The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, August 14, 1883, Image 1

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IfK? WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. VOLUME XVI. TUESDAY MQEUINe, AUGUST 14, 1883. PEIOE 5 CE&TS THE KIMBALL RAZED TO THE GROUND BY THE FLAMES! THE LITTLE SMOKE THAT GREW INTO A MIGHTY DEVOURING FLAME. THE STARTLING SCENES AT THE BURN ING PILE. THE GUESTS BOUSED UP. AND SAVED FROM DEATH. A ROUND MILLION AWAY. WHO LOST. HOW MUCH. AND AMOUNT INSURANCE HELD. GOSSIP GATHERED ON TIIE STREET. WILL A NEW HOTEL BE BUILT? BELIEF EX' PBESSED THAT IT WILL. Yesterday moraine at twenty-six minutes to fire o’clock the Kimball house was found to be on fire. At bait-past eight o'olock ft was a smouldering heap of ruins. For yean the burning of this great hotel has been dreaded oa a calamity reasonably sure to come, and certain to be deplorable in its results. Two things wero held to bo certain: 1. That its burning would sweep away the whole central part of the city. 2. That a great number of lives would be lost when it was burned. By favorable circumstances that were almost miraculous neither of these results came about Tbe winds were as still as death and the flames rising from the great central fire mounted straight between the four walls and went heavenward. Not a single house across the narrow streets was burned and even tbe back part of the block on which tbe Kimball sat was saved The fire began In the entrance corner of tbe boose and was providentially confined there nntil every room bad been emptied of sleeping guests. Not a life was lost though the firemen worked and the crowd lingered for hours amid the burning and falling walls. Notonenian was Injured. The history of' the great fire, its inception and cause, its course and its finish, the in surance and the losses of Its owners and occu pants, the escape gf its guests, and tljO Inch dents and gossip of tho'firo w’lll-bb found btf- low, told In the words of our reporters. down and saw that the smoke was still com log up. I think it come out of the paint shop. I ran oil to get two bucketa of water, bat when I returned I saw that I coaid not do anything witli them. I could see nothing but smoke. I ran into the laundry and into the engine room to eee if the fire was in there. I also went into the Ironing room to see if I a r«t<-u in Spun-Oonrsdentt B-umon>-Th» k«, DURING THE WEEK, WHAT THE PEOPLE OF THE cm AND COUNTRY AR’BI DOJHO. the fire was coming from there, as the smoke had a strong smell of rags burning. In none of those places was there any fire and I returned. I went into the kitchen, but there woe nothing wrong in that place. In each of those placee cnekr Xlrotton-Ceolsre In Ssypt-Bellroed Aoold«nte-A Btaaaaar Wraek.d-Busin, aa Falluraa-Barnad to Dsath-Cropa. ORIGIN OF THE F1RB. Raw It Slartad, aad Wkan and Wkj-Tha Vlawi Us “First Mee” Wka Saw It. As to the exact time at which the fire orig inated there is much difference of opinion, Those who were first on the scene differ in their statements os to when the fire was started. It la certain, however, that It was not far from half-post four. At about that time the fire was discovered by several per sons and the alarm was sounded. The state ments as to the probable causes of tbe fire and its exact placo of origin also are very com Dieting. No person has been found who will state positively whero the fire originated, While those on the outside of the building were preparing to fight the flames thoso on the inside began to get a smell of the smoke, As seen by those on the outside of tbe build ing, the story of the discovery of the fire and tbe first contest with it is as follows: At the hour named a dense smoke was seen issuing from the door of the basement room at tbe southwestern corner of tbe building. The room was directly under the real estate office of Colonel George W. Adair and was used as a storage room by the Italian frnit dealer, Dcrlotti. Immediately Officer Gloer ran to tbe fire alarm box at tbe corner of Feachtree and Decatur streets and turned on the alarm. On accoat of the rubbish on Ma rietta street,where tbestrect is being repaired, there wes some delay in the hosereels reaching the spot. As the fire appeared to bo In the basement, tbe door was forced and a stream of water wAs turned on. The room was as dark as pitch, and there was no sign of fire except tbe dense smoke which boiled from under the place. Tbe room was fairly Hooded with water but the smoke increased In density and tbe firemen seeing that tbeire effots were of no avail took hose into an alleyway between the inside wall of the eouth wing and the billiard room. When the firemen failed to do effective work by throwing water in from the Wall street side they placed a hose through tbe entrance “4" and carried it into the alley marked “3." When they reached that spot it was found that between the rooms “1" and "2” there wss so much smoke that it was impossible to live there. It was impossible to determine whether the fire was In the bake shop or in tbe Italian’s place. The suffocating smoke drove the firemen from tbe alley, and the dense smoke wu changed to an occasional flash of light Suddenly the fire was seen to be taking its way up the stairway and eleva tor, marked “3" in tbe plat. The flames, left to themselves, sprang up the elevator, and in a moment the elevator hole was a sheet of flame. The draft was powerful, and the fire poured through as if fanned by a mighty bel lows. At that point uothiog but the most superhuman effort of tbe most favored and well drilled department could have saved tbe house. While tbe firemen were follow ing a false scent the flames bad taken possession of the most vulnerable part of the building and bad secured such headway that it was almost useless to fight tbe fire. When tbe elevator wu, on fire with tbe flames bursting oat at tbe top of the house,every floor in tbe build ing* wu exposed and the fire began to eat its way in every direction. Dy that time the house wu fully aroused to the danger and the guests were awakened and began to leave the burning structure. There wu a colored watchman In the bouse, and u soon u ha smelled tbe fire he began tbe investigation. He told the story of tbe origin of the fire u follows to a CanirrrcTio* man yesterday: “A door leading down to Wall street wu open and I uw the smoke coming up. I wu then on the tint floor, and I shut the door and rushed up to the second floor, I looked August 7. .. a The prosecuting attorney l«ued one hundred and I shut down tfie windows as fast as I could. I four warrants In 8t Louis against persons who vio- At soon os I found? that there wu no chance I lated the SundtjS law. Brush fires were raging In to do anything and that the fire was gaining British Columbia and doing mutli damage. Brown headway and that the house wu filling with Bros.. A Co., lumber dealer. and Insurance agents and ran thXgfftlrahouaeond broke "neva?1 “‘T** ““■"'T* Th# door. I started at the first floor and went to ? “ anu JJ < ? ur 1 [ nf ®? m P Any every door in the house. The guests then w “ de,l £ ,red by the 1 “*™® u ?" ng ° began to go out as fastu they could and 11 John Simmons shot and killed hUwilo do not think that there is one who did not Iand then killed himself at Dej’s Creek. Va. A make a safe escape.” child whleh wu barted in the ruins at Casslmicclo- Mr. R. C. Bosche, who hu a painting estab- la at the time of tbe earthquake on the 2Sthult„ Bailment in the building on Wall street next wu rescued alive. Two hundred thousand dollars to the Kimball bouse, was one of the first, if worth of property was burned la 8»n Erauclsoo. A not the first man at the fir* from tbe outside. CUI nl iroad oar thieves were arrested In Brook- H '?"• >»• The Jewish resident, ot Kk.terno.lav, find the lire was the wntchimiDj whoso story I ,, H _ i , - ». k*» ■ ., . >i. rt .1.7 im ■ Is printed above. Of the occurrences on the ?“.**! b J, mob *° ldle ™ outside Mr Bosche says: had to bo called out to disperse the rioters, ten of •T walked down from my room and uw a " hom wcn killed “ d thirteen wounded. Three dense volume of smoko issuing from the meu were killed by a holler explosion at Agcrnaw, dace occupied by the Italian. The alarm was Mich. Ills estimated that the wheat and barley urned in by tbe otBcer and the department cror ot England will be below tbe average. The tnmedouL I think it took the firomon about Vermont national bank of EL Albans closed. Free- fifteen minutes to get to the place. The fire- tor Knott wu elected governor of Kentucky, men broke in the door of the Italian's place in tux city and turned in a stream of water. The imoke Joh ^ , flmll ' ltor4 „ m white- wu coming oat in a black column, and the I‘ "Jr' 1 / water seemed to have no effect on it whatever. ^“f'oyed by fire. Charles Curry As the water did not atop tbs fire the fire- *** ««“oJMl on the charge of vagrancy. A big men decided that It wu out of reach drowd «f emigrants from North Carolina passed of their stream, and decided to take through Atlanta en route to Texas. By the sect- a different stand. We took the dental discharge of» pistol Mr. Charles Crawford hose and carried it into the alley and when received a slight wound In his left leg. we got in there we found the smoke to dense ww.ns.j, t n «i a. that we had to abandon the place. It was ( James McDermott wu arrested to Liverpool on simply impossiblei to lire there. That is the his arrival from America and was remanded to Jail ShFjSslS? 0» "» ohxrg. of being engaged In a conspiracy to to burst op the elemtor and spread to tbe mU nler public offldala DuriDg tbo last eighteen rooms on every fltmr^ the buUaing.” monlllI ^Springfield rlSe, 23,ooo.<x£ car- Ax )>o TH* debris* fridge* and from 60.000 to 80.000 bales of cotton oMhnhtrildhm duck, *“ ltabl ° ,or “““• *“ »» "'“Of torn away tbo whole interior of tbo building, I l 1v . t,.. n ahinnnii t m anrinon*Li ninn*rhn««-n* the larger portion of the four outer wads I ba !,t!*' n 1™“ Springfield, Utssachasetu, stood swaying and tottering in their p l ace , jo China. There were (8$ death* from choltra la u If at any minute ready to crumble to ptorpt. It Is estimated that tho democratic majori- pieces. An occasional crash would an- V la Kentucky Is between 40,000 aud 00,000. The nounca the falling of some portion of the national convention of the Amalgated association walls and the attention of the fire depart- ot Iron and steel workers mot In Philadelphia, mentwu turned towards this new dinger. triTtuccrrY. Guards were stationed on all the streets along offleer Harris killed a mad dog on Huff’s alley, the walla, and tha work of tearing away I Senator Joreph E. Brown will toon begin lmpror- tb^day^Thou^Sof people crowded X ‘aSSluVtTun“ streets all day, and were interesting spec! a- 8tet ‘® n * • negro, died from tho effects ot a fall he tore to this cntlre y new piece of work, on received soveral days ago. A minstrel company Is such a large scale, for the city. Tho whole he*”* organised In Atlanta. Mary Fowlar, a negro department were concentrated on the work woman, wuarrested on a charge of larceny. Sarah of palling awny the walls. On the comer of I Edwards, a colored girl, wu throwu from a buggy Decatur and Pryor the wall itood fire atorlea and her left shoulder wu dislocated. The blgplow in height, ita supports on either side having which hu boon used on Marietta street bolongt to bulged and fallen, and this huge liar ol Ur . jpj C ox. and for the ase ot It and the ten mule, brick and rnorfor looking as if it wnertsd, |rcd „ „ he „ , wenlr# „ dollar, a day. to do so at any minute. In pulling this Maa _ down it was necessary that a Officer Itapp hu served tbe city thirteen year* os a rope be attached to the very top story of the foUetman, , n d he .Ull hts hit first set ot bras.but- wreck. It was already tottering, and it might toni ® at any moment fall or Its own accord. Lad- Th«r»4*jr, Au.u.c e. ders were run along it until the top was | The report telegraphed from Dodge City. Kansas, Tho stock of watermelons Is finer now than It has | been any time this aeason. Mr. Thomas Tuggle bad hts right hand sawn off while at work in the mill of | Trowbridge & Co., on Fort street *un>!*y, A«|fiil IV. Prince Karegeorgevltch aud Princess Yorks, NEWS OF GEORGIA. WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE SAYINft AND DOINO. log well, and says he never enjoyed totter health. ?T ThB «PPUcatlorrof Ed,Moulton, charged with murder of Charley Dolln of Mjller county was heard by Jndge asrcgeorgevncn ana j-rinccas York*, . 1 in,... Y>7~ 't ' 7 , 1 “““so daughter of the otdeat child ol the prince ot Monte At. mo L.ed.o. c.m„, no o.h.r Xv.m.- ^ both sTd^Is honor M^cd hVbon^nt llOffrO. Wer<» murrlnrl In /'rail I non Tha mndltlnw al I a. ai . . .. mbmswi UHOOOQBI negro, were married lu Cettlnge. Tho condition of the Count de Chambord la again unfavorable, and he la »lowly losing strength. The German and Turkiih governments are engaged in negotiations for tho complete annexation or Bosnia and Herze- How ifc* Or apt Throughout Count r/Stand- Titlk Abjnt Politics and Bailn«aa-Mat* Ura of Ofintral Zatercat, Xt«. I ireo thousand dollars. It is npt probable that lie will be ablo to give it. D. O. Shef field appeared for tbe applicant and F. G. Gurley for tbe state. , - , . Lola, August 10,—B*a Clarke, Bally Bled-1 A serious subbing affray occurred l^t Sat- gnvonta liy Austria. About 2,COO union and con-1 we aud John Johnston, were committed to I urday In Miller county, nt .store ofKeely federate soldlon had n grand reunion at Wilson's Gainesville jail in default of paying flno for * Cook, between William Kelly and John Creek Ground, Mo. The Englbh doctors In Egypt failure to work public roads I Cleveland. The latter urns seriously if not report that the cholera now prevailing in that I i> IImv I ******/ cut In five placea by tbe former. No country I. ot . distinctly different character frera hJSMSu wi7^found ^^diad iiea? fl e " mt aw‘ , I!h 0l ‘ 0l<!n, ' w ‘ “• “ ,,Ier * 00 ■ * ,ock brokers, railroad track it Fort Valley, J yesterday 7,"°^"?"' August 8.—Tlie town is vexe'd o33 Chistnut street, Phil,dclphla, have failed morning, ire was from Atlanta and had w J! b "ie legislature. Some say It ought to Reports from forty-live counties In Georgia aad I been In Fort Valley two weeks. He it sup-1 adjourn and have another adjourned term. A Florida upon the condition of cotton crop state that I posed to have been killed by the train. I whisky dealer »ld hero yesterday that the the drouth has been generally broken and the out I Nxwitatt, August 10.—Coweta leads the van I [9®*' ppt*°n whisky bill and tbe amendments Ioox Is brighter. Colonel Baudots, of the 2hi Mex-1 witb an increase of taxable properly over last I l,lerelu a* -0 ■“ Kood- loon regulars, cominandlng tho forces operating I Meriwether's increase is Dallas, August 8.—Suporior court la In ees- agalnstths Indians, was killed by otto 8au Catlos I ^J 0 * 1 °f Coweta a increase Is in the I il 0 n Jicro this week. Jittlgo Branham is Pete. Alexander Kennedy attempted to kill his ®“,““!j’t h “ 1 1?' bu 1 no dispatclilnj- business with his usual raitidity, lo r sisters lu Chicago. f&? D j-. iHTiigcrrr. I Daji HulT, arrested a negro giving his name •* I ning under tho idea that tho election ■Fine Concord grapes are in the market. Jim Jim l’opo tonlsy, near No. 1, ftiutbwestern B »l& DaflSs nfllllla flitriSr JUrer th» Foater was arrest, d for larceny. Mattlo Chamber-1 railroad, at the plantation of Warren Huff, charge of Judge Branham to tha ernnil'm™ lid, a negro, was killed by a Central railroad (witch supposed to be the murderer of Hackman I on the subject they wero both dosed an5 engioe between Peters and Cattlebury strecu. A 18mftli Austin, He has been banging around I that, too, within fifteen minute subject they wore both closed, and — ,. . . , . - ... it--i -R>, within fifteen minutes otter the man named Bloomlnglale, a train band on tbo I neighborhood since about the time of tbe I charge was delivered, and no littuor lias been Geo.-gla railroad, fell betwcon tho moving cars and murd ** acting [rather suspicionsly. He an- sold lore this week. had a foot cruihcd off Tii« ewers tlic description and ltlsvallso contslncd I . _ mcis*.'“l“w. ,0 U,<, " ' ln -1 blood-stained cTothlng .Imllar to that worn by the murderer. It is believed they have | f n “ her eighteen montbsold- babe were killed got tbe right man. I by lightning yesterday evening at the home Chattanooga, August 10.—At Huntsville, I °* b * r ‘“'her, Mr, Henry l’rinco. seven miles Dukes Tails tks st.rr .r Ca.tata'a Estrv 1st. Ala -, ,hl8 afternoon James, son of E. R. Mat-1 fount ol Salem, Ala, Mrs. Tucker and her Ilia ifssM. • I thews, city clerk, was instantly killed by the I husband live In Macon county near Notasnl- Uniontown, ra., August 11,—Just titer the to I discharge of an old array musket In the bands 18®t nnd •“ 8 wu visiting her parents when the qnlttal of N. L, Dukes forthe murder of Nutt, end of ot IteT - J- M - Banister. Tlic I “d Iragctly occurred. Hers ster, Miss Prince when thepubllo feeling acaiuit tho former was I contents of tho gun, nil old fashioned ntlnnlo Momoe Davis were In tho room at high ltwusutxcitcd to him that in »tnw nt I ball, entered the back of young Matthew’s time, and both wero much shocked, hut ,h ® hesJ. Itissald the gun bad romatnodloaded otherwise unhurt. Tho mother died with mclsler hotel are about oomnleted. FROM THE ORAVE, minttot tMtihathUmew*. In grave danger. II eV er ^nce tbe war. her babe in het arms and Inlike manner they Z'flne^'r.uremcn^own JZXT I ''mabib^a" August O.-Last Sunday while I wcro buried to-day. w^,“ "hu d r ^ ia wh !? hh “ I - t had! 1 ! 8 I ty TI,e (Mt " plu " ls iaMitchei, “ nn - kUletl, end In tb’reo weeks tho trial oMris murde”J “one nlghUasTweMcMn Curlev! th” l’ack- , , " k ° nt f 1 '.', °' d b#b I of u f- ®» d «”• take place, lailhedcreribes the killing: "On smith at the Marietta and North Georgia I ■'O'm Icck. of I oik county, weighs twenty- tbe morning of the 20th of December. H82, I wu I shops, was walking up the railroad to fi|, I «vo pounds. sitting beside my deck tn the Jennings hotel, retlec-1 shop where he s:eene, when just behind tho Two brothcra named Cochran, In Campbell ting upon my troubles. Tho porter rapped at I Presbyterian church he was stopped by three I county, had a druuken row, in which one my door. Ills rap Is very familiar to mo he-1 "cpcocs who demanded his money, saying vorely stabbed tbe other. cease he carries mrcoal. I raid, Come In.’ Tho I *boy would cut Ills throat if it was not footb- I Mra John O An,lr.,»« r.ii porterstepped back and Mr.tooa inUrcckenrldge s coming. He refused to give them money and «r^, thn S^V nf .SmSK?. lii Yil dSIVndSLSG? - , wl , ,h l n lb 011 , 1 "f '«> o' made a break for liberty, knocking down two V ® , d ^? r “ < |, b, ? )k I e n h ,” H^ i r ‘^pffi&MUtoi ! , h *ySS‘ W l'h^ 1 ui 1 0, . bU “®“»« nl8 "Utl escaping with a slight ^ J 8 ’ 1IoreeIe » w “ “ Iled ln to time to reply when tbe captain panhed I poned Mr. Brvckcnridffo and into the Into vlowj | ®uL room, and " I an^v'lneyiml^sfliiatetHtlst'^ubilUo'^tire XI bured thronih JS A,*** w b "| to see you.’and rttriu-d upon me with hlicano I '00 vines of the six leading varieties planted * . _ , : , . , upraised. 1 initlncUr threw down my head and I to cover about ono acre. Tito vines were I At the camps at Codsrtown, two convlots, df — — — — * I set out in the fall of | now bearing for tlie 81 and arc I named Dennis Mitchell nnd Bill Anderson, tint time I K ot 1,1,0 11 dispute, when tho former was knife. mat- threw up my arm and the blow fell severely dlsgo , natty scrim the arm. I grappled with him anil -smtht Jhecane. Weatrugileda f wrested tl him down. _ tuablowbadt _ „ brSKobidhim?whidni”! ,ru,t - About 400 pounds of niarkelableTfruit I Cutlibert Appoal: Mrs. Warren lias a curl broltot tho bed by the window. 1 now know I wa. I wi „ ^ „ n i ixed (hli yenr and next year he ex-1 oslty in the wtty ot a swarm ot bees. They svrxoioxiN rtiTatcaLSTSXMOTii, I poets to realise ten times this amount. Both left tho gunt somo weeks sinco, und attached and could have drawn mr pistol and ahot him In I grapes and bunches are very largo and are I themselves to a polo in tbo ynrd, nnd defied . t^.^ ro ffi“.Sd7tW?u*ta T b « production wu greatly rtittl to »'» b Wby with .t pocket I i. Ue then threw himself against moand I spring to prevent overbearing, it being neces- ’p bo condition of the wounded man Is a tad nocffecL We wero now struggling I sury to cut off hundreds of Duncltcs of greon I ,er of extreme doubt. wanuo'kiilldm.* _ but keep him from hllr'.l I murdotl’ with the f er to btlng somo otto to tho resetto. As soon as | | FIs alarm was given. Captain Nutt railed ’Clark, person to make this ascent of a hundred feet I Uo In malignant form ls untruo. Tho returns la- fi’2SS® I ••••• and into Tonncsseo, Florida and Ala-1 tuny nro uutiioscu to preserve tlio timber. w V lflcl, P thmn l waa r da n «?”of bc?nL- bC ^luiiced ® ucd by ,h0 Loildon board of lr ® do ,h0 " r th,t dur 1 ’ '■"Penffilhi ™ oro with fbtSthruit'tnlVta letter ! ml,m - » nd n,,lla “ t0 bo • vc, y Prontablo bus- Meriwether Vindicator: Mr. Unfits Rowe. tl, J sh„^v Von ml, lD * tho mouth of Jdly BrttMlk.lmporl«dt!cr«r..,d :»ao', avnn-er. filled mo with terroraml (k-r|K-rail,..t. Iness. ., , of the 10th disirlql^cutdown bis cone, grounti .ions or the Walls .-Who 1 wouldbfffr? John ^part'd with thatmonm In Ct, car by titM' ® very^trcrlqr .quafity of Wilson, who served ntsny years as a I uativo olllcials of Cairo, Egypt, are much away to avoid another stroke from tha I T 1°? court reportIs two.bundreu und four cooes | sj rup tu , apparent Ho ships birds and eggs to nil parts of this I that tboy ontortain”antl-feiico"procllvitlcs,iis tbBt em-1 state and into Tcnnctuee, Florida and Ala- thny are disjtoscd to preserve tint timber. sailor, volunteered and began to make the I blamed concerning tbo condition of the cholera dizzy ascent. Every eye was turntd towards I patients ln tbe madhouse. Persistent reports are him, and every breath of tbe crowd was held current that Cetewsyo Is alive. Thonsandsot peo ns he slowly but steadily rose from one ronnd pis arrived at Erfurt, Germany, to participate In to another, grasping them firmly with his the festival Id celebration of Martin Luther’s entry right hand and with hislettdrawing with mto that town. Tho family of tho Jew, 8charf,who him a large cable, which lie was to attach to , m dc/endlDU tta j, wllh ttta i „ Myrregbyxa^Uungary, ni mobbed at Path. On. after having Mcnrely fastcncd tbe^ tovt, bundretl thourand dollars worth ol property wss again took tne ladder and began his descent. | destroyed by fire ln Baltimore. The proapects of As his foot touched tbe ground a shout went the cotton yield in Texas compared with those of up from tbe astonished but ad- same date last year have been red need from 20 to miring crowd in appreciation of the 25 per cent on account of tho drouth. Samuel Me- courageous manner In which he had so sue- csuley.a hermit, ahot sad killed bis father ln completed bis task. The rope was Pltuburg . y tightened, the dry and crumbling wall heaved 0 nnd groaned, and shook to its foundations; a ** THBCITY ® a crash, awful, yet grand, and the tottering The Gate City bank building will be under roof pillar which so shortly before towered in I the last of this month. Mary Freeman was arretted majestic grandeur, over the throng below, was upon a warrant charging her with burglary. Bud now a heap of rubbish, and presented a scene Broom's chances for recovery are considered good. °* destruction and wieckage, which so I ^ number of the most prominent chess players of shortly before had been wealth and splendor Mr. Felix Thom- Tno work of rasing the walls was pushed I. „ towards tbe depot, and a considerable portion *?“’ f K *^ tto , co , un, i’ ®.” t ® n 81 P° und h*®* 10 ot tbe wall on Decatur street had been pulled I lho department of sgrieultnro. away when the city inspectors appeared on „ , Y'lsar, Aasaatte .... the scene and ordered a discontinuance of Running Bird wu hanged at Talcquoh, IudUn the work. They have carefully examined Territory, for tbe murder of Running Water. There tbo walls, which still stand, ami pronounce were six hundred and twcnty-reven deaths from them as absolutely safe from falling. A force cholera ln Egypt. A scientific commission will go was kept busy during the night watching to the Island of Ischia to study the cause of l!\o tlie embers of tlie debris. recent earthquake there. A fire In Danville, Va., ItThe Iron fronts on Decatur, Preor and d( m ro ye d property totbovalue ot 1150,OW. Chat- r/frn Kve »n .X 0 , e, ^'h e e r Ce Hu„. Quebec valued .„!*>.«*> vu^ri,' Tho and bare wall facing Peachtree, with its **&<><*’ and fireman on a freight train on ibe great chimney, still stands a solid mass of Cleveland and Lorain railroad of Ohio were killed brick, every particle of woodwork having by tho train running off tho track. VUnlan, who been thoroughly consumed. There is not in bos been proclaimed king of Annamby the Manda- tbe whole ruins a single piece of unburnt riaus at Hue, U considered the nominee of Ute war wood. The ruin if complete, the loss great. | party la Annam. O’Her] thy,-beany and their tu- IT WAS SIMPLY A MIRACLE •ocUtcs were found guilty of treuou felony in Liv* erpool end sentenced to life long penel servitude. One hundred mele end female paupers in London petitioned th» guardians of the North Dock union That Xhi of tha Blocks of Boliilos* Arsuod tho Kli ban Wero LmL Any man would have wagered Saturday I £^y their pss'sagc to Cnodaor tho United States, that it would be a physical impossibility for I os they slate they are unablo to get work at home, the Kimball house to burn without destroy-1 The garrison at 8eo de Utgel, In the province of in? the center of the city. Fifty times daring Lerida, Spain, hu revolted, tbe force numterlng tbe fire no man would have insured the blocks j hre0 bu “ d " d «“»• An old mill at C.d„ Rapids. , ... . ,,,. ... , Iowa, used for storing bay wot burned and three on the cast, west or north side the K m- I ho ^ lh# buUdiogwere ball for ninety cents on tbe dollar, burned to death, and nine men out of ten in f is tux city, tbe crowd hid virtually given up tbe fight A colored excursion left for Columbus. Tbe two There was wonderful coolness preserved darkles who were shot In the Larkin street affray however, and very few stocks of goods Were »re out of danger. The residence of Mr. Fox on removed. In tbe block of buildings fronting M *' kb ‘ m »“<mf"dby * burglar .adi eev- ..... ,7, 77 ,,, 7. , „ " eral pieces ol Jewelry were stolen. Mr. Frank W. the Kimball bouse, Messrs. Htrech * Bro., gmlUl ol To , ed0i ohl0i through the city Morrison, Bain A Co., Beck, Gregg & Co., had with fourteen thousand federal flogs on his way to wagons and draya backed up to the rear of Audenonvllle, Oa., where he will placo them on tbeir stores and their clerks and portent were I the gnvee of the union soldiers burled there. ready to move tbeir goods on a moments ...... notice, but they stood et the front of the store * behind their gloss doors, determined I A reunion of confederate soldiers wes held In disturb nothing until forced to I Barren county, N. C., It being estimated that seven so by actual necessity. In thousand persons wtrapreunt, and addresses were this way much damage wss averted. It is I delivered by genator Ransom. Bovemor Jarvis and even more wonderful tbit not a single build- others. Tbe eteamshlp William Lawrence, from ing, not even one of the shanties that la con- savannah, collided off Point Lookout, near Haiti nected with the Kimball at Ute rear should wUh me Schooner Borab Larinle end wee have been burned. The fire started and . 1 _, |K „ wim-m n raged nnd ended within tbe four walls of tbe great hotel and did not do perhaps fire bun-1 °*“»ader wss banged to UUce, New York, for the B red 'dollars worth of damage. morder of his brother. In a barroom row to BolU One thing wu demonstrated beyond doubt, more between Bernard McNally end James Carr, and that wu tbe Kimball bouse, although It I toe latter wu stabbed to the heart and killed. Tbe wu built with unprecedented rapidity, wu I Ohio liquor dealers met to convention et Toledo, an exceedingly well ballt boose, and to this The deaths from cholera to Egypt to dale have bun fact is.due the salvation of tbe bosineu por- Ih0 uiend four bandied end forty-eight tion of Atlanta. The weatberofeonraefa- TOe „ „„ ont haDdnd „ d tUhl y two badness rored, anti other circmnstoncu were P ro Pi- wl0 res throughout the United StatM and Canada tians, indeed, u a bystander eeid, when the I 7**“ IJUU * U flsmu bed died oat and the great blackened I during tbe put week, site of tbe hotel wu tbe only thing left: I nr rax city. “If tbe Lord hod done His but for Atlanta I Mr. Howard Williams, well known to Atlanta after the fire bad began He coold not have I Journalism, left for Anniston, Ala., where be will done better than this has tamed oat,” ' commence tbe pabUcatlon of a weekly newspaper. „ , - - ks ago, Mr. itowe planted Rao?backtothnmsnteLanduhe'went‘he U thrust I ready for trial at tho next term of court. I early variety of cnite, obtaining the an d from hie right hand Into his overcoat pocket and at-1 Jutlgo Hantmond will hnvo to bold for two | Arkansas. Ourfarmcrawoultldowclltopro- terapfed redraw bis pistol. It sumed entangled I weeks and push business rapidly to got | cure Ilia sntito seed, its syrup making would Lftthrough. then come between laying by time and fod- uIq t.TnkllnfS an e*e mypUtoVvra? d«Sn 'from Billy Mayo, colored, wu commuted to jail der pulling. ray hip pocket, my right loot and arm advanced, I on Monday last fortlio crlmeof rape upon | Columbus Sun: Wo are told that there Is a •5| d .®KW“ ( ii'“.®“ k ll !” porton ol Georgia Ann Huntphries. color- gentleman living across tbo river In Brown- b2ck tlwaA thedwr As't^tsKmsa^kdow/ H’. 8,8,1 f bont ‘B? ” Tbe girl wa. Y |Uo who Is tlie father of twenty-eight cbil- I hmrd tTSntii“ I tu^l my bead and raw I ® ent over •" *“? » l Utjtff hUM because her dren. He bu been only ottco t.tarricd, and Ur. Brrckinrldso about the foot of the bed hasten-1 mother wu sick, and Muyos wife wu at I h., us well u tbe mother of tbo children, la Ing to Captain NutL Turned toward ms wu the I Humphries's, waiting on tbe sick mother, I still In the primo of life, nnd nro vigorous b ^i k ,:*lfi! > S d ii7! l .“f„® > ,"°f l i h °' lt . lir< ?;, J! 1 ®r, b,,l ° » nd *! bl !, 0 5 n . homo whero he “‘d- nnd healthy. Of tlicaochildren twenty-three Fra^c'Jcr'fnra bl | , lt!" pre “ d ap °“ mr memory, j mlttedtlio fiendish acL are dead, afl of them Itttving lived to bo eev- insDinANciToms WOKI.D. I. ^ ALLA< » . A . U OT* 1 li.—Mr. DWven a. Moore I oral years or ago, one of them nearly grown. When he ernnes to consider the letters he wrote I >» now on trial here chanted with the murder I Among them were four pairs of twins, born b« N»lly„g>;ll|lcss ol taking Cap- of Bow Jones. It Will be remembered that w uitln six year*’ tlmo. If all bad lived, tho tore verei’miirlT » touhd tvhro l' w*m?o Urat "i* difl,cull y wI,lch , r f suI ‘ od , ln , lh ® dc “ ,h gentlo nan could soon start a little town of big iraTjaWTfiWafBSfr I romm't.^Tmrat ° f m d ?°“’ ln S"! d ”, C i r h t f, r ’* r b f r r - rob j" o'™. spelling blnndpr. It wu the personlfloailon | somsttme In Fsbrosry “*j;,7 bl r 1 *.””7.1 V* Early County News: Tbe first Early Stupidity, aud tbe.nmols* of a liferime will be in session here. Tbe grand Jury Immediate- , J ij,(’ont« ueara tlmt wn ha» v,-t wuraourinaunaer temporary insanity, uui nero “ .i,i_ mi, iniui were oi goon size, nnu oi uno iiavor. tho matter cnd«. I would not bellevo In my f.ul I murder. He is now on trial nnderthla bill I j», (jollier elves much uttentloutotlierals- deptavlty and abandoned villainy If oreiy fanatical rcpresenled by Colonels T. W. Milner and j„„ Jjf « ,nlSs frulu anil n ,Zrnll J nbrnd minister lu tho land howled (torn the pulpit and John O. Garlrell. a?, n ml y “ , platform until he were blind, and evny hair I Fonayrn August 11.—Rev. E. M Amos I n * ,1 >th , ng MW- Mr. D. 1). Strong lias Drained minor to es.arenco ahonld II. about tt to I -q^'^’offind toreUnfluenUTtcUlSS •' r ®“ nt I ®, d j ul bi-corn ..mined editor In esiatence should lie about It to , all eternity. True Captain Nutt is dead. This fact I J. n *. esn fall upon no 1 * ’ ' 1 than upon my own, It bus on It six good cam nnd two Mr. ritrong says bo hesrrwirh mriri^cruihtoKforoo I died nt bla rosldencs Jut night after a ,on K I Xt' are not ro'good! than Upon my own. I had no more malice against I Illness. He was a valuable man to the town I777,7„”7 the man than against my own mother. Why should and county, and bad for seven years served ™*nJbl l“ c “ wSi. I»ve? He never srioniedme. No msn respe^, n|0|) , , cce '^ bI „ on ,i 10 bo arJ 0 f'county coin- bu ® bo1 *’ thSS l do now Th?Tm7RV7f lh?d“' I mlssloner. The Baptist church, of whloh , Fort Gaines Tribune: A dUpstcb received widow and the helpless omhsii ehlldren he wsh a leading member, will feel bia loss j“ th,,cl ‘F i^ foramellk.accu.liVg splrAs, and If auch I severely. wu Miot in Col; mbla, Ala., Haturday by Mr. a lamg were imsslbla gladly would I lie down In It la reporlml here that Mr. Nat Glover, of Be* Teague. We have no Information as to family?” CrmuT? ^avsT&SswB^lbe culmtoaforTaf ^ this wretched affair, bow touch betti r would it I ■tJaUet, in Iblaooanijr < have been for me to have sacrificed • •»---*— 1 happiness and self-respect upon tho pacification! But I foolishly thoua! doing Captain Nutt a cruel klndiieaa.and K^«&° W 4teor"‘.r. I came *bere"'fronf "^AugustoTby*'X" name of I “V 1 *' h ® 1 Yn WAZtiSn ^Xial^^'ere'^'toT^of^^^ deliberately ruined thedauaVr and then kUltd ffTS'ifAJSr ful miafortane. him. What motive could I hare in such a scheme 71 wife autpecUi, from the fact that he was Jem-1 .. t , hnnVm nf Sensible people will seo that I am merely the vie-1 porarily embarraeacd, that he has committed I. The digest, or Ux books of lietmtar county tlm of circumstances and my own folly. One thing I aaicide. Parties are hunting for him now. bare been completed and we find a most I Athkns, August I!.—There once lived in | * wUf 7A n * inw, ^. I PJ b .? Tbe digest, or tax books of Decatur county BL _ sve been completed and we find a moat gray ont o! onotbST,.aaydlng to thstow el eansi | "athus.'August fl.-There "mu lived’ in I gretllying Increase In the tax returns, over onetart^survivmshiD^ But ^*1 irioiMMMoras^ I Jackson cinnlT a white man who sold hi. •"• pastyey. In 1880 tbe tauble property ble for 1 this KrcAiinouDtslii of woe? Is there no I wife for $1 and two ginger cakes. The wo ■ I of tbs'county amounted to $2,025,7fo (», In one who should shares Dortlon of the burden? The man wu willing for tbo tredo ami lived with 1 w f* * n iocreue^ of 3110,- perty wboean answer these questions will ever re- her lut husband apparently happy and con- ™ °°- •“ 1882 tbe increare made the tnxa- — I tented ble property amount to $2,208,725.00—being LYNCHBD FOR MURDER. . x “,?o"f W^U A gnio emty It.,s..d M.rSsre Hu wifr, and I express agent, died this morning. He wu I to—it amounts to $.,bIO,48_CO—having in- . . - - - - - • —’— 1 one of tbe most prominent and popular men I oreased this year the snug si of tbe town, ana bis death to gfnerally be- “r to the thirteenth c -1| 10 Methodist I u ' 1,01,1 population and weal I* Ljarkrl bj the lailfunl gpecialtothe ContUtutlon < sum of $120,755 00. ^i.i iu usimwm. | oi me lean, suu uis ut'uLu grueniiiy ue- i "r-'~ . :—® Opunty in point BADiBainnx, Ga., August ll.-On Tuesday morn-1 moaned, lie was a member of tbo Methodist I , ’ oU> population and wealth, tog la*t. Id Miller county, Joe Fulford, a farmer, I church, of the Kfghta and Iregion of Honor, I Tbo Vindicator nyi tbe polto of Merl- with the aid ofllarry Bradley,a nrgro,brutally mur- I and an entered apprentice Maaon. He mar- wetber amount to 2,400; 1,282 white nod dertd I.U wife, whoat tbo time wu unable to turn ''“l MIsoAogflsto Wittier, a daughter of the 1,170 black. There are 7 lawyers, 10 doctors horwit in h.d Th. nrem heat her nvor tho head I' 1111 - Rabun M. Wilder. I and one dentist in tbs county. 203,740 acres bfoT. .mi!' ..HT.Si. Jta t! Tom Oliver, a colored boy. working for of land are returned, 4,051 belonging tocol- r'i- s i " „u, r I Be |lv,;fl , Nicholson & Co., while handling a ored people. The value of laml is returned Fniiuni'rhn!"‘htmi M?£m£n*i!n[Vn!l another I P ,lU, l It *u diacbarged and shot him through I at $078,315, $15,000 being owned by colored negro, named Huben BotMrtaon to bsnl the bodv I the^bana, making a severe wound. I people. Town proporty la valued ui $5u,2:«. In epring creek, a mile a id a ball distance, and I Caktiuvillk, August 0.—The superior I The value of stock is $I0t,5Y), $20,20.1 po^'i s-,- sluk It to ihedsepestpart Fulford then reported I court of Bartow county adjourned to-day,and I ed by colored owners. Tbe aggregate of lur atoenre, and sought re create toe to>P'e«|fos although the Judge dispatched buslnoan very property valuation to $1,058,475, tbe colored Th. netrhbofoid Arched thS' coSmrv .^i I rapidly our civil docket Is still far behind, I people returning $55108. There has been au Tuesday evening sad utobt, and on Wednesday the I owing to tb* large amount of criminals tried. I Increase in this year’s returns over those ot body was found, having risen, i nd marks were Tbonias, wbo pleaded guilty of manslaughter, I lut year of $82,000. This to a very good ft- found upon her person bearing ont the tacts given. I tsar sentenced to twenty yean in tbe peni- nancial showing. . c * n,pb * u CoUD '? A » bo °t- fiva dollars. The two negnm were th*a orrestsd on “ which Judge Branham dujratcbeJ tbe bus- | n(? Kr .p, tecurred at Itockhemt church, in suspicion from roms langnage they Ineu of tbe court while presiding for Jndge Sindtown district,tin which Ed. Ilefoor was »«?_. .heard, to «». «d Fain. .hot to the shoulder and thigh, and Howard A^oroner’* ?ii en*d a* verd lef chUxSIf^be Faiewj«*, August O.—Court convened here Thom peon through the hand. There h some thrtemen wilt? the crime. A preliminary *irlsl I Monday mom ing, Judge Harris presiding, doubt ea to wbo did the shooting, but It was was had at Colquitt oa yestsrdsy. and they wen I A com set at tost court wu called arid put on | either Moses Itiggin or Dave Ru-gin, or both, held for murder. Then wu blk of horning the I in trial, and bu just been given to the Jury I Mom Itictln to what to generally called »iir*in*ue“mviSoftnmSSMl&^uol •«’ « £.(“*• ^“’T” 11 ,,laJ ' ed nlgfii wu sprred over the eerth. Between the I will be next called. There are not many I» prominent part In iUUl per- hounof ten and twelve lest night Fulford and I caeee on tbU docket, and none of very great j formances of this kind. He shot Kd IXFoor H*rry Bradley were taken from the jell end banged | importance. The recent raina have helped | * toacoaveafeut Ucaber near the jr perforated with bullets. Their I sMe^rnesiji* and* f U^rw^cUd^by^hLseigiiOo'rs. I (Jxima, August 0.—Alf Doyal wu resen- I Ing at Rock Head he lit out, and has not bP — fenced this afternoon to be banged September 1 yet captured. He stated before leaving, how- 14th. Counsel bare given notice ot a mo-1 ever, that he would give tbe neighborhood the lion for a new total on sufficient grounds, pleasure of another visit from Dim, u there The courthouse wu densely packed. Doyal are atill three men and one woman whom wu, apparently, u cool u a cuke. He to look- 1 be intends to kill. The general sentiment of the country will approve the set of Judge Lynch, line* within two years two Innocent women have been murdsred in the mow vicinity, and to tbe formu Icaee two of the guilty ponies escaped panhhment by breaking Jail sn fleeing the country.