The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 24, 1885, Image 4

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4 THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. ATLANTA, GA, TUESDAY NOVEMBER 24 - SIXTEEN PAGES KITTY???S THANKSGIVING. annoying to tou why do you ssek my society? You cm find plenty of girl* who hi bettor advantages. Am I to *???* ??f Sarah V. Hobart. ICopyrlfhted 1885 J I. ???Five and four are nine and eight are eighteen/??? counted K itty abstractedly, m the eet the hot pics on the broad pantry shelf. A Jow, sarcastic Jangh came from the depths of the great arm chair, where Hess Chamber lain wu lounging with a newspaper in bis hand. "Won???t yon send me a copy of your new arithmetic when you publish it, Kitty???? he naked in a bantering tone. "That will do to go with the spectroscopic tiews you told about last evening." "Well, 1 wasn???t the one who spoke of Dr. Jlolmea at the author of the ???Biglow Papers/ anyway,??? retorted Kitty, taunted beyond en durance. ??????Boss Chamberlain, I (or one shall be heartily glad when your vacation is over.??? Boh threw down hie paper, straightened himself up and bent a pair or keen, black eyes searching]/ upon her. ???You don't mean that, Kitty???? ???But 1 do/* answered the girl passionately, ???1 have never known so unhappy a time as these last six weeks. If my ignorance is so t society 7 arc had ... _ blame that my life must bo spent in the kitchen instead of the schoolroom wncro 1 would like to be? 1 am doing my duty; I please father end the boys and that is sufficient You presume too much on our friendship, Mr, Chamberlain, when you take it upon yourself to tutor end criticise mo in that contemptuous fashion. You are at liberty to go where your flue sensibili ties will not receive such shocks/??? and Kitty took upher egg-beater and sMacked the inno* cent yolks with an energy wbbh threatened to dsmoltsh them. ???You'll be sorry for this before the week is out. Kilty Payne, and when you want me back just remember that you sent me away." 1 ho yout <r man rose to his feet, put on his nut and overcoat, and stalked down the path, the pcrionffiretfon of offended dfgnity. Kitty???s lip fjuiv*red as she sew the tali form moving itttdily along between tho rows ol leaflets lilacs without one repentant backward glanco- Already her heart was looging for reconciliation, but pride forbade hor to recall him. ???He will come tomorrow/???she said with a sigh. ???Ho will not fail to eat his Thanksgiv* ing dlnntr with us; it wouldn't be Thanksgiv ing without Boss.??? Bhe wiped away her tears and turned again hopefully to her work. Jt hid been a wearisome,trying day; out* side a gray mass of clouds hung gloomily over the blnil's, and the keen winds sweeping across the prairie now sad then whitened the hol lows with sudden flurrica of enow. There had been an extra amount of work to do in prepa ration for Thansgiving, which was always cel ebrated by the Payne family in royal style, en innumerable army ol uncles, aunts and cousins responding gladly to the annual sum mons to the capacious homestead. Kitty had risen unrefrcibedfrotn disturbed end troubled It began directly after breakfast, while she res rolling out the flaky cruts for her pump* kin pics. Aunt Babrlna, who had lately be come a member of the family, waa washing dishes at the sink opposite, giving voles now end then to an ejaculation which Kitty had learned to intornrat aa the signal of a coming storm. In the few months during whloh her aunt had been her companion the girl had learned to dread her relative'* sharp tongue ???nd shrank from imparting her confidences to her. ???What's that Chamberlain fellow hanging 'round here lor all the Ume???? sho deuaandod _____ .. but beat her head a HUle lower over her work, es with quick, deft fingers she filled the tins for the oven. Aunt Sabrine'a keen eye* were fixed pUileee- Jy upon her, end she saw that the shot had told. ???Now, it???s easy andugh to see," she went on, flearlahing her dish cloth by way of emphasis, ???that he feels himself a heapabofo you. ile???e always twitting you with yourcountrified ways and with hie being educated, which the laud knows, you ain't. I attended select school myself when I wu a girl, and cau tell a scholar as well u the next one. But that don???t make it that you ain???t too good (or him the beet day he ever saw, and hero he is morning, neon sad night, all over the house horn garret to oeller, helping himself to fried cakes and cookies in tho pantry, like one of the family, and sitting right down hero in the kitchen to bother, no matter how busy we are. And tho neighbors tell mo It???s bun going on a penitent little note in Kilty???* cl ear cblrog- *;*&ut the note did not come; Kitty was too deeply hurt to proffer any flng of truco. Bhe went from room to room putting the curtains into more graceful folds, rearranging the becks and trifles on the mantel and tables, snd filling the great blue vases with muses of iccwy chrysanthemums. All the while she was listening and waiting for the advent of her lover and n chance step upon the walk lent tho blood surging to her cheek. The evening caineat lut. Ross had not come, be would never eome again something inifi htr. and coiner to her room she gave her- _ r ___ . _ Jtoss had esrtd* if there ha of the old love re with her before this anxious for reconciliation, faking (he blame upon bimself in bit old frank, generous way. No, it wu as the neigh bors said, another had supplanted her in nis regard, if indeed he had ever cared for her as i be had ro fondly imagined. ???Here's a letter for you, Kitty,??? celled Aunt Babrina up the stairway. ???Its from Chicago, and must be something pretty im portant, I gmss, for its got two stamps on it. Bead it quick, and let us know who its from.??? Bhe took the letter, thankful for tho dim light which concealed her tear-stained cheek* and swollen eyes, and read u follows: "-Ghicaoo, November 26,18-. ???My Dear Cousin ???I have been trying to think whom I could car upon In the present emergence, and flndtba. there Is n?? one but your own kind, helpful, chec - foiielf. Your nerafstant refusals to visit mewl not be accepted now, fori happen to know tb* our ancient Aunt Bernina la at band to take you place at the household helm. But to begin at t???. ??? resinning. "Coming _ had the 11 ???loan wsrr.fc me that I ??? , several weeks, and the thought appaia me. _ J-si the fflicc tho livelong day, and tho lou instil my lot fa unbearable. My only hop* that yon wlil be mindful enough of your con* duly to coroe, like the benlfloent fairy that > ???re, and invo me from dying of ennul.??? r Here followed several pagea of family > item ol ill matters in which tho reader ha < Interest. The letter closed in this wise: "Taking your assent for granted, line' check to defray traveling expenses. Hover > stout your wardrobe: there will bo time er. for ti at afur you are here. Don't wait to Lut telegraph me and start at ones. Your ???flevtlonatn cousin, ???RUTH HS4R M ied. e in his best amfleieurely proceeded to th house. Aunt Babrine, meager and belli as ever, answered his knock. ???Is Kitty at homo???? he queried anx something in the spinster???s appearance ing him. r ???8bs went to Chiesgo this mornsng 0 o???elcek train," curtly answered Au brine, watching with dolighted eyes II of her communication. ???Kitty gone 1 and without consulUc gasped Boss, forgetting himself in h^ ishment, ???And why should she consult you? his tormentor. ???What claim have Kitty Payne, or what right to cor movements?" Kosa grew pale; he drew himself u; tilv. nnd, without deigning to answer, Kitty???s address and beat a precipitate lie went directly to his room, and ieat> desk indited a manly and tender epiet absent one, blaming himself severely misunderstanding between them and her the formal offer of his hand and hi ???Forget and forgive," he pleaded. ' my own heart at last, and it tells i- without my little friondMd sweetheart no happiness for me." He folded tho letter end slipped It i envelope. Tho entrance ol ayoungor disturbed him and ho tossed it unad- Into hit desk. Had it but reached its destination, lb ter with Ua freightage of love and pc what a burden of pain and grief wool been lifted from the young girl???s a heart I How many years of hopeless Ing off through the world in strange ways. The plsco by the kitchen fire Is the woman' place, and ene doeaen???t find anything belts with all her seeking after grand things. ???You???d never know the white calf. It???s grown tremendously, end Daisy???s colt is a wender to the whole neighborhood. I???ve dried piles of erabapplec and pumpkins, and we???ve got the fattest gobbler for Thanksgiving you ever saw. I do hope you???ll be home in time to make the dongbnuta and pumpkin pin. I won???t turn my band oyer to anybody making pies, but your father???s got so notional. Noth* ng tsites aa it used to when Kitty did tho cooaing. For my part l*d be glad enough to let you do the whole of it if you???d only come. Your affectionate aunt, ???SiBirva Payxa.' ???The sweet, safe corner of (be household Arc behind the heads of children,??? quoted Kitty with moist ltshes. ???I don't suppose Aunt Sabrina dreams that aha is almost a jpoat, but I will go borne.??? Then she turned the sheet and read this postscript ???I most forgot to tell yon U berlain la back here yisitlng. ___ Cbsmberlaina hare done remarkably well since they moved to Dakota. Rosa is practicing law in Yankton, end is looked upon as one ot the rising men of the territory. That Sullivan girl wu married lut month to a Denver banker, so It seems Rocs didn???t want her, after all. Maybe I wu a little hard on him, Kitty, but I meant It all for your good. Lou says bo???s grown to be the quietestTi cmntftt fellow you ever saw, and that he's n msdo the world, whatever his opinion was four year* ago.??? ???Don???t forget tho gray flannel for your father's shirts, and if you can find a box of Fyke???s Resistive* Liniment I wish youd bring it. They say it's extra (or rheumatism." Four days later in the great farmhouse kitchen Kitty stood at tho long table making pies. Aunt Babrinn stalked majestically back and forth, arranging and rearranging the pihsof cups and plblei in the old martial way. Lifewua battle for Aunt Sabrins, but she wielded her weapons with a brave, undaunted heart, and this morning the ghost "??? ~**y*d around the tbm lips and uuwhine and cheer had como faded with] In his easy cb'fcir almost forgot bis ailment3 as d ey with Kitty???s presence, and I he feeble father he feasted hla eyes upon her bright, inspirlrg face. A knock at the door end without a mo ment???s warning Il:as Chamberlain stood in their midst, llo bad grown thinner and paler than of old; thcro were lines of caro upon his face and a settled sadness in his dark eyes. ???1 have just ccmc from my father???s, Kitty,??? he began, breathlessly, ???where yesterday I cane upon this letter written you four years since, which through some unfortunate acci- dent never reached its destination. I thought J ???ou reorned to answer me and have livod a 0 - ' lonely, unhappy life, and you???oh, Kitty,what savo you thought of me all these years? Can not that sad mistake be rectified? Have you grown so far away from me that all my love cannot bring you back???? and scandalized Aunt Sabrina with a hysterical] ejaculation aped out tho room as Rom emboldened by tho tears in tbo blue eyes lilted to his took the aproned, flour besprinkled little figure iato his arms. Maybe its just as well," said Aunt Sabrina meditatively, as sho piled ui> the pans on tho broad shelf of the back porch. ???It ain???t every woman that???s called to single bloasednoss and Kitty always was a soft hearted little thing. Now that Tom and Joe aro going to get mar ried we should have to break up anyway. It???s time lor this family to swarm, and it???s just ai well for Kitty to bo the queen bee and t&ko the lead. And just to think how it's como about. Laws, ft???s most like ??? novel. Msybe the folks that maka books don't lie about more than half of it after all. What if By Prentiss should come back after all these years???? Bhe flung her apron over her head and with a hall ???igh went out to the barn in search of eggs Sjt her fruit caks. uoA-ooMsrBiuroRf liATfima. 10 for the last five yean I How do you sup pose it's going to end? Yeu can???t look me in the lace, Kitty Payne,and sty ho???e ever asked you to have him.??? No, Kitty could not; and the feint, sick feeling her aunt???s words prodded paled her lips Md drew dark circlet around ner eyas. Fortunately the entrsaee of the young gentle* man: In question spared her the nomination ef replying, but she anew the evil day was only postponed. Aunt Sabrina waa not to be bel led when once started on e scent. For the first time In her life her heart was throbbing with indignation against Reas, wbil* he, le illy ly iugoeok in the easy ehair, waa inwardly wondering why it was that of late be could never have Kitty a moment to himself. He was very certain that he should not be satisfied with a wife whoce highest ambition waa to excel in household duties even though she were sweet and lovable ea Kitty Payee. He hoped if heaver made up hie mind to many her, which, indeed, waa extremely un certain, he could teach her to dress a little mere like other people, fibs wee always neatly end tastefully attired, but his critioal eye detected the absence of certain effects which denoted that the fashion magaslnee were infrequont visitants at the Payne homestead. An elegant, stylish wife would be m invaluable help to e young lawyer starting out ou his career. The ???Hannah Jane??? clement was greatly overrated. Madge Sullivan, his sis ter's Chicago friend, wee more to his tests. Kitty mist be reminded of her little failings; yet she was a dear good girl after all, and Korn's face softened as he glanced toward htr. She would not meet hie eyes; she wu trying to steal her hcait against him. It wu so cruel, so unmanly, urged pride, for him to piece her 5?? perplexing end humiliating a position. He had men her devoted lover, her constant fine childran Tb.r.wu kot . pl.n lor hi. fulut.; . ta.p. ol hi. 111. which he bid not confided io htr. H. hid been faithful, tender and kind, bat h. hid >i.T??r uked h??r in ??o mu, word, to b. hi. Wil. Until the pool year aha ha.l never doubted him; but ton th.vilt.te wu full ol rumon recrcrnluf hi. mentions to Uidn Salliviu, a Chicijro booty and b.ireu, hit titter'. KfcH???l Iriend. Pittyiu* (luce. w.r?? cut 0]on L 'tty M ihcui.MjLhi.r01 friend, it pirn, <,.* itnu.cMMSMDefs. 1 received the lion', .'bin or her IwifiShMStont. BSo felt thet the urn neglected, ind Aunt S.bri- ti e mac touch bid lorn open . raw ind <iuiv- ng would. Itou wiihe.1 hon'.**rd, moody ind indig* Mut. llo bed beeu truled .pelt, he n.cdititod, it he went iloug. Kitty Wu tHumiuf i i.w in.I uucomibttibl. roll, .td to putiih her for her lupertinonce, much u hi enjoyed her cookery, he ihould itweot almMit frem her Thiuk.civii'f dinner, unlaw *h?? mode him i luitahl. ipoIoiT. Toil oven- ing h. relieved hi. feeling. V duhing off .ciu. tueulie veme, for which b ?? hid . ip*, ud induing them in t' blink vdoMluud them into hi. duk, fully p.r* ????*d Uu ik?? iut mcntUg wtmld Wto* ??* Sheltered in th. grut biy nindo' rocked ud lung; the golden curli ol th- upon her lap blending aottly with h??r . ol brown. J.ulled by tho tender m.lod ??? May bid driftedoirtodreimlind. Mr. 1; out in tho eitUng-room lild down hi.. ???nd liitaned. ???To you know, Kuth, that your loud i wonderful voice?" he used proi. ???There U not a finer contralto in' it. fortune in Itself snd must bo cuttiva ???nd good Mr. Mearne, whose tiro wu u . plotely filled with th. thought for ho forgot to think for htmielf, gay. hlmsc' to plant md drums lor developing his yo Irirnd's nisrvslous gilt, while Kitty, .11 Boiv th. Aro Wi Park???Strong Knooah to < conreioiit, sang on In th. twilight. I'r.ctir.1 Cousin Kuth esme to ths rue Sho wrote to Aunt Sabrins snd Mr. I's} letters which inspired them with her own i thulium. ???Killy hail bun . good, hi girl," her father uid. ???She bed ibithtul ailed her dead mother???s pltre lormaay vest- It wu only right and propor that .he shoal have a chance for herself snd now that th morlgagowas lifted from tho Ikrm, debt R aid, hires ud gruorlei filled with a plant!- ???1 crop, ho could oully and gladly giv. her the help iha needed.??? Aunt Sabrina wu <U* lighted to take the rule ol the hounhold into her own bind., ud th. boys war. willing to mak. any sacrifice lor th. suUrwho bad bun so gentle, patient ud sMtaurificla, with them through waarisome years, ud so it wu Milled. Kitty worked hud ud faith hilly. She slmed to be an artist???not u utisu. oburv. ???nt, doolie, patient; diligent in suun and oat of scuoi, no failure daunted har, no 1UCCMU9 denied her. lr htr heart wu uhlng with hitler ptin, Uts secret was her own; it lone times the memory of her iorcr???i sting ing, mocking, sanulie words hums Intolerable she dang herself into her work With a passionate abandon which rooud at one. the admiration and sympathy of har LlUlo May .ud Cyrw, th. bahtt. ofth. He.rue homestead, hec.m. her com- K ntoniud comforted. There wu truir, tier .trtelion thu tho love of mu, she ar gued with ull, and th. childra*. confidence ud lovo soothtd ud inspired her, Four yurs want byt yean ofuvu. labor ud etiultn iludy. Kitty wu now . iuocbm* tal teacher, n ttngif always In duutad in ooa* cert rooms ud pulota, and the ludiag con tralto in one of th. principal churchu. Lover, sought her vainly; her Ufa wu given is har art, she uid. In her aunt aoul aha knew that her leva wu givu beyond recall. Bow might prove IiKIum., wound her with cruel worde, or the keener pain ot niter forgaUal- near, but she could notohuga, There had been muy brief viiitt to the old home, thesannieat spot. In these busy yurt, ud now u tbo Thsugiving Urn. drew nUr tho wu promising henelfa generous vuetttn, . fortnight ot nil and puo. beneath har Ik* ther'a roof. A latter front Aunt Sabrins, which came th. wash before tier departure, added fervor to her reaolva. ???Dear nitc.Kitty,??? it ru, ???I a'pcul don???t write very promptly, u you uyr-but whit with the miking and churning apd looking af ter Fraderiky???that Tanlihitilg.'. u the call, beraelf, will bn the death of oil yet with her. airs ud her nutioni, patting onion in tho. pudding and cinnamon in tho potetou when my bark is turned. Ske'e got to go and, oh, Lord! sha'i lb. eeventh ainca Chrutmu. As 1 was saying, I have so much to tee to, I don't find time to write. I???m glad you???re coming boms to Thinkagiv *??*??? Your lather'a kind of poorly, and aome* bow nothing ealla him. He wanders iron a i the hor-. picking up your hook, ud nation! trem th. table, ud holding them u It th.y were a part ol you, ud b. rite looking .1 your B ctui. lor hoars ud navu apuking a word uilc ia all well uoagk in ite plaea, hat I tbiak your doty is at home, Kitty Payna. I 1 never did think much of n girl'll meander* to Centra __ _ 1, ..Onuh A Har <???. j Fiam Ifcu Hew Yor^TiIbune. , r _ fW ^ _ " In tho Mscmsnt oYtho anvcal In Ceu*-i7i park vatoxdMr morning a pofttble tluo waa filled with steaming hot watrf. Tbs tub wssc lc(a small spsxtmant. ths air of wnfoh was heaVtd by% holler to a tropical temperature. Two Aroad* shouldered keepers brought Into tbs room, under the direction of Dr. Couklln, supsrlnloudsnt of tho menagerie, ac<iu&ro wooden box with ft per forated lid. llftviug reduoed the wator to blood heat, one ol tho men opgnad the box and disclosed what appeared a rata ot serpents coiled on ths strew with I a. There ware two bo* constrictors In the box, but In tbo confined spsca there seemed to bo a dezotr, One of ths keepers, alter a wavy movement, caught tits smaller of the snakes hythsltck ol theucck below the head, and lifted It frem the box, ths other keeper seising the slimy body as It emerged and givlug It a twist as ,i!lt were a cow???s tall. The snake, which is ten feet long, waa quickly placed In the warm water. Tho one that remained In the box showed au In clination to resist such unceremonious treatment. Ho raised his brad above the lid of the box, hti green eyes gleamed fiercely, sad his forked tciiRne darted out In a threatening manner* But In an ungarded me wank the snake was seised by the hark ot tho neck and wm placed with his esmpanton In the hath tnb. Ths larger snake Is nearly fifteen UttlSig. and his hod/ la as thick as a man's arm. ones in the water they soiled arcundi*.hotter gliding to and Iro In perfect ctntrnt Pr Coskltrg explained tut It Is neces sary to civs the urpents a Lath ovary low days. They bathe of their own aooora when In a cast, but these bad barn boxed up to send sway. In Th# Increase ct Iasaetty. Bdton supports 800 insane, says Mr. T. B, Sunburn, not 75 of whom will recover. This is frightful I Insanity has increased 40 per cent in a deesde and most of the casos are incurable. Whatever tho individual cauie nosy be, the fact remains that uric acid blood sets the brain on fire, destroys its tirades, and then comes some form of fatal lunacy. Nothing is so pliable ss a mind diseased. Most brain troubles begin in the stomach ;thsn if the blocd is filled with uric acid, caused by failure of kidney action, aud the consequent destruction of tne blood life???slbumen???jou have the fuel and the flame and a brain in full blaze as when oue raves, or in slow com bustion, as in milder forms of insanity. Rev. K. D. Hopkins, of 6t. Jobtsbury, Vt., a few years ago was confined in an asylum. He took a terrible cold while aiding in pulling out a fire In a neighbor's burning house, and for twenty- five years that cold was slowly filling bis blood with uric acid, and finally tho dead ly work was done. Tho case lookeJ hopeless, but he happily uasd Warner's safe cure and recovered. That was three years ago, and having ridden his blood of all surplus uric eoid, be has remained well until this day. It is indeed a terrible thing to loss one's mird, but it is a mors terrible thing to suffer such a condition when it can be so easily pre vented. IHMON MLIXtB. Au Old Citizen of Atlanta, Oa, By the recommendation of Rev. C. C. Davis I used Dr. Moxlry's Lemon Elixir for a severe case of indJgcitlou, palpitation o! the heart'constipation and bllouicess. I also coffered greatly with gravel a: u u.'.ui ir.c.cj rummies, uuv MozIeyV Lemon Elixir alone has made a perfect cure cf all these diseases. My wife haa suffered greatly with constipation and sick head aches from which she could get no relief. The LmouElIxls haa permanently cured her. A. C. abkold. 22 Ella et., Atlanta Ga* Lrinon Hot Drops. Dm. H. XozLtY-Vear H!r: 1 have antlered Jot five years with a revere cough and lung trouble ???aw ycur advertisement o( Lemon Hot Drops, and procured a small bottle, having tried every cough tjrrop aud lrsenge that I could hear of with little benefit, I had small faith la It. To my aur- the me of four small bottle* only. Mycoufh wasso severe an to produce alight hemorrhage at tho time I began to use it, and the relief waa so great and so sudden tbit I shall every feel grateful to you for this great medical discovery. Mr*. K. Sims No 4 Orange atreot, Atlanta, Oa. Mover Too Lsts to Mend. When the system is so badlr run down that it is like an old boot which has been balf- soled and heeled several times, and mental shabbinees goes hand-in-hand with physical debility???then it might seem too lata to try recuperation. No,sir! Notts long as you get a bottle of Brown???s Iron Bitters at ths druggist???s for juat one dollar. Question for debating cluks-???0??n a man. while asleep in the daytime, nave the nightmare* In All Contagious sad Infections Diseases Darby???s Prophylactic Fluid has been used with msrvelous results. It possesses remarkable hygienic properties as an external and in ternal disinfectant, deodorizer and antUeptic. The eminent physician, J. Marion Sims, says, ???I am convinced that Darby???s Prophylactic Fluid is a most valuable disinfectant.?????? Its presence in the sickroom is an absolute bless* lDg * g ???In 81am tbe cats bare their tails banged." In this country the entire cat Is binged. MBS. WINBLOW'8 SOOTHING SYRUP, lor Chll- dren teething, softens the gums, reduces inflam mation, allays all pain, and cores wind ooilo. 81 cents a bottle. Goughs sind Golds. Those who are suffering from Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, eto., should try Brown???s Bronchial Tbochie. Bold only in boxes Nervous Debilitated Bern, Tou are allowed a free trial of thirty dayssftbi ms of Dr. Dye???s Oelebrated Voltaic Ball with Eiectrto Suspensory Appliances, for the fpeedy relief and permanent rare ol Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, tor many other diseases. Com- shall. Mich, TO J0M HENSS5S8S Cheerfulness is an excellent wearing quality. It has been called the bright weather ol the hurt. Gold Watches Given Away, Luddtn & Bates Eoulhcru Music House, of 8a- vsnnab, Gn , are actually giving away handsome Gold Wtlcbes as a souvenir ol their removal to their Jfsgr ifleent New Tcroplo o! Mu*ic,whlch Is the largest now occupied by any Music House In the United States. Read their startling advertise- nit nt m this f*Mie, ana send your name aud al- ???-??? *---*?????? *-*??????????????? house *??? lependi akeT 1 The last pitch-hole In life???s highwaj???the grave. Holme' Sure Cura Mouth Wath and Dentifrice Ilia 111. Breath. iD-U. rorulabyiUDraaflite. auaii???war No Elephants aro just like man in one respect. >rrcmr**tbey dead than people begin to ???? about them. at 11,000, COO PIANOS Hanob "T A If US at 1AK03 at fAifoa at 'IAN os at ianos at (seoond band) 'JANOS at ( " " ) ???KUANS for Church JRQANH for Parlor ORGANS for 121. SCO, 075, 988, to 9400. at rna oxoroia xvsto stork. General A ff T^bit and O. D. Peass A catalogues and prices, tlantt, Gs. No. 18 Marietta Mention this paper. scpS???wkly G eorgia, fayette county-jane w. Bright, wife ol W. J. Bright, has applied for exemption ol personalty, and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at ten o'clock, a m., on the 4th day of De cember, 1885, at my office. This November 11th, ??? 888. D.M. FRANKLIN, Ordinary. Nov 17 wky2t CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000. ???W. do hereby oorllf. that xl npnrbo the nr T??ngcmcnt?? for .11 tie Monthly Md Seal-Anna^ Drswlun ol Tho Loultl.n. SUM Lottery Oompa ny, MdJIn panton muia(?? and control the Dr.w- Inn themMlTM, Md that th. nm. or. conducted with honeety, (.lmen, .nd In yood teltn toward putlc* Md we Mthorfie the OompMy to SN ??? certificate,with almlic. of oar ricuttmaat- 00MMIS3I0NBB8. on tbo borders ol slrt-iras ??nd re- a.lnlri! In iho water lor koun. ItMMjjBM imou, .nuki, itt-lf ltircis.howfd.rrar t(Ofkoun. Itttnot.pofi- hxi wtct.'Ti Md one of the that he tout recelxcd in the thee. ^^uotKrx3 ihcMol It.tarteru.t,I,m m'lopcu k*nd, ,r obMrxcd the n???t tuna fee could .wMlow a cre.t dlatcatton. It iUh tram the .octet u hot, mUawini to Mmtt th. menu time. It. M tt. one that broke I] ths. He. to Mmlt th. load, led wilt ttretrh tlmult. Mimient cteA rhh lutebo. U tut broke (rum bli tage.ud mcapM mini ue Ue ,ot Into tho Bote. Uh old bulMin. and it wee ??? ??? ptor.d Mm a Is where ho S I too note to u. not collar, a Um. tt> P??* t halontto, to one otthemnitrayot uni%r th. . while b. wu In hiding.??? three mouth, before wa upland ?? >ln. TMt .ear yea cm man him tiwh t too elete to th. hot beUat. A Urm, I dee UloutUU * build le a eu He wu a J - Ifiikc ,IlTO .Bli. se WI* tu aiuiug. , . By thl. Uma the nun h.d nmalacd Ion. taeutbln the watex. They wen cauyht i|U. by the keepcie, tr.n.ferred to thabsnMd corned with ueeiM duett bUukctt. The boi wtt then rioted Md plamd neu & holler wh??a the tatku could dry at ttlnia without danger <M ttk* lot cold. Th. ???PoM.m I. tup*. Ftom th. Aikauu TutcIIot. D. trmt'edunoom. u' d?? ???pamm Id rlpfo Oh, June,rho. BettM'n ??ny beriitmLjbmter'n??ny Itlpfo Oh, iurucy ho I nil. Mm In d. .tho. m' 1 .rabble, off bU h*u, Take ???etc, Chilian. 1 oou" i Oh, leiui; M. ho, doM yet hnn ???so comlu' J Oa, Ju iftcgy hi. low. data jsr hath me hummiu'? Dra.oh. slug terse bright star or ??? bluin' la do ??ouf, au' ou. ting l??r de ???po??um ez ha ??._**??? It wrjermouf * Decle lime Ug???r be ??m got a lender Rater, Oh, Jtxungy ho. An???be's g?? taiL l(bty uoul tur da jailor yam Oh. Juraugy ho. t *le i'*u au ??ilr rouu' as sop, Oh. Juraugy ho. B??k O??? Oh. JannyT hi. ho, dOM rw hnh Oh, im^Uow.doM itthetti D<D ???fn^i???u4r^. te, * ht,ut *' Aa???.oh. no.wrd,*pn.nm??rh?? toa Inter ycimout iHlttt* Ccmc, *er haul out de r*u to any person aflllctcd with ???go cf medicine. Hundred* pronounced hopcloss have beeu cured. Head description of your cate, with two letter (damps, and medicine will be sent by return wall. wky&s Koandnii* for Kheumntlsni ( Mmrt.. II. I???cck & Bon., of Strcotaboro, O., wrile to, Juno 5, 1882: ???Wliy do you not ad vertise R08ADALIS for Inflammatory Rhou* inatism? It is doing wonders hero in curing the disease." Well, wc do advertise it to cure Rheuninti??m, ns nny one can sec" by reading our circultr. It is a splendid Blood Medicine and it reaches the very root and seat of disease by being couvcycd through the blood. Drugo tuts, Lading physicians end citiaensof th highest sending unite in commendation ol ROB A DALIS. Girls, ii dftlfret* way of giving * y< fresh Is tot Revival of the easiness Outlook Southward. Tbs business outlook [throughout the south snd west is very bright; harvests have been abundant, tho public health free from oven ths ordinary* maladies, and prosperity hat brought an increased patronage to the Louisi ana state lottery on aoeonnt ot Ua wall sstab* lished character for honest management, un der ths sols direetion ol Generals G. T. Beau iy??i drawing will cottier 8522,500 all over to hold- i rs of ticks tt at $10 or fraction of tenths at 81 etch. All information can bo had of M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, Louisiana, on appli cation. A pair of suspenders??? A brace of hangmen. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India miftioiuiy ths formula of a simple veg etable remedy for the speedy and permanent curs ot consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, asth ma, and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical curs for nervous debility and all nervous ccmpUintt, after haring tested its wondsrful curative powers in thou sands of cases, has felt it his uuty to make it known to his suffering fallows. Actuated by this motivo and a desire to relieve human suffering, l will send free of ctmrge to all who desire it, this receipt in Gorman, French and Bngltth, with full directions for preparing and using. 6cnt by mail by addressing with ???tamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Power???s block; Rochester, N. Y. sow Unprecedented^ Attractions Over Halt a Million Distributed. LVjniST 4 N^^T^TELOTTERYOO, tnro for with a capll waa a part of the prcn adopted December 2d, A. D. Its Grand Single Nun >1 vind cha'itablo purposes??? .000.000-to which a reserve' been added, x voto ft* franchise ???rment_8tftte Constitution Single Number Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: 187 th Grand Uonthly AKDTHl EXTRA0RD1KAR7 SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWIN6 In th* Academy of Maslo, New Orleans, Tuesday, December ISth, 1888* Under the personal supervision and uumafomeut o UVAMAAJ A. JUAUUt) 1#A * Capital Prize $150,000. CE???Tickets are Ten| Dollars only. HalvM ii Two Dollaza. Tenths b Dollar. NOTICE-' Five Dollars. Fifths, One 1 1 tar of raizxs. 1 Capital prise of 1 Grand prize of 1 Grand prise of 2 Largo prises of 4 Large prises of 20 Prises ol 80 100 ?????? 200 ??? ICO 1150,000 .1150,000 50.000 50,000 20.000 10.000 5.000 1.000 600 800,.....?? 820,000 IUH 10,000 75 7,600 2^279 Prises amounting to .1522.500 Application lor rates to dubs should be made only tothsofllceof theOompanylnNewOrleap*- ITJES. ... go me by Xxpreas (sU sums ol 85 and upwards .toniMTtuM, - A Bk New Ou.m., la Or H. A. DAUPHIN. . Wuihlugfon, D. 0. Hik. F. O. Money Onlen ptyabl. MffMAica tMOtind Lotttn to MW OBUtAHS NATIONAL BANK. New OrlCMA LA, OR LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANK BTATI NATION ALBM^ QXBMANIA NAHONALBiSSk. ' New Orleans. La. ;ecc egcicjiumgss^n. ???SfSi Ud eat sue Fac-slmlls of Bottle. KEYSTONE MALT WHISKY A Cloud ot Witnesses. In many instances ths opium eating habit _a* been contracted through the u*c of nar- retire, prescribed by physician* during sick ness. Many remedies which cltioi to euro coughs contain morphia or opium, and tt can easily be understood what a bad effect they must have ou children. Tbs new remedy??? Bed Star Cough Curs, is entirely free from theta dangerous ingredients, and ths mate of ttsttaony which has already been collected in its Inver from all parts of the country is proof of its wonderful parity and efficacy. ClGESTjON. rfATKJSra. hisuaturs KDEiioii on tnc tasuel. FOE 8ALE BY JOS. JACOBS, ???2 to tt ?? day cm AN TED I tj??t!)Zu m o???, food.. Salary *75 per Month Md Kx* Canxoalnt outfit and Partien. W- f V pehses. Canvaailng outfit and Parties lan FRXX. STANDARD BILVER-WARB OoT, Boston, Mass.sepM-wkyMt $250^LS?? WE WANT SALESMEN aw* Will pay good salary aad all expenses. Write for tern*, ???uting kzpcrlMe* m4 mUtt vanietL SLOAN * CO., Muufoatarwa, >94 Omt|* BU, Ctecimol, oj nor,???Wky7t /111) TkQ???On. pock May IO U Horn, cart., ???epl-wkfm eomtol W anted-an experonced, energetio book agent to conduct a general agency in Texas; address ???Publisher,??? Texarkana, Texas. wkyjf | Man*rcr, rain# CuUdlce, tu.ciu.??u, t do'i't w.???ifte tlmo c.???inr;i.???int' l^rchcnp,' M Inferior pictures, but send at once for grR-BfeUSHPORT'iaiYS ???nd double your profit*. Any one can tako orders. I All yon have to do ta to show your samplea. rjjii BMaBBhjS* S BROBS OF YOUTH???THB EXCESSES Or MA. ???i two yean and oil ieiuol dUeuc. luccenfully cated. Thirty yean experience. Comnltatlon perronal or by mall free, Md ucrodly confidential. Bra. Tucker a Halle, 0 Marl.tuat. Atlanta, Ua. Noyl7wky<t ISPsPsisl IIWI W!ia???| ija& ;ii*-1 ??? (O)) ^o)) f| a DDQ New sample book containing 78 w21XV1/0. new cards and scrap pictures,^ cents. Ivy Card Co , Eoflcld.Ohlo. no^lQw.-ltn eoij Corset sad y. Address TITANTED???LIVK 8VLSdMEN ill EVERY CltfT If and town In Georgia. Salary or commlatton. Address Charles D. Bather A Co., Atlanta, Ga. ???SHORT-HAND BY MAIL. w-uoeuinruHnwMB Thormi^h Initrao* f Jt. giren in PM4CXICAI. SnOBT-llANMm wfenmtAWi'o^ASSItClAllOSf. Cixu.xali. fi WORK BIG OFFER Msaresasjl ^88 Pay 8t., N, T. AUg 25 wky flit xBaBcaa^ tloai Low to ??bUln thoa and gil* W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mss^ angt-wky Tt sow ATLANTA BRIDGE WORKS \ GRANT WILKINS, Ulxll Bnglua.r aod OontracUng A cat. BKIDGES, KOOfS AND TURN-TABLES. Iron Work for Building*, Jails. Etc. i ffnhatrnctoK. and Foundation, a Specialty. I SpeclOcatlona, Fiona Md animate. Furnished on ??? Application. 04nr DISK???S BKABD ELIXIR . octu???wkyttl tow AGENTSff^y????Sr.W5 kSfreMii 8MriM.Corv??S COmSUCmiI ttma, MTi] ???eptSS???wky*ftvu ??r Gate City National Bank ^ OF ATLANTA, DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY o/^ THE UNITED STATES. Capital and Surplus $300,000. a|??1 In oar oetly. Md nowUff e. ??? WME CEKjnFlOATES OF )UR PER CENT INTEREST, ky tt finoo EXCELSIOR COOK STOVES iLl-AYS SATISFACTORY' Eightecii Sizesand Kinds ALL PURCHecfBS CAN BL ??'JITED MAVUEAOTCKED BY bar i SLtppiH I Ci, BiKzrt, Ml AMO BOB I.LE Ht HUNNICUTT & BELLINBRaTB, Atlanta, GreorclA.