The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 24, 1885, Image 3

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THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA~ TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24 SIXTEEN PAGES riel hanged. A POOR LUNA.UC TH8 VICTIM OP ROY A L JUSTIC8. He w elks I ravel* Onto the Scaffold and Hosts Hia * D??etb in Grim snores???Tbo saltation Smoag the Veopie-l'he Belotlvis of Btal Via* lUd-lha Hal Bread???e Life. Bioini, N. W, T. ( November 10???Liuia David Biel wai executed on the eoeffold at the banacka of the mounted police force, near tble city, for high treaiou agalnet the queen of Great Brilalu, at 8:13 o???clock thio morning (mountain time). He displayed an Inclina tion at the last moment to mako an address, but Fere Andre reminded him of his promise, and he then rose and walked toward the exe cutioner, repeating??? his prayers to the last moment, the final words escaping being ???Mcrcl Jcsul??? He died without a struggle. Hot to exceed twenty persons were permitted within the confines of the barracks to witness the execution, and it eras certainly performed with decorum and dlspatoh. His body was taken In charge by the coroner, and the ver dict usual to all state executions was ran. dared. siai???s aaumvaa nr,a van iraws. Biel's relatives and friends at Bt. Vital, five miles from here were made aware that Monday ???would end all. They are naturally very much broken down. Ills poor old mother be came craty come months ago, during the rebellion, so that she is unable to realise the dreadful position In which her son Is placed. Joseph, hfs brother, who la a most respectable man, is in a dreadful atste ' of mind. Biel???s wife, whom he did not treat well during the rebellion, leaving her exposed to danger and to hunger, is reported to be nearly heart-broken, but the priests are with bar and tbo other relatlves,and everything that can be done to comfort them will be done, The Biel family have from the fitst scouted the Idea that the prisoner was in sane. They say he had delusions on religion nud on tbo subject of his own importance, but that on all other matters hs was not only sane, but exceedingly intelligent and clsver. The heartbroken mother of Biel,bowed with grlr f, teemed perfectly dated at tba naws when notlfiedthattneendhadeome. Fondly have she and all tho family dung to the hops that Gcd would to work it that Louis, whom they all love so dearly, and who In his wildost mo menta was kind and gentle to mother, brother and sister, would be tpared. But the latest news swept from them their last plank of hope and they all gave wty to Inconsolable -r. ^'^Tr-WEmSofe'tbai' l c.uld boar,- ??ii ?????????-i- nnMRehger) "tbo???uga I???ve olien aeon m??: *??? olaughti-red. The poor things teemed unut- ttrably helpless; to I rushed out, mounted my horto and rodo back to tho city with all haste to try and stiflle my tumultuous feel lags." raauxtxaav rsxcicnoss. For tomo time the officials of Ottawa and Re- , - glna bavs been receiving serious threats from I anonymous writers regarding Kiel- The last proposed the blowing up of Regina barracks If Biel were hanged or executed. Saturday and Sunday extraordinary precautions were taken. At dusk twenty troopers, heavily armed, mounted guard and patrolled aronnd the bar racks. At midnight the police made their circuit every ten minutes. The air was frosty and crisp and not a eound was to be heard save the thrill wbiatls of an approaehlng freight train, the clatter of the swords and tha .measured glilep of the horses. A commissioned oflirer with a powerful night glass swept the horison end nothing of an enemvoould approach un- teen. Only a few knew of the extraordinary preps rations. Biel continued to prophesy, but the prophe sies were scarcely coherent and understood by none save himself. Biel???e visiters Saturday included Rev. Father McWilliams and Mr. Bmitb, of Ottawa. Colonel Irvine acoompanled thtm. In their interview Biel took advent-, age of Rev. Mr. McWilliams??? pretence to de clare his divine mission. ???'I am,??? said the prisoner, u a prophet. I have been ordained not aaa priest, but a proph et of the northwest, to pleach a reformation to you and every minister of the eburoh, and I will oontinue to fulfil my mission until I mount the seaflold.??? While be delivered himself of this little ora tion he paced hit eell like an infuriated maniac. He thundered hit anathemas on the police and principles of the nineteenth cen tury churches, gesticulating almost all tbe while. When he came toward the scaffold he faoad hit visitors, tbe veins of hit throbbing ???rnudet distending. Raising his right hand, Ulbinted to where the scaffold of the Moose- i , ymurderer stood. Fixing hit wild, haggtrd eyes on Rev. McWilliams, he continued: ??????To that seaflold will I walk boldly,preach* leg this mission of oburch reformation to much Seeded throughout tbe world.??? THE ESBCCTIOX nSSOaltEO. The scaffold for the execution of Btel had been erected within the contracted enclosure Immediately in tbe rear ot the guardhouse, and the only view of it was through a window immediately under the rafter. Tha left sac rament was administered to Rial within tho guardhouse proper, and near the opening which led'to the seaflold. He responded to tho Latin prayers with a fall and clear voica while on hia banded knees. When the moment cams for him to rise to have bis arms end hands pinioned, be looked up iloaly, repeating hia prayers. He then walked through the opening end down the narrow stairway with hia face turned away from tba few civilians and soldiers who stood atone Iba opening When he was about to taka bla olace on tha trap, the deputy sheriff asked if be had anything to aay. Ha turned to hia confeaeor, Per# Andre, and inquired; ???Shall I net say a few words!??? ???No,??? quickly replied tha priest in French, ???'make this your last sacrifice and you will be rewarded.??? Bid turned and remarked in English: ???*I have nothing more to lay.??? There wee some delay in adjusting tho noose but Bid did not remark upon it, and as tha Whits cap closed over him ha was to be beard distinctly repeating bin prayers. Daring the night Bev. Andre urged upon Biel uol to attempt an address on the scaffold, and suggested theta reprieve might still be on Its way, but this idea Bial atnnnously re pelled. Ha said ha knew bis hour btd come, and that ha waa nat only prepared but that he would sot have it any other way, as nothing but tha alternative of prison for life awaited him, and to him death was pralrrabla to that. During tha night ha addreaael a letter to bis mother and to hit aiitar,whieb touohad upon tha affection be bore them. He added a codi cil to hia will, apeeifyiag thst he desired hie b-dy to be laid by the aide hie fether't, in St. Boniface cemetery el Winnipeg, which re quest will be carried oat. Fere Andre will go o prayea almost continuous aunng it, using the prayen of tho churo h n again praying extempore in bot?? and English. He dircotsd a prayer iheio with Riel???a remains within a few days. His body was interred today under tho scaf fold. Be prayed almoet contiuuouf during the night, nalng the and then .; ??? Froncb and for bia frionda m the United States, where he declared most of them were, and again for his friends in Quebec. He prayed for hit lawyers, speakisg ol their efforts in bis behall, and of their going to Eng ined for him. The attending priest told him it waa hia duly to pray tor bia enemies, replied t ??????That is eo.??? lie et onoo began to pray in Eugllih for the premier of Canada, bat in hia supplica tion ho asked that the government might aeon be relieved from hia rule. Riel partook of a light repast at 11 last night. Ha ate no brsafast this morniog, which canted him toahow at out time signs of faintneaa, but he afterwards recovered from lliin weakness, and it appeared to roqulro no effort in mounting tha ladder, which led to the attic of the guardhouse, on the way to the scaffold. There waa barely a quiver as the drop fell, and bia death was pronounced an eaty one. DKSTaoviko nil raopcnaiai. During the early h'onrt of the morning ho f athered up all hia papers, whioh covered hia etk, embodying the anppoaed visions ha had seen and hia prophesies,and naked the privilege firm the officer of the guard to destroy thorn! This waa allowed him, and gathering them up, ha carried thorn to an open stove fire, and thrust them in, watehlog them until the flames had devoured them. He then return ed to his cell end his devotions. It would bo difficult at this time to gauge sentiment clearly in tha northwest at to Biel. The expressed views are almost entirely un- feverable lo him, and tba hall bread! are usu ally silent upon the topic. The majority ol tha resident population believed he deserved death, end this ft undoubtedly eepeolelly true in Manitoba, Here where he wee tried there was some expression of aymnatby for him, end et times the declaration that ha was right in hia demands, aa they had nearly all atnea betn granted to the hair-breeds. tisstost or sun???s urn. Blal waa born within five mile* of the Fort Garry settlement in 1844, when the old Hud son Bay company regime was still In power. He wss a hair broad, with fair hair and light blue eyes, and usually passed for a full blood European- Ha was a bright boy in hia youth, and winslrg tbe favor of Arohhiihop Tache, ho waa tent by tho latter to Montreal to bo edueated. Hia patron had inlended to make a priest of him, and Rial completed tho usual course of Bind- admission to tbo priesthood, but whan bo presented himself lor holy orders ordina tion waa refused him. Ho want back to Fort Garry, and there hia suavity of manners and native shrewdness secured him a host of friends among tha French half-breeds, and gave him Influence in tha tribe. When tho half-breeds resolved in 1888 to mist tho Invasion of Canadians, just after the purchase of the territorial rights of the Hud son Bay company, Biel put himaell at tha bead ot tho rabela. Riel, with hia forces, de scended upon the company's fort, ilesed it, set up a provisional government of hia own, and iisnad a bill or rights demanding repre sentation In tho dominion govarnmont, and a series oi publlo improvements. Ho had se cured an abundance of arms and ammuni tion, and ha summarily crushed tho efforts of tbo Jittlc colony of English sattlara who strovn to resist him, and took all tha prominent Ca nadian residents prisoners. To terrify tho settlers further, hs had thair leader, Thomas Scott, of Ontario, shot. Gontral Wolaoley, who was then a Canadian lieutenant colonel, of no particular promi nence, and with little hope it advancement, waa choaen to load thff expedition against tha rebels. Tha moment Wotseloy, backed by 1,000 1 mentard fled te.theUnited States. __ Tho Canadian parliament advanced General, Woiaeley and banished Riel foe five ??????* livingin Mariteba as???a compensation for die turbing tha old river frontage at stem. Riel waa mere popular than ever with the half breeds when he got hack to Manitoba after bis exile, hut ho now played tha part of a loyalist, and offered to aid Gen eral Archibald to resist tho fenian invaders, who, under O???Donahue, proposed to sweep down on the provinoa of Manitoba. Imme diately afterward, in 1878, ha was elected representative In tha dominion parliament from tba province, and want to Ottawa and waa aworn into office by tho ofork while tho building waa deserted. Hawa got abroad among tho peop???a that Rial, tha man who had ordered Scott to bo shot, waa in town and bearing cf tho thrasu ol inlnriatad royaliatc to ehcot him In rev. nge If ha attempted to take bis ust in parliament, ha fled from tha city and never ag->n entered It. Hit teat waa declared vacant tha next day, and he travaild in the United States until, in 1884, mutterli gs of a fresh outbreak among the half breeds In tbe north west led him book to bia birthplace, and again be was ohoaan a leader, this time by bia dissatisfied fallows at Frisco Albert settlement. Tha half braeda here, as wall as at kll other settlements along tho Saskatchewan, had bain e xciuded from tho grants to tha Manitoba ball breeds in 1830, and when, early lut winter, S ovcrnccent surveyors entered the Frinoo Abort settlement and began to lay out In blocks tbe land on tba nvar banka, depriving tha half breeds of their river frontage, Biel de manded that tba half bread rigbta be respected just aa be bad previously dona in Manitoba. Ha declared that tha laws would have to bo equalised. The demand waa not answered aa Biel thought it ought to be, and he got to gether 1,338 halt Braeda, armed them with Winchester and Ramlagton rlflaa, and opened warfare without ceremony. Many Indians lofned tbo fnaurrection. Rial made a speech to bia followers, tayinx that ha would deliver them from their oppressors, and that ha had- the means this time that would mako hia fight for their rights successful. Major General Middleton was aent from Ottawa to march with dominion militia to put down tho uprising, bnt it waa not until May 11, altar weeha of skirmishing and fighting, that tha rabela ware routed at Be touche, and four days later throe dominion aoouta captured Bial on an unfrequented Indian trail three miles north of Batouohe. Ha was tried before Judge Richardson, at Begins, hia counsel pleading insanity, bat he himself declaring that ha waa lane. tbi otbbb Vienna. Tha execution of Biol la to be followed at Battlelord by tba banging of tan Indian chiefs for atrocities committed daring re cent rebellions, end in sack instance for murders committed. Tbesa last ext- entions will clots tha book of criminal of thsnortbweat war, ware given prfsan can- fences, all of which are now being served. Tbo executionar of Biol wss a man named Jaek Bendrrson, who was a captive of Biel???s in tho rebellion of 1870. aitL???a LisnitixT osc.raa Bt. Fact, November 16.???Tho Winnipeg special to tho Flonaor Press says Jackson Riel???s lieutenant, who hia been confined in tba lunatic asylum, eaeapad across tha lias tome daya ago, and wrote a latter to hia titter from Bt. Vincent, asking bar to write to Sir Jobs Macdonald, begging him to (hoot him (Jackaon) and apiraiUaL Hia escape waa not disclosed until RIEL HANGED! LA IKFAMI! amnsn-H or oaAKasHtn orss catholics Ann FSOBICII CANADIAN. Then will ho this et market ' b e murder committed this morale! by nil Jonu Mtcdonald, Sir nectar LtngVTln, Sir A. P. Oeron end Bon. Nr. cbtplisn. Let every one of yon bo at your post tonljkt. Tbfa bill, appearing as it did,whan the poo. pit were almost bosida themselves, nolhiug but roaring and imprecations against toe Orangemen could hs heard In any quarter of tho city. SHOTS BXCHABOBD. About 408 students started from Vistnris university tonight to psrade through tha oily. . When they had reaohed tha Champ da Mara their numeon had bean augmented by a fal lowing variously estimated at from 5,003 to 18,000 panona. Tha pareders carried Frsach flags, transparencies and effigies of Sir John Macdonald, Sir Hector Langevln, Hon. J. A. Cheplean, Hon. Mr. Caron, Colonel Dnimat aod others. Hon. Mr. Chapleau's and Sir Hector Lnngerln???s effigies were burned on tho Champ do Man, where a number of .beta were exchanged between the paradera and the police, no one, however, being hurt. Fritn this place tho procesalon moved to Victoria square, where Sir John Macdonald???a i ffigy was sot on firo in front of Queen Victo ria's statue. Quito a large body of police wire present, but offered no resistance to tha paradera. When the premier???s effigy had been pertly burned tba party cut it down, with tha remark! ???Ca maudit serpent.??? (Thera goes tha cursed serpent.) The quean???s aistue was much blaekened. Moktsbap, November IS???Two hundred French Canadian atndenta, together with aoma quarry men and others, numbering about 800, paraded the streets hare tonight, notwith standing it bud bean raining hard. Tha quarrymen carried axe-handlos, clubs and thigh-bones. They shoved people from tho sidewalks, frigbtensd horses ana eommitted other aggressive acts. About two hundred and fifty men of tho Sixth fusllser* have assembled at the dominion square, to bo in roadlnoea to meat tha French Canadians, should they attempt to carry out their purpose of burning Colonel Stevens In i ffl|y. It is its tad that tonight???s demonstra tion was tba result of information the stu dents of Victoria university had received during tha day that the students ol MoQUl (English) university intended to burn Biol In effigy tonight on tho Champ Da Mars. At Sherbrooke last night aevaral hundred persona assembled with tha avowed intention of horning tho effigy ot 8ir John Macdonald, but Lieutenant-Colonel Ibbotaon appeared on the scene and doffed tha crowd to carry out their design. The other! came to his assist ance, and they succeeded In nutting out tha fire. The disturbance soon became known, end the Orangemen, who wore then in their hall, appsaredon tha scans and succeeded in ferrying the rescued effigy to their hell, where it waa followed by tbo excited participants. Qnlet was not restored until midnight. Sev eral arrrete were made. Thera were from 7,000 to 10,000 persona present at tbe final meeting of, tha Bial do- ferae fund committee at Champa do Mara t>- night. L. O. David presided. Alter tha tha meeting about 800 French Canadians starved a pro cession along Craig atrart to West End. When they reached Cola at-aai. Mayor Bcaugrsnd diove up In a carriage, aod at bis request, ono of tbo liberal leaders wares I the crowd not to go any further west, aa 300 young Englishmen were waiting far- them. They shouted that Ihny wrre not alrai i, but the crowd of800 ennu milled away. Bv. Paul, Minn., November 19???A Regina special to the Pioneer 1???r-ss aayi the body oi Louis Rial waa burled Inday by E??tbor Andre, in a vault underneath tbs church ot tha Im maculate Conception, and a guard placed over the remains. The ctieli. >ny. was simple and H|CH '?? 5* MOST PERFECT MADE Purest sad strangnt Natural Fntt Flarorn Vanilla, Lemon, Onnxe, Afuiond, Rose, eta, later aa delicately and naturally aa tb* toil. DANGER SIGNAL. When a person gins yon counterfeit money he perpetuates a crime against the law and your pecuniary lnterea'a, bit whin begtrea you an In- ierloi and cnngeruus medicine in Ue place of one of reoogntiM and well known ouratln properties he rammlia the blackest of crime, for he oonipina aimtcit yonr health and life. VTha mw York Herald,". Sept. 21, 1385, taya: To fndone aeoonlerfelt medicine la to injure the io buyer, and tbe buyers wlU _ _ unit) 1WBT iror * ???-a.Jn.-a A,_. that tt Mm ^ _____ perience and apparatus ot topiodnoethear??? manufacturer! * manufacturer and tlie drop away from a counterfei they find worthless. MannfactM [It articles fall beenu-.o they havo not tha ex* I ^???andapparatu* of tho large manufacturer Mine cuiattva result*, Tho largo havo tho utmost Incentive while bled, to niftlre their mcdlciuo ai i curative aa pomtoie." iplo, Ukotho experience of Hltnraom i inter prepared l??y J. II. Zolllu o la; their firm L devoted year* o pyed the most eminent chemists of thoi pent thousand! of dollnrs lu bringing ???Mina to the perfection It haa attained. They expended a Urge amount of monay In bring* lug It to the attention of tho people, and ltiuso bn made hlmmona Liver Regulator widely popu- ??? gotten ilth.ani Ur. in order to make money from tbe groat 4.i??????????????? w_ rgmojy unv.rupu ous up cheap counterfeits, Mck on these frauds a ??? Jmmona Llvar Regula- tor^to deceive tho unwary Into buying their In rmuMKDmA, Neman Co., Fla. tod Dr. Slmmoni Llver.Regu- and always fonnd It to do what la 1 for it. The last bottle and two ??? did me no good and were worse ??? w *??? I see It Is not put up by J. and not Pennine, and a waste of monogjo buy It. I would be .EeUtnAC pore end geonlne. wed ??? __ r Send mesome from honest hands (with red Z snd Zellin's It Co.'s signature on wrapper.) The flctlttoua stuff sold will Injure some one badly. Bknj. T. Rich." The genuine Simmons Liver Regulator has be* come the Faultless Family Medicine and haa tho indorsement of the thousands who have used It. If yon want Simmons Liver Regulator see that the druggist gives yon the gcnulne, not something be cl??!mii is ???juste* good, 7 end boot use he makes more off ft. maytt-wkyly nx rd mat The Tit THg city or otrxanrow'YHi vises or a.biot. Quebec, November 16.???The excitement here over the banging of Btel is almost be* yend all restraint. A flag was hoisted at half matt upon tha Canadian office, and aome English sprakiog citizens who felt aggrieved at this, came near to being roughly handled. Flags decked with mourning embleme are also displayed and many men have crape on their hate and aronnd thafr coat sleeves. It would he hard to tell what tha reselt will be. Tonight 2M or 300 atndenta, with their friends, have bean marching through tha streets shooting "Glory to Biel,* 9 and cursing tha Orange mam Shot and Killed Tt ffllw iiogCWi fer itH * v.r#. I Yesterday the tnv??rnor ptfj a reward of $200 to F. 8 HigglnW^ni aod O. M. Forbes for the arrest by ih?? in nf WUf'am Strickland who on the niuth ?? i .\u*u*t l ut shot and kill ed C. F. Cox In Git on fsotiuty. The arrest was made Scpfousbt r sevoLth and tbo priso ner was delivered to too skurilT of Glynn oounty. The crime was rormuittrd on Sunday afto> noon, and frein tbe pmuular* gathered by Tax Cosbtitutiox the i.(Uir was a brttal murder. Both of the parlk* w. ro whit* and lived in the same neighborhood. It appears that Strickland and Cox hid a light on tbe morning of tba day that Cue was kill* I, at Cox???a house, hut made frieodi snd Strickland went home. Letor in the day Cox and his wife le't home and went to see a family by the name ot Joiner, living about a half a mile from Strickland's. Soon after Cox and his wife raschad Joiner's, Strickland beard of them being there. He got hia gnn, which was charged with bird shot, and DIICIABOB9 BOTH BAESBLS and then loaded it with bnokshot, so that there would be no doubt of the gnn doing affective service with its new load. He then walked over to Joiner'*, and aeaing Cox in tho house, called to him to come out. Cox saw that Strickland had hia gun, and fearing that ha would be shot down if he left tho nouso. refused to come out. Btriekland slopped It the front gate, and made an effort to snoot Cox from where he stood, bnt waa prevented from doing so by Mrs. Cox, who seeing 8 trick land raise nis gnn to fire jerked her husband ipg to bis home. Btriekland saw him as ha left the houre, and going aronnd to tha rear of tbo bnildlag, shot Cox as he was passing within a few yards of him. The entire load of buckshot entered Cex'e right side and he fell to the grOdJid. Cox afterwards got np and started to return to the house, staggering as though he would drop deed at aay moment, aad as he walked begged Btriekland not to shoot again, telling him that he was hit. When Cox had almost reached the house, Btriekland raised hig gnn again *M rtaao txb sxcpvn timb. Tha load entered Cox???s back, and ha fell to iba ground, dying instantly. Cox???s wit*, bearing the firing, rushed onto! tbe boose, and wss within a law feet of her husband when be was shot tbe eecond Urns and killed. Strickland left the place immediately afttr the shooting, and for some months took refuge in a houae treated In an alnaoit impassable ???wemp. lie bad cluttered about him friends who tstilted him in hia efforts to evade arrest, and it was rot nntil September 7tb, a month alter the ehcoting, that hia captare wet' ef fected. Btriekland it fifty-seven years ot age. At tha time that ha killed Cox and took to the swamp ha gave it oat that he wonid not ba taken, ?????? be was too old to think of spending the remainder of his life in prison. Fewv Wcbeet In the World. Tbe following is a close ostlnute ol the capiUl snd incomes of four persons who are said to b-3 tbe four ilcbcit men In the w??rld: DL'KXGF WESTHiKsrxx Gbj Iful, 1*6.00 \0000 Per year. 4.000,000 Pei month, 900.000 Pel day, 10,000 Per bcur, 450 PtrUfLUi*. 7 BOtSSCHlX-b Capital, 9JCO 000 OCO Per fear. I*-,WO 009 Pfrbour. 1.000 L&M PtrmlDUta. 90 2> litre ate 1790.000^00 of the world's wealth la ibeber.daof four men; onerac^iv*w fiA per ??fa- ote. whl.'e the clbersucelv* $20, fit end 17 res* pectivtly. Dyspepsia, liver complaint, and kindred nffecticxe. For treatise giving sneeeee htl self- treatment address Woato'a DisrnxsABX Medi cal Associaviov, Buffalo, N. Y. Vanderbilt. fl73,0*).UJ0 ????.S8 676.??00 15,W0 emorrhages. ES&ISL2 Soros, Ulcers, Wounds; grains ..and Bruises. '-ft*'It'.WiMt -???ay Mi H.allna- uod Il7*a|lntf. O'lzrrfi- ???*???? BT t>.4 Cold Id the Aa vjnr ??????Of'.tarrb Cnr*.** b* spmtiilH 7 ??*i >pared to ir.-wt aerfmn ???* iron. Our f MU $ftIpg4* u dimple snd loeipcuzfvw Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other prenFrstlon lisa enww more ease* of then* 41??tre*Mrff complaints than the Fix tract. Our Plaster la lava!* able lUythry dlwocNg. Lumbago, Pains to Diphtheria & Sore Throat, ??? Uutufcatnaei promptly. Delay la daa- geroiM. PSIoQ mind, aileedlBgor m IlCdf la tiio greatest known remedy j rapidly earing when other medicines have failed istoff'jRidsassJaa!" For ^Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. tara*S.*?? tbsiesab.A9pllsd- Female Complaints. ???"wS JtsMfs discssssws Extract css besseff, u Is vsff knows. .Uh tb. (nslMI bsoaM Full dlrsctlons accompany ssoR bottls* CAUTION. P<">?? s JI*.te8!^S??S rvMteM^crO. ???old svs??Fvrbsrs,PilMo, 80s, IL tLTOS tapis, os!, k, POED???I EXTRACT CO., ffXW TOBJE AND UatDOR. sss on tto wk. ??? ??? ??? , sn order of lbs Court of OriUntrrof FAjrotlo cr.uut,, (lion's. wlU t?? sol. Ufors Lbs curl- bout* door lo FsrsiMvlUo, tsid ooootv, wllbln lbs Ictsl boors ol sols, on tbs flnl Tusods, lo Do- ccmbc, next, 78 aens of land, mots or 1??<, In tbs SOD tb tut cornu, sod SB tens In tbs lootbwsst corner ol Iso, iot No. 201, lo the Uth dUtrlct of orftiosU, Bcur, sow Fsjrcils count,! also 2IM sens, more or Ira. In tba northwest corner ol lasdlotNo. 281. in thaMhdistrict of originally Hanry.nowuth district of Fayatta;aotd as tba property ol D. A. Brown, for the banaflt of tha f*b l jrN*s^ , s?d?' l ji w novt dlt, wkytt The Mirror ts DO flatterer. Would you piafcw it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm??? er that almost cheat! tbs looklng-gU*fc ^CIOebeB^ CORDIAL r tha most pleasant?? for the bowels. ltisosaofMi efficacious remedies for all ???rhtr sSBiSa ft I SKUOS wtuovMsnt Attacks of tbs !M\:t!a srsas- frcqnoit, some mssdjr rtllcl tbcoldlw it bsol.. iB mtclrd motber,Mn|.<bc,biurate Ik, UtO* cw| T??,lor>s Clicrokcc Rssttdi orBwMt Guu Slid ftull.lo will cure Ccacbs, CkOBH sod OnwsunwttBH. Pric- 1M. Aod ,1 s tiota. 0BE OF THE BEST FARMS Middle Georgia for Sale T OFFIR FOR SALE MY PLANTATION. LYING .11 miles writ.???of McDonough, (la. Tbo pine t con Ulna 217 acres. There Ib a good six -room dwell ing on the premises. All neceisary ontbnlldtnii. and all good and comparatively new. Four tens* of orchard, comprising m fruit gro whin thiiMellomVrom???ttia cariieit to the latest, small vineyard of sixty vinca, ylaldloc annually 100 bushels of franes; land well watered by creek running through; 45 acres <>f fite bottom laud, 21 In high stats ol cultivation, 29 uuoleared; SO sorat In original woods: 80 sores pasture; balance la ex* ccllent tuts ol cultivation; achoola and churches rcnvenlfpt. Term*-$l 000 cash, or $4,500 ns fol* lows: 81,100 cash. 11.800 one year alter date, snd 81,000 Iwo yean after date of sale. Address . 8 M. OARMIORAKL, rov!7w2t MoDonoush, O*. every variety ??? lev "fttww" Io4ll Srtiif laeltiM, Look end Laugh fit "Hard Tim**." Onlv$i??U$tB rarJu ???nUfiBkt far trm wtfitfitM V Jfill t'f-rasUfifi fifi.1 ffifiWMfiUlfi. <1 ???Kiffir ??? ywu I la >1*??? ?? ??Ulfifif??m SIS S??U W ni ektKiMpI U Omsk Ilia, ???km fifitU Ofi mmfH U-nitfiSfiW ???Irrti*mfit-7tn??Unett .Wrtf iirt MMMUOeonOlPATKIACO.. it retrA AnaM, (%U|8, In. Admlnlstratoria bale. T VIRTUK OF AN ORDRR OF TQI CO.??? _ of ordinary of Fayette oounty, Georgia, wlU re sold before tha oonrthonso door la Fayette* villa, said county, within the legal hours ol sale, on tbe flntTuesday fn December next, 10I?? { aores ol land, more or loss, being tha west hallo! lot T4o.4\ In the upper seventh district ol FsyetU i ounty. Hold as the property of O. P. (Jollier for the benefit of the belxs and creditors of said de- ct ased. Terms cash. This November 2.1H15 M. M. COLLIER, Administrator nov8dlt <St wk St fflAiucsin AMERICAN ROOfINffi lift, t MtClilTNi at yuilf Mtrcct. J.OLT kfo^ ???ILL Dsbck/I^l^lD???jf OdK rthouso door In traxAtlc , ' ,, l9,???K??yette count/,???H???orKlA. WltMn Mis \tfOmov.r< m mi*!, on tho first TtifMtaylu Doocrnberfflfxt. lots ofMaod, Nos. 198and 219 in tbo ^i-trirc s^qriKlntny Henry, now lith dl'trfnt ol Fejetlo, btttf of ????M lots n??vr been tnbdlvlded lnu> lour lots, caob eubdlvinoncontalnlDg532'10!cree,and will be solo ?????? now divided; lold at the property of Ed ward Jaokion. ol raid county, docciwwi. Terme cub. Thla October tbe80th, 1885, M. K. Jackaon id G. W. Poblnron, Exocntors.novtwtt BEST TRUSS EVER USED I Q KOBG1 A, FAYCTTI GOUTY-COURT Of C dlnary, November term, 1886. John L. Orav ???a executor of Rnsan Graven having filed bis | tlUon for probate of finsaTfiraves's will In eolamn form; and that aa Martha Doss and J.M. 8 Oravas reside In tba aUU of Alabama, and can only be irrved Ire publication; ordered, that they be cited Hid made parties by publication one* a week for four week! In the Atlanta Constitution, a no vs- irer piiblUhed In tba city of Atlanta, Georgia, jfore tbe Deoember t**rm. 1866, of said conn ol rdlnary, and that thla order so published oon*t! . D.M.FRANKLU, Ordinary. DRUNKENNESS ZnutAixtlv Ourod. ??? SP(SwdfiBl3iS!iJafWS il/.wUA sane jaeworsidniDk* _. been cured, who to-derb!!!* vr- Ihfiy quit Artaldacsi tbetrowaDeewMrjBwRSrtadby or?? ry ??s Kfeawrp idoiiI.1. from lho tcc* woioiq omt moo from AO OorUof Ib.coDDtr,- AUUimlo t-uoflcaonc. ooLBia mcma oo, tw im. (k cutfoAA u. a | 'KOEUIA. RABIN COUNiV-TO ALT. WIWJI In It u??,, Jane. L rincAooon havlni la doc foim applied to the ancenlaned lor in. -.rdliuhlo or tha propertyof CImto riaaranoo, ircntT. tlncttvoa ff.r.b J. rincaoooa, Mtr, riocaanon, Biahtl A. Fluannoo, mtmr chir- :n ol Urotio W. FIdiwudod, lata ol Hid no tint T, men cccicd, notice U hereb, xltt-o that bla .o.Uoa- till be heard at m, olfica on tbadnt Uondar ??? ~ bind odl , on tha drat Honda, Id December nut. Given under mjr baud and official .Itnature, thla 2Mdyr ol OdobM-, IMP jaUN ti. DICKSON, OCt27dl??4w3t DrdloAry- H.L. WARREN fiCO. 1117 inwatoat St., rhllada* whrwpH oeW2?? oovlOlt /tlOKOIA FAYETTE OOUNTT???1CABTJA U Elder,wlmlnktratrlz ol Min K-tht-i. BaIIt ol Hid count,, deeoBHd. hu applied foe dls-ala loo rod will mo. upon Hid Application too the Sift n??? lt-!T*n- > _ Jtj linn WMUM'l???ii! *C!V1L TURKISH LINIMENT. ThlB liniment Ib laxiantecd to rirs tUfodtlo tn cvcra loitaocc. For rhcomatlnn, ncunlflx - toothache, cut* burn., bratoca, BtlffJomtB and a! , other pnniaMC tor which llolmenta arc utod, tho TurkUb liniment hu no cqniL It can bo imod lot slab liniment hss done me : * medicine I ever used." Dr. i Athens, seyi: "The Tuiklsl tnimenu hove ever seen." fseially mm sci/LffoV essi^itMdtibUMSbLwis bov8-eA}6 i no ???ask four DBUGuian roi it. u n expreu chaifea, to An, oddren tn tha United Statcc or Canada. Do not permit voar drag- .lou to .All ,on a no-etbin e aUa, lor beumrod tbo plcoa OI HOV ??? RUM ol oar nMCTonj VorSmoSiS' 1 ^ ~ aiL.iWu^sss i more then exceeded my expeo* ??? ??? ??? ??? y house* ??????B3 ^ VWflU. RW.UIUq HAJU OrlgL Ia^SV m53?1 ???sou ??m veeeips wf 6 esettSa Name this paper. Jit wss on the morning of the 28tn of AUfom 1816, thst the long felt want was eradicated. L What long felt want? . " f , ???Wby.thecstebllshment of the fuformslloa of fice at Brooksvllle, Florida, conducted by A. H. Dehilbg A Co., for the benefit of those desiring td lx come aware ol the many advantages snd disad vantages presented to the uninitiated, anticipa ting the taking up of tbolr abodo in this American Italy. Thousands, yea thdtumnda ol letters bare been mailed to tbo various postmasters and oihors typing Inanities which were never answered, sfyl are fontflftutnfto tour la <**117 tu their grost Atknoyaqcc, wtilrh legfiropoio cheerfully furnish- iqqiAnponk*! by a ksudsomo Florida corlosl* rtbepsUrv iuiu*l on* JoRai. Hud there lone ago stu h an office eataMMred, doitbtlfai there would hero been counties* nnndrods of dol- * iw laved to tbe pockets of the unwary newcomer nd capitalists. Therefore, take Unfair warning nd communicate with A. n. Usm.TNO A Oo., Mnin Ktreet, Qrooksvlllo. Bcrnando County, Florida. Name thf?? paper. 1840* Incorporated 1884. ??? MB CltBSKATKO BRADFORD??? PORTABLE MILL 3022, WNIAT A 7113. f MHJH SIU XACSUnV* The Tbes. Brsdfbrd Ce. OlXUUIlf ATI, V. AOME HARROW. A LARGE LOT THOR lanowa. No tamer aboalfl ??? lot on, bon. F, o. B. 27 Marietta it, Atlanta, Ga. oet27wkvlv Administrator's Sale. ulmnlcndltomoiaiaTHia'oncj ball cub. balance In 12 monihA, with intact au?? V-nrl inf tltlO. w ??????- mp ai??sa.. ATLANTA 8AW WORKS v - Arcr, inMial OAWSII SAW MILL acaKBggi^ cupplies -lmrfrmiiir'- gl;, i acW-wivia Atlanta, Ga. MIKMTRATOICB b.VLK???ACBAEaBL, K> 4 , in r.nh>rol tb??roti-tofordtiurv<??f Fftiette county, win be eoui si tn* euuassure Ouor uf raid county oo the first Tuesday la Dscvmbee nrxt, w lain tbe ???efil hrerr* ol sale, the (oUowlag woiitiir. lu the I2fiftid district and town o?? Brook's Button, lHacrtaol land, more or less. p5 of **n* N No. 71, bounded wo??b by la*ide'oi W. It f r tn.M.wrAty * T. ??>?????wd??r, siuth end ??Sfi?? by Z??*tnlivr,Trtee; skoO'if retrertniifia ??4 lot, 22 lets liwot kiidpfi fret bee*, o9 *wl4 L??t No. W. asaggstf-wsP^as aoih ilM. J. w. Dunhar. Jr.. Administrator.