The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1881-1884, October 30, 1883, Image 1

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VOLUME XVI. TUESDAY fiEOBR2N€t a OCTOBER 30, 1883.—TEX PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS DURING THE WEEK. ■WHAT THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTRY ARE 0011-10. Ta. Buka County KoktoxC*re-D[pt!l»HAHlNort» Cm. 3.10.-Snow In N.w or. Dcr.ultiox poiimMt*.—Tn« Irish la* forrarr.- in E celrlo W«tok—Fire*. Tsulij. Oet.kcr 98. C. B.Lsthrop, a grain broker IiiNbit York,hailed. The. White river in Arkansas hex been riling font ln;hesan hour for the lait forty-eight honri. Inna- riming at least twelve thousand acrea of com end cotton In White river valley. Two children In fiasaic, New Jeney, aged three and five yearn while playing with matches, set tiro to thraielros and the homo: one of the children died from its Injuries and the ether oannot recover. Thrae paa- aengera were killed and several woowded tty a train falling through a bridge on the Siena falls railroad of New York. At a elrena performance in Naihvllle Robert Brlsrlj ahot and tEled Robert Bates. Itwaacomored In Paria that Fclncedorome Napoleon wikpnhiuh-a political marilfoato. Gen eral Campeoin, minkter of war of France, will dovote all Mi energy to reform the iratem of mobi lizing the army, uttm prospect of war trith Ger many aptpe.istobc uppermost tn Grit mind. The coniccmtloo of Rev. Alfred U. Itindolph.-cf Balti more, aaanolstant bishop of Virginia, took place at Emanuel?. £. ehcrch In Baltlqaoee In tte-prcsence ol a ltcgo eonoourre of prelates, clergy and laity. Six nUntra were killed and three wourfded by aa explosion In the!sdy Point mtao In England. Two huudieC and ilxty-slx persons were sneering from tricMnods-loKrmilcben. Earthquake'rfiock* were felt tn Malta and Traiste. Informers, Ulchael Kavanangh, James Smith and James Ilanlon. arrived at Calcutta, whither they were shipped as grooms on a steamer which took horses from Melbourne. The cholera lias reappear ed In Feyoum on tho west side of Tule, and at Zlefth. The Episcopal eonventlou, which hu been la session in Fhltadelphla.adjounTCd sine die. Tho Egyptians have completely defeated El Mahdl, the false prophet. •iXTirecmr. Improvements on the Broad street bridge have teen completed. C. E. Kuhn, a painter and paper ■hanger well known In Atlanta, committed suicide In Front Royal, Ye. The last session of tho legisla- turo cost tho people of Georgia J101.atJ.31. Thomo Bun m lodged in thestatlenhouse on tho charge of larceny Iran the house. Saaday, (W*btf 18. J. B. Smith wu convicted in Hillsboro, Texas, of the murder of William <*reiham and sentenced to seventy-eve years In the penitentiary. Itlastated that Moeslgnor Capet wilt be created arehblshop of Sydney, Australia, and'Uiat his debts will bo paid bye wealthy English -peer. Solomon Scblajal, a youth dfSt. Petersburg, hu invented an electric watch having twowkeelaand no springs. M. Bon- tlneiPhu been appointed Russian mlnlstcrto the Vatican. The Hwlts 'bundesrath ratified the extra dition treaty betwoca Switzerland and San Salva dor, John Murphy wu found dead al Wallace, lad., and His rappeled he wu murdered for his moeoy. David Adams, a miser worth over fifteen the-.und dollars, Hied from starvation in Washing ton county. New York. The revival meetlDgs of Meody and Sanhny in Cork, Ireland, -dosed, ntntacmr. .',Jasper Yarbreugb, James Yarbrough, Nail Fir- trough, Dilmco Yarbrough, Bold Emory, State iLemon*, (Stasey Laudcrman,) Lovlck streeiuan -and E. H. Green, tho Banks county -kuklux, wero , 'found guilty,and their lawyer,■Cenetal GatlreU, The Governor's Horse Guard aro eathr.slutlc over, the 'pvospect -of a great time In Richmond nesgf week. Atlanta negroes are freely dl-mumlng the civibright! derision. A line eoriesof fectu res is tc bo given this season under tbe auspices of the Young Men's Christian association. Tba home at tached to Dr. Orme’s buggy run away and threw thodoctor ol' t, breaking both hla arau. WcdaeaSar, Oo-.rinCHi. Jibe ChlUen troop* evacuated Lime. Theebdirra Alcxandrif, Egypt, increucc. A noVcircular containing tho'blaek list of the Aurora dr. tho Phteuix park murder trials and In the-cue -of the men tried for the attempt to murder Juror (Dennis Field, wu mailed to thoucands of lnhabl- ■tenta In -Dublin. Two Jan were convicted at -Gulin, Pomerania, of Mtaogdlro to a ajnagacua In order lo-obtaln the Insurance thereon. At mental- -lug of tho Yorkshire colliery owners In Shemcld, .-England,ril wu resolved to ref are the advance of flltecn-pcr cent In wages demanded by the rtluera. tTho Wheroclltfe-Carlcton colliery In England la helug Hocdcd to extlugelsh -the flemou. Three .Shocks of earthquake were felt at Tlchcsme, on tho Island of Chios. An explosion -occurred in J. H. Smith's fireworks factory at-KIcgston, Pa. jVurnlug ■five girls to death and rerionily Injuring roar oth- ere. Tho French chambers convened In Paris. The lEplsoopal convention In sesrlon at Philadelphia spent the day la debating the relation of the negro to tho-church. Henry Irving, the great English • actor, accrmpanlcd by Miss Tony, arrival In New .York. IN TI/V CIT -. The-sent nd Art Loan oi thoYoung Mec’s library wu opened at the hall «f tho tusoclsllor.. There .aroouehundredand forty-seven prlsoaors In tho . county .Jail. Joo Collin was arreted upac a warrant ^akarwto*p-W»» vttb lmtmrnuy. .Henry- Jot negro wba w»s found aecrotel tindera ted In Dr. (Powell's residence several nights ago, pleaded gull- to the chaigo of burglary and-wu sentte tho chain -gang for if icon years. Tk.raSsx.efotofevtS, Tba lmmnnso medicine factory, packing house -taEd-oOeea-ol Dr. J. n. Mofsan ln-St, Louis wore .destroyed Sy Are, lire lose amounting to 150,00,. .John Murphy was found dud In 'Wallace, lud., with three bullet wouadsiln - hts-tedy. Yellow ifcver la stlU raging In Brawler, Ala. -Mr. Latrobe democrat, was elected mayor .of Baltlaeere u also war the fullclty democratic ticket. Tho Alabama rivenat Montgomery rote two-feet. Delegates rep resenting 4LCOO colliers In Yoskahlrehavn resolved itolnalit upon a demand for an advene c In wages. .A heavy snow fall In Denver, ifo H. The wholesale .clothinghouse of Jtcrn, Trcutaan A Ce., in Phil- Adelphfa failed. About forty o! the i'art 8t. Louis strikers were Indicted by the Bt. Glare county grand ijnry tot Interfering with raUroatfcand Intimidation ofnew employee during tke lato strike. Tho socle tyofthcarmyef thoCumberlaai met'lc Cincin nati. : Patrick Clan, the great Srith agitator and lato tsaaaurer ol Irish land league, -tiled ■ In lire district eanrt oLUncolu, Neb., hts Into urban of -becoming ac American clti. cn. in in* ctre. She anbriltntloa of tho newi«.alaimhcxea for thou now.ln uso rill be effected ity the ,15th of November. A telephone line has been ten from Atlanta to Decatur—six mile*-and tho two towns Can talk AUltteen cents per talk. tho. residence of Mrs. ElUabcth Mayan on Hayden aireet wu bur glarlcod. Br. J. T. lt'aruock hu a-three .ground noto at thneclony of Mew Jersey, -dated 1741, and anotbanfor ais ehlUlAia Upon chak back. It the Inscription, "to counterfeit It death:.' Vrileg.Oet.keraa. Severed packf-ges containing between throe,r.nd four thousand unstamped lettan brought ovor on tbe steacecblp TokJo freer Chinn by self appointed Chlneu mail aeenu ware aelaed In Han French-o by the postal.euchoiltlet. A. M. Sullivan, one al the counsel far C.Doonell, who killed Carey,cabled from Londui that the prisoner had a good prospect . of acquittal, but that money wu needed tc secure .witnesses f roses Aides. Poat-oOea lnspoetor hdgar- rfon, of St. Loals, .who hu been Inspecting ,ibe at .fairs of P. Foster at Austin, Texts, hu losing art .dance showing that Foster's Course for the past lire! years hu been highly criminal and dlaclodog fal aiictUon of voanhen for a Urge snm. Seven store houses were burned at Edwaeds, Mias., the lorn amounting to tlirCtt. Daniel B. Vermtlyo wu arrested In Chicago charged with the embeulimint of f1S£fiOO ot the funds of the Waanrea stone and marble-ompeny of CKcago. The revised list of TOtecsln Boston shows that fit,M3 names hare been retfatereg. an locreaea of 9.1M over last year and about fi,OW over the highest aver known before, which wu.ln 1SS0. There were four dwths from yellow fevar and two new cases at Brewton, Ala. Three hundred children hare died frees diptherU recanUp- In the neighborhood of Greensboro. N. C. uiuonr. The ceuutUrfelt money recently detected In At lanta Is eanalnr tbe detecdras to pnt forth Ail their energy In ersotag lit origin. Four new candidates for council made their appearance. The city court Added A lew more recruits to the county chalugang. rsta-gay, OrUbcrSt, Major XlchoUe./.f the Third carsl/y. In command of Fort Apache, died at Hollbrook. lie wu on bis way to meet his srUe and family, who were oosalag from Texas Tho Russians have located a force of 11,MM troops at Aakabad, In the Trite country, and aaotbertboaaaodhaTe been recently dispatch ed totracd Teijend river near the Persian frontier. A courier from trim tenant Hunter's camp, on Sil ver creek, Arizona, brings advices that T4 hostile Apaohaa surrendered to Lieutenant Hunter and that more were coming In. The business fill ores throughout the United State* and Canada for the put weak number 31*. Shocks of asrthqnaka were felt at A gram. A press used for prlatfnr nihilistic periodicals wu discovered tt Moscow, The Irish THEY ARE GUILTY. THAT IS WHAT THE JURY SAYS OF TKE KUKLUX. Hew tks Verdict Osme la end now the Prtioners he reived It-WImt General Oartrell Bsya Ho Will Do—A Motion lor a Kiw Trlat-H:o mended to Jolt for tbo Freeoat. in the errr, _ Theimuddy mason seems t« hare fclrly begun., will move fer a now trial. Tfco circus came and - - --—— — ■ —- —.--.I. went—aodiCCiundredsof dollars. ARTHUR'S MB8SAQE. A FertaleaOe-wIa* of Wkat ta-U Oowie-Tke.'Natloaa llankle* Srstm, WasHnwtoN, October Tho president hu not yet begun she preparation df bis annual to congrem, and may not far a fortnight yet. Ho will walinentll ho receive* tho roporli oi his cabi net oaken, and these will act have been prepared at least-mil after the fin week In November. Tba doownent, -when ft-floes appear, Will have in teract eoicly In tho recommendations tho president will su*rost. Borne of 'tfccso-wlll doubtless be of special Importance, -more notably his Ttecmmendatlons ws to taxation. Friend* ol the president way ho -wiC oven further as to the lnlectial tax reduction than did fact year. In hla lent-message the president* recommended the abolition of all Internal tax,' uve-tkat bn distilled aptrita. It lucid he will now takC4moreadvanc*>und ang recommend tho entire abolition of thnir.ternal system, the whisky tax **1*11. This, K true, will pnt tbe president on -an even paco vrftL ex-8pe*kct Randall, who hacCiready openly declared In favor of the abolf-: Ucn of tho lutorcal revenue system. This' EasSnll docs to do ueay with tho-irmy of oflne- holders cmplovc-J toccllcct the Internal tax. The prcstdsnt no doubt will take different grounds, wtli-advisc Its abolition because money cnoug- catA-o raised to vepaort the government without tho continuance of this system of taxation, which, if not oppreaslve, iviu'-uisltortal. tt: exceedingly ■interesting portion of tho maa-l eago will be the rrcommendatloui tho riresldcnt 1 :r.0V !:nvo to continue tho national hanking sjn- .' torn. No matter hosw the enemies of Tho^ system] OaoiBla, which NMltod _ «Dini7 or in poptiI&r«parUi the rerr-hs: The Baaks county kuklux cosewu brought to a close Balujday morning at hall-put nine by tho conviction of tho entire I’Arty on trial. Not a man ot the eight escaped. nowin*v**oicicaif* in. Shortly after Judge McCay took tho bench to try the case of Buchanan versus Hammoua el. *L in importaift civil suit, thejnrylnthe kuklux case ■ant In word that they had agreed. Judge McCay Instructed the bailiff to bring them Intocourt. The prisoners wcreiiulugln their ac- customed seals behind the long table around which their counsel had sat Their laces presented a Lard and stolid aspect. Jasper Yarbrough, who seemed to be the bnaloa of the erowd, was mani festly nervous, but Green, who ls«f a literary turn ot mind, continued to read old ooples ot Tnx Con tCmrnoN, which were scattered about on tho table. The Jury died In with Mr. Npaacer, tho force at thetr he»d. Mr. Bpencsr Is a crippled mars, but with an . cecdlukly tutelllKCui and keen • face. Ite wu wounded while In the confederate army. He Is A deathlike uttmess fall on the targe audience which by accident or from a drrjre to now lire ver diet ban assembled In the court roomar. that early hour In tho morning. Mr. K. E. Boyf, the deputy clerk,caKcd the Jury, and each man answered do his namo. Judge HcCay inquired of Mr. Bpeucor: “Mr. Foreman, baveyou agreed ugou a vcrdlctf' Mr. Bpcace .replied: ••Wen*vt,iilr.'’ “Mr. Clerk, receive tho verdict," -said hla honor. Mr. liuyd received 'from the bands of the fore . man tbe lemous capo! many colors which had gone 1 outaa panel the evidence. andetUo a huudio of papers, amcog whlet. were tho tucr general indict- moats. Ho tookont a l'lwo ot ycllovM-. paper audread- “We, the Jury, find the defendants, Jasper Y'cr- brough, James Yarbronxh, Neal Yaibrough, Eli- mats Yarbrough, Fold Kmory.-Btate Lemons; (Bi coy Laudcnuau), Loviek boeelmsn and 1£. 1.. Green, cnllty of tho olTeni«i«ftargcd by the grand fury against than at this (he uepumber term -at Ihe clresrU court of thanonbrrn district ol Geor gia, and wo recommend them to tho morcy of the court. [Signed] - Galvin brestem, Forvm&n. -DIstrint-Attoricy Bpecr called the atteuilcu the cor rt to tbo fact that thri . cidlct wu not Writ ten ou cither cf the bills of indictment. “That docscotmatter,”a*!d hli honor, “tmtea , aaid ta the Jury when they..-Lilted, wo will nov.tpro- cead to pnt the verdict fndao legal focm tor • ' signature of the foreman." B9.7 TIIK PUMirU APrCAnu.'. At that time coiistoruatfon auvAaredon tho* face* eouvlcted men appeared utterly woebanuao am .nwat ghastly, and *osco of them broke down am. mfled the air as II neail7 full enough 4o*givu way tid cry. On each man’s countenance tho beard a.'a few day's growth fellavwl tba dUtreMtag paUar which i thtir coiiftncmcut In jail had given them. They wero disheveled, uuaeirptnnd miserable. Mr. 8peer requested Air. Cooledge, tho pher, to wrlto a vtrdlot In ahottnand at lion. 1 He dictated a iotinal vernier, by which tho jjurr*4toUred that th«.w lound the delendanu guil ty ol the charges da blUa 1,585, 1,587 and • J.,588, found at thia term •! tho court end consolidated by order of tho cocrt. lho rrortlict was written outone of the’bUhi of* Indict* rr.entf nad six tied by *bo foreman, tread by the .clerk and recorded, > •Thus terminated tha first trial lit tho history iw.rv'tf. tt lilt-li ri'M'lK I Hi * Inrar Y'ou see, I am really only a little country girl. 1 spe d threo months of each summer at the farm. Till., report about the separation will create a great deal of surprise there. ” ............. . —,j clon itwaslearneil ’u was very unhappy. lor minstrel husband, fwh?n»hnritaawaUmatln5o and became “mash • ed 1 "At once. Tl hro is genersl comment on the separation, es- pecuilyamong mlustiel men. Handsome Billy J West is known as a gay Lothario aud It was hard t<r confine his conquests to one woman, even throughp she was hla wife. His gayetles made Fay jealous, and he in turn complained of tho little wife’s fond- Iiicm f *r flattery. And so the little nft split the lutq and hushed tholrmatrimonial music, SHE JIN ED rHB CIRCUS. A Story of llow A Fair Hal FootUh HaaiMl Leaves llomo and Friends. Eai *y Saturday morning Detective Jones, who la well known along the Air-Line road as the swamp fox of Georgia,received a telegram from Greenville, |S. Os, which induced him to drop all other engage* menu and to concentrate his time and talent upon the request contained in tbe message. Tho telegram | was brief,but In Its brevity Uiero was an abnndanco [of grief. It read: PG amts avill*, s. C„ October 27.-Dctoctlvo Wm. Jones, Atlanta, Ga : My daughter Naui<le k ran away from home day beforo yesterday, ibavo reaiuf to believe she Is with Soils’ circus. I will give one hundred dollars for her detention. &he Is hixtcea ymrs of age, five feet, weighs about one hnndrM and tweuty pounds, plump figure, light hair, aod blue eyes, haa a long scar ou tho back of her right hand. 0. W. Horns. Imnrxllatcly after reeding tho telegram the do* tectlvc decided to find tbo girl if aho was in the city. He gave the can a close Inspection as they were emptied of thetr living freight, and in doing so ob*:nred a girl, answering somewhat to the do- MXtpUou contained (u the telegram. Bbe dlsem* baraed with a man. blie was rather ckaelv veiled but her hair, which hung In a long plait down her back was euoui . to lndu« the detective to shadow them, as the., went towards the show grounds tho dotcc- live fu lowed thorn, and it was not long before ho noticed that the girl was not "well up in tho ways of the world.” At the show grounds Dctcctivo Jones saw them enter a tent, and after waiting quite awhile for further developments and "catch- lug cit” to nothing now he decided logo In and faco tho girl with Uio telegram. Jait as ho had cleared W* throat for tho third tlmo preparatory to goldf fu tbo-couplo who were w Indelibly photo* graphed in his mind came out and approached a cAiria ifi. After a short consultation with the driver the m in e»ut tho girl Into the haok, and alter tho hack bad'bicu driven off ho reentered the tent. 11 was tiotfrland uot the man ikcdctectlvo wanted, w calling a street hack he sprang into It and kept the carriage containing the* girl insight until *bc got out at a hotel on Decatur street. Tho deicct:*;e alighted in lront of the hotel, and alter pacing tho riuvwaik a few seconds took out bis note Dook ». *• .1 tearing therefrom a leaf wrote upon It: "Narale, your father isaftor you. Get Into tho carrta^ andcome to thogrounda” Uavrug completed tbe oete, tho detcctlvo studied somv it no about a slguature, but not knowlug the man’c rame he decided to try tho message as It was. KaterL'g the hotel ho stated to the landlady that he Itao a note for the lady who had Juxt come lu. The landlady showed the de tective to tho parlor, aud in a few seconds the rrlrl Came in. (Detective Jones took ott I iiU-hitr, and saying that be was a hack driver hand ed her the note, te<ling her the gentleman out at «ho show ground said bo quick. Tho girl took the nobi, and as she read it turued sllghUy pale. Tbe detective watched her cloaely as she read, and wri lod when be observed how * accu rately the had ftecn described. As soon ttrriio rusd tho noto tfco girl remarked, ’I’ll he i ready lu a second, bates she turned her back on Mr. Jon-a ho said. P**Kannie Horne, I want yon.” ■ Tho cl. 1 gnvo heraalf. completely away by wheel- fog suddenly around. Tho detective then showed Her lb*, telegram and as tho girl read it ahe hurst into tears. The do* ■ .ctive then look - her In chargo and wire 1 her fathor of her detection. Yesterday iulcu jorcotf ttOW-ad. Th*» nar.riV liavftX<3ngc'**pon In It, awi .M^./irJrv^Mk'tirV'to feet HMuitu 'wnonaiife'y have darionOl bauk notes, h^!!i 1 W ° * ^ m0 ' gtcu * that they are safe, because behind them the gov-1 — •ernment holds a fund-to xerteem them. The plana ( „«v^L-biniF tlin i«hu*7' w Itbvs far put out *te continue the system do not! meet with popular • favor. Tho < suggestion o!; 'pgssdEjsuear« &i SSS&WSSSSSPStt tcuch mme in populr.r favor, but*, the suggestior. that tho secretary of tho treasury lie into tho mar ket aud buy the ifocr and a halfs and four* asa, lu chargo oi ono of. his aid*. T _ right, protty creature, but declared ’.but unawityaga. NEWS OF GEORGIA. WHAT THE PEOPLE |ARE SAYING AND DOING, AH the Ltading Crime*. Caaalailtlcs and Other Event* —How tho Crop* T-roaghant the Country Stand — talk About Polldos end Taatatai— Matters of .General Intereat, Sic. aoiliVl THBQUBBN'S DAUGHTER. nraailum Kill meet with such xppoMtion thsc Cho chances arc that - oonireas wilAcot listen to U. ON-CISVXK CUlNaOX. 'Bhcre la every reuon to bellovo tbit the president will take more radical grounds (baa ever toncblni; silver coinage. Ttlaircauie he b« had spvclaUy pt*'*ro<llor mm sunlsifcaihowlnt to cnlnsKu now on band and tho stetfgo capacity tar. hold It. Ills aiaianad Ihat ail the axatlaulo stosrxa capacity to- novr taxed beyond lU3:relt,aud thal-.rlth propriety thacoluste of could well be wholly <>u:n tinued for accar. Tho president will hardly laraltu affairs wiltpc«e> 1 but little .Interest. Tbe nation hu had no ruction oi any kind with foreicn powers, and this will leave fit* president onlyaho small datr .1 enumerating .the treaties wbleb have passed MtsKS the Uutwd states and otter naiions. A repetition of tho voiommcmla- UonCcrtbo rallficaelnn.anew commercial treaty with Mexico can be expected. Naval officer* «*r the president will vticorously urge a< ollcy which will lulld up the ..American navj-.end 11 coufimas is disooaed to be at all lib eral two at leas'. II not rmre, steel cruisers will for. Of one iblun there la a reasonable errtalaty. end reatts the president wld not only endeavor to writes cnoswn which srU! rctlect credit npnnhtmwtf. but at Uip same (Iota ho will bsvciu view a line ot policy which will do some- thfoe tnholp the xranc old party, which ilafait dy- In* of,rot and decrepitad?. TAYLOR'S AUTHORITY* Tks Msmsob ProUtst Mill Pels Akl. ts.C.strst III. Wliic. OUU/Mober 37.—A Jlee correrpondcnLat Balt Lake City^fn a position to know, writea nod,: date of the 24th: "A lato dispatch.from this efty-atate* that ft fa amid John TarJor'lntenda to r.riia the presidency as account of old a,;, aud that General A. Cannon will be bis axcoenor. Not much; not thx ozncsal was suaruase. General UanrelJ, who worked so ably for his -clients, wu amazed at the verdict. When he heard tba Very liberal obarxo of Judao McCay and liiilnjunalou to the Jury toeqqulllhc defendants II thv '— 1 —* - — -opinion, ha want sal Vied mind. He wra tired aiier his week's ardu ous labor* and sought Urn toil embraces of "tired nature 1 , sweet restorer.” He slept soundly, awoke refreshed and wu so confided of an atyiuitbil fur •hla clients that 'be did not «o to tl eourthouso to hear the verdict but left thatduly „ hi* associate counscli'Jolouel Thomas* Hissorprlsa on -hearing that tbo ediiru eight were convicted nay be boner Imagined than describe * Jfusald toaCoxnsavTioN reporter: "After tbe ablo aud imparilsl charge of Judgo MeCty, i retted ooufidemly cu tbo aeqntual ol -It tbe parties; certainly for the acquittal James aaihrouih. who Uio dblnci attorney -In his concluding vcech seemed to admit bad proven an aubl. I will move for a new trial Monday morning aud ask ball dor the de fendant*. The new trial will bo asksid. on-many grounds and I bclievo tt will bo graulod even by. Hla .Honor, Judge McCay,” wnaT st"- emranays. _ If aru not surprised at the verolct," said Mr., Spe.r to a Constitution man. "It wua pecultar ease: thajury could do oueor two things- htllovo the wither*es lor ihu guverument or bellovo tbe witnesses lor tho defense. They preftrsed u> ho litre ihu rorernmeni'.ovltncssH and that .wu tho; What will be tho covree for Ihe care to toko if it >es up to tho court oi lest neorlV" "li Junto McCay reluscs a now trial they can uk to have the legal questions argued befoeo a full bench,.sunlit,lug of tnatalrcult Ji Irict Judgo, aud in cue ol their their remedy br bill ot arccptloos to the supremo court of the United UUtes. Tho Yarbrougaa *r« all men-el-Mmo means, and it tauol impossible that tbecato will Uke tbaidlrcctlon." It isnoUbawn when senteuco will be passod upon the culprits. Tho pcualiy .for tho offense commit ted la from two to six years NAUGHTY FAY TkMPLBTON. Thu llrpartare arf Lot l.arae aa. .Laula. ti Caaada. QukDkc, October fir.—Tho departnro of Lord f.oniuaiid Princess J-oulso this morning lor Eng land, In Ihestcaunihlp .Sardinian, wu tlio occas ion oi a demonstration ol the most sympathetic character. ThadriaaUng rain and muddy road: wero not enough to dampen tbo ardor of Uio loyal subjects of her majesty, and before breakfast uaio, iiuir ,u-i» towards Allan's wharf,IDufferln Terrace, or other lints of vantage, overlooking the river. t tliclr arrival al tho wharf the marquis and princess wero received by a bril liant mlmarytlaif. Oil leaving tliclr carriage ker royal lilghne-K and Lord Lome spent some Uato upon the wharf shalrlug hands w (in a largo mini- bur of ladle* aud gcnllimcn present. Tho party hen embarked, Kalklug over* errpetad gangway. Lieutenant-Governor itaJltallle, hlrHectoraanw- evils aud lion. Mr. Caron accompanied the party onboard the Bardlnlau. A Iurgo crowd of clijzi-na and oUlccta went on Itoatd to bid adieu to tho laic governor-general and hli tey.l wife, who wero both vlalbly affected at tbo •ympatbailc demonstration Jmade In their honor. As the gangway wu cleared away and the vessel's moorings luoaed, then came the booming of a royal salute. Then arose Item tbo thousands whocrowd- cd the wharf such cheers u come only from heart* filled to overflowing, and the sound wu taken up by tbe crowds on the terraco and on tho glarf* above it and higher yet, u the steamer swung out into the stream. In addlt'uu to tho bunting on bond tbumall steamer, Dominion line, the out «olng vessel and several other ship* in the harbor nols «1 their distend shell rockets wt-ro fired from the Allan whan and from the Dominion steamship wharf. Macon, October 22.—In Wilkinson county, a negro named Joo Holden, while out bunt ing discovered another negro butchering a bog belonging to a white man named Clay Holden rejtoried the fact to Clay, who with Holden and two white men, armed with double-barreled gnna.went to the house of the thief, but failed to find him. Hla wife re fused to toll bla whereabouts, whereupon Clay knocked her down with a stalk of sugar cane. The parly then left for their homes. Two nns of the negro woman and tin ex convict named Cooper armed themselves and pursued Clay and hla party. Overtaking them they fired, killing Holden instantly. Clay returned tho fire, killing Cooper aud wounding his two negro companions. IiiBUinoiiAM, October 23.—A loud report late lut night awakened all citlaens residing In tho neighborhood of First, Second and Third avenues. At first, it was thought the boiler at tbe Sloes furnnee lmd bunted, but on invwtigatlon it W'lH UM-.-rtnincl tlmtsoim- scoundrA had attempted to blow up Aider- man J. B. Earle's residence. Hu sucreetled in almost entirely demolishing ono end of tke kitchen which adjoins tbo residence. The exploslvo was put under the kitchen. It Is not known whether dynamite or powder was used. Mr, Earle is ono of tbo lending citizens mid hiis no Mlijiiuion until the im-eiicliiiry. TooMnsnoRo, October 2-1.—Tho qnlet of our town was disturbed Inst Friday by a report that Joe Holder, a quiet, sober end Industri ous colored men, living upon tho plantation of Mr. licnj. H, Jackson, lmd been shot mid killed by unknown parties on tbe Washing ton side of tho Oconeo river, opposite tbe plantation of Jlr. Jackson. Inquiry led to the discovery ot tho fact that Joo Holderand Hr. JtmM W. Vaughn lmd the day before found some colored men butchering a hog bo- longing In Mr. Henry Clay. They took the hog from tho negroes and returned it to Mr. Cloy. The nextday(Friday)Mr. Henry Clay, James W. Vaughn, Joseph F. Vaughn nnd licnj. H. Jackson, and Joo Holder went across tho river to look after their stock, and after the parties that killed Mr. Clay's hog the day be fore. They went to tho liouso of tho party supposed to have killed tbo hog and Inquired for him; and during the conversation tbe wife of the man gavo Mr. Clay the lie, wbicb Mr. Clay resented by striking her with a stalk of sugar cone that ho had with him. Ho then told her his name, saying that If she wished to prosecute blm she could do so. They then started back to tho Wilkinson side of the river and when they had got IK tulles In the swamp and wero stopped for awbite to rest, they were attacked by three negroes, since learned to bo Dick Cooper, an ex-con-vlct, a man of very bad character and two sons of the woman struck by Mr. Clay, armed with double-barreled sliotgnns and pistols. They killed Joe Holder the first fire, ihe fire was returned by Mr. Clay, Jackson nnd J. W. Vaughn, which took effect In all three of tho negroes. Dick Cooper went hut a ehort distance beforo he fell and died. The other two managed to get to the.hills severely wounded with a loss of one of their guns. The man, Joe Holder, never llrud a shot, He had time only after the attack to cock his gun before he was family shot. A coroner's Inquiry found that bo came to bis denth bv gunshot wounds In the hands of either Sett Wells or Bob Wells or both, and that the dime was murder. The inquiry over tbo remains ol Dick Cooper found that hu came to Ilia denth from pistol aud gunshot wounds In the hnnils of either J. W. Vaughn, Henry Clay or Den j. H. Jackson, and that the samo was juatlablo homicide, &0MK, October 21.— Deputy Sheriff Jake Moore was called on to-day to make n search fora couple of horse thieves from Tennessee, who aro supposed to he in the neighborhood, An yet there lias been no arreat. Maiustta, October 2t.—Last Wednesday night the cotton house upon tho place of Lap kin groover, about eight miles from town, was destroyod by fire. His loss was about three bales of unglnnrd cotton, a quantity of cottonseed and a number of farming Imple ments The lire is Hiipponc to have been of incendiary origin. Kim day, about fourmilrs from hero, a small the wagon. Mr. Hill says he was just going in bis gate when he heard a pistol fire, and looking down the road saw tho negro fall, Tho murderer drove on and left his victim when be ha] fallen in the road. The ball took effect In the bead and death was almost instantaneous. The coroner waa summoned and nit inquest will bo held to day. Mr, Hill did not know the man who did tho shooting, but it is supposed to bo a Mr, Fink, who resides near Berlin, in Lee connly, Alabama. Nsw.van, October 20.—Prohibition pre vailed on yesterday by a majority of 92: total vote, 2.031. This Is tne closest election held la this county In years. It was a bad day and more than ono-third of the voters failed to como out. A full vote would lmvo greatly increased tbe majority for prohibition. Tho result by precincts Is: Senola district—For prohibition. 138; - against, 81. Second district—For, 85; against, 53. Third—For, 18; against, 60. Fourth—For, 09; against, 29. . Newnan—For, 410; against, 405. Sbaritsbnrg—For, 08; against, 121, Seventh—For, 23; against, 14. Turin—For, W; agfiinst, ?. Oranlvlllc—For, 08; against, 69. Hurricane district—For, 0; against, 22. Panther Creek—For, 18; against, 45. Cedar Creek—For. 7; against, 31. Total for prohibition—1,073; against, 083. There may bo a contest. Waynesboro, October 22.—Oi yesterday at McBean church, Mr. Britton Rogers allot and killed Mr. Thomns Sims, and also shot and mortally wounded Mr. Frank Sims, a son of the latter. Rogers was shot in the face by Duff Sims, another son of Mr, Thomas Sims. Duff Sims was then shot at by John Cox, Kufns C. McNoidlll and also by Britton Rod- gers., He was hit In four places In the back, while running away from the scene of mur der just after no had shot Britton Rodgers In tho face. The place of the dlfltculty Is about 17 miles from here, and originated the day previous at tho baseball grounds where insult ing words wero passed by Mr. Tom Sims to Riifiist! MeNiirilil! "limit tho playing. Aoousta, October 22.—A bloody affray oc curred at Hardscrabble church,Burke county, near McBean, yesterday afternoon.There are a number of conflicting accounts about tbe affair, and liar,I to get anything like nn exact statement. The troublo grew out of a diffi culty at a baseball match Saturday, In which Sims, RufusMcNorrcl and T. Britton Rodgers engnged. On Sunday afternoon the difllcultr *m renewed at church, when Thomas Sims was killed, and' two sons, Frank and Duff, were wounded mortally, and John M. Ku.lgrrsnnd Brit Rodgers painfully wounded. Ono account states that tlio three Sims rode to church and waited outside for Rodgers; that when the latter upnesrrd frank Kims slapped his faco; that Rodgers then fired, wounding Frank Sims, wbo fell; that old man Slum knocked Rodgers down with tbe Imtt end nf li is pistol and jumped upon him, when Roders managed to place his pistol close to his assailant's body anil shot him through the heart. That Duff Himsshot Rodgers in. the face and was fired upon by John Cox, brother-in-law of Rodgers, receiving four bnlla in his body. Another acconnt says the Sims party rode to ono church in search of R "Igrrs and not finding him went to Hard- ecrnoblo church, where the affray ‘ occurred; that old man Sims dared Rodgers to combat, who accepted, and as he jumped the fence near by was attacked by Friox. Sima, when Ihe fight took place ubout ss stated above. A third account dec!"res th ■ r«he’Blm» Jiarty were not armed at all but went to the church to worship, and were attacked by the Rodgers party. A coroner's Inquest waa held on the sjiot to day. Five participants in the difficul ty wore arrested and placed In jail at Wayne*, boro. The Rodgers side employed Judge Twiggs nnd the Sims side Foster and nnd Lamar, all of Augusta, (treat excite ment exists in that part of Burke, over the affair. One negro ahot and killed another In CHARNEL HORRORS. Sks isUsultN lit* )'>lto lit Jilt* lltr knii tw* Mu.wAitEr.9ct. 37.—F*y Templeton,who opened here lut night with her company, wu soen to day and give her story.about the report of her marriage to Billy West, the minstrel, and tbe separation that followed. She said she sent for Billy to coma u Nashville, aad they Just walked kStoSrfSt-S?£tFtra~Si«r“TK,rm (ul °.“««“ ®«rtadfu that,every da, FCgurd to George*?. Cannon iMjtiff Elder Taylor**• much! WetJLnorr better. Wbo ever fae*rd al a it*lresigning? It’* uot in.bUUry. Agaln.ifce jot /cel oi 1. aud all rniio have known hUntfor veara beUeve .him to be * novo vlgoroui and healthy Ben than he wav (on or years ago. Betid'.*. hUadjsiuUtraUon if entirely aatbfaetosy to the Hormone, whatever It may .to to other*. He keep* bis face to the foe wlth<a BtHTupper lip, and successor, we snail see. When JoeepCi gmith wo •I've, but very few im “ “ Yoang would succetdblm. ruled the destinies oi thr - before tbnt of John Tayl oi* *aoc* ou i, u iuwu inn .0111.111., 11.11'JICIU" er depends up* i whoit at the head of tU apostle- ship when the president die*. CISTBR MARY JOSBPH’S COMPLAINT A. Ctsqni lahewee Ciilie. e.d Ait* tw Jlr.vj Pjjh.amj.fiha, October®.—A suit wu began to day lu thecommon pleu court, by lawyer Girde- maa, ao ex priest, for Mary Bom Batleor, known in religion u“8ttt*r Mary Joseph,” against the sla ters ot the Older of St Francis to this city- The ptalotlffaajs that while sick fa November, 1843. she wu neglected aad sadly treated by the staters, who finally turned her oat at 10 o'efoehtt night beceou they dlicovered Ihat .he made complaint to the archidibop. Bbe allege* that after >b* had goo* to retativ-* la Boebaator, la a bleb eityeba sought admisrion to some outer rtllaloos boose, Mother Superior Mary Agnes, of the Philadelphia house, wrote tetter* to priests and other* la Baeheater, tra ducing and maligning ter She wtU seek to recover It.too. Which »he depleted with the order is money and rood* upon her admission eighteen yean ago, and atx years' saUry at 11,500 for her sarvtoee u needlewoman. The order aunot jet had an op portpoliyof presenting luan.w.r to them charges. ae.eetr.Ffv* Yura Gat.vxsr.7Y. October 37.—A .pedal l < m IflRahar- rough myi J B smith bu bora convicted of th. ■order of Wilti.m Uresbam lut ■ brisoua, aad mdtensed to ievmty-flve years in tbe peoltaattary. elotbea There tea* no romance about It, and sh* didn't know that At wuaajbdoyta bastnem, any- at you didn't Jive together” naked the comp gpondent?" -"What!" the asked rather snddeotj. -‘‘I on didn't Ur* together very long—you separa- tod—got divorced T“ “■No, we didn't get any divorce, That it, I didn’t bstt.wadon't Uv* uwe ber." “Whendid yoaotutV” “In Chicago. I found very quickly that hewss not ttun I could live with, and we quietly agreed to upstate. 7 lie truth.of It is, I did not really want to marry him, buli did marry him toil to show jay fsther that I wu Independent. And about the divorce-why, we're going to £et one apiece whenever we hose Jf red epart longenough, you know.” "Didn't the Chicago reporters hear of itr* "No. WJty, they never itd out auytblngdown there. Mitvaukce'a th* Iowa where all the smart reporter* Urc. But I don't care who koows it now." 11 yc •; t wilt remain with him during th* preesal Maaoa, bat wkat I will do soother year I do net know. Yon are, I feel at thoogb my tint duty 1* to my fsther. Mis whole Ilfs aud fortune bu bean devoted to me. Be nu brought me np on the and managed my companies aad bu la — my rocects what ft ha* 1 fourteen years I have been before tba loptiigbts under hi- guidance, but )<■ I am tired of this roving lift, f think some of A lie**# sf Isfseir !e rsCsSa'skJ. EtvttltJ kg the Death mi M Ymmmg CUrl. I’lnuhtmuA, October a —Tho death yesterday f Maggie Conway, .gad elalitcch, at lit* house of Mrs Ann Mcllhcnny. ?M kltiggold street, ta be llevcd to bars been due to criminal malpractice, aad Mre. Mcttbenny, who 1* fitly eight years old and a cripple, her husliaud. John, aged sfxiy-lwo; John fitewart, who Is secured of burying a number uf bodies in the yard of the house, and J Hannon, aged nineteen, who wu In the liuu-c, were to-day arrested and betd to await investiga tion. Aa numerous bodies ate said to be interred In tho yard order* have been given Ihe pollco to disinter them, and to inako a thoroush March of the premises for evidence of Ihe alleged Crimea A young woman named Jc.inloGsrriwu died In Era Mcflhcney's honso lut March. It wu reported at tho tin") that she wu, a victim ot crimloal operation. Thu police dug up the yard to a depth af four feet, but their efforts were unrewarded by the discovery of any evidence of tho burial oi bodies. The coroner’s physician this afternoon maifoapaM mortem examinational! tbo body of Ihe Iiuloriuttato flit, which resulted in the discov ery that the death bad been caused, as wu sup posed, by criminal operation. TKE STOLEN BOX. Priest fitters, ihe suite Trts.ur. Girts Hire by Penitents. Cykaoo, October 37.—Two old bachelors named Tbomu and James Powers lira at the comer of Center arena*. They ate Twenty-first street and Gann etoM-uud old follows, flity ( age, and are known to have ac ., . . .next year. And then again I think of going to Europe and resung for a whole year and than coming back with a n*w eomiany and* new op rs—nm-thm* nob toy bos ever astn in tbu country; bat I am afraid It 1 go heay and real for a year ibe peopto wJU foig-t me sod I will low tba benefit of ihe repniulnn f have already “jj4e^ IdooTknow what 1 shall do; time joust .'JWhCTt did yon auks your bom* 7” "Our home la my father'! fanainNswYojk cute. . lira and sixty years of „ . - . , -- - accomnlaled cooildcra- hla cub. It wu nndarstood.that they ware never to tears tba house unguarded, but on Sunday, the 14ih, both went to church together, and during thetr afoeuce the homo wu gone through The fill bo* In which they had accumulated over four thousand dollars, the hoardings of r was gone, and not a trace of th* thlaru ...... had fieenlaft behind. Lieu tenant Darrow. of lb* flloman street stalioD, took charge of the case, bat alter woiklng ou it a few days he wu taken sick, and nothing hu bean accomplished by th* police. Bat the Briithborc tell a cuSou. at^rSonttha monejr. Thay uy that the Power* brothers bod ukeo thacaas to tba parish priest. Father Corbett, of the church of the Bacred Ifsart. and through hi* influence a large portion of tne money, about lx.. a00 -. w ^,™cow«T»l from leva boje. bat who lb* lad* arc iastfIt a oyiterr. The old bacMIora relnie to ,ku ta ««• or not, bat they have ceased to display any anxiety about tba stolen cub. and clrcumsisncet -cm to point to th* troth of thenriabbof.'Story. Furtheruirelopmtnu are awaited with great In erevt. M ben StaFtlau u Dvath. Tnor.M. Y„ October 37.—David Adams, aged 05 year*, died yeretjfay at Cemlr* White Creek. Wash fogton county. Itii alleged he wu starved to ssa&ttlajsasv* * iu - irxro fii rl was burned to death In her falher'e abin, that lmd caught fir* from tier carelesa- L'AUTEiutTi.i.E, October 28.—Mr. William Cook wna found dead in Richland creek, about tc-ven rnllee front Ibe cily. yesterday afternoon. Tbo coroner, A. M. Wtllingliara, was notified Inal night and held au inquest this morning. Mr. Cook was twenty-three years of age, and has been subject to fits since n child. It is thought that tho unfortunate young man was sitting on tbe bnnk of tbo oraek ehtingwainm- ami while-Itting there was seized with a fit nnd felt in tbo creek face downwards. HU face was a little bruis ed, but it is supposed tbat was caused by the rocks in tho bo tom of tbe creek, as tbo water at tbo placo where tbe body was found is not more tban eight or ten inches deep. Hawki.nsvji.j.e, October 28.—Tuesday night ns the 10:30 train running on tbe Hawkins- villo branch, M. and B. railroad, had passed Mr. I. P. Kinchon’s woodrack, on its way to Uawkinsville, on time and at ita usual speed, it encountered an obstruction of croutles that had been placed on the track, doubtless with u view In wrecking the train. Form- nately, owing to the prompt action of the engineer, no damage was done. Tbe train was crowded with passengers. Tliui far no due to tho wretch that did the deed. Uakiztta, October28.—A shocking death came to light tills morning. A horrible aleoch came from tbo vicinity of the barroom of Wade Wallace. On breaking in tbe door, a roaring fire was found in the fire- Jlace, and three- quarters length in it was Richard Hunt, the bar tender. lie was drunk, and bad fallen into tbe fire. He had n wife and several children. CuATtAYOooA. October 20.—The daughter of BeDjsmin Schooifield, living at Miller’* station. Rhea county, Tennessee, on tbe Cin cinnati Southern railway, has been suffering with an attack of malarial fever for some days. This morning, while delirious, aha wandered from tbe bedroom to tbe railroad track unseen. Tbe south bound Cincinnati Southern train came thundering along, when the young lady suddenly threw herself iu the way of the train. She waa hurled several feet by tbe pilot and picked up bruised and bleeding by friends, wbo had mimed and came upon her in time to witneaa the acci dent. Bbe was carried from the scene in an unconscious state, and her recovery Is regard ed improbable. Miss Schooifield u a charm* Wayncaborofiatunhiy night. Cause, jealousy. Valdosta, October 25.—Every eflort is be ing made to capture the murderer of James Allen, tlie night watchman of Valdosta, who fell ft victim to the bloody deedt of three law- defying negroes on the night of the 10th Inst., while in the quiot discharge of his official duties. Tho circumstances sur rounding this iuoet unfortunate tragedy, are truly revolting In all tliclr details. A party of negroes from n turpentine still near Block- too, Georgia, canto to Valdosta ontha day abovo mentioned. They, os moat of this cIhw usually are, were well supplied with lilitosla kept concealed. That night after im bibing freely at several saloons, they betook themselves to the house of some dusky dams els of Lad character, and soon succeeded lu kickiug up a rumpus The women went up, town and made complaint to Mr. Aileii asking him to make the parties leave their liouae. That they wero disturbing lho peace, etc. The negroes In tho meantime, seeing that they were about to get into trouble, hurried off to the dejtot, intending to evade an arrest by taking Ihe 11 o’clock train which was then due. 1ST Poibt, October 2(t.—A murder was committed about two miles southwest of Ibis ciiy lata yesterday evening. A white man ana a negro had been to town and sold soma cotton, and. Ittoemt, disagreed about a aet- stiement of their account*. They left town heather, both under tbe influence of liquor. Mr. L. P. Hill overtook them a abort lima before tbe killing and they were •till quarreling. The negro got oftt of the wagon,and tba while man got ont and kicked him, and threatened to shoot him if ha dlJ not get in the wagon. Tbe white man then got in and drove on, the negro walking by But Mr. Allen soon came upon them, and while uttomiiting to mako the arreat, the TtUalDf fired at biro three or four times, ou# shot taking fatal effect. They boarded tho outgoing train and tba# escaped. The new* apread rapidly, and before day light, aeveral officers were on tbo track# of the murderer#. Pour or five negroes supposed to be connected with the allair. were lodged in jail the follow ing day. Coroner Powell summoned a jury of inquest. The jury was composed of our best citizen#, anrl thus entered upon the dis- charge of their duty with commendable zeal and earnestness. JJ.»iiy sessions were held, and a most thorough examination into ail tbe evidence was made. They deserve the thank# of all good citizens for their faithful and well directed eflort# to vindicate the Jaw and outraged jus tice in this case. The following 1# the finding of the jury: Georgia, Lowndes County: In accordance with an inquisition ended this tbe 231 day of October, 1883, before Allen, Powell, coroner of said county, upon tho body of James Al len, lying dead at hi# residence, in the town of Valdosta, in said county, upon tbe oaths of W. H. Briggs, J. 8. Iloherts, J. 0. Winen- baker, C. K. Xlarfleld, ICobert Block, W. F. liradfield, W. P. Robert#, John Falconer, M. M. Jlrinaon, Warren H. Roberts, K L. .Mc Leod and 0. It Pendleton, svforn according to law a8 jarora, and chosen by Allen Powell to inquire when and how, and in what man ner the said James Allen came to his death. We, the said jury, so formed as aforesaid, make and return tbe following presentment# in reference to the aforesaid matters and tiling, concerning which we were sworn to inquire by the said Allen Powell, coroner. We, the jary aforesaid, upon our oath*, say that John Williams, a# principal, and Wade Parwiey and Kvander jeott, as accessories, did on the 10th day of October, 1883, in said county, unlawfully, ami with malice aforethought, kill the .**1(1 Janie* Allen, by then and there shooting him with a pistol, confrary to the laws of said state, the good order, peace and dignity thereof.” Wade Parwiey and Evaqder Scott, the ac cessories to the killing, have been captured aud are In jail. The city council and the county commissioners have together oil'-red a reward of $350 for the apprehemion of John William#. Marshall Barnett has been out for several days in search of tbe missing crimin al. and he will roost Ukely be cap*ured. The evidence points unmistakably to William* a# tbe roan who fired the fatal shot and every means is being used to make him atone for hi# crime*