The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 17, 1885, Image 4

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'4 ' THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA. ??Hu. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1 7 1885, r THE FREE TRADERS. A targa Attendance ot Fret Traders from Many BtaWs-Vratili Htjr<1Pp*aha Against Pro???*c. tion-A Cations Interruption Or ??? Cblotio socialist Dtontd, Iw, Cbicaoo, Xovembsr 11.???Tho Rational con ference of frco trsdors tnd rov.nao reformers met In Hnverlty'i minitrel hall shortly aflor 10 o'clock today. Soma 200 delegate, were in attendance from all parte of the country, The conference wee called to order by the prcaldent, Hon. David A. Welle, after which GeneralStllee, of Chicago, delivered the ad. drcee of welcome. Some routine buelueea waetraniactod, end then the report of E. B, Dowkor, honorary eeeretery of the conference, waa read. Bowker etaled that there were atate organization. In behalf of revenue re form In thirteen etatee, end local orients*- lion. In many other.. Hr. Bowker hoped the conference would eeleet a man from each elate who would beoomo a promoter of the organization throughout hie atate, and lie gen eral reprreentetfre in relation to the free trade movement. He urged upon the free tradera the neceiaily of planning for agreat campaign, the Cret atop towarde which in the railing of a fund of #30,000, which will be needed uie and nut year, In view of tbe congreaelona election, of 1884. A third of that eum n already pledgad, ???and," .aid Hr.' Bowker, ???we will .how before New Year', day, 188T, nch u.e of it that tbe country will then come to our support a. England come to the aup port of Cobden end Bright.??? The concluding .perch of the evening we mado by Frank Hurd, of Toledo, who do dared "whoever own. my labor own. me; whoever control, the wagee of my toil fa my mailer. Every dollar of the Increau of price on sccountjor nriacalled protection mien, e day of elavery for me.??? Over 1,510,001) men, continued the .peaktr, are aaid by Orandmae. ter 1???awderly, of the Knight* of Labor, able to work and willing to work, are out of employ ment In Ibe United Slate.. Why f Beeauae oar mill, are Idle on aooountofno demand, the reaultol recalled ???over production." That word i?? cnly another term for "no market,??? cauaed by the abaence ol freedom for trade, and 1} the fgnorant aeU.hneu of tbo pro tected manulacturcra. At thin point, the enarchlet, Oarcb, of tbl. cily, who bad taken a .eat among the dole- 5 ate., eriee and declaring hiuaelf a free tru er, demanded permlielon to aak Hr. Hurd a queallon. The audience, Ignorant ol the in- terrogator???e identity, eeconded him In hie effort., ???Why,??? ha .heated, ???do not the 1,500.000 of men organize an induitry for Ibomaelvee agalcit protected inannfacturerif Thit Uthe quc.tlon of a ajuUtJOrtT*."" TbsjtthfiiTali remark, were drowned in -iibiei, and tho audience qulokly left the hall. Chicago, November 12-???At thin morning', aeii.on of the free trade oonference, a com 1 mitlre on reeoluliona wan appointed and or dered to report tbl. alternoon. Tho following pepera were read! "The pauper labor ol Europe,??? by Thomaa O. Sher- man, ol Brookljn, N. Y.| ???I>oe?? high tariff on wool benefit wool grower.,??? by Rlohard Hazard, ol Rhode Inland) "Agriculture, ma chinery and tariff,??? by H. B. Sister, of Ohio; "The (srlffand nhlp building,??? by William G. Gibbon., of Delaware) ??????Tariff, manulao- ture. and people,??? by J. B. Sargent, of Con necticut) and the 'Tariff end ita relation to the boot end aboo Industry, by Jamea Moan., of MaiaachuMtla. The report of the committae on reeolu'Ioni via .ubjecled to much diacaatlon. Only minor emcndmenli, however, ware made. It Vrii adopted u follow, i We submit to the per-' that a conllnuanee ol I svei.glcg 42 per cento mettle romumpuon, a dulr on man. materia ot lac war Irt Umta or | been the principal cauao Cuauial deprczzlr- ig Iain ???ureas duties By forcing libor end onaltal from naturally profitable llnca ol bualneia' and by adding to the coat ot production. It baa dceiraifd the common productive cepzolty ol labor and raplial, and thereby reduced both the of labor and the profile ol caplul: h.e pro- vozrd zm.gonl.m between labor and cipllif, a.aluat whlcn our t ri al natural leaourae* and our lico imtltutiona mould have proteclcd uv; ha. Impaired our power to coma pete wiili other manufacturing nation. In tbo m.ikiuol Ilia world, audio oMiructod national progrtM and development. It l??i deitroyed many brancbce of buainaM, and ha. kept our peo ple l orn cerulDg In other brancbce ol hualneu, whlci would have given Incrauod .mploymem to labor. By preventing pur buying from nation, willing lo buy from ui, and by retoltoUon In llio spirit, Inifetdof pro- ??? y, II haa obairncted tbe 1 profit, ol a i > reffleend <I hM(Trivia la id tenk uptry elarge number ol our tranaportilloa comiulte end mad. Oommllc tamo more oust- *??? *???' ???'???toluene* ol It* lobbies it ha. ??u?? I and corruption In oui lesttli- ??? iba reform of tho gnu, and action that would ovootually aue coed. Beecher.ald that protection wav juygllBgot tho devil, that if the politic were, protection would die a natural death in aplta of tho dovil, but the politician ware not .lateamen???they were ???nola man- grea.??? Tho apeaker laid that when Mr. Sowerd wae secretory of atate and raag hi. little ball and ordered the people about, it waa aaid that auch waa the cceenfly of war. Tbe .pecker thought go et tho time, but ho had come to believe that bo country wet leu duel to auume arbitrary power than thla. Tbl. country, he eafd, wu not a paternal governmant, and he added: ??A paternal government ie an infernal govern, mrnt.??? Mr. Beecher (poke in the molt un- ccmplimentery term, of the eutomhouM*, ???nil .aid he believed, from penonal obaerva- tion, that if there wae auch a thing a. a profane ealh it could invariably be found in tho court* and the ou.tomhouaee. Quoting the aecretary of tho Notional labor organization Bcccher aaid- 'Thar* were now In thla oountry a million laborer, unem ployed.??? Alter referring lo the rivalry among the cnpitnllatn ' ' ' irrlog lo the rivalry ??? In developing and reap- rly direov.rodindu.triu, > Inevitable overroduc-p rr.ullcd in tho Inevitable overroduc-p lion, and tho ultimate effect of tbrowlr laborer, tgtln out of work, Beoeher remark that than waa no tariff ot men, and wondered if the prokrUonletewere thinking of bottulng tho eitnation by plnelng a tariff on imported peeper labor. Thla wu intenuly amusing ??? Ibe advance, and IU auppruud laughter iL crceied to a roar when the apeaker remarked that thla country wu a lug* exporter "of religion.??? Tbiz country unt mlliloni of dol lar* to b.athon eounlrlu to in.till tbo princi ple* of Cbrialianaty into tho minda of unbe Ilcvvra, wbllo the article want n baggini home. Thla ebuatry wu liberal in export religion for tbe benefit ol tho heathen, bu, when three benefited individual* earn* to this country lo be nearer to the founUin head of auch teaching, they wore met with itonu and cnrM.,and only allowed to remain at the peril of their livta. The sposkor???s closiog word* were a tribute lo liberty, that had founded the government, that bad freed thadava, and which would remove every tar to IU commerolal grandeur. A FKIOHFUL WRECK. The Through Wrecked at Wu* Sion. Gunny. FiTTiBoeo, Fa, November 12.???A frlghtfiil wreck oceurr.d at Blue Stone qaury, on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, at 1 o'olock thU morning. Train No. 12, through expru. from Baltimore lo FltUbnrg, conaUtlng ol detpir, two condrea, two baggago and one cxpi.u car, ran Into n mlaplncod a witch, and ??licompletely wrecked. Tim.deeper rolled over the .nb.nkmint iato'lhc Yougblonhony river. ??? The other ear. ware upset and thn whole train dnlaohid from tb* engine. Sil ken pereon. wore injured, but non* ware ???tiled outright. Tho null ol Injured are: llON. C. E BOYLE, member ol cougrawfrom ??????vi-tm iiistilM. JOAN DOWLlN, collector Internal rev* ???tenement ol the tevvramtnt, are uu American, unjust and uuwlae, ud that every protective ftziure muit, at the caiUut possible dslo, be uvadlcatvO Iron ouv revenue ayikm, w* lavlt.i llwhe.oppeutheabuueef. thepruiet Urinni lor ution at tb* jSBgi thdiioffi une upon oougrtae renting araloa. 1.-1 Eat under no Pretence t . tancewmteverbeglveutoany attempt tola* Tl WAlthm., ,b. (sonde. . JkDU* iized'dnUea ntnlAdO{v"th*<u by Mrelorem me, I petted ol byspecTflo duties, whteban tve meet burdensome to low plead geode ore- fiASfrem Duress, sod we oppose boon Uni and suhsldto* on sblpptn*. We owe revenue reform- on lo vote only Mr sucb con.rcmlonel ceodldewa A iciccrity report wu tubmittod by Ur. Harpolv, of Keciu, demanding: .-"A* l?? mediate reduction of aU protective ???bdlfbed: that the expense ol (ovetnmral ??be bene by property lozteed of lodirid- lb* majority report, u finally adopted. Phew* the of tho convention. .. _ anenen oa raaa vazoa. Mr. Bucher wu gvaoted with load aad ?????? h??t???? by referring J?? *b?? qnotol conceit ol msauisotanrs that they aloe* ware lu n petition to under- auad the Ibtrioade. of the tariff qnutloa. J***bet declared that ha wu in lavorofno tariff at nil, thought th* but policy to follow ! *J_ U ??? ?'?????? ??<*'"??* Urlfl upon the psupl* lo defray Ua tipeoiee of thogir.raratnt. Tby innate atlffahneu ot th* people brrn of their Ignorebu, would make tho opera'.ion 0 f???'b* pe)i?? Imputibi* mill tbeArrival Ol tta mUninu. The ipetkar then r.ferryt At l pMH&Sesssn- ??? me oval cl IhacbtUclti In tho way of iU pro. dangerously injured, unless It i. Oongri Boyle, whose condition is not known, but la believed to bn serioui. J. It. McJillton'e aakl* wu badly sprained, end Collectors Bowlin and Bigler were badly bruited. Th* ozprtaa train Wu about flftun minutes lata whan it reached tbo place where the wreck occurred. At Blue Sion* quarry the track makes a sharp curve around the river, a short d titan oo hack from the bank. There!* n switch at the oofnmoneamant of tb* curve. Whether someone had left th* awitoh pertly open or not I. not certain. The oflieials of the road uy th* switch had bun tam pered with, evidently with tho intent of causing nwreok. Had tb* awitoh bun open th* train would have gone Into it all right, and would havo been stopped before any damage had bean done. tea sctvn or vna watex Tha .looping car roiled over and over, aad stopped with its eidolving in tb* bad ef tha .Ivor, thirty feet below. Two paaaoater 1 no stopped at the water???s odge, but the go car won t in to tha water. Tatra were muypuMtfgera on board. Th* econo that follow.d waa on*'that beggared description. Thn crlu of the Injured and maimed were heard from every ear. Tho frightened pu- ???cetera .prang fltom thn windows and atrug- 6 led over each olbcr to atoapo from 5* rolllag care, and thn crir* of pain were heard from some who had boon oanght and held within tha wreck. arotuii torn or raMiaotaa Th* Hat of pautugtra Injured In tbo acci dent on tho Baltimore and Ohio road numbers twenty one. Only on* ot the.*, Congrauman Bo; lo, is vary .erioujly hurt,but h* will prob ably recover. Ho wu taken to hie homo at Ualonfown. Th* re!l??f train, with tho wreck ed pisungers, arrived boro this p m. Oa* of th* niungera named Mater, of FiUabnrg, is badly burned about tha handa and arms, lfe describes ho* howu thrown again.! Utt stove while tho ai.Mping car wu turning ovar. He iraipcdhold of tho .tore and prov.ntcd It rom upsetting, Urn. preventing tbs. ear from taking fire, and probably preventing * much more urious accident in tb* event of th* ear Inking Ira. A number cl th* nuungara oorraborat* Motor???, story. Several persona In the confusion loft tha ear in night garb. Thoy suffered uvaroiy liom exposure, until provided with elothlng. Collector Dowling, another passenger, uldi ???1 wu up to my neck in witnr, and might have been drowned, but I managed to pull my.tlt out. Wt were awakened by th* rough riding, and discovered that tho train was running off th* list. Before w* could mnk* an effort to got out tho eotch wu thrown Into tho rtv.r. Th* aar mad* two revolution* before .Diking th* water. A Giant Look la th* Utaatialppt, Th* ambltlousproject oltba Mltalislppl river commtuion is to build levees from Cairo to tb* lull, and millions ol dollnis btv* bun expended on th* project without any satisfactory tut of Uw method! employed. Tho and th* out let .)ikma ol relict from Mlulmlppl Hood, hare nch advecatot, aad two yean ago a oongrn. .local committee mt*d a thorough tret ol tb* revetment plan baton It* adoption along tha whole lcotth ofth* river where ltvore are ended. It wu objected lo Ih* rival syiUia that locos, tenet ecu ontl.ta lor tbo river would not Improve navigation, although it might proton ihit "loVipvnd"iuiufooi for Vovotmoato baton '-ilng wheian th* ??? .etcruining whetaer th* rantmont* weald with n Mom would bo rosy foolish. Plum Point ???ud Lobe Provider.ce were mratioood u tavovobl* pile. ??? (or a tret, and It wutdvuoduat works* confined to there point* until tha valun ol thn ??itim could bo ucmaloxl. Th. report ol th* Mlrehoippl river commtuion fcrlbonlno mouth, ending with Juno dore not nlhntoath*publiculoth*vain* ol tb* revot- nch to, which cenaM ot wire nsaltcreu filled wlS broth ood h.M' revcim.i t iptaeltnre ... . lien oltborbasholby lire tonuUoaol sow banka hymiauallltht, pevacable dlkre of pure, or totu,biubta4wbw.upl*o*du to arrret tbo Bow olw.Ur and make It IU oodlmant. It to alto sdmlttod that lormot ol IU* weak on tbo Itbstorippl bar* boon luadoiuiie. and >??? tom* oltbreo .climates bar* buoaiblga u IH o 100,1(0. it will ba loan that th* whot* conn, try lo much concerned In the question whethw the rl.Lt method, ton been eborea. Many Bare it that the labtbiuou ol th* klntalppt v*u*r ahouM bear tb* whole oipouu ollC.lrproucllonfrom fleodabut tbo majority ot th* |carlo will b* wlUlbf to bare lb* mo.ity Mr tbo Improvoremlol tb* klrekstpol rtvvr com* firm Ih* national treasury, II renalncad that It will tc exp-nded. Upon that poiul In- loimatloB I. rery morh a.vdad. ???tantonl'a M,000,000 OIK. fan Fsahiiko,November lt-Scnatcr Ls'and Elantovd formally pres, n tod to the l: tUrcs at bis residue* today a gilt d??d of iba property *??????* which ttt* Intended lo found and .Mow Iba Lctaad gu-tovd, Jr., uslvonilj *> Polo Alto farm. ThogtlteonaL'toot tha Grfdlcr, Visa and into Alto turns, which ccmpchi 17 acre., lb. pnrent valu ol which In abcat, THE GREAT STORM. A Tore.Os, SlMil TAraagn Iba Oabaha Tailor, makia a Wild Waata-Vklnaan tnaona Dead ud nor Otaars Drisn-vaasrerro. Iba filaretar- Otbar Gasnaltlaa, BfUta, Ala., November [Special.]???Th* ???berm of Frid.y night wu terrific. The names of tho unfortunate, cannot bo obtained u yet. Tbe relict committee, starting from Summer field, Ala., punned their course lor n distance of really forty mil.., !gathering recruits as thay want forward, They found happy homu utterly demolished and aomo members Ota one* happy family imprisoned, either beneath n gigantic tree of tho foroat or bn- noath tha timbers of tho hotrao which once offered them shelter.??? Tho pltlleu storm ???paredneither nx, and iliaunown that two retire whit* lamilics wore killed and that a dozen or more negro lamiliu wore wiped out ofexlitenee. The relief committee whount a representative to tbl*city for medieiuo, fsod and ciolbing could give no definite information except *??? to the total number killed aad in jured. Thoy report that the bait haa not boon told, and in rteponio to thair representations, the citizen, of Balms have respond id with food, elothing and money, to thooxtontof 51.000. The commute* are unabating In thair .fforls to relieve tha aufferlng, and have re ceived .efficient aid, and promises of furtbor aid, to tnahio them to state that they wilt: not need any on aid, ?????? tbo people of this section havo. . ??? ponded nobly. A detailed list of ounaltles cannot bo given, but this storm wu without doubt tho met destructive storm that hu visited this atate for year*. It i. impouibl* to ???atimato tha damage, u th* people of tha ???ecllon visited by tho storm are stupified by grl.fntthnlouofdeuonu. and engaged in ministering to th* want, of tho suffering, and have not, as yat, reckoned their pecuniary 10.. . Auociann rents accoixt. Sslua, Ala, November V.???Friday night ona oi the most tcrriGo and destructive ???terms ever known in thio itato pusod over a Motion of oountry just north ol thl. city, washing away bridges, railroad bads, growing crops and laveiing forests and houua lor mifea. Tha cyclone, accompanied by torrent* of rain and appalling ol.ctric discharges, started on tha Cababa rigor, passed through Dallas, FerrjjutA-BIhb' counties, leaving a dduUrntrdr fonito, plantations, honsu and -vlTfu. Exploring relist partlss say thn track of the ryclon* wu onebaif mils wide. They have gon* over forty miles picking up the dead mod wounded, and don't know how muoh larger tbe track is. Thirteen persona bav* been found killed outright, and forty or fifty dangerously wounded. A number of J crions can ' net be aeeounted or. Bale* of eotton war* blown Ircm the gin houses, and bunted and acatterod every where. No two looks of list wore left together. A man driving with cotton to th* cily hat been lost. The cotton and wagon wore blown a quarter of a mile, and the man and mules were carried off, and cannot bo iousd. Growing crops, potatoes, etc., war* torn up from tho ground. Even th* tree* and cotton tlnlha were barked. Belief partieo are tearching for the dead and dying, and every thing la uciag don* to relievo destitution. Too negroes are Irightanad nearly to death, and huddle abont together or squat alono unclad in tb* hashes and under the fallen tram, otu pefied ond speechless with fear and anperit!' lion, unable to toll whore any of thair house hold it. Th* city is bolng canvassed for money, and subscriptions to bury tho dead and relieve Ih* woulo ol th* destitute. Dascbbviiib, Mo , November 0.???Lat-r ac counts show that ilia eyolon* in Otu county on Thursday ovonlng lut waa worse than at Iril reported. Its breadth waa thirty yards. A Ipiral shaped cloud moved with awful vo- locliy etd n lerrifio roar, crushing dwelling* and outbuilding., scattering their content* far and wi dr, and carrying death and destruction in ill pathway. Hardy Fittman and hit three children, ill, seven and eight years old, and alto a nine year-old boy named Richard Hawthorne, were hilled by tb* destruction of Ilieir residence. Tho head ot on* ohlld was twisted off, cairitd 200 yarda from tho body, M|??. Bruce, a widow, aged 80 years, and her daughter were badly Injured by tho smoking of their residence. It is supposed tbo former will die from her injuries. Tho report* of otlcr casualties art expected. After tho storm a turksy was found completely stripped of bta feathers. Th* dsmoge I* not known. Chattanooga, Tenn., November 10.???ISpcclal]??? Tbo extraordinary rlieot thirty tret la the Ten- nerves at this point In forty eight hours, caused by tho unprecedented talus last week, hu aproad d-Sotattoo In th* valley drained by th* stream. The winter rise never before occurred i cbrtotmas.aua tbo farmers were totsliy on pared, coru was to tbo shuck lu all tho boi antis. Mtoy thousand acres of tbeao bottom farms havo hocn inundated, aud tenaot ihoutanda o( Illinois of corn are totally ruined. Tho loss wl 11 reach a vety heavy amount. THRIFT AMD PROORNIS. From tho Quitman, da, Frco Froze, Mr. 8. J. Harrell, living four miles from Quit- man, mad* tbo past lesson three balm of cotton on tiro acres ol land. Mr. Barren to a warm ad vocate ol th* Inlanilv* system of farming and do ist that It la the only ralvatton lot tho southern - " II* must live up his 111 r -_ Ji*d sere to th* five hundred-aero field aud devote hto labor, attention and f acre to Ih* cultivation of twenty-five acre*. Trcm tho Paulding, Oa, Ere. Uncle Andy licnnycr, who live* near Drake town, this county, and la rcventy-nlua yean old mado thla yiar with one mntoandon* negro to assist him, COO dosen oats, <04 bushels corn, ttghty illoos syrup, forty bushels sweet potstoeo, and helaolapplta This to a pretty goad show ouoot hu ago, but then be sisrs with hit not having even boon to Dill**, tbeoouaiy ill* -tine* th* rulroad cam* through. From tbe LouItvlUe, Oa., Ntwe. Nr. J. T. Plunkett, ol Moiiey, brought to our (flic* last week toms Duo Japanese persimmon*. They measure CX Inches around, and are of a rich ellowcotor. IbiyaraiAidto havt a fine flavor??? ie put on* away tss act good and mallow, and will give It a fair trat. Mr. f. O. Little hu a smell tree In hto Hontyaid which bora thirteen persimmons K rs IV when wt tiy Frau tb* Franklin. Ga??? New*. Mr. 1.8. Ridley brought to our oBlc* Tucoday tha finist sp.i Imen ol potatoes w* have aver sees ralsid In this section. Tbe longest measured twenty three Inches Inlcoclhand was proportion ately large around. The others were hot very lit Hour ??? Ride. lesociuld bo.xpectcdol him. Frcm tho Felt VtUsy, Go., Mirror. Tbo regular nrectlrg ol lieuatoa hortlcullurel veehty wsshetd on Wedoeaday last. Vice Presi dent, T. O. dbsUle. presided, and the society JU- raspberrie* and experiments In gratllag from reels ol th* LaCenle pear, hum berries ore being latanly cultivated, amt on* member of th* society Intended aetllnt oulMCCO plants la addition to 8kelll* bad samples ot Intended aeittut out50 K< what be already had. Mr, lu o isrleilsa of apple* on < dint, 8. A. Humph, regretkil hla unbll . _ irticnlatliwee, ond dsalred tha aoclety to put erne *** In hto piece. Hla resignation waa se vered lelocuntlr. and at tn* hext regulu meet ing the vacancy will he filled. 1 talon Teonyeosa. Tennyson say* la his latest poom on Spring: "To* blsckbinls hare their wiile, The poet*loo.??? The bltekbirda often have th* but of it, too, for thoy seldom havo dyspepsia or debili ty .while many poets havn bout thus diseases, as can easily bo aeon. Foot* and other* el- flictsd with dyapopsia or rheumatism can ob tain speedy and complete relief by using Bsownto Iren BiUcra- Mr. Timothy 8aek, Plsstrct Grove, Pa, says ho waa cured ct dyspepsia of two year* steading by taking one bottle of Brewe'i Iron Bitten. CArirtasu tifUat half price, get our premium Utt, Out nut tenk. A SPLBNDID FBHCS. Th* Georgia Feac* Company's Work for th* Farm ud Garden, The moat flourishing industry In Atlanta at present la tbeGeorglo fence compaoy. Million ofdollanarespentannuallylnthe UnltedSUtes for fences, and tbe fence question ft one of tbe most Important with which tbe tumor hu to deal. Tbe Georgia fence compaoy retlly appears to bare answered this problem fn a plain and sat iric clory manner, and the success ft has achieved to simply wonderful, The Georgia lencs is madcol a combination ol wire and pickets, explained In a cut to be found elsewhere. Tbe pickets uc uinally about four feet long and two lncba* wide,and are woven Into five two strand cable wires, making ton wires with ???lata two or three inches broad. This combination of wire and picket to then nailed on to potto with ???teel stapler, the posts standing from 10 to 20 foot ???part. Already more than 25,000 miles ol thla fence baa been put up In Mlsaourl, Illinois, Iowa and Kao ass, and ft driring every other fence out ol every neighborhood Into which It goes. It to acknowledged everywhere u the best and cheapest fence, and to u handsome for a garden or lawn u It to durable and effective for a pasture or field. The fence was oa exhibition at tbe Ma con state fair, being made and put up in pretence of tbe crowd. To s??y that ft wu the feature of the fair, to to put It mildly. Frequently hundreds of farmers were gathered aoout tho ma- ???bine, tboughtlnlly discussing Its ad vintager, and amazed at tha cheapnem and case with which tho fence could be moved- As a result of this exhibition over two thousand doWare worth of farm and county rights were sold on tbo spot. Mr. F. It. Logan, manager of the Georgia Fence com piny mji: rfainoi IU0C * K ? wb .* ch ??ttended oar fence I?? pbcnoiocna', bat it not utonlBDlng, when the merits of tbe fence la considered. I beUere 11 Is the best thine ter the formari of Georgia that has Mtti done fn ten years, it settles the fenoe ones* tlaa, aad It b*lag adopted with a rapidity coat w&l soon cover every county." "What are the ipeofat points of yoar fence" *-In tbe first place, It Is the only practical wire fence ever Introduced. The bsrbod wire Hence ie fsst going out of use; ft is a cruel and dangerous fence to uie. lu warm weafber it expands and betomesloose aodsbackley, so that any animal barbedstbe wiica ???? bits. Beat does not ei l'|Ui SUIU sail j. FUMISVO A Alu RUVftUsfi??U Ol Out feaco over a wood fence is, that it never decays or gets out ol order. Tbe slats are suspended in open air, aud as no two pleoea of wood touch, they diy quietly and will not rot." "Tie sdvanfsgcs of our fence over all fences are these: first, it is the strongest fence that is made. The pickets are so interwordu thitoue i??Ire can not be broken without breaking all iett, and each picket la therefore supported by t??n wires, and the fence will bar seven thousand pounds premure before breaking. It la tbe meat durable fence ever built. "Second???Itls a visible fence* and stock will not run against ft, and strain it. It is positively pig and cattle proof. "Third???it it a portable fence. It can be taken up any time, rolled up like a carpet, and reset at any part of a field that la desired Twomencm let nearly a mile a day. a man who wants to subdivide his YAture*, or separate his stock, or change bis fences, will find this fence Invaluable " Fourth, It fa the cbepcat fence. A barbed wire eaves more tban enough f ' for tbe fence. These facta are undoubted, and every one *ho baa seen the fence Is convinced of them. We have bad five thousand praotlcil farmers to examine this fence, and we have never yet heard one condemn it "How arc yon selling this fenco?" We sell it tv tbe foot to any one who wishes (o buy it outright, made into rolls ol one hundred feat, at from three to four cents a running foot. It will be cheaper farmers to buy a machine and a i or county right. We furnish the machine weaves the fence with each right. AoyooJy can run this machine, and it will weave two thou* ???and feet a day by h??nd. A few farmers can olub together and buy farmer's rights for tbemsolve*, or if they prefer, buy aright for a wohle county ???~1makoafencontle>a than one-ball our price, I have the exclusive right to sell lu that ratio- Many larmeis, inch as Colonel J. W. Echols "Tlethorpe county. 8. H. Phelan, Martin aud ler of TerrclJ county, and M. H* Cotter of Blob county, have bought tbe farm aud oounnr rlgila for their own farm and to sell, saylog that they could save and make money by It. We should like to have an enterprising man in every county lu Georgia not already sola, correspond wi??h us ,ty right, put up a machine oric. The investment, and purebsie a count. . 8Ld go to work, ineluding tbe machine a/ewhundrer* ' "???'~ would be only ???rsajesr. Above all things w?? would like for any man who would like such a business to come aud personally examine our fence testlmo nisi-, aad machines: see Just what it la. what people tsy it is, and just how it works. We want no mao to go luto it without ratlsfylng himself by ~>rr??ona! Investigation. Every county rigut we java sold it to pracslctl burinesa mao, aad not one of them would sell for threo times what he ha- paid. Mr. W. K Burton, au accomplished gentleman and practical mecbaolohas charge of our works, and will he glad to fully explain things to anyone who will call. TnwCoxsTrrurioxhaa seen this fence aud its editors have uren it. We have examined the tes timonials/uraiebed, and don't hesitite to re* commend it to our readers as an excellent lavea- and one that will aavo far mers an amount louey and trouble, if it 1?? generally iutro doecd. OEOUUlA'fi DELEGATION December lfltb, 1885, wl . Springs, FIs-, upon lb* Florid* Ch.utouqu* gioundi. Allot tbs southern .Isles will bo represented, one Jelesste Irom etoh eoa,re<- slonsl district, saa two dsfoxstss from tb* ststss st luge. Tbo objoel fn holding tho congress ts hr this??? white populstl -n to tbe Importsneo of pre venting tne detraction, sad restoring tbs woodfsnds of ih* southern states, sad to aocuro tbo cstablfshmant of an ubor day tor tbs ???oath. Ysstordsj Governor MaDsaiel appointed tbo following delegates to represent Georgia In j. o. nooicn, ui Aininy; mum onuici. ???.Jordon, of Hawkluavillt; fourth dla n B. uormar, of Ttlbotnra; fifth dtatriet, ...... wok, of Conyers; sixth distr let, H. B Ridley, of roroQcopis; seventh dtilrlct. George Warriug, ofCimeot: eighth district. Joshua Kuowlce, of ??? * ro;ninth district R D WH.O, of Law* ; tenth district, C. R. Frlogie, ol Ban- dctsvUle. STATE AT LA SOX. D A. Vaaon, of Albany, and D. C, Borrow, o! gates have been forward A ftargeosk'a Mistake. ZaxisvxLix, O, November II.???A terrible mis- take waa made by a pbjstclau a couple ol dayaago In Warsaw, Belmoot county, In this state. A young woman wu suffering with an eye affection. An operation wst decided upon, and the patient gutuodvr the Influence of chloroform, when ono her egcewu successfully removed. When the pallet t bad recovered consciousness It wu found that the good eye had beed removed. The pby\ -lean wu so overcome that be fled the house, bull wtu be entered et once agalnt him for mal practice, _ ???That Little Tiff." Who began it? Ab! who knows? MaybeIrddy, maybe Rose. Bur, a!as! to fart It grew??? This sad breach between the two- 1 bat ere long tbe barn, so wide, Held only room for one lustde, And that one! Ah, suddenly Tro much room there seemed to bo For e boy ot bis small sire??? Naughty red, with tearTUed eyes. "Who brgen ft?" We won't tell. But who ended It? Ah. well. Maybe 't??u the sunshine's glow??? buns bine loves the rose, yon snow??? Whifper??dto the little maiden (Sitting there, all trouble laden. Just without the old bam door) To speak to Teddy -just once more." So she fair rtf. "I'm hiding, Teddy: come atd find me???lam ready." Teddy uw me sunbeams glancing, flaw them o???er the biro floor dancing, Becrd his little plays ate cilllnr. Dashed away tbe tear Jut falling, Answered with a nth end shout. And, to! the* liflV' last spark burnedouL -Hsjptt???i Young People, Skin, Scalp, Blood, Cleansed, Purified and Beautified by U.e Cuticura Remedies. E ir Clraarink the Bkln ond Bcojp ol pbfifutln, Humor*, for oils,ins Itching, Burning sad la- imstlon.lorcurlnx the 4r??i imptonu of Bo soms, Ptorieelt, Milk 'rozL SmSlJ???**4, Bmoluls, and other inberired Ik In sad blood dtoesscs, Cuti- Cuba, tho unt Skin Cure, and COTico ba Soaf-bix cxqulrlte Bkln Bcswlfier. cxleresllj, andCori- cl???ba Bisoi-vzbi, the new Blood Purifier, Internal ly, ue Infallible. NAUGHT UUT GOOD. We have been selling your Coticuxa Bsmbmes fortheputtbreoor lour years, snd bare never beard ought but good words lu their favor. Your Ccticuba Soar to decidedly tho best selling medi- elnsl soop we bsndle, snd U highly prized here for Its soothing snd ??????HS*??? Drurglst, Winchester, Va, THE ZtABGEST SALE. Our ulea of Ctmcuxa are u large, If not larger, tban ol any medicine we sell; and wo assure you that we have never had a slnglo instance lu whlch tbe purchuer wi^^j epurebuerwu dlsutlsfled. As to vourflosp, "??????"???sfirfflAsr Louisians, Mo. SALT RHEUM CUBED, r little of sny other medicinal Bosp than Cuti- CUM. GEOBaKA,Al??THON??Druggl.^ DOCTORS PBKd RIBE CHEN, The Concur* Bcmcdfci us excellont remedies fcr.,l.klnd!.e.??W^ M.D., Hsrvsl.IU. CUTICURA BENEDIBS Are Bold everywhere. Price, Crmcosa, 60c ; Rs-; 80AF, 250. Prepared by tho Potts* Unco and chxmical Co., Boston, Mata Send for ???Bow to Cura Skin Diseases.??? fIDTTDO Pimples,ISklnBlemlsht*sndBsby ijJa, U Jjo, Humors cured by CuncusA Boar WEAK BACK, PAIN AND WEAK- nett sereu tno Kidneys, Shooting Pstns through tho Loins, Uterine Ftlos, Lack of Btrcnith and ty Insxatly relfered cured . At dm,,l wed sun wky top coin rm Cntlcara Anti-Palu THE MAN MS WUI_ . f Ten U???tios Sc*f??*s tel UtdH, IteteHje, me v*ra BmmmS Atm Xw,te 53GO and roicgs s?? r%n A* te?? G eorgia, fayette gounty-jane w. Bright, wife of W.J. B.-lsht, hu applied for exemption of personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will na??a upon tie same at ten o'clocx, a m??? on the 4th day of ue* cf/nber, 1615, at my office. This November 11th, ????5. D. U. FRANKLIN, Ordinary. Nov 17 wky 2t TURKISH LINIMENT. This liniment la guaranteed to PPVM In every Instance. For rheumatism, neuralg toothache, cute, burns, bruises, ttUTJomta and MB other purposea for which liniments are used, the Turkish liniment has no equoL Itcanbeusea for man or beast, and never falls to give Hr M. K McCleskey, of McNutt, b*js:l thh liniment hrsdoco mo more goo<| mcdlcJuel cverurcd." ?????? Any case of Mahurhl disease each asFevsg and Ague. IntcrmiN :ent pr CoiU Fevf^ Remittent Fevftfy ed stomach, better me(" bo taken Is Ing or ???* iB.IngandBlooi fifpif J|tsl, P??wphku ???MUIntsc MliWIlNlSMtMlic tU Mil fra* Etxn BppU cation to UOWluna COb IcoulfifUld, Ky. Sold by Druaaista if h on d oUmr???snd mowlir stud you* bottto free ol oxpnm charge,, to sny sddrem ln tha United States or Canada. Do not permit yoar drag- cU'c to toll yon something olso, for ho satund nothing ccui fill the place ot HOWARD* CHILL CURE for tutorial troubles. HOWARD AGO., * Bore Is on, o! our numerous t abph Howard ACo,* I have nedfdnc and can truly aay that the beneficial ts therefrom more tban axoeeded myexpeo Ution. ItLiarrand mcdldne, .and every house hold in the laud should know of It * FK. wky Vre after aatlrg, far fndf [getlon. A ported subett nte fur tobacco. Aak yoo ln:^?ut or ccnfecuuntr to Colgan's genuine acdorig) sal ??????Taffy Tolu" mane red by COLOAN A bomple Xtemdle bf Southern Medical College. OA.. ?? larch lit, it#e. Count of!Detraction oomp m all rcepectc. C*dnslata of dldar*~ * Itctnree, celittred tn the college I Street hospital. The hospital is underl leal management of the faculty. Clinical materia* abundant. For catalogue or any Information address Dr. Win. PCBMIN N1 COLSON, DE vH, P. 0- Box *lt. Office: CONSTITUTION BUILOINO, Alt???, sms and Fonyth streets. marlO-lyeow BEST TRUSS EVER USED! THE FIRM rtFJ.P. BIEVENS 4 CO. BEING DISSOLVED, 1 bsra re-established myself with so entirely new stock ot 47 Whltehsu street, and solicit orders bymsll. DlrectsU orders snd letters to J. P. STEVENS, JEWELER. 47 WHITEHALL STfiF.ET, Nov. 17-wlk-Iy ATLANTA, GA ???Seta""**- ifpAMMEf, ??? LOVERS OF BOOKS. LIBRARY EASILY OBTAINED BY _ writing st yoor own homo for publish- indlt for thtovslushle Information, Ad- liessatonco _ Lock Box 14, Concord, N. a November 17, ??*** ??????. OHE OF THE BEST FARMS Middle Georgia for Sale ilsee. All neoetauy osthulldlnge, I oomp.rstlrtly new. Foar tene ment busier, (onr good wells of wster. six seres "cbsrd, comprising nearly every variety of S own In tnle section, (rom tbe earliest to ???t, smslt vlnersM of sixty vines, yielding scnuslly ICO busheb of grspee; land well watered by cr??k running through; 45 seres of fit* bottom lsud, 22 In high ststt of cultivation, 2S uoolesred; so screi in original woods; SO sores pasture; balance la ex- (client ststt of cultivation: schools snd churches nov17w2t McDonouql ICHA8L, moush, Gs. tST* TEACHERS, TEACHER8* Wanting paving petitions, those who have posll ??? lasfer salaries, register without delay, with t ??? m BehoolAraary. Our tcrrl* Wcatera etchoorA*e*cy. Our territonr particularly Ij, Tax.) Ark.*and Mo., is superior for pavrlnp urge salaries. Cop leifp*. Schools aad Families wantiag teachers lopplha Ki-SKrMa IfSVAAm. T.??., n A T>T)Q New tamp'e book contatulog 78 vfjnLJCil/p. M newc??rda and icrap pictures, G ctnte.Tvy Card Oo, En Arid,0blo. novlOw.dtn eom HOIIARD???9 bASH-HOLDBR _ beats them all. Bc??t selling artlclo ever ON tend to agents. Simplest, moat dnrab???c, moat ccmvtnlent: holds either asab firmly In any j tion desired: docs nottlefaeoor injure any i of the window; no boles, spurs or other ??og??i devices lu sash or window frame; better ??? ??h la a moment; send 10 TT AN TBD-L AD Y AGE STS AN 0 G AN V A33ER8 [Y for the Patent Oomtilnrd Bustle Corset and klrt Supporter. Payag-t to 110 per day. Address Is A. Waterhouse, 215 to 235 Frank]lu dt, Boston. m Add ANTED???LI VS 8 IN BVKRYCirY and town In Georala. Haiary'or tJotarates' ff and town In Gaorela. Halary or eoiamlMlo dd^h^D. Barker A Co., Atlanta, (ia. SHORT-HAND BY MAIL. w lawiaraRaaoMErsn Thoroavb In??true* f JU riven IB PBSCTil AL by mall. Clreolara sent on request. THE WKSTIRB1 KT??F^f"tAPUlC A1UMMIUT1UN. CncixJUTi. One. wn R K Mrt If VllIX drees P. O. VICKERY, Auguste, R d OPPP P To Introduce them we d vj Urr tn win give aw.\,yi,ooo BelbOpcratlng Waablog Machines. If you want one rend ns your name* P. O and i express office at cnee. The National Oo, k U3 Qey Ht??? N* V Aug 25 way 26t ???bare*. Address Pra men; i ???to 85 a no staxni KoatnnJ f* day coo to quietly m^o; nocsuvMsfngi np for reply. PIcsm sddnss Globe life Ou.. I. Mare.. Box M44 mchaiwKly manWantedS3H9 Boston. Hose repli???wkrTSt S . re for our holiday yooils, "something entirely new., Pint season south, and going with a rush. PMMBIm Mme to make money. Write at onot for full rartlculars Union Publishing House, Atlanta, (it,nov,3 wxy-tl WE WANT SALESMEN WSSSSSt 55. w d"*K??JaJ?HlKt??t5"at e SKa ???toAX a CO., MMRftetmrm, Tti Qmrm BL, CUc'srrU,Q, __ ???J/AV 4000 ants'e#???eiisWMf X*IO?? r ' t-iirt-tninn carfli. Head* ??? ?? ???novl???w*>7i n A T> r\Q???One pack MavICU Horn- otrds. VjAJli L/O new sample book tnd fnll oatfit 4cents K. M. Daverfleld, Enfield, Ohio. JAPMTQ don???t waste time canvass In* forcbeaft AO tn 19 infer! jr picture#, bat send at once foe catalogue and descrti>uon of oar new and elegant SiRBRUSH' FORT RA VfS and double yoar promt. Any one can take erdera ??? All you have to do ie to show your roll I tore) ears and all sexual diseases luccettft zu:, m 1 mBX LARGEST 8TO K CARRIAGES, (BUG. 1 glcs and wagons In the wrath, will be found at lenj???a repository,^Library BE BEST GOODS ARE ALWAYS CHEAPEST n 1 took i mnt ???OLD RELIABLE' 1 MILBURN WAGON 1 bso been on tho mask, t for tUrtytoavou oa jour nclthbor, bo will sty bujr the r'