The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 17, 1885, Image 2

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA-, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1885. Exciting Events ot the Week Across the Water. SOLDIERS STONED BY A MOB, An Alarming Increase of Suicides in Berlin. War Declared Between Servia and Bulgaria. XoiMir, November 9 ??? Mr. Gladeloae aUrt- ???d from Haworden today for Kdinburgh, in good health and apirila. In replying to an ad drees at Chatter, the ez-premicr aaldi '<1 am going io Midlothian, not toaeeura my election, hot to teach and prtacb the neoeialty Sot unilad liberal action." Great enthnaiaau waa dlapiayed by the large crowd preienl. Large crowd, were eaaemblad at the vsrvrae atationaon the line of railway to welcome Gladstone, at the epecial train atoppod a Itw momenta at the different pointa. The ax premie; had enthnaiaatie receptiona at Wanington, Prcaton and Carliale, and in abort addretteaaaid bebeiiered tha country waa aUll faithful to liberal principles. At Wigan a photographer waa presont and so* enroll a llkaueta of Gladstone aa the latter win lianing cut of the carriago window. In a speech there the ex-premier declared the as sertion of the torlee that they had assisted in carrying the Iranchieeact through parliament WU not trne, though they loyally aeaieled in uusif the redistribution of ieata bill. At Oarliela, Locker iy and other places on tha route orowds at people were so great aa to Impede tha re alerting of the liberal leader???s train. Glad stone arrived at Edinburgh at 4:40o???olock tbli afienoon. Here be dollverod a long end unexpected epeteb In rceponee to the repeated ealla of the immenaa crowd which bed goth- end to welcome bim. The enthusiasm dis played by the people wee unexampled In the political history of Great Britain. Lnraator, November 9???A mob of two bun- dred men today stoned a battalion of eoldiera without provocation. The disturbance threat ening to become Melons, g strong force of po lice bad to be called ont to quell the rlotere, Three soldiers were badly wounded, Loaoon, November 0.???The pope???s enoyeltcal letter quotes end approves the lylltbue of flux IX. against modern civilisation. It do* senncM popular government, and lnalata upon the Obedience of subjecte to their ???ovareigne, and on sovereign obedlenoe to the pope. lie. lltlsm, the pope lays, ought to enter Into dell] Hie. He urges Catholics to lake pert in al political elections. Lussaici, Kovambor 10.???Owing to the re cent civilian attacks upon the soldiers, a large Party el tha Klng???e Hoyal Bides broke out ol the barrack! ben tonight, armed with bayo- sela, and make an Indlaerimlnata attack upon tha people reiidlng In the vicinity. One man w??s stabbed In the heed, and three man ware severely wounded. I Pickets ware immediately rent out ??cd> the mayor and a large force ol police soon arrived and suppressed the dis- Tbe people residing In the vlcInUy ^ w fled in torror???to their homes and barrio the doors. The eoldiera were eventually car ried bock to the barracks. lH-nux, November II).???At Klllarney fair tedey there wee stale ora number of plgg,. t then became h n.-wls Uint tlio plga I.J ???. _ i-t?? a loyalist, Captain Magill, wharoupon tha pur chasers refused to nay lor them. While Michael Nugent was p...???. ??? lno Callymehtn union to record hla vote, contrary to tho wlshee of tho nationalists, ho was dragged from hla oar and beaten so badly that bis Ufa le despaired of. Ilia assailants escaped, liogerO???Brien, a prominent mombero! tho ntiloun) league, hoc. been ebot at Athlona. Two arrests liava been made Inconnection with tha affair. The ehooling resulted from agra rian troubles. Loses*. November 1#.-The trial ol Mr. Bleed, editor of the Pall MellGuetta, Mr. Bampeon Jaquea, of the eamo newspaper, Mrs. Rahacca Jarrell and Madame Lonlee Monrry, on ehargeol Indecently eisaulllog Ellas Arm atrang, wu begun today at tba central erimt aat cenrh Tho prosecution announced that all the charges against Mr. Hramwall Booth had boon withdrawn, and that tho conspiracy doncS! '* ,ln,t ,h * dofcnJ ?? nt * had boon aban- Ella???s Armstrong loallflod regarding tbaal- legad indicant aMault on her, the evidence ao Sat being a repetition of her former statemsnts. The prisoners, except Madame Monrry, are not represented by eounMl. The Jury ro. turned a verdict ol guilty of Indecent assault Mtlnsl til four or the prisoners. The justice then resold itntcnceon tha prisoners. as fol low* :Mr. Stead, three months! Kebscoe Jarrett, six months, and Bampaon Jacqi on* month, sll without hard lata; Madams Leuiaa Monrry,tqaix montha.wlth hard labor. Loicoa, November 11???Mr. Stead, the con victed editor of the Pall Mall Gaaatia, wae Interviewed In ColdbathBelda prison, today. Hla warden wu present at Ihetntervlow end Vtoffag was not allowad to shako hands withhlm. Btaad srn in prison garb, consist- arlaaa breut V Jlongarry cap, looae ilowlng yellow jacket, stamped on the left With "Circle B, 1 stroke, , b *??7. eoane yellow' r*????iiMwaa tho government broad arrow, over the aided patched boots. Ills hair vu cropped abort Btaad appeared to be aufferteg eeveraly from cold, Via hinds being tucked In hlscape- "v wae in feily He le at- celt, but the ??? ???.anisespa cious sleeves for warmth. He wae in fairly lowed Vw , however. Libia la bis a read it Hit breakfait conaiala of thin ponldgoaad brown brand i dlnnar ol suit jraddlag and supper of norrldge and brown fcratd. He sees nobody between 4 p. m. end ??a.m. Bleed t daily teak is to pick one fddhd of oakum. The ordinary prlsonera i???h???h three rounds. The sentanoe of aU prlsonera commence ou the Bret day ol the ??ni rt .I. W af* October 10th. Btaad Will therefon he released on January 10th. Emaocas, November 11.???Ur. Gladstone and wile, and Lord Boraberry and wile, to- daydreva lna cerrian from Dalaneny park SstestiWyTa wlthpeopte awaiting to hear hla address. Gladstone said it waa impoealble for perils- mentta deal with Ue IriahqnesUanssliifM- terily, except by thai action ol a party power ful ???longh to srt iudepeedsntlv of lhalrlih vote. According to torv at wall aa liberal re- wteS,bi tt raife in ute! ???jjjj* v??a of the highest importance. The r??*ult??is untruths about kever Indulged In, and ha thought most ol i???e,5!K^? .t* 1 ** '??????PPrevad it Oat natratk wee that he poeteeted a large quantity cl lead ln Buiila. Anothsr was thst he felled beat on Sunday. Ha recnanledolher un- tnjlha uttered about him, one of wfatofa wu Ufldwrt household fraschiaa. Tho *b*tw?? thatha advocated an ax tension of the elatlona concerning an enormoua tralila in children, verifying the jealoun accounts of human degradation in the black country in the north ol Franca. Lonoox, November II.???Advlcea from Cal cutta itate that King Thebsw has ordered that aU Englishmen at Burmab be exterminated. It is feared that all Eurepeana at Mandalay bave already been massacred by Burmese. Manaio, November II ???It Is known In official clrelca here that America and Eng land havo claimed damages lor injury to their subjects on the Carolines (aland. Loaoon, November 11. Tho Timea, com menting on the anti Chinese eruasdo on tba Pacific coast of tho United States, soyas ???If Chinese immigration into the United States, waa thoroughly blocked for a period, the ChU nese night meet with favorable opportunities at home, and their Immigration into the United States be altogether diverted. The at. tempt to turn back the tide of foreign colored labor by the maenn resorted to by tat mobs In the western pert or the United Btatee is odious, and tba injustice done the Chinese in the res cent attnek on them la tn net of tha Spoliation committee against tho "world at large.??? Brstur, November II.???There has been an alarming Increasa in number ol tulcldea Is this city within the peat several months. Caeca are reported daily, and tome days num ber at high ea ten. Today a retired banker named lterkweld died In a mysterious man* ner, and bla wife shot hcrealf. Bothol them left Instructions to havo their bodies crema ted. Beaus, Novembertl The German-Amort- cans who were recently expelled from the Island of I'oehr, Schleswig, have been order- id to have FruMia before the 15th instant. Two nelurallxed Americans, natives ot Terp and Schottenkurg, havo alio been ordered to leave, one by the end ol November and tha -her hr the end of the year. - Two hundred armed and illsgutaod men to day reinstated a widow who wae evicted in Mayo from a tarm in Lima, near Limerick. The men pledged tbemMlvee to protect and support her. Bhe objected, ???he wu compelled to promise that she would leave tho farm only at the point of tho bayonet. Excitement in Germany ovarBIimarck'a con tinued enforcement ol bln edict of the r.xu.K or srssiax ror.n from rentals continues unabated. A great relief committee have been unt to atalai the unfortunate exiles at Leonbnrg, Foam, and Cracow. The relief committee al the latter city reports that 2,000 Poles in one ?????? ttk?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? TREASURE TROVE. a areatn Monts cnato-Vrom Ttnurj to ami- sccs-Tbe Fortunate Discovers el on ousted fnap-is# snap???) rsrsw.n-a aia- tutir Inscription???Ztrlx Mission. Prussian settlement ware recantly ordered to ???ettleun their sffslre there and quit Prnula without delay. Tho majority of tbeae aro Homan Catholics and many of them have resided in Fruiala to long that they have forgotten their native language. They huge baen compelled to eel i their property Id hule, and speculators in fa vor of local officials have taken such advan tage^! the altnatlon that very little of tho property thus forced upon tho mar- kot has brought more then one-fourth of the value. To make matters worso Ituitls has liauad an order prohibiting the entry of these oxilos Into the extr???n domain unless they can prova they ware born therein. In conaeqnenoe ol th|s than are at presont encamped at ona plica on the frontier no lesa than 1,400 oxllei, penniless, homeless and moot miserable, without the right to morn forward and with Imprisonment at hard labor staring them in the face If they dare return. Loaeoa, November 12.???Mr. Varley, tha eenvertad butcher, today headed 100 aympa- tblaera of fitead and marchad to tha homo offico to petition BIr Blcherd Croat, homa seo- ratary, for the release ol Steed Irom prison. Verloy alone wu admitted to the home otHoe, end when ha returned to the (treat he Inform ed the crowd that tbo officials had grossly In tuited him. This announcement wu received with grout. Tho police than intorfarad and compelled the orowd to move on. Loimoautakv, November 12???A Urge crowd offacti ??? ???effrui*. Ha Uit rmtttlon by lory inflame*. Tht torica knew that Ihe raking of tha caution would fm ???ndhcArrmtUer. Paui, hartmbar i!.???Tht commlmiroi Tclica at Yale&cif&nff hu md?? Urriblt B 1 miuBtr, CiiKc, Noveniter 13.???A refugee who ar rived hero from Khartoum itatee that alter the murder of Gen. Gordon, his heed wu upended from a butcher ahop for five days, nd waa pelted and spat upon by tho netivoi. Ilvuuw, November H.-TUreo hundred tentut fsrmirs at Youghat, oounty Cork, have demeuded m per cent raductlaa of rent. Tho landlord's of. fsi of 15 per rent reduction wu rcjectod- Tne tenants havo depoeted their rent money in banka at Casrlck on tho Bulr. A mob ol threo thou sand persons,armed with pitchforks and scythes, expelled the police who were trying to astro Wilts ot ejectment, Tana*, Nommber 14.???A band of moon lighters, at Molahalte, noar Tralee, lut night, attacked the honte ol a man named Curtin, end daring the melu, Curtin shot one of the moonlighters. The fatter then retired, but returned In a short time and renewed the at tack. They captured the houie, shot Curtin doad and wounded t eorvant named Sullivan, and eight men have been arrested on saipi- cion of being concerned in the murder andcutnge. Curtin wu a lneuol good social position. The dead moonlighter has been (dentited u the eon of a widow, holding u smell farm noar Curtin???s. The unt ol Our- tln???a longht bravely and tore the ntuka from a number ol the aseallanta??? faces, whteh en abled the former to identify several ol tha latter. The moonlighter's were In lurch of arena. Curtin, who wu killed by the moon lighters, wu prraidanl of tho local National lesguo of Molaliofle. War Declared. ???anvil mo ni'lainti nscuti wit. Balaams, November 14.???The Bulgariana having attacked tho Servians at Vaulna, King Milan accepted tha sol u a declaration of wu. reace, therefore, ended at?? o???clock this morning. King Milan hu assumed command of the Servian army, and actlvo operations will be begun at once. Tha Servian army haa commenced moving forward, and advancing on Sofia. The troops display much enthuaium. The roads are covered with enow, retarding tha progreta ol tha urny. i euinr rionv uit occvatto between tne advance guards of the Bervian and Bulgarian armloe on the road between Tra and Blums. Tha Bulguians retired. Bom, November 14.???The following hu jut bun Issued by the government! The Pctrlsnt havtu* Invaded Battuta today. SSta???by'Su Tinea Alexander hu telegraphed to the ant- tan asking hit intentions in regard to tha maintenance of the Integrity oi tho Ottoman empire. Greet activity prevails at rhlltpopolie. Tha trains, filled with soldiers tinging patriotic rongs, are eoratenlly leaving for the Hunt, The people throughout the country mantiut greet enibuataam. The troop* are gratified at engirt- tn warfiara for the Brat time without ???male foreigner in their ranks, Bulgaria hu decided to remain on tho do- iensivo. Bho accepts wu with calmnau, kno* tog that Europe will acquit her of ??<! Man.*, ?????? axovnta eivvLK rocoav, Bix battalions of Borviaa infantry, two nai leries of artillery and two squadrons of caval< ry today attacked two battalions ol regular and Irregular Bulgarian troops. Tbo Bulga rian loot 34killed and wounded. The Ser vian troops, under Colonel MlchkovUch, oc cupied Tsaribrod, sustaining a small loss. Fifty Bulgarians wen ceptnred and unt to the lestrau at Belgrade. Tbpalovltch, with the Morah division, is operating; against Tern. Colonels Michko- vlleh and Beuocky, commanding tho Drina ud Shumadja divisions, are advancing oa Dragoman pus. General Jowanovitch la ta rommand of the Danube division, which is held u a reserve force at Bole Folank. coxa amiss ortaiota. Tha Standard, commonliag on the outbreak or hoetililiu between Bervla and Bulguia. 1 Wu hu baan kindled tn tha Balkans.** Special Correspondence of the Globe-Democrat. Saw Fuscuoo, Cal., November 3.???About two years since there arrived In the city of 8en Luis Obispo, Cal., a stranger, whose ap pearance indicated a severe and prolonged struggle with the fickle goddest. Ont ot a shock ot matted hair peered two eyu of re- mukeblo sharpness, and a lace ol great shrewdness formed a rare picture for the framework of tawny locks. The finances of this ran avia ware doubting. In a condition very almtlu to tho appearance ot hla ward robe. Instead, therefore, of aolloitiag enter tainment at one of tho numerous hostilerles for which that city la famont, this sooial c> nnndrnm wisely concluded to maintain hit in dependence by following atrietly tho Utah- Hiked rales of the wandering fraternity of wf)ieh he appeued a moot exemplary mem ber. He sought the allent ahedowa ortho um brageous oak, and under its whispering foil, age consumed the substantial provender he had diplomatically seduced from tho back doer of a convenient farm houie. He remain ed in the vicinity of the city for several days, and then took np hla residence at Avila, a small hamlet on the uUhore, some ton mltu from San Lula Obispo. u cmrr wantx. While here the major portion ot hio timo waa spent in Wresting the tenacious bivalve from the primeval cliffs that line the shore, and m examining old charts of tho cout lino from Point Conception northward. Ona day ho appeared at a neighboring lumber yard and purchased sufficient material lor the construction of a email skiff. This, he in formed tha eurioua, wu lor the purpose of enabling him to engtge in tho occupation ot a fisherman. Tho dfminntiva boat was soon completed, bat instead of embarking in the proposed avocation he spent the hours of day light in exploring the many smell beye and Inlets of the cout. On being uked tne mo- tire lor these explorations ho was mors than naually reticent. He at length gratified the curiosity oi his inquisitors by informing them that he was in surch ol a convenient , ???pot suitable for the location ol a fish-drying establishment. This solution of hla eccentric wandering! waa acoepled by many, but lhara a noted arehieologlst oi southern California, bad been endeavoring to translate its contents. But hla unlamiliariiy with maritime Spanish and the poorly preserved condition ol tho manuscript had proven a severe trial. At length, after severe and continuous study, the following facts were evolved: The writgr, In reading??? Palou???s "Life of Jnnipero Barra," finds mention made of tho foundering of a vessel belonging to the expe dition of the same name u that given in the log-book, but no mention la made ot the car riage ot treasure. In fact it would seem ab- aurd that a vessel, the sole mission whoso ossners wu tho establishment of tho Catholic religion on an unknown cout, wonld carry anch an amonnt. The record of tho log-book, however, is nearly identical with the incident mentioned by Felon. If it is ao, and the ???mount ol treunre carried wu all recovered, the amount uneatrhed by tho fortunate dis coverer must have approximated (I40,000,the gold alone considered. There is not the slijghteit clew to the identity of tho finder, u OUR LETTER BASKET. were others found who regarded it u merely aanbterfoge. At length the continued dlaap- paarence of tho atranger in a certain direction convinced the observant, that the desired lo cation had it length been selected. One morning ho unmoored bis skiff, u usual, and departed lor the scent of his labors. For several days thereafter he wu not seen In any of hla old haunts, and those who had watched bis regular deputnre and return for many deya previoua grew alarmed, end determined to organise an expe dition to inquire into this eauio oi hia contin ued abtcnca. One of tho residents ol Avila, however, assarted that ho had tun tha stranger beach hla boat regularly every eve ning e mile or ao below hia accustomed land ing piece. Itwualso asserted by this gen tleman that the atranger, upon landing, al- waya diuppored in a neighboring canyon, boring upon hia ???houldera aome appa rently heavy aubitane* concealed in a uck. This In formation, of course, relieved ail ???--- t h # aalety of tba evaral of tbo moat least pay a visit of inspection to tho itr an gar's rendesvona. Preparation for the visit were nearly com pleted when the object of thoir solicitude mado hia raappeatnaumongtham. veBichxr'a raiswau. After expreaabyihia obligations to the elU- sens or the haifiSfor their uniform ktudaoa dering hla sojourn among them, the stranger Informed them of hi s determination to desert those scenes amid which, ha assured them, it hours, ilia presence, and alter a courteous farewell disappeared over the range. Previous to hfs departure, how- ever, ho had purchased a smell Mexican jackass for the purpoie, he Informed them, ol being enabled to luvo the country In a more genteel mannor than he had entered It. On the day of hia departure one of tho resi dents ol Avila wu returning from Ban Luis ??? Obispo and encountered tho quondam tramp [lore wlien ho irrfr'ca lt leading his burro, which appeared to bo laden I river end toko e look at I???i Sinking Mountain, Buwsssxs, os., Xavsabn7.-KdlU>ia Consti tution: Wlllyon airs room In your valuable pa per for a few words from one who hu visited a ???Inking mountain. This montalnla in Towns county, Ire miles ot Hlawaasee. Tba Bell moun tain two miles of this place la perpendicular for a quarter of a mile. The Erata mountain also In aflhtof this village is the highest mountain In Georttn. but the re la nothing to compare with the "Sinking mountain." On tba Sd Inatant a little pertv made np ol ladies end gentlemen left this place with plenty df lunch and bone feed to visit tblo wonderful Sinking mountain. When we got ic loot ot the mountain, we eU agreed It Ud be caller to cat our lunch than to carry it S lfhua. Alter taking a square meal we began to five cd up tho mountain. Attar climbing throuih the brush and over legs lor about hall a mile, we landed on "Sinking ground.??? It did took si the man said when bo laid old Satan???s root wucavlnglnon him. The moat peculiar part ol this mountain la the way It broke loose at the top. Its about fifty feet om where it started to stoking. The timber on tula placets standing juit tho tame uilf nothing htd happened. All the sinking haa been done in the lsat twelvo months. We can't tell when It will glop. We have read ol counties sinking gradually, but never hetrd ot part ol a mountain sinking and leaving the teat. II your readers know oi any canae, will be glad to bear from them. every calculation lor profit L rates below wnat five year???s experience teaches. And leaving ont the manure actnaily pat an tba land, there ft an lacalcaleb???-evelaede rived to e farm from the rest from constant crop ping, true tod, etc. As to his SI,200 or 11.59* wrapped In ono cow???s hide, I don't believe eJer- other cow. ??? scrub uy, toe Jeney dost the trade act Its merit? Certat .. tha native, for J have tried her end she has no merit to spare. Then If all the virtue descends from the Jeney, and the grade con never have or Inherit (ail Je??? *?????? * ??? Mtt ancestor? ___ the Jersey end bee blood* whether we 'mean *ior batter or milk, and on this lino it mty Interest some to reed the fallowing tacts taken from repor t ot testa made at the Ontario ex terfmsntal farm. Tho tests were weakly and continaed seven months. There ware a variety of co n tested, but we wUi only mention a lew wltn which the readers may be lsmllbr: The Hohtsln milk contained 11.9 per cream, 10 'J per cent cheese curd; It required St poundeol Holstein milk to moke a pound ot butter, more then five gallons. The Ayrshire milk contained Id 9 p * " cheese curd. The Om 9.5 per cent cream, 1 Tha Jeney milk contained 19. 9 per cent cream and 15, a per cent cheese curd. It required ail" ly over IS pounds Jeney mtlk to make a poun< butter. But the most singular part la the Jeney leading, in both batter end cheese, the famont cows. And at tbo lama time and pltm the chera lest analysts ot the milk ol above, and the milk ol el|ht other kinds, revealed the fact that the Jeney leads In amonnt ol total dlgeitlblssolids contained In milk. The Jeney milk had the most cream for making butter or to conatltnte the cubo-bydratea In the emmet econ omy if drank, and likewfsethe greatest quantity ol catena to bemads Into cheeae or to yield the albuminoids, the blood, mnacle bene, etc, etc and they wilt always be wbtle food products are Respectfully, B. Woodward, In demand. Don't Go IT-a). Bilbao, Texas, November 19.-(Special.J-Rdi ton Constitution: It hu been some time since I attempted to write anything far the deu old Cox- entutioR, end I now desire to relate "an expert, once" lor the benefit ol some friends, who, like myself, have been tempted to "go west.?????? After an extended visit to the expotltion In New Orleans where I studied np the different atitoa and ter ritorlcalnthewest. by carefully examining and comparing the exhibit). I decided that "God's country" layoa the Pacific slope, between Paget sound end southern California. Leaving my fam ily behind, I started some two weeks ago, ex- peeling to visit California, Oregon and Washing, tan tenltory, find me a home and havomy family follow me. The Southern Pacific railway being the mint dlreot route from New Orleans, I boarded tbo T. & P. train and came speeding . through Louisiana and tend the itate olTcxar A Dog???s A (Taction From Ure Boston Record. A well-known Boston literary mu, who had invited a friend to hla honra In the inbnrbs a Jew evenings ago, withdrew the Invitation on the ground -hat he and hla wife had experienced t bereavement. Knowing that they had no children, the Invited gneet uked bla Intended boat soon afterward what wu the netnre ol the loss, and waa frankly told that It wu the death of a favorite Scotch terrier. There wai no doubt ol tne sincerity of the grief which had made the owners ol the little dog nowUllng to entertain company on the day ol Its death. An Incident wu narrated Dy the literary nun In connection with tho deg???a daceue which hod struck him u peculiarly pathetic, and u confirming tho ldeu which ho had long entertained In regard to tbe sympathetic Intelligence ol doga. The UtUe tcnlsr nod always been more attached to hla wife then hlmaell, and In (act hod never cared to walk about with him. He wu tbe more aur- xu at Marshall. ???Tla eigat ^W,h-q??f.,Tyj.ydo??-ud died. "Yon can???t make me belleue.??? said the owner elthe terrier In teUlng tbe aiory, ???that Bobby fildn???ttakemaonttheretosu him dir, and to ???Mure ue ol hla nndilng affection." Etcty tivie your hen clucks and lays an tgy tha pays for your Constitution for the week, for (ol club rates, $1.00) it costs leu than 2 cents a week. Hemorrhages. &??Jn < d r SS P 55i elB " ,Mr ^ c ^ Sores, Ulcers, Wounds; Sprains and Bruises; It Is coalfofc cleansing and Hanllnff. ^ Catarrh l 11 <* DMt sfffoadMs tor this dtp prepared to meat sorloue eases, our Wtut oak Syringe la simple and InexpeadTao Rheumatism, Neuralgia.t Ho other preparation flue enrea more . of these diitrou.injr compUlnta there VfetboJ fcroaa. . Piles Blind, Blooding or Itching. I| JTlIttef btboerataftl-noiraMsee!/;??p.'d!/ coxing when other medicine* here nUedb eerrloe whec# 13 U InoonrenlenL * For Broken Breast and Sore Ripples. &2*?n*?? peed The Extract will nerer be without It- Oar Ointment if tho Uit emoUlaat that can bo applied. \t Female CompIaintSs ^Jorityo! fnxnl* (Uscaaoatbo Fx tract can boused* u la well kuowo. with the greatest benefit Shu directions accompany each bottle, CAUTION.< Pond's Extract the words **Pond??o Extract??? blown In the guts*. Mod oar picture trade-mark oa ???ummndlnr buff wrapper. None other ta genuine. Alwaye InsUt on haring Pond???* B^S&^iSSSS u,on ??? * Bold everywhere, Price*, SOe, $1,11.7SI I Prepared only by POND???S EXTRACT C<L, . NEW YORK AND LONDON. 4 ., Ml a#oa tha wkp arm rii bi uDeoembernext. 'Given nader~my???band fa official signature, this 23d Kay of October, 1644'. oegMljAwM J ?? 8 ' P1 QnUatry. INPOUllDBAaSJtUOPACmCESOfeilOUNflOBiOOAKCAgK Foil Worth wc pasted through aonte beautiful mm 7 ??? etretch ot cao bo seen??>i pratrle with _ | varieties of cactus. Millions of prairie don ???camper to their homes as the train approaches. ??????MHOTPOTVitiroiigtJM atrlo country. Between Fort Worth and El Faso HHnjn|Mki desolation itself. There ia one fc hundrctl miles whoro not ft trcol feaai^M^lfcfeSBui MSppiS Gate City National Bank a ol cactus, Millions ol prairie don I J droves aeon OF ATLANTA, __ antelope wwj r1^3ldfStd.???!J? lDESIGNATED depository of ??? ???__r^. b n , l THE UNITED STATES. ' S i# RloCfre exlco and following railroad* A.,T. and 8. ??? r 01 idosomhwcu.??? it is situated on I viuiuj/ MinjiidWt inde at the Junction of Texas, No* I ??? SSif&SrHSS Cap'*?? 1 "* Surplus $300,000. ft*' r f u " nt * **??? ??nd tne Mexican central. It haa Hr* thousand Inhabit. anta. and at laait thran fnnrthM nf thum .am! anla, and at least three fourths of them ateiemo tnd demimonde*. Thenar. Mere bunko men am three small churches, many gambling ??????loons. twenty-nln - ??-. iuuuj RKuiuilng deni *??d woe be onto tbe tenderfooted ttrargar who falls Into tho hands ol aomagentle- tranly ???atearer.??? But 1 must relate "my expe- ??? thlnge every atranger -- Kll???aao 1a to cron the l???ew do Norte, ATIONBand INDIVIDUALS rexpecttnUy aolicl OoUectlona promptly made and remitted lor. WILL AOFu AGENT lor the INVESTMENT ol HMJtond T BUBPLUB FUNDS of BANKS or IN- In out active and (rowing ell In demand. Our ref with aome exlremelvhaary aubitauoa! Thli I Mexirein'cl'tyr "iwenr overT andwtHle wataiug I w^Jiauejn M E^i^lWOA^^ ???' ???"'???lied tho eurloeity of the I thtongh Ihe^hcanttful end InxuHent gudens! I bearing FO.UB PXR CENT INTAKE Ho* MO the beginning but no kuaam inteUigecco can pretend to Ml limits to tho eraser Iittriit/cfthefirf." 1 * information rebind' . A'velenoa, end a party wu immediately organised for the purpoee of exploring tho cout lino and discovering, if potslble, tho realdanoe ol their late neighbor. They embarked In a small boat, and wore aoon engaged tn cloeely ecru tlnislDg the Indentation of the comt. At lest the attention of ono ol the party vrat attracted by tbo appearance ol numarona footprints in tno land that led np to the bue of an almost inaecenlble cliff. Ho al once draw tha atten tion ot lila companions to hla discovery, and they determined to dieembark and follow np the clew. Upon nearing the cliffs email cir cular opening wu observed about three foot from the ground. The footprints led direotly to this opening, and Ultra ceased. From thli it wu apparent that an entrance to tho cavern was neceuaiy to a eolation of tbe miilery. Accordingly n messenger wu dispatched tor the pnrpuae o! Hearing aonte method of illumination. He loon returned, and the party entered tho aperture. A ihort paaitge opened into a lofty eirenla about eighty feet In diameter. Its internal appwrenee wu extremaly gloomy and for bidding, and It wu Impoeajbls to conjecture how any human being could havo selected it aa a place of abode. The floor waa composed ofund and lea-ahclli that htd evidently been recently disturbed. In one corner of tho cavern wu discovered a cavity aoma thru feet in depth, which bora tho appearance ol having been recently excavated. Among tbe debria were picked up several Spanish copper coins, non* of which bora a data later than 1740. Near Uta cavity tbe frame work of a ???caman???a chut, in tha lutatagea of decay,wu found, and there waa also picked up the mil dewed pages of a vueal'a log- book. a aiaociak ixscatmog. Thus diecoverioa, as may bo readily Imaj lied, excited to its moot intense degree tb cork-lily of the explorers. In the midst ot a animated diacuuioa regarding thoaolutloa ol tho mystery, ona of the party chanced to glance upward at the overhanging walla, when hia eye wu attracted by the following legend, rudely aculptorad in the crumbling Ia the Ught ol enbicqaoat ditcoverlu three portions of the Inscription, defaced by tbe ac tion of tbe elements maybe logically eup- plied. It would then bo translated u follows! ?????- Dig three paces tot" In November ol the yeat a vug or kASLr ntuiots. On the 141b ol June, 1749 tho brig Bab Jest, with materials for the utablia hment of tha Alta California uiulona, under commend of Joes deceives, act nit from tha port of Loreto, Lower California. Boa idea the uinal articles used for batteriag purpoee* with tbe Indiana, the voaul contained 10,099 Spanish doubloons, besides a large amount of eilver. Tho log-book entailed entries np to July 19, 1759. when all rococda ceased. When tha snrptlaa creeled by this unex pected discovery bad somewhat subsided, the party continued Its explorations. In one ot Uedark carmen of tha cavern wu exhueed tha crambllng ikeleton of a man. This wu tba only other result of the exploration, Forscme months lubre.jueat to the discov ery of the cavern and tha unearthing of the tnuun no further eolation of the mystery wu obtained. The possessor 0 fthe log book, tbrough the beautiful and luxuriant gardens, ] beerier FOUR PER CENT iHTAREBT. vineyard, and orchards, threo strangers, (Amerl- I anerf???dAwky M g n 00 casi), approached me, ud we wandered on to- ' aether. We vlalted an old Minion obureh, a strangely arranged cock pit, bull put, etc. Burma, our walk my friends proposed drinks, , and woykltcd a bar. I did not drink; but took a cigar. DJt o waa called for, and rarlooi were tho Inducements offered to ret me to gamble. Fatt ing In this achemo, Iwu taken hold ol by the tbico companions, ud while they held me the , ATLANTABRIDGEWORKS ???merican count ud fold my complaint I nuiHTunrviMa beforo him, he wu eras bcceuie l'realdcnt I GRANT WILKINS, Cleveland had removed him and he la only wait- I _ . ??? ???- ??? Gtrfl Engineer and Contracting Agent. , BRIDGES, ROOFS AND TURN-TABLES, Iren Judge and complained. 11a ordered (he or* 1 reel of Ihecnmlnele ud 1 waa Instructed to go with on officer to hod them. They were ell er ic III d end a trial appointed for 19 a. m. next day. At tho trial I could uuderatand nothing raid. For aome cawo the cus wav DMt- pored until next day, end thus It went on In, four days. At teat a aymnathlaer told me that I wornd never get luatlce-thejudge always ihared ???polls with the thieves, ud consequently they were neverpnntihed. I dropped the matter and .mnwvrafilngfinuctalrellet from home. Iam told that lueh crimes aa these an enacted Ireqneot SJSRXSSJ^- 9 ^- 1 ^ * -- Iron Work for Buildings, Jails, Etc. Butt tract urea ud Foundations a Specialty. Specification?, Flans ud Eatlmatca Furnished oa Application. d??w thfo ImattcTln hud Ud lira A DMINIBTRATOR???8 SALE.???BY VIRTUE OF to Americana. I n an order ot the Court of Ordinary of Fayette - - 1 county, Georgia, WUI be sold before the conrt- houM door tn nyattevlUc, mid county, within yoar person, It yon have nememud are making I the legal hennol ule, on the first Tnisday tn De- a living In ueorgta, auv there. "Diitauce I comber next, fo term of land, more or leaf. In the lends enchantment" tothe weet, ud u yon ap. I aentheeat.comor, and 44 acres tn tho uuthwMt ptoach It tho bcutlca diminish ud aoma new I corner ol land lot No. 941, In tho 13th district ol fudneement looms up ttlll further week and so It I orlilnaUy Henry, now Fayette county; also 2IW gore to tha end. "Gmaait." I acre", more or lain, in tho northwest corner of ??? I laud lot No. 941. in the Stn district ol originally The Vain" el Jereeyf, I Henry, now 19th district of Feyetteieold u the ZDITOU CcnTRi-nox-In your Imae of the I |iiree&mvdimreolraTddSieS.? lit ultimo there wu a apectal making woe very I Thu November 2nd, U06. "al JOllNdON,* 5 erroneous comments on Jerseys at Macon, and u | novl flit, wkySt Administrator, tho article might bo prejndtetal to a large and I 1 aLd???8 UME-ln THk BEST LtMKTN THE valuable Intrrest In the state, I aik epece in your | JJ market. It does better work ud maker more columns to report to tho people tho (sett. I ti ???fa SfSAjawSJS I have conmpondcd with A. F. Rea, of Rome, .??????. AtUnta, oS'"???A-0-Ladd.WB.Fdmyih Go., who wu oonitently there, end who cold the 1 ! r pnbUahed in tne south. fit'-claia 'tree-thought paper??? Price'onlyft. 50 per unpje^oopTea free. Addreai Light for Jerseys at Macon. Heaayl year reporter over, states tho number of Je reeve end grade Jeneyt, IbOMfool Jerseys to bo held at Macon bid long ago pecn agreed upon and aowuSMine: -eSS^SS/SSS- lilt of tbeule, audit short that the 1 ffi??S5iSS W ' Tha average reader mlgbt gueea. after reading _ xaeprfoM. that tha breeder would sell hla anr. plus stock tor v??y much Ue acme reason that a ; bacon. And when y _ ^ pertaon Is ray much in favor ot Yawing a eoitr .90 rather thin corn, bacon or cottoa enough ft!a,?t I nfjOWHA. RABUN OOUNTY.-TO ALL WHO* ralreenk A*ccdJ*re*ycowcau behad fw9175 I tjr ttmavcoaetn:-JammDocktna, admtnlatru I ??????j^ta^ookjmdamqaetL tafn.dtMfora lands beloui raid tppffcal..- In December next. This 2nd day of November, 15(5. ,, JOHN 8. DIOKtoa, rovfi-dlt WkySt Ontfoerv. /???AS PURE aa HONOR ud TRUTf-O mtperw wS roVUri??Ss tta, ??? tor ???&?? within the legal hours of sale, tur cua. mcioiiow* lug property or tract of land, to^wlt: Part of tha nortn half of lot of land Ho. 49, in the second dis trict of Habnn county, containing one hundred and fiftyacrw,.nonor less, adjoining lands ol moitgagSfl fa inued from the uperlor ccuri 61 said county in favor of G. W. ud G. P. Kites against Eugene W. Beck. Notice In writing hand, ed to ttnut In pomeulon. October 23d, ISSS. . J. F. GODFREY, 8hotlff. I will alaoMll, at tbe same time ud place, for cub, ona piano, well worn, bnt of fine tone: said pianolevied on to satin j a fi fa toned from Milton ed In writing, October 2Xd J. F. GODFREY, sheriff. PRU1UKENNESS ly Ourod. 4- ( A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE???AGREEABLY J A u order ol the conrt of ordinary of Fayet county, will be sold at the oourthooie door ??? county on tho lint Tuesday In ~ ???WlWVItyu OA ItLAAU IOI evO, IV. ???old as the property of J. W. Dnnbar. 8r., lata of aald county, deceaaed. Terms cash. This Ojtobcc M i. ,W. Dunbar, Jr., Adminlrtrafor, FINS In the WORLD; IrS^^nTforS if MERICAN R00nN0C9.?? sa Cliff Street, Now Tlotui Bp5S!admtnUtraW^n!kj BcthcnaEaU?ol Bad county, deceased, hu applied for dlsmlndon ud will peas npoa atid application on the Ont Monday tot DtrambernexC^to September L 'L?.???PjH^BANELlgdlnxry. onm they wen???d bevb brought more money. 8>me d-d tell lot K50, so let na all a good ona worth wo will charge np ten oowe to coat Food tor aamr. very liberal Caie ef tame, paid by munia. ....... ud credit them with 200 pounds Agf^aasstera ??? colvt^ibuire ud' .hii'leri'.... ??? bolto,veined at He .. - hctlcrs, veined at 9I?? Lrm cutoltred lore head tons months, calculated to bo MO rech forfireuil months, ud 125 for next twelve Add valoe of cowl after one vear???e nsefeav they were worn Jperout) then their ????? ???" Lor. 43.000 | 2 rvalue would be??? . Aid jour todancs on net profit ta, foe cno year I??? , ??? fray paying investment Indeed, and The Mirror b no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the chana- er almost vKe?? Iggkiflg'gliVt * tour l?????., u ??ag .???Sa CMh- Thto October the 10th. 119*. M. K. Jickaon ud g. W. Bobtneon, Kx ecu to re. novlwtt -. dinaiy.Novembortera.lS45. John L. Graver, ???a exccnur o< Suren Graven, haring filed bla pe- tUlon for probate of Inain Grsran will In solemn fora: end tlret u Mattbi Dose ud J.M. 8. Graves rcvfde In the itate of Alabama, ud can only bo served by publication; ordered, that thsy tracked ud made partlet by pnblfatlm one* a week foe four week. Io the Allan! t conjuration, a naes- peter mblliheo tnthe city ot Atluta, Georgia, before tha December term, 1445, of sold conn of ordinary, tnd that Ihto order to pabltofaed mutt* rate inch ciUUon. D. M.FRANKLIN, uovSdtt. wkySt Ordlnvrr. ElflSIiQl&BIfoStutL ???pcd-dhwkyiy Un set tne S INDISTIHCT PRIFI *