The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, April 11, 1882, Image 7

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION: TUESDAY, APKIL 11. 18S2. SOME MIGHTY GOOD SIGNS. Mr. Joe i.aai, of Baas & Heard, won la the dty the other day and sta e 1 that In hi* opinion not a merchant In Oriffln bad been forced to ask for an extension of paper during the past season. He says that their credit rale* are very much lessened this year, and they propose to keep up their repu tation. Mr. P. O. Whitaker, of Hogansvlllc.says: “Thing* are much healthier down our way than they have been before In years. Our farmers have the best grain crops I ever saw,and are living economically, buying cautiously and asking little credit. Last year I sold over 875,000 worth of goods on credit, this year $7,000 will cover all my credit sales." A prominent dealer in fertilizers in Atlanta said on yesterday: “I had a talk lastnlght with six fer tiliser men, and the impression of the crowd was that we would not sell over one-third a* many fer tilizers this year as last, and strange as It may seem while this cuts into our business the impression was general that it was best for us as well as the public that the sales should be thus curtailed and no effort wtil be made to push them beyond the natural demand. The suggestion was made that the price be lowered but the general opinion was that if the price was reduced one-half it could not materially add to the tales, as the people have de termined to go short on guano this season. Mr. J. 8. Daniel, of Conyers, said the other day: ''There is less demand for fertilizers in my section nd 1cm demand for credit than I have known <n years. The farmers seem to appreciate fully the gravity of their situation and to under stand that they roust plant their own provisions compo-t their own manures and buy for cash in stead oi credit, if they intend to keep possession of their lands and their homes. They understand at last that the system of planting all cotton and buy ing provisions on credit at high prices is ruinous and consequently 1 notice this season the most •cautious and prudent buying, and the planting of large provision crops. If the disasters of the last year havo Influenced all sections as they have Itockdalo county they were blessings in disguise. They have brought abouta reform with our farmers that no preaching could have effected.” PERSONAL. BRilWS’ts IKON K Tiers. Mu. I.oxofki.i-ow was four times tendered n foreign mission, and a* many times declined the honor. The last offer came from President Hayes. 8. C. Dai.rvmpi.e, one of the great wheat farmers in the northwest, has sold £80,000 worth of his Dakota land to George Howe, of Bradford, Pa. He finds that it is necessary for him to decrease hb> acreage. Naiantchi, one of the Znni chiefs, cannot iind words to cxnress his admiration of the east, or as he puts it: "I am angry with my heart that it is so awkward that it raunot suy what it thinks.” Me. Hunt, the oldest son of the secretary of the navy, who is engaged to Miss Grace, daugh ter of Commander Usher, has a good law practice in Dakota, and is regarded os a future United Stales senator. Longfellow's last poem will be published in tlio May Atlantic. The “revise” was received from him only a few days before bis death, and will be cherished as one of the choicest of the many literary treasures belonging to the magazine. Goveunor IIoyt, of Pennsylvania, can’t persuade himself to enjoy Cameron bossing, and it is reported that at the expiration of his present term he will go to New York as attorney for the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad at £12,000 u year. Young Harry Garfield and Colonel Rock well's son were implicated in the recent theft of examination papers at Williams college. Young Rockwell was suspended for five weeks, but young Garfield, not having been successful in his attempt at theft, was not punished. There Is said to be a good deal of boy in his skin. After Longfellow's visit to Windsor Castle, in 1857, the qaccn said to Sir Theodore Martin: “I noticed an unusual intercut among the attendants and servants. I could scarcely credit that they so generally understood who he was. When he took his leave they concealed themselves iu places from which they could get a good look at him as he passed.” Pointing to an unfinished child’s face on a canv.s, Millais said to a caller at his studio, recent ly: “That is to be the portrait of the little Princess Marie, the daughter of the Duchess of Edinburgh.” "tbo comes here to give yon fittings T" "Certainly,” answered the artist; “I would not paint anyone's portrait elsewhere than right herein th,s room. They must come to me if they wish to be painted." A curious human cargo arrived at New York on last Mou’day by the steamer City of Mon treal, being nothing less thnn GCU Irish lasseea, all under twenty-three years of age. Not a male pas- M'tiKCr was booked, and thus a horrible fate of be ing talked to dentil in mid ocean was averted. The girls were imported by n society who make it a Si ecialty of caiing for females, and each one hus a place provided. General Albert Pike and Hon. W. M. Ireland, o( Washington, D. C., arc registered at the Duval. General Pikeisoncoftbetweuty three high ost Masons in the world, being commander of one of Uic twenty-three supreme lodges of the woilil, that of the southern jurisdiction. General like is a famous orator and a poet of fine reputation. Dar ing his lifetime General Pike lies visited Masons in every state in the union. Florida is me only state he has omitted, and this is his first visit to Florida. He came to visit Colonel Daw kins, who is the rep resentative of the supreme lodge in .this stale, lion. W. M. Ireland is secretary of the southern jurisdiction of the supreme lodge. They will be in Jacksonville for several days —Jacksonville Union IN GENERAL. Paris decides against flat sleeves with a puffed elbow. The total indebtedness of the Pistrict of Columbia ls$2L883,450. Monkeys die of consumption. In that re spect they are but human. The winter plumber is a monopolist when he becomes a summer Ice man. The army of the United States is not at tractive forenlisted men. Abont 11 per cent onto! the whole army deserts every year. I The bandits of the prairie having lost their king, will probably uot be heard from again very soon. In several English provincial towns butch ers who have only American bee! sell all that they can procure. “Gath” thinks that Georgia first and Mis- tdppi next, have pulled farther ahead since the war than any of the other southern states. The St. James Gazette says that many of the ills of this life which are readily attributed to alcohol are caused by defective drainage. H“Dinnkr-pailers” is the pleasant variation on “carpet-baggers" applied in New York to the city officials who live and pay taxes over the river ie Jersey. Skilled artisans who get $3.00 per day in New York cannot find a decent place to live In, owing to the high price of rents in that city, accor ding to an exchange. Figaro says that there is in Paris a writer ■who does the descriptive part of newel* for novelists whose genius does not lie iu that line of writing. From him they purchase, cash down, every kind of description of raris aoenery. As compared with the population, there arc more marriages in France than in England. The percentage Is given at S3 for the former and Afifortne latter. In France, however, the birth rate continue* to decrease, which is regarded by French economist* as a very ominous fact. “Hazel Kirkb” will be played for the 1.500th time at the Madison Square theater on April 17. If the management presents an esthetic tile on the I50th performance of one of Its plays, an av. prlate souvenir of a run of 1,505 nights ought to assume about the proportion of a brown stone front. Berlin has a negro colony of about sixty persons, many of whom came from this country^ though othets are natives of Africa and arrived di rect. With one exeeption they are all employed servants. One is a servant to Prince Charles. Many oi them have not only acquired the German lan guage. but are said to use the real Berlin dialect. Three have married white girls. The Secret ■of the universal success of Brown’s Iron Bitters is sim ply this: It is the best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, .and does j ust what is claimed for it—no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health—in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 7> Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nov. 7. I have been a great sufferer from a very weak stomach, heartburn, and In its worst form. Nearly i I ate gave me distress, lid cat out little. I have tried everything recommended, have taken the prescriptions of a dozen physicians, but got no relief until 1 took Brown's Iron Bitters. 1 feel none of the old troubles, and r.m a new man. I am getting much stronger, and feel first-rate. Iam a railroad engineer, and now make my trips regularly. I can not say too much in praise of your wonder ful medicine. D. C. Mack. Brownk Iron Bitters docs not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause licadaehe and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. Use only Brown’s Iron Bitters made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore. Crossed red lines and trade-mark on wrapper. m*r7—<1’y 2<1p Awlv «<tp Inn onl nx rd mat no CLARKE’S REMEDIES. BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of woman pecu liar to the appearnce and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor- rhcea, dismenorrheea and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing hearing Periodical down pains so peculiar to women. S3 per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, 658 Broadway New York City. HJjlBR SCROFULA or any BLOOD DISORDER, Clarke's Anti-Syphilitic Pill*. In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an inval- nable remedy. They never fail to cure when directions are followed. Price £2 50 per box. Five boxes £10. Sent by mail prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medi cine Company. 60S Bread tray. New York CityT N INVALUABLE REMEDY For weakness of the Kidneys and Bladder and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all arlirttry affections, smarting, frequentor difficult uri nation, mucous discharges and sediment in the nrine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price £2 >er box. 3 boxes for £5. Mailed ree on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, 65S Broadway. New York City. L in KtvlLc. PEOPLE’S RELIEF ASSOCIATION. “ Bear ye one another’s burdens." Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be under the e elusive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD andJUBALA. EARlY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FOR TUNE. FOURTH GRAND DISTRIBUTION, CLASS D, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, APRIL 11,1882—143d Monthly Draijing. Louisiana State Lottery Co. Incorporate-! in 1868, for 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes—with a capital of $1,000,600—to which a reserve fund of i over £6n0,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DBA WINGS WILL take place monthly. Look at the fallowing*dlstriKrijon- 0 *' CAPITAL PRIZE £30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. TTAT.F TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. Ig3 p; Gate AXZANT&M GE.OB.GSk. City National Bank Depository. si* PI “■so C.V- 3 -v.-« «'Ko 1 Capital Prize ... 1 Capital Prize...™...... 1 Capital Prize 'Prizesof $2,500. T E. VAN WINKLE & CO. Manufacturers of Self-Feeding Cotton Gins, KIDNEY WORT for all Kidney Complaints and for all diseases of the LIVER. It haaspedffo action on this mast Important organ, enabling it to throw eg torpidity and inaction, cumulating tho healthy secretion of the use. and by keeping w bowels la free condition, effecting its discharge- Xf you oro bn tons, dyspeptic, oonsttpated, or eufftrin- from malula. Xldn*7-Wert is the remedy yon need. FAIL NOT TO TRY IT. PRICS 91. BOLD BY DRUGGISTS. iKlONCSV-WORT* •tt4—dly tuos thur sat nx rd uat&wly eon 41 HTJMPHRE» SPECIFICS. —THE MILD POWER OTJRBS.— H UMPHREYS’ O M E O PAT QIC- SPECIFICS. To use80years.—Each number the special pro ecrlpttnn of an eminent physician.—Ibe only Simple. Safe and Sure Mode lues for the praple tzar nuxcn-AL nos. cokes. rcta. 1. Fi-vcrr, Congestion, lnflamatfons..... .26 - ... s .2* S. Worms, Worm Fortr, Worm Colic,..' 5. < rytnc Colic, or Teething or Infants .33 4. Diarrhea of children or Adolfs .35 6. Dysentery, Grip lug. BIIIlous Colic,.. .25 t>. f'bnliva Morbus, t oailtlag, 35 1. Cough*. Cold. Bronchitis™ 39 K rVi-uralali. Toothache, Incroche .29 1 I. Grime. faugh. Difficult BrenfMnz,... 11. Kelt Khectti, }'rvstpelas,' v .rui tlors, .25 15. ICIicumatl-"), Rheumaticl'alns... . .29 t a. f'oTcr A too. Chll*. Fever, Agues .60 17. Mire, Band orJJIcedliL .. .. .50 19 Catarrh, acute or chronic: Influenza 60 I.-d. 5Y hooplas Cough, violent coughs^ .60 2 4. General Debility, Physical Weakne-ia.50 27. UJtluey 50 tt£. Nerv ine Oebitltv l.C “ fcse.o-t __ on receipt of price. Disease A-a Sold by druugt-iM. or rent ste Vial, free of chxrsf, < £cnd !or i>r. Humphreys*H> .i« ocj»,;,aL-o Iritis’r.ltrd „ . Add;*-*, Itmunh-eys’ .tied* tcifiu Co., 103 Fulton Street. Xew York. Tiieo. Schumann, I.amar JHantin <t Lamar, Dan .el A Marsh, Pemberton, Puiium A Co., W. A. Tay- or. B. Berry, Arch Avery, Hutchisorv & Bio., At- auta. an 1 Jos. Jacobs, Athens, Go, Agents. Is 1* —fH ton sr.trt fetvV Y ’ v •*»» rd •*»* HOSTETTER’S STOMAffi BITTERS. tfOSmTEt* HERE IS A BALM IN GILEAD For all cases of Spermatorrhea and Impoteney. as the result of self- abuse in youth, sexual excesses in Dr. maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following effects: Nervousuess, Seminal Emissions (night emissions by Clarke's dreams). Dimness of Sight, Defec tive Memory, Physical Decay, Pira- ? les on Face, Aversion to Society of emales. Confusion of Ideas. Loss Invigorating of Sexual Power, etc., rendering marriage Improper or unhappy. Are a positive cure in 2 to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sufficient. Pills. Price £1.50 per box; Four boxes £5. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address I,r. Clarke Medicine Company. 60S Broadway.NewYork. JenlT—dly tues thurs sat & weotvly 5 Prizes of 1,000. 20 Puzos of 5C0 ... 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 1,000 Prizes of 100 60....: APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes oi £300 ... 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,80a 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 9iX .£30,000 10.003 — 6,dtt 5.00C 5,000 10,000 10,000 10.706 10,000 10.000 OFFICE: COR. PEACHTREE & WALL SITS..UP-STAIRS A HOME INSTITUTION, with a bona fide membership oi over FIVE THOUSAND, and the only established Mutual Life Association iu the South. Death losses paid promptly and in full. Has paid since organization over THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS To the widows and orphans of its deceased members. Assessments are calculated from the AMERICAN EXPERIENCE TABLE OF MORTALITY. To Insure equity and permanence, they increase with the age of the members, and are made without dodg ing, flinching or apologizing, as often as necessary to pay death claims promptly. The membership fees and annual dues charged members for expenses are fair and reasonable, bot sufficient to enable the managers to conduct the business of the association in a business way and guar antee an honest handling of the mortuary fund. The People's does not propose to provide protection at less than cost, bnt as cheaply as safety and permanence will permit. White persons of either sex, under fifty-five years of age, and of good health and habits, who desire the office of the People’s Mutual Relief Association, or on any 1857 Prizes, amounting to 8110.400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all reliable protection, are iuvited to call at of the following Atlanta members: E P Chamberlin, J Bradfield, M Haralson, ter or Money Order by mall, addressed only to Jl. A, DAUPHIN New Orleans, La, or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle street, Chicago, His., or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. The New York Office is removed to Chicago, ill. N. B.—orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention of the Public is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and consequent ly all the prizes in each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. marlf—d<xw4w nx rd mat —43D— POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the city of Louisville, on Saturday, April 29th, 1882. AND CONDENSERS COTTON PRESSE These drawing occur monthly^Sundays excepted, under provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Qourt on March 31st, rendered the following decisions: 1st—That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d—Its drawings are fair. N. B.—The Company has now on band a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the APRIL DRAWING. 1 Prize ...830,000 1 Prize 10,000 ' Prize 5,000 I 10 Prizes, £1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes 500 each....... 10,000 100 Prizes 100 each ........ 10,000 200 Prizes 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes 20 each 12,000 I 1060 Prizes 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes £300 each, Approximation Prizes 2,700 ,960 Prizes.. ........ 8112,400 Whole Tickets $2. Half Tickets $x. »7 Tickets, $50. 55 Tickets, $roo. Remit money or Bank Draft in letter, or sent by Express. Don’t send by Registered Letter or Post- office order. > ddress all orders to R. M. BOARD- MAN, Courier-Journal building, Louisville, Ky., or 309 Broadway, New York, aprl—d4w tucs thur sat&w3w Circular Saw Mills, with Simultaneous Levers, Head Blocks. All kinds Mill Work, Castings, Shafting and general Iron Work. Call and see us before pur chasing elsewhere. _ 212, 216, 218 and 220 Marietta Street, P.O. BOX S3. ATLANTA, GA apr26 wly jn:17— wk • 6 ' eow BBFOBB < where ttna on postal forour C It costs nothing, will wire mpuer. BKXSOX, MAUL® fc GO., ■AND PATENT ail° PENSION ATTORNEYS. Land Patents obtainedjmd special attention given to contested ProemptioivHomestead, Mineral and Tim ber Culture Entries. Higlktrt price paid for Land War- rantg and Scrip of all kinds. Pensions Procured for Soldiers and Bailors disabled in line of duty. Pen- Sjoddabt & Co., 413 G St, inar21—tvkv4w ton.D.C [asthma cursBI iGmuan ANliina Cars m*ver/*.i «•’» to *rj vc «:*- yj IjKT’ftVt c *qro T - fort- 2aMt»N?iY*i»;t^ec;sr«irt\s'wl: JvT,* the sno<f *v-flic :i. P.’li - a - ll** ‘ ■TUru*r-'i*t»c>Tb p ull. S r. ' * . Dc. R. 3CHU T’aiAN. h:- luarT—wky2w mnvT april 4 DR. W. T. PARK. ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA T hirty years in successful treatment of all Chronic Diseases in either sex. and vari ous complicated, old standing disease- upon which others have failed, all with safe and pleasant reme dies. without mercury, drastic, or poisonous doses. Mail tojrim full history of youraffliciion. statement of the symptoms, and postage for his reply, orcome to Atlanta and consult him iu person. 631 Tnchll wtm Sitter* For a quarter of a century or mote Hosteker's Stomach Rlttcre has been the reigning specific for Indigestion, dyspepsia, fever and ague, a Iocs of physical stamlnia, fiver complaint and other dis asters. and has been most emphatically indorsed by medical men as a health and strength restorer. It counteracts a tendency to premature decay, and sustains and comforts the aged and infirm. J or sale by Druggists and Dealers generally, aprl—dim sat tues thur &wlm nxrd mat the DIAMOND DYES. apr4—diwly nx rd mat no45 0ME BOOK MARK,” /(SATCHEL,) MED WITH HANBS0M] iSjEfr - Tayloe's PremrjmCologne Send three cent stamp for one to WALTER A. TAYLOR, Mention this paper. ATLANTA, GA. npr-S wtm TOE ACHREADER OF THIS PAPER 1 elegant TUMANS <fc OO.. Publishers. 658 Broadway. N. Y. ‘I.*i7sSriH a ro.. v£ jan3I—wisw ccw tiljulyU 9 Prizes 200 each,.. 9 Prizes 100 each,.. 1,800 900 Geofge T Fry, F II Orme, J W Culpepper, C WT Jarrell, W G Owen, John Lagomarsino, James F Redd, Robert Schmidt, C K Knowles, William L Shelton, F P Mims, Meyer Wellhouse, IY Sawtell, leorge W f L H Buis, WiUlamF Wright C Bohnefeld, John B Campbell, Jefferson Herrick, J N Bruffey, J F Alexander. E S Motes, E L Newman, Punwody Jones, William Goodnow, William F Parkhurst, Horatio Nelson, A J Orme, John M Green, A G Howard, H S Parsons, F G Hancock, A L Holbrook, Rush Thomsen. \V L Jarvis, William T Newman, J R Slawsou, C W Motes, J A Gray, E P O’Connor, John G Jones, John E Nisbet, D B Comer, W P Patillo, Lewis Bennett H A Agricola, M W Johnson, H H Starr. Fmanuel Rich, B F Roberts, W M Stevens, G W Scott. M B Spencer, John B Jobson, Philio E Taylor. E B Brown, Wm T Rutland, F M Jack. Morris Wlsebcrg, J S Todd, C H Belcher, J W Dudley. Willis Jarrell, P W Pittman, Sylvester S Torbert, Beverlv W Jackson. Jno L McGaughcy, Marv E Otis. James W Dorr, M E Jones, James T White, E H Greene, Wm A Spencer, Joseph F Renard, Henry W Thomas, James G Thrower, J C Kirkpatrick, W R Noble, M A Candler. C E Boynton, LJ Hill, John B Cordon, R B Bullock, G G Roy, John Milledge, H I Kimball, E S Gay, J S Nall, G J Foreacre, Isaac S Boyd, J C Courtney, W I, Goldsmith, John II Glover, . D E Hanvey, G J Dickey, A R Wellborn, R M Farrar, W E Hanye. J II Goldsmith. D H Howell, Theo Schumann. F O Mays, A T Fiuney, M E Maher. W E Stockell. Charles ‘II Stockell, William F Motes, J II Cook, J W Gaines, S E Adams, J W Warren, M B Hallman, Wm 8 Thomson, William M Scott, William H Jordan, R J Shaw, S H Phelan. C P Murray, William Ersklne, E D Bickley, W A Taylor, George S Thomas, R E Wylly, C M Berry. G A Ramspeck, C K Buzbee, J D Hightower, Lizzie L Redding, Frances V Brown, Jacob Hiisliberg, Wm II Cady, L C Smith, W A Anderson, W S Cottingham Chas E Robinson C R Haskins, Wm G McGaughey, \V C Sayre, H W Coleman, DOC llccry, W S Greene, Herman Rich, W A King, J C Morrison. J \V Rankin, Morris Rich, J A Clemmons, W A Driver, LB Davis, John F Jones, Charles Jt Neel, J S Armstrong, Herman Franklin, Wm C Cooke Sybel Sciple. John A Coin, A G Candler. R H Sullivan, C C Jones, R W Jones, W E Jones, John Frey. B W Wrer n. O P Fitzsimons, V H Taliaferro, R E Alien, John F Blodgett. Edward Callaway, Herman Werner, F M Thomas, .Henry Bak. W R Cannon, T J Hightower, H Sells. \V A Loyless, C D Jones, J W D Ilall, J C Kimball, L M Cassels. J P Stevens, G M Hanvey, E P King. R M Hanye, H KS Duck, S A Loyless, G H Sneed, TJ McGuire, W T Ut .(1 smith, RU Hardeman, E G Thomas, C D Tuller, J E Carlton, W II Frizzell, J W K Jenkins, Jas M Goldsmith, Harry Krouse, Wm II Loftin, W B Bonnell, \V D Ellis, E II Tift, Mary Fitzaibbons, John Canovarri, Wm Haralson, Geo B McGaughey. William U Henderson, Wm C Duke, Mary White, William E Hoyle, n C Wilkins, E 8 McCandless, J Gadsden King, II C Leonard, W C Rockwell. C A Evans, J P Harris, R W Wright, " J W Gurley, J H Imveioy, J M Ponder, A li Bostick. J B Meritt, D S Gregory, Henry Hurt, W 0 Jones, W T Forbes, J II Tittlcbaum, E Bccrman, Daniel Rich, J A Whitner, J C Whitnert James L Bell, James Dunning, J 8 Iverson, Henry P Scales, M. J Goldsmith, P II Snook, D W Allen. J W Thomas, Wm Calder, Wm A Hansell, R A Varnedoe, David W Appier, J 8 Raiite, Wm A Wright, \V L Baker, ti M Morris. Samantha N Greene W K Bivins, Jr. A Park Woodward, W II Garland, Jr, It O Randall, Anna M Varnedoe, J E Barrett, E F Clark, Hugh If Gordon, H M Eustis, J F Barclay, I) W Goodman, ChasJ linden, W D Bizzell. J T Randall, RJ Redding, Edward Cahn, J G Blount. M E Baker, J 1 Knight. J G Hester, A H Greene. Edgar A Smith, Barbara Bbndes, 8 A Darnell, J N Harris, J P Daniels, Henry H Jackson, Mary E Pittman, Patrick Otis, J P Meredith, janl—dly sun <kwty REAPERS, MOWERS, THRESHERS, ENGINES, ETC. BUCKEYE REAPERS and MOWERS. BEWARE OF C0UNTERFEI1S. An excellent appetizing tonic of exquisite flavor, now used over the ’vho'e world, cures Dyspepsia Dla.-t.ha-a, Fever and Agee and a disorders of the Digestive Organa few drops impart a dclicioui THESE LABOR SAVING MACHINES STAND AT the head rl the list of Reapers; will almost pav for theiuselvet iu one season in the saving of grain. 'They are simple and durable and as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, I am prepared to furnish either tho Dropper, Table Rake, Harvesters, or Wire and Twine Binders. Send for Catalogue and Price List I ALSO KEEP IN STOCK Wood, Tabor & Morse Agricultural and Portable Engines, SSJV'-iSvtSMSl a few drops imnart a dciictom 1 [ gri flavor to a glass I Cardwell’s Separators, Sweepsteak and Vibrator Separators, Blynyer M fg Co. Sorgum Machinery. IS lo a11 summer dnaks. Try ‘t, b t ( WHITEWATEIi WAGONS, ETC. Those in want of any kfnd of Machinery will consult thtir interest by calling on me before buying. Send for Catalogue aud Price List. ! J. M. HARWELL, Agricultural Warehouse, 79 and, 81 South Broad Street, boware of cocnicr&itc. Ask you. grocer or druggist for the geuiunt article, manufactured bv DR. I G B. 81KGKRT & SONS. HJ W. WUPPIRMANH, Sols Jgsat Sncnnoi taJ.W. IU»tv» “ 51 Broadwa7i H. T, janlS—dly fri sun wed &wly HEALTH IS WEALTH apr5—d5t wedlt sunit &wky4w ATLANTA. GEORGIA. D ue. o, west's nerve and bra-« Treatment; a specific for Hystexa, Du zincs?. Convulsions, Nervous Heauaeae, Men tal Depression, Loss of Memory, Spennatotf hrcea, Impoteney, Involuntary Emissions, Pre- i mature old age, caused by overexerUon, self-abuse, | or overindulgence, whiel " * ' ’ and death. One box will boxjcontaias one month’s treatment. One dollar a box or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail pre paid on receipt of o£.price. We guarantee six boxes a cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied by five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure Guarantees issued by LAMAR, RANKIN & LA MARfc wholesale ana retail agents, Atlanta an Macon, Ga. Orders by mall will recelv tantton. ai.rts FERTILIZERS. S TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANKOOD RESTORED. A viatlm Of .youthfcZ imprudence causing Preci*- fnre Decay, Nervous; ability. Lost Manhood, etc, having tried in vain e ery known remedy, has dis- revered a simple self cure, which he will stud FREi to his feLow-sufit-rer*. address A. H ' t t% lO l-; X t ylsattues thurd&wkly The Ashley Phosphate Company, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. OFFERS FOR SALE l ^ SOLUBLE GUANO, Highly Ammoniated, ? ACID PHOSPHATE, for Composting ASH ELEMENT, for Cotton, \\'heat, Peas, etc. PURE GROUND PHOSPHATE ROCK, PURE GROUND RAW BONE, GENUINE LEOPOLDSHALL Iv AIN IT, COTTON SEED MEAL, .. NOVA SCOTIA LAND PLASTER, ^ SOUTH CAROLINA M/RL, DRIED BLOOD, 1 -- *- \ PERUVIAN tUANO, \ GROUND iRIED FISH.' The above Fertilizers are of very high grade tnd of uniform quality. Special Inducements are offered for Casi Orders by the car load. PRIVATE FORMULAS made to order of theoest materials. For Terms, Illustrated Almanacs, liumoioutCards, etc., address the Company. feb2t-wky2m ©OVER 1.000.000 SOLD© Bold by VINSON & DOZIER, Atlanta, Georgia. marl3—dim tues thur sat &wky3ia SEED STORE To every man’s doc. If ou ^^SEEDS are not sol In you . town, drop us a PostaCard fo Handsome Illustrated Cealogu and Prices. Address D. LANDRETH A SON8, PhUdelphU lanll—wkyly eow