The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 24, 1885, Image 10

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10 THE WEEKLY COiNSTlTOtlOtf. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24 1885. ???SIXTEEN P jM STORIES OF THE WAR. A Mtn Who m??aml Cow.rdlrc-A ??inw ??????- ???w oi Iwni Mu-Ill run amto-ctc HUM Of -KIUOO- oM HU OaB-Otklf IntoroouoisooldoBUoftbo War. Hoar Ho no cm mo Oiara. General Comly twill tbo otorj ofm mu who came to him at the beffnntnf of a battle to aay that he warn eonttitutionally a coward and that be conld not go Into the fight. "He Baled that ha be aealgaed to eome duty that would keep him clear o( the change ofdtagra- cing himaelf by cowardice. He waa aaiigned to carry water to the men, and through the light waa u much expoood aa any man in the regiment, but baring hie mind occupied with the bualneea of carrying water, he forgot hie fear. Title call* to miadicoreeof inetancee in which men who hollered themaelree cowarda, diacorered that their dialruat orthemaelree waa not warranted At one time, when we were about to eroae ??? deep, repid flowing rirer, on treea that had keen cut down, one on the lelt bank and the other on the right, ao that their tope fell to. aether and formed an unateady aort of foot, bridge, one mu came to me, gare me bia motuer'a picture, hia pocket diary, in which he bad kept a hut r iatory of hia peraonal lile ike army, told me that he had nerer been able to welk a foollog, that he waa lure he could not do It, but he waa going acroaa that rirer In hia proper place with the aame feeling that he would eherge a battery. He preferred ??? be drowned rather than be accueel timidity or cowardice on acco unt of any plenatlnn he would make in regard to hit abilily to walk a feot-Iog- He gare me mca- eagre to hia mother andmeada, and took hia place in the reuka with that deeperate look aeon on men'a faeea when thay know that the next Inatant they are to be ordered forward to certain death. A rough, recklaaa fellow, who had beard what my comrade had aaid, laughed at the Idea or any man???e Inability to walk a rail or a foot log, and he took hie E lece beelde the man who waa ready i be drowned. I don't know what be aaid, but when my friend'a foot touched the log be elralgbtened up, looked acroaa to the othi chore, and with ea true and firm a atop aa practiced If mural, mured along the fallen treea until be touched the other chore. Then be threw bia cep high in the air and cheated ???Uloiy I* For the fleet time In hie life be hid conquered whet he had hollered an incurable pbycical weakneee." A Story Ukeihe Abere. A reteran cpeaklng of fear in battle laid ???Jfeny men made dlicorerfea ae totheinielrce In time of battle. On one orcetion my file lecder, or the man who etood la front of me la the reuka,turned and aaidi ???If you aee meat* tempt to run, or if I abow the white feather, knock me down. 1 feel now ae though I waa going to bolt, and I beliera if 1 hare a ohanec T wlQ go like lightning. If 1 atari grab me. kirk me, pound me, but (don't let me run. The fight came on. and the line at the lltuka bent back and bark, and the center began to falter. The man in front of me, the man who had bean In front of me, waa bealde me. Aa the cweaplng federal line came down on ui be raid, with ghaatly lace, 'I.rt'a meet them half way.??? He epraeg forward with a whoop, and that part of the line went with hiui. There waa an awkwerd and lurloua atrugglc, but in fire minulee we wore panning the ledireii through the eornflehl, tail in rare r xhllaratioo ol epirita the men who bed hem efraid that he would bolt we. conduct, lug himaelf niter the manner of n frollr.ome .leg. He fold me afterwnrda that haepant in f hut cornfield with the bullets whirling about him Ibe heppieet minutes ol hie life. He wee heppy ooonuae he had prorau himaelf a biller men then he thought ho war. Ho waa hyatarically happy beeauie ho dlacorared, after all, ha waa not a coward, and after that ha norar had a doubt of himaelf. He hud none of tbo dariog that made men rejoice In a fight, but he had that aort of Mil-control that made a good aharpcheoter,lbat made a man to bo depend- cd on Id the crisis ol battle, that made u good roiuuleer to charge a battery, and he made a reputaliou aea man ofrara and indomitable rootage," And Halil Another Story. "1 remember u time, loo,??????eeya an oideol. ditr, "when deneral Wlw opened suddenly withlrfbortbreo batteries on a union camp and threw a whola brigade into a panio. Tito cannon belli and homo shatta dropped hert and there among the tents, and with their ex epHslid idea of the deelruntlveneea of such ruiiellM the man thought they ought to leave the locality at a full run. Instead of this tbu ??????.'amending general ordered that note taut ha situ.It aid not a man loave the camp. The buyitbcughtthla a species of brutal rocklasa. n????i, end many ol the men considered the pro. prlety of disobeying orders and running up intolba mountains. Hut In an hour they bad loot tbair fear and wart watching tho points whirs cannon balls struck that thay might dig themupaarallou. At tho and of too first day they paid little attention to tho bombardment. At the end of tbu second day they bad a fair Idea of tbu ooniparatlTa harm* Iciaaate of caunon firing at long range, and they wart prepared to agree with tbo general wbaa ha explained that he bed hop! team in their tenia elmply for the rurnoM of giving thorn their lint lei- ion In artillery practice. Ha wanted them to gel cloaa grip oa tbemaelvea, so that when they were thrown Into an nciuel engagement tbev would ho cool-headed and be able to do tbair full part aa soldiers. It oo happened that hia brigade formed a part of the division of Haell'a army that orrsead tha Tennoaaaa on tho aveaing of April ?? at Shiloh. Tbair en'endld bearing under tiro dated from tbo lime that Wlee bombarded their camp.??? Oaa at Bia Xarrow Karapea. One ol General Graat???a remarkably narrow cecapaa from probably inatant death,waa while on n transport with troops at Uta battle ol Hai ti,out. Ho writes: "The UlMiaeippi river was lowon the 7!h of September, that tha banka ware higher than tha heads of man standing on tha upper decks of tke atsauon. The ratals ware toms distance back from tho river, so that their Ira ana high and did ua hut little harm. Our auokaataak waa riddled with ballets, but there ware enlytbraa men wounded on tha boats, and but one ot those was n soldier. IThen I lire t want on deck I entered tha captain???s roam, enjoining tha pilot house, and threw myself ua a sofa. 1 did not hoop In that position * moment, bat rose to go onion the deck to observe what was going oa. I had scarcely left vi sa a mnihat ball enured the mom, a truck tha hand of the cola, passed through it and lodged la tha hot.??? ns new tiraamarn raarinanoa. On oaa occasion haaeknowtwdgsaaxperlesr. log trepidation upon confronting aa enemy. It was at the opening ot tha war. Ha wrttoa: "We halted at night oa the road, aad pro- carded the nest mossing al an early hoar. Harris (tha confederate commander,) had beea encamped in a creak hot tom for the take of being near water. Tha hills oa a liber aids of the creak (aland to a considerable height, pmslbly more than one hundred feel. Ae we npproaehcd the brow ol Ibe hill from which it Wat exported oe eeuld sen Harris???s camp and posaiblyfnd hia man ready formed to meet ns, my heart heps gelling higher and higher, until if fell to me aa though it wee in my throat. I weald have aiatn anything then to have baas back ia 1111??? i??. not I had net tha moral courage to l a'l and conaidor what to do: I kept rich os. Whra wa reached a poiol from which Ue valley below wee la full view, 1 halted. The piece where Harris had beea encamped a few days before wee el ill there, aad the matkeora recent oaeampmaat warn plainly vitlh e. hut lbs troops were gone, Me heart retained its place. 11 oeeerred to me at oaca that Harris had been aa much afraid of meat I had baea of him. Thin waa a view of tha qaettton 1 had never taken be toes; bat it waa ??? I never forgot afterwards. From that event to the cloaa of the war I never expern enced trepidation upon confronting an on emy.??? Charley draco's Shot. Frcm tbo Irwlaton, Ge, Appeal In e recent iiiue of Tut A??i.aht* CoxiTirr Tinxjl read a clipping fromyoor paper hevlel ???Kifdcc,??? tbo firat paragraph of wnieh Is a< follows: . .. "Geneiairiee waa pretented by one ol hi. maUawllb fifteen fine anna for aharpibootera. and iher were drawn for by ble jcnerala. Ore- aral bolci drew ope ol them, and oeleetod Jgr. John Win to takeobarxto! It. end ho proved him- itlt worthy ol thodlaunctlon. HeissUUauolsd ' *My recollection is that General Ddea drew two of Whitworth rifles, usd tbit "Kit- dee" waa put in porteaalon ol on# and that Charley Grace, of La Grange, who ia now a practicing lawyer in Sherman, Tex., and I think, n member of too elate senate, was gives the other. Mr. Grace wee n brave and (Sclent aoldier, ae many of the members of the gallant fourth regiment, Georgia volunteers, can testify. It is claimed that he killed General Stdgewicb at ope of the batUas of the Wilderncti. I think (IT was May Mb.lMI. lie. like"Kildee,??? proved himself worthy of the honor conferred upon him In being selected ae the recipient of one of tbo two rifles drawn by General Doles. Itather an amnaing Incident occurred at tha baltio of Gattyabnrg, when in tho ooa luaion of battle Charley Grace bocamo aspire ted from his own regiment and found himaoll among another regiment of the brigade, f' color bearer of which had boon killed wounded, and Grace seised tha colors aad ad- vanccd to tha front, waving thorn aa ha want. Of course then wore mombara of thla regiment who wore both willing and anxious to carry their rrglmenUl colors, and demanded ol Grace that bo relinquish them. Graee flatly refused, and eurriad ibe colors until the battto waa over, when hn gave fham np to tho proper partita. Tbo above waa told to mo by my brother, who waa aacond lieutenant ot Com pany A, Fourth regiment, Georgia Volun teers. A Howltser Up la tha Ale. In bis memoirs, General Grant aaye of bia fa mous txpioll during Urn Mexican war, ol taklnfi a howllser Into the belfry of a cliurch: "This took lie over eeveral ditches, breast deep In water and grown np wllb water plants. Them ditches, hoaever, were not over eight or ten feet In width The howitzer wea taken toplecaninil carried by Ibe men to He deetineUon. Wuen J knocked for admlaalon a piled came to the door, wbo, while extremely polite, declined to ad- mil ua I explained to blm that ho might aavo property by opening tbo door, and bo certainly would MVeblmMlf from becoming n prisoner, for n time at if ear. and besides. I Intended to enter, door. Iborgh ho *11 pleasure lonoso. loiiuavucamruHi belfry and put togeUMr. Ho wore not than two or three hundred aide from 0aa Gome. The ahoti i our little gnn, dropped in upon the enemy errsted irrat coufunion. Why they did not moro J aids rom i end! a> nd onl n smell party and capture in I do not Snow. Wo bed no Infantry or other defense! he- elds onr one gnn. The effect of this gun upon the troopi about tho gates ol tbo city waa ao e jf nth n merited, thatfienotai Viinui me ??? I luu, lion. He was so pleased that be sent n stall olfi' cci--Lieutenant Pemhertou, later llcutenaut-geii eral commanding the defenses of Vicksburg???la bring mo to him.??? Tag riLUKO STABS. aw It from hia poal. H< rcllaeitoaa ot a Wonderful Night la 1883 From the Blarkahear, Ua., Georilan, 1 have teed many descriptions ol what waa called the falling etars or metorlc shower of 1S3], and ra orally tbo account of an old man who saw the shower or metorlc rain In Alabama, an account of which waa coplad from tho Birmingham Agt, by tbo News 1 do not Mil inyafll old, yet I was five yc am of age whan the event alluded to occurred, and wltntued U aal remember, without foar. Tho Impress Is still fresh on my mind, thouth I bar# never read a dracrlotlon that agrees with what I saw, ??? leapt when spoken ol at sublimely grand I t wilt hr to dreeitbe It aa aeon by ua In Bmulorl dlafrlct. Booth Carolina???loo miles up tho Cavannah river, and about six miles from Matthews bum. At the rfltldanco ol my HOWAWITCH WASCAUSHT, By Joel Ohandlor Harris (???Uncle Romas, (Copyrighted 18K.] The litilo boy set in a high chair and used hia lap aa drumsticks, much to tbo confusion of Uncle Remus, as it appeared. After while tho old man exclaimed: "Well, my goodness en (le gracious! how yon ever in do roan??? worl' or any where???s else speck me for ter make any headway in tollin??? a tala wile* all disk yer racket gwina onf don't want ter call nobody???s pa, kaao ha mos' alters talks too load, en if I call der ma twon't make ao mighty much difference, kaao she done got ao nson ter It dat aha dunner wen day er makin* any fuss. I believe dat everytblng wot tar git right good en still ??? dfse premiere des one time, you ma would in about diowid da headache. Anyway, abo'd be mighty aiek, bakaaa aha ain't naan tor nut bavin??? no loss, on aha des couldn't git Tong bldout it. "I tell yon right now, I???d bo afoard for tor tell any tale roun* yer, kazede hilt news ' know'll I'd git my aye* put out, or my 1< broke, er aump???n??? n???er. I knows dozo y w'te Chilian, mon I dat I docaj I knows um. Day???ll git fie upper hand er da niggers or do Lord spar's um. Hn Ho mot??? ioglaner'lly Imagine n rain of moutten iron striking the earth, each drop bunting into iparkr. Nothing elan will compare. 1 could not now desorlbe It If rxpeitinre wUhlonndryaandamlth'aahopi had not afforded the comparison. Tho Are fall In alrtima like lbs heaviest Ora min I evar wltumud and awayrd toand fro Jail u lira water!* by the motion of ino cloudier wind. Tbo only stare I anw wrta inat auoh mono secs when moullen Iron to moiling Into or tram tha ladle,or whan Iran with a weldlrg brat la withdrawn from Iba forts, or such aa rern when the liquid msul drops up 111 cailb, or auab as Man In tho wekeot an exploited rocket Tbo atraagart features tome Utah tor Man appeared except at Ua endot tbs 'I flic rain, which slopped about firs frit Irom tbs earth, aa near I oaa Judas. Tbo plain had thro# atepi from .tha no. 1 could not huva bean mors than thras .. high and tha itua of firs rain bant tato apsrki on n level wlU my ayes. Nona that I as* ???track tha earth, but altar aparkllng on tnlaltne dlnppearcd, to bo anomedad by othere In quick ???nctatiion. 1 recaUicl distinctly ohaarviug ma irtnsarcurd tha yard, and Ua road lead directly from the sate, and wandering why none of the fiio or spaikt reached tha earth. It was ant at lllht aa day, but a land light greater than I hies my vtoloa???such aa and houses Tho fire tops ram oowftDwmd Ihtmtteoilo shower or (, ???nd whoa# account tallied more neatly with mint any Uan 1 have sear road or Uaard Hadldaot ban my upcrleorewlth molten metal,but * ir heard my comparisons with tha apt! Irom a imlU???a forge, haartlly Indewcd ms . PBBMONH AND THINGS. Tar queen of Italy ia called tha bMt dressed woman la Furops Taa word "moonshiner??? wat originally 'mooDihuaner?????? Ua Tannraanani any. Maixa hu four railroads of only two loot gangs Thay are laid Urongh Ua wlldirareswith sharp itaaca and corns and at limes tralniare run over them at Item twenty to forty mum an bcui. Tun ran real thirty fin paawngen each. Attains???Now detail mo, dear, why yon broke your (reset hint with Br. Golden. Julia Wall, I found ha waa too fond ol drawing and palnllng. Aiabclla-Wby, I should think thtt would Jutt anil you, with your arttotlc tutos Jolla-Bui b to lute ran In drawing ehecka and painting Ua town.-1 ??? < r'aSaiar. PaniBBXTCuvitaa. .. until euitla ol black broadcloth, wlU Uaaaat double-braanud aad tlkhlly buttoned about Uo body. Bis linen la always white, aad ha pots ao a new tnroorer cal- ???artvuydax. Utoiavoilicnackilciaonaolb'.ack, very quiet and modest in lu tic. Tha proildoul u?? It hfautll aad dons not require tho asauuace ol a valtt in making hit lottab Tea lightning rods for tha Washington mon ument bavo arrived and are being placed upon Ue monument Therein TTt fret of triangular rod pint*. _ _ Up. male :C0 points, enough, It U thought,' to kerp the??truciure tuloct. Ait ia a woidarful thtnf* Tha painter, Ruben*. eeuld change the leoeot a UoxMng cbflJ Into that otn crying child by a coupleol dithos with bis bruah,??? Mid to Austrian Udy to ?? pro*' faa*or ol Ibe University of Texu ?????? Thera* la uom- trg wonderful about that. I can do tnat with ote veil directed col el a wadi lelirb; i're d int it uaesud again." replied tie protestor o( u< Tixs* kindergarten. Taa consumption ol eofite has greatly fallen off ia KatUud, while that ol ten baa anormoatly ir errand. aad rrOMb used aiuob mon ibao tor rlf. The Imports of oodee. which In 1MI were 00 tone, bad fallen off last Tear to 41.000 tone Ftmoti lor tbla remark sole chance In the ropwlsr mete are sot apparent, though It le be llroed that the more ease preparation 1 tee than cedes hu something to Jo with tt ???psr???s ???em. "Well, now, ei you w'at I bin ta*nin* over in my min* you dea toi ter coma en lot right yer in front er me wbar I kin keep my two eyea on you; ktzs I ain't gwine ter take no reaka er no foaliih* nets. Now, den, you des belter behave, be- kasa bit don't cost ma nothin* far ter out die tale right abort off. ''One time der wux a miller man w???at live by a river en bad a mill. He wux a mighty smart man. He tuck 10 much toll dat he tuck???n buyed *im a bouse, en bo want ter rent dat *ar bouie out ter folka, but de folks dey *Jowed dat de bouse wus ba???nted. Dey*d eome en rent de bouse, dey would, en move in der, en den go up??ta*rs ea go ter bed. Dey'd go ter bed, dey would, but dey couldn't sleep, en time it got day dey'd git out er dat house. ???De miller man, he ax'd um w'at de raattor wux, but dey dea abuek der bead en *low de bouco wux ba'ntcd. Den be tuek???n try tor flue out w'at kinder ba???nt the wuz dat akeor folka. He ileep in de house, but be ain't see nothin', en do moi' w'at ho year wuz a big ole ray cat a??promenadia* roun* en honorin', limeby bit got ao dat dey wan't no fun in bavin' da ba'ntcd houio, en we'en folks'd eome long de miller-man, he'd dee up en tell um dat de bottae 'uz ha'nted. Some 'ud go up ???n some wouldn't, but dem w'at went up oidt/l ???lay, kase dea 'bout bedtime dey'y fetch a yell en dee eome a rutbin* down, en all de money in de Nunited Stales er Georgy wouldn't git um far to go beck up dar. ???Hit went on die away twel one time a preacher man com??? long dar an* aay bo waatod eomc???rs tor stay. He was a great, big man an* ha look like be wuz gmd accordin', lb miller man eay be hate mighty bad for to die commerdate *im, but ha deipintedly ain???t got noplace wbar he kin put *m 'cip* dat ar ban*- ted bouie. De preacher man say he des eoin ???tay dar ex anywbar???s, kaao he bin livin??? In doze loW'groun???s er aorrer t jo long far tar bo aotback by any ona hose ha???nte. Da mil* ler man 'low???d dat bo 'us afoard de ha'nts 'ud worry him might'ly, but do prcnchor mau ???low, he did, dat be use ter boin* worried, an* be op *n tell de miller man dat he'd a hoop rather stay in de houio wid de ha'nt, no mat* Ur bow big aba is, dan tar stay out doors in de rain. So de miller man, he 'low he ain't got no mo 'pology fer ter make, bekaze ef de preachor man wus ready fer ter face do ha'nte and let up dar an out blink um, day wouldn't bs no* body in de roun* worl* no gladder dan him. Dm de miliar man abowed de preacher man how ler Her bui! S cat, de preacher man drawed a cheer up tor e ficr an* waited far de ha'nts, but dey ain't BO ha'nts come. l>rn w??'n 4*7 alnt no ha'nts come, de preacher man tuck'n opan up he satchel cn got 'im out aomo ipar* ribs on sot um by de tier fer ter cook, en den he got down en said be pra'rs, an den he got up en road ho Bible. Ho wuz a mighty good man, mon, en be prayad en reed a Tong time. Bimeby,w'ea bis spar* riba git done, begot eome bread out'n be satehel. cn fixed far ter eat bia sup per. "By de timo be got all de meat ofl'n ono or da ribe, de preacher me a listened, ea he S ear'd a monetue tcramblin' en scratch!n' on e wall. Ha look aroun*, ho did, en dar wus a gieat big black eat a sharpenin' 'er claws oa de door facin'. Folks, don't talk! dat ar oat wus a eight! Great, long w'ita toofe en groit big jailer eye-balla a shinin' like doy wus lit up way back In *er bead. She stood dar a minlt. dat ole black cat did, en den the 'gun ter sidle up like she wus gidoa ter mount dat preaebar man right dar an done But da preacher man, be dea shoo'd at 'er, en U aeem like die eortar ekeer'd 'er, kaxe eba want ud. ???But de preacher roan, ha kep* bia eye open, an belt on ter bis spar'* rib. rresent'y he year de ole black cat cornin' back, en' die time aha fetch wld 'er a great big gang er esta. Dey wus all black des like she wuz, en der eyeballi rhinttfrd an der lathes wus long an w'ite. Hit blaek oat made a pis* <le preacher maa like ehawuz a gwine te??- ????? r ??;?? eyea out. Da preacher tt-n dodge* . but de ucx pus ahe made de pr* scher man fetch 7r wipe wld hit rpat' rib cn cut of! ono er her too*. Wid dat de ole black cat fotch a yell dat you might a jeard a mile, en den aba gin 'ereelf a aort uv stwia'an mads her disappearance up de chimbley, en w*en aha do detail de yuther cats made der dir appearance up de chimbloy. l>e preacher man be got up, be did, an looked una' de bed fer to see ef be kin Ana any mo* cats, but dey wus all dona cone. ???Den be tuck'n nick up <le eat toe w'at ho dona knock off win de spar* rib, an wrop It up in n piece er paper an put it la be pocket. Dan no saj hts pra'rs aomo mo???, en went Ur bed en stop' right straight along twel broad daylight, en nuthin* ain't diet Ur boi* der'im. ???Hex' mernin* da praacber man got up, he did, en say his prar's en eat bis brtkkui, cn dan ha 'low Ur niase't dat ha'll go by an trll da miller man dat be mighty much erbligo. 'Fo* ha start, hit coma cross no min' 'bout do cats wa't pester 'im da night befa', and ha tuck'n fael in ha pockeU far da big black cat Ua w'at be done cut off wid da spar' rib. But U seam like da toe dona grow in tha night, en bless-goodnesai w'en be unwrop it 'twau't ncthin' lcea dan a great big Anger wid a r;ag on it. ???Bo de preacher man tuck'n Ax up all his contrapments, en den call on de miller mau en (ol* ???im be us mighty much oblige size he let 'im stay in da house De miller mau was 'stenish* fer Ur see da praachar man, kaxe ha knew dat w*cn folks eUy all night in dat house dey ain???t coma down no mo*, lie was 'stoniah' but be di???n???t say much. Ha dm ??Uu* still aa wander. ???Buttle preacher uan, ha up'n ax 'biutde miller man???s wife, an eay ha wanu ter act 'ar an* tell *er good bva, bain' ax how dey'd all bin eo good. Bo da miller mau, ha tuck???n kyar da preacher inter da room wbar bit wife wus layin'inbed. Da ola'oman bad da counter* pin drawed up und' *er chin, but ahe look mighty bad roua* da eyas. Yit, aha tuck???n howdied da preacher uan an tola 'im ha wux mighty welcome* ???Dey talk entalk, dey did, aa attar wile da preacher-man hoi??? out hie ban' far tor tel de oman good-bve; but tha'oman, aha belt out 'er Urban', she did. like she want dat fer ter gitshucken. But da nreacher*man wouldn't snake dat uu. Ua eay that ain't nigh gwine ter do, bekaie when folks got any perlitenese Uf dey don't never hoi' out da laf hen', be 'oman ehe eay her right wvx eripple t bat her ole men 'low he ain't never hear 'bout dat bafo', cn dan ha tuck'n make bar pull it out frr m und' da kivrer, an dan day aaad dat ona of '??? r Angara wux dona dean gone. Da miliar mstr ke up???n law: ' *Uow comedit?' Da 'oman aba law, *1 cut It off,' De miliar*man ha *low, 'How you cut it oflt* De 'oman aba law, I knack it off.' ???Do miller-man ha *low, 'Wbarbouts you knock it eff?* ???Do Vman fbe 'low, *1 broke it offT ???De miller, ha 'low, ???When you break iteffr ???Den da'oman aba ain't say nothin.' She dee fay dar, the did, on pent and look ikeerei. De preacher man be study a little en dan he asy be speck he kin kyo dat ban???, an he tuck de Anger out'n be pocket en tried it oa de 'oman???s ban*, en it At! Yasser! it fit in de piece right etnick amnek emoove. Dea de preacher men up'n tell de miller man dat de 'cman wuz a witch, en wid dat de 'oman /(tried a yell en kivered her head wid de counterpin. ???Yit dia ain???t do her no good, kaze de S reecber man say he done look in de books en o cnlicst way fer ter kyo' a witch Is ter bu'n 'er; en it ain???t look so bad, nutber, kaze whoa dey tied her she tuck???n ta'n ter be a great big black cat, en dat's da way she wuz w'en aha wuz burnt." THE. BODY BUBUSD- Bfatla Wabb's Body Clrowa Cold aad Aha la Bald to Baet. Maria Webb, tha girl whose body remained warm eo long after ebo quit breathing, was buried late Saturday afternoon. Thero is now no doubt about her death. Her body maintained the same tempera ture from her death up to three o'clock Sat urday afternoon. About that time the tem perature of her body began to change, and in ins than an bcur THU JOTXTS WKRE STIFF, end the body presented tha appearance of death. The mother of the girl finally bee me latiefied that life was cMtiuct, and allowed the undertaker to taka ctilrreof tha body. Late yesterday afternoon tbo body was interrod in Westview cemetery. When the girl was placed in tba coffin her body waa a?? cold and stiff'as & lump of ico. Maria Webb was a girl of fourteen years of age. She lived at 82 Forsyth street, and was always remarkably healthy and atrong. Two weeka ago aba was taken sick for TBB FIRST TIME IK HEP. MFK. At first nothing waa thought ot her illness, but within a few days after its inception she was unable to leave her bed. The physician wbo attended bar pronounced her disease a fever, and gave her ovary attention, but not withstanding tha care given her she died Tbunday morning about nine o'clock. Soon after her death her body was shrouded for tha coffin and then laid upon tho bed. bo one tbero thought of disputing the girl's (loath, but later in tha day some one observod that her lips wore HOT EHTIRF.I.Y DEVOID OF COLOR, ???nd that there waa a faint tinge of color ou her cheeks. In looking at theeo unnuutl sc* compnniamcnts of death, it waa discovered that the girl's face was warm. Thon it was found that her body, oven to the tips of her finger* and the emte of her toes was warm This ditcorerj created quite a surprise, for the girl bad then been dead four or five heura. Later in tho dey the body was again examined and again/ound to bo warm. The mother was notified ot this strange circum stance #pd wea unwilling to boliere her child dead. Several physicians were sent for and eviry c no of them agreed in PROHOCKCIHO THE CTRL DEAD, but none would venturo an opinion st to tbo cane* of fb?? warmth ot hor body. The intclligftco of tho Etraiige cam sproad and Patrolman Harris' prcsocco was required to keep the crowds out of tho Ivniie. Hun dreds oi curious persons, however, gained almirsion and looked at tho dead girt. Bhy did cot look like a ctrpso and but for tie rloib about her head, would iiavo loVcot liko seme ono asleep. Oa Friday other pbysiciaas lcokrd at tho body end agreed with those who seen it Thursday. 6a'ivday rooming about ten o'closk tbo GrM ebsugo was noticed in the girl. Tfor f< ct began to grow cold and about noon they were as cold as ice but for more than two hours the coldness did not spread. Finally about threeAher body generally comracacol titling coM and rapidly tho temporaturo chang'd. Kvcry phyafeian who aaw tho girl ositiva that sbo was dead. THE INTERNAL REVENUE, The Bieslpfs enA Xxptnsca of tUe Bar????u tbo Test Year-a O??orsssi la tse Pro- Suction of Wbltkv-rus fobstts' interest- Otber STewi HoM. BEIL???S LAST LETTER TO HIS MOTHER. Kfrika, November 20 ???Rial's last letter to his mother, written s lew hours before his ex ecution, iaaa follows. Dear Motiikr-I received jour letter ot hen cdlctlou, and jesterdnj, Sumhy, 1 s??kcj Per* Andie to place it upon the aiurditrlog tbecjle* bratlou of mars lu order that I might ho held ua< di r tbu shadow of ita bUsilug. 1 naked him after- w??>d topfsrc hie hands upou zay head that I mfaht worthily receive It, ns I could not a tern! at cbutch, and bo ibus bad diffused upon mo the graces ol mass, with its abundance ot spiritual nd temporal good. To my spouse, to my cUlt* ren, ruy brother and slater-lu law aud ottu tivra, wboare all very dear to me, 1 say fan. D??sr mother, It Is tho prayer of your eldest son .jat your prayers und hrhx-cMdr* iu hli behalf sscttid to the throne of JctusCbmt. to Mary aud to Kt. Jcs??yh, my good protector, and that the mercy and abundant consolation ol God fill you and my wife, cntldten and other rdativos with all spiritual Dlesaiuvs from generation to gtacra< espi dally for having been loud mother to me, that your faith and * ycur charity and example be as the treoli with excellent frnit In present acd future, when your last t'sy arrives that tbo good shall bo so much tflcasctl with your vlous spirit Fere Andre has told mo to bo ready for the srand event. I listened to ntm. aud am pro pared to do averytUlna according to hia advice ??? ' nnest recommendation God holds u ??? und to keep m peace and sweetness, ai held In a vessel which caunot bo dhtutbad. I do wbalfcan to keep myself ready tor any event, kcepini myself calm, in accordance with the pious exhortations ol the venerable Archbishop Baur- you aud seed yon t X.| |Jj-* .??? ??ty withafiectlcn. I embrace you oaa dutiful sou, and my dear wife 1 embrace you ai a cnrUtlan husband, according to the conjugal spirit of tha Catholic union, l embrace you, chtldroo, In tba breadth of divine wircy. and my brother and sisters Ir -law and all relatives and friends, I em brace yen with all the good feeling ot which my heart U capable. Dear mother, I am your affectionate, obedient id snbmirsive ion. Lons David Hizl. ITlscn de Begins, Kovember 10. After a Prolonged Struggle. In 1864 I contracted blood poison. Since that lima I have suffered tc-rturcs from an af fection of tha akin, rheumatism and ulcerating aorta. During those long years of disease l underwent treatment at tba bauds of leading physicists in Norwich, IlarttorJ, Trovidoaco, Boat* n aud Chicago. Failing to get relief at t.e place I wculd go to another, but met with fa same treatment and effect everywhere The qu sit Dies of mercury and potash I have taken have nut only done me no good, but 1 believe it baa dona much harm. 1 have bean taking 8. 8. 8. a>x weeka, aud a (t ia bard to believe my own feelings, though tha fact that it hai di iii* more for me in that short lime than all tdhir medieisaa have in twenty VMra is plain and undeniable. 8ix weeks ago I waa a total wreck, without hope. Now that i have tak*n fourteen bottles cr 8.8. 8. my rheumatism is among tho thing* of the put, and tha sears uply show that 1 waa diseased. \Vhen 1 began taking Swift'S Speci tie there waa a largo eating ulcer over my right eye, which alarmed me gr??atly, and no one who aaw it thought I wculd aver get well. Like the other, it is gcue, aud I thank God for the creation of tha ift Specific Co., and their great remedy. D. 1C. W. Ba:aos, Brooklyn, N. Y. November IS, ISSo. For sale by all druggists. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free. Tax Swtrr Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. N. Y,, 157 W. 23d street. asl<??p In tbedaytuaa. ngclnt f. have tha nUhtaure???" BOIIFOBD'O ACID PBOSPBATB. Pat Overworked Professional Baa Dr. CharUaTrmt^ball, Canandaigua, N.Y., toys: ???I think U a ,re>4 ractorar o f brain force cr nervous enarg^*" A pair of suspenders???A hneeot hongmea. ??? ??? WiBHizRTOH, November 22,???The annual report of Hon. Joseph 8. Miller, commissioner of iciercal rtretue, shows thst tha tvta! re ceipts from all eourcea of Intornal revenue taxation for tha fiscal year ended Jane SO, 1885, were $112,421,121 at compared with $121,500,039 lor the joar 1881, $141,553,314 for tho year 1883, and $140,523,278 for tha year 1882. It was estimated that tha receipt for tha last fiscal year would be about $115,000,000, end that they fell over $2,000,000 short of the estimate. The compiMioner says this ro< suited from tho seven months extension al' lowed for the exportation ot dlatillad tplrllt in bon d, on which tax waa due. He adda: There low about 7,000,000 gallons of distilled spirits abroad, which to find a market will have to be reimported. This, with mora than 10,000,000 gallons that had on June 30, last, been in bond for three yeaaa or longer, under the seven months extension, afforded au am pie margin for assuming that tha receipta tor the current fiscal year would aggregate at least $115,000,000. THE YEARS COJIPAXED, A table giving the receipts during the last two fiscal years, shows that there wx* a de crease of $9,394,177 in collections on spirits, aud an increase of $244,088 on tobacco, an in crease of $145,827 on fermented liquors, and an increase of $24^559 from banka and banker*. The total decrease waa $9,108,919. The largest collections were ir ado in the stats of Illinois, ???mounting to $23,075,865; Kentucky second; with $14 842,475; New York third, with $t$ 823,645; Ohio fourth, with $12,565, 516; rcunsylvania fifth, with $7,< 371,209 Missouri sixth, with $6, 276,165, and Indiana saventh, with $4,031,866. The collccliona in Virginia amount to $3,051,639, The amallaat collection wasmiidoin Vermont, amounting to $29,890. Tba total receipts for tha first quarter ot tba present fiscal year were $28,670,749, being an increase of $23,866 over the collections ol tha correspond fiscal year. past fucal year was $4,455,430 against $5,076, 914 tho pravious year. The total expenses of the set vice tho past year were about 3 9 per cent of tbo amount collected. THE CONDITION OF THE SKRVICX. The commisdoner reports the general con dition of the service to bo good, und tb;it the collectors and subordinates show commenda ble zeal-in the performance of their duty. Six hundred and twenty-four violations of the internal revenue laws have been reported dur ing tbo j i nr, 234 persons nrmtod, property to the value of $171,052 reported for seizure, and $52,869 for iisiSHiments hr unpaid taxes aud periiltics. Ha recommend* an increase iu i tho number of revenue agouti. Tho estimated exp'nscu of the service for the next liecal jr??r cro 44,019,195. Thoro was a rod-lo tion ot 926 in tbo force of etorekoapere, gaugers, etc, during the year, and a redu-rtioa of 28 in the c!????ical farce of tbo bureau. Tho nunibsr of stamps Dam d to tha colhc'.or* during the year *us 506,508,330, of tho valao of $123,- 388,856. Tnr TOBACCO INTEREST. The report of tho tobaccy in tore it for the ltd fiscal ; car shows gratifying re*alts. Not (iilyhss thoro been a small increase in tho imount of taxes collected, but a marked iu- eretto of manufactured products, and au ua- utually l??r$o increase of tho quantity of these products exported to foreign countrioi. The whole number of grain distilleries ros istersd the past year was 1,195, oi which only 918 were operated, being a decrease of uinotv- six of the number registered, and 160 in the number operated during the pravious fiscal year. Tho commissioner invites spe cial attention to tho necessity of legislation, having for Its object tha taxing of all fractions of a gallon of dis tilled spirits, and says tho operation of the pressnt system of taxation has resulted iu tho loss uf c very appreciable amount ol rsvoauo. The corbniieaioner eho recommands that tha r revision ot tho act of March 3rd, 877, under which grapo brandy producers sro afforded tho advantage of three year???s storsgo of their product in ape* eial bonded warebouaea, which are authorized to bo established for that purpose, be made applicable to tho distillers ol brandy from all iruito. Tho commissioner says ho la informed that certain manufacturers are successfully using wood naptha in Ihoir business, to the detriment of , others employing tax paid grain alcohol, and tha process ot de odorizing wood adopted has bean so far perfected as to ronder it possible to employ It in many arts and trades in place oi ethyl al cohol, without detection, and possibly with equal advantage. Tbo quantity of spirit! produced and deposited in tha distillery warehouses during the year is 520,376 gallons less than the previous year. Scattered by a Battler. Fiom the Brunswick, Ga., Appeal. The rattlers bsvo not ail hibernated yet, con rrogation passed through a field at a near cut home. The loader of tha gang being about twelve feet in advance, waa seen suddenly to hump himself and spring into the air, at tho same time tha familiar whir-r-r, made known to his companions that Adam hsd anconu- tejed a rattlcsnako. Tho snake was atones killed with uo other damsga save tha grand??? est display of the white eyes and ivory toeth thst w??s aver seen among a scared sot of dar kies. The snaka bad fifteen rattles, was fourteen inches in circumference, and seven feut ton inches from tip to tip. Bmppj Thought In tha Night. For years Mr. Jsa. 11. Ackley, of 163 West Fayette street, Baltimore, had sn(Farad with neuralgia so thst he could hardly slaap. Bat he writes: ???One night I was suffering vary much, and tha thought struck mo that B rowa r ?? Iron Bitters wculd do ma soma good, and psr- baps cure me. It waa a happy thought, and to my great joy it has entirely cured ms after using two boitlaa. After three months I have bed uo return of the symptoms. I cheerfully recommend it as tha bast tonic I have evar used." Neuralgia snirerers, take tha hint! 1 br cat Diseases commence with a cough, cop or sore threat. ??? Brown???s BroDcblsl Troches" glra immediate relief. Sold only in boxes. Price 25 ceuis- GBOBG1A Rubber Stamp Co. Constitution Building, Atlanta, Oa. R CBBSB 8TAMPJCO? EVERY DESCRIPTION made to order cn short notice Type tatting cone by competent Ijob printers, which Insures neat and tatty desliut, while oar vulcanizing sad rrnnnt^uf is done by an expert In tha line, thus guaranteeing attractive, perfect and reliable wore. Addese GEORGIA RUBBER8TAMP OO., Room 9. 4th floor, UonstUntion building, At lanta, Ga. Refer by perm lad on to W.J. Campbell, man ager ComtltaUon Job office. BUBM That farmers cuj coos to know Amel ia???, best notional farm, garden and home weeklj without con, THE RURAL NEW-YORKER will be eent to ell applicants nn fob fits tihi, and promptly btoffsd nt the end of that time. ??H Park Row, N. Y. M. RICH & BROS., 54 uf 56 Whitehall Stmt, Hiatts, Georgia Offer 600 French combi nation all wool suits, all of this season???s latest styles, at GO cents on the dollar. Thejr have too many and will not carry any over to next season if low prices will sell them. . Ladies??? aud children???s knit underwear at such prices as you have never bought them before. Their 60 cent vests sell all over the city at 75 cents. Don???t think of buying your blankets or lap robes until you have seen their???s. They guarantee to save you 20 per cent on these goods. Ask your neighbors and friends where they bought their cloaks, either long or short, and they will tell you that M. Rich & Bros., have the largest and best line in the south, at prices you never heard of before for stich goods. New styles coining in daily. DON???T FAIL to get our prices on car- S ets this coming week. To such goods have ever been shown in Atlanta. We are still cutting prices for all qualities of carpets rugs, etc. Our impoited Kidder minster art carpets are "the talk of the town.??? This is the most beauti ful lino of these goods ever brought south We will sell them as cheap as most of the ordinary do mestic goods are sold. M RICH & BROS. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. An Agresalve Republican Paper for the Whole Country und all the Pe n ple. mHE TRIBUNE REPRESENTS MORE AOJU* J. rstoly sad completely than any oiber osper tbo MptestloDs and principle! of the republican party of tha United States. THE TRIBUNE coa8rM* 00 me*u/ n *whro Evaits, SbenssD, Lovsn and other brilliant lead ers begin to s*k questloni hard to answer. As su ??????rlcnltnr'* is unexcelled, Tr one yetrand see. esrncxuy suvocucx a IM C protective tariff, and It self pays the highest prices to its own msn of any office in New York city. A SERIES OF WAR STORIES. TBE TRIBUNE offers a prize of (fcORfl In esah for the bast story of tha ista wsr,3>4 J U written by a private oldler or sailor of the union force, or by an officer under tba rank of colonsl or navy captain, about 6,0u0 words in length, re- fating atortiliug inetdeut, raid, light, escape, adventure, or experience, of which hehlmsalf m a part or an eye wltueaa. A prize ot ???a for * w Agent! Wanted Everywhere ThodaUy,75cantsamonth:fiH50ayaar. Ran day Trthorv. alone, #1 50. Pent Weekly, 9.??? ia clubs. Weekly, fl In clubs, tumnleiand agent outfit free. THE TRIBUNE. New York ocati aud January, Btndcnu jccalrcd at uj Unto asu" McRnrnOM. Precldcnt A ROYAL GIFT. gmzszxaas&g* ' 'HRSIRiSSAfiK mnex-4 liivHrftiloa. TM??iic*i?? * andtiry letntlfulra-.rj Hi tot* dona Huiiod . fbaStaM with which ll ???nr cl hut, brilliant mvhUi*ir. VhlflJUnr la oi u that My Udy tWMtrtnxIlwU11 iho cnv)o| Ml her irtanda m it It to Ml *ppcarase*?? ??? mj valuabla Ma. H??nl a.iip ct papar (ha alia of tha Rlax T???'u wlah. ???agrarianatartUtle tnartt aalr >DtalBaflioi1a??.ah*tcUa, rut)try, Aaacduaa, Vli and Itfliaor. aaS la laei all that rnMtornakaupaeotnpIct* family publication. Whararaf lueooca takoa n (??? unlr-rmir popular a a rar rruawaJa agBsgsfefeneB ??? ILLl'STUAWD CUXFAMtOX lor Ibm luonthii t WS too iroaral aa offer to bo paaaoS by. Hull itlaforltnti ??un???nBtc,*U, TTilalaa topt-rlnlMWor Ky;fc r N u ^^i l Vh > .; , .Y; i .i??a^r,. l &v. ERRORS OF YOUTH; ia ol maWrinicrere ud auzczntl dlaecre. -THK rzu: rerefailf tnitca'Thirty yrere expcrichcT??? Co a. kulutloo, prrenul or by null, fro., and ,anally Dn. Tucker to ??UUc, a M.rldti????, AUcnu.oc.Mot I7??kr rt A^JOMTH_AMD i JOAW) t FOB_3- LIVJI lunin anu ou.\au run a livk -.WA2???&$i\SJS??S? at ???- ?????? nov2lwky 6tao^ WANTED:!??? 1 ??? F.frflcld, Aikuuu. On. ccpzblc ol minzstoi coo um ol cotton, corn ud pui. Qcnart Bare a kccwlcdfcol hay brorretlnc and workinc cotton asdoorawlthnodcrntiiproTcdlnplamcota Bsl Pino Bluff, Ark. John! w* mai LARGEST STOCK CARRIAGES, BOG. ,. ilea and wagons In the south, will be found at Mllbura wagon company's repository, Library bnlldlny, Atlanta sunwky mhhBahfoodbAAEfc al#aTA OUKaetat barn weton core* mitt wkyo mm piwianrsiiwTmrfOT are for iala cheap; bay ona and zar. recocy. can c???- ???OLD REUABtr' MILBOBM in why WAUOM your nclahbor, ha onl cay 1 . YEAE! . narr, M hetfor I rare Ol.' dneuth April. Both ia nil Vila rctlitcred bau. They era gentle and all riiht, ecd !?? will Ukc them. G. r. Donne, GaJMcetUe, Ga. nrt