The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, April 04, 1882, Image 5

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THE "WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1882: PREACHER BEECHER." HIS IDEAS ON THE MORAL USES OF BEAUTY AND LUXURY. tention—such attention as no other man on this continent receives. LOVE OF SENSATION. Beechei’s love of sensation grows stronger. In the pulpit and on the rostrum old age in stead of mellowing him, makes him more ag- An Astonishing lecture By tho Plymoaih Pulpit I gressive in his originality. The result is lngi- " " cal. He has stimulated the American public until its taste demands stronger and stronger Orator—Honey Utdo to Spend—Tho Puritans Praised—The New Testament a Magna Charts of Man's Individual Bights. pccial Correspondent of The Constitution. Washington, March 30.—Washington had five shows last night. They were M’lle Rhea in “Camille,” a minstrel troupe with the usual stale iokes and cracked-voiced ballad singers, the two variety theaters, and Henry Ward Beecher. All were advertised in the newspapers, placarded on the bill boards. Eacli had a fair start, and the Brooklyn par son drew a larger crowd than the fascinating peculiarities. What would have been enough I spice for a lecture five years ago would A HUMAN BAROMETER: The Beal Relations Uetwecn the Hsjran Body sad the Weather ScIentlflcaUj Explalasd. From the Scientific American. One of the most valuable developments of modern science along the line of human ne cessity is the National Weather Bureau at Washington. Experience has shown that ’-six per cent of the predictions of the signal service are accurate; and these predic- tragedienne, or the bnrntcork “artists (?),” or gramme at every performance hardly flavor it now. There most a constant tions are unquestionably of the greatest ad- infusion of the novel and striking or the pub- vantage to the seaman, the agriculturist and lie will grow weary and say “Beecher is grow- the entire commercial world. The service ing tame. He is losing *his old time fresh- has proven its necessity by its usefulness, for ness.” Depend upon it, Beecher will never in past times the facilities for foretelling at- let that be said. He can keep just as far mospheric changes were meagre indeed. The ahead of the public as he chooses to, and if only indications our fathers had of coming he were to deliver the same lecture to-night I changes in the weather were aching limbs, he would put in some new touch of “devil- I twinging joints or painful corns. These m- ment,” as we express it in Geogia. He will dications,” though crude, were usually cor- do for a lasting sensation and can advertise rect, and hence naturally suggest the inquiry much more tiuthfully than the minstrel I as to the relations between the liuman_system manager that he will give a change of pro-1 and the weather. The body isunquestionably the weary looking dancing girls who whirl their brief gauze dresses high enough through tobacco smoke and whisky fumes. Beecher’s | theater was the big Congregational church. an excellent barometer. It foretells changes in the atmosphere long before they occur, and this fact has been taken advantage of by phy sicians who, when all other agencies fail, pre scribe a change of air, thus hoping the body may find an atmospheric condition better suited to its netds. And yet the real relation every pause in this lively dialogue to sing out | “standing room only!” Sixteen hundred people, more than half of I whom were women, sat patiently awaiting the coining of the tardy lecturer. He came at last with a bilious looking gentleman by his side to do the unnecessary introduction. Ilis first sentence, ottered in a low conver-1 rational tone and heard by everybody, an nounced bis subject: “The moral uses of | beauty and luxury.” Of Beecher it is said that lie never makes the same lecture twice. He handles every subject with apparent care lessness He seems to say things that occur to him as he goes along and digresses almost every five minutes from the line of his dis course. An analysis of one of his | lectures wouldn’t be worth much. Some of his best things are good only as they fall from his rich utterance anil catch the glow of his warm presence. I am not going to worry myself or weary whoever may read these words with an attempt to sketch his lecture, but there were in it some points that may elicit surprise, although Beecher has long been famous for saying what he pleases. THE LECTURE OUTLINED. lie combats the idea that leanness and pie ty necessarily go together. 41oney is made to spend. It is like gun-powder—not good for anything until it goes oil. The old' Puritans, venerate them as we may, would not have been pleasant companions. Then he made a long defence of the Puritan character, to show that it was driven to the extreme of asceticism by the extreme of corrupt luxu ry before the"reformation. Christ spoke severely of rich men because of the severe methods of obtaining wealth in His day. The New Testament never ap proaches so near to grim humor as the para ble where Christ said it would be harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Then the apostles, the poor pen niless vagabonds looked each other in the face and asked in a tone of alarm “Who,then, Lord, can be saved.” They were not in tnudh danger. [This brought a burst of laughter from all over the house.] Most peo WASHINGTON AND BROOKLYN. There was a curious exchange of attract ions between Washington ami Brooklyn last night. While Beecher was here playing rudely with some things the common consent of Christian . r . i i , men and women account sacred, Bob Inger- As 1 entered the ticket seller was having a was blowing his blasphemous breath over I between the human bodv and the weather quarrel with a man who wanted his money a Brooklyn audience in the sneering sacrilege has never been fully understood, nor has there back because he couldn’t get a seat—using I of his lecture on "What Shall we do to be I ever been, until now, a correct explanation 1 Saved?” Ingersoll is growing milder. Beecher | of what rneumatism (which seems in league is growing wilder. Will they ever get to- I gether? BEECHES AND INGERSOLL. What influence is each having on the thought of the day? Do people flock to see them merely to have the fancy pleased, to watch the flight *f imagination or to enjoy the surprises of originality? Or is the thought | disorder. But this idea was found to be too | of this young, restless nation growing weary I of the old landmarks, forsaking the old faith* setting out to search for some new and freer creed? One of these popular instructors | conies proclaiming his defiance of the faith of the fathers, and striking at its heart with the fierce frenzy of the Saracen. The other, | fest ^ itself in every conceivable shape and al wearing the crusader’s badge of devotion, but ways accompanied by intense pain. At one now and then trying to undermine some dear time it is inflammatory, at another neuralgic, old pillar of trust or throwing the smirch of Sometimes it assumes the form of gout, and | suspicion on some long cherished memory, j again t j, at of pleurisy or lumbago; but in rith the atmosphere) really is. It was origi nally thought by many to be a trouble in the j joints, and as such was treated in the most strange, not to say, ridiculous manner. This theory became dispelled when the same trouble attacked the musqjes, and the feeling the worst order who have been entirely cured by following the theory above stated and using the remedy mentioned. Many of these persons had the very worst possible symptoms. Vague aches in different portions of the body were followed by agonies the most intense in some particular spot. Acute and throbbing pains succeeded each other and the coursing poisonous acid inflamed all the veins. Troubles which began with slight disorders increased to derangements the most serious. It is sad to think that all this suffering was endured when it could have been so easily relieved. Acting upon the theory and using the rem edy above mentioned tlie kidneys could have been restored to their usual vigor, the uric poison expelled from the system, the inflam mation removed and the pain entirely banished. These are some of the real and scientific facts regarding rheumatism, attested by the highest authority atid they are, beyond ques tion, the only correct ones ever brought forth. We are aware they are advanced ideas, but ten years hence they will be the accepted be lief and practice of the world. If people suf fer from rheumatic troubles in the future and with these plain truths before them, they cer tainly can blame no one but themselves. The Boston Transcript discovers that it is not the religious hooks in its library that keep Lent most devoutly. I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney trouble; was unable to get anv medicine or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters, and they cured me in a short time.—A Distinguished Lawyer of Wayne County, New York. T le W. C. Coup Show is as far superior to Barnum’s Show as Bamum’s Show is better than thbse of a dozen years ago.—Springfield (Mass.) Republican. W. C. COUP S NEW UNITED_M0NSTER SHOWS x It E A T WORLD’S FAIR! For the Season 1882. Will exhibit Afternoon and Evening, AT ATLANTA ON MONDAY, APRIL lOTH stands alone in its Vast Grandeur. Unrivaled and Unapproachable, containing more New Features and More Original Ideas than all the Combined Shows of America. THREE They say parrots,;when aboard snip, suffer from sea-sickness. then prevailed that it was purely a muscular rife Destroying the Contents of n Room .. . . Used by a small-pox patient may be avoided by narrow, and now it is universallv conceded I using Darby's Prophylactic Fluid. It is morally that rhumatism is a blood disease. And what a criminal to neglect the use of such a disinfectant terrible dtatoeit to. I, often onto, without STS&gt warning and prostrates the system With p rop hylactic Fluid freely about thtir houses will agony. Again its beginning is gradual, and be saved from the attacks of all contagious diseases its growth slow. In its acute form it rnani- | and death isself. The new note paper Jbas figures of insects and rentiles on it. Before dancing put your feet in good order by isinffOArraim Rpmnwr. Sold bv driifrerists. It may be that one or the Other .of them is I whatever manner itappearsitis terribly pain- I using German Corn Remover. 23c. Sold by druggists. the I and always to be dreaded. The pain and I marSl—d<5sw3m right, but we have come to believe in 1 simple old way. To them the crowd listens, I and for tnetn it claps its hands and goes away to gossip awhile and forget. Now and theu the answer comes to all this eloquence of I tongue, whether to the fierce cry for the de struction of the faith that has lifted humani ty so high, or to the insftious attempt to veer its bearings from the absolute and the eternal I to the accommodating shiftings of modern pni- tracts The losopliy. It comes in the eloquence of the an< j ra ; ns civilization that hasgrown under the old rule | an ,i wome bearing as its richest fruit the manhood and womanhood we i ow know and love. It breathes in the incense rising from every Christian home in forms of gentleness, purity, and strength. It brings its supremest argu mont in some poor, untliought-of life, walk ing the stony way in sweetest patience, try ing no new theory, living content by the old, and, atsthe end, findin; which comes the echo o long ago at the close of a triumphant life and has been singing down the years ever since— “I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith." ays to be dreaded, xne pain i annoyance of rheumatism are increased by | its great danger for it is liable to attack the brain or heart at any moment, thereby caus ing instant death, "indeed, nearly every case of heart disease with ail its dreadful sudden- j ness which has ever occurred, can be traced more or less directly to rheumatic causes. In its chronic form it stiffens the joints, con- muscles, undermines the health the life. It frequently attacks men and women who are apparently in perfect healtii. Indeed, it is as greatly to be dreaded as any possible form of physical woe. But, however severe ils effects may be, the exact cause of this blood trouble has been an It is reported that Mr. Thomas Hughes is likely to be appointed governor ol the Isle of Man, suc ceeding SirNenry Loch, who has resigned. A BlcMlnjr. Sancho Panza blessed the man who invented sleep. So do ourleading society belles bless the memory of the late Dr. T. F. Gouraud. who taught them how to be beautiful. Everyone should do all in his power to supplement nature in adorning the per son, and a fine complexion is not given to all; and just here art aids nature, and all who use Dr. T. F. Gouraud’s Oriental Cream, or Magical Beauti- fier, know its value, a.:d how tneskin that is freck led, tanned, pimpled, or moth patched can be made like the new born babe’s. To those who will use t li pic think too much of the animal in them I reached the city yesterday at noon, having lti I by removing this poisonous acid that rheu- . toilet preparations it is recommended bv physi- undccided question, aud it is only within the ciuns, as the board of health has declared it free past year that any decision upon the subject | from all injurious properties, and, as it is on sale has been reached^ In order to fullv determine at a11 druggists' and fancy goods stores, it is an easy nas been reacneu. in oruer io ‘““J ueteriume i mattor to gj ve it a trial an g th us «-in the approba- - . >. what the cause of rheumatic disorders really well as the envy of ladies.—Evening no, finding a lull peace, out ot was, certain authorities sent letters of inquiry I Express. January". 1881. aprl d&wlt tlie echo of the voice that spoke | f rom Washinton to the leading practicing | t 7T~^T,—Z physicians of the land, and these inquiries T ““‘ r "~‘~ were responded to quite generally, thus fur nishing data of great value to science and mankind. The views held by the doctors are of a varied nature, but so overwhelming a proportion hold to one belief as to leave but Rule doubt that it is the correct one. This belief, briefly stated, is that uric acid in the Sheriff McElliannon, of Jackson county, I blood causes rheumatism, and that it is only ive kept th F. H. II. PICKLED P1RKLE. and pray with great unction the Lord’s prayer. I never prayed that prayer and never will, “Give us this day our daily bread. Why you've got a month's provision in the pantry. [Laughter.] That, prayer was ut tered‘when all the common crowd of the people could hope for was bread and the children in many a household went to sleep hungry. THE MAOVA CHARTER. He lauds the New Testamen as the magna charter of man’s individual rights and the first revelation of a life to come where he may expand beyond all possibility in this world. * Te he was visited by a Constitution representa tive, to whom he said.: ‘Yes. I am going home to be tried for a murder committed In January, 1875. I was then living in Jackson county with the man I killed. His name was John C. Strange.and I think I killed him justly. You see, I am a married man. One day I made certain discoveries which so incensed me ,t, .. , „ j that I grabbed up a club and The Old Testament is a philosophy for the str „ck Strange over the head with it. I had present life alone. It tells nothing of lm-1 no idea of killing him, but the stick was a Last week an Ohio mau on his travels found shell on Gettysburg battle field. He took it home and put it in the stove to see if it was real. It was genuine, A Wonder to IleriL-If und All Around Her, A gentleman who procured Compound Ox ygen for his wife, says in one of his letters: “My wife is so different now from what she was when I wrote you, that she is a wopder to herself and all around her. I am well satis- charge S. T. I’irkle, who is wanted in that I ulatic or neuralgic troubles in all their terri- I lied that had it not been for your remedy, if county for a murder committed in 1875. bleformscan be cured. This being true, the im- she had lived until this time it would have I’irkle, who is a fine-looking white man, I portant question arises: “How does this poi-1 been but on the brink of the grave.” Treatise spent the night in cell No. 4, where | sonous uric acid get into the blood, and now ' .. . — can it best be removed? ’ Uric acid is a waste material of the body which the kidneys should carry out, but because they are weakened they cannot throw it from the system. Re- - store the kidneys and you restore the power | that will force the uric acid from the system and thus banish the rheumatic agonies which it causes. This is reason; it is science._ No one whose kidneys are in a perfect condition was ever troubled with rheumatism, and no rheumatic sufferer, however slight the pain may be, has perfect kidneys. The conclusion on “Compound Oxygen” sent free. Drs, Starry & Palen, 1109 and 1111 Girard street, Philadelphia, Pa. A SL Louis man has a coat made of tiger skins, which he purchased In New York, aod he had only worn it twice when he was credited with having fought three duels, killed six tigers and discovered a gold mine. Hurrah for Oar Side. Many people who have lost their fnterest in poli tics and in amusements because they are so out of sorts and run down that they cannot enjoy any- captured and this in jail. Here I staid until January, when my cell mates, the Kelly hoys, and I made our escape. Their friends brought them an | augur and we bored through the floor and got! away. I then went to Monroe county, where I have been since.” “How did they capture you?” “Well, I don’t know, exactly, but you see they have me.’’ “So you have been away from home since , , , , , , ,, - _ - i A New Y’ork woman hus made her will on silver cealed and ready tojoreak out at some unex- | cards, taking out a piece ot each card in the shape of a crescent—no two being alike—aud giving this piece to different heirs. They are to receive what | she has bequeathed them on the cards into which their crescent pieces fit. mortality. It only gives dim hints of it as j arge one an( j the bio at’a heavy one, and his of this ’truth is: inevitable: perfect kidneys t h£f“celebrated 'remedy^Kidney-^or^aud poetic minds peered into the dark. Children, d ea th insued on the eleventh day thereafter. I mean freedom from rheumatism. I experience its tonic and renovating effects they obey your parents that your days may * >e I \viicii lie Jie<l I lild out until March, when I I When rheumatism has manifested itself in I would soon be hurrahing with the loudest. In long, says the Old Testament. * CiiilQren, 1 was captured. I made my escape, however, I any sriecial part of’ the body, attempts have I either dry or liquid form it is a perfect remedy for obey your parents because it is right” says and went to Tennessee where I staid usually been made to treat that part of the I tor P id liver . kidneys or bowels.-Exchange. the New. He compared the growth of men I un til the following September. I body. As a result, the pain has departed but in taste to the increasing speed of trotting then returned home and was again I the disease has remained, lying subtly con- liorses, minutely detailing how the record | captured an d this time landed 1 gradually came down from “2:40 on a plank road” to the marvel of 2:10-14. Gracious knows what they will do next summer. [Lauhter.] If you think it strange that a preacher should know so much about race horses, I will remii d you that the horse is the only brute animal that has a distinct promise of immortality. The book of Revelations is full of horses. [Great laughter.] He said he had no objection to sending to Paris for our fashions. You can send to farthest east and bring lieretheir richest fabrics. What lie objects to is the kind of stuffs yon bring. He objects to having the courtesans of royalty fir American women. They pected moment. Checking the pain in any single locality only scatters the disease through the system, when, if the seat of the disorder, which are the kidneys, were reached, a com plete cure would be the result. The way, therefore, to expel this rank and poisonous chronic form is by keeping the kidneys in absolute health. This is no easy thing to do, and no means has, until within the past few years, been known which would successfully reach and affect these great organs. At last, „ „ . however, scientists have discovered that the ring. He objects to having the g Uess j won't get away so easy this time.” _ leaves of a tropical plant, previously but little of royalty fix the fashions oil Pirkle is about six feet tall, and will weigh I known to science and unknown to medicine, rumen. They send these dresses | a i, ou t one hundred and sixty pounds. He I possessed marvelous qualities adapted for the ■Overworked men and women, persons of seden tary habits, and others whose system needs recu acid before it assumes an inflammatory or I peration, nerves toned, and muscles strengthened _i e k.. *i.«* kkinAim in 1 n . A’c imn RittoN inar2S d&WlW “Yes, with one or two exceptions. I went I home twice • and got back all right, but I aix feet too long at the bottom and six inches too low at the top. [Faint smiles among the fair ones,] “I fear 1 have never reached the degree of sanctification. Whenever I step on one of those six feet trails, I say glory I and if 1 hear a seam pop, I say hallelujah!! But I never hear the woman say amen!” Here the audience has biack hair, black eyes and a long full black beard. He talks well, and does not seem uneasy about his case. The "Sheriff and his prisoner will leave this city this morning. should use Brown’s Iron Bitters. There’s nothing selfish about Chicago people. When a baker’s family had the small-pox, the baker divided his time beiweeu nursing the pa tients and waiting on the public. He was perfectly willing the others should nave soma of iL Fortr Year*’ Eruerleuco ot ail Old Nurse. Mm Winslow’s southing strl’p is the prescrip tion of one of the best female physicians aud nurses ! in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. It relieves the child from AMUSEMENTS. GRAND CIRCUSES IN ONE GREAT RING. MAGNIFICENT MENAGERIE THE CELEBRATED BRONCHOS. W THE LEAFING UORSK ’’NETTLE. ^ v AN IMMENSE MUSEUM! WllH THe. GRAND HISTORICAL TABLEAUX OF THE ASSASSINATION OF GARFIELD By Guiteau, designed and modeled by Wilson Macdonald, Esq.. America’s foremost sculptor, and John Durkin, Esq., the Graphic Ariist of New York depicting with PHOTOGRAPHIC EXACTNESS 1st. GUITEAU CONTEMPLATING THE ASSASSINATION, in LafUyete Square. 2d. THE ASSASSINATION in the Pass enger Room of the B. and P. R. R. 3d. JONES SHOOTING AT GUITEAU in the Prison Van. 4th. THE DEPARTURE OF THE MIDNIGHT MESSENGERS from the White House. 5th. GARFIELD’S LAST LOOK AT THE OCEAN at Elberton, ALoog Branch. 6th. THE SENTENCE OF DEATH, with correct portraits of Garfield, Blaine, Gitltcau, Mr. amJBfrs Scoville, Judge Cox. the Jury and Counsel, with life like STATUES OF GARFIELD AND GUITEAU With the Identical Clothes which Gultesu wore at the time of the assassination, and tho suit he wore durinK the tiljd, THIS SPECIAL FEATURE cost me TEX TIMES MORE than any feature in any 175 First-class Performers. other show on the continent. BE-BE. In her bird-like flight across the entire length of the Pavilion, LOYAL, THE HUMAN CANNON BALL, Shot from a Monster Cannon Loaded with Towder. ZULU PRINCESS AMADAGA, With her Maids of Honor and Train of Zulu Chiefs. A GRAND FREE “OSCAR,” THE ESTHETIC CLOWN AND SIX OTHER CLOWNS. Okenanawaka’s Tribe oflndians, 7 STRING & BRASS BANDS. Sea Lions, Sea Leopards, Elephants aud Monsters of the dce.p # AERIAL SIGHT. A BALLOON RACE GORGEOUS OPEN AIR PARADE Will be given every morning between 9 aud 10 o'clock, for a full description of which see small bills and Advance Courier EXCURSION TRAINS ON ALL RAILROADS at GREATLY REDUCED RATES DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7 P. M. PERFORMANCES AN HOUR LATER PRICES AS USUAL. Children under 9 seats, half price RESERVED SEAT TICKETS can be pur chased at a small advance, at the usual places. POSITIVELY NO dtted on the grounds. Fayetteville. 13th. FREE TICKETS. No camp followers allowed, nor will any gambling or swindling games be permitted on Will exhibit in Augusta, April 8th: Marietta. April 11th; Chatunooga, 12th; Fayettev raar29-d6c mar29 april 1 5 7 S 9 <twkyapr3 tope 5p PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY FOR INTERNAL AKD EXTERNAL USE. Child Burned to Death. Putnam CreekCorrespondence Newnan Herald. Mr. George Smith, a tenant of Mr. Wilcox kidneys. These leaves have been skillfully combined in the remedy now known as War ner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. It is, up to the present time, the only known prepara tion that acts so directly upon the kidneys as to effectually cure the various dangerous forms of kidney disease, and hence remove all —„ . , . . . , , urie acid from the blood. As a result, the laughed quite mi moderately and gave another I on s, was out in the hid burning on brush- j cures it has been the means of performing are vent of merriment when the reverend gentle- and corn stalks, and hi little daughter Molly, I rea n y very remarkable. Indeed, there are , « - - t _ .. man stooped and imitated the motion ot a a bright six years old little girl, had accom- thousands of persons in America to-day who aud thence to ran Francisco. Deer huuung, buffalo girl when she dives for her trail preparatory panied her father to the Held, and while Mr. owTthdr rratSon to health and entire I hunting and fishing will also form a part of their to a waltz. But he said there is no use of I S. had occasion .o go over the hill out of her I freedom from rheumatism to this simple yet my attacking fashion. If it was the fashion I sight her clothin caught on fire. The af- I uowerfiil remedy, which is known universally, to wear six monkeys tied together for a head frighted father heard the screams of his dar- manufactured in Rochester, N. Y., and sold dress all the women would wear them. Good I ling little girl and ran with all his might to I gyej-y drug store in the land, taste is common sense applied to the sense of her assistance and met her running towards j,’ ron j the doctors in the various cities of the the benuti nl. I hint all wrapped in flames, but before her I fjmted States who have certified over their tub reverend joker. _ m | father could reach her, the clothing was all The reverend ‘ he digressed to _ on the Chinese bill. What a picture is pre-1 an( j ;t was burned smooth off until her head sented when a nation excludes an emigrant I was entirely naked. The end of her tongue because he is industrious and trugul und pa- I was burned to a crisp, and the skin of her tirtit! What a gospel we preach with sticks w |i 0 i e body would slip -off on being touched, and stones and rotten eggs! This clamor T j ie case beggars description. She lingered a against the Chinese is all due to the immortal f ew ], ours au d death came and relieved her. Irish, whose ballots both parties are stooping j to catch. The Irish have always been ram pant for their own liberty and—d—amn the els Dr. Theo Davis was sent for, but medical aid was unavailing. Louis physicians, among them being Dr. Uhlemeyer, Dr. Wm. Webb, Dr. John M. Frank, Dr. Edwin T. Webster, Dr. Benjamin F. Whitmore, Dr. William T. Richardson, Dr. Robert T. Atkinson, Dr. Thos. F. Humbold, Dr. William M. McPlieeters, Dr. William it rests the mother. mar2G—dly sat sun wed&wlv The Hon. Lyuiph Ogilvy and wife and Viscount March arrived hi New York Monday. They intend taking n tour of pleasure to Niagara Kalis, to Chica go and New Orleaus and other cuies west aud south, [ plans. —Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhatn, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., is rapidly acquiring au enviable rep utation for the surprising cures which daily result from the use of her Vegetable Compound in all fe male diseases. Send to her for pamphlets. apr2 dlw sun wed fri&wit Salvini will return to this country next season accompanied by Madame Kistori. All persons afflicted with Dyspepsia, Diarrhiea, Colic and all kinds of indigestions will find immdi- ate relief aud sure cure by using ANGOSTURA BITTE8S. The only genuine is manufactured by Dr. J. G. B Siegert & Sons. marffl—dlw fri snn wed & wtt . bprains, I Perfectly sate to use interaaily or externally, and ... ... ... g.jjfby, - - ,, certain to afford relief. No family. can afford to be without it. Sold by all druggists at 23c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. PFV«TtY TTAvyct jw SON, Proprietors, Providence, B.JL ,uly5—difcwly whole nxt read mat april and may Johnson, Dr. Isaac N. Love, Dr. Clark Whit- . Forty eight Italian theaters have been closed dur liberty of everybody else! [Applause and laughter.] You have a fine religion in this country. You believe in making it horizontal. You want to spread it all over the earth in stead of building it up at home. You had better send to China and bring back some you „— .. . have sent over there. It is sadly needed on I on that place on Monday evening near eight the Pacific slope! [Great applause.] States- I o’clock. He, with two other colored men, nten would never have agreed to that misera- were preparing their supper, when he was hie Chinese bill. It is a pity that this great I s tricken by the fatal bolt. Learning that Doc people will allow such little politicians to lead was. probably kilted Mr. Batly hurned to the Frederick ^ olbe nhey Killed by Lightning. From the Sandersville Herald. tier, Dr. J. T. Hodgen. Dr. Thomas F. Duni- the present season as financial failures, gan, Dr. Nicholas Guliman, Dr. Antonio Prietts, Dr. Charles H. Goodman, Dr. Daniel Kuhn, Dr. Henry Newland, Dr. William S. You can’t afford to laugn, dear girls, Unless your teeth are vrhi teas pearls— Unless your mouth is pink and sweet. And your two lips in rosebuds meet: cock,'Dr. Henrv Kirchner, Dr. John J. Kane, Dr. Henry F. W. Kruse, Dr. William C. Glas gow, Dr. Jeremiah S. B .Ylleyne. Dr. Thomas S. Corn-stock, Dr. Charles H. Hughes, Dr. iver. Dr. Joseph Heitzig, splitting ine lac o within IS inches dore Fov, Dr. John E. Faber, Dr. Ernest F. I resents to the court in his petition, duly filed ana place, a ”d^™cking the sdl within Israelite Ho tf nla n’ Dr . Herman Nagle, Dr. Adolph on recorded, that he has fully administered Nancy of one of the men. A dog ty ing near ine i T> r Tomes L Pirtle Dr Edward I ALand s estate: .... ,l>e Tinnse was tnnnd dead oil 11 lSIlzenUS, Ur. James u. rxrtie, ±>r. i oo. , ojte all nersons concerned vs with it and breaks it into chimney, under the house was found dead on £^“£"usi”?:**™* SSrDr 'Hugo M , - rers. and I love flowers next . v —to e uwAo Tir Lvman them. But in the hour and a half there were cabin and found the unfortunate man lying I '_ e upward A ’ DeCaHiol ‘ Dr. Ber- many grand and beautiful thoughts ac ross a bench with his clothes burning from • ■* ’ ‘ I)r j ames ’ yj. ciop- besidcs the not altogether lovely ones the deadly flash. Each of the others were Dr Charles' V Ware Dr Alphonse Jam- I have instanced. Speaking of a man s stunnsd, one having his hearing considerably- - ’ T) " r L Kent ’ Dr William S. Bar- growth in “**• «*Unn> Tx-nnl,l I mnrnhmed of his feet and I >n«, L> r - James l. iveni., ur. , , globe out so that he him. He loved precious stones, especially splitting the facing on the nuem u;e P” 5 1 doreFov Dr Jo¥n"’E Faber Dr. Ernest F. among the beautiful things God has given us. ■ ™j «M»inni, the «ll within is inches I Y, • — -’ ■ What joy is there in the stone that catches the light and play J the flashing lines them next to flowers. to children, and children next to God. My old chaplain at school met me one day in a flower garden, and asked in a sepulchural voice if I thought a being endowed with an immortal soul had time to trifle with flowers. He forgot that God had been trifling with them for thousands of years all summer long, and that Christ loved them so tenderly when his blessed feet trod by them. Thus went the lecture. Great beautiful thoughts linked to coarse jokes and ribald irreverence. The jest of the low theatre had hardly died from his lips before they were auivering in pathetic delineation of the sub- And you cannot supply this want. But through the use of SOZOLKJNT. aprJ dlw sun tues thur sat&yvlt The Haverly’s Consolidated Mastodon minstrels have been enlarged to seventy performers. SM Here. Y’ou are sick; well, there is just one remedy that will cure vou bevond possibility of doubt. If it’s Liver or Rldnev trouble. Consumption, Dyspepsia, Debility, “Wells’s Health Renewer” is your hope. 81. Drdggists. Depot, Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta. EORG.A. MILTON COUNTY—WH EREAS. C Ur W Jamisou, Executorof Nancy A Laml, rep- quivertng in paiueuc ucuncauuu m me suu- limest reaches of manhood, or the sweetest mercy of God. A stroke of coarseness bor dered off into the finest touches of tenderness. Th* Alabama Democratic Coareatle*. Montgomery. Ala., March SO.—The democratic state committee to-day called the state conven- To it all there was the tribute of absolute at- Uon to meet on June 7th. A Veritable Pastoral From the Butler Herald. Elder Samuel Bentley, of this place, for merly of Upson county, informs us that he has never purchased a pound of butter, a dozen egg3, a pound of lard and but one small sack of flour in twenty years, which flour was purchased simply for the sake of convenience. The truth of this statement is unquestioned, as he is a gentleman whose word is as good as his bond. His clothing is from the fleece of the lamb of his own raising, woven by the hands of her whose industry and ecomomy has followed them to the present day. This is, tnereforei to cite all persons concerned _eirs aud creditors, to show cause, il auythey can, whv said Executor should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in July, 1882. This March 28th, 1SS2, W. H. NESBIT, marSl—wlaw3m Ordinary. HOSTETTER’S 3TOMACH BITTERS. plfEHS WILBOR’S COD LIVER OIL. WILBOR’S COMPOUND OP ^ PURE COD LIVER I OIL AND LIME. J m —=fo— ft y Wllbor** Cod.IJvca Dll and Lime.—The great popu larity of this safe and efficacious preparation is alone attributable to ils intnitsic worth. In the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whoop ing Cough, Scrofulous Humors, and all Consump tive Symptoms, it has no superior, if equal. I et no one neglect the early symptoms of disease, when an agent is at hand which will cure all complaiiMs of the Chest, Lungs, or Throat. Manufacturecr only by A. B. W1LBOR, Chemist, Boston, Bold by all druggists. mar!2—d6w snn wed fri &wSp6w Ik - STOMACH - ^ BITTER 5 For a quarter A>f a century or more Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters has been the reigning specific for indigestion,‘dyspepsia, fever and ague, a loss of physical staminia, liver eompiaint and other dis orders, and has been most emphatically indorsed by medical men as a health and strength restorer. It counteracts a tendency to premature decay, and sustains and comforts the aged and infirm. For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, aprl—dim sat tues thnr &wlm nxrd mat T0EACH READER OF THIS PAPER Sending us 18 Cents in po-tage stamps, we will send 300 poetical selections, 25 popular song", one Diary for 1882, and 2 elegant chromos. TUMAN3 A CO„ Publfcjrers, feb2I—wly 658 Broadway. N. Y. ^EORGIA, MILTON COUNTY—WHEREAS^C X. Brennan. Dr. Temple S. Hoyne, Dr. Lyman Ware. Dr. Charles W. Heiustead, Dr. William J. Hawkes, Dr. T. C. Duncan, Dr. William R. Griswold, Dr. L^man Bedford, I)r. A. B. Westcott, Dr. J. B. Bell, Dr. Charles M. Clark. Dr. W. H. Woodbury. Dr. Alfred H. Hiatt, w Jamison, administrator of Wilkinson Jami- Dr ST M "ca;^ ^ ^ ^ an P aTnte1ed to on^ rt ^at h &«nUy ^ Thetheory of doctors as ateveexplained ^concerned, finds its confirmation in the fact that wnen I heirs and cred tors, to show cause, if any they can, the kidnevs have been cured, rheumatism is whv said administrator should not be discharged completely removed. This is not, of course, from his ^inistration and ^‘' u eof T d h ^ always accomplished instantly, for in a disease gjwm. «» first Mcnday ‘V H.NEsSlT, so subtle, the cure is often very slow, but un-1 mai gi_ w 'i a 3 wm Ordinary. der no other plan can any hope of t>nr\ PER week can be made in any locality, relief ever be found. There are hundreds ot I >j something entirely new foragents. 85 outfit cases on record during the present winter of G w . INGRAHAM & CO.. Boston, Mass, persons afflicted with rheumatic troubles of aprl—w36w ‘HANDSOME BOOK MARK,” (SATCHEL,1 PERFUMED WITH Taylor’s PremiumCologne Send three cent stamp for one to WALTER A. TAYLOR, Mention this paper. ATLANTA, GA. aprl wlm National School of Elocution and Oratory. (J. W. Shoemaker, A. M., Founder.) 1416 & 1418 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. For public speakers, readers, teachers, and the ? eneral student. Spring term oi mer term of six weeks o; iogue o aprl w2t. ipens April 10. Sum- July S. Send for cata- reeks opens July S. Send for cati JOHN H. BECHTEL, Secretary. SALE-STEAM ENGINES AND SXW Mills; large stock now on hand; Perkins Brothers, Atlanta, Ga. 158 apl 2 d&wlt F° R W ANTED—PURCHA8 ERS FOB STEAM EN- gines. Saw Mills, Thrashers, Belting and aU kinds of machinery. Perkins Brothers, Atlanta, Ga. 158 apl 2 d&wlt F or sale-portable and stationary Steam Engines, Saw MilLs, Thrashers, Wagons, Gins, Presses, Belting and all kinds of machinery. Write for prices to Perkins Brothers, Atlanta, Ga. • 158—apl 2 d&wlt W i dia” twoageuts to take charge of territory in the South. Address H. Osborne, Gen. Ag't, 8 South Broad street. Atlanta. apr4—wit • C ASH! CASH!!—WE WILL PAY TWO CENTJ5 a pound for baled country cojton mgs, guar anteed to contain not more than three per cent of refuse, delivered in depot in Allan ta. For wools or jeans in excess of three per cent we will pav one half cent per pound. Glendale Manufacturing Co., a. Ga. ‘ 674—marl9 d«Jtwlr< J OHN D. CUNNINGHAM. s Attobney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Offices over the Atlanta National Bank, 15 Ala bamastreet. llHanrl wly OPIUM HABIT EASILY CURED with DOUBLE | CHLORIDE of GOLD. Essay Free. 77i« Morphine C'ner; 200 DI>. S1.0CL LESLIE E. KEELEYTm. D„ DwtanT.lilL mar28—wkyeo-v 13t tilsepl9 no2