The Atlanta constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-19??, November 24, 1885, Image 7

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THE WK r r::;:3Tii'jTI0Iff.‘ ATLANTA. G -DAT NOVEMBER 24 1885.-S1XTEEN PAGES NEWS BY WIRE The Happenings of the Past Week All Over the Country. THE PATTOSS OFHUSBINDRY. KMing a H /ess Woman--Over come by Gas. Turn lo Ike prat—Ut teeming iheett turny, Big icith Urn wondert of each putting day; BbOn, deaiht and iocddingt, forgeries. fires and tcreckl, Harangue* and halftones, bratelt and broken necks. ColcmbcSj 0., Novembor 17—Tho CHS of tbs lists auditor. Kisiowettcr, charged with shooting with intent to kill W. J. Elliott, edi tor of tho Sunday Capital, waa called in tbs police court yesterday. There waa an nnuauat proceeding before tho witnesses were called and aworn. Gsnaral Walmer, mayor, mado an address to the principals, stating that the csss was ona ol the saddest that had come be-, fore him since he had been mayor. Ho ds plorcd Use fact that two prominent eitueni, both with pleasant homes, ate., should allow a difficulty, at first slight, to grow into a esse of this hied. He spoke at some length, and said thtre was a great deal of feeling in Co lumbus against both of them. He suggested that they settle the matter then and than, forth* sake of the peace and good order of Columbus. If they took his, the mat. ter ended there; otherwise, the trial would go on. The attorney!, among whom waa Congressman Outhwalte, looked on with as tonishment while tne mayor was making the unusual eflort in behalf ot settlement. The care ended today in the discharge of Auditor Kit sc wetter. trs nasr iui.i.ot. f Ess an, Ore., Norember 17.—Tho legislature took the first ballot today for United States eenalor. Tbs republican vote stood;—John H. Mitchell, twenty-four; Gcorgo H. ]iamr, fifteen, and the remainder feting. The democrats t solidly for James H. 81 There are ninety mem bora of the legislature, audit requires forty-six rotes to elect. otsbcous ar oss, JcHsarown, Norember 17.—Lastn.ght while repairing one of the blastfurnaces of she Cam bria Iron company J. D. Smith was overcame by gas and fell headlong into the furnace. Hopes were thrown to him, but he was uuosn- scious and could not take advantage ot that method of escapo, and soon died. The gas arcse from tho furnaoe in such volume that the work of rescu ing the body was rery dangerous, and in a few moments' one ol the rescuing psrty was overcome. He waa dragged away and a follow workman took his place, but he, loo, was soon rendered nnoonselous. Matters continued thus till seventeen workmen were prostrated. Finally the remains of Smith were pulled up with books and a rope. Thsy were charred and burned and drawn intosueu shape as to be scarcely recognisable as those ot the human body. aaoraaaa niaruvn. Torsics, Kan., November 17,—Near Percy- villa, Morgan Ooekrell and hts brother, George, disputed over a trivial matter, when the former find a shotgun at George, dissm • bowelmg him. The murderer than took poi, session of the house, drove every oneawav, and guarded the pises with an ax. lie baa not yet been captured. It appears that George threw his brother down, when a man named Whits Interfered. Morgan, procuring his gun. ibruattbamutslo between White’s arm and body, as be was endeavoring to protect Georgs, and fired at the latter, wish fatal effect.. Tne brothers are reported to be nephews of Sena tor Ccckrell of Missouri. ax sxri-osiox. rntLiorLrxiA, November 18.—An explosion of the tank of oil at tho Philadelphia Rubri cating company’s works, on Delaware, at the foot of Moore street, this morning, resulted in thedealhofonoman, the probable death of a hoy, seriously injuring four others, and the partial destruction of tho establishment The victims are Alex. Hanes, aged forty, burned to a crlrp He was superintendent of a gang of workmen, and had recently ermo from Pittsburg. Charles Marshall, a boy of twelve at work with the men under the tank; Joseph ltohinaon, of Delaware, boiler die; Charles MoLesn, burned about the head and ex'remitics, probably will sot recover; Arthur Grueber, ot England, aged 28, single, entire body terribly burned, wlildio. For some time past tho works have been running to tbrir full capaelty, and early this morning a gang of men, numbering fifteen, were set al work to repair the stone foundation under a large iron still, which contained fifteen barrels of crude oil. Therepatrahad been partially ccnipleted, and several man ware engaged in plaatering up tha Interoir walls, when ths man-bole of the still was blown oil, setting the oil on fire, overturning tha still and earning the burning oil to fall on tha men below. The explosion waa followed a lew seconds later by a second report and a denes volume ol a moke. The firs department was alow In reaching the scene of the disaster, and the flames spread to several other's tanks, three of whleh were de stroyed. The loss la about. $30,000, Insurance $17,000. a xcaosa vaiai. ■ Hi nson, N. Y-, November 18.—In the Baok- wi'h Vendereook murder trial, Beckwith was called to testify In his own behalf. On taking tho stand ho Immediately acknowledged the crime, butraid be killed Vsnderoook in self defense. He recited in a clear voice how Van- dorcoek cams tohiseabln, and how an alter cation ensued over a trivial matter, which led to blows. In the strug gle Beckwith seised a large knife and slabbed his antagonist in ths back. As he wiakened Beckwith caught him by tho throat and threw him to the ground, ds then choked him to death, and tsaieg an ax beat his skull In, and with a knife nearly severed the head from tha body. Becognlsing the enormity of his dead, he songkt to efface It by chopping the body Into pieces, and le t tbnn as found. During tbit terrible recital, Beckwith did not relax a muscle, but glared like a fiend as if apparently he were re-enacting the bloody work. The court, jury, counsel and audience were almost para!} sea by tha shocking story and the manner in whleh it was related. The court was at once adjourned until tomorrow, AH ATTBXrTID I'OISOSISO. Bestow, November 18 — Mies Annie Lyons, a propossssslng vousg woman, was errestol ledsy <n the charge of attempted wholesale poisoning of the family and sarvantaof Charles W- Parker, of this city. It was only by tha active sxertions of physicians that the In tended victims were saved from a horrible death. Miss Lyons was employed as a cook by Parker, and gave satisfaction to her employer, bnt could not agree with the other servants, and on account ol frequent controversies aha was discharged. After several mysterious attacks of sickness la the family, suspicion or ths bread was aroused, and Parker thrust his hand in the flonr barret, and from its contra drew up almost a handful of dear arsenic. It hsafortunately happened that very little use was made of the flonr, but enough was used lo mvi rely sicken ton persona. Th. Lyons wa rns'. protests Ignorance ol the arsenic. ATiACiin av ntonwAVxsw. Ktvesviua, Ont, November It.—The Eswx and Kingsville stage, in which were a number of passongers, was attacked by highwaymen near bare tonight. The robbers who woe* not mounted find five shore at the driver who, howavs^wu not injured. He then whipped np his horses and escaped. two wax Axeman. been arretted here- for attempting to past confiderete ten dollar bills. They had a largo quantity of confederate money in their poss ession. UOOCHOLIBA. Wabash, Ind., November lit.—Ilog chi! or a Of a fetal type has broken cut in Liberty fownrhip, this county, whero laran droves are being tatted for the market. Two hundred animals have died in two weeks, and many more are sick. arirHss asd jaxsa. Acocita, Mo., November 20—Stephen B. Elkict it visiting Mr. Blaino at hit home hero, atd hit pretence it tho cause of considerable (cseip. The ostensible object of Mr. Elkins’s visit it to confer with Mr. Blame fu relation to disposing of the coal products of the mines belonging lo llie Wist Virginia ltailroad com pany to eastern companies. Both gentlemen are members of tho board of directors of this road. It teems hardly necessary that Mr. Elkins should have taken the trouble to have come away down cast to talk over a matter that has been already anted upon by the di rectors and approved of by Mr. Blaine. The most reasonable supposition it that his errand it more of a political than of a busi ness character. In fact, pelftica waa the staple topio of conversation this evening at the din ner table ea well as afterward, when Mr. Elkins and Ex-Postmaster Manly withdrew w.Ui Mr. Blaine to his coaey library, where they could talk over matters iu greeter priva cy. The prsaidential possibilities were freely dircucsed, sod this affords eufliciont grounds for the hypothesis that the precise mission of the adroit chieftain of Mr, Blaine's strate gic forces at the Chicago convention is in refsrcnce to putting Maine's idol in the raeefor at other presidential nomination. Mr. Eikina finds Mr. Blame in excellent health atd never in better spirits. That both are taking an observation tonight of the political horiton and calculating what the chances are to seenre another nomination for ths "mag- attic statesman" seems altogether too proba ble to be doubted. At least that is tho con viction of the political prophets, who alto beileva that the job will be matured before Mr. Elkina fakes his departure tomorrow. A DXXOCSATIO CAUCUS. Poarnsxn, Ore., November 20.—It is learned teday that at the caucus of democratic mint hereof the legislature, held here Tuesday evening, when authority was given to seven teen members to vote for John H. Mitchell for aenstor, cn the promise that ho would vote t> confirm President Cleveland’s appointments, a rcrolution was patted, calling upon the president for office. A few minutes after hit election was announced, Eenalor Mitchell addressed the legislature, and defin ed hit attitude toward ths president, in the followlrg language: iriiUMoredforouo moment that any cietlc u-inesentatlve on this floor has cut tits vets for me under tee Impression tbat It would beve the i fleet ol cbsrglug me from a republicm toademociBi, ol course, I would not feel compli mented, but I beve eveiy reason to know tbes no gentlemen, no member o* tlie Cimocretlc parly, cut bli vote for me under any men Impression. It Is duo. however, tbst I should recoguizi the fact, and I am I ow about lo proel»!m irom tho houio tops PROHIBITION TALK TO ORIATCROWDSAT TH1 TIN LAST WMKs leree era Metbattsetse AatSiraoee P/wint-A B*o» ir* Addrtsa by Mr. F. B. BtaR«rd*on- Or, Filton’ftRptecb cn Friday Night-Ad- dmin by 0;b*r DlaUnaulaBad Man. aud elected a democratic) president, and what f have to tay la thia: tbat I mail conceive It to ba put . „ted itatca, If tbey are worth j men, they shall receive my vote for confirmation, unless iher<€fs an attempt upou the part of tho president o( the United Btatei to makeappolntmenta that will itf frir^e upon an/ tennro ol BbouH hu oo »o 1 would oppose the president of tho Uuitei Stater,” TDB PATBOhB OP ■UtRABDBY. BcsTOBg November 20.—Al tie morning •(••ionoftha patrons of huabandr/, L. It. Rhone, of rcnnijlvania. oflarod the following resolution, which vraa adopted: ”—~—jgriL_ protest afatoRt the pm cut policy of American manufacturer* In tha cctuing taction of congreeo for the purpose of lecvrlng legislation in The Interestof agri culture waa ordered. HAKQKD IV Mil5. Tfroiriiro*, Me., November 20, — Daniel .’ilklnion waa hanged hare today for the mur* der of Officer William Lawrenco, whom he •het when Lawrence attempted to arrest him for burglary* Wilkinson is not hla name, but that ie one under which he haa been tried and convicted, and he refuted to reveal hia correct name. IIo walked to the scaffold with a Arm atop, and ilood upon the drop without a tromor. IIo Waa clad in black, nnd hie arm* were bound to hie tide Ai the nooso wai brirg edjnatf-d, heaaid to the aheriff: "You felkwe get 550 a day for such work." He had nctbing lurtb< r to say. bat listened attea* lively lo the service Ur the dying* At jail twelve o’olcck the trop wei sprung, and he fell a distance c! at*»u hot, dying without a struggle. MID I BOM MIKKRAI* IMHO*. Leahico, Fa., November 20.— An old well, bicb was abandoned many years •go, waa opened recently on tbo farm ot Thomas Poole, Cnettrr county, to furnish water lor an engine. Miff Annie Pooh, Prank Townacnd, Edward Maekay and others r rank ol the water and became terribly ill. Mira Poole and Town* rend died yeiterdav. klaekay and others are slightly better. It la believed that the water was impregnated with a deadly miaoral poi* n. A PlIOHTrnt. Af'C’PF.XT. Batavia, Ohio, November 20.—A frightful accident occurred at Btena Lick Bridge, on the Milford and Chillioohte turnpike, result• Ing in the drowning of three persons and in afriov* injuries to two ethers* David Begem, a farmer, living near Newtonvillc, while going to Cinch sat with a load of produce eevaral dajs ago, w a dangerously injured in a collision with a runaway team, and it now in a critical condition. Oa Tuesday hie daughter, MUiy Begem, aged aeventeen, and his ton Milton, aged thirteen, accompanied by Misa Yeager, aged aavanteen, Charles Paige, nineteen yean old, and Joseph Bur- kle, of Boeton, went down to the Terrace park to tee Mr. Begam end edmlnifUr to his warts. At an early hour they started home in their two-hone wagon. When they had roachod Stone Lick it waa pitch dark. The bridge at this point waa burned eoma yean ago ana hu never been rebuilt. Owing to the darkness the team passed by the cut off to the lord and came right up to tha bridge abutment. Young Peiic, who waa driving, at once realized their f osiiion and attempted to turn the team, and n to doing tha hones, tha wagon aud the five S mote seated therein were precipitated over ic embankment into fifteen feet of water. Ur. Burklc, Miss Begam and her brother Miltrn were drowned, but Paiee and Miss Yeager managed to reach land, though badly bruised. Tbcir injuries are serious. KIT.I.ID BIS WIFE. Wasmxotob, November 20.—Louis Sommer* field, a Pole, aged 82, today ebot aud instantly killed his wife end Gottlefb Kisenbaum at the JatUr's islcon in tbe northeastern partot tbs city, ficmnarfield'a wife, it appears, left him soma weeks ago and baa since bean living at EUenbeum’s* Eisenbaum waa the aon in-law of Mrs. Bommarfield. Various reasons are assigned for tha tragedy, but a bottle of whisky found in. 8ommerfield's pocket when arrested vu probably the most recant and direct cense. Bumnatrfield bad attempted to kill bit daughter, tha wife ef Eisenbaum, and it was iu protecting her from her lather that Eirao- banns met hie death. Tha murderer was lazy, brutal and vicious. He refused to work, ana for the last two or three years bad sub listed cn tho traits of hia wifa’a labur, spend* ing most eftba profits for drink. Becoming tired of his brutality,bit wilt sought the shel ter ef her daughter and ion in-law's home, and it was out of revenge that ha committed the deed. Mrs. Eisenbeiim, after her narrrw arcane, was taken with a fit of nervous pros tration, and an she la about to haeomea mother, her condition la considered critical. ITALfAVl AtXlYIBO, Psiladklfiia. November 21.—Tha steam- skip Switzerland landed at thia port today from Antwerp with 125 Italian emigrants bound to Last night the tent was again crowdoi The Young Mens' Prohibition club, ono thousand strong, escorted tho sposkera of tho evening from the club headquarters to the tent. The precession was checrod at sevorat points along the line of iu march. When the long lima entcrol tho tent the large crowd already there rose and cheered Borne one cried out “Goodbyo Tangle dot/' which elicited a general laugh. DB. A. O. HAVOOOD •a the first speaker. Dr. Uaygo)d had an ovation as he came forward. Every man iu Atlanta ought a prohibitionist. The meat precious memories ol h'a life and the deepest feelings of bi« heart caused him to look with deep concern on this struggle. Atlanta is the games!, the most progressive and tho most courageous city in lie new south. It ia a dangerous thing to undervalue the strength of our edvtrssries. The other aide ia strong and large. They are dttormined t> wage war to tho bitter end. They will fight desperately to tbo last hour. Bo astute a man aa cur senior senator, Senator Brown, laid to me last winter iu Washington that the strong est ring in this country is the whisky ring. [Cheers 1 Governor Brown knows the influ ence of tbat. ring. He fought it with all his power as a senator ot the United States. [Cheers.] To break this ring U will require the utiled energies of the people, who know its corruption, and tbo prayers of the people who ecek help in the place of power. We have laws already regulating this traffic. It is forbidden to sell whisky to minora but there arc few barkeepers too good to do it. 1 knew one and ho was too good a man to be in the Imtines. [Laughter.] God forgive the cowardly grand juror* aud the cowardly so licitor*, and tho cowardly judge* who havo failed to bring to justice tho men who have besotted the minors of this atato. [Groat cheering.] I want thia election carried by honest means or t ot at nil. [Cheers.] 1 want an election that tbo worseo can pray over whilo tha man are at the polls. I want a victory that tha God of hosts can indorse. [Cheers.] Don't talk to me about fighting the devil with fire. [Laughter-] It in his native olo- tncut, ana he will whip you with it every time. mr. r. it ntcHAcnsoir was introduced by Mr. Uillyer Mr. Richard* sen raid he had at least two things to be tbnnkful lor. One was thnt ho was to follow a man who had made it necessary to oay vory little more and the other wee that it will easy to speak lor prohibition. Intakes a smart inau to mal e a good rp-ccrh for liquor. He referred to the charge that prohibition would injure tho material welfare of tho city. The majority of the real tax payer* In AL lent* don't bel'.evo that. It is a question of theory and tbo only way to tost it Is by tbo ozperienso of those whero the experiment has been ma<b. All we ask fs a lair statement ot tha evidence. The liquor men cast their eyes over Georgia to find.the places MADE DESOT.ATE by prohibition, and irom avery town they bava referred to has como an instant, in dignant and almost unacinnus respmso irom the peoplo of that place. They say it will injure Atlanta's trade. Nobody over brought triouto to Atlanta. It fought ior erory inch of its progress. R.t on tho aterilu hills oi Georgia it has made them b^autemti with the blossoms of prosperity. [Cheers.] Whisky did not lilt it from its ashes. Whisky did not recreate her dosolation into fairaf beauty. Whisky did tot send tho iron high* waja radiating from this poising coator of lit# or rnuoo them every dsy t tingle beneath the messenger* n/ber enter- prise. [Chetra.] Tho indomitable spirit of its people wrought these wonders and it is here yet nerved ior fresh triumphs. [0been.] If it unfits u mill tor tbo cold ail fairs of busineea end his sterner duties as iiizen how mast it <1111.1. AXD KIM. nil that is tender and noble in 'his nature. [Cheers 1 There IsipMA wor f-| patience to dctsil the long blaeiTTehyrd of its crimes, or to fitly portray tbo awful story of how it has crushed tho a wee t /lower* that bloom about tho hearthstones, murdered love nd made a hell of homo. [Ooutinuod cheers.] Tho speech concluded with aa account of how a litilo baud ot aobar aol> riiera. when a great English army waa drunk, saved a city in Indiaand the lira of Eagliih* tuen aud women from an army of insurrection* .is. There is a city in Georgia at tho mercy of tve more rolcntie** than the savage hordes ot Ir.dia. The cry i»r help has arisen to heaven. Where oro the sober men, who will march to the poll* on the 25ib of Norember aud win ibe blocdless victory, wbieh shall redeem At lanta? [Continued choering.] MR A. *. Mt/RPHV. Mr. A. A. Murphy, of UarnesvUle, was riled on by tha crowd and responded in a happy effort, which kept the crowd almost ia a renatant laugh, He said tbat whura one gallon of whisky i* sold in Tiko county now h hundred used to bo sold. Tbo jail in Pika ccunty has been burned up and the people dr-n't want never to build another. They don't n«ed a jail when they have no whisky. Dr. Falton** Speech, lie *DDBfMia TUB LAKOKIT AVDIKKCM OF THK CAMPAIOF. The largest crowd tbat has assembled at tho teat >tr ce the openlr* ol the prohibition oampziin vu pitikat last night to bear Dr. William U. Kd ton deliver an addict* In favor of prohibition. Nearly every seat waa taken and much ol tbo standing room under the canvass was occupied. The programme of tho evening opened with prayer by Bev. Virgil Norero«, after which Mr. B. Cabaulu, Introduced Dr. Felton, who, aa he walked to the front ol Uu stage, was greeted with tremendoua applause. Witn this demonstration, which lasted ssvaral mensfutt. bad rulaideil, tb* r ,speaker commenced l.t>* n n nits by commenting upon the else ol tne lUdicnca. Ifc raid that he waa not a fanatic upon the r uo- Jectof prohibition, He bad many frauds lu vt in us pcitlor aol Georgia who were dealers In liquors, and three fumes he would be glad to get who bad not taken h a seat, continued his re mark*. Be rata tbat the at'eudauce and the on* tliusiasm of those enseal settled In his mind definitely that tho sale of liquor was to be dli- petted with in Atlanta. Be did not believe that there was a whlrsy man or antt-problbltlonlst In the tout who dm nut believe the same thing. He wanted the reporters and newspaper correspon debts to nut It iu their papers tomorrow tbat tbs sale ol wbhky iu Atlanta was settled forever; that the white men ami the colored men ol tbe city had forever sealed tha doom o! the liquor traffic In tho pate city of Georgia. winc h to buy the colored votes on election day. Mit lull (hand. Th*t vote united and tbe whlte'prohlbltlon vote of Atlanta wa« pledged to UaelrwiTC* and chil dren that the liquor that baa DLOTTXD OUT OF EXISTENCE ir stij happy lives would be removed from Fulton coun r I'u'hlbitlou was not a new thing with Mm. He had been a prohibitionist since be was flic years <.ld. Wneu he waa at that age bis moilur tick him on her kneo aud asked him to me hii best r(Torts daring life to drive liquor out of the land. He had prondicd her tbat he would, aud since t-at day M* Me had been consecrated to the rnute In the papers ho had resd articles from promlncntritizeiisol Atlanta who. In their fight for vrliltky, had b;ought tbe Bible In to give tea- fimoi/y In taror ot barrooms. It waa beyond Jiff romrrrhcnslon to have Imagined tbat they would have done such a thing Atlanta was al- woys In the it ad In this instance. Tha ruin who dheomed tbat tbe Bible ad vocaloil barrooms were entitled to the doing away with tho liquor business would not hurt Atlanta. 1 he traffic only changes tbe money •f il e pfnple fiotn the pockets ot ono to tne of the other. It was taken away from the illy to fill the pn let* of the other. It was taksn ai peer rrnu and lift half-famished f»mi„ rot to of a rich whisky seller. God deliver the _ tbe slate, brought to their relative: and friend*, broducid ni'rary In many hippy homes, and was nf rrinu* In almost every lnsuaci. The friends who favore 1 prohibition did n la tin Ifciertstof ihedtnnkards whoeould not control .1*14 is to rescue tho drunkaid and snpprew ths i:quer dealer, who was responsible for bU worth ier s condition. poire anti-prohibition speaker hvd said tbits . ,'naln«Iiizen of Atlanta, who in ad probability, whisky dtalor, waa worm n*tt a‘1 toe rtrnckarda in the city. Ifc dUagrrrd with this lu thorny. He thought that one drunkard waa worth mere than all tbe Vitrr deafer* la the cenai rj. , i this point tbe speaker w«s Interrupted by Mr. 1! 11 Csbsnte, who, walking to too front ol the stand, announced that h# had Jnvt learned that a hundred eoloted profifnittoa voters wars now irchlug to the tent, and taat as they would ar- ..vetnafcwiromeiit.armprnrian was nee saury it> isrdtr to mate preparations for their accommo datitn. Iba turn unpement was received, with tn roirrc rbtMtpr. lists wire tossed latv ths air aidatncbentnuravmevtoeedby all present It was lullTiwtntr mluuUM before order cou rt hr r<sirred. During this time tb* ehreriag and apples* oo*llsued almost d try. His own countr-B*rtow-wai r world siuce prohibition passed intoefioot. The colored men derived tha most benefits irom prchibltion in hla country, and tbe same result would follow here It prohibition prevailed. With tberxc'ptinn ol a drunken man now and than made drunk from wbfsky, rent up from Atlanta piobibUlou was found to prohibit ia hts county. An Actt Prohibition View, Last night a Cosititutiof reporter called on Mr. Jack J. Spalding, chairman of ths null prill -billon executive committee, for the purpose of getting his view* on tha situation. Mr Spalding sain: ‘ Our < cmb.litre ni you have bean advised through the columns of The CowsTiTtmoir; Is < <>m pored of representative citizens ot Atlanta who ore rutliely dhcouuectcd from tho sale ol liquor. IVcaro optctlvu prohibition became lo onroplu* Ion it la wrong botn In principal and roller, and I’tctur*! of the extreme feature of the law sought to lu put on this couuty. We havo uot indulged sl y personal life* nor abuse, nor do .•c intend to, however much the committee or Its Individual members may he at. sited t>y tho prohibitionists. Ws believe tbat ur lire of policy will always win with tha pto- >lc ol Atlanta. We nre against prohibition and n iavf.r of temperance, and don’t irtend that any tactics ol tho prahfbL tionifla shad divert the attention of tho veins Irom the true issue, viz, whether or not Aitaiiiuwill prohibit tlio aaio ol all ktudsol ifqncrs. wince, do,.'both at wholesale or ratal!. Nvirago or n mrdtelr.e, aud regardless of {^•‘llowdo you view tho outlook?" “Gortldols perfectly satisfied with theiltos- i. 1 think that too freuzf ot excitement t the prohibitionist* Jmd worked up about dtyasco Is dying out, aud, aa 1* always tbe -. tbo level headui, conservative cltizms ol siita arc coming to the front. Tbe experiment Is ico hr nidoiiR aud 1 don’t balleve ft willb.* mi do. J bare taken *u active foteroit la tbo list u ur csir.ptljru* In AlUnta, and uotwltbstanlln* il-t: claims ol the prohibltlooisia 1 am fiuulyoi the oi inlon that our sldo will be victorious by a rtnud majority. Nothin* abort of a revolution O tun defeat ur, as wc havo tbe fight om iy whipped now and don’t Intend to till tho last vote is polled." A I-KQUiniTlOX ViXW- Judge J A Anderson whofs authflrfty for tbe prohibition pnuy. was ssktd what ho thought of the prevent situation from his view of tho bsttle l'<r d. raid he: "TI c ou Hook for a prohibition victory has nevor j.r.y doubt of the result and bnt one liquor voter tint this is correct and to know tbe foaling of oar ildooi the campaign. Tbo Young Men’s dub Is especially active, confident aud enthusiastic Dr. Felton's great speech, and the grand meeting Frf* day night, with nil it* lucldonta-notably tha pro. nounced fidelity of the coloted testier* and pir.f.!e, as evidenced by Ihslr uuexpested visit In a iarto procession can* ti.inli g (00 voters—has raised .the enthusiasm cl t ur worfcrr* and vi-t-r* to a pitch never before :*ached, and which will not wane until the bsttlo N over and victory won. Them the constantstiur- ant e that Hie sympathies and prayer* ol tho good 1 e«p)e of Gcoryta ura with us, which ponr In oa us mniisntiy, could uot fail to be Inspiring. Jt (bore vls i lie Iisiiprobftbllityof 1st la re, we would all • lUemitun honor mou In defut to ba found I'shurg In the canto of humanity against ths liquor traffic, when rustatnod by tho plaudits of n»«. best people hero aud tnroughont the state, istiicr than to t e ainn* g the victors la a cause so hjiclf’c iu to merit and receive the almost ualr*r WASHINGTON. THM NEWS OF THE PAST WB1K AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. n. ImMWa Meets., .boat OnM-tUllt. J.ot.on wares H. r.itM-»Hk« aasltel, . ontaa uatesattb. Ko«H-lutkq.,k, W.TS, - r», Xlib caamuslon. treumulalien of lll-ioltta xalaa. IMt we li.Trra >■ anal tbo result. Tba re.titratlOB to v I:b ii» according to our teat toloraialtoa. tba volte, laciminaro amplc-tha slootlon will bo I ctrcml aad lair, and altar the triumph o( pro- lbltlon, .Uinta will Imp forward M oavar b.tor., at. rearhlax a. that poopio are watch- ires to nc u. victor lou. tbat tbov tea, oott* bsra, toy hopiM, educate tbcir ohUdran and mat. (cvrstrrcnt. aaoox aa " - How much majority will you biro?" ' /hr |.rohlblllODl«uwillrerry tb.county bya no. d m.Jorlty-tay l.uco majntiy, and It may b; rnucb l.revlcr-ccitalnly uot lam. About H.003 Ot thOM. tbrewfllUia rl the white vote, aud at loan ball ol tba aalorod vote, will be tor prohibition. WewM carry both til) puctecta- aoutb Atlanta by a laixvr molarity ; lo.n oorih A llama. Tm alaaol our majortuaa la tbcclt) preclucta will depend aomawbaf oa what r rc portion o 1 the rate, arc coat at Watt Cad. Couth Mud nod aohurbon orrclncta. Wo wilt alio c.iry Weat Kod, Adalrrrliio. Bryauta and Hon lb Baud dlatrloU. . with a flKliitex cbaoc. la all tha otbarr. Halt the vote rendered lo tha city an ca.tat the i liy polla,wa will carry tba city by not leal tba a no majority. Wo ouxbt to carry tba country pro circtabyauanrexM. majarlty ol MO votoa, and tlirt latbcciumaia ol tboaa moat laalUuwllb the altoatlou Ibaro." CATCHING THE SWEET. B11.T Lana Cur, Noyaubor 22.— Deputy Ltiud fltotot Marabal Vasdarcoolt and ITaloa Mate. Commluloaer 1'aaraob wtra arracted b. re 1 ait eight by tha police under th* ally radio cue. OB the oharfi of lewd conduit with a Mre. Field asd a woman namad Lydia iciprcllyaly. Harahal Vaudarcook c. -irlarra tbat ba nayar heard of Mra Field, cod Comrulaiicnir l’atraou alio denial hla cuilt. Tl>* Hannon paper thia morn in, waa In high (la. oyar the incite, anying! "Tbit tnroa tha tabloi op tba gentlla pcraacutera.” It la acid than are a large nambar of inch warrant, out ag.inrt prcmlaant gaatilca, and tbay win ba inntecptad Indiacriminataly by bind teatl- nrny, II pacaaaary. Inordartocoorlet thaai. It ia alio laid torn a loon woman worn brought hero Mvaral months ago by tho Uormon offi ciate to catch lb. "coainy” A goad (tea! of Indignation la cxpreaiad at tho action ol tho Mi.rmona, and the feeling ran. high In many quarters. ft. II,aired Pratt, From lb. Fcwnao, Oa., Herald. Tbo colored brother, fait out la th. church about n email matter. Tha offending brother want to tbo cflendad on. abd laid: "ISruddcr, tho Lord baa forgiven me, nnd won't you!'* Thor 17,0 Jed brother replied I ' Von go 1 ring ice do I.-.rd’s aurtlflcata dot ha Lta frraiven j,n, dan I will a. o otovnl the o.Btl,r. J- ho de B.pliat raqoired -la Gowa te Lrir-r . snrtificafa ot dcr rapenUcoi -lore ha wculd bapiixa oro." Ta.rlbl. DmrtlllH, Loxoox, Korea, her 71 -AdteNteh to tbatlmea (tarn Oalcnira naya that »re thonaud paraona bare boon drowned, udoo. hundred and Illy ylUagaa In Onrfahyncyclma,«n4oMthm. WaanixoTOX, Noyombar 18—The proiidaa b.e completed tha rough draA ol hla mauaga to congrcaa, nnd It vu given to thn puhlio printer today. If Mil not farther alabor.tadit will not occupy oyar four colnmna of newspa per apace. In lta financial features the presi dent bat utilized the ylcwa ot Menton Marble, who waa lent abroad aa a special oommla- aioner to (lady tha allvar question. If » poraonal Island ot the proaldant la not at laull, th. cardinal point! of tha can wall bo dteeonnted. On tha a liver ques tion tbo prcldant has thro* vlawi. Flnt, th. abtolut. repeal ol tho Bland allvar l.wi am end, if th. law la continued In forea, lie amendment ao aa to leave discretionary with lha aacreiary of tha treuury tbo .mount •liver dollar, to b. coined etch month, nnd the repeal of oo much of tha low aa it now ia a, compete ■ minimum and maximum monthly eoinafoi third In Ih* failure to adopt either ol lha two foregoing propoaitiona, tha praudant will auggret to con,reu Ibe advisability of In- creasing tha weight „l tho allvrr dollar ao aa to bring it In parity with tha golddollar. On tha aubjcct ol taxation the prealdant will he aamawhat diffuao. Aa lo Internal taxoi, he will favor Ihur complete abolition, taro upon tobacco and malt and aplrltnoua llqnora. He will recommend, also, bnt not ia definite ter mi, Ibo necaaalty lor . reduction of cnalomi dutiea. Ha will Invor lha plaoiox upon tha frea Hat all articles which are claiiillod bayoad doubt aa Ira. r.w material. Thia will laolud. Ih. orti, wool .nd nmrly nil th. articlu which inter Into tho manafaetur. of Am.rlo.n gooda, - Tho interrating laatara ol tha maaaap will ba tba Iraatmant of tha Indian question. Tba president will Indore, th. .r.Dgalislog plan, atd will advise congrats to mane tho leglala. lion necessary lobring the Indian nadir the iullnenre ol alvillsetlon and Its lava. A, » whole, bo will favor tho gntdaal breaking ap of tba Irllml ayatem, and advocate tha holding ol lands by tb. Indluia In i*v.»Uy. While thus advocating aueh plan, ha will not advise iredue hssio. Ho will also favor tha plan of -teeing lb. Indlu. upon nurretlons under i ba charge ol army officers. The prealdant will oak contrail to take Im imdlata steps to provide » national bankrupt l»w. Ho will nlao advocate tho Mtabll.bmnit of a bureau of oomraorc., to ba uodar thaau- jurviilonof tboaocretary ol tb. interior. U. will recommend immediate legislation to oim* pci Iho delinquent Panlflo railroad corpora- tiooa to liv. up to tholr contract c-bligatlona. Ha will also ladorea tho I-catruatKr gonorat In the withholding ol the appropriation of $480,000 to ba divided np among th* American iteamihlp llnee, on the ground that th* law aa It wti paasad li crude, • nd teemed to have a (pacific rather than a ganrral object in view. H. will Indorse the civil acrvlc. law nnd aandwlch thia faatnra ol hla annual communication on the .vile ol j rcmlicuOui offico- Making, arux.a osatiiu ox vxx xur,ia. Hptaker Carlisle (aid to * ltepubllotn re porter toolght. In apceklng of tba plan pro* pored 1-y Mr. Bprlagcr to ebango tbe rnleiof tba bonar, tbat the plan did not originate with Mr. Springer. "Ever alnes tha forty.sixth eongraaa," ho •aid, "there haa been dlaaatlalacllon at the present rales; this movement la tha result ot that disaatlafaetion. From what 1 hair, and tha strong advocacy tha plan Mama to have, I thick H ja probable that tha rulu will be Ct> tfe Z a C al'd Ibe plan to distribute the appro- priatlon bills among tho eommlltea. Is not aa attack on Mr. Kendall any more than on any ona else, eatho aamcdliiatiafacllon was maul- foiled whan Hlaeock and Atkina war. «t th. h.a,l of tho appropriations committee. “It la not lha ilmlr.,-’ ho Mid, "to tek. .way any of Mr. It and all's power. I don't think there ever waa any auah fading. Tha complnlnt is that th. handling of alllh. ap propriation bills lx loo much work for tho appropriations committee. A change would, or course, facilitate legislation." arrsexa e.susit'. uornrrrox. Speaker CarllaU’a condition la very tnunh imptovad. He waa abln to laava his bed to day. aaaTHquAKB wavsa. The eoeat survey reports earthquake wsvm on tha I’aalflc coast at San Fraoofsoo, aa indl- cited on tho com! survey Udo gangs. Tha.a cartbquako wsvm ware notlosd yetterdey efleraoon \ between one and eight o'clock p. in. They wore thirty-fire minntei .part, and war AM great as thOM obaarral dnrl.g th* gre.i upheaval In Java eoms yea re alsoo, vs. irsexnuntr oosvmv. Conrrceaman ltecd, of Main., haa nrrlvid here altar hla epaskerablp boom. He went, lob. tb. republican leader In tha hosM of repretantatlva., nnd th. f.ct of having aeoured Ih* nomination wonld coma In handy la hla nut congressional campaign or bla attempt on tbo aenatorahip, If bo decldo* to mab. It. WaMixarox, November 17—Th. baa received th. follow!., tetter: To 111. Jtxrcllcocr, lion. Urevcr OI.retend, 1-re.loent ol tho tlnlted fltelea ol Amerlce: Al q tutctIng ol tko Chinese merchant* ot the cltvol New York, held November 10, IWi. the luUowlag refutations were neanlmoualr adopted: Altar many outrages hare Wan oomaqlttej upon our Icllow-counliyxioii In the lavlciidistrict, by duiieialc, Ignorant and wicked men, it glrec ui ihi.Chluwa merchant, of Now York, great sad un.t r skahle p'cdmra to Imra that the prealdul ol tho Doited Rial, and the American paople, haa paced an offlehtt proclamation t Pie. to redram the wroem dona to tho punish the matetactors and prevent, by L to expre*« oar irailtude. and thank lha praalaaal for hull JU W*ai»ara him that ha hu ration aud veneration for his flora, and our reaped and oho StfyMmasr peaorlul, BOMOt end Isw ebl tbat they ora alwaja auxloui stifl enforce hi* Iakk, end eo ijsa. We Instruct our aalbcs to Interpret this Into (nalllk,and MBdIt with,Ml eiprea.loa. oIts teem and vtoeraUon, toblsaxc«lteocr,tbg preat* d CllT*n*t:parb*'l,l* New York, tenth day ol November ofthc nict* noon ol tha ateveatk rase wS&SSSHji olhcta. TUB HOCfB BUbia. As lb. time ferfeongrere to Met approaches It becomaa apparent that, vlgorou. .Bort will bomadatonhangathobons. rulM. Itepra- leolatlva Springer hu prepared . r.rlalou which be IntenA to auhmlt lor mloptiou early In th* iomIob. Itpropoawto tak. thru ol tho appropriation bills from tha .ppreprlatiaa eotnmilUe—tbs army bill la alvan to Ih. mili tary comulUM, Ih. b.vM hill to th. B»v*l con.mitte., and th. poatollic. bill toth. post- office committee. Thar, will b. » caucus of th. republican Mnatore a tittle white bslor. concrete meets, to decide upon, eoura. to bo fallowod with regard to Prealdant Clavtlsnd'a appoint- rnreta Ther. will h. no recornmndatloa favoring th. .dmlulon of »ny now atet. Into th. uio*. aeasaea cist.isle's nttri. Sneaker Carlisle an sick whan ha arrived. Today ha wu obiirod lo go to hla bat at oaaa. Visitors era pot allowed to om him, nd sards arc not taken to hia room. ths rat iipsxv waxta iiroaxsTiox. Tba: National Bapahllcu tomorrow will bava tha followlugr Tbe, tn conwrretten with a rcp.hU- ran nrretorToreday. told tb. latest .that»« wo-tld esteem Ira great lent ll atwatera kuowtitg any- tblog.blccttMal.teor datrlmantal te ib.puolto inter, its about any rewn M pprepua. cpooteul by hire wo " — ffate* fish commission Booth Carolina , - . Colombia by expreit. for Georgia from Atlanta, lor Alabama na.JsS7X.aL ig’sn-Jsi .Ireiop, Loulaun. nd Texet. Diatrlbutlona “Z ,, i, T * n “r M *“ d Ark»niM willb* mad* r *V"Mppl Irons Jackson, Loulalans from -New Orleans and Shreveport, to Ttxu from Pallia and Aualln. THE STANTON CASK. WaamxoTox, November Id.—Tha lupraua oonrt today delivered III opinion la tha eua brought hy tbo state of Alabama, aa pla'ntia, •gainst Iaaao F. Durr, S. A. Carlton and John Delimi t, citlstnaof Muoachusaltai John C. Stanton, of Now York; Daniil It. Stanton, of No » “*rrey. Thn defendants ware directors ard cfllcore ol tho Alabama and Chattanooga railroad company. Tha governor of Alabama wot authorised by tba atato legislature to la- dcrii tbs first moriasga bondi ol this company to the amount of $10,000 lor oaeh oompUtea rnil. ol road, and wu alau authorteid to lain. $2,000,000 in slate honds, and axahanga thorn *°r an equal amount ol tho company's bands, •“lug a. Mcurity a mortgage upon land* granted tbe company. Tho money realiaal In both eases was lo bauaad only lo tbo construc tion abd rqulpraautof tho road, Tha dealers- lion Mte forth that tha defendants fraudulently rapreaented that they bad constructed certain miles of tbcir road lit Tennessee aud MlaaU- •Ippl, whan In fact tbay had, iu ona eats, pur- rhsMdanold mod, and lu another leMcd a lactlrn of road, (or which they ware ptylug rental, and thnt (he governor's IndorMmant was etcured by this fraud, Tba declaration MU forth iu conclusion tbat by reason of tho wrongful, Illegal aud ‘raudulent acta, tha company baoaaa bank- upt and unsblo te pay tha interest on It. In- •loncd bonds, or to raaoam tha slate bonds. Tba alnte waa, therefore, compelled to pay In terest and redeem Its bonds. Tba mortgages were foracloaed and ths property ofthaoam- pany was sold. Tho defendants demurred itlon. Tha court finds idor.o aartaia bonds upon cm tela security. It mads the tudorm- mint and got tba aaourity. Tbo oourt 1a unanimously of th* opinion that tha facte slated in tha declaration do not oontUlute a i u Aidant cams of aotfon tha dafandante, and lhadamurrar isauitalaad. SraigariaLD, Ilia., Novambar 18.—Eg-0hiaf Juatlca Vlnotnt, ofNawMoxloo, who wet re- rontly auipanded Irom offias by PrMldent Ctevcland lor appointing Stephan W. Piracy ••jury camuiteilonor, loft lut night for Wash- legion, where ho will remain till congrats convene!. It te opanly snorted by Vincent's friends her* that tha object ot tha cx-chial justice's visit to tb* national capital la to pre vent tha confirmation ol hla aaocaaaor by th* •anal*. Vincent's fatliar-ln-law, Charles Dldgaly, proprietor ol a rolling mill of toll oily, and a prominent Iran manufacturer and protectionist democrat, baa joat returned from a trip to Waiblngt ro •cd thereat,and baa, through tho iafluano* of kindred lateralis, exalted an opposition te tbo president's setion In thia matter, whleh, It la claimed, will prevent th* confirmation of Vlnornt’s luceanor when hla nemo la pra- icrtid to th. Must a. Tomas n, Oregon, Novambar 18—Ex-San- elorJ. II. Mitchell was elected United Slate, ten.lcron th. tblid ballot, th. dsmocr.ta Docking to him. Th* vote on tbo first bsllott for the slootlon of United Slate* senator stood aa lollawai J. II. Mitchell 27, tiaorga H. Williams It, Mate ta.l.a U. -TU- .eemte.Mte Slater. On tha laeond ballot 3 ropubiiuana changed to liltahall, making hia vote SO. Then, according to an agreement made teat night, 17 democrat, voted for Mitchell, in creasing hie vote to 87. It required 4(1 vote to deck rouia*. Loxoox, November 20—Dispatches re ceived her* state tbat th. fterrisot havo b.- com. dispirited over th* recant reveries* Th. Bulgarians, on th* other band, bava bMa aroused te ibo highest pilch ol anthualaim by Ibo exampla ol Prince Alexander and lb* vietoilee gained under hla teadanhlp. Loxoox, November 21—A terrible cyclone swap! over tba Philippian Islands yesterday. Eight thousand buildings, Including many ehuiebaa and aehool houses, wars destroyed, and twenty-two paraona ware hilled. A MILLION A DAY. vntaBspraaanla las Qassu-r ot Oltsrmsa Isis kg ... Baltr.rlsl.a as. rraxrsMlva Zoom ei w. Dak. asos * oo, Darasw, Ncria Carolina. From tb. Durham Baontcr. W. heard Itaald an Ibo streets tbat tk. renown- esttbUshmuitoI W-Duk. Hons A Oa., om ot the largeat manufacturers ol cigarettes sad smok ing tobacco lu lb. world, bad Mid and shipped during the mouth of Orltt-ar UM, so average ol one million otgarottaa for each working dar or * Intel of 27,20t,703 cigarettes for tho entire muatb. Tbls quantity of cigaiattre II pteoal end to and would extend list mllaaor Irom Canada Into tho Gull ol Mexico, whll* lb. peper with which they were rolled II spread out la os* shoot nearly tSjf*»aW ad shank W him wreMre^jjaUm iTitbo.fomk.T., l»o and thru quarter lochra long aad one loch in tlrcamtetcoce, tbat wa doter—u.— I-lovi atlgatc tba assticr. _ Our reporter called upw Mr W. Duke, the old iljcblp and veteran m»nu|.cturtr, wholoujd^d ~>ik ’ Mi er btdavartett . time to come, Mthc dc- R cnd lor Duke dttntlH Is ateadlty *n-l raaldlv t-rri.inf, lot losunaa to .bow th. Io;-cim, by non ore to l belt Iwoka ba lofqraMw tbatiaalr ,*'<• In Of teller malware *t>4M elearel'c., SrW l ’w"tittlM^Sa trend'amwsto b* uoprccs- t rn-cd, and can ba acoounicd lot bnt In one war. I hen a .teoker, aft to thia countiT or abroad. Is Indamd lo Mat Ih# Dike ctearettel t Is at one. S roi oabr cd ptrael In «*ry lor toaoy hrstid saw baloro u»wl oy such ■ m-jket comriiaeotlr W. Duke lot. A Om, Meat, as regu- imokaewhoia theyciu ones get to try prodacUon. In rom. section, of this ooontry It nqMna co>- -Idcrebl. eflotl to lodoossmoker, to mo tty «» brsnds, as thsy havs so often boon lapottd upsn by pcoc seeds ibtt they wow prater mfoktng to ou* or two merltoilooi bread, tbat they hire &".&!**£! s'Sure*. "oMtoi ih?t!ttte r.rX T -.,“ , tbV*M m « raoi. than rabtt.sll.tM all tb. pnlre tbat had **4o , 2l”*hSS < tbto*'i>«f«tl« wa .HouriMibnu-wt .re incited In it. mW.tof the farmers . hu prow ih. driest test to- hseroforc rsrrtic. and • urrscilltles aie each a* to • Bella ns to always s«cur. .os oVi'ce ol th* errp. Car hint cipertenoo u yd uteri, hsnd’ere sou msuntertareis of tobacco glee os mured- tsnisscs over any other rlgsrstw muiuiMtaren lu existence Each ra.mliernl W. Dak. *int * Cn, |.m tb.control end sutMnrltton o' a pirtl-re- Isr bt.nrJ. ni th* hitsliwsb Ism » t ill i« n« th. n-o>t tmttllsciii, Ininrostu «u l« i-ulvui r in >o- ss.ii-k t o* the dels Is of oil ccusrlmc .i« ms; etoid bf secured w. t«r o.l r the hrelolsll msli rial- and nothing more injurious to the I c. 1th 'ban per. tobaroo Oor poller Is, and tt- gg. i ia. > >»ajr. , tfig; si-lrcrsot th. lowest yosslote pure. Wo.trertU. tverywbet. to Dukeclgarotus S^reuie.