The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, October 18, 1881, Image 5

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I THE "WEEKLY CONSTITUTION, OCTOBER 18. 1881. t> AFFAIRS IN GEORGIA, AS REPORTED BY THE CONSTITU TION???S CORRESPONDENTS. The Affaire of the late Finn of Welch & Bacon???A Sudden and Sad Death at Dkwfon???New Enter, prieea at Eaatman???A Decatur Count* Fanner???Fact* and Comment*. Ry Mali and Wire to The Constitution. C.utRoi.i.Tox, October JO.???The jury in the case of Hie State vs. James E. Ilanvev. mur- tler, after it three (lavs trial, have returned brass band is here, from Columbus, to furnish the music for the fair. To-morrow is the big ??luy, when the most attractions will he offered, and a large crowd of visitors will probably he in attendance. Mostof the stores ni the city will be closed at ten o'cloek in or der to give the clerks and other employes an opportunity to visit the exhibition. The su perior court will be adjourned for the day for a like reason. Decatur, October 14.???The synod of the l'resbyterian chnreh???of Georgia was begun here Wednesday night by an eloquent ser in mil McMullen mounted bis horse, appar ently intending to ride to Carrollton. IVbile on horseback he remarked: "Mv horse can outrun any horse in the state, and whoever says he can't tells n <1???n lie.??? Hanvey who was in the house at the time said: "Don'tcall me a d???u lie.??? McMullen replied: "I didn???t call you a d???n lie. I said my horse could outrun any horse in the slate, and whoever says be can't tells a d???n lie.??? Hanvey walked through the door while this explana tion was being made, took bis knife from his pocket, opened it. walked tip to McMullen and without another word plunged it into his breast, about one inch to the right of the breast bone anil through the fourth inter costal space, the blade penetrating the cavity. McMullen threw Ids hands up exclaim ing, _ "He has cut me.??? and im mediately fell from his horse against the grocery. He was carried to a ncighlmring house and died next day. lfan- vcy, after committing the deed, made an ef fort to ilec the country. The sheriff was noti fied of what had transpired, and placing his dogs upon the track of the fugitive, soon overtook him lying in a fence corner. On last Friday he was placed upon trial ??? ids life. T. YV. Latham and Kccsc A Anderson, an able array of counsel, appeared for bis de fense, and most vigorously did they contest every step in the progress of the trial, frolic itor-Gcncral Reid and Cobh A Cole conducted the pnnecutiwli. The s|ieceh of Colonel Reid as n> whether drunken ness could he an excuse for crime is considered by competent critics as one of the finest legal arguments, and must have been convincing to tlie jury. At the close of the'trial .Judge Harris reviewed the case in a charge most clear, forcible and com prehensive. He presided throughout the trial in a way that gave evidence of broad le gal culture and <] uni ideations aptly fitting him for the position be bolds. The deceased was highly rcsjieeted and left a wife and one child. His greatest fault was his passion for drink. The defendant also has a wife and one child. His wife is daily exjiecting to he confined. His aged father and mother, grief- stricken and heads Irowod down, sat beside him throughout the trial, lie is a fine speci men of physical mini hood, but a reckless act iias forever blighted him. Covington, October K.???Atlanta was well represented in our society cireles yesterday by several gentlemen. Mr. Sanders Jones made a Hying visit, spending a few hours with us. Mr. II. C. Alhra is still in a very preca rious condition. "Thompson A Stewart??? have purchased the store lot in the burnt block belonging to Mr. G. T. Carr, and this morning began to erect a handsome brick store room. Work on the other lots,with two exceptions, is being pushed ahead with great rapidity. Mr. Thomas Camp willsoon have l:is large machine shop, 'situated near the Georgia depot, in full blast. He will employ about two hundred mechanics. Cotton is coming in very fast. Our buyers-are paying Atlanta and Augusta prices. All of our people who have visited the exi<ositiun unite in saying it promises to lie a great show. * Covington will be well repre sented by large delegations every week. Messrs. *VV. D. Elliott and Walter Latimorc h.??t for Tombs on yesterday. Oxford enjoy ed ft first-class sensation on Thursday last, earned by the accidental shooting of a young edition of "Our Brother in Black," by a ten year youth of the same persuasion. Wound serious, not necessarily fatal. Kmory Col lege is on a great Inioiu; everything promise* great success. About two hundred young men in attendance from several states. Flor ida is well represented. ???Sency hall??? will mmui t'e completed, and is pronounced by all to be the handsomest building dedicated to educational purposes in middle Georgia.?????? Mr. Colie McKay, of Texas, was married to Miss Gertrude Henry, of this place, to-day. Ai.mxv, October 12.???Superior court is in session this week, his honor, Judge W. O. Fleming, presiding* Captain John A. Davis, the receiver of the assets of Welch A Bacon, whose miserable failure occasioned such wide-spread disaster throughout this sec tion last winter, submitted his second rejiort f his acting as receiver, showing among ther things the sum of .$2,794.80 in his hands case of the heirs of Joseph Lane vs. Oglethorpe university to recover certain projierty deeded by Joslpb Lane, was brought tie fore the synod yesterday morning and was decided this morning against the heirs. Rev. Dr. Carter of Columbus, Ga., preached a fine sermon last night, beautiful in language and thought, and charmed all who had the pleasure of hearing it. Dr. McKhvaine, of Baltimore, secretary of home missions, delivered an address this morning in the interest of home missions. Dr. Mack, financial agent of* Davidson college, addressed the synod this evening at 3 o???clock in tiie interest of the college. The case of J. D. Turner vs. Central church ??>f Atlanta, will be called this evening and will consume sev eral liofirs. Eur.trLA, October 11.???Colonel J. G. Guice lost his gin house anil about twenty bales of cotton bv fire on yesterday. The gin bouse is on his plantation near town and is run by water. A little brother of the owner hada toy pistol showing another hoy how it worked, and placed the head of a parlor match on the tube and pulled down on it, when the exploded match scattered fire all around in the lint room, in the door of which they were standing, and the whole building was soon aflame. The building,-all the machinery and near or quite twenty bales of cotton were consumed. The negro ginner who was in the lint room parking back cotton barely escaped with his life and was badly burned. Loss about $3,000. It is said the poor little boy, the author of the five, is so horrified at his unfortunate carelessness as to he almost crazy. Washington, October 11.???Ed Allen and Brown, two colored barbers, were dis puting with each other yesterday evening in front of their shop, when a gentleman came in to get shaved. This ended the dispute, as Brown went in to shave the customer, Allen remaining ontsideon abox. When Brown fin ished shaving the gentleman, he quietly put up his razor, and stepped to a desk. Taking out a pistol he walked flelilierately out to the door, presented it to Allen???s breast and fired. The ball struck the fifth rib just at its juncture with the breast hone and ranged downward, breaking tiie ninth rib and lodging under the skin. Brown attempted to lire again hut was caught and disarmed by persons who were standing near by. Allen is seriously wounded, but not dangerously so. Brown was lodged in jail, and will have a commitment trial to-day. parties will occur this month. Eieerton, October 13.???Mrs. Campbell, wife of Mr. J. E. Campbell, died last niglrt. Yesterday an election was held to fill a vacancy in the town council. Mr. J. T. Mc- Curtv, of the New South, was elected by a majority of 14. He was the candidate of the conservatives. About 200 votes were polled. Elbert county will purchase a large safe for the court house for the preservation of the records of the different courts. At 11 o'clock this morning at the residence of the bride???s father, Thomas C Carlton, a prominent young attorney of this place, was married to Mis-' Mollie, daughter of the Hon. J. L. Heard. Rome, October 9.???Judge Underwood has disposed of a large number of criminals dur ing the present session of the superior court. ???There will lie an excursion from Rome to the exposition at an early day. Tiie street railway project is being revived, and the prospects are that it will suon lie in operation. Abner Towers has been elected Librarian of the Y. M. L. A., in place of W. H. Stafford, resigned. The appointment of Colonel John R. Towers as assistant keeper of the peniten tiary gives universal satisfaction here. Eastman. October 12.???Eastman now lias two good enterprises on foot. Work has com menced on a market building, and during the past two or three days our worthy citizen, Mr. W. W. Ashburn, Lias given the town a lively appearance by putting quite a number of carts to work hauling away the large saw dust pile in our midst, which is the accumu lation of several years??? sawing and a nuisance to the place. We hear that Mr. Aslihurn in tends to erect a cotton warehouse on the spot where this huge mass of saw dust now lies. AMEBievs.October 9.???Many hearts in Amcri- cus have been saddened to-day by Die ait' nouneement of the death of Mrs Mamie Tur ner, which occurred ra'lier suddenly at 5 o???clock this morning. Mis. Turner was the wife of Mr. John W. Turner, our popular and efficient telegraph operator. Mrs. Allen, wife of Mr. J. H. Allen, clerk of the superior court of tliis otiunty, is very low witli con sumption, and her life is hanging by a slender thread, which may be snapped at any mo ment. J is now ... William C. Young, who was charged with sidered at all shaky in the tipper story by his friends,though they cannot, of course* under stand his strange fascination about confederate money. He has always been considered a solid citizen, and is in good cir cumstances now. but will be the wealthiest man in the south if Ills dream is ever realized. Athens Banner. Our readers remember the report of the shooting ot Mrs. Stephenson in" Gwinnett county about six weeks ago by her steji- nephew, also named Stephenson, and the ex citement that prevailed on account of it. it has been a remarkable case in some respects, and lias served as the principal topic of inter est since in all the section around where it occurred. The most remark able tiling connected with it is that the woman has not died, though there has not been a day tvlien it was not said there was no hope of her recovery. It was thought that she must die in less than a week, but she has lingered six weeks. The same report is now made that she cannot get well. The testimony before the commiting court showed that the gun used was an old army musket. It was loaded with balls which the prisoner moulded himself. The gun moulds and one or two of the balls have been found. Since the shooting the superior court lias been in session, and an application was made to Judge Erwin to fix bail for the prisoner???s release. He said he would do so; and named $15,000 as the amount, which was a virtual denial, as there was no hope of Stephenson giving it. The judge did not intend that lie should get out merely to run away and escape justice, as lie certainly would do. The trial was not held because no one could tell the result of the wounds, and if she dies, as it is believed she must, it would not do to try him for a less of fense than murder, in the wounds the woman received, and the fact that she has survived so long there is some similarity to the case of the dead president. It has seemed impossible that she could live a week Linger at any stage of her case, and yet she is still alive. Instead of one wound as the president received, she has three, all of them in the hack near the kidneys. One of the balls is lodged in her spine and it is dan- erous to attempt to extract it for fear of her immediate deuth. Altogether the ease is decidedly interesting, and avc Avlil keep our readers posted about it as it progresses. Milledgeville Union and Recorder. Rev. A. J. lleck told the Farmers??? club Et ery buyer should Select *an Organ That guarantees good Evei ???!/ day work and Years of service. Ei y Estey Organ So7d made Throughout with Equal fidelity, and Yields unrivaled tones. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. oct6 dim???thursat tiiesJcwlm ESTEY ORGAN CO., Atlanta, Ga. ASfEB, October 12.???l???ickens superior court low in session. Tiie case of the State vs. iviUiam C. Young, who was charged with b c i nK accomplice in the murder of Thomas about a man in Jones county who planted Haller in 1878, came olFyesterday. The jury half cotton and half corn. He started after found* the defendant auiUv and recommended I the war with one mule???had never bought ??? - ' ' Judge any corn, but had hour??? * "*?????? ~ r placed land, lie now had p for bv I One negro had ploughed the proper authorities. * Cuthbebt, October 8.???Mr. John McK. Gunn, one of Cuthbert???s oldest citizens, is quite sick, and has been so for the past week. His condition at present is improved, and strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. He has been a citizen of Cutlibert and one of its leading merchants for thirty-five years, and In order to secure the benefit of thin magnificent offer, U trill 5e necessary to make immediate application. The Great Western Fithlihhimj Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, have been commissioned to I secure a list of 100,000 subscribers, to whom will be sent, free of charge, fur oae year, THE AMERICAN ARTISTS??? JOURNAL, a publication to be issued in tbe Interest of American artists. Each number will contain a variety 1 of tine Engravings of tbe works of American artists, and the original paintings from which the I | engravings are taken will be sold to the highest bidder among the subscribers 10 the paper. T??? ; first number of tbe .lonrnal will be issued as soon as the number of subscribers is received to w _. . j rant the publication on the strength of its advertising revenues. Contracts have been made with l prominent advertisers, on the basis of 100,000 circulation, and the revenues from this source will be I flieient to cover cost of publication. The allotment of circulation to this State is 3,000, and until that number is reached subscribers??? names will be entered on the books free of charge, and tbe Journal mailed regularlv to such I subscribers without cost. In addition, each subscriber will receive, at once, a large Premium I | Engraving, entitled THE TRIKTIXIT 03F* LQVE3V3T GRACES. I This Premium Engraving is, without doubt, the finest urt work ever offered in this Oountrv. It Is j a direct reprint from the original steel plate, and ttio original copies of tiie limited first edition j i brought $110 per copy. Each subscriber will receive this splendid premium at once, on making I application tc the Great Western Publishing Co., by cutting out and forwarding tiie following form. I I The Premium will be securely packed, and all charges prepaid to any point. The nominal I | charge of USe. is made to cover this expense, which amount must be remitted with the application, I either in silver or stamps. onipuuy, Cincinnati. Ohio. The sender of this apfliention desires that his name be entered as s subscriber to the Amekica* Artists* Joursal. I the same to be mailed regularly for one rear to the address*herowith given, brcismng at such lime ns the Lnnilter of I subscribers received will warrant th* beginning of the publication rn the strength of its advertising receipts. The sum | of 05c. is inclosed to cover cost or packing and prepaying nil carrying charges oh the Prcunum Engraving, TBE TIM'Rl'FY OF LOVELY GRACES, Which Premium is to ho forwardrd AT OSCF- My mil sddtess is given In the accompanying ieftrr. This npplication will be accepted and tbe name entered on subseription hoot*, provided the same Is received before I the 3,000 allotment to this Bute is completed. If received niter that number is completed, the charges for Premium J will he returned. till EAT WESTERN PUBLISHING CO. any corn, but had bought $10,000 worth of veAv.vss.0. ,. land. He now had plenty of fat stock. ^???thc^an'tirkwrYoung^'tliriailcd for by I One negro had ploughed the same mule nine Dio rsrnner authorities. I .wars. He had 800 bushels of .last year???s com in hi* crib. W ith plenty to ln???c on in sight, Ills laborers were satisfied and did not desire a change. All-cotton men had failed all around him. MiUedgeville Union and Recorder. be made. Only 3.000 Kuhserihers will be mu-up fed front this State. No I _ for the Art Journal. It will den . .. . .. ^ for cost of publication. Tbe Premium Engraving will he sli I eharge of any kind is made for the Art Journal. It will depend entirely on Its advertising receipts i * ' ??? - ??? ?????? ??? ' *" *??? shipped at once, regardless jf tiie dale of | mis state is secured7the charges for Premium will be refunded. Be sure and give your full address) I written plainly, and send all applications direct to TIIE CHEAT WESTERN PUBLISHING CO- 185 Race St- Cincinnati. Olrio. oetlS??? eftw not - v Vvev???vv . J l first time in many years, money is as low in the Judge F. C. r urinan lias saved < >0,000 pounds I wes tcm states as in the financial centers of the east, of hay???20,000 of which he gathered on three I it is loaned in New York at 0 percent, with a eom- acres.* Tiie judge isprettv successful in every- mission of one sixteenth and a fraction higher per ??? - ??? ??? II.'. has Hiven his atten-I da v for carrying, while in Cincinnati loans are made He lias MV en ms atten^ | ^ and i??? th is < U y at li per cent, at the same time that higher rates .are prevailing in the cast. This is partly due, he thought, to tiie large in vestments in railroad stocks and securities of nil lias a strong hold on the confidence'and aftec- thing lie undertakes. Sons of all the people of southwest Georgia, lion to farming this year, and finds it more and everywhere else where lie is known. | pleasant and profitable than law or politics. _ ??? , . "alton a cws. I kinds which have been made in the eastern cities, October 12. ??? Tiie Mercer Tiie wretch who stole Mrs. Davis s wedding but anot her reason is that the wealth of the coun- of Otl--- ??? after paving ail tiie expenses of administra tion to liate. For tliis pittance there are now preferred claims awaiting, amounting to bc- tvvecn $50,01)0 and *>0,000, with others still coming in. Tliis by no means represents the outstanding indebtedness of this firm but mere* lv a class of preferred claims, such as deposit ors. and claims of equal dignity with those of deiHisitors. All tiie other just and legal claims against the wretched concern, received, run the amount among the hundreds of thou sands. As this is a matter in which a great many of your readers at home and abroad are painfully interested, I promise siinc time shortly to give an account in brief of what has been done in jhe matter of tliis failure since it happened, etc., in order to sat isfy. if not relieve, hundreds of their inquisi tive victims at a distance, who are neccesarily in the dark concerning the whole business, 'four national hank failure in Atlanta was rather a big thing in its way, but we much question, if. all things considired, Albany tali???t almost or quite rival it in every respect. Conteks. October 12.???At 2:30 this morn ing the brick warehouse of J. A. Stewart. Jr., was discovered on fire, and in a very short time the building and contents wereconsum vd. There were in the warehouse alrout :k0 hales of cotton. House and contents insured for $3,500, also three wooden building adjoin ing. occupied bv J. M. T. Betty, restaurant; M. J. t???arr and Geoige YV. Conley, milincry and jeivciev: IV. T. Huson, confectionery houses burned; most of the contents saved. So insurance. S. J. Cowan & Sons, an d Dr \Y. H. Lee's goods damn cd. Insured. The fire at one time looked as though it would destroy the entire business pirtion of tiie town, hut by hard work of the citizens and fire company, it was cheeked. At one time the W Intchead hotel, also the Masonic hall were on fire and were given up bv many as lost. The proi>erty destroyed is alrout $29,000; Insurance, $3,500. Many "of the farmers had cotton stored for higher prices. One man lost his entire crop, seventeen hales, others one to ten bales. Mr. G P Elliott's loss is greater than any one man* he had fortv bales cotton and no in surancc. Our loss* falls heuvMy on us as our tTot??s are short oil account of tlic lonji clroutli There were also in the warehouse about one car load of wagons, salt, corn, and one car of bagging most of it the loss of McCord ?? Co. AXERICC8, Octol<cr 11.???Mrs. Allen wife of Mr. J. 11 Allen, the highly esteemed clerk of our superior court, died at 0o clock this morn- ing. fulling a victim to that dread disease con sumption. Sumter superior court, which convened yesterday, was adjourned In Judge Crisp, at noon to-day, for the balance of the dav, as an expression of the sympathy of* tiie court, its officers and the members of the bar, for Mr. Allen, on ac count of this sad sugk fair ???ind races of X. G. and J. K. I mice A. Co., of this place, commenced this morning at the fair grounds. A number of hue horses are on han>t to enter the trotting and running niccs. come off during the da vs.???-Professor Cord???s Eufaui.a, Octol>er 10.???Mr. ???Punch??? Dough- tie, lost a little girl about twenty months old. last Saturday night, poisoned by eating caus tic potash. The potash had been liquified to put in a soap pot and tlic child dipped a piece of bread it was eating in it anil ate it. Judge H. 1). Clayton and Solicitor A V Lee, are in town on their way to hold court at Union Springs, Bgllock county. Court was held in the open air in Coffee county last week, the court house being an unsafe place to hqhl it and tiie prices for tenqiorary use being put at too high a figure by persons own ing suitable houses. Dr. J. K. Battle left last Friday to attend medical lectures in New Orleans, tiie coining winter. Mr. IVistar Jay lists been quite sick, but is now reported better???typlio-tmilarial fever, Cedabtown, October 13.???On last Tuesday Alfred Tarver, colored, burglariously entered the dwelling house of Elijah Brown, colored, from which lie sto'c two watches. Brown, with a colored friend, followed Tarver eight miles, captured him. recovered the property, and after securely tieing him with a plow line, brought him here and placed him in jail. Brown has preferred .charges against the party for carrying a pistol in ad dition to the offense of larceny. Mr It. E. Cobb and Miss Carrie Prebble were married bv tlieJRev. J. E. Jones, on the even- in" of the* 12tli. There will bean excursion to tiie exi>osition from the line of tiie Chero kee railroad on tiie V7tli hist. Rome, October 12.???About four hundred voters have registered for tiie municipal elec- tion. Joint Towers, of the Courier, will take ill tiie - exposition to-morrow. The library will send off an order for about one hundred new volumes in a few days. Two ???erdicts have been rendered in tiie superior ourt tliis week against the Georgia Southern railroad company for $2,500. Miss Lucy Les ter of ThomasviUe, who lias been visiting here for some time, will return to her home in tiie morning. About two hundred thou sand dollars in confederate bonds have been sent t?? New York within tiie last few days, and our citizens are diligently searching for more. Dec vti-k, October 12.???The Presbyterian sy nod of Georgia meets at the l???resbyterian church in this place tliis evening at 7:30 o'clock. There,will be about seventy-five del egates in attendance, and al! will he well pro vided for bv the citizens of tliis place. Miss Carrie Ragsdale, of Stone Mountain, is visit ing Miss Addie Lowry. Miss Annie Lee Tison, lovely daughter of Judge John M. Ti- son, of Savannah, is visiting tiie family of Colonel George 'Walters. The cotton crop in tliis county will fall short of the general estimate. Tl'iosc who are posted are satisfied it will not be more than sixty per cent, com pared to last year. delegates are - arc cnpiijjiii}! rcwjins for tlic winter. Ilioinas- vilie is likelv to be crowded this season. ???I???m AUPlayril Out,??? Is a common complaint. If you feel so, ??-1 g ct a package of Kidney Wort and take it,and , you will at once feel its tonic power. It re- New York, October i.C deuce of I>r* ??? * f* xy {\\ ],*?? I news the healthy action of the kidneys, bow- I ninth congressional distrii nip completion, and when niusneci n oc ^ liver, and thus restores the natural life Hardie to till the vucancy ---??? Of the most beautiful and stylish d we ling ^ d a ???ren ^?? to the weary hotly. It can now 1 - uses m our city. Professor George . J?? itll er drv . one house ever ???before: and the duporits in tiie west arc in creasing faster than they do in the east hi a legiti mate way. Fernando Wood*- Shoes. _5???The Tamnumyites of the district to-day nominated John caused by the death of Fernando Wood. Clieves, of the Dawson and in JonrmkL l.asiuSthad hud*in either dry or liquid form, t Journal. 1ms just had | either way is ahvav ??? s prompt and efficient in built a very attractive ant ^ handsome residence SSllSSS <??ii Lee street. City property here is rapidly I appreciating in value. ???A Nets*York theory is that Timothy O Howe, of 37 n . to Mr William I Wisconsin, is to be put into the treasury department I /Nixrn nr\ BaiNBEIDOE, October 1- -.ur. \>i Uimplvas a place-warmer for Koseoe Couuling, of A jt/f [1A V At 111 Smith, of Attapulgius, Decatur county, will J Nc ^. { or *. I A. U. 111. UA I 01 V>U., save and bale fifty tons of splendid .Spanish 7 ti.o itc.t'l???roorTTMerit Mover hv f ir more nutritious and acceptable | Tho llc,t 1 r ????? r ??? . , ,1 clothiers. jon^^tjjam^tholand, | RATTERS AND FURNISHERS, at Marvin camp meeting, Brooks county, on Sunday. octlG???d2w sun wfcdAfri&w2w Herbert Speneer, is about to marry an American , heiress. If he does he???ll get some ideas concerning Conyers October 11.???We regret to an- agystcm 0 f government that will make him open tfSh Ji?? & I Jr. of this county. Air. wrote non necu at tending Moore???s business college and tele graphed his father to come for him as he was sick. He was brought home several days ago and up to tliis time is lying very low. October 10. ???Professor W 37 PEACHTREE STREET. ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA Before you buy Clothing, do not full to see onr Mr. Charles B. Wavnian, Erie, Pa., writes: ???AIv physicians had given me up to die. Tliev told me inv lungs and liver were all de-. esiyed and gope. I was very weak, pale and I stock, which, for Elegance, btyle and Perfection of emaciated. By chance I saw Brown???s Iron FITj vou wi p fin( j unoqualed. Bitters advertised. I immediately realized 37 \t uvny October 9.???Last evening (Satur- dyspeptic symptoms disappeared my lungs d*.v tlmcotton reports at Albany front Sep- grew strong, pains in tiie region of the heart | **.wtw wmi_ ??? ??? ' - . * A.U tlin niiunitlt OTl 1 vnnicliPil I11Y 11F111C U. S. STANDARD SCALES i CHICAGO SCALE CO., 147, 149 and 151 Jefferson Street, Chicago, MANfFACTllKE MORE THAN GOO DIFFERENT VARIETIES, liny the Best Quality at Lowest Prices. 2- Ton Wacom Scales (Platform 6x12) ??40 3- ToN, 7x13 $50 | 4-Ton, 8x14 $60 The Best Scales for cotton gi ,ls hi use. 700-lb Brass Cotton Beam and Frame $45 Sold by reliable merchants everywhere. All Scales warranted Send for price list. BECK. GREGG-& CO., Gencrul Agents, octO???dlaw'.???.in thur &wky:tm Atlanta, Ga. Extra Douele^ Number. 88 Large Qaarto Pages, 261 columns, Deluding A GRAND PRERHUR1USTCS?^ 1 * Stone Mountain, October 13.???There i leering of power now in progress in the P. * i. _u. Mmmtum XvCV. ???The French harvests are doing well. Mcthoifist church at Stone Mountain. Rev. | ???How no you manage,??? said a lady to her I W F Ouillian. the pastor, is conducting it | f r i e ml, ???to appear so happy all the tune? ' Twelve accessions to the | >q always have Parker???sGingerTomc handy, was the reply, ???and thus keep myself and with great energy, church up to dattn WUut the Papers Say. Bv Mail and Wire to The Constitution. Griffin, October 12.???Griffin has always been on tlic alert for sensations Not that we crave them, or that we lack that amount of solidity necessary to make, us have a distaste family in good health. When I am well I ahvavs feel good-natured.??? See other column. I sepi7???dim tus thurs sat&wlm2dp ???Alfonso wears his garterwell. Busily Proven. t* tl,->r malarial fevers. (*nn- which next are t three Dawson, October 12.???Just ten days ago I informed vou of the sudden death of Dr. John R Jane* of this place. To-day it becomes my painful dutv to tell vou that his wife died this morning at*5 o???clock. Her death was most unexpected, and has cast a gloom oyer our entire community. It is thought that her death was due to heart disease, ns she com plained about A'A o???clock of a severe pain in the re-ion of her iicart. Medical skill was unavailing to prolong her life. She lias seem ed to have no desire to live since the recent death of h*r husband, whom she loved very fondlv. She leaves five children, three of whom are under the age of nine years. Marietta. October 11.???At 10 o???clock this morning tiie roof of Mrs. E. F. Anderson???s kitchen ivas discovered in fiames. The gal lant l>ovs of Marietta No. 1 were out with their steamer, and the flames ivere extinguish ed with little damage to the building. On the 20th instant one of Atlanta's popular voting men will be united in the bonds of matrimony to one of Marietta s fairest daugh ters. Charles E. Caldwell is going to put up a building on tbe vacant lot beside the Kenncsaw house. He will use it for a restau rant and fancy store.- Last Sunday there were four funerals in our quiet town???some thing so unusual that it cast a gloom over the entire community. Marietta, October 10.???As yet tlic railroad rates cannot be counted as among the many attractions at the exposition. Our people are all anxious to attend ami suppose most of them will do so, but are looking for a greater reduction than 2'A cents per mile, besides being obliged to pass by the grounds and sub jected to tiie unpleasantness of a large crowd and ten cents additional each way. It is lioiied the authorities will -remedy this matter, as it is one that will have its tveight. Several car loads of sewer pipe* for culverts on the Rome and Atlanta railroad have arrived. A wedding Cetween Atlanta and Marietta aged and infirm always. ???The princess of AVales_is not intellectual. Contracts Closed. Contracts were closed yesterday for the grading of over the land as the only toivn witli backbone enough to stone Uncle Tom???s Cabin AVith an cient lien frpit, we now appear once more with a full fiedged millionaire! That sounds prettv big for a small sized Georgia town, but t is no less a fact for al 1 that. The Constitu- , . 5 ??? 11,0 . OPpll IS TION Of of the for confederate bonds, abled to bring into nc - - ,... | u> mre ?? <.u>au????, ??? ??? on the streets this morning and claims that Mart i n . shea & Co .All these contracts are to he com for about $8,000,000 of confederate money now p i e , e ,i by June 1st, 1SS2, so as to allo\v the track. to , in liis possession he tvould not take in gold a be laid, and trains to run to Tallulah falls, July 1st, | cent less than ninety cents in the dollar. The 18*2- gentleman inJO-1 Colonel THE METHODIST, 188 2 Published WEEKLYat 15 Murray Street, New York. No other paper of its size and character so cheap. 20 to 21 pages in each number, and only TWO DOLLARS A YEAR Those subscribing and paying NOW for 1882 tvill I receive the paper for the rest of this year t Hhh. REV. D.H. WIIEELEIt, I.L. D. Editor REV. DANIEL CURRY, LL. 1). - ??? Associate Editor Assisted by an able staff of contributors. Specimen copies sent Free on application, nsrin sending funds for subscriptions, remit by Draft, Cheek, P O Money Order, or Registered Letter where, to whom the CENTS! ORANGE JUDD GO ^NEWYTORK????., why DR.* WARNER???S CORALINE A CORSETS. Boned with a New Material, called Coraline, which is vastly superior to horn Or whalebone. A REWARD OF $10 will be paid for every Corset in which the Cor aline breaks with six m jinhs??? ordinary wear. It is elastic, pliable, and i ery comfortable, and is rot affected by cold,heat or moisture. Price l>?? mail for Health or Nursing Cor sets. ??1.50; for Coraline or Flexible Hip Comets, *1.25. For sale by leading re of worthless imitations boned WARNER DUO'S, 37*/ Broadway. N Y. -d. -I<k w8t This important tvork is under the supervision of olonel G J Foreacre, in whom the people have the ' ??? ill tie >ush- east- falls.on some dav be worth something, so he went to j .mj-tunt bne. , work and bought them up in large quantities The grading between Rabun Gap junction the oavine cash for a considerable amount, and I point Avhere the Northeastern leaAesthe Air-L??ne Erin^mtraTfrom his mill for the balance. 1 advanced that itscemnle- He "ave a bushel of meal for a thousand dol iarsf ami many a wagon load of that food has been hauled away from his j e ,t. door. Many people, of course, imagined the Yorktown???On vesterdav the governor I notion ratlier cranky, hut to those Mr. Corbin an < 4 [ F ^ is party lefl on t h e Air-Line railroad to attend gaA*e fio liecd. going right along and bu> ing J yorktown centennial.. The^ party tvent^ in a | special c * " compos*; A H Col, know, say he lias between seven aim eigli I ia Lieutenant-Colonei L C Jones, Lieutenant- millions. liesides several hundred thousand j Colonelw i Heywarel, Captain J F. Mann. Captain Sobo in mV in?? Tto??. .??* n. iMln>n. alone, and that isn't ail. by a lot.??? And so I TnE contract Let.???On yesterday Major Mc- to the Richmond and Danville construc tion company the contract for the layiug of the track of the first seventeen miles of the Rome ex- l tension. This is the track which is to be jointly his 1 ustHl by the Georgia Pacificwnn Cole roads. Money Cheap In the We*t- Indianapolis Times. One of the best informed hank presidents of ibis VIOLIN OUTFITS* Consisting or-Violin, Box, Bow nad Teacner, to any port lor the United* on] to a day# trial belhro buying. | A HEV/ BOOK BY MARK TWAIN 5 ??j3???Thc Prince and the Pauper.??? A hook for **C the young of all ages. Test hook for convnssers g ever published. Sold by subscription only. *5 For terms and Territory apply at once to S SOUTHREX PUBLISHING CO.,' New Orleans, La. Box 116. bcttl ???il:P &wl w ru-ti7???\v4w eow lot.??? And so I ^ | lie has gone right on this way for years. He Craeken fet to the Richmond and Danvillex-oustruc has had letters from all o\*er the country an tion company the contract for the laying of tm C bought tiie stuff right and left, from far track of the first seventeen miles of the Rome ex- and near. As already stated, no 1 knows just how far exactly freak lias extended, and he may iuia'c ->>0.- 000,090 for all 1 know. Mr. Corbin is consid erably stirred up by the recent demand m London, and seems satisfied lie is on the right 1 1 itv 'in couversation with a Times' reporter yester- track to an immense fortune. He is not con- ??? a ft V, stated as a remarkable fact that now, for the ;an25???w3m thenoctl wl5w T exas property for sale-ox account of failure of health, 1 will sell my Planing Mills, Sash and Door machinery. Gd*t Miffs. Cotton Gins, etc, at a good bargain. The best locution in the State. Address W W Pearce, Cuero, Texas. octl-5 diw*2w E ngines, saw mills, cotton gins, plan- I ing and matching machines, belting, saws, etc, now on hand. My road engines should lie used by saw mill men and every one having much hauling to do; the suvings over teams will soon pay for the road engine. Satisfaction guaranteed, prices reason able. Give me atrial. S F Perkins. 32 and 34 Whitehall street. 8*15 nct!6 dltAwklt A EORGIA, FAYETTE COUNTY???ORDINARY???S Office, October 12, 1881???M R Glass has ap- G pliet plie<l for exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o???clock a m on the 3d day of Novembei, 1881, at my office. L B GRIGGS, Ordinary. oetl5???w2w G eorgia, fayettk county-ordinary???s oftice, October 14.1881. William 11 Thomas, has ap died for exemption of pei-sonaltv, and set ting a id valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o'clock a m, on the 3d day of Xovembe-. DM,at mv offiee. . LB GRIGGS, 853 oelltt It . Ordinary.