute. The bill for the incorporation of companies formed in this state for the navigation of rivers, oceans, seas, etc. Amended and passed. Tlie bill of Mr. Wingfield^ to require the owners of all live stock to keeji the same from running at large on the lands of another in Putnam county, (jiersons failing to do so to lie liable in twice tlie amount of damage com- ???mitted by tlieirstock.) Passed. Tiie bill of Mr. Hightower, of Stewart, to rejieal an act to regulate ajqieals in forma jiaujieris. Passed. The bill of Mr. Garrard, to make unlawful for any jicrson owning any cotton coiujiress to cut any bagging from ??? bales of ??t itton. Passed. The bill of Mr. McCants, to amend an ac to create a board of commissioners for Taylor county. Passed. The* bill of Mr. Barrow, to fix the mode of assessing taxes on jilantations divided by county lines. Passed. The* hill of Mr. Basinger, to correct an error of an act to incorjiorate tlie town of Conyers. Passed. Tlie bill of Mr. Hester, to jirovide for tlie comjiensation of commissioners of roads and revenues of Dougherty county. Passed. The bill of Mr. Mays, of Butts, to incorpo rate tlie Indian firings railroad comjiany'. Passed. Tlie bill of Mr. Rice, to amend an act to jirovide for tlie manner of tax sales by muni cipal corporations. (Allows jiureliasers ten jier cent instead of two.) Passed. The hill of Mr. Julian, to incoqiorate tlie Cumining and Suwanee railroad company Passed. The hill of Mr. Janes, to create a board of countv commissioners for Polk countv. Pass ed. The bill to amend the charter of tlie North eastern railroad comjaiit'. Passed by substi tute. The hill of Mr. McKinney, to authorize tlie town council of Tliomaston to issue bonds to tlie amount of $5,000 for tlie sujijxirt of an academy. Passed. Tlie bill of Mr. Singleton, to alxilisli tlie county court of Screven county. Passed. The hill of Mr. Miller, to repeal an act to encourage immigration. (Tlie act creating a commissioner of land and immigration.) Passed. Tlie hill of Mr. Estes, to incoqiorate tlie Gainesville, Blaiisville and State Line railroad comjiany. Passed. The bill of Mr. .Singleton, to establish a lxiard of commissioners of Screven coufity. Passed. Tlie hill to amend tlie act to incoqiorate tlie Walton railroad comjiany. Passed. Tlie bill of Mr. Edwards, to jirohibit hunt ing or fishing on the lands of another'iff the county of Tatnall. Passed. The hill to amend an act to regulate tlie manner of letting out contracts to build bridges, buildings, etc. Passed by substi tute. Sixty-Seventh Day???September 88. THE SENATE. * Tlie following bills were read a third time: A hill to protect tlie farming interests of .fonroc county. Passed. A hill to enlarge the jiowers of county au thorities as to levying taxes for panjier jiurjio- ses. Passed. A bill to authorize municijial corporations to jirovide for tlie collection of bonds. Pass ed. A hill to amend the charter of the Talbot ton Branch railroad comjiany. Passed. A bill to incorjiorate the Citizens??? Savings bank of Savannah. Passed. A bill to authorize tlie mayor and council of Macon to submit to the voters of said city' the question of purchasing a school house for colored children. Passed. A hill to amend the several acts incorjiorat- ing tlie city of Macon. Passed. A bill to allow tlie voters of Macon county to jiass ujion the question of jiroliibiting tlie sale of intoxicating liquors. Passed. A bill to make permanent t-lie income of tlie university of Georgia. Passed. A bill to incoqiorate the town of Lawton- ille. Passed. A bill to make sections 1449-50-51-52-53 and r of the cotie ajijilicable to certain districts in Screven county. Passed. A bill to authorise the commissioners of Twiggs county to purchase property offered for sale for state amt county taxes.. Passed. A bill to prohibit tlie sale of intoxicating liquors in the 483<1 district Bibb county. Passed. A bill to incorjiorate tlie Dahlonega, Daw- sonville and Gainesville telegraph and tcle- jilione comjiany. Passed. A hill to amend section 3509 of flic code. Passed. A bill to authorize the building of a railroad from Covington to tlie Ocmulgee river. Passed. A bill to incorjiorate tlie Elberton and Pe tersburg railroad company. Passed. A bill to incorporate tlie Etowali and Blue Ridge railroad. Passed. A bill to exempt toll cotton from seizure and sale. Passed. A bill to i-liunge tlie time of holding tlie sujierior court of Clayton county. Passed A bill for the ajqxiintinent of county jiolice for Richmond county. Passed A hill to regulate the manner of letting contracts to build bridges, etc., in tlie county of Polk. Passed. A bill to amend section .4194 of flic code. Passed. A bill to incorjiorate tlie South Side street railroad comjiany. Passed. A bill to regulate the jiractiee in equity- causes referred to masters in chancery,'to jire- scribe the mode of trial of cxccjitions filed to the rejairts of masters in chancery. Passed A hill to jirohibit fishing in tlie waters run ning through certain lands in the lGtli district of Lowndes county. Passed. the house. Mr. Basinger, under a susjiension of the rules, introduced a resolution declaring that a state of riot and ojqiosition to tiie authority and laws of the state existed at Savannah, and authorizing tlie governor to call out and em ploy for the assistance of the authorities of that city such jMirtion of the voluiftcer forces of tlie state as lie might deem necessary to re store order. Mr. Basinger said that there was no doubt of tlie existence of the state of affairs at Savan nali represented by tlie resolution. Tlie in formation was derived from telegrams and letters to the governor from official sources. The resolution was adojited and immediate ly transmitted to tlie senate. Mr. Miller introduced a resolution for tlie jtayment of the gross amount of $1,544 to sev eral ncwsjiajier establishments of the state for advertising and job printing for tlie railroad commission. Tlie house took up senate bills on tlieir third reading us follows: Tlie bill to enlarge the lxiard of trustees of the State university. Indefinitely jiost jxmed. The hill to better jirovide for the security of life and jirojierty from tlie dangers of jie- troleum oil. Passed as amended. Tlie hill to require cohditional sales of per sonal jirojierty to be evidenced in writing. Passed. The hill to protect tlie jiuhlic schools, jiri vate schools and churches of this state from disturbance. Passed. The hill to amend section 1312 of tlie revised code, jiroviding for the convening of presi dential electors Uv the governor. Passed. The bill to provide a general law for tlie incorporation of railroads, and to jirescribe tlieir powers, duties, and liabilities. Tlie sub stitute reported was tlie bill before the house. Messrs. Adderton and Estes offered amend ments in reference to advertising notices of the comjiany. Both adojited. . The sulistitutc, as amended, was adojited by tlie house. Mr. Middlebrook opjxised the jiassage of tiie bill, saying that under it two or three men could get together and obtain a charter to builil a railroad anywhere in tlie state. Mr. Garrard said tlie bill was merely a gen eral railroad incoqxiration bill, and 'did not differ in its provisions from the separate bills in coqxirating railroads which the house was continually' jias.-ing. It conferred no new or greater jxiwers than these separate hills con ferred. and was guarded as carefully as those bills. Mr. Estes also supjiorted the bill*, and said that if this hill had been a law when this session commenced, it would have been short ened twenty or thirty days. Under a call for flic previous question, the bill was jiut ujxiji its passage. The yeas were 111, and the nays 11. So the bill jiassed. Mxty--Eighth Day???September SS. THE SENATE. The following bills were read a third time A resolution that the governor be requested to investigate tlie olistructions iff the Savan nah river above Augusta. Passed. A hill to submit to tlie voters of Sumter county the question of sale or no sale of in toxicating liquors in said county. Passed. A hill to establish a lxiard of Pharmaceutic examiners for the state. Passed by substi tute. A hill to amend an act to provide for the better organization, government and discip line of tiie volunteer military' troops of the state. Passed. A bill to jirovide comjieiisation for tlie sheriff of the supreme court inf paujier easts. Passed. A hill to rejieal so much of tlie charter of the city of Savannah as provides for tlie elec tion of a jailer, etc. Passed. A bill to jirovide for tlie registration of voters in tlie city of Savannah. Passed. A resolution in reference to coujions of the Macon and Brunswick railroad. Passed. A hill to amend section 4505 of the code. Passed. A hill to incoqiorate tlie MonticeUo railroad company. Passed. A bill for the better protection of creditors in ca??es of voluntary assignment hv debtors. Passed. A bill in relation to feri$fs*''and crojis. Passed. 5 , A bill to rejieal an act to create a board of roads and revenues in the county of Madison. Passed. A Dill to alter and amend section 4368 of the code. Passed. A bill to prescribe tlie manner of taxing insurance companies in this state. Passed. A bill to provide for the payment of tlie reward for tlie arrest of Charles F. Kelly. Passed. A bill to require the chairman of tlie house committee on finance to keep a registration on certain bills. Passed. A bill to amend an act. to incoqiorate the town of Summerville. Passed. A liiil to enable tlie trustees of tlie univer sity of Georgia to inaugurate a system of free tuition. Passed. AFTERNOON SESSION. Tlie billowing bills were read tlie tliinl tune: A bill to prescribe the fees of jailers. Passed. A bill to charter the Middle Georgia rail road. Passed. A bill to amend an act to rejieal tlic several acts establishing commissioners ot roads and revenues in the counties of Jones, Chatta hoochee, Douglas, Heard and Lumpkin. Passed. A liiil to incorjiorate the Elberton and Point Peter railroad. Passed. A bill to incoqiorate tlie town of Miller. Passed. A bill to incoqiorate the town of Grove- town. Passed. A bill to incorjioratc tlic Georgia Southern and Florida railroad company. Passed. A bill to incoqiorate tlie Covington and North Georgia railroad conijiany'. Passed. A bill to jirohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in tlie county of IValton. Passed. A bill to amend an act incorporating the Bajitist convention of the state of Georgia. Passed. A liiil to authorize the building of a bridge across the Ogeecliee canal, at Savannah, ???assed. The senate went into executive session, at hicli W. F. Eve was confirmed as judge, and L. A. Dugas as solicitor of the city corut of Augusta. the house. Tlic joint committee ajijiointed to examine tlie condition of the Marietta and North Georgia railroad made a very favor able report both as to the jiro- gress and jirosjiects of the road, and tlic general treatment of the convicts. They re gard the property of tlie road as sufficient security to tlie state for the $57,000 owed it by tlic conijiany. 8lxty*Xlntli Day???September 24* The following bills were taken up for a third reading: A liiil to pay Howard Van Ejips for services as solicitor. Passed. A bill to make it unlawful for any??? jicrson owning a cotton compress to cut or take bag ging from tlie ends of any bale of cotton com pressed. Passed. A bill for the incorporation of coinjianies formed to navigate tlie ocean, seas and rivers. Passed. A bill to appropriate money to pay Van Dye, Cook & Van Dyke, and N. J. Hammond) for services. Passed. A bill to appropriate money for the payment of Wm. W. Holt. Passed. A bill to require owners of stock to keep tlie same from running on tlic lands of another in Putnam county. Passed. A bill to amend tlie act incorjiorating tlic Walton railroad company 7 . Passed. A bill to establish a branch college at Ham ilton. Passed. A bill to jirovide for a settlemcnl of tlie claims of tlic state against tlie Marietta and North Georgia railroad. Passed. A bill in relation to section 1419 of tlic code. Passed. A bill to incorjioratc tlie Gumming and Suwance railroad company. Passed. Tlie rejxirt of tlie committee on lease of the Western and Atlantic railroad was taken uj> and agreed to. A bill to make additional ajipropriations to those made at last session for the exjienses of tlie legislature. House bill in reference to recording records in city and sujierior courts was taken up and passed. A bill to amend an act creating a board of commissioners of roads and revenues of Tay lor county. Passed, A bill to amend an act to amend section 3514 of tlie code. Passed A bill to make it a misdemeanor to obstruct tlie free passage of timber in streams of this state which arc used for rafting timber. Passed A bill for tlic comjiensation of certain offi cers of this state. Passed. A hill to incoqiorate tiie Romney Marsh canal company. Passed. A bill to ajipropriate $1,500 for the jiurcliase of books for the state library. Passed. A Dili to authorize jiroeeedings in equity in certain cases of insolvency, and for other pur- jxises. Passed A bill to amend section 1631 of the code Passed. A bill to jiay the commissioners of Dough erty county" out of the county treasury, Passed. A bill to create a board of commissioners of roads and revenues of tlie county of Polk. Passed. A liiil to establish a board of commissioners of Screven county. Passed. A bill to amend an act to construct a rail road from Athens to Olay'ton. Passed. A bill to provide for carrying into effect jiaragrajili 3, section 1, article 11 of the consti tution. Passed. A bill to jirohibit hunting or fishing on the lands of another in Tatnall county. Passed. A bill to incorjiorate tlie Indian Sjirings rail road comjiany. Passed. A??? bill to incoqiorate the Savannah trans- jxirtation comjiany 7 . Passed. A bill to incorporate the Savannah tramway comjiaiiy. Passed. Mr. Hackett, chairman of the special com mittee on adjounment, made a rejxirt in favor of an adjournment Tuesday. The rejHirt was adojited. ??? Mr. Byrd offered a resolution that tlie gen eral assembly observe Monday, the day for the funeral of President Garfield, by adjourning for that (lay and holding religious services in the ball of tlie house of rejircsentativcs. Agreed to. The committee on temperance -offered an amendment submitting tlie question to a ma jority of the qualified voters, instead of two- tliirds of the freeholders. Adojited. The yeas and nays weie demanded on tlie passage of tiie Dill, and were yeas 72, nays 63, So tlie bill failed for lack of a constitutional majority. Tiie sjieoial order, the resolution asking tlic governor tocause tlie attorney general to in vestigate and ascertain whether tlie lease o: tlie Western and Atlantic railroad has been forfeited, and if so, to institute jiroeeedings to obtain a decree of forfeiture, was taken uji and jiassed. Tlie joint committee to inquire into tlie state of business rejxirted that they had per- formed that duty, and found that tlie general assembly could not, witli due regard to the public interests, adjourn before Tuesday even mg. The rejxirt of tlie committee was*adopt ed. Senate bill to provide for tlie better insjiec- tion, management and control of the jicni- tentiary convicts in this state. A substitute rejxirted by the house commit tee was also read. Mr. Jemison moved the indefinite jKJstjKine- ment of tlie bill and sulistitute, and addressed the house in sujijxirt of his motion. He pro nounced tins tlie shadow, without tlie sub stance, of other bills jirojxising jienitentiarv reform. Mr. Hunt forcibly advocated the adojition of tlie sulistitutc. The house laid tlie subititute and amend ment on tlie table, and took up and concurred in a resolution from tlie senate for the aji- jHiintment of a joint committee to make ar rangements. for religious exercises in the hall ??? tlie house of representatives on Monday at o???clock, in accordance witli a proclamation tlie jiresident of the United States. Messrs. ;imar. Turner, Peek, Coffin and CrumUey ere upjxiiiited the committee on tiie jwrt of tlie house. Tlie house took up and jiassed the senate bill to confer additional powers on purchasers of railroads. In April Laftt, twenty-four members of Arlington???s minstrels ere taking Warner???s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. It made them happy, seplo???d2w sun wed frl&waw 3d p ???Wanted: Name of tlic western town that hasn???t made giant strides. A Lesdlng Professor Speaking of Sensible People* Dr. S., the prominent Eastern lncdieul lec turer. says: ???Every day sensible jieojdc come to me conijilaining of their health being broken down. Tlie answers to my inquiries always are, wliat I surmise, nature???s laws have been* totally disregarded; consequently tiie blood, the stream of life, becomes contami nated, and as a result of this blood jioisoning, I find dysjtepsiaand disordered functions of tlie heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, accompanied by headache, nervous debility and other im paired organic portions,- often verging on jiar- alvsis. In order to keeji tlie digestive organs in* j>ro].cr health and strength, I and my friends in the profession have recommended Brown???s Iron Bitters; they act so mildly and soothingly, never leaving any unpleasant af ter-effects, strengthening the organs of diges tion, and jicrmanently removing every sjmip- tom of ill health, languor and debility. No remedy in tiie east gives such good satisfaction as Brown???s Iron Bitters, and all druggists can jirocurc it for you. Don???t be persuaded to use substitute. "This remedy contains no alco hol, and is the only preparation of iron that does not blacken tlie teeth.??????Sun. seji25 d&wlw ???For more than fifty years after the" organization of the government no president died in office. Everybody is using Brown???s Iron Bitters, and everybody is astonished at its many mar- clous cures where all others have failed. sept25 d&wlw ???A soft answer may turn away wrath, but it has no influence on a bill collector. Mr. Samuel McKenzie, Cumberland, Mil., writes: ???I am 68 years of age. About four years ago I began to go into decline. I suffered front dysjicpsia, stone ill flic bladder, weak lungs, and nervous debility. Nothin." I tried did me any good until I used Brown???s Iron Bitters. This remedy has made me again ro bust and strong, and I feel all the fire and ac tivity of youth once more in my veins.??? sep25 d&wlw ???Garfield was spared one anguish???that of seeing his mother die. Thinking Men should take Warner???s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. seplo???d2w sun wed fri&wky2w 3dp ???Ortolans are cheap in Virginia. At Petersburg the other day a countrywoman sold 400 at twenty- five cents jier dozen. ???My Tormented llnek. 77 is tlie exclamation of more than one jioor hard-working man and woman. Do you know why it aches? It is because your kidneys are overtasked and need strengthening, and your system needs to lie cleansed of bad humors. Kidney-Wort is tlie medicine you need. ???It acts like a charm,??? says a well-known jilivsi- cian, ???I never knew ???it to fail.??? Liquid" or dry sold by druggists.???Boston Post. Tired with the struggle. With tlie ceaseless needs of life; Tired of the petty jar. Of the toil and sirife; Of the doubt and of tlie fear. Of the rare that haunts us here 7 Of the fever and the fretting. Useless dreaming, vain regretting. Battled aim, ungranted prayer, Chafe and turmoil everywhere??? With a vague unseeing sight. She looked on the September night- llrond and vast before her. Spreading leagues away. * Hushing in the hush of night, Gray beneath the grav. Light winds ruffling on her breast. Lay the sea in solemn rest. Bright and wide the pathway showed Where the harvest moonlight glowed, Reaching from tlie silent land, Uy the great horizon spanned, Where sky mid sen together blend. Where our dim sweet fancies tend. To the golden glory Came a little bark. Shone in it fora moment. Then gliding into dark. So in a dull life???s hours and davs A child???s fresh laugh, a word of praise, A flower, a smile, a gentle duty. Or n thought of peace mid beauty. O???er the arid waste may fling A light all pure and glistening. Where a sad heart may rest mul win New strength now conflicts to begin. ???S K l???liillijis in Tinsley???s Magazine. No Third Term ! New York Sun. At the very beginning, mid in the most friendly- spirit, we earnestly exhort General Arthur not to do anything or to allow anything to lx> done that will seem to favor tlie scheme of making General Grant president of the United States for a third term. There are many tilings that the new jiresident ran do with the hearty applause and sympathy of all the people: there is one thing that ho cannot do without arousing deep, universal, and abiding in dignation. No third tenn! Answer this Question. Why do so many jiebple we see around ns seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable bv indiges tion, constipation, dizziness, lossof appetite, coming up of the food, yellow skin, when for 75 cents we will sell them Shiloh's Vitnlizcr, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by all druggists. 502 july 17???dtimuowsuu wed fri&wcow It 1ms been discovered tlmt a boy of 16, in Watertown, N Y, married a girl of 15 last June, and that they have hidden tlie fact since. Their parents will prevent their living together until they reach a uitable age. Drunkenness. Those who lmyc taken Simmons Liver Reg ulator declare that it sets tlic liver in action anil invigorates tlie system in such a way as to destroy tlie craving for strong drinks. Genuine jirejiarcd only by J. H. Zcilin &Co. ???The receipts of the two weeksongagementof the Emma Abbot opera troujic, which closed Saturday night at the Tabor opera house, Denver, were $27, 000. Thousands of ladies have found sudden re lief from all tiieir woes by tlie use of Lydia E Pinkliam???s Vegetable Contjxmnd, the great remedy for diseases jieculiar to females. Send to Mrs*. Lydia E. Pinklmm, 233 Western ave, Lynn, Mass., for jiamplilets. sep25 dlw sun wed fri&wlt ??????Wal, that???s the dumdest, healthiest bedbuj: that ever tackled my carcass fur a lunch!" remnrke< a California tourist in Florida, when he awoke and found a young alligator two feet long strapping at his leg In bed. The Drain of Strength Caused by malaria, affections of the lungs, and imperfect digestion, is speedily remedied by tlie Liebig Co???s Coca Beef Tonic. Beware of worthless imitations. sept23???dlw fri sun wed&wlt ???A Nebraska woman who won $1,000 at a 'horse race spent 8300 the next day for a new bonnet and six gold hairpins. Forty Yearn 7 Experience of in Old Nnrne. ??? Mrs. Winslow???s Soothing Syrcp is the prescrip tion of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from jxiin, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels and wind-colic. By giving health to thu child it rests the mother. Price 25 cents a bottle. mariti???(lly sat sun wed&wly ???Two bells, weighing two tons each, are to lie fixed on the new Eddystone lighthouse. The bells are to be rung as fog signals. The object of having two instead of one, us usual, is that one ring may always be on the weather side of the lighthouse from whichever quarter the wind may be. ISurnett???A Cococnlne Softens tlie hair when lmrsli and dry. Soothes tlie irritated scalp. Affords the richest lustre. Prevents the hair front falling off. Promotes its healthy, vigorousgrowtli ???A girl who said ???weathah??? and ???buttah,??? Spent her earlier days in Calcutta. When asked if the fliesjiit her, She replied, ???I should twitter," Instead of ???1 really should mutter.??? BheBM??tIe DUcune*. These ailments follow from toqiid liver and costive bowels; tiie skin, bowels and kidney failing in tlieir projier work, an acrid poison is formed in tlic blood, which is the occasion of these acute <liseases. Kidney-Wort jiro- duees healthy action of all secretive organs, and throws off the rheumatic jioison. Equally 7 efficient in Liquid or Dry form.???Inter-Ocean, ???Speaking of the packing up ut Franeklvn cottage preparatory to the departure for Washington, a special says: ???No ante object carried before the gaze of tlie lookers-on could well have excited such strong emotion us did the bed on which the nation???s E uticnt has suffered for mouths. When it was rought out to be pocked it seemed to sjieak audibly, and in a tone which smote with pain every heart. " Hcrsford's Arid Phosphate. MAKES A DELICIOUS DRINK. Dr. H. M. Henry, tlie widely known and eminent family physician, of New York, says: ???Horsford???s Acid jihosphate possesses claims as a beverage, beyond anything know of in the form of medicine, and in nervous diseases I know of no jireparation to equal it.??? BY THE SEA. Are you married, madam???? asked the- court, severely. ???That???s me misfortune, ledge???? - ???Where is your husband?" "Ax mean aisy one. Shore 1 haven't sane him since tlie toime that he- and yer homier got dhrunk together.??? A prominent physician of Nashville used Tabler???s Buckeye Pile Ointment, and recom mends it as a sujierior remedy for that disease. sep23???d&wlw sat tucs tlnir A sample of tall corn from a farm in Illinois: was exhibited ut the New York produce exchange Monday, with the (ironical) motto, ???Effects of the- drought in the West.??? It is eighteen feet in height, and eleven feet from the root to the first ear. Lady Bcautiners. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks, and sjiarkling eyes, with all tlic cos metics of France, or beautifiers of tlie world, while in jioor health, and nothing will give yousuchrich blood, good health, strength and beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. The ???little gray-haired mother??? declares that she must see the face of her boy once more. Not many seasons ran rwiss before she will see it??? not wan and worn ns it lies in the coffin, but trans figured iu the marvelous light of the other life. -The color and lustre of youth arc restored to faded or gray hair, by tlie use of Parker???s Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly es teemed for its jierfume and purity. sepl7???dim tus thnrs sntAwlmffdp Exports of provisions, tallow and dairy pro ducts for August amounted to $10,397,993, against 410,905,319 in lsso. For the eight months ended August 31,1881, the amount was $93,111,444, against 893,191,605 for same mouths in 1880. The falling off." is inconsiderable. ???It is wortli remembering that nobody cn>- joys tlie nicest surrounding if in had health. There arc miserable jieojdc about to-day with one foot in tlie grave, when a ixittle of Parker???s Ginger Tonic would do them more ;ood than all the doctors and medicines they :iave ever tried. See advertisement. Eepl7???dim tues thursit&wlm3dp A democratic jiaocr down in Mississippi,, apiieals to the faithful: "There is a great outcry against sniffing the ballot boxes. We are iu favor of stuffing. Stuff them, cram them, shake them down with votes for Robert Lowry, tlie father ot thirteen children and the friend of the people.??? Kaiioma, Mo., February 7 G.???I purchased five Ixittles of your Hop Bitters of Bishop & Co., last fall for my daughter, and am well pleased with the hitters. They did her more good than all the medicine she lias taken for six yeiirs. \VM. T. McCLURE- Tlie aiiovc is from a very reliable farmer whose daughter was in jxior health for seven: or eight years, and could contain no relief until she used Hoji Bitters. She is now ini as good health as any person in tlie country. We have large stiles, and they arc making re markable cures. W. H. BISHOP & CO. $7Qa WEEK. $12*d??y athnmecasily miufe. Ccrily 5|4q *???*??? ^Outfit free. Address Trbk A Co., Augusta, Mfcine. Jjsyis. Sfoprsy till Cared. Du. J.iSTBPnuNS, Lebanon Ohio. aprfi???d&wfim COLUMBIA BICYCLE. A permanent, praclicel rood ve hicle, with which a jicrson can ride three miles us easily as lie could walk one. The exercise promotes heal tli and strength. Send tc stamp for 24 iRige catalogue, with price list and full information, THE POPE M???F???G CO., No. 5G0 Washing ton sued, Boston, Mass. febl5???tvkyly TO THOSE WITHOUT CHILDREN.. Clark???s Siieeific. The great inrig- Tmr-ini-t-o??-it-orator for weakness and general de- irnpori.d.Ill, lilitv Price81.50per box;4Vwres; 85. Address Dr. Clark, I*. O.Box, 1,775, N. Y. City. aug23 w2fit???COW EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY???ORDINARY???S lx Office MonticeUo, Georgia, August 25, 18S1.??? Mildred A. Cochran, guardian of Walter A. and George A. Cochran, has upplied for letters of disr- mission from said tmst: This is therefore to notify all persons concerned! to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next else letters will be granted said ajiplicant as applied for. F. M. SWANSON, - 777 aug30 w4w Ordinary. Professor Bell should have his ???induction balance??? stuffed. Mr. Milner ojiposed tlie motion to postjwine indefinitely, and warmly urged the house not to give uji the effort to effect tlie reform needed. Mr. Smith, of Ogletliorjie. offered a substi tute requiring tlie governor to apjioint a war den for eaeli jx-nitentiary camp, said wardens to reside at the camps and make regular re- jxirts to the prineijad keejier, etc.; tlic wardens to receive a salary of $1,600 jier annum. SklliVa Consumptive Cure. This is beyond question the most successful Cough Medicine we have ever sold; a few doses in variably ??? ~ ??? ??? :hi- cure the worst cares of Cough, Croup and Bronc] tis, while Its wonderful success in the cure of con sumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold as a guarantee, a test which no other medicine ran stand. If you have a cough we earnestly a*k you to try it. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and 81. If yonr lungs are sore, Chest or Bock Lime, use Shi loh???s Porous plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggl??t':. 502 julyl7???dumcow snn wed friAyeow A new jirosjieetive industry in tiie south is the growth of flowers for perfumery. SHILOH???S CATARRH REMEDY, a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 50 cents. Sold bv all druggists. 502 julyl7???dCmeow sun wed fri&wkeow p EORGIA, MILTON COUNTY???ORDINARY S lX Office. Julv 30, 1881.???Whereas, J. A. Miller, administrator of Hnrdin Miller, deceased, has ap plied for leave to sell the realcsbiteof said deceased: This is, therefore, to notify nil jicrsoiifrooneerned to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law. else leave will be granted the applicant os aiqilied for. aug3<)???\v4w W. H. NESBIT. Ordinary. TABOR ACADEMY, MARION. MASS.. A First-Class School???Fits for College and Gives at Thorough English Education. The Principal will receive a few students into his family. A home mid not a boarding house. Refer ences: Prof T B Dexter, Yale College: lion RR Bishop. President Massachusetts Senate: N J Mor rison, D II, President Drury College. Send for fur ther information to C I* Howland, Principal. E Smithfield, Pa, until Sejitember 1: afterward Ma- rion. Muss.sepi3???w4w sep'23???d::t sat tu th ENS m . eterinary surgeon anu Cat-unst, now traveling In this country. Bays that most of the Horse and Cattle Powders sold here are worthless trash. He gays that Sheridan's Condition Powders are absolutely pure and immensely valuable. Nothing on earth will make hens lay tike Shendun's Condition Powders. Dose, onetcasncionrcl toonepmtfood. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail ror eight letter stumps. I. S. JOHNSON ?? CO.. Button, Muss., tonaeriy Bau = or Me. sep27???wkyly