The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, October 11, 1881, Image 5

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THE "WEEKLY CONSTITUTION?, OCTOBER 11, 1881 9 AFFAIRS IN GEORGIA, AS REPORTED BY THE CONSTITU TION???S CORRESPONDENTS. iSnocmful Fannies in Troup Connty~The Watkina- vtlia DllBcnlty???Death of Major Mayo???Emi. cranu for Dougherty???Injured by a Lu. natie???Beligioua Revival in Oriffln. By Mail and Wire to The Constitution. fimrtm-RH, 8. C???., October .1.???Mr. James A - Gray, of Augusta, died of hepatitis at 1:10 this morning at Glenn springs, Spartanburg ???county. 1'kiiby, October 4.???The vote on prohibition 3n Houston county has just liccn consolidat ed nu<l resulted us follows: In favor of sale of liquor, 4Ho; against sale of liquor, 504; ma jority for prohibition. It*. listNJinHHiK, October 3.???The house of Mr. Steele, just across the river from Iiainbrige. was burned last night together with all bis furniture, fixtures and bonks. The fire oc curred about 1 o'clock a.m., while all the family were asleep, and some of them barely escaped with their lives. It is the opinion of Air. Steele that the lire was the work of an -incendiary. Kastman, October ft.???The exposition num- Jx-rof Tint Constitution does honor and cred it to the goaheudativeness of that journal, wliileit is an enduring monument to the grow ing business, thrift and enterprise of Atlanta. What would its readers do without Tiif. ???Constitution, and wlmt would the gate city do without it? We shall keep this exposition number on file for reference as a directory. Eijikrton, October <>.???A quantity of land was sohl here last Tuesday at prices ranging front tiirec to six dollars "an acre, the lands ???being of inferior quality. The Klherton ???mil Petersburg railroad company have begun to procure the right of wav for their road. They will endeavor to extend their charter to Charleston, ,S. < ???. Bowman, on the Klherton railroad, is shipping double tlie quantity of cotton this season that it did last. Athens, October 3.???Miss Rutherford, prin cipal of Lucy Cobb institute, wrote a letter of thanks to Mr. (J. I. Senev for his generous offer to aid in building a chapel, viz: if the citizens of Athens would give84,000 he would give $5,000. In reply to Miss Rutherford's letter Mr. Senev said lie would like to make this change in??? his proposition: That if the citizens would raise 84,000 he would give $10,000 towards building ami fitting up the chapel. Wlrnt a noble man! Emierton. Oetolier 4.???Mrs. Brewer, wife of ???our representative, Hon. James H. Brewer, is very ill. It is feared that she cannot recover. Klherton will he represented at the open ing of tiie exjHxition, and large numlicrs of ???our citizens will visit it during the next two months. Cotton is coining in faster than was expected a short time ago. The receipts here this season will be more than half what they were lust season. Dawson, October 4.???l'p to date we have re ceived here about S,5tXl bales of cotton. 1 -nin fully satisfied that the crops in this (Tor- Tell) county have been cut off at least one- third, if not more. Our farmers are meet ing their obligations very promptly thus far, and most of them will probably ???pull through.'' Dawson merchants are carrying unusually good stocks, and notwithstanding ???the short croiw, trade lias been fine. Many wells are drying up, owing to recent droutli. Dawson, October 5.???The little daughter ???and only child of Mr. U. L. Weston (one of '.lie editors of the Dawson Journal) died last Monday cvenirg nt the home of Mr. Smith Davenport, of Webster county, Mr. Weston???s father-in-law. The remains were interred yesterday in our cemetery l>y the sideof those ???of her mother. Mr. Weston has had the sore bereavement of losing bis wife and child in the space of a few months. Both died of con sumption. Eukaula. October 0. ???Captain John G. ???Smith, for many years the agent of the Geor gia Central railroad and banking comiwiny at this place, resigned day before yesterday for tiie purpose of giving closer attention to his private business and to rest. Rev. M. M. Wnmboldt has resigned the pastorate of the First Baptist church here, to take ellect on tiie ISM December next. He goes then toTroy, Ala. The Kufaula mills is being largely kidded to, and its capacity will probably be in creased by the addition about fifty percent. house building. These are both extensive and substantial, and in a few days Albany will have one of the finest and best appointed court houses in tiie state. Workmen are engaged tills morning breaking ground at the intersection of Broad and Jack- son streets, for the artesian well, work on which will be commenced in a day or two, as soon as the Ixm-r arrives. Tiie progress and outcome of this work will lx* watched with intense interest bv many communities and individuals in southwest Georgia, who are un willing to invest in such an enterprise on the insurance given by Captain Fort's single and signal success on his hickory level place. The success of this one will make as surance doubly sure, and be the avant courier of hundreds o: others in this section. Macon, October 5.???The amusement season promises to be very brilliant, and in prei??ira- tion for it Mr. Alexander Block, the business manager of Ralston hall has put in two liun dred folding chairs, and arranged tiie exits so that the noisy statnjHvlcs up and down the stairway is entirely obviated. Air. Block is a most enterprising "young man, to whom the people of Macon are greatly indebted for amusements. Macon is makinggreat efforts in beliali of her fair, and???the prospect is good fora large crowd and a good exhibition. It is estimated that thousands of the northern and western people who visit Atlanta will prosecute their search,for settling spots farther down, anil will come to Macon, as the state fair will be in session, and our people in a humor to be cordial and hospitable. In an ticipation of the crowd, the hotels are being put in order and accommodations made more ample. George C. Brown, whose reputation as a landlord extends all over the land, has gone through his famous Brown???s hotel and put it ill apple-pie shape. He will only charge per day, and will furnish us good fare and accommixlations as any hotel in the south. Kvervlxwly who lias stopped at this noted hosteiric, "under George Brown???s able mana mem, will give it praise everywhere. Tiie National is also ready to receive any number of guests, and as Colonel E. K. Brown needs no introduction to the traveling public, it is only necessary to say that tiie National???s doo???rs???are open and Colonel Brown is on hand. Tiie Lanier house is also arranging to have a large number of guests and extend a cordial welcome to strangers as well as friends make the Lanier house their stopping place while here. The new buildings recently erected will prove a pleasant surprise to those who expect to find Alaeon an old slow town. These buildings rear their heads most proudly; give tiie city a rakish air truly enjoyable. Coleman A Newsom, a strong cotton firm, gave the teamsters of a long train of cotton consigned to their house a grand spread the other night, anil such a scene should have been witnessed by northern men. Every year this firm lias a long line of wagons loaded with cotton to come ili from tiie adjacent country from this planting friends ami tiie event is always duly celebrated. They now have a new store and???warehouse adjoin ing that of Flanders. This latter house are among the true enterprising spirits of Macon. the residence of Air E R Roberts, Miss Carrie Rob erts and Mr T R Talmagc (both of this county) were united in the ???holy bonds of matrimony??? by the Rev J A Kimbell. of Buns county. Judge Ene Line, judge of the United States courts, passed through this place a day or two ago, on a visit to Indian springs. IIH Cabaniss, of the Advertiser. left for Washington City on Wednesday night to be present nt the ojicning of the extra session of con- tress, and it is highly probable that lie mav spend the winter there. Henrv'Bmntly. a crazy negro who has been con- T he light. About Women???By a Jilted Man. Providence Star. Women are sadly ruled by the law of compensa tion. Those who are good are never prettv; those who are pretty ate never good. To a man, truth is whnt he knows: to a woman, truth is what she believes. The only perfect woman a man ever knows is his mother. All intimate friendships among women have the same basis, aud always exist between those who re semble each other in figure???they can borrow each RLCORD???SVITAL RESTORATIVE. AMUSEMENTS. RiCORD???S VITAL RESTORATIVE Ricord???s Vital Restoranve has been indorsed by the Academy of Medicine, Paris, as an infallible fined in "jail for a week or more, seriously injured I other???s dresses. our deputy sheriff, Jim King, on Thursday night I Women invariably fear death???and I don't won- lost. Air King went to the jail to secure him, so | der. that he could be carried to the asylum by the morn ing train. For some time Ileury resisted an entrance to ills cell by bracing himself against the inuer door. After great exertion Air King got this door partly open and placed ills foot between it anil the jam. Trie negro, pulliug his leg in the cell, quickly slammed the iron door against it aud caught his leg just below the knee joint, bruising and lacerating it severely. IIogansville, October 6.???Major James II Jones, I one of the most successful planters in Georgia, lias eighteen acres of upland planted in wheat,in what i> known as the Jones improved cotton. Tiie plant will ] average two and one-half feet in height, and the rows four and one half feet in width. His method of fanning is not only surprising, butsurpasses any thing I ever saw in any of the cotton states???consid ering its height, the character of the soil, and the drouth of the past summer. It will average one and one quarter bales per acre. Specimens of his cotjim and all other farm products of his improved var/e- ----- -?????? ties will be on exhibition at the Atlanta cotton Ax- | specific for Nervous and Physical Debility, etc., con- position : Indian corn eighteen and one-half feet, tains no phosphorous, enntharides or other poison; ribbon cane sixteen and one half feet high, and | is purely vegetable; is a stigara-oated pill, can be had rice eqtuil in growth aud yield to varieties in any of the southern : paring six lailes of his differen. . .. . ???, - ??? . - fleecv staple which will be on the grounds I Sigesmond on side of each box; boxes ofoO pills, contesting for the various premiums. Through I *1.50; of 100, 83; 400,810; sent by mail upon receipt - - - ??? ' of price. Sold by all Druggists. NGtice is hereby given that R. I.. De Lisser,, of New York, is no lunger authorized to act as agent for Ri- | cord???s Vital Restorative. The counterfeiter of Ricord???s Vital Restorative tried to keep the agency and prepare himself with a spurious imitation and change the name from Ri cord???s Vital Restorative to Dr. Ricord???s Restorative, to have a similiarity in name. The testimonials of Drs. R. Blanchard, C. Cheva lier, M. Pcrigord. Liebig and Sir Thompson, are copied from my circulars. FRAUD EXPOSED. Dr. Rieord, of Paris, wrote to Wtn. R. Woodward, ...... .. ???..*.???* | of the well-known firm of E. Fougera & Co., of 30 N. an oil can, and that Alittie, a little daughter I street, New York City, instructing him to of Air. Grimes, was holding a lighted splinter I order that the bogus letter with his (Dr. Ricord???s) for him to sec bv. I his most hazardous ex-I name forged thereto and published in various pa- nprinwnt terminated with the usual fatal re- Pets be discontinued immediately, or he should he hi too commence legal pnx-eedings without delay, suit. The light t\ as_b> some means fieia The letter published by deLisser and which h?? close, when the oil ignited and both the can I pretends to have received from l)r. Rieord, is false and lamp exploded, causing Alittie???s death, I Dr Rieord, of 6 rue de Toumou, Paris, writes undei wiiidi is indeed a sad blow to the afflicted I date of April 13th, 1881, that he never knew It. L. De parents, wliu have, the deep sympathy of tiie ^The^husTee???^- ATLANTA OPT 90 SATURDAY, For ONE DAY ONLY. V_yV_^ X . Three Performances???Morning, Afternoon and Night! ON THE ONLY GROUNDS IN THE CITY LIMITS LARGE ENOUGH FOR W. C. COUP???S GREAT ELEPHANT AND WILD BEAST SHOW! COMBINED WITH A MUSEUM, MENAGERIE, PARIS HIPPODROME THE ONLY 4 RING CIRCUS IN THE WORLD! ON ITS SECOND TRIUMPHANT ANNUAL TOUR OF THE LEADING CITIES OF THE SOUTH. compiislieil elsewhere, lint we think the farmers the state over would do well to emulate his example. He combines the scientific and practical,.saving in labornud production. What the Paper* Say. Lumpkin Independent. On Tuesday night of this week a terrible kerosene accident occurred at tiie home of Air. Win. Crimes, of this county. It appears hat a negro was tilling a kerosene lamp from community in their bereavement. Ilawkinsville Dispatch. ever authorized DeLisser to use his name to any remedy whatever,, and that the signa ture of the letter published by DeLisser and pup porting to eoipe from him is copied or transferred On Tuesday of last week the gin of j r ?? m an original, but the text is not his handwrit- Air. L.D. Bruce, in A\ ilcox county, uas (lc- The genuine can be had at Schumann???s Pharmacy, stroveil by fire. A colored woman named Atlanta, Ga. Alary Brown was seen to run from under the I Dr. Sigesmond agrees to forfeit 85,000 for any fail- huilcling as the flames shot up through the lint ure to cure with R'icord???s Vital Restorative (under room. She was arrested, and as tiie superior court was in session at Abbeville tl.e grand gJJ within the Sst firayrars jury found a bill against her, eharging her! Address, with inclosed post stamp for descriptive with arson ill the clay time. On trial, the I circular with testimonials and symptoms, to Dr. S. woman madejlwo statements, one that site | B. Sigesmond, 40 World Building,_Ne\vYork. ut.v, October 6.???The wagon train of tiie Boswell manufacturing company made their last trip to this place to-day. Their goods will hereafter be shipped by the Bos well railroad, which is now completed to this point. The cotton crop lias been literally stripped of its leaves hv the millions of cater pillars that have gone through the fields, thus cutting off all of the late crop. The -change of schedule on the accommodation ???train is a great inconvenience to the local travel wishing to visit Atlanta anil the ex position. Many applications have been made at tiie hotels and boarding houses by parties intending to visit tiie exposition. Villa Rica, October 1.???Yesterday while Air. Willis Bagnell was driving the mules under the gin house, lie untliouglitedly put his hand up on the cog wheel, and the cogs that go round with the hand wheel caught iris hand, cutting off two of his fingers To-day an old gentleman, Air. Win. Mitchell, wliile'cleaning out motes under tiie gin saws, ???carelessly put liis hand between the front brace and the gin saws, and the saws caught liis hand and sawed it up very badly, cutting ???off several of his fingers. Air. Alitchell was working at <'minor's and Roberts???s gin in Villa Rica. Dr. J. T. Slaughter, Sr., dressed both wounds. Athens, October 7.???We are informed that -a difficulty occured Inst night in Watkinsvill ???Oconee county, between Edmund Thrasher, -a lawyer in that place, and W. W. Price, for mer sheriff, and present representative of the legislature from that county, in which Price was shot in both legs. The wounds are said to lie serious hut not dangerous. We have not .yet learned tiie full particulars, but hear there has been had feeling between tiie parties for several years. Thrasher, we hear, was unin jured.??????A white man, James Watkins, liv ing near the Aladison line, is having a com flatting trial, being charged with the burning ???of his own sister's house several days since. D.vhloxega, October 4.???Rev. W. H. Weaver, a member of the North Georgia con ferenoe Aletbodist Edison pal church south ??????died suddenly whilst in his buggy from what was supjiosed' to lie neuralgia of the heart. This occurred last week in (.???lav eountv.North ???Carolina, near Haysviile. He had been at -a eampmeeting, preached, engaged in other -exercises of the meetingand had started home in company with some friends when he ex pired. Dr. Weaver was some fifty years old a native of Wilkes county, North Carolina, a fine preacher and in charge' of the Rabun eir- ???cui:. Cedar Mountain eampmeeting has just closed and has been of much interest. ???Colonel Boyd has just finished a nice two .-story cottage and rented it to Captain F. AI. Williams, of Gaddistown, who moved into it ???on Friday last and is now a citizen of Dab loncga. Albany. October4.???At 3p.m. all the other stores and places of business were closet! in honor of Air. I. J. Brinson???s funeral, of whose sudden death I wrote you yesterday. From the quantity brought into town it 1s evident that our planters are cutting and saving their ???crow-foot hay grass, a crop that has heretofore been despised and neglected in this section. It shows they have been reading the papers of late. The fall term of the superior comt of this county was adjourned yesterday by J udge Fleming until Alondav next, on account of the repairs now going" on on the court Griffin, October 4. ??? The Daily News of this morning contains the following railroad news, which will probably be of interest to the readers of The Constitution : ???A News pencil pusher had the pleasure of a short talk with Captain AI. F. Tutwiler yesterday, and from him gleaned several in teresting facts about the work now in progress on the new road from Alaeon to Atlanta. ???On Saturday morning,??? said the captain, ???we sent the fiist telegram over the new wire that is being rapidly pushed through to Ala eon. It went from an old corn-field, the oper ator having a pocket instrument and tempo rary battery. While we did not advertise the event, it got out somehow, and pretty soon quite a large gathering of country people sur rounded us, many of whom had never seen the telegraph. We sent the first message to Atlanta about nine o???clock, and then were kept busy all day. The line will he pushed to Jackson next week and an operator station ed there.??? ???Is this line for public use???? the reporter asked. ??? ! 01i, no; but we will not, of course, deny any one the privilege of using it. It was in tended simply for the use of tiie road.??? ???How are you progressing???? ???Well, just as rapidly as hands and money can push us along.??? What is the actual number of hands now at work???? ???That I cannot answer definitely, though they number somewhere between' 4,000 and 5,000. A great deal of the road is already in order for the ties and rails. I have a full mile entirely completed near Locust Grove.??? When will the Atlanta branch he finish ed???? we asked again. ???We are positive that trains will alarm the people from Alaeon to Atlanta by the first of January. Conic out soon anil I'll show you one of the finest constructe d roads in the south???? " ???How is the Rome extension progressing?" ???That will certainly be finished by Alarcli first.??? Captain Tutwiler further informed the re- E orter that the people around AIcDonoughanil oeust Grove are well nigh crazed over the prospects they see in sight at the finishing of the road. As at Jackson, property is being held at fabulous prices, anil the enterprise promises lieavy.developments., October 5???On yesterday we bttried Mr A B Hill, who has for several weeks been straggling with a severe attack of typhoid fever. Air Hill was about titty years of age, and had for years been a prominent citizen oi this county. AIcDAXlF.!.vn.l.n. October 4???Miss Aleliie E AIc- Duniel was married last evening to Dr W Hart Cameron. The marriage took place at tiie residence of Mr P McDaniel. Dr Cameron is a resident of vour city, and this marriage gives Atlanta a lady that McDauielvilte is sorry to part with. Athens, October 7.???On yesterday a difficulty oc curred in Wntkinsvillc, between Hon Weldon Price, late representative of Oconee county and Edmund Thrasher. Air Thrasher fired four pistol shots at Mr Price, two of which took effect in Air Price's foot The wounds, though painful, arc not con sidered dangerous. The origin of the difficulty is said to have arisen from old family quarrels. heard a rat when it struck the match, and the other that she struck the match to light her pipe. 8he was convicted by the jury, and was sentenced Ly Judge Pate to two years in the penitentiary. A motion was made for a new trial. 151! sep61015182024 2!)???oet 2 4 1316 27 30???nov 1510 9 24 27 20???ilec???r 3 6 8 U 13 17 22 25 27 31???wky eow HOSTETTER???S BITTERS. No Woman Need Suffer. when Warner???s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure | can be so easily obtained and so safely used. oct2???42w sun wed friifcwky2w 3dp A Kingly Meeting. Lisbon, October 8.???The king and the ministers I have started for the Spanish frontier. King Louis will meet King Alfonso at Valencia de Alcantara, Spain. The two sovereigns will then open the Co- ceres railway line, by which the journey between | Lisbon aud Madrid will be greatly shortened. GAY???S CLOTHING HOUSE, 37 PEACHTREE STREET, One of the most attractive business houses in Atlanta is Gay???s Clothing House. Air. Gay has recently completed a new glass front, with two large, handsome show win* iows for displaying liis elegant goods. He is wide awake, and keeps fully abreast with the wonderful enterprise of this progressive city, and to-day occupies a conspicuous place in the foremost ranks of our largest clothiers. He has not attained to his present position of prominence among the business men of At- anta by any sudden stroke of fortune, but by slow and steady growth, tiie result of hard work and close attention to all the details of his business. For many years he was in tiie dry goods and clothing business in tiiis city, and by his urbanity of manner and strict it???l- | t y, improves appetite, and is in every way eondu tegrity won for liis house a large aud enviable I five tolicalth and nerve repose. Another marked trade; and the name of A. O. AI. Gav was a quality is its control over fever and ague, and its household won! among the buyers "of dry I P??A vcr ??X preventing it. Marietta, Oetobeip???On Wednesday lastJRev D L Buttolph accompanied by his daughter, Aiiss Susie, and Aiiss Mamie Cheek, returned from an extended tour of the northern states and Canada. Colonel I! W Rood, of Florence, Georgia, who hasbeeu spend ing the summer here, left for his home on last Alon- day.??? Two of our citizens??? houses were burglar ized last Thursday night. Air T II Cheek???s pants and coat were taken from his bedside, carried sev eral hundred yards, and the pockets rifled. Char lie Sanders, a young man on Air Kerr's farm, had his hand so badly crushed in a cotton gin that am putation was necessary Griffin, October 8.???The community is greatly g rieved at the unexpected death of young N B i re wry. Jr, which occurred this morning at 3 o???clock. His illness was only of short duration, his disease being either brain fever or congestion of the brain He was out driving Sunday afternoon, but was taken ill that night, gradually growing worse until his death, as stated. Yonng Drewrv, or ???B,??? as he was familiarly called by his friends, was the son of Dr N B Drewrv, and was slightly past nine teen years of age. He was a student at the State university', and expected shortly to return to his studies. The funeral will take place Sunday after noon. The revival of the Alethodist church continues with unabated interest. Every night the altar is crowded with penitents and Dr Kendall, the faithful pastor, is doing a great work. He has been assisted for a few days by Rev Air Jarrell, of Cartersville. Among those who have joined the church 1 mention Alessis E P Speer, C P Becks aud Garry Cunningham. Albany,-October 7.???Afajor James W Alayo, for merly a well known citizen of Dougherty county, but for two or three Years past of Baker, died at his home in the latter county, on Wednesday last, of consumption. He was 43 years of age, was an effi cient sheriff of this county for several years, and was a faithful and gallant soldier in the war. He leaves a widow and four minor children. His dis ease was aggravated, and his death hastened, by- wounds received in the service. He lived on one of Governor Colquitt's places iu Baker county.- The city council are having a steeple erected over the city hall for the new fire alarm bell, which has arrived. The Central railroad authorities give notice that they will transport the borer for the ar tesian well, MiJJ J Jackson, and all his material, from Montgomery to Albauy. free. A company of about 30 emigrants to Florida from the nonhwest, passed through Albany yesterday. Forsyth, October 8???On Thursday morning lastat $100,000 FREELY FORFEITED OUP???S UNITED MONSTER SHOW! IS NOT FULLY THREE TIMES LARGER THAN EVER. AND MORE THAN TWICE AS LARGE AS ANY SHOW THAT EVER PITCHED TENTS SOUTH OF MASON AND DIXON???S LINE! TENTS LARGE ENOUGH TO COAIPLETELY SWALLOW UP HALF A DOZEN ORDINARY SHOWS, AND POSITIVELY THE ONLY REALLY GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT SHOW THAT EVER APPEARED IN THE SOUTH, Vsing in advance, two Palace advertising Cars, and requiring three immense trains of cars to transport the show, at a daily expense of nearly 84,500. Besides the great herd of Elephants, there are nearly 2,000 animals, birds, beasts, reptiles and trained horses, ponies, etc., with nearlv 200 first-class artists of nil na- tionalties, in the four Circus and Hippodromq Companies, composed of the most brilliant male anil fe male talent ever known in the Equestrian and Ilipjiodromiitic world???either Europe or America???among which are the 820,000 HANDSOMEST WOMAN IN THE UNITED STATES. Positively the tirstand only HIPPODROME WITH A MENAGERIE! HIPPODROME WITH A MUSEUM! HIPPODROME WITH FOUR CIRCUSES! HIPPODROME WITH THE CONGRESS OF NATIONS! HIPPODROME COVERING 10 ACRES! HIPPODROME WITH INDIAN SHOW! HIPPODROME WITH NINE KINDS OF MUSIC! HIPPODROME WITH THREE PAGEANTS! HIPPODROME with 8100,000 BRONCHO HORSES! HIPPODROME WITH RACE TRACK 40 FEET WIDE, and nearly half mile aroutid, containing the most novel, exciting and intenslv interesting chariot and running races ever witnessed in the palmy days of Titus, of Rome, or the famous Derby races of merry England. So confident is Mr. Coup in the merit and magnitude of his present NEW AND WONDERFULLY GREA.T ORGANIZATION, That he will willingly presenteach and every visitor with a ten dollar greenback if tliev can???t truthfully say that COUP???S IS THE BEST THEY EVER SAW. After completing a three weeks??? brilliant aud successful engagement in the Madison Square Gardens. New York, formerly known as the GREAT NEW YORK HIPPODROME building, which Mr. Coup built himself in New York, in 1S74, he is now on his way to the leading cities of the South, where he Hopes to renew pleasent acquaintances, and give to its citizens by far the largest, best and most novel entertain ments they have ever before witnessed, with a moderate price of admission, which is the same as usually charged by small and inferior concerns. The NINE KINDS of MUSIC used in the GRANDEST STREET PAGEANT EVER KNOWN! Are fully equal to the combined melodies of Twelve Hundred Skillful Musicians. Such a startling array of features cs is presented in the FOUR CIRCUS & HIPPODROME RINGS Was never before known iu connection with any exhibition North or South, East or West, either in Europe or America. THREE EXHIBITIONS???MORNING. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. Cheap excursion trains will tun on all railroads on the day of exhibition, for the accommodation of the multitude. Those wishing to avoid the crowds nt the ticket ottiee, can procure their tickets on the day of exhibition at Phillips & Crew???s Book.Store, Marietta street. Will also exhibit at Augusta, Oct. 19; 'Macon, 20: Griffin, 21: Cnrtcrsvillc, Monday, 21; Rome, 25; Dnltoil. 26.??? 000 octi)???det oct!) 15 18 19 20 21 Awky ootll top 7thp DIMINISHED VIGOR j Is reimbursed in great measure, to those troubled with weak kidneys, by a judicious use of Hostetter???s Stomach Bitters, which invigorates and stimulates Without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunc tion with its influence upon them, it corrects ueidi- goods throughout the land. Having developed a fondness and aptitude ] for tiie clothing branch of Ins business, he sold out, something over a year ago, his stock of dry goods and embarked fully iu the cloth ing business, and now the name of ???Gay, tiie Clothier,??? is known almost wherever Atlanta is known. His large acquaintance and great popularity in the dry goods business, brought lim a large trade in liis new business, which lias grown with each month untiirit is now I simply immense. T-o those who have watched | Gay???s gradual rise and steady growth there is nothing strange about I it. His rules of business, well followed, al- | ways insure success. He selects with tine taste and buys with good judgment; keeps I good goods and tiie latest styles; never mis- | represents liis goods or deceives liis custom ers, and always sells at reasonable prices. We have had tiie pleasure of a personal in- I spection of liis fall stock, which is now just completed. Mr. Gay spest several weeks north getting up liis stock, and to say that it is large would not convey a correct idea of its magni tude, for it is immense. Every drawer and shelf, table, counter and corner is crammed full of goods. His goods are elegant. We were here shown goods finer than we supposed were carried in any ready-made elothing establishment??? I goods just as fine as are shown by the best merchant tailors, and trimmed and made as handsomely as can be done by the best artists in tiie business. Mr. Gay is to be congratulated upon tiie I beauty anil elegance of liis stock. We feel that it is hut simple justice to the many vis- | itors to Atlanta to lay these facts before them, and invite them to call at GAY'S CLOTHING HOUSE and inspect liis latest styles in hats and cloth ing. Gciteau is a stalwart of the stalwarts, says I the Elmira Free Press, and that is all the Insanity that afflicts him. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, oetl???dim sat tues thur nx rd matiwylm BROWN???S IRON BITTERS. Proof Every where. If any invalid or sick person has the least I doubt of tiie power and etticiency of Hop Bit ters to cure them, they can find cases exactly like their own. in tlieir own neighborhood, witli proof positive that they can be easily and permanently cured, at a trifling cost???or ask your druggist or physician. Lieutenant Flipper fell via his good-look- | ingcook. This shows that love knows no color line. ???New Haven Register. ???The color and lustre of youth are restored I to faded or gray hair, by the use of Parker???s Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing highly es- | teemed for its perfume and purity. scplT???dim tus thurs satifcwlm2dp EstrERor. William???s latest cause for com plaint is that his enthusiastic female admirers throw boquets at him so recklessly when he appears in pnblie in his carriage. He has frequently been struck in the face by the fragrant missiles, and on several occasions annoying contusion and bruises have resulted. Attempts to put a stop to the prac tice were made by giving public expression to the emperor's displeasure at the practice, but this only ]>artially abated the evxL Some of the fair sex would not be restrained. This, how ever, has been so only during the empe ror's absence from Berlin for the purpose of meet ing the czar. In his capital city he is not troubled bv such enthusiastic demonstrations. BROWN???S IRON BITTERS are a certain cure fbr all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength ens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm on tho digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron I-reparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drug gists at $1.00 a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. * Baltimore, Md. See thftt ill Iron Bitters are made by B*ow* Cniccu Co. Md have crossed red lines and trade merit on snapper. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. may24???d&wly nx tojor fol rd mat? DYKK???S BEARD EI.IXI2 J ^Bil??nr4. MMtuta WL??- /???? |cTh>7r^ULlb.v:??Tar)ui)g | 3 ri.-* ? IPt|??4Mite??Nk SS|m< tarftf** *100.09 Prafect^by* . Ptt with i.iiel???1 i??*li I a??d p??? ??? A- L. SXITII a CO., Sol* dilinr, in. jure2S???wkylSw eow A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF an order ireued at the June term by the Court of Ordinary of Fulton county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Court house door, in said county, between the usual hours of sale, the north half of lot of land No. 8, In the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, containing 101 acres, more or less. Property sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the es tate of Mrs. Ann Head, of Fulton county, deceased. August as. 1883. ELI GRIFFIN. aug26???dlawtw sat Administrator. TEXAS Sin <0>"CE.XSS3.SI.TXa??< A healthful, genial climate ??? an exceedingly productive soil, where, with common industry aud prudence, a sure and certain competence can be had. The South-Western Immigration Co. Will mail on application, free of cost, postage prepaid, books with maps, giving authentic and reliable in formation, in detail, of the State of Texas. Arkansas, or Western Louisiana. We desire to confer with those wishing to better their condition and are meditating a change to a new country. Address B. G. DUVAL, Secretary, Austin, Texas. J. N. VICTOR, Eastern Manager, 253 Broadway, New York. Foreign Ofliee:???WM. \V. LANG, President, Lcadcnhall II,??? use, aug9 wlm???omitlra???inSdm Leadenliall St, London, K. C., England. ELECTRIC EDISON Make* Some Wonderful Dloeovcrlc* In III* Line NEW York, October 6.???Mr. Thomas A. Edison was very happy this afternoon. He had just fin ished a satisfactory test of the largest dynamo ma chine ever erected???a machine having a capacity for one thousand or more of his electric lights. ???We have been building dynamos of fifteen-light power and of sixty-light power,??? said the electrician, ???but have seldom gone above the latter'size, although our 100-light machine proved a suc cess. But here I have jumped of a sudden up to a dvntimo of over 100 times the capacity of the 100- light machine, The world will be somewhat startled when it learns fully of this new departure I don't hesitate to aver that it is the biggest move ever made iu the utilization of electricity. I have worked slowly on my project, saying nothing of my plans, for I do not hesi tate to acknowledge that more than once I have feared that complete success would not read ily come.??? It was a monster machine weighing several tons, before whieh Mr. Edison drew up ns he made these remarks. ???'Here is the result of my labors, or rather that which will present the re sults,??? he said, as he gently stroked the polished surface of the polished iron. ???-The princi ple upon which this dynamo is construct ed is precisely the principle seen in my smaller ones. I n the sixtv-light machines there are two magnets. In this there are twelve. The for mer???s magnets to gether weigh a little less than 650 pounds, in this cat h of the 12 will push the scales to 685 pounds. One of the distinguishing features of this machine is in the position of its mag nets. Ill other dynamos the magnets stand erect: here they lie upon their sides. Coming Lick to a comparison in size, thearmature of this revolv ing dynamo is of copper bars, while in the sixty light machine their purpose is served by line wires. Their respective powers are eighty-horse power for the sixty light machine and iso for this.??? Mr Edison gave an exhibition of the dynamo, and remarked, us it performed its functions per- fectly: ???Just think of it! Y???ou are seeing what nobody has ever witnessed before to-day or outside of this room???1,C0U electric lights all from one dynamo. Many men will dispute this fact nntll they have seen'the diplay with their own eyes." The great machine itself was an interesting object as it ran at full speed, the engine making six revolutions a second???sufficient to drive a railroad locomotive a mile a min ute. The revolving armature, going round at the same rate, was all aglow with electric flame of inde scribable hues. There npi>eared to be abundant reason for the enthusiastic ejaculation of satisfac tions which came from the electricians. It cost 86.000 to erect the machine, and the same amount was expended on a similar one of slightly lei?? power just shipped to Paris for exhibition in the electrical exposition there. This one goes to London, where ft will be operated by the Edison light company, of Great Britain. It wns boxed for shipment this afternoon. Mr Edison said that he should proceed to construct at once twenty-four of the largest size machines for use in New York. A DMINISTATOR???S SALE???BY VIRTUE OF AN order granted at the October Term. 1881, of the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, Georgia, I will sell at Monticello, Georgia, at the place of Sheriff???s sales, on the first Tuesday -in December next, at public outery, to the highest bidder, one hundred and ninety acres oi land, more or less, in said coun tv. belonging to the estate of Sam Tohiuil, deceased, a'djoining land# of Abram Greer, H B Ridley, Allen Clark and others. Sold to pay the debts and for dis tribution among the heirs at law of said Sam To- land. Terms cosh. October 6th, 1881. \V II HEAD. oe??S???w4w Administrator of Sam T.??lm.<L RESIDENCE FOR SALE. POWDER SPRINGS. Conn Co.. Ga., Sept. 28,1881. A TWO-SIORV HOUSE WELL CONSTRUCTED coutainii g nine rooms with fire-places and closets to every room; all necessary out-buildings, some 4 acres in the lot; fine selection of fruit and shrubbery of various kinds. The house is beauti fully located in center of town, within 300 yards of the Atlanta and Rome railroad and Mineral Springs. A No 1 stand for 1 murders or hotel. Goiod school and churches of all kinds and surrounded by one of the best sectionsof country in upper Georgia. Would also sell the farm adjoining the lot contain ing 90 acres, more or less, about one-half cleared, the balance well timbered. Also several building lots. Somebody will miss a bargain, as T ???'Mil sell. 824 sept72???Wtf K II M VRCHMAN. O RDINARY???S OFFICE. JASPER COUNTY, Monticello, Ga, October 1st, 1881???John E Pye has applied for supplemental exemption of person alty. aud setting apart and valuation of homestead. And I will pass upon the same at 10 o???clock a m on the 22d day of October, 1881. at my office. oct6???w4\t F M SWANSON, Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR???S SAI.E- ?? BY VIRTUE OF an order from the Court of Ordinary or Fay ette county, and by direction of the will of Marga ret J White, will be sold at the court house door in Fayetteville, Fayette comity, Georgia, ??n tho first Tuesday in November next, between the 1, gal sale hours, the following described property, to- wit: 97 acres of land, more or less, off of the North half of lot of land No 105 In the upper 7th district of Fayette county, Ga: sold as the property of Mar garet" J White, for a division among tire heirs of said deceased. Terms cash. This October 3, 1881. James m. palmer, oct5 wfw Executor of w .1 White. 7 THE DINGEE 6s CONARD CO???S li BEAUTIFUL EVER. 11 LOOMING 1 SPLENDID POT PLMtTSmfpeciaUy prepared fbr House Culture and Winter Bloom. Delivered safely by mall, postpaid, at all post offices. 5 splendid varieties, your choice, all labeled, forSI* 12 for 82; 19 for S3; 28 for *4; 35forS5; 7Sfor 810; lOO for 813. We CIVE AWAY*in Pre miums and Extras,mora ROSES thaa most es tablishments grow. Our NEW CUIDE, a complete TreatitconlheJioteJOpp.cUaanUj/iUuttrated???free to <M THE DINCEE & CONARD CO. Bose Growers, West Grave, Chester Co., Pa. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING-. A GENERAL MEETING OF THE STUCKHOLD- ers of the Rabun Gap Short Line Railway Com pany will be held at the office of the A and C A-L Railway Co, in the city of Charlotte, N C, on the 25th of October, 1881, at 10 o???clock a m, to consider an agreement to consolidate this comjainy with the Knoxville and Augusta Railway Company and the Clayton Railroad Company. SHIPWITH WILMER, sepl.5???dlawtw thur Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS??? MEETING. A GENERAL MEETING OFTHESTOUKHOLD- ers of the Clayton Railroad Company will be ntlu at the office oi the A and C Air-Line Railway Co, in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, on the 28th day of October, 1881, at ten o???clock a m. to consider au agreement to consolidate this company with the Knoxville and Augusta Railway Company and the Rabun Gap Short Line Railway Company. JNO H GLOVfiR, Je, sen15???dlaw4w thur Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS??? MEETING* A GENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD- ers of the Knoxville and Augusta Railway Company will be held at the Atkin House, in Knox ville, Tennessee, on the 18th day of October, 1881, f 10 o???clock a m, for the purpose of considering tn agreement to consolMate this company with the Rabun Gap Short Line Railway Company and the Clayton Railroad Company. SklPWITH WILMER, sepl5???dlaw4w thur Secretary. TO THOSE WITHOUT CHILDtlriN Clark???s Specific. The great invig- Impc riant?? 85. Address Dr. Clark, P. O. Box, 1.775, N. Y. City. aug23 \v26t???eow